Hazid Report Form: Project: Drawing Nos Date: Sheet No: Area or System: Attendees
Hazid Report Form: Project: Drawing Nos Date: Sheet No: Area or System: Attendees
Hazid Report Form: Project: Drawing Nos Date: Sheet No: Area or System: Attendees
Blowout Problems during appraisal Potential fatalities with significant Normal drilling precautions 2/2 Evaluate drilling program to
drilling with loss of circulation loss of asset Awareness of potential include loss of circulation
suggest risk of blow out during problems problems
the development drilling Pre-drilling seismic site survey Conduct peer review on drilling
of Gas Group 1 Projects
Note: As BZNA
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION
Platform Potential defficiemcy in piling Platform subsidence Plan to do a site survey with 1/2
Installation Potential capital cost the EPCI contractor after
implication on project contract award
Provided document from
neighboring area
Potential mishandling of platform Platform damage Normal precaution 1/2
in transit or during installation Schedule delay
Poor quality of fabrication Failure in service BP quality assurance and quality 1/2
Pipelaying Mishandling of 8” pipeline Potential damage to other lines in Part of bidding appraisal will 1/2 A complete evaluation of contractors
the area include consideration of the and subcontractors personnel during
competence and experience of BLEQ and technical bid evaluation.
subcontractors and adequacy of
vessel and equipment
Anchor handling Potential damage to other lines in Normal precaution 1/2 Pre-construction meeting with
the area Properly updated drawings parties involved
Update pipeline drawings
following the seabed survey
Normal diving hazards Normal precautions 1/3
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION
Mishandled object Riser installation causing damage Damage to equipment Details of riser installation have not Platform needs to be assessed in
to existing equipment Loss of containment yet been defined terms of its capability of
supporting the new riser
Construction risk need to be
identified as soon as installation
plan has been developed to
ensure safe constructability
Drop of large equipment e.g. Pig Damage to equipment As far as practicable avoid heavy lifts
Receiver Loss of containment over live hydrocarbon equipment
Loss of Breaking into production & test A detailed plan needs to be developed
containment header containing hydrocarbon to tie-in to the existing facility and
risk assessed (production header, etc.)
Hotwork Potential ignition source Ignition of any hydrocarbon Arrange for all hotwork to be done
releases from the operating plant during plant shutdown and
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION
Blow out during Expected frequent well Potential fatalities Normal well intervention procedure 2/2
workover intervention Major damage
Increases possibility of well
Rig moving into position and As above Both wells will be shut-in by 2/2 Compare with best BP world-wide
potential impact on operating well SCSSV during rig positioning for practice on rig approach.
major workover involving a towed
(All pipelines also shut-in and
depressurised) as required by NWJ
SIMOPS procedure
However, for wirelining and coiled
tubing involving self-propelled
vessel, normal production is
maintained. Vessel procedures will
define weather limitations that will
apply with agreement with BP rep.
Blow out during Potential problem of stuck drill Cost and schedule impact Reduce mud weight 2/2
drilling a third pipe due to pressure depletion Radioactive source stuck Redesign casing point to cover
well downhole both gas and depleted zone
Rig moving into position and Potential fatalities Producing wells are shut in
potential impact on operating Major damage until BOP is in place
Heavy lift associated with
drilling activity
Potential damage Dropped objects Major damage due to gas release Rig orientation such that 2/2
to export pipeline Drilling rig jackup legs from pipeline pipeline is away from drilling
Anchor handling rig approach
All potentially causing Conduct SIMOPS meeting
damage to export line
Loss of Process leak from Manifold Major damage to the platform, Means of leak detection limited 2/2 Consider use of ultrasonic leak
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION
HP/LP Interfaces Between pipeline (675 #) and the Catstrophic failures of Production manifold PSHH set @ 2/1
production header (2200 #) and production/test separator 250 # and separator PSV set at 230
the production separator (260 #) psig
Slugging @ ESA Arrival of slugs through pipelines Process Shutdown on high Compressor slug catcher and 1/2 Evaluate that E-Compressor slug
@ Test and Production Separator level inlet scrubber at E-Comp. catcher is capable to handle the
Liquid carry-over into gas ESRA Flow calculation on 8” liquid carry-over
export line pipeline suggests that slugging Provide all drawings of receiving
is unlikely facilities to EPCI contractor
Shutdown on ESA should be
transmitted to host platform
Double check that ESA facility
can handle the slugs from ESRA
Loss of Release from ESA Process area Small increase of release As per ESRA (fusible plugs) 1/2 Some additional leak detection such
containment because of the additional as sonic detection
control valve and the piping as Review condition of existing
well as the small increase of equipment and piping and hence their
gas that could be released due suitability for exposure to high CO2
to the increase gas through-put gas
(original capacity?)
Increased corrosion risk
Release from new ESA riser Major gas release from pipeline Frequent inspection of riser 2/2 Establish an on-going inspection
Potential major damage to program for the new riser
ESA Gas line to E-COMP Uncontrolled release of gas PSLL pressure trip will initiate 1/2 Review potential corrosion in the
(no change to the existing shutdown but only for major pipeline
condition other than the pipeline failure
increase of gas through-put
from 10 MM to 25 MM)
Pipeline velocity is low leading
to liquid drop-out and combine
with high CO2 leading
topotential corrosion
ESA Liquid line to E Process ESRA producing mainly water Confirm adequate capacity of VRU
Increase of liquid from 3 M to 9 liquid. The main impact is a small for additional gas on E-Process (and
M BPD increase in water separation load at also B-Process)
Junction and increase vapor Better definition of process flow and
generation at E-Process capacities for all downstream
facilities prior to issue of EPCI bid
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION
Note that under SAFEGUARDS & ACTIONS consider in descending order of priority means of PREVENTION, CONTROL & MITIGATION