Animal: Global
Animal: Global
Animal: Global
Global Workshop
-f I
'14C AUI 1.
IARC - Lib.
The views expressed in signed articles are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect those of IICA and RISPAL.
IICA's Editorial Service and Print Shop were responsible for the stylistic revision
and printing of this publication, and RISPAL for the typesetting and layout.
Cover photographs: above right, Dr. Mario Tapia, Consortium for Andean
Sustainable Development (CONDESAN), National Potato Center, Lima, Peru;
above left and below, Dr. Manuel E. Ruiz, RISPAL, IICA, San Jose, Costa Rica.
ISBN 92-9039-267 3
L01 338.6362
PREFACE ............................................ 7
Hugo Li Pun .......................................... 9
W. Sukanten and S. Putra 119
A report by Working Group 8 ............................ 481
The world as a whole still faces deep-rooted problems that affect not
only the lives of the present population, but those of the future generations
as well. Most pressing among these problems are food supply and secur-
ity, whose intensity will increase with the growing world population,
expected to reach over 10 billion people in the year 2060. Food supply
and security are old, but familiar problems. The urgency is not only the
terrible loss of lives and suffering this generation is witnessing, but also the
effects that hunger has on the intellectual and emotional development of
the surviving young population. This problem is closely associated with
poverty, which in turn is closely linked to rural people. The irony is that
these people are the ones called on to help solve the food needs of the
The rural poor live in areas that are environmentally vulnerable and
often use natural resources over which they have little legal control; they
are often impelled to use lands that are not suitable for agriculture, such
as steep hillsides and tropical forests, and for this reason many associate
the rural poor with natural resource degradation.
One form of land use is agriculture, and one of the major agricultural
activities is animal production. In Latin America, for example, over 75% of
agricultural land is being used for livestock production. In addition,
livestock plays other recognized roles in rural development, as a source of
income, employment, and traction. It contributes benefits to the
environment through nutrient cycling. It also provides security to the rural
poor, as it serves as a buffer against climatic and economic instability.
Livestock in extensive systems in the tropics, especially beef ranching, has
been associated with an increased rate of deforestation. This has high
economic and environmental costs for society; fortunately, more
sustainable production systems are also practiced in tropical areas of
developing countries.
producing this book, several people must be thanked. First, all the
contributors, for their willingness to share their knowledge and wisdom in
the workshop that produced this publication, and for their help in the final
text corrections. Deep appreciation is also due to Dr. Carlos Sere for his
help in planning the workshop and for the technical editing of some of the
papers. Ms. Susan E. Ruiz, with the participation of Ms. Stella Feferbaum,
was responsible for the arduous formal task of editing every paper.
Special thanks are due to the RISPAL personnel Dr. Arnoldo Ruiz and Ms.
Olga Rojas, Roxana Araya and Maria Ileana Mora for their assistance
during the workshop. Ms. Helen Raig, of the IDRC Regional Office in
Montevideo must be recognized for her prompt and effective collaboration
during the organization stage. The computer assembly of the document
was possible thanks to the expertise of Ms. Rita Herrera and Sonia Castro.
Finally, recognition is due to IICA, and particularly its RISPAL network, for
hosting the meeting, and to IDRC for supporting the meeting and the
publication of its proceedings.
Hugo Li Pun' 2
' Senior Program Specialist, Environment and Natural Resources Division, IDRC, Ottawa,
The author wishes to acknowledge the valuable comments and suggestions of Dr.
Carlos Sere, who reviewed the present document. Thanks are also expressed to Mr.
Gabriel Quijandria, who helped in the preparation of the table and figures and the
gathering of data.
10 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
As some of the projects worked with farmers who had very limited
resources, strong interactions between the different components of the
farming system were recognized. Therefore, projects in mixed systems
were started in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The success of some of
these projects was limited, due to the complexity of the target system. As
more was learned about the complexity of the systems, the importance of
Introductory Remarks 11
The added dimensions of the problem have led some to claim that the
farming systems research (FSR) approach is limited in scope, impact, and
scientific method; in addition, it has been criticized because of its high
cost, the long descriptive phases, and the large amount of farm data
collected. Conflicts also appeared between FSR and discipline-oriented
researchers, as well as with some research managers. Although there are
indications that some of these criticisms may be valid in certain projects,
it is also true that overexpectations were created in the enthusiasm to
promote FSR-type approaches. This has led to some cases of donor
fatigue, as well as to unfair blame on FSR and a sense of lack of credibility.
This whole discussion may lead to the idea that the problem is
tremendously complex and that finding solutions will require the
participation of a wide range of disciplines and very complex studies. In
reality, the magnitude of the problem depends on the type of target system
and on the circumstances surrounding it. The extreme is the situation of
the minifundio in marginal areas, where the systems are complex and the
possibilities for improvement are limited. However, there are also favorable
cases, where systems are more specialized, and the conditions in terms of
resources (land, capital, type of soils) and climate are better.
12 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Comparing the issues to be resolved during the past decade with the
situation in the 1990s, it can be concluded that the situation has not
improved substantially. In most developing countries, both food
consumption (especially animal protein consumption) and per capita gross
domestic product are still very low (Tables 1 a, 1b, 1c and Figs. 1, 2, and
Table 1b. Protein consumption levels, Near and Far East, 1979-81 and 1986-89
Table 1c. Protein consumption levels, Latin America, 1979-81 and 1986-89
0 4
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Per capita gross national product, US $1000
Fig. 1. Animal protein consumption versus income level, Africa, 1988
2o. 50
rn 40-i
nE 30-
1 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 0
30-0 0
0 13
O p 13
a 0
=0 20.1
0 O
T 0
= 10-1 11
0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0 3.4
Per capita gross national product, US$ 1000
Fig. 3. Animal protein, consumption versus income level, Latin America,
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Daily APC. 9 Per copita
3 m
2 11
a 6 r1 u
aa -3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Doily APC, g per capita
3 13
I 0 0 13
0- e O
0 0 a
0 0
0 O 13
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Daily APC, g per capita
Fig. 6. Growth rate of animal protein consumption (APC) versus protein
consumption in Latin America.
Calculated from FAO (1989).
22 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
MELLOR, J.W. 1989. The political and economic context for development
of animal agriculture in developing countries. In AID Summary report
of the Animal Agricultural Symposium: Development priorities toward the
year 2000. Washington, D.C. p. 7-20.
International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
26 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
6° and 12° North and covering approximately 1.3 million km2 (23% of the
continent). Included in this zone are portions of Senegal (5%),
Guinea-Bissau (90%), Guinea (90%), Sierra Leone (45%), Mali (5%), We
d'lvoire (30%), Ghana (60%), Togo (80%), Benin (75%), Nigeria (50%), and
Cameroon (10%) (Fig. 1).
One third (455 500 km2) of the West African subhumid zone is in
Nigeria. Migration of settlers into this zone has been rapid in the past
decade. Transhumant livestock owners are taking up permanent
Case Studies 27
The natural fertility of the soil is fast declining because of shorter fallow
periods. The soils of the subhumid zone are typically extremely weathered,
weakly structured, laterized, and deficient in most of the essential nutrients.
The dominant soil types are the tropical ferruginous soils, characterized by
downward movement of clays which solidify with lower layers of iron oxide
to form hardpans.
season (Bourn and Milligan 1983). This means that there is now no major
influx of cattle in the dry season as in the past; the zone used to be visited
by nomads in large numbers when the shade-seeking tsetse fly had to
retreat further south.
to set aside vast areas of land as "grazing reserves" in the belief that the
nomads would settle if they were provided with secure pasture and water.
A lot of effort went into developing infrastructures such as roads, fire
traces, dams, and milk collection centers; however, there was little
response from the nomads.
- Grass CP
Forb C P
Gross DM
Forb DM / \ \ 12
10 co"
rn 1600
d J 2
f 800 Mr. 55 to
r 45 ?
0 3 I LJ 35
J F M A M J J A S 0 N D
Milk collection centers associated with the grazing reserves did not
attract the nomads to settle in the reserves. The prices they offered were
too low and did not rise to preserve the household income in times of
reduced supply as the traditional markets do (Waters-Bayer 1985).
Moreover, the sale of milk by itself would make it impossible to sell cooked
Case Studies 31
millet and a sorghum which is traditionally sold in conjunction with it, thus
adding value to the cereal. The intended settlers are agropastoralists, but
there was no provision for cultivation in the early legislation that gave rise
to the grazing reserves. Away from the grazing reserves, land is typically
owned collectively by communities of croppers and is governed by
complex traditions. Pastoralists, who stem from different ethnic groups,
frequently have difficulty obtaining land, especially when the area is
intensively cultivated. Yet the agropastoralists preferred to settle close to
the farming communities where, as noted above, they have access to
amenities and markets for sales of livestock products and purchases of
household food and goods, and where there are more crop residues.
Even if the grazing reserves are individually successful, they can never
serve more than a minority of the cattle owners. The national herd is
estimated at from 10 to 13 million head, owned by about 2% of the people
of Nigeria. That number of cattle requires from 30 to 40 million ha of
grazing land, over a third of the whole country. There is no way that such
a large proportion of the country will be allocated to grazing reserves. The
earlier livestock improvement strategies thus fell short of responding to the
needs and aspirations of the livestock producers.
Itmust be accepted by, and appropriate to the means of, the extension
Little security over land rights, which means farmers can make no
long-term commitments to land development.
Allow the forage to bulk-up by deferring further grazing until the dry
Graze the pregnant and lactating animals at a stocking rate of about five
animals per hectare, depending on the forage available, for 2.5 h per
day, normally after the cattle return from grazing.
Ensure that sufficient seeds drop and enough stubble remains for
regeneration in the next season.
Two trial fodder banks were established in 1980 for agropastoralists: one
in the vicinity of a crop-farming community at Abet and the other in the
Kachia grazing reserve. The fodder banks were sited near the cattle
owner's homestead for better supervision and protection. The grazing-
reserve management had a tractor which was used to prepare the seed
bed, while the pastoralist, settled outside the grazing reserve, was
persuaded to kraal (confine) his herd on the selected site during the dry
season to allow for the preparation of the seed bed. Bush poles and
34 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
branches cut from the vicinity were used to make the boundary fences.
Because the major objective of the fodder bank was to provide protein
supplementation, the agronomic management practices aimed at
concentrating the legume component of the pasture. This called for very
close monitoring of the growth of seedlings by frequent visits of ILCA staff
to the site for interaction with the owners. Daily milk recordings were
taken, and ILCA enumerators also monitored demographic events such as
deaths, sales, purchases, and births of animals. During the cropping
season, all farming operations, as well as inputs and crop yields, were
recorded. In a later trial, the labor inputs to cropping outside and inside
the fodder bank were studied by recording the time taken per unit area for
each operation from tillage, through planting and weeding, to harvest
(Tarawali et al. 1987). FulBe women are not involved in cropping activities
other than' harvest; this fact was taken into account through careful
analysis of intensive case studies (Waters-Bayer 1984).
In the initial stages, ILCA ensured strict compliance with the guidelines
ithad set out for managing fodder banks. At the end of the growing
season, biomass productivity and forage quality were determined. ILCA
enumerators also ensured that when the herd returned from daily grazing,
lactating and pregnant cows were separated out and put on the fodder
bank. They were rejoined to the rest of the herd after 2.5 hours on the
fodder bank. It was estimated that a 4-ha fodder bank could support 15
to 20 cows for up to 180 days in the dry season. This would provide the
animals with the equivalent of feeding 1 kg of cottonseed cake daily
(Otchere 1986). The productivity of the researcher-managed fodder banks
met the technical expectations (Table 2), and the cattle responded to the
feed supplementation. More milk was taken off from the supplemented
cows than from the controls, and their calves were heavier at one year of
age. However, the most significant result was improved viability of calves.
Calves from supplemented cows had a viability of 88% at 365 days,
compared to 67% for calves of nonsupplemented dams (Otchere 1986).
The first two years of implementing the fodder bank concept was a
learning period for ILCA staff, extension officers, and the agropastoralists.
The cost of every input was met by ILCA, and the management was
supervised by ILCA staff; however, the beneficiaries, as well as other
agropastoralists living in the neighborhood , were consulted frequently
(Taylor-Powell and Suleiman 1986). In 1982 eight more fodder banks were
established, but ILCA supplied only seeds to them; all other costs and the
management were the responsibility of the owners.
Case Studies 35
Location Observations Oct. 1981 Dec. 1981 Feb. 1982 Apr. 1882
Some preferred utilizing the fodder banks early in the dry season when
the feed quality was good, while others reserved it till the latter part of
the dry season as a last resort. Some owners believed that by grazing
fodder banks early, towards the end of the wet season, when the feed
quality was best, the animals attained a better condition to withstand the
stress of the dry season. Ex-post financial analysis confirmed that this
was a wise policy, especially in view of the owners' short-time horizons
and high risk aversion. The ex-ante analysis had not included the
forced sales, which had not been reported in the literature and were
unknown to the experts, who were for the most part extrapolating their
advice from experience with subhumid conditions in the semiarid zones.
There were significant increases of grain and fodder yield for maize
planted after one to three years of Stylo growth, as compared to
continuously cropped fields and even after bush fallow (Table 3). The
increase in maize yield is attributed to the increased soil nitrogen and the
better physical properties acquired by the soil due to the Stylo
(Mohamed-Saleem and Otsyina 1986). Similar benefits were demonstrated
Case Studies 37
with millet (ILCA 1990). These results were particularly interesting to crop
farmers who were depending on purchased fertilizers to sustain yields.
Table 3. Estimated level of N utilization in maize production from soil with different
management histories at Kurmin Biri
In the intensively farmed areas, it was difficult to secure 4-ha blocks for
fodder banks for cattle. However, goats are the major livestock owned by
smallholders. With these farmers, mini-fodder banks of less than 0.25 ha
were established to restore cropped soils and cater to the goats.
There is no doubt that the users are in the best position to expose
limitations in new technology. But premature exposure of a technology to
potential beneficiaries raises the risks that the target group will lose
confidence in the technology and the researcher. The timing of on-farm
testing of new technology needs careful consideration. Sensitivity and a
readiness to return to the drawing board with the beneficiaries' ideas are
Despite a firm commitment, the genuine interest of all concerned and the
availability of external financing, there were difficulties in securing inputs at
the appropriate times. Fencing materials, seeds and fertilizers were not
available in the required quantities. This was not surprising, given the
magnitude of the task and the attempt to by-pass the private sector in
supplying the inputs to rural areas. At the recommended rate of 10 kg/ha
of Caribbean Stylo, 20,000 kg of seed were required annually to establish
500 fodder banks of 4 ha each. In trying to reach this target, seeds were
bought by the government from all sources without adequate quality
control, and this compounded the problem by requiring a higher seeding
rate. Many of the fodder-bank owners insisted on having more secure
metal fence posts, and this increased procurement problems because they
had to be imported. Because of governmental regulations, procurement
had to follow elaborate procedures not conducive to timely deliveries at
remote field sites. Procurement and delivery were also complicated by
differences in priorities among the various functional units in the
organization because fodder-bank development was only one of many
activities of the division.
Case Studies 39
Field situation
Eleven years after the first trial fodder bank was established in Nigeria,
was time to start asking how far the innovation had spread and what
effect it had had on the livestock of the target beneficiaries.
Fig. 3. Suitable land area for Caribbean Stylo in the subhumid zone
of West Africa
The total number of fodder banks in 1990 was 530, as against the 2,000
planned. As indicated above, there are several reasons for this. Fodder-
bank owners who have been extensively interviewed were of the opinion
that lack of extension was the most important reason. Another important
reason was inappropriate land tenure. FulBe agropastoralists, having
larger herds, found the standard fodder banks too small and, therefore,
thought that the cost of the fodder bank was too high for grazing and
inadequate to feed their whole herd. The extension staff rated
inappropriate land tenure and inadequate procurement and delivery of
inputs as the primary reasons for slow adoption. According to the fodder
bank owners, the main source of information about the fodder bank was
the Cattle Breeders Association, and not the government extension system.
This left them short of technical advice.
For some, the motivation to adopt lay in the hope that by being
cooperative with government agents they would gain access to veterinary
services, future government loans, and preferential treatment for inputs
such as fertilizer and supplementary feeds. In fact, fodder banks that
belonged to these farmers were often neglected, but the owner was still
regarded as a participant by the extension agency, which was reluctant to
reduce its apparent impact. This seemed particularly true with the
adopters in the government-assisted grazing reserves where FulBe
pastoralists have been unwilling to shoulder many of the establishment and
management tasks required by the fodder bank. Those farmers who have
seen the value of forage legumes hoped for high proportions of the sown
44 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
legume in the sward at the end of the rainy season. However, maintaining
a high proportion of legumes in the fodder banks becomes more difficult
over time, particularly if the sown legume is a good fixer of nitrogen. As
nitrogen accrues in the soil, the fodder bank is invaded by nitrophilous
grasses. This can be counteracted by growing crops, but it requires skilful
management to establish a spatial and temporal crop-forage balance.
Researchers' view
The priorities of individuals will determine how the fodder banks are
used. Recent developments in the economy of Nigeria have had a
significant impact on both the costs and availability of inputs as well as on
producer prices, and thus on the profitability of fodder banks. Until 1985,
the exchange rate was fixed by the government at an approximately US
dollar/Naira parity, which made imported technical inputs readily available
on the market. After the introduction of the structural adjustment program
in 1986, the Naira fell to roughly 20% of its former value; thus, imported
inputs such as steel posts and galvanized sheep-proof fencing became
In 1985, a fodder bank cost 2,502 Naira to establish and 498 Naira
annually to maintain (Table 4). By 1989 this had risen to 6,044 Naira, with
1,466 Naira in recurrent costs if inputs were purchased on the open
market, as compared with 3,828 Naira and 708 Naira for fodder banks
using inputs supplied by the NLPD.
have a positive present value at a 15% rate of return even if the price of
cottonseed cake dropped to 0.25 Naira/kg. Moreover, a major attraction
of fodder banks is the relative freedom from the effects of cost-inflation
because the recurrent costs are low. With only 10% inflation (actual
inflation was around 30% during 1984-1985 and over 50% in 1988-1989),
cottonseed cake would have to sell at less than 0.20 Naira/kg before the
internal rate of return in favor of fodder banks dropped below 15 percent.
If other factors associated with cottonseed cake (such as the unreliability
of supplies and storage losses) are considered, fodder banks become even
more attractive.
Cottonseed cake
Fodder bank, 4 ha supplying equal
amount of protein
1985 2,502 0
19891 6,044 0
19892 3,828
19892 708
Table 5. Principal economic returns to agropastoral fodder bank owners over a period of
10 years in 1989, all figures in Naira (except for internal rate of return)
Improved herd
Plus reduced
forced sales
Plus increased
crop yields
1 2 4 a e 7 to
Simulation years
The results shown in Table 5 are based on 1989 market prices, with a
strong element of conservatism in the price of milk so as to ensure that the
model applies to rural producers, who are too distant from towns to sell
milk at the best prices. The model suggests that, even with these
assumptions, the internal rate of return would be above 22 percent. The
federal government's Structural Adjustment Policy has worked in favor of
cattle producers because imports of animals and dairy products have risen
as the exchange rate of the Naira has fallen. This suggests that fodder
banks are reasonable investments, even when considering only the primary
objective of improving cattle productivity. Moreover, there are significant
Case Studies 49
To a region facing livestock feed deficits, the fodder bank concept offers
a self-help option for producing good-quality supplementary feed on a
sustainable basis. Because previous feed improvement strategies were
ineffective, great care was taken in the research reported above to tailor
fodder banks appropriately to producer circumstances. Inputs and
management requirements for fodder banks are simple and within the
reach of the targeted beneficiaries. The potential benefits to livestock, and
thus to household income, can be substantial.
There is ample scope for the adoption of fodder banks in the subhumid
zone. Assuming that 4 ha is sufficient for a typical 50-head herd, this
would involve a total of 360,000 hectares to cater to the 4.5 million head
of cattle estimated to be in the subhumid zone of Nigeria. If this were to
happen, simulation models have predicted an increase of 51 million kg of
beef and 22 million liters of milk at a 100% adoption level. Although this
suggests that there can be significant benefits, there are still many doubts
about the future prospects for fodder banks. Do they require too much
extension support or too many inputs? Is the scope of this concept being
the zone are also investing in cattle, and they are not in the habit of
moving in search of feed for livestock. These trends will create greater
incentives for finding alternative renewable feed sources. Equally important
as cultivation intensity are the issues of land degradation and crop-free rest
periods. These have been found to be critical even at the highest input
levels involving the use of chemical fertilizers (Young and Wright 1984).
Tropical soils, particularly in the subhumid zones, are fragile, and rest
periods seem to be essential for recouping organic matter to sustain
productivity levels. It is in this context that fast-growing and strong-rooting
forage legumes will be important in the near future.
There will be more and more farms in the subhumid zone where crops
are planted on one side of the farm while the sown legumes are
regenerating on the other after the previous year(s) of cropping. This trend
needs to, be encouraged to improve farmer-agropastoral relations.
Potential land improvement may be a good incentive for the farmers to
release land to agropastoralists for fodder banks. Cultivation of part of the
fodder bank by the farmer each year will raise crop yields to compensate
for leasing the land. There are opportunities for beneficial compromises
that could meet the aspirations of both parties.
The problems and opportunities for fodder banks now fall in the realms
of adaptation and adoption. ILCA, as an international center, has no
comparative advantage in this. Therefore, it is encouraging that, since the
research started, the National Animal Production Research Institute has set
up a livestock systems research program which is interested in fodder
banks, and the Institute of Agricultural Research is involved in research on
the forage-crop interface with fodder bank owners. Both institutes are part
of Ahmadu Bello University and the research is largely funded by the
National Livestock Projects Division.
There will be a continuing need for scientists: (1) to search for better
germplasm for the different agroclimatic niches within and outside the
subhumid zone, (2) to find alternative feed improvement techniques suited
to the different production circumstances, and (3) to develop increasing
capability to generate, analyze, and model production processes for
situations where a number of conflicting goals have to be reconciled and
52 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
y Funding to conduct this case study was provided by the Agriculture, Food and Nutrition
Sciences Division of the International Development Research Centre.
2 Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development, SR-CRSP, P.O. Box 252,
Maseno, Kenya. F.B. Nyaribo is presently at Washington State University, Pullman, WA,
4 The authors are indebted to F. Rurangirwa (Washington State University) and P. Rwambo
(Colorado State University) for helpful comments and suggestions.
56 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Since 1980, the Kenya SR-CRSP has been conducting on-station and on-
farm dual-purpose goat (DPG) research on 147 smallholder farms in
Kakamega, Siaya and Kisumu districts. In addition, on-farm research in
Kimuso was started in 1988. However, for logistical reasons some of the
research is conducted at sites away from western Kenya. This includes
animal health and vaccine development which are carried out at the
Veterinary Research Laboratory at Kabete in the outskirts of Nairobi and
breeding and systems analysis which are carried out in Naivasha, about
100 km northwest of Nairobi. The on-farm testing of DPGs and the
component research activities involving nutrition and management, feed
resources, economics, and sociology projects are conducted at Maseno
Veterinary Farm, about 425 km northwest of the city of Nairobi.
The west Kenya region was deemed suitable for DPG research as, over
the years, cattle numbers have declined and the human population has
continued to increase at a high rate (3.9% per year for the Kakamega
district) according to Lihanda (1978). With diminishing land/labor ratios,
it was hypothesized that the DPG might be a good alternative to a dairy
cow; some of the advantages that DPGs have over cattle, particularly in
small farms, are the following:
DPGs are prolific, with high twinning rates and kidding intervals of less
than a year; thus they have a high offtake rate. A farmer owning three
to five does can expect eight or more offspring for sale or slaughter.
Conversely, Zebu cows reared in the same environment have calving
intervals of 14 to 16 months, which translates to .5 calves a year
(Semenye et al. 1989). .
DPGs have low initial and maintenance costs; thus, animal losses may
.be a more acceptable risk to the farmer.
The cost of feed is low because goats graze on marginal land areas and
on available crop residues.
On-farm testing of the DPG is being carried out in six villages in Western
and Nyanza provinces in western Kenya. The villages are: Hamisi,
Kaimosi, Masumbi, Muhanda, Rabuor, and Lela. Masumbi, Lela and
Rabuor lie in the lowlands of the Lake Victoria basin at an altitude range
of 1,296-1,469 m above sea level (Table 1). Average annual rainfall is 1230,
1400, and 1832 mm, respectively. Kaimosi, Hamisi, and Muhanda are
located in the highlands west of the Rift Valley at an altitude range of 1,623
to 1,693 m with a mean annual rainfall of 1,815 mm for Kaimosi and 1,875
mm for both Hamisi and Muhanda. The rainfall has a bimodal distribution,
58 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
with long rains lasting from late February to late July. The short rains fall
between September and November. About two-thirds of the rain falls in
the long-rain period.
The soils in the region are of low fertility with some variations, except for
Maseno station, which has moderate to high fertility (Table 1). Onim et al.
(1990) sampled soils on 38 farms in the region and found 92% to be
deficient in phosphorus. Other limiting nutrients were sodium, potassium,
magnesium, nitrogen, and organic carbon. The dominant soil type is deep
red loam with good drainage and pH levels ranging from 4.0 to 6.5. Other
soil limitations include steep slopes with shallow soils not suitable for
cultivation, particularly in Hamisi and Muhanda.
Adapted from Jaetzold and Schmidt (1982) and Onim et al. (1985b).
Case Studies 59
Following FSR methodology, between 1980 and 1982 the project carried
out baseline surveys to characterize existing farming systems and to
identify technical (biological) and socioeconomic constraints or
opportunities likely to inhibit or enhance the introduction and adoption of
the DPG (Sands 1983; Noble and Nolan 1983). Results from the baseline
studies formed the basis for subsequent design and evaluation of the new
DPG technologies. The following stages have been complied within the
project's research activities.
Between 1979 and 1980, a research domain was identified and a random
sample of collaborating farmers was selected to participate in research
activities. An initial sample of 80 farmers drawn from Hamisi, Kaimosi,
Masumbi, and Barding villages was randomly selected using a stratified
random sampling technique. The sample was drawn from a nationwide
sample frame of smallholder farmers used by the Central Bureau of
Statistics of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. A detailed description
of sampling procedures is presented in Sands (1983).
Barding village was later dropped from the sample due to problems with
the project's hired enumerator, who developed a bad relationship with
farmers. From November 1980 to October 1981, a team of project
scientists were involved in the small-farm systems baseline survey. The
team included an agricultural economist, an agronomist, a veterinarian, an
animal scientist, and a sociologist. In addition, a cyclical monitoring survey
was administered every 28 days to collect data on seasonal changes in
farm activities including livestock inventories, household demography,
status of field crops, household consumption patterns, and so on. Very
early in the program, it was determined that health and nutrition would be
major influencing factors in DPG adoption in the region. From initial
baseline surveys (Sands 1983; Noble and Nolan 1983) the following were
also identified as constraints to DPG adoption:
Limited land size and lack of capital, including cash for investment.
Lack of a suitable goat genotype able to produce sufficient milk for both
kid requirements and household consumption.
Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
By March 1984, a total of 112 research DPG does and bucks had been
allocated to collaborating farmers in the three original villages (Khainga et
al. 1984). Before animals were placed on the farms, farmers were brought
to the station for a one-day course in dairy goat management. Farmers
were encouraged to build low-cost sheds, to milk lactating does twice a
day (in the morning and evening), to have controlled suckling by kids, and
to cut and carry locally available feeds, as well as cultivated forages
introduced by the feed resources component. In some instances, if
animals placed on farms showed poor performance or were critically ill
they were withdrawn, and replacement animals were given.
The third phase of the project's research (1986-1990) coincided with the
emergence of a distinct technology package. Project scientists felt that the
technology package, although subject to further refinement, was ready for
testing beyond the original sample of 80 farmers. Three new villages,
Muhanda, Rabuor, and Lela, contained a random sample of 75 farmers,
who were added to on-farm trials, technology monitoring, and evaluation.
The three villages are located in the same agroecological zones as the
original ones.
Case Studies 61
Data collection was carried out by the entire on-farm research team.
With the assistance of project enumerators, each farmer was interviewed
by. a survey subteam with at least two scientists. A simple 12-point
questionnaire, which included drawing a sketch map of the farmers'
landholding(s), was used. The survey took about one-half hour, while map
sketches took an additional half hour. Return visits were made in cases
where a farmer had multiple landholdings or large and/or complex parcels
of land. .
Collaboration with farmers has entailed both verbal and cash contract
agreements (Sidahmed et al. 1985). For example, the feed resources team
leased trial plots on farmers' land for cash, and, after sampling, all forages
and grain were given to the farm family. Maintenance operations such as
fencing, cultivation, and weeding were usually contracted with the farmers'
family and cash payments were made. This type of agreement was
necessary for researcher-managed trials. In the third phase, when the
technology package was tested, goat distribution to participant farmers
rested on a contractual agreement which outlined the responsibilities of
both the farmer and the SR-CRSP. The farmers (who were ideally
supposed to have only two cows) were required to do the following:
To sell the first female kid born on-farm back to the project at a price
agreed upon in advance in order for the project to accelerate its
breeding program and to have a continued supply of animals for
The project, on the other hand, was to meet the following conditions:
To provide all technical advice and assistance with regard to rearing the
DPG, including veterinary care; however, farmers would pay for any
veterinary medicines required.
To provide the farmers with DPG bucks of at least 50% dairy genotype
(either Toggenburg or Anglo Nubian).
Finally, not to provide the farmers with free inputs, particularly veterinary
Case Studies 63
The overall mean farm size for participant farmers is 1.68 ha with a mean
range of 1.30 to 2.56 ha in Hamisi and Masumbi (Table 2). Average
household size ranges between seven and eight persons, yielding
land/labor ratios of between .37 and .16. Mean total labor per household
is 35.3 labor months, which is available most of the year; however, high
labor demand periods occur in April, June, and August when field crop
operations such as land preparation, weeding, and harvesting are at their
peak. The project's labor supply and utilization studies (Nyaribo et al.
1984; Conelly et al. 1987) have determined that labor does not appear to
pose a problem at current livestock numbers, including DPGs.
Total 144
Simple average 1.68 35.21 4198 8659
Maize, the staple food crop, is grown by virtually all farmers and is
normally intercropped with beans (Table 3). Other important food crops
are beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, sorghum, and finger millet. Cash
crops grown are tea, coffee, sugarcane, cotton, eucalyptus trees, and
french beans. Growing french beans is a relatively new enterprise in parts
of Kakamega district and is rapidly being picked up by farmers; the beans
are primarily grown for export, and their rapid adoption is due to a strong
input supply and marketing support system from a private company
around the Muhanda area.
Due to the high male migration out of the area, the responsibility of the
day-to-day running of the farm is carried out by female household
members. In Hamisi, Kaimosi, Rabuor and Muhanda, 54, 58, 71, and 86%,
respectively, of the farms are managed by women (Table 5). Other studies
in the area have noted this trend (Lihanda 1978; Noble and Nolan 1983).
Male family members and educated youth have moved away to urban
centers and may visit their rural homes only once a year; this in part
accounts for the high off-farm income in the form of remittances reported
by farmers. Intensification of livestock production (particularly in the
highland areas) involves cutting, carrying, feeding, and watering livestock;
labor input in livestock rearing by female members is as high as 40% of
total required time (Conelly et al. 1987).
Case Studies 65
Maize/beans 99 99
Bananas 83 86
Cassava 58 78
Sweet potatoes 50 73
Eucalyptus trees 43 55
Cowpeas 40 30
Sorghum 38 41
Coffee 33 19
Kale 28 -
Tea 19 7
Gum trees 18 -
Finger millet 17 -
Sugarcane 10 50
Cotton 1 -
French beans - 5
a According to the project's 1986 rapid rural appraisal in the villages indicated.
b According to the project's 1988 rapid rural appraisal in the villages indicated.
Local Total
Village n Cattle goats Sheep TLU a
Tropical Livestock Units as defined by ILCA, where 1 TLU = 250 kg; mature Zebu
cattle = 1 TLU; immature Zebu = 0.30; mature sheep and goats = 0.12; and immature
sheep and goats = 0.04 TLU.
Hamisi 46 54
Kaimosi 42 58
Masumbi 79 21
Lela 82 18
Rabuor 29 71
Muhanda 14 86
Average 49 51
Impact assessment
® 1986/88 1991
Fig. 1. Mean total livestock per farm (excluding DPGs) in two survey
Case Studies 69
Fig. 2 shows the mean total number of livestock per farm in July 1991.
A comparison of livestock numbers in the two survey periods indicates that
the presence of DPGs has increased overall in terms of mean numbers per
household. As previously noted, it appears that DPGs have replaced the
local goat in two of the villages with longest exposure to the project. The
question is whether current and anticipated higher DPG stocking rates are
sustainable, given the observed declining trend of livestock and the
winding-down of the project in western Kenya before the final KDPG is
ready for distribution.
® 1986/88 1991
Fig. 2. Mean total livestock per farm (including DPGs) in two survey
Changes in DPG inventory over the last two years. Between. 1989 and
1990 goat numbers increased from 335 to 359 (Table 7). The number of
DPGs in Masumbi, Lela, and Muhanda declined by 21, 4, and 7%,
respectively; while Hamisi, Kaimosi, and Rabuor showed corresponding
increases of 6, 8, and 43%. This yields a net increase of 7% over 1989-
1990 figures. In the 1990-1991 period, all villages (except Masumbi, with
no change) showed a decline in total goat numbers ranging between 12%
(in Lela) and 53% (in Rabuor).
70 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
a To July 1991.
b In parenthesis, percentage of all DPG goats as females in each village.
Out of 109 animals sold over the three-year period in Hamisi and
Masumbi, 69 were DPGs, compared with 11 sheep and local goats and 29
cattle (Table 8). It is noteworthy that the number of DPGs sold each year
(26, 26, and 17) in 1989 1990, and 1991, respectively, was more or less
maintained in these two villages. Further analysis is needed to determine
whether these sales reflect the true offtake rate. Revenue from DPGs
contributed a significant 30, 24, and 27% to the total value of livestock
sales (Table 9) in 1989, 1990, and the first half of 1991.
Table 8. Number of livestock sold by species and year in five villages, heads
1989 26 8 8 60 7 22
1990 26 2 13 38 6 34
1991b 17 1 8 51 7 10
Total 69 11 29 149 20 66
In the villages of Rabuor, Muhanda, and Lela, DPG sales showed a more
erratic pattern. A total of 235 animals were sold in 1989, 1990, and first
half of 1991; of these there were 149 DPGs, 14 sheep and local goats, and
66 cattle. The proportion of DPGs to total livestock sold each year under
study was 67, 49, and 75%, which contributed 25, 14, and 40%,
respectively, to revenues from all livestock sales for the three years (Table
9). Fluctuations in the number of DPGs during this period may be
attributed to a number of factors. First is the agreement that the project
had with farmers regarding disposal of animals: as previously reported,
goats were distributed with the understanding that the first crop of female
kids born on-farm would be purchased back by the project; farmers
provided with bucks for breeding purposes could sell their bucks after 15
successful services.
5 With the consultation and consent of farmers, project scientists have continued with
technology monitoring and evaluation and collection of other necessary data. This is
expected to continue until the project terminates in 1993.
72 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Finally, when DPGs on farm are excluded, the data gathered for this
study suggest a general decline in overall livestock numbers. Farmers may
be selling off their DPGs as a stabilization measure to maintain a carrying
capacity consistent with a desired livestock mix and available, but
dwindling land resources.
Anticipated numbers of DPGs per farm and the resultant higher milk
consumption by households have not been achieved so far for several
reasons. First, there have not been sufficient numbers of research animals
to distribute to collaborating farmers because of the long-term nature of
breeding, selecting, and stabilizing the new genotype. The high variability
in milk production from the F, crosses being used for on-farm testing has
discouraged many farmers from milking since they fear that milk extraction
will adversely affect:kid growth. Second, it was anticipated that farmers
would multiply their original herd to the desired numbers, but this has not
taken place; for diversification and liquidity, farmers still simply rear a mix
of small and large stock. Small stock are easily saleable when small
amounts of cash are needed and are a hedge against market price risk;
large stock are a store of wealth and are sold only when a large sum of
cash is needed. Third, the farmers' traditional practice has been to keep
a mix of livestock species as shown in the survey results6.
Impact assessment via linear programming. Among the analytical
techniques used by the economics component of the project is linear
programming (LP), a variant of mathematical programming. The main
advantage of LP in the context of animal systems research is its capability
to handle a wide range of production and economic relationships; this has
enabled the project to determine the combined effects of component
technologies. In addition to predicting optimal enterprise mixes, LP
analyses provide information on constraining farm resources and give
imputed values (shadow prices) on constraining resources whose market
prices, If they exist, may not reflect their true economic values. This is
especially true of SR-CRSP project sites where land and capital markets
are not well defined and are, therefore, "incomplete" in economic parlance.
Moreover, these two important factors of production have been identified
in baseline studies as likely constraints to adoption of the DPG and
supporting technologies.
Shadow prices obtained via LP can help rank and determine the
magnitude, and therefore the severity, of these resource limitations. This
technique has been used to determine semisubsistence farmer response
6 An inventory of poultry was not taken; however, it should be noted that almost every
farmer keeps some chickens.
74 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The major purpose of the model was to simulate conditions under which
the DPG would be integrated into the smallholder farm setting of western
Kenya using bioeconomic data from the project. The model was used to
test various technology alternatives introduced in a sequential fashion.
Several scenarios were explored; however, only four technology
alternatives are referred to:
Production coefficient used in the model. Goat production data for two
levels of management in Hamisi village are displayed in Table 10. Under
the.first level of management, milk offtake is 101 kg (mean daily offtake of
561 ml per lactation day), the doe weighs 32 kg, and has one kidding per
year (with a 66% weaning rate), and the kid weighs 8 kg at weaning.
Under a higher management regime, milk offtake was assumed to increase
to 152 kg, with an annual doe mortality of 10% (rather than 15%), a doe
weight of 35 kg and.a weaning rate of 90% (the kid being weaned at 10
kg). For comparative purposes, Table 11 shows production parameters of
dairy goats in temperate countries as well as in the tropics. Zebu cattle
production parameters specified in the model are displayed in Table 12.
Forage production data (Table 13) were compiled from various sources
(Sands 1983; Hart et al. 1984; Kenya 1987). In cases where inconsistent
estimates were given, the lower estimate was used.
Management level
Weaning rate, % 66 90
Doe mortality/year, % 15 10
Cull rate/year, % 10 10
Doe replacement/year, % 25 20
Doe mature live weight, kg 32 35
Weaning weight, kg 8 10
Age at weaning, months 5 5
Lactation length, days 180 180
Milk yield/doe/lactation, kg 151 227
Kid milk requirements, kg 50 75
Milk offtake, kg 101 152
Based upon the Nutrition and Management Data Bank, 1987.
b Assuming that annual kid and doe mortality are 10%/yr and annual milk yield/doe
increased by 50 percent.
76 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Europe Western
and U.S.A. Tropics Queensland Kenya, DPG
Item Q1 02 03 04 Total
Item al Q2 03 Q4
1 US dollar = 16 Ksh, in 1986.
78 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
When Alternative II was simulated (that is when the DPG was added to the
base model without any of the new grown forages), the model excluded
the DPGs as part of the solution and the predicted farm plan remained the
same. Introduction of a systematic growing of forages is represented by
Alternative III. The cultivated forages made a dramatic impact on stocking
rates with 2.41 cow-calf units in the LP solution, up from .44 units in the
base model. During the long rains, all cultivable land was used, while
during the short rains only 47% of the land was cultivated due to a lack of
capital. Predicted net farm income increased to Ksh 11,489. Alternative
IV included DPGs, grown forages, and hay storage; under this scenario,
2.87 cow-calf units were included in the LP solution. During the short
rains, 40% of the cultivable land was left fallow and net farm income
increased by 59% over base model conditions, to Ksh 11,847. It is
noteworthy that the DPG was not economically competitive under any of
these technology alternatives.
I na 0.44
II none 0.44
III none 2.41
IV none 2.87
I = Existing condition without DPG.
II = Introduction of DPG without supporting technologies.
Ill = Same as II with introduction of cultivated forages fed fresh.
IV = Full technology package including hay storage.
(Otieno and Onim 1991). DMI under pure grazing and full confinement
systems would be 448 g DM and 840 g DM per animal per day,
respectively. This implies that on-farm DMI is a major limitation to goat
performance. In order to minimize this constraint the nutrition and
management team advises farmers to wilt fresh forages so as to enhance
dry matter intake (Siamba et al. 1990). This modification in the animal
feeding strategy also has the potential to reduce the incidence of internal
Table 16. Impact of improved goat management and credit availability with full technology
package on stocking rate, cultivated land, and net farm income
management 12.84 none 56 94 na 13,870
Credit la 9.26 none 100 100 2,053 24,350
Credit llb 9.26 none 100 100 2,053 24,350
b Credit limit is Ksh 3,359 per ha, set by the Agricultural Finance Corporation for seasonal loans.
No credit limit was set for this particular run of the model.
The two credit levels considered were a land-size based credit limit, and
no credit limit, where it was assumed that farmers could borrow as much
cash as they wanted. In either case, arable land was used in both
seasons, 9.26 DPGs were reared, and net farm income increased to Ksh
24 350. The latter means a 76% increase over income from improved goat
management alone. The magnitude of this figure stresses the extent of the
80 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
In spite of farmers' labor investment in rearing the DPGs, they still had
the attitude that the animals were "free of charge;" thus, it was difficult to
assess the true level of adoption. Perhaps some nominal cash investment
should have been applied to eliminate this attitude. There is also a need
to standardize the collection and organization of data to enable
comparison of variables and indicators across regions and over time.
Future surveys, including the proposed ex-post characterization survey,
should be organized and data analyzed along the lines of previous surveys.
The level of disaggregation of data by village and farm size class should
continue to allow for temporal comparisons.
the KDPG to provide information which can be drawn upon in the future.
For example, it is not quite clear why F, crosses, rather than a generation
closer to the final product, are still being used for on-farm testing. Due to
the nature of FSR, project personnel are involved in extension activities
along with technology generation; as the project comes to the end, there
has been pressure on scientists to extend the SR-CRSP technology
package. It is difficult to do an effective job when scientists have to double
as extensionists and innovators. Perhaps what is needed is the inclusion
of a research-extension liaison component along the Zambian (Kean and
Sigongo 1990) and Zimbabwean models (Avila et al. 1990). While the
systems research approach has major strengths in attempting to meet
farmer research needs in a holistic fashion, most FSR projects have
mandate restrictions to work with a single commodity; for example, the
DPG in this case. Thus, mandate restrictions have resulted in spin-off work
either going unfunded or seeking outside funding or being reprimanded for
overstepping boundaries.
Social scientists have not only played an important role as evaluators but
have also had an input into the generation of technologies and have
enhanced interdisciplinary collaboration. Thus, the belief that social
scientists are needed only at the beginning and at the end of projects is
The project has also had impact through generating information and
creating awareness about goat research in the country and the region.
While this visibility has been positive. for the project, it has also increased
the demand for dual-purpose goats which cannot be currently met due to,
their limited numbers. Through the strong training, component of the
project, at least 25 students have been trained at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels
in the last 10 years. Students have been indispensable in doing research
requiring long gestation periods that otherwise might not have been
AMUHINDA, P. 1983. Evaluation of lactating Toggenburg x East African
does on small farms in western Kenya: Year 1. In Small-Ruminant CRSP
Kenya Workshop (2., 1983, Naivasha, Kenya). Proceedings. Davis,
University of California. p. 11-16.
1984. An analytical framework for feed resources research on mixed
farms in western Kenya. Morrilton, Arkansas, Winrock International
Institute for Agricultural Development; Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and
Livestock Development. 43 p.
KENYA, GOVERNMENT OF. 1987. Per hectare gross margins for Nyanza
and Western Provinces. Nairobi, Kenya. Ministry of Agriculture.
Government Printers. 175 p.
NYARIBO, F.; YOUNG, D.L. 1992. Effects of land and capital constraints
on new livestock technology in western Kenya. Journal of International
Agricultural Economics 6(4):353-364.
fertility changes and response of maize and beans to green manures of
leucaena, sesbania and pigeonpea. Agroforestry Systems 12:197-215.
OTIENO, K.; ONIM, J.F.M. 1991. The available feed resources on small-
holder farms in western Kenya and their potentials for the dual-purpose
goats. In Small-Ruminant CRSP Workshop (9., 1987, Muguga, Kenya).
Proceedings. p. 117-130.
SIAMBA, D.N.; SEMENYE, P.P.; SHISYA M.; OYALO, S.N. 1990. Effect of
wilting herbage on body weight, egg per gram of faeces and packed cell
volume in dual-purpose goats at Maseno Station, Western Kenya. In
Small-Ruminant CRSP Scientific Workshop (8., 1990, Nairobi, Kenya).
Proceedings. ILRAD. p. 139-144.
Bernard Rey'
International Livestock Center for Africa (ILCA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
90 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The Burundi high plateau region lies to the East of the Zaire-Nil Divide
at an average altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. These plateaus are
part of the Great Lakes Highlands, which comprises Burundi and Rwanda,
the Kivu region in Zaire, the Kigezi region of Uganda and the "Buta" region
of Tanzania. A major characteristic of this area is the variable but generally
high population density (up to 400 people/km2), which results in very small
farm sizes.
Historical background
The Bantu people reached the region early in the first millennium of our
era. They brought with them an agricultural system based on sorghum,
millet, and legumes, which they implemented in the wooded savannah area
where annual rainfall is between 1,000 and 1,500 mm and altitude ranges
from 1,500 to 1,800 meters. The corresponding cultural organization is still
based on (1) a segmented and highly decentralized political system and
(2) a dispersed settlement pattern with families living outside villages
(Jones and Egli 1984). Social cohesion is ensured by traditional practices
of giving, taking, and drinking beer together. This was initially sorghum
beer, but has been substituted by banana beer, thus giving this crop a
primary place in the cropping system today. The settlement pattern has
been modified towards creating villages in the few areas exposed to slave
2 Average density in the region is now 150 people/km2, but reaches 400 in certain areas,
as in Ngozi.
92 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Among the East African projects, the Ngozi goat project is the oldest
(more than 10 years) with the largest number of animals distributed on
farms: over 8,000 crossbred animals are born each year in the flocks
owned by farmers participating in the project. This project started in 1980
with funding from the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
and a permanent GTZ staff. The aims of the project are to improve the
farmers' diet by providing them with goat milk and meat in larger quan-
tities, to generate a source of income other than coffee, and to contribute
to maintaining soil fertility by producing manure (Schultze and Ngen-
dahimana 1986). Schmidt (1990) states that goats seem to offer an
appropriate way to compensate for the decreasing availability of meat and
milk from cattle; in fact, half of the farmers in the region already keep the
local small East African goats (SEAG) for meat production.
The Ngozi project seeks to affect the farming system through changes
in the goat component. Thus, the analysis of the animal production level
was the first one to consider. Small farmers (such as those in Ngozi) have
limited resources allocated to optimizing their land and/or labor
Lhoste (1984) proposes a model for the livestock system. The system
is viewed as a triangle; the farmer, the flock and the land are the three
sides which can be characterized by measurements (farmers' objectives,
flock production, fodder, etc.). The corners of the triangle represent the
interfaces, which give consistency to the system and limit the actions on
each element. The analysis of the interfaces comprises, for example,
range management (action of farmers on land), animal product
consumption or sales (farmer decisions) and grazing performance (data,
species consumed).
The Uoste model can help researchers to analyze and conceptualize the
system at the diagnostic stage. For instance, an equilibrium in the
productivity of the three faces of the triangle may be sought; it may be
found that land productivity in Burundi is reaching a ceiling, flock
productivity appears improvable, and that labor productivity is the key
96 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
One of the recent concerns of the Ngozi project has been to set up
monitoring procedures to assess its impact and reorient its efforts as
necessary. Research objectives and plans of action have been decided
upon jointly between the project and ILCA. The project staff are closely
Case Studies 97
Two levels of observation were considered: the farming system (or farm)
level and the animal production system (or flock) level. In addition, by
closely monitoring animal performance at the individual level, the accuracy
of the flock level information was increased. However, it is not necessary
to collect all information on an individual level; for example, grazing
management is similar for all animals.
Farm choice
The small average flock size (two to five does) forced the selection of a
large number of farms in order to make proper comparisons between
breeds. One hundred participating farmers were randomly selected from
the list of farmers who had brought does for mating, as well as 100 neigh-
boring (nonparticipating) farmers who had never brought their does for
mating. In addition, 53 farmers known as "breeders" (which the project
had chosen to multiply crossbred animals) were included in the survey and
flock monitoring.
Data collection
Initial visit This visit focused on both the farm and flock levels. All
animals were ear-tagged and identified according to their genotype, sex,
and age. Farm resources were surveyed (land, labor, capital assets) and
Case Studies 99
the products characterizing the farming system were identified and later
used to compare participating and nonparticipating farmers. Elements of
goat management which remain constant throughout the year, but might
influence performance (e.g., housing) were also recorded.
The data collected during the initial survey allowed the comparison of
farms having crossbred goats with those without crossbred goats. A least-
square means analysis (SAS procedure) was applied to structural factors:
land resources and use, labor, and capital. Cluster and discriminant
analyses (SPSS procedures) were used to define a typology of goat
farmers and to identify different rationales for keeping crossbred goats.
The farm types identified were used to select a subsample of farms for
which farm budget data were collected, including monthly cash flows for
both crop and livestock enterprises. Farm budgets of the different farm
types were compared; comparisons were made between participating and
nonparticipating farmers, and among distinct farm clusters.
Animal performance recorded at the individual level allowed for the study
of the effect that crossbreeding had under farmer management as well as
for the evaluation of the impact of current constraints and practices.
Assessment of the farmers' use of the crossbred animals' dual-purpose
potential provided an insight into their reasons for keeping them.
The main survey was analyzed and its results tested with informal farmer
interviews. This led to a characterization of participatory farmers vis-a-vis
nonparticipatory ones based on the comparison of farm structures and ac-
Biological results have not yet been examined thoroughly. The data
collected over 18 months did not allow for a solid assessment of small
ruminant performance, particularly in terms of reproductive indicators and
survival. The study of the female reproductive cycle requires a longer
term. If the data are collected over a two-year period, most females
monitored will have given birth twice or more, and most kids will have
reached maturity. Variation between years might be considered for
examination of flock productivity, although only two years' data would be
Land resources
Types of farmers
50 -140
40 -130
s0 -120
20 -110
work less off-farm than the nonparticipating ones (11.4% and 27.6%,
respectively), although their farm size and available labor force are similar.
On the other hand, breeders have a larger family labor force, which allows
them to engage in off-farm activities more actively.
July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec.
(A .np. raft In 155Q 175 Bunxndl hrnas per US$
4 It is noted that coffee harvest occurs in the six months missing in Figs. 9 and 10; this is
the main cash crop for Ngozi farmers.
108 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
®Agr. Expenditures ®Agr. Income Cumul. gross margen
10 M
ac M R
3 -2
.g -
July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Exchange rate In 1990: 175 Burundi francs per USS
Type 1: young traditional farmers. These are young farmers with the
least land and labor. The flock size is four head. These farmers did not
respond to the development project: all goats are small East African and
no improved practices were found.
Type 3: young goat farmers. These farmers have large flocks, in which
small East African goats are still a majority, but where crossbreds are
present (2 to 3 head out of 9).
Case Studies 109
Type 4: old goat farmers. This category comprises older farmers with
large flocks similar in size to Type 3). In comparison to Type 3, more
crossbreeding is practiced, as only a third of the animals are SEAG.
Type 5: older farmers. This last type groups older farmers with small
flocks (4 heads) but with more crossbred animals in relative terms (only
one-fourth SEAG). These farms have the largest family size and are also
more involved in off-farm activities than other types.
All five types were represented in the participating farmers group; the
breeder group did not include any traditional farmers while none of the
nonparticipating farmers were involved in crossbreeding (Table 2).
Younger Older
Nonparticipating 60 - 28 10 7 105
Participating 6 20 19 18 20 83
"Breeders" - 13 3 14 8 38
Total 66 33 50 42 35 226
The factors related to the age of the head of the household led to the
formation of two groups: "younger farmers" (Types 1, 2 and 3) and "older
farmers" (Types 4 and 5). Hubert (1989) has described the process of
wealth accumulation by farmers in Burundi: age is generally correlated with
larger landholdings and more coffee and banana trees. Differences
between younger and older farmers were significant (P<0.01) for the
variables marked with an asterisk (*) in Table 3.
110 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Table 3. Average values of labor, land, and flock composition for five goat farmer types.
Type 1: Traditional farmer; Type 2: Goat crossbreeding farmer; Type 3: Young goat farmer; Type 4: Old goat
Type 5: Older farmers.
The Ngozi goat project clearly benefited from the formal analysis of
information that had been collected on the station over a 10-year period,
particularly of information concerning the value of the different crossbreds.
The research results should also give some feedback to the project staff
and the policy decision makers. To what degree does milking depend on
a market organized by the project through use of incentive prices? Do
farmers really prefer the improved stock over the local one? Will this stock
be conditioned by the permanence of mating centers? How is this stock
able to cope with decreasing farm sizes?5
Regional impact
5 Landholdings are mostly inherited, split in equal shares between heirs. Although some
land is progressively bought by older farmers, a son never reaches the farm size of his
father at the same age.
Case Studies 113
The livestock system was used as the entry point to the study of the
farming system. This has some limitations. In a comprehensive analysis
of the farming system, other farm commodities may have a higher priority
than goats; thus, the recommendations given on goat production may be
biased by the restriction imposed on the ILCA-Ngozi project.
Consequently, animal production systems research might be seen as
commodity-biased, just as the development project is biased in Ngozi.
This limitation of the approach might be marginal in pastoral livestock
systems but is more important in integrated crop-livestock systems. To
resolve this question on goat development, more contacts with other
development agencies working in the region on nonlivestock issues are
advisable. This is, for instance, the case for coffee plots, where
intercropping fodder is discouraged by the Regional Society for
Designs for on-farm experiments will result from the data analysis
(diagnostic phase). These experiments will require the monitoring of the
same type of information about productivity and flock census as collected
during the diagnostic phase, together with some more specific studies.
For instance, indicators of labor productivity, the importance of which has
been shown, might be added. The degree of pre-existing knowledge about
the system will certainly determine the type of information that will have to
be recorded.
experiment, research costs would be quite high. The current setup seems
appropriate for monitoring on-farm experiments on a characterized farm
subsample and should be maintained.
The results presented in this paper show that small farmers in the same
situation respond differently to a proposed innovation. The diversity of
farmers' responses should be given more importance than is usually the
case. Researchers as well as development specialists must be aware of
that diversity when drawing up and proposing alternative improved
An institutional setup such as that used in the Ngozi goat project permits
the implementation of an effective triangular relationship between research,
development and farmers (Tourte and Billaz 1982). Systems research in
such a context can form the basis for advising on development efforts,
drawing on a good understanding of the system. The feedback is given
to research (research needs) in the perspective of development. Thus, the
body in charge of the extension of research results has been associated
with the design of the research.
TSFS (as compared with NTSFS) produced 43% less food crops but
91 % more livestock feed and 46% more firewood; moreover, the livestock
feed contained 13% more crude protein. TSFS cattle gained 13% more
weight and were 24% more efficient in utilizing the feed while their
Data presented in this paper have been obtained from the Three-Strata Forage
Indonesia Project, entitled Three-Strata Systems for Cattle Feeding in Dryland Farming
Area in Bali, financed by IDRC, Canada.
Department of Nutrition and Tropical Forage Science, Udayana University, Denpasar,
Bali, Indonesia.
120 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
carcasses contained 10% more fat and 9% more rump portion than those
of the NTSFS. Stocking rate of TSFS during the wet and dry seasons was,
respectively, 45% and 30% higher and the carrying capacity was 52%
greater than those of NTSFS. Soil erosion in the TSFS was 51 % less while
its soil organic matter and soil moisture were, respectively, 11 % and 10%
higher than those of NTSFS. Less time was spent in managing livestock
and gathering firewood, allowing TSFS farmers more time to attend social
activities. The overall result was that TSFS generated 30% more farm
income and created a better ecological balance than the NTSFS.
to increase soil fertility through the root nodule contribution of the legume
species and to increase the nutritive value of ruminant diets through the
inclusion of protein-rich legume foliage.
The overall objective of the TSFS was to increase the farmer's income
through improved land management involving crop-animal systems. The
specific objective was to define a three-strata production model for crop
and livestock production for the semiarid rainfall areas of Bali. This was
done by (1) evaluating growth and yield of grasses, legumes, shrubs, trees,
and crop components; (2) measuring the nutritive value of the feed
sources produced in the system; (3) measuring the performance (growth,
feed intake, and carcass quality) of Bali cattle; (4) evaluating carrying
capacity; and (5) comparing the economic and ecological characteristics
of TSFS with those of the existing traditional Non-Three-Strata Forage
System (NTSFS).
The site chosen was a dryland farming area in the semiarid climatic
zone. The average annual rainfall is 1,681 mm distributed throughout the
4-month wet season, and the relative humidity varies from 69% to 87
122 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Each 0.25-ha NTSFS plot was planted entirely with cash crops; four
fodder trees were planted at the corners of each NTSFS plot as boundary
markers; an additional 0.25-ha area was allocated for tethered grazing, for
each of the 32 units of NTSFS plots.
though the silage was rated as good, farmers were reluctant to make it
because of the time required for cutting the forage and preparing the
1Ma: ipadng: GM an
Hdscus =
Struba: apadn0: 10 an
Leucaene =
- ++
0tasasa: row: 10 an
° Cench us - b
Panicum p-
. LOP MW row 10 an
+ Greham atyb =0
Cenhasetne = c
vmano 'Yo V.
Plot aba-b0mx5om
Lot aiaa 5 m x 9 m
_ row direction
The association among the three strata and the food crops was studied
by vegetation sampling, using a 0.5 x 0.5 m iron rod quadrate placed at 1
m from the shrubs and trees and on the border of the adjacent grass,
legume, and cash crops (Fig. 2). This operation was done twice a year:
at the end of the 4-month wet season and at the end of the dry season;
botanical composition, yield of plant components and total biomass were
124 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
0++++* S
++++++---- * --- -o+++++++
u s
° a
B ....................
O w+o- To:
L .
Oh orop
Bali cattle
The stocking rate was arranged according to the 0.25-ha plot size. The
two steer/ha stocking rate was equivalent to one steer for two contiguous
plots (0.5 ha total). The four steer/ha stocking rate was equivalent to one
steer per 0.25-ha plot.
In one experiment, the initial weight of the animals averaged 122 kg,
while in another the initial weight was 275 kg. Each steer was weighed
every 28 days. When the steers reached 375 kg live weight, they were
slaughtered for carcass appraisal. For TSFS, forage was cut from the
allocated plot and the cattle were stall-fed continuously; NTSFS cattle were
tethered and grazed during the day and stall-fed at night with the forage
cut from the allocated NTSFS plot.
Soil status
In South Bali, the farmers selected owned more than 0.25-ha of land,
tilled their own land, raised cattle, owned water catchments, were members
of farmers' groups, were willing to surrender 0.25 ha of land to forage
production, and showed commitment to active participation in the project.
Of the 26 farmers, eight were women. Each farmer looked after at least
126 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
one plot and, at the most, four plots. In North Bali, 84 farmers participated
in the socioeconomic studies. Of the 240 farmers participating in the
extension and communications courses, only eight were women.
The following adjustments were made in the TSFS without affecting its
basic concept: 1) Graham stylo, a volunteer cultivar, was replaced with
Urochloa mosambisensis, a more persistent legume; 2) Stylosanthes
scabra cv. Seca was planted in the Centrosema plots to act as climber for
this creeping legume; 3) because the Leucaena yield was affected by an
infestation Heteripsylla cubana, Acacia villosa was sown along the
Leucaena row; and 4) because terraces could eventually deteriorate and,
therefore, reduce the sustainable use of the hillside, the lower rim of the
terrace was planted with shrub legumes at a spacing of 1 m as well as with
a 1-m wide strip of mixed grass and legume.
Bioeconomic impact
o Live weight gain in 3 years, kg/plot 186 166
t. Stocking rate, kg live weight
o Wet season 600 400
t. Dry season 130 100
P. Carrying capacity, kg live weight/year 300 200
c. Carcass
o Loin eye muscle area, cm2 67.57 67.02
P. Backfat thickness, cm 1.94 1.83
P. Time to reach market weight, years 3.80 4.30
P. Time spent in caring, min/day 115 137
P. Animals affected by endoparasite infestation 2 6
Soil status
c. Erosion in 3 years, mm 10.13 23.80
P. Organic matter in 5 years, % 5.29 4.76
P. Total N in 5 years, % 0.80 0.76
Kampung hens
o Egg production per brooding hen, units/year 385 247
c Hatchability, % 93 76
Feed. The 0.09-ha improved grass and ground legumes in the TSFS
produced more forage than the 0.25 ha of natural pasture (an area used
for tethered grazing in conjunction with the 0.25-ha NTSFS plot). With the
additional 2,000 shrubs and 42 trees, the total wet- and dry-season forage
production of the TSFS was 91 % more than that of NTSFS. Additionally,
Stylosanthes, Centrosema, Acacia villosa, Gliricidia and Leucaena are
forage legumes containing 25% to 30% crude protein. Therefore, diets
derived from the TSFS contained 13% more crude protein than was
possible with the feed obtained from the NTSFS.
128 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Cattle. Due to the high availability of forage and crop residues in the
TSFS plots, the actual stocking rate during the 4-month wet season and
the 8-month dry season was 45% and 30% higher, respectively, than that
of NTSFS. The TSFS carrying capacity for the whole year was calculated
to be 52% higher than that of NTSFS.
Since the TSFS produced not only more but also better quality forages,
the TSFS cattle gained 12% more weight and took 12% less time to reach
market weight. As TSFS steers were always kept in confinement, they
moved around less to get the feed; this may have caused the 6% increase
in fat deposited in the carcass. However, TSFS steers had a slightly larger
loin-eye muscle area, perhaps due to the fact that they consumed better
quality feeds. The higher concentration of shrub and tree fodders in the
cattle's diet resulted in darker meat; however, when the meat was cooked,
this effect disappeared. Due to the management associated with TSFS,
these animals were less infested by endoparasites than NTSFS cattle.
Farm income. The cost of running TSFS was 3% more than NTSFS.
However, TSFS per capita income was 30% higher than that produced by
Impact on resources
Soil fertility. Soil erosion in TSFS was 57% less than that of NTSFS.
The slower rate of erosion was presumably due to the density of the grass
and legume cover, which buffered the impact of rainfall while the root
systems held the soil and prevented run off. Even though the effects of the
individual grasses and legumes varied, the average clay, total salt, and
organic matter contents of the TSFS soil were higher than those of the
NTSFS soil. When TSFS is used, the higher yields of corn, soybeans, and
cassava grown in association with some of the grasses and legumes may
be indicators of increased soil fertility.
Time. Since the TSFS cattle were always kept in stalls, while the
NTSFS cattle had to be moved from the stall to the grazing plot every day,
the TSFS farmer saved 22 minutes every day. Once every week the
NTSFS farmer had to spend 50 to 80 minutes gathering firewood. The
TSFS farmer, on the other hand, spent no extra time to get firewood since
this was constantly available due to lopping of shrubs and trees, which
provided branches for firewood as well as leaves for the cattle. The TSFS
farmer can save up to 15 hours a month which could be used for other
productive on-farm and off-farm activities.
Secondary benefits
Institutional development
Each state university in Indonesia has to carry out its Tri Dharma
mission, which is a program consisting of teaching, research, and
extension. TSFS may be used for this purpose, particularly for the Faculty
of Animal Husbandry.
Teaching. TSFS has been used as practical work for the Agrostology,
Ruminant Nutrition and Beef Cattle Nutrition courses. At the
undergraduate level, TSFS has been used by students working on their
130 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The local newspapers Bali Post and Nusa Tenggara and the national
newspapers Kompas and Suara Pembaharuan have published articles on
TSFS. The Bali TV station, in its development news program, has
broadcasted a 15-minute program on TSFS activity. The same station has
used TSFS material to produce a video film entitled Menantang Lahan
Kering (Challenges of the Dryland Area). This 25-minute film ranked fifth
in a field of 19 entries in a government-sponsored competition celebrating
the 44th anniversary of radio and television. The Animal Husbandry
Undergraduate Student Association has a fortnightly radio program which
has included a 25-minute special session on TSFS. The Buleleng Regency
radio broadcasting station has transmitted the TSFS dissemination course.
A 3-day short course has been conducted for neighboring farmers. The
40 participants included 34 farmers from 17 farmer groups and six field
extension specialists. The objective of the short course was to provide
technical knowledge on TSFS to farmers interested in applying TSFS
technology. TSFS teams have been sent to Chiangmai, Thailand, to attend
an agricultural communications workshop; to Sri Lanka to attend a
socioeconomic seminar; and to Bangkok, Thailand, to attend a workshop
on audio-visual aid techniques for extension. IDRC4, in association with
Udayana University, has held an international workshop on The Utilization
of Shrub and Tree Fodders by Farm Animals. Fifty delegates from 14
countries discussed 26 papers in this scientific gathering. As will be
detailed in the section "Extent of TSFS Adoption," a number of
organizations have been involved in the establishment of TSFS units, some
of which have served as demonstration plots.
Apart from IQRC officers, in the past eight years 25 visits have been
made to the TSFS units by individuals and government and
nongovernment officers from Indonesia and from overseas. Moreover, in
the past six years 21 persons from within the country and overseas have
requested copies of TSFS publications. This is in addition to the 20
institutions that regularly receive TSFS progress reports and publications.
Soil erosion in TSFS was less than that in NTSFS because of the
buffering effect of the forage and fodder in the first, second, and third
The application of TSFS centered on its integration with cash crop and
livestock production (Fig. 3). This integration has the following
advantages: 1) management will be more intensive because farmers will go
to their fields every day to look after cash crops; 2) livestock will not
disturb the cash crops because of the protection provided by a hedgerow
fence; 3) tethered grazing of the livestock will be minimal as TSFS will
supply green feeds year round; 4) soil fertility will be improved by regularly
and evenly spreading barnyard manure on the field; and 5) socioeconomic
well-being will improve as cash crops and TSFS provide for the farmer's
daily needs and generate extra income while livestock will serve as
insurance to meet the farmer's unexpected expenses.
Seeds Cash
l Fire- Meat
Cuttings crops Forage wood Others
H on y
Fig. 3. Mode of TSFS technology application
Consultation with the local government. Before selecting the TSFS site,
consultations were made to (1) the Provincial Bureau of Planning regarding
the general master plan for agricultural development, (2) the Regency
Bureau of Planning regarding priorities in agricultural and livestock
development, and (3) the head of the village regarding the specific location
for forestry, agriculture, and livestock development. Such consultation was
deemed necessary to insure that the TSFS was in line with existing
government programs and did not interfere with those already in progress;
it also served to inform officials of the new development program that was
about to take place.
134 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Do-it-yourself approach. The course was divided into three phases was
to ensure that the farmers had the correct technique fresh in their
memories when working in the field. Depending on the availability of the
TSFS team members, farmers were attended to as a group or on an
individual basis. The team showed the farmer what to do, then asked
him/her to follow the example. When it was apparent that the instruction
was understood, the farmer was left alone to complete the work. A flexible
deadline for the completion of the work was arranged. The team did not
Case Studies 135
necessarily stay the entire time, as some farmers felt uneasy in its
presence. When revisiting, the team did not directly point at the mistakes
that had been made, but rather put more emphasis on what good things
had been done.
Rural family participation. Even though only the head of the family
participated in the training course, when it came to the work in the field the
team encouraged all family members to participate. Such family
participation develops a sense of belonging so that when the head of the
family attends other functions, other family members will take responsibility
for the TSFS activity. The role of the children should not be
underestimated since they will talk with other children at school and make
them aware that the grasses, legumes, shrubs, and trees should not be cut
indiscriminately as is usually done in the public field. The role of the wife
also should not be overlooked.
demonstration plot (NTSFS farmers). The TSFS activity was seen as only
part of the farmer's many group activities such as family planning, child
care, health programs, and home industry. The farmer group had the
option of setting rules and regulations and enforcing a penalty for those
who did not obey these regulations.
The team attitude. Each team member had to bear in mind the
following points: (1) their presence was to help solve the farmer's problem
rather than to solve a team problem, (2) the farmer had the knowledge
while the team had the science, and (3) the farmer had to feel that the
team belonged to the farmer group and not the reverse.
Farmers must wait one year for full establishment of the first and
second strata and three years for the establishment of the third stratum;
however, the foregone production of the 0.09 ha cash crop would be
more than compensated for by future TSFS cattle sales;
Expansion of the TSFS. In the past eight years the number of TSFS
units has increased from 32 to 286; it is worth noting that 56% of these
were due to initiatives by private organizations. When the program started
in 1984, 32 TSFS units were established in South Bali. In 1986, the
provincial Bali government established 30 TSFS units in East Bali (Nitis et
al. 1987). The Daya Pertiwi Foundation established 67 units in Nusa
Penida in 1987-1988 (Nitis et al. 1988b) and 20 additional units in South
Malang, East Java, in 1989-1990. In 1988-1989, the Foster Parent Plan
International Bali established 40 TSFS units in East Bali. In 1989, 52
members of the Selonding farmer group adopted TSFS to ensure forage
supply for their livestock. To study the dissemination of the TSFS results,
IDRC established three units in North Bali in 1988. For the 1991-1992
period, the Board of Animal Husbandry at Jakarta is planning to establish
nine TSFS demonstration plots in nine provinces in Indonesia. IDRC has
approved a study involving cattle and goats associated with food crops,
within TSFS, for the 1991-1993 period. FAO5 has approved a TSFS
demonstration plot for breeding cattle and goats integrated with plantation
crops for the 1991-1992 period.
Flexibility of the adopted TSFS. Partitioning of the TSFS unit into core,
peripheral, and circumference areas did not create any difficulty for the
farmers since (1) the farmers usually set up live fences around their fields
and (2) they usually cannot plow the outer rim of their fields close to the
fence; therefore, a belt of native grasses is always found between the cash
crop and the fence.
The use of three grass species and three legumes for the first stratum,
three shrub legume species for the second stratum, and three fodder tree
species for the third stratum provided the farmer with ample opportunities
to select the species according to availability and need.
NITIS, I.M. 1984. Three-Strata System for cattle feeds and feeding in
dryland farming area in Bali. First year progress report. Denpasar,
Bali, Indonesia. Udayana University, International Development
Research Centre, Canada. 36 p.
NITIS, I.M.; LANA, K.; SUKANTEN, W.; PUTRA, S. 1987. Demoplot Sistem
Tiga Strata di Seraya Karangasem. Pemda Tk. Propinsi Bali.
1988a. Increasing the efficiency of dryland farming area in Bali by
Three-Strata Forage System. Seminar on the Role of ASAIHL
Universities in Transfer of Technology, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-8
December. 21 p.
NITIS, I.M. 1989. Pengembangan lebah dalam konsep Sistem Tiga Strata.
DIKLAT Pembinaan dan Pendirian Pusat Percontohan lebah Asia,
Karangasem. 12 p.
1989. Three-Strata Forage System for cattle feeds and feeding in
dryland farming area in Bali. Final Report. Ottawa, Can., International
Development Research Centre. 252 p.
140 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
1 Tropical Agricultural Research and Training Center (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica.
5 The authors are grateful to the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean of
the International Development Research Centre for financing this study. We also thank
the Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario, for its cooperation in facilitating technical personnel
to conduct the 1991 survey.
142 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Even with domestic milk production and the existence of adequate farm
infrastructure and a road network to support it, there has been discussion
on the country's potential to compete at the regional level in an economy
without subsidies. In the same way, concern about competitiveness
Case Studies 143
The objectives of this study were to understand (1) the reasons why
producers adopt or do not adopt certain technologies; (2) the
competitiveness of milk-production systems in open markets; and (3) the
changes that need to be proposed to make better decisions when
allocating research and production resources to achieve international
Minimum investment in facilities and equipment. The total unit area was
4.5 ha, of which 4.2 ha was under pasture, 180 m2 for the milking shed,
with the rest including alleys and a reserve paddock.
Intensive labor use. The prototype was managed by one operator, who
did all labor for the unit.
The project was developed in Rio Frio (100-150 meters above sea level)
and Sonafluca (200-250 meters above sea level); average farm size was 10
ha (Murillo and Navarro 1986).
Case Studies 145
Climatic characteristics in both areas are similar. In Rio Frio, the annual
rainfall is higher than Sonafluca (4,120 mm vs. 3,710 mm), but distribution
is uniform throughout the year. Mean annual temperature is 25°C and 26°C
for Rio Frio and Sonafluca, respectively. The predominant landscape in
both ecozones is flat or flat-convex with concave depressions that produce
floods in some areas (Murillo and Navarro 1986).
Farm area. Due to marketing and disease problems affecting the crops
common in the zones, it was decided to allocate the total farm area (10 ha)
to the dairy enterprise.
Data were obtained through (1) the review of biological and economic
behavior of the CATIE prototype from 1977 to 1990 (Duarte 1991); (2)
reviews of evaluations of the dissemination and behavior of the
recommended dairy systems during the first five years (CATIE 1981; Murillo
and Navarro 1986); (3) examination of macroeconomic information on
146 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Costa Rica during the last 20 years in order to understand the evolution of
prices and policies in the livestock sector; and (4) a survey, conducted in
April and May of 1991 with 44 participating farmers in both ecozones,
aimed at understanding the performance of their units in the last six years.
The 1991 survey was classified by ecozone (Sonafluca and Rio Frio) and
by start-up period in the dairy business [1979-1981 (first); 1982-1984 (last)].
Sample size included 20 farmers in Sonafluca (7 who initiated activities first
and 13 last) and 24 producers in Rio Frio (12 first and 12 last).
All economic data used (e.g., input and output prices, credit) were
adjusted to 1990 U.S. dollars (US$) using the consumer price index and
exchange rates (BCCR 1991a).
The main changes between the initially proposed dairy system and how
they were found to be functioning in the 1985 and the 1991 surveys are
described below:
Operation size. Table 1 shows the changes in the operational size of the
surveyed farms. The greatest increase in total area was by those who
entered dairying earlier (1979-1981) in Rio Frio.
Case Studies 147
Stocking rate. Stocking rate did not change. When there was growth
in herd inventory, it was compensated by an increase in pasture area
(Table 1). In Rio Frio, this process was more dynamic and the behavior of
producers was different, depending on when they had begun dairying. The
first producers increased pasture area through buying of land, and the later
ones by renting land.
Fertilization level. The strategy for using fertilizers differed in the two
ecozones. In Sonafluca, the quantity applied was more than the 50 kg of
N/ha/year recommended by CATIE (Villegas 1982), but the fertilized area
was limited to that free of ratana. Therefore, the fertilized area decreased
with time, especially from 1985 to 1990 (Table 2). In Rio Frio, fertilization
levels were generally lower.
Labor use. Outside labor represented less than 5% of total labor use.
Family labor assigned to dairy chores increased with time in farms where
ratana represented less than 60% of pasture area by 1990. However, in
the first replications of Rio Frio, where ratana had invaded 94% of the
pasture area by 1990, family labor was lower by 15% with respect to the
start-up period (Table 3), which reflected the low labor level required for
pasture maintenance (weed control, etc.) due to the aggressive growth of
the ratana grass.
Milk yield. Although total milk yield for all groups of farms within the
target areas was relatively constant through time, milk yield per hectare
and per milking cow decreased (Table 4). The proportion of milking cows
stayed at high levels (over 70%), although those who began first in Rio Frio
saw this proportion drop from 78% to 71 percent.
148 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop,
Income level. Table 5 shows net income with and without considering
family labor costs. In general, net income in real terms, especially per
hectare, deteriorated with time, covering only labor costs (the legal
minimum wage and an attached interest).
Table 1. Land use, stocking rate, and herd inventory of milk producers in the ecozones of
Rio Frio and Sonafluca who began dairying between 1979 and 1981 ('First') versus
those who began after 1981 ('Last)
First Last
Land use, ha
Pasture 9.5 12.5 14.8 7.1 8.5 11.5
Agriculture 0.6 0.3 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.3
Forest 0.5 0.2 0 2.3 1.1 0
Total farm size 10.6 13.0 16.3 10.0 10.1 11.8
Rented pasture 0 0 1.3 0 0 5.6
Stocking rate, AU1 /ha 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.6 2.3 1.80
Land use, ha
Pasture 10.0 10.0 9.6 9.2 9.6 10.0
Agriculture 0.1 1.7 2.2 0.9 2.3 2.3
Forest 0 0 0 0.1 0 0
Total farm size 10.1 11.7 11.8 10.2 11.9 12.3
Rented pastures 0 0 1.0 0 0 1.2
Table 2. Area, species, pasture fertilization, and supplementation utilized by milk producers
in the ecozones of Rio Frio and Sonafluca who began dairying between 1979 and
1981 ('First) versus those who began after 1981 ('Last-).
First Last
Pasture area, ha
Ratana 1.0 9.2 14.1 1.7 3.9 7.4
Cut-and-carry 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4
Brachiaria 6.8 2.5 0.4 4.0 4.1 3.6
Other improved 1.7 0.8 0.3 1.5 0.8 0.7
Area, ha 2.0 1.4 1.0 1.1 1.0 3.1
Quantity, kg/ha/year 15.3 21.7 15.3 37.3 15.9 82.2
Concentrate 1.2 0.9 1.3 0.8 1.1 1.5
Molasses 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8
Pasture area, ha
Ratana 0 3.9 4.5 0.2 1.8 5.4
Cut-and-carry 0 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.7 1.2
Brachiaria 9.3 5.2 0.9 5.6 4.3 1.1
Other improved 0.7 0 3.6 3.0 2.7 2.1
Area, ha 6.5 4.5 1.9 4.8 4.8 2.2
Quantity, kg/ha/year 59.7 77.0 85.0 67.3 64.3 125.7
Concentrate 0.2 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.6
Molasses 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.9 0.9 0.7
150 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Table 3. Labor utilization by milk producers in the ecozones of No Frio and Sonafluca
who began dairying between 1979 and 1981 ('First) versus those who began
after 1981 ('Last'). Standard deviations are in parenthesis
First Last
Family 45 54 93 03 96 28
(456) (325) (208) (376) (358) (361)
Outside 34 76 67 98 89 97
(44) (74) (72) (83) (93) (116)
Outside 52 52 66 74 74 83
(68) (39) (69) (81) (72) (89)
Table 4. Daily milk production per farm, per hectare, and per milking cow, and percentage
of milking cows of producers in the ecozones of No Frio and Sonafluca who
began dairying between 1979 and 1981 ('First') versus those who began after 1981
('Last'). Standard deviations are in parenthesis
First Last
Daily milk
production, kg
Milking cows, % of
total cows 78.2 74.9 71.3 67.8 69.1 73.0
Daily milk
production, kg
Milking cows, % of
total cows 76.5 77.7 77.7 80.6 79.3 74.8
152 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Table 5. Annual net income (including and excluding family labor valued as minimum
wage) of producers in the ecozones of No Frio and Sonafluca who began
dairying between 1979 and 1981 ('First) versus those who began after 1981
(`Last'), in 1990 dollars. Standard deviations are in parenthesis
First Last
Includes all available labor calculated with the minimum wage (in 1990, US$5.41/day plus 44% of social
benefits, equivalent to a total of US$7.79/day).
Case Studies 153
The main results of the soil analysis performed in 1991 are shown in
Table 6. Even though ecozones with similar characteristics are mentioned
in the IDA base document (CATIE 1981), soil conditions differ substantially.
Initially, P content differed greatly between farms in Rio Frio and Sonafluca
(Murillo and Navarro 1986), giving an idea of the original soil material when
producers acquired the land. With time, P content has reached similar
levels, but soil fixation levels in the last analysis indicate two soils with
different development possibilities (Table 6): on one hand, a manageable
level (67%) in Sonafluca, and on the other hand, almost impossible to
correct (92%) in Rio Frio. This is due mainly to the content of other
nutrients in the soils, especially calcium availability, which is higher in
Table 6. Soil analysis at 20 cm depth for farms in No Frio, Sonafluca, and the CATIE
intensive milk production system prototype. Standard deviations are in
1 CATIE (1991b).
2 meq/100 ml soil.
3 mg/l soil. Phosphorus content in same farms in 1983 was 3.5 in Rio Frio and 4.2 in
Sonafluca (Murillo and Navarro 1986).
Fertilization levels. In less fertile soils and with ratana invasion, the
probability that producers would obtain a response to N fertilization was
low. For this reason, N was used strategically only in areas with cut-and-
carry forage located next to the milking shed, where manure is also
When producers began dairying between 1979 and 1984, the average
milk price was at its highest, considering prices from 1970 to 1990, as seen
in Table 7 (Camara Nacional de Productores de Leche 1991). This allowed
a good price relationship with respect to nitrogen, that is, 2 kg of milk
would allow the purchase of 1 kg of N (FERTICA 1991). With the
petroleum crisis in 1981-1982, N prices increased, while the milk price
stayed relatively stable during five years; thus, the milk/nitrogen
relationship deteriorated to 2.8 kg milk:1 kg N, making milk production
based on unfertilized pastures more attractive. This short-term effect and
an increase in labor costs (Table 8; MTSS 1991) could have induced
producers to use pastures with low N (and labor) requirements (e.g.,
ratana). More recently, this relationship has improved to 1.7 kg milk:1 kg
N, and farmers have increased the amount of N applied per hectare,
although its use has been strategically limited to small areas free of ratana.
Table 7. Producer prices per kilogram of milk in 1990 dollars for the
period 1970-1990
Price Price
Year US$/kg Year US$/kg
Table 8. Daily wages for the livestock sector in 1990 US$ (including
social benefits) for the period 1970-1990
Wage Wage
Year US$/day Year US$/day
The period from 1970 to 1980 was favorable for beef development. High
international prices stimulated beef exports to the United States and
increased export earnings. In the middle of the 1970s, understanding that
the generation of export earnings from beef and the substitution of dairy
imports required preferential conditions, the government began to stimulate
beef and milk production. Costa Rica went from exporting US$92.4 million
worth of beef in 1973 (US$4.55/kg, in 1990 US$) to US$148.1 million in
1979 (US$4.69/kg) according to the BCCR (1989). High export earnings
from beef stimulated high milk prices, while increased milk production
satisfied domestic consumption requirements without the need to import
milk. Additionally, in 1979 the government restricted dairy imports (PNUD
1979), stimulating the sector by protecting the market from dumping.
This scenario has substantially changed in the beef sector since 1981.
Due to changes in consumption patterns in the United States, beef prices
began to decrease in real terms and the livestock sector showed atypical
behavior with respect to traditional production and price cycles. Thus,
Costa Rica went from exporting beef at US$4.69/kg in 1979 to exporting
it at US$2.51 /kg in 1989 (in 1990 US$). The main consequences of these
changes have been the following:
These investments allowed for a rapid change from beef to dairy and
dual-purpose activities. Between 1973 and 1984, the inventory of females
158 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
two years old or older decreased 2.4% per year in beef herds, but
increased 9% per year in specialized dairy herds and 19.2% a year in dual-
purpose herds (Censo Agropecuario 1973, 1984). These investments also
allowed producers to capture benefits created with public funds through
land appreciation and reduced transport costs.
Government incentives have had the following impacts at the farm level:
Table 9. Credit and subsidies received by each producers in FPoo Frio and Sonafluca due
to negative real interest rates (as occurred) and the amounts that credit institutions
could have recovered if the interest rate had been 10% (as could have occurred)
1 Unadjusted dollars.
increase in Rio Frio, which expanded the most. The factors with greatest
importance were years in business (expressed in quadratic form) and areas
allocated to activities other than dairy or agriculture (i.e., forest and/or idle
land). Producers who began dairying earliest with the entire farm area
allocated to dairying had higher credits for acquisition of animals and
benefited most from subsidized interest rates and high milk prices. In Rio
Frio, increases in area occurred before and during the opening of the
highway and electrification in 1986, improvements which also favored those
who began dairy activities first (1979-1981) as, based on the subsidies
received, they acquired land before it appreciated. Those producers with
the most productive cows, and therefore higher use of feed concentrates,
accumulated less capital and limited their increase in area.
Table 10. Estimated value, standard error, and significance level of analysis of variance of
factors responsible for the expansion of farm size in Rio Frio
' The mathematical model was Y= B,X, + B3X3 + 84X, with regression constant of 6.0239 with R2=
0.57 and mean square error= 123 with four degrees of freedom for regression and 17 degrees for the
residual. Y = Expansion of farm size, ha.
Capture of benefits. The benefits captured by producers can be seen in Table 11. As
shown, Rio Frio has captured greater benefits through land appreciation, given the initial
level of infrastructure. Also presented in Table 11 is the net present value of savings by
producers from milk transport costs due to the highway construction and installation of
cooling tanks (made possible by the availability of electricity). In Rio Frio, the increase in
land value was 84%, reflecting investments of public funds not recaptured by the
government through tax appreciation. In the case of Sonafluca, the benefits due to public
fund investments were 29% lower because the ecozone already had electricity and paved
roads by the time producers began dairy activities, and also because dairies were located
closer to a milking plant. Considering the credit subsidy and the benefit captured by land
appreciation, each producer directly received between US$31,051 for those who initiated last
in Rio Frio and US$41,887 for those who initiated first in Sonafluca (Table 11).
160 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Table 11. Estimated value of land in 1990 US$, and net present value of benefits captured
by producers in No Frio and Sonafluca through milk transport costs
Year of construction
Paved road 1,986 1,979
Electricity 1,986 1,979
KMLj = Distance in kilometers of dirt road between farm and processing plant, round
trip (200 km for Rio Frio)
CT = Factor for transport cost per kg of milk per km (i.e., 0.000168)
Cm = Overcharging factor for road under bad condition (i.e., 20%)
PL = Annual milk production per farm
KMCh = Distance in kilometers on paved road between farm and processing plant,
round trip (120 km for Rio Frio and 70 km for Sonafluca)
IR = Real interest rate (5%)
ha = Total farm size in hectares
2 Calculations similar to above formula, but dividing final product by a factor of 3, since
milk truck now collects milk every three days and not daily as before, when milk tanks
were not available.
3 Calculated from the summation of credit subsidy, as indicated in Table 9, and land
appreciation (US$30,000/farm for Rio Frio and US$35,000/farm for Sonafluca).
Case Studies 161
Given their small operational size and constant milk prices, these
systems have survived only because they have received subsidies. This
would not be the case in an open economy, without subsidies and with
mechanisms to recapture investments of public funds.
Table 12. Net income per farm (excluding family labor); subsidy
payment if society would ask each producer to return it;
resulting annual net income (excluding family labor); and
family labor cost valued as minimum wage
Rio Frio
' "First' denoted producers in No Frio and Sonafluca who began dairying between 1979
and 1981. "Last" denoted those that began after 1981.
3 Calculated from total value of subsidy received (Table 11), payable in a 10-year period
at a 10% real annual interest rate.
Case Studies 163
Sonafluca 29 74
Rio Frio 34 99
Sonafluca 37 67
Rio Frio 24 80
Based on additional milking cows that the family could manage with current available
labor allocated to dairying
family labor. The parameters used were conservative with respect to what
could happen (a 5% opportunity cost on capital in animals and equipment,
4% annual increase in real terms in labor wages, and a 10% annual
reduction of milk price in real terms until it is stabilized at US$0.20/kg).
Even under these conditions, the current production systems would survive
less than four years, demonstrating the need to increase family labor
With a small operation size (10 ha), the cost of labor (US$7.79/day) and
the cost of establishing new pastures (US$350/ha), it is impossible to
produce milk at US$0.20/kg. This suggests that the only alternative for
reducing production costs under the .current scenario is to increase farm
size to above 20 hectares. Reducing family labor is not viable because, in
the majority of cases, family labor represents labor out of the normal job
market (senior citizens or young people of school age), whose efficiency
in many activities does not differ from that of a working adult.
The dilemma now is that the current production systems are not
economically viable with current labor efficiency and cost. Thus,
alternatives need to be developed to facilitate the transition of land under
these soil conditions to other uses.
Case Studies 165
Research needs
Without subsidies, given the small size of operations, and with the
existing labor efficiency, protection from dairy imports does not seem
feasible if labor pay similar to the minimum wage is to be maintained, even
with increases of 4% per year in real terms.
166 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Abridged version of the report: Desarrollo de la ganaderia bovina de doble prop6sito
en parcelamientos de la costa sur de Guatemala, presented at the Animal Production
Systems Global Workshop, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1991
assumption was that the policy framework was a constant factor not
requiring explicit analysis. However, the globalization and reduction of
trade barriers that is taking place at regional and international levels is
causing such great changes in relative prices that it becomes essential to
take into account the influence of policies, regulations and the increasing
environmental restrictions in order to understand the evolution of farming
systems and the role of technical change.
From 1970 to 1988, the annual per capita consumption of milk averaged
38 liters. This consumption level has been maintained due to the
importation of milk, which has quadrupled during this period (from 27 to
87 million liters). This level of per capita consumption is below the
internationally recommended intake levels; worse, it masks substantial
inequality in consumption within the population, a fact related to the high
Case Studies 171
The results of the farm survey showed that farming systems have
evolved from crop-based systems (mainly corn) to mixed systems (crops
and dual-purpose cattle). Specifically, in 1991, 9.8% of the farms were in
pure crop systems, 6.3% were pure cattle systems and 83.9% were in
mixed crop-livestock systems. This is further documented by the change
in land use (Table 1).
172 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Technical support
Pastures (% of farms)
. Rotational management 66.7 100.0
o Fertilization 8.8 22.2
Milk production
u l/farm/year 15,454.0 17,358.0
u l/ha/year 1,518.0 1,819.0
u I/cow/day (dry season) 2.7 3.0
D I/cow/day (rainy season) 3.3 3.9
The magnitude of the variation of the real price of corn over the years
constitutes another factor affecting the land-use systems in Nueva
Concepcion. From 1980 to 1990, mean annual corn prices experienced
variations of up to 30% (in real terms), which discouraged corn production
(Morales 1990). In Guatemala, the local currency was overvalued and this
stimulated the consumption of imported goods that could have been
produced locally. In this study, egg production and poultry production are
based on the use of imported corn. This fact is related to the price of
home-grown corn versus imported corn, given an overvalued local
5 A negative real interest rate means that a bank deposit (with negative interest rates,
Fig. 1) does not maintain its value in real terms.
Case Studies 175
-101 .....................................
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
0 1 2 3 4 5
The authors are, respectively, Program Officer, Animal Sciences, and Acting Director,
Development Studies Center, Winrock International Institute for Agricultural
Development. Seniority of authorship is shared. Dr. Yazman is presently located at the
Instituto Boliviano de Tecnologia Agropecuaria, SR-CRSP Program, La Paz, Bolivia.
184 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The Midhills (500 to 3,500 meters above sea level) cover more than 60%
of Nepal's land area. Agriculture is based primarily on rain-fed maize and
rice-wheat cropping systems with intercropping of legumes (lentils, beans,
and black gram). Despite limited land area, the Midhills support some of
the most dense livestock populations in the world (estimated at five animal
units per arable hectare), with cattle, water buffalo, and goats
predominating. Cattle are maintained for draft and to produce manure.
Buffalo are a primary source of milk and an increasingly important source
of meat. Goat is the preferred meat, and sale of goats is an important
source of income for Midhill farmers and High Hills herders.
In both the Terai and the Midhills, crop residues, tree fodder, and
grazing of communal pastures provide the majority of the diet consumed
by large and small ruminants. Nepalese farmers harvest foliage from over
100 species of native fodder trees grown on private land and in local
forests. Increasing pressure on forests to provide firewood and timber,
particularly in the Midhills, has resulted in a decline in available tree fodder.
Declining forest reserves and reduced farm size have resulted in a
decrease in the number of buffalo and cattle and an increase in the
numbers of goats.
186 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Prior to 1987, very little livestock and animal health research was
carried out by the MOA. The DLS was charged with controlling infectious
diseases and training farmers, as well as with producing seed and
seedlings of improved grasses, legumes, and fodder trees and improved
breeding stock for distribution to farmers. Most new genetic materials
were imported through donor-supported development programs from
Australia, New Zealand, and India.
As was traditional in South Asia, most DLS staff were veterinarians, and
very few officers had graduate degrees in animal production disciplines.
Through donor-funded projects and bilateral aid programs, a number of
DLS officers were trained during the 1970s and 1980s to the M.Sc. level in
India, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. Limited budgets and service-
oriented mandates precluded participation in research when they returned.
livestock at remote outreach sites and in migratory herds and flocks. Daily
costs for food and lodging in remote regions exceed current per diem
Livestock research division and farm budgets provide little support for
research operations. Personnel costs for divisions and programs typically
represent 60% to 70% of annual budgets leaving little funding available to
cover supplies, equipment, and maintenance and repairs. Laboratories and
livestock research farms suffer from a lack of vehicles, equipment, and
consistent supplies of water and electricity. Limited budgets preclude
equipment purchase and capital improvements. Importation of specialized
biologicals and reagents for animal disease research is difficult without
access to foreign exchange.
result has been that the establishment of a separate FSR division retarded
the integration of a multidisciplinary FSR approach into the NARC research
The NARC livestock and animal health research program receives little
input from traders, input suppliers, and processors. There is little or no
commercialization of inputs for livestock production in Nepal.
International Centers Experiences 191
At times, the wrong technology has been promoted by NARC and the
DLS due to a lack of understanding of local market conditions. An
example is the promotion of crossbred dairy cattle in remote Midhill
regions. Dairy cattle have been accepted by farmers due to their higher
milk yield and fertility, but Nepalese consumers prefer the taste of buffalo
milk. Buffalo milk is also preferred by middlemen and owners of hotels
and coffee shops because its higher fat and solids content facilitates
dilution with water. Farmers who were encouraged to purchase dairy
cattle have experienced reduced prices for their milk or have lost their
market completely.
often requires presence at the butcher shop in the middle of the night.
Animal health researchers must respond quickly if an animal sickens or
dies and have to handle biological samples in the field which can pose a
personal health risk.
An effort should also be made to bring the DLS into NARC animal
production systems research programs as a partner in on-farm trials using
FSR methodologies. Program funding should provide for the extra
manpower required for DLS district offices to participate in on-farm
research trials. District livestock extension personnel should assist in
196 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Euan F. Thomson' 2
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria.
Sincere thanks are extended to the numerous colleagues who collaborated in the
research reported in this paper, particularly Faik Bahhady, Ronald Jaubert and Tom
Nordblom. The technical assistance of Asnan Termanini, Shahbah Morelli, Hishman
Hreitani, A. K. Ferdawi, Mahmoud Oglah and Safouh Rihawi and his staff is much
appreciated. The views expressed in the paper are those of the author and do not
necessarily represent those of ICARDA.
200 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
ICARDA has had four major research programs since its establishment:
two are crop improvement programs, and two conduct research on
pastures, forages, and livestock, and on farm resource management.
Surveys, the "unit-farm" project and the Breda on-farm project, which
started in 1977 1979, and 1981, respectively, and included livestock
components, were among the initial activities of the Farming Systems
Program (FSP). In 1983 the Pasture, Forage and Livestock Program
(PFLP) became a systems-oriented program when the first ICARDA
External Review recommended that the livestock research be transferred
from FSP to PFLP. The transfer, which was undertaken to integrate the
livestock with the pasture and forage research, arguably removed an
essential activity from FSP. This illustrates one of the dilemmas facing
both IARCs and NABS; how best to fit the different research disciplines and
commodities into an institutional structure. The IARCs are still grappling
with this dilemma.
PFLP, which has an annual budget that increased from US$1.6 million in
the early 1980s to over US$2.0 million during the late 1980s. About one
quarter of this budget has been allocated to animal production systems
research (APSR).
Now that the livestock disciplines in PFLP are being strengthened, this
structure is considered suitable for APSR. However, the desperately low
funding of NABS may make systems research, however desirable, a luxury
well beyond their reach.
APSR at ICARDA has used the low-technology approach during the past
decade since these technologies have the best chance of being adopted.
The following examples illustrate how existing low- intensity systems are
being fine-tuned to increase output. First, the local Awassi sheep breed
has been used on-station even though it is frequently assumed that
indigenous breeds are inferior. Second, emphasis has been given to
appropriate feeding during the breeding season, late pregnancy, and early
lactation to achieve genetically determined levels of fertility and milk
production. Third, the on-farm research uses current farmer practices
whenever possible but includes small changes in the current system which
have the best chance of being accepted by farmers. ICARDA was applying
the farming systems research (FSR) approach to APSR (conducting
surveys, on-station research and on-farm research) at a time when the FSR
approach was gaining popularity (CGIAR 1978; Fitzhugh et al. 1982).
However, ICARDA has not been involved in the extension or development
stages of FSR but rather in studies on the impact of new technologies on
farm income and the constraints to technology adoption.
cultivated margin of the Syrian steppe (Thomson et al. 1989). This put into
practice the belief that prevailing farming systems must be understood
before they can be improved. These surveys and later ones (Mazid and
Hallajian 1983; Goubelat Survey in Tunisia, as described in the ICARDA
Annual Reports) suffered one or more weaknesses, such as overly broad
objectives, small sample size, and long delays between collecting the data
and analyzing and reporting the results. These weaknesses were avoided
by later surveys, such as the reconnaissance surveys of Jaubert (1983),
which had an immediate impact on contemporary on-farm research, as
discussed later in this paper. Other single-visit surveys on specific topics
(Thomson and Bahhady 1983) were conducted in order to identify farmer
practices that could be applied in the unit-farm project.
On-station research
From 1979 to 1985, two unit-farms served to compare the physical and
economic productivity of a traditional Syrian crop-and-sheep farm system
with one incorporating improved technologies recommended by
component scientists (Thomson et al. 1993). Each unit-farm consisted of
arable land, an experimental sheep flock and native pasture. A third
experimental flock allocated only native pasture and subjected to "poor"
management, simulated the case of a landless sheep-owning farmer. The
three levels of sheep management made it possible to apply input/output
response analysis.
204 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The Maragha project is studying the use of two edible shrubs, and
Salsola vermiculata and saltbush (Atriplex halimus), to increase the sheep
carrying capacity of the steppe. It has two steppe treatments, unimproved
and improved with shrubs, each stocked at two rates in a replicated
factorial arrangement.
On-farm research
The seven-year Breda on-farm project started in 1981. Its aims were (1)
to use land left fallow after a barley crop to grow legume forage crops, (2)
to study the system of crop use preferred by farmers, and (3) to identify
constraints to the introduction of the crops (Thomson et al. 1992). In
addition to traditional farmer practices, best-bet practices were applied
since recommended agronomic practices, such as levels of phosphate
application for the crops, had not been defined by component scientists
at that time. In retrospect, this was the correct decision since defining
International Centers Experiences 205
The EI-Tah project focuses on the use of annual medics in the wheat-
based farming systems of Syria and ecogeographically similar areas of
West Asia (Cocks 1988). The project uses the low-tech approach in
contrast to many previous projects in WANA involving medics in which the
technology was applied as practiced in Australia. This use of an imported
technology is one reason why the "ley farming system" has had low
adoption rates on the small farms that predominate in WANA. The EI-Tah
project, like the other on-farm projects mentioned here, is serving to
develop a methodology which could be used by NABS.
The following section gives a brief description of the major results from
projects involving small ruminants. It illustrates how information generated
in one component of APSR is used to formulate objectives or modify
directions of other components.
206 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Another major finding of the surveys was the use of large amounts of
concentrates, straws and by-products. This is hardly surprising since
subsidized feed has been available in Syria since the mid-1 970s as a policy
to stop the devastating losses of small ruminants that can occur during a
series of drought years. As a consequence, farmers were able to keep
more animals, even in years of drought, and the population started
expanding and has long been above the carrying capacity of the steppe.
Overgrazing and the encroachment of barley cultivation into the steppe
have destabilized the fragile ecosystem and today the symptoms of
desertification are obvious. Jaubert (1985) likened the nonsustainability of
barley cultivation practices to a mining operation.
The surveys of Jaubert and Oglah (1985) in the Breda area showed that
farmers were growing common chickling (Lathyrus sativus), a forage
legume, for seed and straw. As a result, chickling was immediately added
as a treatment in the Breda project.
On-station research
First, the potential productivity of the local strain of the Awassi breed
was established and thus the yield gap could be defined. For example,
under good management, lambing rate could be increased by 20%, lamb
International Centers Experiences 207
mortality reduced by 66%, lamb growth rate nearly doubled, and ewe milk
yield after weaning increased by at least 50 percent. As will be seen
below, these increases in output were too small to be profitable at the
levels of supplementary feeding being used.
Second, common vetch (Vicia sativa), with its erect growth habit, is
morphologically suited for conservation as hay rather than for grazing.
However, from the outset of the unit-farm project its use for grazing by
growing lambs was assessed, particularly on shallow stony soils where
haymaking machinery is easily damaged. Although modest daily lamb
growth rates of 180-220 g were recorded, up to 300 kg live weight gain/ha
was attained, which makes this practice very profitable at prevailing lamb
prices. This form of crop use was immediately incorporated in the Breda
Cereal straw quality. Research has shown that genetic variation in the
quality of cereal straws is largely accounted for by the proportion of leaf
in the straw since variation within the leaf and stem fractions is small.
Cereal breeders could use stem or plant height as a simple predictor of
straw quality since it is reasonably well correlated with leaf proportion.
Thus, short plants would tend to have the best straw quality. However,
cereal breeders point out that tall genotypes are preferred for semiarid
regions because in drought years they are still sufficiently tall to be
mechanically harvested (Thomson and Ceccarelli 1991). The sometimes
opposing goals of the nutritionist and the cereal breeder illustrate the
importance of the collaboration between these two disciplines (Reed et al.
On-farm research
Chickling showed itself to be most suited for seed and straw production
but less suited for grazing than the common vetch being tested by
scientists. It also responded well to phosphate fertilizer when harvested for
seed and straw. This response had not been expressed so clearly when
it was harvested at the hay stage in earlier OSR. The focus of OFR on
either grazing or harvesting forage legumes at the mature stage resulted
International Centers Experiences 209
The unit-farm project, with fields of 1.5-2.7 ha needed for grazing flocks
of 40-50 sheep, provided a useful framework for comparing different farm
enterprise combinations. However, involving scientists from other
disciplines was unsuccessful because of the absence of replication, the
small number of rotations and confounding of treatments. In contrast, the
small plot sizes (e.g., 50 m2) used in other on-station rotation trials
precluded the meaningful inclusion of sheep. In the mid-1980s the new
projects L13 and ML2 were established using large plots ranging from 0.4
ha up to over 3 ha and sheep are now successfully part of these projects
which integrate both systems and component research.
Statistical principles
Farmers are often not chosen at random, but for their willingness to
collaborate, number of sheep owned and location of land relative to their
houses. However, unrepresentative farmers are avoided if at all possible.
In the Breda project, the farmers appeared to be representative of the area,
but their poverty was one reason for the low adoption of the technology.
The farmers in the El-Bab project are better endowed, and this should
result in higher adoption rates when the project ends in 1992.
Involvement of the Syrian NABS in OFR was poor in the Breda project,
better in the El-Bab project and excellent in the El-Tah project. This
involvement of NABS is largely due to the location of the on-farm sites.
The Breda and El-Bab locations are conveniently placed for ICARDA
scientists and technical staff but somewhat remote for scientists from the
Syrian NABS. However, the El-Tah site is well located on the main Aleppo-
Damascus road, even though it is still 250 km from Damascus.
212 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Sustainability issues
livestock with the other research activities of PFLP in particular, and also
with those in the other research programs at ICARDA. This has been the
case in the past but as the number of livestock scientists increases care
must be taken to maintain this integration. Indeed, this integration was,
and should continue to be, a major strength of the Program, a situation
which even today is seldom, if ever, seen in the NARS of WANA, where
livestock production, livestock health, pasture or forage, and range
research is usually carried out by separate departments.
COCKS, P.S. 1988. The role of pasture and forage legumes in livestock
based farming systems. In Nitrogen fixation by legumes in
Mediterranean agriculture. D.P. Beck, L.A. Materon (Eds.). Dordrecht,
The Netherlands, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. p. 3-10.
COCKS, P.S.; THOMSON, E.F. 1988. Increasing feed resources for small
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productivity in semiarid areas. E.F. Thomson, F.S. Thomson (Eds.).
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers. p. 51-66.
SINGH, L. (Eds.)-. 1982. Workshop on research on crop-livestock
systems. Proceedings. Turrialba, C.R., CATIE/CARDI/ Winrock
International. 65 p.
MENZ, K.M. 1979. Unit-farms and farming systems research: The IITA
experience. Ibadan, Nigeria, International Institute for Tropical
Agriculture. Discussion Paper No. 3/79. 15 p.
REED, J.D.; CAPPER, B.S.; NEATE, P.J.H. (Eds.). 1988. Plant breeding
and the nutritive value of crop residues. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
International Livestock Centre for Africa. Proceedings of a workshop
held at ILCA, 7-10 December 1987. 331 p.
THOMSON, E.F. 1984. First experiences with joint managed forage and
grazing trials. In Farming systems research symposium: Animals in the
farming System (3., 1984, Manhattan, Kansas). Proceedings. F.C.
Butler (Ed.). Kansas State University. Farming Systems Research
Paper No. 6. p. 234-250.
THOMSON, E.F.; BAHHADY, F.A. 1988. A note on the effect of live weight
at mating on fertility of Awassi ewes in semiarid northwest Syria. Animal
Production 47:505-508.
farm trials in northwestern Syria: Testing the feasibility of annual forage
legumes as grazing and as conserved feed. In IDRC-ICARDA
Workshop on livestock on-farm trials. T.L. Nordblom, A.K. Ahmed, G.R.
Potts (Eds.). Ottawa, Canada, International Development Research
Centre. Publication IDRC-242e. p. 209-236.
Raul R. Vera'
Since its beginnings in the late 1970s, farming systems research (FSR)
on ruminant production systems at CIAT has tried to avoid the trap of
believing that diagnosis of problems can substitute for technology
generation. In practice, the opposite may well have been the predominant
case. Based on the assumption, firmly grounded in the empirical
knowledge of highly experienced people, that undernutrition of grazing
ruminants is at the root of poor animal productivity in most of the tropical
American lowlands, technology generation paralleled, and in many
instances preceded, detailed problem identification. In turn, on-farm
research (OFR) attempted to find or define niches for the newly generated
technologies, most of them based on new germplasm, and also
documented unanticipated uses and adaptations of those technologies by
grazers and other users.
The above approach has been conditioned by the fact that in CIAT
research on animal production systems is part of a germplasm program.
Although this characteristic may have constrained and/or biased some of
the FSR activities, the fact that attention was initially concentrated on
systems where ruminant production was the dominant enterprise lessened
the risks of ignoring other significant products as well as interactions
among components of the farming system. On the plus side, it should be
mentioned that this particular organization was probably a determining
factor in keeping FSR activities highly focused. By the same token, both
system diagnosis and on-farm testing of emerging technologies became
institutionalized as an integral part of germplasm evaluation. The
approaches used can best be illustrated by considering two different
' Tropical Pastures Program, International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),
220 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The process of selecting pasture species and mixtures for OFR was
based to a limited extent on locally run small-plot experiments, and to a
much larger extent on information originating in similar agroecological
zones in other countries, available in an extensive data base at CIAT. This
approach clearly illustrates the unplanned, but efficient, interaction between
a highly structured network of agronomic, small-plot experiments promoted
by CIAT throughout the tropical American lowlands and the eventual
selection of germplasm for on-farm testing.
The OFR project is testing the hypothesis that milk production, based
on crossbred cows (Zebu x European breeds), is higher on grass-legume
pastures than on the corresponding grass alone. Due to restrictions on
seed supply and other resources, it was decided initially to establish
relatively small areas (3-6 ha per farm for each type of pasture). This
implies that both the control paddock and the mixture become part of the
normal rotation used by the farmer, generally involving between five and
ten different paddocks. Therefore, the main methodological problem is to
quantify the effect of pasture type on milk yields, since it is confounded
with stage of lactation.
The author believes that the foremost reason is, on the technical side,
the success of some (although not all) of the pasture species introduced.
The successful ones have proved to be persistent despite varying levels
and intensities of management applied by farmers and have generally
shown their resilience in a variety of different microenvironments. Although
the technical results regarding animal production with these pasture
species (as opposed to the controls) have not yet been completely
analyzed, the majority of the admittedly small number of farmers that were
initially exposed to them are convinced that the new species lead to
improved animal productivity, and several have expanded the areas sown
with them. The strong commitment from several of the institutions involved
is undoubtedly the reason for the continuing existence of joint activities.
Perhaps even more important is the existence of committed individuals in
the institutions. The contribution from private industry has been a key
impetus by providing an assured outlet for any foreseeable increase in milk
production, through the provision of some important inputs (veterinary
medicine, mineral supplements, seeds, etc.), and by making technical
assistance available.
As suggested above, even the analysis of milk yield records can cause
difficult methodological problems. Although not the case for Caqueta, milk
yields recorded by both the farmer (voluntarily) and the researcher can be
extremely variable from day to day. An extreme case, from a similar
project in Pucallpa, Peru (also within the Amazon basin), is illustrated for
224 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
a single farm and cow inFig. 1. The variability in this case is extreme and
is probably due to the lack of tradition in the region for milking, the
absence of reliable outlets for the product, and the general lack of
expertise among farmers in managing cattle, even though raising livestock
is an important activity there.
' 1
1 O
MOO/ADP/6> 'PIaiR ij iyy LL
International Centers Experiences 225
The main limitations on the project were essentially two. In the first
place, it was relatively expensive in terms of time and physical resources.
It is doubtful that this exercise would be repeated today, but it made sense
at a time when there was a need to establish the credibility of the
technology proposed, both at the institutional level and outside it. The
project was instrumental in promoting the release of a commercial cultivar,
a legume whose performance on-station was far less impressive than on-
farm (Ferguson et al. 1989), and also focused attention on a grass which
on-station research had rejected due to low nutritional value.
Simultaneously, the project served to direct the attention of on-station
researchers to soil types poorly studied until then.
CIAT has elaborated, and the CGIAR3 system has approved, a new
Strategic Plan for the 1990s, which will have a substantial impact on
FSR/OFR activities. The new plan indicates that the existing germplasm
programs will consolidate around germplasm development and
characterization and will gradually move upstream in these and related
activities. A new division will be created to deal with issues of natural
resource management in three selected agroecosystems of tropical
America, namely, the savannas, humid tropics, and hillsides, with overall
support from a Land Use Program that will deal with larger issues. The
three agroecosystem programs will incorporate systems research that up
to now has been the responsibility of the germplasm programs. This move
should facilitate simultaneous consideration and integration of various and
diverse system components. Nevertheless, it should not be assumed that
the new programs will focus exclusively on highly applied or downstream
THORNTON, P.K.; VERA, J.; VERA. R.R. 1988. Modelo de simulacibn para
los sistemas de produccion de carne en los Llanos Orientales de
Colombia. Pasturas Tropicales 10(1):8-13.
228 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Virgilio R. Carangal'
i Agronomist and Coordinator, Asian Rice Farming Systems Network, International Rice
Research Institute, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines.
Funding for the ARFSN activities comes from different sources. The
coordination unit is funded by the IRRI core budget and IDRC.
Collaborative activities in different countries are mostly funded by the
national agricultural research institutions (NARIs), with some support from
IDRC, USAID, Ford Foundation, the International Fund for Agricultural
Development, the Asian Development Bank and others. Most funding from
the donors is given directly to the country.
Desmanthus is the most promising legume when grown either after rice
both in lowland and upland, as monocrop in the upland, or as a hedgerow
intercropped with food crops. It is now being tested in different sites in the
Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Bangladesh.
Cropping-pattern trials for rice with forage grass were conducted under
rainfed lowland conditions to evaluate forage production after rice using
four forage species. Brachiaria mutica showed the highest forage yield;
rice following the Setaria species gave significantly higher yields, as
compared to the fallow plot.
Dual-purpose food crops were screened for high stable yield and
biomass production. The most promising crops were cowpea, peanut,
mungbean, pigeon pea and sorghum. There were significant differences
between varieties in terms of biomass production. Protein content was
higher in the legume crop residues than in the cereal residues. There was
a positive correlation between biomass and bean yield in peanut and
pigeon pea.
Several varieties of rice were evaluated for forage and grain yield. They
were cut for forage 40 days after transplanting and then allowed to grow
to maturity for grain production. The grain yield of the uncut treatment
was higher, and the difference between the cut and uncut treatments
ranged from 0.7 MT/ha (IR48) to 1.51 MT/ha (fR74). Yields of fresh forage
obtained by cutting the rice plants were from 3.27 to 5.33 MT/ha.
Six forage grasses and five legume species were tested under upland
conditions. Andropogon gayanus gave the highest yield of forage dry
matter (21.6 MT/ha) and Setaria splendida the highest fresh forage yield
(80.6 MT/ha). Among the forage legumes, Desmanthus had the highest
dry matter yield (18.4 MT/ha).
values for dry matter, crude protein, cellulose and energy than the grass-
concentrate mixture. However, animal performance was better when
concentrate was fed because intake of Sesbania was limited by its pungent
odor. The live weight gain and feed efficiency were similar in cattle given
mungbean hay as a supplement to straw and in those supplemented with
Two feeding trials with sheep were conducted to evaluate the feeding
value of Gliricidia in different forms and levels in rations based on rice
straw. In the first trial, fresh and dried Gliricidia leaves given at 0.3 and
0.6% of live weight were compared. Results showed that fresh Gliricidia
supplementation significantly increased the voluntary intake of rice straw;
however, there were no significant differences in average daily gain and
feed efficiency among treatments. In the second trial, an increasing level
of Gliricidia (20, 40, 60 and 80% of the ration), as a replacement for rice
straw, showed a corresponding improvement in dry matter and protein
intake of animals; sheep fed 80% Gliricidia had the highest live weight gain
(54.4 g/day).
corn and other less important crops. Several forage crops were
introduced, but farmers preferred Napier. In 1989, 13 species of fodder
trees were planted in 63 sets of terraces to study the effects of trees on
food crops and fodder yield of trees. A community silvipastured forest was
established in a 5-ha area.
China. There are two key sites in China: Zhenjiang, Jiangsu and
Changping, Beijing. In Changping, 7 ha were planted with triticale, after
rice, to produce silage for dairy cows; the average yield was 30 MT/ha in
1989. A yield trial involving nine triticale varieties showed that the varieties
8-Forage-6, WOH 813-F4, 8-Forage-5 and WOH 59 were better than the
control variety H-1990 in terms of yield and maturity. Economic benefits
from different cropping patterns in the site were monitored; triticale-rice
showed the highest net returns (US$1,025/ha), followed by wheat-maize
for silage (US$553). Farmers within the site increased the area of triticale
to 30 ha in 1990.
and-carry feeding in the evenings. However, it was observed that the more
advanced farmers preferred to grow grass in the upper paddy. Artificial
insemination was also introduced to produce American Brahman grade
cows and Holstein Freisian (heifers for dairy and males for beef
production). Calves were also produced for sale to the Central Plain rice
farmers. The net cash farm income of the animal-based farmer was 100%
higher than crop-animal based farmers and 207% higher than crop-based
farmers. In all groups, the income from animal production was higher than
that from crop production.
The methodology and technology from the activities in Ban Phai were
tested in other locations within the same agroecological zone. Three sites
were selected: a rice-based site in Huaybong, Chaiyaphum; a cassava-
based site in Phonpek, Khon Kaen; and a sugarcane-based site in Dong
Muangam, Khon Kaen.
Site description has already been completed and problems have been
identified. The research activities in the rice-based site included: (1)
introduction of additional feed resources such as fodder trees in upper
paddy land and around the homestead; (2) upland crops after rice for grain
production and crop residue for animal feed (peanut, corn, cowpea and
mungbean); (3) backyard pasture (Ruzi, Guinea and Verano Stylo); (4)
forage crops in rice bunds; (5) intercropping forage crops with fruit trees;
(6) increasing the rice production by growing rice in the fallow land (upper
paddy) using direct seeding techniques; and (7) intercropping rice with
Stylo and prevention of animal diseases.
The results of the study conducted at the Batumarta site showed that
women are involved not only in household activities but also in crop and
animal production, and off-farm and non-farm activities. Besides being
dominantly engaged in household activities, women are also involved in
farm decision making, particularly in poultry, goat husbandry, and
postharvest processing of cassava, soybean, and mungbean. Men, women
and children contribute 58.5, 38.7 and 2.5%, respectively, of the total labor
in food crop production.
Crop residues (rice straw, corn fodder, wheat straw) are the most
abundant animal feed, but their feed quality is very poor. There are several
production systems that can overcome this constraint, based on the
production of forage legumes and grasses. Promising forage crops
include berseem, Stylo, Desmanthus, Siratro, Crotolaria, Italian rye grass,
triticale. Feeding trials have indicated increased weight gains when these
legumes and grasses are used.
Even though very intensive systems using forage grass and legumes
have been found promising in different countries, it is necessary to study
long-term effects of continuous cropping on soil fertility and crop
productivity in various rice ecosystems and soil types.
Sustainability of rice farming will be the major concern in rice and rice-
based farming systems research both by IRRI and the consortium.
Consequently, the IRRI-coordinated networks will work together to promote
the development and evaluation of technologies contributing to the
sustainability of rice farming. One of the networks will focus on identifying
high-yielding rice varieties that will reduce the use of chemical inputs and
increase tolerance to stress; another network will develop nutrient
management systems for sustained productivity using reduced levels of
inorganic fertilizer and increased levels of organic fertilizer for rice and rice-
based farming; a third network will integrate pest management with
minimum chemical inputs and more biological control and other crop
management techniques in rice-based farming systems. ARFSN will
develop more productive and sustainable farming systems by bringing
together technologies identified by the IRRI research programs, consortia,
NARIs, and the three other IRRI networks. The final output should be
small-scale production systems that are technically feasible, biologically
and economically viable, socially and culturally acceptable, and
Manuel E. Ruiz'
In Latin America, as in many other areas of the world, during the 1960s
and early 1970s there was a growing disenchantment with traditional,
discipline-based research as it became more and more evident that much
of the existing technology failed to solve the production problems that
farmers, particularly the smallholder, faced. The mismatch between
technology offer and demand was made even more evident by the so-
called integrated rural development projects such as the Puebla Project in
Mexico (Myren 1971) and the Caqueza Project in Colombia (Zandstra et
al. 1978). The technology generated by the discipline-oriented approach
was seen as being: (1) high-input demanding, (2) labor minimizing, (3) net
income maximizing, (4) unstable, as compared to the technology used by
the farmer, (5) divorced from the social and economic conditions surround-
ing the farmer, (6) inconsistent with the farmer's objectives, (7) hard to
in extension programs, and (8) of little use to policy-makers.
In addition,
no attention had been given to the needs and unique characteristics of the
small farmer by research and/or development programs.
Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition, Coordinator of the Latin American
Research Network for
Animal Production Systems (RISPAL), IICA, 2200 Coronado,
Costa Rica.
CATIE/IDRC Project "Dual-purpose Cattle Production Systems
Using Crop Residues".
246 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
See List of Acronyms and Abbreviations at the and of the book.
for beef cattle, alpacas and sheep. The description of the results obtained
in the Network's nine general meetings, although brief, provides an
indication of the methodological progress achieved, the permeation of the
systems approach in animal production researchers, and the increasingly
interdisciplinary, farmer-linked work being carried out by the member
IDIAP (Panama) Dairy-Beef Feeding Systems Lowland humid tropics and savannahs
CARDI (Guyana) Milk and Dairy-Beef Production Systems Lowland humid tropics
252 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
CE&DAP Centro de Estudios y Desarrollo Agrario del Peru (Peruvian Center for
Agrarian Studies and Development), Peru.
INIAA-L INIAA/IDRC Project "Sistemas de Producci6n de Caprinos." Peru. (ended
in 1988).
RISPAL IICA/IDRC Project "Latin American Research Network for Animal Production
Systems." Costa Rica.
Selecting the
target system
mod of
the system
Partial Problem.
, Rx..roh
prlorm" gfaoMn
on-(rm .nd in
Designing aftematives
models) solutions
& -ant. and
farms. and extension
On-farm evaluation
F Transfer
+ * Improved
Finally, it must be noted that the scheme includes field activities having
to do, on one hand, with the collection of farm data (through rapid rural
appraisals and surveys) and, on the other hand, with transfer of technology
International Centers Experiences 255
methods and techniques, thus providing a template for easy and proper
linkage with development programs, such as has already occurred in
Guatemala and is being considered in Panama.
Training. RISPAL used to offer short courses. These have now been
discontinued due to limited multiplying effect and relatively low retention
and application of knowledge; however, RISPAL lends its support to
projects that organize short courses and seminars. More emphasis is now
being place on hands-on training, based on a planned program that
considers the projects' needs, the host institutions' capabilities and the
network coordinator's insight.
1981 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
Accepting the systems approach was not difficult for researchers, who
saw its principles as logical; in any case, it was necessary to break away
from the traditional scheme with its obvious limitations (Ruiz 1989).
However, the actual implementation of research with a systems approach
proved difficult because of technical and institutional factors.
fields made each individual feel a certain degree of distrust, a fear of losing
leadership within the institution.
Animal production in Latin America and the Caribbean must face the
new challenges concerning the fragility of natural resources and the
deterioration of environmental quality. The agricultural sector is directly
affected by these challenges and, therefore, agricultural research,
development, and education will have to undergo profound changes,
making these activities more ecologically-oriented.
The need to create a data base on land use capacity (or production
potential), determined not just on the basis of ecologically justified
arguments but also on evidence or opportunities for rational use of the
land for production purposes as well as the corresponding
technological requirement.
Instead of taking the farming system as the focal point of research (as
it is at the present time), the researcher would do well to focus directly
on an agroecological zone or ecosystem. This change in focus would
not ignore the farm, since it is the next level in the hierarchical order of
systems (Hart 1979).
Much has been written and said about agricultural sustainability, but
little has been done to translate this concept into concrete research
actions. For this reason, one of the first commitments in the future
264 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Joyce M. Turk'
Ms. J. Turk isa Livestock Specialist in the Bureau for Research and Development, Office
of Agriculture (AID), Washington, D.C. 20523, U.S.A. The views expressed herein are the
author's and not necessarily those of the AID.
270 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Future plans for this project call for improving livestock nutrition by
integrating crop/livestock production systems, by supporting the Malian
government's efforts to privatize veterinary services, and by strengthening
private livestock organizations, initiating policy dialogues, and establishing
a market information system.
To improve production of meat, milk, and fiber from sheep, goats and
camelids, AID initiated the SR-CRSP in 1978. A Title XII grant of
US$41,540,000 projected over a 13-year period has been matched by
participating US institutions providing US$15,559,000 (a matching
equivalent estimated at 37% of the funds provided by AID). Host country
contributions for the same period are estimated to be US$23,857,000.
Looking forward, it appears that AID and other donors must learn a
critical lesson: animal agriculture cannot be dissected from a farming
system without amputating a vital link to economic development at both
the household and national levels.
1 Associate Director, Environment and Natural Resources Division, IDRC. Ottawa, Canada.
4 The authors wish to express their gratitude to Drs. O.B. Smith and B. Kiflewahid for the
data provided to prepare Tables 5 and 6, and Mr. G. Quijandria for the analysis and
preparation of tables and figures; also to Ing. Helen Raij for the review of the manuscript.
280 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Through the years, IDRC has been incorporating the lessons learned
from previous projects, and the scope and coverage of these projects have
been evolving. IDRC has established support to systems research as one
of its top priorities, even while recognizing that most national agricultural
research systems are organized along commodity lines. The role of
networks has been instrumental (1) in creating a critical mass of
researchers following the same objectives and methodologies, (2) as a
forum for the exchange of experiences, and (3) as a source of training and
mutual backup support. The purpose of this document is to present some
of IDRC's experiences in animal production systems research, highlighting
some of the results, the constraints, and the facilitating factors for this kind
of activities; it will also discuss the outlook for systems research from
IDRC's perspectives.
5 PANESA: Pasture Network for Eastern and Southern Africa, ARNAB: African Research
Network for Agricultural By-products.
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 281
Regional differences
1971-1976 1977-1982 1983-1990
and supplementation with sorghum bran to feed cattle during the dry
season. The feeding package was tested on farms with both native and
crossbred cattle. It was found that the milk yield of crossbred animals
more than doubled that of the native cattle (Fig 5.). An economic analysis
has not been done; however, farmers outside the project are showing
interest in these technologies.
60 1
4 0
1 2 3 4 5 E 7 B 0 1 0
The results have been detailed in the projects' annual reports; for the
purpose of this document, only the results of a technology adoption survey
conducted by DIGESEPE are presented. The sample included 200
farmers. Eighty percent reported the use of cut-and-carry forages, mainly
sugar cane; 30%, the use of silage; and 16.5%, the use of leucaena. These
technologies have been promoted by the project (Table 1).
Sugarcane 80
Corn/bean silage 30
Leucaena 16.5
Source: (VITA (1989), and Santhirasegaram et al. (1975) cited by Riesco (1990).
Brachiaria alone 44 80
Kudzu alone 12 28
Natural grasses 22 100
Kudzu associations 20 51
Andean farming systems in Puno, Peru. IDRC, with the financial support
of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), is executing,
jointly with the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agraria y Agroindustrial
(INIAA), a research and development project to improve the well-being of
peasants in five communities in the department of Puno. The department
is in the Peruvian high plateau (Altiplano) bordering Bolivia and is the
poorest in the country. Most of the communities are located at altitudes
over 3,900 meters above sea level. The climatic pattern is erratic.
Droughts, floods, hail, and frosts are common occurrences, making
cropping rather risky except in the more protected areas surrounding Lake
Titicaca where a more benign microclimate prevails. Livestock production
is very important in most communities; cattle and minor species are raised
in the lower altitude areas and sheep and South American camelids at
higher altitudes. The project made a full characterization of the different
communities, leading to an excellent understanding of the tremendously
complex systems from the ecological, biological, economic, and social
points of view. The project also conducted considerable research on
components, especially in crops, pastures, and animal production.
Simulation models were also designed and validated for alpaca, sheep,
cattle and potatoes. Training and development activities were also
conducted. A rotational seed fund was established with approximately 200
ha of seed nurseries of the main Andean crops and pastures. .
Institutional strengthening
Level of training
Africa 5 7 8
Asia -- 2 60
1 in person-months
Network development
Network in Asia which was started in the mid-1970s, and which later
became the ARFSN. The oldest network specifically addressing animal
production systems research is RISPAL. IDRC also finances RIMISP in
Latin America for the development of farming systems methodology. The
African Feed Resources Network (AFRNET), based on two other networks
that were supported by IDRC (PANESA and ARNAB), is coordinated by
ILCA and supported by IDRC. The main emphasis of AFRNET is the
development of adequate feeding systems for ruminants; however, a
systems approach and a strong emphasis on on-farm testing is followed.
In Asia, IDRC recently agreed to support the Small Ruminant Production
Systems Network for Asia (SRUPNA). The number of countries and
institutions involved, as well as the participating researchers is included in
Table 6.
Systems networks
Systems-related networks
projects are seldom utilized, and valuable feedback opportunities are lost.
The need for impact and the scarcity of available resources demand a
more efficient linkage between research and development.
Human resources
and conduct its own research. This, of course, is not the only alternative;
what to recommend depends on the situation of the different countries and
the objectives of the different institutions.
The field data collection is organized to insure a proper and rapid flow
of information from the flocks to the centralized data management
operator. Data validity is checked before entering the data base. In
Senegal, three areas have been under study in different ecozones since
1984. In each site, more than 1,000 sheep and 1,000 goats are
permanently monitored.
female per year, thus avoiding the bias which would appear with methods
based on a single enumeration. The establishment of relationships
between health status and flock productivity allows for new epidemiological
research developments on chronic and subchronic diseases. The
economic data base allows the translation of the biological flock
performances into monetary terms and the ex-ante analysis of the
interventions proposed in the diagnostic stage.
Landais and Faugere (1990) argue that such a research system is not
justified for monitoring less than 1000 heads of a given species per
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 303
The same authors observed that meaningful results for small ruminants
could be obtained with three to five years of monitoring, which allowed
compensation for high environmental variability.
The farming systems of the area were characterized during the first
phase of the project (1983-1986). An environmentally adapted, dual-
purpose cattle production system was being.used in small- and middle-
sized farms. The diagnosis of such a system provided important clues for
improving its productivity.
Or Franc CFA, a monetary unit (Communautr Francophone Africaine).
The set up of on-farm monitoring is expensive (identification of farmers and animals,
training of enumerators, etc.). To be acceptable, such costs should be spread over
several years of monitoring.
Over the years, such a comparison can also be carried out to analyze
the evolution of the system and the ex-post, effect of the innovations. The
methods which have been developed will lead to a national network of
reference farms in Venezuela.
Many other research methods have been used to look at the diversity
of livestock systems at different levels of analysis, in addition to the
succession of diagnostic and experimentation phases described in this
paper. For example, multivariate and cluster analyses have been used
extensively to define farm types (Cervantes et al. 1986; Salas et al. 1986);
they have proved very useful to researchers and policy makers for
understanding the diversity of farmers' objectives, constraints,
performances, and needs.
typologie des elevages bovins de I'etat de Colima au Mexique:
premiere etape du diagnostic. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine
Veterinarie des Pays Tropicaux 39 (1): 21-28.
Gunter Kleemann'
GTZ, Postfach 5180, 65726 Eschborn, Germany.
310 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The experiences of GTZ projects over the last decades lead to the
conclusion that existing animal production systems must be considered in
all their complexity and that intensification or change can only take place
after the main limiting factors have been determined. It became clear that
the understanding of production systems with their weak and strong points
is an essential requirement for successful project work and that criteria of
success should be not only economic ones but should also include
sustainability, as well as social and ecological compatibility. This is in
conformity with the principle of German development policy that considers
the human being as the focus of its objectives (Grosse-Herrenthey 1991).
The types of support BMZ and GTZ are offering to APSR are of broad
variance. They can be subdivided into two groups: (1) support given by
the BMZ/GTZ headquarters and (2) support given through a specific
project. In any case, such research is normally financed from project
funds and conducted in cooperation with national or international research
institutes. Another minor source of financing can be GTZ funds proper.
The activities promoted by GTZ in APSR have had positive and multiple
results at all levels. Most important seems to be the rising awareness of
all participants involved of the importance of research and development
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 319
Some of the constraints are internal to GTZ and are related to the fact
that research is usually considered a side activity in a typical development-
oriented project. Under these conditions time, human resources, and
funding become even more limiting factors. Moreover, traditional projects
and research approaches focusing on just one or two components of
animal production are still quite common, creating an inappropriate
environment for research with a systems perspective.
As in many other cases, there are fewer factors facilitating activities than
there are constraining them. Still, these are the most important ones when
it comes to assessing the potentials and future of research in animal
production systems. First of all, GTZ's growing interest in and awareness
of tropical farming systems research has been essential in achieving the
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 321
existing level of participation and the results obtained. Equally decisive has
been the personal interest shown by all participants in this process, such
as farmers, students, researchers, and extension workers. The feedback
originated has resulted in increased motivation and creativity and a better
understanding of each others' needs and expectations, facilitating future
work as well as improving results and project efficiency.
Netherlands. (Abstract).
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 323
S.; SCHUCHT, M. 1987. Sistemas de producci6n agropecuarios en
dos zonas del sur del Ecuador. Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs No.
103, Seminar fur LandwirtschaflicheEntwicklung, Technische Universitat
Berlin. 351 p.
CHAVARRIA, F.; DIAKITE, B. 1979. Goat production in low income
economic units of selected areas in West-Malaysia. Technische
Universitat Berlin. Reihe: Studien Nr. IV/27, Seminar fur
Landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung. 179 p.
324 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
WENIGER, J.H. 1988. Agricultural research for the tropics and subtropics:
Current projects of research institutes in the Federal Republic of
Germany. Berlin, ICT-International Cooperation and Transfer GmbH,
German Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research
(ATSAF). 741 p.
Johannes B. Schiere''2
Department of Tropical Animal Production, Agricultural University Wageningen, P.O. Box
338, 6700 Wageningen, The Netherlands.
2 This paper could not have been written without the interaction with numerous unnamed
farmers, farm workers, students, scientists, teachers, and extension counterparts from all
over the world. Special thanks are due to many colleagues from The Netherlands for
supplying and checking much of the information in this paper in this paper.
328 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Agriculturists in the former Dutch colonies recognized the need for FSR
well before World War 11, as reviewed by Fresco (1986). APSR was done
by government veterinarians like Kok (1921), Aalfs (1934), Hoekstra (1948),
Huitema (1982) and Merkens (1982), in a descriptive but not necessarily
participatory form.
The early Dutch interest in various aspects of FSR persists (Fresco 1986;
Fresco and Wesphal 1988; Vereijken 1992; Stroosnijder and Rheenen 1993),
with attention to APSR by Korver and Arendonk (1988), Osinga (1990) and
Roeleveld (1995). Continued interest in APSR/FSR could indicate the
relevance of the core concepts. More realistically, it is also due to the fact
that the term farming systems is a convenient umbrella under which to
justify a host of activities. Shifts of emphasis are natural and likely to
occur. The increased emphasis on sustainability of livestock production
represents such a shift of attention.
definitions of APSR and FRS are still unclear, which means that working
definitions not caught up in semantics are still required
most of the work is done with counterparts from all over the world; to
claim these experiences as "Dutch" is presumptuous, to say the least
This article reviews only issues that are specific for APSR; issues that are
general for FSR are not discussed. Gender issues in livestock develop-
ment are important but will be dealt with by Leesberg (1995) in the present
Proceedings of the Global Workshop on Animal Production Systems. In
this same publication, a case study of Dutch APSR/FSR in the tropics is
discussed by Roeleveld (1995). Dutch involvement in participatory work
is best reviewed in ILEIA (1991).
veterinary sciences, are indispensable for the following phases. The work
of Staring fits best in C1, but could not have been done without A and B.
The work of the colonial veterinarians, mentioned in the Introduction, fits
best in A and C1. The stages C1 through C5 are a personal interpretation
of farming systems research and extension (FSR/E) (Knipscheer and De
Boer, personal communication).
animal production studies for Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali (Breman et
al. 1990; Keulen and Breman 1990)
program" for crop and livestock production. Later on, the focus changed
to improvement of production conditions (drainage and irrigation), training,
and community development. The livestock-development program aimed
to improve the productivity of cattle, sheep, and alpaca at a small farmer
level. Applied research was done for improvement and redefinition of the
program on issues like those listed below:
a system and its dynamics and for discussion of the effects of inter-
ventions. Some interventions proved to be disastrous after a number of
years, and processes which were disregarded in periods of stability
appeared to become important when the system became unstable. Due
to lack of data, it was difficult to validate the model properly. The model
should therefore not be considered as a tool for prediction but rather as
a tool for a better understanding of the system and for identifying research
questions that are relevant to the solution of problems in the area (Struif
Bontkes 1991).
The topics discussed below are limited to issues that are specific for the
livestock sector in APSR/FSR and follow the sequence of the operational
phases shown in Table 1. The difficulty of poor reporting of informal field
APSR/FSR experiences is overcome to some extent by informal interviews
with colleagues and the inclusion of much "grey" literature. Wherever
possible, reference is given to the most recent literature on the subject.
338 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Livestock can, within limits, adjust their metabolism to the type and level
of feeding, making it difficult to set a specific production level as an
objective in optimization programs. High individual production levels are
not synonymous with high yie:ds per unit area or farm income (Schiere
and Wit 1993).
Unfortunately, the use of models suffers from either one of two maladies:
strategic decisions that consider the design and concept of the entire
farm in the long term
operational decisions, that accept the farm as given but study the effect
of day-to-day decisions.
The final objective of a pilot unit may be that the farmer eventually
adopts the concept with his or her own modifications. But the purpose of
the unit is not lost when the farmer takes only certain aspects of a set of
recommendations, such as better dung collection, a better feeder design,
or other roof material. Pilot units can give only a very rough estimate on
labor needs, farm economy, etc., because at best they approach, but never
equate, actual conditions and the system variability is too large to study
with only a few, if any, replicates. Pilot units are not meant to be static
models, but should be constantly modified to include suggestions from
farmers, extensionists, and scientists.
Much of what has been said about on-station testing also applies to on-
farm testing. This phase cannot be discussed without considering the type
of message that is being delivered (Schiere 1993). A vaccination needs
much less demonstration than a new way of growing fodder or processing
milk. In Sri Lanka the urea-ammonia treatment of straw was tested
extensively on-farm with the presence of both farmer and extensionist; the
"problem" was that farmers asked about the milk price and the artificial
insemination service, which implied that either the message did not appeal
to them, that this message would only benefit them if other problems were
also solved, that farmers pretended to accept the message as a way to
obtain additional favors, or that the farmers were satisfied with the method,
but thought it was wore important to continue with other problems.
Besides choosing farmers with the proper position in the community, the
message to be demonstrated or farm-tested should be in harmony with the
supply and demand conditions of the farming system in question.
344 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Extension of results
APSR has not generated the spectacular results of the Green Revolution.
This does not mean that results are not there (Schiere 1993). The problem
is that much extension effort is wasted because of ill-conceived
government programs which try to cover the whole country with messages
that are highly farming-system specific in nature, but have not been
developed on the basis of APSR/FSR (Schiere 1993). While a lack of
APSR/FSR is more likely to cause failure than too much APSR/FSR,
elaborate APSR/FSR takes too much time for impatient donors and
recipient governments. The extensionist should be prepared to accept
unexpected impacts; for example, a project has not failed when the
farmers obtain a higher price for a crossbred than for the milk (R.K. Patel,
personal communication 1991), and a project aimed at the treatment of
straw should consider it an achievement if people stop burning straw and
consider it as feed more than they did previously. When the problems are
complex, APSR/FSR may not provide answers because there are no
simple solutions to the problems.
Some examples of research results that eventually reach the farmers are
given by Schiere (1993) and include (whether or not based on explicit use
the use of biogas, straw treatment, and dairy housing in Sri Lanka
(subsidized) (SLNLDP)
Neither extension nor research can put their priorities right without a
better understanding of systems. A lesson from blueprint livestock projects
is that livestock development cannot be undertaken isolated from
environmental concern. Livestock will probably become a more integrated
part of future farming systems where crop residues will play an increasingly
important role as livestock feed.
Modeling is an imperfect, but useful aid for planning extension work and
setting research priorities. The lack of field data and production factors
should discourage the development of sophisticated software except for
basic research. Simple but versatile standard software that allows for
sensitivity analysis can cope sufficiently with problems of development
ALBERDA, Th. 1984. Production and water use of several food and fodder
crops under irrigation in the desert area of Southwestern Peru.
Wageningen, The Netherlands, PUDOC, Agricultural Research Report
928. 50 p.
AYYAN, M.A.; KEULEN, H. VAN. 1987. Mariut- Project, Final Report Sub-
mitted to DGIS. CABO, Wageningen, The Netherlands. 80 p.
DURNING, A.B.; BROUGH, H.B. 1991. Taking stock: Animal farming and
the environment. WorldWatch Paper 103 (ISBN. 1-878071-04-1).
IBRAHIM, M.N.M.; SCHIERE, J.B. (Eds). 1986. Rice straw and related
feeds in ruminant rations. Proceedings of an international workshop,
Kandy, Sri Lanka, March 24-28, 1986. Kandy, Sri Lanka, Straw Utilization
Project. Wageningen, The Netherlands, Agricultural University,
Department of Tropical Animal Production. Publication No. 2. 407 p.
350 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
NELL, A.J. 1986. Feed cost in different farming systems. In Rice straw
and related feeds in ruminant rations. Proceedings of an international
workshop, Sri Lanka, 24-28 March 1986. M.N.M. Ibrahim, J.B. Schiere
(Eds.). Kandy, Sri Lanka, Straw Utilization Project. p. 326-336.
PRONK, J. 1990. Een wereld van verschil, nieuwe leaders voor ontwikke-
lingssamenwerking in de jaren negentig. (A world of difference, new
frameworks for development cooperation in the nineties). The Hague,
The Netherlands, Government Printers and Publishers. 385 p.
SCHIERE, J.B.; WIT, J. DE. 1993. Feeding standards and feeding systems
(a review). Animal Feed Science and Technology 43:121-134.
SMITH, O.B.; BOSMAN, H.G. (Eds.). 1988. Goat production in the humid
tropics. Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Ife. Ile-Ife,
Nigeria, 20-24 July, 1987. Wageningen, The Netherlands, PUDOC. 187
STOMPH, T.J.; FRESCO, L.O.; KEULEN, H. VAN. 1994. Land use system
evaluation: Concepts and methodology. Agricultural Systems 44:243-
YAR (YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC). 1989. List of titles of range and livestock
improvement project communications with abstracts. Dhamar, Yemen
Arab Republic, RLIP/Amersfoort-Leersum, The Netherlands, DHV-RIN.
15 p.
A. Roeleveld'
are shared by the different programs but also because they have, as
different as the topics may appear, a common denominator which
repeatedly proves critical in adaptive research: priority setting.
FSR/D teams face a difficult task; the research area is often large and
very heterogeneous, creating numerous possibilities for agricultural
(livestock) research. Choices have to be made as to what research
themes to address, what methods to apply and how to organize the
research. The four issues presented in this paper are discussed in this
Table 1. Characteristics of the research area and the livestock section of 4 FSR/D
programs in Africa
Research area
(103 km2) 126 96 20 4
No. of agroecological
zones 3 3 4 5
Average annual
rainfallb (mm) 760-1,140 600-1,200 700-2,000 1,000-2,000
Average population
density (cap/km2) 3-5 15-50 49-56 19-215
Farming systems mixed mixed mixed mixed
Major livestock
species cattle cattle, sheep, cattle, sheep goats
Program livestock
o staff 2 3 - 2
u technicians 1 2 1 1
The programs are only identified by their acronyms or short names.
The range in different agroecological zones is given.
` Locally, much higher densities may occur; e.g., 100 cap/km2 along rivers and floodplains in Zambia, and
200-500 cap/km2 in Tanzania.
" Does not include fieldworkers.
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 357
FSR/D teams can succeed only if they develop a coherent and well-
focused research program. This requires strategic decision making with
regard to client groups, priority zones, and research/development themes.
Two factors that have proved to be important when making strategic
choices, or setting priorities, are discussed below.
In recent years several programs have noted the imbalance between the
time spent on field work and the time spent on the preparation, analysis,
and reporting of the trials and surveys. To solve this problem, in-service
training courses have been organized in several programs. Training
modules have been developed to facilitate these courses. More attention
has also been given to the discussions of trial results and to the
formulation of new research proposals with the participation of the teams
working in the villages, the on-station research centers, and the
extension/development organizations. So far, results have been
Linkages with other services and research centers have been improved,
resulting in: (1) improved dissemination of tested technologies, (2)
monitoring of the impact of the disseminated technologies, and (3)
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 359
c Fieldwork 24 24-48 18
t. Analysis, reporting 4 10 5
With respect to the survey design, the research programs observed four
different aspects which merit particular attention:
Data gathering in all three cases (Table 2) was very labor intensive and
time consuming for field workers as well as for staff. Consequently, for
a long time (two to three years), relatively few on-farm experiments were
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 361
Time and skills required for data processing and analysis were often
Although the gap between what needs to be done and what has been
achieved is likely to widen, the sustainability issue should not be
considered as a "fatal attraction" to FSR/D programs. Moreover, as
illustrated above, FSR/D programs have no choice but to address the
sustainability issue. Rather, the question is how and to what extent. Not
all programs can nor should immediately embark upon a full-fledged land
management endeavor. However, ongoing and new research themes
should explicitly address the possible medium- to long-term impact of
technology on the environment, and the question of whether technology
should be accompanied by other technical, economic or organizational
measures in order to become (or remain) environmentally sound. An
interesting, difficult subject in animal production is the impact of
supplementary feeding (nitrogen supplementation) in the dry season on the
exploitation rate of rangeland.
The most complicated research focus is the one that looks into the
natural resource management of an entire village. This comprises both
arable and rangeland, and takes into account the different forms of
exploitation (crop and animal production, wood collection) of these
resources, whether by the villagers themselves or by "outsiders."
Bush fires, soil and rangeland degradation, and forestry services taxes
After almost two years, the changes in the use and management of the
land consisted mainly of a reduction of the pressure exerted by
nonresidents. Due to legislative restrictions, residents cannot forbid
nonresidents to graze their animals on the land used by the six villages.
Important achievements have been made in the organization of the users
(i.e., villages) and the supporting services, as well as in the cooperation of
services and local administrative and political authorities. It is too early yet
to expect any changes in the actual manner and intensity of land
exploitation by the villagers themselves. Hunter and Weaver (1991),
synthesizing 11 years of experience with a rangeland management area in
Lesotho, concluded that the exclusion of nonresident cattle is one of the
few tangible results as far as intensive land exploitation is concerned.
Creativity will be required in looking for ways to increase the productivity
of good arable land and decrease exploitation of crop and rangeland. To
this end, the adaptive research team should provide the necessary
information to decide on the required socioeconomic, institutional, and
legislative conditions for improved land use.
1 Damage to
Overgrazing erosion control
Preliminary results of the southern Mali case study led to the following
Exchange of, and building upon, experiences with new issues and
approaches are considered important tools to improve the performance
and efficiency of research programs. The KIT Agricultural Development
Program has started a project that will capitalize on the experience gained
by other FSR/D programs it has supported. The programs containing the
animal production component have helped in the design of methodology
in three areas: (1) diagnostic research with particular attention to the role
of monitoring surveys, (2) the role of improved fallow, and (3) priority-
setting with respect to research on crop-livestock interactions.
Donor Experiences and Perspectives 369
HIJKOOP, J.; VAN DER POEL, P.; KAYA, B. 1991. Une lutte de longue
haleine... amenagements anti-erosifs et gestion de terroir. lnstitut
d'Economie Rurale (Bamako, Mali), lnstitut Royal des Tropiques
(Amsterdam, Pays Bas). Systemes de Production Rurale au Mali, Vol.
2. 154 p.
Livestock are blamed for both their direct and indirect negative impact
on the environment. Repetto (1987), a senior economist at the World
Resources Institute, states over 70% of the Third World's rangelands are
now moderately or severely desertified" and that an indirect negative effect
of the livestock sector on the environment has occurred because
"governments, especially in Latin America, have offered generous fiscal and
financial support" (to the livestock sector). He concludes that this has
reduced agricultural employment opportunities and increased cropping
pressures, which "aggravates soil erosion and losses in soil fertility."
' Executive Director of INFORM, 611 Siegfridals Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530, USA.
2 Director of the International Division, Rodale Institute, 611 Siegfridals Rd., Kutztown, PA
19530, USA.
374 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
in this paper, that livestock systems can play an important role in the
development of more sustainable land-use systems. This paper is
organized as follows: first, the concept of a sustainable land-use system is
defined; examples of different constraints to sustainability are identified; the
potential role of livestock technology to ameliorate sustainability constraints
is discussed; and finally, the potential contribution of livestock systems to
the development of sustainable land-use systems is analyzed.
While farming is only one type of agriculture (forestry and ranching are
two other types), the examples discussed in this paper will be farm-
oriented. The concept of a "sustainable land-use system" and the graphic
representation of the concepts used in this paper evolved from a workshop
on this topic sponsored by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the
United States Department of Agriculture, and the Rodale Research Center
(Hart and Sands 1990).
The farm system in the diagram depicted in Fig. 1 interacts with the
socioeconomic environment through the purchase of inputs (seed, fertilizer,
etc.) and the sale of outputs (e.g., grain, employment of family labor off-
farm). It interacts with the biophysical environment through the
degradation of natural resources caused by some farm outputs (pesticides,
manure) and through the use of resources (such as water and nutrients)
as inputs for farm production processes.
Research to develop sustainable land-use systems requires explicit
consideration of all the farm/environment relationships depicted in Fig. 1.
Inputs or farm technologies that do not negatively affect the environment,
but are not economically viable, will not be adopted by farmers. The
development of economically viable systems that degrade the resource
base to the point that natural-resource productivity decreases cannot
sustain system production longer than society is willing to subsidize it by
purchasing external inputs. Extensive production systems that are
managed in such a way that their production exceeds the productivity of
the natural resource bases (e.g., cutting forest faster than a forest can
produce trees) may be economically viable in the short run, but the income
produced by these systems is, in effect, being borrowed from future
376 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Inputs do
I pests &
diseases 1C
v Aquatic
i \ar
Release of biocontrol
Species-specific pesticides
Decrease use of
higher-value crops and
Improved postharvest
More heterogeneous
Changes in government
380 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
It is customary to end this type of paper with a call for more research.
Given both the important, potentially positive role for livestock in the
development of sustainable land-use systems and the potentially negative
impact from introducing unpredictable changes, the call for more research
in this case is more than a traditional conclusion; it is a demand on the
384 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Corinne Valdivia'
The author was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate of the Small Ruminant Collaborative
Research Support Program (SR-CRSP), University of Missouri-Columbia (UMC) and
Winrock International when this paper was paper was presented at the Animal
Production Systems Global Workshop, Costa Rica, September, 1991. The constructive
comments of Domingo Martinez and Jere L. Gilles at UMC on an earlier draft of this
paper, are much appreciated.
386 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
After the failure of the belief that technology was readily available and
only needed to be transferred, the farming systems approach was adopted
to develop more appropriate technologies or innovations. It has become
widely recognized that innovations are transferred successfully only if the
system and its external effects are well understood. FSR has been
successful at understanding the interactions within a system and also at
developing new alternatives that require an additional commitment of
If the external conditions that impact the system, such as markets and
government policies are unfavorable, producers will not be willing to adopt
these innovations. These conditions must be modified in order for the
adoption to take place. Thus, it is important to take the external factors
into account because rational producers observe their effects when
adoption decisions are made.
This paper describes how higher hierarchy systems are introduced and
used for policy impact assessment in small-ruminant production. The
macroeconomic environment and its influence on policy formulation is
discussed first. The economies of several Latin American countries are
moving towards free trade and market-oriented policies that will eliminate
the distorting effect of government intervention on factor prices, such as
interest rates, wages, and exchange rates; the impact of this movement is
2 The term exchange rate in this paper corresponds to the amount of domestic currency
paid for each US dollar. An overvaluation of the exchange rate occurs when the
domestic currency is overvalued or overpriced: more dollars can be bought with a set
amount of local currency.
Macro prices are the prices of factors set for the economy as a whole. These are prices
determined by the macroeconomy, and sometimes by the government through policies
affecting the interest rate, exchange rate, and wage rate (especially the minimum wage
New Issues 389
because the exchange rate has remained fixed despite inflation. This
overvaluation of the domestic currency with respect to the dollar, and not
its fluctuation,. has undermined domestic commodity-market policies.
As Reardon (1984) and Gardner (1987) stated for the Peruvian policy of
the 1980s, the budgetary outlays for subsidies, such as for urban food, can
impose significant pressures on national debt payments. Overvalued
exchange rates make imports cheap. The presence of currency controls,
import tariffs and barriers, and allocation of foreign exchange to preferred
importers indicate the existence of an overvalued national currency.
Overvalued exchange rates act as implicit taxes on agriculture because
internal prices received by farmers must be low to compete with cheap
imports. Thus, the terms of trade are unfavorable for agricultural
producers. The prices of nontraded goods are relatively high compared
with the prices of food and imported goods.
4 Sector is defined as a group of markets that are interrelated through supply and demand
of outputs and inputs; the small ruminant sector of Peru includes sheep producers, the
textile industry and the meat processing industry of both sheep and South American
camelids (i.e., more than one market).
New Issues 391
This type of analysis does not take into account the impact on related
markets that a policy distortion introduces, such as the changes in demand
for inputs, and the input prices. Because these linkages to other markets
are ignored, the final effects on the output prices, that are used as a
reference for welfare or cost-benefit analysis, are overestimated, unless
there are abundant input supplies such that an increase in demand will not
change the input prices (De Janvry and Sadoulet 1987; Hertel and Tsigas
1988). Partial equilibrium analysis is appropriate when the supply of inputs
is unlimited, hence costs will not change and the output supply curve will
remain the same (Just et al. 1982; Gardner 1987; Hertel and Tsigas 1988).
General equilibrium analysis, on the other hand, takes into account all
the market interrelations. The supply and demand of outputs and inputs,
as well as all the resource constraints and flow of payments to factors are
considered. Consumption and savings as well as taxes and government
expenditures (e.g., subsidies) are considered relevant to the economic
cycle. This approach takes into account the relations between industry
and agriculture, and allows for analysis of welfare and income redistribution
between social classes. With this approach, De Janvry and Sadoulet
(1987) identified social classes by type of consumption goods that they
purchased, and the price change of these goods were used to calculate
the impact on their real income.
Hertel and Tsigas (1988) stated that the benefits of computable general
equilibrium models are theoretical consistency, accounting consistency,
treatment of interindustry effects, welfare analysis and view of the total or
global economy. It explains how the economy as a whole has an impact
on agriculture and vice versa. This approach is appropriate for aggregate
Multimarket analysis
If products are tradeable, which means that they are traded in the
international market (either imported or exported), any government policy
that affects the exchange rate will have an impact on producers. Any
policy used by the government to promote exports or to promote or
control the importation of products competing with the ones being
produced in these markets will also influence producers.
Another factor to take into account is the production function at the farm
level. In the case of sheep in the Peruvian highlands, meat and wool are
jointly produced. Another important output as a source of fertilizer and
energy is manure. In the case of meat and wool, a multimarket system
approach is appropriate because the effects of policy and technological
innovations filter through the system, making it possible to assess the
impact of both final markets on producers. If retail meat prices fall, there
will be consequences at the producer level that will also affect the textile
industry because meat and wool are jointly produced.
monopolists due to the size of the local markets. When this happens, the
gains from trade go to the importers and consumers, while revenues of
domestic producers drop.
the equations that define all interrelated markets are identified, as well
as the markets' equilibrium conditions, then a set of simultaneous
equations can be derived. In these equations, endogenous and exogenous
variables are identified, and parameters such as cost shares at the industry
level, elasticity coefficients of processing technology, and market shares
(domestic and international) are used to simulate alternative production
scenarios. An increase of production of farm inputs (exogenous) is
introduced into the system to capture its effect on the use of those inputs
and on prices received by farmers. If two or more commodities are jointly
produced, as sheep meat and wool, they both must be taken into account
to predict the effects on all markets.
New Issues 395
In the Peruvian Andes, a large part of the rural population raises small
ruminants. Sheep, alpacas and llamas are raised in agropastoral and
pastoral peasant communities, and some production cooperatives that
remain from the agrarian reform of 1969. These peasant producers have
been largely forgotten by governments in their development plans. Only
25% were commercial producers5 (members of the production
cooperatives). The peasant producers trade their products whose value
is influenced by market conditions.
A first step in the formulation of policy is to understand the role and the
importance of the sector being analyzed within the economy and politics
of a country. Governments try to maximize their income and invest in
those sectors that respond most quickly. They also try to maintain their
political stability investing in those areas that will help achieve this goal.
Policy becomes effective when the governments have a possibility of
gaining from it. To implement policies that will develop or at least protect
the producers' income, it is important to show how the government
benefits from these policies. The rural population has the disadvantage of
not being able to exercise political pressure at the government level,
therefore their interests are rarely defended. An alternative way to attain
398 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
political stability in the rural areas (while favoring rural farmers and
deferring impoverishment) is through increasing foreign exchange reserves
by increasing exports of wool and alpaca fiber, and reducing imports of
meat. In the short run, an easy way out of food scarcity is imports, which
directly compete with domestic production. In many cases, due to an
exchange rate overvaluation, imports become inexpensive and this will put
products of rural areas at a competitive disadvantage, thus contributing to
The peasant communities sell part of their wool to the middlemen, and
sell meat to the local markets. In agropastoral communities, a portion of
both wool and meat are sold locally. Government intervention at the
producer level consists of redistribution of pastures from cooperatives to
peasant communities. Export taxes and quantity controls on wool mainly
affect the price-responsive producers.
Food policy impacts the meat market. The policies adopted by the
government to increase imports and satisfy the national demand, while
keeping prices low, have discouraged domestic producers.
Simultaneously, the textile industry has been favored by protectionist
policies that forced producers to sell the wool and alpaca fiber to the
domestic industry. Food and industrial policy impact on the farmer,
discouraging production.
The joint nature of wool and meat production implies that the retail meat
and the textile markets are not independent; therefore, policies formulated
for one market will have an impact on the other. In general, given the
substitution of inputs in industry, and the response of supply and demand,
a policy that increases the demand of one product (meat or textiles), be
it domestic or international, increases the price of that farm product and
decreases the price of the other farm product with which it is jointly
produced. This drop in the price of the second farm output takes place
because there is an increase of its supply, while its demand stays the
New Issues 401
same, thus driving the price down. Nevertheless, all policy simulations
show an increase in the average revenue to farmers (taking into account
both meat and textiles) when the increase in production is demand-driven.
income changes. The demand response to price of retail sheep meat was
estimated at -1.16, which means that if meat prices fall off 1 %, demand will
increase by 1.16 percent.
6 The price of sheep was not available. Weighted estimates of real prices of meat and
wool (based on prices from 1970 to 1987) were used to estimate the supply response.
A one-year lag was included that was significant. For a review of sheep supply
elasticities, see Valdivia (1990).
New Issues 403
which controls the import licenses. If imports of meat fall, the retail and
producer price of sheep meat will not decrease as much as with the fixed
quota. In other words, an increase in the domestic supply must be
accompanied by a reduction of the meat import quota to avoid a sharp fall
of sheep output prices.
Government policies over the last 20 years have had a negative impact
on sheep production; both wool and meat production have declined
according to official statistics. There have been two land tenure changes
in the last twenty years. During the 1970s, an agrarian reform turned the
large sheep-producing estates into cooperatives; following this, a
restructuring process, originated by peasant land invasions, destroyed
many of the cooperatives and their commercial production capacity in
southern Peru. There have been only two policies specifically aimed at
sheep producers: an export tax on raw wool throughout the 1970s and
1980s and a policy implemented during the 1980s to prohibit the export of
raw wool until domestic demand was satisfied, while prohibiting the
importation of raw wool.
Meat policies. During the 1970s and 1980s, two meat policies, opposite
in nature, directly affected the retail market but not the farm; these were
the rationing of red meats during the 1970s, and imports to satisfy the
domestic demand during the 1980s. These two different approaches had
the same goal: to keep consumer prices low and stable. A subsidized
exchange rate for meat imports was crucial for reaching this objective
under the second policy. The subsidy was roughly 50% of the value of the
exchange rate in national currency.
New Issues 405
Real meat prices did not increase during this period. Because prices
were stable, real income grew in 1986 and 1987, and imports increased
significantly to satisfy the demand in Lima. However, poultry is the only
meat industry that grew in the last 20 years because imported inputs have
been subsidized. Thus, poultry became the most important source of meat
in the country. The price of sheep meat relative to poultry was kept lower
than the relative beef-poultry price. While Lima's consumption grew at a
rapid rate in the late 1980s, officially recorded sheep slaughter fell
drastically, indicating the substitution of imported sheep meat for domestic
The price paid to producers for wool increased from the mid-1970s to
the beginning of the 1980s, as the international market expanded, and then
fell during the early 1980s recession. New export incentives and the real
income growth of the mid-1980s increased both the demand for wool
textiles and the real price of wool. A steady demand for wool, combined
with the importation of sheep meat, increased the importance of wool (as
compared to meat) in the revenue of producers, although the total real
revenue was lower.
Two scenarios were modeled: one with government quotas for retail
meat imports, which established a wedge between the domestic and
international price; the other with free trade in both textiles and meat, with
retail prices determined by the international market. A quota on meat
imports reflected government policy throughout the 1980s, while free trade
and promotion of market-oriented policies is the new policy of the 1990s.
Table 1. Free trade of textiles when sheep meat import quotas exist Effects of reducing
meat import quota by 1% or increasing income, price of poultry, feed
availability and textile price, also by 1 %1
Policy action
Textile market
Retail demand = + _
Retail supply + + + + +
Exports + - + + +
Other input quantity + + + + +
Other input price + + + + +
Wool demand + + + + +
Wool price - - - - +
Meat market
Retail demand - + + + +
Retail supply + + + + +
Meat price + + + - -
Carcass price + + + - -
Carcass quantity + + + + +
Other quantity + + + + +
Other input price + + + + +
Farm producers
Sheep herd + + + + +
Sheep revenue + + + 3 +
1 A positive sign (+) indicates increase in value; a negative sign (-) indicates a decrease, and an equal sign
2 (_) indicates no change.
3 Best outcome.
Revenue fall greater than production increase
New Issues 407
When import quotas increase, as they did in 1986 and 1987, consumers
and importers benefit and sheep producers are worse off. Given the data
and the setting of the simulation model, price or revenue per sheep fell
.51 % for each 1 % increase of the import quota, and numbers of sheep
increased .06% (Valdivia 1990). Wool production fell and its price rose
.01 % during the late 1980s scenario. Different elasticities of substitution for
the textile and meat industries were used under the assumption that
substitution of inputs is greater in textile production than in meat
Table 2. Free trade in meat and textiles markets: Effects of a 1% increase in the price
of meat, textiles, feed availability, income and the exchange rate devaluation
Textile market
Retail demand
Retail supply
Other input quantity
Other input price
Wool demand
Wool price
Meat market
Retail demand + + -
Retail supply + + + _ + +
Imports - - - + - -
Wholesale meat quantity + + + _ + +
Wholesale meat price + _ + +
Other input quantity + + + _ + +
Other input prices + + + _ + +
Farm producers
Sheep herd + + + _ + +
Sheep price + - + _ + +
A positive sign (+) Indicates increase in value; a negative sign (-) Indicates a decrease, and an equal sign
(=)indicates no change.
General: consists of a change in the exchange rate affecting imports of meat, exports of textiles, and
imports of inputs for poultry production.
Specific: Considers only a change in the exchange rate affecting textiles and meat as set by the
international market.
408 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Results differ when policies are introduced into a market system where
both retail market prices are determined exogenously (by the international
market). Table 3 indicates percent changes in the different markets when
exchange rates change. The extent of the change is a result of the values
of the parameters identified in each market.
Table 3. Free trade for meat and textiles: Impact of a 5% devaluation of the selective
exchange rates used for textile exports and sheep meat imports
Textile sector
Retail demand 0.00
Retail supply 0.75 0.40
Exports 2.00 25.80
Other input quantity 0.45 6.50
Other input price 0.20 1.45
Wool demand 0.75 0.40
Raw wool price -0.15 8.00
Sheep produce's
average revenue 6.90
7 These values were obtained from the simulation model when the production and market
parameters of the 1980s were used.
New Issues 409
of meat, so the resulting fall in consumption was felt in the import sector,
but not in the retail meat industry. There was also a positive effect in the
textile industry, because the increase in meat supply (due to fixed joint
production) also increased wool supply by.2%, making its price fall by.03
percent. When the textile price increased, the effects were similar to the
quota scenario.
Both wool and meat supply increased, and more domestic retail meat
was available because of the textile policy. When the domestic currency
was overvalued, an increase in real income in the free trade scenario was
not good for sheep producers. The income increase induced more
imports, and textile exports shifted to the domestic market, as actually
happened in 1986 and 1987. This happened because free trade was
introduced in a context where imports were made relatively cheaper with
respect to domestic meat as a result of the subsidized exchange rate. The
results differed when subsidies to the exchange rate were eliminated, as it
took place in 1990. The increase in the price of poultry also encouraged
more sheep meat imports under free trade but had no impact on the rest
of the economy. This happened because prices of imports were cheaper
in relation to domestic products (domestic currency overvaluation).
Policies that increase real income will only have a positive effect on
production in both industries if the quota on imports remains fixed. A
decrease in poultry subsidies will not only benefit the retail meat market
but also will benefit textile producers when imports of meat are restricted,
either by quotas or by a devalued (closer to a real) exchange rate.
Table 4 shows that meat and textile price increases benefit farmers more
in the free trade than in the meat quota scenario. The change in total
revenue (sheep revenue multiplied by the number of animals) is stronger
in the free trade scenario. Income increase at the retail level benefits
farmers in the meat quota scenario because imports cannot grow more.
The strongest policy benefiting producers takes place with the devaluation
of the domestic currency because it affects both final markets, increasing
textile exports and reducing meat imports.
410 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Table 4. Sheep producer revenue under a free trade setting and under the meat quota
setting: Increase in prices, income, and farm inputs (%) and domestic currency
meat and textiles) will rise. This will benefit farm producers if the demand
is of domestic production. In the meat market, there are two ways to
ensure demand of this type: by restricting imports and by eliminating
subsidies to the exchange rate used for food imports. Even if only one of
these measures is taken, the benefits are received by the importers of
A wage increase raises the relative price of other inputs with respect to
wool and fiber in the textile industry, and raises the price of labor with
respect to carcass meat in the meat industry. The result is ambiguous in
this case. On one hand, substitution induces the use of wool and carcass
meat; on the other, production drops because costs of production have
This research was initiated with the idea that government policies
favoring the development of agriculture may be adversely affected by other
policies that the government designs for the whole economy. The
simulation scenarios showed that the positive effects a direct policy may
have on sheep producers may be counteracted and sometimes nullified by
macro or global policies. Policies favoring development of sheep
production per se do not exist, but existing policies affect the final markets
for sheep meat and wool. The exchange-rate policy was found to be most
effective in terms of sheep revenue increase and government foreign
exchange earnings. The effect of this policy is stronger than the effect of
any individual direct policy. A subsidized or overvalued exchange rate will
have a greater negative impact on the sector than a single policy directed
at promoting the consumption of either retail product. In this context, an
open economy, market-oriented policies and structural adjustments will
benefit producers of exported, as well as imported, commodities. In the
case of sheep producers, demand for both.wool and meat would grow if
the government eliminated the exchange rate overvaluation.
The policies analyzed for Peru reflect the shifts in government strategy
and are the reason why production of meat and wool have declined. This
uncertain policy setting must betaken into account when technological
alternatives are being developed: alternatives should be flexible to help
farmers respond to market signals in uncertain conditions. Being able to
understand the interactions of the system and the effects of policy on the
various components of the system allows for an active role in developing
policy support systems (Norman 1991).
analysis shows that sheep producers would benefit from an open economy
and structural adjustment if the government is capable of devaluating the
domestic currency.
JUST, R.; HUETH, D.; SCHMITZ, A. 1982. Applied welfare economics and
public policy. New Jersey, Prentice Hall. 491 p.
July Leesberg'
Farming systems research (FSR) is of recent date, and its focus has
been more on crop production than on animal production. Animal
production systems research (APSR), as used in this paper, refers to
animal production research done in a systems context, rather than per se,
and offers excellent opportunities for including women's interests in
livestock research for development purposes.
Fresco (1985) stressed the crucial role that women play in food
security, including crop and animal production. She conferred a role to
FSR in the investigation of this matter3. However, Fresco remarked that,
to date, there has been little systematic thinking within FSR, either on the
identification of intrahousehold resource allocation or on methods to take
into account women's production patterns and knowledge of agriculture
and methods to screen technology for negative effects on women.
The 1972 Peruvian census includes 2.6% of rural women of Cajamarca in the
occupational category of agriculturalists. In the 1976 Cajamarca Peasant Family survey,
only 4% of the principal female household members declared their occupation to be
that of agriculturalist; animal care fared somewhat better, with 12% of the women
declaring that they were shepherdesses or milk maids. Improved inquiry methods used
in Cajamarca indicated that in 46% of the households women were the primary or the
secondary person charged with crop production, and in 95% with animal care (Deere
and Leon de Leal 1982).
Farming systems research, since it has shown a new appreciation of the traditional
farming techniques, may potentially overcome some of the inadequacies of past
agricultural research, especially with respect to women. There is no doubt that the
utilization of research results will always affect women, either directly as agricultural
producers or indirectly through the impact of the division of labor and the allocation of
resources and income within and between households (Fresco 1985).
New Issues 419
The ILCA experience with settled Fulani in Nigeria showed the need to
pay attention to the differential access to and control of resources for men
and women, and to the production objectives of the different livestock
producers. Examination of this case will show that small farmers do not
always opt for higher milk production and that men and women may have
conflicting views on the topic.
The pattern of resource control and decision making within the Fulani
household is such that innovations requiring cash expenditures for herd
inputs are not likely to result in increased milk production. Even when
animals are owned by the wives, men are responsible for the herd and for
its feeding, including investments in supplements, expecting women to
make little or no contribution to herd expenditures. As herd managers, the
men wanted to see results from their investment in terms of herd
improvement and growth. Since men control milk allocation, they can
direct any increase in milk yield into animal production, by leaving more
milk for calves. The rest of the milk is sent to the women, who control milk
processing and sales of milk and dairy products, as well as the income
derived therefrom.
farming system, which seeks to improve the availability and quality of feed
produced. In the extension phase, the project aimed to demonstrate new
techniques associated with alley farming and to supply interested farmers
with seeds necessary to establish the crops.
It was mostly men who were present at the early meetings. Although
women were also specifically requested to attend, there was little response.
Women could not leave their productive and reproductive tasks as easily
as men could. Of those women who appeared at the meetings, few
planted alley farms (Okali and Cassaday 1985, cited by Francis and Atta-
Krah 1990). At the end of the first planting season in 1984, only 12 women
(27% of the female population) had established alley farms, as compared
with 56 men. This was surprising, since it was shown that alley farming
would produce more feed for animals and it was known that a large
proportion of the small ruminants in the zone belonged to women (Okali
1979, cited by Francis and Atta-Krah 1990); in addition, the women, as
dairy-food processors, are responsible for much of the supplementary
feeding of the animals.
Women have a more severe labor constraint than men, since women
often have little cash for hiring labor and their own time has to be shared
between the household, trading, and the farm. While in 1984 only 17% of
the successfully established alley farms belonged to women, this
percentage rose to 50% in the second year. ILCA concluded that the
special extension efforts aimed at women had been effective and that, in
New Issues 423
spite of the severe labor and cash constraints on women, they were able
to manage the alley farms as efficiently as men.
The Peruvian example was selected because it shows very clearly how
different the interests of men and women can be. Men organize their work
around crop production, while women do so around animal production.
Furthermore, the case highlights the influence that organized women can
have on research. It demonstrates the possibility of having the research
goals formulated by the target group itself and the decisive role that
women can play in the design and execution of on-farm research.
In Jauja, men are responsible for cropping; they are sometimes assisted
by the women. Although men are responsible for the health care of the
animals, livestock production is the responsibility of the women, and
children assist in overseeing the grazing animals. Farmers' organizations
consisted mainly of men, and therefore were more oriented towards crop
improvement; women were more interested in solutions for animal
production problems.
A furthersource of underestimation of female agriculture is due to the ambiguity in the
census of what actually constitutes agricultural work.... If the other activities associated
with agricultural production, besides field work of crop production are taken into
account - such as animal care, cooking for field hands, agricultural processing and
marketing - the measure of women's agricultural involvement increases significantly
(Deere and Leon de Leal 1982).
426 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Unit of analysis
The household, headed by individual males, who are the major decision
makers for all productive activities, has long been considered as the basic
unit for analysis (Chase 1988). However, it has now been widely
recognized not only that interhousehold relations should be taken into
account in studying the production system, but also that intrahousehold
relations may be of fundamental importance for understanding decision-
making processes at the household level (Collinson, cited by Feldstein and
Poats 1990).
Research objectives
Any research must take into account both the goals and the daily reality
of the livestock producers. The majority of the livestock in the developing
countries are kept in small herds owned by smallholders (Chavangi and
Hanssen 1983). Consequently, research must deal with the specific and
complicated characteristics and dynamics of smallholder production
systems; thus, a holistic view of the production system is needed.
Gauch and David (1983) mention the reasons why women keep
animals: for marketing; for rites, fetishes, and sacrifices; for hospitality; for
manure; and for consumption. Safilios-Rothschild (1983) explained that
women keep animals for cash expenditures to meet family needs such as
school fees, health care and social obligations. They also see their animals
as kind of life insurance and as an investment that can be cashed in when
facing adverse situations. Milk production is usually not the primary
objective for women who keep sheep and goats. Subsistence activities are
not as motivating to women as those that provide them with an income
they can control or that permit the accumulation of assets that they can
use of in times of need or take along with them in case of divorce (Safilios-
Rothschild 1983).
For sheep and goats, Safilios-Rothschild (1983) argued that while there
may be great gains to be obtained in breed selection and crossbreeding,
many times this strategy ignores the fact that unimproved small ruminants
are important for smallholders partly because of their low input and low
labor demands. Thus, in the case of resource-poor farmers, profitability
tends to decrease when attempts are made to raise productivity through
schemes calling for increased inputs (Safilios-Rothschild 1983). Such
innovations may have additional consequences since increased labor
demands (associated with the innovation) often imply greater labor efforts
for women (Safilios-Rothschild 1983); this does not necessarily mean that
women will have greater control of the income generated by these efforts.
Methodological issues
2. Identification of constraints
3. Prioritization of constraints
4. Screening of alternatives
5. Selection of alternatives
6. Design of tests
7. Execution of tests
New Issues 429
8. Evaluation of tests
9. Formulation of recommendations
10. Extension
In FSR, once the target group and the research area are selected, the
different recommendation domains have to be defined. Recommendation
domains are groups of roughly homogeneous farmers with similar
socioeconomic circumstances, for whom similar recommendations can be
made (Shaner et al. 1982). As men and women constitute different
categories of farmers, they have to be considered as different
recommendation domains (Due 1988; Sutherland 1988). Even within the
recommendation domain concerning women, differences must be
recognized between women of different ages, as well as between women
as heads of households, as polygamous or monogamous wives, or as
unmarried women, among other groups.
Once the target groups have been decided upon, actual research may
begin. Since the study of intrahousehoid dynamics forms an integral part
of FSR (and consequently of APSR), gender analysis should be included
in the research framework used. Feldstein and Poats (1989) have
developed a useful framework for gender analysis to be applied in all
phases of FSR and APSR projects.
Both men and women should be included in all meetings and in the
research process. Sometimes this means that separate meetings will have
to be organized, since men and women have different interests (Fernandez
1994), different networks, and different working schedules (Francis and
Atta-Krah 1990).
In Mali, the author found that farmers spent hardly any time on livestock
production, although their herds were of considerable importance
(Leesberg et al. 1990). The animals were entrusted to different Fulani
shepherds, who took them out in transhumance during most of the year.
A farmer would never tell anyone how many cattle he or she owned. The
animals were kept mainly as savings, used for occasions when cash was
needed (birth, funerals, taxes, marriage). Thus, animal production is a
complicated matter to deal with and should be considered within the
context of the whole production system, including crop production, off-
farm and household activities, and a continuous gender analysis.
New Issues 431
At the professional level, Oxby (1983) argued that one of the reasons
why women are not able to participate fully in the design and
administration of projects is that educational qualifications in a branch of
animal sciences are required, or at least advantageous. Relatively few
women possess such qualifications. This is why it is particularly important
to make sure that women are being trained in the relevant disciplines.
themselves to research with male producers only. Both men and women
scientists urgently need good training in gender issues and gender-
sensitive research methodologies.
Women lag behind at the educational level. There is a need for women
animal scientists. Women at the village level should have access to
training in all kinds of skills, as well as opportunities to organize themselves
and to participate in research activities. Investments should be made in
order to overcome this deficiency.
GAUCH, A.; DAVID, A.B. 1983. The role of women in food production
with particular reference to small animals at village level. Expert
Consultation on Women in Food Production, Rome, Italy, FAO.
ESM:WIFP/83/15. 18 p.
DEMBERE, K.; THIERO, M.; COULIBALY, M. 1990. La recherche sur
les systemes de production a ['Office du Niger: Production et
intensification dans les secteurs de Niono et Koky. Niono, Mali, Office
du Niger, ARPON Projet. 40 p. + annexes.
New Issues 435
These issues were addressed using the presented case studies for
reference. The group was requested to produce a set of
recommendations particularly focused on dealing with animal production
systems (APS) projects in a manner appropriate for the new directions,
such as natural resource management and commodity system
One of these areas of concern is the size and structure of the team,
which should be dictated by the problems to be solved and the objectives
of project; other areas are team leadership, allocation of tasks, and active
participation of all team members. In this latter respect, it is recommended
that older, experienced team members assume greater responsibilities. An
intractable problem faced when attempting to use the multidisciplinary
concept is the continued organization of research institutions and
universities on a disciplinary or commodity basis, with units spatially
Not recognizing the trade-off that exists between objectives will lead to
unrealistic demands placed on APSR. The recognition of these trade-offs
means that the proportion of the total effort devoted to gender analysis
should be evaluated by each project, according to objectives and mandate
defined by the donor and national agencies.
NARIs: National agricultural research institutes, IARCs: International agricultural research
centers, NGOs: Nongovernmental organizations.
E. Alarcon (Chairperson), L. Navarro (Discussion Opener), M. E. Ruiz (Rapporteur), M.
Sarmiento, J. Yazman, R. Hart, A. Roeleveld, E. Muller.
448 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
Within any given country, the NARIs, together with universities, NGOs,
and other institutions responsible for agricultural technology research and
development, constitute the national agricultural research system.
Upstream, this system is supported by the international agricultural
research community, particularly the IARCs and the regional agricultural
research centers. Downstream, it is complemented by institutions dealing
with technical assistance, extension, credit, information, and agrarian
reform, as well as agribusinesses of different sorts.
3 Including officialdom's ignorance of the need to address the smallholder's plight, low
salaries received at the national institutions, bureaucratic overburden, lack of technical
recognition, and high personnel turnover.
Work Group Sessions 449
The performance of APSR, within both NARIs and IARCs, has not been
satisfactory; one reason is that farming systems research demands
intensive and interdisciplinary action, work conducted on-farm, and
significant financial resources. However, against this negative backdrop,
two important new organizational options have emerged: the NGOs and
the networks.
groups, not only to obtain continued support, but also to ensure the
utilization of research results from its membership for social and economic
3. The systems approach reduces the time required from the point of
problem identification to the point of finding the solution or solutions
to that problem.
13. The networks should include certain NGOs, not only as members
and sources of funding, but as members of their governing boards as
It has been argued that a logical link between the information produced
during the diagnostic stage and the alternatives selected is not always
clear. In some cases, a limited number of apparently preconceived
technologies are tested; in others, the management of the hard data
gathered does not lead to any innovative alternative. After reviewing the
experience with livestock in some case studies, Working Group 4
concentrated on the mechanism for the identification and selection of
alternatives as well as on the consequences this mechanism may have on
the conditions under which data should be collected.
The case studies showed the wide range of ways the alternatives to be
tested have been identified. Contrasting examples are given below:
The working group stressed the role and importance of the researcher's
experience in animal production systems diagnosis and design of
alternatives. Experience leads researchers to decrease the volume of
information gathered from farmers. Nevertheless, optimal data collection
will depend on each specific situation. The benefits of experience are
obviously affected by the turnover rate of researchers. They are also
affected by the fact that systems research is often carried out by young
staff members, who lack experience and consequently opt for extensive
data collection in the hope that nothing important will be missed.
This work group will review case studies from this perspective,
identifying system constraints in the upper levels of the hierarchy which
have impinged on the results of cases presented. It will discuss
approaches to identify each constraint, methodologies to conduct
experiments to assess the magnitude of such constraints, and the
feasibility of overcoming them. The groups will also make suggestions on
institutional and organizational implications of this broader perspective.
Changing conditions in the world economy and the impact that they
have on all national economies, as well as the impact of commodity
systems (such as markets and industry), make it necessary to consider the
effects of these changes on farming systems research (FSR). The main
objective of working Group 5's discussion was to address (1) the impact
that conventional government policies and the macroeconomy (mainly
interest and exchange rates, international trade, and structural adjustment
thrusts) have on farming systems, and (2) the demands imposed on small
farms by commodity systems, as these issues relate to FSR in general and
to animal production systems research (APSR) in particular.
The extreme volatility of government policies may even result (in some
cases) in regression to subsistence economies, where farmers try to isolate
themselves from the unreliable conditions of the market. This may occur
under conditions of great political turmoil.
Types of output
a stable market for the alternative product, thus making it possible, in the
long run, for the farmer to use the increased income to purchase those
products which he/she no longer generates.
Time frame
Operational aspects
In cases where local markets are of great importance, the study of the
marketing channels should be an integral part of the farming systems
research effort. At another level, opportunities to include commodity
processing should be explored. Also, in ongoing research projects,
important lessons could be learned from examining how farmers have
reacted to and adjusted to recent policy and commodity-market changes.
It is very likely that most projects conducting follow-up or dynamic
will find that information readily available.
A report by Working Group 6'
This work group was asked to analyze the extent to which sustainability
considerations might change the alternatives proposed in the case
studies. The group's terms of reference included the discussion of the
issue of how to incorporate the sustainability perspective into participatory
project design and management. Based on this, the group made
recommendations of further changes needed in APS projects to enhance
their contribution to sustainable development, taking into consideration
such aspects as disciplines, evaluation methods, time horizon, basic
research needs, and policy implications).
The effort put into diagnosis versus experimentation: The trend seems
to be to accept our limited success in diagnosis and to increase the
role of actual experimentation to learn about the constraints of a system
and alternatives to improve it.
Other issues that arose from the presentation of the case studies.
Planners who are responsible for developing the relevant policy/ support
systems. They benefit in ways analogous to researchers (i.e., by both
feedback on the suitability of the present policy/support system, and by
ideas as to what might constitute suitable systems in the future).
Table 1. The FSR/E researchers themselves who need to receive enough credit and
recognition for their work to be able to progress satisfactorily in their careers.
Participation by:
P "Yield" Most Less Least
v Measurement
errors Least More Most
v Degree of
precision Most Less Least
v Data:
"Hard" (objective) Most Less Least
"Soft" (subjective) Least More Most
v Determination of
relationships Easiest Harder Hardest
v Incorporation into
farming system Least More Most
c. By whom? Mainly researcher Researcher and Mainly farmer
' There is a degree of subjectivity in some of the entries in the table, but in general they do reflect reality. In a
sense. these expectations also reflect the reasons why the different types of trials are undertaken.
Those responsible for obtaining support for FSR/E (e.g., from a donor
or national program). In such a situation the FSR/E approach must be
able to demonstrate that it can potentially improve the process of
agricultural development in the area under consideration in a way that
is compatible with national priorities.
All disciplines involved in FSR/E have roles to play at all stages of the
process, although the relative significance of their contributions may
differ between steps.
The design stage has received less methodological attention than the
other stages, and was perceived by the group to be one of the weakest
links in the whole research process. This stage is particularly critical in
474 Animal Production Systems: Global Workshop
The gestation period for getting results from livestock work is much
longer than that for annual crops, which are usually the focal point of
cropping systems research; thus, costs invested prior to receiving a
return are usually much higher for livestock than for crops.
Whether the solution to the problem lies outside the mandate of the
institution in which the FSR/E team is located.
Models have advantages; for example: (a) they can help structure
thinking; (b) they can help give some indication of the data required; (c)
they facilitate communication within the FSR/E team; and (d) they can
be useful in determining the treatments and levels of treatments to be
used in experimental work.
Trials at the FMFI level (possibly organized through farmer groups which
are either research- or extension-oriented) provide the most realistic test
of a proposed technology and should be considered part of the testing
stage rather than as a dissemination activity.
RMFI trials, which are not always easy to implement in animal production
systems research, provide an important mode for testing a technology.
Some specific points were noted:
o Where the researcher can control the treatment (e.g., parasite control
versus no control), animals in a single herd/flock can be divided, and
results from the treated and untreated animals compared. However,
where the farmers implement the treatment (e.g., feeding supplements),
then control versus treated animals has to occur across herds/flocks.
t> In deciding the relevant size of sample required in RMFI testing, the
coefficients of variation of the relevant parameters can be obtained
from the diagnostic or descriptive work, and combined with testing
treatments at a probability level of 20-25% rather than at the more
conventional level of 1-5 percent.
Although the group recognized that much can be learned from the
experience accumulated in cropping systems research, it also recognized
that much of the methodology cannot be applied directly to research on
animal production systems. More attention needs to be focused on
developing methodologies for APSR, and efforts need to be made to
convince top administrators that this evolutionary process should continue
for some time to come.
A report by Working Group 8'
With respect to the case studies presented, it was pointed out that many
did not demonstrate a wide societal impact, although it was acknowledged
that macrolevel impact analysis is difficult (many variables, large data
Work Group Sessions 483
Community Income
Foreign exchange
Country Consumption
National income
4. This long-term support has also allowed for the training of a substantial
number of specialists in livestock systems research.
5. In some cases, continuity has also been made possible through the
blending and complementation of efforts of various international,
regional and national technical institutions and donor agencies.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.
Coordinator of RISPAL, Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture.
10. In view of the above, the Global Workshop participants fully agreed
that, in addressing the new development issues, an assessment of both
the role of animals and the appropriateness of the systems approach
are of utmost importance to the achievement of such understanding.
Therefore, a task force was created to prepare a new research agenda
for animal production systems to explicitly address the new concerns.
Jackson A. Kategile
P. 0. Box 1755 Carlos Sere
Mongoro, Tanzania IDRC/LARO
Phone: (255) 562-038 P. O. Box 6379
Plaza Cagancha 1335, Piso 9
Louise Setshwaelo 11.100 Montevideo
SACCAR Uruguay
P. O. Box 3030 Phone: (598-2) 922031 /34
Arusha, Tanzania Fax: (598-2) 920223
Phone: (65) 8383/4
Fax: (65) 8285
ACSAD Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands
GO Governmental organization
GUAT Guatemala
cap capita
cm centimeter
d day
Dm Deutsche mark
DM Dry matter
g gram
ha hectare
K potassium
kg kilogram
I liter
LP linear programming
m meter
m2 square meter
meq milliequivalent
min minute
ml milliliter
MT metric ton
n number
N nitrogen
P phosphorus
PC personal computer
vs. versus
yr year