The Giver: Bonus!
The Giver: Bonus!
The Giver: Bonus!
3 Lesson Plans 46 Free Will vs. Sameness Stories 91 Say-the-Question Game No. 3
47 Dictionary Page 92 Game Board Tracker
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 48 Memory Cloud 93 Game Tickets
5 Answer Key 49 Match Game No. 4
7 Study Guide 50 Flash Card Set No. 4 Bingo Review Game
8 A Classy Apology 53 Reading Comprehension Quiz 94 Directions
9 Dictionary Page 95 Bingo Card No. 1
10 Occupation List Chapters 16, 17, 18, 19 96 Bingo Card No. 2
The Giver
11 Observation Worksheet 54 Answer Key 97 Bingo Card No. 3
12 Match Game No. 1 56 Study Guide 98 Bingo Squares
13 Flash Card Set No. 1 57 Memories Worksheet 99 Bingo Calling Cards
16 Reading Comprehension Quiz 58 Dictionary Page
59 Interview a Classmate Flash Card Review Games
Chapters 5, 6, 7 60 Release Worksheet 100 Directions
CURRICULUM 17 Answer Key 101 Flash Card Review Game No. 1
61 Inquiry Report: Euthanasia
19 Study Guide 63 Match Game No. 5 102 Flash Card Review Game No. 2
20 Rituals of Passage 64 Flash Card Set No. 5 103 Flash Card Review Game No. 3
21 Dictionary Page 67 Reading Comprehension Quiz 104 Flash Card Review Game
22 Assignment Badges Tracker
Teacher’s Guide 24 Match Game No. 2 Chapters 20, 21, 22, 23 Additional Resource
25 Flash Card Set No. 2 68 Answer Key 105 Match Game Answer Keys
Student Worksheets 28 Reading Comprehension Quiz 107 Movie Comparison
70 Study Guide
71 Dictionary Page
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 72 Match Game No. 6
73 Flash Card Set No. 6
11 76 Reading Comprehension Quiz
Answer Key
Study Guide
77 Book Report Directions
If you liked this book resource,
Card Question
13, 14, 15 5, 6, 7 Chapt
ers 8,
place at the
9, 10, Chapt
Howewdid What would
Game 20 of
13, 14,
ers 16,
or by searching
Jonase help Twelves?
Gam Jonas’s memo
- points 20
37 Flash Card Set No. 3
Gabriel sleep Chapte12,
points 20
points7 N 20 G O
Chapters 8,
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11 Chapters
points 12, 13, 14, 15
6, 7 13,
poin 40
Chapters 5,
Chapters 16, 17,
9, 10, 11
His father found
points 40 The sharing He was selected to
Games 60memo
mas with family
Say-the-Question Games
- What points 40
What Assign
of Memory.
What new
Jonas 60 points
ments were did
name did
88 Directions “SL book unit”
poin 60
take from The ts
Ceremony of Nines
A pill He could lie.
Asher and
They might
Jonas call the
points choose wrong.
6, 7 points 60
Fiona given? Chapters 5,
2, 3, 4 points points
Chapters 1,
Chapters 16,
Chapters Answer
12, 13, 14, 15 89 Say-the-Question Game No. 1
points 80 Gabriel
A jacket and pockets
What happe
lacked the experi-
points 80 the Community,
points 100talked about
43 Study Guide
By placing his hands
He transferred
pened when
They would go to
people who
poindidn’t 100
don’t thrive
on Jonas’s back peaceful memories
ts like their the people in the
Lesson Plans To make the free resource 10-page limit, I’ve com-
Have Students Choose one set
1 2
Study guide l An Apology l Comfort Objects l Match Game No. 1
1, 2, 3, 4
Deeper level thinking
discussion questions
l Elder Observations
l Dictionary Page
l Observation Worksheet
l Celebration of Life
l Flash Card Set No. 1
l Reading Comprehension Quiz
this one page. In that way, you can get the entire first
3 4 lesson, minus the flash cards (which you can find in
Chapters Study guide l Dream-telling l Assignments l Flash Card Set No. 2
5, 6, 7 Deeper level thinking l Rituals of Passage l Community Rules l Reading Comprehension Quiz
discussion questions l Dictionary Page l Match Game No. 2
5 Chapters
8, 9, 10, 11
Study guide
Deeper level thinking
discussion questions
l Chanting
l Character Qualities
l Dictionary Page
l Compare Dwellings
l Descriptive Writing
l Match Game No. 3
l Flash Card Set No. 3
l Reading Comprehension Quiz the paid version’s preview), here. (To read these three
7 Chapters
12, 13, 14, 15
Study guide
Deeper level thinking
l Inquiry Report: The Color Red
l Act It Out
l Free Will vs. Sameness Stories
l Dictionary Page
l Memory Cloud Worksheet
l Match Game No. 4
l Flash Card Set No. 4
l Reading Comprehension Quiz
pages, just enlarge this page on your screen.)
discussion questions
Three Book Report Forms you enjoy using this resource, please consider purchas-
Chapters Study guide l Elsewhere Shadowbox l Match Game No. 6
l Say-the-Question Game
20, 21, 22, 23 Deeper level thinking l Rules vs. Human Rights l Flash Card Set No. 6
Classroom Bingo Game
ing the whole book unit for The Giver. You can find it
discussion questions l Dictionary Page l Reading Comprehension Quiz
l Flash Card Review Game
1. Feelings
Study Guide tioned that his friendships would start 1, 2, 3, and 4. (Note: This summary is
changing, based on his Assignment, and broken down by chapters. Students do Personal Connection:
DIRECTIONS: Have students fill out the What is the strongest emotion that you’ve
that the celebrations around his age not need to break down their summa-
Study Guide for Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 as felt this week? Describe that emotion
would end. Jonas felt better after their ries by chapters.)
they read. When they are done, go over the using an experience from your life, such
talk, but he still wondered what Assign- Chapter 1: Jonas is apprehensive about
study guide together. as Jonas did when he told the story of
ment he would get. the coming Ceremony of Twelves. Jonas
1. What feelings did Jonas’s family share tells his family in the daily ritual where the lone one-person jet that flew over his
3. What was similar about Jonas and Community to describe his apprehension.
during the evening ritual of sharing? they share their feelings. He has no
Gabriel? Why did the similarity make
During the evening ritual of sharing idea what the Elders will choose as his
Jonas pretend to not care about the Inference / Prediction:
feelings, Lily felt angry at a visiting Assignment.
newchild? If the flight wasn’t an accident, where
Seven who hadn’t obeyed her Com- Chapter 2: Jonas’s parents ease his ap-
Jonas and Gabriel had pale eyes, where- might the plane have been going? How
munity’s rules. Father felt worried for prehension through telling their stories
as most others in the Community had was that feeling different from his appre-
a newchild who would be Released if it and reassuring him that the Committee
dark eyes. Since Jonas didn’t often look hension over the Ceremony of Twelves?
didn’t thrive soon. Mother felt frus- of Elders have been watching him.
in mirrors, he didn’t realize how differ-
trated, angry , and guilty because of Synthesis:
ent his eyes were until he saw Gabriel’s Chapter 3: Father brings Gabriel home
someone who had committed a second What did Jonas feel when he saw the lone,
eyes. In his Community, people were so the family can give the newchild nur-
transgression. She was afraid because one-person jet fly over his Community?
supposed to be the same. Having pale turing during the night. The Speaker
offenders were Released when a third Do you believe the explanation for the jet’s
eyes made Jonas and Gabriel different chastises Jonas for bringing home an
offense was committed. Jonas felt ap- navigational error? Explain.
from others. Because of that, Jonas apple. Jonas apologizes and is bewil-
prehensive about the coming Ceremony
pretended not to care about Gabriel. dered at how the apple changed for a 2. Career Assignment
of Twelves.
4. What did Larissa tell Jonas about Personal Connection:
2. What did Jonas’s parents discuss with Chapter 4: Jonas volunteers at the
Roberto’s Release? What did Jonas still How might the things you do in your free
him about the Ceremony of Twelve? House of the Old with Asher and Fiona,
want to know? time help you decide what you want to
How did he feel after the talk? his friends. As he bathes Larissa, they
In the House of the Old, Jonas bathed be when you grow up? How might your
Jonas’s father told Jonas about his own talk about a man named Roberto who
Larissa, and they talked about Rober- interests help you decide? How might the
Ceremony of Twelve. He wasn’t sur- was Released in a beautiful ceremony.
to’s Release. Larissa told him about the subjects at school that you like help you?
prised to be given the Nurturer Assign- No one really knows what Release is
celebration in the Releasing Room, but
ment because he had spent many hours because the ceremony ends when the Inference/Prediction:
after Roberto said goodbye to every-
during his free time and all his volun- Old being celebrated walks through the If you were in Jonas’s group, what might
one and left through the Release door,
teer hours at the Nurturing Center. designated door in the Releasing Room. the Elders observe about you? With their
Larissa didn’t know what happened.
Jonas’s parents reassured him that the observations, what might they select as
Committee of Elders had been watching
Jonas wanted to know what actually Deeper Level Thinking
an Assignment for you? Why might his
happened for Roberto to be Released.
him and that they would pick the right Discussion Questions friendships change once each person is
assignment for him. His mother men- 5. Summarize what happened in Chapters given a separate Assignment?
DIRECTIONS: Use the following questions
Dir ections: Use
complete sentences The Giver Study Guide Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
to write the answer to
each question.
1 What feelings did
Jonas’s family sh
are during the ev
ening ritual of sh
Summarize what
happened in
What did Jonas’s _____
Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The Giver A Classy Apology Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
Directions: Cut out each behavior problem square (below) and place them in a bowl. Cut out the apology template for students to use as they apologize. Ask vol-
unteers to draw a behavior. Then they should read it to the class and make an apology, using the template, to the class for it.
You asked a You burped You passed a You knocked You talked with
rude question when the room note in class. over a bicycle. your mouth full.
was quiet.
You laughed in the You forgot to You didn’t finish You spoke too You ate someone
middle of class. do a chore. your homework. loud in class. else’s lunch.
You told a lie about You got out of line You wore two You argued You didn’t pay
your family. and were being silly. different shoes with a sibling. attention in class.
The Giver Dictionary Page Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
What does palpable mean in this sentence: Write a sentence using this word.
A Jonas’s fear was palpable.
Synonym: Antonym:
What part of speech is the word?
Break this word into syllables:
What does distraught mean in this sentence: Write a sentence using this word.
I Asher was distracted, not distraught.
Synonym: Antonym:
H What part of speech is the word?
Break this word into syllables:
What does dwelling mean in this sentence: Write a sentence using this word.
W Jonas returned to his dwelling and waited.
Synonym: Antonym:
What part of speech is the word?
Break this word into syllables:
Occupation List Occupation List Occupation List Occupation List Occupation List
Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot Pilot
Street Cleaner Street Cleaner Street Cleaner Street Cleaner Street Cleaner
Landscape Worker Landscape Worker Landscape Worker Landscape Worker Landscape Worker
Food Delivery People Food Delivery People Food Delivery People Food Delivery People Food Delivery People
Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker Speaker
Nurturer Nurturer Nurturer Nurturer Nurturer
Night Nurturer Night Nurturer Night Nurturer Night Nurturer Night Nurturer
Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice Department of Justice
Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder
Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer Laborer
Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor
Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer
Birth Mother Birth Mother Birth Mother Birth Mother Birth Mother
Recreation Director Recreation Director Recreation Director Recreation Director Recreation Director
Rehabilitation Director Rehabilitation Director Rehabilitation Director Rehabilitation Director Rehabilitation Director
Caretaker of the Old Caretaker of the Old Caretaker of the Old Caretaker of the Old Caretaker of the Old
Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard Security Guard
Collection Crew Collection Crew Collection Crew Collection Crew Collection Crew
Sanitation Laborer Sanitation Laborer Sanitation Laborer Sanitation Laborer Sanitation Laborer
Fish Hatchery Attendant Fish Hatchery Attendant Fish Hatchery Attendant Fish Hatchery Attendant Fish Hatchery Attendant
Group Leader (Teacher) Group Leader (Teacher) Group Leader (Teacher) Group Leader (Teacher) Group Leader (Teacher)
Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller Storyteller
Other: ______________ Other: ______________ Other: ______________ Other: ______________ Other: ______________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
The Giver
Observation Worksheet Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
A Ball in Flight
What is its size?
by _____________________
What other object is this size?
The Giver Reading Comprehension Quiz Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
Chapter 1
a. apprehensive b. distracted c. excited d. distraught
2. W
hat object changed when Jonas tossed it to Asher? ___________________________________________
a. an observation b. the Speaker c. an apple d. a bicycle ___________________________________________
3. H
ow was Lily rude to Jonas and Gabriel?
a. She wanted to share her feelings first.
Chapter 2
b. She pointed out that their eyes were different from others in
the Community.
c. She wouldn’t let anyone else play with Gabriel. ___________________________________________
4. W
hat did children have to do when they made a mistake?
a. They had to volunteer for community service hours.
b. They had to spend time in contemplation.
Chapter 3
c. They had to apologize.
5. W
hat took place at the Ceremony of Twelves? ___________________________________________
a. The Twelves were given new adult names. ___________________________________________
b. The Twelves were assigned their future mates.
c. The former Twelves were Released. ___________________________________________
d. The Twelves were given their Assignments.
Chapter 4
6. W
hat happened to the Old and the young who didn’t thrive? ___________________________________________
a. They were Released. b. They were sent Elsewhere. ___________________________________________
c. They were placed in a different Community. ___________________________________________
Need more room? Write on the back.