Testing and Commissioning of MCC Panel

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The key takeaways are that the procedure outlines the roles, responsibilities, steps and safety measures to be followed for testing and commissioning of an MCC panel.

The purpose of the procedure is to define the process, roles and responsibilities for testing and commissioning of the MCC panel to ensure it is done safely and correctly.

The procedure defines the roles of the Project Manager, T&C Manager, MEP Construction Manager, T&C Engineer, QA/QC Manager and their responsibilities in the testing and commissioning process.

Testing and Commissioning Procedure of MCC


PRO 00038 0.1


PRO - Procedure

03 -- Issued
04 Issued for Approval

REDCO 21/02/2019





1 07-02-2019
~.:1qc.WI ~.:1U L.:.J-1 iir.q.o.:;w
GREEN LINE- ELEVATED & AT-GRADE f\edco International
Procedure for Testing and
Commissioning of MCC Panel

Document No.:

Revision I B
Document Type PRO - Procedure

Reason for Issue 04 - Issued for SONO

T&C Engineer Signature Date

Prepared by:
Muneeb Asfaq --1~ 111/ 3 February 2019

T&C Manager '

Signature Date
Checked by:
Adnan Aslam 3 February 2019

QAIQC Manager Signature Date

Reviewed by:
Monib Ampuan ,~ 3 February 2019

Project Manager Signature Date

Approved by:
Wessam Alahmedy k:! ~ .. 3 February 2019

Revision History
Rev. No. Description of Revision Date of Revision

0.1 Issue for Approval 3 February 2019

M009-SPH-TCH-PR0 -00038 Page 1 of 18

Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

~~q.c:.&WI L.:.J~U L.Jf CU:.~
w lgCompany
GREEN LINE- ELEVATED & AT -GRADE 1\edco International

Total Number of Pages: 18 including front pages and excluding appendices

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 4
HARDCOPY DISTRIBUTION LIST ................................................................................... 5
ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................. 6
1 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 General issues .......................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 7
2 SCOPE ........................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Interdependence with Management Plans .............................................................. 7
2.2 Revision of Procedure Documents ......................................................................... 8
3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................. 9
3.1 Project Manager........................................................................................................ 9
3.2 T&C Manager ............................................................................................................ 9
3.3 MEP Construction Manager ..................................................................................... 9
3.4 T&C Engineer ............................................................................................................ 9
3.5 QA / QC Manager ...................................................................................................... 9
3.6 QA / QC Engineer ....................................................................................................10
3.7 Surveyor ...................................................................................................................10
3.8 Document Controller ...............................................................................................10
3.9 HSE Manager ...........................................................................................................10
3.10 Supervision Engineer ..............................................................................................11
4 RESOURCES............................................................................................................ 11
4.1 Labour ......................................................................................................................11
4.2 Equipment Used ......................................................................................................11
5 QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL....................................................... 12
6 HEALTH, SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT ....................................................................... 12
6.1 Lockout/Tag out Procedure ....................................................................................13
6.2 Hazardous Waste Management ..............................................................................13
7 Risk Assessment..................................................................................................... 14
8 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 14
8.1 PSAT (Partial Stand-Alone Test) for Motor Control Center ..................................14
8.1.1 Pre-Requisites for PSAT ........................................................................................ 14
8.1.2 Pre-Commissioning of Motor Control Center ...................................................... 14
8.1.3 Torque Test ............................................................................................................ 15
8.1.4 Resistance Test...................................................................................................... 15
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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

8.1.5 Insulation Resistance Test .................................................................................... 15
8.1.6 High Voltage Test ................................................................................................... 16
8.2 SAT (Stand Alone Test) for Motor Control Center .................................................16
8.2.1 Pre-Requisites ........................................................................................................ 16
8.2.2 General Check ........................................................................................................ 16
8.2.3 Incoming Power Source Management Test .......................................................... 17
8.2.4 Functional Check ................................................................................................... 17
8.2.5 Motor Current Measurement Test ......................................................................... 17
8.2.6 DOL/STAR DELTA Starter ..................................................................................... 17
8.2.7 DOL Starter-2.......................................................................................................... 18

Appendix 1 – Risk Assessment

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

This document is not controlled when printed. The controlled version is held by the Document
Controller on the Project Server’s valid Documents Folder.

Hardcopy Distribution List*

Copy No. Name Company Position Signature

001 Qatar Rail Project Owner

002 Qatar Rail Employer’s Personnel

003 SPH Project Director

004 SPH Construction Director

005 SPH Station Manager

006 SPH QA / QC Manager

007 SPH HSE Manager





* The final distribution may be modified after consultation with Main Contractor.

** It is the responsibility of the Station Manager to provide this Procedure to the respective
Project or Site Engineers and obtain sign off that they have received and understood the
document. Please refer to the communication protocol.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)


ARCH Project Archive

BS British Standard
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
IFC Issued for Construction
IT Information Technology
MES Procedure
ITP Inspection Test Plan
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
NCR Nonconformity Report
PD Project Director
PMC Project Management Consultant
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
SPH Joint Venture of Saudi Binladin Group, PORR and HBK
QA / QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
QCS Qatar Construction Specification
QMS Quality Management System
QS Qatar Standard
SONO Statement of No Objection
QND Qatar National Datum
ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
BACS Building Automation Control System.
PSAT Partial Stand-Alone Test
SAT Stand Alone Test
BACS Building Automation Control System.
PTW Permit to Work
IRN Installation Release Note
PRO Procedure
IRE Inspection Request
T&C Testing and Commissioning.
NFPA National Fire Protection Association

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

1.1 General issues
This document is to present the Procedure as required by subcontract documents for Green Line
Elevated & At Grade Project.

This document was composed exclusively for the Qatar Railway ‘Green Line Elevated & at
Grade’ Project. All the requirements listed in the above referred tender document were taken into
account. The company has Quality Management System Certificate of ISO 9001: 2008,
Certificate of ISO 14001: 2004 of Environmental Management System. Furthermore, it applies
the BS OHSAS 18001: 2007 on Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Procedure is to explain step by step method to implement the correct
practice for the testing and commissioning of MCC Panels” through the guidelines contained
herein so as to ensure that the job execution complies with project requirement and serves the
intended function to satisfactory level.

Scope of this Procedure is the Testing and commissioning of the MCC Panels.

This document includes the following either in the main body or in the Appendices:

x Methodology for Testing and Commissioning of MCC Panels

x Equipment and materials used.
x HSE Assessment & Risk Assessment.

2.1 Interdependence with Management Plans

Standards Relevant to Document & Information Management are:

x BS EN 61439 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies.

x EN 60529 Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
x BSEN 60947 Low voltage circuit breaker
x BS 7671 British Standard for requirement for electrical Installation.
x IEC 61439-1 International Standard for testing and commissioning of LV Switchgear and
control gear assemblies.
x NFPA 70 National Electrical Code ®
x Qatar Construction Specifications QCS 2010 Section 21 Part 23
x Electrical Specifications, Vol. 7

The following documents are referred to either to support the implementation of the Procedure or
are a pre-requisite to its implementation:

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

x MAR:

Document No. Document Name

M009-SPH-MEP-MAR-00205 MAR for MCC Panels

x ITP:
Document No. Document Name
M009-REI-ELE-ITP-00056 ITP for T&C of MCC Panels

x Plans:
Document No. Document Name
M009-REI-QMS-PLN-00001 Project Quality Plan
M009-REI-PRJ-PLN-00001 Project Controls Plan
M009-REI-HMS-PLN-00001 Health and Safety Plan
M009-RE 1-ITM-PLN-0000 1 Information Management Plan
M009-REI-DCM-PLN-00001 Electronic Document Management Plan (EDMS)
M009-REI-RSK-PLN-00001 Risk Management Plan
M009-REI-SHM-PLN-00001 Interface Management Plan
M009-SPH-TCH-PLN-00005 Testing & Commissioning Plan

x T&C stages and Scope Reference:


Stage 1 FAT Factor Acceptance Test REDCO For stage (1 & 2) Covered IRN Refer to Testing &
Commissioning Plan (MEP Subcontractor) # M009-
Stage 2 IT Installation Test REDCO SPH-MEP-PLN-00003 (ANNEXUTE-A2)

Stage 3 P-SAT Partial Standalone Test REDCO

Part of this procedure
Stage 4 SAT Standalone Test REDCO

For Stage (5 & 6) by L&T

Refer to Plan#M009-SPH-MHV-PRO-00033
Stage 5 SIT System Integration Test L&T
Refer to Pro#M009-SPH-MEP-ITP-40007

2.2 Revision of Procedure Documents

The revision of this Procedure shall be done when:

x New information becomes available.

x Main Contractor requires modifications.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

x The Project Director requires modifications of Procedure.
x There is a significant change in the works methodology.
x The revised Procedure shall be submitted to Main Contractor for SONO.


3.1 Project Manager
Project Manager is responsible and accountable for delivering the project, with authority and
responsibility from the project board to run the project on a day to day basis. He shall also be the
authority to apply final changes to the methodology process if needed, after the approval. Project
manager is also responsible to allocate resources to maintain good Occupational Health & Safety
standards, during every stage of the project, according to local and international standards and
RAK health and safety plan.

3.2 T&C Manager

The T&C Manager is responsible for Verifying the testing work carried out in accordance with the
requirements of the contract. And ensuring the quality standards set for the Testing work are
achieved and the work team adhere to the QA/ QC and HSE requirements of the contract.

3.3 MEP Construction Manager

The Construction Manager is responsible for:

x Delivering the overall MEP works in a safe and timely manner, ensuring conformance
with the approved design.
x Leading the team of MEP engineers and surveyors, guiding them in the delivery of the
x Verifying that MEP work carried out in accordance with the requirements of the contract.
x Ensuring the quality standards set for the MEP work are achieved and the work team
adhere to the QA/ QC and HSE requirements of the contract.

3.4 T&C Engineer

The T&C Engineer is responsible for:

x Verifying the testing work carried out in accordance with the requirements of the contract.
x Ensuring the quality standards set for the Testing work are achieved and the work team
adhere to the QA/ QC and HSE requirements of the contract.

3.5 QA / QC Manager
The QA / QC Manager is responsible for:

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

x The preparation of the company’s QA manual control and supervision of all amendments
and revisions
x Monitor all quality related activities on the project
x Perform all internal and external audits on behalf of the company’s management
x Preparation, monitoring, training of project staff on Procedure, and control of material on

3.6 QA / QC Engineer
The QA / QC Engineer is responsible for:

x The QA / QC Engineer is the overall responsible for the implementations of this procedure
and will carry out the material inspection to ensure that materials received on site are
approved materials.
x He will be conducting surveillance and inspection duties at various stages of the project
delivery to ensure compliance to contract requirements and to QA / QC requirements.
x He will monitor the installation works according to the approved drawing & procedure.
x He will coordinate with the Supervisory Consultant to carry out inspection/testing of the
completed works.
x The QA / QC Engineer is responsible for the detail application of this procedure for the
inspection and testing, to coordinate with the Construction Manager and Site Engineer for the
inspection of on-going work.

3.7 Surveyor
Surveyor is responsible for:

x Monitoring the works being carried to ensure they are at the correct levels and
x Maintaining documents relevant to alignment and height control of the works.

3.8 Document Controller

Document Controller is responsible for:

x Documenting, distributing and maintaining data in prescribed format.

x Making the necessary data available as requested by the team or the client.

3.9 HSE Manager

HSE Manager is responsible for:

x Developing, implementing and monitoring HSE strategies, policies and programs that
prevent injury and promote safe methods of working.
x Developing, implementing and monitoring environmental strategies, policies and
programs that promote sustainable development.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

x Communicating and directing the HSE team, HSE Engineers/HSE Supervisors, to be
responsible for site activities regarding to check, to review and to make sure that all crew
members use appropriate PPE, all machinery, equipment and vehicles are appropriate
for HSE Requirements, work area clean and tidy.

3.10 Supervision Engineer

Supervision Engineer is responsible for:

x Checking the compliance of works to the design.

x Carrying out comprehensive supervision of all construction works.
x Confirming that the work executed complies with the approved design and be
responsible for checking the construction works.

The following equipment and material are anticipated to be used in carrying out the works:

4.1 Labour
Following personnel of the specialized subcontractor will be working at site. The number and
organization may be changed to suit the work requirements.

Sr. No. Description Number

1 Project Manager 1
2 Construction Manager 1
3 T&C Manager 1
4 T&C Engineer 1
5 HSE 1
6 Supervisor 1
7 Foremen’s 3
8 QA/QC Inspector 1
9 Technician 5
10 Helper 10

4.2 Equipment Used

General Equipment used for this activity:

Sr. No. Tool and Equipment

Phase rotation indicator
Digital Multimeter

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

Torque Wrench
Clamp Meter
Micro Ohm Meter
High Voltage Test Kit

Note: Accredited Valid calibration certificates for all instruments should be available during testing.


Package Project Director is responsible of pre-working control and shall provide specific
resources to the work to be performed and have to determinate the verification, validation,
monitoring, inspection to the work as well as criteria for product acceptance and quality record

Items which are a part of, or intended to be used permanently on, any of the systems of the
project shall not be used as an element of the testing setups for the purposes of testing.

The concerned Site Engineer will be responsible and the General Foreman to be a substitute to
ensure compliance for these operations and the site QA / QC Engineer will carry out quality
control checks and report the inspection results.


The Health and Safety Plan will be strictly adhered to at all times.

x All workers will receive a site induction and be issued with PPE (hard hat, safety glasses,
safety vest, safety shoes) including hard hat with a SPH Inducted sticker before entering
to site to work.
x Regular Tool Box talks are held and attendance logged.
x The Emergency Response Plan is in place and will be strictly adhered to.
x In the event of any accident the HSE Incident Escalation Matrix will be followed at all
x Specific HSE Hazards are mitigated in the Risk Assessment.
x To prevent accident during the implementation of the above activities, all relevant safety
measures shall be strictly implemented by the site engineers and the HSE team.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

6.1 Lockout/Tag out Procedure
The locking off procedure shall only be performed by trained and authorized personnel and it
shall be carried out in the following order:
1. Prepare for shutdown. This will include:
x Identify the equipment that needs to be locked off and the energy sources used to
operate the equipment.
x Identify the potential hazards of that energy
x Identify the method to control the energy – electrical, valve etc.
2. Inform all affected employees and let them know who is locking off the equipment and
why they are doing it.
3. Turn off the equipment following agreed procedures.
4. Isolate all energy sources in the equipment and ensure all stored energy has been
removed from the equipment.
5. Lock off energy device controls such as switches, valves and circuit breakers using an
appropriate lockout device and secure with safety padlock
6. Tag out the lockout device using an appropriate tag

x Tags used must be highly visible with prominent warning to warn employees of the
danger of reenergising the equipment
x Tags must be durable and be securely fastened to the lockout device
x Tag details must be completed in full

7. Test the energy device controls to ensure equipment is de-energized and locked out.
8. Place key of safety padlock in Group Lockout Box and secure Group Lockout Box with
their own personal padlock.
9. Each person working on the equipment should put their own personal padlock on the
Group Lockout Box prior to commencing any work.
10. Perform activity and do not bypass the lockout. The activity shall be done in
conjunction with and as set out in a ‘Permits to Work’ document.
11. On completion of activities, follow the agreed procedures to reactivate the equipment.
x Remove any blocks put in place and re-install any safety guards.
x Remove personal padlock from Group Lockout Box
x Once all personal padlocks have been removed from the Group Lockout Box, keys
to the safety padlocks are removed and used to remove all lockout devices and
x Re-start the equipment and test to ensure all is ok.
x Cancel the ‘Permits to Work’ and sign off the work.
x Let the relevant employees know that the equipment is ready for use

6.2 Hazardous Waste Management

The SPH JV ultimately responsible for all hazardous waste storage activities. The SPH JV
will store hazardous waste as follow:

x Fire prevention systems and pollution control equipment will be provided for
storage facilities where necessary, to prevent fires or the releases of hazardous
materials to the environment;

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

x Containers intended for hazardous waste disposal will not be used for other
purposes unless they are specifically labelled for that purpose. Rusty, dented or
defective containers for waste accumulation or storage will not be used;
x Hazardous waste will be retained in a secure area with an impervious bunded
x Secondary containment is required for liquid hazardous waste or other waste that
might be released into the environment, such as dusts, powders, and shavings.
x The conceptual design for the hazardous waste storage facility is part of the
x Hazardous waste will be disposed of in the area designated by municipality.
Incompatible hazardous wastes will not be transported together.

7 Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment for this work is attached in Appendix 1.

The following tests are to be carried in testing and commissioning of a MCC.

1. Visual & Mechanical Checks

2. Insulation Resistance Test
3. HV – Test
4. Resistance Test

8.1 PSAT (Partial Stand-Alone Test) for Motor Control Center

8.1.1 Pre-Requisites for PSAT
Following precaution to be taken out prior to commencing the per-commissioning activities.
1. Clean the MCC from Dust/Rust.
2. Ensure that all the metal/PVC covers for Bus bar section are properly fixed.
3. Make sure that no damage of voltage sensitive equipment which part of circuit is to be
tested, need to be isolated.
4. Check the transport Bus bar joints are done and ensure those are properly tighten with
torque wrench.
5. Torque all bolted connection and recorded.

8.1.2 Pre-Commissioning of Motor Control Center

1. Ensure that the MCC installation is completed & all Electrical and Mechanical comments on
installation ITRs approved.
2. Ensure that there are no wet services running around the MCC.
3. Ensure that there is no damage has occurred on the component of MCC.
4. Ensure that the cable to MCC are properly tagged and segregated as specified.
5. Ensure that the MCC are properly tagged and identified as specified in the drawings.
6. Ensure that the field power cables are properly tightened into the MCC.
7. Ensure that the Earthing of MCC has been completed and verified.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

8. Ensure that the rating of Breaker’s (ACB, MCCB, OLR and Contactor) are as per approved
shop drawing.
9. Ensure that the Breaker, VR & timer are set as per the requirement.
10. Check the manual operation of all Breakers in the MCC.

8.1.3 Torque Test

Check the transport Bus bar joints are done and ensure those are properly tightening with
torque wrench and recorded.

8.1.4 Resistance Test

1. Resistance can be tested only in transport joints.
2. Connect the test leads (C1, C2, P1 and P2) of the Micro-ohmmeter between Bus bar joints
and switch it ON.
3. Bring the current selection to 10A on Micro-ohmmeter and press the test button.
4. Repeat the same for other joints and Record the values on site pre-commissioning test report.
5. Observed value should be less than 20 micro ohms.

8.1.5 Insulation Resistance Test

1. Disconnect all control Fuses, MCBs, ACB trip units and Neutral Wires Prior to performing the
2. Clean all the insulators.
3. Connect lead wires and apply a voltage of 1000Volts DC between Phase `R’ and earth With
Phase `Y’, `B’ & `N’ short circuited and earthed and record the values.
4. Likewise proceed the test for the rest of the phases and record the values.
5. Insulation resistance test should be repeated once after the HV test.
6. Observed value should not be less than 1 mega ohm.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

8.1.6 High Voltage Test
1. Disconnect all control Fuses, MCBs, ACB trip units and Neutral
2. Wires Prior to performing the test.
3. Connect the HV lead from the step-up transformer to R-phase and earth.
4. Y, B phase, Neutral & earth should be Short circuited.
5. Switch on the HV test kit control unit and apply the recommended test voltage (Testing voltage
2.5kV AC/1 Minute for Rated Insulation Voltage Ui = 800 < Ui ≤ 1 000 by increasing gradually)
for 1 Minute to R-phase with respective to other phases earthed and grounded.
6. After 1 Minute gradually reduce the test voltage to zero and then switch off the
HV test kit. Discharge the pole and also the HV test kit.
7. Repeat the test for Y-phase, B-phase and Neutral.
8. No disruptive discharge (any Puncture/ Flashover) should be occurred.

8.2 SAT (Stand Alone Test) for Motor Control Center

The following tests are to be carried out in an MCC.
1. General Checks.
2. Electrical Performance Test
3. Incoming Power Source Measurement Test
4. Functional Test.
5. Motor Current Measurement Test.
6. Sequence of Operation (Interface Operation)
7. VFD Programming Details

8.2.1 Pre-Requisites
Following precaution to be carried out, prior to commencing the commissioning activities.

1. Clean the MCC from Dust/Rust.

2. Ensure that all the metal/PVC covers for Bus bar section are properly fixed.
3. To prevent damage of voltage sensitive equipment which is part of circuit to be tested, need to
be disconnected from the circuit.

8.2.2 General Check

1. Ensure that the MCC is clean and Dust free.
2. Ensure the tightness of transport Bus Bar joint’s torque marked on joining bolts.
3. Ensure that ACB, MCCB & OLR current settings are as per the load requirement.
4. Ensure that no live Bus Bar is in open condition.
5. Check the Earthing of MCC has done.

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

8.2.3 Incoming Power Source Management Test
Once power supply received to the MCC, ensure the healthiness of power source as below.

1. Check the incoming source voltage between phases and to neutral.

2. Check the incoming source frequency between phases and to neutral.
3. Check the incoming source phase sequences.

8.2.4 Functional Check

1. Check the functionality of Volt meters through all 7-position voltage selector switch (VSS).
2. Check the closing and opening operation of Incomer Breakers in HAND & AUTO mode.
3. Check the functionality of indication lamp in incomer column.
4. Check the functionality of Voltage relay (VR) by removing any one of fuse which is
feeding power supply to VR.
5. Check the functionality of power meter and ensure that CT ratio has set as specified.
6. Check the continuity of the auxiliary contacts status for BMS/PLC.
7. Check the Motor control operation of starters at Hand mode.
8. Check the OLR's manual tripping operation by pressing test & reset push button on OLR.
9. Check the Motor control operation of starters at Auto mode.
10. Check the Motor control operation of starters at Fire mode.
11. Check the Motor control operation of starters from Fire override panel.
12. Check the Earth leakage trip on MCCB via Earth leakage relay by pressing the test button on
13. Ensure that the indication lamps are working in good condition (By pressing Lamp test push
14. Check the functionality of Heaters (cut-off through thermostat/Hygrostat).
15. Ensure the motor direction and smooth running.

8.2.5 Motor Current Measurement Test

After the completion of above tests; motor current measurement test to be carried out
and record the value in the dedicated equipment Commissioning test report.

8.2.6 DOL/STAR DELTA Starter

DOL/Star Delta starters are designed to work in three modes of operation as below,

1. Manual Operation
2. Remote Operation
3. Fire Override Operation Manual Operation

When SS1 selected to MANUAL position the DOL starter is ready for Manual operation.

To start the DOL/STAR DELTA Starter press the START button, this will initiate “KM1”to become
energized and their open contacts will be closed and supply will provide to motor terminal. To stop
press the STOP button, KM1” become de-energized and power supply will get disconnection. Remote Operation

When SS1 selected to REMOTE position the DOL/STAR DELTA is ready for remote operation.

While start/stop command received from BACS to the starter, this will initiate “KM1”to become
energized and their open contacts will be closed and supply will provide to motor terminal when

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)

start/stop command disconnected from BACS, DOL starter will disconnect power supply to motor
terminal. Fire Mode Override Operation

Fire mode operation has designed to control the motor via BACS based on fire detection.
During fire condition, starter which is received fire command from BACS.

Based on FIRE detection in FIRE ALARM system, particular Supply/Return fan for smoke
extract will get run command from BACS via CR Module panel then motor will run in high
speed as per scheme diagram and sequence of operation. If the fan belongs to AHU system,
it will stop the motor during fire condition.

8.2.7 DOL Starter-2

Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) uses power electronics to vary the frequency of input power to the
motor, thereby controlling motor speed.

VFD starters are designed to work in three modes of operation as below

1. Manual Operation
2. Remote Operation
3. Fire Override Operation Manual Operation

A When SS1 selected to MANUAL position the VFD is ready for Manual operation.

To start the VFD press the START button, this will initiate VFD to run with HMI speed
reference. To stop press the STOP button,
then VFD will reduce frequency and voltage to zero & power supply will get disconnect. Remote Operation

When SS1 selected to REMOTE position the VFD is ready for remote operation.

While start/stop command received from BACS to the VFD, this will initiate VFD to run with
Remote speed reference. (VFD speed can be varied by 4-20 mA from BACS). When start/stop
command disconnected from BACS, then VFD will reduce frequency and voltage to zero &
power supply will get disconnect. Fire Override Operation

Fire mode operation has designed to control the motor via BACS based on fire detection.
During fire condition, starter which is received fire command from BACS.

Based on FIRE detection in FIRE ALARM system, particular Supply/Return fan for smoke
extract will get; run command from BACS via CR Module panel then motor will run in high
speed as per scheme diagram and sequence of operation. If the fan belongs to AHU system,
it will stop the motor during fire condition.

Appendix 1 – Risk Assessment

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Testing and Commissioning Procedure for MCC Panel (REDCO)


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Testing and Commissioning of Mot or
International SPH·.N Control Centre (MCC) Panel

Risk Matrix



CRITICAL 4 8 12 111111 20 4

SERIOUS 3 6 9 12 15 3 LLIIESS



1 2 3 4 5

RA Execution SPH - JV

ill'!:mm!l ~ lli:il'm Controls

ro ab1li
Step What could hurt me I others or impac Resi Responsibility
What am I oin to do? M:rta.gu ..smJ.m ty/llkeli Conseq Risk

Part A

visitors to site must undertake site induction Site Engineer I

impact. struck by moving Banks man to control access around operating plant or vehicle HSE
machinery. suspended load. fall into Potential of injury or accident stay within clear and defined routes Representative
Site 4 5 20 9
excavation. slip and trip, leading Injury I fatality Compliance of speed limits on site. Foreman I
edges •. Do not stand under suspended load. Operator I
• Keep away from leading edges and excavations. Rigger

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RA Execution SPH - N
~ l:l'mr.i lllll'm ~

Step What could hurt me I others or Impact ~ Resl Responsibility

What am I oin to do. What harm could occur? What must be in place to prevent harm? (include specific responsibilities where ap licable)

Ensure access and egress is provided between stacked materials.

Do not stack materials at unsafe height
Ensure loose materials are properly secured.
• Improper stacking, slip and trip, Ensure proper housekeeping in the area.
over pipes. no access & Site Engineer I
Proper cable management.
Cuts, muscle strain/sprain HSE
Stacking and storage of manual handling. sharp Ensure adequate illumination for night time.
2 burns, crush injury, injury to 4 3 6 Representative
materials load slip off from hand. hot & Do not mix flammable materials chemicals with other materials
eyes. property damage Foreman I
climate. storing at improper • Store chemicals in COSHH store
• Ensure MSDS is available for any chemicals stored.
• No smoking in the area.
• Ensure no hot works shall be permitted in the area.

Ensure safe access & egress to work area is provided. Inspected and tagged.
Ensure proper illumination on access and access routes,
Poor illumination. damaged
• Steps/rungs inspected and without damage. S ite Engineer I
steps/rungs, blocked access.
• Ensure handrails are used and proper foot1ng on steps. HSE
materials stored at access. bruises, sprains, severe
3 & egress to work area
poor housekeeping, cable
4 4 16 I· Do not block access by storing materials. 6 Representative I
• Proper routing of cables. Foreman I
running on access, no access,
• Provide information signs. Operator
signs missing, slip & trip
• Ensure good housekeeping always.

• Ensure safe access and egress to work area.

• Lift using correct lifting principle i.e. feet apart, firmly grip load, keep load close to the
body, keep back straight, avoid twisting or bending too much, when lifting from ground:
bend knees and lift weight using your leg muscles.
• Ensure good housekeeping in the area,
• Watch out for un even surfaces.
• Ensure no spillage or slippery surface.
• Ensure proper gloves are used along with other PPE.
Slip and trip, repetitive work, poor • Engage additional help is the load 1s too heavy.
!illumination, protruding sharp objects, Site Engineer I
• Proper storage of materials i.e. no storing near edge, improper height, not blocking access
1MODIIIZing materials to work stacking, stacking at HSE
strain/sprain, cuts,
4 3 4 12 ,ways etc. 6 I
Representative I
height, starting materials injury, fracture • Ensure proper illumination in the area.
COSHH items, unsafe Foreman I
• Ensure protruding objects are covered.
• Ensure MSDS for COSHH items
• Do not store excess of flammable materials at site.
• Bring only quantity required for the day.
• Ensure no hot works in the area.
• Ensure fire extinguisher is available near by.

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• STARRT briefing for operatives prior to start work.

•Proper Supervision
Site Engineer I
•Keep the work place free of obstructions by carrying out regular housekeeping
• Do not block access by storing materials.
Preparation for testing and
Commissionina of MCC Panel
injury, cuts, bruises 3 3 9 I· Signs must be displayed to indicate the routes to be taken by persons, changes in routes
be clearly communicated.
Representative I
Foreman I
Operator I
ing area should be illuminated
Proper routing of cables.
Ensure good housekeeping always.

STARRT briefing to operatives

Do not use damaged tools
1and Too Inspect tools for damage prior to use.
Using damaged tools. Do not use homemade tools Site Engineer I
Cuts. muscle strain/sprain.
Preparation for testing and
Cnmmissionina of MCC Panel
use of tools,
cramped work
Repetitive work.
Hot & humid climate, slipping,
injury. Damaged to ear,
injury to eyes. fracture
4 4 16
Do not throw tools on persons below or above.
Use tool lanyard when using tools at thigh.
Carry tools in holster or in tool box when working at he1ght.
tools fall on person below Use task specific PPE such as face shields. goggles. hand gloves, ear protection, dust
masks etc.

• STARRT bnefing for operatives prior to start work.

Site Engineer 1
A • Competent persons.
•Keep the work place free of obstructions by carrying out regular housekeeping.
Preparation for testing and Representative I
Commissioning of MCC Panel
Minor injury, cuts, bruises 3 3 9 I· Do not carry tools or materials when using ladder 6
Foreman I
1Over-reaching from Ladder, Materials • Do not lean your body during working on ladder or scaffold.
Operator I
·ried up. • Job rotation and adequate supply of drinking water.
under poor lighting. • Working area should be illuminated

Poge 3 of 5
• STARRT briefing for operattves prior to start work.
• Scaffolds shall be erected by trained scaffolds only.
• Scaffolds shall not be used unless inspected by 3rd party certified scaffold inspector.
• Scaffold materials used must be without damage and in good condition.
• Do not over load scaffold.
Rails • Ensure scaffold platform is provided with safe access. top rails. mid rails and toe board.
• Tool belts must be used while working at height.
Bracing • Scaffolds to be placed on level & rigid surface. Site Engineer I
Wheels • Wheels of mobile scaffold must be locked dunng operation. HSE
Preparation for testing and
Commissionino of MCC Panel
lnamao-;,d/nnt locked. Missing
Cuts, sprain. internal inJury,
fracture. fatality
4 5 20 I• Do not move scaffold when workers are on top.
Ladder must be secured wtth clamps.
10 IRepresentative
Foreman I
Uneven Trained & competent operatives must be deployed. Operator
slop, Using The bottom area shall be cordoned off and signage placed.
I damaged components, Moving Regular rest time & adequate drinking water supply for operatives working at cramped
scaffold when persons are on reas to be ensured.
platform, Ensure scaffold is provided with outrigger, ties etc. if the height to base is above 4: 1 ratio.
Ensure safety harness is used during erection, dismantling and other wor1< at height where
is a risk of fall.

STARRT briefing for operatives prior to start work.

Dust. Competent persons.
Sharp Edges I Objects, Do not lean your body during working on ladder or scaffold.
Respiratory illnesses. allergic Site Engineer I
Poor Ventilation, Job rotation and adequate supply of drinking water.
SE Preparation for testing and Poor Coordination
alveolitis and irritation.
Irritation to eyes. Finger I 4 4 16
Working area should be illuminated.
Commissionino of MCC Panel Poor illumination, Proper coordination with team worl<ing near by activity
hand injury, Cuts, sprain, Foreman I
Falling Materials/ Personals, Task fans shall be provided at worl<place.
internal injury. fracture. Operator
Heat exhaustion etc. Dust Mask must be worn before start of dust Cleaning.
Over-reaching, Proper hand protection gloves shall be worn.
Repetitive wor1<. Mandatory PPE must be worn all the time on Site

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RA Execution SPH • JV

~ mm:! lll:'lm ~

Step ro abill
What could hurt me I others or impact Resi Responsibility
What am I oin to do?
on the nvlronm nt
•w:m.sn ..a:r.wtt.m•nJ ty/likell Consoq Rrsk
.uJ'lJ·"efn..f i m n n.!.utJ1iflHII4f.'J.14'¥mm I

STARRT briefing for operatives pnor to start work.

to SPH prior to the testing.
under test has been correclly installed and inspected.
MCC Panel installed, inspected and approved.
that the SMDB Testing and Commissioning Is complete.
LOTO procedure shall be followed.
Proper hand protection gloves shall be wom.
All work area for this specific activity should be barricaded and access should be restricted, only
authorized employees should enter the area.
Only trained/experienced and competent employees should carry on this specific operation. under the
supervision of a competent Supervisor. • All
rea should be evacuated, prior to start of activity.
Post awareness & warning signage's prior to starting of activity to warn others.
Unauthorized operatives. post watchman to keep unauthorized persons away.
Untrained operatives. Ensure safe access & egress.
LOTO, Electrocution, proper illumination.
Fire, Bum inate with other team working in the area.
Testing and Commissioning of Damaged equipment. Uncelebrated Communication system shall be provided. Site Engtneer I
strain and sprain.
6 Motor Control Centre (MCC) equipment. 3te supervision and monitoring by the foreman. HSE
Poor Personnel Injury. 4 3 6
Extreme care when working in wet and slippery areas. Representative
Panel Communication, Poor Finger Injury, Personnel should never run on work site. Foreman
illumination. Hand injury, Keep works~e clean and tidy at all times.
&trip. Damage to equipment. .dequate and compulsory PPE should be mandatory while performing the task.
Electrical power connection & Competent and experienced staff only supervise the activity.
Earthing not Proper, Ensure that FAT reports are available.
Falling objects. Ensure sample test pack has been prepared.
Ensure all cables are installed, tested and approved.
Ensure approved procedure is on site.
Ensure required Power available.
that the entire system is cleaned internally and externally.
that electrical power connections and earthing is proper.
that field wiring is pre-tested for continuity and insulation resistance.
all equipment's have valid 3rd party calibration certificates.
identification and labeling of the equipment.
of an emergency, Emergency Rescue plan of main contractor will be followed.
availability of Fire Watcher and Fire Wanden on site during the test activity.
Fire Extinguishers & Fire Blanket shall be placed nearby.

Adequate PPE should be used.

Extreme care when working 1n wet and slippery areas.
Slip, Trip. Fall, Environmental Effect
Sprains, cuts, heat stress. Personnel should never run on worksite. Site Engtneer I
Manual handling, protruding sharp
7 Housekeeping respiratory illness. crush 3 2 6 Keep worksite clean and tidy at all times. 2 General
objects. dust, poor illumination.
injuries. burns. All materials to be secured by suitable chocks, sandbags or other means. Foreman I HSE
uneven surfaces. heavy load.
pipes not laid during the course of a day are to be returned to the stockpile and secured
IaoorooriatP.Iv •Store/park plant & equipment off site & in a secure a rea.

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