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10G EPON OLT Quick Operation Guide

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10G EPON OLT Quick Operation Guide

一,Configuration the OLT manager IP via configuration line.

1,Infix the RJ45 side of the cable into the Con port of the OLT and the
DB9 side into the DB9 master port of the PC.
2.Check the COM port of the PC.The method is click right‘my
computer’ on the PC with win 7 and XP system,then check the serial
number of the COM ports,every PC has itself special serial
number.Notice that don’t mix them,otherwise can not logon in

3.Open the CRT manager software ‘Secure CRT.exe’

4.Click the quick connect and then configuration as it show on the picture
as below, choose the PC checking on the COM port.
5.Start OLT now,there is the print start information on the CRT
window,after the OLT had been started totally,input the username :admin
password :123456

6.Input ‘enable’ to enter global mode and then input configure

terminal to enter configuration mode.

7.Configure manager VLAN and Manager ports.

A. VLAN100 configuration.Setting the management VLAN is 100(user-

Exit quit VLAN view enter configuration mode.
Interface vlan-interface 100 enter VLAN 100 configure interface.
Ip address configure manage IP (user-
Exit quit VLAN interface view and then enter configuration mode.

B. interface ethernet 0//1 enter the uplink GE1 port of the OLT.
Switchport default vlan 100 put the fist port configure it to manage port
and tag it with vlan 100.

8.Configuration snmp protocol.configure the reported PC IP and the ports

number( is the NMS PC IP address and 162 is the port
snmp-server community public ro permit view iso
snmp-server community private rw permit view iso
snmp-server host version 2c public udp-port 162 notify-type bridge gbn gbnsavecfg interfaces rmon snmp

snmp-server enable traps

9.Save configuration after finished it.

A.Quit to the global mode via Exit,use copy running-config startup-
config to save configuration.

二,Logon in OLT by telnet way.

1.Setting the PC IP address is,Connect the PC internet

card to the GE1 port of the OLT via internet cable.
2.Open the manager software of CRT: Secure CRT.exe ,click quick
connect and then setting as it show as following picture.

3.Input username:admin and password:123456 to enter OLT.

三.Manage OLT by NMS way.
1.Setting the PC IP address is,Connect the PC internet
card to the GE1 port of OLT.
2.Install NMS:Installer(2.2.2140NL).exe,click next step always when
3.Open NMS server,click next step always and finally click start.

4.Open NMS client-side,input password 123456 and then click logon in.
5.Click ‘operation’ - ‘add node’

7.The name of the node is OLT IP,SNMP port is the 162 which had been
added just now and then click ‘add’.
8.Operation interface is the showing as following:

三,NMS common use configuration items.(The OLT in the example is
1.The method of update the statement of the OLT.choose OLT side(192.468.1.253),click right and
then choose update statement.
2.Change the ONU statement method,choose the OLT side(,click right and then
choose ONU list.Refresh the ONU list.
3.The method to configuration ONU VLAN,choose the ONU which is waiting for configuration
and then configuration manage.

4.Choose CTC port VLAN configuration and then choose the configured ONU port.The mode of
the port is tag mode.Input the configured needed VLAN on the line of default VLAN.Finally,click
configuration to finish it.The same configuration method for the other ports,setting the right
VLAN in the actual environment.
6.The method to change the ONU,find the ONU which need to be changed,click right to check the
property,change it on the tag place of the device.
6.Choose the OLT side( after finished the configuration,click right to choose
configuration management.

find the save configuration items and then save it.

五, The common use operation command line
Account number #admin
Password #123456

Global mode #enable

Configuration mode #configure terminal
Add VLAN 10 #vlan 10
Quit #exit

Enter vlan 100 #interface vlan-interface 100

Definition vlan 100 IP #IP add+tab
Quit vlan 100 IP definition #exit

Check ONU state #show onu-status

Get the serial number of the ONU 0/1/2 by MAC address.
Enter ONU #onu 0/1/2
Check the style of 0/1/2 ONU under the view of ONU 0/1/2#show onu-sn
EPON(onu-0/3/1)#show onu-sn
SN of onu 0/3/1 :
Vendor ID : B031 (HEX-42 30 33 31)
MODEL : 08AN (HEX-30 38 41 4e)
ONUID(MAC) : c0:7e:40:94:db:25
HW :
SW :
08AN is ONU type

Quit and then enter the configuration mode exit

Define 08AN is 8 port ONU under the configuration mode(8

ports,16ports and 24 ports ONU need to be defined)
#onu 08AN 8 com enable vlan enable
Enter the uplink ports GE1 of OLT under configuration mode#interface
ethernet 0/1
Change this port to be the default one VLAN 41 #switchport default vlan

Enter the uplink ports GE2 of OLT under configuration mode#interface

range ethernet 0/2
Change this port to be trunk mode#switchport mode trunk
Tag ports trunk VLAN 41# switchport trunk allowed vlan 41

Enter the OLT PON 1 port under configuration mode#interface pon 0/1
Configure the interflow mode of the ONU#onu-p2p
Change this port to trunk mode#switchport mode trunk
Tag the port trunk VLAN 41# switchport trunk allowed vlan 41

Enter ONU under configuration mode 0/1/3 #onu 0/1/3

Enter the first LAN port of ONU 0/1/3#interface ethernet 0/1
Tag default VLAN 41 on the first LAN port of ONU 0/1/3#onu-vlan-
mode tag vlan 41

Enter OLT XGE1 uplink 10G port under configuration mode#interface

ethernet 1/1
Change the 10G port to the Gigabit rate# speed 1000

Check reported MAC information under configuration mode# show mac-


Enter ONU 0/1/3under configuration mode# onu 0/1/3

Check the optical power information of the onu 0/1/3# show onu-opm-

Check the state information of uplink interface port and PON port#show
interface brief

Save OLT configuration under the global mode# copy running-config

Click Y to confirm save.

Clear OLT configuration under global mode# clear startup-config

Click Y to confirm clear.

Reboot OLT under the global mode ( Please save all before reboot ) #

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