Directions: Read Each Sentence/situation Carefully. Choose The Letter of The Best Answer. Write The Letter of Your Choice Before Each Number

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Felizardo C.

Lipana National High School

S.Y. 2020-2021

Summative Test II in
Oral Communication in Context

Grade Level/Sec.______________________________Score:______________________________
Test I.

Directions: Read each sentence/situation carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
letter of your choice before each number.

1. When you respond to others in ways to acknowledge their

experiences, what verbal communication strategy is employed?
a. Use affirming responses.
b. Be flexible towards others.
c. Empathize rather than remain detached.
2. When you are being yourself, honestly and openly, you are
rather than manipulative.
a. flexible
b. genuine
c. focused
3. This barrier promotes overly-formal language, colloquialisms and jargon.

a. Lacking clarity
b. Jumping to conclusions
c. Dsyfunctional responses
4. Shyness, difficulty being assertive, or low self-worth can be a sign that a person
which can be a major barrier to effective
a. Lacks clarity
b. Lacks confidence
c. Jumps to conclusion
5. When speakers make unqualified generalizations, they undermine their own clarity
and credibility. Which of the barriers to effective verbal communication is described in
the preceding statement?
a. Jumping to conclusions
b. Dysfunctional responses
c. Using stereotypes and generalizations
6. This strategy for active listening is the choice of the listener to repeat back to the
speaker in his/her words what s/he thinks the speaker has said.

a. Stop
b. Listen
c. Paraphrase
7. In this communication situation, the speaker tries to be himself/herself, and he also
tries to focus in working well with the people around him. What strategy is being
employed by the
a. Being flexible towards others
b. Being empathetic rather detached
c. Being genuine rather than manipulative
8. During the school seminar-workshop, the invited speaker intentionally refuses to
respond to the question of one member of
the audience because it is his first time to speak in front. What
effective verbal communication barrier does he commit?
a. Jumping to conclusions
b. Dysfunctional responses
c. Stereotypes and generalizations
9. Among the strategies for active listening, which of the following does NOT
a. Listen
b. Affirm
c. Paraphrase
10. Rafael was assigned by his teacher to report about COVID-19, its origin, prevention,
and treatment. However, before he started, he began criticizing his own inability to
speak clearly and other odd mannerisms while speaking. What do you think should
he have
a. He should have focused on being flexible towards others.
b. He should have empathized rather than remain detached.
c. He should have valued himself and his own abilities, so that others would also
value him.
Test II.

Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer.

a. one-on-one speaking
b. oral examinations
c. team-based oral work
2. It ranges from one oral question on an otherwise written exam to an oral defense of a
written answer or paper to an entirely oral quiz or examination.
a. speeches and presentation
b. in-class debates and deliberations
c. oral examinations

3. This particular activity includes group presentations or impromptu speaking.

a. speeches and presentations
b. oral examinations
c. full-class discussions

4. Typically, it is less agonistic, argument-based, and competitive than debate and

deliberation but still dialogical in character.
a. in class debates and deliberations
b. full-class discussions
c. one-on-one speaking
5. A structured consideration of some issue from two or more points of view.
a. oral examinations
b. speeches and presentations
c. in-class debates and deliberations
6. In this type of communication, the information is transmitted with the use of predefined
channels or routes.
a. One-one-speaking
b. Small Group or Team Based Oral Work
c. Formal type of communication
7. It is the process of transmitting information or ideas verbally from a particular individual
to many groups of people.
a. Small group or team-based oral work
b. Oral communication
c. Oral examinations
8. Sharing information with friends with no skeleton like formal
communication is called .
a. In-class debates
b. Oral communication
c. Informal type of communication
9. This can take place in the faculty room, in small groups or before a whole class.
a. Oral communication
b. Oral examination
c. Oral defamation

10. This features a reason-giving argument.

a. Full class discussions
b. In-class debates
c. Speeches

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