Outline (Chapter 8) : Antigen-Antibody Reactions Part2
Outline (Chapter 8) : Antigen-Antibody Reactions Part2
Outline (Chapter 8) : Antigen-Antibody Reactions Part2
14, 2020
play a major role. These are discussed, along
I. Precipitation Reaction with theoretical considerations of binding,
II. Antigen-Antibody Binding including the law of mass action and the
a. Affinity principle of lattice formation. Such
b. Avidity characteristics relate to the sensitivity and
c. Law of Mass Action
specificity of testing in the clinical laboratory.
III. Precipitation Curve
a. Zone of Equivalence
b. Prozone and Postzone
IV. Measurement of precipitation by light scattering Affinity
a. Turbidimetry
b. Nephelometry • The primary union of binding sites on antibody
V. Passive immunodiffusion techniques with specific epitopes on an antigen depends
a. Radial Immunodiffusion
on two characteristics of antibody known as
b. Ouchterlony Double Diffusion
VI. Electrophoretic techniques
affinity and avidity.
a. Rocket Immunoelectrophoresis • Affinity is the initial force of attraction that
b. Immunoelectrophoresis exists between a single Fab site on an antibody
c. Immunofixation Electrophoresis molecule and a single epitope or determinant
d. Sources of Error in Electrophoresis site on the corresponding antigen. As epitope
VII. Comparison of precipitation techniques and binding site come into close proximity to
VIII. Summary
each other, several types of noncovalent
IX. References
bonds hold them together. These include ionic
INTRODUCTION bonds, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic bonds,
and van der Waals forces.
• The combination of antigen with specific • Ionic bonds occur between oppositely charged
antibody plays an important role in the particles.
laboratory in diagnosing many different • Hydrogen bonds involve an attraction between
diseases. Immunoassays have been developed polar molecules that have a slight charge
to detect either antigen or antibody, and they separation and in which the positive charge
vary from easily performed manual tests to resides on a hydrogen atom.
highly complex automated assays. Many such • Hydrophobic bonds occur between nonpolar
assays are based on the principles of molecules that associate with one another and
precipitation or agglutination. Precipitation exclude molecules of water as they do so.
involves combining soluble antigen with • Van der Waals forces occur because of the
soluble antibody to produce insoluble interaction between the electron clouds of
complexes that are visible. Agglutination is the oscillating dipoles.
process by which particulate antigens such as • All of these are rather weak bonds that can
cells aggregate to form larger complexes when occur only over a short distance of
a specific antibody is present. approximately 1 x 10–7 mm, so there must be a
• This chapter focuses on precipitation, and the very close fit between antigen and antibody.
following chapter discusses agglutination. • The strength of attraction depends on the
Precipitation was first noted in 1897 by Kraus, specificity of antibody for a particular antigen.
who found that culture filtrates of enteric One antibody molecule may initially attract
bacteria would precipitate when they were numerous different antigens, but it is the
mixed with specific antibody. For such epitope’s shape and the way it fits together
reactions to occur, both antigen and antibody with the binding sites on an antibody molecule
must have multiple binding sites for one that determines whether the bonding will be
another, and the relative concentration of stable. Antibodies are capable of reacting with
each must be equal. Binding characteristics of
antibodies, called affinity and avidity, also
1 of 10 BSMT 3.1 | DOMINIA
Ag = Antigen
Ab = Antibody
K1 = rate of constant for the forward reaction
K2 = rate of constant for the reverse reaction
• The equilibrium constant is thus;
K = K1/K2 = [AgAb]/[Ab][Ag],
Where [AgAb] = concentration of the antigen-antibody
complex (mol/L)
[Ab] = concentration of antibody (mol/L)
[Ag] = concentration of antigen (mol/L)
• This constant can be seen as a measure of the
goodness of fit. Its value depends on the
strength of binding between antibody and
antigen. As the strength of binding, or avidity,
increases, the tendency of the antigen–antibody
complexes to dissociate decreases, and the value
of K2 decreases. This increases the value of K1.
The higher the value of K, the larger the amount
of antigen–antibody complex and the more
visible or easily detectable the reaction is. The
ideal conditions in the clinical laboratory would
be to have an antibody with a high affinity, or
initial force of attraction, and a high avidity, or
Avidity strength of binding. The higher the values are for
both of these and the more antigen–antibody
• Avidity represents the sum of all the attractive
complexes that are formed, the more sensitive
forces between an antigen and an antibody.
the test will be.
This involves the strength with which a
multivalent antibody binds a multivalent PRECIPITATION CURVE
antigen, and it is a measure of the overall
stability of an antigen–antibody complex. In Zone of Equivalence
other words, once binding has occurred, it is
the force that keeps the molecules together. A • In addition to the affinity and avidity of the
high avidity can actually compensate for a low antibody involved, precipitation depends on the
affinity. Stability of the antigen–antibody relative proportions of antigen and antibody
complex is essential to detecting the presence present. Optimum precipitation occurs in the
of an unknown, whether it is antigen or zone of equivalence, in which the number of
antibody. multivalent sites of antigen and antibody are
approximately equal. In this zone, precipitation
2 of 10 BSMT 3.1 | DOMINIA
is the result of random, reversible reactions surrounded by excess antigen, and again no
whereby each antibody binds to more than one lattice network is formed. In this case, every
antigen and vice versa, forming a stable network available antibody site is bound to a single
or lattice. The lattice hypothesis, as formulated antigen, and no cross-links are formed. Thus, for
by Marrack, is based on the assumptions that precipitation reactions to be detectable, they
each antibody molecule must have at least two must be run in the zone of equivalence.
binding sites, and antigen must be multivalent. • The prozone and postzone phenomena must be
As they combine, this results in a multimolecular considered in the clinical setting, because
lattice that increases in size until it precipitates negative reactions occur in both. A false-
out of solution. Heidelberger and Kendall negative reaction may take place in the prozone
performed the classic quantitative precipitation due to high antibody concentration. If it is
reactions that established proof for this theory. suspected that the reaction is a false negative,
• As illustrated by the precipitin curve shown in diluting out antibody and performing the test
Figure 8–2, when increasing amounts of soluble again may produce a positive result. In the
antigen are added to fixed amounts of specific postzone, excess antigen may obscure the
antibody, the amount of precipitation increases presence of a small amount of antibody.
up to the zone of equivalence. Then when the Typically, such a test is repeated with an
amount of antigen overwhelms the number of additional patient specimen taken about a week
antibody-combining sites present, precipitation later. This would give time for the further
begins to decline. production of antibody. If the test is negative on
this occasion, it is unlikely that the patient has
that particular antibody.
preferred to agar, because agar has a strong • The Fahey and McKelvey method, also called
negative charge, while agarose has almost the kinetic method, uses measurements taken
none, so interactions between the gel and the
reagents are minimized. Immunodiffusion
reactions can be classified according to the
number of reactants diffusing and the
direction of diffusion.
Radial Immunodiffusion
linked immunosorbent assays except for low detect antibodies to extractable nuclear
volume analytes such as IgD or IgG subclasses. antigens that occur in several autoimmune
diseases. (Refer to Chapter 14 for a discussion
Ouchterlony Double Diffusion of autoimmune diseases.)
electrophoresis, which gives quicker results and to kappa or lambda light chains. The sixth
and is easier to interpret. lane is overlaid with antibody to all serum
proteins and serves as the reference lane.
Reactions in each of the five lanes are
compared to the reference lane.
Hypogammaglobulinemias will exhibit faintly
staining bands, while polyclonal
hypergammaglobulinemias show darkly
staining bands in the gamma region.
Monoclonal bands, such as found in
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia or multiple
myeloma, have dark and narrow bands in
specific lanes (Fig. 8–8).
Immunofixation Electrophoresis