FLCCC Alliance I Maskplus Protocol English
FLCCC Alliance I Maskplus Protocol English
FLCCC Alliance I Maskplus Protocol English
Behavioral Prevention
lvermectin 1 Prevention for high risk individuals
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after meals) — one dose
today, repeat after 48 hours, then one dose weekly*
Post COVID-19 exposure prevention2 WEAR MASKS
0.2 mg/kg per dose (take with or after meals) — one dose Must wear cloth, surgical, or
today, repeat after 48 hours*
N95 mask (without valve) in
Vitamin D3 1,000–3,000 IU/day
all indoor spaces with non-
Vitamin C 500–1,000 mg twice a day
household persons.
Quercetin 250 mg/day
Zinc 30–40 mg/day Must wear a N95 mask (with
Melatonin 6 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness) out valve) during prolonged
exposure to non-household
persons in any confined,
poorly ventilated area.
0.2–0.4 mg/kg per dose (take with or after meals) — one
dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered*
se upper dose range if: 1) in regions with more aggressive variants;
2) treatment started on or after day 5 of symptoms or in pulmonary
phase; or 3) multiple comorbidities/risk factors.
Fluvoxamine4 50 mg twice daily for 10–14 days
Add to ivermectin if: 1) minimal response after 2 days of ivermectin;
2) in regions with more aggressive variants; 3) treatment started on
or after day 5 of symptoms or in pulmonary phase; or 4) numerous
comorbidities/risk factors. Avoid if patient is already on an SSRI.
Nasopharyngeal Steamed essential oil inhalation 3 times a day (e.g. VapoRub)
Sanitation and/or chlorhexidine/benzydamine mouthwash gargles and KEEP DISTANCE
Betadine nasal spray 2–3 times a day
Until the end of the Covid-19
Vitamin D3 4,000 IU/day
crisis, we recommend keep-
Vitamin C 500–1,000 mg twice a day
ing a minimum distance of
Quercetin 250 mg twice a day approx. 2 m / 6 feet in public
Zinc 100 mg/day from people who are not
Melatonin 10 mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness) from your own household.
Aspirin 325 mg/day (unless contraindicated)
Pulse Oximeter
Monitoring of oxygen saturation is recommended
(for instructions please see page 2 of this file)
fully monitored for and treated by the prescribing clinician to prevent rare escalation to suicidal or
violent behavior. from home (shopping, sub
way etc.), a thorough hand
Please regard our disclaimer and further information on page 2 of this document. cleaning (20–30 sec. with
soap), or also to use a hand
flccc.net © 2020–2021 FLCCC Alliance · I-MASK+ Protocol · Version 11 · June 30, 2021 disinfectant in between.
Summary of the Clinical Trials Body weight conversion (kg/lb) for ivermectin
Evidence for Ivermectin in COVID-19 dose in prevention and treatment of COVID-19
Ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine whose
Body weight Dose
discovery won the Nobel Prize in 2015, has
Conversion (1 kg ≈ 2.2 lbs) 0.2 mg/kg ≈ 0.09 mg/lb
proven, highly potent, anti-viral and anti-
(doses calculated per (Each tablet = 3 mg; doses rounded
inflammatory properties in laboratory studies. upper end of weight range) to nearest half tablet above)
In the past 4 months, numerous, con-
70–90 lb 32–40 kg 8 mg (3 tablets = 9 mg)
trolled clinical trials from multiple centers and
countries worldwide are reporting consistent, 91–110 lb 41–50 kg 10 mg (3.5 tablets)
The I-Mask+ Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 and the MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for
COVID-19 are solely for educational purposes regarding potentially beneficial therapies for COVID-19. Never disregard professional
medical advice because of something you have read on our website and releases. It is not intended to be a substitute for profes-
sional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment in regards to any patient. Treatment for an individual patient should rely on the
judgement of your physician or other qualified health provider. Always seek their advice with any questions you may have regard-
ing your health or medical condition.
A summary of the published data supporting the rationale for Ivermectin use in our I-MASK+ protocol can be downloaded
from www.flccc.net/flccc-ivermectin-summary
Layout & typesetting by raumfisch.de/sign
Please check our homepage www.flccc.net regularly for updates of our COVID-19 Protocols! – New medications may be
added and/or dose changes to existing medications may be made as further scientific studies emerge!
flccc.net © 2020–2021 FLCCC Alliance · I-MASK+ Protocol · Version 11 · June 30, 2021