The Teaching Profession: Title of The Report: The Teacher As A Person in

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Republic of the Philippines

Cotabato City State Polytechnic College

Sinsuat Avenue, Cotabato City

The Teaching Profession

Title of the Report: The Teacher as a Person in
the Society.

Prepared By: BSEd English 4A

Facilitator :
Prof. Ombra A. Imam
• Gayao, Datu Saudi
• Ordeniza Shiemel
• Maycon, Baimina
• Lucas, Myra
• Sinsuat, Bai Irene
• Caang, Vea
• Guibonin, Bai Ali
Chapter 1

The Teacher as a Person in

the Society

Reporter : Datu Saudi Gayao

the particular focus of this chapter is to
explore significant literatures and theories in
understanding the personal traits and
values, important rights, and roles of
teachers in the society.
The objectives of this chapter are
the following;
• Identify several roles performed by
teachers in the society.
• Discuss the values of teachers as
community leaders; and
• Appreciate the role of teachers in the
The Teacher as
Individual Person

Reporter : Shiemel G. Ordeniza

 Understanding the teaching profession
requires deeper appreciation of the
lives of teachers as individuals in the
society. As society becomes more
complex and its values are becoming
more pluralistic, the areas of
responsibility for teachers become
wider (Pelletier 2004)
• Cohen, Manion, and Morrision
(1996) pointed out that teaching is
more than just a simple job. Some
people, especially those who
choose it to be their profession,
regard teaching as a higher calling
and a commitment to make positive
changes in the society and in the
lives of all people they teach.
Teachers Have Different
Talent and Skills

• It has always desirable for teachers to

possess various skills and talents that
they can use and share as they perform
their teaching task.
• In terms of skills, many teachers are very
creative in designing classroom
environments and in organizing school
activities. They master the art of selecting
instructional methods and strategies
appropriate for their students. They are
skillful in improvising different types of
teaching devices and other instructional
• Teachers are blessed with special talents
and skills that are useful in fulfilling their
noble task of molding the minds and
character of the future generation of
leaders, professionals, and responsible
citizens. A creative way to describe the
talents and skills of a teacher is a simple
written piece about “The Body Parts of a
• Brain – to always think critically and
• Eyes – to see individual needs, strength,
and nature of each student.
• Ears – to listen to students’ ideas and
• Hands – to guide students and show the
right direction.
• Heart – to love all the students regardless
of who and what they are.
• Mouth – to speak the truth, discuss
knowledge, and speak wisdom to
• Feet – to walk with the students, explore
the surroundings, and discover new
knowledge and information.
• Nose – to breathe deeply and relax when
feeling tired or pressured.
Different Needs

Reporter : Baimina B. Maycon

Teachers have different needs.

And other needs
Many times their call to duty made
teachers very busy in everyday that
they set aside their individual
Teachers have economic
• In television and newspapers, we
get news of teachers joining
rallies to increase their salaries
and fight for their rights.
Teachers need security and
• Some teachers suffer from the
perils of injustice.
• Some teachers are victim of
kidnapping by lawless groups.
• Some of them are victims of
school official too.
Teachers need to be recognize
and appreciated to boast their
emotional and self-esteem.
• It means people must be more
understanding of the life and duty of a
Teachers need spiritual
• The tasks of a teacher are heavy to
bear considering all the demands of
their job and all unnecessary stresses
they experience . In doing all of these,
teachers need some form of spiritual
guidance and inspiration regardless of
their religion.
Teachers need role clarity.
• Another recurring need of teachers has
been to identify the various roles a
teacher has to perform, to explore how
clear expectations for each role are (role
Teachers have social needs
• They need to socialize into the society to
know the people and to understand the
social realities experienced by students in
Teachers need to cope with
various challenges and changes.
• The teaching profession requires teachers
to respond to different challenges and
changes brought by information
technology, changing social values system,
economic challenges and cultural diversity.
Teachers Have

Reporter : Myra A. Lucas

All human beings are entitled to
enjoy specific rights. These human
rights are enshrined in the united
Nations Universal Declaration of
Human Rights and in Article III of
the 1987 Philippine Constitution. As
an individual, every teacher is entitled to
enjoy all human rights identified by the
The Manual of Regulations for
Private School Teachers and the Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers also
guarantee that all teachers enjoy their rights
and ensure justice in the conduct of their
duties as professionals. They are free to
organize or join any professional
organizations that will help them grow
For Tertiary Faculty Members, they
enjoy academic freedom that enables
them to do research and publish their
scholarly works and opinions.
• Often times, teachers are also among the
most common victims of human rights
violations. It is unfortunate that some
teachers are victims of unfair labor
practices and abuse of authority by some
school officials.
• They are entitled to be protected by the
state from any form of lawlessness.
Article XIII Section 1 to Section 3 of
the Philippine Constitution enshrine
the commitment of the state to ensure
social justice , human rights, and labor
rights of each individual that include
Teacher as a

Reporter : Bai Irene Sinsuat

Teacher as a Professional
By virtue of the Republic Act 7836,
amended by Republic Act 9293, teaching was
professionalized and thereby requiring teachers
to take the Licensure Examination for Teachers
As professionals, teachers are bound to
perform specific duties to the society specially
to schools and students guided by a
professional code of ethics.
7R’s that a professional teachers
need to do and to learn as

• Remember
• Respond
• Recognize
• Reawaken
• Renew
• Re-evaluate
• Relearn, learn, and unlearn
Currently, there are also few teachers who
are not behaving professionally. There are
teachers who are facing legal cases for:
• Sexual harassment
• Receive money in order to give
honor/award to undeserving students
• Trying to buy their tenure and promotion
• Involved in extra-marital relationship
• Very low content knowledge in the subject
they are teaching.
The Teacher as a
Community Leader
and Social Advocate

Reporter: Vea E. Caang

Educators play an important role in
the development of people and
communities. Jan and Ed Philpot (1994)
concretized this idea by encouraging a
stronger link between home, school and
community through effective programs
implemented by teachers.
• Teacher is an active leader in the
• Teachers are part of the local community’s
Committee on Child Protection, Education
and Welfare.
• Teacher serve as judges in community..
• Teacher serve as advocates for quality
education, protection, and welfare of
children and youth promotion of literacy,
human rights, wellness and health, justice
and many other concerns.
The Teacher as a Model of
Good Character
• Teachers are recognized as exemplars of
good character, attitude, and values.
• Many people consider them as prophets,
spiritual leaders, and great mentors that
stand on their principles and beliefs, and
they faithfully perform their duties.
• Teacher awarded in International in
every year. In Philippines some of
recipients of Ten Outstanding Young
Men(TOYM) and Ten Outstanding
Women in Nations Service (TOWN) that
are also teacher.
• Teachers are good mentors and they are
dedicated professionals who never
thought of any award and recognition.
• Teachers serve as models and molders for
student across generation.
The Teacher as an

Reporter: Bai Ali B. Guibonin

• Since ancient times, teachers are recognized
as sources of wisdom and information in
every society.

• There are many teachers who are know

experts in many fields and disciplines.

• Their ideas penetrate all aspects of life

through the wisdom, knowledge, values and
skills they shared to their students who
became leaders and citizens in all
Shulman (1987) tried to organize
important domains of knowledge that
are important for teachers.

1. Knowledge in content- teachers should

know the subject matter they teach.
2. Pedagogical content knowledge-
means teachers should master the subject
they are teaching and they know how to
teach it effectively.
3. Knowledge of the learners – they
have an idea of the different learning styles,
thinking styles, and educational needs of
their learners.
4. General pedagogical knowledge-
they should understand the general
pedagogical principles that are applicable to
any classroom situation and in any teaching
and learning context.
5. Knowledge of educational contexts-
teachers should understand the educational
context of the learners and of the school.
6. Curriculum knowledge- teachers need
to have knowledge and appreciation of the
curriculum, curriculum models, innovations,
curriculum designs, curriculum materials,
assessment, and the curriculum process.
7. Knowledge of educational ends,
purposes, and values – they should have
deep appreciation of the enduring values of
Teachers play an important role in the total
educational system of any country.
As experts in different areas, teachers need
to possess the 4 Cs.

• Creativity- a cognitive ability to think

outside the box, develops new ideas,
possess outstanding talent, and lead
effectively. It is also a capacity to
• Critical thinking- a cognitive ability and
capacity to think critically in solving
problems, making decisions, and in
processing ideas.
• Commitment- a passion to make
difference in the lives of each learner.
• Character- an exemplar of positive

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