06 MongoDB Queries

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$or $and $not

$in $exists $regex

$lt $gt
Equality Query
๏ Match by field name and it's exact value
{<fieldName1> : <value1>, <fieldName2> : <value2>, ...}

๏ Examples
{"name" : "Kitty Snow"}
{"age" : 38}
{"gender" : "female" , "eyeColor" : "blue"}

AND Condition
๏ Operators add conditions
{ <fieldName1>: { <operator1>: <value1> }, ... }

๏ Examples
{"favoriteFruit" : {"$ne": "apple"}}
{"age" : {"$gt": 25}}
{"eyeColor" : {"$in": ["green" , "blue"]}}
Comparison Operators

$eq $gt $lt

$ne $gte $lte

๏ Examples
{"favoriteFruit" : {"$ne": "orange"}}
{"age" : {"$lt": 35}}
{"age" : {"$gte": 23}}
{"age" : {"$gt": 23, "$lt": 27}}
Comparison Operators

$in $nin

๏ Examples
{"eyeColor" : {"$in": ["green" , "blue"]}}
{"favoriteFruit" : {"$nin": ["banana" , "apple"]}}

๏ Logically combines multiple conditions. Resulting

documents must match ALL conditions
{ $and: [ { <condition1> }, { <condition2> } ... ] }


Explicit $and MUST be used if conditions

contain same field or operator
๏ Examples
{ $and: [ { "gender" : "male" }, { "age" : 25 } ] }
{ $and: [
{"age": {"$ne": 25}},
{"age": {"$gte": 20}} ] }
Explicit $and with same field

{ $and: [ {"age": {"$ne": 25}} , {"age": {"$gte": 20}} ] }

{"age": {"$ne": 25} , "age": {"$gte": 20}}

๏ Logically combines multiple conditions. Resulting

documents must match ANY of the conditions
{ $or: [ { <condition1> }, { <condition2> } ... ] }

๏ Examples
{ $or: [ { "gender" : "male" }, { "age" : 25 } ] }
{ $or: [ { "age" : 20 }, { "age" : 27 }] }

Equal to: {"age" : {"$in": [20 , 27]}}

Query Embedded Documents
"company" : {
"title" : "SHEPARD",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"phone" : "+1 (829) 478-3744", Fields accessed with dot
"location" : { notation (.) MUST be inside
"country" : "USA", quotation marks
"address" : "379 Tabor Court"

๏ Examples
{ "company.title": "SHEPARD" }
{ "company.location.address": "379 Tabor Court"}
Query Array by element Value

๏ Array contains certain value

{<fieldName>: <value>}

๏ Specific element in array has certain value

{"<fieldName>.<index>": <value>}

๏ Examples
{ tags: "ad" }
{ "tags.0": "ad"}
{ "tags.3": "ab"}
Query Array using $all , $size

๏ Array contains all specified values independent of order

{<fieldName>: {"$all": [<value1> , <value2>, ...]}}

๏ Array is of certain size

{<fieldName>: {"$size": <number>}}

๏ Examples
{ tags: {"$all": ["ad" , "eu"]}}
{ tags: {"$size": 4}}
Query Array of Nested Documents
"friends": [
"name": "Lora",
"age": NumberInt(23)
"name": "Bob",
"age": NumberInt(25)

๏ Examples
{ "friends.name": "Lora" }
{ friends: {"name": "Lora", "age": 23} }
๏ At least one nested document in the Array must match ALL
conditions. Order of conditions doesn't matter
{ <arrayField>: { $elemMatch: { <condition1> , <condition2> , ...}} }

๏ Examples
{ friends: { $elemMatch: { name:
"Bob", registered: false }}}
{ friends: { $elemMatch: { registered:
false, age: 25 }}}
Element Operators

$exists $type
๏ Examples
{ tags: { $exists: true}}
{ name: { $exists: false}}

{ posts: { $type: "int"}}

{ name: { $type: 2}}
{ quantity: { $type: ["int" , "double"]}}
{ index: { $type: "int", $eq: 5}}
BSON Type Identifiers

Type Number ID String ID

String 2 “string”
Object 3 “object”
Array 4 “array”
Boolean 8 “bool”
32-bit Integer 16 “int”
64-bit Integer 18 “long”
Double 1 “double”
Date 9 “date”
ObjectId 7 “objectId”
Filter Fields
{ {
"_id": ObjectId("5ad4cbde2edbf6ddeec71743"), "index": 2,
"index": 2, "name": "Hays Wise",
"name": "Hays Wise", "isActive": false,
"isActive": false, "company": {
"registered": ISODate("2015-02-23T10:22:15.000Z"), "location": {
"age": 24, "country": "France",
"gender": "male", "address": "795 Borinquen Pl"
"eyeColor": "green",
"favoriteFruit": "strawberry",
"company": { }
"title": "EXIAND", }
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+1 (801) 583-3393",
"location": {
"country": "France",
"address": "795 Borinquen Pl"
"tags": ["amet", "ad", "elit", "ipsum"]
Filter Fields Examples
๏ Examples
db.persons.find({<query>} , {name: 1, age: 1})
db.persons.find({<query>} , {"company.location": 1, age: 1})
db.persons.find({<query>} , {_id: 0, name: 1, age: 1})
db.persons.find({<query>} , {name: 0, age: 0})

๏ Filter using Regular Expression

{<fieldName>: {"$regex": /pattern/<options> }}
{<fieldName>: {"$regex": /pattern/ , $options: "<options>"}}

๏ Examples
{ city: {"$regex": /ton/i}}
{ tags: {"$regex": /^ad$/ , $options: "i"}}
{ state: {"$regex": "ca"}}
๏ Query Operators
$lt, $gt
๏ Array Query Operators

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