Made Easy: Crystals

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ways to
tap into their


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The stones you need to encourage
more positivity in your life
Our crystal experts tackle some
OF CRYSTALS of your questions

hether you carry a tiger’s eye in your pocket,
Judy Hall reveals how these gorgeous
sleep with rose quartz beside you on your crystals can help boost your mood
bedside table, wear a beautiful gem on a necklace
or bracelet or meditate with rocks, chances are 10 GET RICH QUICK – 7 STONES
you’re already tapping into some of the amazing TO ACCELERATE ABUNDANCE
Hoping to put away some extra cash for a
qualities of Mother Earth’s natural treasures. Well, this mag is to help
rainy day? Amplify your chances of success
you realise the real extent of potent powers they provide. While most
people enjoy crystals purely on a visual level (who isn’t enchanted by 12 GEMSTONES FOR YOUR HOME
the sparkle of an amethyst or soothed by the smooth, cool surface Bring the cleansing power of crystals
of a gemstone held in the palm?), for those of us with a spiritual into your living space
inclination, crystals can open up a whole world of insight and healing, if you know how. 13 CRYSTAL CURES
In this month’s mini-mag, Crystals Made Easy, we have brought together wisdom from Keeping one of these gemstones to
some of Soul & Spirit’s favourite crystal gurus as well as some fascinating facts about some hand will help you on your way
of the more easy-to-find gems to help you start working with crystals on a more meaningful 23 PLUG INTO YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS
level. Whether you’re seeking help with love and romance, searching for some creative Need some guidance for a life dilemma?
inspiration or looking for a meditation aid, the wisdom on this special supplement will help This crystal grid promotes knowledge,
you on your way. clarity and intuition
On page 24, be inspired to craft some pretty singing bowls to charge your crystals, using
air dry clay – it’s such a mindful activity that soothes on many levels. On page 26, our regular
crystal contributor Clive Carter talks us through his favourite gemstone combinations and Craft these pretty trinkets for your altar or
how you can combine their powers in your everyday rituals. If you would like your rock-solid windowsill to connect with the moon goddess
crystals to take some of the weight off the pressures of life, Crystal Bible author Judy Hall
reveals her go-to stress-busting stones on page 7, while on page 34 Ashley Leavy shares the 26 SHAKE UP YOUR CRYSTAL STASH
crystals she uses to help open the door to Spirit Guides. How you can use crystal combinations to
superpower your everyday rituals
And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got an A-Z key to crystals starting on page 30 to help you
interpret the incredible qualities of gems. Take this knowledge with you next time you visit 28 STONE SEEKING
your local rock shop and then allow your intuition to guide you in making your next purchase. How do you know when you’re being drawn
to a crystal and which ones are right for you?
Love & light, 30 YOUR A-Z OF CRYSTALS
Discover love, happiness and career
success with our ultimate guide
Rosalind Moody, Ashley Leavy reveals which crystals can
Editor, Soul&Spirit, open the door to magical realms


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The Natural Me Sisterhood is a place

of belonging and self-discovery –
an online community of soul-led
women reconnecting to our purpose,
weaving nature’s energies and natural
therapies into our health and wellbeing
• Reconnect to the natural rhythms of Mother Earth
• Harness the cosmic energies of the moon and the planets to discover your
clarity and purpose
• Mindfully remove stress from your life.
• Discover what it is that you really want and need out of life in order to feel
fulfilled and happy within yourself and your relationships.
Hi! I’m Lisa and I’m a Clinical Reflexologist and Aromatherapist based in Lincoln. My belief
is that without a deep connection to the natural world around us, we can not truly find
balance within all aspects of our health.
As a Natural Me Sister you will enjoy weekly content to follow at your own pace on the
following core subjects:
• Reflexology • Aromatherapy • Intuitive Astrology
• Crystal therapy • Goddess/Deity reflections • Flower therapy
• Chakra healing • Guided meditations and mindful exercises
There are Full and New Moon gatherings online within
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If you would like to know a little more about our Sisterhood check out and follow the link for ‘Natural Me’ on the Home page.
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get happyCombat anxiety with
the best gemstones
for inner calm KIT

ver time, stress and worry your energy levels and help remove negative
can deplete your energy and thought patterns.
leave you feeling exhausted.
One of the best things you can 4 Aquamarine Holding a piece of 6
do in this situation is reach for aquamarine in each hand is said to create a
your gemstones and focus on some self-care. wave of energy that can sweep through your
Often, when you’re worried it’s because whole body and wash away fear and worry.
you’re not focused on the present moment. It also acts as a reminder to release anything
The right crystal can help you return to detrimental from your life.
the now and ground your vibes – read on to
discover the stones that can help you make 5 Angelite For connecting with angels,
amazing emotional shifts... ascended masters and spirit guides, angelite
is the best gem. Simply hold a piece to your
1 Petrified wood Placed between and heart chakra and invite these healing beings
just below your feet, this gem is perfect for to take away any of your stresses.
clearing your mind. It’s a very gentle stone
and eases you back into your centre, helping 6 Rose quartz When this pink stone is
you find balance and stillness. put on your higher heart chakra (between
your heart and throat) it can promote inner 7
2 Snowflake obsidian This crystal is peace. It’s particularly good at allowing you
said to balance yin and yang energies in your to let go of any guilt or shame you have and
body. Placing it on your root chakra (found at encourages nurturing emotions instead.
the base of your spine) helps you change your
thoughts from limiting to encouraging. 7 Lepidolite When placed at the crown
chakra, this crystal is said to dissolve fear-
Ashley Leavy
3 Moonstone Positioning this crystal based belief systems. It is also thought is the founder of the Love & Light
on your emotional centre, otherwise known to balance the different hemispheres School of Energy Medicine and offers
as your sacral chakra (located two or three of the brain, as well as promote training for spiritual entrepreneurs.Visit
inches below your navel) is thought to restore emotional stability.

healing CLINIC
Our gemstone experts tackle your
problems with their sparkling guidance...

I am new to crystal healing

Q and essences – how do I get
started with them?
Judy Hall: “Crystal healing and of your body. One of the best and
essences work through energy oldest basic healing crystals is
resonance, vibration and the bloodstone. It strengthens the
effect of colour. As crystals have immune and filtration networks,
a perfect energy field, they can but it needs to be cleansed
entrain (bring back into alignment) regularly. A few drops of Petaltone
our energy fields that easily go Clear2Light essence (available in
off-balance, which can result in most New Age shops), on a crystal
emotional unease. Placing crystals or in your space purifies and
on the chakras rebalances them recharges your stone in one go.
and harmonises the subtle systems Good luck!”

Meet the experts...

Clive Carter Gaynor Mentiply Judy Hall Tracy Munn

Clive is co-owner of Gaynor Mentiply has been Judy Hall is known Tracy Munn has
Nature’s Treasures, where working with crystals since around the world been working with
he channels his passion 1999 and is a published for her crystal work crystals for seven
for crystals and crystal author. She has also and a wide range of years. She owns a
healing. His company written and now teaches a bestselling books, crystal shop with her
aims to source rare and fully accredited two-year including The Crystal partner Louise in
unusual stones and diploma in the subject at Bible, Earth Blessings Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
minerals that cannot be Spirit Walker Crystal Shop and The Crystal called The Crystal
found elsewhere. Visit in Adwell, Oxfordshire. Visit Wisdom Healing Tree. For more
naturestreasuresdorset. spiritwalkercrystalshop. Oracle Kit, (£14.99, information, visit for more information. for more information. Watkins Publishing).

If my stone
Q breaks or
cracks, am I
still able to use it for a
healing process?
Tracy Munn: “Keep in mind that crystals
do not die or stop working because they’ve
been cracked or broken, so continue to
work with them if you feel drawn. If a
crystal has broken in two, you might like to
give a piece to someone else to work with.
Sometimes, if it has been working hard, a
crystal may need to be buried in Mother
Earth for a while, which can bring it back
to full resonance. Either meditate or dowse
with a pendulum on the best action for your
broken crystal. It is also quite acceptable
to glue the pieces back together so you can
continue to work with it.”

How can I use crystal healing

Q to help me deal with feelings
of negativity?
Clive Carter: “The crystal you need
to use depends on whether it is your
own negativity you’re dealing with, or
regular contact with your skin (always
buy open-backed jewellery, so you are in
contact with the crystal). If it’s you giving
Q I’ve been told
that I need to
‘activate’ a
to protect yourself from the pessimism out negativity, try a herkimer diamond, crystal before using it
of others. To guard against receiving as this will give you a lift, putting you
negative vibes, I would recommend a in a more positive frame of mind. If – what does this mean
piece of labradorite. Either wear a piece
in a bracelet or necklace, or carry a palm
you are upbeat and focused, you will
automatically give out good energy and
and how do I do it?
or tumble stone. It works best when in dispel your low frequencies.” Gaynor Mentiply: “Before you use any
crystal, you should firstly ensure that it is

cleansed and blessed before programming
Can crystals help with an it for the job in hand. There are many ways
in which you can do this. The simplest is to
imbalance in my root chakra? hold it under running water and visualise
any residual energy being washed away.
Gaynor Mentiply: “Yes, one way would You will then need to fill this space up with Use your mind to set your intention that the
be to take a smoky quartz wand or point. positivity. To do this, visualise a large ball negativity is changed back into a positive
Hold the point in your hand with the of warm white light above your head and energy as the water goes down the drain.
point facing towards the area of your imagine pulling it down so that it enters Choose a few words that resonate with
root chakra. Circulate the wand or point your body through the crown chakra at you to activate your crystal – these can be
in an anticlockwise direction over the the very top of your head. Allow the warm something as simple as,
site of unease. Do this for approximately light to come through your crown, neck ‘I bless this crystal in the water to be used for
seven rotations and end by lifting the and shoulders and continue down and out healing and to work for the highest good of
wand towards a window to let out the through the hand that is still holding your the person using it’. You then need to let your
negative energy. Use your intent to allow wand/point. This time, rotate the wand gemstone know what you expect of it. To do
the pessimism to disperse into positive seven times clockwise to infuse the area this, place it in your hand and simply talk to it
energy as it goes through the window. with a warming positive energy.” within your mind or out loud if you prefer.”

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Judy Hall reveals how these
3 gorgeous crystals can help boost
your mood and relax you... 5

How to use your crystal

Keeping your crystal with you at all times and
gently stroking it, wearing it on a necklace
or turning it in your hand clears your mind
and focuses your attention into the present
moment. Take three deep, slow, mindful emotional healer. It is particularly helpful for 7 Rose quartz The gentle energy of rose
breaths as you do so, paying attention to the those who are having difficulty with life’s downs quartz is helpful for any stressful situation,
air as it moves into your body and then out in the present moment. but particularly one that is caused by distress
again automatically. The intention is not to in your romantic life. Hold it over your heart
‘zone out’, but rather to become more present 4 Blue lace agate If your stress to find inner peace. It also helps you to love
and feel the stone’s energies bathing you in or anxiety is because you find it difficult and value yourself instead of reacting to what
peace and tranquillity. to express yourself, place this stone over other people think of you.
your throat to help you communicate with
1 Shungite If you are electro-sensitive, clarity and ease.
mobile phones and tablet devices can make
you feel nervy and irritable. This can lead 5 Hermatite This crystal has been used
to insomnia, feeling sad and a compromised for thousands of years for grounding and
solar plexus chakra. The solution? Shungite,
which blocks the emanations.
protection. Wear it constantly to centre
your emotions and keep your body and
Judy Hall
mind centred. is known around the world
2 Amethyst This stone has long been used for her crystal work and a
to balance out the highs and lows of anxiety and 6 Jade A gem which has been used as wide range of bestselling
sadness. Its soothing presence helps you an antidote to stress and worry, Jade is a books, including The Crystal
to remain calm and centred. nurturing crystal to help you feel calm in any Bible, Earth Blessings and
situation, and is particularly useful for giving The Crystal Wisdom
3 Kunzite Containing the natural mood- you back your zest for life. You can also wear or Healing Oracle Kit, (£14.99,
boosting lithium, this stone is a wonderful hold it to overcome trauma. Watkins Publishing).


Hoping to put away some extra cash? Amplify your chances of
success and attract good fortune with these trusty crystals

aving money is tough, isn’t it? No matter more prudent with your pennies, but to attract
how hard we try to refrain from excessive abundance in other areas of your life and address the
spending, there’s always something new underlying causes of over-spending, too. How? Well,
that needs paying for; a broken appliance, these stones are believed to enable you to unblock
household bills, a friend’s birthday... Not any obstacles that might be holding you back from
only that, it’s difficult not to treat yourself every now reaching your money-saving goals. So, knuckle down,
and again. That’s why we’ve carefully identified seven set some targets and lean on these beautiful gems for
crystals that are said to not only help you become some spiritual support. You’ve got this!


HIDDENITE CITRINE Being kept awake at night by money
Not only is this Yellow stones, such as issues? This crystal will work to
yellow-green stone a citrine, are associated dissipate your worries and to help you
delight to look at, with motivation and get some some much-needed rest and
it’s a money- willpower. This gem is relaxation. Try meditating with blue
saving known as the ‘money’ stone and is said to calcite, and placing it on your solar
harbinger. increase self-confidence, in turn helping plexus – it’s said to release any money-
Working you to believe in yourself and your goals. related emotional blockages that could
with the Try placing it in your home or office to be keeping abundance at bay.
heart chakra, create an uplifting environment that’ll
it will remind you keep you on track with your money
to appreciate what you already have milestones.
in life, rather than believing you need
to reach for your purse in order to
feel better. Try holding it in your hand CRYSTAL CARE:
first thing in the morning and writing Citrine is one of the only minerals
a list of 10 things you’re grateful for – not to attract negative energy, so it
you’ll be surprised by how much you doesn’t need to be cleaned as
can add to the list; do you really think regularly as others – money saving
that new dress will make couldn’t be easier!
you happier?

Money doesn’t buy you everything, and you can never
underestimate just how priceless friendships can be. Rather
than splashing the cash in order to have a good time with
your friends, why not organise a get-together where you won’t
have to spend a penny? Moss agate will assist in arranging
these gatherings by strengthening your friendships – it’s
also associated with luck so you should see your money-flow
increasing in no time.

When you’re feeling low, buying a new item of
clothing – especially something you can’t afford –
often carries the misplaced promise that it’ll make
you feel better. In moments of weakness, blue
chalcedony can raise positive vibrations and
soothe your emotions, helping you to boost self-
love – try wearing it as a necklace to comfort you
at all times.

It’s amazing how often we resort to throwing
money at things when we could perhaps be
making them ourselves. Pass some time this month
fine-tuning your creative powers and making gifts
for your friends and family – and keep a piece of
yellow labradorite in your pocket to get your creative
channels flowing. Be sure to harness its powers of
manifestation while you’re at it!

A well-renowned lucky talisman, green aventurine will
help free your mind from those pesky
money-related worries. So, next time you’re
envious of a friend’s latest purchase, hold a piece in
your hand to diffuse any pangs of jealousy. Not only
is this stone believed to combat the green-eyed
monster, it’s also praised for strengthening focus –
place a piece next to your list of money-saving goals
to help you meet your savings targets.

for the HOME
Here’s how to bring the cleansing Bedroom
The best crystal for the bedroom is
power of gemstones into your abode amethyst. When placing it, choose
somewhere you can frequently look
at it and feel a sense of calm. This
Kitchen will help you to create a peaceful
environment for sleep. An amethyst
This is one of the most important
rooms in your home and is often geode or cluster is beautiful to look at,
the ‘hub’ where everyone comes but an amethyst tumblestone under
together at the end of the day. your pillow works perfectly well for
Tracy Munn from Crystal Tree those with less to spend on crystals.
says, “Use crystals to encourage Rose quartz in the bedroom brings
creativity in your culinary skills. harmony with your partner and is said
My suggestion would be citrine, to boost romantic love.
as it is excellent for sparking the
imagination. The kitchen is full
of electrical devices, so placing
shungite in a corner would be a Bathroom
great way to protect against the You can place your favourite crystal
electromagnetic fields that are in your bath water and absorb
emitted. Place on a windowsill its energy while you relax. Use
or a prominent place in the room whatever stone you are drawn
so everyone can benefit from its to (except selenite, which will
powerful energies.” dissolve). A really good gem to start
with is smoky quartz as it’s thought
to neutralise negative energy.

Living room Dining room

This room is another important The key here is to promote a calm environment
meeting point for all the
household. There will be calm
to encourage good conversation over dinner.
Tiger’s eye is said to be good for the solar
moments and others of heated plexus chakra, which governs self-esteem “Place two pieces of black
exchange. It will also be subject to and will help you feel at ease around other tourmaline outside your front and
the very negative electrical energy people, while blue crystals such as celestite or
of the TV set, and this will need
back doors to prevent negative
aquamarine can help with getting the table talk
to be countered. Rhodonite will flowing! These gems can be placed around tea energies from entering your home.
help with family discussions and lights or candles on the table to create a pretty Also place a further two rose
assist in family members treating focal point. quartz pieces either side of the
one another with understanding
and patience. Turquoise will front door to give both you and
help disperse your TV’s negative your guests a warm, loving feeling
output. as they enter”

Love and romance, creative inspiration or
meditation aid, no matter what you’re seeking
guidance with, keeping one of these gemstones
to hand will help you on your way

Inspire the lover in you
and unleash your wild side

ooking for that go-to crystal for love
and romantic inspiration? We think
we’ve found it! Otherwise known as
pink tourmaline, rubellite is thought to emit
an energy of unconditional love to all those
who come into contact with its passionate DID YOU
vibration. Considered to promote ‘karuna’
(Sanskrit for ‘compassion’), many
spiritualists believe this is the stone to guide The Russian crown
humanity towards an age of enlightenment. jewels feature what many
The family of rubellites are mainly
found in Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique,
believe to be rubies, but
Nigeria and Pakistan. The name itself these gems are in fact
comes from the Latin ‘rubellus’, which rubellite – who’d of
means ‘reddish’, and all of these gems are thought it?
devoted to serving the desires of the heart.
Sparkling in many different hues – tender
pink, pale rose, fine fuchsia, intense violet
and bold ruby-red – each reflects spiritual to help overcome work woes, and at home
strength, a loving heart and attractive vibes EARTHY to strengthen your sense of stability.
associated with such crystals.
QUALITIES Spring is the perfect season for
harnessing the power of rubellite as it is
Encouraging us to ride the wave of also a great supportive stone for transitional
TALES OF OLD life and move through ups and downs periods or those coping with new changes in
The bright nature of rubellite is echoed into a more serene and graceful life, helping to release repetitive behavioural
in myths and legends of the past. Pink space, pink tourmaline promotes patterns, let go of the old and embrace
tourmaline was known to ancient a healthy and vibrant perspective the new.
Egyptians who told how it made its on life. This particular variation of It supports us in opening up the heart
journey from the centre of the Earth tourmaline is thought to encourage chakras, like flowers blooming and
and passed over a rainbow with all its positive affirmation with those who reaching for the sun. In this sense, it can
colours. Used by shaman of the African, work with it, bringing strength during be a great catalyst for emotional healing
Native American, and Aboriginal tribes, any challenges one may face. It has after heartbreak.
tourmaline was thought to bring healing supposed balancing properties which
powers to the ancient sages, who could help you connect with nature and
feel grounded. So if you’re a fan of
help cure psychological and physical
ailments with its energy, and provide earthing, get to the nearest park, RAISING VIBRATIONS
beach or grassy knoll and throw off Within metaphysical circles it is thought
protection from danger on both the that pink tourmaline is not indigenous
physical plane and when journeying your shoes to connect with Mother
Earth, rubellite in hand. to Earth but was actually materialised
to higher spiritual dimensions. The into this world by higher life forms.
African shamen also used it to promote In tandem with helping us
feel emotionally secure, this gem The crystal is now being mined in the
the awakening of the self as a part of Andes, in South America, by modern-
the universal spirit. What’s more, the works well with the root chakra, to
encourage boldness, inner strength day alchemists, who are thought to be
Romans were believed to use rubellite making crystal wands to harness the
for relaxation, calming the mind and and courage of conviction when you
are in need of standing your ground strength and high vibrations of pink
inducing tranquil sleep. tourmaline, in order to perform magic
on an issue. Keep a piece in the office
and divination spells.
These medicine men and women use
LOVE COMPANION this crystal in healing, to stir all of the
chakras as it helps align consciousness
Rubellite, when worn in jewellery, is thought to attract the perfect soulmate to its
bearer. You’d also be well advised to keep it under your pillow at night after visualising with the source, a higher power or
the desirable traits you long for in the perfect partner, as it is thought to help attract cosmic intelligence. According to
spiritual gurus, these wands attract
loving energies. But it’s not just singletons that can benefit from the gem, couples can
themselves to those who intuitively know
keep pink tourmaline in the home to encourage harmonious communication, too.
how to use them – what clever crystals!

Reconnect with your
divine spirit and ignite
your creative potential

lder than most gems, green
aventurine quartz is said to be
the most ancient of minerals
and supposedly dates back to a time
when the earth’s surface was exposed to
considerable cosmic rays, making this gem KNOW?
a real wise owl. Green aventurine is known
Said to be useful for writers, this rock
is perfect for scribes and those who as a lucky stone in games
experience automatic writing as it helps of chance and competitions.
energise the right brain hemisphere that For many years it has sat
governs creativity and imagination. It’s
pretty in charm bags to
also thought to balance out the left brain,
which is said to hold logic and reason. attract good fortune
Especially helpful at enhancing one’s
creativity and motivation, this treasure
encourages perseverance in manoeuvring NATURAL
life’s obstacles – hence its reputation as the
stone of opportunity.
This crystal loves to be by water since
it is associated with this element, and
can get you back in the flow if you’ve felt
Glittering aventurine has a special
stuck of late or resistant to your own MYSTICAL LADY
greatness. Kept close to your bed or under In Chinese mythology this special
spark when tumbled or polished and
your pillow at night, this tumblestone gem honours Kuan-Yin, the Chinese
so is attractive to many. When used
is great for revealing your innermost Goddess of mercy and compassion.
in meditation, aventurine can open
desires, wishes or worries. Try telling it She is one of the most beloved of the
up the heart chakra to alleviate past
your thoughts of an evening and see how Chinese goddesses and is regarded
pain and re-boost vitality, encouraging
they transform upon waking. It is said by many as the protector of women
us to have unconditional love for
to help absorb and transform feelings, and children, and champion of the
ourselves and others. If gazed at for
thus encouraging you to see situations underdog. With this in mind, aventurine
long periods of time its fine flecks
clearly and helping you to follow your own is often gifted to pregnant women to
of chromium fuchsite (chromium
intuition. A daily ritual with this crystal can encourage the everlasting bond
meaning ‘colour’ in Greek) shine
leave you refreshed and revitalised. that exists between mothers and
through to promote wellness, sound
Aventurine is known in holistic circles their young.
sleep and positive thinking.
for soothing emotional wounds, too, Aventurine is most commonly
If crystals had characters, green
allowing one to recognise the issues green, though it also forms in blue, red
aventurine would be the the life and
behind imbalance and heartache. It to reddish-brown, dusty purple, orange,
soul of the party! It helps its wearer
inspires a feeling of lightness and humour, yellow and silver grey. It is mostly
see any situation with bright eyes, and
which can then stimulate a renewed sense translucent and often banded with
promotes resilience and a brilliant
of optimism, joy and hope. It is also known different hues, representing the layers
ability to bounce back from any
as a reaffirming stone, particularly during of the personality that it can help peel
challenges that life lays down.
times of change. back. It shows us that we all have
different levels to our souls, but
COOL AND CALM advocates non-judgement and
acceptance of others. It can help
On a psychological level, the gem promotes ease, relaxation and deep peace
facilitate the release of unhealthy
of mind. It helps us to accept perceived negative circumstances and facilitates recovery, relationships but also reminds us that
regeneration and the promotion of positive outcomes. This particular form of quartz is we’re all children of the universe – each
thought to reduce stress, irrespective of its cause, location or degree of severity. So if of us beautifully unique and individual
you’ve been needing a friendly aid for a little stress release, this stone could be for you. no matter our difference.

Harness your inner
warrior by tapping into
lunar energy

lthough predominantly white, moonstone can
feature flecks of blue and peach hues. Each
variant has its own properties, but all share the
qualities of helping you feel grounded and stable.
The beautiful iridescent colour of moonstone is also
associated with your crown chakra and celestial
energies. The angels can help you with whatever
challenges you face, as long as you ask them, and this
crystal not only gives you the courage to ask, but also the
patience to listen and look out for angelic signs.
This treasure – as its name would suggest – also has
a connection to the magic of the moon, which
represents the tides of change in our lives.
According to earliest traditions, the stone had KNOW?
been set, from the beginning of time, in the Moonstone was a popular
forehead of the four-handed god of the moon.
From the influence of the deity it represented, choice for jewellers in the
it grew and lessened in rhythm with the Art Nouveau period as it
waxing and waning lunar cycles. In this was trusted to reconcile
respect it encourages us to be peaceful, but
estranged lovers and
to also fire-up our inner flame, so that we
can weather challenges with courage. cure sleeplessness

When you’re in need of a lift in the
passion department, pick up a chunk JOURNEY of moonstone if you’re in need of calm.
The experts recommend it for soothing
of moonstone because it is said to be
the gem of love and romance. It has INWARDS the soul and balancing emotional energies,
suggesting it knows how to get you
always been a sacred stone in India Traditionally, moonstone is known as a
traveller’s stone, so if you’re off on an back on track if you’re feeling slightly
and is a traditional wedding gift there.
adventure any time soon, be sure to pick out of sorts.
Plus, in folklore, it is said to be the
ultimate fertility crystal. Apparently, up a piece of this raw beauty or invest in
wearing a moonstone necklace some gorgeous moonstone jewellery to SPEAK UP
during lovemaking on a full moon keep with you wherever you go. But it’s Moonstone is a fab stone to use
evening harmonises the body into the not only physical journeying this gem can when you’re finding it hard to accept
natural lunar cycle. help with – held in meditation it is believed big changes in life. It’s brilliant for
If you’re struggling to get an to improve concentration levels and the sensitive souls who find it difficult
artistic project off the ground or ability to live in the present. to express themselves and who
doubting your own abilities, this is This delicate talisman is often thought struggle to confidently communicate
the rock for you, too. With that in to encourage you to discover your soul their innermost desires and feelings.
mind, creative romantics will love purpose here on this lovely Earth. For this Crystal gurus claim that it too
the power it brings – so this could reason it is a fabulous stone for use during helps us open up the heart chakra,
be a particularly good buy for poets, past life regression. making it a wonderful crystal for
artists, writers and dancers alike. It has also been known for its healing nurturing and giving comfort to
properties, so make sure you get hold those going through a difficult
time. Give moonstone to a close
MYTHICAL MOON TALES friend when they’re in need of
gentle encouragement and your
This gem was a common jewel in Roman times and used for jewellery in the
generosity of spirit will be rewarded.
Orient, over 2000 years ago. This gem honours Selene, the Greek goddess often
Considered to help one keep an
depicted wearing a crown of the crescent moon. She is said to travel the night sky to
open-minded approach to life,
shine a light in the dark. Women in particular associate this with divinity, seeing in her
this crystal enhances the desire to
mystery and wonder - it’s an ideal gem for dreamers. be spontaneous.

Enhance your intuition
and live in harmony

t may not be the most well-known crystal on the mainstream
market, but blue tourmaline is a big deal in the metaphysical
world. This stone holds its value in its spiritual powers – and
boy, is it powerful!
Its most distinguishing property is its ability to become
electrically charged when it’s heated or rubbed. Once charged, DID YOU
one end becomes positive and the other negative – like a battery.
In the spiritual sense then, it is thought to energise anyone who is
feeling depleted or drained – perfect for tackling the blues.
Blue tourmaline is rare
This property of pyro-electricity (from heat) or and found mainly in Brazil
piezoelectricity (from pressure or rubbing) was well-known to and Pakistan. It’s widely
the Dutch traders of the 1700s, who used tourmaline to pull ash used to mark the 8th
from their Meerschaum pipes. As such, it is used to attract your
inner-most desires, so can be useful in manifestation spells.
wedding anniversary

Darker shades of blue tourmaline
promote a deep sense of knowing when
gazed at for a long time. Therefore, this RISE TO FAME tourmaline to Tiffany & Co. in New
York. The introduction of the watermelon
particular shade of stone is thought The name tourmaline comes from the tourmaline stone, named as such because
to be particularly useful for mediums Sinhalese (Sri Lankan dialect) term it looks like the inside of a watermelon,
and psychics looking to deepen their ‘turmali’, which was the name given to thrust the crystal into the limelight.
own intuition. Perhaps this is why all coloured crystals in Sri Lanka, during It became a collector's item for
the crystal is known to amplify the the 1700s. both spiritual folk and gem-seeking
gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, In these early days, all multicoloured fashionistas.
clairsentience, prophecy, and spirit tourmaline gems were used by shamans
communication, too. and alchemists in ceremonies and rituals,
Often, such gifts come as a surprise particularly in ancient China, where THINK RIGHT
to many who are not familiar with the they were used for centuries to carve The right side of the brain excels
esoteric world, but blue tourmaline figurines from. And in India the stone was in spatious and visual awareness,
teaches that, no matter who you are, traditionally used for protecting the tribe recognising patterns and processing
everyone has intuition that can be from wrong-doing. In modern times, it is more abstract information by nature.
strengthened through stilling the mind used by communities in Africa, as well as Tourmaline is thought to be a great
and listening to the quieter voice within. Native Americans, and aboriginal groups tool in flexing the right hemisphere,
Crystal gurus encourage those wishing in Australia, as a talisman that protects bringing the chakras into balance,
to meditate to hold blue tourmaline against danger. too. Blue tourmaline, then, is said to
in-hand, as it is known in spiritual circles The gem gained popularity in the increase clear communication and
to be the gem of spirit and peace. commercial jewellery industry in 1876, creativity and lends its wearer the
when jeweller George Kunz sold green courage to recognise their weaknesses
while embracing their strengths.
For example, the gem is useful in
COLOURFUL BACKGROUND diminishing fear and paranoia, and
Legend says that tourmaline is found in all kinds of colours because it travelled along promoting honesty and courage to
a rainbow and gathered all the goodness up on its way. From neon blue to dark forest speak from the heart.
green, tourmaline has often been mistaken for other crystals due to its wide array of At the same time, it’s a marvellous
hues. People who are troubled from past hurt are encouraged to keep blue tourmaline tool for boosting morale and
under their pillows, as many crystal folk suggest it can help overcome insomnia, anxiety encouraging open-minded thinking
and a wider perspective. It is also
and night terrors. This feature is said to help you recall dreams and heighten the senses.
associated with environmental
Some carriers of the gem may experience heightened awareness of other dimensions or
conservation and a wonderful crystal
hypersensitivity to the spiritual realm, too.
to encourage optimism for the future.

There are plenty of reasons to
admire this gem’s beauty,
not least its gorgeous blue hue

onstantly seeking ways to broaden your
psychic and intuitive abilities? Us too!
That’s why this is one crystal you’ll want to
add to your collection. Believed by many current
practitioners to awaken your divine ability, azurite’s
metaphysical powers are often used to balance inner
vision and spiritual guidance. It’s also commonly
selected by those wanting to enter a meditative state DID YOU
in order to channel spirit or to participate in out of
body experiences.
That said, it’s not just in today’s world that The deep blue tone
azurite has been put to good use: throughout history of this mineral is the result
this stone has been veiled with mystery and praised
as a stand-out psychic tool. The ancient Chinese
of its copper base. In
named it the ‘stone of heaven’, believing it to open larger crystals the colour
can be so deep it
celestial gateways, and it was held in high esteem by
the Greeks and Romans for its powerful healing BREAK FREE appears black
properties, too. Aside from emotional assistance,
this treasure can be handy in
day-to-day life. Business-folk take note:
WORK YOUR ENERGY azurite is said to be particularly helpful
This crystal’s deep colour is said to in the workplace as it helps you to better this way isn’t a new thing: it’s commonly
encapsulate the vibrations of the blue understand the motivations of others and suggested that American Indians held
ray and to resonate with the what drives them. Meanwhile, it’s said to azurite in high regard, using it to link them
frequencies of the higher chakras, enhance creativity and expand the mind, to their guides.
namely the third eye. The stone can helping its user to better comprehend new All-in-all, perhaps the most desirable
be used on this chakra to activate skills or learn new lessons, which could quality of this stone is its ability to
the pineal gland – the home of our prove equally useful for development nourish a keen interest in the world in
psychic ability – unleashing your full among professionals and students. which you live. Surely you can never have
potential in relation to clairvoyance, If you’ve been inspired to purchase too much of that feel-good feeling?
intuition and channelling. With this your own chunk of blue goodness and
in mind, it’s not uncommon for the are hoping to explore its benefits,
stone to be used to guide people to meditation is said to be the most effective SHINE BRIGHT
enlightenment. What’s more, azurite means of doing so. A stone connected Consider yourself a worrier? Azurite
is often used to work with the crown to inner vision, simply holding this gem is said to help clear the emotions
chakra to boost the user’s connection in the palm of your hand throughout connected with fear, anxiety and
with the divine. It is also said to be your exercise is believed to expand your sadness. It can also be handy to those
useful in strengthening communication psychic ability. who often find themselves telling porky
and psychic talents when used at the What’s more, it’s said that meditating pies to disguise their insecurities, by
throat chakra. Assisting wearers to with azurite enhances your ability to soak encouraging truthfulness to others as
receive and accurately interpret spirit in valuable information from spirit guides, well as to oneself.
messages, it’s a strong tool for readers so you can effectively act on guidance Do you often find yourself feeling
and intuitives. from the higher realm. Using the stone in overwhelmed, stressed or tense?
Many crystal healers believe that
azurite can help with these feelings,
UNCOVER ITS ORIGINS too. Interestingly this gem is also
praised for its ability to wipe away
A worldly gem, azurite can be sourced from locations dotted across the world – from any traces of inferiority – particularly
Russia to the States. Thanks to its copper base, it’s often found alongside other similar in the home. So if you find yourself
stones in (you guessed it!) copper mines. It’s very likely that you’ll find it sitting pretty bending from the strain of put downs
alongside malachite and this is because azurite soaks up water surrounding it and, from your children, partner, parents
over time, transforms into malachite. While it is possible to find it in crystal form, or in-laws, you’d be well advised
azurite is commonly discovered as a rough stone. to invest in a chunk of azurite.

The crystal you need to heighten
your psychic abilities, bring the angels
closer and keep you calm

ith its beautiful blue hue and heightened energy
properties, it’s no wonder celestite is a popular stone LOOK AFTER
amongst psychics and crystal-lovers alike. Not only will YOUR GEM
this stone add a special touch to your angel altar, it’s also a key Because this gem has so many
stone to enhance your spiritual practice and makes a great gift for life-enhancing properties, it needs
anyone starting out with gemstone healing. a rest every now and again! So
regularly cleansing and recharging
The word ‘celestite’ comes from the Latin word ‘coelestis’,
your gem will ensure you’re
meaning ‘heavenly’ – so it’s unsurpising that this stone is plauded
getting the most from its magical
for its association with angels, in particular Archangel Michael.
properties. It’s best left under a
What’s more, its energetic vibrations are super powerful, Full Moon overnight, but the light
which makes it the perfect crystal for enhancing your ability to from any part of the moon’s cycle
communicate with the higher realms. Celestite comes can be used. Or try placing it in a
in a variety of shapes and sizes – whether it’s a bowl of hematite gems. Its surface
big cluster of crystals that you can place in your can be easily scratched too, so
house, or a tumblestone to carry in your pocket cleaning it with a dry, soft cloth
for on-hand guidance and protection – you’ll is best.
be able to incorporate its spirit-enhancing
properties into your life with ease.
Celestite packs a serious punch when In addition to bringing celestial
it comes to psychic healing powers, beings closer, this gem’s strong
not least for its ability to connect with EMOTIONAL metaphysical properties is thought to
help you develop psychic gifts, such as
the angelic realm. So if you’re looking
for some added guidance in an area PROTECTION clairaudience (psychic hearing). It does
of your life, such as a relationship or By keeping a tumblestone in your pocket, this by cleansing the third eye, which
career, look no further than this trusty this gem’s calming properties can help helps to expand your consciousness
gem. ground you and replenish your vitality and enhance your sixth sense – try
Open up the portal to your angelic whenever you’re feeling drained by other resting a tumblestone between your
guides by placing a piece of celestite people’s low vibes. For an instant boost, eyes to open your mind to Spirit, you
under your pillow before going to simply say in your mind’s eye, ‘All the may find you hear messages coming
bed. As you drift off think about any positive energies of the Universe are through from the other side.
specific questions in your life that you flowing through me’.The stone is also Celestite also unlocks the higher
would like to have answered. Visualise celebrated for its ability to clear energy chakras including the eighth chakra,
opening your heart fully to your fields and to dispel negativity – perfect also known as the seat of the soul.
angelic helpers, so they know to reach for when you’ve said goodbye to your Found just above the crown chakra,
out to you with support and guidance. guests and you’re looking to restore a this energy centre is associated with
It’s also thought that celestite can sense of balance in your home. To utilise accessing your higher self. It can be
strengthen the link between you and this particular aspect of the stone, place a handy way of addressing any self-
your specific guardian angel, so be a piece in the corners of the rooms where limiting beliefs or attitudes and letting
open and receptive to any messages guests have spent the most time. Leave them go, so try working with this
or dreams you receive while you sleep. the crystals there for a few days so they gem whenever you need a boost of
have time to neutralise the atmosphere. confidence or feel that you’re ready to
get rid of any negative behaviour. The
best way to harness this particular
SPREAD THE LOVE property of the gem is to lie on the floor
Send someone who could use a bit of luck some healing with a celestite ritual. Place a and place a piece just above your crown
piece of the gem near a lit candle. Hold an image of your friend in your mind’s eye and chakra (at the top of your head). Take
repeat the words, ‘I send you light of healing and energy of love and friendship. May a few deep breaths and meditate by
you be blessed with peace and tranquillity’. Take the gem and touch it to your third eye imagining a golden light coming down
(in between your eyebrows) and then your heart before blowing out the candle. from the sky, going through the stone
and then filling up your body.

Introducing the only crystal you need if astral
travel, balancing your chakras and becoming
a social butterfly are on your to-do list

ver feel lonely despite having
hundreds of friends online, or
isolated even though you’re in a
room full of people? You need to grab
hold of a piece of bismuth; fast! This
multicoloured man-made beauty is one
of the best stones to have in your crystal
kit if you want to open up socially and
build deeper connections with those
around you.
“Bismuth relieves any feelings of
emotional or spiritual abandonment,”
says Jacqueline Winter, crystal healer
and founder of The British Academy of KEEP CALM of your spine and send it a loving
intention. Then, move up to just
Crystal Healing. “When you feel alone, As it is a crystal of transformation,
your energy and awareness begins to bismuth is a great pick-me-up below your navel and see an orange
contract, making it harder for people to when you’re feeling overwhelmed. sphere of light glowing vibrantly. The
approach you and for you to reach out. If you have a busy family life, keep next chakra to open is situated in
Bismuth promotes relaxation and a piece in your pocket and give it your stomach area; picture a yellow
re-directs your energy outwards, allowing a rub to centre yourself. It is said ball here and feel its confidence-
you to feel comfortable in your own skin. to stimulate motivation, willpower boosting power. Travel up to your
Social situations can also become easier and order, and can help you strive heart area and fill it with a green hue
as the crystal helps overcome any for your goals by focusing your for inner peace and joy. The throat
emotional blocks.” concentration – not bad for such a chakra is associated with trust and
So, next time you’ve got an invite to small gem! expressing yourself; imagine a blue
“What sets bismuth apart ball spinning gently in your neck to
a gathering you’re not looking forward to,
from other crystals is its ability to activate it. The next area to balance
prepare yourself mentally beforehand by
transport your life-force from the is between your eyebrows; imagine
taking a piece of bismuth and holding it
crown to the base chakra – this is a gorgeous indigo colour settling in
against your chest. Breathe in and imagine
not something all stones can do,” a circle here. And finally, envisage a
the tension as a coloured light sitting in
says Jacqueline. Because it amplifies vibrant violet colour rotating at the
your stomach; as you breathe out, see the
your vibrational field and can top of your head and connecting
bismuth absorbing the light out of your
activate all of the energy centres in you to the Universe. Once all of the
body, taking all of the anxiety with it.
your body, it’s ideal when you want energy points are activated you
to feel revitalised, but don’t have can continue to meditate for as
much time. long as you like.
Simply hold your gem in your If you want to learn more about
DID YOU hands, close your eyes and breathe
deeply a few times to relax. Imagine
crystals and crystal healing, visit
KNOW? a ball of red spinning at the base
As its interwoven shape
indicates, bismuth helps
to promote harmonious TRAVELLING PLANES
communication, so bring With its rainbow of colours and unusual geometric shapes, it’s no surprise that
bismuth is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to spiritual healing. And even
some with you next time though it’s rarely found in nature (the majority is made in laboratories), this crystal is
you’ve got a tough believed to assist with astral travel when placed on your crown chakra, located at the
meeting at work very top of your head. “Bismuth improves concentration when you practise visualisations,
helping you transit from a physical plane to the spiritual realm,” says Jacqueline. “It allows
you to stay grounded while working with higher vibrations, so try holding a piece when you
meditate. The crystal can give you a greater insight into any problems you may have.”

Want that promotion at work? Fed up
with being a doormat? Get some fire
in your belly with magical energies

o often we misjudge the difference between being kind and helpful,
and people-pleasing. Over-committing and losing ourselves in the
needs and expectations of others is easy to do, and it’s a sure-fire
way to drain your energy. If you recognise this behaviour and often lose
sight of your goals and dreams, you need a crystal with a bit of oomph to
help you set healthy boundaries – say hello to sunstone!
Three different crystals share the name sunstone: one is a type
of aventurine, which is a sparkling reddish-orange to brown colour;
another, a transparent orange-yellow crystal, is formed through volcanic
activity; and the oldest type is a shimmering feldspar, also formed in the
lava surrounding volcanoes. Although these stones are formed
in different ways and found in various parts of the world,
they all contain similar properties and are particularly
good if you’re in need of a pick-me-up. DID YOU
A PIECE OF THE SUN Sunstone was used
Said to contain the energy of the
sun god Ra, the orange-flecked by Native American
crystal is arguably one of the best medicine men to
go-to gems when you’re running harness the power
on empty or struggling to let your
natural radiance shine. And just of the sun
like the sun, the crystal emits a
masculine yang energy, which
harnesses creativity, goal setting,
success, courage, self-expression,
outward confidence and leadership
skills. It’s perfect for those moments If you have difficulty saying no to people, Hold a stone in your hand and light a
when you need to come out try carrying a piece of this gem in your white candle. While looking into the flame,
of your shell. pocket or handbag. Its protective energies imagine the person with whom you want
The Native Americans who first will allow you to speak your mind, while to cut cords. Close your eyes and visualise
discovered the gem believed it got increasing feelings of self-worth, optimism a beam of light coming from your heart
its reddish colour from the blood and enthusiasm. and connecting to theirs. Ask your higher-
of a great warrior. The stones were Sunstone can also help you to break self to release all energetic connections.
considered sacred as they contained ties with anyone who brings negativity Picture the light releasing from the other
the warrior’s strength and power, into your life. Maybe an old friendship has person’s heart and returning back into
and small collections of the gems turned sour, or you can’t seem to get your your chest. Lastly, send gratitude to the
were used in burial rituals. ex-partner out of your mind – you can person you’ve been having trouble with
Next time you need the release whomever it is with a simple ritual. for any lessons you have learnt.
courage to face something you’ve
been avoiding, place sunstone on
your solar plexus (situated in the LEAD THE WAY
stomach area, midway between Due to the strong solar energies of the stone, wearing a piece can increase your
your navel and your heart). Imagine leadership skills and accentuate your creative side. It’s a great gem to have by your
a warm yellow light coming from the computer at work as it allows you to have confidence when making decisions. By
stone and spreading through your encouraging you to lift your head above the parapet, sunstone brings prosperity,
whole body. Once your body is full too. It’s also thought to help you express the sunny side of your personality even in
of the warm light, say in your mind’s stressful situations. Many crystal healers use this gem in conjunction with its opposite
eye: ‘I have the power to choose, crystal – moonstone. While the sunstone emits an outward-looking masculine energy,
and I am choosing to do (situation moonstone works with softer feminine energies. Try placing both crystals in your
you’ve been avoiding)’. bedroom to help address any power struggles or feelings of insecurity.

Tiger's eye
Discover how to use this gem’s fierce
energy to bump up your bank balance,
protect your aura and release stress

ny healer will tell you that a crystal
collection isn’t complete without
a trusty tiger’s eye. But what is it
about this golden-brown stone that makes it
such a great go-to gem? Well, not only does it
contain a bounty of healing power ready for
you to soak up, it’s also one of only a handful
of stones with chatoyancy, which means it
exhibits a magical glow of light, similar to a
cat’s eye. This unusual property makes the
crystal a fabulous amulet, and it has been
used as one for centuries all across the world. DID YOU
In Eastern mythology, tiger’s eye was
associated with, unsurprisingly, the tiger,
and the crystal is said to transfer the qualities If you’re a fan of this
of the big cat (strength, patience and golden-coloured stone you
determination) to whomever carries it. can add two rarer varieties
Pieces of the gem have also been found MIGHTY to your collection: the
carved into figurines of ancient Egyptian
deities, as it was believed that tiger’s eye
GUARDIAN hawk’s eye, which is a
Much like the nazar (evil eye) amulet,
could channel divine vision, and high the gem is thought to protect against beautiful blue and a red
priestesses used it as a tool to scry for future negativity and misfortune. So if you’ve variety named
events. What’s more, the Romans carried it had a run of bad luck, treat yourself to
as a talisman to safeguard against their
dragon’s eye
some tiger’s eye jewellery and it could
enemies and for bravery when going into help turn things around.
battle – so it’s safe to say a piece of this fiery Traditionally, the crystal is thought
crystal will come in handy when you’ve a to be a lucky charm when travelling, so On waking, rub a piece between your
hectic Monday morning to get through! it makes a thoughtful token for a friend fingers whilst imagining a circle of white
who is going on a long-haul trip. Equally, light engulfing your body and merging
purchasing a tiger’s eye for yourself with your aura. Next, picture the person
EASY TIGER during times of change will allow you to in question, send them loving intentions
When life gets busy and you’re feeling channel its protective energy so you can and say, ‘May you know joy, may you know
frazzled, your vibration can become breeze through transitional events such peace, may you be free from sadness’.
very heady – cue anxiety and mental as moving house or starting a new job. After practising this for a few weeks, take
burnout. To keep you on an even keel, Is someone being particularly prickly note of how different your interactions
hold a piece of tiger’s eye to your ajna towards you? Tiger’s eye can help! It are – tiger’s eye has a powerful way of
chakra (in between your eyebrows) works by repelling negativity and guarding reconciling even the most strained
while focusing on your breath. After a against psychic vampires. of relationships.
couple of minutes, the gem’s calming
properties will help you to re-focus
and feel centred. MANIFEST MONEY
It’s not just your mind and body’s As its golden tone might suggest, tiger’s eye is said to to bring abundance and
energy the golden stone can affect; wealth your way. To activate its money-giving qualities, hold a piece towards a
according to feng shui practitioners, it Full Moon and ask the Universe to bless you with good fortune. Leave the gem to
is an excellent choice to neutralise the sit in the moonlight all night, then keep it in your purse and watch your pennies
atmosphere in a chaotic household. multiply. You can also use the crystal when spell-casting for prosperity: place five
Try placing a piece near your front small pieces around a green candle. Light the wick and gaze into the flame while
door, and every time you walk past, visualising your dreams, goals and future successes. Taking a stone with you on
allow its grounding energy to wash your next shopping trip, or when you need to make a financial choice, will encourage
over you. patience and halt impulsive buying.

Plug in your
psychic powers
This crystal grid by Keira Fogg promotes
knowledge, clarity and intuition

eed some guidance to a
life dilemma? This simple
crystal grid is intended
to pull the energies of
mind, body and spirit
into alignment and provide us with
deeper spiritual insights. Use this grid
when you are in need of answers; it has
been created to help us in knowing the
complete truth of a situation.

stone: Way stone:
apophyllite moonstone
The sparkling apophyllite is Leading the way to deeper
believed to instantly uplift the energy insights is the highly intuitive
of its surroundings. When used in moonstone. Known for its
meditation, it is believed to help us to connection to the Moon, this creamy,
connect to divine inspiration and is caramel-coloured gem is believed to
often used by psychics to see into soothe the emotions and put us in
the future. Allow it to provide touch with our subconscious
immediate clarity. thought patterns.

Extracted from Crystal Grids by Keira Fogg (14.99, Quarto Knows)

Desire stone:
White howlite is known to
calm the mind and open us up to
receiving spiritual insights. If you
are facing any kind of confusion,
worry or anger, it is believed to
absorb these negative thoughts
and replace them with
a sense of serenity.


crystal moon bowl�

Place these pretty trinkets on your altar or windowsill to
connect with the moon goddess – just add crystals!

All moon worshippers know how

important it is to have their crystals to
hand when the goddess is at her fullest
top tip!
in all her beauty. We've got your moon Leave your crystal
and gemstone rituals covered with these moon bowl out in the
gorgeous crystal singing bowls. Perfect sunlight to re-charge
for incorporating as part of your everyday your stones!
rituals, spells and moon work, they
will keep your vibration high and your
gemstones looking beautiful. They're also
great for storage and placing on altars!
Let's get started with this quick and
easy craft...

• Air dry clay – Fimo Basic white
• Coloured and metallic ink
(water soluble)
• Acrylic spray sealant
• Sponge
• Spray bottle filled
with water
• Small curved bowl
• Rolling pin
• Talcum powder
• Sandpaper

Moon bowls
1 Sprinkle a little talc on your work
surface and roll out a piece of clay
to a thickness of 3mm. Use a 10cm
wide bowl or similar as a template to
cut the clay into a disc and carefully
lift from the table with a spatula or
flat-bladed knife.

2 Dust the underside of the curved

bowl with talc and lay the circle of
clay over it. Smooth down the sides
of the disc evenly to form the clay into
a bowl. Leave the clay on the bowl
upside-down to dry for an hour
before twisting off and leaving to
dry overnight.

3 Use sandpaper to smooth the

edges of the dried bowl and
remove all excess dust. Lightly
dampen the inside of the bowl with
a spritz of water before dropping a
little ink onto the surface and swirling
it around.

4 Keep adding coloured and

metallic inks, spritzing with water
and dabbing away excess with a
sponge until you are happy with the
moon surface effect. Use a paintbrush
and undiluted ink to colour the rim
and outside of the bowl in a dark
colour. When the ink and water are
completely dry, seal the bowls with
an acrylic spray sealant or a brush
on PVA.

Corinne Bradd
These moon bowls were made especially
for Soul & Spirit by our in-house craft
designer, Corinne Bradd

Shake up
Clive Carter from Natures Treasures
talks us through his favourite gemstone
combinations and how you can mix their
powers together in your everyday rituals

here are many gemstones that are strands. This combination is known by
really combinations of more than many healers and crystal lovers as Angel
one crystal. In this article, I’d like Hair, because of the very fine strands of
to explore a few of these combinations and rutile within the quartz looking like very
their uses with you, as this should increase fine golden strands of hair. As we know,
your knowledge of which stones to use in quartz is recognised as a good all-round
your everyday crystal rituals. Geologically general healing crystal, and one we should
speaking, ‘combinations’ are technically all have in our collection, but quartz is
‘stones’, but I like to actually see them as also an amplifier of energy, so when used
dual energy crystals (considering the extra in conjunction with other crystals, it will
power of the actual combination). After all, enhance and amplify the healing power of
I believe they were put together by nature the other crystal.
for a reason. There are many other crystals Rutile is a great crystal to help you
that form within quartz, and many more that enhance your intuition, helping you
form as a coating on the outside of quartz become more aware of what life has in store
too, so a focus on this seems a good place for you, helping you see any hiccups or
to start. challenges on your life’s journey so you can
act upon them early before they become
Rutilated quartz a problem. In this sense, it enables you to
This is actually rutile, which is a titanium take the most productive route to get you
oxide inside of the quartz in very fine through these minor hiccups. Add in the
power of quartz to rutilated quartz within
your rituals and it gives you the benefit of
great spiritual guidance, breaking down
any barriers that are holding you back from
attaining your true spiritual path in life. It
will break down negative energy and enable
you to let go of the past. Rutilated quartz future. Rutilated quartz is a very positive
will allow you to see and understand the stone, so it will dispel fears and phobias,
root of any problem, allowing you to change relieve anxiety and ease you out of those
direction as necessary so you’re always unlucky times when you feel the whole
taking the right road for a long and happy world is against you.

“Add in the power of quartz to rutilated

quartz within your rituals and it gives you
the benefit of great spiritual guidance”
Soulful living

Tourmalinated quartz group of crystals. Independently, amethyst

Another great combination of a crystal is a great calmer and soother. It aids More gemstone
within quartz is tourmalinated quartz.
Most often, this stone features small
peaceful sleep, and is a good all-round
crystal that most gemstone workers
strands or bars of black tourmaline within have within their collection. Citrine, the Tiger Iron
the quartz. Often, this can be seen on merchant’s stone, is believed to bring Gently energises,
the outside face of the quartz. As the wealth and prosperity, and is said to bring so is great for
tourmaline is almost the same hardness as the light and power of the sun into your people suffering
the quartz, you’ll find that even when the life, making it a very positive crystal to from exhaustion or
quartz is polished, the tourmaline often have. Put the two together, as they can unbalanced chakras.
shows through to its very edge. Tourmaline often be found as a natural combination Clears and
is a fantastic grounding crystal, and is said in nature, and you have a supercharged energises all
to protect you from the electromagnetic crystal. It clears the mind, bringing about chakras, making it a
emanations of things like mobile phones, a deep feeling of calm, and is said to almost great stone to have
TVs and computer monitors. Black instantly relieve stress and tension from with you during
tourmaline is especially a fantastic crystal the head and crown chakra. It is a fantastic meditation.
for drawing out negativity from almost crystal to facilitate a much greater focus
anything or anybody, so keep it close to during meditation. Ametrine brings about Chlorite
hand if you feel you need to off-load. Add a greater clarity of thought, strengthening Allows greater
black tourmaline to quartz in a spell or your concentration and helping you think insight into past
ritual and you should find that it’s outcome through any difficult decisions by enabling lives, as it removes
is much more effective. Not only will these you to get to the bottom of them. With it energy blockages.
stones ground you quickly and safely, they to hand, you can think more rationally. It’s
will strengthen your body’s energy shield a must-have stone to see us through the
to protect you from all negativity. You trials and tribulations of modern day life.
should be able to turn negative thoughts
into positive ones more easily, which
in turn should enable you to overcome
any issues or problems without getting
flustered or down. Clive Carter
is co-owner of Natures Treasures, where
Ametrine he channels his passion for crystals. Visit
Ametrine is a combination of amethyst for
and citrine – both members of the quartz more information.

How do you know when you're being drawn to a crystal? Which ones
are right for you? We interview Clive Carter on his first encounter with
gemstones, with some useful tips for beginners

What was your first personal reminder of our visit that day). She would talking to an old friend, David, who was a
experience with crystals? bring them home and very quickly filled Reiki master. He gave me some Reiki healing
“My first experience and introduction our windowsill with the many crystals on my back, and then recommended that I
to crystals was over twenty years ago that she had bought. I felt drawn to some should buy myself a piece of carnelian, as he
now, when my son George was around of the things that Nicola bought, usually said it was good for the sacral chakra. I went
four years old. We used to take him fossil the Quartz crystals, but still did not know home and found a pendant online, hit the buy
hunting on the Jurassic coast of our home why. It was not long after that point that button and paid for it. Not being a master of
county of Dorset. Over several years, we we found our first crystal book, The Crystal computers, a few days later a small package
visited many of the well known fossil- Bible by Judy Hall. We both looked up most arrived with not one but ten carnelian
finding locations in Dorset and bordering of the crystals that Nicola had bought and pendants! I picked the one that I thought
counties, such as Lyme Regis, Charmouth, it then became clear as to why we were had the nicest patterns on it and kept it on
Burton Bradstock and Kimmeridge. After a both drawn to many of them due to their for over three years. At that time, I was not
few hours on the beach, we usually walked healing properties and so on.” sure about the said powers of crystals, but
into the local town or village. It was while was willing to give anything a try, and of
visiting these towns that we strayed to What was the first crystal you course I did trust David. I carried on about
have a look in some of the small fossil and purchased? my work as normal, not really thinking about
crystal shops that are along the Dorset “The first crystal that I actually bought the carnelian and not really noticing my back
Coast. At that time, I knew very little about myself was a small carnelian pendant. Having had been feeling better. It was not until a
crystals, but would often see something been a master thatcher since leaving school, visit to Beer in Devon where I walked almost
that I felt drawn to, but with no idea as to now totalling 36 years, the toll of all of the five miles non-stop, without complaining
why. My wife (Nicola) often bought herself lifting heavy ladders and equipment about about my back, that Nicola pointed out that
a small crystal from the shops (really as a had left me with a bad back. One day I was this was something that I had not been able

to do for a few years. Talking to David again
a few days later, he reassured me that the
carnelian was helping my back. I still have
that little pendant – it hangs on the end of
the curtain pole at our bedroom window. I
am no longer thatching, so I don't need to
wear it as often.”

What signs should a person look

out for when choosing the right
crystal for them?
“After over ten years of working with
crystals, I'm convinced that you do not
actually choose a crystal, but the crystal
chooses you. So often customers in our
shop pick up a crystal, sometimes knowing
what it is. They bring it to Nicola or I and
ask “what is this one good for?” It is truly
incredible how often the properties of the
crystal resonate with that person, and will
benefit them in some way. I always tell our caused by some of our molecules getting heart rhythm, giving a person the feeling of
customers to choose the crystal that looks out of sync for any variety of reasons. It is palpitations. Sometimes people are much
and feels right to them. We can often point said that if you can find a crystal or stone more sensitive than others and find the
them in the right direction, but are able to that has the correct vibrational pattern to energy in some crystals or stones just too
offer a choice of several different crystals match that of the part of you that is out of much for them, but more often than not
in varying forms, such as tumble stones, sync, that the gentle vibrational patterns of there will be an alternative stone that
palm or thumb stones, clusters, beds, the crystal can help to re-create the pattern can help.”
wands or ornate carvings. It should never in you and bring things back to a balance.
be about the price – it must be the crystal Sometimes this can be done by just holding How can you cleanse a stone of
that that person feels right with.” the crystal in your hand and concentrating another person's energy?
the mind to help to heal you. Other times, “There are many ways of cleansing your
How does a stone respond to a you may simply need to hold the crystal crystals. Because we have a shop with
person's vibration? on the place of the problem. Or, if it is an thousands of different stones, often many
“We are often asked as to how crystals and internal problem, this can be helped by of them are touched and picked up by
healing stones work. I think the simplest making an elixir with the crystals. But many people. I find the best way to remove
way to explain how crystal healing works please be very aware that some crystals any negative energy that the stones and
is to first understand that everything in have harmful effects if used this way.” crystals have picked up from customers
our lives is made up of millions of tiny is to use white sage, and burn the sage to
molecules. Everything from plants, stones, Can there be a 'wrong' stone 'smudge' the crystals by wafting the smoke
and even us – we are really millions of for a person? around and between the crystals, not
different molecules vibrating gently “Yes! Some stones, particularly those high forgetting to ask our angels or spirit guides
together (hopefully in harmony). I believe in copper content such as malachite and for their help in cleansing the gems to make
that when we feel out of balance, this is azurite, are said to have an effect on the them ready for their new owners.
I like to cleanse my stones by rinsing
them in pure fresh spring water from our
local brook. We are fortunate enough to live
less than half a mile from the head of the
spring that supplies the brook, so I am able
to get fresh water from the spring where
it emerges from the huge chalk downland
of North Dorset. I tend to collect a good
couple of litres when I go up there, so that I
don’t need to go to the spring every time to
cleanse my crystals.”

Clive Carter
is co-owner of Natures Treasures, where
he channels his passion for crystals. Visit for
more information.

Crystals D
Your A-Z of

Words: Tilly Darling This is one of the most romantic stones and is
closely linked with fidelity and trust, which is
Discover love, happiness and career why it is commonly chosen as the engagement
ring and placed on the finger that leads
success with our ultimate guide to crystals straight to the heart. It’s thought to promote

harmony and balance, helping to foster healthy
romantic relationships.

This purple-coloured crystal has
spiritual qualities that are believed
to help you tap into a higher
level of consciousness and reach
enlightenment. It is said to promote
peace, awaken your soul and help
you to find your life purpose. Use
this stone to boost meditation, find
inspiration in tricky exams
or presentations, and ward off

negative energies.
This cleansing stone helps to calm and nourish
you, and is thought to relieve upsetting emotions.
Bloodstone Emerald is useful during transitional times in
The smattering of red your life and helps you embrace changes and new
throughout this stone directions. It can also be used as a cleanser to rid
symbolised Jesus’ blood yourself of any lingering negative energies and will
for early Christians. It help you objectively consider any information that
encourages us to concentrate comes your way.
on the here and now as its
grounding influence helps
us to focus. Bloodstone is also
thought to help battle anxiety
and increase prosperity.

Cinnabar is a powerful manifesting
stone which helps to draw wealth and
business success towards you.
It is a stone of transition
and transformation,
and may assist you
in moving towards Fluorite
your divine purpose. Fluorite is known for its cleansing qualities and
It is also a stone of is often used as a purification tool in healing
inspiration and will help rituals. You need to cleanse it regularly in
you to communicate clearly. salt water and use in the moonlight to release
the negativity it absorbs. It will also help to
promote self-love and understanding.

This stone is fantastic for
bringing stability where there
is chaos and helping to
boost your inner strength.
It’s thought to be very
powerful in helping you
develop your career
and expand your
self-confidence. It’s also
thought to help shake
off any bad karma, and boost Kunzite
truth, hope and commitment. This is the stone for
good fortune and is even

thought to be linked to
fertility. Kunzite helps to promote peace where there is
conflict and boosts tranquility. It will gently encourage
you to open your heart to all forms of love
and embrace joy and light in your life.

This super-calming stone is a fantastic stress reliever and helps to
calm an overactive mind. It’s also thought to help you tap into past
lives, if you hold it over your third eye, and to teach patience and

acceptance and allows you overcome selfish behaviour.
Lapis Lazuli
This stone is linked to mental
reasoning and objectivity, and
helps clear emotional baggage.
It’s also helpful for dream analysis and you can use it as
a tool to increase focus during meditation and dream
analysis. It’s also said to boost mental clarity and heal
emotional wounds.

This stone is thought to be fantastic for
opening the third eye and revealing higher, Moonstone
spiritual visualisations. It’s also said to Moonstone is an
promote any psychic abilities you possess and incredibly feminine

balance the yin and yang forces within you. stone and can be used
Iolite is often placed beneath the pillow when to ease and comfort
emotional upset. It

attempting astral projection.
is thought to relieve
stress and anxiety,
and is said to be
Jade powerful in helping
Jade is a lucky stone which offers good
you reflect on life and
health, wealth, and love. It can help you
learn from your past
to recognise your full potential and attain
mistakes. You can also
the goals you are destined to achieve. This
harness the power
stone also assists with lifting deeply buried
of moonstone to
emotional issues to the surface, so you can
manifest your desires.
address them, and is linked to opening
your heart chakra, so you can begin to heal
yourself. If you mix jade with coins, it’s said
to draw wealth towards you.

Quartz absorbs, stores, balances
and focuses energy. It holds the
quality of clarity and protects
and cleanses away any negative
energy. You can use it to cleanse
yourself spiritually and it is a
stone that enhances wisdom
and creativity. Fantastic for
balancing relationships
and emotions,
this stone is
also said to
Nebula Stone be excellent
This black, entrancing stone is thought to boost your
for protecting
memory, and encourage you to be brave in times of adversity.
against psychic
It is said to help you let go of the old and make room for the
new. It’s a very grounding stone, and also increases vitality and
boosts meditation.

Onyx Ruby
Onyx is said to enhance inner The ruby is linked to love, courage, loyalty and confidence. It is
strength, willpower, self- said to be the stone of nobility and is linked to your base chakra,
discipline and reason. It teaches which is the source of your need to survive. This stone increases
us to be persistent. It’s an energy levels and helps you to view the world in a positive light.

incredibly powerful stone when This is a fantastic option for building energy levels and using it
you are trying to keep focused will help you to follow your bliss.
and helps boost memory
levels. It’s thought to be
a fantastic stone for
those studying or
trying to start up
their own business,
as it helps drive
you towards a
single, difficult goal.

This stone symbolises love, warmth and openness. It is thought
to have healing powers and associated with good luck. Peridot
will help you see beyond hurt, begin to view relationships from
a more positive perspective, and heal any broken egos. It helps
you to avoid confusion and misunderstanding regarding romantic
relationships, protecting you from unnecessary heartaches.
Sapphires come in many different colours and they all assist
with fulfilling your creative potential. Blue ones help solve
relationship problems and promote loyalty. Green sapphires
boost your lucky streak. Orange help you search for pure,
unbiased knowledge, while pink ones help you surrender
yourself to a greater good.

Tiger’s Eye
This healing stone helps quash our fears and gives us a more
balanced understanding of upsetting circumstances. It offers both
protection and luck, and is thought to banish negative energies Xenotime

directed towards you. This stone is known for helping to boost compassion and a
sense of purpose. Xenotime will give you the confidence to work
towards a difficult goal, and the ability to see obstacles and
blockages and then discard them. It enhances the creative and
Unakite caring energies within and strength of will, also.
Unakite represents
coming together and
is thought to be a
fantastic spirit lifter.
This stone will help Yellow Jasper
you see the beauty Jasper is the stone of the
in life and reveal the traveller, and will offer you
truth to you. It is also protection on your journeys.
a powerful gem for It is even said to help with
discovering lost items. astral travel. It is thought to be

a fantastic mood booster and
represents the energies of the
sun. Some say it can help to
repair your aura, too.


Variscite is known as the worry stone, because it is

powerful at easing anxiety and fear. This boosting stone
can help to lift you out of any negative funks, and encourage Zebra Stone
you to call on your inner strength. It is said to calm a This stone reveals to us our own true natures and helps us
fretting mind, and help you to focus on meditation. to see past illusion. It’s a grounding stone which connects
to source power and enhances your aura. The zebra stone
is said to help us look past deception to allow us to view
Wulfenite relationships and environments for exactly what they are.
This is a grounding crystal,
which helps you to keep your
spirits up when facing difficult
situations. It is a gem that
connects us to our emotions
and gives us the good grace
to accept both positive and
negative aspects in life. It can
also clear emotional blockages
and helps us to accept
ourselves, our beauty, as well
as our imperfections.

The Great
wonderful stone
to promote
with fairies and

Want to connect with fairies, angels and your
elementals, as it
enables you to speak
from the heart. When you’re
trying to connect with these

nature spirits, it’s important to remain

ancestors? Ashley Leavy shares which crystals heart-centred. Amazonite will shift your
vibrational frequency to be more aligned
can open the door to magical realms with the high-energy fairies and
Green aventurine
promotes harmony in
your environment,
especially in your
sacred area.
with spirit beings, be sure
that your space is tranquil and free from
psychic debris by placing this gem in the
chosen room.
Malachite invites protective
guardian spirits to watch
over you and all the
members of your family.
This crystal should be
placed near the door
so that anyone who’s
entering your home
will have good vibes
and lots of luck. MALACHITE

Now try this!

Gemstone meditation
Prepare for this by picking one of
the stones detailed above. Use your
intuition to choose the one you are
most drawn to.
1 Think about the purpose you have
for connecting with the spirit world.

Create an intention for yourself and
ave you ever wondered karma in your ancestral line. Releasing what you would like to get out of this
what it would be like to things from your family lineage is a meditation. Make yourself comfortable
communicate with your powerful practice which jade can help with. in your sacred space. Take a moment
passed over relatives or Turquoise has also been known to help to ground yourself and then invite the
spirit guides? What about link you to your loved ones on the other spirits to join you.
working with the energies of elementals? side. In order to understand the wisdom of 2 Take a deep breath in and exhale.
Crystals can make all that possible! your ancestors, turquoise is a good stone Close your eyes and allow yourself to
They have the ability to amplify energy, to have about. When you hold a piece, be open to receiving any messages,
enhance focus and intuitive insight, and remember that your nearest and dearest symbols or intuitive insights. Remain
can strengthen your connection to the are here, watching over you and keeping in silent meditation for at least 10
spirit world. you protected. minutes. Take a mental note of any
One of the best crystals for spirit For getting in touch with angels, messages or information that comes
through. When you feel ready, thank
communication is the beautiful jade I’d recommend angelite. It brings the
the spirits for their wisdom.
gemstone. Many people believe it helps heal protective energy of your guides into your
3 Take a deep breath in, slowly exhale,
space and is thought to help you find a
open your eyes and return to the
JADE great deal of comfort. It is excellent for present moment. You should wiggle
stimulating your intuition and allowing your fingers and toes and stretch your
messages from your guides to come arms and legs to centre yourself.
through loud and clear. Amazonite is a


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