Fetal Intracranial Hemorrhage: Is Minor Maternal Trauma A Possible Pathogenetic Factor?

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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001; 18: 335– 342

Fetal intracranial hemorrhage: is minor maternal trauma

Blackwell Science Ltd

a possible pathogenetic factor?

Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Pisa, *Division of Child Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Pisa – Stella Maris Scientific
Institute, †Department of Neuroradiology, St. Chiara Hospital, Pisa – Stella Maris Scientific Institute and ‡Division of Pathology, University of Pisa,
Pisa, Italy

K E Y W O R D S : Extradural hemorrhage, Fetal intracranial hemorrhage, Intraparenchymal hemorrhage, Intraventricular

hemorrhage, Prenatal magnetic resonance imaging, Prenatal ultrasound, Subependymal hemorrhage, Trauma during pregnancy

absence of any known factor predisposing to fetal hemor-

rhage, may suggest that trauma is at least a contributing
Objective The occurrence of fetal intracranial hemorrhage factor to the pathogenesis of fetal intracranial hemorrhage.
before labor has been repeatedly observed. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the sonographic appearance of fetal
intracranial hemorrhage in relation to its location. Possible
causative factors were also evaluated.
Design Five consecutive cases of fetal intracranial hemor- Intracranial hemorrhage, and intraventricular hemorrhage
rhage were identified at a single ultrasound unit between in particular, is not uncommon in preterm infants; its incid-
1996 and 1999. In utero magnetic resonance imaging was ence has decreased in the last years, but still ranges between
also performed in four of these cases. Autopsy was performed 15 and 20% of the infants born before 34 weeks’ gestation1.
after pregnancy termination or intrauterine fetal death (one Postnatal ischemic insults are the major cause of intra-
case of each), and neurological follow-up was initiated in the ventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants, whose germinal
three surviving infants. matrix is particularly vulnerable to this type of injury. How-
ever, the pathogenesis of intraventricular hemorrhage is
Results Hydrocephaly was the predominant sonographic believed to be multifactorial, with several intravascular, vas-
finding associated with intraventricular or subependymal cular and extravascular factors and combinations of these
hemorrhage; sonography provided the correct diagnosis playing a variable role in different patients1. Recent studies
in the former (two cases), whereas magnetic resonance have shown that intracranial hemorrhage is not rare even in
imaging was necessary in the latter. Massive intraparen- term infants. As in preterm newborns, disorders of cerebral
chymal hemorrhage was depicted as an irregular echoic mass, blood flow, vascular integrity and coagulation may cause
whereas extradural hemorrhage had a cystic appearance. intracranial hemorrhage, but perinatal asphyxia accounts for
History of minor maternal physical trauma without at least 50% of the cases, and the role of birth trauma is even
maternal or placental injury was elicited in all cases. Ultra- more important1.
sound examinations performed before or shortly after the With the widespread utilization of obstetric ultrasound,
trauma were available in all cases and showed normal fetal many cases of fetal intracranial hemorrhage have been
anatomy. detected in utero before the onset of labor. As many of these
Conclusions The sonographic appearance of fetal intra- cases were associated with placental abruption2,3 or intra-
cranial hemorrhage is variable, depending on its location. Even uterine growth restriction (IUGR)4–10, the same hypoxic /
though sonography detected an intracranial anomaly in all asphyctic pathogenesis that is often relevant in newborns
cases, magnetic resonance imaging was necessary to estab- was hypothesized to be so also in fetuses. In other cases,
lish the hemorrhagic nature of isolated subependymal and fetal intracranial hemorrhage has been linked to fetal
extradural hemorrhage. The similarity of histories involving thrombocytopenia7,11 or coagulation disorders12–14. Hemor-
minor maternal physical trauma in all cases, together with the rhage in a subdural location has been mainly related to

Correspondence: Dr F. A. L. Strigini, Dipartimento di Medicina della Procreazione e dell’Eta’ Evolutiva, Divisione di Ginecologia e Ostetricia,
Universita’ degli Studi di Pisa, Via Roma 35, I 56100 Pisa, Italy (e-mail: [email protected])
Received 1-8-00, Revised 12-1-01, Accepted 4-5-01


Fetal intracranial hemorrhage Strigini et al.

maternal trauma, often also causing uteroplacental or other weighted (TR /TE 700/13) and single shot fast spin echo
fetal injuries15. Minor maternal trauma resulting from, for T2-weighted (TR /TE 18,000/180) multiplanar 5–7-mm
example, abdominal massage has also been related to thick images were obtained, with a 40 × 40 field of view and
intracranial, and especially subdural, hemorrhage16,17. Fur- 256 × 192 matrix. The mother was starved during the 8 h
thermore, fetal intracranial hemorrhage has also been before the examination and was placed in a left lateral decu-
described in association with a variety of maternal patho- bitus position. No drugs were administered. Each single shot
logies, such as pancreatitis18, cholecystectomy5, seizures19 fast spin echo (SSFSE) pulse sequence required about 10–12 s.
and cytomegalovirus infection20 and has also been associ- All cases of fetal intracranial hemorrhage suspected and/or
ated with amniocentesis21. However, many cases remain diagnosed by routine or targeted sonography were included
unexplained10. in the study. After the diagnosis of fetal intracranial hemor-
With the increased number of fetal intracranial hemor- rhage, blood samples were obtained in all mothers for
rhages reported in the literature, it has become evident that TORCH, platelet count and coagulation parameters (fibrin-
this diagnosis should be considered whenever an intracranial ogen concentration, prothrombin time, activated partial
anomaly which cannot be explained on the basis of mal- thromboplastin time, antithrombin III activity). A further
development is detected. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ultrasound examination was performed 1 week later to
may be helpful for both differential diagnosis and estimation check for possible rapid worsening of hydrocephaly; sub-
of the time of the bleeding10,22–24. This is because of the dif- sequent follow-up examinations were repeated at 7–15-day
ferent magnetic susceptibility of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhe- intervals. In each case the diagnosis was always confirmed by
moglobin and hemosiderin, which results in different signals either postnatal MRI or autopsy. In continuing pregnancies,
on various pulse sequences even though the changes over elective Cesarean section was planned after 36 weeks’ gesta-
time of the MRI signal have not yet been completely elucid- tion, depending on the ultrasound findings, to reduce the pos-
ated in the fetus. When hemorrhage is acute the signal is sible risk of further intracranial bleeding during labor. After
usually deeply hypointense with respect to brain tissue in neonatal and neurosurgical treatment, a long-term neurolo-
T2-weighted images and intermediate in T1-weighted gical follow-up was carried out, by means of a standardized
images, subacute hemorrhage is hyperintense in both T1- neurological examination and Griffiths developmental
and T2-weighted images, and chronic hemorrhage becomes scale25.
deeply hypointense in both T1- and T2-weighted images.
With the aim of providing some clues as to the correlation
between the sonographic appearance and the location of
the hemorrhage, we studied five cases of fetal intracranial Apart from the five fetuses included in the study, over the
hemorrhage. The examination of these cases, in which no same period no further cases of prenatal intracranial hemor-
sign of hypoxia or coagulopathy was evident, also led to the rhage were suspected in newborns delivered in our division,
incidental finding of similar maternal histories of minor nor found at autopsies following spontaneous miscarriages,
physical trauma, which might be regarded as a possible terminations of pregnancy or intrauterine fetal deaths. Four
pathogenetic factor. of the five cases of fetal intracranial hemorrhage occurred in
otherwise uncomplicated pregnancies in primiparous women
aged 17–31 years; the women were not taking vasoactive or
anticoagulant drugs, and denied using illicit substances. In
The present study deals with five consecutive cases of fetal Case 4, the 42-year-old woman, gravida 6 para 2, suffered
intracranial hemorrhage observed at the ultrasound unit of from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and Gilbert’s syn-
the Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University drome, and had repeated hypoglycemic attacks resulting in
of Pisa, Italy, over the years 1996 –99. In our division about unconsciousness during the first and early second trimesters,
3500 obstetric sonographic examinations are performed possibly linked to hyperemesis gravidarum. She was treated
every year. Of them, about 500 examinations per year are at home with glucagon, which resolved the hypoglycemia
performed by one of the authors (F.A.L.S.) in women referred and resulted in rebound hyperglycemia. She was hospitalized
because of known risk factors for fetal structural anomalies at 14 weeks and good metabolic control was achieved.
or suspicious scan results in other ultrasound units. The scan- Hydrocephaly was the most obvious sonographic finding
ner used during the study period (Au4, Esaote Biomedica, in three of five cases (Table 1). The diagnosis of intraven-
Genova, Italy) was equipped with color flow imaging, pulsed tricular hemorrhage was straight forward in two of these
Doppler and convex probes (3.5–5 MHz for transabdominal (Cases 3 and 5), based on the detection of echogenic material
examinations and 5– 6.5 MHz for transvaginal examina- within the ventricular system; in Case 3, intraparenchymal
tions). Since 1996, the cases with a diagnosis of central nerv- hemorrhage was diagnosed in addition to intraventricular
ous system anomalies have been referred to the MRI unit of hemorrhage (Figures 1 and 2). In contrast, in Case 1, which
Stella Maris Scientific Institute for fetal cranial MRI, when- has been previously reported24, neither transabdominal nor
ever it is felt that further information may be relevant for transvaginal sonography could detect the cause of hydro-
counseling or management. Magnetic resonance imaging cephaly, even if signs of hemorrhage were looked for, because
was performed using a 1.5-T imager (Signa Advantage, GE of the late and sudden onset of ventricular dilatation; MRI
Medical Systems Milwaukee, WI, USA). After the sagittal was necessary in this case to demonstrate a subependymal
scout images of the maternal abdomen, spin echo T1- hemorrhage. Subsequent ultrasound examinations in Cases 1

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Fetal intracranial hemorrhage Strigini et al.

Table 1 In utero imaging findings in the five cases of fetal intracranial hemorrhage

Gestation Sonographic
Case (weeks) Sonographic findings provisional diagnosis Magnetic resonance imaging findings

1 34 Triventricular hydrocephaly Hydrocephaly of unknown cause Subependymal hemorrhage; hydrocephaly

2 28 Complex echoic mass disrupting Intraparenchymal hemorrhage? Intraparenchymal or intratumoral hemorrhage;
left cerebral hemisphere Cerebral neoplasm? intraventricular hemorrhage
32 Colliquated intraparenchymal mass; Massive intraparenchymal and
hydrocephaly intraventricular hemorrhage
3 34 Triventricular hydrocephaly; Intraventricular hemorrhage; Same as sonography
echoic material within and intraparenchymal hemorrhage
lateral to the left anterior horn
4 17 Posterior anechoic cyst with Astrocytoma? Hemorrhagic cyst
echoic focus; displacement of
normal structures
5 38 Triventricular hydrocephaly; Intraventricular hemorrhage
echoic material with cavitation
within the ventricles

Figure 1 Case 3: (a) Axial scan of the fetal head showing dilatation of the frontal horns, bodies, and atria of the lateral ventricles. An intraparenchymal
hemorrhage is also depicted as a dishomogeneous lesion lateral to the left frontal horn. (b) A cavitated clot is seen impinging on the lateral side of the
left frontal horn. (c) A small clot can be depicted between the left frontal horn and the third ventricle.

and 3 did not show a disproportionate increase in biparietal ment corresponding to four standard deviations below the
diameter, even though the atrial width showed a 27% mean; the umbilical artery systolic– diastolic ratio as well as
increase in Case 1. The middle cerebral artery pulsatility the amniotic fluid index were normal. Four days later, MRI
index was within two standard deviations above the mean indicated the presence of a hemorrhagic component of the
and it did not show any striking change over time in Cases 1 mass; it also showed intraventricular hemorrhage and dis-
and 3; it was increased in Case 5, in which an enlarged bipa- placement of the ventricular system towards the right side. At
rietal diameter was also documented. 29 weeks, ultrasound showed cavitation within the previ-
In the two remaining cases, ventriculomegaly was not the ously observed mass, and dilatation of the third ventricle;
predominant finding (Table 1). In Case 2, first observed at it was not possible to distinguish with certainty the lateral
28 weeks, the left cerebral hemisphere was filled with an ventricles from the intraparenchymal lesion, possibly
irregular echogenic mass, which displaced the midline evolving towards porencephalic cysts (Figure 3). At 32 weeks,
towards the right side, although the tentorium appeared a triventricular hydrocephalus was shown together with the
normal, as did the cerebellum and brainstem (Figure 3). previously described intraparenchymal lesion.
Asymmetrical IUGR was also diagnosed, with the biparietal In Case 4, a posterior triangular-shaped anechoic mass
diameter and femur length being within the normal range for (24 × 23 × 22 mm) was observed in the left hemisphere, adja-
gestational age and the abdominal circumference measure- cent to the midline and above the tentorium (Table 1). The

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Fetal intracranial hemorrhage Strigini et al.

Figure 2 Case 3: Fetal brain magnetic resonance images showing subacute hemorrhage. A subependymal clot is depicted within the lateral wall of
the left frontal ventricular horn, impinging on the enlarged ventricular cavity. It appears mildly hyperintense with respect to brain tissue in both
T2-weighted (a) and T1-weighted (b) magnetic resonance images.

Figure 3 Case 2: (a) Axial scan of the fetal head showing an echoic irregular mass disrupting the normal echoanatomy of the left hemisphere. The
midline is displaced towards the right. (b) After 1 week, the echoic lesion previously shown had undergone liquefaction. Dilatation of the third ventricle
and left atrium is also depicted.

cyst contained an echogenic focus (6 mm) without posterior ultrasound; the cyst content appeared hematic (Figure 4). A
shadowing, adjacent to the occipital bone (Figure 4). The further ultrasound examination at 19 weeks did not show
atrium of the ipsilateral ventricle was displaced anteriorly any modification but an enlargement of the third ventricle
and was mildly dilated (10 mm). The pattern was dissimilar (5 mm). Color-flow mapping did not show any signal within
from any known cerebral malformation, and a neoformation the cystic wall or the echoic focus.
(either hemorrhagic or tumoral) was suspected; the echoic In Cases 1, 3 and 5, fetal movements were normally
focus within the lesion could suggest the diagnosis of astro- perceived by the mothers and appeared normal during
cytoma. Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed the presence sonographic examinations; cardiotocography showed
of the cyst, but not the solid structure observed within it by normal fetal heart rate variability, without decelerations. The

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Figure 4 Case 4: (a) Sonographic image of the fetal head above the tentorium, showing a posterior cystic lesion with an echoic focus adjacent to the
occipital bone. The left lateral ventricle is displaced anteriorly, with a dangling choroid plexus. (b) Axial SSFSE T2-weighted magnetic resonance image
of fetal brain. The posterior extracerebral round mass impinging on both ventricular walls is deeply hypointense due to the magnetic susceptibility
effect of deoxyhemoglobin. Note the hydrocephalic ventricular enlargement. (c) Histological specimen showing the fibrin clot (]) between the
periosteum (straight arrow) of the occipital bone (arrow head) and leptomeninges (curved arrow). (Hematoxylin and eosin stained.)

Table 2 Pregnancy outcome and postnatal follow-up

Gestation Birth
Case Outcome (weeks) Sex weight (g) Postnatal follow-up

1 CS 38 Male 3310 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt on day 7;

normal development at 1 year
2 IUFD 33 Female 1190 —
3 CS 36 Male 2790 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt on day 10;
mild right hemiparesis;
normal mental development at 1 year
4 TOP 19 Female 300 —
5 CS 38 Male 3310 Ventriculoperitoneal shunt at 2 months;
motor retardation; hypertonia at 6 months

CS, Cesarean section; IUFD, intrauterine fetal death; TOP, termination of pregnancy.

women were hospitalized just before elective Cesarean demonstrated, with a fibrin clot attached to the internal sur-
section, which was performed between 36 and 38 weeks. face of the occipital bone (Figure 4).
All three cases required a ventriculoperitoneal shunt In no case did maternal or neonatal blood tests reveal any
(Table 2). possible cause of fetal hemorrhage. On the other hand,
In Case 2, no intrauterine or extrauterine therapy seemed detailed history revealed that all mothers had undergone
feasible, given the magnitude of the lesion. Fetal movements, accidents during pregnancy, even if none of them reported
which appeared normal at 28 weeks, were markedly increased any injury (Table 3). No fetal abnormality had been
at 29 weeks, when they were judged similar to those usually detected at ultrasound examinations performed 2 weeks
observed in anencephalic fetuses; at 32 weeks they were before the accident in Case 3, or shortly thereafter in Cases
markedly reduced, and intrauterine fetal death occurred 2, 4 and 5; in Case 1, it cannot be stated whether the last
10 days later. Labor was then induced, and a stillborn small- normal examination was performed before or after the acci-
for-gestational age infant was delivered. Fetal maceration dent, because the latter was not reported on the mother’s
prevented the detailed study of the brain, but hemorrhage clinical notes as it was regarded as irrelevant. The time lag
was confirmed. between the accident and the detection of fetal lesions
In Case 4, the parents elected to terminate the pregnancy, ranged between 3 days and 5 weeks. Before referral, an
because of the large size of the cyst relative to the fetal head, anomaly of the fetal central nervous system had been
the displacement of intracranial structures suggesting com- detected in all cases in the same ultrasound unit as that in
pression, and the initial dilatation of the ventricular system. which the last normal ultrasound scan had been obtained,
At autopsy, a subperiosteal extradural hemorrhage was thus making it unlikely that a pre-existing lesion had been

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Table 3 Timing of events

Last normal sonogram Accident First abnormal sonogram

Case Week Indication Week Modality Week Indication

1 31 Routine Unknown Fall from motorcycle 34 Suspected placenta previa

(3rd trimester) at previous examination
2 25 Accident (within 24 h) 25 Car accident 28 Routine
3 31 Routine 33 Car accident 33 Accident (after 3 days)
4 14 Diabetes mellitus 10 – 14 Repeated falls during 17 Amniocentesis
hypoglycemic attacks
5 33 Accident (within 24 h) 33 Fall while gardening 38 Amniotic fluid index

missed because of a poorer quality previous ultrasound the fibrin clot, which was found at autopsy and could explain
examination. the echoic focus seen at ultrasound.
Our sonographic findings are consistent with the different
appearance of intracranial hemorrhage according to their
location described in newborns. In vitro studies were able to
The different location of the bleeding in the fetuses described explain the different sonographic appearance on the basis of
above can explain the different ultrasound images obtained. a different production of thromboplastin, which is maximal
In the cases of intraventricular hemorrhage, the echogenic in intraparenchymal hemorrhage, and minimal in subdural
clots within the anechoic dilated cerebral ventricles were hemorrhage29. It is conceivable that cerebral thromboplastin
clearly evident and typical in appearance (Cases 3 and 5). In is not present in this location, thus explaining the anechoic
utero MRI confirmed the diagnosis in Case 3, whereas it was content we observed.
not performed in Case 5, and obstetric management was Similarly to other authors who reported on flow velocity
decided on the basis of ultrasound alone. In contrast, in waveforms of the middle cerebral artery in cases of fetal
Case 1, periventricular hemorrhage was not recognized: the hydrocephaly and/or intracranial hemorrhage10,23,30, we
clot was adjacent to the ventricular wall, instead of impinging found either normal or increased values of the pulsatility
or floating within the fluid-filled ventricles, so that there index; moreover, we did not find any relevant modification
was no clear contrast which could have allowed ultrasound over time. An increased pulsatility index was observed in
depiction. Moreover, unlike in Case 3, the sonographic Case 5, which subsequently showed the worst neurological
diagnosis was further hampered by the absence of modifica- outcome. However, other variables may have been more rel-
tions of intraparenchymal texture, as confirmed by MRI. evant in determining the outcome, and no general agreement
In fact, only a few cases of isolated fetal periventricular has yet been reached on its relevance in newborns31.
hemorrhage have been described4,26, further supporting the In four of five cases (Cases 1, 2, 3 and 5), a history of acci-
difficulty of the sonographic depiction of periventricular dent was offered by the mother, and in the fifth case (Case 4)
hemorrhage in comparison to intraventricular, intraparen- the mother was diabetic and we witnessed at least one mater-
chymal or subdural hemorrhages. In cases of unexplained nal fall following a hypoglycemic attack. Fetal intracranial
hydrocephaly, in utero MRI is therefore warranted, to hemorrhage has been described following maternal acci-
search for signs of possible etiological factors, including dents, even if the majority of the reported cases involve either
hemorrhage. fetal coagulopathy or conditions linked to fetal hypoxia, such
The echoic mass corresponding to recent massive intra- as IUGR or pre-eclampsia. It has been suggested that acci-
parenchymal hemorrhage might have suggested cerebral dents can cause maternal injury, with consequent cardiovas-
neoplasia2, and even MRI could not exclude a hemorrhagic cular shock, or placental abruption, thus causing acute fetal
neoplasm in our Case 2, because of the disruption of the hypoxia15. However, in the present series, all mothers were
cerebral anatomy. However, the evolution of the ultrasound apparently uninjured and no sign of placental abruption was
appearance, showing cavitation and hydrocephaly, has been detected. Interestingly, in all third-trimester cases the hem-
previously described2,27, and is typical of massive hemorrhage. orrhagic lesion was in the fetal cerebral hemisphere that
The most intriguing findings were detected in the case of was furthest from the maternal abdominal wall, suggesting
subperiosteal, extradural hemorrhage (Case 4). Subperi- that the counterstroke, rather than the direct trauma, was
osteal hemorrhage has been reported as an autoptic finding in the cause of the intracranial bleeding. However, we can-
fetuses with concomitant intracranial hemorrhage detected not be certain that the fetuses had not changed position
in other locations by obstetric sonography; however, the between the time of the accident and the time of ultrasound
subperiosteal component was missed in utero19,28. In our examination.
case, the sonographic appearance of an echoic cyst was not In Case 2, the intraparenchymal hemorrhage was associ-
suggestive of a hemorrhagic content, and the echoic focus ated with IUGR. This association is not uncommon4–10, and
suggested a cystic neoplasm, even if color Doppler imaging it is usually explained on the basis of hypoxia leading to both
showed no blood flow. The correct diagnosis of a hemor- IUGR and intracerebral circulatory changes with secondary
rhagic lesion was provided by MRI, even if it did not detect hemorrhage4. However, it might also be hypothesized that

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the extensive brain damage subsequent to intraparenchymal characteristics. It is difficult to infer when (and if) a follow-
hemorrhage could cause IUGR. This hypothesis is supported up fetal ultrasound examination should be performed after
by the observation that the birth weight of anencephalic maternal accidents, considering that the time of occurrence
fetuses is significantly lower than that of normal infants, even of posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation is variable in
after correction for the absence of the brain32; moreover, newborns36, also depending on the amount of intraventricu-
removal of the fetal rat brain can cause a reduction of the lar bleeding. In two of our cases (Cases 2 and 5), in which the
body weight33. patient had an ultrasound examination within the 24 hours
In the case of subperiosteal extradural hemorrhage, the following the accident, no fetal anomaly was detected at that
only relevant risk factor was the repeated hypoglycemic time; in the third case (Case 3), hydrocephaly was already
attacks in the mother. However, bleeding is not regarded evident 3 days later.
as a complication of severe hypoglycemia in the preterm
newborn. Although multiple intracranial hemorrhages were
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