Huppert Z 2008
Huppert Z 2008
Huppert Z 2008
Berthold Huppertz
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Placental Origins of Preeclampsia
Challenging the Current Hypothesis
Berthold Huppertz
Received December 4, 2007; first decision December 31, 2007; revision accepted January 8, 2008.
From the Institute of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Center of Molecular Medicine, Medical University Graz, Austria.
Correspondence to Dr Berthold Huppertz, PhD, Professor of Cell Biology, Institute of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Center of Molecular
Medicine, Medical University Graz, Harrachgasse 21/7, 8010 Graz, Austria. E-mail [email protected]
(Hypertension. 2008;51:970-975.)
© 2008 American Heart Association, Inc.
Hypertension is available at DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.107.107607
Figure 4. The diagram represents an overview of the events occurring during normal pregnancy and leading to the development of pre-
eclampsia. The normal pathway (in light gray) starts with normal cytotrophoblast differentiation and ends with the engulfment of apo-
ptotic syncytial knots in the lungs. If preeclampsia is initiated by intrinsic placental factors there is a shift toward nonapoptotic release
of trophoblastic fragments resulting in preeclampsia (in dark gray). Because of extrinsic factors the maternal disposal system to remove
apoptotic syncytial knots may be overloaded resulting in secondary necrosis of syncytial knots and subsequently in preeclampsia (in
gray). Because of maternal factors the mother may not respond adequately to the presence of placental material in maternal blood (in
gray) and may have the same outcome as the presence of extrinsic factors: preeclampsia.
membrane-sealed structures. They are small (200 to 600 Specific conditions increase placental mass (diabetes or
nm;44) and can pass the lungs; therefore they can easily be multiple pregnancies) or placental surface (hypoxic condi-
detected in peripheral blood and may cause systemic alter- tions of the mother: anemia, high altitude; Figure 4, gray
ations of the maternal endothelium and inflammatory system. pathway on the left, extrinsic factors). This increase will be
Although early serum markers may predict preeclampsia paralleled by an increase in the release of syncytial knots. If
already in the first trimester of pregnancy, the respective clinical the maternal clearance system cannot cope with this increased
manifestation of preeclampsia only occurs after midgestation. number of apoptotic fragments, they may undergo secondary
This discrepancy can be explained as follows: During the first necrosis within the blood and thus may lead to the clinical
trimester of pregnancy trophoblast turnover is different to the symptoms of preeclampsia as well.
turnover later in gestation. In the first trimester most of the The same may be true if the maternal disposal or inflam-
fusion events of cytotrophoblast cells with the syncytiotropho- matory systems are not working properly and react inappro-
blast are needed for growth of the syncytiotrophoblast rather priately to the release of apoptotic trophoblast fragments
than for the maintenance of this layer.37 Only later in gestation a (Figure 4, gray pathway on the left, maternal factors). Again,
steady-state between input of new material by cytotrophoblast this may lead to an overload of the disposal machinery, thus
fusion and release of syncytial knots is established. During the inducing a systemic activation and damage of endothelial
first trimester the release of trophoblast material is much lower cells, resulting in preeclampsia.
than later in gestation. This is not only true because of the lower
total placental mass and surface early in gestation but also Conclusion
because of the differences in trophoblast turnover at the two Ultimately, preeclampsia is a syndrome of early placentation. An
different stages of trophoblast development. insult resulting in an aberrant development and differentiation of
the villous syncytiotrophoblast causes an impaired maintenance
3. Preeclampsia, Induced by Extrinsic and of the placental barrier. This will subsequently lead to the release
Maternal Factors of necrotic and aponecrotic trophoblast fragments culminating in
The origin of preeclampsia may not be restricted to an a systemic inflammatory response of the mother. By contrast, a
intrinsic alteration of the villous trophoblast alone. Looking at failure of extravillous trophoblast invasion is correlated with the
the conditions with an increased risk to develop preeclampsia, pathophysiology of IUGR. The new concept brought forward
they may be divided into those that increase placental mass or here clearly separates the origins of preeclampsia and IUGR and
surface and those that alter the response of the mother to what proposes alterations in different trophoblast differentiation path-
is released by the placenta. ways as origins for both syndromes.
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Huppertz Placental Origins of Preeclampsia 975
Source of Funding 21. Spencer K, Cowans NJ, Chefetz I, Tal J, Kuhnreich I, Meiri H. First-
trimester maternal serum PP-13, PAPP-A and second-trimester uterine
This work was supported by the EU Grant #37244, project title
artery Doppler pulsatility index as markers of pre-eclampsia. Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol. 2007;29:128 –134.
22. Huppertz B, Sammar M, Chefetz I, Neumaier-Wagner P, Bartz C, Meiri
Disclosures H. Longitudinal determination of serum PP13 during development of
None. preeclampsia. Fetal Diagn Therapy. In press.
23. Ong CY, Liao AW, Spencer K, Munim S, Nicolaides KH. First trimester
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