Krok 1 Physiology 2
Krok 1 Physiology 2
Krok 1 Physiology 2
17. The ionic channelsof an excitable 21. A bov of 12 is 180 cm tall. The B. Gonadotropin.
traction in replv to direct stimulation
'vvaspreserved,but the one in reply to cell u'ereblocked, asa result of rvhiclrits reasonfor it is the disorder of honnone C. Corticotropin.
secretion.What kind of hormone is il? D. Thvreotrorrin.
nervestimulationwas lost. What does resting potential dissapearedcompletly
the poisonblock? soon after. What channelswere blocked? @ SomatotroPin. @ Somatotropin.
A . P o t a s s i u ma n d s o d i u m . B. Thyroxin.
A. Processes of enelgyproduction.
B. Sodium. C. Thyrcotropin. 25. It is ascertained
in an experirnent
B. Couplingof excitationand con-
D. Gonadotropin. that du ring the excitationof the mo-
traction in the muscle. @ Potassium.
D. Chloric. E. Insulin. toneuronsof flexornusclesthe motone-
C. Sodiumchannels.
E. Calcium. u ronsof extensor muscles are inhibited.
D. Potassiumchannels.
synapse. 22. A hemorrhageinto the brainstem What kind of inhibitionunderlies this
@N" of a patient of 70 is cliagnoscd.The exa- phenomenon?
1 8 . T h e i o n i c c h a n n e l so f a n e x c i t -
15. An isolateclnruscleof a frog is rh1'th- able cell u'ereblocked. It did not charge mination found out the increaseof the 6 Rcciprocal.
the level of the resting potential sub- tone of flexor musclcs and the decline B. Inhibitionafterexcitation.
mically irritated by electricimpulsesin
s t a n t i a l l y ,b u t t h e c e l l l o s t t h e c a p a c i t y of the tone of extensclrmuscles.The irrita- C. Pessimal .
an expeliment.Evely next impulseis in (Ranshou').
to lhe generation of action potenLial. of n'hat structuresof braincanexplain
tion-s D. Feedback
the periodof relaxationof thc previous
will arise? What channels u'ere blocked? the changesin the tone of muscles? E. Lateral.
contraction. What contraction
A . S u b s t a n t i an i g r a .
A. Asynchronous. @sodiurn.
B. Potassium. B . V e s t i b u l a rn u c l c i . 26. For better examinationof the
B. Sinsle.
C . S o d i u ma n d P o t a s s i u m . ! Q u a d r i g e m i r r apl l a t e . fundusof eye a doctor beganto dri p
@ro,itn"a tetanus. the solutionof atropineon the conjunc-
D. Smoothtc'tauus. D. Chloric. \p.i Red nuclei.
E. Calcium. E . R e t i c u l a rf o r m a t i o u . tiva of the patient'seye. It resultcdin
E. Tonic.
pupil expansion. The blockadeof rvhat
19. It is necessar.v to gct the increase 23. A rvomanof 2.5felt nausea,vomit- membranouscytoreceptorsstipulated
16. A tissueis actedon bY an elec-
of the membranousresting potential (hy- ing, the increaseof su'eal secretionwhile sucheffect?
tric impulseof cathodedircctionwith
pcrpolarization) in an experiment on an beingon a merry-go-round.The activa- A. Hr-receplors.
tlre amplitudeof 70%threshold.What
i s o l a t e de x c i t a b l ec e l l . W h a t i o n i c c h a n - tion of u'hat reccptorsstipulated reflex B. N-Cholinoreceptors.
will [hc changesof membranepoten-
developmentof these s1'mptoms? C. a-adrenoreceptors.
tial be as a resultof it? nels rvill be activated for this purpose?
A. Potassiumand sodium. A. Corti's organ. A. p-udt"noreceptors.
@ Partial depolarizatiorr. -Cholinoreceptors.
B. Hyperpolarization. B. Sodium. A
B. ProDriorct'ct)tclrs
of skcletalmuscles. @JM
C..AcLionpt-rtcrlt @Potassium. Q ) V e s t i b u l a r r e c e p t o l so f s c n r i cric u -
D.Calcium. lal ducts. 27. During the pathologoanatornicre-
D.There will be no changes.
E . S o d i u ma n d c a l c i u m . D.Visual. searchof the spinalcord of a 7O-year-
E. Inhibitory postsynaptic
E. Otoconi vestibular. old man the deslructionand diminish-
ing of the quantitv of anterior horns
24. The height of a grotn-up person nucleicellsin cervicaland tholacicspines
Regulationof organismfunctions is 120cm. Proportionsof the body-build werefound.What functionsweredam-
and mental capacity are normal. These agedduring the man'slife?
20. A frog reacts by generalized Q!/ Strychnin. characteristicsare the result of a lack A. Moving functions of the lower
convulsions in reply to all irritations B. Adrenaline. ot sone hornone secretionin childhood. extremities.
after the introduction of the solution C. Acetylcholine. What kind of hormone is it?
. functionsof the upper
of a chemical agent. What agent was D. Serotonin @Moving
A. Thyroxin. extremltles.
introduced? E. Dopamine.