Test Bank General Medicine
Test Bank General Medicine
Test Bank General Medicine
Rodinsky A.G.
MD, Prof Dep. Physiology
Tests for self-assessment and preparing students
for the Total Test Control in
(for students of the 'General Medicine' speciality)
Dnepropetrovsk, 2017
Correct answer is A.
EXCITABLE TISSUES 10. After the exposure to the toxin the synthesis of ATP has been
1. What level of stimulation must be applied to the nerve fiber to cause completely blocked. How will change the value of the resting potential?
excitation in the relative refractory phase? A. Disappear
A. suprathreshold B. increase slightly
B. Subthreshold C. Significantly increase
C. Threshold D. first increase and then decrease
D. Subthreshold for a long E. first decrease, then increase
E. threshold for a long 11. Excitable cell with a resting potential of -90 mV has been treated
2. In experiment, the threshold of stimulation of cells of various tissues with a substance that selectively blocks ion channels. What channels are
has been studied. Where it was the lowest? blocked, if the result of this is the resting potential of -70 mV?
A. In motor neurons of the spinal cord A. Potassium
B. in glandular cells B. Sodium
C. In skeletal muscle myocytes C. Calcium
D. In smooth muscle myocytes D. Magnesium
E. In cardiomyocytes E. Chlorine
3. In the cell, the synthesis of ATP has been completely blocked. How 12. What is the main mechanism of the membrane potential origination?
will change the value of the resting potential? A. Diffusion of potassium out of the cell
A. Disappear B. Diffusion of potassium in the cell
B. increase slightly C. Diffusion of sodium is the cell
C. Significantly increase D. Difusion sodium out of the cell
D. first increase and then decrease E. Diffusion of chlorine in the cell
E. first decrease, then increase 13. The increased permeability to what ions makes the basis of the
4. Due to the action of the electric current on excitable cell the postsynaptic membrane hyperpolarization?
depolarization of membrane has occurred. Movement of what ions A. K+
through the membrane plays a major role in the development of B. Na+
depolarization? C. Cl-
A. Na + D. Ca++
B. HCO3- E. Mg++
C. Ca2+ 14. In experiment, the postsynaptic membrane of a neuron has been
D. Cl- treated with a substance that caused its hyperpolarization. Which ion
E. K+ permeability in the postsynaptic membrane increased in this situation?
5. Due to the activation of ion channels of the outer membrane of A. Potassium
excitable cell its resting potential significantly increased. What channels B. Sodium
have been activated? C. Calcium
A. Potassium D. Magnesium
B. Sodium E. manganese
C. fast calcium 15. Why there is no response when a threshold stimulation is applied
D. Slow calcium during the absolute refractory phase?
E. sodium and calcium A. there is extremely low excitability
6. Studies on isolated muscle fibers are in progress. It is established that B. Lack of strength of stimulation
the threshold of stimulation of cell has significantly decreased. Which of C. decrease in excitability
the following could cause this? D. High excitability
A. activation of membrane sodium channels E. Reduced lability
B. activation of potassium channels of the membrane 16. What force of stimulation should be chosen to cause excitation of
C. inactivation of membrane sodium channels the nerve fiber in the subnormal refractory phase?
D. inactivation of calcium channels of membrane A. suprathreshold
E. Cellular energy production arrest B. Subthreshold
7. The excitability of cell in the depolarization phase of AP is: C. Threshold
A. fast and significantly reduces D. Subthreshold, long enough
B. increases sharply E. All answers are correct
C. Slightly increases 17. With the microelectrode technique was measured the membrane
D. declines slightly potential of motor neuron of spinal cord. In this case, the neuron
E. remains unchanged depolarization was detected after exposure to pharmaceuticals. What
8. The action potential is caused mainly by the passive transport of ions: might be the reason?
A. of sodium ions into the cell A. increase in sodium permeability of membrane
B. sodium ions out of the cell B. Increase in potassium permeability
C. otassium ions into the cell C. Reduction in sodium permeability
D. chloride ions into the cell D. Increase in chlorine permeability
E. chlorine ions out of the cell E. Reduction in calcium permeability
9. An isolated muscle, which is placed in Krebs solution, has underwent 18. With the microelectrode technique measured the membrane potential
subthreshold stimulation. What phenomenon will occur? of motor neuron spinal cord. At the same time was observed
A. local response hyperpolarization of the neuron after exposure to pharmaceuticals. With
B. Ion Channels Inactivation might be the reason?
C. action potential A. increase in membrane permeability for potassium
D. membrane hyperpolarization B. increase in membrane permeability for sodium
E. No changes C. Increased permeability of the membrane for calcium
D. reduction in permeability of the membrane for potassium
E. reduction in permeability of the membrane for chlorine A. Stimulus meets the phase of absolute refractoriness
19. The excitability of cell in the depolarization phase of AP: B. Duration of stimulus is less than the threshold
A. fast and significantly reduces C. Stimulus intensity is less than the threshold
B. increases sharply D. accommodation develops
C. Slightly increases E. stimulus meets the phase of relative refractoriness
D. declines slightly 29. In experiment the excitable cell was put in saline solution containing
E. remains unchanged sodium ions. How will this affect the development of the excitation?
20. The main mechanism of the absolute refractory phase is the process: A. AP does not occur
A. sodium inactivation B. AP amplitude decreases
B. potassium activation C. Amplitude of AP increases
C. potassium inactivation D. Duration of AP increases
D. sodium and potassium inactivation E. Duration of AP decreases
E. sodium inactivation, potassium activation 30. A tissue sample is being treated with an electric stimulation of
21. The resting potential of the cell is equal to -80 mV. With the cathodic direction, the amplitude of which is equal to the 70% of
development of AP the magnitude of the membrane potential reached threshold. What changes in membrane potential this will cause?
+30 mV during the phase: A. Partial depolarisation
A. overshoot B. Hyperpolarisation
B. hyperpolarization C. action potential
C. Afterdepolarization D. changes will not occur
D. hyperpolarization 31. Thickness of the cell membrane has increased several times,
E. depolarization resulting in the increase in the electrical resistance of the membrane.
22. What phase of excitability occurs in the cell if the AP depolarization How has the cellular excitability changed?
phase is developing on its membrane? A. decreased
A. absolute refractoriness B. hasn't changed
B. supernormal excitability (exaltation) C. increased
C. relative refractoriness D. increased and then decreased
D. Absolute and relative refractoriness E. temporarily increased
E. no changes in excitability observed 32. In the experiment on white rat the gastrocnemius muscle excitability
23. In experiment, was gradually increased the number of K+ ions in the was investigated. The researcher needed to drastically reduce the
cytoplasm of excitable cells. How will the membrane potential change? excitability of the muscle. Which of the following drugs did the
A. Increase researcher apply to block the sodium channels of the muscle?
B. Decrease A. tetrodotoxin
C. No changes B. tetraethylammonium
D. Disappear C. Serotonin
E. No correct answer D. adrenaline
E. dopamine
24. In experiment, was increased the membrane permeability of
excitable cells for potassium ions. What changes of the membrane 33. Which of the following receptors of skeletal fibers should
electrical state will happen? neurotransmitter acetylcholine interact with for the EPP to arise on the
A. Hyperpolarisation postsynaptic membrane?
B. depolarization A. N-cholinergic receptors
C. action potential B. M-cholinergic receptors
D. local response C. beta-receptor
E. electrotonic potential D. alpha-adrenoceptor
E. All of the above are not true
25.In experiment on the white rat the excitability of gastrocnemius
muscle was studied. Rapid decrease in excitability of the muscle is 34. Before opening the boil a surgeon injected round the operative field
required. Which of the following drugs should the researcher apply to 1% solution of novocaine. Which of the laws of conduction of excitation
provide blockade of sodium channels of the muscle? along the nerves this would violate?
A. Tetrodotoxin A. physiological integrity of the nerve
B. tetraethylammonium B. two-way conduction of excitation
C. Serotonin C. the law of isolated conduction
D. Adrenaline D. the "all or none" law
E. Dopamine E. the law of polarity of stimulation
26. Thickness of the cell membrane increased several times, resulting in 35. Child has bruised the hand finger. His mother immediately plunged
increased electric resistance of the membrane. How will change the the bruised finger in cold water. Which of the laws of conduction of
rheobase of the cell when compared to typical state? excitation along the nerve would thus become violated?
A. increase A. physiological integrity of the nerve
B. this parameter will not change B. two-way conduction of excitation
C. decrease C. the law of isolated conduction
D. decrease, then increase D. the "all or none" law
E. gradually decrease E. the law of polarity of stimulation
27. In experiment, the various tissues cell refractivity was studied. 36. In the experiment, the rat sciatic nerve is irritated by direct current
Where it was the lowest? and it's been registered excitation of motor neurons of spinal cord, and
A. In motor neurons of the spinal cord contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. The action of which law of
B. in glandular cells conduction of excitation along the nerve has been shown in this case?
C. In skeletal muscle myocytes A. two-way conduction of excitation
D. In smooth muscle myocytes B. the law of isolated conduction
E, In cardiomyocytes C. the law of anatomical and physiological integrity
D. the "all or none" law
28. The Ultra High Frequency (UHF) currents used in physiotherapy do E. the law of polarity of stimulation
not cause arousal, and have only a thermal effect on the tissues. How
can we explain this phenomenon? 37. As it is well known, the rat gastrocnemius muscle is innervated by L
4 and L 5 spinal cord segments. In the experiment, there was electrically preparation had been placed, were put a curare-like substance. After a
stimulated L5-ventral root and watched the contractions of flexor while, the motor nerve of the calf muscle was stimulated. How did the
muscles, and when stimulated L4 ventral root were observed the muscle contractions change?
extensor muscles contractions. The action of what law of conduction of A. muscle contractions did not occur
excitation along the nerve has been shown in this case? B. contraction reduced
A. the law of isolated conduction C. developed a smooth tetanus
B. the law of anatomical and physiological integrity D. developed notched tetanus
C. two-way conduction of excitation E. muscle contractions did not change
D. the "all or none" law 47. In the solution, which contained the frog gastrocnemius nerve-
E. the law of polarity of stimulation muscle preparation, were introduced drug curare. Why then stimulation
38. Isolated conduction of excitation along the nerve is due to: of motor nerve did not cause the muscle contraction?
A. availability of the myelin sheath A. occurred cholinergic blockade of postsynaptic membrane
B. different diameter of fibers comprising the nerve B. occurred cholinergic blockade of presynaptic membrane
C. different speed of conduction along the fibers C. fascilitated the release of acetylcholine to the synaptic cleft
D. short refractory period D. inhibited the release of acetylcholine to the synaptic cleft
E. axonal properties of the filaments E. Increased permeability of the presynaptic membrane to calcium
39. Which of the following cells the greatest lability is the characteristic 48. In the solution, which contained the frog gastrocnemius nerve-
for? muscle preparation, were put eserine, depressing cholinesterase activity.
A. nerve cell Why didn't the motor nerve stimulation cause contraction of the muscle?
B. striated myofibril A. occurred persistent depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane
C. smooth myofibril B. Increased sodium conductance of postsynaptic membrane
D. glandular cell C. Increased calcium permeability of postsynaptic membrane
E. cardiomyocyte D. Decreased potassium permeability of postsynaptic membrane
40. Thickness of the cell membrane has been increased several times, E. Decreased release of acetylcholine to the synaptic cleft
resulting in increased electric resistance of the membrane. How would 49. Isolated nerve was stimulated by the single electrical stimuli
change the cell rheobase when compared to the normal conditions? constantly increasing the power of stimulation. Why the increase in
A. increase of rheobase strength of stimulation was accompanied by increase in the amplitude of
B. change are not going to happen action potentials, ie nerve did not obey the "all or none" law?
C. decrease of rheobase A. Nerve fibers have different thresholds of intensity of stimulation
D. Rheobase will decrease, then increase B. nerve fibers have different refractivities
E. Rheobase will gradually decrease C. nerve fibers have different labilities
41. To provide analgesia during surgery doctor used novocaine. Which D. nerve fibers have different rates of accommodation
of the laws of conduction of excitation along the nerves was thus E. nerve fibers have different rates of excitation conduction
violated? 50. The nerve of the gastrocnemius nerve-muscle preparation of a frog
A. Physiological Integrity was irritated by electrical stimuli and the AP was recorded in the
B. the "all or none" law muscle. Why in the stimulation of the muscles the AP did not arise in the
C. two-way conduction of excitation nerve?
D. the law of isolated conduction A. neuromuscular synapse had unidirectional conductivity
E. law of nondecremental conduction B. Amplitude of AP of muscles was insufficient to excite the nerve
42. In experiment was studied the excitability of different parts of C. In motor nerve, inhibition developed
neuron. Which part of the neuron would respond by generation of AP to D. in the neuromuscular synapse were blocked the production of
the exciting stimulus of a threshold power? acetylcholine
A. the axon hill E. No right answer
B. Base of dendrite 51. The nerve was stimulated by two consecutive stimuli, and the
C. dendritic spines second stimulus was given in the depolarization phase of AP. Why thus
D. presynaptic terminal there were only one AP?
E. Soma A. The second stimulus matched the phase of absolute refractoriness
43. On the mammalian nerve fiber was investigated the rate of B. occured an increase in the excitability of the nerve
conduction of excitation. Determined the speed of 120 m/s. What group C. Decreased the critical level of depolarization of the nerve
does this fiber belong to? D. Decreased potassium permeability of the membranes of nerve fibers
A. A-alpha E. Increased lability of the nerve
B. A-beta 52. With which of the following proteins must calcium ions interact to
C. A-delta initiate the output of acetylcholine from vesicles into the synaptic cleft?
D. B A. calmodulin
E. C B. Myosin
44. In the experiment, the various tissues cells chronaxia was studied. C. Actin
Where was it the lowest? D. Tropomyosin
A. In motor neurons of the spinal cord E. tubulin
B. in glandular cells 53. Person was taken to the hospital in serious condition. The survey
C. In skeletal muscle myocytes found poisoning with botulinum toxin which blocks calcium channels of
D. In smooth muscle myocytes synapses. The result was the affected certain process of transmission of
E. In cardiomyocytes nerve excitation in the CNS. What process had been affected?
45. In the experiment, the various tissues cells refractivity was studied. A. release of mediators
Where was it the lowest? B. Transport of mediator through the synaptic cleft
A. In motor neurons of the spinal cord C. neurotransmitter-receptor binding
B. in glandular cells D. Splitting of mediator
C. In skeletal muscle myocytes E. Opening of the postsynaptic membrane ion channels
D. In smooth muscle myocytes 54. It was found the rate of conduction of nerve fibers of 120 m/s. The
E. In cardiomyocytes mentioned fibers are:
46. In the solution, in which the frog gastrocnemius nerve-muscle A. axons of motor neurons
B. preganglionic sympathetic
C. preganglionic parasympathetic C. automaticity
D. Postganglionic sympathetic D. Tone
E. postganglionic parasympathetic E. No right answer
55. In the experiment with the frog nerve-muscle preparation were 64. In isometric contraction of a muscle there also changes its:
studied single muscle contractions in response to electrical stimulation A. Tone
of the nerve. How would the contraction of the muscle change after B. automatism
treatment with a curare-like substance? C. Conductivity
A. Disappear D. Length
B. Increase in strength E. No right answer
C. Increase in duration 65. Student is asked to evaluate the efficiency of muscular work
D. reduction in duration performed by transporting the goods. What law he should use?
E. No changes expected A. Law of medium loads
56. The frog nerve-muscle preparation was treated with poison. After B. Starling's Law
that was preserved the ability of muscles to contract in response to the C. power relationship law
direct stimulation but lost in response to a nerve stimulation. What does D. Law of Anrep
this poison block? E. Law of cephalization
A. neuromuscular synapse 66. In experiment, was provided a skeletal muscle stimulation of a series
B. Coupling of excitation and contraction in muscle of electrical impulses. What type of muscle contraction occured when
C. Sodium channels each subsequent impulse met the period of a twitch muscle contraction?
D. Potassium Channels A. smooth tetanus
E. energy production processes B. Notched (serrated) tetanus
57. A patient visited the hospital with complaints of fatigue and severe C. Asynchronous tetanus
muscle weakness. The examination revealed autoimmune disease that D. Series of single contractions
caused the disturbed functional state of receptors in the neuromuscular E. Muscle contracture
synapses. The action of which mediator had been blocked? 67. Describe the excitability of muscle during the depolarization phase:
A. Acetylcholine A. muscle is in the phase of absolute refractoriness
B. noradrenaline B. Muscle is in the phase of relative refractoriness
C. Dopamine C. Muscle is in the phase of exaltation (maximum excitability)
D. Serotonin D. reduced excitability
E. Glycine E. increased excitability
58. After the introduction of curare-like substance arises the relaxation 68. In experiment, the muscle taken from the animal ureter was given a
of all skeletal muscles. What is the cause of this phenomenon? load. Muscle had stretched, and remained in the same position after the
A. blockade of N-cholinergic receptors of synaptic membrane load had been taken off. What feature is demonstrated by this
B. Violation of acetylcholine release experiment?
C. presynaptic membrane calcium channels blockade A. Plasticity
D. Violation of synthesis of cholinesterase B. automaticity
E. Violation of acetylcholine synthesis C. elasticity
59. What type of contraction of muscles occurs in attempt of the upper D. Contractility
limb to lift up an unbearable load? E. stretchability
A. isometric 69 In the experiment, under the action of a chemical substance was
B. isotonic provided decrease in activity of Ca++ - pump in muscles. What events
C. Auxotonic occured at the same time?
D. phasic A. increase in the duration of relaxation
E. twitch contraction B. increase in the duration of AP
60. In experiment was provided stimulation of skeletal muscle with a C. reduction of the resting potential
series of electrical impulses. What type of muscle contraction occured if D. Reduced of AP rate of conduction
each subsequent impulse met the period of a twitch muscle contraction? E. Activation of sodium-potassium pump
A. smooth tetanus 70. What type of upper limb muscle contraction occurs in need to lift the
B. Notched (serrated) tetanus unbearable weight?
C. Asynchronous tetanus A. Isometric
D. Series of single contractions B. isotonic
E. Muscle contracture C. Auxotonic
61. In experiment, an isolated frog muscle is being rhythmically D. phasic
annoyed with electrical impulses. Each next impuls meets the period of E. All answers are correct
relaxation of the previous contraction. What type of contraction occurs? 71. After the long distance race the athlete got contracture of calf
A. Notched (serrated) tetanus muscles (muscles of the lower limbs). The accumulation of what
B. Single (twitch) metabolite was the most likely to cause that condition?
C. Asynchronous A. Lactic acid
D. Smooth tetanus B. pyruvic acid
E. Tonic contraction C. Creatinine
62. Whattype of muscle contraction occurs in the upper limb to hold D. Urea
(without moving) a load in a certain position? E. Uric Acid
A. isometric 72. After training, a heavyweight got contracture of the triceps. Reduce
B. isotonic of concentration of what substance in the muscles was the most likely to
C. auxotonic cause that condition?
D. Concentric A. ATP
E. eccentric B. pyruvic acid
63. In isotonic contraction of a muscle there also changes its: C. Lactic acid
A. Length D. Creatinine
B. Conductivity E. Glucose
73. Increase in the amount of calcium ions in the sarcoplasm of a muscle C. tissue pH
leads to its contraction. Define the possible cause of this: D. axonal transport
A. activation of active sites of actin E. excitability of nociceptors
B. activation of calcium pump 83. After a long training an athlete developed fatigue with a sharp
C. blockade of the myosin ATPase decline in performance. What link of the reflex arc fatigue occurred in
D. change in the structure of the molecules of tropomyosin the first order?
E. Effect of calcium on the sarcoplasmic reticulum A. in the nerve centers.
74. In muscle, has been pharmacologically blocked the ATPase, B. In afferent conductors.
whereupon it has lost the property to contract. What was the possible C. proprioreceptors.
reason for that? D. in the efferent link.
A. Stopping of the Na-K pump of the surface membrane E. in the muscles
B. Opening of reticulum calcium channel 84. When measuring total muscle action potential it was revealed that it
C. opening of potassium channels in the surface membrane was subject to the power-law relationship. The reason for this is that
D. sodium inactivation individual muscle fibers differ in:
E. Activation of reticulum calcium pump A. Depolarization threshold
75. Which of the following structures is the primary place for fatigue to B. Diameter
develop during a long-term physical load? C. Conduction velocity
A. Neuromotor centre D. Resting potential
B. conductive tracts of spinal cord E. Critical level of depolarization
C. motorneurons 85. In course of an experiment there has been an increase in the nerve
D. neuromuscular synapses conduction velocity. This may be caused by an increase in the
E. Muscles concentration of the following ions that are present in the solution
76. It is found that a violation of the muscles in a patient is associated around the cell:
with the pathology of production of mediator. Specify this mediator: A. Na +
A. Acetylcholine B. K + and Cl –
B. GABA C. K + and Na +
C. Dopamine D. Ca 2+ and Cl –
D. Adrenaline E. Ca 2+
E. Serotonin *
77. It is necessary to evaluate the patient's level of excitability of the 86. Poisoning caused by botulinum toxin that prevents calcium ions
nerve. To do this, it is advisable to determine the amount of nerve: from entering axone nerve endings of motoneurons is lifethreatening
A. threshold of intensity of stimulus because it can lead to:
B. the resting potential A. Respiratory arrest
C. the critical level of depolarization B. Cardiac arrest
D. amplitude of the action potential C. Vasotonic disorder
E. action potential duration D. Vomiting
E. Diarrhea
78. In an experiment made by the excitable cell in a salt solution
containing no sodium ion. How will this affect the development of the 87. Microelectrode analysis of nerve fiber biolectrical activity revealed,
process of excitation? that its membrane potential equals 90 mV. Its initial rest potential was
A. action potential arises 85 mV. What process occurs in this case?
B. amplitude of the action potential is reduced A. Hyperpolarization
C. amplitude of the action potential increases B. Depolarization
D. Duration of the action potential increases C. Repolarization
E. Duration of the action potential is reduced D. Overshoot
E. Supernormality
79. In the experiment, it is necessary to assess the level of excitability of
the tissue. To do this, it is advisable to determine: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
A. threshold depolarization 1. In the study of athlete after intense exercise were revealed out a poor
B. The resting potential motor coordination while maintaining the force of contraction of the
C. critical level of depolarization muscles. The reason for this may be a decrease in the rate of excitation:
D. amplitude of AP A. across the central synapses
E. Time of AP B. Across the neuromuscular synapses
C. in efferent nerves
80. Thickness of the cell membrane increased several times, resulting in D. in afferent nerves
an increase in electrical resistance of the membrane. How to change the E. in conducting tracts
excitability of the cells?
A. decrease 2. Self-regulation of functions is carried out in the central nervous
B. No change system due to the presence of:
C. increase A. feedback loops
D. increase and then decrease B. summation
E. temporarily increase C. Transformation
D. temporal relationships
81. After administration to a human a curare-like matter arises relaxation E. reflex arcs
of skeletal muscles. What is the cause of this phenomenon?
A. blockade of N-cholinergic receptors of the postsynaptic membrane 3. The patient at the onset of epilepsy showed generalized seizures
B. Violation of acetylcholine release (contractions all groups muscles). The mechanism of their development
C. blockade of Ca2 - channels presynaptic membrane can be attributed primarily to such processes in nerve centres:
D. Violation synthesis of cholinesterase A. irradiation of excitation
E. Violation of the synthesis of acetylcholine B. Convergence of excitation
C. Reverbaration of excitation
82. When you remove the tooth you administer novocaine solution to D. inhibition of irradiation
the sensory nerve, resulting in pain relief as a result of violations: E. inhibition of convergence
A. conduct pain impulses.
B. Training mediators of pain 4. In the study of athletes after intense physical load was found decrease
in accuracy of movements while maintaining the strength of muscle
contraction. The reason for this may be a reduction in the rate of B. Adrenaline
excitation: C. Acetylcholine
A. across central synapses D. Serotonin
B. across neuromuscular synapses E. Dopamine
C. in efferent nerves 13. Which of the following causes the postsynaptic inhibition?
D. in afferent nerves A. Activation of potassium and chloride channels
E. in descending tracts of spinal cord B. Activation of sodium channels
5. It is known that excitation through the nerve centres is distributed in C. inactivation of potassium and chloride channels
one direction only. What is the reason for that? D. Penetration of inhibitory mediators through the postsynaptic
A. The properties of synapses membrane
B. Characteristics of nerves E. depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane
C. structure of dendrites 14. In experiment were found that during the excitation of the flexor
D. Characteristics of axons motor neurons, motor neurons that innervate the extensor muscles are in
E. Characteristics of mediators the state of inhibition. What type of inhibition causes this phenomenon?
6. In animal were stimulated dorsal roots of spinal cord by single A. reciprocal inhibition
electrical stimuli and recorded the action potentials from the anterior B. inhibition after excitation
roots. Why during the stimulation of the anterior roots there were not C. pessimal inhibition
recorded the action potentials from the dorsal roots? D. recurrent inhibition
A. Synapses of spinal cord have as a feature the unilateral conduction of E. Lateral inhibition
excitation 15. After introduction of strychnine to a frog it responds to the slightest
B. Fibres of anterior roots do not conduct the excitation to spinal cord irritation by
C. in spinal cord neurons inhibition develops generalised convulsions. This is due to the blockade in the central
D. in spinal cord neurons a neurotransmitter formation is disturbed nervous system:
E. dorsal root fibres are less excitable than the fibres of anterior roots A. inhibitory synapses
7. Interaction of reflexes occurs in the CNS in accordance with the B. excitatory synapses
"common end path." What properties of nerve centres are the reason for C. Renshaw cell
that principle? D. adrenoceptor
A. convergence E. cholinoreceptors
B. transformation of rhythm 16. In postmortem examination of spinal cord of a 70 year male were
C. summation found out cell destruction and reduction of cell nuclei of the anterior
D. reverberation roots of the both cervical and thoracic regions of spinal cord. What
E. occlusion function were violated during his lifetime?
8. What features of excitation in the central nervous system, are the most A. motor functions of the upper limbs
likely to be reason for manifestation of the same reflex in stimulation of B. motor functions of the lower extremities
various receptor fields? C. sensivity and motor functions of the upper limbs
A. spatial summation D. sensivity of lower extremities
B. occlusion E. sensivity of upper limbs
C. convergence 17. Poisoning with botulinic toxin that blocks the entrance of calcium
D. divergence ions into the nerve endings of axons of motor neurons, is life-
E. facilitation threatening because as can lead to:
9. In acute experiment, were applied two successive subthreshold A. cessation of breathing
stimulations on the dorsal root of spinal cord, in 0.5 msec delay. At the B. Heart failure
same time, in the anterior root the action potential occured. What C. Disorder of vascular tone
properties of the CNS could this phenomenon be explained by? D. vomiting
A. temporal summation E. diarrhoea
B. transformation 18. In experiment on animal were cut the dorsal roots of spinal cord.
C. convergence What changes occured in the area of innervation?
D. spatial summation A. Loss of sensation
E. facilitation B. loss of motor functions
10. In the experiment on an animal, were applied 2 single threshold C. reduction in muscle tone
stimulations on the dorsal root of spinal cord and recorded a discharge D. Increase in muscle tone
of impulses from the anterior roots of spinal cord. What properties of E. Loss of sensation and motor functions
CNS caused this phenomenon? 19. In experiment on animal were cut the ventral roots of spinal cord.
A. post-tetanic potentiation What changes occured in the area of innervation?
B. facilitation A. loss of motor functions
C. spatial summation B. Loss of sensation
D. transformation C. reduction in muscle tone
E. convergence D. Increase in muscle tone
11. An experiment on the 'spinal' frog is being conducted. After E. Loss of sensation and motor functions
increasing the area of skin which is being acted on by the acid solution, 20. In response to strong rapid muscle contraction is observed its reflex
the defensive flexor reflex time decreased from 10 to 6 seconds. Which relaxation. With stimulation of what receptors does this reflex reaction
of these mechanisms caused the decrease in the reflex time? begin?
A. spatial summation of excitation A. Golgi tendon receptors
B. principle of dominant B. Muscle spindles
C. recirculation of excitation C. articular receptors
D. Irradiation of excitation by divergent neural circuits D. tactile receptors
E. there is no correct answer E. nociceptors
12. Due to the infusion of a chemical solution to a frog, is responded by 21. In response to stretching of a muscle its reflex contraction is seen.
generalized convulsions to any kind of stimulation. What was With stimulation of what receptors does this reaction begin?
introduced to the frog? A. Muscle spindles
A. Strychnine
B. Golgi tendon receptors D. Sympathetic
C. articular receptors E. None of the above
D. Tactile receptors 31. After the injury, a patient has got paralysis, impaired sensitivity to
E. nociceptors pain on the right. On the left there are no paralysis, but affected pain and
22. In the experiment on a frog was studied a myotatic reflex. However, temperature sensitivity. What is the reason for this phenomenon?
during stretching of skeletal muscle, there were no reflex contraction. A. unilateral spinal cord lesion on the right side
Violation of functions of what receptors should you pay attention to? B. Damage to the brain stem
A. muscle spindles C. Damage to the midbrain
B. nociceptors D. Damage to the motor cortex of the brain
C. articular receptors E. Damage to the cerebellum
D. Golgi tendon organs 32. The spinal cord can independently provide all of the following
E. Tactile receptors reflexes, except for:
23. The surface on which the intact frog is placed, has been tilted to the A. statokinetic reflexes
right. On this side reflexively increased the tone of extensor muscles, B. myotatic reflexes
due to the activation of these receptors: C. cutaneous reflexes
A. Vestibular receptors of utricle and saccule D. Neck reflexes
B. Vestibular receptors of semicircular canals E. may independently provide all of the above reflexes
C. mechanoreceptors in the skin of feet 33. As a result of a car accident a person got his spinal cord injured at
D. photoreceptors of the retina the level of 6-7 thoracic segments. What events will occur after such a
E. Proprioreceptors damage?
24. The animal has the increased tone of extensor muscles. This is due A. spinal shock
to the enhanced transmission of information to the spinal motoneurons B. decerebrate rigidity
by one the following tracts: C. ataxia
A. vestibulospinal D. tremor
B. medial corticospinal E. plastic tone
C. reticulospinal 34. In the early stages of spinal shock patients show the areflexia
D. Rubrospinal phenomenon. What is the primary cause of areflexia?
E. lateral corticospinal A. infringement in descending tracts of spinal cord
25. Choose from the list of given rexlexes a monosynaptic one: B. injury and the occurrence of pain
A. Achilles reflex C. structural injury of alpha-motoneurons
B. orientating reflex D. decrease in blood pressure
C. Voluntary motor reflexes E. destruction of gamma motor neurons
D. Epithelomuscular reflex 35. Separating of medulla oblongata from the spinal below CIII - CIV
E. Vegetative reflex segments is accompanied by areflexia. What mechanisms cause this?
26. Which of the following is not a reflex? A. absense of the tonic effects of descending pathways
A. Contraction of a muscle in response to stimulation of the efferent B. depolarization of the soma of motor neurons
nerve fibers C. Breaking the descending spinal pathways
B. narrowing of the eye pupil in bright light D. Breaking the ascending pathways of spinal cord
C. Cough in response to stimulation of the upper airways E. reduction of excitability of spinal cord neurons due to the injury
D. relaxation of the muscles in response to their rapid contraction 36. How will the reflex activity of the spinal cord change if there is a
E. contraction of the muscle in response to its stretching definite injury of gamma motor neurons?
27. As a result of an accident there occured the dilaceration of spinal A. decrease in the activity of proprioceptors
cord, and the lower limbs were paralysed. What other functions have B. increase in excitability of the motor neurons
been violated? C. motor neuron excitability will not change
A. micturition and defecation D. Increase in activity of proprioceptors
B. regulation of vascular tone E. Increase in presynaptic inhibition
C. The rhythm of the heart 37. In response to the stretching of a muscle its reflex contraction is
D. Regulation of heat exchange observed. With what receptor stimulation does this reflex reaction
E. Breathing begin?
28. After a car crash accident, in a patient was diagnosed the damage of A. muscle spindles
the pelvic bones, constant urination and defecation. Which region of the B. tendon receptors of Golgi
brain was damaged? C. articular receptors
A. sacral D. tactile receptors
B. cortical E. nociceptors
C. Thoracic 38. In response to strong rapid muscle contraction has been observed its
D. cervical reflex relaxation. With stimulation of what receptors does this knee-jerk
E. Lumbar reaction begin?
29. A 46 year-old man was found to have the gamma motor neurons of A. tendon receptors of Golgi
spinal cord damaged. What changes of reflex activity are the most likely B. muscle spindles
to be expected? C. Articular receptors
A. decrease in activity of proprioceptors D. tactile receptors
B. decrease in postsynaptic inhibition E. nociceptors
C. increase in presynaptic inhibition 39. On which side of the body comes the loss of pain and temperature
D. increase in recurrent inhibition sensations in the damage of the left half of spinal cord?
E. increase in excitability of the motor neurons A. on the right side
30. Efferent pathway of some reflexes switche onto the anterior root B. on both sides
neurons of the spinal cord. Which group do such reflexes belong to? C. on the left side
A. Motor D. sensitivity will not change
B. Vegetative E. sensitivity will increase
C. parasympathetic 40. What is the impact of the pyramidal tracts on neurons of the spinal
cord? A. Cerebellum
A. increase in the excitability of the motor neurons of flexor muscles B. basal ganglia
B. decrease in excitability of the flexor motor neurons C. limbic system
C. Do not change the excitability of motor neurons D. The brain stem
D. increase the excitability of sensory neurons E. medulla oblongata
E. reduce the excitability of interneurons 50. Patient walks swaying with the legs wide apart. He has the
41. How will change the tone of the spinal cord centres after cutting the decreased tonus of muscles in the arms and legs, chanty speech. In what
gamma-loop? part of the brain is the lesion localized?
A. decrease A. Cerebellum
B. will not change B. putamen
C. increase C. caudate nucleus
D. increase in the tonus of flexor muscle centres D. motor cortex
E. increase in the tonus of extensor muscle centres E. red nucleus
42. The patient revealed violations of finger-nose test. Impaired function 51. In the experiment on a frog was destroyed labyrinth on the right,
of what a structure of the brain can be the cause of this? which led to a decrease in the tonus of muscles:
A. Cerebellum A. extensors on the right
B. Hippocampal B. flexors on the left
C. reticular formation C. extensors on the left
D. Red nuclei D. flexors on the right
E. vestibular nuclei E. extensors on both the right and left
43. A patient of 70 years has been diagnosed a bleeding in the brain 52. The animalwas found to have increased tonus of extensor muscles.
stem. The survey revealed increased tonus of flexor muscles and This was due to enhanced information transfer to the motoneurons of the
decreased tonus of extensor muscles. Stimulation of what brain spinal cord by the following descending pathways:
structures can these changes in muscle tonus be explained with? A. vestibulospinal
A. Red nuclei B. medial corticospinal
B. vestibular nuclei C. reticulospinal
C. quadrigeminal bodies D. Rubrospinal
D. substantia nigra E. lateral corticospinal
E. reticular formation 53. According to the treatment recommendations, a patient was carried
44. During the rotation in a carousel a woman of 25 years was found to out the removal of one of the structures of the central nervous system.
have nausea, vomiting, increased sweating. What receptor activation By removing the patient developed atonia, astasia, intention tremor,
caused the development of these symptoms? ataxia, adiadohokinesis. Part of what structure of the central nervous
A. vestibular semicircular canals system was removed?
B. skeletal muscle proprioceptors A. Cerebellum
C. in organ of Corti B. amygdaloid complex
D. optic C. Hippocampus
E. vestibular otolithic D. basal ganglia
45. Following the destruction of certain structures of the brain stem an E. Limbic System
animal lost its orientation reflexes in response to strong light stimuli. 54. The surface on which the intact frog had been placed was tilted to
What structures have been destroyed? the right. On this side the tonus of extensor muscles increased reflectory,
A. superior colliculi due to activation of these receptors:
B. inferior colliculi A. Vestibuloreceptors of utricle and saccule
C. Red nuclei B. Vestibuloreceptors of semicircular canals
D. vestibular nuclei C. mechanoreceptors in the skin of feet
E. substantia nigra D. photoreceptors of the retina
46. While doing exercises on a balance beam a gymnast lost her balance E. Proprioreceptors
and fell. With excitation of what receptors, first of all, does start the 55. A ballet dancer during the dance by rotating to the left side the
reflexes that ensure the recovery of impaired posture? eyeballs are moving quickly to the left, which is the result of activation
A. otolithic vestibuloreceptors of:
B. ampullary vestibuloreceptors A. Vestibuloreceptors of semicircular canals
C. Vestibuloreceptors B. otolithic vestibuloreceptors
D. Proprioreceptors C. muscle spindles
E. Receptors of cochlea D. articular receptors
47. In patient with impaired cerebral blood flow the swallowing activity E. receptors of tendons
has been found to be disturbed. Specify the affected part of the brain: 56. In experiment on the mesencephalic animal were destroyed the red
A. brain stem nucleui. Which of the following reflexes disappear in these conditions?
B. cervical part of spinal cord A. righting and statokinetic
C. forebrain B. Static postural neck reflexes
D. diencephalon C. myotatic tonic
E. midbrain D. myotatic phasic
48. After destruction of the CNS structures the animal lost its orientating E. Static postural vestibular reflexes
reflexes. What were destroyed? 57. In experiment on guinea pig was perfomed the blokade of the right
A. quadrigemina labyrinth by treating it with chloroform which resulted in the increased
B. Red nuclei muscle tonus of:
C. lateral vestibular nuclei A. extensors on the left
D. substantia nigra B. flexors on the left
E. medial reticular nuclei C. extensors on the right
49. The patient was found to have the movement disorders developing: D. flexors on the right
tremor, ataxia and motor hyposynergia, dysarthria. Where the violations E. All extensors
are probably to be localized? 58. On the cat with decerebrate rigidity it's needed to reduce the muscle
tonus, which could be done by: 67. A woman was found to have a violation of the finger-nose test
A. Destruction of the labyrinths (dysmetria). Injury of which CNS structures, most likely, caused this
B. stimulation of the labyrinths violation?
C. stimulation of Deiters nucleus A. cerebellar hemispheres
D. vestibulocochlea nerve stimulation B. cerebellar vermis
E. destruction of the red nucleus C. occipital areas of the cerebral cortex
59. What kind of impact does cerebellum have on Deiters nuclei? D. red nuclei
A. Descending inhibitory E. nuclei of Deiters
B. Ascending facilitating 68. As a result of neuroinfection the patient got the symptom of
C. Ascending inhibitory cerebellar dysfunction, accompanied by the impairment in the range of
D. Descending facilitating motion. Name this symptom.
E. All of the above are not true A. dysmetria
60. What muscle reflexes are peculiar for decerebrated animals? B. Ataxia
A. Neck and labyrinthine postural-and-tonic C. Astasia
B. static righting reflexes D. Dystonia
C. statokinetic reflexes E. Dysarthria
D. nystagmus of head and eye 69. A patient of 70 years was diagnosed a bleeding in the brain stem.
E. All listed reflexes The survey revealed the increased tonus of flexor muscles associated
61. Cat which had previusly undergone the removal of labyrinths was with the decreased extensor muscle tonus. Stimulation of what brain
laid on its side. Hereupon it took a normal posture. What type of reflex structures can these changes be explained by?
does this reaction belong to? A. Red nuclei
A. righting reflexes B. Nuclei of Deiters
B. Static reflexes C. Nuclei of Gaulle
C. Lift reflexes D. substantia nigra
D. tonic reflexes E. Nuclei of Burdach
E. phasic reflexes 70. In experiment, the section of the brain followed by the unmaintained
62. Decerebrate rigidity occurs as a result of: animal's body temperature changings, and movements were not
A. transection of the central nervous system below the red nucleus and possible, the tonus of extensor muscles dominated over the flexor's one.
above the midbrain reticular formation Breathing and blood pressure remained normal. At what level the
B. transection of the central nervous system at the level of the thoracic transection was made?
part of spinal cord A. between the hindbrain and the midbrain
C. tumor of the anterior central gyrus B. between the spinal cord and medulla
D. transection of the CNS above the red nucleus C. between the midbrain and diencephalon
E. transection of the central nervous system between the medulla and D. between the diencephalon and forebrain
the cervical spinal cord E. between the great hemispheres of the brain
63. In the emergency unit of neurosurgery department was delivered a 71. After brain injury, the patient got impaired the delicate movements
man of 37 years with traumatic brain injury who had been injured in a of the fingers, and there developed muscle rigidity and tremor. What
traffic accident. On examination he was diagnosed with the following was the reason for this phenomenon?
symptoms: intention tremor, dysmetria, adiadohokinez, dysarthria. A. Damage of the midbrain in the area of substantia nigra
Which structure of the brain appears to had been injured? B. Damage of the motor cortex
A. Cerebellum C. Damage of the cerebellum
B. Striatum D. Damage of the brain stem
C. motor cortex E. Spinal cord injury
D. globus pallidus 72. A patient was delivered to hospital whith decreased extensor muscles
E. substantia nigra tonus. The increase in the excitability of waht brain structures could be
64. In experiment on the cat, the brain was cut at the level of the reason of this muscle tonus decrease?
quadrigemina, hereupon the cat got increased the tonus of extensor A. nuclei of Deiters
muscles. What structure of the brain, in this case, was disconnected B. red nucleus
from the lower brain structures? C. serrated nucleus
A. Red nuclei D. locus coeruleus
B. substantia nigra E. nucleus emboliformis
C. reticular formation 73. During the experiment, the animal was made its Deiters' nucleus
D. nuclei of the oculomotor nerve destroyed. Hereupon the tonus of extensor muscles decreased.
E. subcortical nuclei of vision and hearing Destruction of what structure of the hindbrain can cause the same
65. After the introduction of microelectrodes in a structure of the effect?
diencephalon the animal completely lost its vision. Which of the A. vestibular nuclei
subcortical structures was damaged? B. red nucleus
A. The lateral geniculate body C. locus coeruleus
B. The medial geniculate body D. reticular formation of the medulla oblongata
C. quadrigemina E. cochlear nuclei
D. supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus 74. Hereupon a fall a person got a head injury. There was diagnosed the
E. Suprachiasmal nucleus of the hypothalamus damage of the cerebellum, which was accompanied by the violation of
66. A woman of 34 years, who was traveling on a motor ship, was found muscle tonus. Through which structures of the brain stem does
to have severe dizziness and vomiting when storm arose. The excitation cerebellum coordinate muscle tonus?
of what structures of the brain, the most likely, was the reason for this A. Deiters' nucleus
phenomenon? B. red nucleus
A. nuclei of Deiters and Bechterew in the medulla C. substantia nigra
B. substantia nigra D. bulbar nucleus of reticular formation
C. cerebral cortex E. nuclei of Gaulle and Burdach
D. spinal motorneurons 75. While pushing a barbell an athlete throws his head back in order to
E. red nuclei of the midbrain
maximize the tonus of extensor muscles of the upper extremities. Where reflexes it will lose as a result of the destruction?
are situated the centres of reflexes that occur at the same time? A. righting
A. in the spinal cord B. Vestibular static
B. in the red nucleus C. Cervical tonic
C. In the nuclei of Deiters D. myotatic
D. in the basal ganglia E. Tendon reflexes
E. In the motor cortex 85. An experiment on the decerebrated animal is being conducted. What
76. In the experiment on an animal that is kept at a weight back down, animal's structures should be destroyed for the rigidity to disappear?
feet up, watching reflex turn of the head, aimed at restoring the normal A. lateral vestibular nuclei
position of the head in space. With irritation, which is linked receptors B. Red nuclei
specified reflex? C. substantia nigra
A. Vestibuloretseptorov vestibule D. medial reticular nuclei
B. tangoreceptor limbs E. lateral reticular nuclei
C. Vestibuloreseptors of semicircular canals 86. What changes in motor activity are associated with the removal of
D. Proprioreceptors limbs half of the cerebellum in experimental animal?
E. Internal organs A. circling
77. During a whirling in a carousel a woman of 25 years developed B. Tremor
nausea, increased sweating. Activation of what receptors led to the C. decerebrate rigidity
reflectory development of these symptoms? D. Plastic tonus
A. vestibular semicircular canals E. Muscle contracture
B. skeletal muscle proprioceptors 87. How will change the tonus of extensor muscles in decerebrate
C. vestibular otolithic rigidity under transection of the dorsal root of spinal cord?
D. organ of Corti A. rigidity will decrease
E. optic B. All of the above is correct
78. A 35 year old man, who had been ill with the flu complicated by the C. rigidity will not change
CNS disease, was found to have significantly increased the daily amount D. rigidity will increase
of urine. Which part of the brain, most likely, had been hit? E. All of the above is not correct
A. diencephalon 88. How will change the tonus of extensor muscles in decerebrate
B. midbrain rigidity under destruction of cerebellum?
C. cerebral cortex A. Rigidity will increase
D. hindbrain B. rigidity will decrease
E. Spinal cord C. rigidity will not change
79. In experiment, the animals were removed the midbrain substantia D. All of the above is correct
nigra, which led to violations of motor function. This was due to the E. All of the above is not correct
control of the functions of: 89. The inclination of the cat's head for 45 degrees to the top from the
A. auxiliary motions normal position is accompanied by the increase in the tonus of extensor
B. extensors muscles of the forelimbs. What receptors are involved in this reflex?
C. flexors A. Proprioreceptors
D. visual orientation B. Auditory
E. auditory orientation C. visual
80. In a frog, the right vestibular apparatus has been destroyed. To what D. Temperature
changes in muscle tonus will this lead? E. Tactile
A. Decrease in tonus of extensors on the right side 90. In the experiment, part of the brain was removed, whereby the
B. Increase in extensor tonus on the right side animal developed hyposynergia and dysmetria. Which part of the brain
C. Decrease in flexor tonus on the right side was removed from the animal?
D. Decrease in flexor tonus on the left side A. Cerebellum
E. Decrease in tonus of extensors on the left side B. Frontal Lobe
81. The animal has got its red nuclei destroyed. Which of the following C. Parietal lobe
reflexes it will lose as a result of destruction? D. midbrain
A. statokinetic E. reticular formation
B. Vestibular static 91. A 60 year-old man got long-term sleep because of bleeding in the
C. Cervical tonic brain. Damage of what structure most likely led to this condition?
D. myotatic A. reticular formation
E. Tendon B. Hippocampus
82. What receptor influence changes the essence of the tonic reflexes of C. quadrigeminal body
spinal cord? D. cerebral cortex
A. labyrinth receptors and proprioceptors of neck muscles E. substantia nigra
B. visual 92. After the brain injury a man has lost his visual ability. Damage of
C. audotiry what areas of the cerebral cortex could be the reason for that?
D. nociceptors A. Occipital
E. Proprioreceptors of limbs B. Temporal
83. Turning the head to the left in humans and animals is accompanied C. Frontal
by occuring of cross-extension reflex. What parts of the central nervous D. parietal
system are involved in this reflex? E. temporal and parietal
A. medulla oblongata 93. To the neurosurgery unit was delivered a man with a hearing loss as
B. hypothalamus a result of head injuries. Injury of what area of the cortex could be the
C. Thalamus reason for that?
D. cerebral cortex A. Temporal
E. Pituitary gland B. postcentral gyrus
84. The animal has got its red nuclei destroyed. Which of the following C, parietal
D. Occipital functions, but after a while the motor disturbances disappeared. Which
E. Frontal part of the brain participated in compensation of violations?
94. To hospital was delivered a man with the following symptoms: A. cerebral cortex
chorea-like hyperkinesia, gibbering, the trajectory in finger-nose test B. diencephalon
was violated (tremor increased at the end of the movement), feeble C. midbrain
mind. Huntington's disease was diagnosed. Which synapses failed to D. medulla oblongata
transfer excitation in this case? E. Spinal cord
A. GABAergic 103. The patient was observed having difficulties in starting of
B. glycineergic movements, mask-like face, resting tremor. It was established that the
C. Dopaminergic symptoms were related to the weakening of substantia nigra influences
D. Serotoninergic to striatum. What mediator systems were these violations associated
E. Adrenergic with?
95. In the examination unit, at the time of EEG recording the patient's A. dopaminergic
cell phone rang. What changes occured in the EEG B. Adrenenergic
(electroencephalogram)? C. Cholinenergic
A. alpha rhythm changed to beta rhythm D. Peptidenergic
B. alpha rhythm intensified E. Serotonergic
C. Beta rhythm intensified 104. A woman of 64 years got violated the subtle movements of the
D. Beta-rhythm changed to alpha rhythm fingers, tremor and muscle rigidity were seen. Neurologist diagnosed
E. alpha rhythm changed to delta rhythm Parkinson's disease. What structure damage most likely led to the
96. During examination the patient was found to have the hypertonic development of these symptoms?
state of muscles and hypokinesis (hands are drawn to the torso and bent A. substantia nigra
at the elbows, shuffling gait, lack of facial expression). What brain B. cerebellum
structure damage is accompanied by these phenomena? C. Reticular formation
A. globus pallidus D. red nuclei
B. Putamen E. thalamus
C. caudate nucleus 105. A man of 48 years was found to have the selective violation of
D. Red nuclei motion planning. What parts of the cerebral cortex were the most likely
E. thalamus damaged?
97. During examination of a patient with traumatic brain injury he was A. supplementary motor area (field 6)
found to have inability of distinguishing moving objects on the skin. B. Primary Motor Division
Which part of the cerebral cortex was damaged? C. Temporal Zone
A. Rear central gyrus D. Frontal area
B. occipital cortex E. postcentral sulcus
C. parietal cortex 106. In the sleeping boy of 18 years, by the EEG technique was detected
D. The frontal part of the cortex beta rhythm and the rapid eye movements. What phase of sleep
E. front central gyrus corresponds to the appearance of beta-rhythm?
98. As a result of the brain injury the patient lost the ability to A. fast wave sleep
understand the language. Which part of the brain was damaged in the B. awakening
patient? C. non-deep
A. rear section of the first temporal sulcus D. deep
B. Front left central gyrus E. deep phase of slow wave sleep
C. Rear left central gyrus 107. A man of 60 years got the long-term sleep after the stroke. Damage
D. occipital cortex area to what structures of the central nervous system, the most likely, led to
E. subcortical nuclei this condition?
99. A patient visited neurologist having complaints of burning sensation, A. ascending part of reticular formation
"pins and needles" in the right half of the body. What brain region was B. Cerebellum
injuried in the patient? C. substantia nigra
A. back left central gyrus D. precentral sulcus
B. Front left central gyrus E. 5-9 pairs of cranial nerves
C. The rear section of the first temporal sulcus 108. A man of 60 years was diagnosed with the stroke associated with
D. subcortical nuclei the destruction of the lateral hypothalamic nuclei. What changes of
E. occipital cortex area motivational behaviour were the most likely to be expected in this case?
100. A patient during the examination revealed the absence of A. refusal of food, exhaustion
movement in the right half of the body. Which part of the brain was B. thirst
damaged in the patient? C. hunger, food-getting behaviour
A. Front left central gyrus D. aggressive behaviour
B. Lower division of the third frontal lobe of the left hemisphere E. depression
C. The rear section of the first temporal sulcus 109. During wakefulness and lack of hard mental work there mainly
D. subcortical nuclei recorded in the EEG:
E. occipital cortex area A. beta rhythm
101. As a result of the brain injury a patient has lost his ability to speak. B. alpha rhythm
Which part of the brain was injured? C. theta rhythm
A. Lower division of the third frontal sulcus of the left hemisphere D. delta rhythm
B. Front left central gyrus E. gamma rhythm
C. The rear section of the first temporal sulcus 110. What kind of recording of the electrical activity reflects the
D. subcortical nuclei movements of the limbs?
E. occipital cortex area A. electromyogram
102. A patient was diagnosed with the tumor of cerebellum. Removal of B. electrocardiogram
the tumor and the cerebellum were accompanied by impairings of motor C. electroretinogram
D. electronystagmogram
E. electroencephalogram 120. A sportsman spontaneously held breath for 40 seconds, which
111. A patient was diagnosed with the damage of caudate nucleus. What resulted in an increase in heart rate and systemic arterial pressure.
changes in motor activity accompanied these lesions? Changes of these indicators are due to activation of the following
A. hyperkinesia regulatory mechanisms:
B. Adiadohokinesis A. Unconditioned sympathetic reflexes
C. astasia B. Unconditioned parasympathetic reflexes
D. areflexia C. Conditioned sympathetic reflexe
E. Atonia D. Conditioned parasympathetic reflexes
112. The patient has lost tactile sensitivity after traumatic brain injury.
Which part of the brain was damaged? 121. After a craniocerebral injury a patient is unable to recognize
A. postcentral gyrus objects by touch. What part of brain has been damaged?
B. occipital lobe A. Postcentral gyrus
C. Temporal lobe B. Occipital lobe
D. precentral gyrus C. Temporal lobe
E. Cerebellum D. Precentral gyrus
E. Cerebellum
113. After administration of strychnine to a frog it responds to the
slightest irritation with generalized convulsions. This is due to the 122. As a result of a craniocerebral injury, a patient has a decreased skin
blockade in the central nervous system: sensitivity. What area of the cerebral cortex is likely to be damaged?
A. inhibitory synapses A. Posterior central gyrus
B. excitatory synapses B. Occipital region
C. Renshaw Cells C. Cingulate gyrus
D. adrenoceptor D. Frontal cortex
E. cholinoreceptors E. Anterior central gyrus
114. Upper limbs of a standing person at rest is in easy bending. What is 123. During an animal experiment, surgical damage of certain brain
the cause of the condition of the limbs? structures has caused deep prolonged sleep. What structure is most
A. Reflex with muscle spindles tensile biceps likely to cause such condition, if damaged?
B. Congenital ready to go A. Reticular formation
C. antagonistic reflex bent open side of the lower limbs B. Basal ganglion
D. Reflex with vestibular receptors vestibular C. Red nuclei
E. Toning influence limbic structures and the neocortex D. Hippocampus
E. Cerebral cortex
115. The patient 36 years after the injury occurred road paralysis of the
limbs on the right, loss of pain and temperature sensation on the left, a 124. In a cat with decerebrate rigidity the muscle tone is to be decreased.
partial reduction in tactile sensitivity on both sides. To injury of what This can be achieved by
part of the brain these changes are the most common? A. Destruction of the vestibular nuclei of Deiters
A. the right half of the spinal cord B. Stimulation of the otolithic vestibular receptors
B. the left motor cortex C. Stimulation of the vestibular nuclei of Deiters
C. The left half of the spinal cord D. Stimulation of the vestibulocochlear nerve
D. the front columns of the spinal cord E. Stimulation of the ampullar vestibular receptors
E the posterior columns of the spinal cord 125. As a result of an injury, the integrity of the anterior spinal cord root
116. When pushing the rod athlete throws his head back in order to was broken. Specify the neurons and their processes that had been
maximize the tone of the extensor muscles of the upper limbs. Where damaged:
are the centers of reflexes which occur during this? A. Axons of motor neurons
A. in the nuclei of Deiters B. Motor neuron dendrites
B. In motor cortex C. Axons of sensory neurons
C. in the basal ganglia D. Dendrites of sensory neurons
D. in the red nuclei E. Dendrites of association neurons
E. In the spinal cord *
126. Parkinson’s disease is caused by disruption of dopamine synthesis.
117. The cat in the experiment carried out one of the irritation of motor What brain structure synthesizes this neurotransmitter?
structures of the brain, resulting in increased tone observed extensor A. Substantia nigra
muscles by stimulation. The animal was carried irritation: B. Globus pallidus
A. Nucleus vestibularis lateralis C. Corpora quadrigemina
B. Nucleus caudatus D. Red nucleus
C. Nucleus ruber E. Hypothalamus
D. Nucleus reticularis medialis
E. Nucleus intermedius lateralis AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
118. The cat in the experiment, an increased tone of the extensor 1. Effects of stimulation of the parasympathetic system unclude:
muscles of the limbs and back (decerebrate rigidity). At what level was A. There is no correct answer
made overcutting of the brain? B. relaxation of smooth muscles of the digestive tract and contraction of
A. below the red nuclei its sphincters
B. between the spinal cord and medulla oblongata C. dilating of pupils
C. below the vestibular nuclei D. intensification of glycogen breakdown in the liver
D. above the red nuclei E. intensification of lipolysis
E. Spinal Cord 2. Virtually healthy man who was slowly crossing the street, noticed that
119. In the vertical position the patient, closing his eyes, loses his round the corner the car going straight at him, at high speed. Due to the
balance. What structure of the brain is probably damaged? highly intensified respiration the man managed to escape the danger.
A. cerebellum. The man felt a rapid heartbeating, shortness of breath. What is the
B. the basal ganglia. leading efferent link of this reaction?
C. The limbic system. A. sympathetic nervous system
D. thalamus. B. limbic system
E. the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex C. renin-angiotensin system
D. The parasympathetic nervous system
E. extrapyramidal system C. N-cholinergic receptors
3. The patient is often prescribed to use mustard plasters, and they act D. b - adrenoceptors
irritantly on the skin, causing increased blood flow to certain organs. E. Glutamate receptors
Specify the reflexes which are at the heart of this phenomenon? 12. A patient with facial trauma was delivered to hospital. Was found
A. cutaneo-visceral facial nerve trunk damage associated with changes in salivation. Fibres
B. Somatic of what part of the nervous system were damaged?
C. myotatic A. parasympathetic
D. Viscero-visceral B. Sympathetic
E. Viscero-cutaneous C. Somatic
4. During the gastric resection a patient was found to have his heart rate D. metasympathetic
decreasing. Which part of the ANS, most likely, takes part in the E. thoracic part of the CNS
formation of the reflex response? 13. Under the stress conditions, after injury, a person was found to have
A. nuclei of the vagus nerve the dilation of the pupils. What mediator affects the muscles of the iris?
B. hypothalamic nuclei A. Norepinephrine
C. amygdala B. Serotonin
D. Pituitary gland C. Acetylcholine
E. Spinal cord D. Glycine
5. A 33 year old man was diagnosed with perforative gastric ulcer and E. ATP
peritonitis. One of the symptoms of the disease is muscle tension of 14. Specify the segments in which the centres of the sympathetic
anterior abdominal wall, "plank-like abdomen." What type of reflex division of the ANS are situated:
provides this symptom? A. thoracic part of spinal cord
A. Viscero-somatic B. sacral part of spinal cord
B. Viscero-visceral C. cervical part of spinal cord
C. Viscero-cutaneous D. midbrain
D. cutaneo-visceral E. medulla oblongata
E. somatic visceral. 15. What nerves provide constriction of the pupils in the eye exposure to
6. The patient revealed tachycardia as a result of increased tonus of the light?
centres of the sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system. A. parasympathetic
Through what receptors activation of sympathetic nervous system is B. somatic afferent
provided the constant chronotropism on the heart? C. Somatic efferent
A. b- adrenergic D. sympathetic adrenergic
B. a1- adrenoceptor E. sympathetic cholinergic
C. a2- adrenoceptor 16. Cerebral ischemia is usually assiciated with the pupil dilation. The
D. M- cholinergic inhibition of activity of what of part of the ANS or the brain causes this
E. N- cholinergic reaction?
7. In a machine-aided manufacturing, the people of mental work have A. parasympathetic
the hypokinesia (lack of physical load) developed that causes the B. Spinal cord
emergency phase of adaptation. What physiological mechanism ensures C. Sympathetic
the development of this phase of adaptation? D. medulla oblongata
A. activation of sympathetic nervous system E. Diencephalon
B. Activation of parasympathetic nervous system 17. The person taking the blocking agent of membrane cytoreceptors of
C. Inhibition of sympathetic nervous system the ANS synapses complains of dry mouth. Which of following
D. Inhibition of parasympathetic nervous system receptors are blocked?
E. Inhibition of somatic nervous system A. M-cholinergic receptors
8. A student before exam got his blood pressure increased. Excitation of B. H2-receptors
what structures was that effect caused by? C. beta- adrenergic receptors
A. alpha-adrenoceptors D. N-cholinergic receptors
B. Beta-adrenergic receptors and M-cholinergic receptors E. alpha- adrenergic
C. Serotonin receptors 18. The man has got his pupils narrowed. This is due to:
D. H2-histaminic receptors A. increase in tonus of parasympathetic centres
E. M- cholinostructures B. the action of noradrenaline
9. Effects of stimulation of the parasympathetic system include: C. the action of adrenaline
A. intensification of gastric motility D. Increased sympathetic nervous system activity
B. Contraction of gastrointestinal sphincters E. increased tonus of the sympathetic centres
C. Pupil dilation 19. A person has decreased heart rate, enhanced secretor and motor
D. Increased glycogen breakdown in the liver function of the stomach and intestines, narrowed pupils. This is due to
E. Increased lipolysis. activation of the following system of regulation of body functions:
10. A man of 42 years got the bronchial asthma attack. The excitation of A. parasympathetic
what postsynaptic receptors led to contraction of tracheobronchial B. sympathetic
muscles that narrow the airways? C. metasympathetic
A. M-cholinergic receptors D. Sympathoadrenal
B. beta-1 adrenoceptors E. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
C. alpha-2 adrenoceptors 20. During walking out from from light to dark areas a man has got his
D. beta-2-adrenoceptors pupils dilated. Which of the following reflexes determines the reaction:
E. alpha-1 adrenoceptors A. Sympathetic unconditional
11. A man of 45 years was found to have gastric atony after vagotomy. B. Sympathetic conditional
Violation of activation of what receptors, most probably, led to this C. metasympathetic
state? D. parasympathetic unconditional
A. M-cholinergic receptors E. parasympathetic conditional
B. a - adrenoceptors 21. Man was poisoned with mushrooms. They contain muscarine which
stimulates M- cholinergic receptors. By what symptoms is it possible to 30. A patient with hypoxia was found to have a strong headache,
suspect the poisoning with inedible mushrooms? accompanied by dilation of pupils. What is the mechanism of this
A. narrowing of the pupils phenomenon?
B. dilated pupils A. Increased sympathetic tone
C. Bronchiectasis B. activation of the occipital areas of the cerebral cortex
D. increase in heart rate C. Increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system
E. increase in blood pressure D. Excitation of thalamus
22. A person has got increased heart rate, dilated pupils, dry mouth. This E. Inhibition of the subcortical visual centers
is due to activation of the following system of regulation of functions: 31. How will the tone of the lower extremities change if a patient
A. sympathetic undergoes the double-sided transection of the sympathetic trunk at the
B. parasympathetic level of lumbar segments?
C. metasympathetic A. tonus of vessels will decrease
D. Vago-insular B. tonus of vessels will not change
E. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal C. vascular tonus will increase
23. In the experimental animal the peripheral segment of the vagus D. First, the tonus of vessels will not change, and then will increase up
nerve is being stimulated. Which of the following changes will occur at E. First, the tonus of vessels will rise, and then will recover back
the same time? 32. In ancient India, the one who was suspected of the crime, was
A. reduction in heart rate. judged with the help the so-called "God's judgment." He was thus asked
B. increase in heart rate. to swallow a handful of dry rice. If he failed, his guilt was considered to
C. dilating of pupils. be proven. Why a person who is being excited can't swallow the rice?
D. increase in respiratory rate. A. activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system and decreased salivation
E. Bronchiectasis B. parasympathetic nervous system activation and increased salivation
24. A person with the attack of bronchospasm needs to reduce the C. decrease in blood supply to the salivary glands
influence of the vagus nerve on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. D. activation of sympathetic nervous system, and increased excretion of
What membrane cytoreceptors is it appropriate to block for this? saliva
A. M-cholinergic receptors E. activation of the parasympathetic system and reduced salivation
B. N-cholinergic receptors 33. In the emotional stress, in humans, is activated the sympathetic part
C. alpha-adrenergic receptors of the ANS. The greatest essensial result(s) of that is/are:
D. Beta-adrenergic receptors A. Intensification of metabolism
E. alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptors B. Changes in the excitability of cells
25. During the asthma attack caused by bronchoconstriction, the patient C. Smooth muscle contractions
was given an injection of adrenaline, which resulted in the dilation of D. secretion from digestive glands
bronchi and improvement of his state. With what receptors of bronchial E. Skeletal muscle contractions
smooth muscles did occur the interaction of adrenaline? 34. A doctor was visited by the parents of the 10 years old boy, who
A. Beta-adrenergic receptors showed the intensification in the body hair growth, growth of facial hair
B. alpha-adrenergic receptors (mustache, beard), deep voice. What hormone secretion increase could
C. Muscarinic be suspected?
D. nicotinic A. Testosterone
E. histaminic B. Growth Hormone
26. After receiving of the membrane cytoreceptor blocking agent a C. Estrogen
person complains of the sensation of dryness in the mouth. What D. Progesterone
cytoreceptor blocking agent does the person take? E. Cortisol
A. M-cholinergic receptors 35. A middle age man went to another country to have the promised job,
B. N-cholinergic receptors but he didn't succeed in finding a job for a long time. Which of the
C. alpha-adrenergic receptors endocrine glands, more likely, were being depleted?
D beta-adrenergic receptors A. Adrenal glands
E. alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors B. Parathyroid
27. The patient has high blood pressure due to the increased vascular C. Testes
tone. To reduce the pressure it is appropriate to prescribe the blocking D. Thymus
agents of: E. Thyroid
A. alpha-adrenoceptors 36. A patient complains of pain in the heart area during acute attack of
B. beta-adrenergic receptors gastric ulcer. What vegetative reflex can cause this painful feeling?
C. alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors A. Viscerovisceral reflex
D. M-cholinergic receptors B. Viscerodermal reflex
E. H2-receptors C. Visceromotor reflex
28. A man of 33 years was diagnosed with perforation of the stomach, D. Dermatovisceral reflex
and inflammation of the peritoneum, which led to increase in the E . Motor-visceral reflex
muscular tension of the anterior abdominal wall. What reflex ensures ENDOCRINE SYSTEM
this symptom? 1. What is the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system?
A. Viscero-somatic A. increases the systemic blood pressure via kidneys, retains water and
B. Viscero-visceral NaCl in the body
C. Viscer-cutaneous B. NaCl and water retention in the body, regulation of blood circulation
D. Cutano-visceral C. Suppression of blood pressure and water and salt balance in the body
E. somato-visceral D. support of blood pressure and the excretion of water and NaCl from
29. In the pre-start period, the athlete was found to have increased the body
respiratory rate and heart rate. Explain why? E. lowering of blood pressure, and NaCl and water retention in the body
A. activated the sympathetic-adrenal system 2. A 7 year old girl has seen to have the appearance of secondary sex
B. reduced the rate of formation of parathyroid hormone signs. The lack of what hormone most likely leads to premature
C. Increased the rate of formation of calcitonin puberty?
D. Decreased the rate of production of sex hormones A. Melatonin
E. Increased the rate of production of growth hormone
B. Somatostatin D. calcitonin
C. ACTH E. Thyroxine
D. Thyroliberin 11. Female of 25 years, a month after childbirth, went to the doctor
E. thymosin complaining of decreased production (secretion) of milk. The lack of
3. A man of 42 years at examination was found a distinct enlargement of what hormone led to such a state?
facial features, wide gaps between teeth, increase in the size of the A. Prolactin
hands and feet. The increase in level of what of the following hormones B. Somatostatin
most likely could have determined this condition? C. ACTH
A. growth hormone (STH) D. Insulin
B. triiodothyronine E. Glucagon
C. Thyroxine 12. On examination of the 10-year-old child was established: the
D. corticosterone disproportionate development of the body, reduced growth, square head,
E. Testosterone poor mental development. Lack of what hormone of the following, the
4. On examination, the young man of 15 years was found to have: height most likely, could have resulted in such a state?
is 193 cm, relatively long limbs, short torso, small proportions of the A. Thyroxine
skull. The increase in the level of which of these hormones, the most B. parathyroid hormone
likely, would lead to such a state? C. calcitonin
A. growth hormone (STH) D. ACTH
B. triiodothyronine E. Oxytocin
C. Thyroxine 13. A woman of 38 years under examination was revealed an increase in
D. corticosterone basal metabolic rate. Excessive amounts of what of the following
E. ACTH hormones, most likely, could determine this state?
5. On examination, a woman of 30 years was established to have: A. triiodothyronine
crescent-shaped face, with cyanotic hue, disproportionate deposition of B. calcitonin
fat in the neck, trunk and extremities. The excess of what hormone, most C. Insulin
likely, could lead to such a state? D. Aldosterone
A. ACTH (Cushing) E. Somatostatin
B. ADH 14. The young man, after initially emerged adrenal gland (adrenal
C. Thyroxine cortex) hyperfunction got arterial hypertension. The increased
D. FSH production of what hormone, most likely, caused high blood pressure?
E. Testosterone A. Aldosterone
6. Male of 50 years went to the doctor complaining of dry mouth and B. Angiotensin
thirst, general weakness, decreased working efficiancy, itchy skin. C. ADH
Reduce of which of the following hormones most likely led to such a D. Thyroxine
state? E. Vasopressin
A. Insulin 15. The patient was found to have got increased sodium reabsorption in
B. Growth Hormone the kidneys. Increased secretion of what hormone should be
C. Glucagon investigated, at first?
D. Thyroxine A. Aldosterone
E. ACTH B. Angiotensin
7. It is known that the epiphysis affects the regulation of circadian C. ACTH
rhythms. Which of the following functions do not depend on the activity D. Thyroxine
of the pineal gland? E. Natriuretic
A. participation in the regulation of blood glucose levels 16. In the study of a 7 year-old child was established: cessation of
B. Reproduction growth (height is 1 meter) while maintaining normal mental functions.
C. involvement in the regulation of K+ in the blood The lack of which of the following hormones could cause this
D. melatonin synthesis condition?
E. Synthesis of serotonin A. Growth Hormone
8. In experiment were studied the metamorphosis of frog tadpoles into B. Oxytocin
the adult form. By adding of what hormone into water this process could C. Luteinizing hormone
be speeded up? D. Vasopressin
A. triiodothyronine E. Thyroxine
B. Adrenaline 17. In experiment, the rabbit adrenal gland was removed, resulting in
C. Oxytocin some decrease in blood glucose levels. Insufficient level of what
D. FSH hormone caused the effect?
E. Growth Hormone A. Cortisol (hydrocortisone)
9. The normal level of calcium in the blood is always maintained at B. Aldosterone
constant level because it involves the action of hormones which are C. triiodothyronine
produced by: D. corticosterone
A. Thyroid and parathyroid glands E. Thyroxine
B. pituitary gland and the pineal gland 18. In experiment the objectives included reducing the secretion of
C. pineal gland and the hypothalamus ACTH. With the introduction of what hormone to the area of the
D. adrenal glands and kidneys hypothalamus is it possible to achieve the goal?
E. thymus and pancreas A. hydrocortisone
10. Mother of two years old toddler visited the doctor about the B. Adrenaline
occurence of periodic spasmodic contractions of the muscles of the C. Thyroxine
cild's limbs. The lack of what hormone could determine the violation D. Growth Hormone
within the CNS? E. Luteinizing hormone
A. parathyroid hormone 19. What gland produces a hormone that affects the exchange of calcium
B. Adrenaline and phosphorus?
C. Aldosterone
A. Parathyroid gland C. antidiuretic hormone of the posterior pituitary
B. Pituitary (rear part) D. gonadotropin-releasing hormone of the anterior pituitary
C. adrenal gland (cortex) E. suprarenal hormones of the glucocorticoid group
D. thymus 30. A endocrinologist was visited by the parents of a 15-year-old boy,
E. Pancreas whose height was 140 cm, and no signs of normal puberty. The body
20. Why once the pituitary gland been transplanted in the neck of dog proportions were not violated. The psychological state didn't reveal any
there stops the secretion of several hormones? deviations. The height of the parents was 162 cm and 187 cm
A. Stops the flow of liberins and statins from the hypothalamus respectively. The lack of what gland functions could the most likely took
B. reduces the intensity of circulation place in that case?
C. injuries during surgery inhibits hormone secretion A. Pituitary
D. pituitary trophicity becomes disturbed B. Thyroid
E. pituitary tissue destruction occurs C. parathyroid
21. Which of the following pituitary hormones provides regulation of D. Epiphysis
peripheral endocrine glands? E. Suprarenal glands
A. Corticotropin, gonadotropin, thyrotropin 31. In a study of a 10 years old boy the doctor found signs of early
B. Thyrotropin, somatotropin sexual development. Impairment of what endocrine gland, most likely,
C. insulin, corticotropin, aldosterone could be suspected in this situation?
D. prolactin, growth hormone, glucagon A. Epiphysis
E. gonadotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, oxytocin B. adenohypophysis
22. Inattentive student accidentally met the dean. The concentration of C. thymus
what hormone will increase the most in the blood of the student? D. Thyroid
A. Adrenaline E. neurohypophysis
B. corticotropin-releasing factor 32. In the maternity wards under the weak accouchement activity in
C. corticotropin obstetric patients there usually provided stimulation of contractions of
D. Cortisol the smooth muscles of the uterus. Which of the following hormones can
E. Growth Hormone use the doctor in such situation?
23. The major physiological effects of aldosterone include: A. Oxytocin
A. No correct answer B. Growth Hormone
B. lowering of blood pressure C. FSH
C. Increase in sodium excretion from the body D. LH
D. decrease in circulating blood volume E. Vasopressin
E. decrease in blood osmotic pressure 33. Increased blood concentrations of what hormone would be found in
24. Direct factor that affects the secretion of aldosterone by the man of 47 years, who worked for more than a year at the meteorological
glomerular layer of the adrenal cortex is: station, which is located above the Arctic Circle?
A. None of the given factors A. thyrotropin
B. Renin B. Melatonin
C. Angiotensinogen C. Somatostatin
D. Angiotensin I D. Growth Hormone Releasing Factor
E. plasma converting enzyme (cathepsin) E. Parathyroid hormone
25. In a patient with hyperaldosteronism there in the kidneys occur(s): 34. The patient during the examination was found to have the protein
A. increase in sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion dissimilation rate increased. Which factors caused the process?
B. decrease in sodium reabsorption and potassium excretion A. Glucocorticoids
C. increase in Na+ reabsorption and decrease in secretion of K+ B. Insulin
D. Increase in excretion of sodium and potassium C. Growth Hormone
E. decrease in excretion of sodium and potassium D. increase in parasympathetic effects
E. Decrease in sympathetic influences
26. In the clinical examination a patient revealed glycosuria and
hyperglycemia. What was the likely cause of that? 35. The increase in the level of calcium in the blood is accompanied by
A. insulin deficiency stimulation of these hormone secretions:
B. Violation of fat metabolism A. calcitonin
C. Violation of protein metabolism B. Thyroxine
D. Enhanced gluconeogenesis C. parathyroid hormone
E. Enhanced glycolysis D. Vasopressin
E. Adrenaline
27. The main physiological effects of aldosterone include:
A. increase in circulating blood volume 36. Which of these hormones promotes the uterus growth during
B. decrease in blood pressure pregnancy and causes the hypertrophy of the uterus mucosa in the first
C. Increase in sodium output from the body half of the menstrual cycle?
D. decrease in blood osmotic pressure A. Estrogen
E. No correct answer B. Luteinising hormone
C. Testosterone
28. Direct factor that affects the secretion of aldosterone by the D. estrone (folliculine)
glomerular layer of the adrenal cortex is: E. Aldosterone
A. Angiotensin II
B. Renin 37. Group of the posterior pituitary hormones includes:
C. Angiotensinogen A. Oxytocin
D. Angiotensin I B. Corticotropin
E. plasma converting enzyme (cathepsin) C. Luteinising hormone
D. Prolactin
29. A doctor was visited by a patient who was very tall, with long thick E. Somatostatin
fingers, large lower jaw and pendulous lower lip. Increased secretion of
what hormone and gland could be suspected? 38. There in the hypothalamus is formed:
A. growth hormone of the anterior pituitary A. Thyroliberin
B. thyroid hormones NB. Growth Hormone
C. parathyrin D. growth hormone
D. ACTH E. Oxytocin
E. Oxytocin 48. The doctor has been visited by the parents of a 10 years old boy who
39. The action of glucocorticoids is implemented in: had an increase in his body hair growth, growth of beard and mustache,
A. All of the above is true deep voice. An increase in the secretion of what hormone could be
B. increase in blood sugar levels assumed?
C. decrease in blood eosinophils A. Testosterone
D. anti-inflammatory effect B. Growth Hormone
E. regulation of protein metabolism C. Estrogen
40. Statins are produced: D. Progesterone
A. in the hypothalamus E. Cortisol
B. In the anterior pituitary 49. A middle aged man went to another country to get the promised job,
C. In the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland but he didn't succeed in that for a long time. Which of the endocrine
D. In the pancreas glands, more likely, are/is being depleted in such situation?
E. in the adrenal cortex A. Suprarenal glands
41. Female, 65 years old, went to the doctor about the secondary B. Parathyroid
fracture of the forearm bones. In examination was found the C. Testes
osteoporosis of bones. With the decline in which hormone production D. Thymus
what that associated? E. Thyroid
A. calcitonin 50. The patient was found to have hyperkalemia and hyponatremia. The
B. Aldosterone decreased secretion of what hormone can cause such changes?
C. Melatonin A. Aldosterone
D. Parathyrine B. Vasopressin
E. Glucagon C. cortisol
42. Female, 40 years old, went to the doctor about excessive facial hair D. parathyroid hormone
growth, cessation of menstruations, the appearance of edema. What E. natriuretic
gland dysfunction was the reason of that? 51. Animal was intravenously injected the concentrated solution of
A. hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex sodium chloride, which resulted in the decrease of its reabsorption in the
B. hyperthyroidism renal tubules. With what hormone secretion changes could it be
C. hypothyroidism explained?
D. hypofunction of the adrenal cortex A. Decrease in aldosterone
E. All of the above is not correct B. Increase in aldosterone
43. In the examination of a 16 year old girl were revealed: the lack of C. Decrease in vasopressin
pubic hair and body hair under the armpits, underdeveloped mammary D. Increase in vasopressin
glands, absence of menstruation. The result of what hormonal disorders E. Decrease in natriuretic factor
could that be? 52. As person has hyponatremia and hyperkalemia. This will is
A. ovarian hormone deficiency associated with the enhanced secretion of this hormone:
B. hyperthyroidism A. Aldosterone
C. hypothyroidism B. Cortisol
D. hypofunction of the pancreatic islet apparatus C. Vasopressin
E. hyperfunction of the adrenal medulla D. natriuretic factor
44. The patient visited the endocrinologist with complaints of weight E. parathyroid hormone
loss of 10 kg in 2 months, palpitations, exophthalmia. For the 53. The patient revealed hypocalcemia. Deficiency of what hormone
hyperfuction of what endocrine gland are these complaints the most could cause this?
common? A. Parathyroid hormone
A. Thyroid B. Thyrocalcitonin
B. Parathyroid C. Aldosterone
C. Pancreatic D. corticotropin
D. Ovarian E. Corticotropin Releasing Factor
E. Suprarenal 54. In the kidneys of a patient the reabsorption of calcium ions is
45. The guy of 12 years has height of 1m 80 cm. The violation of what increased and reduced the reabsorption of phosphate ions. The influence
hormone secretion is it caused by? of what hormone caused this change?
A. growth hormone A. parathyroid hormone
B. Thyroxine B. calcitonin
C. thyroid-stimulating C. Hormonal forms of vitamin D3
D. gonadotropin D. Aldosterone
E. Insulin E. Vasopressin
46. A child of 2 years got convulsions due to the low concentration of 55. A person has the blood glucose level of 15 mmol/l (threshold of
calcium ions in the blood plasma. This was due to the decrease in the reabsorption is 10 mmol/l). The result of this will appear as:
function of: A. glycosuria
A. Parathyroid glands B. decrease in urine output
B. Pituitary C. reduction of glucose reabsorption
C. surparenal cortex D. decrease in the secretion of vasopressin
D. pineal gland E. reduction in aldosterone secretion
E. Thymus 56. During examination, the patient revealed the overgrowth of bones
47. The secretion of what pituitary hormones is inhibited after taking and soft tissues of the face, increased proportions of the tonque,
oral contraceptives containing hormones? extended interdental spaces in the larger dental arch. What changes of
A. gonadotropines hormone secretion are the most likely to have place?
B. Vasopressin A. Increased secretion of growth hormone
C. thyroid-stimulating B. Decreased secretion of growth hormone
C. Increased secretion of insulin concentration of what hormone should be found in the blood?
D. Decreased secretion of thyroxine A. Testosterone
E. Increased secretion of vasopressin B. thymosin
57. In postpartum period a woman showed insufficient milk production. C. calcitonin
Hypofunction of what endocrine gland(s) could be found? D. Insulin
A. adenohypophysis E. prolactin
B. neurohypophysis 66. In the experiment, the stimulation of the pituitary area of the
C. Thyroid gland hypothalamus caused the increase in ACTH release. Increased secretion
D. Pancreas of what hormones stimulates ACTH secration?
E. Suprarenal glands A. mineralocorticoid
58. A woman of 32 years came to hospital with complaints that after the B. Glucagon
birth of child her lactation disappeared. With what hormone deficiency, C. sex hormones
most likely, can this violation be explained? D. Thyroid hormone
A. Prolactin E. Insulin
B. Growth Hormone 67. During labour, the woman observed slight contraction of muscle
C. Vasopressin cells of the uterus. The lack in what hypothalamic hormone can explain
D. Thyrocalcitonin that condition?
E. Glucagon A. Oxytocin
59. According to the prescription, a man took glucocorticoid-like B. Folliliberin
hormones for a long time. Secretion of which of the following hormones C. Prolactin
was suppressed as the result of this action? D. somatoliberin
A. corticotropin E. Vasopressin
B. growth hormone 68. Cretinism - a disease that is accompanied by stunting of children
C. thyroid-stimulating (disproportionate dwarfs depelop), mental immaturity. This is due to
D. Sexual dysfunction of the endocrine gland in early childhood. What dysfunction
E. mineralocorticoids is it?
60. A woman of 30 years visited doctor complaining of petulance, A. hypothyroidism
increased body temperature, increased heart rate, weight loss. An excess B. pituitary hypofunction
of what hormone led to such a state? C. Hyperfunction of pituitary gland
A. Thyroliberin D. hyperthyroidism
B. Cortisone E. hypofunction of the parathyroid glands
C. Somatostatin 69. During the examination, the patient of 60 years was found to have
D. Glucagon hand tremor, increased heart rate, tonic-like seizures. In the study was
E. ACTH determined decrease in blood glucose levels down to less than 2 mmol/l.
61. Mother of a 8-year-old child visited the doctor complaining of the Increased level of what hormone, most likely, could have led to such a
presence of lethargy in him, listlessness, drowsiness, mental retardation, state?
reduced body temperature. Which of the following hormones is most A. Insulin
likely to be prescribed by the doctor? B. Glucagon
A. triiodothyronine C. Thyroxine
C. Insulin E. Testosterone
D. ACTH 70. A patient of 63 years with arterial hypertension was found to have
E. Testosterone posterior pituitary hyperfunction and decreased urine output. Which of
62. Individual had little water during several days which caused the following hormones, most likely, could cause these symptoms?
hypovolemia (lowering the amount of water in the body). Secretion of A. ADH
what of the following hormones, most probably, could have increased at B. Thyroxine
the same time? C. Insulin
A. Vasopressin D. Angiotensin
B. Aldosterone E. Testosterone
C. Somatostatin 71. A 52 years old male visited the doctor complaining of increased
D. ACTH blood pressure. On examination he was diagnosed with chronic
E. Insulin nephritis. The level of what hormone in the blood should be determined
63. A patient with chronic gastritis has got hyposecretion of gastric first of all?
juice. Decrease of what hormone is most likely to be expected in this A. Angiotensin
case? B. ACTH
A. Gastrin C. Thyroxine
B. secretin D. parathyroid hormone
C. Insulin E. Somatostatin
D. CCK 72. In the experiment on a frog were achieved changings of the colour
E. Villikinin of the skin. Inhibition of action of which of the following hormones,
64. In the experiment on a rabbit was achieved the increase in wall most likely, could have caused this effect?
permeability to water in the collecting tubules that led to decrease in A. melanocyte-stimulating hormone
micturition and increase in the osmotic concentration of urine. Which of B. Prolactin
the following hormones, most likely, was used by the researcher? C. Oxytocin
A. Vasopressin D. triiodothyronine
B. Oxytocin E. Adrenaline
C. ACTH 73. What action does insulin produce on carbohydrate metabolism?
D. Thyroxine A. glycogenesis, hypoglycemia, deposition of glycogen in the liver
E. Luteinizing hormone B. glycogenolysis, hyperglycemia, transformation of glycogen into
65. The patient was found to have the increased catabolism of fats. The glucose
C. glycogenesis, hyperglycemia, transformation of glycogen into
glucose soreness of breast in the second half of the menstrual cycle.
D. glycogenolysis, hypoglycemia, transformation of glucose into Gynecological study didn't reveal any pathology. With changes in what
glycogen hormone levels can this condition be assiciated with?
E. gluconeogenesis, transformation of glucose into glycogen, A. Progesterone
mobilisation of hepatic glycogen B. Estradiol
74. A man has been found to have diabetes insipidus. After the C. Testosterone
laboratory tests have been performed, he has been said to have: D. Thyroxine
A. decrease in the formation of vasopressin E. Aldosterone
B. decrease in formation of insulin 83. After removal of the thyroid gland the patient has got convulsive
C. increase in formation of glucagon seizures. Which hormone is it necessary to prescribe in this case?
D. increase in formation of vasopressin A. Parathormone
E. increase in oxytocin formation B. Growth hormone
75. The patient has a strongly expressed autoimmune reaction. What C. Insulin
hormone(s) should be administered to the patient in attempt to decrease D. Thyroxine
the concentration of autoantibodies? E. Glucagon
A. Glucocorticoids 84. After a prolonged infection a patient revealed violations of certain
B. catecholamines functions of the endocrine glands and the decrease in calcium levels in
C. mineralocorticoids the blood. Renal function is normal. The concentration of what hormone
D. Insulin is necessary to determine in the blood, first of all?
E. Glucagon A. calcitonin
76. What hormones are involved to the formation of the general B. Aldosterone
adaptation syndrome seen under the action of stress factors? C. Vasopressin
A. Corticotropin, glucocorticoids, epinephrine, norepinephrine D. Adrenaline
B. cortisone, androgens, parathyroid hormone, oxytocin E. Insulin
C. Corticosterone, progesterone, epinephrine, norepinephrine 85. At the time of bleeding, in the blood increases the concentration of
D. Corticotropin, thyroxine, norepinephrine, glucagon these agents, EXCEPT:
E. Somatotropin, corticotropin, adrenaline, progesterone A. Atrial natriuretic factor
77. The results of studies of the steroid hormones' levels changes in the B. Aldosterone
blood plasma of healthy woman with regular 28-day menstrual cycles C. Angiotensin-1
suggest that over the past 12 hours there was observed the peak D. Angiotensin-2
concentrations of estradiol. Progesterone concentration was negligible. E. Adrenaline
The development of what situation could be expected over the next 3 86. Stress state reduces the immunological status of the body due to
days? inhibition of thymosin. Which of the following hormones, which is
A. Ovulation involved in stress, affect(s) this process?
B. decrease in basal body temperature A. Glucocorticoids
C. the end menstrual cycle B. melanostatin
D. Start of the menstrual cycle C. Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone
E. regression of the corpus luteum D. Insulin
78. For the purpose of suppression of autoimmune reactions following E. Vasopressin
organ transplantation it is mandatory to provide the hormone therapy. 87. The influence of ultraviolet rays on the skin causes sunburn. Which
What hormone(s) are used for this purpose? hormone regulate(s) the intensity of the pigment metabolism?
A. Glucocorticoids A. melanotropins
B. mineralocorticoids B. Adrenoglomerulotropin
C. Sex hormones C. Thyroxine
D. Adrenaline D. Parathyroid hormone
E. Growth hormone E. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
79. In order to study the pregnancy, female urine is analysed. The 88. At the prelaunch period, the athlete has got increased respiratory rate
appearance of what hormone in the urine probably indicates the and heart rate. Explain why?
pregnancy? A. activated the sympathetic-adrenal system
A. Human chorionic gonadotropin B. Increased production of growth hormone
B. estriol C. reduced the formation of parathyroid hormone
C. 17-beta-estradiol D. Increased the formation of calcitonin
D. Testosterone E. Decreased the production of sex hormones
E. Progesterone 89. The concentration of what hormone(s) in the blood is regulated
80. Specify what disorders are possible under the insufficient thyroid without the direct involvement of the pituitary gland?
function, if the failure occurs in early childhood? A. Insulin
A. Cretinism B. follitropin
B. dwarfism C. Thyroxine
C. Gigantism D. mineralocorticoids
D. Hypopituitrism E. Growth Hormone
E. Skin hyperpigmentation 90. Hormone which has an anti-inflammatory action:
81. A woman of 40 years, in the study, found to have increased basal A. Hydrocortisone
metabolic rate. Surplus of what of these hormones caused this B. Adrenaline
condition? C. Aldosterone
A. triiodothyronine D. Glucagon
B. calcitonin E. Somatostatin
C. Glucagon 91. The man emerged bleeding in glomerular zone of the adrenal cortex.
D. Aldosterone This caused a decrease of the hormone release:
E. Somatostatin A. Aldosterone
82. A 15 years old girl visited the doctor complaining of rigidity and B. Adrenaline
C. Progesterone 101. With a total patient study draws attention thickening of neck,
D. Cortisol exophthalmos, increased body temperature, heart rate 110 beats / min.
E. noradrenaline The content of what hormones in the blood is useful to define?
92. The patient in the survey revealed tachycardia, exophthalmos, A. Thyroxine.
increased basal metabolic rate by 40%. Hyperfunction of the endocrine B. glucagon.
gland which causes these changes? C. catecholamines.
A. Thyroid D. Insulin.
B. Epiphysis E. Cortisol.
C. neurohypophysis 102. The woman in the last 6 months has masculinizing effects:
D. Pancreas increased hair growth on the face, the white line of the abdomen, legs,
E. Parathyroid irregular menstrual cycle. The reason for this can be increased secretion
93. In humans, daily urine output of 6 liters, the level of glucose in the of:
blood plasma is normal. Inappropriate secretion of the hormone is the A. androgens.
cause of this? B. estrogens.
A. Vasopressin C. growth hormone.
B. Insulin D. Thyroxine.
C. Glucagon E. mineralocorticoids.
D Cortisol 103. A newborn developed spasm of the glottis, a history of
E. Oxytocin susceptibility to the development of seizures. Violation of what function
94. The transfer of which pituitary hormone will be broken in the dog's of the endocrine glands to think?
neck occlusion? A. Parathyroid.
A. Cortisol B. Pancreas
B. Insulin C. Thymus.
C. Glucagon D. Thyroid
D. PTH E. Adrenal.
E. calcitonin 104. The patient declined sharply content of Ca2 + in the blood. This
95. A child from birth reduced thyroid function. What is the main leads to increased secretion of the hormone:
consequence of this? A. PTH
A. Cretinism. B. Thyrocalcitonin
B. dwarfism C. Aldosterone
C. Gigantism. D. Vasopressin
D. hypopituitarism. E. growth hormone
E. hyperpigmentation of the skin. 105. The patient long-term use of drugs potassium led to hyperkalemia.
96. Patient 45 years old went to the doctor complaining of frequent This leads to such a change in the secretion:
fever, palpitations, irritability, hair loss, weight loss, hand tremor. A A. increase in aldosterone
blood test showed high levels of hormones: B. Decrease aldosterone
A. Thyroid C. Increase Vasopressin
B. adrenal cortex D. Decrease vasopressin
C. adrenal medulla E. Decrease renin
D. Pancreas 106. On examination the patient identified an increase in basal
E. Gonads metabolic rate by 50%. An increase in secretion of the hormone caused
97. In humans, decreased urine output, hypernatremia, hypokalemia. this change?
Hypersecretionof what hormone may be the cause of such changes? A. Thyroxine
A. Aldosterone B. Insulin
B. Vasopressin C. PTH
C. Atrial natriuretic factor D. growth hormone
D. Adrenaline E. Prolactin
E. PTH 107. In the course of an experiment adenohypophysis of an animal has
98. Older people are often observed bone demineralization (reduced been removed. The resulting atrophy of thyroid gland and adrenal cortex
content of calcium ions). The reason for this can be reduced secretion: has been caused by de ficiency of the following hormone:
A. calcitonin A. Tropic hormones
B. Thyroxine B. Thyroid hormones
C. Insulin C. Somatotropin
D. Aldosterone D. Cortisol
E. PTH E. Thyroxin
99. Growth of the child reaches 10 years, 178 cm, weight - 64 kg. The 108. Atria of an experimental animal were superdistended with blood,
disruption of what endocrine gland is the reason? which resulted in decreased reabsorption of Na+ and water in renal
A. Pituitary tubules. This can be explained by the influence of the following factor
B. Thyroid on kidneys:
C. Gonads A. Natriuretic hormone
D. Adrenal B. Aldosterone
E. parathyroid C. Renin
100. In animal experiments were damaged neural pathways extending D. Angiotensin
into the pituitary stalk, which disrupted blood flow in the following E. Vasopressin
hormones: 109. For people adapted to high external temperatures profuse sweating
A. Vasopressin and oxytocin is not accompanied by loss of large volumes of sodium chloride. This is
B. pituitary hormones caused by the effect the following hormone has on the perspiratory
C. hormones adenohypophysis glands:
D. thyrotropin A. Aldosterone
E. Adrenocorticotropic hormone B. Vasopressin
C. Cortisol clothes that are worn. There is an adaptation of tactile receptors. These
D. Tgyroxin adaptive processes at the level of receptors are detected by changes in
E. Natriuretic membrane permeability to ions:
SOMATOSENSORY ANALISER. PHYSIOLOGY OF PAIN A. Reduces permeability to Na + ions.
B. Reduces the permeability of K +.
1. If the person has normal skin sensation of a finger, he does not feel C. Increases in permeability to ions K +.
the presence of a wedding ring on it. What is the reason for this? D. Increases in permeability to Na + ions.
A. Adaptation of receptors. E. Decreases permeability to Ca + + ions.
B. The development of fibrous tissue.
C. Violation of epidermal structure. 11. During inflammation morbidity of tissues increases. Which of the
D. Impairment of blood circulation. following changes are likely to happen in this situation?
E. Violation of the structure of receptors. A. Increase in the excitability of nociceptors.
B. Convergence of nociceptive system.
2. During exercises a person is less sensitive to the pain. This is due to C. Adaptation of nociceptors.
the activation: D. Reduced sensitivity of nociceptors.
A. Anti-nociceptive system. E. Divergence of nociceptive system.
B. Nociceptive system.
C. Thyroid function. 12. Patient got to the hospital with suspected traumatic rupture of spinal
D. Sympathetic nervous system. cord at the level of III-V thoracic segments after the car accident,
E. Function of the adrenal glands. because he has completely lost all voluntary movements below the
injury. Which sensitivity of the patient will be absent below area of the
3. During the brain surgery it is indicated that stimulation of the certain injury?
areas of the cerebral cortex caused the patient’s tactile and temperature A. Skin (Tangent, thermal, pain).
sensations. What area was influenced by this stimulation? B. Only temperature, only the tangent.
A. Postcentral gyrus. C. Only pain.
B. Precentral gyrus. D. There will not be any sensitivity disorders.
C. Supralateral gyrus.
D. Cingulate. 13. Novocain is used for pain control, during tooth removing. Why is
E. Paragippokampoal gyrus. not it introduced into the gum around the tooth but in the area of a
sensory nerve transmission?
4. As a result of spinal cord injury, 33 years old man, impaired pain and A. To block conduct of pain impulses.
temperature sensitivity. Which path has caused this damage? B. The formation of the potential of the actions of the pain receptors is
A. Spinothalamic. violated. The pH of the tissue in the area of anesthesia is changed.
B. Spinocortical C. Axonal transport is inhibited.
C. Posterior cerebra-cerebellar. D. Excitability of pain receptors is increased.
D. Lateral spinocortical.
E. Anterior cerebellospinal. 14. With the constant wearing of the ring on the finger we stop noticing
it. At the same time, we felt the slightest touch clearly. Why?
5. The man kept flavor, but lost the overall sensitivity of the structures A. Adaptation of the receptors occurred.
of the oral cavity. Which structure is ruined? B. Fibrous tissue is formed under the ring.
A. N. trigeminus C. The function of ion channels of the epidermis is violated.
B. N. vagus D. Blood circulation in the tissues is violated.
C. N. glossopharyngeus E. The structure of tactile receptors under the ring is disrupted.
D. N. hypoglossus
E. N. glossopharyngeus and n. vagus 15. It has been discovered that a patient has a complete demyelination of
conducting ascending tracts. Which of the following forms of sensation
6. A man has bleeding to the posterior central gyrus, which caused a will be kept in these conditions?
violation of the opposite side of this sensitivity: A. Thermal sensation.
A. Cutaneous and proprioceptive. B. Proprioception.
B. Visual. C. Vision.
C. Hearing. D. Vibratory sensation.
D. Olfactory and gustatory. E. Feeling of pressure.
E. Hearing and visual.
16. Cortical representation of the pain sensitivity is situated:
7. The patient asked a doctor about the consultation because of the fact A. In the posterior central gyrus.
that he lost the ability to distinguish tastes at the root of his tongue. The B. In the anterior central gyrus.
doctor found that this is due to the nerve lesions. Which nerve? C. In the frontal lobes, in the Sylvian fissure.
A. Glossopharyngeal. D. None of the answers are correct.
B. Wandering.
C. Facial. 17. The pain sensitivity of a 25 years old patient decreased after a strong
D. Upper laryngeal. emotional excitation. The release of which neurotransmitter can be the
E. Trigeminal. cause of this state of the patient?
A. Noradrenaline.
8. In the experiment, the animal was cut thalamocortical path. Which B. Acetylcholine.
type of sensory deprivation survived in this experimental animal? C. Substance P.
A. Olfactory. D. Gamma-aminobutyric acid.
B. Hearing. E. Glycine.
C. Exteroceptive.
D. Visual 18. Afferent fibers from the taste buds are:
E. Nociceptive. A. Spikes of trigeminal sensory cells.
B. Axons of sympathetic nerves.
9. On examinating of the patient with traumatic brain injury was found C. Parasympathetic nerve axons.
that he could not distinguish moving objects on the skin. Which part of D. Sensory fibers ending in the surface of epithelium.
the cerebral cortex has been damaged? E. Axons of gustatory sensory cells.
A. Posterior central gyrus, occipital lobe cortex.
B. Share of parietal cortex. 19. Histologically, the nociceptors - are:
C. Share of the frontal cortex. A. Free nerve endings.
D. Anterior central gyrus. B. Pacini corpuscles.
C. Receptors of hair follicles.
10. After the man has dressed, in some time, he will no longer feel the
D. Merkel disks. B. In the navel, in the lumbar erea.
E. Meissner corpuscles. C. In the neck.
20. In the case of a sunburn vasodilatation is accompanied by: D. In the ear.
A. Hyperalgesia. 30. The temperature information is transmitted from the receptors to the
B. Lumbar anesthesia. hypothalamus by:
C. Analgesia. A. Spinothalamic path.
D. Local anesthetic. B. Gaulle and Burdach paths.
E. Hypoalgesia. C. Rubrospinal path.
21. Which of the following parts of the body have the highest spatial D. Gowers and Flechsig pats.
threshold of differentiation? E. Spinocerebral path.
A. Arm. 31. Modulators of neuronal opiate antinociceptive system include:
B. Tip of the tongue. A. Enkephalins.
C, Tips of the fingers. B. Monoamines.
D. Tip of the nose. C. Vasopressin.
E. Dorsum. D. ACTH.
22. Pressure on the brachial plexus in the axilla causes a severe pain in E. Corticoliberin.
the area innervated by that nerve during breast cancer. This symptom is 32. Modulators of neuronal neopiate of antinociceptive system include:
an example: A. Norepinephrine.
A. Spread pain along the sympathetic trunk. B. Enkephalins.
B. Of referred pain. C. Endorphins.
C. Analgesia. D. Vasopressin.
D. Secondary pain. E. Adenosine.
E. Projected pain. 33. During the manipulation on the tooth of the patient that had caries
23. Termoesthesiometria is used to determine temperature sensitivity of there was a destruction of the pulp, which caused the dilation of the
the person in a laboratory experiment. In which areas this sensitivity is pupils. Which part of the brain participates in the pupillary reflex?
the highest? A. Spinal Cord.
A. At the tip of the tongue and fingertips. B. Medulla oblongata.
B. On the palms and soles, on the muscles of the iris. C. Midbrain.
C. On his forehead and armpits. D. Diencephalon.
D. In the rectal area and thighs. E. Cerebral cortex.
E. On the chest and ears. 34. An acute pain occurred during the manipulation on the tooth of the
24. A person is less sensitive to a pain during physical exercises. This is 40 years old person. Which irritation of receptors is this pain connected
due to the activation of: with?
A. Antinoceptive system. A. Free nerve endings.
B. Nociceptive system. B. Tactile.
C. Thyroid function. C. Pressure receptors.
D. Sympathetic-adrenal system. D. Thermal receptors.
E. Functions of the adrenal glands. E. Cold receptors.
25. The patient’s left leg was amputated. However, he continued to feel 35. If a man stays in a room with a bad smell for a long time, he does
pain in this extremity. What is the name of this type of pain? not feel it any more. This is based on this change in the olfactory
A. Phantom Pain. receptors:
B. Reflected pain. A. Inactivation of sodium channels.
C. Causalgia. B. Calcium channel inactivation.
D. Neuralgia. C. Potassium channel inactivation.
E. Projected pain. D. Decrease in the resting membrane potential.
26. Chloroethyl, that is applied to the surface of the injury to decrease E. Reduction of the threshold potential.
pain if muscles of sportsmen, are injured or if sprained. Which part of 36. During the manipulation in the oral cavity of the 45 years old
the reflex is this preparation effective for? woman sudden dilation of the pupils appeared. Which factor is most
A. Receptor. likely to be a reason for this reaction?
B. Effector. A. Action of the pain stimulus.
C. Endings of the efferent fiber. B. Brightening of the face with using bright light.
D. Nerve centers of the spinal cord. C. Examining close (10-15 cm) located objects.
E. Intercalary neurons. D. Excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
27. Hardening is recommended by doctors to increase body's resistance E. Release of the acetylcholine in the blood.
to the colds. What is the mechanism of this resistance? 37. During the childbirth a woman’s sensitivity to pain increases as a
A. Decrease the excitability of the cold receptors. result of the activation of this system (these systems):
B. Increase the excitability of the cold receptors. A. Anti-nociceptive.
C. Increase the excitability of the thermal receptors. B. Pituitary-adrenal and antinociceptive.
D. Decrease the excitability of the thermal receptors C. Sympathetic-adrenal and pituitary-adrenal.
E. Increase convective heat transfer. D. Sympathoadrenal and antinociceptive.
28. The level of endorphins in 26 years old patient’s blood increased E. Sympathoadrenal.
significantly because of the serious injuries after a car accident. Which 38. The child cut his finger. The pain occurred. The child cupped his
receptors of neurons are most likely to be connected with endorphins? finger by his palm and squeezed it hardly. It felt like the pain had
A. Opiate. disappeared. This was due to the operation of the "gating mechanism" in
B. Adrenergic. the spinal cord. Explain why the pain has disappeared?
C. Cholinergic. A. Thick tactile afferents inhibit thin nociceptive.
D. Glutamatergic. B. Thalamic neurons inhibit pain afferents.
E. Dophaminergic. C. Cortical sensory neurons inhibit nociceptive afferents.
29. During heart diseases reflex pain is felt: D. Cortical motor neurons inhibit pain afferents.
A. In the region of the left scapula. E. Reticular formation neurons inhibit pain afferents.
39. A patient complaining of pain in the left shoulder-blade region has C. Consensual
been diagnosed with miocardial infarction. What kind of pain does the D. Cross
patient have? E. Real (natural)
A. Radiating 9. Animal has completely lost sight after giving of microelectrodes in
B. Visceral the brain structure of an intermediate. Which of the sub cortical
C. Phantom structures were damaged?
D. Protopathic A. Lateral geniculate body
E. Epicritic B. Medial geniculate bode
40. The receptors under study provide transfer of information to the C. Quadrigemina
cortex without thalamic involvement. Specify these receptors: D. Supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus
A. Olfactory E. Suprahiazmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus
B. Tactile 10. The girl aged 17 old found an injury of eye refraction, which had
C. Gustatory been compensated accommodation for along period of time. Which can
D. Visual the most probable diagnosis be made?
E. Auditory A. Astigmatizm
VISUAL ANALISER B. Color-blindness
1. The refractive power of the optical media of the eye has increased in C. Spherical aberration
10 diopters on glancing at the near located subject. This is a cause of D. Chromatic aberration
some changes: E. There is not correct answer
A. Lens 11. A person is observed to have dilated pupils during stress after injury.
B. Corneal What mediator affects the muscles of the iris?
C. Vitreous body A. Noradremaline
D. Moist anterior ocular chamber B. Acetylcholine
E. Muscles, expanding a pupil C. Serotonin
2. It happens on grancing at the near-located subjects to for located D. Adenosine triphoshpate
ones: E. Glycine
A. Relaxang of ciliary muscle and the Zinn ligament tension 12. A doctor- radiologist has bad adaptation of the eyes in the dark.
B. Contracting of ciliary muscles and relaxing of the Zinn ligament What synthesis of substance can be impaired?
C. Contracting of ciliary muscles and the Zinn ligament tension A. Rhodopsin
D. Relaxing of ciliary muscle and relaxing of the Zinn bundles B. Iodopsin
E. State of a ciliary muscle and the Zinn ligament remains unchangeable C. Melanin
3. Which process is unusual for light adaptation? D. Noradrenalin
A. Increasing of sensitivity visual system to light E. There is not correct answer
B. Reflex of pupil constriction 13. A patient had been made diagnosis astigmatism eye. What is it’s
C. Decay of rhodopsin mechanism?
D. Decay of iodopsion A. Not the same different refraction in the vertical and horizontal
E. Strengthening of lateral inhibition in the retina meridians of the cornea
4. An ophthalmologist found that patient’s vision has improved by using B. Different refractions in the center and at the periphery of the lens
the collecting lens. What pathology does this patient have? C. Focusing rays of light in front of the retina
A. Hypermetropia D. Focusing rays of light behind the retina
B. Astigmatism E. Impairment of the lens elasticity
C. Tritanopia 14. On damaging of the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex function is
D. Blindness impaired:
E. Myopia A. Vision
5. Sclerosis is observed as a result of an eye tissues damage in the B. Taste
patient. What changes of acuity of vision are observed? C. Hearing
A. Increasing of ability of clear vision at a distance D. Smelling
B. Reducing of capacity of clear vision at a distance E. Balance
C. Appearance of disorders of spatial perception 15. Which function of retinal cells may be impaired in the adaptation of
D. Appearance color vision disorders the eyes has got worse in the dark?
E. Astigmatism A. Rods
6. Which of the following characteristics sufferg from decreasing the B. Conus
function of rods not one of conus? C. Bipolar
A. Function of muscular lutea (yellow spot) D. Amacrine
B. Perception of colors E. Horizontal
C. The ability to change the sensitivity to bright lightauickly 16. On investigating fundus in a person’s eye atropine is put dilate
D. The level of activity in visual system in general pupils. What nerves influence on it?
E. Ability to form contrast conditions A. Sympathetic
7. On being watched some subjects, by a patient, their images are B. Somatic efferent
projected in front of the retina: C. Somatic afferent
A. Myopia D. Oculomotor
B. Emmetropia E. Parasympathic
C. Amblyopia 17. The patient aged 50 went go to the doctor with complaints of clarity
D. Hypermetrotopia of vision impairment prolonged reading. What reflex may be impaired?
E. Ametropia A. Of accommodation
8. A patient high6 eye was covered with a soun and left one was sent a B. Divirgence
bright beam of light. What will the reaction of pupils be observed in C. Pupillary reflex
normal condition? D. Convergence
A. Direct E. Corneal reflex
B. Reversible 18. How will vision be changed if visual way after chiasm cut on the
right? any pathology?
A. Come partial blindness on the right and left eyes will occurs A. Retina
B. Complete blindness will occurs on the right eye B. Quadrigeminal plate
C. Will not change C. Pigmentary cells of the retina
D. Complete blindness will occurs on the left eye D. Lateral geniculate body
E. Partial blindness occurs on the right eye and complete one the left eye E. Ciliary body
19.What visual functions is impared the most on damaging rods? 28. A patient has impaired papillary reflex while maintaining visual
A. Peripheral vision function. What has the functional adaptation been lost?
B. color vision A. Regulation of the retina illuminance
C. Binocular vision B. Integrity of the reflex arch
D. Central vision C. Regulation of the iris tone
E. Light adaptation D. Intensity of color perception
20.An architect of the gothic churches often makes stained- glass E. Depth perception of space depth
windows of blue color, and shapes are in other colors, so they seem to 29. The male aged 30 works as a radiologist. He often has to go from a
be protected from the background. What property of the visual analyzer darkened room into lighted one during his work. Every time he had to
were they based? wait a while to get used to light. What processes take place in the visual
A. Chromatic aberration sensory system?
B. Dark adaptation A. Switching from a system of rods to a system of coni
C. Accommodation B. Inchancement of impulse from the sticks
D. Light adaptation C. Divergence of nerve impulses
E. Sequential images D. Regulation of nerve impulses
21.The nearest point of clear vision is gradually moving away in case of E. Regulation of the pupil lumen
aging. What is the main cause of this phenomenon? 30. With age, people develop presbyopia (farsightedness). The reason
A. Crystalline lens loses its elasticity for this is:
B. Changes of cornea A. Reduced elasticity of the lens
C. Change in the vitreous body B. elongation of the eyeball
D. Impairment of blood supply of the retina C. shortening of the eyeball
E. Changes in the retina D. lens opacities
22. The patient has impaired vision in the form of prolapsing right E. Retinal Atrophy
medial visual field and lateral one on the left. What part of the visual 31. In animal experiments, the removal of part of the cortex of the
analyzer has broken? cerebral hemispheres removed previously elaborated conditioned
A. Left optic tract reflexes to light stimulation. What portion of the cortex was removed?
B. The optic chiasm A. occipital cortex
C. Right optic tract B. precentral gyrus
D. Right optic nerve C. postcentral gyrus
E. Left optic nerve D. limbic cortex
23. In old age, elasticity of the lens reduces. What the main symptom E. Temporal portion
will be revealed? 32. For better viewing the bottom of the eyeball doctor dripped into the
A. Removal near point of clear vision patient's eye conjunctiva solution of atropine. This led to the expansion
B. Astigmatism of the pupil through the blockade of membrane tsitoretseptorov:
C. Impairment of blood supply of the retina A. M-cholinergic receptors
D. Impairment of color vision B. N-cholinergic receptors
E. Impaired vision of twilight C. alpha-adrenoceptor
24. An ophthalmologist identified that the patient has increasing time to D. Beta-blockers
adapt his eye to darkness. What vitamin can be the cause of this E. H2-receptors
symptom if there is deficiency of it? 33. The patient has no vision, but the pupillary reflex is implemented
A. Vitamin A properly. What area may be damaged?
B. Vitamin C A. visual cortex
C. Vitamin K B. superior colliculus
D. Vitamin D C. Lower colliculus
E. Vitamin E D. Somatosensory cortex
25. A patient has lost the ability to see object in the center of visual field. E. the optic chiasm
As a result, a point hemorrhages in the retina. What point of the retina 34. The man who looked out the window, and began to read the book.
most likely has hemorrhage occurred? The refractive power of the optical media increases, while due to the
A. Yellow spot change state
B. Ciliary part of the retina A. Lens
C. Choroid B. Cornea
D. Blind spot C. vitreous
E. Irritated part of the retina D. pupils
26. To obtain a driver’s license, a young man aged 23 has been passed E. moisture of eye chambers
examination by an ophthalmologist. It has been established that the 35. When looking from close on faraway objects occurs:
patient can not distinguish red and green colors. What is impaired color A. Relaxing ciliary muscle
vision called? B. Reduction of ciliary muscle
A. Protanopia and deuteranopia C. Relaxing Zinn ligaments
B. «Night blindness» D. increase in curvature of the lens
C. Tritanopia E. increase in the refractive power of the eye
D. Daltonism 36. For longer stays in the dark in humans increased sensitivity to light.
E. Protanopia Why?
27. A patient was revealed anisocoria (different pupil size with the same A. evolved adaptations receptors
lightning). Which neurons have been damaged, if the brain doesn’t have B. The number of sticks
C. The number of cones restore the normal position of it in the air. What receptors of irritation
D. increase in the refractive power of the cornea are associated with this reflex?
E. increase in the refractive power of the lens A. Vestibule receptors
37. If even in bright light has been a steady expansion of the pupil, it is a B. Inner organs
consequence of: C. Proprioreceptors of limb muscles
A. over-activity of the sympathetic nervous system D. Tactile receptor of limbs
B. of the normal state of the mechanisms of regulation E. Vestibule receptor of semicular canal
C. Excessive activity of the parasympathetic nervous system 9. The activity of spiral neurons was increased in the animal under the
D. paralysis of the muscles, dilates the pupil action of stimulus. What was the stimulus?
E. ciliary muscle paralysis A. Sound
38. In old age, the lens loses its elasticity. What is the main symptom B. Light
detected? C. Rotation
A. Presbyopia D. Skin touch
B. Astigmatism E. Stretching of the muscles
C. Myopia 10. A patient was investigated as for hearing sound by the use of a
D. impairment of color vision tuning fork. With its location near the external ear the patient hasn’t
E. binocular vision disorders heard the tuning fork. The sound was heard after the tuning fork was
AUDITORY ANALYSER, VESTIBULAR ANALYSER placed on mastoid process. What part of the auditory sensory system has
1. The patient aged 60 was revealed impairment perception of high injured?
frequency sounds. What impaired state of the structures of the auditory A. Middle ear
analyzer causes these changes? B. Inferior colliculus
A. Basic membrane of the cochlea oval window C. Internal ear
B. Basic cochlear membrane around helicotrema D. Auditory nerve
C. Eustachian tube E. medial geniculate body
D. Muscles of the middle ear 11. A patient with audiometry has been revealed injury of the perception
E. The eardrum of high frequency sounds on the left. What is the cause of this
2. A person has damaged semicircular canals of the internal ear after an phenomenon?
injury. What stimuli will not this person able to respond? A. Injury of the middle part of the internal ear spire on the left
A. Change in the rate of angular acceleration B. Injury of the diencephalon
B. Skin irritants C. Injury of the midbrain
C. Light D. Injury of sensory cortex
D. Sound E. injury of the middle ear
E. Change in speed of rectilinear motion 12. Receptors of vertical acceleration saccule of the vestibule are
3.After an injury statolital apparatus of the internal ear has been excited:
damaged. What stimuli will not this person be able to respond? A. On decelerating lift
A. Change of angular motion rate B. On accelerating rotation in the horizontal plane
B. Rate of change of the angular acceleration C. On accelerating rotation the vertical plane
C. Skin irritants D. On decelerating of acceleration in the horizontal plane
D. Light
E. Sound E. On the lift movement at the constant speed
4.Wax plugs have formed, a patient doesn’t hear the sound of tuning 13. A person’s sound experience is formed when a tuning fork put on his
head, but they disappear when it is brought to the auricle. This is due to
fork. How can we determine the work of Corti`s organ isn’t impaired?
A. Lean a turning fork against the bones of the skull impaired function of:
B. Enhance the sound of a turning fork A. Soundconducting apparatus of the ear
C. Hold a turning fork to the auricle B. External ear
C. Middle ear
D. Change tone of sounding
D. Hearing ossicles
5. The unit of the eardrum and ossicles:
A. Enhance sound wave 14. During the experimental work on animals the middle part of cochlea
B. Cause mechanical vibrations from the bone of the skull to the internal was destroyed. What frequency of sound waves has injured?
ear A. Low
B. High
C. Use for communication with the eardrum and the round window
D. Increase the energy loss during the sound transition from the ambient C. High and medium
air to the internal ear D. Low and medium
E. It is physiologically relict without special meaning 15. In a laboratory experiment on the dog studied the structure of the
6. The muscles of the middle ear: central regions of the auditory sensory system. Was destroyed one of the
structures of the midbrain. Dog lost the orienting reflex to sound signals.
A. Have protective function
B. Reduce the loss of energy during the sound transition to the internal What structure was destroyed?
ear A. lower colliculus
C. Serve as the mechanical transmission of sound waves to the internal B. superior colliculus
C. substantia nigra
D. Hold sound waves D. nuclei of reticular formation
E. Don’t have a special purpose E. Red nucleus
7. Auditory passage includes the following switching nuclei: 16. As a result of injury to the person damaged otolith apparatus of the
A. Auditory cortex inner ear. What stimuli will not be able to respond this man?
A. movement with a linear acceleration
B. the upper olive
C. Lateral geniculate body B. movement with angular acceleration
D. Superior colliculis C. Skin
E. Reticular formation D. Light
E. Sound
8. In the experiment on an animal that is kept in the position of back
down and feet up, they watched a reflective turning of the head to 17. In an animal experiment recorded the electrical activity of neurons
of the spiral ganglion that allows the analysis of the afferent impulses
from receptors: 5. Energy spendings of 40 years man, working as a miner, are more than
A. organ of Corti 5000 calories / day. Which component in the diet is need to increase for
B. vestibular the compensation for this flow of energy?
C. semicircular canals A. Fat
D. vestibular B. Liquid
E. and the vestibular organ of Corti C. Protein
18. In the study of hearing acuity of blacksmith found hearing loss by D. Carbohydrates
50% in the low frequency range and almost normal hearing in the high E. Vitamins
frequency range. Violation of what structures of the auditory system has 6. What are the seasonal changes in basal metabolic rate, above all,
led to such a state? must be considered in determining the latter?
A. organ of Corti - closer to helicotrema A. In winter - increases, in summer - is reduced
B. the organ of Corti - closer to the oval window B. In spring - decreases, in autumn - increases
C. Central part of the organ of Corti C. In autumn - increases, in the winter - reduced
D. The muscles of the middle ear D. In summer - increases, in winter - reduced
E. Eardrum E. In spring - decreases, in summer - increases
19. During the air and bone conduction tests it was revealed that in the 7. At the physical activity changing the several physiological systems.
left ear the tones were louder by bone conduction. This might be Which of the following will influence the temperature transfer of the
associated with the disease of: patient?
A. Left middle ear A. Reduction of skeletal muscles
B. Right middle ear B. increase in blood pressure
C. Left inner ear C. Increase in the number of erythrocytes
D. Right inner ear D. Increase of heart rate
E. Right external ear E. Increase in respiratory rate
20. A laboratory experiment on a dog was used to study central parts of 8. Woman 40 years old went to the doctor complaining of stool
auditory system. One of the mesencephalon structures was destroyed. retention, difficulty of defecation. What changes in the diet is necessary
The dog has lost the orienting response to auditory signals. What to?
structure was destroyed? A. Increase the number of products containing fiber
A. Inferior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina B. Increase the amount of fat
B. Superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina C. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates
C. Substantia nigra D. Increase the amount of proteins
D. Reticular formation nuclei E. Reduce the amount of vegetable fats
E. Red nucleus 9. At the rapid obesity, such as fattening geese, the value in the
A soldier with explosion-caused trauma was delivered to a hospital. respiratory quotient (RQ) increased to 1.5-1.7. Which factor is most
Examination revealed his tympanic membrane to beintact. What defense likely caused a magnitude DC?
reflex prevented the tympanic membrane from rupturing? A. Intaking of large amounts of carbohydrates
A. Contraction of m. tensor tympani B. Intaking of large amounts of protein
B. Relaxation of m. tensor tympani C. Excessive amounts of fatty foods
C. Contraction of m. auricularis arterior D. Intaking of large amounts of fluid
D. Relaxation of m. auricularis arterior E. Not enough carbohydrates in the diet
E. Relaxation of m. stapedins 10. At the prophylactic examination of young healthy women was
METABOLISM, THERMOREGULATION, NUTRITION revealed a positive nitrogen balance. Which factor most likely led to this
1. The patient 28 years old has respiratory coefficient (RC) greater than patient's condition?
1. What condition is most likely caused a magnitude RC? A. Pregnancy
A. Performance of heavy muscle loads B. deficiency of necessary amino acids for protein synthesis
B. eating a lot of proteins C. Decrease in intensity of metabolic processes in the body
C. excess of fatty foods D. Irregular eating
D. The amount of protein in food is not enough E. Excessive amounts of fatty foods
E. Eating a lot of carbohydrates 11. In humans during exercise value of the respiratory quotient
2. The patient 58 years old after the stroke has thermoregulation increased from 0.85 to 1.0. What is the reason for this change?
disturbance (fever, chills). What structures of the brain were irritated? A. increased oxidation of carbohydrates
A. hypothalamus B. Increased protein breakdown
B. Cerebellum C. increased fat oxidation
C. Pons D. Reduction in protein oxidation
D. red nucleus E. Reduction in fat oxidation
E. Thalamus 12. At the hyperventilation increases the respiratory quotient (RQ).
3. A child aged less than one year underwent a sudden cooling. What What is the cause of increasing RQ in this case?
processes, first of all, ensure constant temperature of the child? A. Increase in carbon dioxide emissions
A. Oxidation of brown fat B. Increase in allocation of water vapor
B. Reduction of skeletal muscles C. Decrease in oxygen consumption
C. Tremor thermogenesis D. Reduce carbon dioxide emissions
D. Expansion vessels in the skin E. increase in oxygen consumption
E. Gain hepatic metabolism 13. The patient has an increase in the assimilation of fats. What might be
4. At the examination of man 45 years old, a long time being on the reason for this phenomenon?
vegetable-dairy diet, revealed a negative nitrogen balance. Which factor A. Increase in insulin secretion
most likely led to this patient's condition? B. Increase in secretion of adrenaline
A. Insufficient dietary protein C. Increase in secretion of corticoids
B. Insufficient amount of carbohydrate in the diet D. Increas in secretion of thyroxine
C. Excess fluid intake E. Increase in secretion of sex hormones
D. excess amount of fatty foods 14. The man intaked water below normal in a few days led to
E. Reduction in the intensity of metabolic processes in the body dehydration. What mechanism can be activated to conserve water in the
body? E. Menstruation
A. increase in somatostatin secretion 24. The adapted to heat man in hot weather enhanced sweating, so that
B. increase in vasopressin secretion he loses a lot of water, and the extracellular environment becomes more
C. Increase in secretion of thyroxine concentrated. Excitation of receptors which provides high activity of
D. Decrease in calcitonin secretion ADH?
E. Decrease in aldosterone secretion A. hypothalamic osmoreceptors
15. It is known that one way to protect against hypothermia in children B. Volyumoretseptors of vena cava and atrial
is shivering thermogenesis. What nerves stimulate shivering C. Liver osmoreceptors
thermogenesis? D.Volyumoretseptors of hypothalamus
A. sympathetic adrenergic E. Baroreceptors of the aortic arch
B. parasympathetic 25. A man is standing in a room in light clothing, air temperature 14 C.
C. Somatic efferent Windows and doors closed. Which way he gives the greatest amount of
D. sympathetic cholinergic heat?
E. Somatic afferent A. Heatradiation
16. The patient has increased protein dissimilation. Which factors cause B. Heatholding
this process? C. Convection
A. Glucocorticoids D. Evaporation
B. Growth Hormone E. Perspiration
C. Insulin 26. A person with a mass of 80 kg after prolonged physical exertion has
D. Increase in parasympathetic influences blood volume 5.4 L, hematocrit 5, total blood protein-80g / l. Such
E. Decrease in sympathetic influences indicators have the consequence of blood, primarily?
17. At the experiment was investigated excitability of the centers of A. Water loss through sweat
thermoregulation on the dog. How will change their activity by the B. Increase in the number of erythrocytes
action of cold on the body of the dog? C. Increase in protein content in the plasma
A. Increase in the center of heat D. Increase in circulating blood volume
B. Increase in the center of the heat transfer E. Increased diuresis
C. Decrease in the center of heat 27. During emotional stress in humans is activating the sympathetic
D. Decrease in centers contractile thermogenesis division of the autonomic nervous system. The most significant is then?
E. Decrease in centers shivering thermogenesis A. Increase Metabolism
18. Depot of which substances used in the initial period of fasting and B. Change cell excitability
how this varies with the respiratory quotient (RQ)? C. Reduction of smooth muscle
A. carbohydrates, RQ approaches 1.0 D. Secretion of digestive glands
B. Protein, RQ approaches 1.0 E. Decrease in skeletal muscle
C. Fat, RQ approaching 0.85 28. If the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius, relative humidity 80, wind
D. Protein, RQ approaching 0.7 speed 0 m / s , the heat will pass through ?
E. Fat, RQ approaching 0.72 A. Evaporation of sweat
19. What contr-insulin hormone is acting on carbohydrate metabolism? B. Radiation
A. Adrenaline C. Convection
B. Aldosterone D. Reduction of blood supply to the skin
C. Natriuretic E. No answer is not correct
D. Calcitonin 29. A man 45 years doing not heavy physical, has determining of energy
E. Vasopressin costs by the method of biokalorimetry. What index is considered at it?
20. What is one of the reasons of the increase in dissimilation of A. Heat release
carbohydrates? B. Composition of diet
A. Increased secretion of glucagon C. Volume of oxygen absorbed
B. Decrease secretion of growth hormone D. Total CO2 emissions
C. Decrease in calcitonin secretion E. Respiratory factor
D. Increase in insulin secretion 30. During physical stress changes occur in many body systems. Which
E. Reduced secretion of vasopressin of the following processes that most affect the heat?
21. The patient has an increase in the assimilation of proteins. What A. Reduction of skeletal muscle
factors can stimulate this assimilation? B. Increase in heart rate
A. Increase excitation of the parasympathetic nerves C. Increased blood pressure
B. Reduced insulin secretion D. increase in respiratory rate
C. Increased arousal of the sympathetic nerves E. Increase in circulating blood volume
D. Increased secretion of thyroxine 31. Under normal conditions in humans after the physical load airflows
E. Increased secretion of adrenaline that extracts heat from the skin surface are the cause of loss of heat by:
22. In which case the human body has a positive protein balance A. Convection
(nitrogen)? B. Radiation
A. during the growth of the organism C. Sweating
B. In old age D. Conduction
C. Fasting E. Filtration
D. With a significant decrease in the content of protein and increasing 32. At the examining was found that the patient has a violation of
the carbohydrate content of food chemical thermoregulation. In what way?
E. In case of prolonged and intense physical exertion A. change in the intensity of metabolic processes
23. A young woman at admission with food 120 grams of protein per B. Change in convection path regulation
day with urine out 16 g of nitrogen. In what state is the woman? C. Infrared radiation
A. Pregnancy D. Change in thermal conductivity
B. Acute infectious diseases E. Change sweating
C Leukemia 33. If the temperature is 18 C, relative humidity of 10, wind speed 0 m /
D. Ovulation s, will pass through?
A. Radiation E. With mostly protein and carbohydrates
B. Perspiration 43. What is the effective way to return the body heat of the greenhouse
C. Convection farm workers at the air temperature + 36C, relative humidity of it - 70?
D. Reduction of blood supply to the skin A. Evaporation of sweat
E. No answer is not correct B. Convection and teploprovedenie
34. Long stay in the heat caused the human thirst. Signaling from C. Radiation
receptors which primarily led to its development? D. Convection
A. Hypothalamic osmoreceptors E. Holding
B. Sodium receptors of the hypothalamus 44. Cooling the human body in water is much faster than in the air,
C. Baroreceptors of the aortic arch because water is much more efficient heat loss by?
D. Glucoreceptors of hypothalamus A. Heatholding
E. Osmoreceptors of liver B. Convection
35. At full (with water) alimentary starvation developed generalized C. Radiant of heat
edema. Which of the pathogenic factors in this case, are the leading? D. Evaporation of sweat
A. Reduced plasma oncotic pressure E. Radiation
B. Increase oncotic pressure of tissue fluid 45. In the experiment on a dog was investigated the role of the adrenal
C. Decrease in interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure gland in the processes of thermoregulation. What hormone of this gland
D. Reduction of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma narrows blood vessels, thereby reducing the heat transfer?
E. increase in osmotic pressure of the intercellular fluid A. Adrenaline
36. Individuals wishing to lose weight, is recommended to include in the B. Corticosterone
diet more lean beef. What are the properties of proteins is the reason? C. Cortisone
A. Having the largest specific-dynamic action D. Androgens
B. Low calorie E. Estrogens
C. poor absorption 46. The energy value was identified in a man. In what state was a man if
D. long delay in the stomach his energy were lower than the basal metabolic rate?
E. fast satiation A. Dream
37. At the examination of woman 40 ytars old was found an increased B. Rest
basal metabolic rate. Excess what hormone may lead to this? C. Easy operation
A. Triiodothyronine D. Nervous tension
B. calcitonin E. Rest
C. Glucagon 47. At the determining the basal metabolism found that its value exceeds
D. Aldosterone the proper value by 8. This means that energy metabolism processes?
E. Somatostatin A. Proceeds normally
38. The energy costs of young man increased from 500 to 2000 kJ per B. Relatively increased
hour. What can lead to this? C. Relatively depressed
A. Exercise D. Significantly depressed
B. Increased ambient temperature E. Significantly increased
C. Intellectual labor 48. At the determining the basal metabolism found that its value exceeds
D. Eating the proper value by 8. This means that energy metabolism processes?
E. Transition from sleep to cheerfulness A. Proceeds normally
39. Person is in an environment with a temperature of 38 degrees, B. Relative increased
relative humidity 5. What ways are responsible for maintaining a C. Relatively depressed
constant heat temperarury core body under these conditions? D. Significantly depressed
A. Evaporation E. Significantly increased
B. Radiation 49. The man measured the energy losses on an empty stomach, lying in
C. Heatholding terms of physical and mental rest, at a temperature of comfort. At what
D. Convection time will the lowest energy loss?
E. Convection and heatholding A. 3-4 am
40. A man is standing in a room in light clothing, air temperature 14 C. B. 7-8 am
Windows and doors closed. Which way he gives the greatest amount of C. 10-12 am
heat? D. 14-16 pm
A. Heatradiation E. 17-18 pm
B. Heatholding 50. The measured the energy losses on an empty stomach, lying in terms
C. Convection of physical and mental rest, at a temperature of comfort. At what time
D. Evaporation would be the greatest energy losses?
E. Perspiration A. 17-18 pm
41. In the operating room air temperature is 36 C, relative humidity - 8. B. 7-8 am
How does the human body give off heat in these conditions? C. 10-12 am
A. Evaporation of sweat D. 14-16 pm
B. Heatholding E. 3-4 am
C. Radiation 51. After 3 hours after ingestion a man has increased power losses by 3.
D. Convection What kind of food did eat the man?
E. All answers are correct A. Protein
42. The patient, strictly implement the recommendations of the B. The carbohydrate
сompliance of specific diet for 10 days, was investigated the respiratory C. Fat
quotient values. (Result RQ = 1.0). What diet did adher to the patient? D. Protein-carbohydrate
A. With mostly carbohydrate E. Carbohydrate and fat
B. With mostly protein and fat 52. At the determining of the energy costs of a human body indirect
C. With mostly fat and carbohydrates calorimetry was determined that one minute of oxygen consumed 1000
D. Mixed ml and 800 ml of carbon dioxide released gas. What respiratory
coefficient has this person? blood increased content of a hormone that has an adaptive
A. 0.8 thermoregulatory function. What the hormone is it?
B. 1.25 A. Thyroxine
C. 0.9 B. Insulin
D. 0.84 C. Glucagon
E. 1 D. Growth Hormone
53. At the determining of the energy costs of the organism was found E. Cortisone
that the respiratory coefficient is 1.0. It means that in the cells of the 62. Sweating of adapted to high temperature people is not accompanied
patient is more oxidized? by the loss of a large number of sweat sodium chloride. What hormone
A. Carbohydrate action leads to this result?
B. Protein A. Aldosterone
C. Fat B. Vasopressin
D. Proteins and carbohydrates C. Cortisol
E. Carbohydrate and Fat D. Thyroxine
54. At the determining of the energy of the organizm was found that the E. natriuretic
respiratory coefficient is 0.7. It means that in the cells of the test is more 63. The patient has persistent vomiting which led to dehydration.
oxidized ? Increased secretion of what hormone under these conditions, primarily
A. Fat provides water retention in the body?
B. Protein A. Vasopressin
C. Fat B. Aldosterone
D. Proteins and carbohydrates C. Natriuretic
E. Carbohydrate and Fat D. Adrenaline
55. Studying prosessy of heat transfer from naked man at room E. Calcitonin
temperature. Is defined that at these conditions the greatest amount of 64. A woman of 35 years, which is within 3 months limited number of
heat is given by: foods in the diet has decreased body weight, physical deterioration and
A. Heatradiation mental activity, swelling of the face. Which nutrient deficiency could
B. Heat transfer lead to such changes?
C. Convection A. Protein
D. Fumes B. Vitamins
E. No right answer C. Fat
56. A man came out of the conditioned space to the street where the air D. Carbohydrates
temperature is 40 C (Humidity - 6). Heat loss from the body in the street E. Trace
will be due? 65. During exercise with sweating in the blood vessels of the skin
A. Evaporation of sweat increased levels of bradykinin, which provides?
B. Convection A. Increase in heat transfer by radiation
C. Radiation
D. Locations
B. Increase in convective heat transfer
E. No right answer C. Increase in heat conducting
57. At the thermometry was found that the temperature of exposed skin D. Reduction in heat transfer by radiation
at 1-1.5 degrees below the temperature of the near plots covered with E. Reduction in heat
clothes made of natural fabrics. The reason for this is primarily that 66. In teenager, during exercise the minute oxygen consumption and
wear reduces the heat irradiation by: carbon dioxide emission are both equal to 1000 ml. What substrates are
A. Convection oxidized in the cells of his body?
B. Radiation A. Carbohydrates
C. Locations B. Proteins
D. Fumes C. Fats
E. No right answer D. Carbohydrates and Fats
58. In cold wind weather, people freeze faster than in the absence of E. Carbohydrates and proteins
wind. The reason of it is that the wind increases the heat transfer by? 67. By indirect calorimetry was revealed that the basal metabolism of a
A. Convection person was by 40% lower than it had been predicted. Impairment of
B. Radiation what endocrine gland was the reason of that?
C. Locations A. Thyroid
D. Fumes B. Thymus
E. No right answer C. Pancreas
59. Workers of hot metallurgical shops lose a significant amount of D. epiphysis
water with sweat. To compensate it should be consumed? E. Adrenal Glands
A. Salted water 68. A patient, 35 years, shows an increase in body weight, reduction in
B. Aerating water body temperature, dry skin, inhibition of central nervous system
C. Milk 0 functions, bradycardia. Malfunction of what gland(s) should be
D. Juices supposed?
E. kvass A. Thyroid
60. By the indirect calorimetry was established that 30 years man has B. Parathyroid
decrease in basal metabolism by 3. Reduction in the concentration of C. Pancreatic
what hormones in the blood plasma could be causing this? D. adrenal medulla
A. Triiodothyronine, tetraiodothyronine E. gonads
B. Thyrocalcitonin, parathyroid hormone 69. Man fell into the icy water and quickly died as a result of sharp
C. Glucocorticoids hypothermia. This took place because in this case the body loses heat
D. Catecholamines mostly by:
E. Somatoliberin, somatostatin A. Conduction
61. The inhabitants of the territories for the cold climate have in the B. Radiation
C. Convection A. FDS (functionally dead space)
D. Conduction and radiation B. MVL MLV (maximal lungs ventilation)
E. No correct answer C. Rr (respiratory reserve)
70. In a young man during exercise, the minute oxygen uptake and D. RV (residual volume)
carbon dioxide emission equalled to 1000 ml. What substrates are E. VLC (vital lungs capacity)
oxidized in the cells of his body? 7. Patient with asthma is at the attack condition. Which of the drugs
A. Carbohydrates must be entered to expand the bronchial tubes?
B. Proteins A. Adrenaline
C. Fats B. Heparin
D. Carbohydrates and fats C. Acetylcholine 0
E. Carbohydrates and proteins D. Gastrin
71. The processes of heat transfer in a naked person at room temperature E. Histamine
have been studied. It was revealed that under these conditions the 8. Destruction of pnevmotoxic center in the experiment led to a change
greatest amount of heat is transferred by: of?
A. Heat radiation A. duration of inspiration.
B. Heat conduction B. clearance of the bronchi.
C. Convection C. duration of expiration.
D. Evaporation D. long pauses between breaths.
E. – 9. The volume of air that a person inhales and exhales during quiet
* breathing is called?
72. When measuring power inputs of a person by the method of indirect E. raspiratory volume.
calorimetry the following results were obtained: oxygen consumption is F. total lung capacity.
1000 ml and carbon dioxide production is 800 ml per minute. The G. vital lung capacity.
person under examination has the following respiratory coefficient: H. expiratory reserve volume.
A. 0,8 I. inspiratory reserve volume.
B. 1,25
C. 0,9 10. The act of inspirating is replaced by an act of expiration. What is the
D. 0,84 trigger in the implementation of Hering - Breuer reflex?
E. 1,0 A. irritation of mechanoreceptors in the lungs during inhalation.
B. irritation pnevmotoxic center.
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM C. oxygen deficiency in the blood.
1. As a result of a gunshot wound a man 30 years old has a full gap in D. increased volum in the thorax.
the upper spinal cord - thoracic region. How will change the nature of E. irritation of reflex zones of the aorta.
A. diaphragmatic will save, thoracic will disappear 11. The greatest amount of air which person can exhale after maximum,
B. Will stop taking a deep breath it?
C. will become a rare and severe A. vital lung capacity.
D. No change B. respiratory volume.
E. thoracic will save, diaphragmatic will dissapear C. Total lung capacity.
D. expiratory reserve volume.
2. In certain situations people use anti-gas masks. How does breathing E. Functional residual capacity.
A. become deep due to increased volume of airways 12. In the room is high content of carbon dioxide. How will change
B. will become frequent (depth and frequency) of a person who came into this room?
C. Will become superficial A. the depth and the rate of breathing will increase.
D. Will become arrhythmic B. the depth and frequency of breathing will decrease
E. No change C. the depth and frequency of breathing will decrease.
D. thtdepth and reduced respiratory rate will increase.
3. When person breathes in a gas mask the breathing become deeper. E. will remain unchanged.
This is necessary because of increased:
A. volume of airways 13. The man 58 years old consulted to the doctor with complaints of
B. residual volume shortness of breath and expectoration of sputum in the morning. What is
C. Total volume of lungs the functional examination of the respiratory system must be performed
D. inspiratory reserve volume for the diagnosis?
E. expiratory reserve volume A. Spirograph, spirometry.
B. cycle ergometer.
4. In experiments on dogs was determined ventilation - perfusion rest C. heart rate monitor.
coefficient (alveolar ventilation / pulmonary blood flow). Whichever of D. dynamometer.
the following is correct? E. ECG.
A. 0.8
B. 0.1 14. The patient, who is often sick, found low levels of lung surfactant.
C. 0 0.3 This is the reason?
D. 1.5 A. tobacco-
E. 0.015 B. of adrenal hormones
C. Excitation of the vagus nerve
5. The end useful result of the first phase (external) respiration is the D. -eat foods rich in arachidonic acid
maintaining constancy of? E. The periodical deep breaths.
A. Gas composition of the alveolar air
B. coefficient of the alveolar ventilation 15. If the tidal volume to = 350 ml and RR = respiratory rate 18/min.
C. VC The alveolar ventilation is equal to AB?
D. the total lung capacity A. 3600 ml
E. functional residual capacity B. 3100 ml
C. 4.000 ml
6. Thoracic surgeons after removal of part or the whole of lung use D. 4500 ml
breathing through the tube of the same diameter, but the increasing E. 5000 ml
length for the development of functional possibilities. Changes of what
parameters of external respiratory is the basis of the method? 16. The kid asked you to inflate the balloon as much as possible in a
single breath. How does the volume of air you use? C. diaphragma
A. vital capacity D. trapezius
B. inspiratory capacity E. internal intercostal
C. functional residual capacity 26. The patient who is suffering with bronchitis need to perform
D. inspiratory reserve volume spirometry. Which of lung volume can not be determined by this
E. of the total lung capacity method?
17. A person at rest increased inspiratory muscle work. What could be A. residual volume
causing this? B. tidal volume
A. Airway narrowing C. inspiratory reserve volume
B. of Breath D. expiratory reserve volume
C. rare breath E. vital capacity
D. negative pressure within the pleural 27. The doctor wrote in a history of the disease that the patient has
E. decrease in minute volume superficial breathing (reduced depth of breathing). It means that will
18. In the hyperbaric chamber reduced the pressure to 400 mmHg How decrease the index of?
to change the external breathing person in this chamber? A. 10 tidal volume
A. the depth and rate of respiration will decrease B. vital capacity
B. the depth and rate of respiration will increase C. functional residual capacity
C. the depth will decrease and respiratory raye will increase D. inspiratory capacity
D. the depth will increase and respiratory rate will decrease E. minute respiratory volume
E. No change 28. A person made a maximum deep breath. What the name of the air
19. The patient has a sharp decrease in the activity of lung surfactant. volume in his lungs?
What happens as a consequence of this? A. functional residual capacity
A. addiction of the alveoli to collapse B. residual volume
B. reduction of airway resistance C. expiratory reserve volume
C. reduction of the work of respiratory muscles D. tidal volume
D. increase of pulmonary ventilation E. vital capacity
E. hyperoxaemia 29. A man is measured intrapleural pressure. In what phase of the man
20. At the request of the doctor patient made a maximum deep breath. held his breath when the pressure is equal to -7.5 sm.vod.st.?
Which of the following muscles work in such an exhalation? A. Calm breath in
A. Abdomen B. Calm breath out
B. Diaphragma C. Forced breath in
C. Stair musles D. forced breath out
D. Sternoclavicularmastoid E. All answers are correct
E. Trapezoid 30. The newborn didn'n do the first breath. The autopsy established that
21.An early born baby has a respiratory distress syndrome. It manifeated with the free airways the lungs didn't deal. Which of the above could be
with fall of the alveoli areas due to increased elastic recoil. This force causing this?
can be reduced by? A. no surfactant
A. surfactant preparations B. bronchoconstriction
B. inhalations of pure oxygen C. gap bronchi
C. mechanical ventilation D. thickening of the pleura
D. suctioning respiratory E. All answers are correct
E. glucose injection 31. As a result of trauma the person has damaged chest with the
22. Patients with pulmonary insufficiency are often advised to live in the development of an open pneumothorax. As a result of this how will
highlands. What could be the reason for the improvement of their change the pressure in the pleural cavity?
health? A. will be equal to atmospheric
A. The body's reaction to hypoxia B. No change
B. low temperature C. It will become superatmospheric
C. Clean Air D. will be below atmospheric
D. reduction of nervous tension E. will be equal the alveolar
E. Reduction of body exercise 32. A person with bronchospasm attack is necessary to reduce the
23. After abdominal surgery the patient is at rest in a horizontal position. influence of the vagus nerve on the smooth muscles of the bronchi.
In this position, the inspiration of the lungs by 80 due to the reduction? What membrane receptors appropriate are need block for this?
A. Diaphragma A. 10 M-cholinergic receptors
B. external intercostal muscles B. N-cholinergic receptors
C. Internal intercostal muscles C. alpha-adrenergic
D. Pectoralis major and minor D. beta-adrenergic receptors
E. of the abdominal muscles E. alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors
24. The man has a hyperventilation of lungs due to heavy physical 33. The sufferer has damaged chest with symptoms of open
exertion. What indications of the external respiration increased, pneumothorax on the left. How will change the pressure in the pleural
compared to the state of rest? cavity of the left in this case?
A. tidal volume A. became equal to the atmospheric
B. vital capacity B. became negative
C. inspiratory reserve volume C. Unchanged
D. expiratory reserve volume D. became higher than the atmospheric
E. total lung capacity E. At the inspiration will decrease and wiil increases at the expiratory
25. At the request of the doctor patient after normal breathing made a 34. In the accident occurred obturation of the lung trachea. What
maximum deep breath. Which of the following muscles work in this function of the lungs will become broken first?
exhalation? A. ventilation
A. abdomen B. gas exchange in the lungs
B. external intercostal C. transport of oxygen
D. gas exchange in tissues C. Residual volume.
E. tissue respiration D. Oxygen capacity of the blood.
35. During inspiration, the pressure in the pleural cavity becomes? E. Partial pressure of the gas.
A. more negative 45. The displacement of oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right
B. Equal to zero is observed under the influence of?
C. equal to the pressure in the alveoli A. Hyperthermia.
D. equal to the atmospheric pressure B. alkalosis.
E. more positive C. hypocapnia.
36. During the exertion at the forced breathing person involuntarily D. No answer is correct.
transferred to breathing through the mouth, because it leads to? E. decrease in the concentration of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in
A. reduction of aerodynamic drag erythrocytes
B. increase of aerodynamic drag 46. Carbon dioxide is transported in the body in the form of?
C. Reduction of elastic resistance A. Salts of carbonic acid
D. reduction of surface tension B. Oxyhemoglobin
E. Reduction of gravity C. Carboxyhemoglobin
37. Useful result of the first phase of external respiration is the D. Recovery of Hb.
maintenance constancy of? E. Methemoglobin
A. Gas composition of the alveolar air 47. At hyperventilation increases the respiratory quotient (RQ). What is
B. VC the cause of increasing of RQ in this case?
C. Ratio of alveolar ventilation A. Increase in carbon dioxide emissions
D. the total lung capacity B. Increase in allocation of water vapor
E. functional residual capacity C. Reduce of carbon dioxide emissions.
38. At the spirogram analysis has established reduction in the rate and D. Increase in oxygen uptake
depth of breathing. It will reduce? E. Decrease in oxygen uptake
A. respiratory minute volume 48. At carbon monoxide poisoning patient felt weakness, fatigue. How
B. vital capacity thus will change the oxygen capacity of the blood?
C. inspiratory reserve volume A. Decrease in blood oxygen capacity
D. expiratory reserve volume B. Increase in blood oxygen capacity
E. residual volume C. At first increase the oxygen capacity of the blood, and then declines
39. In a patient with severe symptoms of hypoxia was found violation of D. No change
of hemoglobin ability to transport the oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen E. All wrong.
therapy has improved the condition of the patient. What is the 49. During the patient's stay in the conditions of the mountain resort, he
mechanism of action? had rose parameters of pulmonary ventilation and hemodynamics. What
A. Increase in dissolved oxygen in the plasma was the main cause of this phenomenon?
B. Increase in oxyhemoglobin dissociation A. reaction of the organism to hypoxia
C. Increase in formation of oxyhemoglobin B. Increase in physical activity
D. Decrease in blood oxygen capacity C. Decrease in ambient temperature
E. Increase in hemoglobin-oxygen affinity D. Reduction of nervous tension
40. The carbonic acid forms from carbon dioxide in the body. Where E. Clean Air
does it happen? 50. Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve _ to the right is observed under
A. in erythrocytes the influence of?
B. In cells of tissues A. No answer is not correct
C. In leukocytes B. decrease in concentration of 2,3 - diphosphoglycerate in
D. In the blood plasma erythrocytes
E. In platelets C. alkalosis
41. Carbon dioxide is transported in the body mainly in the form of? D. hypocapnia
A. Salts of carbonic acid E. Hypothermia
B. Methemoglobin 51. How is called hemoglobin associated with CO?
C. Reduced hemoglobin A. carboxyhemoglobin
D. Oxyhemoglobin B. No answer is correct.
E. Carboxyhemoglobin C. Methemoglobin
42. Champions of diving dive to a depth of 100 meters without scuba D. Oxyhemoglobin
gear and return to the surface for 4-5 minutes. Why do they have't E. Carbohemoglobin
decompression sickness? 52. The patient has a sharp decrease in activity of lung surfactant. What
A. Diver is not breathing, blood gas dissolution occurs. is the consequence of this?
B. Increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. A. Propensity of the alveoli to collapse
C. Rapid release of gases from the blood rise. B. Reduction in airway resistance
D. Rapid release of gases from the blood during the dive. C. Reduce of of respiratory muscles
E. Reduced oxygen partial pressure. D. Increase in ventilation
43. As a result of the accident has occurred tracheal obturation of the E. Hyperoxaemia
lung. What lung function has broken first? 53. After a long stay of the person in the mountains at a height of 3000
A. Ventilation m above sea level, he has increased the oxygen capacity of the blood.
B. Tissue respiration. The immediate reason for this is the increased formation
C. The gas exchange in the tissues. in the body of?
D. The gas exchange in the lungs. A. Erythropoietin
E. Transport of oxygen. B. Leucopoetins
44. The part of oxygen in arterial blood, which is absorbed by the tissues C. Carbohemoglobin
is called? D. Catecholamines
A. Coefficient of oxygen utilization. E. 2.3 Diphosphoglycerate
B. Respiratory minute volume. 54. What environmental factors improve parameters of pulmonary
ventilation in high mountains? 63. The patient has a normal value of diffuse lung capacity, but has
A. Decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen reduced the diffusion of gases in the lungs. Reduce of what of these
B. Reduction of nervous tension factors causes it?
C. Increase in physical stress A. Gradient of pressure in the alveoli and blood
D. Temperature B. Surface area through which diffusion occurs
E. Clean Air C. The thickness of the alveolar-capillary membrane
55. The upper portions of the lungs are more often amazed by D. Diffusion coefficient
tuberculosis because of? E. Rate of blood flow in the capillaries
A. Preponderance of ventilation perfusion 64. Due to physical exercise oxygen capacity of human blood increased
B. Preponderance of ventilation perfusion from 180 to 200 ml / l. The main reason of it is that during exercise
C. High blood pressure in the capillaries increases?
D. High oncotic pressure A. Hemoglobin content per unit volume of blood
E. Severe of arteriovenous shunts B. Diffusion capacity of the lungs
56. The man after the pathological process has increased thickness of the C. Oxygen content in the alveoli
alveocapilar membrane. Because of this will be the reduction of? D. Oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
A. Lung diffusion capacity E. The minute volume of respiration
B. Oxygen capacity 65. In the investigation of human in upright posture was found that in
C. Respiratory minute volume lung alveoli tops partial pressure of oxygen is 140 mmHg The cause of
D. Alveolar ventilation this is that in these regions of the lungs?
E. Expiratory reserve volume A. Ventilation dominantes the perfusion
57. Emergency Physician stated in the the victim villager B. Perfusion dominates ventilation
unconsciousness, respiratory failure and other manifestations of carbon C. Ventilation and perfusion are balanced
monoxide poisoning. What connection was the cause of respiratory D. No ventilation
disorders? E. No perfusion
A. carboxyhemoglobin 66. The man has increased arterial oxygen tension to 104 mm Hg, and
B. Carbohemoglobin the carbon dioxide is reduced to 36mm Hg. Art. It can result from?
C. Methemoglobin A. Arbitrary hyperventilation
D. Deoxyhemoglobin B. Delays breathing
E. Oxyhemoglobin C. Intensity of exercise
58. After a long delay in the patient breathing arterial O2 tension D. Moderate exercise
decreased to 60 mm.rt.st. (8.0 kPa). How does the respiratory system E. Stay in the mountains
react to such a change in homeostasis? 67. What form of hemoglobin carries the largest amount of CO2?
A. Hyperventilation A. Carbohemoglobin
B. Hypoventilation B. Carboxyhemoglobin
C. Hyperoxygenation tissues C. Oxyhemoglobin
D. Hyperoxia D. Methemoglobin
E. Hypercapnia E. No answer is not correct
59. Due to physical exercise oxygen capacity of the blood in man has 68. Which of the factors of the environment improves indices of
increased from 180 to 200 ml / l. The main reason of it is that during pulmonary ventilation at high altitude?
exercise increases: A. Reduction of the partial pressure of O2
A. Hemoglobin content per unit volume of blood B. Reduction of nervous tension
B. Diffuse lung capacity C. Increase in physical stress
C. Oxygen content in the alveoli D. Temperature
D. Oxygen affinity of hemoglobin E. Clean Air
E. The minute volume of respiration 69. Boy 14 years old plunged into the lake and his head stumbled on a
60. Due to an accident a person has been poisoned by CO, which caused snag. As a result of the displacement of the upper cervical vertebrae
a headache, shortness of breath, dizziness. Reducing the content of what spinal cord is completely severed. How will change the character of
compound in the blood resulting to it ? respiration?
A. Oxyhemoglobin A. Will stop
B. Carboxyhemoglobin B. Will be rare
C. Carbohemoglobin C. Will be rapid
D. Methemoglobin D. Will be superficial and frequent
E. Deoxyhemoglobin E. No change
61. The infant , has respiratory distress syndrome prematurely. It 70. As a result of trauma a man 42 years old has damaged both vagus
appeared by reduction in portion of the alveoli due to the increased nerve. How will change the nature of respiration?
elastic recoil. This force can be reduced by: A. Will be deep and rare
A. Surfactant preparations B. Will stop
B. Pure oxygen inhalation C. will be rapid
C. Mechanical ventilation D. will be rapid and surface
D. Suctioning respiratory E. No change
E. Glucose injection 71. In the state of asthmatic attack to expand the bronchi should enter
62. In investigated person was determined tidal volume (500 ml), the following material:
respiratory rate (over 15 minutes), the volume of the dead space (100 A. Blocker of atsetilholin
mL). How much air will pass from the patient through the alveoli per B. Blockers of vasopressin
minute? C. Alfa - adrenoblocker
A. 6000 mL D. of oxytocin blockers
B. 7500 ml E. Adrenoblocker
C. 1500 ml 72. Bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma is caused by increased
D. 9000 ml tone of centers:
E. 7400 ml A. Of parasympathetic vagal
B. Of the sympathetic nerves D. Will be profound.
C. Of the facial nerve E. Will become more rapid.
D. Of parasympathetic glossopharyngeal nerve 82. Patients with congestive vessels in the pulmonary circulation was
E. Of the phrenic nerve revealed dyspnea. Activation of what receptors will causes this
73. A patient with traumatic brain injury has respiratory arrest. Damage condition?
of what part of the brain is most probably? A. Yukstakapillyar
A. Medulla oblongata B. lung receptors
B. Spinal Cord C. Na + - receptors of central chemoreceptors
C. Midbrain D. lung irritant receptors
D. Diencephalon E. Oxygen peripheral receptors of the carotid sinus
E. Cerebellum F. of mechanoreceptors in the lungs.
74. Change of pH of cerebrospinal fluid in the experiment in dogs 83. The function of expiratory neurons is:
causes a change in of respiration due to excitation of: A. inhibition of inspirat neurons in the dorsal and ventral nucleus
A. Central chemoreceptors of the medulla oblongata B. In the excitation of the respiratory muscles
B. Irritant receptors C. In excitation pnevmotoxic center
C. Receptors of pleura D. reduction in ventilation
D. Lung receptors E. No answer is correct
E. Receptors of the hypothalamus 84. Reflex Hering-Breer is realized by irritation:
75. Central hemoreceptors perceiving pH of cerebrospinal fluid are A. Receptors of breathing apparatus (bronchi, lungs, pleura)
located: B. Receptors of joints, tendons, ligaments.
A. In the medulla oblongata C. Chemoreceptors of aortic arch
B. In the spinal cord D. Chemoreceptors of carotid sinus
C. In the midbrain E. No answer is correct
D. In the thalamus 85. After inhalation of dust appeared cough, which is caused by the
E. In the hypothalamus, excitation:
76. During the experiment the dog was cut the brain stem between the A. Irritant receptors
medulla oblobgata and pons. How will chance respiration in this case? B. Yukstakapilyar receptors
A. Inhale will lengthen and exhale will find difficulty C. Hamoretseptors of lung
B. Stopped D. Thermoreceptors of lung
C. No change E. Pain receptors
D. Exhale will lengthen and inhale will find difficulty 86. The patient has spasm of bronchial smooth muscle. Physiological
E. Will be rapid rationale is to use the activator of …... to remove attack:
77. During the experiment the dog was cut on the neck two vagus nerve A. Beta-adrenoceptor
and after it was broke Hering-Breuer reflex. How will change the _ B. Alfa-adrenoceptor
breathing? C. alpha and beta-adrenoceptor
A. Lengthened inhale and exhale D. N-cholinergic receptors
B. Stopped on inhaling E. M-cholinergic receptors
C. Stay at the maximum exhale 87. At smoking people is often have a cough. Which receptors irritation
D. Will rapid starts this reflex
E. No change A. Irritant
78. During the experiment on a dog after transection of the brain stem B. Chemoreceptors of aortic arch
between the pons and medulla and cut two vagus nerve in the neck. C. Chemoreceptors of carotid sinus
How will change the respiration after it? D. Lung mechanoreceptors
A. Will stop E. Central chemoreceptors
B. No change 88. The patient after a craniocereberal trauma rare and profound
C. Will rapid breathing. Where is the damage?
D. Will slowing A. Hindbrain
E. Will be deepen B. Hypothalamus
79. In an experiment on dogs limited depth of inhalation by flow of C. Medulla oblongata
pulses from: D. Cerebral cortex
A. Lung mechanoreceptors E. Cerebellum
B. Chemoreceptors of carotid zone 89. At the patient appeared spasm of bronchial smooth muscle.
C. Central chemoreceptors Physiological explanation will be used for removal of activators:
D. Receptors of airways A. Beta-blockers
E. Yukstakapillyar receptors B. Alpha-adrenoceptor
80. During the experiment on the cat after transection of the spinal cord C. Alpha-and beta-adrenoceptors
at the level C2 stopped breathing. What is the reason? D. N-cholinergic receptors
A. Disrupted communication of the respiratory center of the medulla E. M-cholinergic receptors
oblongata with the motor neurons of the spinal cord 90. The animal was removed carotid corpuscles on both sides. Which of
B. Disrupted communication of red nucleus with the spinal cord the factors indicated he will not have developing of hyperventilation?
C. Disrupted communication of the nuclei of Deiters with motor A. Hypoxemia
neurons of the spinal cord B. Exercise
D. Reduction in excitability of spinal cord C. Hypercapnia
E. Spinal shock D. Acidosis
81. Due to the road accident in a patient was diagnosed a transverse E. Increase in body core temperature of body nucleus
rupture of the spinal cord below the thoracic segment VI. How will 91. A person with an attack of bronchospasm is necessary to reduce the
change the respiration? influence of the vagus nerve on bronchial smooth muscle. What
A. Will not change. membrane citoreceptors is need to block for this?
B. Will stop. A. M-cholinergic receptors
C. Will become more rare. B. N-cholinergic receptors
C. Alpha-and beta-adrenoceptors increased respiration rate. What is the main cause in change of the
D. Alpha-adrenergic receptors respiratory center in this case?
E. Beta-adrenergic receptors A. Increase in the voltage of CO2 in the blood
92. As a result of injury a man 35 years old has complete rupture of the B. Reduction in blood CO2 tension
spinal cord at the level of the first cervical vertebra. How will change C. Increase in the quantity of adrenaline
the nature of respiration: D. Increase in the voltage of O2 in the blood
A. Will stop E. Reduction in blood O2 tension
B. No change 102. After a random delay of breathing in humans increased depth and
C. Save diaphragmatic, disappear breast rate of the respiration. The main factor stimulating these changes is?
D. Thoracic will disappear diaphragmatic will disappear A. Increase in blood CO2 tension
E. Will become rare and deep B. Increase in blood O2 tension
93. What receptors is need to block in humans with an attack of C. Reduction in blood O2 tension
bronchospasm to reduce the influence of the vagus inequality on smooth D. Reduction in blood CO2 tension
muscles of the bronchi? E. Reduction in blood concentration of H +
A. M-cholinergic receptors 103. In an experiment on a dog produced transection of the vagus nerves
B. N-cholinergic receptors on both sides. How thus will change the nature of respiration?
C. alpha-adrenergic receptors A. Will be deep and rare
D. Beta-adrenergic receptors B. Will become superficial and frequent
E. Alpha and beta-adrenoceptors C. Will be deep and frequent
94. Hyperpnoea after a long delay of breathing is caused by? D. Will become superficial and rare
A. Increase in blood CO2 tension E. Breathing will not change
B. Increase in blood O2 tension 104. In the young woman who came into the production hall with a
C. Reduction in blood O2 tension pungent smell of paint products, appeared bronchospasm. Which
D. Reduction in blood CO2 tension receptors irritation caused this reflex?
E. No right answer A. Irritant
95. At an exercise stress during forced respiration people involuntarily B. Juxtaglomerular
passes to breathing through the mouth, because it leads to? C. Receptors of pleura
A. Reduction in aerodynamic resistance D. Central chemoreceptors
B. Increase in aerodynamic resistance E. Peripheral chemoreceptors
C. Reduction in elastic resistance 105. After hyperventilation the athlete has a momentary stop of
D. Reduction in surface tension breathing. What changes in the blood are
E. Reduction of gravitational forces predetermine it?
96. In an experiment on a dog have caused reflex of Hering-Breer. It has A. Reduce CO2 tension
been observed that stimulation of certain receptors inhibits breath. What B. Reduction pH
kind of receptors is it? C. Increasing the voltage CO2
A. Pulmonary stretch receptors D. Increasing the voltage of CO2 and O2
B. Irritant E. Decreasing the voltage O2
C. Pleural 106. A diver after lifting from depth has signs of decompression
D. Muscle spindles sickness. What measures must be done?
E. Juxtaglomerular A. Perform compression in the chamber, followed by decompression
97. Before diving into the water pearl divers do a few deep breaths. B. Produces an intense hyperventilation
What provides these movements? C. Hold the breath
A. Maximum possible removal of CO2 from the body D. Compression and perform in a pressure chamber with an excess
B. Provision body oxygen supply amount of O2
C. Adaptation to the temporary cessation of breathing E. Compression and perform in a pressure chamber with an excessive
D. Increased blood flow in the pulmonary circulation amount of CO2
E. Increase in lung diffusion capacity 107. Bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma is caused by increased
98. During the experiment on the dog irritated central chemoreceptors. tone centers?
How varied breath thus? A. Of parasympathetic vagal
A. Amplifies the inhalation and exhalation B. Of the sympathetic nerves
B. Attenuated inhalation and exhalation C. Of parasympathetic glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Attenuated breath, exhale amplified D. Of the phrenic nerve
D. Amplified breath, exhale attenuated E. Of the facial nerve
E. No changes noted 108. Forced deep breathing requires the inclusion of additional chest
99. To the person with an attack of bronchospasm is necessary to reduce muscles. Which of the following brain structures provide their work?
the influence of the vagus nerve on bronchial smooth muscle. What A. Ventral nucleus of the medulla oblongata
membrane citoreceptors is necessary to block for it? B. Deiters nuclei
A. M-cholinoceptors C. Tooth nucleus of cerebellum
B. N-cholinoceptors D. The lateral geniculate body
C. Alpha-adrenoceptors E. Front colliculus
D. Beta-adrenoceptors 109. During respiration under water at elevated pressure arise
E. Alpha-and beta-adrenoceptors complications. How can we change the to avoid the complications?
100. In an animal was removed karotic corpuscles on both sides. Which A. Replace nitrogen helium
of these factors it will not develop hyperventilation? B. Decrease CO2 partial pressure
A. Hypoxia C. Increase O2 partial pressure
B. Exercise D. Increase CO2 partial pressure
C. Hypercapnia E. Decrease O2 partial pressure
D. Acidosis 110. After a quick rise from the depths of the 70 meters in the diver
E. Increase in temperature of body nucleus appeared aeremia with fatal end. What process caused incompatible with
101. At functional load on a stationary bike at the test athlete has life violations?
A. Air embolism of vital organs H. Increase in temperature
B. Lung injury I. Decrease in temperature
C. Heart Failure 120. After several arbitrary intensive respiratory movements
D. Gap differential pressure vessels (hyperventilation) athlete "doesn't want to" brease for some time. What
E. Breach of blood flow in the veins is the cause of this condition?
111. A group of tourists who climbed to an altitude of 4000 m, had A. Reduces the excitability of the respiratory center
mountain sickness , which was accompanied by shortness of breath, B. Increases the excitability of the respiratory center
dizziness. Which process could lead to this state? C. Increase in the partial pressure of CO2
A. Cerebral vasospasm as a result of hypocapnia D. Reduces the partial pressure of O2
B. Increase in blood pressure E. Increased blood pH
C. Decrease in venous blood flow to the heart 121. In the subject were determined the tidal volume (500 ml),
D. Hypercapnia hypoventilation respiratory rate (15 per minute), the volume of the dead space (100 mL).
112. By inhalation of mixture of air and low O2 content in the test How much air will pass through the alveoli per minute in this person?
subject appeared increase the depth and rapity of breathing. What are the A. 6000 mL
receptors which the most respond by increasing the activity of B. 7500 ml
hypoxemia? C. 1500 ml
A. Chemoreceptors carotid bodies D. 9000 ml
B. Chemoreceptors of the aortic arch E. 7400 ml
C. Chemoreceptors of the medulla oblongata 123. During the examination of a human is needed to determine the
D. Receptors of lung tissue proportion of the alveolar air which is refreshed with every inspiration.
E. Lung airway receptors Which one of the indicators is to be used for this?
113. After a long delay of breathing the patient has O2 tension in arterial A. coeffitient of lung (pulmonary) ventilation
blood decreased to 60 mm Hg. Art. (8.0 kPa). How does react the B. minute volume of respiration
respiratory system to such a change in homeostasis? C. minute alveolar ventilation
A. Hyperventilation D. vital capacity
B. Hypoventilation E. functional residual capacity of the lungs
C. Hyperoxygenation tissues 124. The man is being measured the intrapleural pressure. In what phase
D. Hyperoxia has the man got held his breath, if the pressure is equal to 3 cm Aq?
E. Hypercapnia A. forced expiration
114. The patient received a spinal cord injury above 5 cervical segment. B. calm expiration
How it will change the nature of respiration? C. Forced inspiration
A. Will stop D. Calm inspiration
B. Will become superficial and a rare E. This can't be (no correct answer)
C. Will be deep and rapid 125. The pressure in the alveoli of the lungs of a healthy person is being
D. Will become superficial and rapid measured. This pressure is equal to 0 cm Aq during:
E. Will be deep and rare A. pause between inhalation and exhalation
115. Why do people who are indoors for a long time, where burning B. Quiet inspiration
fireplace, has shortness of breath? C. Quiet exspiration
A. reduction in the number of O2 in the air D. forced inspiration
B. Increased humidity E. forced expiration
C. Increase in amount of CO2 in the air 126. In the study of the external respiration a doctor asked the patient to
D. Reduction of CO2 in air make the deepest expiration after the deepest inspiration as it was
E. Decrease humidity needed to determine:
116. The diver who breathes underwater ambient air, with the rapid rise A. vital capacity
affected decompression (caisson) disease. It is caused by? B. total lung capacity
A. forming of nitrogen bubbles in tissues C. functional residual capacity
B. CO2 bubble formation in tissues D. expiratory reserve volume
C. narcotic effects of nitrogen E. blood oxygen capacity
D. sharp fall of the partial pressure 127. Which of the hemoglobin derivatives is formed in residents of the
E. hypoxia building if we prematurely close the chimney?
117. During exercise reduced O2 level and blood pH. The most effective A. carboxyhemoglobin
stimulus of the carotid sinus, which increases ventilation is? B. Carbhemoglobin
A. Low O2 in blood C. deoxyhemoglobin
B. Low CO2 levels in the blood D. Methemoglobin
C. Increase O2 in blood pressure E. Oxyhemoglobin
D. Accumulation of glucose in the blood 128. In prelaunch state a runner must increase the amount of O2 in the
E. Increased blood pH muscles. How can this be done?
118. In the animal was destroyed one of the structures of the respiratory A. Breathe in the mode of hyperventilation
center. It had no effect on breathing animal. What structure was broken? B. Breathe in the mode of hypoventilation
A. Ventral respiratory nucleus C. Do a quick inspiration and slow expiration
B. Dorsal respiratory nucleus D. Breathe 'superficially'
C. Pneumotoxic center E. Breathe at low frequency
D. Spinal motoneurons 129. In a person, hemoglobin level in blood is 100g/L. What is the
E. Ventral and dorsal respiratory nucleus oxygen capacity of the blood in this person?
119. Large group of people for a long time was in the small room. It led A. 134 ml/L
to the development of hyperventilation due to the following changes in B. 100 ml/L
the air? C. 150 ml/L
E. Increase in the concentration of CO2 D. 168 ml/L
F. Reduction of O2 E. 180 ml/L
G. Increase in moisture content 130. Oxygen capacity of fetal blood is higher than the mother's due to
the higher content of: inhalation. What muscles contract during such exhalation?
A. HbF A. Abdominal muscles
B. HbA B. External intercostal muscles
C. HbH C. Diaphragm
D. HbS D. Trapezius muscles
E. HbP E. Pectoral muscles
131. Because of the long staying of the person in the mountains at an 140. Electrical activity of neurons is being measured. They fire prior to
altitude of 3000 m above sea level the person has got increased the and at the beginning of inhalation. Where are these neurons situated?
oxygen capacity of the blood. The immediate reason for this was the A. Medulla oblongata
increased formation of: B. Diencephalon
A. Erythropoietin C. Mesencephalon
B. Lekopoietins D. Spinal cord
C. Carbhemoglobin E. Cerebral cortex
D. catecholamines DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
E. 2,3- diphosphoglycerate 1. The doctor recommended to the patient with gastric hypersecretion to
132. The patient, after a traumatic brain injury, showed rare and exclude from diet broths and vegetable broths, because they stimulate
profound breathing. Where is the damage localised? gastric secretion through the activation of:
A. hindbrain A. Production of gastrin
B. hypothalamus B. Tastebuds
C. medulla oblongata C. Oral mechanoreceptors
D. cerebral cortex D. Gastric mechanoreceptors
E. Cerebellum E. Secretin
133. The patient was found to have spasm of bronchial smooth muscles. 2. In the acute experiment, the animal was performed electrical
To remove the attack, physiologically proper would be prescribing the stimulation of chorda tympani, resulting the secreting from the flow of
activators of: the parotid gland of:
A. Beta -adrenoceptors A. Lots of liquid saliva
B. Alpha -adrenoceptors B. Not liquid saliva
C. Alpha-and beta- adrenoceptors C. Do not salivate
D. N - cholinergic receptors D. Not viscous saliva
E. M- cholinergic receptors E. Many viscous saliva
134. After inhalation of dust a person got a cough that was caused by the 3. In a patient with a disorder of cerebral blood flow disturbed
excitation of: swallowinghe can choke when he will taking liquid food. Which part of
A. irritant receptors the brain was damaged?
B. juxtacapillary receptors A. Medulla oblongata
C. pulmonary chemoreceptors B. Midbrain
D. pulmonary thermoreceptors C. Diencephalon
E. nociceptors D. Cerebellum
135. The man who went out of the warm room into the cold air often E. Cervical part of spinal cord
gets a cough. Which receptors irritation starts the coughing reflex? 4. During the exam the students have "dry mouth." Mechanism that
A. irritant leads to the development of this condition is the increased
B. Central chemoreceptors implementation of such reflections:
C. Chemoreceptors of aortic arch A. Conditional sympathetic
D. Chemoreceptors of carotid sinus B. Unconditional parasympathetic
E. pulmonary mechanoreceptors C. Conditional parasympathetic
136. It is being conducted a registration of electrical activity of neurons. D. Certainly sympathetic
They are excited before inhalation and in its beginning. Where are these E. Unconditional peripheral
neurons situated? 5. At the oral examination of the 59 years old patient was necessary to
A. medulla oblongata investigate the movement of the mandible. Which method is used for
B. diencephalon this purpose?
C. midbrain A. Face-bow
D. Spinal cord B. Electromyography
E. cerebral cortex C. Electric pulp test
137. A patient has increased thickness of alveolar-capillary membrane D. Myography
caused by a pathologic process. The direct consequence will be E. Gnathodynamometer
reduction of the following value: 6. In the experiment, the nerve is irritated by electrical impulses. In the
A. Diffusing lung capacity experiment and it leads to the release of a large amount of liquid saliva
B. Oxygen capacity of blood of parotid gland. What nerve is stimulated?
C. Respiratory minute volume A. N. glossopharyngeus
D. Alveolar ventilation of lungs B. N. facialis
E. Expiratory reserve volume C. N. sympathicus
138. A female patient, having visited the factory premises with lots of D. N. trigeminus
dust in the air for the first time, has got cough and burning pain in the E. N. vagus
throat. What respiratory receptors, when irritated, cause this kind of 7. Patient 35 years old has an increased acidity of gastric juice.
reaction? Blockade of what receptor blockade can cause this decline?
A. Irritant receptors A. Histamine
B. Juxtacapillary (J) receptors B. Alpha-1 adrenoceptor
C. Stretch receptors of lungs C. Of alpha-2-adrenoceptor
D. Proprioceptors of respiratory muscles D. 1 Beta-adrenoceptor
E. Thermoreceptors E. Beta-2-adrenoceptor
* 8. Little children have infectious gastrointestinal diseases very often, it
139. A doctor asked a patient to make a deep exhalation after a normal
is related to lack of production in the gastrointestinal tract: D. Swallowing
A. HCl E. Gastric acid secretion
B. Pepsin 18. In experiments on rats intersection of efferent branches of vagus,
C. Trypsin which innervate the gastrointestinal tract most displayed on:
D. Lipases A. Gastric acid secretion
E. Alkali component B. Masticating
9. A man 70 years after subtotal removal of the stomach has anemia. C. Salivation
Generation of what substance was broken in the stomach? D. Secretion of intestinal juice
A. Gastromukoprotein 10 (factor of Kastl) E. Laxation
B. Gastrin 19. With increasing vagal tone after meal muscle tone of the cardial part
C. Pepsin of gastric reduced, broken esophageal peristalsis and stomach contents
D. HCl can be thrown into the esophagus. This causes an unpleasant sensation
E. Lipase following:
10. The gastric motilityof 30 yeaes old patien was registered by balloon A. Heartburn
method after meal Abnormalities were not detected. How did change B. Belching
condition of the stomach at the eating? C. Aerophagy
A. Relaxing D. Vomiting
B. Unchanged E. Nausea
C. Increases the tone 20. During the examination of, men 50 years old was revealed a
D. Motility slightly enhanced violation of the evacuation of the chyme from the stomach into the
E. Motility increases sharply duodenum. What is a hormone that is produced in the small intestinal
11. A patient 37 years after dental prosthetics has decreased amount of mucosa, and could speed up this process?
enzymes in saliva. Hydrolysis of what substances is broken? A. Motilin
A. Carbohydrate B. Cholecystokinin
B. Fat C. Secretin
C. Protein D. neurotensin
D. Triglycerides E. Enterogastrin
E. Nucleic acid 21. To the experimental dog through the probe into the gastric cavity
12. Patients suffering from gastric ulcer, has delay of gastric emptying in was introduced 150 ml. broth. The content of what substances will
duodenum. Excess of what the substance in the stomach causes this increase rapidly in the blood of an animal?
phenomenon? A. Gastrin
A. HCl B. Somatostatin
B. Gastriksina C. Insulin
C. Lipase D. Neurotensin
D. Pepsin E. Vazointestinalny polypeptide
E. Alkali component 22. The patient has chronic neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. Which of
13. The man has susceptibility to the development of caries. The reason the digestive processes will be affected the most?
of it could be the lack of content in the saliva of the following F. Chewing
components: G. Salivation
A. Lysozyme
B. Alpha-amylase
H. Saliva secretion
C. Maltose I. Swallowing
D. Slime J. Gastric acid secretion
E. Sodium Chloride 23. In experiments on rats intersection of efferent branches of vagus,
14. After opening its mouth comes a reflex closing. Blockade of what which innervate the gastrointestinal tract most displayed on:
receptors begins on specified reflex? A. Gastric acid secretion
A. Proprioreceptors of muscles that raise the lower jaw B. Masticating
B. Proprioreceptors of dipped lower jaw muscles C. Salivation
C. Taste receptors D. Secretion of intestinal juice
D. periodontal receptors E. Laxation
E. Mechanoreceptors of oral mucosa 24. With increasing vagal tone after meal muscle tone of the cardial part
15. What is the main inorganic component of gastric juice? of gastric reduced, broken esophageal peristalsis and stomach contents
A. Hydrochloric acid can be thrown into the esophagus. This causes an unpleasant sensation
B. Carbonic acid following:
C. Lactic Acid A. Heartburn
D. Acid phosphatase B. Belching
E. pepsin C. Aerophagy
16. To the experimental dog through the probe into the gastric cavity D. Vomiting
was introduced 150 ml. broth. The content of what substances will E. Nausea
increase rapidly in the blood of an animal? 25. During the examination of, men 50 years old was revealed a
A. Gastrin violation of the evacuation of the chyme from the stomach into the
B. Somatostatin duodenum. What is a hormone that is produced in the small intestinal
C. Insulin mucosa, and could speed up this process?
D. Neurotensin A. Motilin
E. Vazointestinalny polypeptide B. Cholecystokinin
17. The patient has chronic neuritis of the trigeminal nerve. Which of C. Secretin
the digestive processes will be affected the most? D. neurotensin
A. Chewing E. Enterogastrin
B. Salivation 26. The examination revealed a decrease in male motor-evacuation
C. Saliva secretion function of the stomach. On the deficit of what factors in this case?
A. Gastrin
B. Secretin A. Proteolysis
C. Adenosine B. Digestion and absorption of fats
D. Somatostatin C. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates
E. Gastrointestinal inhibitory peptide D. Water absorption
27. Tip of the tongue was wetted with local anesthetic. It will lead to a E. Absorption of mineral salts
lack of perception of flavor: 37. Excretion of chymotrypsinogen by acinar cells of the pancreas:
A. Sweet A. Goes down after vagotomy
B. Salt B. Decline after the addition of trypsin inhibitor of food
C. Sour C. Glucose stimulated food
D. Bitter D. Decrease at the loss of pancreatic ducts in the colon
E. sour and salty E. Increases only in the intestinal phase of digestion
28. Which of these processes will be activated first of all in a hungry 38. Through the tube into the duodenum entered a weak solution of
man who sees the delicious food? hydrochloric acid to the animal. Content of what hormone will increase?
A. Gastric acid secretion A. Secretin
B. Intestinal juice secretion B. Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
C. Colon Motility C. Gastrin
D. Reduction of the sphincter of Oddi D. Glucagon
E. Small bowel motility E. Neurotensin
29. The patient has no conductivity on the glossopharyngeal nerve. 39. What does play the dominant role in the regulation of the secretory
What feeling will disappear in a patient? function of the small intestine:
A. Bitter A. Local reflexes
B. Sour B. Conditioned stimuli
C. Sweet C. Unconditioned stimulus
D. Salt D. Secretin, CCK-PZ
E. sour and salty E. Motilin, somatostatin
30. The patient had resection of part of the pancreas. What products are 40. In the regulation of intestinal secretion are important:
necessary to limit in the diet? A. Local mechanisms
A. Fatty meats, strong broths B. Sympathetic excitatory
B. Boiled vegetables C. Sympathetic brake
C. Dairy products D. Parasympathetic excitatory
D. vegetables rich in proteins (beans, soy) E. Parasympathetic brake
E. Fruit 41. Excretion of what of the hormones suppressed by low pH cavity of
31. The patient has removed duodenum. It will reduce the secretion of: gastrointestinal channel:
A. Cholecystokinin and secretin A. Gastrin
B. Gastrin B. Secretin
C. Histamine C. Gastrointestinal peptide
D. Gastrin and histamine D. Somatostatin
E. Neurotensin E. Cholecystokinin
32. Through the tube in 12 duodenal ulcer entered a weak solution of 42. To the surgical ward was admitted 52 years old patient with a of
hydrochloric acid to the test dog. It will lead to increased secretion of: biliary colic attack. The examination found a stone in the common bile
A. Secretin duct, which prevents the flow of bile into the intestine. Violation of what
B. Gastrin of the digestion process will be there?
C. Histamine A. Digestion of fats
D. Cholecystokinin B. Digestion of proteins
E. Neurotensin C. Absorption of vitamin
33. A man 60 years has a weakening of intestinal peristalsis. Which of D. Carbohydrate digestion
the following foods will stimulate the motility of the most? E. Mineral absorption
A. Rye bread 43. Patient 60 years complains of pain in the lower abdomen, frequent
B. White bread stools. At scatological investigation was revealed an increase in the
C. Meat amount of neutral fat in the feces. what enzyme deficiency was the
D. Fat cause of incomplete digestion of fats?
E. Tea A. Pancreatic lipase
34. After receiving a large amount of protein foods a patient has increase B. Enterokinase
in proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice. What of the following C. Maltose
enzymes will be increased? D. Aminopeptidase
A. Trypsin E. Pepsinogen
B. Pepsin 44. Chronic pancreatitis was revealed at the patient. What hormone in
C. Enterokinase the blood is determined in order to confirm the diagnosis?
D. Gastriksina A. Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
E. Rennin B. Somatostatin
35. In a woman 55 years old was revealed a sluggish gallbladder C. Motilin
contraction after the injection of 30 ml of olive oil in duodenum. D. Bombesin
Failure, what hormone most possible? E. Enkephalin
A. Cholecystokinin 45. In the test tube, which contains pancreatic juice of newborn, added
B. Secretin minced meat. it is not digesting because a newborn pancreatic juice does
C. Motilin not contain:
D. Gastrin A. Trypsin
E. Gastro-intestinal peptide B. Amylase
36. In the patient 30 years old was found inadequate secretion of C. Lipase
enterokinase. Violation of what digestive function will have the patient? D. Nuclease
E. Lactate dehydrogenase A. Protein
46. It is known that secretin is synthesized in S-mucosal cells of the B. phospholipids
duodenum. What kind of influence of this hormone on the secretion of C. Polysaccharides
gastric juice? D. Nucleic acids
A. Inhibits the release of HC1 and stimulates the secretion of E. lipids
pepsinogen 55. To the experimental dog through the tube in duodenal ulcer was
B. Stimulates the secretion of HC1 and inhibits the release of entered a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. It will lead to increased
pepsinogen secretion of:
C. Stimulates the secretion of pepsinogen and HC1 A. Secretin
D. Stimulates the secretion of HC1 and mucus and inhibits the release B. Gastrin
of pepsinogen C. Histamine
E. Inhibits the release of pepsinogen and HC1 D. Cholecystokinin
47. Proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice move into the lumen 12 E. Neurotensin
duodenal ulcer in an inactive state. Specify the substance which is an 56. In humans, whick due to chronic liver disease significantly impaired
activator of hemotripsinogena? its function of protein synthesis. It will led to the reduse of:
A. Trypsin A. Blood plasma oncotic pressure
B. Enterokinase B. Osmolality
C. Karboksipolipeptidaza C. pH
D. Carbonic anhydrase D. Density of blood
E. Bile acids E. Hematocrit index
48. Acidic contents of the stomach enter into the small intestine. 57. Liver diseases that are accompanied by insufficient intake of bile
Hydrochloric acid from the stomach is neutralized in the duodenum by: into the intestine, and with it observed the deteriorating of
A. Bicarbonate of pancreatic juice hemocoagulation. How can we explain this phenomenon?
A. Vitamin K deficiency
B. Enzymes of pancreatic juice B. Iron deficiency
C. Hormones C. Thrombocytopenia
D. Enzyme small intestine D. Eritropeniya
E. Vitamins E. Leukopenia
49. In the patient 30 years with impaired function of the pancreas was 58. At the toxic damage of the liver cells with dysfunction of the patient
found a decrease of bicarbonate in the duodenum. What gastrointestinal appeared edema. What changes in the composition of blood plasma are
hormone increases the amount of bicarbonates the most in the secret of the leading cause of edema?
pancreas? A. Reduction of albumin
A. Secretin B. Increase in the content of globulins
B. Pancreozymin C. Reduction of fibrinogen
C. Gastrin D. Increase in the concentration of albumin
D. Motilin E. Reduction of globulins
E. Vazointestinal peptide 59. During the examination, was_ found insufficient secretion of the
50. The patient after removal of duodenum has decreased secretory enzyme enterokinase in a woman 45 years old. Infringement of what
function of the pancreas. What could be causing this phenomenon? digestive function can cause this process?
A. Lack of secretin and cholecystokinin production-pankreazimin A. Hydrolysis of proteins
B. Lack of production of gastrin B. Hydrolysis of carbohydrates
C. Lack of production of histamine C. Fat hydrolysis
D. Lack of secretion of HCl D. Absorption of vitamins
E. Lack of the selection of bombesin E. Fat absorption
51. In experimental animal should be excluded secretion of digestive 60. By experimental way was managed to increase the hydrostatic
juices. What types of regulation should be eliminated? pressure in the intestines of an animal. How will change the absorption
A. Nervous regulation, humoral regulation in the intestines, and by what mechanism?
B. Reflex regulation A. Will accelerated by filtering
C. Related regulation and unconditioned B. Will slow down by active transport
D. Central nervous regulation C. No change
E. regulation occurs at the level of local mechanisms D. Will accelerated by active transport
E. Will slow down by diffusion
52. Deficiency of what enzyme is the most often result in incomplete
digestion of fats in the gastro-intestinal tract and increase the amount of 61. A patient 56 years old with chronic enteritis at scatological study
neutral fat in feces? was found violations of digestion and absorption of proteins. What is the
A. Of pancreatic lipase main mechanism of absorption of amino acids in the small intestine?
B. Of gastric lipase A. Secondary active transport
C. Hepatic Lipase B. Simple diffusion
D. Intestinal lipase C. Facilitated diffusion
E. Enterokinase D. Osmosis
E. Primary active transport
53. At scatological examination was found that feces is discolored, there
were found drops of neutral fat in it. The most probable cause is a 62. At dinner man ate salt herring and potatoes with pickles. After some
violation of: time, he had a thirst. Impulses from what receptors led to this feeling?
A. flow of bile into the intestine A. hypothalamic osmoreceptors
B. of gastric acidity B. Volumoreceptors of vena cava and atrial
C. secretion of pancreatic juice C. osmoreceptors of liver
D. secretion of intestinal juice D. Volumoreceptors of hypothalamus
E. absorption process in the intestines E. baroreceptors of the aortic arch
54. In the process of human aging observed a decrease of synthesis and 63. The man had removing surgically damaged by pathological process
secretion of pancreatic juice, it decreases in the trypsin. It leads to distal quarter of the small intestine. How it will affect on absorption of
disturbance of digestion of: nutrients in the normal diet?
A. Suction will not change C. Will increase substantially
B. Will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates D. Will increase slightly
C. Will reduce the absorption of proteins E. Will decreased slightly
D. Will reduce the absorption of fat 73. Patient 57 years old, who have long been treated with antibiotics,
E. Will reduce the absorption of water complained of a violation of bowel function. What led to this state?
64. The man has disturbed absorption of fat hydrolysis products. Cause A. Inhibition of intestinal microflora
of this may be deficient in the cavity of the small intestine: B. Infringement of in the gut secretion
A. of bile acids C. Malabsorption
B. of bile pigments D. Increased intestinal motility
C. of lipolytic enzymes E. Infringement of of biliary excretion
D. Of sodium ions 74. Due to biliary obturation in a patient has decreased flow of bile in
E. of fat-soluble vitamins the duodenum , leading to perturbing the absorption of:
65. In the experiment, the animals were made electrical stimulation of A. Fats
brain neurons, resulting it in the animal originated hypophagia (rejection B. Protein
of the meal). In what part of the brain were introduced electrodes? C. Carbohydrates
A. in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus D. Proteins and carbohydrates
B. in the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus E. Mineral salts
C. In the neurohypophysis 75. The man has significantly impaired digestion of proteins, fats and
D. In adenohypophysis carbohydrates. Reduced secretion of what digestive juice most likely
E. in the red nucleus was the cause of this?
66. The experiment was performed electrical stimulation of the brain A. pancreatic
structures, resulting it in an animal evolved polyphagia (excessive desire B. Saliva
for food). In what part of the brain were introduced electrodes? C. Gastric
A. in the lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus D. Bile
B. in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus E. Intestinal
C. In the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus 76. Baby first year of life doctor prescribed vitamin D. What ions are
D. In adenohypophysis strongly absorbed in the digestive canal while taking this vitamin?
E. in the red nucleus A. of calcium and phosphate
67. By experimental way was able to increase the hydrostatic pressure in B. Calcium
the intestines of animals. Will this process affect on the absorption in the C. phosphates
gut and by what mechanism? D. Kalia
A. Will accelerated by filtering E. Sodium and chloride
B. Will slow down by active transport 77. The man has decreased absorption of sodium ions from the intestinal
C. No change lumen into the blood. of the above the absorption of what substances
D. Will accelerated by active transport will remain unchanged?
E. Will slow down by diffusion A. Fat
68. Energy malnutrition leads to malabsorption in the digestive tract of B. Carbohydrates
simple sugars. Which of the following transport mechanisms is broken? C. Protein
A. recycled-active transport D. Water
B. of primary-active transport E. Chloride
C. Simple diffusion 78. A patient with gastric hypersecretion has been recommended by the
D. Facilitated diffusion doctor to eliminate from the diet:
E. pinocytosis A. beef broths
69. The man had removing the affected pathological process distal B. Milk
quarter of the small intestine. How it will affect the absorption of C. Sweets
nutrients in the normal diet? D. Salt
A. Suction will not change E. White bread
B. Will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates 79. Patient with gastric hyperacidity has been recommended by the
C. Will reduce the absorption of proteins doctor to have boiled dishes, but not grilled meat, as the grilled contains
D. Will reduce the absorption of fat substances that stimulate the release of:
E. Will reduce the absorption of water A. Gastrin
70. The man has disturbed absorption of fat hydrolysis products. Cause B. secretin
of this may be deficient in the cavity of the small intestine: C. Somatostatin
A. of bile acids D. pancreozymin
B. of bile pigments E. neurotensin
C. of lipolytic enzymes 80. In Ancient India, a suspect in the crime was often offered to swallow
D. Of sodium ions a handful of dry rice. Criminals could not swallow the rice for the
E. of fat-soluble vitamins reduced salivation due to:
71. The patient has normally colored feces, which is composed of a A. activation of the sympathoadrenal system
large amount of free fatty acids. The reason for this is a violation of: B. activation of the parasympathetic nucleus of the facial nerve
A. Absorption of fat C. reduction of blood supply to the salivary glands
B. Fat hydrolysis D. activation of the parasympathetic nucleus of the glossopharyngeal
C. Biliary excretion nerve
D. Bile E. inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system
E. Lipase secretion 90. In experimental animal was stimulated a peripheral part of the
72. The patient has surgically removed third colon affected by the sympathetic fibers that innervate the sublingual salivary gland. As a
pathological process. As this will change the absorption water at normal result, from the fistula duct there excreted:
water regime? A. A little of viscous saliva
A. will not change significantly B. A little of liquid saliva
B. Will significantly reduce C. Saliva did not excrete
D. A lot of liquid saliva D. P
E. A lot of viscous saliva E. B6
91. Male, 35 years old, with peptic ulcer has undergone the resection of 100. A man, 60 years old, diagnosed with a stroke in the lateral
the gastric antrum. What gastrointestinal hormone secretion would hypothalamic nuclei. What changes in his behaviour should be expected
become violated will the most of all? in this case?
A. gastrin A. Refuse to eat
B. Histamine B. Aggressiveness
C. Secretin C. Depression
D. Cholecystokinin D. Thirst
E. neurotensin E. insatiability
92. Vomiting reflex often impedes the gastric probing. How can it be 101. A patient has a critical impairment of protein, fat and hydrocarbon
prevented? digestion. Most likely it has been caused by low secretion of the
A. Lubricate parts of the palate and of the tongue with local anesthetic following digestive juice:
agents A. Pancreatic juice
B. grease the probe with saline B. Saliva
C. grease the probe with vegetable oil C. Gastric juice
D. enter the probe under general anesthesia D. Bile
E. Enter the probe in "standing" position E. Intestinal juice
93. Patient has been prescibed a diet containing an increased amount of *
wholemeal bread and vegetables. For what purpose has this been done? 102. A 35-year-old man with peptic ulcer disease has undergone
A. Intensification of motility antrectomy. After the surgery secretion of the following gastrointestinal
B. Inhibition of gastric acid secretion hormone will be disrupted the most:
C. activation of trypsinogen A. Gastrin
D. excretion of high amounts of saliva B. Histamine
E. neutralization of HCl C. Secretin
D. Cholecystokinin
94. A man has little viscous saliva excretion, and there is reduced its E. Neurotensin
enzymatic activity and increased the mucus content. The most probable
cause of that is a violation of functions of: SYSTEM OF EXCRETION
A. parotid gland 1. In the test person after exercise pressure in renal arteries increased to
B. Own mucosal glands 180 mm. mmHg What changes in glomerular filtration happened?
C. sublingual glands A. GFR has not changed
D. submandibular gland B. GFR decreased sharply
E. all salivary glands C. GFR increased sharply
D. GFR increased slightly
95. Patient with gastric hypersecretion has been recommended by the E. GFR decreased slightly
doctor to eliminate from the diet rich broths and vegetable broths, as
they stimulate the release of: 2. A woman of 50 years after suffering of inflammation of the kidneys
A. Gastrin (pyelonephritis) in the urine amino acids, glucose. What is the
B. secretin mechanism of reabsorption likely disrupted due to illness?
C. Cholecystokinin A. Secondary active transport
D. Somatostatin B. Diffusion
E. neurotensin C. Primary active transport
D. Pinocytosis
96. The patient held a removal of a part of the pancreas. What products E. Osmosis
is it now necessary to limit in his diet?
A. fatty and fried meat 3. A man 45 years old has polyuria (increased urine output). Blood
B. lean boiled meat Glucose - 5.5 mmol / l. Urinalysis - glycosuria. Which department of
C. Dairy products kidney nephrons, is most likely damaged?
D. Vegetables A. proximal convoluted tubules
E. fruits B. Loop of Henle
C. Distal convoluted tubules
97. In the animal was blocked the activity of the submucosal plexus of D. Glomeruli
the small intestine. Which of these processes would be the most E. Collecting tubules
negatively affected?
A. secretion of intestinal juice 4. A man 25 years old has an acute polyuria - per day allocates up to 30
B. membrane digestion liters of urine specific gravity of 1.001, and also a decrease in blood
C. rhythmic segmentation pressure. Lack of secretion of what hormone causes such phenomena,
D. 'pendular' movements most likely?
E. Absorption A. Vasopressin
B. Glucocorticoids
98. In case of ingestion of 100 ml of 25% (saturated) solution of C. Aldosterone
magnesium sulfate there appears a lot of liquid feces. Why? D. Oxytocin
A. increases the osmotic pressure in the gut E. Natriuretic hormone
B. secretion of gastric juice is being stimulated
C. activity of intestines is being inhibited 5. The content of sodium ions in a woman 37 years old is reduced
D. release of duodenal hormones is stimulated compared to the norm. Lack of what hormone secretion, is most likely
E. decreases the osmotic pressure causes this phenomenon?
A. Aldosterone
99. A man, 45 years old, 3 years after the removal of the stomach has the B. PTH
level of red blood cells of 2.0 * 10^12 / L, Hb - 85 g / L, color index - C. Natriuretic peptide
1.27. Malabsorption of what vitamin did cause changes in D. Antidiuretic hormone
erythropoiesis? E. Prostaglandins
A. B12
B. C 6. In the patient women with heart disease by ultrasound of the heart
C. A revealed a prominent increase of the right atrium. The patient
complained of excessive urination. Which of hormones, is most likely
stimulates diuresis? C. Aldosterone
A. natriuretic peptide D. Kortikotropin
B. Vasopressin E. Renin
C. Angiotensin 16. Which of the following hormones will be released in increased
D. Aldosterone amounts in response to the consumption of large quantities of salt?
E. Oxytocin A. ADH
7. The man 25 years old has high blood pressure - 220/110 mm Hg .In B. Aldosterone
the study of renal vessels - a sharp narrowing of the renal arteries. C. ACTH
Which of the following compounds are most likely participates in the D. Oxytocin
increase in blood pressure? E. Angiotensin
A. Renin 17. The patient has decreased synthesis of vasopressin leading to
B. Aldosterone polyuria and, as a consequence, to the expressed dehydration. What is
C. Acetylcholine the mechanism of polyuria?
D. Cortisone A. Decrease of water reabsorption in the tubules
E. Glucagon B. Reduction reabsorption of sodium ions in the tubules
8. In the experiment was investigated the structure of glomerular filtrate. C. Increase of sodium reabsorption in the tubules
Which of the substances mentioned below is present in the highest D. Reduction in Protein tubule reabsorption
concentration in filtrate? E. Reduction in glucose reabsorption
A. Glucose 18. In the kidney increased reabsorption of calcium and phosphate ions
B. Globulins is reduced. Influence of what hormone led to these changes?
C. gammaglobulin A. PTH
D. Albumin B. Thyrocalcitonin
E. Fibrinogen C. Hormone form of vitamin D3
9. In the urine of women 60 years old were found traces of glucose. D. Aldosterone
Above what level increased blood glucose? E. Vasopressin
A. 11 100 mmol / l 19. The man has blood glucose 15 mmol / l (threshold reabsorption - 10
B. 50 mg / l mmol / l). The consequence of this would be:
C. 100 mmol / l A. Glycosuria
D. 5 mg / l B. Decrease in urine output
E. 1 mmol / l C. Decrease in glucose reabsorption
10. At what of the following substances is zero clearance? D. Decrease in vazopresina
A. Glucose E. Decrease in aldosteroe secretion
B. Uric Acid 20. In an adult male per day allocated 20 liters of urine with low relative
C. Urea density. The most probable cause is a deficiency in the body:
D. Creatinine A. Antidiuretic hormone
E. Potassium B. Aldosterone
11. Which of the the following substances practically is not reabsorbed? C. Sodium- uretic factor
A. Inulin D. Renin
B. Glucose E. PTH
C. Sodium 21. The woman has restriction of blood flow in the kidney, high blood
D. Amino Acids pressure. What hormone hypersecretion has caused high blood pressure?
E. Calcium A. Renin
12. Which of the components of blood plasma is not filtered in the B. Adrenaline
glomeruli of the kidneys? C. Noradrenalmna
A. high molecular weight proteins D. Erythropoietin
B. low molecular proteins E. Vasopressin
C. All proteins 22. The people who live in the highlands, has increased red blood cells,
D. Protein and glucose which may be due to increased production in the kidney:
E. Protein and creatinine A. Erythropoietin
13. Normally bringing arterioles of nephron glomerular significantly B. Renin
wider than putting up. Why uropoiesis decrease if bringing arterioles C. Urokinase
become narrower than putting up with? D. Prostaglandins
A. filtration pressure will decrease E. Vitamin D3
B. There will be a sclerosis renal tissue 23. In a patient 18 years at the laboratory examination revealed the
C. Filtration pressure will increase presence of glucose in urine when its normal concentration in blood
D. Will disrupt sodium reabsorption plasma. The reason for this is the violation:
E. Will disrupt the secretion of urea A. Tubular reabsorption
14. In experiments with isolated rabbit kidney in the perfusion solution B. Glomerular filtration
was added 40 ml of. glucose. The amount of urine increased because C. Tubular secretion
glucose is: D. Insulin secretion
A. threshold substances E. Secretion of glucocorticoids
B. substance suitable for disabled 24. To the dog, which was under anesthesia introduced vasopressin, and
C. Filtrometric substance the resulting is decreased amount of urine, as vasopressin is:
D. A substance that is secreted A. Enhances reabsorption of water
E. No right answer B. Enhances reabsorption of sodium
15. Boy 10 years at once drank the 1.5 liters of water. Change in C. Decreased reabsorption of water
secretion of what hormones lead to the restoration of circulating blood D. Reduces calcium reabsorption
volume? E. Increases calcium reabsorption
A. Vasopressin 25. After donating a student felt thirst. Increased secretion of what
B. Sodium uretichesky factor biologically active substance promotes this?
A. Angiotensin C. stunting
B. Aldosterone D. Mental Retardation
C. erythropoietin E. hyperglycemia
D. Adrenaline 35. In a person has decreased urine output due to enhanced secretion of
E. Norepinephrine vasopressin. Vasopressin secretion is stimulated by the increase in:
26. In case of injury man lost 500 ml of blood, which led to a decrease A. osmotic pressure of the plasma
in urine output. Influence of what hormone on the kidneys has adaptive B. concentration of sodium
response? C. CBV (Circulating Blood Volume)
A. Vasopressin D. plasma oncotic pressure
B. Natriuretic Factors E. Potassium concentration
C. Aldosterone 36. Water reabsorption in the kidneys is impaired in a patient. Violation
D. Cortisol of what hormone secretion does it directly relate to?
E. Renin A. Vasopressin
27. A person with chronic kidney disease, has impaired their renal B. Aldosterone
function The venous blood pH is 7.33. What the solution is need to C. natriuretic hormone
correct acid-base status of the patient? D. PTH
A. Sodium bicarbonate E. Thyrocalcitonin
B. Sodium Chloride 37. The dog's 0.5 liter of blood loss was compensated by introducing a
C. Glucose balanced saline solution containing glucose. This was accompanied by
D. Potassium chloride an increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The most likely reason
E. Calcium Chloride for the increase in GFR in animal was:
28. The animal in 2 weeks after experimental constriction of the renal A. Decrease in oncotic pressure of the blood plasma
artery has increased blood pressure. With action on the vessels of what B. increase in systemic arterial pressure
factor humoral regulation is that? C. Reduction in the ultrafiltrate hydrostatic pressure in the capsule
A. Angiotensin II D. increase in the permeability of the renal filter
B. Cortisol E. increase in the effective renal blood flow
C. Aldosterone 38. In the experiment on a dog was increased the blood flow to the atria,
D. Vasopressin causing an increase in the urine production. The underlying mechanism
29. A person with kidney disease revealed anemia The most likely cause of the increased formation of urine includes the increased secretion of:
of anemia is a disorder of: A. Natriuretic peptide
A. Erythropoietin B. Vasopressin
B. Renin C. Aldosterone
C. Aldosterone D. Renin
D. Sodium- uretic hormone E. Adrenaline
E. ADH 39. Urine analysis has shown high levels of protein and erythrocytes in
30. Narrowing of bringing arterioles caused a decrease in renal urine. This can be caused by the following:
corpuscles diuresis. The reason is to reduce: A. Renal filter permeability
A. effective filtration pressure B. Effective filter pressure
B. water reabsorption C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries
C. glucose reabsorption D. Hydrostatic primary urine pressure in capsule
D. reabsorption E. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma
E. urea secretion 40. Atria of an experimental animal were superdistended with blood,
31. In the experiments with isolated rabbit kidney to the perfusion which resulted in decreased reabsorption ofNa+ and water in renal
solution was added 40 % glucose solution. The amount of urine tubules. This can be explained by the influence of the following factor
increased because: on kidneys:
A. Not all of glucose reabsorbed A. Natriuretic hormone
B. increased the osmotic pressure of the perfusate B. Aldosterone
C. increased the osmotic pressure of the primary urine C. Renin
D. Increased the hydrostatic pressure of the perfusate D. Angiotensin
E. increased the permeability of the renal filter E. Vasopressin
32. A man, 25 years old, with fractured skull, showes large amount of CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, HAEMODYNAMICS
urine with low relative density. The cause of changes in urine formation 1. Minute volume of a woman (30 years old) at rest is 5 l/minute.
is a violation of the synthesis and secretion of: What does the volume that flows through her lung vessels in one minute
A. Vasopressin equal to?
B. thyrotropin A. 5 l
C. ACTH B. 3,75 l
D. Oxytocin C. 2,5 l
E. STH D. 2,0 l
33. By reducing the concentration of Na + in the blood plasma, in the E. 1,5 l
kidney is enhanced its reabsorption. What is the main regulatory 2. While preparing the patient for the operation pressure measurement
mechanism that stimulates this process? of compartments of heart has been arranged. During cardiac cycle the
A. Aldosterone pressure has been changing from 0 to 120 millimeter of mercury in one
B. sympathetic reflexes of them. Indicate the compartment of heart:
C. parasympathetic reflexes A. Left ventricle
D. natriuretic hormone B. Right ventricle
E. PTH C. Right atrium
34. A child, 10 years, has undergone removal of the posterior lobe of the D. Left atrium
pituitary gland because of a tumor. This has lead to: E. None of the answers is correct
A. increase in diuresis 3. Increased tonus of arteriolae of the patient is observed while cardiac
B. Decrease in urine output function is normal. How will that influence arterial tension?
A. Predominantly diastolic pressure will increase water outflow from blood to telae. Indicate a possible reason of filtration
B. Predominantly systolic pressure will increase defect.
C. Blood pressure will not change A. Increase of hydrostatical pressure in capillary tubes
D. Predominantly diastolic pressure will decrease B. Increase of oncotic pressure of plasm
E. Predominantly systolic pressure will decrease C. Increase of osmotic pressure of plasm
4. At the result of blood loss the volume of circulating blood has D. Decrease of blood pressure in veinlets
decreased. How will that influence the arterial tension? E. Increase of oncotic pressure in telae
A.Systolic and diastolic pressure will decrease 13. The patient felt faintness after changing body position quickly from
B. Only systolic pressure will decrease lying to standing. What is the reason of this phenomenon?
C. Only diastolic pressure will decrease A. Decrease of vascular supply of brain
D. Systolic pressure will decrease while diastolic rises B. Increase of tonus of arterial vessels
E. Diastolic pressure will decrease while systolic rises C. Increase of systemic arterial pressure
5. A woman (36 years old) has been injected concentrated D. Increase of vein tonus
solution of albumin after surgical interference. That would lead to E. Increase of frequency of blood contractions
intensified water motion in the following direction: 14. Systolic output of a man, who changes quickly his body position
A.From intercellular fluid to capillary tubes from lying to standing, decreases. Why is that happening?
B. From intercellular fluid to cells A. Detention of blood in veins takes place and blood flow to the heart
C. From the cells to intercellular fluid increases
D. From capillary tubes to intercellular fluid B. The tone of limb veins increases
E. None of the answers is correct C. The tone of arterial vessels increases
6. Pulse ware velocity of 70 year-old man is significantly higher than of D. Tachycardia appears
25 year-old man. The reason of this phenomenon is the decrease of: E. Blood storage takes place
A. Elasticity of arterial walls 15. Edemas are observed on the lower limbs at the result of water flow
B. Arterial tension from blood to telae. In which vessels is water flow defected?
C. Cardiac output A. In capillary tubes
D. Frequency of heart contractions B. In aorta
E. Blood velocity C. In resistance vessels
7. While preparing the patient for the operation pressure measurement of D. In great vessels
compartments of heart has been arranged. In one of them during cardiac E. In veins
cycle the pressure has been changing from 0 to 120 millimeter of 16. At the result of peripheral resistance patient’s arterial tension has
mercury. Indicate the compartment of heart: increased abruptly. Which vessels provide resistance most of all?
A. Left ventricle A. Arteriolae
B. Right ventricle B. Large arteries
C. Right atrium C. Capillary tubes
D. Left atrium D. Aorta
E. None of the answers is correct E. Veins
8. During moderate physical activity minute volume of the patient has 17. The patient has been detected defect of integumental emission of
been 10 l/minute. What has the volume that flew through his lung heat. In what vessels does integumental heat emission mostly take
vessels in one minute been equal to? place?
A. 10 l/minute A. Capillary tubes
B. 5 l/minute B. Large arteries
C. 4 l/minute C. Arteriolae
D. 6 l/minute D. Veins
E. 7 l/minute E. Shunt vessels
9. During physical exercise frequency of heart contractions of an 18. One of the factors that provide blood flow through vessels is low
untrained man has increased from 80 (at rest) to 180 beats per minute. pressure in cavae. In which way can blood pressure of the patient be
How will arterial tension change? decreased to lighten cardiac function of the patient?
A. Diastolic pressure will increase while systolic decreases A. By increasing respiration depth
B. Systolic pressure will increase while diastolic decreases B. By increasing frequency of heart contractions with the help of
C. Pulse pressure will increase medication
D. Pulse pressure will not change C. By increasing the tone of arterial vessels with the help of
E. Arterial tension will not change pharmaceutical
10. Systemic arterial tension of a grown-up man has decreased from D. By excluding physical stress
120/70 to 90/50 millimeter of mercury that caused reflectory vessel E. By holding the breath briefly
constriction. In which of the mentioned organs vessel constriction will 19. Bed rest has been administered to the patient (60 years old) with
be minimal? cardiac disease in order to lighten heart strain. It has been also
A. Heart recommended to raise his legs on the roller above the corpus. Why is
B. Skin heart strain lightened in this position?
C. Intestinal tract A. Blood flow to the heart is lightened
D. Skeletal muscles B. Repletion of arterial pulse increases
E. Liver C. Amplitude of venous pulse increases
11. The patient has been transfused 500 ml of blood intravenously. At D. The volume of blood flow to the heart increases
the result the volume of blood that was flowing to the heart increased. E. The functioning of vein valves improves
What reactions of blood circulatory system can be observed? 20. The patient with arterial hypertension is administered medications
A. Increase of force of heart contractions that increase diuresis which leads to pressure lowering. Why is that
B. Bradycardia happening?
C. Peripheral vasoconstriction A. The volume of blood circulation decreases
D. Peripheral vessel distention B. Blood velocity increases
E. Decrease of force of heart contractions C. The force of heart contractions increases
12. Defect of filtration process of microvasculature that appeared as D. Vessel tone increases
E. No correct answer
21. While examining the mechanisms of blood flow to the heart at the nonstriated muscles determines existence of this activity?
experiment on animal it was found out that skeletal muscle activity A. Automatism
pushes the blood to the heart by constricting the vessels. What provides B. Conductivity
that direction of blood flow during muscle activity? C. Excitation
A. Vein valves D. Contractility
B. Difference in pressure at the beginning and at the end of the vessel E. Compliance
C. Elastance of arterial vessels 31. Normally, being in blood flow the blood is present in liquid state. It
D. Elastance of vein vessels is provided by:
E. Change of tone of arterial vessels A. Smooth surface of vascular endothelium
22. Arterial tension has increased after physical exercise. Why has that B. Thin layer of fibrin on vascular walls
happened? C. Fusion of prostacyclin by endotheliocyte
A. Minute volume of blood circulation has increased D. The same charge of vascular wall and blood cells
B. The number of functioning capillary tubes has increased E. All mentioned factors
C. The amount of hemoglobin has increased 32. An adolescent (16 years old) has fainted at the result of change of
D. Containing of potassium ions in plasm has increased body position from horizontal into vertical. Which of the following
E. Containing of water in plasm has increased factors could cause fainting?
23. Light physical exercise of a healthy man causes gradual increase of A. Decrease of venous return to the heart
systolic and a slight decrease of diastolic pressure. What is the reason of B. Increase of venous return to the heart
this phenomenon? C. Increase of venous pressure
A. Increase of cardiac function, decrease of vessel tone in muscles D. Decrease of oncotic pressure of plasm
B. Increase of cardiac function, increase of vessel tone in muscles E. Increase of arterial tension
C. Increase of cardiac function, decrease of vessel elastance 33. In the experiment, in the study of the processes of excitation in
D. Decrease of cardiac function, decrease of vessel tone in muscles cardiomyocytes was found that during the rapid depolarization phase
E. Decrease of cardiac function, increase of vessel tone in muscles Na+ ions could move also through:
24. If vessel radius becomes twice as little, according to Poiseuille A. Ca++ - channels
formula, peripheric resistance will: B. K+ - channels.
A. Be 16 times as much C. Cl- - channels
B. Be twice as little D. Mg++ - channels.
C. Be 9 times as much E. Li+ - channels
D. Be 27 times as little 34. In animal experiment the cardiac cycle is being studied. There are
E. Not change closed all the valves of the heart. What phase does this correspond to?
25. Arteriolae have the biggest influence on arterial tension, because: A. isometric contraction
A. They create the biggest resistance B. Asynchronous contraction
B. They have the biggest surface area C. protodiastolic period.
C. They have the biggest sectional area D. fast filling.
D. They have the biggest speed of blood flow E. Slow filling.
E. They have the minimal speed of blood flow 35. During climbing stairs up to the 5th floor, there in a person increased
26. During slight physical exercise all circulatory dimensions increase the blood pressure. The reason was the increase in:
except: A. minute volume of blood
A. Peripheral resistance B. Number of functioning capillaries
B. Minute volume of the heart C. blood viscosity
C. Frequency of heart contractions D. ion content in the blood plasma
D. Systolic volume E. circulating blood volume
E. Pulse pressure 36. In a person weighing 80 kg after a prolonged physical exertion
27. Which of the following compensatory processes takes place when decreased the circulating blood volume, hematocrit - 50%, total blood
the position of the body changes from horizontal into vertical? protein - 80 g/L. Such indices of the blood is the result, primarily, of:
A. Increase of vessel tone A. water loss through sweating
B. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions B. increase in the number of erythrocytes
C. Decrease of peripheral resistance C. increase in the protein content in the plasma
D. Decrease of systolic volume D. increase in the plasma oncotic pressure
E. Increase of PQ interval E. increase in diuresis
28. While examining phases of cardiac cycle the dog had been injected a 37. In a healthy person physical exercises caused a moderate decrease in
probe to measure ventricular pressure. In which phase of cardiac cycle diastolic pressure. What was the cause of this phenomenon?
would the pressure be minimal? A. Reduction of vascular tone in the muscles.
A. In rapid filling phase B. Increase in the heart activity
B. In rapid ejection phase C. Reduction of vascular elasticity.
C. In slow ejection phase D. Decrease in the circulating blood volume
D. In postsphygmic period E. Increase in vascular resistance
E. In asynchronous contraction phase 38. In the experiment was measured the linear velocity of the blood
29. The patient (60 years old) got drop infusion of normal salt solution flow: it was the lowest in capillaries. The reason was in that the
in order to measure his arterial tension. It did not change significantly. capillaries have:
What property of nonstriated muscles of vessels is the most probable in A. the greatest total cross-sectional area
preventing increase of arterial tension? B. small length
A. Compliance C. Small diameter
B. Contractility D. Low Hydrostatic Pressure
C. Automatism E. the thinnest walls
D. Excitation 39. When measuring total muscle action potential it was revealed that it
E. Conduction was subject to the power-law relationship. The reason for this is that
30. Denervation of nonstriated muscles of the vessel has been arranged individual muscle fibers differ in:
during the experiment on the white rat. Which physiological property of A . Depolarization threshold
B. Diameter function mechanism of this medicament:
C. Conduction velocity A. It caused peripheral vessel constriction
D. Resting potential B. It caused peripheral vessel distention
E . Critical level of depolarization C. It decreased peripheral vascular resistance
* D. It caused bradycardia
40. During ventricular systole the cardiac muscle does not respond to E. It stimulated blood deposition
additional stimulation because it is in the phase of: 8. A pharmaceutical that normalized arterial tension had been injected to
A. Absolute refractoriness the patient with decreased arterial tension. Choose the most probable
B. Relational refractoriness function mechanism of this medicament:
C. Hyperexcitability A. It caused peripheral vessel distention
D. Subnormal excitability B. It caused vessel constriction
E. There is no correct answer C. It caused tachycardia
41. An animal experiment is aimed at studying the cardiac cycle. All the D. It caused distention of peripheral vessels
heart valves are closed. What phase of the cycle is characterized by this E. It stimulated blood flow from blood pool
status? 9. Increased rennin secretion is observed in the kidneys of the patient.
A. Isometric contraction Indicate possible consequences of this phenomenon for blood
B. Asynchronous contraction circulatory system:
C. Protodiastolic period A. Increase of systemic arterial tension
D. Rapid filling B. Decrease of the tone of peripheral vessels
E. Reduced filling C. Decrease of systemic arterial tension
REGULATION OF CARDIAC ACTIVITY, REGULATION OF D. Decrease of epinephrine production
1. During physical exercise distribution of blood flow of the student (18 10. The patient has been detected increased vasopressin secretion.
years old) has been registered with the help of rheography. In what Indicate possible consequences of this phenomenon for blood
vessels has the blood flow increased predominantly? circulatory system:
A. Sceletal muscles A. Increase of systemic arterial tension
B. Liver B. Decrease of the tone of vessels
C. Cerebrum C. Decrease of systemic arterial tension
D. Kidneys D. Distention of peripheral vessels
E. Gastro-intestinal tract E. Tachycardia
2. Osmotic pressure of plasm of the patient was 350 mOsm/l (the norm 11. The amount of epinephrine in the blood increases during emotional
is 300 mOsm/l). That would lead to increased secretion of the following tension (stress). Indicate possible consequences of this phenomenon for
hormone: blood circulatory system:
A. Vasopressin A. Increase of systemic arterial tension
B. Aldosterone B. Decrease of the force of heart contractions
C. Cortisol C. Decrease of systemic arterial tension
D. Adrenocorticotropin D. Decrease of myocardium excitation
E. Natriuretic hormone E. Bradycardia
3. Diuresis of the man who had lost 1, 5 l of blood decreased quickly. 12. Increase of arterial pressure of the patient caused by continual
Intensified secretion of which hormone led to change of diuresis? blastoma excitation of anatomic pressor neurovascular center has been
A. Vasopressin detected. Where is the center located?
B. Corticotropin A. In medulla oblongata
C. Natriuretic hormone B. In midbrain
D. Cortisol C. In thalamus
E. Parathormone D. In hindbrain
4. Blood circulatory system responses to the shift of body position from E. In pallidum
horizontal into vertical in the way of development of reflectory pressor 13. Decrease of arterial pressure of the patient caused by continual
reaction. Which of the following is its irreplaceable element? blastoma excitation of anatomic depressor neurovascular center has
A. Constriction of venous capacitance vessels been detected. Where is the center located?
B. Distention of arterial resistance vessels A. In medulla oblongata
C. Decrease of volume of circulating blood B. In midbrain
D. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions C. In little brain
E. Decrease of pumping function D. In thalamus
5. Arterial pressure of the animal has decreased abruptly at the result of E. In red nucleus
injection of a large dosis of histamine because of: 14. Electric stimulation of depressor neurovascular center and arterial
A. Distention of resistance vessels tension are arranged and registered at the experiment on the animal. The
B. Constriction of resistance vessels stimulation causes decrease of arterial tension. What is the mechanism
C. Increase of frequency of heart contractions of arterial tension decrease at this experiment?
D. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions A. Decrease of tone of peripheral vessels
E. Decrease of frequency and force of heart contractions B. Tachycardia
6. Systemic arterial tension of a grown-up man has decreased from C. Increase of frequency of heart contractions
120/70 to 90/50 millimeter of mercury, which caused reflectory vascular D. Increase of cardiac output
constriction. In which of the following organs vascular constriction will E. Increase of peripheral vascular tone
be maximal? 15. Electric stimulation of pressor neurovascular center and arterial
A. Intestinal tract tension are arranged and registered at the experiment on the animal. The
B. Heart stimulation causes increase of arterial tension. What is the mechanism of
C. Brain arterial tension increase at this experiment?
D. Kidneys
E. Epinephros A. Increase of peripheral vascular tone
B. Decrease of vascular tone
7. A pharmaceutical that normalized arterial tension had been injected to C. Bradycardia
the patient with decreased arterial tension. Choose the most probable
D. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions C. Sodium Chloride
E. Decrease of cardiac output D. Sodium bicarbonate
16. Venous return to the heart of the person, who quickly changes his E. Magnesium sulphate
body position from horizontal into vertical, decreases. Which 25. In humans, as a result of voluntary breath hold for 40 seconds there
mechanism activates to normalize venous return? increased heart rate and systemic arterial pressure. Implementation of
A. Reflexes of aortic arch and carotid bulb what regulatory mechanisms did cause changes in the indices?
B. Anrep effect A. Unconditional sympathetic reflexes
C. Increase of tone of cavae B. Unconditional parasympathetic reflexes
D. Frank–Starling law of the heart C. conditional sympathetic reflexes
E. Intracardiac reflexes D. conditional parasympathetic reflexes
17. Behavior-reflectory increase of frequency of heart contractions and E. metasympathetic reflexes
arterial tension of the patient are observed at prelaunch phase. Which 26. In prelaunch period the athlete increased frequency and strength of
brain division provides this behavior reflex? heart contractions. Implementation of any reflections caused these
A. Neocortex changes?
B. Paleocortex A. Sympathetic conditional
C. Archicortex B. Sympathetic unconditional
D. Hypothalamus C. parasympathetic conditional
E. Spinal cord D. parasympathetic unconditional
18. At the result of change of body position from horizontal into vertical E. Peripheral
the frequency of heart contractions of the man (23 years old) has 27. In the experiment an isolated dog's heart was being perfused with a
increased by 15 contractions per minute, systolic pressure has not solution that had excess in calcium chloride concentration. What
changed, diastolic pressure has increased by 10 millimeter of mercury. changes in cardiac activity were observed in this?
Which regulation mechanisms provide the changes of measurements of A. increase in the frequency and force of contractions
blood circulatory system predominantly? B. Reduction in the force of contractions
A. Inborn sympatic reflexes C. Increase in the frequency of contractions .
B. Behavior sympatic reflexes D. Reduction in heart rate
C. Sympatic reflexes E. Reduction in the frequency and force of contractions
D. Catecholamines 28. Patients with cardiac defects often have elevated level of hormone in
E. Sympatic reflexes and Catecholamines the blood that reduces the reabsorption of sodium and water, and is
19. It was found out at the experiment that vascular tone is regulated by produced in the heart. Which one of the hormones has the described
metabolic factors. Which factor predetermines decrease vascular tone action?
predominantly? A. natriuretic hormone
A. Decrease of pressure of O2 in the blood B. Renin
B. Increase of pressure of O2 in the blood C. Aldosterone
C. Increase of concentration of lactic acid D. Vasopressin
D. Increase of amount of prostaglandin E in the blood E. Adrenaline
E. Decrease of concentration of adenosine in the blood 29. During abdominal surgery the reflex cardiac arrest occurred. Where
20. The task of the experimentor is to increase the lumen of the vessels. is the center of the reflex localised?
What substance can help solve the task? A. medulla oblongata
A. Acetylcholine B. Spinal cord
B. Vasopressin C. midbrain
C. Epinephrine D. diencephalon
D. Serotonin E. cerebral cortex
E. Atropine 30. Which of the following mechanisms of regulation CAN'T be take
21. The soldier faints at watch rather in hot weather than in chilly place in the isolated mammalian heart?
weather. What is the explanation to this phenomenon? A. Central reflexes
A. Vasodepressor reflectory reactions prevail B. Local reflexes
B. Pressor reflectory reactions prevail C. Law of the heart (Frank-Starling's law)
C. Renin secretion decreases D. Effect of Anrep
D. Vasopressin secretion decreases E. Bowditch staircase phenomenon
E. Thyroxin secretion increases 31. In the experiment was found that under the stimulation of the Pavlov
22. Activity of nerves of carotid bulb during decrease of blood volume is amplificating nerve occured an increase in the strength of heart
20% in comparison to the norm: contractions. The action of what mediator does this result link to?
A. Decreases A. norepinephrine
B. Increases by 20% B. Acetylcholine
C. Increases by 10% C. Serotonin
D. Does not change D. dopamine
E. Increases twice E. GABA
23. Which of the following factors provides distention of systemic 33. In the animal, 2 weeks after the experimental narrowing of the renal
arteriolae in the organism most efficiently? artery the blood pressure increased. To the action of what factor of
A. Histamine humoral regulation on the blood vessels is that related?
B. Endothelin A. Angiotensin II
C. Vasopressin B. Cortisol
D. Noradrenaline C. Aldosterone
E. None of them D. Vasopressin
24. In the experiment on the isolated heart was registered an increase in E. dopamine
the frequency and force of heart contractions after adding certain salts to 34. A person, 40 years, during the emotional arousal got an increase in
the perfusate. Which salt was added? the blood pressure. Specify the possible cause of this effect:
A. Calcium Chloride A. Increased sympathetic tonus
B. Potassium Chloride B. dilation of arterioles
C. Decrease in heart rate B. Adrenaline
D. Hyperpolarization of cardiomyocytes C. noradrenaline
E. Increased tonus of parasympathetic nervous system D. Vasopressin
35. In the prelaunch period, the athlete's got increased frequency and E. catecholamines
force of heart contractions. Implementation of what reflexes did cause 44. A 16-year-old female patient has fainted after quickly changing her
these changes? body position from horizontal to vertical one. Which process from the
A. Sympathetic conditional ones listed below has caused the loss of consciousness in the first place?
B. Sympathetic unconditional A. Decreasing venous return
C. parasympathetic conditional B. Increasing venous return
D. parasympathetic unconditional C. Increasing central venous pressure
E. Peripheral D. Decreasing oncotic pressure of blood plasma
36. In an athlete, at the start point of the race an increase in blood E. Increasing arterial pressure
pressure and heart rate took place. The influence of what parts of the 45. A fixed-run taxi passenger has a sudden and expressed attack of
CNS could these changes be explained with? tachycardia. A doctor travelling by the same taxi has managed to slow
A. cerebral cortex down his heart rate by pressing upon the eyeballs and thus causing the
B. medulla oblongata following reflex:
C. midbrain A. Dagnini-Aschner reflex
D. diencephalon B. Bainbridge reflex
E. Hypothalamus C. Holtz’s reflex
37. While getting from the prone position to the standing one, in a D. Hering-Breuer reflex
healthy person are getting activated the following compensatory E. Frank-Starling mechanism
mechanisms: *
A. Increase in heart rate 46. A patient with hypertensic crisis has increased content of angiotensin
B. Decrease in heart rate II in bood. Angiotensin pressor effect is based on:
C. decrease in diastolic blood pressure A. Contraction of arteriole muscles
D. Decrease in vascular tone B. Activation of biogenic amine synthesis
E. Decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance C. Prostaglandin hyperproduction
D. Vasopressin production stimulation
38. In the experiment on a dog, the carotid sinus baroreceptor E. Activation of kinin–kallikrein system
electrostimulation led to:
A. vasodilation 47. A patient has insufficient blood supply to the kidneys, which has
B. vasoconstriction caused the development of pressor effect due to constriction of arterial
C. increase in heart rate resistance vessels. This condition results from the vessels being strongly
D. increase in minute volume of blood affected by the following substance:
E. increase in systolic volume A. Angiotensin II
B. Angiotensinogen
39. In the animal, electrical pulses are being used to stimulate the C. Renin
sympathetic nerve that innervate the skin vessels. What will be the D. Catecholamines
vessels' reaction like? E. Norepinephrine
A. narrowing the arteries and veins
B. should be no reaction 48. Experimental stimulation of the sympathetic nerve branches that
C. arteries should dilate innervate the heart caused an increase in the force of heart contractions
D. Arteries and veins should dilate because the membrane of typical cardiomyocytes permitted an increase
E. Veins should dilate in:
A. Calcium ion entry
40. In the athlete after an intense workout took place a significant B. Calcium ion exit
reduction of vascular tone of the working muscles. What led to this C. Potassium ion exit
effect? D. Potassium ion entry
A. Metabolites E. Calcium and potassium ion exit
B. renin -angiotensin
D. natriuretic hormone 1. While analyzing electrocardiogram it is necessary to define where
E. Serotonin cardiac pacemaker is. That can be done on the basis of:
A. Duration of R-R interval
41. he patient has lost a lot of fluid, and there decreased the circulating B. Deflection amplitude
blood volume. It directly led to the increase in secretion of: C. Direction of deflections
A. Vasopressin D. Duration of QRST complex
B. Aldosterone E. Duration of QRS complex
C. natriuretic hormone
D. PTH 2. At the result of electrocardiogram it was found out that T waves are
E. thyrocalcitonin positive in the second standard lead from extremitas. It would be correct
to say that the following process that takes place in ventricles is
42. In the experiment, to the rabbit were intravenously introduced 300 functioning normally:
ml of isotonic NaCl solution, which led to a significant increase in A. Repolarization
circulating blood volume. What factor concentration should increase in B. Depolarization
the blood under these conditions? C. Excitation
A. natriuretic hormone D. Contraction
B. Renin E. Relaxation
C. Aldosterone
D. Angiotensin II 3. Decrease of speed of patient’s conduction of excitement through
E. Epinephrine auricular-ventricular node is taking place. Considering this fact the
increase of speed of the following activity will be registered on
43. A person with renal disease showes an increase in blood pressure, electrocardiogram:
especially diastolic. Concentration of what biologically active substance A. P-Q interval
is increased in the patient's blood? B. P wave
A. Renin C. R-R interval
D. QRS complex by 10 degrees. What is the position of cardiac electrical axis of the
E. S-T segment patient?
4. Increase of frequency of heart contractions has been recorded at the A. Horizontal
result of electrocardiogram registration of the patient with hyperactivity B. Vertical
of thyroid body. Shortening of which element of electrocardiogram C. None of the answers is correct
indicates that? D. Intermediate
A. R-R interval E. Dextrogram
B. P-Q segment 13. At the result of patient’s electrocardiogram analyze it was found out
C. P-Q interval that the position of cardiac electrical axis is horizontal. By how many
D. P-T interval degrees can the vector of the heart be deflected from the axis of the first
E. QRS complex lead?
5. Increase of duration of T wave has been detected on the A. 0-29 degrees
electrocardiogram of the patient. This is the result of decrease of speed B. 45-50 degrees
of … in ventricles. C. 70-90 degrees
A. Repolarization D. 30-69 degrees
B. Depolarization and Repolarization E. 80-90 degrees
C. Depolarization 14. Deflection of the amplitude of P wave has been detected on
D. Contractions electrocardiogram of the patient. What can this change indicate?
E. Relaxation A. Defect of excitation in atria
6. The processes of repolarization of ventricular myocardium of the B. Defect of depolarization of ventricles
patient are defected. This will lead to defect of amplitude, configuration C. Defect of excitation of His bundle branches
and duration of … wave. D. Defect of excitation of Purkinje's fibers
A. T E. Defect of excitation of His bundle branches
B. Q 15. At the result of the analyze of patient’s electrocardiogram the change
C. R of duration and amplitude of Q wave has been detected. In which
D. S compartment of heart is the defect of conduction of excitement
E. P observed?
7. Before the exam the student had tachycardia. What changes of A. In interventricular septum
electrocardiogram will indicate it? B. In the right atrium
A. Decrease of R-R interval C. In the left atrium
B. Increase of R-R interval D. On the apex of heart
C. QRS complex widening E. In sino-atrial node
D. Elongation of P-Q interval 16. Defect of the normal tone of the first heart sound of the patient has
E. Elongation of Q-T segment been diagnosticated. Indicate one of the leading mechanisms of defect of
8. The duration of P-Q interval of electrocardiogram of the patient tones.
exceeds the norm while duration of P wave is standard. The reason of A. Defect of closing of auricular-ventricular valves
this phenomenon is speed decrease of conduction of excitement by: B. Defect of valve closing of pulmonary artery
A. Auricular-ventricular node C. Defect of valve closing of aorta
B. Sino-atrial node D. Defect of blood movement from atria to ventricles
C. His band E. Defect of the process of filling ventricles with blood
D. His bundle branch 17. Defect of the tone of the second heart sound of brisket in the second
E. Purkinje's fibers intercostal space of the patient has been detected. Indicate one of the
9. At the result of electrocardiogram it was found out that T waves are leading mechanisms of possible defects of tones.
positive in the second standard lead from extremitas, their amplitude and A. Defect of valve closing of pulmonary artery
duration are normal. It would be correct to say that the following B. Defect of auricular-ventricular valve closing
process that takes place in ventricles is functioning normally: C. Increase of ventricular flutter
A. Repolarization D. Defect of opening of auricular-ventricular valves
B. Depolarization E. Defect of aorta valve closing
C. Excitation 18. The amplitude of R wave of all deflections is decreased on
D. Contraction electrocardiogram of the patient. In which compartment of the heart is
E. Relaxation the process of excitation defected?
10. The patient has an off-speed conduction of excitement through A. In ventricular muscle
auricular-ventricular node. What changes of electrocardiogram will take B. In auricular-ventricular node
place? C. In His band
A. Increase of duration of P-Q interval D. In atria
B. Increase of duration of Q-S interval E. In sino-atrial node
C. Negative T wave 19. The condition of which quality of cardiac muscle cannot be
D. S-T segment displacement estimated entirely on the basis of electrocardiogram analyze?
E. Increase of Q-T interval A. Inotropy
11. At the result of electrocardiogram of the patient it was found out that B. Excitability
the position of cardiac electrical axis is normal (intermediate). By how C. Ductance
many degrees can the mean vector of heart be deflected from the axis of D. Automatism
the first lead? E. Refractivity
A. 30-69 degrees 20. At the result of analyze of patient’s electrocardiogram the increase of
B. 0-29 degrees duration of cardiac cycle has been detected. What changes in cardiac
C. 70-90 degrees functioning can be observed in this case?
D. 0-15 degrees A. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions
E. 70-80 degrees B. Increase of frequency of heart contractions
12. At the result of patient’s electrocardiogram analyze it was found out C. Increase of heart force
that the mean vector of heart is deflected from the axis of the first lead D. Decrease of heart force
E. Increase of frequency of heart contractions and heart force
21. At the result of patient’s electrocardiogram analyze the decrease of D. (I I I) > R (I I)
duration of cardiac cycle has been detected. What changes in cardiac E. ( I ) = R (I I I)
functioning can be observed in this case. 30. During AD change of the patient it was detected that systolic
A. Increase of frequency of heart contractions pressure = 120 millimeter of mercury and diastolic pressure = 80
B. Increase of heart force millimeter of mercury. What is the pulse pressure of the patient?
C. Decrease of heart force A. 40 millimeter of mercury
D. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions and heart force B. 30 millimeter of mercury
E. Decrease of frequency of heart contractions C. 35 millimeter of mercury
22. At the result of electrocardiogram analyze it was detected that R-R D. 60 millimeter of mercury
interval = 0, 8 seconds. What is the frequency of heart contractions in E. 20 millimeter of mercury
this case? 31. It was defined that CO of the heart of the healthy person = 70 ml and
A. 75 contractions/ minute frequency of heart contractions = 70 contractions/minute. What is the
B. 60 contractions/minute minute volume of the heart of this person?
C. 100 contractions/minute A. 4,0 l
D. 80 contractions/minute B. 8,0 l
E. 90 contractions/minute C. 7,0 l
23. At the result of analyze of electrocardiogram it was found out that D. 6,0 l
the position of cardiac electrical axis is horizontal. What kind of E. 5,0 l
correlation of R waves in three standard deflections is observed in this 32. The speed of the paper flow during electrocardiogram recording is
case? 50 mm/sec. R-R interval is 40 mm. Count the duration of cardiac cycle.
A. ( I ) > R (I I) > R (I I I) A. 0,8 sec
B. ( I ) < R (I I) B. 0,85 sec
C. (I I I) > R (I I) C. 0,9 sec
D. (I I I) > R ( I ) D. 0,75 sec
E. ( I ) = R (I I) E. 0,7 sec
24. P wave of electrocardiogram indicates depolarization of: 33. What is an approximate pressure of the left ventricle during diastole?
A. Both atria A. 0 millimeter of mercury
B. The right atrium only B. 120 millimeter of mercury
C. The left atrium only C. 100 millimeter of mercury
D. Keith-Flack’s node D. 80 millimeter of mercury
E. His bundle E. 40 millimeter of mercury
25. It was detected on electrocardiogram of the patient that R-R interval 34. Notable decrease of dicrotic wave has been detected at the result of
= 1, 5 seconds. In which compartment of conductive system of the heart registration of sphygmogram of the patient (60 years old). On which
is the pacemaker located? factor does the appearance of this wave depend?
A. Atrio-ventricular node A. Valve closing of Aorta
B. Sinus node B. Valve opening of Aorta
C. His bund C. Closing of bicuspid valve
D. Left branch of His bund D. Opening of bicuspid valve
E. Right branch of His bund E. Opening of valves of pulmonary artery
26. Which physiological qualities of myocardium do waves, segments 35. P wave splitting was detected while testing electrocardiogram of the
and intervals of electrocardiogram indicate? patient. With the defect of which functions is the notified change on
A. Excitation, conductivity, automatism electrocardiogram connected?
B. Excitation, automatism, inotropy A. Conduction of excitation through ventricles
C. Excitation, inotropy, refractivity B. Conduction of excitation through AB node
D. Inotropy, automatism, conductivity C. Conduction of excitation through atria
E. Inotropy, refractivity, automatism D. Atrial repolarization
27. Normal sequence of waves on electrocardiogram has been defected E. No defect is notified
at the result of arrhythmogenic influence of stress reaction on the heart. 36. Cardiac enlargement of the patient (12 years old) is detected on the
Indicate correct sequence of electrocardiogram waves. roentgenogram. Which method is the most probable to estimate the size
A. PQRST of cardiac cavities?
B. QPRST A. Echo-cardiography
C. RSTPQ B. Phonocardiography
D. PQSRT C. Sphygmography
E. RSTQP D. Electrocardiography
28. In order to estimate contractile qualities of the heart the patient was E. Rheography
recommended to undergo medical testing that is based on registration of 37. What causes appearance of T-P interval?
light displacements of the body which are called heart contractions. A. Electric diastole of the heart
What is the name of this medical testing? B. Conduction of excitation through atria
A. Ballistocardiography C. Conduction of excitation through atria and ventricles
B. Electrocardiography D. Conduction of excitation through ventricles
C. Echo-cardiography E. electric systole of the heart
D. Roentgenocardiography 38. Patient's ECG shows the prolongation of the QT interval. This can
E. Phonocardiography be due to decrease in ventricular rate of:
29. At the result of analyze of electrocardiogram it was detected that the A. depolarization and repolarization
patient had intermediate position of cardiac electrical axis. What kind of B. depolarization
correlation of R waves in three standard deflections is observed in this C. repolarization
case? D. contraction
A. ( I I ) > R ( I ) > R (I I I) E. Relaxation
B. ( I ) = R (I I) 39. In a person, it is necessary to estimate the elasticity of large arteries.
C. ( I ) > R (I I) Which of the instrumental techniques should be used for this?
A. sphygmography detected At the result of stimulation of erythrogenesis caused by
B. Electrocardiography erythropoietins. Stimulation of erythropoietin formation is caused by
C. Phonocardiography emergence of:
D. phlebography A. Hypoxemia
E. vectorcardiography B. Hypercapnia
40. In a person, it is necessary to assess the state of the heart valves. C. Arterial hypertension
Which of the instrumental techniques is it advisable to use for this? D. Hyposmia
A. Phonocardiography E. Hyperxemia
B. Electrocardiography 7. What is the mechanism of blood sedimentation rate of a pregnant
C. sphygmography woman?
D. phlebography A. Increase of fibrinogen concentration
E. Probing of vessels B. Increase of red blood cell count
* C. Increase of blood volume
41. Electrocardiogram analysis demonstrates that cardiac cycle of a D. Increase of albumin concentration
human equals 1 second. It means that heart rate per minute equals: E. Increase of bone marrow function
A. 60 8. Patient's serum has been sent to the lab for analyze. Which of the
B. 50 following components can be detected in it?
C. 70 A. Albumins, globulins, calcium
D. 80 B. Albumins, fibrinogens, ferrum
E. 100 C. Fibrin monomers soluble complexes of fibrin breakdown products
42. In an elderly person the change in heart force and vessels physical D. Fibrin-stabilizing factor, albumins, sodium
properties were detected; they can be clearly observed on graphic E. Globulins, ferrum
recording of carotid pulse waves. What method was applied? 9. Red blood cell count of a healthy patient is 5,65*10^12/l. What can
A. Sphygmography be deduced from this result?
B. Plethysmography A. The patient lives in the mountains
C. Rheography B. The patient is a miner
D. Myography C. The patient is a grown-up man
E. Phlebography D. The patient is a pregnant woman
SYSTEM OF BLOOD E. The patient is a grown-up woman
1. Normally pH of blood can change only for a short period of time and 10. Reticulocyte count of the patient has increased three days after an
this deviance is insignificant. How will pH of blood change if the dog is insignificant hemorrhage. In which organ are they formed?
injected 1, 5 l of glucose solution intravenously? A. In bone marrow
A. It will not change B. In the spleen
B. It will increase C. In lymph glands
C. It will decrease D. In lymphatic tissue of intestinal tract
D. It will be neutral E. In liver
E. It will fluctuate
11. Systemic red blood cell count of the patient has decreased to
2. Blood values indicate appearance of large amount of bilirubin. What 1,5*10^12/l in 5 l of blood. This phenomenon is accompanied by
does it indicate? shortbreathing, faintness, entotic sound, seeing spots. What is the reason
A. Massive erythrocyte lysis of this phenomenon?
B. Erythrocytosis A. The amount hemoglobin has decreased
C. Leukopenia B. Oxygen capacity of blood is insufficient
D. Leukocytosis C. Hypoxia
E. Globular value change D. Defect of respiratory function of blood
3. At the result of prophylactic medical examination of the student (20 E. All the answers are correct
years old) it was found out that red blood cell count = 8 *10*12 /l, blood 12. A woman (38 years old) with uterine hemorrhage has been
viscosity = 5, 0, platelet count = 400*10*9 /l, white blood cell count = 8 administered to department of diagnostics. What changes of blood
*10*9/l, packed cell volume = 45%. Which of these values is not would most probably take place?
normal? A. Decrease of packed cell volume
A. Red blood cell count B. Increase of packed cell volume
B. Blood viscosity C. Leukopenia
C. Platelet count D. Leukocytosis
D. White blood cell count E. Erythrocytosis
E. Packed cell volume
13. At the result of the accident a man was poisoned by CO. That caused
4. The man lives high in the mountains. What change of his blood headache, shortbreathing, faintness. Decrease of concentration of what
volume can be detected? compound led to this effect?
A. Increase of red blood cell count A. Oxyhemoglobin
B. Decrease of measurement of hemoglobin contents B. Carboxyhemoglobin
C. Appearance of erythroblasts C. Carboxyhemoglobin
D. Decrease of reticulocyte count D. Methemoglobin
E. No change in the blood takes place E. Deoxygenated hemoglobin
5. A child has arrived to Eupatorian health resort from radiation zone. 14. Blood examination indicated increase of blood sedimentation rate,
High amount of red blood cells has been detected in lymphatic fluid. which is defined by:
What is the reason of this phenomenon? A. Inflammatory process
A. Capillary permeability has increased B. Intensive physical activity
B. Red blood cell count has increased C. Loss of blood
C. Oncotic pressure has increased D. Acute situational reaction
D. Osmotic pressure has increased E. Food acceptance
E. Lymph flow has changed
15. The correlation between albumins and globulins in plasm has
6. Two weeks after artery stricture in the experiment on the rabbit decreased at the result of long-term starvation. Which of the following
increase of red cell blood count and hemoglobin in the blood has been
effects would be the result of this change? 24.While analyzing blood sample of the sportsman the following values
A. Increase of blood sedimentation rate have been detected: red blood cell count – 5, 5 * 10^12/l, hemoglobin
B. Decrease of blood sedimentation rate count – 180 g/l, white blood cell count - 7* 10^9/l, neutrocyte count –
C. Increase of packed cell volume 64%, basophil count – 0, 5%, monocyte count – 8%, lymphocyte count
D. Decease of packed cell volume – 27%. These values indicate first of all stimulation of:
E. Hypercoagulability A. Erythrogenesis
16. A man with kidney disease has been detected anaemia. The most B. Leucopoiesis
probable reason of anemia is the defect of … secretion. C. Lymphopoiesis
A. Erythropoietin D. Granulocytopoiesis
B. Rennin E. Immunogenesis
C. Aldosterone 25. Red blood cell count of a healthy man is 5, 65 * 10^12/l. The reason
D. Natriuretic hormone of this value is the fact that this man:
E. Antidiuretic hormone A. Lives in high mountain region
17. After long-lasting physical activity the volume of blood circulation B. Works as a miner
of a man with the weight of 80 kl has decreased to 5, 4 l, packed cell C. Is a pregnant woman
volume – 50%, total protein – 80 g/l. These blood values are the result D. Is an adult man
of: E. Is a preschooler
A. Water loss with sudor 26. During medical examination of a pregnant woman twice the amount
B. Increase of red blood cell count of fibrinogen content in plasm has been detected. What is the woman’s
C. Increase of protein content in plasm blood sedimentation rate?
D. Increase of oncotic pressure of plasm A. 40-50 mm/h
E. Increase of diuresis B. 10-15 mm/h
18. A man with exsomatized kidney has been detected symptoms of C. 2-12 mm/h
anemia. What influenced appearance of these symptoms? D. 5-10 mm/h
A. Decrease of erythropoetin fusion E. 0 – 5 mm/h
B. Increased erythrocytoschisis 27. The worker has been working intensively while the temperature was
C. Lack of ferrum +35 C. What changes of blood value will be observed?
D. Lack of anti-pernicious anemia factor A. Increase of packed cell volume
E. Lack of folic acid B. Decrease of packed cell volume
19. Hemoglobin count of the patient is 150 g/l. What is the amount of C. Increase globular value
oxygen capacity? D. Decrease of blood sedimentation rate
A. 20ml/100 ml of blood E. Increase of blood sedimentation rate
B. 12/100 ml of blood 28. Before the trauma blood sedimentation rate of the man was 40%.
C. 10/100 ml of blood What will it be one day after the loss of 750 ml of blood?
D. 25/100 ml of blood A. 30%
E. 15/100 ml of blood B. 40%
20. A man got poisoned by carbon monoxide during the fire. What C. 55%
changes took place in the blood? D. 45%
A. Carboxyhemoglobin formation E. 50%
B. Methemoglobin formation 29. Blood viscosity of the patient used to be 70. Which factor was the
C. Carbaminohemoglobin formation most probable in changing the value of blood viscosity?
D. Reduced hemoglobin formation A. Water deprivation
E. Acidosis progression B. Athletic overexertion
21. While analyzing the blood sample drawn from the corpse cyanides C. Excessive fluid intake
poisoning has been detected by forensic doctor. What was the reason of D. Food acceptance
death? E. Hypodynamia
A. Methemoglobin formation 30. The patient (44 years old) who had been administered to intensive
B. Carboxyhemoglobin formation care unit has been stated packed cell volume decrease to 0,3. Which of
C. Carbaminohemoglobin formation the following processes could lead to this condition?
D. Reduced hemoglobin formation A. Internal hemorrhage
E. Blood pH Change B. Derangement of digestion
22. A young man (20 years old) who had started practicing track and C. Excessive fluid intake
field athletics regularly was stated: red blood cell count – 5, 5 * 10^12 D. Stricture of vessels of internals
/l, reticulocyte count – 12% from systemic red blood cell count, E. Renal disorder
hemoglobin – 160 g/l, globular value – 1, 03. These blood values 31. According to blood sample analyze patient’s blood contains 4, 8
indicate erythrogenesis stimulation at the result of … formation in the *10^12/l of red blood cells some of which comprise nuclei. What is the
course of training. meaning of this phenomenon?
A. Hypoxemia A. Tension in erythrogenesis system
B. Hypercapnia B. Erythropenia
E. Exercise load C. Erythrocytosis
D. Hyperventilation D. Packed cell volume change
E. Hyperglycosemia E. Change of blood pH
23. 1 l of sodium chloride solution with the concentration of 150 32. Blood examination of the patient who had been administered to the
millimole/l has been injected to the patient who had had loss of blood. hospital indicated increase of blood sedimentation rate. What is the
What would decrease first of all? reason of this change?
A. Oncotic pressure of blood A. Inflammatory process
B. Oncotic pressure of intercellular fluid B. Acute situational reaction
C. Osmotic pressure of blood C. Food consumption
D. Osmotic pressure of intercellular fluid D. Intense physical activity
E. Osmotic intracellular pressure E. Loss of blood
33. A significant decrease of blood volume of the patient has been 42. To stop bleeding in trauma, it is important to determine the type of
observed at the result of hemorrhage. Which homeostatic value would damaged vessels. Why normally venous blood color is different from
be restored by the organism in the first place? the arterial?
A. Volume of blood circulation A. it contains deoxyhemoglobin
B. Osmotic pressure B. it contains a lot of metabolites
C. Oncotic pressure C. it contains a lot of salts in plasma
D. Sodium ion content in the blood D. contains a lot of carbon dioxide
E. Factor IV content in the blood E. it contains low glucose
34. Red blood cell count of a grown up man had been 4, 8*10^12/l for 43. By transfusion of citrated blood to the patient after the injury the
several years. After his family and he emigrated to a different region his doctor didn't take into account the fact that this blood does not clot and
red blood cell count has risen to 7, 0*10^12/l. In what region has the bleeding does not stop. What the doctor did not consider?
man emigrated? A. absence of Ca2 + in such blood
A. To high mountain region B. of K +
B. To the sea C. Na +
C. To the valley D. Mg + 2
D.To the country side E. Fe + 2
E. To the woodland 44. In the blood after microvascular injury increased content of
35. 3 hours after long-lasting and acute hemorrhage patient’s Volume of thromboxane A2, which led to a decrease in bleeding time due to
blood circulation restored with the help of 0, 9% of NaCl. What would accelerated hemostasis during the development of phase:
globular value be? A. reversible aggregation of platelets
A. 1.0 B. platelet adhesion
B. 1.3 C. irreversible aggregation of platelets
C. 0.7 D. coagulation
D. 0.6 E. a retraction clot
E. 0.5 45. Blood is poured into the tube and determined that its clotting time is
36. Oxygen capacity of the fetus is higher than of the mother because of 6 min. After the clot formation the tube was placed in a thermostat for
the larger content of: the night and found the destruction of a thrombus due to activation:
A. HbF A. plasmin
B. HbA B. kinins
C. HbH C. kalikrein
D. HbS D. heparin
E. HbP E. antithrombin
37. In a human, as a result of physical activity increased the rate of 46. In a boy of 16 years after the disease reduced the function of protein
blood clotting. The reason for this is the increased concentration in the synthesis in the liver due to lack of vitamin K, which led primarily to a
blood: breach in:
A. Adrenaline A. Blood clotting
B. Thyroxine B. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
C. Growth Hormone C. formation anticoagulants
D. Cortisol D. formation erythropoietin
E. Plasmin E. oncotic pressure of the blood
38. What should be added to the donor blood, canned whith sodium 47. To prevent blood clotting in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate
citrate, to induce clotting? determination blood was mixed with sodium citrate. What bounds these
A. Calcium ions reagent ions?
B. Sodium ions A. calcium.
C. Prothrombin B. Potassium.
D. Vitamin K C. Magnesium.
E. Fibrinogen D. chlorine.
39. Patient after liver disease was found to decrease the content of E. Sodium.
prothrombin in the blood. It will, first of all, lead to violation of: 48. The patient in the transfusion of large amounts of citrated blood
A. second phase of coagulation. there stopped the activity of the heart. Specify the possible mechanism
B. First phase koagulyatsiyngo hemostasis. of the changes obtained:
C. vascular-platelet hemostasis. A. Lack of calcium ions in the blood
D. fibrinolysis. B. excess of iron
E. anticoagulant properties of blood C. lack of fibrinogen
40. The patient has slowed down the process of blood coagulation, D. Excess of erythrocytes
which threatens a large blood loss during surgery. What might be the E. Circulating immune complexes
cause of mitigating the coagulation system? 49. In the clinic there is a man 49 years old with a significant increase in
A. increased activity of anticoagulation blood clotting time, gastrointestinal bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding.
B. increase in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood Lack what vitamin can be the reason of these symptoms?
C. increase in the amount of adrenaline in the blood A. K
D. increased tone of the parasympathetic system B. B1
E. trigger is activated Hageman factor C. PP
41. With age, the walls of blood vessels are formed cholesterol D. H
"plaques". Why in the presence of "plaques" increases the likelihood of E. E
thrombus formation within the vessel? 50. Before blood sampling in experimental rats, which have very high
A. destruction of platelets and erythrocytes takes place rate of bleeding, there sometimes administered heparin. For what
B. reversible platelet aggregation takes place purpose?
C. it is formed blood plasminogen activator A. Increase anticoagulation
D. it is activated factor XII B. Lower anticoagulation
E. increased Ca ++ levels in the blood C. Increased coagulation
D. Increase fibrinolysis
E. Reduction of fibrinolysis A. Thrombocytopenia
51. In the damage of the vessel wall there also destroyed blood cells. B. eritropeniya
What come out from destroyed platelets? C. Leukopenia
A. factors education prothrombinase D. lymphocytosis
B. heparin E. Decrease in hemoglobin content.
C. thrombin 61. A patient, by a physician's prescribings, takes coagulants. What
D. Rh - factor clinical analysis of the blood is required at the same time?
E. plasminogen A. Determination of the main indicators of coagulation
52. The patient complains of increased bleeding, bleeding that occur B. Quantification of erythrocyte
under minor injuries. What substances can contribute to bleeding whike C. Determination of leukocytes
increasing in their content in the blood? D. Quantification of haematocrit
A. heparin E. Definition of ESR.
B. thromboplastin 62. After applying a tourniquet were found petechiae. With dysfunction
C. histamine of which blood cells is it connected?
D. Serotonin A. Platelets
E. plasminogen B. Eosinophils
53. In a patient with liver disease was found a decrease in the blood C. Monocytes
fibrinogen. What phase of hemostasis was violated in this case? D. Lymphocytes
A. third phase of hemocoagulation hemostasis E. neutrophils
B. retraction of platelet thrombus 63. Coagulational and anticoagulationals mechanisms are regulated by
C. platelet adhesion the nervous system. How does react the process of blood coagulation by
D. formation of prothrombinase increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system?
E. platelet aggregation A. coagulation intensifies
54. In a patient with thrombosis of the left shin was found a decrease in B. coagulation falters
the activity of the blood anticoagulation system. The content of what C. coagulation will not change
factor of the following can be reduced in the blood? D. activating of anticoagulant system
A. antithrombin E. depressing of antifibrinolytic system
B. prothrombin 64. Prior to the surgery was revealed that a person increased in bleeding
C. trombostenin time to 15 minutes. Deficit of what elements in the blood can be
D. fibrinogen responsible for these changes?
E. histamine A. Platelets
55. A person, 40 years old, with a body weight of 80 kg during stress B. erithrocytes
revealed the total blood coagulation time was 2 min, that was a result of C. Lymphocytes
the action on hemocoagulation primarily: D. Leukocyte
A. catecholamines. E. Monocytes
B. Cortisol. 65. In a boy of 16 years, after the disease was reduced the function of
C. Aldosterone. protein synthesis in the liver due to the lack of vitamin K, which lead
D. Growth Hormone. primarily to a breach in:
E. Vasopressin. A. Blood clotting
56. The patient has high activity of prothrombin, there is a danger of B. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
thrombosis. What anticoagulant we should apply in this case? C. formation of anticoagulants
A. Heparin. D. formation of erythropoietin
B. sodium oxalate. E. blood osmotic pressure
C. potassium oxalate. 66. A woman in the delivery eve has ESR 40 mm/hour. This ESR is due
D. Sodium citrate to the fact that in the blood is/are increased the level(s) of:
E. Ethylene diamine tetraacetate. A. Fibrinogen
57. Patients after liver disease was found to decrease prothrombin in the B. albumins
blood. What are the stages and phases of hemostasis violated in this C. Proteins
case? D. Erythrocytes
A. second phase of coagulation E. Lipoproteins
B. platelet aggregation 67. In the clinical emergency and resuscitation practice are not
C. platelet adhesion uncommon the conditions, that are accompanied by oedema of the brain
D. platelet clot retraction cells. To fight that state, it is advisable to introduce the substances to
E. the third phase of coagulation patients, which:
58. At what stage of vascular-platelet haemostasis trombostenin acts? A. increase the colloid-osmotic pressure of blood
A. Retraction of platelet thrombus formation. B. Change the acid-base balance of blood
B. reflex vasospasm. C. reduce systemic blood pressure
C. platelet adhesion. D. Reduce central venous pressure
D. Reversible aggregation of platelets. E. Reduce circulating blood volume (CBV)
E. Irreversible aggregation of platelets. 68. Analysis of a woman's blood found an increased in erythrocyte
59. In a patient with Hageman factor deficiency there found sedimentation rate (ESR), which was due to:
infringements of fibrinolysis. Which of these factors activates A. pregnancy
fibrinolysis by internal mechanism? B. physical work
A. XIIa C. blood loss
B. III D. Stress
C. VIIa E. having meals
D. XIa 69. In the patient the content of albumin in the blood plasma and oncotic
E. IXa. pressure are dramatically reduced. What will be the result of that like?
60. In a patient with minor mechanical injuries appear bruising. What A. Swelling (oedema)
could cause this phenomenon? B. Decrease in urine output
C. increase in blood volume B. Eosinophiles
D. Decrease in ESR C. Neutrophils
E. increase in the density of blood D. Basophils
70. A man lost his consciousness in the car where he had been waiting E. Lymphocytes
his friend for a long time with the engine running. In his blood was then 8. Decrease of antibody content of the patient has been detected.
found the hemoglobin derivative. What substance exactly? Decrease of the count of what white blood cells may be the reason of
A. carboxyhemoglobin hypoactivity of immune system?
B. deoxyhemoglobin A. B- lymphocytes
C. Carbhemoglobin B. Neutrophils
D. Methemoglobin C. Eosinophiles
E. Oxyhemoglobin D. Monocytes
71. A blood drop has been put into a test tube with 0,3% solution of E. Basophils
NaCl. What will happen to erythrocytes? 9. Shift of leukogram of the patient to the left is observed. Which of the
A. Osmotic haemolysis factors can lead to this phenomenon?
B. Shrinkage A. Acute inflammatory process
C. Mechanical haemolysis B. Mental stress
D. Any changes will be observed C. Carbohydrate food consumption
E. Biological haemolysis D. Protein food consumption
PROTECTIVE FUNCTIONS OF BLOOD E. Greasy food consumption
1. 10% of eosinophile in the blood has been detected in Clinical 10. Eosinophilia has been stated while examining the blood of a 10 year-
assessments of the patient. Which of the following processes is the most old child. Which of the following reasons is the most probable to have
likely to have led to eosinophilia? caused it?
A. Allergic state of the organism A. Helminthism
B. Inflammatory process of internals B. Physical activity
C. Muscle concussion of the lower limbs C. Consumption of poor-quality food
D. Lack of zymes of gastro-intestinal tract D. Acute situational reaction
E. Faintness E. Upper arm concussion
2. At the result of stress situation woman’s immunoprophylactic 11. An evident autoimmune response of the patient is observed. Which
potential decreased. With the help of which formed elements is hormones have to be injected to the patient in order to decrease the
immunity defined? concentration of autoimmune bodies?
A. Lymphocytes A. Glucocorticoids
B. Monocytes B. Catecholamines
C. Thrombocytes C. Mineralocorticoids
D. Eosinophiles D. Insulin
E. Neutrophils E. Glucagon
3. Immunity activity is connected with sufficient number of antibodies 12. 12% of eosinophile in the blood of the patient has been stated at the
in the blood. Which of the substances of plasm are the bearers of result of blood examination. Which abnormal changes should the doctor
antibodies? consider first of all?
A. Gamma globulins A. Allergy
B. Albumins B. Acute inflammation
C. Polysaccharose C. Chronic inflammation
D. Ca++ ions D. Decrease in immunity
E. Lipids E. None of the answers is correct
4. Antibodies content in the blood defines disease-resistance of the 13. White blood cell count increase in the blood is called:
organism. Which formed elements produce antibodies? A. Leukocytosis
A. Lymphocytes B. Leucosis
B. Eosinophiles C. Leukopenia
C. Monocytes D. Agranulocytosis
D. Neutrophils E. Mononucleosis
E. Basophils 14. The patient with acute abdomen diagnosis has been administered to
5. The results of blood examination are a significant objective index of the hospital. The doctor suspected acute appendicitis and appointed
medical condition of the patient. Blood samples are drawn on an empty emergent blood estimation to prove his version. Which of blood values
stomach because after food consumption … is observed. can confirm the presence of acute inflammation?
A. Leukocytosis A. Leukocytosis
B. Erythrocytosis B. Erythrocytosis
C. Increase of blood coagulability C. Leukopenia
D. Increase of the content erythropoietin D. Erythropenia
E. Change of blood Ph E. Eosinophilia
6. Autoimmune responses, which are an excessive increase of antibody 15. A range of substances is synthesized in neutrophils. Which one of
production, are detected. Deficit of what kind of white blood cells may them influences viruses?
be the reason of this phenomenon? A. Interferon
A. Regulatory T-cell B. Lysozyme
B. Monocytes C. Phagocytin
C. T-helper cells D. Myeloperoxidase
D. Eosinophiles E. Hydrolyzing enzyme
E. Neutrophils 16. As we know specific cell-mediated immunity is playing a significant
7. Postoperative wound of the patient maturated five days after surgical part. Which of the following glands is taking part in specific cell-
intervention. Which of the white blood cells will most probably mediated immunity formation?
phagocyte if the wound has acidic conditions? A. Thymus gland
A. Monocytes B. Prepituitary gland
C. Thyroid body D. Intensive physical activity
D. Reproductive glands E. Loss of blood
E. Suprarenal cortex 26. Determination of leukogram is a significant part of clinical research
17. After a long-lasting anti-biotic intake the patient got allergy in the study. What does it indicate?
form of significant rubor at the result of vascular distention and blood A. Percentage of divergent types of white blood cells
flow increase. Which types of leucocytes take part in allergy progress B. Systemic white blood cell count
most of all? C. Percentage of granular leukocytes and agranular leukocytes
A. Basophils D. Percent of white blood cells in relation to Systemic white blood cell
B. Monocytes count
C. Neutrophils E. Percentage of granular leukocytes
D. Eosinophiles 27. The doctor has arranged medical examination of the workers after
E. Lymphocytes fulfillment of heavy work in order to estimate adaptation for physical
18. A bulge with mattery content appeared one day after the cut of the activity. What changes of clinical blood analysis can be observed?
finger. Which elements of non-specific hemic system take part in A. Relative leukocytosis
decontamination of the inflammation? B. Leukopenia
A. Neutrophils C. Anaemia
B. Basophils D. Hypoalbuminemia
C. Red blood cells E. Shift of the leukogram to the left
D. Monocytes 28. The patient has been suffering from bronchial asthma for a long
E. Eosinophiles period of time. What changes of leukogram can the doctor find while
19. Diapedesis is the term that includes: examining the patient?
A. Neutrophil migration from the blood flow A. Eosinophilia
B. Blood clotting B. Basophilia
C. Predisposition to allergic reaction C. Leukocytosis
D. Specific blood examination D. Leukopenia
E. Brake action of antibody production E. Shift of the leukogram to the left
20. An insignificant increase of white blood cell count (leukocytosis) of 29. An increased count of eosinophiles (12%) of the patient (12 years
the patient has been detected at the result of blood examination while old) has been detected. Choose the state in which this phenomenon is
the rest of blood values have not changed. What has the patient most observed:
probably done before examination despite warnings of the doctor? A. Ascariasis
A. He has had breakfast B. General toxic syndrome
B. He has not had any breakfast C. Pulmonary fever
C. He has drunk 200 ml of juice D. Immunodeficiency
D. He has smoked a cigarette E. Acute respiratory virus infection
E. He has drunk 200 ml of sweet tea 30. Clinical studies of blood are recommended to be run at fasting state
21. After cardiac transplantation the patient had transplant rejection. in the morning. What blood components changes are possible, if we take
What cells of immune system cause this effect first of all? the blood sample postprandially?
A. Macrophagocytes A. increase in the number of leukocytes
B. Neutrophils B. increase in the number of red blood cells
C. Eosinophiles C. Increase in the level of plasma proteins
D. Basophils D. decrease in the number of platelets
E. Thrombocytes E. decrease in the number of red blood cells
22. During periodic health examination of the patient who had no *
physical complaint leukocytosis had been detected. The reason of this 31. Lymphocytes and other cells of our body synthesize universal
phenomenon is the fact that blood sample has been drawn after: antiviral agents as a response to viral invasion. Name these protein
A. Physical activity factors:
B. Mental work A. Interferon
C. Repose at the resort B. Interleukin – 2
D. Large consumption of water C. Cytokines
E. Consumption of alcohol D. Interleukin – 4
E. Tumor necrosis factor
23. A child has been detected helminthes. What changes in peripheral
blood would be observed? BLOOD TYPING, HAEMOSTASIS
A. Eosinophilia 1. Primipregnancy of a woman with Rh-negative blood led to rhesus
B. Leukocytosis incompatibility. Why did that happen?
C. Neutrocytosis A. Anti-rh antibodies changed
D. Basophilia B. pH of blood changed
E. Monocytosis C. Blood sedimentation rate changed
D. Packed cell volume changed
24. A child is 5 years old. Which physiological peculiarity will you E. Shift of leucogram took place
A. The count of neutrophils and lymphocytes is the same 2. Four blood groups are detected by antigenic specificity of:
B. The count of neutrophils is larger than the one of lymphocytes A. Red blood cells
C. Erythropenia B. White blood cells
D. Thrombocytosis C. Thrombocytes
E. The count of lymphocytes is larger than the one of neutrophils D. Neutrophils
E. Eosinophiles
25. Blood examination of the patient who had been administered to the
hospital indicated increase of blood sedimentation rate. What is the 3. Blood group of pregnant woman had been detected.
reason of this change? Hemagglutination reaction took place with test serums of I (0) and B
A. Inflammatory process (III) groups and did not with test serum of A (II) group. The examined
B. Acute situational reaction blood belongs to … group.
C. Food consumption A. А(II)
B. 0(I)
C. В(III) 12. During the act of delivery a woman had been detected blood group
D. АВ(IV) due to loss of blood. Hemagglutination reaction took place with standard
E. None of the answers is correct serums of 0 (I) and A (II) groups and it did not take place with standard
4. The patient with АВ(IV) Rh (-) blood group needs repeated blood serum of B (III) group. The examined blood belongs to:
transfusion. Two months ago he was transfused donor’s blood. Why A. В (III)
cannot the patient be transfused the blood from the same donor? B. 0 (I)
A. Immunization of the certain blood system has already taken place C. A (III)
B. Immunization in AB system has already taken place D. AB (IV)
C. Immunization in Rh system has already taken place E. It is impossible to define
D. Immunization in AB0 and Rh system has already taken place 13. A pregnant woman had been detected the blood group.
E. Immunization in one of the 20 systems of red blood cells has already Hemagglutination reaction took place with standard serums of 0 (I) and
taken place B (III) groups and it did not take place with standard serum of A (II)
5. In which blood group are A and B agglutinogens absent? group. The examined blood belongs to:
A. The first A. А(II)
B. The second B. 0(I)
C. The third C. В(III)
D. The forth D. АВ(IV)
E. That is impossible E. None of the answers is correct
6. According to intravital indications the patient with Rh-negative had 14. A man (30) years old was detected blood group before surgical
been transfused new blood of the first group. The patient died at the intervention. Hemagglutination reaction took place with standard
result of incompatible blood transfusion reaction. What was the doctor’s serums of 0 (I), A (II) B (III) groups. The examined blood belongs to:
mistake? A. 0 (I)
A. The doctor did not find out whether the blood had been earlier B. А(II)
transfused including patient’s Ph(-) C. В(III)
B. The patient should have been transfused the IV blood group D. АВ(IV)
C. The blood should have been transfused to the artery but not to the E. None of the answers is correct
vein 14. While defining the blood group according to AB0 system test
D. The blood should have been warmed up to the temperature of the serums of I and II groups caused hemagglutination reaction of the
body examined blood while test serum of III group did not. What is the blood
E. The blood of the close relative should have been transfused group?
7. While defining the blood group according to AB0 system test serums A. B (III) alpha
of I and II groups caused hemagglutination reaction of the examined B. A (II) beta
blood while test serum of III group did not. Which agglutinogens are C. AB (IV)
present in these red blood cells? D. O (I) alpha beta
A. B E. It is impossible to define
B. A and B 15. While defining the blood group of the patient (33 years old) test
C. D and C serums of I and II groups caused hemagglutination reaction of the
D. C examined blood while test serum of III group and Anti-rh srum did not.
E. A Blood of which group may be transfused in case of necessity
8. “Yes” response of agglutination with anti-B and anti-D reagents had considering the system of rhesus blood factor?
been detected while defining blood group of the patient with the help of A. III (B) Rh –
monoclonal reagents test. What is the blood group of the patient? B. II (A) Rh –
A. B (III)Rh+ C. I (O) Rh+
B. A (II)Rh D. IV (AB) Rh+
C. B (III)Rh- E. IV (AB) Rh –
D. A (II)Rh- 16. At the result of gastric hemorrhage the patient lost about 2 l of
E. 0 (I)Rh+ blood. It was defined that О (I) blood is Rh-negative. With the
9. The following results have been obtained while defining the blood substitutive goal the doctor transfused 1 l of О(I) Rh-positive blood.
group according to AB0 system test with the help of test serums: What will be the most probable consequences of the transfusion?
agglutination took place in the serums of I, II and III groups. What is the A. Immunization of recipient by Rh-agglutinogens of the donor
blood group? B. Degradation of red blood cells of the donor
A. IV (AB) C. Degradation of red blood cells of the recipient
B. BIII (B) D. Blood clot formation
C. II (A) E. Increase of blood coagulability
D. I (0) 17. A pregnant woman had been transfused blood of the group of АВО,
E. It is impossible to define Rh+ system for the first time. Yet the effect of incompatible blood
10. Cardiac arrest took place at the result of transfusing large amount of transfusion reaction appeared. What was the doctor’s mistake?
citrated blood to the patient. What is the reason of this phenomenon? A. Rhesus blood factor of the blood was not examined
A. Decrease of Са2+ in plasm B. Anticoagulant factors were not included
B. Increase of Na+ in plasm C. More than 500 ml of blood were transfused
C. Decrease of К+ in plasm D. Hematocrit was not defined
D. Increase of Са2+ in plasm E. Time of blood coagulation according was not counted
E. Increase of Na+ in plasm 18. After blood donation the donor feels thirst. What is the warning
11. While examining the factors of blood-group specificity the blood of agent?
the III group of a new-born and of an adolescent was studied. What was A. Angiotensin
the distinction of the blood of a new-born? B. Aldosterone
A. Absence of agglutinin matter in plasm C. Antidiuretic hormone
B. Absence of agglutinogens in membranes of red blood cells D. Epinephrine
C. Low agglutinin content I plasm E. Norepinephrine
D. Presence of agglutinogens in membranes of red blood cells 19. Ferrihemoglobin (a compound in which ferrous iron turns into ferric
E. Presence of agglutinogens in a different system
iron) appears at the result of strong oxidizers’ getting into the blood. which threatens a large blood loss during surgery. What might be the
What can the doctor do to save the patient? cause of mitigating the coagulation system?
A. Arrange exchange transfusion A. increased activity of anticoagulation
B. Allow to breath medical grade air B. increase in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood
C. Take the patient to the open air C. increase in the amount of adrenaline in the blood
D. Use respiratory center stimulators D. increased tone of the parasympathetic system
E. Set the patient at rest and get him into the bed E. trigger is activated Hageman factor
20. After serious surgical intervention a woman (38 years old) was 29. With age, the walls of blood vessels are formed cholesterol
transfused packed red blood cells of the same group in the volume of "plaques". Why in the presence of "plaques" increases the likelihood of
800 ml. What changes of blood will most probably be observed? thrombus formation within the vessel?
A. Hematocrit will increase A. destruction of platelets and erythrocytes takes place
B. Hematocrit will decrease B. reversible platelet aggregation takes place
C. Blood sedimentation rate will increase C. it is formed blood plasminogen activator
D. Blood sedimentation rate will decrease D. it is activated factor XII
E. Globular value will increase E. increased Ca ++ levels in the blood
21. During surgery, there was a need of massive blood transfusion. 30. To stop bleeding in trauma, it is important to determine the type of
Patient's blood type is III (B) Rh+. What kind of donor should be damaged vessels. Why normally venous blood color is different from
chosen? the arterial?
A. III (B) Rh+ A. it contains deoxyhemoglobin
B. I (O) Rh- B. it contains a lot of metabolites
C. II (A) Rh+ C. it contains a lot of salts in plasma
D. IV (AB) Rh- D. contains a lot of carbon dioxide
E. III (B) Rh- E. it contains low glucose
22. While determining the blood type by the ABO system with using the 31. By transfusion of citrated blood to the patient after the injury the
standard sera were obtained the following results: agglutination doctor didn't take into account the fact that this blood does not clot and
occurred in I, II and III serum types. What type of the blood that is being bleeding does not stop. What the doctor did not consider?
analysed? A. absence of Ca2 + in such blood
A. IV (alpha, beta) B. of K +
B. III (alpha) C. Na +
C. II (beta) D. Mg + 2
D. I (O) E. Fe + 2
E. it's impossible to determine 32. In the blood after microvascular injury increased content of
23. In a person, due to physical load there increased the rate of blood thromboxane A2, which led to a decrease in bleeding time due to
clotting. The reason for this was the increase in the blood the accelerated hemostasis during the development of phase:
concentration of: A. reversible aggregation of platelets
A. Adrenaline B. platelet adhesion
B. Thyroxine C. irreversible aggregation of platelets
C. Growth Hormone D. coagulation
D. Cortisol E. a retraction clot
E. plasmins 33. Blood is poured into the tube and determined that its clotting time is
24. What should be added to a donor's blood sample, canned with 6 min. After the clot formation the tube was placed in a thermostat for
sodium citrate, in attempt to induce clotting? the night and found the destruction of a thrombus due to activation:
A. calcium ions. A. plasmin
B. sodium ions B. kinins
C. Prothrombin C. kalikrein
D. Vitamin K D. heparin
E. Fibrinogen E. antithrombin
25. In a human, as a result of physical activity increased the rate of 34. In a boy of 16 years after the disease reduced the function of protein
blood clotting. The reason for this is the increased concentration in the synthesis in the liver due to lack of vitamin K, which led primarily to a
blood: breach in:
A. Adrenaline A. Blood clotting
B. Thyroxine B. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
C. Growth Hormone C. formation anticoagulants
D. Cortisol D. formation erythropoietin
E. Plasmin E. oncotic pressure of the blood
26. What should be added to the donor blood, canned whith sodium 35. To prevent blood clotting in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate
citrate, to induce clotting? determination blood was mixed with sodium citrate. What bounds these
A. Calcium ions reagent ions?
B. Sodium ions A. calcium.
C. Prothrombin B. Potassium.
D. Vitamin K C. Magnesium.
E. Fibrinogen D. chlorine.
27. Patient after liver disease was found to decrease the content of E. Sodium.
prothrombin in the blood. It will, first of all, lead to violation of: 36. The patient in the transfusion of large amounts of citrated blood
A. second phase of coagulation. there stopped the activity of the heart. Specify the possible mechanism
B. First phase koagulyatsiyngo hemostasis. of the changes obtained:
C. vascular-platelet hemostasis. A. Lack of calcium ions in the blood
D. fibrinolysis. B. excess of iron
E. anticoagulant properties of blood C. lack of fibrinogen
28. The patient has slowed down the process of blood coagulation, D. Excess of erythrocytes
E. Circulating immune complexes
37. In the clinic there is a man 49 years old with a significant increase in A. Retraction of platelet thrombus formation.
blood clotting time, gastrointestinal bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding. B. reflex vasospasm.
Lack what vitamin can be the reason of these symptoms? C. platelet adhesion.
A. K D. Reversible aggregation of platelets.
B. B1 E. Irreversible aggregation of platelets.
C. PP 46. In a patient with Hageman factor deficiency there found
D. H infringements of fibrinolysis. Which of these factors activates
E. E fibrinolysis by internal mechanism?
38. Before blood sampling in experimental rats, which have very high A. XIIa
rate of bleeding, there sometimes administered heparin. For what B. III
purpose? C. VIIa
A. Increase anticoagulation D. XIa
B. Lower anticoagulation E. IXa.
C. Increased coagulation 47. In a patient with minor mechanical injuries appear bruising. What
D. Increase fibrinolysis could cause this phenomenon?
E. Reduction of fibrinolysis A. Thrombocytopenia
39. In the damage of the vessel wall there also destroyed blood cells. B. eritropeniya
What come out from destroyed platelets? C. Leukopenia
A. factors education prothrombinase D. lymphocytosis
B. heparin E. Decrease in hemoglobin content.
C. thrombin 48. A patient, by a physician's prescribings, takes coagulants. What
D. Rh - factor clinical analysis of the blood is required at the same time?
E. plasminogen A. Determination of the main indicators of coagulation
40. The patient complains of increased bleeding, bleeding that occur B. Quantification of erythrocyte
under minor injuries. What substances can contribute to bleeding whike C. Determination of leukocytes
increasing in their content in the blood? D. Quantification of haematocrit
A. heparin E. Definition of ESR.
B. thromboplastin 49. After applying a tourniquet were found petechiae. With dysfunction
C. histamine of which blood cells is it connected?
D. Serotonin A. Platelets
E. plasminogen B. Eosinophils
40. In a patient with liver disease was found a decrease in the blood C. Monocytes
fibrinogen. What phase of hemostasis was violated in this case? D. Lymphocytes
A. third phase of hemocoagulation hemostasis E. neutrophils
B. retraction of platelet thrombus 50. Coagulational and anticoagulationals mechanisms are regulated by
C. platelet adhesion the nervous system. How does react the process of blood coagulation by
D. formation of prothrombinase increasing the tone of the sympathetic nervous system?
E. platelet aggregation A. coagulation intensifies
41. In a patient with thrombosis of the left shin was found a decrease in B. coagulation falters
the activity of the blood anticoagulation system. The content of what C. coagulation will not change
factor of the following can be reduced in the blood? D. activating of anticoagulant system
A. antithrombin E. depressing of antifibrinolytic system
B. prothrombin 51. Prior to the surgery was revealed that a person increased in bleeding
C. trombostenin time to 15 minutes. Deficit of what elements in the blood can be
D. fibrinogen responsible for these changes?
E. histamine A. Platelets
42. A person, 40 years old, with a body weight of 80 kg during stress B. erithrocytes
revealed the total blood coagulation time was 2 min, that was a result of C. Lymphocytes
the action on hemocoagulation primarily: D. Leukocyte
A. catecholamines. E. Monocytes
B. Cortisol. 52. In a boy of 16 years, after the disease was reduced the function of
C. Aldosterone. protein synthesis in the liver due to the lack of vitamin K, which lead
D. Growth Hormone. primarily to a breach in:
E. Vasopressin. A. Blood clotting
43. The patient has high activity of prothrombin, there is a danger of B. erythrocyte sedimentation rate
thrombosis. What anticoagulant we should apply in this case? C. formation of anticoagulants
A. Heparin. D. formation of erythropoietin
B. sodium oxalate. E. blood osmotic pressure
C. potassium oxalate. 53. When de fining blood group according to the AB0 system, using salt
D. Sodium citrate solutions of monoclonal antibodies, agglutination didn’t occur with any
E. Ethylene diamine tetraacetate. of the solutions. What blood group is it?
44. Patients after liver disease was found to decrease prothrombin in the A . 0 (I)
blood. What are the stages and phases of hemostasis violated in this B. А (II)
case? C. В (III)
A. second phase of coagulation D. АВ (IV)
B. platelet aggregation *
C. platelet adhesion 54.Determining a patient’s blood group with monoclonal test-reagents
D. platelet clot retraction revealed positive agglutination reaction to anti-A and antiB reagents,
E. the third phase of coagulation and negative reaction to anti-D. What blood group does this patient
45. At what stage of vascular-platelet haemostasis trombostenin acts? A. IV (АВ) Rh−
B. II (А) Rh+ phase was he awoken?
C. III (В) Rh− A. Paradoxical phase
D. IV (АВ) Rh+ B. Synchronized sleep
E. I (0) Rh C. Soporific phase
55. During determining the blood group according to the AB0 system D. Lethargic phase
with salt solutions of monoclonal antibodies agglutination did not occur E. Somnific phase
with any of the solutions. What blood group is it? 7. I. Pavlov concluded that higher nervous activity type is defined by the
A. 0 (I) strengh, bakance and mobility of excitative and inhibitory processes of
B. А (II) central nervous system. The strengh of excitative process of the
C. В (III) animal/human can be examined by way of:
D. АВ (IV) A. Forming behavior reflex
E. – B. Causing neurosis
56. A patient is diagnosed with hereditary coagulopathy that is C. Inhibiting behavior reflex
characterised by factor VIII deficiency. Specify the phase of blood D. Examining fatigue rate
clotting during which coagulation will be disrupted in the given case: E. Registering electroencephalogram
A. Thromboplastin formation 8. Sensory aphasia has been detected while examining an elderly
B. Thrombin formation patient. Which zone of cerebral cortex has been damaged?
C. Fibrin formation A. Wernicke's center
D. Clot retraction B. Postcentral gyrus
E. – C. Angular gyrus
57. A woman with the III (В), Rh- blood group gave birth to a child with D. Broca's center
the II (А) blood group. The child is diagnosed with hemolytic disease of E. Precentral gyrus
newborn caused by rhesus incompatibility. What blood group and Rh 9. Alpha-rhythm had been detected on electroencephalogram of cervical
can the father have? leads. What is the patient’s state?
A. II (А), Rh+ A. Repose with the eyes closed
B. I (0), Rh+ B. Deep sleep
C. III (B), Rh+ C. Repose with the open eyes
D. I (0), Rh− D. Acute situational condition
E. II (A), Rh− E. Anesthetized state
HIGHER NERVOUS ACTIVITY 10. The basis of the spectator’s perceiving visual images and actions in
1. A man has memorized a telephone number for a short period of time the movie is:
(a couple of minutes). Having phoned to the subscriber he could not A. Short-term memory
remember the sequence of numbers any more. Which type of memory B. Immediate memory
was the basis of this memorizing process? C. Sensory memory
A. Inermediate memory D. Long-term memory
B. Immediate memory E. Verbal logic memory
C. Short-term memory 11. Systemic arterial tension of the student who had suddenly seen his
D. Long-term memory girlfriend increased. Intensified realization of which reflexes caused this
E. Secondary and tertiary memory arterial tension change?
2. What type of inhibition appears when the man spends to much time in A. Behavior sympatic
the room with high rate of noise? B. Behavior parasympathetic
A. Protective C. Behavior sympatic and parasympathetic
B. Conditional D. Inborn parasympathetic
C. Differentiating E. Inborn sympatic
D. Extinctive 12. After cerebral accident a man (60 years old) had a prolonged sleep.
E. Internal Defect of which structures of central neural system most probably led to
3. Behavior salivary reflex in respond to the call disappears when: this effect?
A. The caused reflex is not supported by food A. Ascending part of reticular substance
B. Pyramidal tract is damaged B. Substantia nigra
C. Retinal separation takes place C. Little brain
D. Spinal medulla is damaged at L2-L4 D. Precentral gyrus
E. Quadriceps muscle of thigh takes place E. 5-9 pares of cranial nerves
4. A woman (15 years old) delivered a baby and gave it away to an 13. What type of behavior reflex inhibition is formed when
orphan asylum because of social problems. However in a short time she disconfirmation of excitor that resembles the main conditioned signal
felt an inexpugnable desire to take it back home. Which instinct takes place?
stimulates this desire most probably? A. Differentiating
A. Parental B. Extinctive
B. Sexual C. Protective
C. Imitating D. Delayed
D. Salutary E. Conditional
E. Zoo social 14. Examination that concerns cerebral cortex function is taking place in
5. The patient is being in suspended animation. Which of the following the hospital. Delta rhythm is registered on encephalogram. What is the
sphincters can be regulated consciously but cannot be regulated in patient’s state?
comatose state? A. Slow wave sleep
A. External proctal B. Sleep onset
B. Internal proctal C. The process of solving mathematical equation
C. Pyloric D. Visual stimuli analyze
D. Cardiac E. Paradoxical sleep
E. Ileocecal 15. During wakefulness and absence of hard headwork … is
6. The patient was being dreaming when he was awoken. In which sleep predominantly registered on electroencephalogram.
A. Beta rhythm D. Cholinergic
B. Alpha rhythm E. Glutaminergic
C. theta rhythm 25. An animal had been formed behavior food reflex on audible signal
D. Delta rhythm of 100 hz during the experiment. The other signals like the ones of 900
E. Gamma rhythm hz or 1100 hz do not cause the reflex. What is the reason of this
16. Decrease of reflectory activity is observed when strong long-lasting phenomenon?
excitors influence the organism. What is the leading inhibitory process? A. Differentiating inhibition
A. Protective inhibition B. External inhibition
B. Extinctive inhibition C. Protective inhibition
C. Delayed inhibition D. Extinctive inhibition
D. Differentiating inhibition E. Delayed inhibition
E. Conditional inhibition 26. A man (60 years old) has the damage of oral speech performance,
17. Which temper according to Hippocrates’s classification corresponds but he understands the speech normally. Which structure of the brain is
to weak type of nervous system according to Pavlov? most probably damaged?
A. Melancholic A. Back part of frontal gyrus on the left
B. Phlegmatic B. Occipital lobe
C. Sanguine C. Temporal lobe on the right
D. Choleric D. Postcentral gyrus
E. Neurotic E. Precentral gyrus
18. To which specific type of higher nervous activity does simultaneous 27. A man (60 years old) has the damage of speech reception, but oral
predominance of I and II signal system belong? speech performance is normal. Which structure of the brain is most
A. Artistic thinking type probably damaged?
B. Artistic A. Back part of temporal gyrus on the left
C. Thinking B. Frontal lobes
D. Introvert C. Occipital lobes
E. Extravert D. Precentral gyrus on the right
E. Postcentral gyrus on the left
19. To which specific type of higher nervous activity does predominance 28. A man was sitting in the armchair with his eyes closed when the
of I signal system over the II one belong? phone rang. How will his electroencephalogram change?
A. Artistic A. Alpha rhythm will turn into beta rhythm
B. Middle B. Beta rhythm will turn into theta rhythm
C. Thinking C. Alpha rhythm will increase
D. Artistic thinking D. Theta rhythm will increase
E. None of the answers is correct E. Theta rhythm will turn into alpha rhythm
20. To which specific type of higher nervous activity does predominance 29. Ataxic aphasia has been detected at the result of examination of an
of II signal system over the I one belong? elderly patient. Where is the lesion of the brain located?
A. Thinking A. In Broca's center
B. Artistic thinking B. In Heschl gyrus
C. Middle C. In angular gyrus
D. Extravert D. Postcentral gyrus
E. Artistic E. Precentral gyrus
21. Damage of short-term memory of the patient is observed after the 30. The man sitting with eyes closed, it's been recorded
trauma. Which of the following memorizing mechanisms is most electroencephalogram (EEG). What rhythm appears on the EEG if a
probably damaged? loud sound is given?
A. Reverberation of closed loop cycle of neurons A. Beta
B. Structure function change of synaptic junction of central nervous B. Theta
system C. Delta
C. Ion shifts in receptor membranes D. Alpha
D. Ion shifts in sensory neurons E
E. Structural changes in neurons 31. Loud sound during conditioned reflex activity led to its inhibition.
Indicate the type of inhibition, which reasoned the case:
22. At the result of cerebral accident the lower part of the third frontal A. External
gyrus of the left cerebral hemisphere was damaged. What are the B. Beyond
possible consequences? C. The extinguishing
A. Defect of performance of the oral speech D. differentiation
B. Defect of understanding of the oral speech E. belatedly
C. Defect of count 32. The patient from stroke damaged the rear of the first temporal gyrus
D. Defect of performance of the written language of the left hemisphere (Wernicke's center). What consequences will this
E. Defect of understanding of the written language lead to?
23. A patient consulted the doctor complaining on bad memorizing of A. Inability in understanding the speech
new information. Damage of functioning of which neurotransmitter B. Inability to calculate
systems may cause these symptoms? C. Inability to playback the speech
A. Cholinergic D. Inability to write
B. Serotonergic E. Breach of understanding the written language
C. Adrenergic 33. When taking exams students often have dry mouth. The mechanism
D. GABA-ergic that causes this state results from the following reflexes:
E. Glutaminergic A. Conditioned sympathetic
24. A woman complains on insomnia. Damage of functioning of which B. Unconditioned parasympathetic
neurotransmitter systems may cause this symptoms? C. Conditioned parasympathetic
A. Adrenergic D. Unconditioned sympathetic
B. Serotonergic E.Unconditioned peripheral
C. GABA-ergic