Amcat Attempt 1
Amcat Attempt 1
Amcat Attempt 1
You must be having a lot of questions about your skills, personality and employability. AMCAT Employability
Report will not only help answer these questions, but will become your guide for deciding next steps on your
career path. It will tell you what to study, what interviews to prepare for and how to prepare. Refer to the
following tips to understand how to make this report a means to get closer to your dream job.
Start by referring to the 'YOUR AMCAT SCORE SUMMARY' chapter of your report. This chapter has all
the key highlights for you. You will get to know where you stand nationally in different AMCAT modules, a
snapshot of your personality and your employability in different job profiles and sectors. The summary
chapter is the key. You should understand everything in it to know where you stand in the job market. For
each section in the summary chapter, we mention the chapter having additional information about the
section. Wherever you are unable to understand or want more information, refer to the respective chapter.
The chapter 'Your Profile and Industry Fit' is very important. The following tips will help you use it to
make an action plan for next few months:
a. For profiles where your employability is high, you should start refreshing your knowledge for an
interview for them. You may soon get interview calls for these.
b. You might find certain profiles where you have high employability, but are not the ones that interest
you or you know much about. We will seriously recommend that you explore more about these
profiles, find information about them and re-evaluate your interest. These can provide you an
interesting career path which you may not have considered till now.
c. For those profiles where your employability is medium/low but interest you, understand your skill
gap and start studying to improve on these areas. You may get an interview call for some of these,
but you will have to work really hard to clear the interview. To increase your chances to get
interview calls in such profiles, you should improve on your skills and re-take AMCAT after three
months. The modules you should concentrate on for a profile is mentioned in the chapter V. A
better AMCAT score can improve your interview chance in these profiles.
Finally, this report can guide you on how to improve your weak areas. Refer to Chapter III to know within
each module, which sub-modules you need to particularly improve. Work on these. Refer to Chapter VI to
not only get helpful references to improve your weak areas, but also get a time schedule you can use.
Yo ur Actio n Plan
We hope you will immediately start working on this action plan to succeed in interviews and position yourself to
get interview calls for your profiles of interest. Best of luck!
Pratik Vilas Sabale AMCAT ID : 349190168397880
Furtherm ore, the chapter goes into details of which sub-m odule within a m odule did you perform well in and where you lacked. It
will suggest where to put m ore effort and also provide tips on what kind of effort you should put in.
Module Score Grade College Percentile
English Comprehension 620 A 91% NA
Quantitative Ability (Advanced) 490 B 48% NA
Logical Ability 670 A 99% NA
Critical Reasoning 633 A 91% NA
C++ Programming 367 C 37% NA
Programming Ability Score: 1 out of 5
Automata 6 out of 100
Programming Practices Score: 1 out of 4
C ollege percentile is your percentile am ongst all the students in your college who took AMC AT
O verall percentile is your percentile am ongst all the candidates (belonging to the sam e degree as yours) tested by us
nationally till now. If your overall percentile for a m odule is NA, it m eans we do not calculate percentile for that m odule
If your reported score is -1, it m eans you have attem pted less than the m inim um num ber of questions required in that
section. In such a case no score is reported. A score of -2 m eans you did not attem pt the m odule. NA: Not Available
Grade Inform ation: grade tells you where you stand am ongst all the people who have taken AMC AT till now.
A: First 33% B: Second 33% C : Last 34%
Performance Chakra: You have done really well in sub-modules marked in green, average in those in yellow and poorly in those in pink. If a
section is without a color, it means you did not answer enough questions in the subsection to get an evaluation in it.
This section provides you a personalized feedback autom atically generated by our artificial intelligence engine. Based on your
strong and weak areas in a m odule, it provides you with suggestions and tips to im prove yourself.
English Comprehension
Your perform ance in English C om prehension is very good. You have exhibited a rem arkable perform ance in the English
m o d u le . Practice regularly in order to m aintain this level of excellence throughout. Try to exceed your current level of
perform ance by expanding your lexicon and learning about subtleties of this wonderful language. All the best!
Your perform ance in Q uantitative Ability (Advanced) is average. According to our analysis, you have m athem atical bent of
m ind. Your basic concepts are clear in all relevant areas of Q uantitative Ability. However, you need to practice questions in
each topic to attain higher level of perform ance. You do have the potential to excel. You just need som e determ ination and
hard work. All the best!
Use your tenth standard m athem atics books to understand and refresh your basic concepts.
Try to solve m athem atical puzzles.
Read the questions carefully before attem pting and do not spend too m uch tim e on a particular question.
Logical Ability
Your perform ance in Logical Ability is am ongst the top. You are an expert in drawing inferences, spotting patterns and solving
puzzles. We are sure you know that the only way to sustain and im prove this ability is to regularly practice m ore and m ore
difficult questions. All the best!
Repo rt Details
Total Problems Total Time
2 45 mins
Sco res
Total Score 6 out of 100
This is the meas ure of overall programming performance of the candidate.
Language : C
Programming Ability Score N.A. Code Compilation :
Programming Practices Score N.A. Compiler Warnings
: N.A.
Test Cases Passed : N.A.
Language : C
Programming Ability Score 1 out of 5 Code Compilation : Pass
Programming Practices Score 1 out of 4 Compiler Warnings Generated : No
Test Cases Passed : 0/8
Basic 0/5
They demons trate the primary logic of the problem. They encompas s
s ituations which would be s een on an average and do not reveal
s ituations which need extra checks /handles to be placed on the logic.
Advanced 0/3
They contain pathological input conditions which would attempt to break
codes which have incorrect / s emi-correct implementations of the
correct logic or incorrect / s emi-correct formulation of the logic.
Edge 0/2
They s pecifically confirm whether the code runs s ucces s fully on the
extreme ends of the domain of inputs .
Total 0 / 10
We Cannot Comment since you have not attempted/completed the Personality Module.
This chapter explains your job fit in various profiles in different industry sectors.
AMCAT is today used by leading corporations across the country to look for the right talent. Based our learning's
from working with these corporates, we have developed statistical models of what scores make a candidate
succeed in a given job profile. Based on your AMCAT scores and our statistical model, we can predict which job
profiles you best fit in. We can also find out the profiles for which you aren't currently ready and what subjects
you need to study to become employable in them.
This section shall provide you information about your employability in different job profiles and what all you need
to improve to become more job fit. It will also provide a glimpse in the score cut-offs for different profiles.
Your chance of
Job profile criteria and areas to work on for improving
Job Profile selection for
your chances
these job profiles.
Engineering/IT Jobs
Software Engineer- IT These companies are basically looking for good English and
Services Logical skills with average Quantitative ability.
Technical Operations
Non-technical Jobs
The graphs below show the minimum cut-off in each module every job profile (marked with solid blue lines). It
also shows your AMCAT score, which is represented by a dot and connected through dotted lines. You can
compare different job profiles cutoffs with your score to get an idea about how well or poorly you do with
respect to each module for a given profile.
Work hard and you will soon be able to crack a job in a profile of your interest. The next chapter
will provide some tips to you to improve yourself in different modules.
To be able to improve your employability you need to concentrate on improving your weak areas while
maintaining your strengths. This chapter shall guide you to resources and a plan to do this. Based on your weak
areas as enumerated in Chapter III and improvement areas for specific job profiles(discussed in Chapter V), you
should take next steps to improve your employability. To do this effectively you need to pick the right
books/resources/training for each area and spend a balanced amount of time on across subjects.
Our intelligent feedback system, based on your weaknesses and strengths has picked material to refer to and
created a study time schedule. Both when used effectively can help you improve your employability substantially.
Based on your AMCAT report, we have picked authoritative resources to help you improve. The references are
custom generated for you according to your performance in AMCAT. These resources are free to access over
the internet and should come handy in your endeavor to improve your employability.
Subjects Books/Links
Basic Mathematics Elementary Mathematics -
Permutations and Combinations -
Introduction to Probability -
Word Problems Tips and Strategies -
Applied Mathematics
Translating Word Problems -
The pie chart below, tells you about how much time you should ideally be spending on different modules. Always
remember, it is required to spend a fixed amount of time on all modules even though you might be strong in
them. Perfection is said to come from continuous practice.
And for the modules in which you might be lagging a bit, there is always time for improvement. So just put your
chin down and start working on them from today. It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime. What better
place than here, what better time than now?
We also provide you a time split for each section in the module. Based on your performance, we automatically
adjust times so that you spend more time on weak sub-sections in a module and less in others. This is contrary
to what students generally do! They keep doing questions which they are able to solve and do not attempt those
which they find tough. To improve your weak areas, you just need to do the opposite. Spend more time preparing
for weak areas, even if it takes more time to learn and practice it.
We hope that your performance analysis has helped you understand your strengths and weaknesses. Let us now
understand what your next steps should be.
Assessment is a continuous process which does not end with just an evaluation. In fact this is just the beginning.
You need to work hard to succeed in tests and interviews of companies and finally do wonders at the job.
During the next three weeks, you will be automatically enrolled in the AMCAT Job-Readiness Capsule to help you
get closer to your dream company interview. We will interact with you on a regular basis via emails to guide you
through the capsule and check your progress. We will send you SMSes with helpful tips, guidance and
employability updates for the next 3 months. Make sure you not only read these SMSes, but also do the things
they recommend. We will also guide you in making your resume and help you perform best at an interview. Make
sure you regularly log into your account to make maximum use of these resources and tips.
Also, to make sure you receive the best job opportunities matching your profile, you need to keep your profile at upto date with your most recent information and contact details. Do not compromise here, lest you
miss a desired interview opportunity!
It is our endeavor to continuously improve ourselves so that the user has a great test experience. Please contact
us in case you have any feedback about the test or the test experience in general. Your valuable comments will
help us in fixing the glitches, if any, in our system.
In case of any query, feedback or suggestion please log in to your myAMCAT account and fill up the form at