Belgica Report 1

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Belgica v. Ochoa G.R. No.


The Court defines the Pork Barrel System as the collective body of rules and practices that govern the manner by
which lump-sum, discretionary funds, primarily intended for local projects, are utilized through the respective
participations of the Legislative and Executive branches of government, including its members.

The Pork Barrel System involves two (2) kinds of lump-sum discretionary funds:

First, there is the Congressional Pork Barrel which is herein defined as a kind of lump-sum, discretionary fund wherein
legislators, either individually or collectively organized into committees, are able to effectively control certain aspects
of the fund’s utilization through various post-enactment measures and/or practices. In particular, petitioners consider
the PDAF, as it appears under the 2013 GAA, as Congressional Pork Barrel since it is, inter alia, a post-enactment
measure that allows individual legislators to wield a collective power; and PDAF GAA 2013

Second, there is the Presidential Pork Barrel which is herein defined as a kind of lump-sum, discretionary fund which
allows the President to determine the manner of its utilization. For reasons earlier stated,161 the Court shall delimit
the use of such term to refer only to the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social Fund.


The use of the term pork barrel was expanded to include certain funds of the President such as the Malampaya Fund
and the Presidential Social Fund (“PSF”).

The Malampaya Fund was created as a special fund under Section 8 of Presidential Decree (“PD”) No. 910 issued by
President Ferdinand Marcos on March 22, 1976.

The PSF was created under Section 12, Title IV of PD No. 1869, or the Charter of the Philippine Amusement and Gaming
Corporation (“PAGCOR”), as amended by PD No. 1993.

The PSF is managed and administered by the Presidential Management Staff and is sourced from the share of the
government in the aggregate gross earnings of PAGCOR.


In 1996, Marikina City Representative Romeo Candozo revealed that huge sums of money regularly went into the
pockets of legislators in the form of kickbacks.

In 2004, several concerned citizens sought the nullification of the PDAF but the Supreme Court dismissed the petition for
lack of evidentiary basis regarding illegal misuse of PDAF in the form of kickbacks.

In July 2013, the NBI probed the allegation that a syndicate defrauded the government of P10 billion using funds from
the pork barrel of lawmakers and various government agencies for scores of ghost projects.

In August 2013, the Commission on Audit released the results of a three-year audit investigation detailing the
irregularities in the release of the PDAF from 2007 to 2009.

Whistle-blowers also alleged that at least P900 million from the Malampaya Funds had gone into a dummy NGO.

The Belgica Petition

On September 3, 2013, petitioners (Belgica, et al.), and Jose M. Villegas, Jr. (Villegas) filed an Urgent Petition For
Certiorari and Prohibition With Prayer For The Immediate Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Writ of
Preliminary Injunction dated August 27, 2013 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court (Belgica Petition), seeking that the
annual "Pork Barrel System," presently embodied in the provisions of the GAA of 2013 which provided for the 2013
PDAF, and the Executive‘s lump-sum, discretionary funds, such as the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social
Fund, be declared unconstitutional and null and void for being acts constituting grave abuse of discretion.

Also, they pray that the Court issue a TRO against respondents Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr., Florencio B. Abad (Secretary
Abad) and Rosalia V. De Leon, in their respective capacities as the incumbent Executive Secretary, Secretary of the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM), and National Treasurer, or their agents, for them to immediately
cease any expenditure under the aforesaid funds.

Further, they pray that the Court order the respondents to release to the CoA and to the public the reports and list for
the said issue. The Belgica Petition was docketed as G.R. No. 208566



Whether or not (a) the issues raised involve an actual and justiciable controversy, (b) the issues raised are matters of
policy not subject to judicial review, (c) petitioners have legal standing to sue, (d) previous decisions of the Court bar
the re-litigation of the constitutionality of the Pork Barrel system.


Whether or not the 2013 PDAF Article and all other Congressional Pork Barrel laws are unconstitutional for violating
the constitutional provisions on (a) separation of powers, (b) non-delegability of legislative power, (c) checks and
balances, (d) accountability, (e) political dynasties, (f) local autonomy.


Whether or not the phrases (a) "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President" under
Section 8 of PD 910,116 relating to the Malampaya Funds, and (b) "to finance the priority infrastructure development
projects and to finance the restoration of damaged or destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and
authorized by the Office of the President of the Philippines" under Section 12 of PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993,
relating to the Presidential Social Fund, are unconstitutional insofar as they constitute undue delegations of legislative


(a) There is an actual and justiciable controversy

There exists an actual and justiciable controversy in the cases. The requirement of contrariety of legal rights is satisfied
by the antagonistic positions of the parties regarding the constitutionality of the pork barrel system.

The case is ripe for adjudication since the challenged funds and the laws allowing for their utilization are currently
existing and operational and thereby posing an immediate or threatened injury to petitioners.

The case is not moot as the proposed reforms on the PDAF and the abolition thereof does not actually terminate the
controversy on the matter. The President does not have constitutional authority to nullify or annul the legal existence of
the PDAF.

(b) Political Question Doctrine is Inapplicable

A political question refers to "those questions which, under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their
sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary authority has been delegated to the Legislature or executive
branch of the Government. It is concerned with issues dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular

The intrinsic constitutionality of the “Pork Barrel System” is not an issue dependent upon the wisdom of the political
branches of the government but rather a legal one which the Constitution itself has commanded the Court to act upon.
The 1987 Constitution expanded the concept of judicial power such that the Supreme Court has the power to determine
whether there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of any branch
or instrumentality on the part of the government.

(c) Petitioners have legal standing to sue

Petitioners have legal standing by virtue of being taxpayers and citizens of the Philippines. As taxpayers, they are bound
to suffer from the unconstitutional usage of public funds. As citizens, the issues they have raised are matters of
transcendental importance, of overreaching significance to society, or of paramount public interest.

(d) The Petition is not barred by previous cases Res Judicata and Stare Decisis.

The present case is not barred by the ruling in Philconsa vs. Enriquez because the Philconsa case was a limited response
to a separation of powers problem, specifically on the propriety of conferring post-enactment identification authority
to Members of Congress. On the contrary, the present cases involve a more holistic examination of (a) the inter-relation
between the CDF and the PDAF Articles with each other, and (b) the inter-relation of post-enactment measures
contained within a particular CDF or PDAF article, including not only those related to the area of project identification
but also to the areas of fund release and realignment.

Moreover, the Philconsa case was riddled with inherent constitutional inconsistencies considering that the authority to
identify projects is an aspect of appropriation and the power of appropriation is a form of legislative power thereby
lodged in Congress. This power cannot be exercised by individual members of Congress and the authority to appropriate
cannot be exercised after the GAA has already been passed.

The case of Lawyers Against Monopoly and Poverty vs. Secretary of Budget and Management does not also bar
judgment on the present case because it was dismissed on a procedural technicality and hence no controlling doctrine
was rendered.


(a) The separation of powers between the Executive and the Legislative Departments has been violated.

US Supreme Court decisions instruct that the principle of separation of powers may be violated in two (2) ways: firstly,
"one branch may interfere impermissibly with the other’s performance of its constitutionally assigned function";   and
"alternatively, the doctrine may be violated when one branch assumes a function that more properly is entrusted to
another."172  In other words, there is a violation of the principle when there is impermissible (a) interference with and/or
(b) assumption of another department‘s functions.
The post-enactment measures including project identification, fund release, and fund realignment are not related to
functions of congressional oversight and, hence, allow legislators to intervene and/or assume duties that properly
belong to the sphere of budget execution, which belongs to the executive department.

Legislators have been, in one form or another, authorized to participate in the various operational aspects of budgeting,
including the evaluation of work and financial plans for individual activities and the regulation and release of funds in
violation of the separation of powers principle.

Any provision of law that empowers Congress or any of its members to play any role in the implementation or
enforcement of the law violates the principle of separation of powers and is thus unconstitutional. That the said
authority to identify projects is treated as merely recommendatory in nature does not alter its unconstitutional tenor
since the prohibition covers any role in the implementation or enforcement of the law. Respondents also failed to prove
that the role of the legislators is only recommendatory in nature. They even admitted that the identification of the
legislator constitutes a mandatory requirement before the PDAF can be tapped as a funding source.


The 2013 PDAF Article, insofar as it confers post-enactment identification authority to individual legislators, violates the
principle of non-delegability since said legislators are effectively allowed to individually exercise the power of
appropriation, which – as settled in Philconsa – is lodged in Congress.

The power to appropriate must be exercised only through legislation is clear from Section 29(1), Article VI of the 1987
Constitution which states that: ― No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation
made by law. The legislators are individually exercising the power of appropriation because each of them determines (a)
how much of their PDAF fund would go to and (b) a specific project or beneficiary that they themselves also determine.


Under the 2013 PDAF Article, the amount of P24.79 Billion only appears as a collective allocation limit since the said
amount would be further divided among individual legislators who would then receive personal lump-sum allocations
and could, after the GAA is passed, effectively appropriate PDAF funds based on their own discretion.

This kind of lump-sum/post-enactment legislative identification budgeting system fosters the creation of a ―budget
within a budget which subverts the prescribed procedure of presentment and consequently impairs the President‘s
power of item veto.

It forces the President to decide between

(a) accepting the entire PDAF allocation without knowing the specific projects of the legislators, which may or may not
be consistent with his national agenda and

(b) rejecting the whole PDAF to the detriment of all other legislators with legitimate projects.

In fact, even without its post-enactment legislative identification feature, the 2013 PDAF Article would remain
constitutionally flawed since it would then operate as a prohibited form of lump-sum appropriation. This is because the
appropriation law leaves the actual amounts and purposes of the appropriation for further determination and,
therefore, does not readily indicate a discernible item which may be subject to the President‘s power of item veto.

(D) The Congressional Pork Barrel Partially Prevents Accountability As Congress Is Incapable Of Checking Itself Or Its

The fact that individual legislators are given post-enactment roles in the implementation of the budget makes it difficult
for them to become disinterested observers when scrutinizing, investigating or monitoring the implementation of the
appropriation law. The conduct of oversight would be tainted as said legislators, who are vested with post-enactment
authority, would, in effect, be checking on activities in which they themselves participate.

The concept of post-enactment authorization violates Section 14, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, which prohibits
members of Congress to intervene in any matter before any office of the Government, because it renders them
susceptible to taking undue advantage of their own office.

The Court, however, cannot completely agree that the same post-enactment authority and/or the individual legislator‘s
control of his PDAF per se would allow him to perpetuate himself in office. The use of his PDAF for re-election purposes
is a matter which must be analyzed based on

particular facts and on a case-to-case basis.

(E) The Constitutional Provision Regarding Political Dynasties Is Not Self-Executing.

Section 26, Article II of the 1987 Constitution, which provides that the state shall prohibit political dynasties as may be
defined by law, is not a self-executing provision. Since there appears to be no standing law which crystallizes the policy
on political dynasties for enforcement, the Court must defer from ruling on this issue.

(F) The Congressional Pork Barrel Violates Constitutional Principles On Local Autonomy

The Congressional Pork Barrel goes against the constitutional principles on local autonomy since it allows district
representatives, who are national officers, to substitute their judgments in utilizing public funds for local development.
The gauge of PDAF and CDF allocation/division is based solely on the fact of office, without taking into account the
specific interests and peculiarities of the district the legislator represents.

The allocation/division limits are clearly not based on genuine parameters of equality, wherein economic or geographic
indicators have been taken into consideration. This concept of legislator control underlying the CDF and PDAF conflicts
with the functions of the various Local Development Councils (“LDCs”) which are already legally mandated to assist the
corresponding sanggunian in setting the direction of economic and social development and coordinating development
efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.

Considering that LDCs are instrumentalities whose functions are essentially geared towards managing local affairs, their
programs, policies and resolutions should not be overridden nor duplicated by individual legislators, who are national
officers that have no law-making authority except only when acting as a body.


Malampaya Funds under PD 910 and the Presidential Social Fund under PD 1869, as amended by PD 1993

(A) Section 8 Of Pd No. 910 And Section 12 Of Pd No. 1869 Are Valid Appropriation Laws.

(There is no provision in our Constitution that provides or prescribes any particular form of words or religious recitals in
which an authorization or appropriation by Congress shall be made, except that it be "made by law," such as precisely
the authorization or appropriation under the questioned presidential decrees. An appropriation measure is sufficient if
the legislative intention clearly and certainly appears from the language employed.)

For an appropriation law to be valid under Section 29 (1), Article VI of the 1987 Constitution, which provides that “No
money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of an appropriation made by law”, it is enough that (a)
the provision of law sets apart a determinate or determinable amount of money and (b) allocates the same for a
particular public purpose.

Section 8 of PD 910 is a valid appropriation law because

it set apart a determinable amount: a Special Fund comprised of ― all fees, revenues, and receipts of the [Energy
Development] Board from any and all sources.

It also specified a public purpose: energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the
government and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President.

Section 12 of PD No. 1869 is also a valid appropriation law because

it set apart a determinable amount: [a]fter deducting five (5%) percent as Franchise Tax, the Fifty (50%) percent share of
the Government in the aggregate gross earnings of [PAGCOR], or 60%[,] if the aggregate gross earnings be less than

It also specified a public purpose: priority infrastructure development projects and x x x the restoration of damaged or
destroyed facilities due to calamities, as may be directed and authorized by the Office of the President of the Philippines.

(B) Section 8 Of Pd No. 910 And Section 12 Of Pd No. 1869 Constitutes Undue Delegation Of Legislation Powers.

The phrase “and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President” under Section 8 of PD 910
constitutes an undue delegation of legislative power insofar as it does not lay down a sufficient standard to adequately
determine the limits of the President‘s authority with respect to the purpose for which the Malampaya Funds may be
used. This phrase gives the President wide latitude to use the Malampaya Funds for any other purpose he may direct
and, in effect, allows him to unilaterally appropriate public funds beyond the purview of the law. This notwithstanding, it
must be underscored that the rest of Section 8, insofar as it allows for the use of the Malampaya Funds ―to finance
energy resource development and exploitation programs and projects of the government, remains legally effective and

Section 12 of PD No. 1869 constitutes an undue delegation of legislative powers because it lies independently unfettered
by any sufficient standard of the delegating law. The law does not supply a definition of “priority infrastructure
development projects” and hence, leaves the President without any guideline to construe the same. The delimitation of
a project as one of “infrastructure” is too broad of a classification since the said term could pertain to any kind of facility.
The phrases (1) "and for such other purposes as may be hereafter directed by the President" under Section 8 of
Presidential Decree No. 910 and (2) "to finance the priority infrastructure development projects" under Section 12 of
Presidential Decree No. 1869, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 1993, are unconstitutional for both failing the
sufficient standard test in violation of the principle of non-delegability of legislative power.

The Belgica Petition

On September 3, 2013, petitioners (Belgica, et al.), and Jose M. Villegas, Jr. (Villegas) filed an Urgent Petition For
Certiorari and Prohibition With Prayer For The Immediate Issuance of Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and/or Writ of
Preliminary Injunction dated August 27, 2013 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court (Belgica Petition), seeking that the
annual "Pork Barrel System," presently embodied in the provisions of the GAA of 2013 which provided for the 2013
PDAF, and the Executive‘s lump-sum, discretionary funds, such as the Malampaya Funds and the Presidential Social
Fund, be declared unconstitutional and null and void for being acts constituting grave abuse of discretion.

Also, they pray that the Court issue a TRO against respondents Paquito N. Ochoa, Jr., Florencio B. Abad (Secretary Abad)
and Rosalia V. De Leon, in their respective capacities as the incumbent Executive Secretary, Secretary of the Department
of Budget and Management (DBM), and National Treasurer, or their agents, for them to immediately cease any
expenditure under the aforesaid funds. Further, they pray that the Court order the respondents to release to the CoA
and to the public the reports and list for the said issue. The Belgica Petition was docketed as G.R. No. 208566

Aside from seeking the Court to declare the Pork Barrel System unconstitutional – as the Court did so in the context of
its pronouncements made in this Decision – petitioners equally pray that the Executive Secretary and/or the DBM be
ordered to release to the CoA and to the public: (a) "the complete schedule/list of legislators who have availed of their
PDAF and VILP from the years 2003 to 2013, specifying the use of the funds, the project or activity and the recipient
entities or individuals, and all pertinent data thereto" (PDAF Use Schedule/List);254 and (b) "the use of the Executive‘s
lump-sum, discretionary funds, including the proceeds from the x x x Malampaya Funds and remittances from the
PAGCOR x x x from 2003 to 2013, specifying the x x x project or activity and the recipient entities or individuals, and all
pertinent data thereto"

Aside from the fact that none of the petitions are in the nature of mandamus actions, the Court finds that petitioners
have failed to establish a "a well-defined, clear and certain legal right" to be furnished by the Executive Secretary
and/or the DBM of their requested PDAF Use Schedule/List and Presidential Pork Use Report. Neither did
petitioners assert any law or administrative issuance which would form the bases of the latter‘s duty to furnish them
with the documents requested. While petitioners pray that said information be equally released to the CoA, it must
be pointed out that the CoA has not been impleaded as a party to these cases nor has it filed any petition before the
Court to be allowed access to or to compel the release of any official document relevant to the conduct of its audit
investigations. While the Court recognizes that the information requested is a matter of significant public
concern, however, if only to ensure that the parameters of disclosure are properly foisted and so as not to unduly
hamper the equally important interests of the government, it is constrained to deny petitioners‘ prayer on this score,
without prejudice to a proper mandamus case which they, or even the CoA, may choose to pursue through a
separate petition.

 Due to improper recourse and lack of proper substantiation, the Court DENIED petitioners‘ prayer seeking that
the Executive Secretary and/or the Department of Budget and Management be ordered to provide the public
and the Commission on Audit complete lists/schedules or detailed reports related to the availments and
utilization of the funds subject of these cases. Petitioners‘ access to official documents already available and of
public record which are related to these funds must, however, not be prohibited but merely subjected to the
custodian‘s reasonable regulations or any valid statutory prohibition on the same. This denial is without
prejudice to a proper mandamus case which they or the Commission on Audit may choose to pursue through a
separate petition.

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