Documentary About History of Earth
Documentary About History of Earth
Documentary About History of Earth
The journey starts almost 5 billion years ago. There is no sign of Earth just yet. Only the sun, a
new born star surrounded by a dust. The earth hasn’t formed yet. But thru time, gravity pulls dust
into tiny rocks. To our surprise, something as complex as planet is made from nothing more than
dust and rocks. Over millsion of years, gravity pulls these rocks together to form the earth. One
of at least a hundred planets circling the sun.
4.5 billon years ago, earth looks more like hell than home. Up close, the temperature is over
2000F. there is no air, just CO2, N and water vapor. It is so hot and toxic that if we are in close
to it, we would be incinerated and suffocated in seconds.
This newborn planet is a boiling ball of liquid rock and then this ocean of lava. A young planet
called thea is heading straight for Earth. The size of mars, travels 10 miles per second. 20 times
faster than a bullet. The intruders gravity destroys the earth’s surface. The blast wave raises
around the planet. Its as though both young planets turn to liquid. Trillions of tons of debris blast
out into space. Over the course of a thousand years, gravity turns to rubble into a ring of red hot
dustin rock that circles the earth. From this ring, a ball forms over 2000 miles wide. It’s the birth
of our moon. but it is much closer than the moon today. Just 14 thousands miles away instead of
a quarter of a million miles. The sun rises over a cooling earth and sets just three hrs later. The
earth is spinning so fast that an entire days lasts 6 hrs. the days may past quickly but the earth
changes slowly.
To understand the making of our planet, we need to fast forward thru millions of years. 3.9
billion years ago, a hail of meteors attack the earth. Its debris left over the solar system
formation. Inside the meteors are the crystals that look like crane of salt and inside the crystals
are minutedroplets of water. This deadly meteors could contain the vital ingredient for life on
earth. Only a small amout of water exist inside each meteorite but as they bombard the earth for
over 20million years pools of water grow. The earths core remain molten but its surfaces cold
enough to form a crust, the air is around 170 degree. In the future, there is a chance we could
swallow this very water. Every sip, every bottle, every drop of water and every ocean is billion
years old and it may travel millions of miles to reach us carried inside a meteor. The earth looks
more familiar but still a dangerous place. Winds are faster than a most distructive huricanse
today. It’s a megastore quipe up by the planets rapid rotation. The moon is so close to the earth
that is gravity is overwhelm creating huge tides that raise across the planet surface. But over time
the moon moves away the waves calm down and the planets been slow up. 700 million years
after the planets birth, life givinf water covers its surface and scattered throughout islands. They
seemed to appear from nowhere so how did they get here? Molten rock burst trough the earths
inside the crystals are minute droplets of water. 600 million years ago, the atmosphere is warmer like a
summer day. The days are about 22 hrs long. And all these water its the perfect recipe for life. Before
snowball earth, primitive bacteria emerged in the oceans. But surely They could not survive the ice age
75 imes longer than the entire span of human history. If something has survived, then life may be found
where it was last seen in the oceans. 540 million years ago, in an ocean full of oxygen, those primitive
bacteria have evolved. A handful must have crawled on thru the big freeze. There are plants scattered
on the sea floor and something else. What looks like an arm of slugs takes up residence. Its called
evaxia?? A new generation of complex multicelled organisms. The earth enters one of the most dynamic
period in its history. It can bring an explosion. Increased oxygen levels allow creatures to grow larger and
develop body skeletons. There are worms, sponges, trilobytes, distant relatives of insects, lobsters and
even scorpions. Life in the oceans blossoms from microscopic bacteria to monsters. This is
anomalocarus. Nearly 2 ft long, it has large eyes, raisor sharp teeth and graspy lips? All it has to do is
take its pit? The trilobite cant ride itself. It’s soft belly exposed. Also found in the sea is pikaya, inch and
a half long.