Siti Khotijah Handayani - 061923143086
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Dystocia is difficult for parturition that requires assistance for helping delivery. The causes can
be maternal factors (uterine inertia, inadequate size of the birth canal) and/or fetal factors
(oversized fetus, abnormal orientation as the fetus enters the birth canal). Improper cervical
dilation appears to be a more frequent maternal cause of dystocia in cattle. The usual clinical
signs are the onset of labor without delivery of fetus or fetal membranes and later regression of
parturition signs. An incorrect diagnosis of dystocia may result in an unnecessary cesarean
section. It most commonly occurs in heifers than mature cattle. The factors which influence the
likelihood of dystocia include infection, heredity, nutrition, calf sex, exercise, cow age, and
gestation length. Although dystocia cannot be eliminated from a herd; the incidence can be
greatly reduced by management decisions made before the breeding season and during
gestation. No clear boundaries exist between dystocia and eutocia (normal birth), but guidelines
based on progress and duration of the delivery may aid the veterinarian and the producer in
deciding when to interfere with the birth process. In the last century, a lot of improvement
occurred in the techniques used to deliver and resuscitate calves. Although it is not possible to
eliminate dystocia, improvements in the management of heifers during their development and
observation of cows and heifers during the calving season are critical for reducing calf losses.
Keyword: Cesarean section, Dystocia, Farm animals, Risk factor, Treatment
Cite this article: Weldeyohanes, G., & Fesseha, H. (2020). Dystocia in Domestic Animals and its
Management, Int. J. Phar. & Biomedi. Rese. 7(3), 1-11. doi:
In addition, Dystocia can also be classified as the absence of obstructive causes (Pearson et
functional or obstructive. Functional dystocia al., 2014a).
usually is termed inertia and can be classified Secondary uterine inertia
as primary or secondary (Jackson, 2004). It occurs following a prolonged second stage
Primary uterine inertia of labor and may be associated with
It is the most common cause of dystocia in obstructive dystocia. Obstructive dystocia may
dogs and cats, with a reported incidence of up result from relative or absolute fetal oversize.
to 91% of cases (Jackson, 2004; Mee, 2008). Absolute fetal oversize refers to a fetus that is
In primary uterine inertia, the myometrium too large to pass along a maternal birth canal
produces weak, infrequent contractions that is of normal dimensions. Relative fetal
resulting in a failure to deliver the fetuses. oversize refers to a fetus of normal size that
Primary uterine inertia can be further classified cannot pass along the maternal birth canal
as complete or partial. In complete primary because the latter is abnormally small or
inertia, second stage labor does not start; restricted in some way. Relative fetal oversize
whereas in partial primary inertia, second- is equivalent to maternal obstructive dystocia
stage labor starts but labor ends prematurely in (Jackson, 2004; Pearson et al., 2014a).
Copyright © May-June, 2020; IJPBR 4
Weldeyohanes and Fesseha Int. J. Phar. & Biomedi. Rese. (2020) 7(3), 1-11 ISSN: 2394 – 3726
3. Risk factors associated with the It is often associated with an oversized foetus.
prevalence of Dystocia in farm animals Uterine torsion, from 180 to 720°, prevents
Risk factors for dystocia include abnormal size entry of the foetus/fluids into the twisted
and position of the fetus, abnormal maternal vaginal lumen such that the animal shows no
pelvis shape as affected by prior trauma, sign to indicate the end of first stage labour.
metabolic bone disease, dysfunctional uterine Failure of the cervix to dilate fully is a
action, cervical or vaginal stricture, and common consequence (Pearson et al., 2014a).
macrosomal anomalies such as gestational Rotation of the uterus on its long axis with
diabetes, hydrocephalus, and fetal hydrops. twisting of the anterior vagina is a common
Multiparity may also predispose animals to cause of bovine dystocia, less common in
dystocia, especially in species where single small ruminants and small animals. Uterine
births are the norm (Al-Amin, 2018; Fossum et torsion is a complication of late first-stage or
al., 2007; Frame, 2006). early second stage labour. It is probably due to
The challenge of early detection of dystocia in instability of the uterus which results from the
animals relates to housing conditions and the greater curvature of the organ being dorsal and
environment as well as their ability to delay from the uterus being disposed anteriorly to its
labor and hide signs of distress until late in the subilial suspension by the broad ligaments
disease process. Dystocia is more easily (Abera, 2017; Beagley et al., 2010).
observed for indoor animals than those housed Uterine Inertia
in large outdoor enclosures and free-range Uterine inertia is a condition where the uterine
naturalistic environments. In these expulsive forces fail to deliver a fetus. This
environments, it may not be until the situation condition is common in dairy cows and older
has progressed to a critical stage that signs of beef cows with clinical hypocalcemia (milk
dystocia become apparent, even to the most fever). Parturition does not progress beyond
experienced observer. It is due to these factors the end of first stage labour. Vaginal
that animals presenting with dystocia are often examination reveals the cervix to be fully
in critical condition and requires immediate dilated with the foetal membranes intact. Often
treatment (Mortimer, 2009; Pearson et al., the calf is already dead. There may be other
2014b; Purohit et al., 2012). signs of hypocalcemia including recumbency
Incomplete Cervical Dilatation and inability to rise, and free gas bloat
Failure of the cervix completely to dilate is a (Pearson et al., 2014b).
relatively common cause of dystocia in the Uterine inertia is classified conventionally into
dairy bovine. It may occur in the heifer, primary and secondary uterine inertia. The
multiparous cows, and other species. Improper most common cause of primary uterine inertia
cervical dilation appears to be a more frequent in dairy cows is considered to be
maternal cause of dystocia in cattle (Benesch hypocalcemia, with the animal showing signs
and Wright, 2001). Formation of scar tissue of milk fever as calving is about to begin.
due to injuries sustained at previous calving in When the uterine musculature becomes
aged animals, improper relaxation during exhausted after the failure of the delivery of a
parturition, congenital stenosis of the vagina, maldisposed or oversized fetus or due to
vaginal obstruction by fibrous bands, obstruction in the birth canal, then the
perivaginal abscess or cysts can occlude the condition is known as secondary uterine
genital passage and hinder with the delivery of inertia. The contractions in the uterus then stop
the fetus (Purohit et al., 2011). or become weak and transient. The animal
Uterine Torsion shows no progress in parturition after the
Torsion of the uterus usually occurs in a second stage of labor (Purohit et al., 2011).
pregnant uterine horn and is defined as the It is produced by a lack of tone or failure of
twisting of the uterus on its longitudinal axis. the uterine muscles to contract. Primary
Uterine torsion is relatively common in cattle. uterine inertia is a failure of uterine muscle to
Copyright © May-June, 2020; IJPBR 5
Weldeyohanes and Fesseha Int. J. Phar. & Biomedi. Rese. (2020) 7(3), 1-11 ISSN: 2394 – 3726
contract normally at parturition which may fetuses present simultaneously and become
occur due to failure of the muscle to respond impacted in the maternal pelvis, one fetus only
to hormonal stimuli and disease of muscle or is presented but cannot be born because of
lack of failure to release hormones such as defective posture. position or presentation;
estrogen and possibly oxytocin, that initiate posture is often most at fault, the lack of
uterine contraction in normal muscles extension of limbs or head being due to
(Ghuman, 2010). insufficient uterine space; uterine inertia,
Hernia of the Gravid Uterus defective uterine contractions are caused,
Occasionally hernia of the gravid uterus occurs either by the excessive fetal load or by
through a rupture of the abdominal floor. The premature birth. When inertia is present, the
accident is one of the advanced pregnancy, birth of the first or second fetus does not
occurring from the seventh months onwards in proceed although the presentation is normal
large animals. It is probable that in the (Noakes et al., 2018; Pearson et al., 2014a).
majority of cases a severe blow on the Malposition of fetus
abdominal wall is the exciting cause although Further causes of obstructive dystocia are
many observers have stated that it may occur faulty fetal disposition such as transverse
without traumatic influence; the abdominal presentation, lateral or ventral deviation of the
musculature becoming in some way so head, or breech posture (especially if the first
weakened that it is unable to support the fetus in a primiparous dam is concerned).
gravid uterus. The site of the original rupture Dead fetuses may occasionally cause
is the ventral aspect of the abdomen, at the obstructive dystocia, especially if the first
right side in the case of cows. Ventral fetus to be delivered is dead or if massive
displacement of the uterus is an uncommon emphysema formation has already taken place.
cause of dystocia in cows. It is seen in animals Furthermore, obstructive dystocia may also be
with a ventral hernia or rupture of the prepubic caused by pathological alterations of the soft
tendon where the pregnant uterus passes or bony tissue of the birth canal (pelvic
downward into the point of the hernia fractures, tumors, vaginal prolapse, congenital
(Benesch and Wright, 2001; Ghuman, 2010; malformations of the uterus, the vagina or the
Pearson et al., 2014b). vestibulum) (Kebede et al., 2017; Pearson et
Fetal Oversize al., 2014a).
A large number of studies conducted on dairy 4. Clinical presentation and Diagnosis of
and beef cows point out that the calf birth Dystocia
weight, especially in 2-year old first calving Clinical signs of Dystocia
heifers, significantly affects the difficultly in Dystocia requiring major obstetric intervention
calving (Purohit et al., 2011). and early diagnosis of dystocia is very
Fetal Maldisposition important because it may evolve rapidly to a
Although abnormal presentations are thought critical situation endangering the life of both
to be repeatable (Cows that have an the fetus and the dam (Divers and Peek, 2019;
abnormally presented fetus once are more Kebede et al., 2017). The diagnosis and
likely to do so again), there is little that can be treatment of dystocia require a good
done to reduce the relatively small percentage understanding of normal parturition,
of calves that experience dystocia due to sensitivity to the welfare of both dam and
abnormal presentation. Various diseases of the offspring, and good practical competences.
fetus can result in the altered shape of the fetus However, identifying the exact point at which
and dystocia in cattle (Anderson, 2012; normal birth ceases and dystocia occurs is not
Kebede et al., 2017). easy. Any apparent or suspected departure
Twinning from normal birth should be investigated (Al-
Twin gestation in cattle often culminates in Amin, 2018; Moges, 2016; Pearson et al.,
dystocia. Twin dystocia is of three types: both 2014a).
Copyright © May-June, 2020; IJPBR 6
Weldeyohanes and Fesseha Int. J. Phar. & Biomedi. Rese. (2020) 7(3), 1-11 ISSN: 2394 – 3726
Specific signs of dystocia are: prolonged, non- Diagnosis of Dystocia
progressive, first stage labor; the cow standing The diagnosis of dystocia is based on history
in an abnormal posture during first stage labor- and physical examination (Mortimer, 2009).
in case of uterine torsion the cow may stand Before starting the clinical examination,
with a dipped back in the sawhorse posture focusing on the following: physical condition
and failure of the calf to be delivered within 2 and body condition score of the cow; is the
cow standing or recumbent; brief physical
hours of the amnion appearing at the vulva.
examination; if there are any membrane or
Obvious malpresentation, malposture, or
fetal part visible in the vulva; if so, identify the
maldisposition-like the appearance of the fetal
membrane and its condition or the fetal
head but no forelimbs, the tail but no hind presentation and position; is there any vaginal
limbs, the head, and a single forelimb, the discharge that may indicate, for example, fetal
appearance of detached chorioallantois, fetal death (Megahed, 2018; Noakes et al., 2018).
meconium or blood-stained amniotic fluid Upon arrival at the farm, this information is
appears at the vulva (Kumar, 2015). completed by inquiring for additional details
Dystocia should be considered in any about the clinical history to obtain as much
of the following situations: 1) animals with a pertinent history as possible and this should
history of previous dystocia or reproductive include: the expecting calving date (Gestation
tract obstruction, 2) parturition that does not length); information about the sire; if the cow
is first calving or not and, if pluriparous, if the
occur within 24 hr after a drop in rectal
previous calving evolved easily; for how long
temperature to <100°F (37.7°C), 3) strong
is the cow in labor; if there was any progress
abdominal contractions lasting for 1–2 hr
in calving; if some assistance has been given
without passage of a puppy or kitten, 4) active so far and which measures were undertaken.
labor lasting for 1–2 hr without delivery of Some other questions about the recent health
subsequent puppies or kittens, 5) a resting of the cow should also be asked (Moges, 2016;
period during active labor >4–6 hr, 6) a bitch Mortimer, 2009).
or queen in obvious pain (eg, crying, licking, In cases of fetomaternal disproportion
or biting the vulva), or 7) abnormal vulvar vaginal examination is often difficult.
discharge (eg, frank blood, dark green However, when called for acting on a dystotic
discharge before any neonates are born labor, one must remember that all kinds of
dystocia are possible and that during the
(Hillman and Gilbert, 2008; Pearson et al.,
clinical approach, some steps must be
followed (Abera, 2017; Noakes et al., 2018).
Additionally, the usual clinical signs Moreover, dystocia should be suspected if the
are the onset of labor without delivery of the first stage of labor exceeds 6 hours with
fetus and/or fetal membranes and later increasing signs of discomfort or if the second
regression of parturition signs. The cow may stage of labor does not progress normally
show signs of mild discomfort. The animal within 10 minutes of the rupture of the
may adopt a rocking horse stance and show amniotic sac. Dams may show signs of
mild colic pain (Abera, 2017; Benesch and distress, with frequent alternation between the
Wright, 2001). Partial anorexia, dullness, and standing and sitting positions, side to side
rolling, and excessive vocalization and
depression may be evident. One or both lips of
straining. Abnormal (bloody or purulent)
the vulva are pulled in because of the torsion
discharge in a term female warrants immediate
of the birth canal. When the cervix is fully obstetric evaluation. One rule that we always
dilated it is not palpable as a separate structure observe is to attend immediately to any
and is continuous with the vagina. The parturient female that the owner says is not
incompletely dilated cervix is palpable through acting normally (Kumar, 2015; Linde-
per rectum examination (Purohit & Mehta, Forsberg and Eneroth, 2000; Noakes et al.,
2006; Purohit et al., 2012). 2018).