The document discusses whether God condemns the LGBT+ community based on common scriptures cited against them. It argues that the Bible has been mistranslated and taken out of context regarding passages in Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Romans. When examined in their original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts with historical context, these passages do not condemn loving same-sex relationships as understood today but instead condemn things like rape, pagan rituals, and lack of hospitality. The overall document aims to show that God does not condemn LGBT+ people based on a proper interpretation of scripture.
The document discusses whether God condemns the LGBT+ community based on common scriptures cited against them. It argues that the Bible has been mistranslated and taken out of context regarding passages in Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Romans. When examined in their original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts with historical context, these passages do not condemn loving same-sex relationships as understood today but instead condemn things like rape, pagan rituals, and lack of hospitality. The overall document aims to show that God does not condemn LGBT+ people based on a proper interpretation of scripture.
The document discusses whether God condemns the LGBT+ community based on common scriptures cited against them. It argues that the Bible has been mistranslated and taken out of context regarding passages in Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Romans. When examined in their original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts with historical context, these passages do not condemn loving same-sex relationships as understood today but instead condemn things like rape, pagan rituals, and lack of hospitality. The overall document aims to show that God does not condemn LGBT+ people based on a proper interpretation of scripture.
The document discusses whether God condemns the LGBT+ community based on common scriptures cited against them. It argues that the Bible has been mistranslated and taken out of context regarding passages in Leviticus, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Romans. When examined in their original Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts with historical context, these passages do not condemn loving same-sex relationships as understood today but instead condemn things like rape, pagan rituals, and lack of hospitality. The overall document aims to show that God does not condemn LGBT+ people based on a proper interpretation of scripture.
The bible is not something to be read out of context. It's how people have been oppressed, and misappropriated against without cause. The issue with some modern bibles who purposefully throw in the word, ‘homosexual’ in their translations is a problem, to say the least. The term homosexual wasn’t even coined until after 1850, & wasn’t used in a bible until after 1940. Sexuality is very much a modern construct (I recommend reading Kathy Baldock's book, Walking The Bridgeless Canyon - it's FILLED with research starting from Jesus' time to now on human sexuality / orientations).
The original transcripts of the Bible which were written in Aramaic, Hebrew & Greek - did NOT possess the word 'homosexual' because sexual orientation in Jesus’ time wasn’t really understood as we know it today. However, there were phrases in Jesus' time and in history books that contextual clues point to the meaning of a gay man (as we know orientation today). People in a sexual minority were known as "eunuchs" based on these clues. Eunuch doesn’t just mean castrated male, either, it also means; trusted one, impotent towards a woman. The job of the trusted one (eunuch) was to keep watch over the King’s wife, counsel her, protect her, etc. Basically they were the wive’s BFFs as ordered by the Kings. Some eunuchs who watched over the wives were straight men (who were castrated, and had to be), some were gay men (again, as we know homosexuality today) who were not castrated, seeing as how a homosexual male is impotent towards a woman & obviously would not try sleeping with the king's wife creating an illegitimate child - which was a big no-no. It wasn’t uncommon for same sex relationships in Greece, they were considered common & necessary even in society (even though the Greek texts show a bias against “effeminate” men). What the disciples and even before the NT people knew of same-sex interactions were in the context of: pagan idolatry, sexual pagan orgies, rape, unequal relations between soldiers and boys, etc.
Below I’ve listed some of the common scriptures that have been misused against the LGBT+ community with links posted if you’d like more in depth information on the subject. There are also quotes from several reputable scholars (even from those who don't agree with the faith LGBT+ community) on the topic of how these scriptures have nothing to do with homosexuality as we know it today.
1. Sodom & Gomorrah - The gist of this city was basically about the people in the city not being hospitable towards the Angels that came to visit Lot. The people wanted to “know” (which means have sex with in Biblical time) who Lot had in his home & they were basically wanting to gang rape the Angels, major no-no. The Lord had decided to even DESTROY Sodom & Gomorrah before this scripture is talked about, because Lot could not find 10 righteous people in the city. They weren’t being hospitable towards Lot’s family or to the Angels which at that time, was considered a disservice to God because not opening your doors up to a traveler could mean their death (lack of food, water, etc.) & was considered a tithing to God by helping out travelers. Ezekiel 16:49 even says that the sins of Sodom & Gomorrah was this; “Now, this was the sin of your sister, Sodom. She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy.” Now do you think if the sins of the city were of same-sex loving relationships, that the prophet of God, Ezekiel, would say it was just for them being inhospitable? Nope. Jesus’ even says in the book of Matthew 10:11-15, “Whatever city or town you enter, ask who is trustworthy in it, and remain there until you leave. And when you enter into the house, salute the family. And if the family is trustworthy, your salutation of peace shall come upon it; but if it is not trustworthy, your salutation shall return to you. Whoever will not welcome you and will not listen to your words, when you leave the house or the village, shake off the sand from your feet. Truly I say to you that it will be easier for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city.” His big spiel was about the city being crazy rude and indecent to travelers - and a little cray cray. There are plenty of other scriptures as well that discuss why Sodom & Gomorrah was destroyed. (See: Sodom.html )
2. Leviticus 18:22 - The newer bibles translate the word entirely wrong from the original Aramaic & Hebrew texts & some toss in the word homosexuality (which is a perversion of language & lack of exegesis on their part to translate the bible). I’m going to let this site best describe it as I don’t want to take the credit for it - { “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” The Hebrew literally says: “You shall not lie with a male [on] the bedding (or bed) of a woman (or wife), it is a despised thing (or despicable act).” The Bible doesn’t always tell us why something is “despised,” and hence we have to use reason. It is likely that the two men were having sex on the bed of the woman to despise her and rub it in her face that she wasn’t woman enough. Reuben slept with his father’s wife on his dad’s bed to despise his father Jacob. Also, according to the book “How the People Lived in the Bible [HPLB], on pg. 117, it states: “The women’s portion of the tent was separated by a curtain from the men’s half, and it was strictly off limits. A male stranger who entered a woman’s quarters could be punished with death. Sisera hid in Jael’s tent, but paid for it with his life (Judg. 4:18-21).” } Basically it’s an abomination to have sex on your bed with someone who isn’t your wife/husband & is punishable by death. Lev & Deut is about a man having sex with another male on a woman (or wife's) bed. That's what the Hebrew & Aramaic text literally says. There is no need to change the meaning in the English translations. If God wanted to forbid anal sex or homosexuality then only the 1st part of the verse or statement is enough. However, there is a reason why the words "on the bed of a woman (wife)" were added. The 1st part is conditional. There’s also some debate about God talking to the Israelites warning them not to indulge in shrine prostitution (having sex with priests) like the pagans did in the former lands they inhabited because Leviticus is asking them to forsake the ways of the Egyptians & in the land of Canaan but the original Aramaic & Hebrew have no contextual clues that would insinuate that. Since most English modern translations have been diluted we have to go based off original Aramaic & Hebrew texts. Also - if anyone claims they should be following the laws of Leviticus (which Paul confronts Peter who was forcing the Gentiles to follow Jewish laws, he rebukes this in Galatians 2:15, 16) Jesus & His disciples can be quoted as saying that complete love for your neighbor as yourself is the fulfillment of the law. We are no longer obligated to follow Levitical laws, & if you choose to, you can’t break any of them - breaking one of them, you break them all (James 2:10). We are not judged by the righteousness of the old law (which contains over 300 laws). Read Romans 7:4-6, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 3:23-26. (For more information click this link: http:// , http:// )
3. Romans Chapter 1 - “For the anger of God is being revealed from heaven against all the evil and wickedness of men, those who are holding the truth with evilness; Because the knowledge of God is revealed in them, for God has revealed it in them. For the secrets of God from the foundation of the world are appearing to His creatures (or creation) through understanding (or intelligence), even His power and His eternal Godhead, that they shall be without defense (or excuse). Because they knew God and did not glorify Him and give thanks to Him as God, but became deprived (or empty) in their thoughts, and their heart was darkenedso that it was not understanding. And while they were supposing in themselves that they were wise, they became fools, And they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into the likeness of the image (idol) of corruptible man, and in the likeness of birds and of four- footed beasts and of creeping things on the earth. Because of this God gave them up to the unclean desires of their heart, that they shall be dishonoring (or treating shamefully) their bodies by them; And they changed the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served the created things more than their Creator to whom belongs praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen. Because of this God has given them up to griefs of shame; for their women changed their natural use, and in the thing that wasn’t natural was used (or familiar with); and likewise also their men in this way have left the natural use of their women and were ravished with desire one for another, even the male for the male, they committed shame (or behaved unseemly), and the recompense that was right for their error they received in themselves. And as they did not determine in themselves that they should know God; God has given them over to an empty mind that they shall be doing the thing that is not appropriate (right, proper or ought to be done),” (Romans 1:18-28 Peshitta). Romans is often quoted as scripture that forbids relations between persons of the same sex. But Romans is actually referring to idolatry. It says of the people “…And they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into the likeness of the image (idol) of corruptible man, and in the likeness of birds and of four-footed beasts and of creeping things on the earth.” These people glorified and worshiped their idols of man, birds, four-footed beasts, and creeping things. It also says of these idolaters “...And they changed the truth of God for lies, and they revered and served the created things (idols) more than their Creator to whom belongs praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen.” Notice how it says they worshiped idols & then God basically says that He allows them to do whatever (everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial) & live in sin (unloving ways) because they once worshiped Him, but went back to worshiping idols. The term “unnatural” basically means what goes against your instinct, it goes against who you are as a person. Paul is saying these people are heterosexual individuals who are taking part in pagan idolatry (orgies in the pagan temples, worshiping false gods, etc.) & that they betrayed the nature of their bodies & what was true for them (heterosexuality) & went against their nature & had homosexual encounters with each other, they weren’t being authentic to themselves or honoring their bodies by betraying their instinctual natures. These individuals changed their instinctual nature & slept with whoever, whenever, outside of committed relationships. This rebuke would also apply to any homosexual who has sexual intercourse/sexual fun with a heterosexual male as well. “Cyan” for the word natural which means; nature, instinct, etc. Romans also talks about pagan worship, male prostitution, etc. But the sin that committed these individuals cut off from God, was stated in the beginning as idolatry (in Greco-Roman times Paul would know that individuals would have orgies in the temples & worship false gods). (For more information click this link: http:// , http:// )
4. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 & 1 Timothy 1:10 - These scriptures refer to those who won’t make it to the kingdom of Heaven. “Do you not know that the wicked shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not misled; neither the immoral (Prostitutes) nor idolaters nor adulterers nor the corrupt, nor [men] who lie with males..” Translating Greek text is difficult but from what I’ve researched online this is talking about male on male rape, along with having sex with “strange” flesh which could mean Angelic beings or foreigners. {"They use two Greek words, malakoi and arsenokoitai. There are many good dissertations on the translations of the words, but over the centuries, malakoi has been translated and interpreted in every possible way, from “morally weak,” to the general term "pervert" to the more specific term, “sexual pervert” to the very specific term, “male prostitute,” etc. The Greek Interlinear Bible translates this word “voluptuous person.” In Matthew 11:8, Jesus uses this same Greek word, malakoi, in reference to soft clothing! Only recently has the term been translated "homosexual," which is a serious violation of Biblical exegesis." } Paul would not have contradicted the story of the eunuch's baptism within the Book of Acts, the Lord's proclamation within the book of Isaiah, or Jesus Christ's teachings in the Gospel of Matthew by writing that "effeminate" (which is what some men interpret malakoi to mean) men would not be allowed to enter into heaven. Some scholars believe this is talking about male prostitution, sex slavery & pedophilia which were not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world. (For more in depth detail on these translations see: , http:// )
This part is my personal opinion after doing research, feel free to skip this portion if you'd like as it's a non-salvation issue. Let’s also discuss the topic of David & Jonathan (there are several other people in the bible who’s relationships could be deemed as same-sex, too). A lot of scholars believe that David & Jonathan were gay because of David’s lament over the death of Jonathan along with certain words Aramaic text uses to describe their love for each other. Scripture states that David said Jonathan’s love to him was MORE than that of a woman’s. 2 Samuel 1:26, “I am distressed for thee, Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love (ahabah) to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.” The Hebrew word for love, ahabah, conveys romantic, sexual desire. Also, 1 Samuel 18:1, “And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.” The fact that the bible describes their souls being “knit” (soulmates, if you will) is a clear indication that this was more than a “brotherly” love. When read in original translation you can clearly see that their love was celebrated among God & the Kingdom because the scripture states that they were close enough for them to be “celebrated” among the people. Also, a good indicator that Jonathan loved David more than a “brother” is Saul’s words here, “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you have chosen [David] the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother’s nakedness? For as long as the son of Jesse lives upon the earth, neither you nor your kingdom shall be established.” (1 Samuel 20:30) Saul’s reference to shaming Jonathan’s mother’s nakedness carries a sexual connotation. Uncovering the nakedness of a family member was a euphemism for incest in the holiness codes of the Old Testament, and Saul would not have used this phrase lightly. ( See: http:// , http:// , http://, )
According to original scripture Jesus even spoke about some people being in a sexual minority. Matthew 19:12, “For there are eunuchs who were born so from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. To him who can receive (or accept) [it], shall receive (or accept) [it].” He was speaking in context of marriage & what is acceptable but also in a parable. Jesus usually said, “Let him with ears, hear. Let those with eyes, see.” He wasn’t talking about EVERYONE receiving his words, because He knew people could see & He knew people could hear - His emphasis was for those who could RECEIVE His messages, that they would, & they would understand it - even if what He said didn’t make sense to others. In Jesus’ time an eunuch meant multiple things; 1. castrated male, 2. trusted one, 3. people who had an aversion towards women, 4. those who chose to be celibate. Jesus was speaking to sexual minorities, as well. He is basically saying that some people are born not straight, some men choose celibacy, some are castrated. His quote on, “eunuchs who were born so from their mother’s womb” would make no logical sense speaking about someone who is a born castrated male because men are born with the ability to procreate, so you have to read it in context of time & get the translation. Jesus also met and blessed a gay centurion in Matthew 8 and Luke 7! ( See: http:// , aquarius/index.htm , born_gay.html ,
Nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality as we know it today, condemned. When words from a pulpit spew condemnation, it needs to be researched in light of truth. Scripture is not meant to just be read at face value from our English Bibles, as it's an interpretation from another language - which is why I enjoy word studies, personally. Context is necessary along with knowing the cultural time it was written in by the writers. The original Aramaic, Greek & Hebrew wording say nothing about homosexuality as we know it today, period. Any modern Bible that uses the phrase 'homosexual', is not an accurate translation in the context it is used in.
{ There is no term that means homosexual orientation in the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts of the Bible. The authors of the Bible did not understand sexual orientation and thus did not write about it. When you see one of these words in an English translation of the Bible, it is important to dig deeper and find what the original Hebrew or Greek text really means. }
Dr. Richard Hayes is a well known evangelical author who claims that homosexuality is a sin, yet, is quoted as saying, “there is nothing in the passage (Sodom & Gomorrah) pertinent to a judgment about the morality of consensual homosexual intercourse."
Dr. Mark Allan Powell expresses similar views about Genesis 19 & Judges 19, “Such stories reflect a mindset that regards the rape of men by other men as abhorrent, but with regard to current questions concerning homosexuality, these texts have little to offer.”
Dr. William Brownlee, “The oppression of the stranger is the basic element of Genesis 19:1-9 [and] ‘sodomy’ in Genesis is basically oppression of the weak and helpless."
Thomas E. Schmidt on the topic of the creation story, "I’ve heard it said, “God made Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve, which is ridiculous.“ So while it is true that the Genesis creation story does not provide explicit commands about sexuality, it provides a basis for biblical commands and for subsequent reflection on the part of those who wish to construct a sexual ethic to meet changing situations... Applying this principle to our subject, it is fair to say that the human author of Genesis was not consciously prohibiting same-sex relations when he wrote the creation account, but it is appropriate for us to explore the relevance of biblical commands about marriage and to evaluate modern homosexuality in light of Genesis.”
{ If anti-gay, Complementarian reasoning about Adam and Eve is valid, we could also conclude that God is against grandparents because grandparents are not mentioned in Genesis 2. In reality, the traditional view of Genesis 2, believed by many Christians, distorts scripture by assuming facts not in evidence. Genesis is an explanation of origins. It is not a dissertation on marriage relationships. God asserts the importance of human relationships by observing: "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” (Genesis 2:18) The word “meet” means; suitable, fitting, appropriate for. }
If the Genesis story is to be taken literally, then you could assume the following logic if you think it prohibits same sex relationships; 1. God makes no mention of getting married in a church, so God must be against marrying in a church. 2. God makes no mentions of wedding rings, so God must be against wedding rings. 3. God makes no mention of adopting children, so God must be against adoption. The list goes on, you see how ridiculous it is to assume that because God did not mention it in the creation story, that it must be wrong? { Such arguments are called reductio ad falsum, reduction to the false or reductio ad ridiculum, reduction to the ridiculous. Such reasoning leads to false and ridiculous conclusions. }
{ At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear "that homosexuality is forbidden by God" is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible. The Bible says nothing about "homosexuality" as an innate dimension of personality. Sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times. There are references in the Bible to same-gender sexual behavior, and all of them are undeniably negative. But what is condemned in these passages is the violence, idolatry and exploitation related to the behavior, not the same-gender nature of the behavior. There are references in the Bible to different-gender sexual behavior that are just as condemning for the same reasons. But no one claims that the condemnation is because the behavior was between a man and a woman. }
The Bible has been used for ages to oppress minorities, POC, slavery, women, LGBT+, those with mental disabilities, Jews, children, the list goes on. It's time to take Scripture back and use it properly to help others, rather than tearing brothers and sisters down.
You don't need to believe what I believe, however, I do believe that every human being deserves respect, love, and happiness in life undisturbed by false doctrine and hate. I hope you found this post to be informative and empowering, regardless of how you identify yourself as. The hate rhetoric needs to stop and respect for research needs to stop being overlooked, especially in churches if we are to truly understand the Word fully within context.
It's not a book of condemnation, it's the good news... for ALL people.
Books: Walking The Bridgeless Canyon by Kathy Baldock Torn by Justin Lee God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines God’s Gay Agenda by Sandra Turnbull
Web Articles: homosexuality - This is a free PDF style book that I found insightful with tons of research on some of the things I’ve presented here that touches translations & scriptures.
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