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Christian Discernment
Christian Discernment
Christian Discernment
Ebook274 pages4 hours

Christian Discernment

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This work attempts to help Christian readers appreciate the importance of spiritual discernment and help them realize that it is not an activity which can be exclusively left to church leaders. An important assumption is that any form of human or spiritual deception can have devastating consequences at the personal, congregational and wider social level.

Also provided are user-friendly objective tests to help readers too assess spiritual phenomena for themselves They are also given the tools to diagnosis any manipulation of scripture. This work can readily be viewed as a guide, enabling believers to apply the instruction of 1 John 4:1. Articles exploring such topics as Christian Fanaticism, the characteristics of false prophets and the anti-Christ are also included.

PublisherRaymond Creed
Release dateDec 16, 2020
Christian Discernment

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    Christian Discernment - Richard Smith


    Aim: To explain why this book was written and listing the assumptions that underpinned it.

    The whole issue of spiritual deception is blights present-day Christianity. Through it, lives are destroyed, ministries ruined and whole churches thrown into disarray. Viewed on a wider scale, spiritual deception threatens to lure many denominations into the worship of the anti-Christ. Given the magnitude of this problem, learning how best to test the sources of spiritual events should become one of today's major priorities. Certainly, 'prevention is better than cure' in relation to this whole area of spiritual deception; the believer needs to ‘test the spirits to see whether they are of God,’ (1 John4:1). This should prevent an unquestionably accepting every form of deception and reduce the likelihood of getting into the kind of mess that may take years to unravel. Without doubt, learning how to 'test the spirits' is a crying need in our time. Such a skill is absolutely vital for the believer's welfare.

    By highlighting the various ways in which it is possible to 'test the spirits,' this work hopes to serve those Christians who are deeply concerned with the welfare of the Church. Admittedly, some of the methods described will prove to be more relevant to Christian leaders, but enough information remains to help the lay person. It challenges the attitude of near helplessness (and hopelessness) where the Christian stands wringing his hands in a state of bitter despair. By presenting what is a very positive approach on how to avoid spiritual deception, this work hopes to lift such believers in Christ from their helpless pessimism. It assumes that avoiding spiritual deception may not always be easy, but it is possible for those whose hearts are open to Jesus.

    This work attempts to compensate for the appalling lack of discernment conspicuous by its very absence in most Western Churches. It can be justly viewed as a ‘do it yourself manual,’ designed to enable believers to both avoid deception and find God’s will for their lives. In terms of style, the writer has attempted to be both clear and creative, informing the reader in as concise and as lively a manner as possible, but always bearing in mind the seriousness of this subject.

    According to Scripture, the four main ways to avoid spiritual deception are: -

    1) The adoption of an honest, open mind toward Jesus and His Holy Spirit (Romans 12:2)

    2) A growth in discernment so that the believer can distinguish between true and false spiritual phenomena (as well as between true and false ministries) (1 John 4:1-7)

    3) The use of weapons of spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:10-18)

    4) To spiritually and psychologically mature as a Christian, (2 Peter 3:17f)

    One drawback to this work is its self-imposed limitation regarding such vast subjects as spiritual warfare or spiritual growth. Its focus rests mainly upon points and two of the above list. However, all four points need be applied if the believer is to lead an effective Christian life.

    Underlying this study are the following assumptions: -

    1) Spiritual deception is an increasingly serious problem, adversely blighting all branches of Global Christianity.

    2) Avoiding spiritual deception is not easy. However, it is possible for Christians who adhere firmly to the Christian faith.

    3) As spiritual deception can take a wide variety of forms, more than one test is needed to sift out genuine from counterfeit spiritual phenomena

    4) When attempting to deceive people, Satan will sometimes make a false spiritual phenomenon as much like a true one as possible.

    5) Unless checked at an early stage, spiritual deception produces devastating long-term consequences in the lives of individual Christians and Christian groups. However, over the short-to-mid-term, spiritual deception can be an exciting, pleasurable experience and even produce some practical benefits.

    6) Methods for testing spiritual phenomena are only effective when used by Christians already possessing the right underlying attitudes. They are not to be used as a substitute for prayer, Bible study or an effective deployment of the spiritual weaponry listed in Ephesians 6:10-18.

    7) The forgiveness of Jesus is readily available for those Christians who have been deceived – but only on condition of genuine repentance and renunciation of the particular error.

    8) Restoration is possible for Christian groups who have fallen into spiritual deception – but only on condition of genuine corporate repentance and renunciation of this particular error.

    Chapter 1 looks at the importance of spiritual discernment whilst examining such issues as: -

    1) How does God speak?

    2) Where do different types of deception come from?

    3) The psychological and sociological processes involved in deception?

    An attempt is made answer to the question ‘why is spiritual discernment so important?’

    Chapter 2 provides practical methods to test spiritual phenomena whilst examining such issues as: -

    1) How does one know when people are twisting scripture to suit their own purposes?

    2) The outcomes (or fruits) that can be expected from true and false ministries?

    3) The best way to distinguish between helpful and harmful cultural influences?

    An attempt is made to answer the question ‘How do we avoid being severely deceived?’

    Chapter 3 offers articles exploring contemporary spiritual trends whilst examining such issues as: -

    1) Why are so many Christians and their churches so ineffectual?

    2) Whether it’s possible to spot false prophets and the anti-Christ?

    3) How one can exercise a productive ministry during a period of mass deception?

    An attempt is made to answer the question ‘what major spiritual trends should Christians be aware of?’

    Chapter 1: How to Grow in Spiritual Discernment

    Introduction: Learning Outcomes

    Chapter 1 aims to help readers appreciate the importance of spiritual discernment whilst seeing that it is not an activity, which can be exclusively left to their religious leaders. An important assumption is that any form of deception can have devastating consequences at the personal, congregational and wider social level.

    By the end of this chapter readers should be able to: -

    1) Outline the different ways in which God can speak today

    2) Know where spiritual deception comes from

    3) Appreciate their vulnerability to deception

    4) Accept that certain preconditions are needed to avoid deception

    5) Realize that any prevarication in the handling of error can be dangerous

    However, there is no intention of: -

    1) Producing a major theory explaining why deception occurs

    2) Exploring the wider issue of spiritual warfare

    3) Replicating the work of many Christian authors by giving in-depth exposé of occult practices, false religions or counterfeit movements found within the Church

    Section 1: How Does God Speak to People?

    Aim: To list the different ways in which God can speak to people. An attempt is made to answer the question ‘How does God reveal His will?’

    Hebrews 1:1-3 shows that God speaks to people in a variety of ways, more specifically He speaks through:-

    1) ‘General’ revelation in nine external and one internal way

    1.1 His Creation: As Psalm 19.1 states,

    The Heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.

    1.2 His provision in nature: As Acts 14.17 states,

    Nevertheless, He did not leave Himself without a witness in that He did good and gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.

    1.3 His control of both nations and events in human history: As Acts 17.26 states,

    "And [God] has made one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation."

    1.4 The Jews and the Nation of Israel: As Jeremiah 31.35-36 states,

    Thus says the Lord, who gives the sunlight by day, and who decrees the moon and the stars to shine at night, who divides the sea when the waves roar – the Lord of Hosts is His name. If those decrees depart from me, then the seed of Israel shall also, cease from being a nation before me forever.

    1.5 The State: As Romans 13.1 states,

    "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no [state] power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."

    1.6 The arts, sciences and literature: As Titus 1.12 states,

    "One of themselves [a pagan Greek poet] even a prophet of their own said, ‘The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, greedy bellies.’"

    1.7 The overthrow of evil people and evil nations: As Obadiah 4 states,

    "Though you [proud nation of Edom] exalt yourself like the Eagle and though you set your nest among the stars, [in strong mountain fortifications] from thence will I bring you down says the Lord."

    1.8 Various forms of disaster and suffering: As Genesis 6.13 states,

    And God said to Noah, ‘The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.’

    1.9 Financial and economic setbacks: As Haggai 1.6-7 states,

    You have sown much, and bring in little. You eat, but you do not have enough. You drink, but you are not filled with drink. You clothe yourselves but none is warm, and he that earns wages earns wages to put them into a bag with holes. Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘consider your ways.’

    1.10 Individual conscience: As Romans 2.15b states,

    "Their [the pagan Gentiles] conscience also, bearing witness and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or excusing one another."

    2) ‘Special’ written revelation, (Holy Scripture) He speaks in twenty-two external ways

    2.1 The Person and work of Jesus: As Hebrews 1.1-2 states,

    God ... has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the Worlds.

    2.2 Every single word of scripture: As Deuteronomy 8.3c states,

    Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord does man live.

    2.3 Parables, stories and wise sayings: As Hosea 12.10b states,

    I have used Parables by the ministry of the prophets.

    2.4 Midrashic (First Century Jewish) methods of interpretation as used by Jesus and the Apostles: As 2 Peter 1.21 states,

    Know this first no prophecy of the Scriptures is of any private interpretation.

    2.5 Ecclesiastical (Church) tradition: As 2 Thessalonians 2.15 states,

    Therefore brethren, stand fast and hold to the traditions which you have been taught, whether by word or by our epistle.

    2.6 The love and unity existing amongst true believers: As Jesus prayed in John 17.21, That they may all be one, as you Father are in Me and I in You, that they also, may be one in Us, so that the World may believe that you have sent me.

    2.7 Gospel preaching: As Romans 10.14 states,

    "How shall they [the Jews and Gentiles] call on Him whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear [the Gospel] without a preacher?"

    2.8 Works of mercy showing something of the love of God to a sinful world: As 1 Peter 2.12 states,

    Having honest conversation among the Gentiles; that whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good works, which they shall behold and glorify God in the day of His visitation.

    2.9 Individual witness to unbelievers: As 1 Peter 3.15 commands,

    But sanctify the Lord your God in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.

    2.10 The witness of the local Church group or assembly: As Acts 13.2 states,

    "As they [the Church at Antioch] ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said ‘separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’"

    2.11 Major ecclesiastical councils: As Acts 15.28 states,

    "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and us [at the council of Jerusalem], not to lay upon you [Gentile believers] no greater burden than these [few] necessary things [rules]."

    2.12 The sacrament of Baptism: As Matthew 28.19 states,

    Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

    2.13 The sacrament of Communion: As 1 Corinthians 11.26 states,

    As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death until He comes.

    2.14 The worship, praise and prayers of Godly people: As Psalm 145.1 states,

    I will extol you my God; O King and I will bless Your Name for ever and ever.

    2.15 Creeds and other forms of doctrinal statements: As Deuteronomy 6.4 states,

    Hear, O Israel: the Lord your God is one Lord.

    2.16 The public display of spiritual gifts: As 1 Corinthians 14.3 states, But he that prophesies speaks to men for edification, exhortation and comfort.

    2.17 Miracles, signs and wonders: As Nicodemus said to Jesus in John 3.2,

    Rabbi we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do those miracles that you do except God be with him.

    2.18 Direct appearances to His people: As Exodus 19.17 states,

    And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet God.

    2.19 Angelic appearances: As Daniel 4.5 states,

    Then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz.

    2.20 Wise advice from other people: As Jethro said in Exodus 18.19a to Moses his overworked son-in-law,

    Hearken now unto my voice, I will give you counsel [advice] and God shall be with you.

    2.21 Favourable circumstances: As Jeremiah 22.21 states,

    I spoke to you in your prosperity; but you did not listen.

    2.22 Unfavourable circumstances: As Amos 4.11 states,

    I have overthrown some of you as God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah and you were a firebrand plucked out of the burning; yet you did not return to me says the Lord.

    3) ‘Special’ revelation, (Holy Scripture) in the following six internal ways

    3.1 The Holy Spirit applying specific words of Scripture to the human heart and mind: As Hebrews 4.12 states,

    For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword – piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    3.2 Common-sense wisdom: As James 1.5 states,

    If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, who gives to all men liberally and upbraids not and it shall be given Him.

    3.3 A sense of mental clarity, intuitive understanding and an ability to know how to respond appropriately to a particular situation: As Daniel 11.33a states,

    And they that understand among the people shall instruct many.

    3.4 Heightened conscience and a keen awareness of one’s own shortcomings: As John 8.11 states,

    "And they [the Scribes and Pharisees], being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one, beginning with the eldest, even until the last; and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."

    3.5 A sense of inner peace or lack of it: As Jesus Himself in John 14.27 states,

    "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the World gives; I give to you [my disciples]. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid."

    3.6 Spiritual experiences: These may include dreams, visions, revelations, inner prompting and dialogues with Christ. As  Acts 16.9 states,

    And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him saying, ‘come over into Macedonia and help us.’

    In total, God can speak in thirty-eight different ways, collectively known as the ‘Guidance Mix.’ Unfortunately, Satan can also speak through these very same ways and there remains a definite need to ‘test the spirits.’ The account of Christ’s wilderness temptations in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-12 reveal that Satan can even quote scripture to his own advantage. It is therefore dangerous to assume that every form of guidance is from God. There is no room for credulity in the Christian life.

    Although ‘general revelation’ can witness to God’s all-powerful greatness, on its own it is simply not sufficient to provide that knowledge required for personal salvation. Such knowledge is found only in God’s specific written revelation in scripture. By creating an awareness of God, general revelation is enough to condemn those who deny His existence through either their opinions or lifestyles. However, it cannot show people the way to relate to God at a deeply personal level. In short, whilst general revelation is sufficient to provide some factual knowledge of God, it is not sufficient to provide personal knowledge about Him. Represented here is the difference between knowing about someone and knowing them directly through repeated personal encounters.

    The six ‘internal ways’ have, throughout Church History, been variously known as ‘inner light, internal inspiration, mystical understanding, personal illumination, revelation knowledge, secret gnosis (knowledge) and subjective truth.’ Charlatans and larger aberrant Movements have also used them in order to make fanciful claims about themselves.  However, even doctrinally sound Christians may place far too great an emphasis upon this form of communication. Before making an important decision, it is usually wise to find out what God is saying through more external forms of guidance. Usually, one should only rely upon internal guidance when exceptionally dangerous circumstances leave no other option. In Acts 27:23-25, Paul relies upon the instructions provided by an angel – but the context was one of great danger and such guidance was needed. The need for caution is further highlighted when realize that deception may emanate from a variety of human and spiritual sources. The next three sections will examine these sources in some degree of depth.


    1) Why does God speak in many different kinds of way?

    2) How would you challenge an immature person who’s vehemently convinced that God has called them to be a missionary in a lawless country whose language is not known to this person?

    3) What response would you give to the arguments that: -

    3.1 God can only speak through scripture

    3.2 God can equally speak through scripture, great works of literature and the beauty of nature

    Section 2: Where Does Spiritual Deception Come From?

    Aim: To show how deception can result from a complex interaction of spiritual, social and psychological influences.

    Satan is the ultimate source of all spiritual deception. In order to entice people to destruction, he often he works indirectly through fallen human nature and various social pressures. However, on occasions he manifests himself directly through overt spiritual phenomena, (which he tries to make as much like a true manifestation of the Holy Spirit as possible. pin-pointing the deception in such false phenomena can prove most difficult. Muddying matters still further is the fact that the false phenomenon may be due to psychological and cultural influences rather than to overtly satanic dealings. This means that any false spiritual occurrences may have MORE THAN ONE SOURCE.  In Biblical terminology, these are known as ‘the world, the flesh and the devil.’ However, for ease of reference these terms will be re-ordered and renamed as the three sources of Satan, Sin and Society. In combination, they produce what can be known as self-socio-spiritual deception. However, as this is a clumsy term to use it will henceforth be known as socio-spiritual or tripartite deception. The sobering fact remains that human beings can be deceived in many different ways.

    For Satan, deception is simply a means of luring people into Hell. Motivated by an unquenchable spite against God, he wants all of humanity to share in his eternal misery. The more people who are with him in the lake of fire the better as far as he is concerned; blinded by hate, he doesn’t appear to realize that the presence of the damned will only add to his misery. He and his many victims are likely to find one another’s company mutually repulsive, both needing and at the same time hating being with each other. (Bible passages referring to eternal damnation are found in Matthew 8:12-13, 13:42, Mark 9:43-48, Luke 16:23-28, John 5:28-29, I Peter 3:19 and Revelation 20:14-15.)

    Satan uses a whole variety of deceptive demonic influences, working to deceive both unregenerate individuals and the worldly cultures in which they live. These same influences can generate bogus spiritual phenomena, which manifest themselves in many ways. However, the flesh (sin) and the world (society) are able to directly influence one another with no satanic intervention at all. Self-deception also plays a role – we are so very capable at deceiving ourselves that the devil’s role is almost redundant, (Jeremiah 17:9). In many cases, all Satan need do is to leave people to wallow in their own sins and consequences find their own way to Hell.

    The complex origins and varied manifestations of false spiritual phenomena make it all the more necessary to apply a whole battery of tests. Sincere Christians all too frequently go wrong because they rely upon only one test when several may be needed (Deuteronomy. 13:1-3; 18:20 f). In more than one case it often seems that a bogus prophetic ministry is accepted solely upon the ground of some spectacular word of knowledge or fulfilled prediction. Only after this accepted ministry begins

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