Design and Production of A Fish Feed Pelletizing Machine: Heliyon June 2019
Design and Production of A Fish Feed Pelletizing Machine: Heliyon June 2019
Design and Production of A Fish Feed Pelletizing Machine: Heliyon June 2019
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Keywords: Animal feeds contributes to a greater percentage of the cost of production of livestock. For the increment in
Mechanical engineering productivity and profit, farmers are advised to produce their feed themselves to reduce the cost of production.
Fish feed This work is aimed at producing a simple single unit fish feed pelletizer at a lost cost for peasant farmers. A fish
feed pelletizer has been designed and constructed. It consists of hopper, screw conveyor, barrel, dies, drives
system and heater. The design was carried out using engineering principles with due consideration to cost, ease of
Pelletizer operation, serviceability, durability, and performance. It is designed to be driven by a 1.5 HP, three-phase electric
Mixture motor with a heating element of 1500 W attached to the barrel surface to ensure adequate heating of the feed as
they travel through the barrel. The test that determines the performance of the pelletizer was carried out which
showed a throughput capacity of 17 kg/h, machine efficiency of 73.33% and a pelletizing efficiency of 90.90%
with low mechanical damage of 9.10%. The cylindrical pellets size produced by the pelletizer was in the range of
2–8 mm diameter, which is suitable for fish and poultry farming. The machine was produced using locally sourced
materials at a production cost of one hundred and eight thousand naira only (N 108,000.00).
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P.C. Okolie).
Received 23 November 2018; Received in revised form 11 April 2019; Accepted 20 June 2019
2405-8440/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
expedient in order to improve food security and technology for the Volume of hopper ¼ a2 þ b2 þ ab h=3 (1)
comfort to animals such as fish, turkey, chicken, birds, etc. Hence this
work is geared towards producing a simple single unit pelletizer for small Where b ¼ 150mm; a ¼ 450mm; h ¼ 350mmtherefore; V ¼ ½4502 þ
scale farming. The pelletizer should be capable of reducing the moisture 1502 þ ð150 450Þ 350 3 ¼ 34125000mm3 V ¼ 0:0341m3
content of the pellets, thereby reducing the stress that accompanies sun The mass flow through the hopper using Johanson equation is
drying in small scale feed production. calculated thus:
2. Materials and method Bg
Mass flow ¼ ρ A 0
2ð1 þ mÞtan∅
2.1. Machine description
Where : ρ0 ¼ bulk density of the material ð1300kg=m3 assumedÞ
A ¼ surface area of hopperð W x L ¼ 0:45 x 0:45 ¼ 0:2025m2 ÞØ ¼
The important components of the pelleting machine are the hopper
hopper angleg ¼ acceleration due to gravityð9:807 m=s2 Þ
where the feed meal is fed into the machine and the pelleting chamber in
m ¼ 0 ðsymmetrical slot hopperÞB ¼ w ¼ 0:45m
the form of worm auger or screw shaft which is seen to propel the feed.
The shaft is operated by pulley and belt system that is powered by an rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
0:45 9:807
electric motor. therefore mass flow through the hopper ¼ 1300 0:2025
2 tan 45
The output pellet is produced by compacting and forcing through a
die opening via a mechanical process (see Figs. 1–3).
¼ 306:99996kg=s
2.2. Design requirements 2.4.2. Capacity design for a given electric motor
The design for motor output power enables appropriate selection of a
For the design of pelleting machine, Mott (1985) asserted that the motor with enough power to start and run the machine at full load.
general requirements are:
Power ¼ F V (3)
To steadily receive the mixture of feed into the machine. Where P ¼ Power in watts
To introduce the mixture of feeds into the cutting unit uniformly F ¼ Rotational force acting on the shaft in Newton ðNÞ
To uniformly cut the mixture of feeds
To steadily discharge the pellets out of the machine with ease. v ¼ linear velocity of the shaft ðm=sÞ
But F ¼ ma (4)
2.3. Material selection and production planning
where m ¼ Mass of rotating shaft in kilogram ðkgÞ a ¼
In this work good material selection was undertaken to achieve the Angular acceleration of the motor in radian=seconds square ðrad=s2 Þ
following purposes: convenient maintenance, to reduce the noise of the
machinery, to produce the machinery at an economical cost, to improve
and reduce dimensions, to achieve machine aesthetics, to improve the also; a ¼ ω2 r (5)
strength of the machinery, to improve its resistance to wear, corrosion ω ¼ angular velocity of the motor in radian=seconds ω ¼ v=r
and corrosive medium (Sharma and Aggar-Wal, 1998; Chukwulozie
et al., 2015). The materials utilised for the construction of the machines Therefore v ¼ ωr (6)
are; mild steel, stainless steel, cast iron, and chemical paint.
By putting Eq. (5) into (4)
F ¼ mωr (7)
2.4. Machine design
By putting Eqs. (7) and (6) into (3)
2.4.1. Hopper design
The shape of the hopper is in the form of a truncated pyramid with an P ¼ mω2 r ωr (8)
inclination angle of 60 to enable conveying and storage of raw materials.
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
Pr ¼ 1:96kw
But ω ¼ 2πN= 60 (9) Therefore the pitch of the screw; S ¼ π D tanδ (13)
2.4.3. Determination of screw conveyor diameter and power to drive 2.4.5. Design of drive system (Belt and pulley design)
conveyor The machine runs with a 1400 rpm motor which will produce a speed
The diameter and power of the screw conveyor required for reduction of 70 rpm. This reduces the speed of the motor via a V – belt
conveying material at a rate of 20 kg/h for the capacity of a continuous before it enters the shaft. The smaller pulley is adapted at the motor and
screw conveyors were calculated from the expression given by (Spiva- connected to the bigger pulley on the shaft of the screw via a belt drive.
kovsky and Dyachkov, 1967). The bigger pulley welded to the shaft of the screw which passes through
two pillow bearing.
D2 ¼ (11)
60πðSnφpcÞ 2.4.6. Determination of pulley diameter
The speed of driving pulley versus speed of driven pulley can be
Where; Q ¼ capacity of screw conveyorS ¼ screw pitchn ¼
expressed by Shigley and Mischike (2001) and Khurmi and Gupta (2006)
speed of convey ¼ loading efficiencyp ¼
free bulk density of the material; c ¼
loading factor depending on the inclined angle to the horizontal D1 N1 ¼ D2 N2 (14)
The recommended values by (Spivakovsky and Dyachkov, 1967) for
slow flowing abrasive material are Where, D1 andN1 are the diameter and speed of driving pulley.
Also, D2 and N2 are the diameter and speed of driven pulley.
S ¼ 0:8D; φ ¼ 0:125 and c ¼ 1 for inclination angle b0 ¼ 0: In other to get a speed of 112 rpm on the drive shaft using an electric
The recommended minimum and maximum speed of conveyor are motor of 1400 rpm, the diameter of the driven pulley is calculated thus
200–490 rpm (Spivakovsky and Dyachkov, 1967) using a pulley of 40 mm diameter for the driver;
ωo is 4:0 for slow – flowing abrasive material, Therefore, for a driving pulley of 40 mm diameter, the driven pulley
inclination angle of conveyor βo is 0o and diameter was calculated from the above as 500 mm.
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
of belt required is calculated using the equation below: ¼ ð114mmÞ2 x 3:142 x 860mm
T1 mv 2
fϕ N ¼ number of revolutions
¼ e (16)
T2 mv2 sin5:0θ
Torque ¼ 9:549 2= 1400 ¼ 0:00670Nm
Where; m ¼ mass of a unit h of the belt
The frame is designed using mild steel angel iron of tensile strength of
v ¼ Linear velocity of belt; 290 N/mm2 (Khurmi and Gupta, 2006). The list of the input and output
ϕ ¼ Angle of wrap on pulley (rad) parameters are shown in Table 1, below.
μ ¼ The friction coefficient between belt & pulley.
T1 ¼ Tension in the tight side of belt (N) 2.5. Machine construction
T2 ¼ Tension in the slack side of (N)
θ ¼ Groove angle for v – belt (degree). In the construction of the machine, a lot of parameters were
The maximum tension in the tight side of the belt depends on the
allowable stress of the material. For a B section belt the following pa-
rameters are given:
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
2.5.1. Barrel construction suitable dimension was also purchased for use in the extruder. The shaft
The barrel is constructed by machining a round hollow mild steel is 1190 mm in length and 35 mm in diameter.
pipe into an appropriate length of 860 mm. It has an outer diameter of
114 mm and an inner diameter of 106 mm with a thickness of about 4 2.5.3. Die design and construction
mm. Circular wedges with holes for the passing of bolts were attached The extruder needed a die which could sustain the high pressure of
to the barrel at both ends. This was done for the ease of maintenance material conveyed by the feed screw. The die was made using 8 mm
and assembly of the inner components (i.e. screw and bearing thickness mild steel plate. It has a diameter of 204 mm and is removable.
replacement and adjustment). A circular-shaped heating element of Finally, sixty (60) numbers of holes were drilled around the surface of the
2000 W 415 V and a thermocouple was fixed on the barrel surface to die plate to make way for the resin pellets to pass through. The diameter
ensure thermo-mechanical heating of the resin pellets and thermal of each drilled hole is 4 mm.
2.5.4. Machine construction
2.5.2. Screw and shaft construction The machine was fabricated based on the design specification. The
A 114 mm screw conveyor was constructed by a normal machining construction was carried out with locally sourced materials to reduce the
process. It was reduced to 105 mm making a clearance of 4.5 mm be- cost of production to meet the design objective. Each of the components
tween screw and barrel. The shaft protrudes out of the casing along the was designed and fabricated following the due fabrication process as
drive section of the machine and entered the bearing housing before it shown in Fig. 4. This entails marking and cutting out the required shape
finally enters the larger pulley. The shaft also extends out of the die plate and dimension, welding of the parts to form the components, and surface
centre and the second bearing is housed inside the barrel. A bearing of finishing to improve on the aesthetics. The fabricated components were
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
Table 2
The table showing the cost of the machine.
weighed and fed into the pelletizer to obtain the dry pelletized feed. The
time taken for complete pelletizing was taken, the pelletized sample was
weighed, and the dry feed was collected for the test. The throughput
capacity, machine efficiency, and pelletizing efficiency was calculated
using Eqs. (20), (21), and (22) below.
The throughput capacity (Tpc) is given as;
Tpc ¼ (20)
P.C. Okolie et al. Heliyon 5 (2019) e02001
Table 3 Declarations
Dryness of feed at a varying temperature.
S/N 1 2 3 4 5 Author contribution statement
TEMPERATURE ( C) 125 175 200 250 300
DRYNESS (%) 55 60 67 80 89 Okolie Paul Chukwulozie, ChukwujikeIheoma Chigoziri, Chukwu-
neke Jeremiah Lekwuwa & Dara Jude Ezechi: Conceived and designed
the experiments; Performed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted
Table 4 the data; Contributed reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote
Dryness of feed at a varying time. the paper.
S/N 1 2 3 4 5
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