r05320203 Management Science
r05320203 Management Science
r05320203 Management Science
III B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Control
Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer Engineering
and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Name and describe the various levels of management with their functions. [16]
2. What is departmentation? How is it essential for the management of a business
enterprise? [16]
3. Define work measurement. What are its objectives? [16]
4. What do you mean by marketing? How is it different from selling. [16]
5. Explain some of the problems in interview as a method of selection? [16]
6. The following table lists the jobs of a network along with the time estimates.
Jobs Duration in days
Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic
1-4 3 9 27
1-3 3 6 15
1-2 6 12 30
4-5 1 4 7
3-5 3 9 27
3-6 2 5 8
5-6 6 12 30
2-6 4 19 28
(a) Draw the project network
(b) What is the approximate probability that jobs on the critical path will be
completed by the due date of 35 days
(c) What is your estimate of the probability that the entire project will be com-
pleted by the due date? Explain.
(d) What due date has 90% of chance of being met? [4×4]
7. What are the criteria used to determine the corporate strengths and weaknesses?
Use these criteria for a company you are familiar with to identify its strengths and
weaknesses. Suggest corrective actions. [16]
8. What is Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Illustrate. [16]
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Code No: R05320203 Set No. 2
III B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Control
Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer Engineering
and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
5. What are the best methods of recruitment for positions below supervisory level?
6. The following table gives the information relating to a project . By using the given
data calculate the optimum duration of the project. Where indirect cost is esti-
mated Rs.2000 per day. [16]
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Code No: R05320203 Set No. 2
7. State the significance of corporate planning. What is the need for planning? [16]
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Code No: R05320203 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Control
Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer Engineering
and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Discuss the leadership styles with examples which Indian managers follow. Can
you suggest a best style for them? How? [16]
2. What are the various types of organisation structures? Explain them with their
merits and demerits. [16]
3. Name and describe the various tools and techniques used in layout planning. [16]
4. “Marketing should aim at meeting a given consumer need rather than selling a
given product.” Comment. [16]
5. Briefly explain the concept of selection. What are the different techniques of se-
lection followed by a Personnel Manager, while employing the personnel in an
organization? [16]
6. What do you mean by crashing a network? State step by step procedure of crashing.
8. What are the different methods TQM? Explain any two methods in briefly. [16]
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Code No: R05320203 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Apr/May 2008
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics & Control
Engineering, Electronics & Telematics, Electronics & Computer Engineering
and Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are the basic leadership styles and their corresponding effective and ineffective
styles? [16]
6. What is the importance of Cost Analysis? Account for different types of cost citing
examples. [16]
8. What are some of the guidelines that can be followed for the purpose of improving
MIS? [16]
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