Soil Color
Soil Color
Soil Color
“…. the quality of field description and sampling ultimately defines the utility of any
subsequent …… analyses. A keen eye that can discern specific features and their
relationship to adjoining features, coupled with well-calibrated fingers that can
distinguish among relative differences in physical properties of soil material, are
essential and can only be acquired and maintained through practice.”
Frame 1: Soil physical and hydrologic properties are the principal metrics (measures
used to indicate progress or achievement) used to assess site suitability for septic drain
fields. Thus, it is essential that evaluators have a working knowledge of which soil
physical properties are good indicators, how to assess those properties, and what are the
‘limits’ of acceptability of those properties to deem a site suitable for a drain field.
The list of critical soil properties that we will take a close look at consists of:
Redoximorphic features
Coarse fragments
Frame 2: A little about each of these physical properties before we investigate them in
Color by itself does not have an influence on water movement, drainage, or soil physical
properties. Rather, color reflects an integration of chemical, biological and physical
transformations and translocations that have occurred within a soil. Color is or can be a
very useful diagnostic tools for assessing site suitability.
Texture is the term applied to: 1) the feel, for example - clay, the 2) particle size
composition, and 3) a methods of classifying or categorizing soil material; for instance –
loam is a texture which appears in the ‘textural triangle’. Texture relates most specifically
to micropore size and configuration, overall porosity, long-term drainability, and
Structure is the term applied to how the individual particles are aggregated together,
bound together to form discrete ‘clods’ or peds. Structure is specifically related to
macropore characteristics, rapid water transmission.
Consistence is the term applied to how the soil holds together, especially when moist.
Consistence is used as a descriptor of the ability of the soil to be shaped, formed, worked;
whether the soil is plastic (will flow), friable (will crumble and break apart) when
moist/wet. Consistence is a good tool for textural assessment.
Coarse fragments is just what it sounds like – how many rocks, large fragments present.
Our interest here is in compressibility, water movement, and water storage capacity –
coarse fragments allow for rapid water movement in specific configurations but coarse
fragments provide for no storage capacity, i.e., they occupy space.
Soil reaction is the term applied to the degree of acidity or basicity (how basic) of the
soil. Acidity and basicity reflect soil parent material (chemistry), organic matter content,
and degree of soil weathering or leaching. Substantial variation in acidity or basicity
reflects hydraulic and drainage properties of the soil.
Certainly there are numerous other soil physical properties – horizon thickness, horizon
depth, textural discontinuities – that are important in site assessment. Each of these will
be given attention.
Frame 3: Color of soil and soil horizons reflects the combination of physical, chemical
and/or biological composition and processes occurring or which have occurred in the soil.
In general, color of surface horizons reflects biological processes, notably those
influenced by the origin of soil organic matter. Soil organic matter imparts a dark
brown to black color to the soil. Generally, the higher the organic matter content of the
soil, the darker the soil.
The oxides and hydroxides present in soils reflect the below-ground environmental
conditions of soil formation. Because the oxides and hydroxides, particularly of iron and
manganese, show different colors, they can be used as an indicator for processes of soil
development and to relate to the conditions responsible for soil development.
In arid and semi-arid environments, soluble salts (carbonates, sulfates, chlorides etc.)
may impart a strong influence on soil color. For example, surface soils may be white due
to evaporation of water and accumulation of soluble salts.
Colors associated with minerals inherited from parent materials may also influence color
in horizons that have not been extensively weathered. For example, light gray or nearly
white colors is sometimes inherited from parent material, such as marl or quartz. Parent
material, such as basalt, can imprint a black color to the subsoil horizons.
Frame 4: Pop quiz question: Based on the content of these images, what can you
conclude about the net direction of water flow in these environments? Answer: Net water
flow is up, drainage is not occurring. As water evaporates from the soil surface, soluble
salts are left behind. The soil-air interface constitutes a nearly perfect semi-permeable
Frame 5: For a few minutes let’s focus our attention on soil color as a diagnostic tool.
Let’s look at some soil profiles and see what we can learn from the colors. Color reflects
the parent material, the soil formation process, the conditions of soil formation, and the
hydraulic properties of the soil.
Soil color is a useful diagnostic tool. It is also a useful ‘indicator’ tool, helping to
characterize what will happen.
Not only is the specific color of value as a diagnostic, but the pattern of colors, the
transition of colors in the soil profile, and the pattern of colors with depth in the
profile. Here are a few examples to take a look at.
Frame 6: #1 – sharp red color throughout the entire profile, although there is some
evidence of transition in the lower part of the profile. The red color suggests either: iron
rich soil, aluminum rich soil, possibly acid conditions, likely well-drained, well leached
but not excessive. The lack of very sharp boundaries between horizons suggests the soil
is not an old soil, but relatively young. Soil appears to be very uniform in particle size-
texture. The vegetation also indicates that the soil is well-drained.
#2 – this soil has some very interesting, contrasting colors and an interesting color
pattern. The rich, dark color at the surface (along with the vegetation) suggests high
organic matter content, which results from cool, wet conditions – although not
excessively wet. Note the sudden transition to the red-gray zone, starting at about 40 cm
and extending to 80 cm. There appears to be a textural transition or discontinuity – a
sudden change in texture - here as well. The color below – red-gray – suggests that the
soil gets a substantial amount of moisture, the upper horizon has good water-holding
capacity and the soil below 40 cm is likely coarse-textured and well-drained. In fact, it is
likely that significant leaching has occurred between about 80 and 110 cm, reflected in
the light gray color there and increasing red color below that depth.
Frame 7: #3 – The color suggests that the soil is well drained – but not excessively wet.
The smooth transition from red to yellow suggests uniform water movement although the
verigation in color, i.e., the mixing of red and yellow, suggests periodic wetting and
drying from the surface. The soil appears to be uniform in texture with no restrictive
layers or horizons. Maximum depth of precipitation infiltration/leaching is likely about
24 inches.
#4 – This is an interesting soil in a forest setting. The light colors and red-reddish brown
suggests that the soil is well-drained. Rooting is restricted to the upper part of the profile,
suggesting that the site does not get a lot of rainfall. Likely the soil is relatively young –
but well-drained. What is particularly interesting is the verigated striations in the subsoil.
This appears to be layers lakebed sediments and the verigated pattern reflects either
differences in texture (with the lighter colored material being more well drained-
oxidized) and the red bands being less well drained (alternating between oxidized and
reduced), or differences in parent material deposition patterns/mineralogy.
Frame 8: #5 – This profile appears to be heavily leached in the upper part of the profile,
although the gray appearance in the upper part of the profile may be a reflection of
granitic parent material. It appears to be mixed texture soil, with leaching through most of
the profile. The verigation between the lighter gray-faint red suggests fairly substantial
leaching and good oxidation conditions. Oxidation is a reflection of good aeration status.
Also note that there is good root growth through most of the profile.
Frame 9: Let’s look at some specifics of colors as diagnostics and consider the effects
that various colors express. For some of the more distinctive diagnostic color factors, I’ve
attempted to provide a visual reference, along with the expression of the effect.
Mottling spots or blotches of color in the soil that differ from the
matrix color
Redoximorphic features - mottles mottles that relate to the aeration, drainage, and
alterations between aerobic and anaerobic of the soil
Frame 10: Redoximorphic features – a term for oxidation – reduction conditions – are
very valuable diagnostic tools, particularly with regard to potential for sites to experience
hydraulic failure, lack of ability to drain. For reference, oxidation means in the presence
of oxygen, while reduction means anaerobic conditions. The chemistry (and color) of
some minerals in the soil reflects the oxidation-reduction conditions. A site suitable for a
septic tank drain field will reflect aerobic (oxygen – rich) conditions.
Frame 11: So, now it’s your call. Here are four profiles. You call it! Deal or No Deal!
Frame 12: Neither of these sites would pass the site evaluator’s inspection – but you
might not conclude that from a visual inspection. It’s best to get into the soil pit and
actually take a close-up look and feel of the soil. Both are poorly drained and subject to
extended periods of wetness. Note the orange speckling, mottling, and color changes,
reflective of redoximorphic circumstances – periods of aeration followed by periods of
prolonged wetness. In addition, excavation of the soil pit on the left would have revealed
poorly drained clay loam soil and a dense sub-surface horizon rich in clay and aluminum.
Similarly, peripheral view and excavation of the pit on the right would have revealed a
poorly drained silty clay loam derived from alluvial deposits – within the flood plain.
Frame 13: Here are two more ‘non-acceptable’ candidates: one on the left has a water
table within 2 feet of the surface while the soil on the right is a high shrink-swell soil with
very low permeability.
Frame 14: Let’s take a look at and summarize some of the color distinctions and how
they can be used to assist with site evaluation. We’ve already talked about these in
general terms, so let’s quickly go over the color indicators and then we’ll look at some
Frame 15: In this first example you’ll see the obvious uppermost A mineral horizon.
There is a gradual transition to the B horizon. What is interesting and helpful in
assessment in this profile is the presence of remnants of burrowing animals. The soil is
well-drained but holds a substantial amount of moisture upon wetting.
Frame 16: This is a forest soil with a reddish brown subsoil, suggesting good drainage.
There is a buried A horizon, with additional subsoil material above – suggesting colluvial
deposition or some form of mass action in the recent past. Zone of elluviation below the
buried A horizon. It would be good to look around this site location for other evidence of
soil movement in the recent past.
Frame 17: This soil is generally bright-light in color with an elluvial zone below the
relatively shallow organic horizon near surface; the light-colored soils, the abundance of
red and yellow suggest a well-drained soil. Considering that elluviation has also occurred,
one would conclude that this would be a suitable site – good internal drainage, appears to
have good water holding capacity.
Frame 18: I know we’ve already addressed redoximorphic features, but a little review
and a picture will help. Redox is such an important and valuable diagnostic that it should
not be overlooked. Presence of redoximorphic features clearly indicates the potential for
hydraulic failure. As this soil profile illustrates, reduction has occurred – oxygen is
depleted from the soil, the soil may be anaerobic, iron and manganese chemical change
occurred, resulting in distinct color differences. The presence of mottles is one of the best
indicators of alternating wet/dry conditions and less than optimal drainage. Oxidation –
oxygen is present in the soil, the soil is aerobic, leaching is likely occurring.
Frame 19: More about horizon colors. Having pictures of profiles will help illustrate and
reinforce some of the concepts about soil color. For instance:
Frame 20: Red, brown, yellow, yellowish-red, grayish-brown, and pale red are all good
descriptive colors of soil, but not very exact. As this wheel illustrates, the hue is the
specific color, value is the lightness and darkness of the color, and chroma is the
color intensity. Each color is assigned a hue, value, and chroma and corresponding color
chips are arranged in books of color chips. Soil is held next to the chips to find a visual
match and the soil being examined is assigned the corresponding Munsell notation. For
example, a brown soil may be noted as: hue value/chroma (10YR 5/3).
In completing a soil profile description, soil from each horizon is matched against
corresponding color chips in the Munsell color system. The corresponding color identifier
is then noted, along with the texture.
The colors also serve as good diagnostic indicators of the chemical, physical, and
hydrologic conditions of the soil.
Frame 21: Standardizing colors . Soil scientists use the Munsell Color Chart to
describe soil color – wet and dry. You might ask – what’s the point? Well, mostly to
standardize the exchange of information between individuals. The Munsell System
allows for direct comparison of soils anywhere in the world. Three aspects of color are
represented by the Munsell color system: the hue, which refers to the dominant
wavelength of light, i.e., red, yellow, green color; the value, which refers to the
lightness or darkness of a color in relation to a neutral gray scale; and the chroma,
which is the relative purity or strength of the hue.
It certainly would not be my expectation that a site evaluator either have these colors or
the three aspects of color memorized. What’s important is that an evaluator can match the
moist/wet color of soil from each horizon to the appropriate ‘chip’ in the Munsell color
chart and record this information in the site evaluation description.
Frame 22: The Munsell soil color chart is presented in a notebook format with a lot of
other valuable information. We’ll take a look at this and some examples momentarily.
The Munsell soil color chart book would be a good investment for the site evaluator. The
books are available from a variety of locations – on line. We’ve included a listing of
places where you can purchase the book, at a cost of about $125 each.
Frame 23: Let’s take a closer look at a couple of selected pages out of a Munsell soil
color book. This first page is the page identified as a hue of 5YR – a ‘orangish brown’
color. As you can see, the value ranges from 2.5 to 8 and the chroma ranges from 1 to 8.
In our example, 5YR 5/4, the color is a brown color falling almost in the middle of the
5YR color page.
Frame 24: This slide presents copies of the Munsell color chart pages for 5YR and
10YR. As you can see, there is a subtle difference between 5YR and 10YR with 10YR
being a little more ‘reddish brown’ in color and somewhat brighter.
Frame 25: Here’s an example of how the Munsell colors come into play in a soil
description. In this example, the soil profile is an Amsterdam silt loam. As you can see,
the horizons have been identified, textures determined (more about this later), and colors
assigned using the Munsell soil color chart. In our example, the Ap horizon has been
defined as having a color of 10YR 4/2. I might have said 10YR 4/4. You can also see the
value of using the color chips – you can do a direct comparison of the soil sample with
the color chip.
Frame 26: Let’s take a look at one more set of very important Munsell color plates.
These are the ‘gley’ plates. Gleying is the term pertaining to grayish, greenish, and bluish
soil colors resulting from water-logging and reduction (anaerobic conditions) of the soil
material. You will recall from our discussion about drain field function that aerobic
conditions are required for effective wastewater treatment in septic tank drain fields.
It is important to realize and recognize that if you encounter colors that are grayish,
greenish, or bluish and are not a direct consequence of parent material, there is a good
chance the site has a history of anaerobic conditions – making the site unsuitable for
septic tank drain field location.
Frame 27: We’ve covered a lot of material and information here. Let’s see if there are
any questions and then take a break.
File 4-Soil Color DEQ Septic.doc