Internship Aarti Drug Store

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Doing the internship at AARTI DRUG LTD, HR division has been an enriching at both
the personal and academic level. The project title for the internship report is Human
Resource Management of AARTI DRUG LTD. During my internship I gained practical
knowledge on how the human resource division of an organization as big as AARTI
DRUG LTD operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth functioning of the
organization at all levels by ensuring right number of people are available at the right
time to do the right job. Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture
of the organization and observed how AARTI DRUG LTD handles its employees with
value and empowerment to ensure they are motivated to give their best to the
organization. The report starts with an organization profile of AARTI DRUG LTD giving
its background, mission, vision, its facilities, the hierarchy and organ of the organization.
The next part of the project carries out SWOT Analysis that touches upon strengths,
weakness, opportunities and threats to the organization followed by results and discussion
on critical factors regarding Human Resource Management of AARTI DRUG LTD.
Following that the next section contains information about the job, which are just tasks
and responsibilities during my internship period at the Organization The next section is
the largest which comprises the project, Human Resource Management in AARTI
DRUG. The project encompasses introduction to the topic, recruitment, selection,
orientation. Each chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions with relevant
examples followed by Organization Practice at AARTI DRUG LTD which basically
conveys how things are done in the HR Department of a pharmaceutical company.
Finally there is the conclusion followed by references.


Company profile

1.1 Introduction to “ AARTI DRUG LIMITED ”

Fig1 : Logo of the company

Aarti Group of Industries, Aarti Drugs Ltd (ADL) was established way back in in 1984.
Since its inception, the Company has established a strong presence in the Anti-diarrhea,
Anti-inflammatory therapeutic groups. With its manufacturing facilities at Tarapur and
Sarigam, the Company manufactures Vitamins, Anti-arthritis, Anti-fungal, Antibiotics,
ACE inhibitors, besides its range in, anti-diabetic, anti-cholinergic, sedatives and anti-
depressant drugs.
Over the years, the Company has been able to carve a niche for itself and is looking
forward to expand the volumes. With the government initiative to encourage private
health insurance schemes, consumer spending on medicines is expected to increase,
which will spur growth in the generic sector in the domestic market.
The manufacturing-units of ADL are GMP certified. The Company is also in the process
of acquiring an ISO 9002 compliance for all its units and one of the units has already
been approved.
The Company aims at becoming the first choice of this expanding market through better
products, ensuring quality and timely delivery.

Aarti drugs limited shall become synonym for quality to customers by surpassing their
quality standards and expectations through clear understanding and accurate internalizing
of their requirements.
1. Communicate with customers on a continuous basis to know their quality
2. Percolate customer requirements to plant in order to facilitate doing things right the
first time and every time.
3. Motivate everyone to become quality conscious in their field of working and aim at
continuous improvement of yields.
4. Build pro-active, system oriented and team approach with suppliers and customers in
order to develop them as business partners.

Business Interest of “ Aarti drugs Limited ”

1. ADL can be looked at as a reliable source of Generic Bulk Actives, Advanced

Intermediates and Specialty Chemicals.
2. R& D and Cost Effective Process Development are customized as per the
customer’s needs.
3. Scale-up of Customer’s Processes to manufacture products as per customers’
requirements in strictest confidence.
4. Focus on the latest fast-moving bulk actives being off-patented in near future.

R&D Focus of “Aarti drug limited”

With the focus to build world-class capabilities, ADL has been successful in developing
the state-of-the-art R & D Center at Turbhe near Mumbai, besides, it also have 2 In built
supporting R & D Centers within our mfg. sites which all are well recognized by
Department of Science and Industrial Research, Government of India, headed effectively
by skilled & dedicated researchers who have successfully developed, around 30 new
molecules within the past four years. Today, the Company, through its innovative and
cost-effective process, is continuously developing new value added molecules.
The Strength of R & D team lies in the vast experience & knowledge they possess in the
field of Chemistry / synthetic organic chemistry & testing instruments.
Starting from the process research within the labs, process optimization at kilo lab, Pilot
Plant and troubleshooting during commercialization, R & D activities, synthesis,
isolation, characterization of Related Substance, Reference Standards and Development
of analytical methods form the main areas of work, of the Company’s’ team of analytical
development group

1:2 Facilities provided by Aarti Drug LTD

With two decades of manufacturing experience behind, the Company has today
transformed into multi-ton, multi-location GMP complaint with the state-of the art
facilities. Strategically located at Tarapur (Maharashtra) and Sarigam (Gujarat), the
manufacturing units are currently capable of making over 50 bulk actives, several key
intermediates and Specialty chemicals.With (a strength of) eight manufacturing locations
in its portfolio, ADL today, has total reaction capacity in excess of 1000 KL, consisting
of SS and GL reactors across its units, varying from 0.5 KL12
Manufacturing in accordance with GMP regulations norms, Pilot Plants, Process
development labs, In – Process QC labs and dedicated product processing areas are co
Unit processes for milling, sieving, blending, micronizing and packing area are well in
place. As a part of the pre-approval processes, these facilities have been inspected and
approved by large end users, customers, who are rated amongst the largest companies in
the world. With the focus being to access potential US generics business, the Company
has already commissioned and made operational, its new multipurpose manufacturing
facility, strictly designed and built in accordance with USFDA requirements.

1:3 Introduction to board of Directors


Mr. Prakash M. Patil; Chairman & Managing Executive

Mr. Harshit M. Savla Joint Managing Director Executive
Mr. Rashesh C. Gogri Managing Director Executive
Mr. Harit P. Shah Whole-time Director Executive
Mr. Rajendra V. Gogri Director Non-Executive
Mr. Uday M. Patil Whole-time Director Executive
Mr. Rajendra V. Gogri Director Non-Executive
Mr. Ramdas M. Gandhi Director Non-Executive Independent
Dr. Vilas G. Gaikar Director Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Bhavesh R. Vora Director Non-Executive Independent
Mr. Navin C. Shah Director Non-Executive Independent

Fig2: Board of directors of AARTI DRUG LTD



 The concept of CSR has been introduced in the Companies Act, 2013. Even though
the CSR provisions have been enacted with effect from F.Y. 2014-15, “AARTI
DRUGS LIMITED” has voluntarily shouldered its responsibility towards the Society
by implementation of various CSR activities for the development of a better Society.
Aarti Drugs Ltd. understands its social responsibilities and has been engaged in these
activities since several years.

 The company does not stop only with spending of money towards CSR but actually
monitors on ground level the utilization and channelization of resources in most
optimal manner and strives to ensure that the benefit of these initiatives reach to the
needy section of the Society at large. "We seek to be a good corporate citizen in
everything that we do." With the enactment of Companies Act, 2013, the concept of
Corporate Social Responsibility has gained legal importance.

 The provisions of Companies Act, 2013, recommend minimum prescribed spending

on CSR activities to certain class of companies. India is the first country to have
statutory provisions for spending on CSR activities. With this guiding principle we
are determined to bring together our ongoing activities along with new activities
towards the development of the Society and frame one comprehensive policy under
the head “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”. The principles encompassed in

this policy have been developed according to the requirements of the Companies Act,

 Average net profit of the company for last three financial years is 6031.92 lacs.
•CSR Policy has been drafted keeping in view the activities specified in Schedule
VII of Companies Act, 2013 or which would cover subjects enumerated in
Schedule VII of the Act. While formulating policy, preference has been given to
local area or areas around which the company operates.

 Any surplus arising out of the CSR projects or activities shall not form part of the
business profit of a company. • “Average Net Profit” are calculated as per section 198
of Companies Act, 2013 excluding any profit arising from any overseas branch or
branches of the company and dividend received from other company which are
covered and complying with provisions of sec 135 of the Act.

 The company has decided that the CSR spending during the year are planned to be
incurred in collaboration with other companies or institutions and the company is in a
position to report separately on such projects or programs.


1. Preface

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Aarti Drugs Limited (the “Company”) has
adopted the following policy and procedures with regard to determination of Materiality
of events or information which are required to be disclosed to the Stock Exchanges in
terms of Regulation 30 of Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (Listing Regulations) (The Policy). This
Policy has been formulated in accordance with Clause (ii) of sub-regulation (4) of
Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations.

2: Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to determine materiality of events and information based on
criteria specified under clause (i) of sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 30 of the Listing
Regulations and to ensure that the Company shall make disclosure of events / information
specified in Para A and B of Part A of Schedule III of the Listing Regulations to the
Stock Exchanges

2: Criteria for determination of materiality of events / information \

The Company shall consider the criteria as specified in clause (i) of sub regulation 4 of
Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations for determination of materiality of events /


 The Board of Directors of AARTI DRUGS LIMITED (Board), has adopted the
following policy and procedures with regard to Related Party Transactions (RPTs)
defined below based on recommendation of the Audit Committee (AC)

 The AC will review this policy from time to time and recommend any modifications
thereof to the Boar

 This policy is to regulate process for transactions made or to be made between the
Company and Related Party defined below in accordance with the applicable laws,
Rules and requirements under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as may be applicable to
the Company from time to time. PURPOSE

 This policy is framed as per the requirements of Regulation 23 (1) of Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 as applicable from December 1, 2015 and intended to ensure the
proper approval and reporting of transactions between the Company and its Related
Parties as per applicable law in the interest of all the stakeholders of the company

1:5 SWOT analysis

STRENGHT 1 Product patent regime
1 Population of over a billion 2 Large number of drugs
2 Growth of middle class going off-patent in Europe
and in the US
3 Lowest cost producers
3 Opening up of health
4: Excellent chemistry and
insurance sector
process reengineering skills

1 Government changes 1 Lower profitability
2 Threats from other low 2 Lack of product patent
cost countries 3 Least penetrated
3 Uncertainty 4 Low barriers to entry

It is often said that the pharmacy sector has no cyclical factor attached to it. Irrespective
of whether the economy is in a downturn or in an upturn, the general belief is that
demand for drugs is likely to grow steadily over the long-term. True in some sense. But
are there risks? This article gives a perspective of the Indian pharmacy industry by
carrying out a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat). Before
we start the analysis let’s look a little back in the industry's last six years performance.
The Industry is a largely fragmented and highly competitive with a large number of
players having interest in it.


1. Population of over a billion

Indian with a population of over a billion is a largely untapped market. In fact the
penetration of modern medicine is less than 30% in India. To put things in
perspective, per capita expenditure on health care in India is US$ 93 while the
same for countries like Brazil is US$ 453 and Malaysia US$189.

2. Growth of middle class

The growth of middle class in the country has resulted in fast changing lifestyles
in urban and to some extent rural centers. This opens a huge market for lifestyle
drugs, which has a very low contribution in the Indian markets.

3.Lowest cost producers

Indian manufacturers are one of the lowest cost producers of drugs in the world.
With a scalable labor force, Indian manufactures can produce drugs at 40% to
50% of the cost to the rest of the world. In some cases, this cost is as low as 90%.

4: Excellent chemistry and process reengineering skills

Indian pharmaceutical industry posses excellent chemistry and process reengineering

skills. This adds to the competitive advantage of the Indian companies. The strength in
chemistry skill help Indian companies to develop processes, which are cost effective.


1. Lower profitability

The Indian pharmacy companies are marred by the price regulation. Over a period
of time, this regulation has reduced the pricing ability of companies. The NPPA
(National Pharmacy Pricing Authority), which is the authority to decide the
various pricing parameters, sets prices of different drugs, which leads to lower
profitability for the companies. The companies, which are lowest cost producers,
are at advantage while those who cannot produce have either to stop production or
bear losses.

2. Lack of product patent

Indian pharmacy sector has been marred by lack of product patent, which
prevents global pharmacy companies to introduce new drugs in the country and
discourages innovation and drug discovery. But this has provided an upper hand
to the Indian pharmacy companies

3. Least penetrated

Indian pharmacy market is one of the least penetrated in the world. However,
growth has been slow to come by. As a result, Indian majors are relying on
exports for growth. To put things in to perspective, India accounts for almost 16%

of the world population while the total size of industry is just 1% of the global
pharmacy industry.

4. Low barriers to entry

Due to very low barriers to entry, Indian pharmacy industry is highly fragmented
with about 300 large manufacturing units and about 18,000 small units spread
across the country. This makes Indian pharmacy market increasingly competitive.
The industry witnesses price competition, which reduces the growth of the
industry in value term. To put things in perspective, in the year 2003, the industry
actually grew by 10.4% but due to price competition, the growth in value terms
was 8.2% (prices actually declined by 2.2%)


1. Product patent regime

The migration into a product patent based regime is likely to transform industry
fortunes in the long term. The new patent product regime will bring with it new
innovative drugs. This will increase the profitability of MNC pharmacy
companies and will force domestic pharmacy companies to focus more on R&D.
This migration could result in consolidation as well. Very small players may not
be able to cope up with the challenging environment and may succumb to giants.

2. Large number of drugs going off-patent in Europe and in the US

Large number of drugs going off-patent in Europe and in the US between 2005 to
2009 offers a big opportunity for the Indian companies to capture this market.
Since generic drugs are commodities by nature, Indian producers have the

competitive advantage, as they are the lowest cost producers of drugs in the

3. Opening up of health insurance sector

Opening up of health insurance sector and the expected growth in per capita
income are key growth drivers from a long-term perspective. This leads to the
expansion of healthcare industry of which pharmacy industry is an integral part.
Being the lowest cost producer combined with USFDA approved plants, Indian
companies can become a global outsourcing hub for pharmaceutical products.


1. Government changes

There are certain concerns over the patent regime regarding its current structure.
It might be possible that the new government may change certain provisions of
the patent act formulated by the preceding government.

2. Threats from other low cost countries

Threats from other low cost countries like China and Israel exist. However, on the
quality front, India is better placed relative to China. So, differentiation in the
contract manufacturing side may wane.

3. Uncertainty

The short-term threat for the pharmacy industry is the uncertainty regarding the
implementation of VAT. Though this is likely to have a negative impact in the
short-term, the implications over the long-term are positive for the industry



Mission and Vision of the company

2:1 Vision of Aarti Drug LTD

 We shall become the first choice vendor of Bulk Drugs and achieve a leadership

 Assuring consistent quality and timely delivery at competitive price.

Providing customized solutions and service to meet changing requirements of

 Choose the best and the most flexible manufacturing practices and methods.

 Adopt processes supported by proven technologies, which are cost effective and

 Encourage and nurture teamwork and participative management ethos

 Aim at customer orientation through continuous technology upgrade, high

business ethics and new product development.

2:2 Mission of Aarti drug LTD 

 Aarti Drugs Limited will seek global market leadership.

 Development and growth in the product will be our focus.

 We will continue to create a winning culture, operating in highest standards of

ethics and values with co-operation among competitors.

 We will strive for excellence in customer service, quality and R& D


 Assist the development of valued skills such as teamwork, communications and

attention to detail

 Expose to the environment and expectations of performance on the part of

accountants in professional accounting practice, private/public companies or
government entities.

 Enhance and/or expand the knowledge of a particular area(s) of accounting.

 Expose to professional role models or mentors who will provide support in the early
stages of the internship and provide an example of the behaviors expected in the
intern's workplace.

 Apply business concepts and theories to real-world decision-making

 Increase proficiency in specific business disciplines; such as human resources
management, operations management, marketing, accounting, statistics, economics,
finance, and business law.

 Develop and improve business skills in communication, technology, quantitative

reasoning, and teamwork.

 Observe and participate in business operations and decision-making.

 Meet professional role models and potential mentors who can provide guidance,
feedback, and support.

 Expand network of professional relationships and contacts.

 Develop a solid work ethic and professional demeanor, as well as a commitment to

ethical conduct and social responsibility.


1. Apply business concepts and theories to real-world decision-making

2. Increase proficiency in specific business disciplines; such as human resources

management, operations management, marketing, accounting, statistics,
economics, finance, and business law.

3. Develop and improve business skills in communication, technology, quantitative

reasoning, and teamwork.

4. Observe and participate in business operations and decision-making.

5. Meet professional role models and potential mentors who can provide guidance,
feedback, and support.

6. Expand network of professional relationships and contacts.

7. Develop a solid work ethic and professional demeanor, as well as a commitment

to ethical conduct and social responsibility.




The Aarti Drugs Ltd. has the point of choosing the candidates for its recruitment
Processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external. The sources within the
Organization itself (like transfer of employees from one department to another
Promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment.
Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies, etc.)
Are known as the external sources of recruitment.

A. Internal Sources:

1. Present Employees:

Promotions and transfers from among the present employees can be a good source of
recruitment. Promotion implies upgrading of an employee to a higher position carrying
higher status, pay and responsibilities. Promotion from among the present employees is
advantageous because the employees promoted are well acquainted with the
organizational culture, they get motivated, and it is cheaper also.

2. Former Employees:

Former employees are another source of applicants for vacancies to be filled up in the
organization. Retired or retrenched employees may be interested to come back to the
company to work on a part-time basis. Similarly, some former employees who left the
organization for any reason may again be interested to come back to work.

3. Employee Referrals:

This is yet another internal source of recruitment. The existing employees refer their
family members, friends and relatives to the company as potential candidates for the
vacancies to be filled up in the organization.

This source serves as one of the most effective methods of recruiting people in the
organization because employees refer to those potential candidates who meet the
company requirements known to them from their own experience. The referred
individuals are expected to be similar in type in terms of race and sex, for example, to
those who are already working in the organization.

4. Previous Applicants:

This is considered as internal source in the sense that applications from the potential
candidates are already lying with the organization. Sometimes, the organizations contact
through mail or messenger these applicants to fill up the vacancies particularly for
unskilled or semi- skilled jobs.


The advantages of the internal source of recruitment include the following:

1. Familiarity with own employees:

The organization has more knowledge and familiarity with the strengths and weaknesses
of its own employees than of strange and unknown outsiders.

2. Better use of the talent:

The policy of internal recruitment also provides an opportunity to the organization to

make a better use of the talents internally available and to develop them further and

3. Economical Recruitment:

In case of internal recruitment, the organization does not need to spend much money,
time and effort to locate and attract the potential candidates. Thus, internal recruitment
proves to be economical, or say, inexpensive.

4. Improves Morale:

This method makes employees sure that they would be preferred over the outsiders as and
when vacancies will be filled up in their organization.

5. Motivator:

The promotion through internal recruitment serves as a source of motivation for
employees to improve their career and income. The employees feel that organization is a
place where they can build up their life-long career. Besides, internal recruitment also
serves as a means of attracting and retaining competent employees in the organization.


The main drawbacks associated with internal recruitment are as follows:

1. Limited Choice:

Internal recruitment limits its choice to the talent available within the organization. Thus,
it denies the tapping of talent available in the vast labor market outside the organization.
Moreover, internal recruitment serves as a means for “inbreeding”, which is never j
healthy for the future of the organization.

2. Discourages Competition:

In this system, the internal candidates are protected from competition by not giving
opportunity to otherwise competent candidates from outside the organization. This, in
turn, develops a tendency among the employees to take promotion without showing extra

3. Stagnation of Skills:

With the feeling that internal candidates will surely get promoted, their skill in the long
run may become stagnant or obsolete. If so, the productivity and efficiency of the
organization, in turn, decreases.

4. Creates Conflicts:

Conflicts and controversies surface among the internal candidates, whether or not they
deserve promotion.

B. External Sources:

External sources of recruitment lie outside the organization. These outnumber internal

The main ones are listed as follows:

1. Employment Exchanges:

The National Commission on Labor (1969) observed in its report that in the pre-
Independence era, the main source of labor was rural areas surrounding the industries.
Immediately after Independence, National Employment Service was established to bring
employers and job seekers together.

3. Advertisement:

Advertisement is perhaps the most widely used method for generating many applications.
This is because its reach is very high. This method of recruitment can be used for jobs
like clerical, technical and managerial. The higher the position in the organization, the
more specialized the skills or the shorter the supply of that resource in the labor market,
the more widely dispersed the advertisements is likely to be.

3. Word-of-Mouth:

Some organizations in India also practice the ‘word-of-mouth’ method of recruitment. In

this method, the word is passed around the possible vacancies or openings in the
organization. Another form of word-of-mouth method of recruitment is “employee-

pinching” i.e., the employees working in another organization are offered an attractive
offer by the rival organizations. This method is economic, both in terms of time and

8. Raiding or Poaching:

Raiding or poaching is another method of recruitment whereby the rival firms by offering
better terms and conditions, try to attract qualified employees to join them. This raiding is
a common feature in the Indian organizations.

For example, several executives of HMT left to join Titan Watch Company, so also
exodus of pilots from the Indian Airlines to join private air taxi operators. Whatever may
be the means used to raid rival firms for potential candidates, it is often seen as an
unethical practice and not openly talked about. In fact, raiding has become a challenge for
the human resource manager. 


The following trends are seen in HR

Recruitment Marketing

Recruitment marketing strategy is based on the implementation of marketing tactics in

recruiting. Recruitment marketing is the process of nurturing and attracting talented
individuals to your organization using marketing methods and tactics.

The importance of recruitment marketing

Recruitment marketing is a discipline that has been introduced as a consequence of the

current situation in the labor market. Its main goal is to follow the latest trends in the
market and offer solutions to the companies that best overcome these new challenges.
Companies that first adopt these new recruiting best practices will be more likely to

attract talent. This is why Recruitment Marketing will be at the sole top of the recruitment
trends 2019. 

Fig 2 : Recruitment Marketing

2: Inbound Recruiting

Inbound Recruiting is a recruitment marketing strategy where you proactively and

continually attract candidates with the goal to make them choose you as their next
employer. Your goal in inbound recruiting is to attract, convert and engage candidates.

The importance of inbound recruiting

Lately, there has been a switch from outbound to inbound recruiting. Simply reaching out
to the candidates and offering an open position is not the way to attract talent anymore. If
you are looking for a long-term solution to advance your recruiting and hiring strategy,
inbound recruiting is the recruitment trend you should adopt. 

3: Employer Branding  

Employer brand is the term commonly used to describe an organization's reputation and

popularity as an employer, and its employee value proposition, as opposed to its more
general corporate brand reputation and value proposition to customers. Employer
branding ideas are essential for building a strong and attractive employer brand.

The importance of employer branding

Research by LinkedIn has proven that more than 75% of job seekers research about a
company’s reputation and employer brand before applying. Companies with a bad
reputation not only struggle to attract candidates, but they also struggle to retain
employees. This is why employer branding is one of the top recruitment trends of 2019! 

Fig 3: Importance of Employer Branding for attracting candidates

4: Candidate experience

“Candidate experience” is current, past and potential future candidates’ overall

perception of your company’s recruiting process. It is based on candidates’ feelings,
behaviors and attitudes they experience during the whole recruiting process, from
sourcing and screening to interviewing, hiring and finally onboarding.Why is paying
attention to your candidate experience another extremely important recruitment trend you
should adopt in 2019? Because candidates who had a positive candidate experience in
your recruiting process will more likely accept your job offer, reapply in future and refer
others to your company. On the flip side, a negative candidate experience can cost you
more than a few candidates - it can even lose your company big bucks! The most famous
example of this is the case of Virgin Media, a company who calculated that a bad
candidate experience costs them a shocking $5.4 million annually!

Fig 5 : Benefits of providing positive candidate experience

5: Talent pools

Talent pool refers to a place or database where recruiters and HR Managers keep all of

their top job candidates. Talent pools make not only candidates that have applied for jobs,
but also sourced, referred candidates, silver medalists and candidates that have willingly
joined your pool in an inbound way. Imagine if every time you had a job opening, you
had a pool of talent from which you can just pick the best one! Sounds great, right? This
is the reason why many recruiters have already adopted this recruitment trend and started
building a high-quality candidate database for current and future needs. 

6: Candidate Relationship Management

Candidate relationship management (CRM) is a method for managing and

improving relationships with current and potential future job candidates. Having a strong
candidate relationship management has quickly become one of the top 2019 recruitment
trends. This relatively new method of recruiting was introduced to the world of talent
acquisition as a solution to one of the biggest challenges in the HR industry
- attracting talent. 


Human Resources (HR) and Compliance share a common goal of facilitating,

monitoring, and enforcing employee compliance. However, in many pharmaceutical
companies, the two organizations often find themselves at odds.  With the increasingly
high stakes attached to compliance, these two organizations should break down barriers,
forge stronger ties, and support each other.
From my vantage point as a Intern, the primary area of contention involves roles and
responsibilities. Before the advent of Compliance departments, HR traditionally handled
employee complaints, compliance issues, and dismissals. Consequently, Compliance and
its enterprise oversight role may be perceived by HR as more of an interloper than a
business partner. The key to improving the relationship is consistent and frequent
communication between the HR and Compliance departments. The prevalence of
corporate integrity agreements, qui tam suits, harassment complaints, and other
employee-related compliance issues makes it important that HR and Compliance work
together more effectively than they have in the past. Here are some focus areas for both
HR and Compliance


Fig 6 : HR Department of the organization

A) HR Manager

Human resource (HR) managers are involved with recruitment, training, career
development, compensation and benefits, employee relations, industrial relations,
employment law, compliance, disciplinary and grievance issues, redundancies etc.
The job involves keeping up to date with areas such as employment law, which
change often .Generalist HR roles are usually found in small and medium sized
companies, where the HR manager will deal with the whole range of HR

1 HR assistant

Human resource assistants are the behind-the-scenes collaborators and colleagues

whose main job responsibilities are focused on helping HR directors and managers
accomplish HR-related tasks.HR assistants are involved with nearly all programs and
services that relate to a company’s human resources division. Their work, which is
often decidedly administrative in nature, involves documenting grievances,
terminations, absences, performance reports, and compensation and benefits

2 HR Recruiter

Human resources recruiters develop and implement recruiting plans and strategies
designed to fulfill company staffing needs. As part of a human resources team,
recruiters (also known as corporate recruiters and internal recruiters) are
responsible for leading the staffing efforts of a company and building a strong
workforce that adds to the company’s bottom line. These highly skilled and often
equally highly educated HR professionals possess knowledge of employment and
labor law, have a deep understanding of the organization and its staffing needs,
and possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.


The HR Intern has perform various administrative tasks and support our HR department’s
daily activities.

HR Intern responsibilities include updating employee records with new hire information,
screening resumes and scheduling interviews. It helps to kick starting the career as an HR
Intern and getting a closer look of how the company approaches payroll, recruiting and
employee development

Ultimately, organizing will coordinating the HR policies and procedures.

Responsibilities of an Intern

 Update our internal databases with new employee information, including contact
details and employment forms

 Gather payroll data like leaves, working hours and bank accounts

 Screen resumes and application forms

 Schedule and confirm interviews with candidates

 Post, update and remove job ads from job boards, careers pages and social

 Prepare HR-related reports as needed (like training budgets by department)

 Address employee queries about benefits (like number of remaining vacation


 Review and distribute company policies in digital formats or hard copies

 Participate in organizing company events and careers days


The intern was given the task of handling the recruitment and selection of the company It
is one of the most important job of the organization to recruit capable employee who can
bring growth to the origination An HR intern's duties included posting jobs, reviewing
resumes, conducting interview The HR Intern provides quality HR compliance and
administrative support to The HR Team clients and teammates. This support is based
from The HR Team office. Interns are responsible for maintaining satisfied clients by
delivering assistance and administrative support to HR generalists and consultants on
various projects.


The intern was asked to report to the Assistant HR manager of the Aarti Drugs
Limited. The Assistant manager made a note of the intern’s daily attendance.
The intern was doing his internship under the guidance of the Assistant HR
Manager and the main HR manager. The intern had to do the work given by the
Assistant HR Manager and was asked to report to Assistant HR manager.


The first stage of recruitment should be to identity if there is a genuine vacancy. The
intern had to fill request for a vacancy that can be made as a result of the creation of a
new role, or where a replacement is required Before recruiting new or additional staff, or
replacement staff, an analysis was taken place to ensure that the vacancy is genuine, or, in
other words, that the role is in fact required. A structured recruitment plan is mandatory
to attract potential candidates from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should
be qualified, experienced with a capability to take the responsibilities required to achieve
the objectives of the organization.

 Number of posts to be filled

 Number of positions

 Duties and responsibilities to be performed

 Qualification and experience required


A position description is the core of a successful recruitment process. The intern had to
develop interview questions, interview evaluations and reference check questions. A
well-written position description: Job description provides information about the scope of
job roles, responsibilities and the positioning of the job in the organization And this data
gives the employer and the organization a clear idea of what an employee must do to
meet the requirement of his job responsibilities.

Job description is generated for fulfilling the following processes

 Classification and ranking of jobs

 Placing and orientation of new resources

 Promotions and transfers

 Describing the career path

 Future development of work standards

A job description provides information on the following elements −

 Job Title / Job Identification / Organization Position

 Job Location

 Summary of Job

 Job Duties

 Machines, Materials and Equipment


Fig 7: Job Description form


Screening is the process used by recruiters to evaluate a list of potential candidates and
narrow the list to the most qualified applicants. This topic discusses the process of
running screening. It does not discuss how to set up screening. The screening was done
with the help of online Portal like, Monster India etc. Online screening is
also known as prescreening or pre-employment screening. The purpose of online
screening is to verify that the candidate is a good fit for the position and haven’t lied
about the background. Employers use online screening tools (tests, assessment
instruments, questionnaires, and so forth) to reduce and sort applicants against criteria
and competencies that are important to their organizations.

In Web site career portals, you are asked to respond through yes or no to job-related
questions, such as:

 Do you have the required college degree?

 Do you have experience with (specific job requirement)?

 Are you willing to relocate?

 Do you have two or more years’ experience managing a corporate

communications department

Sample components of online screening

The following examples of online screening illustrate common upfront filtering


 Basic evaluation: The system automatically evaluates the match between a

resume’s content (job seeker’s qualifications) and a job’s requirement and ranks
the most qualified resumes at the top.

 Skills and knowledge testing: The system uses tests that require applicants to
prove their knowledge and skills in a specific area of expertise. Online skills and
knowledge testing is especially prevalent in information technology jobs where
dealing with given computer programs is basic to job performance.

 Personality assessment: Attempts to measure work-related personality traits to

predict job success is one of the more controversial types of online testing.

 Behavioral assessment: The system asks questions aimed at uncovering your

past experience applying core competencies the organization requires (such as
fostering teamwork, managing change) and position-specific competencies (such
as persuasion for sales, attention to detail for accountants).

 Managerial assessments: The system presents applicants with typical managerial

scenarios and asks them to react. Proponents say that managerial assessments are
effective for predicting performance on competencies, such as interpersonal skills,
business acumen, and decision making.

Answering “no” to any of these kinds of questions disqualifies you for the listed position,
an automated decision that helps the recruiters thin the herd of resumes more quickly but
that could be a distinct disadvantage to you, the job searcher.


Scheduling interviews may not be the hardest part of hiring. But, investing some effort to
make your process more efficient will help you save time and improve your candidate
experience.Here are some tips on how to invite a candidate to an interview:

How to invite a candidate for interview by phone

Communicating with candidates by phone makes your approach more personable. But,
when your purpose is to schedule an interview, phone calls can create confusion. People
may forget what was said if they were in a hurry or didn’t take notes. Also, candidates
may feel uncomfortable taking this type of call if they’re at work.

Email is more convenient and allows you to provide details about your interview process.
State your purpose and your company’s name in the subject line to ensure that candidates
will open your email.


The intern had to select the best employee who will help the origination to grow with
flying colors. The employee is selected after evaluating there resume from online portal.
the process of online selection is done on the basis of the job requirements and the
specialization required to do the following job . A bunch of employee who fulfill the
requirements are shortlisted and they are placed for telephonic round. The intern had to
make a excel sheet of the selected employee with the details and there contact number
.Later on the intern had to call the candidates for the telephonic round this is where the
language skills are tested and few question are asked further. The best among them are
selected for the panel interview which is interviewer by the HR manger. The intern had to
give the list of the best candidate among the all selected candidate after the telephonic
round. This process was completed in almost 5 working days. After the telephonic round
the major process is to understand the requirements of the organization and select the best

employee among them that fulfill the job description. I had gone through 20 profile and
selected 2 among that which matched our requirements. The selected employees profile
was passed to the HR manager


Scheduling interview was one of the major task that was done by the intern. The intern
had to go through various process while scheduling interview with the candidates
Scheduling interviews efficiently saves your time and promotes positive experiences for
both candidates and the organization. The intern had to see the if the HR Manger and the
other interviewer are free on the date when the interview is being scheduled. An
Invitation for interview mail was send to the candidates. The major challenge was to
schedule the interview that was convenient for both the interviewer and the interviewee.
The intern even had to take a note of employee who had positively replied to the mail and
had make a list of employee who will be attending the interview so that a proper slot can
be fixed

 Points to remember while scheduling a interview

Time of day matters:

As much as candidates are trying to sell themselves to you during an interview, you
should be trying to sell the company to candidates, leaving them with a great impression.
Schedule interviews during the time of day that you are most on your A-game. If you
have an interview lined up before an important meeting or presentation, chances are that
your mind will be much more focused on the next meeting than the person in the chair
across from you.

Budget too much time rather than too little:

With a growing list of to-do, it’s tempting to make a tight interviewing schedule, but you
will quickly learn that this is where things go wrong. It’s hard to control the length of an
interview, and while the average interview is 40 minutes, you never know what topics
may come up during the interview that you would like to discuss further with a candidate.
Schedule interviews that allocate ample amount of time to a candidate so that you can
fully focus on the interview taking place rather than the clock.

Value the candidate’s time as much as your own:

Failing to promptly email a candidate back regarding scheduling an interview is one of

the biggest ways recruiters are sending candidates the signal that they don’t think the
candidate’s time is as valuable as their own. Like you, candidates have busy schedules.
When a candidate sends you a couple of times to interview, they will likely hold off on
filling those times until you respond. When you schedule interviews, it’s important to
promptly respond to candidates’ emails not only so that you keep them engaged in the
hiring process, but also to show them that you value their time.

Scheduling tools:

To put it simply, scheduling tools are a way for you to refine your scheduling process and
take the first step in creating a proactive interviewing process. The RIVS scheduling
tool enhances the interaction between candidates and recruiters through fast and easy


Subject: Invitation to Interview

Dear Ramesh,

Thank you for applying for the position of office administrator with AARTI DRUGD LTD

We would like to invite you to come to our office to interview for the position. Your interview
has been scheduled for May 1, 2018, 1 pm, at 2nd floor of the office Please call me at  651-555-
6666 or email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or need to


Manju Santosh



Mahendra Industrial Estate, Ground Floor,
Road No 29, Plot No 109-D, 
SION (East), MUMBAI- 400 022.( INDIA)


I didn’t know what to expect from my internship at AARTI DRUG LTD “Intern” can
sometimes be another word for “personal assistant,” but that is not the case here. From
my first day, I have been able to see the direct impact of the work that I do. I have been
pushed to learn about things that I had no prior knowledge of, whether it is screening of
employee, calling candidates for interview, Scheduling interview with HR manager. This
internship has allowed me to grow as I am working, and I continue to learn more every
day. I have benefitted from being surrounded by intelligent, driven people, as well as the
fun environment at AARTI DRUG LTD

There is a perfect balance of fun and focus here – from the start, I could tell that my
coworkers actually enjoy hanging out and working together. I have learned about this
important, unspoken, intangible quality that some companies have and some do not. The
quality that brings people together – whatever you want to call it. This quality is essential
and is certainly something I will look for when I am planning my life after graduation

I’ve also learned about the delicate balance that is having a job and being a full-time
college student. Separating college life from work can be tricky – I’ve had to figure out
how to compartmentalize for the task at hand. During midterm season, I found that my
internship is actually a great way to take my mind off of studying for a few hours. I am
able to recognize Human resource terms and concepts before we learn them in the
classroom because of my exposure here at AARTI DRUG LTD

I’ve only been an intern at AARTI DRUG LTD for 4 weeks, and I have already learned
so much.


 Explore career alternatives prior to graduation.

 Integrate theory and practice.
 Assess interests and abilities in their field of study.
 Learn to appreciate work and its function in the economy.
 Develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success.
 Develop communication, interpersonal and other critical skills in the job
interview process.
 Build a record of work experience.
 Acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following
graduation from college.


Unnoticed Work

It goes without saying that one does well in any field because they expect recognition. As
an intern, you might be doing very good but still, find yourself in a position where your
part is hardly appreciated. That can clearly be somewhat discouraging.

Uncooperative Mentor

How much you learn from your internships depend largely on your mentor. If your
mentor takes you seriously and helps you learn, your internship can be truly productive.

But on the contrary, if they are uncooperative, it can be one of the greatest internship
challenges for you to face.

Issues with Time Management / Self-Management

It’s your first job kind of experience. Reaching late for classes and late submissions of
assignments was tolerated by your college professors.

But in a professional workspace it isn’t acceptable and hence managing time can be really
difficult for you. A balance between work, academics, and personal life also seems to be
a challenge.

Allotment of trivial work

This is one of the commonest internship challenges faced by a large number of interns.
While you might expect to be an important part of the organization, you are often offered
just assisting jobs to your seniors and mentors.

 Inadequate Compensation

You accepted an internship thinking that there won’t be much pressure and the
compensation would be sufficient for it. But after you actually start, you realize the pay is
far lesser than the work deserves.

Hesitant to Ask Questions

Communication is one of those internship challenges that can actually hinder your
internship time.

You might land a really good internship but upon starting you realize that the work
environment is excessively grave and professional. In such an environment, you find it
difficult to ask questions for the fear of being judged.

Competitive Co-interns

Your co-interns are high-spirited and work really hard. You feel intimidated as you didn’t
expect your internship to be so competitive.

Overwhelmed with Work

Many firms hire lesser interns than required and put up the entire work load on the few. If
you happen to join such firms, you will feel overwhelmed to be trusted with so much
work when you aren’t even familiar to working in a professional setting




I can honestly say that my time spent interning with Aarti drug Ltd resulted in one of the
best time of my life.  Not only did I gain practical skills but I also had the opportunity to
meet many fantastic people. The atmosphere at Aarti drug Ltd office was always
welcoming which made me feel right at home. Additionally, I felt like I was able to
contribute to the company by assisting and working on projects.  I realize that
observation is a main element to find out the root cause of a problem. Not only for my
project but daily activities too. During my project, I cooperate with my colleagues and
operators to determine the problems. Moreover, the project indirectly helps me to learn
independently, discipline myself, be considerate/patient, self-trust, and take initiative and
the ability to solve problems. Besides, my communication skills is strengthen as well
when communicating with others. During my training period, I have received criticism
and advice from HR manager when mistakes were made. However, those advices are
useful guidance for me to change myself and avoid myself making the same mistakes
again. In sum, the activities that I had learned during industrial training really are useful
for me in future to face challenges in a working environment.


My head of department would be much appreciated if the department of Human

Recourse to give at least four to six month duration for internship program. It is because
the duration assigned was unsuitable for the company to teach to guide, and develop the
student. For my company, for those who did their internship for at least six month will
have a high chance to get the job offers from them. It is the golden opportunity for the
students since unemployment rate are high nowadays

Furthermore the students are encouraged to explore more knowledge in university

that can be applied for improvement of the organization that they will work. In fact,
public speaking skills management skills, and computer skills are expected to be
developed within the students. The inter can be provided with more job opportunity and
responsibility along with few deadlines so that the intern can learn to work in pressure
and feel responsible enough to handle crucial task



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