Review Notes in Ethics & Values

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Roland T Dayagan
Revised Syllabi and Table of
Specifications for the Subjects in the
Board Licensure Examinations for
Criminologists as promulgated by the
Board of Criminology under Resolution No.
01 Series of 2010


1. The PNP Code of Professional
Conduct and Ethical Standards
1.1 Basic Police Values
1.2 The Policemen as Professionals
1.3 Police Officers’ Creed and Stand
on Basic Issues
1.4 Professional Conduct and Ethical
1.5 Customs and Traditions
1.6 Police Officer’s Pledge
2. Concept of Police-Community
Relations (PCR)
2.1 Scope of Police-Community
Relations (PCR)
2.2 Foundations of Public Relations
2.3 Principles and Objectives of PCR
2.4 Duties of PCR Officers
2.5 Obstacles to PCR
2.6 Police-Public Relations Programs
2.7 Youth-Oriented Programs
2.8 PCR Programs
(New Examination Syllabi Series Of 2009)



1. Identify police values and its concept 0.4%
2. Knowledge of professional conduct and ethical 0.4%

3. Learn police community relations. 0.4%

4. Identify and apply the various police community 0.8%
Dishonesty - the concealment or distortion
of truth in a matter of fact relevant of one’s
office or connected with the performance of
his duties.
Incompetency - the manifest lack of
adequate ability and fitness for the
satisfactory performance of police duties.
This has reference to any physical intellectual
quality, the lack of which substantially
incapacitates one to perform the duties of
peace officer.
Malfeasance – the performance of
some act which ought not to be done.
AKA Misconduct.

Misfeasance – improper performance

of some act which might be lawfully
be done. AKA Irregularities in the
performance of duty.

Nonfeasance – omission of some act

which ought to be performed. AKA
Neglect of duty.
Oppression - Imports an act of cruelty,
severity, unlawful execution, domination,
or excessive use of authority. The
exercise of the unlawful powers or other
means, in depriving an individual of his
liberty or property against his will, is
generally an act of oppression.

Public Officer – elective and appointive

officials and employees, permanent or
temporary, whether in the classified or
unclassified or exempt services receiving
compensation even nominal from the
Q: Is the PNP Code of Professional
Conduct and Ethical Standards a
Republic Act?

Basis and Foundation
Section 37 of RA 6975 – mandates the
establishment by the National Police
Commission of a Code of Conduct for
members of the PNP to foster individual
efficiency, behavioral discipline and
organizational effectiveness, as well as
respect for constitutional and human
rights of citizens, democratic principles
and ideals and the supremacy of civilian
authority over the military.
The Philippine Constitution provides that:


Q: Who initiated the Drafting of the
PNP Code of Professional Conduct &
Ethical Standards?

Answer: The Philippine National

Police (PNP) has initiated
the drafting of such Code, through a
convention process participated in
by delegates from all regions.
Q: Who approved the PNP Code of
Professional Conduct & Ethical

A: The NAPOLCOM (National Police

Commission) by virtue of
NAPOLCOM Resolution Number 92-4
dated March 12, 1992.
Other significant Special Laws
related to Police Ethics:

Republic Act No. 6713. Code of

Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees.

Republic Act No. 3019 as amended by

RA 3047, PD 77, and BP 195. Anti-Graft
and Corrupt Practices Act.

Republic Act No. 7080. Anti-Plunder


Section 1. Title - This Code shall be

known as the Philippine National
Police Code of Professional Conduct
and ethical Standards (PNP Code of
Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy - All
members of the Philippine National
Police shall abide and adhere to the
provisions of this Code of
Professional Conduct and Ethical
Standards. Towards this end, a truly
professionalized and dedicated law
enforcers shall be developed in

promoting peace and order,

ensuring public safety, and

enhancing community
participation guided by the
principle that all public office is a
public trust and that all public
servants must at all times serve
with utmost responsibility,
integrity, morality, loyalty and
efficiency with due respect to
human rights and dignity as
hallmark of a democratic society.
They shall at all times

bear faithful allegiance to the

legitimate government,

support and uphold the


respect the duly constituted

authority, and

be loyal to the police service.


Section 1. The PNP Core Values -

The police service is a noble
profession and demands from its
members specialized knowledge
and skills and high standard of
ethics and morality.
In this regard, the members of the
Philippine National Police must
adhere to and internalize the
enduring core values of:

love of God,
respect for authority,
 selfless love and service for
 respect for women and the
sanctity of marriage,
responsible dominion and
stewardship over material things,
Sec. 2. The Police Officer's Creed:

2.1. I believe in God, The Supreme

Being, a Great Provider, and The
Creator of all men and everything
dear to me. In return, I can do no
less than love Him above all, seek
His guidance in the performance of
my sworn duties and honor Him at
all times.
2.2. I believe that respect for
authority is a duty.
I respect and uphold the
Constitution, the laws of the land
and the applicable rules and
regulations. I recognize the
legitimacy and authority of the
leadership; and follow and obey
legal orders of my superior officers.
2.3. I believe in selfless love and
service to people. Towards this end,
I commit myself to the service of my
fellowmen over and above my
personal convenience.

2.4. I believe in the sanctity of

marriage and the respect for
women. I shall set the example of
decency and morality and shall have
high regard for family life and
2.5. I believe in the responsible
dominion and stewardship over
material things.

I shall inhibit myself from

ostentatious display of my property.
I shall protect the environment and
conserve nature to maintain
ecological balance. I shall respect
private and public properties and
prevent others from destroying it.
2.6. I believe in the wisdom of

I must be trustworthy and I shall

speak the truth at all times as
required by my profession.
Sec. 3. PNP Stand On Basic Issues -
The deployment and employment of
the PNP personnel require the
organization and its members to
bare their stand on the following
basic issues:
3.1. PNP Image - The image of any
organization affects the esprit
de'corps, morale and welfare of
members and sense of pride to the
In view thereof, all members of the PNP
should conduct themselves in a manner
that would not place the PNP in bad light.
Instead, they should live in accordance
with the PNP core values and
possess the following virtues:
charity and
loyalty to the service.
3.2. Career Management, the key to
professionalism –

Its improper implementation will

greatly prejudice the personnel
professionalization process as
regards procurement, promotion,
assignment, placement, training,
awards, and retirement.
To address these flaws, the PNP
shall formulate a stringent policy
and strictly implement the human
resources development system,
compatible to the

 equitable distribution of

 fair promotion,

 rationalized approach in
skill development,

 immediate grant of reward and

award, and

 decent living upon retirement.

3.3. Police Management Leadership

- The effectiveness of law

enforcement is reflective of the
managerial capabilities and
competent leadership of the men and
women who run the PNP
organization. It is therefore a "must"
that these attributes be the primary
basis for consideration in the
selection of personnel for
employment and deployment
3.4. Equality In The Service –

There shall be judicious and equitable

distribution of opportunity to prove one's
worth in the police service. The problem
on inequity thru class orientation and
factionalism, both real and perceived,
premised on favored assignment,
inequitable opportunity of training, unfair
granting of promotion, and untimely
awarding of achievements, will create an
atmosphere of demoralization. The result
is inefficiency and lack of teamwork to
the detriment of the organization.
3.5. Delicadeza –

In consonance with the

requirements of honor and
integrity in the PNP, all members
must have the moral courage to
sacrifice self-interest in keeping
with the time-honored principle of
3.6. Police Lifestyle –

The PNP shall endeavor to promote a

lifestyle for every member of the
organization that is acceptable and
respectable in the eyes of the public.
Further, its members should set good
example to the subordinates and follow
good example from the superiors. They
must be free from greed, corruption
and exploitation. The public expects
a police officer to live a simple yet
credible and dignified life.
3.7. Political Patronage –

All PNP members must inhibit himself

from soliciting political patronage in
matters pertaining to assignment,
awards, training and promotion.

3.8. Human Rights –

All PNP members must respect and

protect human dignity and man's
inalienable rights to life, liberty and


PNP members shall perform their

duties with integrity, intelligence and
competence in the application of
specialized skills and technical
knowledge with excellence and
Courtesy of PNP-NVPPO
Commitment to Democracy
 Commit to the democratic way of life and
 Maintain the principle of public
 Uphold the Constitution
 Be loyal to our country, people and
Commitment to Public Interest

 Uphold public interest more than personal

 All government properties, resources and
powers must be used effectively, honestly
and efficiently
 Avoid and prevent the “malversation”of
human resources, government time,
property and funds
Non – Partisanship
Provide services to everyone without
discrimination in accordance with
existing laws and regulations
Physical Fitness and Health
 Physically and mentally
fit and in good health at
all times
 Undergo regular
physical exercises and
annual medical
 Actively participate in
the Physical Fitness
and Sports
Development Program
Secrecy Discipline
 The following classified information should be
guarded confidentially against unauthorized
 confidential aspects of official business, special
orders, communication and other documents
 roster or any portion thereof
 contents of criminal records
 identities of persons who have given information
to the police in confidence
 other classified information or intelligence
Social Awareness
PNP members and their
immediate family
members shall be
encouraged to
actively get involved
in religious, social
and civic activities to
enhance the image
of the organization
without affecting
their official duties.
Non – Solicitation of Patronage
Members shall seek self – improvement through
career development
 Shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or
recommendation from politicians, high ranking
government officials, prominent citizens,
persons affiliated with with civic or religious
 Shall not initiate any petition to be prepared and
presented by citizens in their behalf
 Shall not advise their immediate relatives to
interfere in the activities of the police service
Proper Care and Use
of Public Property
Promote and maintain
sense of responsibility
in the protection, proper
care and judicious
disposition and use of
public property issued
for their official use or
entrusted to their care
and custody.
Respect for Human Rights
 PNP members shall respect and protect human
 Uphold human rights of all persons
 No member shall inflict, instigate or tolerate
extra-judicial killings, arbitrary arrests, any act of
torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment or punishment
 Shall not invoke superior orders or exceptional
circumstance such as a state – of – war, a threat
to national security, internal political instability
Devotion to Duty
 Members shall
perform their duties
 Shall refrain from
engaging in any
activity which shall be
in conflict with their
duties as public
Conservation of Natural Resources

PNP members shall

help in the
development and
conservation of our
natural resources for
ecological balance
and posterity as
these are the
inalienable heritage
of our people.

PNP members shall

conduct themselves
properly at all times
in keeping with the
rules and regulations
of the organization.
PNP members shall
be loyal to the
Constitution and the
police service as
manifested by their
loyalty to their
superiors, peers and
subordinates as well.
Obedience to Superiors
 Shall obey lawful
orders of and be
courteous to superior
officers and other
authorities within the
chain of command
 Shall readily accept
whenever they are
assigned anywhere in
the country
Command Responsibility
Immediate Commanders/Directors shall
be responsible for the effective
supervision, control and direction of
their personnel and shall see to it that
all government resources shall be
managed, expended or utilized in
accordance with laws and regulations
and safeguard against losses thru
illegal or improper disposition.
 Shall adhere to high standards of morality
and decency
 Set good examples for others to follow
 Shall be loyal to their lawfully wedded
Judicious Use of Authority

PNP members shall

exercise proper and
legitimate use of
authority in the
performance of duty
PNP members shall not allow themselves
to be victims of corruption and
dishonest practices in accordance with
the provisions of RA 6713 and other
applicable laws
Respect the rights of others so that
they can fulfill their duties and
exercise their rights as human
beings, parents, children, citizens,
workers, leaders, or in other
capacities and to see to it that others
do likewise.
PNP members should
perform their duties
without arrogance
They should also
recognize their own
inabilities and
limitations as
PNP members shall follow logical
procedures in accomplishing
tasks assigned to them to
minimize waste in the use of time,
money and effort.
PNP members shall
take legitimate
means to achieve the
goal even in the face
of internal or
external difficulties,
and despite anything
which might weaken
their resolve in the
course of time.

Sec. 2. Definition of Terms:

2.1 Customs - Established usage or

social practices carried on by
tradition that have obtained the
force of law.

2.2 Traditions - Bodies of beliefs,

stories, customs and usages handed
down from generation to generation
with the effect of an unwritten law.
2.3 Courtesy - A manifestation or
expression of consideration and
respect for others.

2.4 Ceremony - A formal act or set of

formal acts established by customs
or authority as proper to special

2.5 Social Decorum - A set of norms

and standards practiced by
members during social and other
Sec. 3. Police Customs on Courtesy:
3.1 Salute - Salute is the usual greeting
rendered by uniformed members
upon meeting and recognizing person
entitled to a salute.

3.2 Salute to National Color and

Standards - Members stand at attention
and salute the national color and
standard as it pass by them or when
the national color is raised or lowered
during ceremonies.
3.3 Address/Title - Junior in rank address
senior members who are entitled to salute
with the word "Sir".

3.4 Courtesy Calls - The following are the

customs on courtesy calls:

3.4.1 Courtesy Call of Newly

Assigned/Appointed Member –

PNP members who are newly

appointed or assigned in a unit or
command and to other key personnel for
accounting, orientation and other
3.4.2 Christmas Call –

PNP members pay a

Christmas Call on
their local
executives in their
respective area of

3.4.3 New Year's Call –

PNP members pay a

New Year's call on
their commanders
3.4.4 Promotion Call –

Newly promoted PNP members call

on their unit head. On this occasion, they
are usually given due recognition and
congratulations by their peers for such
deserved accomplishment.

3.4.5 Exit Call –

PNP members pays an Exit Call on

their superiors in the unit or command
when relieved or reassigned out of the
said unit or command.
3.5 Courtesy of the Post –

The host unit extends hospitality to

visiting personnel who pay respect to the
command or unit.

3.6 Rank Has-Its-Own Privilege (RHIP) –

PNP members recognize the practice

that different ranks carry with them
corresponding privileges.
Sec. 4. Police Customs on

4.1. Flag Raising Ceremony - The PNP

members honor the flag by raising
it and singing the National Anthem before
the start of the official day's work.

4.2. Flag Retreat Ceremony - At the end of

the official days' work, the PNP
members pause for a moment to salute
the lowering of the flag.
4.3. Half-Mast - The flag is raised at half-
mast in deference to deceased
uniformed members of the command.

4.4. Funeral Service and Honors -

Departed uniformed members, retirees,
war veterans or former PC/INP services
and graveside honors as a
gesture of farewell.
4.5. Ceremony Tendered to Retirees - In
recognition of their long faithful and
honorable service to the PNP, a
testimonial activity is tendered in their

4.6. Honor Ceremony - Arrival and

departure honor ceremonies are rendered
to visiting dignitaries, VIPs, PNP Officers
with the grade of Chief Superintendent
and above and AFP officers of equivalent
grade, unless waived.
4.7. Turn-Over Ceremony - The
relinquishment and assumption of
command or key position is publicly
announced in a Turn-Over Ceremony by
the out-going and in-coming officers in
the presence of the immediate superior or
his representative.

4.8. Wedding Ceremony - During marriage

of PNP members, a ceremony is
conducted with participants in uniform
and swords drawn.
4.9. Anniversary - The birth or institutional
establishment of a command or unit is
commemorated in an Anniversary
Sec. 5. Police Customs on
Proper Attire
PNP members always wear
appropriate and proper
attire in conformity with the
Table Manners
PNP members observe
table etiquette at all
Social Graces
PNP members
properly in
dealing with
people during
social functions
The public looks upon a PNP member as
distinctively a man among men.

It is a welcome sight
when PNP members
wear their uniform
properly wherever they
may be. Bulging
stomach is a taboo in
the uniformed service.
Since disciplined PNP
members are best
exemplified by those who
are neat in appearance
and wearing the
prescribed uniform, they
must therefore observe
the following:
Wearing of prescribed
Adherence to haircut
Manner of walking –
with pride and dignity
Sec. 7.

Police traditions:

Spiritual Beliefs

The PNP members are traditionally

religious and God-loving person. They
attend religious services together with
the members of their family.

History attests that the Filipino law-

enforcers have exemplified the tradition
of valor in defending the country from
aggression and oppression. They
sacrificed their limbs and lives for the
sake of their countrymen whom they have
pledged to serve.

The PNP members are traditionally

patriotic by nature. They manifest their
love off country with a pledge of
allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend
the constitution.

The discipline of PNP members are

manifested by instinctive obedience to
lawful orders and through and
spontaneous actions towards attainment
of organizational objectives guided by
moral, ethical and legal norms.

The PNP members are upright in

character, polite in manners, dignified in
appearance, and sincere in their concern
to their fellowmen.

Word of Honor

The PNP members' word is their bond.

They stand by the commit to uphold it.

The PNP members have historically

exemplified themselves as dedicated
public servants who perform their tasks
with a deep sense of responsibility and


The policemen are traditionally loyal to

the organization, country and people as
borne by history and practice.
The binding spirit that enhances
teamwork and cooperation in the police
organization, extending to the people
they serve, is manifested by the PNP
members' deep commitment and concern
to one another.
1. I will love and serve God, my country
and people;
2. I will uphold the Constitution and obey
legal orders of the duly constituted
3. I will oblige myself to maintain a high
standard of morality and professionalism;
4. I will respect the customs and
traditions of the police service; and
5. I will live a decent and virtuous life to
serve as an example to others.
Love GOD…
Honor the
Respect the people
Q: What is Police-Community

It is the sum total of dealings

between the police and the people it
serve and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves for the greatest
possible efficiency in public service.
Q: What is the scope of PCR?
It Spans:

a. The entire field public information designed to

bridge any communication gap between the
police and the public.
b.Public relations intended to maintain harmony
and mutual support between the police and
the community development; and
c. Mass communications for the purpose of
conditioning both the friendly and the hostile
public, thereby insuring and facilitating the
attainment of police objectives.
Q: What are the Principles of PCR?
Every member of the PNP shall adhere to the
following principles of police community

Community Support Must be Maintained

Every police shall be worthy of the public high

trust by doing his job and leaving nothing
through carelessness.

He shall make himself available and be willing

to serve everyone.
Community Resentment Must be

Every policeman shall have in mind the

interest of the public.

He shall develop friendly relations by his

good conduct.

He shall avoid any occasion to humiliate,

embarrass annoy or inconvenience anyone.
Community Goodwill Must be
A police should be courteous, fair and
quick to assist individuals in the solution of
their problems.

Community Must be Kept Informed on

Regulations and Policies

The police should inform the community of

the regulations and policies of the police
force and the reasons of their adoption.
Q: What are the Main Objectives Of Police
Community Relations from the viewpoint
of Law enforcement and community

To maintain and develop the goodwill and

confidence of the community for the police.
To obtain cooperation and assistance.
To develop public understanding, and support
and appreciation for the service of the police.
To create broader understanding and sympathy
with the problems and needs of the public.
To facilitate law enforcement and compliance.
To build public opinion in favor of the Police
To achieve the Police purpose or preserving
the peace, protection of life and property, and
the prevention of crime.
Q: What Are The Types Of Police
Community Relations?

The basic ingredients in the effective

observance of police community relation include
the following:

1. Public Information Program

Designed to bridge any communication gap
between the police and public.
Examples of activities implemented by Public Information
Officer are:

• Conduct of barangay tanod seminars

• Informing and updating the barangay officials regarding
trends and other police community problems
• A police station commander assigns a place in police
station for barangay leaders so that they can work
together and provide coordination.
• Produce and distribute brochures, advising the people
on how to protect themselves in their homes and
• Conduct environment sanitation seminars
• Police officers deliver Lectures and Public appearance to
hear civic group and civic organizations.
• Discuss with high school students and parents/
teachers association about drug abuse
prevention control.
• Establish police counseling centers in
zones/barangays to provide advice to barangay
leaders on crime prevention and control.
2. Public Relation Program
Designed to maintain harmony and mutual
support between the police and the community.

Activities Implemented by Public Relation Officer:

• Conduct face to face communications including dialogue

with the public.

• Attend social cultural activities of the barangay, such as

birthdays, weddings baptismal parties, wake and others.

• Attend multi-sectoral ugnayans, which include religious

sects, school, barangays civic organization and
governmental agencies.
• Sending letters of appreciation to citizen whom assists
the police in their work.

• Conduct first aid and traffic safety education.

• Promotion of manpower development for out of school


• Sponsorship of youth athletic activities.

• Assist immediate in settling dispute at barangay level.

3. Civic Action Program
Designed to maintain and encourage community
development. The civic action program is an activity
that makes the policemen a friend and partner of the
people for progress as well as their defender. The civic
action program shall be concerned with public welfare
consistent with law enforcement duties.

Examples of activities of Civic Action Officer:

• Assist Philippines National Red Cross on blood

donation campaign by exerting extra effort in appealing
to barangay officials.

• Conduct free medical and dental civic action community.

• Assisting the citizens in case of transportation strike
and other similar cause.

• Attend to backyard gardening, tree plating and greening


• Assisting NGO’s in their livelihood or development

projects like building constructions for public use, road
constructions and other similar activities.
4. Psychological Operation Program

Designed to condition both friendly and hostile

public thereby insuring facilitating the attainment of
police objectives.

This program is designed to influence the opinions,

emotions attitude and behavior of the community so that they
will behave in a manner beneficial to the police particularly
the PNP in general, either directly or indirectly.

It will condition the citizenry to adhere to the laws of the

land and dissuade them in committing crime. These may be
in spoken, written, pictorial or musical form.

The SOCO program of ABS CBN would be a good example.


Will not report the occurrence of crime

Will not come forward and provide information
Will be uncooperative during criminals
Will not assist in apprehension of criminals
Will not be supportive of police activities
Will not testify in court voluntarily
May even aid the criminals

Becomes less judicious and less discreet

Reluctant to act on some matters needing police
Induce unnecessary use of force
Induce verbal abuse
Induce improper practices
Makes an officer isolated & unhappy in his
Diminishes his sense of fulfillment

 Inadequate general and technical support

for PCR
 Lack of qualified/trained personnel for
assignment with PCR units
 Lack of enhancement of linkages between
PCR units and other PNP units

The continuing process by which

endeavors are made to obtain the
good will and cooperation of the
law and the accomplishment of
police purpose.
It is the program designed to make the
public aware of what the agency is doing,
why is it doing and how it contributes to the
welfare of the community. It is also the act
of bringing about between understanding,
confidence and acceptance of an individual
or an organization.

1. Public Awareness Program

Familiarizing the public with the
nature the true nature of police operations.
What Are The Public Awareness Programs?

MOBILE VANS: Certain variety of display and

exhibit of police equipment which help to explain to
the public what the police do and how they do it.
DISPLAYS AND EXHIBITS: Set up in department
stores, shopping centers, and other public locations
are a popular way in which the police can bring
their messages to the public.


pamphlets or brochures, which are designed to
explain their services to the public.

OPEN HOUSE: Conducted during certain times of

the year such as police week, or law observance
week, public tours of facility.
PUBLIC SPEAKERS: Provide speakers for various
types of public gatherings such as civic clubs,
businessmen, associations and social groups.

RIDE ALONG: Permits number of the community,

to ride in a police car with an officer and observed
field operations.
2. Informational Programs

Providing the public with information which is

directly related to the interest and needs of the

What Are The Informational Programs?

NEW ARRIVALS: Making some members of the

community feel at home in their new surroundings.


the media in announcing important traffic matters
such as road accidents, highway construction and
traffic congestion.
such things as renewal of drivers license,
payments of utility bills, availability of legal
services and other items.


public with booklets, pamphlets, and other types
of publications which contain information of
community interest.
3. Image Building Program

Promoting programs, which are designated

to create a more favorable public image of
the police.

What Are The Image Building Programs?

• Citizens awards
• Police Color Guard
• Police Citizens Luncheons
• Recruit Visitation Programs
• Community Events
• Gifts Packages

Public relations are basically founded on the

GOLDEN RULE: “Do not do unto others what you
do not want others do unto you.”
Peace Officer’s Individual Public Relations

The peace officer’s individual public relations are

divided into five categories, namely:

Domestic Relations – This consist of a person’s

dealing with his family, parents and immediate
relatives, with whom he has to have good
relationship in order to develop a respectable
family prestige as well as cordial community

Neighborhood Relations- This consists of a

person’s dealing with neighbor who constitutes a
vital link to good reputation in the community.
Community Relations – This is made up of a
person’s dealing with the citizens of the
community, city or town where a person likes, his
membership or contribution to civil undertakings
and his membership or contribution to the civic
organization or community associations in the

Church Relation – This consist of a person’s

dealing with religious affiliation is necessary for
the stability of moral principles.
Government Relations – This is made up of the
dealings, which a person has with the government
and its various instrumentalities. The recognition
of government authorities, its laws and ordinance,
as well as other public responsibilities, are
significant phases of an individuals public relations.
The Peace Officer’s Professional Public

The peace officer’s professional public relations

are divided into eight (8) categories, namely:


made up of the peace officers relations with the
officers and men of his own department, his
supervisor, the station commander, as well as the
city/municipal mayor where he is assigned.
with other police agencies are evident in his
cooperation and dealings with the Philippine
National Police and other law enforcement agencies
of the government.

3. CITIZENS’ RELATIONS – This includes all

dealings or contact with the citizens in relations to
the enforcement of the law and the maintenance of
peace and order, together with the giving of
information to the public or criminal and non-
criminal activities.
4. COMPLAINTS RELATIONS – This includes how
officer deals with complaints, the techniques of
interview he uses, the manner of approach he
adopts, the treatment of witnesses as well a


covers the proper treatment of suspects, the
recognition of their constitutional rights during
custodial investigation and the handling of accused
persons during confinement.
FISCALS – This includes a police officer’s duty to
cooperate during preliminary investigations and the
gathering of further evidence once the case is filed
by the fiscal.

7. JUDICIAL RELATIONS - This consists of the peace

officer’s duties toward the courts when appearing as
a witness and the honesty of his testimony.
8. GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS – includes all his
dealings with other non-police agencies or offices of
the government, both national and local, in
connection with official duties such as requests for
verification, coordination, and other needed help in
line with his work as a police officer.

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