CEP Rubrics: Plos Decision Criterion Exemplary 5 Satisfactory 4 Developing 3 Unsatisfactory 2 Unacceptable 0-1

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CEP Rubrics

Targetted PLOs with Blooms: PLO-3 (C5,P3), PLO-4 (C6,P3), PLO-9 (A2), PLO-10 (A2)
The following rubric describes five levels of student performance in CEP Design. To use this 5-point scale, read the description of each level and decide which
description most accurately reflects each component you grade.
PLOs Decision Criterion Exemplary 5 Satisfactory 4 Developing 3 Unsatisfactory 2 Unacceptable 0-1
Has proposed a viable, Has proposed a design Has proposed a design Has proposed a design Has not proposed a
relevant & effective design solution that is mostly solution that is slightly solution that is not design solution that is
solution that addresses all viable, relevant & effective viable, relevant & effective viable, relevant & viable, relevant &
the problem specifications and addresses most of the and addresses some effective and addresses effective and addresses
Proposed Design Solution
PLO-3 with complete problem specifications with problem specifications with very few problem no problem
implementation & testing almost complete partially complete specifications with specifications with
plan.. implementation & testing implementation & testing incomplete implementation & testing
plan. plan. implementation & testing plan all.
Project is implemented Project is almost Some of the project Majority of the project Majority of the project
according to the defined implemented according to sections are not properly sections are not sections are not
scope mentioned in report. the defined scope implemented according to implemented. implemented
Successfully developed a mentioned in report. the defined scope Developed a partially that does not meet the
Implementation of the solution that meets all and Successfully developed a mentioned in report. working solution that operational
PLO-3 Proposed Design Solution exceeds some operational solution that meets most of Developed a solution that meets very few of the specifications.
(Report) specifications. The the operational meets some of the operational The achievement level is
achievement level is specifications. operational specifications. specifications. The <25%.
>90%. The achievement level is The achievement level is achievement level is
>75%. >50%. >25%.

The results are fully The results are interpreted The results are partially The results are not The results are not
interpreted and compared and compared with literature interpreted in a logical way interpreted in a logical interpreted or discussed
with literature values. The values, but not as fully as or compared with literature way or compared with at all.
limitations and they might be. The values. The limitations and literature values. The
Results Interpretation and
weaknesses are discussed limitations and weaknesses weaknesses are somehow limitations and
PLO-4 Investigation
and suggestions are made are reasonably discussed, discussed and little weaknesses are not
as to how to limit or but few suggestions are suggestions are made as to discussed, nor are
eliminate them. made as to how to limit or how to limit or eliminate suggestions made as to
eliminate them. them. how to limit or eliminate
Student effectively Student moderately Student vaguely presents Student poorly Student performed no
presents breadth and presents the topic in which the topic in which they’ve demonstrates the topic in literature survey at all.
depth of the topic in which they’ve compiled together a Collected little information which The Project report
they’ve carefully selected reasonably meaningful and together through the review Selected and combined document contains no
and pieced together a coherent review of the of literature with ambiguous together a review of the choice to solve the
meaningful, coherent literature with referencing. referencing. The Project literature with poor project problem.
review of the literature with The Project report document report document contains at referencing. The Project
Literature Survey proper referencing. contains at least two least one clear choice for report document
PLO-4 The Project report choices for solving most of solving some part of the contains only one but
document contains at least the parts of the term project term project problem. unclear choice to solve
three approaches (or three problem. the project problem.
places where multiple
solutions are considered)
to solve all parts of the
term project problem.

Interacts positively with all Interacts with all group Interacts with other group Rarely interacts No participation.
group members. members spontaneously. members if prompted. positively within a group Sits on the sidelines with
Encourages such Conscious of time Somewhat conscious of even with prompting. no interaction.
Interpersonal Skills in interaction in others. management and has time management and has Fools around. Disinterested.
Group/Individual Capacity Keeps others on task. conflict resolution skills. some conflict resolution Little emphasis on time No stake in time
Excellent time skills. management and has no management.
management and conflict conflict resolution skills.
resolution skills.
The final report follows the The final report follows the The final report follows the The final report follows The report do not
prescribed format. All the format. Almost all the format, but each section the format, but there may address the problem
components of the design components of the design may not have been have been several mentioned in Project.
solution are addressed in solution are addressed in completely addressed. omissions. All the relevant
detail. All necessary detail Some of the necessary Most of the necessary diagrams, equations and
diagrams, equations, and Almost all the necessary diagrams, equations and diagrams, equations and graphs are missing.
Organization/Structure graphs are correctly diagrams, equations and graphs are missing. graphs are missing. The report has no logical
(Report) labeled. The procedure graphs are included. Student may have Students do not linkage, or paragraphs
and results are described The procedure and results understood the connection understand the are irrelevantly linked
clearly and in an organized are mostly described clearly between the initial problem connection between the together.
fashion. and in an organized fashion. and the outcome of the initial problem and the
project, but this outcome of the project.
understanding is not
expressed in the report.
Student has excellent Student has good Student has satisfactory Student has Student has poor
presentation skills. presentation skills. presentation skills. unsatisfactory presentation skills.
Student clearly Student understands and Student somewhat presentation skills. Student has not
Presentation Skills understands and answers answers the questions in a understands and answers Student has not answered any of the
(Presentation) the questions in way that reflects learning. the questions in a way that understood and questions in a way that
appropriate manner and reflects learning. answered the questions reflects learning.
detail. in a way that reflects

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