School Reading Program:: Project
School Reading Program:: Project
School Reading Program:: Project
Project SCREAM
San Roque Reading Enhancement
Activities and Monitoring
(School English Coordinator)
Project SCREAM
(San Roque Community Reading Enhancement Activities and Monitoring)
“Educate to Read Effectively to Intensify Literacy”
Reading is one of the very important elements of education. It is indeed a
basic yet, a very complex skill each learner must possess. Reading in fact is an
integral part of each lesson no matter what subject it is everything includes reading.
Improving the children’s reading abilities poses a challenge to educators amidst the
fast changing society we are in today. To help the children find their way back to the
love for reading and in order to promote and develop such a skill, the school find a
way that our learners have the greatest access to all mediums especially in this
pandemic time to develop their reading skills.
SAN ROQUE ES Project SCREAM committed to produce independent readers
whose values is inculcated to guarantee genuine transformation and to become a
versatile and globally-competent individuals for a meaningful life.
Our mission is to support learners become lifelong readers by pursuing innovative
approaches to enhance instruction, community involvement, and culture-based
learning experiences with significant results.
Program Description
Conceptual Framework
Below is the conceptual framework of how the program was made and
how will it eventually be implemented and sustained.
Implementation Feedbacking
Assessment/ Review
The school will follow this framework in implementing this project that
foresees lifelong independent readers and globally-competent individuals. The
methods used shall consider the objectives and essence of the reading program to
pursue different innovative approaches to enhance instruction, community
involvement, and culture-based learning experiences with significant results.
Subsequently, with the completion of these reading materials, learners will be aided
with their reading level and will be given the chance to improve their reading skills
despite the new normal form of education that we have right now.
Conduct at least once a week remedial reading drills and monitoring for
non/frustration readers
Key Stage 2:
Help proliferate the reading proficiency of the learners through conducting
reading interventions and utilizing appropriate instruments and tools for assessment.
Key Stage 3:
Advocate the reading literacy programs such as HECBaR and RtS
Key Stage 4:
Develop learners’ critical thinking and reading skills and foster the love for
3rd Quarter
Recognize sentences (telling and asking) and non-sentences. (EN1G-IIIa-e-1)
Listen to short stories/poems. (EN1LC-IIIa-j- 1.1)
Use/Respond appropriately to polite expressions: greetings, leave takings,
expressing gratitude and apology, asking permission, offering help.
4 Quarter
Recognize common action words in stories listened to. (EN1G-IVa-e-3.4)
Recognize describing words for people, objects, things and places (color,
shape, size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.). (EN1G-IVf-j-5)
Give the meaning of words using clues (TPR, pictures, body movements,
etc.). (EN1V-IVf-j-12.1)
Give one-to-two step directions. (EN1OL-IVi-j-1.17.1)
1st Quarter
Recognize common or proper nouns in simple sentences listened to.
Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino.
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
Identify and discuss the elements of a story (theme, setting, characters, and
events). (EN2LC-IIa-b-2.2)
2 Quarter
Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g. cover,
title page, etc.) book orientation. (EN2BPK-Ib-c-4)
Generate ideas through prewriting activities. (EN2LC-IId-e-2.5)
Discuss the illustrations on the cover and predict what the story may be about.
Identify title, author and book illustrator and tell what they do. (EN2BPK-IIIb-2)
Identify the basic sequence of events and make relevant predictions about
stories. (EN2RC-IIId-e-2.4)
3 Quarter
Use clues to answer questions, clarify understanding and justify predictions
before, during and after reading (titles, pictures, etc). (EN2LC-IIId-e-2.4)
Recognize that some words may have the same (synonyms) or opposite
(antonyms) meaning. (EN2VIIIc-d-13.1-13.2)
Identify important details in expository text listened. (EN2LC-IIIh-3.1)
Talk about texts identifying major points and key themes (EN2OL-IIIa-b-3.3)
Participate in choral speaking and echo reading of short poems, rhymes and
stories with repeated patterns and refrains in English. (EN2OL-IIIc-d-1.2)
4 Quarter
Use demonstrative pronouns (this/that, these/ those). (EN2G-IVc-d-4.2.3)
Use the most frequently occurring preposition (e.g. on, over, under, to, from,
above, etc.).
Read phrases, short sentences and short stories consisting of words with
short e, a, i, o, and u then answer the Who, What and Where questions about
them. (EN2PWR-IVd-e-10.1-11.1)
1st Quarter
Describe one’s drawing about the stories/poems listened to using simple and
compound sentences. (EN3WC-Ia-j-4)
Write a short paragraph providing another ending for a story listened to.
Use plural from of frequently occurring irregular nouns (e.g. children, feet,
teeth). (EN3G-Ii-j-2.4)
2 Quarter
Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in sentences.
Read words, phrases, sentences and short stories consisting of words with
consonant digraph ch and sh and other words previously studied.
Spell one- to- two syllable words with initial and final consonant blends (e.g.
pl, tr) and consonant digraphs (ch and sh). (EN3S-IIa-b, EN3S-IIg-h-4.2)
Identify several effects based on a given cause. (EN3RC-IIIa 2.7.1)
Distinguish fact from opinion. (EN3RC-IIIa 2.13)
Recognize some words represented by common abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave.,
Oct.). (EN3V-IIIa-7)
3 Quarter
Homographs (e.g., read-read). (EN3V-IIIg-h-13.7)
Hyponyms – type of (e.g. guava - type of fruit). (EN3V-IIIi-j-13.7)
Identify the elements of an informational/factual text hear. (N3LC-IIIi-j-3.7)
Ask and respond to questions about informational texts listened to
(environment, health, how-to’s, etc.). (EN1OL-IIIg-h-3.2)
Write a simple story. (EN2WC-IVa-e-22)
4th Quarter
Recognize adverbs of manner. (EN3G-IVi-j-6.1)
Restate facts from informational texts (climate change, children’s rights, traffic
safety, etc.) listened to. (EN3LC-IVi-j-3.5)
Recognize and read some irregularly spelled words (e.g. such as enough,
through, beautiful). (EN3PWR-IVj-22)
1st Quarter
Note significant details of various text types. (EN4LC-Ib-1.1)
Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and
connotation). (EN4V-IIIf-38)
Get the meaning of words through word association (analogy) and
classification. (EN4V-IIIh-39)
2 Quarter
Use context clues to find meaning of unfamiliar words: definition,
exemplification. (EN4V-Ia-31)
Use correct time expressions to tell an action in the present. (EN4G-IIf-10)
Use the past form of regular and irregular verbs. (EN4G-IIi-12)
3rd Quarter
Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place and time) in sentences.
Distinguish between general and specific statements
Identify the main idea, key sentences, and supporting details from text
listened to. (EN4LC-IIIg-1.1)
Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and purpose
Analyze a story in terms of its elements. (EN4WC-IId-20)
4 Quarter
Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements
Write a reaction about the story read. (EN4WC-IIf-22)
Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative. (EN4RC-IIi-36)
Distinguish among types of Journalistic Writing (news report, opinion article,
feature article, and sports news article).
Write a news report using the given facts. (EN4WC-IIi-25)
1st Quarter
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (compound) based on given context
clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies.
(EN5V-Ib-12 and 13)
1st Quarter
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images. (EN6VC-IIIa-6.2)
Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual
elements, for example, line, symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social
distance. (EN5VC-IIIf-3.8)
2 Quarter
Identify the purpose, key structural and language features of various types of
informational/factual text. (EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8)
Compare and contrast content of materials viewed to other sources of
information (print, online and broadcast). (EN7VC-IV-c-15)
3 Quarter
Present a coherent, comprehensive report on differing viewpoints on an issue.
Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements.
(EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1, EN6RC-Ig-2.24.2)
4th Quarter
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures (verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs). (EN6G-Ig-4.4.1)
Compose a persuasive essay on self-selected topic. (EN6WC-IVb-2.2)
Start of the implementation of the program 2021- onwards
1. Non-Readers/Readers under Frustration level/Readers under Instructional
level/Readers under Independent level in 4 Key Stages;
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-6
2. Employees
To be charged to School MOOE:
Description: COST
Bond Paper (8.5”X13”) 2 Box 1,100.00 2200.00
Pinter Ink 2 Set 1300 2600.00
Clear Folder 10 Pcs. 80.00 800.00
Crayons 10 Pcs. 20.00 200.00
Awards and Prizes Medals & Certificates 4,200.00
TOTAL COST: 10,000.00
2. Reading Coordinator
- plan, implement, assess and oversee the overall reading situation of the school
- formulate the reading program
- make appropriate innovative approaches to enhance reading and activities that
would extract learners’ comprehension skill
-facilitate the implementation of the program
-.will be the one to consolidate reading results and analyse them to bridge the
reading gaps existing in a particular school.
4. Parents
- extend consent to the implementation process
- disseminate the program
- aid / support learners with the reading process
- provide feedback to the effectiveness of the program
6. NGO’s
- provide technical and financial assistance
- validate the effectivity of the program
Assessment Tools per key stage
To determine the strength and weaknesses of the readers, the following assessment
tools will be used:
Diagnostic Test
Phil-IRI Packages particularly the Group Screening Test (GST), Pre and Post
Oral Reading Test
E. Program Output
decrease of frustration level and non-readers in the school
enhance reading materials and assessment tools
F. Program Outcome
Independent and Quality 21st Century readers
Increase Quarterly MPS in all learning areas
G. Mode of Delivery
Parents Orientation
Learning Action Cell (LAC Session)
Collaboration of teachers in making the reading materials and assessments
Home visitation for monitoring and feedbacking
Reading and Speech Festival
Applying the teaching strategies in the Training on Literacy Instruction, ELLN
(Project HECBaR “Help Every Child Become a Reader”) (for kindergarten,
Grades 1-3)
Orientation to parents with regard to the positive understanding in assisting a
child during literacy activities.
Download Audio - Visual Materials that can strengthen oral language,
phonemic awareness and phonics.
Develop localized/contextualized reading materials adopted from DAP ELLN
reading materials, localized storybooks, and set of activities that are relevant
to learners’ interest and reading levels.
Stage 1:
1. To provide an Selection and Principal, Diagnostic Test Diagnostic Test
SELECTION examination which Classification All advisers Questionnaires Septemb Results
(Crafting of the includes of pupils’ per grade and Key er 2021
School Reading diagnostic test, reading levels Answers
Program and Oral Test and who will
Selection of the Reading undergo on
Remedial Reading Comprehension the Remedial
Recipients) Test Reading
Principal, All Letter, Attendance,
Information and Meeting
advisers per Septemb Minutes and
dissemination Letter to
grade level, er 2021 Pictures during the
ORIENTATION and Parents, Contact
2. To give pupils, dissemination and
(Orientation on the orientation of Numbers
orientation on the parents and orientation
implementation of parents and stakeholder
the Project nature and
pupils through s
SCREAM) contents of the
letters and
remedial reading
program to pupils
and parents for Charts, reading
familiarity and Reading materials Teacher-made
awareness and to Coordinator contextualized/
stimulate pupils s, All October localized learning
love for reading. advisers per 2021 materials for
PREPARATION grade level remediation
(Development of Creation of
Reading Materials 3. To develop reading
per subject) contextualized and materials per
localized reading subject at
enhancement and least two (2)
activities. reading
materials from
each subject
Stage 2:
1. To assess the
reading levels of
the pupils
(Actual October School
Implementation of through pre-test Assessment All advisers 2021 Consolidated
the Remedial of pupils’ per grade Reading Profile
Reading Project) reading level level and (Pre-test)
Photocopies of
by giving pupils.
*Oral reading
2. To increase of the story
the reading *Answering of Teacher-made
proficiency of comprehensio reading materials
pupils by October
n questions
conducting All 2021
reading Implementati Advisers
interventions. on of the per grade
school level and Audio-visual
reading sub- pupils materials,
projects: school
*Project supplies
(Help Every
Child A
*Project RtS All year Narrative report on
3. To increase (Read to round the home school
parents’ Succeed)
Pupils, reading practices
knowledge in
reading, parent-
child interaction
stakeholde Short stories,
and involvement
rs story books
and promote a
and teacher-
sense of Novemb
made reading
personal er 2021
responsibility for Narrative Report
one’s own on the School
progress. Reading Festival
reading even
MONITORING at home with Principal,
teachers, At least
(Monitor the 4. To conduct an the guidance once a
sustainability and of the pupils, School
activity that week Progress report of
appropriateness of parents and parents Programme,
would develop the learners.
the project) the and Reading
the reading skills
stakeholders. stakeholde Pieces to be
of the learners.
rs. used for the
5. To ensure the Teacher, presentations
learners’ pupils, and
progress and parents
Conducting a
needs in
reading. Home
visitation forms
and monitoring
slip and
Conducting reading drills.
and one-on-
one interview
with the
pupils and
Stage 3:
FINAL 1. To evaluate Evaluation of Reading Post Test: Oral January- Updated School
EVALUATION the improvement students’ Coordinato and Written Februar Reading Profile
(Diagnosis) of the students’ reading level rs, All Reading Test y 2022 and
reading advisers Accomplishment
proficiency per grade Report
level and