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There are many people who have helped us directly or indirectly in the successful
completion of our project. We would like to take this opportunity to thank one and all.

It is my sincere obligation to thank xxxxxxx, Head of Information Technology

Department, xxxxxxxx, who has extended positive support and precious suggestions to make
the project work a success.

I am very thankful to our project guide xxxxxxxx who has been inspiring guide and
committed caretaker for his unflinching devotion. The encouragement and support by him,
especially in carrying out this project motivated me to complete this project.

I would like to express deep sense of gratitude to our staff members of Dept. of
Information Technology for their co-operation, which has given in the congruency to build up
this project.

I would like to thank all our friends for their help and constructive criticism during
my project period. Finally, I am very much indebted to my parents for their moral support
and encouragement to achieve goals. I have no words to express my gratitude and still I am
very thankful to my parents who have shown me this world and for every support they gave
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1. Abstract
2. Introduction
2.1 Purpose of document
2.2 Scope for development for this project
2.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
2.4 Overview of document
2.5 General Description
2.6 User view of product use
2.7 User specific requirements
3. System design
3.1 Purpose
3.2 Target audience
3.3 Pre-requisites
3.4 Top level interaction diagram
3.5 Architectural strategies
3.6 Logical view
3.7 Data Flow Diagrams
3.8 UML Diagrams

3.9 Tables

4. Screen shots

5. Testing

6. Conclusion

7. Future Enhancements

8.. Bibiliography/References
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This project is aimed at developing an Online Intranet College Management System (CMS)
that is of importance to either an educational institution or a college. The system (CMS) is an
Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the institution or a specified
department. This system can be used as an attendance monitoring system for the college.
Students/staffs logging in may also access/search any information. Attendance and marks will
be updated by staff.

This system (C.M.S ) is being developed for an engineering college to maintain and
facilitate easy access to information. For this the users need to be registered with the system
after which they can access or modify data as per the permissions given to them.

CMS is an intranet based application that aims at providing information to all the
levels of management with in an organization. This system can be used as a
knowledge/information management system for the college. For a given student/staff
(technical/Non-technical) can access the system to either upload or download some
information from the database.
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(CMS). CMS is an Intranet based application that aims at providing information to all the
levels of management within an organization. This system can be used as a information
management system for the college.

For a given student/staff (Technical / Non-technical) the Administrator creates login

id & password, using these student/ staff (Technical / Non-technical) can access the system to
either upload or download some information from the database.

The front-end will be HTML pages with Java Script for client side validation where as
all business logics will be in Java reside at middle layer. And these layers will interact with
third layer of database, which will be Oracle database. The web server will be Tomcat5.5. To
start working on this project environment required is a server having Tomcat5.5 as web
server, Oracle10g as database and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) as development

The project is divided into 6 scenarios; each scenario can be developed independently.
And knowledge of Java with oracle10g is desirable to execute this project.
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This document is the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) for the College
Management System for College (CMS) project .The purpose of this document is to describe
the functionality, requirements and general interface of the CMS.


The requirement of the user is to:

• Access/ Search information.

• Login to the system through the first page of the application
• Change the password after logging into the system
• View/change his/her details.
• Can get help through the help option to view different features of the system.
• Students can give feedback on college/staff/any other student.
• An admin login should be present who can read as well as remove any uploads


Software used to view hypertext documents. Internet Explorer and Netscape

Navigator are examples of browsers.
Click or Refers to the user pressing a mouse button to select an object or cause some
Command action to occur. On right-handed mice with more than one button, it usually
Click means to press the leftmost button.
Hypertext Markup Language is a specification for graphical layout of a
HTML document. The specification calls for the document to be stored as text
containing a series of tags that contain formatting information.

Java A programming language used to implement source code of our project.

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User Designed to be easy to use. Simple, practicable, accommodating, understandable

Friendly and accessible.
Oracle database is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a
database is to store and retrieve related information.
Java Server Page (JSP) is a technology for controlling the content or appearance
of Web pages through the use of servlet, small programs that are specified in the
Web page and run on the Web server to modify the Web page before it is sent to
the user who requested it.


This document describes the product and its requirements and constraints. It provides
a primarily non-technical description of the project targeted towards external audiences. This
section includes information such as data requirements, functional requirements, and a
general description of the product and its interaction with users from the perspective of the
client. Section 3 provides specific technical requirements as the team understands them at this
time and is intended for an internal audience. This section includes information such as
external interface requirements, performance requirements, and any other technical
requirements needed to design the software.


2.5.1 User Characteristics:
The target audience for CMS product is the college students/staff (Technical/Non-
technical) .The users for this system are

• Administrator – The Super user of the system.

• Student – A user with limited access rights.
• Staff – A user of the system who has more access rights than a normal user.
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2.5.2 Product Perspective:

The product will be a standalone application and may be run on multiple systems
within an Intranet network. The product will require a keyboard, mouse and monitor to
interface with the users. The minimum hardware requirements for the product are specified in
this document.

2.5.3 Overview of Functional Requirements:

The client requires the following features:
• The administrator governs the working of the system.
• The staff can view the student’s details.
• A mechanism to uniquely identify each student
• The students can view their marks/attendance/exam schedules .
• The system should have a login.
• The system should have help feature.
2.5.4:Non functional requirements

Hardware platform: PIII or above with

RAM of 128 or above MB

And 20GB or above of HD.

Software Platform: Java Enabled Browser


Hardware Platform: PIII or above with

RAM of 128 or above MB

And 20GB or above of HD.

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The front view of the system consists of different services provided by the system
and a login page with which a user is prompted to login in to the system through his user
name and password. Upon the student's login, his/her details are updated in to the system.
When all data is entered, the student can not only view their details but also view their exams
and report details. When the student's session ends, all data is saved. Staff can also login to
the system with their id and password and has access to the system.
There will be a special login name and password (to prevent students in updating their
details other than profile) to allow the teacher to access all student data in a table form. Here,
the administrator can add students and staff to the system and change student and staff


2.7.1 External Interface Requirements:

• Simple, Attractive, User Friendly

• Self-Contained, Consistent, Self-Explanatory
• Robust.

2.7.2 Detailed Description of Functional Requirements: Administrator Configuration Screen:

Purpose Allows administrator to add/remove student/staff records

Inputs Student/staff details

Processing Add/remove student/staff entries in database

Outputs Updated records.

Admin Configuration Screen

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Purpose Allow teacher to view student records, view his details.

Inputs Student details/his personal details

processing Updates his details.

Outputs Updated records.

Staff Configuration Screen A mechanism for each student to be uniquely identified:

Purpose To allow each student to keep track of their own progress

Inputs Students details
processing Verify student's record exists, prohibit duplicates
Outputs Launch 'Exercise Input' screen

Student Configuration Screen Exercise input screen:

Purpose Receives student’s daily input

Which inputs; in what form/format will inputs arrive; from what sources
input will be derived, legal domains of each input element
processing Store new data to student history
Outputs launch summary screen

Exercise Input Screen

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www.project-download.com A mechanism to change the password:

Purpose Allows to change students/staff passwords.

Inputs Previous and new password.

processing Updates the new password.

Outputs Acknowledgement.

Change Password Help Screen Mechanism:

Purpose To provide help about the system.

Inputs Users query.

processing Searches the relevant information.

Outputs Result for the requested query.


2.7.3 Main modules of the system:

Campus Information:

This module gives the information about

• Buildings/Blocks: It contains the information about the total number of blocks

present in the campus and also the number of rooms present in each block.
• Laboratories: This gives the information about the number of laboratories
present in each department.
• Buses: This gives the count of the buses deployed by the management.
• Library: students can borrow/return and can view status of books present in the
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This module deals mainly with,

• Admission: This mainly deals registering the students/staff and

assigning them with a login id and password.
• Accounts: This keeps track of the financial details of the college.
• Hostel: It gives information about the college hostel for both boys and
• Bus Routes: This maintains the route details of the buses.

Department Information:

This module gives the information about,

• Course: This contains the information about the number of the courses
offered by the college and number of seats present in each.
• Staff: This contains the number of staff available in each department.
• Infrastructure: This has the details of the assets allotted for each
• Syllabus: This provides the academic syllabus of the students from
different branches.

Staff Information:

This module deals mainly with,

• Profile: This provides personal details of the staff.

• Attendance: This provides the staff with his/her attendance details.
• Salary: This provides the staff with his/her salary details.
• Feedback: This feature enables the staff to provide feedbacks to the
• View Student Details: This provides the staff to view the student
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Student Information:

This module gives information about,

• Profile: This provides personal details of the student.

• Attendance: This provides the student with his/her attendance details.
• Marks: This provides the internal/external marks of a student.
• Feedback: This feature enables the student to provide feedbacks to
the management.
• Remarks: It contains the remarks written by the faculties about a
• Change Password: Provides the student to change his/her password.

Examination Branch: This module contains the information about,

• Examination Form: This gives the information about the issue of the
examination form.
• Results: This contains the internal/externals marks of a student.
• Attendance: It maintains the attendance of all the students (in order to
issue the examination form).
• Schedule: This has the various examinations schedules/timetables.
• Seating Arrangement: This has the seating arrangements for the
various examinations.
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2.7.4 Performance Requirements:

1. Number of simultaneous users per machine: one

2. Number of files: one per user.
3. File Size: grows linearly with student’s history.

2.7.5 Quality Attributes:

1. Security: This feature is provided by login id and password.

2. Reliability: Must maintain data integrity. Computer crashes and misuse
should not affect a user's history.
3. Simplicity: Must be driven by a simple user interface.
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Purpose of College Management System for a College (CMS) Design Document is

to describe the design and the architecture of CMS. The design is expressed in sufficient
detail so as to enable all the developers to understand the underlying architecture of CMS.
Logical architecture of JDBC driver, Server, DML, DDL, Session and Data Store are


This Design document is intended to act as a technical reference tool for developers
involved in the development of College Management System (CMS).
This document assumes that you have sufficient understanding of the following
• RDBMS and its various component modules.
• Java and JDBC
• Interaction Diagrams
• Classes and Interfaces


CMS requires Java JRE 1.5 or higher. Since CMS is written in Java, it can run on
any platform that supports the Java runtime environment 1.5 or higher. The compiled files are
contained in Java Archives (JAR’s) and have to be defined in the CLASSPATH environment


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Logical architecture of JDBC driver, Server, DML, DDL, Session and Data Store

Interaction Diagram


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The architectural design of a software project is simply the design of the entire
software system. This includes the hierarchy of the modules and also which modules are
present in the system. A good architectural design will create a clear and fair balance between
cohesion (each module has only one distinct purpose), coupling (no two modules depend
completely on each other), abstraction (seeing modules in full and not in detail), hierarchy
(logical modules stem from others) and partitioning (logically grouping modules together) of
the software modules.

3.6. Logical View:

it provides the user with an abstract view of the overall system functionality. .

Abstract view of CMS

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3.7..Data flow diagrams:

The whole architectural structure stems from the original flow design. Below are the
Level 0, Level 1, Level 2 and Level3 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).. The diagrams below more
accurately portray the data flow through our system. These diagrams take precedence over
the diagrams in the requirements document.

Level 0:

Level 0 DFD
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Level 1:

Level 1 DFD
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Level 2 for Department:

Level 2 DFD for Department

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Level 2 for Admin:

Level 2 DFD for Admin

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3.8. UML diagrams:

Logical View:

Sequence Diagram:
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Collaborations Diagram:
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Class Diagram:

Class Diagram
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Activity Diagrams:

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Table no: 1
Table Name: Users
Table Description: Contains usernames and passwords of all
the users in the system.
Seq no Column name Column description Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks
type Null
1 User name User name VarChar PK Not Null

2 Password Password VarChar

3 Designation Admin/student/staff varChar


Relationships: None
• Key Constraints: username is the primary key and must be unique.
• Referential Integrity: N/A
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 2

Table Name: Student

Table Description: Contains all the details of students i.e student

name, address, phone number, etc.
Seq no Column Column Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks
Name Description Type Null
1 Studentid User name of Varchar PK Not Null
the student
2 Firstname First name of Varchar
the student
3 Lastname Last name of Varchar
the student

4 Fathersname Student’s Varchar

father name

5 Address Student’s Varchar

6 Gender Sex of the Varchar
student i.e M/F

7 Dateofbirth Date of Birth Varchar

8 Dateofjoin Joining date Varchar

9 Course CSE/ECE/EEE Varchar

10 Phoneno Phone number Varchar

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11 Email e-mail id Varchar

12 Cas Caste – Varchar


13 Religion Religion Varchar

14 Nation Nationality Varchar

15 Idmarks Identification Varchar


16 Designation student Varchar

17 Password Password Varchar

18 Image URL of the Varchar

students photo


Relationships: None
• Key Constraints: student id is the primary key and must be unique.
• Referential Integrity: N/A
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 3

Table Name: Staff

Table Description: Contains all the details of staff i.e. staff name,
address, phone number, etc.
Seq no Column Column Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks
Name Description Type Null
1 employeeid User name of Varchar PK Not Null
the staff
2 Firstname First name of Varchar
the staff
3 Lastname Last name of Varchar
the staff

4 Address Staff’s Varchar

5 Gender Sex of the staff Varchar
i.e M/F

6 Dateofbirth Date of Birth Varchar

7 Dateofjoin Joining date Varchar

8 Phoneno Phone number Varchar

9 Email e-mail id Varchar

10 Qualification Qualification Varchar

11 Experience Experience Varchar

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12 Cas Caste – Varchar


13 Religion Religion Varchar

14 Nation Nationality Varchar

15 Idmarks Identification Varchar


16 Designation Staff Varchar

17 Password Password Varchar

18 Image URL of the Varchar

staff’s photo

Relationships: None
Key Constraints: employee id is the primary key and must be unique.
• Referential Integrity: N/A
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 4
Table Name: feedback
Table Description: Contains all the feedback given by the staff
Seq No Column Column Description Column PK/Fk? Null/Not Remarks
Name Type Null
1 fromuserid Sending userid Varchar

2 Feedbackon College/Staff/students Varchar

3 Comments Comments text
4 Touserid Destinationuserid Varchar
5 Pdate Current date Date


Relationships: users
• Key Constraints: userid is the primary key and must be unique.
• Referential Integrity: user id match with userid in users table
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 5
Table Name: Seating
Table Description: Contains all the results the students.
Seq No Column Column Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks
Name Description Type Null
1 Roomno Room number Int

2 Studentrange Student Varchar

number range
3 Branch Student Varchar

Relationships: none
• Key Constraints: none
• Referential Integrity: none
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 6
Table Name: Results
Table Description: Contains all the results the students.
Seq No Column Column Column PK/Fk? Null/Not Remarks
Name Description Type Null
1 studentid User id Varchar FK

2 Internal Internal Marks Varchar

3 External External Marks Varchar

Relationships: users
• Key Constraints: studentid is the Foreign key.
• Referential Integrity: student id match with userid in users table
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 7
Table Name: Attendance
Table Description: Contains the attendance of the students/staff.
Seq No Column Column Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks
Name Description Type Null
1 userid User id Varchar FK

2 attendance Attendace Varchar



Relationships: users
• Key Constraints: userid is the Foreign key.
• Referential Integrity: userid match with userid in users table
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Table No: 8
Table Name: Accounts
Table Description: Contains the fee details of the students.

Seq no Column Column Description Column PK/FK? Null/Not Remarks

Name Type Null
1 Studentid User name of the staff Varchar FK

2 Firstname First name of the staff Varchar

3 Lastname Last name of the staff Varchar

4 Course CSE/EEE/ECE/ME Varchar

5 Payfor Nature of payment Varchar

(bus, College,..)
6 Yearofpay Which year of the Varchar
7 Modeofpay Mode of payment Varchar
8 Amount Amount Paid Varchar

Relationships: users
• Key Constraints: studentid is the Foreign key.
• Referential Integrity: studentid match with userid in users table
• Check Constraints: None
• Domain Constraints: None
Expected volume: None
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Test cases:

Test case 1: Authentication

Test case#: validity of name and password/priority (H, L)-High

Test objective: To check the name of the user
Test description: To check whether user name and password is valid or not
Requirements verified: valid user
Test Environment: Tomcat server, database.

Test setup/reconditions:
Actions Expected results
1. Correct name and pwd entered The user will be logged in
2. Wrong name and pwd entered Generates an error report

Pass: yes Condition pass: ………. Fail: ……………..

Problems/issues: None
Notes: successfully tested and executed.

Test case 2: e-mail verification

Test case#: validation of e-mail/priority (H, L)-High
Test objective: validity check for e-mail
Test description: To check whether the e-mail is valid or not
Requirements verified: valid e-mail
Test Environment: Tomcat server, database.

Test setup/reconditions:
Actions Expected results
1. Correct e-mail entered validation cleared
2. Wrong e-mail entered displays an error prompt
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Pass: yes Condition pass: ………. Fail: ……………..

Problems/issues: None
Notes: successfully tested and executed.

Test case 3: Date verification

Test case#: validation of date/priority (H, L)-High

Test objective: validity check for date
Test description: To check whether the given date is valid or not
Requirements verified: valid date
Test Environment: Tomcat server, database.
Test setup/reconditions:
Actions Expected results
1. Correct date entered validation cleared
2. Wrong date entered displays an error prompt

Pass: yes Condition pass: ………. Fail: ……………..

Problems/issues: None
Notes: successfully tested and executed.
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The project entitled as College Management System is the system that deals with the
issues related to a particular institution.

This project is successfully implemented with all the features mentioned in system
requirements specification.
The application provides appropriate information to users according to the chosen
The project is designed keeping in view the day to day problems faced by a college.
Deployment of our application will certainly help the college to reduce unnecessary
wastage of time in personally going to each department for some information.

Awareness and right information about any college is essential for both the development
of student as well as faculty. So this serves the right purpose in achieving the desired
requirements of both the communities.
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Future Enhancement:

Online examination module would be introduced to conduct online examination.

Scheduling of the staff. i.e. , time table setting of the staff

Further, the faculty can upload the videos of their lectures on to this site and students
who had missed those classes can view those videos.
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1. Internet & World Wide Web: How to Program Deitel, PJ Deitel.

2. Web Development with Java Server Pages BY Duane K.Fields and Mark A.Kolb.
3. The Complete Refernce Java2 HerbertSchildt.
4. Core Servlets and Java Server Pages By Marty Hall.
5. Apache Jakarta-Tomcat by James Goodwill.
6. Practical PostgreSQL by John Worsley, Joshua Drake

Web Sites: www.sves-srpt.ac.in


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