0 Understand Islam Series - 300 Parts - Jaseemk

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*Topics List:*
1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?
4. What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
5. Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?
6. Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?
7. Who Created God?
8. Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?
9. What is the Concept of God in Islam?
10. Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?
11. What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?
12. What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?
13. What is the Significance of Religion?
14. Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?
15. Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?
16. How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?
17. What are the Unique Features of Islam?
18. Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as 'Allah'?
19. Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?
20. Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?
21. Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?
22. Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?
23. Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don't God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?
24. Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?
25. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26. What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?
27. Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?
28. Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?
29. Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?
30. Why Doesn't God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?
31. What is Islamic View About Death
32. What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?
33. What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?
34. The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?
35. What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?
36. What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?
37. What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?
38. Who All Will Enter Paradise?
39. Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?
40. What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?
41. Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?
42. What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?
43. Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?
44. What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?
45. What are the Evidences for Muhammed's (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?
46. Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest
47. What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?
48. Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?
49. Why Didn't God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?
50. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?
51. Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?
52. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?
53. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?
54. What are the Scriptures?
55. What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?
56. What is the Holy Qur'an?
57. What is the Theme of Holy Qur'an?
58. Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur'an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?
59. Why the Qur'an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?
60. Did the Glorious Qur'an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?
61. When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur'an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?
62. What are the Evidences for the Qur'an to Be a Divine Scripture?
63. Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?
64. Can it Be Said that the Qur'an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?
65. Scientific Facts in the Quran?
66. What Does the Qur'an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?
67. Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?
68. What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?
69. What Should Be a Muslim's Attitude Towards Worldly Life?
70. Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?
71. What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?
72. What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?
73. What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?
74. What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?
75. What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?
76. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?
77. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?
78. What is Islamic View on Entertainments?
79. What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?
80. What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?
81. The Concept of Equality in Islam?
82. The Concept of Justice in Islam
83. What is the Quran's Approach Towards Slavery?
84. What Were the Practical Steps Qur'an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?
85. Why Didn't Qur'an Completely Prohibit Slavery?
86. What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?
87. Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?
88. What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?
89. What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?
90. What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?
91. Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?
92. Does Qur'an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?
93. Does Qur'an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?
94. Does Qur'an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?
95. What is 'Jihad'?
96. Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur'an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?
97. Does Qur'an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?
98. Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?
99. What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
100. Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?
101. Are All Terrorists Muslims?
102. What Does the Qur'an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?
103. What Does the Qur'an Say About War?
104. When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?
105. When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?
106. What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?
107. What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?
108. Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?
109. What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?
110. Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?
111. What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?
112. What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?
113. How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?
114. Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying 'Jizya' a
Discrimination Towards Them?
115. What is Islamic View on Nationalism?
116. What is Islamic View on Democracy?
117. What is Islamic view on Secularism?
118. What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?
119. What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?
120. What is the Status of Parents in Islam?
121. How Should Be a Muslim's Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?
122. What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?
123. Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?
124. What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?
125. What is the Islamic Code of Dress?
126. What is the Islamic View on Marriage?
127. What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?
128. Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?
129. Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?
130. What Does Islam Say About Divorce?
131. What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?
132. Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?
133. How Islam Views Homosexuality?
134. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
135. How Did Islam Spread in the World?
136. Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?
137. Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today's Times?
138. What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?
139. What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?
140. What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?
141. What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
142. What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?
143. Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?
144. Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?
145. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?
146. If Islam is the Best Religion, Why are All Muslims Not Good?
147. If Islam Opposes Idol Worship, Why do Muslims Pray to a Kaaba?
148. Why are All Prayers and Supplications Not Answered or Fulfilled by Allah?
149. Does God Give Free Will and Freedom to Control Our Destiny?
150. The Prophet's Last Sermon
151. 'My name is Islam': A short video introducing Islam in brief
152. If According to Islam, Messengers or Prophets were Sent to Every Nation of the World, then
Which Prophet was Sent to India? Can We Consider Ram and Krishna to be Messengers of God?
153. Islam and Ethics
154. Prophet Muhammad: The Social Reformer
155. If Allah has Sealed the Hearts of the Disbelievers (Kuffar), then Why are they to be Blamed
for Not Accepting Islam?
156. Importance of Knowledge & Education in Islam
157. Is it Not True that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has Copied the Qur'an from the Bible?
158. Is Islamic Inheritance Law Unjust? Why Does the Man Inherit More Wealth than His Female
159. Why Did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Have Many Wives? What was the Wisdom Behind Prophet's
Multiple Marriages?
160. Abu Hanifa's Debate with an Atheist
161. Muslims Believe that Certain Earlier Verses of the Qur'an were Abrogated by Verses Revealed
Later. Does this Imply that God Made a Mistake and Later on Corrected it?
162. An Invitation to the Truth
163. Significance of the Environment in Islam
164. Life and Beyond According to the Quran
165. Why do Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner by Torturing it and Slowly and
Painfully Killing it?
166. Muslim Woman's Right to Work and Earn
167. The Sweetness of Islamic Faith
168. If Allah has Sent His Books and Revelations in Every Period, then which Revelation was Sent
to India?
169. Where Did the Universe Come From?
170. Meaning of Life According to Islam
171. Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an
172. Isn't it an Explicit Discrimination that Islam Gives Men Twice the Portion of Women in their
Share of Inheritance?
173. Has not the Qur'an Actually Legalized Adultery by Allowing the Master to have Sexual
Relationships with His Female Slaves?
174. Doesn't Islam Permit Critical Thinking?
175. Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH) and His Second Coming?
176. Why to Choose Islam?
177. Message of Ramadan - Why do Muslims Fast?
178. Why Do Muslims Perform Hajj?
179. What is Hadith? What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?
180. Concept, Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam
181. What Famous People Have Said About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part1
182. What Famous People Have Said About Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part2
183. Islam And Darwinism
184. Qur'an Says that Allah has Made the Earth for You as a Carpet. This Gives an Indication that
the Earth is Flat. Doesn't this Contradict Established Modern Science?
185. Hijab - The Islamic Concept of Veil
186. Human Rights in the Qur'an
187. Isn't the Social Setup Envisioned by the Qur'an is a Male Dominated One?
188. Signs for Those Who Ponder Over!
189. Why a Non-Muslim Should Know the Qur'an?
190. Marital Relationship in Islam
191. By Composing the Qur'an, did Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Intent the Worldly Benefits through
Establishing Himself as the Messenger of God?
192. How Can Islam be Called the Religion of Peace When it was Spread by the Sword?
193. When Was the Quran Written?
194. Human Rights: Role of Islam in Liberating the Slaves
195. If God is Just, Who Created Handicapped and Mentally Retarded? Isn't it Injustice?
196. By Comparing Woman to Cultivating Field, Doesn't Qur'an See them as Instruments for
197. Oneness of God in Hindu Scriptures
198. Oneness of God in Bible Old Testaments
199. Oneness of God in Bible New Testaments
200. What is the Purpose of Life?

201. The Greatness of Islamic Justice

202. The Prophet and the Garbage Thrower!
203. Isn't the Animal Sacrifice Cruel to Them?
204. Are Non-Muslims Allowed Inside Masjids/Mosques?
205. Will It Not Affect the Status of the Quran's Divinity if Some of the Earlier Injunctions Got
Changed Later?
206. Islam is the Religion of Tolerance and Ease
207. No Priesthood in Islam
208. What Islam Recommends Dealing with Epidemic Diseases?
209. Does Islam Prescribe Death Penalty for Apostates?
210. What is Shariah?
211. How Did Prophet Muhammed Treat the Children?
212. The Purpose of Our Creation
213. Teachings of Moderation and Balance in Islam
214. Social Service in Islam
215. Is Allah Forgiving or Revengeful?
216. If Trinity is Not Biblical Teaching, How Did it Become the Doctrine of Christianity?
217. Trust & Reliance in God
218. Examples of Modesty, Justice and Mercy in the Rule of Caliph Umar
219. Terrorism Doesn't Have a Religion
220. Does God Misguide People? - Part1: Whom Does Allah Guide?
221. Does God Misguide People? - Part2: Whom Does Allah Misguide?
222. Is Stoning of the Devil During Hajj a Superstition?
223. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part1
224. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part2
225. Debate Between Two Babies in a Mother's Womb
226. Islamic View on Sexuality
227. What Islam Says About Transgenders?
228. The Rights of Children on Parents in Islam
229. Why Did God Create Angels? Does He Need Help of Angels?
230. Polytheism and Idol Worship are Prohibited in Vedas
231. What is it that Makes the Qur'an a Supernatural Sign?
232. Pride and Arrogance are Not the Qualities of Believers
233. Why are We Here? - The Purpose of Life
234. Does Only Allah Know the Sex of the Child in the Mother's Womb?
235. Is the Quran a Book of Science?
236. Was the Kaaba Forcibly Captured by Muslims? Who Demolished the Idols in the Kaaba?
237. Rights of Neighbors in Islam?
238. A Christian Lady's House and a Masjid
239. What is the Islamic View on Organ Donation?
240. Islam is the Solution for Racism & Casteism
241. Does Quran Envisage Patriarchal System Which Speaks to Woman of Her Obligations and to
Man of His Rights?
242. Is 'Allah' the Moon God (Hubal) of Arab Polytheists Before Islam?
243. What is the Difference Between 'Messenger' and 'Prophet'?
244. Did Prophet Order to Expel Jews and Christians from the Arabia?
245. Is it True that the Original Version of Quran was Burnt by Caliph Usman & the Present Quran
was Compiled by Him?
246. The Testimony of the Enemies to the Honesty of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
247. A Clearer Understanding of the Realities of Islam
248. Humanity and the Divine Religion
249. Is Not the Concept of the Equality of Sexes in Modern Democracy More Suited than the
Quranic Vision?
250. Islam - The Easy and Natural Way

251. How Can Life be a Test if Allah is All-Knowing?

252. The Universalism of Islam
253. Islam and Honesty
254. The Black Stone in Makkah and the Idol Worship!
255. Are there Different Versions of Holy Quran?
256. Why to Follow Prophet Muhammed in Everything?
257. Are there Degrees and Levels in Paradise and Hell?
258. Peace of Mind Only by Remembrance of God
259. Islam is Not Just Rituals; It is System of Moral Values
260. Are Muslims Ordered to Fight Jews?
261. What Will Women Get in Paradise, While Men Get Beautiful Maidens (Hoor)?
262. Islam is Spread by its Moral Message and Not by the Sword
263. The Importance of Good Family Ties in Islam
264. How Can We Identify the True Religion?
265. Was Not Prophet Muhammad Assured of his Own Salvation?
266. Finding Wisdom in God’s Creations
267. Does the Quran Allow Men to Beat their Wives?
268. Is Hijab (Veil) a Symbol of Oppression or Freedom?
269. What is Halal Food? Why is It So Controversial?
270. The Legacy of Islam
271. Did the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬Instruct to Force Non-Muslims to the Side of the Road?
272. Why Doesn’t Allah Stop Human Suffering?
273. How Do We Know God Exists? - Part1
274. How Do We Know God Exists? - Part2
275. Materialism vs Spirituality: Transient Joy vs Eternal Pleasure
276. Did Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬Kill 900 Jews of Banu Qurayza?
277. Islamic View on Revenge & Forgiveness
278. What Does the Quran Say about Christianity?
279. Is it Injustice to Women that Islam Instructs the Widow to Separate Herself from Society and
Maintain a Mourning Period?
280. Does Qur’an Allow for the Superiority and Command of Man over Woman? Does this Mean
Qur’an is a Work of Male Chauvinism?
281. Why Did Allah Create the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days, When He is Able to Have Created
It in Less Time?
282. Does Quran 2:91 Confirm the Bible Since it Uses the Word “Which is with Them”?
283. Why are Two Women Witnesses Equivalent to One Man Witness? Is this Injustice to the
284. If God is One, Why Does Allah Use the Plural Pronoun "We" to Refer to Himself?
285. Who Are the Jews and Christians Who will Enter Paradise?
286. Can It Not be Claimed That Quran Was the Composition of Muhammad (PBUH) Himself?
287. Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus is Not God the Creator
288. Mercy of Almighty God
289. Even the People without Faith Need the People with Faith
290. Were Holy Qur'an Pages Eaten by a Goat? Are Some Verses Missing from the Quran?
291. Who Are the Real Terrorists and the Abolitionists? Are Palestinians also Terrorists?
292. Do Muslims Worship God Because of Fear or Because of Love?
293. Does God Need Our Worship? Why did He Create Us to Worship Him?
294. Morals and Faith Are Inseparable
295. If Islam is a Religion of Peace, Why is There So much Conflicts in Countries Where Muslims
296. Islam Offers Dignity and Rights to All Humanity
297. Whatever God Does, It is For Our Best
298. Why Prophet Muhammad Didn’t Die for Our Sins?
299. The Importance of Divine Message
300. Benefits of Becoming a Muslim

*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣1⃣*
*❓What is Islam?*
✅The Arabic word 'Islam' stands for 'Submission' or 'Peace'. In a religious context, it implies the
peace that reaches out to one when one completely submits oneself to the will of Almighty God.
This is achieved only when the individual acts in accordance with the direction of his Creator in all
spheres of life.
To understand the essence of Islam is to understand the very essence of humanity. More than a
religion, Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life leading to a balanced way of living.
Islam brings civilization and happiness to man. Islamic principles and teachings can provide
realistic, fair, and objective solutions to the prevention of individual, familial, social and
international problems which are threatening the existence of human communities throughout
the world.

A spiritual belief that does not deal with social behavior, economic relations and international
organizations is as erroneous as the social doctrine that does not consider spiritual belief, morality,
and behavior. Such social doctrines are abortive attempts, incapable of total human guidance or
of achieving any coherence or accord among human beings.

Both the individual and the society are in dire need of a belief that accommodates and directs all
their vital activities towards construction and growth. When the individual and society adopt such
a belief and apply it to life, humanity can accomplish seemingly miraculous achievements which
can only occur when man unites himself with the Eternal Power that channels his personality -
potential in the right direction.

History has shown that Islam is unique in its ability to provide guidance for the entire range of
human activity. It does not separate spiritual and secular life as unrelated entities.

Islam integrates all domains of human life, just like the different systems in the human body
integrate to provide a complete human being. If one system does not work properly, it has got to
affect the whole body. Likewise, Islam proposes systems of laws that integrate all parts of human
society to bring happiness and peace to all its members. There is no other way or system that
urges the active worship of Allah in its general and most comprehensive sense other than Islam.

Islam provides a complete and comprehensive way of life. Islam creates harmony in the mind, the
soul, and the body in a marvelous way. The need for Islam emerges from the humanity’s search
for a constitution that provides guidance and satisfaction in all spheres of life. It is a code of life
that is not limited to partial needs, but rather a way of life that penetrates all barriers to interact
with people’s needs in this life and beyond. It is a way of life where there is no discrimination
between what is sacred and what is secular.

Islam is unique among the religions and civilizations the world has known. In contrast to the other
religions of the world, Islam defines religion itself as the very business of life, the very matter of
space-time, the very process of history, and the gift of Allah. Therefore, all these works together
to constitute them.
Islam is a divine guidance wherein humans of all nations, colors and tongues feel linked to a
Supreme Power and Justice. Its teachings are kept intact and authentic. It is the only way to
happiness, dignity, and universal peace. Islam is so unique in its method for solving the problems
of humanity. I can say with confidence that the twenty first century will be the century of Islam.

The everlasting miracle of Islam, ‘The Quran’ is a standing challenge to the intellect of all peoples
at all times.

"Then do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would
have found within it much contradiction" [Quran 4:82]

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣2⃣*
*❓Who is a Muslim?*
✅The word "Muslim" means one who submits to the will of God. The first principle of Islam is
known as the Shahaadah (Testimony of Faith) and is as follows: "There is no one worthy of worship
except Allah (God) and Muhammad is the Final Apostle (Messenger) of God”

In a broader sense, anyone who willingly submits to the will of God is a Muslim. Thus, all the
prophets preceding Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬are considered Muslims.

One cannot judge Islam by looking at those individuals who have a Muslim name, but in their
actions, they are not living or behaving as Muslims. Muslims are ordinary people like other
humans; among them are the good and the bad. They are not infallible creatures and, therefore,
can have mistakes.
When we mention the characteristics of a Muslim, we do not assume that all Muslims have those
characteristics, but only those who follow - to the best of their abilities - the teachings of Islam.

The Muslim personality is balanced. He pays due attention to his body’s needs and his outward
appearance, without letting it distract him from nurturing his inner characteristics. The Muslim is
also concerned with that which will form sound intellectual development and ways of thinking, so
that he understands the nature and essence of things.

He does not forget that man is not only composed of body and mind, but he also possesses a
soul and a spirit, and feels a longing for higher things that makes him rise above this materialistic
life and ascend the heights of goodness, virtue and light. Therefore, he pays as much attention to
his spiritual development as he does to his physical and intellectual development, in a precisely
balanced fashion, which does not concentrate on one aspect to the disadvantage of others.

With his parents, he is an example of sincere filial piety, good treatment, infinite compassion,
politeness and deep gratitude.

With his relatives, he maintains the ties of kinship and knows his duties toward them. He
understands the high status given to relatives in Islam, which makes him remain in touch with
them regardless of the circumstances.

With his neighbors, the true Muslim is an example of good treatment and consideration of others’
feelings and sensitivities.

His relationship with his brothers and friends is the best and purest of relationships, for it is based
on love for the sake of God. This pure, sincere, brotherly love derives its purity from the guidance
of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬that became a unique system in the history of human

In his social relationships with all people, he is well mannered, civil, and noble, characterized by
the attitudes which Islam encourages. Good behavior, which is taught in the Quran and Sunnah,
has been made a religious duty in Islam, for which man will be brought to account.

This is the clear, beautiful picture of the Muslim whose personality has been formed by Islam and
whose heart, mind and soul are filled with its divine light.

The development of a society is not measured solely in terms of its scientific achievements and
material inventions. There is another, more important standard by which a society is measured.
That is the prevalence of human values such as love, empathy, altruism, sacrifice, uprightness and
purity of thought, behavior, and dealings with others.

If individuals are the basis of a society, then rightly guided societies pay attention to human
development and enhance the positive, constructive aspects while seeking to eliminate evil,
destructive motives, so that the individual will become a model citizen. It is from groups of such
model citizens that clean, civil, strong, healthy, righteous societies are formed.

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣3️⃣*
*❓Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?*
✅The Almighty God who created the universe, endowed man with a special gift of intelligence
and thought, to enable him to discriminate between good and bad. Man has also been given, the
freedom to choose his own path by either accepting or rejecting the instructions of the Almighty
Creator. The divine revelations were conveyed by God to mankind through numerous prophets
who preached the ideals to all communities during different periods of human history.

The thousands of prophets whom God selected for human guidance have promulgated the basic
doctrine with remarkable similarity. The belief in and the profound reverence for all messengers
and revealed scriptures from God forms an integral part of Islamic faith.

Islam is not a religion founded by Prophet Mohammed (‫)ﷺ‬. The Qur'an has most emphatically
corroborated the fact that the Islamic conception of life was revealed to man by a long chain of
prophets chosen by the Almighty Creator.
Islam is not a new religion because "submission to the will of God", i.e. in Arabic "Islam", has always
been the only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true "natural
religion", and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God's prophets
and messengers. Muslims believe that all of God's prophets, which include Adam, Abraham, Noah,
Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, brought the same message of Pure Monotheism. For this reason,
the Prophet Muhammad was not the founder of a new religion, as many people mistakenly think,
but he was the Final Prophet of Islam.

By revealing His final message to Muhammad, which is an eternal and universal message for all
of mankind, God finally fulfilled the covenant that He made with Abraham, who was one of the
earliest and greatest prophets. Suffice it to say that the way of Islam is the same as the way of the
prophet Abraham, because both the Bible and the Qur'an portray Abraham as a towering example
of someone who submitted himself completely to God and worshipped Him without

Once this is realized, it should be clear that Islam has the most continuous and universal message
of any religion, because all prophets and messengers were "Muslims", i.e. those who submitted to
God's will, and they preached "Islam", i.e. submission to the will of Almighty God.

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣4️⃣*
*❓What is the Purpose of Our Existence?*
✅Islam is not just a "religion" in the traditional sense, because it is not just confined to acts of
worship, morality, and other aspects of personal piety. The teachings of Islam, even though they
do cover religious rituals and morality, also encompass all other aspects of life.
The Prophet Muhammad's mission encompassed not only spiritual and religious teachings, but
also included guidance for such things as social reform, economics, politics, warfare, and family
life. Thus, due to the diversity and success of Muhammad's mission, Muslims have clear guidance
from God and His Final Prophet on all aspects of life.

*Is There a Purpose for Our Existence?*

To begin with, look around you. Unless you live in a cave, you are surrounded by things we humans
have made with our own hands. Now, why did we make those things? Is there purpose to those
things? The answer is obviously ‘yes’. Let us look at the organs of our body. Do we find an organ
without a purpose? Let us look at the natural things around us like the trees, mountains etc. Do
they exist without a purpose?

When everything we create has a purpose, when our organs have a purpose, when natural things
like trees, mountains etc. have a purpose, is it logical to assume that the whole human race exists
without a purpose? Well, why do we exist? To amass fame and fortune? To have fun? To be the
richest person in the world? No, there must be more to life than that, so let us think about this.

*Who Decides our Purpose of Existence?*

Who decides the purpose of our existence? You might say, “I decide my purpose of existence”.
Let us take an example of a pen. What is the true purpose of a pen? The true purpose of a pen is
to write. Who decided the true purpose of the pen - the user or the manufacturer? The answer is:
the person who first manufactured it. Although, a user may use the pen to scratch his back, we
would never conclude that the pen was manufactured for scratching backs. It is the inventor or
the manufacturer who decides the true purpose.

Similarly, we as human beings may come out with our own reasons for our existence in this world,
but this in no way will become the true purpose of our existence. We can get to know the true
purpose of our existence only from our Creator.

*What is the Purpose of Life?*

In the Qur'an, Almighty God has revealed to mankind that the purpose of our creation is to
worship and remember God in all aspects of our life, and to follow His guidance in everything that
we do. Thus, Islam does not accept a secular view of government and society, but only one based
on the Law of God. Nor does Islam leave it to human beings to decide what is right and wrong,
good and bad, moral and immoral based on their whims, desires or man-made idea.
We were created to worship, obey, and serve our Creator alone (and not the creations). The
purpose of our existence is “to live our life on God’s terms”, a life that is led by fulfilling all the
divine commandments of God and to attain God’s pleasure and victory in the afterlife.

*Why Does God Expect Us to Obey Him?*

Parents expect their children to obey them because parents have the right to be obeyed. Similarly,
a teacher expects his/her students to obey them. In the same way, God, who is our Creator, expects
us to obey Him because He being the Creator deserves to be obeyed. Vehicles work best with the
oil, spare parts, tyre pressure etc. recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. We do not try to
change it to our liking because we trust that the vehicle maker knows what is best for the vehicle.
Similarly, our creator knows exactly what is good for us and has prescribed a way of life which is
submission and obedience to Him.

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣5️⃣*
*❓Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?*
✅From the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. He needs
oxygen to survive. It is interesting that the atmosphere of the planet on which he lives provides
more than just the adequate amount of oxygen he needs. This way, he breathes without difficulty.
For the existence of life on this planet, the existence of a source of heat is essential. In response
to this need, the sun is located just at the right distance to emit just the exact amount of heat and
energy man needs.
Man needs nourishment to survive. Every corner of the world abounds in astonishingly diversified
provisions. Likewise, man needs water. Surprisingly, three-fourth of the planet is covered with
water. Man needs shelter, and in this world, there is land on which it is suitable to build and all
sorts of materials to make shelters.

These are only a few among billions of details making life possible on earth. In brief, man lives on
a planet perfectly designed for his survival. This is certainly a planet "created for human beings".

A person's interpretation of the world rests on "acquired methods of thought". That is, he thinks
in the way he has been taught, or, less kindly, the way in which he is indoctrinated. Under this
misguidance, he often dismisses all the aforementioned as "trivial realities".

However, if he does not side-step the matter, and start questioning the conditions making our
existence possible, he will surely step out of the boundaries of habitual thinking and start to think:

How does each one of the billions of cells in the human body know and perform its individual
tasks? How does this extraordinary ecological balance exist on earth?

A person seeking answers to these questions surely proceeds on the right path. He does not
remain insensitive to things happening around him and does not plead ignorance about the
extraordinary nature of the world. A person who asks questions, who reflects on and gives answers
to these questions will realize that on every inch of the planet, a plan, and an order reign:

How did the flawless order in the whole universe come into being? Who provided the delicate
balances in the world? How did living beings, incredibly diversified in nature, emerge?

Keeping oneself occupied with relentless research to answer these questions results in a clear
awareness that everything in the universe, its order, each living being, and structure is a
component of a plan, a product of design.

Every detail, the excellent structure of an insect's wing, the system enabling a tree to carry tons of
water to its topmost branches, the order of planets, and the ratio of gases in the atmosphere, are
all unique examples of perfection.

In every detail of the infinitely varied world, man finds his Creator. God, the owner of everything
in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation.
Everything surrounding us, the birds in flight, our beating hearts, the birth of a child or the
existence of the sun in the sky, manifest the power of God and His creation. And what man must
do is to understand this fact.

These purposes owe their existence to the fact that everything has been created. An intelligent
person notices that plan, design, and wisdom exist in every detail of the infinitely varied world.
This draws him to recognition of the Creator.
The existence of God is OBVIOUS. Ignoring it would only be the beginning of the greatest damage
we could ever do to ourselves. That is simply because God is in no need of anything. He is the
One Who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways. God is the owner of everything, from
the heavens to the earth.

* Please Watch this Video ( 6:17mins)*

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣6⃣*
*❓Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?*
✅The word God has different meanings with different understandings depending on the
language, faith, philosophy, and the culture we represent. For some, anyone who helps them in
need is their God, and for some, their parents are their gods, for some; popular and successful
human beings become their God, for others money is their God, and for some the natural
elements are gods, and for some anything and everything is God.

It is indeed very easy to understand the correct meaning of God. For example, if you are asked,
who is a mother? Your obvious answer will be: One who gives birth to a child. We may address
Mother Teresa as 'mother'. However, it does not give Mother Theresa the same status as our real
mother. We do not have the choice to choose someone to be our mother; our mother is the one
who gave birth to us.

Similarly, God is the One who created us and this whole universe. We may call anyone, or anything
as God, but nothing can be our “true God” except the One who created us and the entire universe.
We do not have the choice to choose someone we like, to be our God. The one who created us
alone can be God. None of God’s creation, regardless of how great the creation is, can ever be
*Can there be More than One God?*
Let us say 3 people go for a job interview. There is just one vacancy for the job. Each of the three
persons worships their own God with sincerity and asks his God for the job. If we assume that
there is more than one God, then each God would want to grant the job to the person who
worshipped it. We have just one vacancy with three people expecting the job and three gods
trying to give the job to their worshipper. Will anyone ever get a job?

A trivial thing like this will trigger a fight amongst gods. There are billions of things happening in
this world and they all require the approval of God. The whole universe will be full of chaos if we
have more than one God.

*Can there be Anyone Equal to God?*

If there is anyone equal to God, then that person can also claim to be God and this would make
more than one God, which is impossible and irrational as we have seen above.

*What are the Characteristics of God?*

Some of the characteristics of God are:
1. God is only one
2. God is not in need of anything or God is free of wants
3. God does not have parents, wife, or children
4. There is none equal to God in all His attributes like power, knowledge, wisdom, forgiveness, etc.
5. God does not get tired
6. God does not forget
7. God does not make mistake
8. God loves all humans and does not differentiate on the basis of caste, color, race or descent

We learn the attributes of God from the Qur'an: “God! There is no God but Him, the Living, the
Self-Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Everything in the heavens and the earth
belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before
them and what is behind them, but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills.
His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not tire Him.
He is the Most-High, the Magnificent” (Quran 2:255)

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣7⃣*
*❓Who Created God?*
✅People with no inner spiritual life sometimes ask: If God created everything, who created God?
The Prophet said that some people would ask this very question: "A day will certainly come when
some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: 'If God created everything, who created God?'"
(Bukhari, I'tisam, 3)

At best, the question is based on perceived "cause and effect" relationships. Everything can be
thought of as an effect and attributed to a prior cause that, in turn, is attributed to a prior cause,
and so on. However, we must remember that cause is only a hypothesis, for it has no objective
existence. All that objectively exists is a particular sequence of circumstances that is often (but not
always) repeated. If such a hypothesis is applied to existence, we cannot find a creator of the first
cause, because each creator must have had a prior creator. The end result is a never-ending chain
of creators.

The Creator must be Self-Subsistent and One, without like or equal. If any created being "causes"
anything, that capacity was created within that being, for only the Creator is Self-Existent and Self-
Subsistent. Only the Creator truly creates and determines possible causes and effects for His
creation. Therefore, we speak of God as the Sustainer, who holds and gives life to all of His
Creation. All causes begin in Him, and all effects end in Him. In truth, created things are "0"s that
will never add up to anything, unless God bestows real value or existence by placing a positive "1"
before the "0".

According to Cosmology the universe had a beginning some 14 billion years ago with a cosmic
event commonly known as the ‘Big Bang’. Along with the beginning of universe, time - the factor
we use to measure beginning and end, also came into existence. All things created in this world
are dependent on time; they all have a birth (beginning) and death (end).

The Creator who created the universe was present even before time came into existence and is
hence Independent of it. Hence the Creator can neither have a beginning nor an end and has
always existed. Think about the post you are reading right now. If this post had always existed, it
wouldn’t need a Creator or an author.
Now, imagine a soldier who has found his target, but needs the permission of a higher official to
fire. The official tells the soldier that he is dependent on another higher official and needs to get
his permission to open the fire. The higher-higher official then tells that he needs the permission
of another higher-higher-higher official, as he is dependent on him.

If this chain of ‘dependency’ goes on forever, will the soldier ever get to shoot the target? The
obvious answer is ‘no’. The only way the soldier can shoot is if and only if there is someone along
the chain who is independent of all others and can take a decision on his own without consulting
anyone or needing others’ help.

When we apply this principle to the universe, we can safely conclude that the very existence of
the universe points to the Existence of an Entity which is not dependent on anyone else and takes
Independent Decisions. This Independent Entity is referred to as the ‘Creator’ or ‘God’.

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣8⃣*
*❓Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?*
✅Science is defined as “the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation,
and theoretical explanation of phenomena”. Science is a method that mankind can use to gain a
greater understanding of the natural universe. It is a search for knowledge through observation.
Advances in science demonstrate the reach of human logic and imagination. However, a Muslim’s
belief in science should never be like our belief in God. A Muslim can have faith in God and respect
for science, as long as we remember which is perfect and which is not.

Our belief in God is a belief of faith. Our faith in God should be absolute, since when we put our
faith in God, we depend on a perfect, omnipotent, omniscient Creator. Our belief in science should
be intellectual and nothing more. We can count on science to do many great things, but we can
also count on science to make mistakes. If we put faith in science, we depend on imperfect, sinful,
limited, mortal men. Science throughout history has been wrong about many things, such as the
shape of the earth, powered flight, vaccines, blood transfusions, and even reproduction. God is
never wrong.

Truth is nothing to fear, so there is no reason for a Muslim to fear good science. Learning more
about the way God constructed our universe helps all of mankind appreciate the wonder of
creation. Expanding our knowledge helps us to combat disease, ignorance, and misunderstanding.

However, there is danger when scientists hold their faith in human logic above faith in our Creator.
These persons are no different from anyone devoted to a religion; they have chosen faith in man
and will find facts to defend that faith.

Still, the most rational scientists, even those who refuse to believe in God, admit to a lack of
completeness in our understanding of the universe. They will admit that neither God nor the Holy
Quran can be proved or disproved by science, just as many of their favorite theories ultimately
cannot be proved or disproved. Science is meant to be a truly neutral discipline, seeking only the
truth, not furtherance of an agenda.

Much of science supports the existence and work of God. Allah says in Holy Qur’an 2:164: "Behold!
In the creation of the heavens and the earth, In the disparity of night and day, In the ship which
runs upon the sea for the profit of mankind, In the water which God sent down from the sky
thereby reviving the earth after its death, In the beasts of all kinds He scatters therein, In the
change of the winds and the subjected clouds between the sky and earth, Here are Signs for
people who are wise"

As modern science discovers more about the universe, we find more evidence of creation. The
amazing complexity and replication of DNA, the intricate and interlocking laws of physics, and the
absolute harmony of conditions and chemistry here on earth all serve to support the message of
the Holy Quran. A Muslim should embrace science that seeks the truth but reject the “priests of
science” who put human knowledge above God.

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*🌹Understand Islam 0⃣9⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of God in Islam?*
✅Unique among the religions of the world, the concept of God in Islam is completely based
upon Divine Revelation. Not only is the concept of God in Islam characterized by purity and clarity,
but it is also not marred by myths, superstitions, or man-made philosophical ideas.

In the pure and straightforward teachings of Islam, Almighty God has clearly revealed His unique
nature and qualities to man in the way which He wants them to be understood.

While other religions have either mixed man-made doctrines with divine revelation, or ignored
the divine revelation almost completely, Islam's concept of God is based totally on what God has
said about Himself. Islam's concept of God can be called pure and straightforward because there
is a clear distinction made between the Creator and the created. As such, there is no ambiguity in
divinity - it is made clear that there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped except for
Almighty God.

A Muslim believes in ONE GOD, Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and Mighty, Merciful and
Compassionate, Creator and Provider. God has neither father nor mother, neither sons nor was
He fathered. No one equal to Him. He is God of all mankind, not of a special tribe or race.

In Islam, calling someone other than Almighty God "Lord" or "Savior" is completely prohibited
because such terms compromise God's uniqueness and because all of our trust should be put in
Almighty God - who is the Most Merciful and the Controller of all affairs. The only Creator -
Almighty God - is Unique, Eternal and Transcendent above His Creation. Everything else besides
Almighty God - meaning anything that you can see or even imagine - is part of God's creation,
and thus not worthy of worship.

Almighty God, as He has described Himself in the Qur'an, is Absolutely One and "the Most Merciful
of those who show mercy". Even though God is transcendent above His creation, due to His infinite
Mercy He is constantly involved with the affairs of His creatures. Even though God is infinite,
unique, and incomprehensible, in the Holy Qur'an He has revealed Himself in a way suitable to
the finite and limited human mind. By reaching out to man and sending revelations through all of
His prophets, God has allowed Himself to be known through His unique and most-beautiful

Because the concept of God in Islam was sent by God specifically for mankind, it appeals to the
innate nature of the human being. Due to this fact, Islam does not ask man to accept irrational,
ludicrous or man-made doctrines about God.

The Islamic concept of God strikes a unique balance between various religions because it avoids
reducing God to just being some remote and impersonal "First Cause" or "Higher Power", while
on the other hand it also teaches that a direct and personal relationship with God can be
maintained without believing God to be like His creation or incarnate in it.

God is the Loving and the Provider, the Generous, and the Benevolent, the Rich and the
Independent, the Forgiving and the Clement, the Patient and the Appreciative, the Unique and
the Protector, the Judge and the Peace. God's attributes are mentioned in the Quran.

God creates in humanity the mind to understand, the soul and conscience to be good and
righteous, the feelings and sentiments to be kind and humane. If we try to count His favors upon
us, we cannot, because they are countless. In return for all the great favors and mercy, God does
not need anything from us, because He is Needless and Independent. God asks us to know Him,
to love Him and to enforce His law for our benefit and our own good.

* Please Watch this Video ( 2:54mins)*

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣*
*❓Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?*
✅Islam considers freedom to be a natural right of the human being. Life becomes devoid of
worth when freedom is not present. When a person loses his freedom, his inner self dies, even
though on the outside, he continues to live, eating, drinking, working, and going through the
other motions of life.

Islam elevates freedom to such a level that it has made free thought the proper way of recognizing
God’s existence. God says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from
Error…” (Qur’an 2:256)
*Freedom of Belief:*
The individual has a right to choose the religion that he or she is convinced is true without being
compelled by anyone. Compulsion negates free will, so a person who is compelled is not truly
convinced. If we consider God’s words (There is no compulsion in religion), we find that Islam has
completely rejected the use of force in matters of belief. Rather, Islam asserts that thoughts and
beliefs must develop from complete freedom.

When a person accepts a religion, creed, or idea under compulsion or threat, then such an
acceptance is false, worthless, and rejected. It is not in that person’s heart because there is no true
conviction behind it. For this reason, God says: “If your Lord had willed, then everyone on Earth
would have believed. Would you compel the people in order to make them believers?” (Qur’an
10:99). “So, remind them (O Muhammad), you are only one who reminds. You are not a dictator
over them” (Qur’an 88:21-22).

These verses, and others like them, reject the use of compulsion in matters of belief and assert
the individual’s right to choose what to believe and what religion to embrace.

It follows from freedom of belief that there must be dialogue and discussion about religious
matters. There must be an exchange of ideas and the opportunity to clarify matters that are
ambiguous or poorly understood.

The angel Gabriel came to the Prophet and asked him about Islam, faith, piety, and the signs of
the Hour. This is a clear proof for Islam’s insistence upon free discussion in religious matters, both
between the Muslims themselves as well as between Muslims and the adherents of other faiths.

The condition for such discussions is the sincere desire to arrive at the truth and to accept the
truth when it becomes clear. The purpose of discussion must not be to present false and confusing
arguments or to spread doubts. Such discussions are forbidden, because they do not help people
to arrive at the truth with certainty and conviction.

It also follows from freedom of belief that there must be freedom of religious practice. A person
must be allowed to carry out his or her religious duties without being rebuked, belittled, or
threatened. The position that Islam has given to Non-Muslims living in the Islamic State is one of
the glorious facts of Islamic history and a sign of Islam’s greatness and magnanimity. When the
Prophet arrived in Madinah, he gave the Jewish people a treaty of peace.

It afforded them the right to believe and worship according to their own religion and in their own
places of worship. The Rightly Guided Caliphs who succeeded him followed the same practice.

Michaud, a European write in his book, ‘The History of the Crusades’: “Islam, that commands jihad,
is magnanimous to the followers of other faiths. It exempted the patriarchs, monks, and their
servants from taxation and prohibited the killing of monks specifically, because of their devoting
their lives to worship. Umar bin Al-Khattab did not harm the Christians in any way when he opened
up Jerusalem. The Crusaders, on the other hand, slaughtered the Muslims and burnt down their
homes when they entered that city”

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?*
✅According to the teachings of Islam, everything that a human being does with the pure
intention of pleasing God is an act of worship. Due to this, Islam has an all-encompassing concept
of worship unlike any other religion.

Almighty God has revealed in the Holy Qur'an that His purpose for creating human beings was to
worship Him and Him alone. Like other religions, Islam has required acts of worship, however
worship in Islam is not limited to rituals.

Since Islam is an all-encompassing religion with guidance for all aspects of life, almost every action
in a Muslim's life becomes an act of worship if it is done to build a better relationship with God.

Since man's purpose in life is to worship and submit to God, worship in Islam has been defined
by God Himself in an all-encompassing way. This uniqueness can also be seen in the fact that
most other religions only require formal worship once per week, while Islam requires it five times
a day.

Even more importantly, all rites of formal worship in Islam are based on Divine revelation, while
the modes of worship in other religions are a mixture of Divine revelation, man-made traditions,
opinions of clergymen and religious councils.
Additionally, in Islam acts of worship such as prayer and fasting have been described by God and
His Prophet in such detail that it gives human beings a feeling of assurance that the way they are
worshipping God is pleasing to Him.

*Direct Relationship with God:*

In other religions, even the ones which claim belief in "One God", people often approach God
through an intermediary, such as a saint, an angel, the Virgin Mary, or Jesus. However, it is only in
Islam that a person is required only to pray to God.

Some people also nullify a truly proper and direct relationship with Almighty God by mistakenly
believing that they have a special relationship with Him simply because they are members of a
certain ethnic group, tribe or "chosen people".

Additionally, in Islam there are no priests or clergy. Each worshipper, man, or woman has a direct
relationship with their Merciful Creator, Almighty God.

Since God is the Owner and Sustainer of everything, as well as the only one who can provide true
and complete forgiveness, it is completely futile to try to approach Him through anyone else.

According to the teachings of Islam, praying to or worshipping anything or anyone besides

Almighty God is the greatest sin a person can commit. Even though other religions believe in God,
they nullify this belief by making the grave mistake of not always approaching Him directly.

Some religions even go so far as to say that human beings, due to their sinfulness, cannot
approach God without an intermediary, which mistakenly implies that God is unable or unwilling
to forgive human beings directly. Islam teaches that Almighty God has the power to do all things
and that no one should ever despair of His mercy.

According to the teachings of Islam, God is always ready to bestow His abundant Grace and Mercy
on anyone who turns to Him in repentance. Even people who used to commit the worst sin of
worshipping others besides God will be forgiven if they realize what they are doing is wrong and

Having a direct relationship with God, and understanding that He alone deserves worship and
praise, goes hand-in-hand with the Islamic concept of God. This is because once a proper concept
of God is established in the heart and mind, submission to God and complete reliance on Him
alone comes naturally.
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣*
*❓What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?*
✅The following are the six articles of faith in Islam:

*Allah, the One and Only God:*

A Muslim believes in ONE GOD, Supreme and Eternal, Infinite and Mighty, Merciful and
Compassionate, Creator and Provider. God has neither father nor mother, neither sons nor was
He fathered. No one equal to Him. He is God of all mankind, not of a special tribe or race.

If we try to count His favors upon us, we cannot, because they are countless. In return for all the
great favors and mercy, God does not need anything from us, because He is Needless and
Independent. God asks us to know Him, to love Him and to enforce His law for our benefit and
our own good.

*Messengers and Prophets of God:*

A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and Prophets of God without any discrimination. All
messengers were mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations and appointed by God
to teach mankind. The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers and prophets and states
that there are others. These include Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
Their message might look different, but the core message is similar.

*Revelations and the Quran:*

A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations of God, as they were complete and in their
original versions. Allah, the Creator, has not left man without guidance for the conduct of his life.
Revelations were given to guide the people to the right path of Allah and sent down to selected
people, the prophets, and messengers, to convey it to their fellow men.

The message of all the prophet and messengers is the same. They all asked the people of their
time to obey and worship Allah and none other. The Quran is the sacred book of the Muslims. It
is the last book of guidance from Allah, sent down to Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬through the angel Jibreel
(Gabriel). Every word of it is the word of Allah.

*The Angels:*
There are purely spiritual and splendid beings created by Allah. They require no food or drink or
sleep. They have neither physical desires nor material needs. Angels spend their time in the service
of Allah. Each is charged with a certain duty. Angels cannot be seen by the naked eyes. Knowledge
and the truth are not entirely confined to sensory knowledge or sensory perception alone. Angels
have been created from 'Noor' which means light. We do not know the exact number of angels
from the holy Quran or authentic hadiths.

*The Day of Judgment:*

A Muslim believes in the Day of the Judgment. This world as we know it will come to an end, and
the dead will rise to stand for their final and fair trial. On that day, all men and women from Adam
to the last person will be resurrected from the state of death for judgment. Everything we do, say,
make, intends and thinks are accounted for and kept in accurate records. They are brought up on
the Day of Judgment.

People with good records will be generously rewarded and warmly welcomed to Allah's Heaven.
People with bad records will be fairly punished and cast into Hell.

*Devine Decree & Predestination:*

A Muslim believes that nothing happens without the knowledge and permission of Allah. While
we may not understand why certain things happens, it is part of the divine plan for our lives.
Qadaa and Qadar mean the Timeless Knowledge of Allah and His power to plan and execute His
plans. Allah is not indifferent to this world nor is He neutral to it.

Allah is Wise, Just, and Loving, and whatever He does must have a good motive, although we may
fail sometimes to understand it fully. Man should think, plan, and make sound choices, but if
things do not happen the way he wants, he should not lose faith and surrender himself to mental

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣*
*❓What is the Significance of Religion?*
✅The Arabic word ‘Deen’ which is translated as ‘Religion’ is used for several meanings like Belief
in Almighty God, Obedience, Judgment, etc. All these meanings are related to the belief in Creator
& Life after death.

The idea behind the word ‘Deen’ is that man must have a pattern of life based upon some spiritual
ideals or ideas which we call ‘belief’.

It appears that the word ‘Deen’ is more comprehensive than the English word ‘Religion’ which
puts emphasis on only ‘Human recognition of super-human controlling power and especially of a
personal god or gods entitled to obedience and worship’.

*Need of Religion for Mankind:*

We know that man is a social animal. Every man depends on millions of people for his life and its
necessities. Also, we know that every society needs some laws to prevent injustice and preserve
the rights of every member of the society. But who is the right authority to make the Law? One
man (be he a monarch or a dictator)? No! Because he, instinctively, will look first on his own
interest. A group of people (be it an aristocracy or democracy)? No! Because every one of them is
capable of wrong judgment; and a lot of wrong decisions do not add up to a right decision.

Also, it is apparent that no group of people disengage itself from self-interest. For example, in
colonial days the assemblies and councils of colonies were enacting laws to suit the interest of the
White rulers. Now, the same institutions (but with different members) are making laws keeping in
view the interest of the local population. Self-interest was, and still is, the key word of legislation
in the whole world.
Moreover, no man or group of men is in a position to make a comprehensive law based on perfect
equity and justice.

So, it is necessary that the laws should be made by someone who is superior to man, who has
nothing to lose or gain by that law and with whom every man has equal relation; and that one is
"Allah". Hence, we need the religion.

Moreover, all the man-made laws and customs have a very serious defect: they cannot stop crime.
This defect makes their existence somewhat superfluous. A thief enters an unoccupied house, in
a remote village at dead of night. He knows perfectly well that there is no representative of the
government & hence he feels safe from being detected. Is there any law of government which
can stop him from committing the crime? The answer is, "no". No government can stop the said
person from stealing, but Religion can.

Religion, true Religion as explained above, teaches that there is a God, who knows everything and
sees everything; who is just and virtuous Himself, and wants us to be just and virtuous; that we
are responsible for our deeds in His eyes, and we must give account of our deeds to Him after our
death. If a person believes in it, then (and only then) he can restrain himself from committing sins
and crimes and inflicting injustice upon other people.

Laws of government can control the external affairs of a man and even that only at a time and
place where its hands can reach. But the belief in God and religion controls not only the external
acts but hidden desires and inner thoughts as well.

This control is not confined to any particular place or any limited time, because God is omnipresent
and omniscient.

In summary, if someone rejects religion, he naturally will be overcome by the desire to enjoy this
life as much as possible without any regard to anything else. His only consideration will be to
avoid being caught red-handed or detected by the government law. And whenever he will feel
safe, he will not stop at any crime to fulfill his desire, how much heinous that desire may appear
to others.

* Please Watch this Video ( 5:20mins)*

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣*
*❓Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?*
✅Morality can be based only on religion, but morality and religion are not one. Morality as a
principle does not exists without religion even though morality as a practice, as a particular case
of behavior, is not dependent directly on religiousness.

Atheism, after all, ends up as a negation of morality, and every true moral transformation starts
with a religious renewal. Morality is a religion transformed into rules of behavior - that is, into
man's attitude toward other man in accordance with the fact of God's existence. To have to fulfill
our duties regardless of the difficulties and risks we face (this being moral behavior as
distinguished from behavior motivated by interest), such a demand can be justified only if this
world and this life are not the only world and the only life. This is the common starting point of
morality and religion.

The history of religion is full of seemingly meaningless prohibitions. However, from the point of
view of ethics, there are no meaningless prohibitions. Of course, a prohibition can have a rational
meaning too, but utility is never its primary aim.

Morality is not "life in harmony with nature" as the Stoics defined it. It is rather life against nature,
provided that the word "nature" is understood in its true sense. Like man, morality is also irrational,
non-natural, supernatural. Natural man and natural morality do not exist. Man within the limits of
nature is not man; he is, at best, an animal endowed with reason. Morality within the limits of
nature is not morality but rather a form of selfishness, a form of wise and enlightened selfishness.
Therefore, it is possible to imagine a truly religious but immoral man and vice versa. Religion is
one kind of knowledge, and morality is a life lived in accordance with that knowledge. There
remains, however, a certain discrepancy between knowledge and practice. Religion is the answer
to the question of how to think and believe, while morals are the answer to the question of how
to desire and aim or how to live and behave. The tidings of the other world also imply a demand
to live in accordance with this wide and infinite vision, although the demand itself is not identical
with the vision.

"Believe and do good deeds" - this sentence, which is repeated in the Qur'an more than fifty times,
points out the necessity of uniting something that people tend to separate. It expresses the
difference between religion ("believe") and morality ("do good") as well as the imperative that
they should go together. The Qur'an uncovers a reverse relation and shows how religion can find
a strong incentive in morality. It is not: "Believe and you will be a good man," but the reverse: "Be
a good man and you will believe."

Humans by themselves cannot determine what is good and bad for each other for all the time.

Man-made laws are often defined by a person's personal motives, emotions, limited intellect,
beliefs, and prejudices. Thus, they are designed with these built-in flaws. This is why human law
has so many loopholes and deficiencies. It is always requiring change, modification and re-
modification, time after time!

So, when Allah (The Most High) revealed the Qur'an and the example of the Prophet (SAW), all
the details about good and bad, or right and wrong, were not left for the limited nature of mankind
to define for themselves. Allah says: “And We have sent down to you the Book (Qur'an) as an
Explanation of Everything and a Guidance, a Mercy and glad tidings for those who have
surrendered (to Allah as Muslims)" (Quran 16:89)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣*
*❓Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?*
✅Each person is born in a circumstance which is not of his own choosing. The religion of his
family or the ideology of the state is thrust upon him from the very beginning of his existence in
this world. By the time he reaches his teens, he is usually fully brain-washed into believing that
the beliefs of his particular society are the correct beliefs that everyone should have.

However, when some people mature and are exposed to other belief-systems, they begin to
question the validity of their own beliefs. The seekers of truth often reach a point of confusion
upon realizing that each and every religion, sect, ideology and philosophy claims to be the one
and only correct way for man.

Indeed, they all encourage people to do good. So, which one is right? They cannot all be right,
since each claims all others are wrong. Then how does the seeker of truth choose the right way?

God gave us all minds and intellects to enable us to make this crucial decision. It is the most
important decision in the life of a human being. Upon it depends his future. Consequently, each
and every one of us must examine dispassionately the evidence presented and choose what
appears to be right until further evidence arises.

Like every other religion or philosophy, Islam also claims to be the one and only true way to God.
In this respect it is no different from other systems. This series intends to provide some evidence
for the validity of that claim. However, it must always be kept in mind that one can only determine
the true path by putting aside emotions and prejudices, which often blind us to reality. Then, and
only then, will we be able to use our God-given intelligence and make a rational and correct

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow.
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation. Creation-worship
is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man was created to worship Allah alone as Allah has explicitly stated in the Qur'an: "I have only
created Jinns and Men, that they may worship me" (Qur'an 51:56)
Consequently, the worship of creation, which is the essence of idolatry, is the only unforgivable
sin. One who dies in this state of idolatry has sealed his fate in the next life. This is not an opinion,
but a revealed fact stated by Allah in his final revelation to man:

"Verily Allah will not forgive the joining of partners with Him, but He may forgive (sins) less than
that for whom so ever He wishes" (Quran 4:48 and 116)

Islam doesn't view other religions as being either completely true or completely false but believes
that all true religions were at one time divinely revealed. However, over time the teachings of the
various religions, due to a variety of reasons, have become distorted and mixed with made-man

There are several arguments which may be advanced to support Islam’s claim to be the true
religion of God. The following are only three of the most obvious:

1. The first argument is based on the divine origin of the names of the religion and the
comprehensiveness of its meaning.
2. The second deals with the unique and uncomplicated teachings concerning the relationship
between God, man, and creation.
3. The third argument derives from the fact that Islam is universally attainable by all men at all

These are the three basic components of what logic and reason dictate necessary for a religion to
be considered the true religion of God. The upcoming posts will explain these concepts in detail.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣*
*❓How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?*
✅There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all of which
claim to be the right way or the only true path to Allah. How can one determine which one is
correct or if, in fact, all are correct?

The methods by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the
teachings of the various claimants to the ultimate truth, and identify the central object of worship
to which they call, directly or indirectly. False religions all have in common one basic concept with
regards to Allah (Almighty God). They either claim that all men are gods or that specific men were
Allah or that nature is Allah or that Allah is a figment of man's imagination.

Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that Allah may be worshipped in
the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of creation by calling the
creation or some aspect of it God. For example, prophet Jesus invited his followers to worship
Allah but those who claim to be his followers today call people to worship Jesus, claiming that he
was Allah! This is described in Qur'an 5:116.

Nor did he worship himself when he worshipped but rather, he worshipped Allah.

Buddha was a reformer who introduced a number of humanistic principles to the religion of India.
He did not claim to be God nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object of worship.
Yet, today most Buddhists who are to be found outside of India have taken him to be God and
prostrate to idols made in their perception of his likeness.

By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very obvious
and the contrived nature of their origin clear. As God said in the Qur'an:

“That which you worship besides Him are only names you and your forefathers have invented for
which Allah has sent down no authority; The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded
that you only worship Him; that is the right religion, but most men do not understand" (Quran

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow.
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation. Creation-worship
is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man was created to worship Allah alone as Allah has explicitly stated in the Qur'an: "I have only
created Jinns and Men, that they may worship me" (Qur'an 51:56)

Consequently, the worship of creation, which is the essence of idolatry, is the only unforgivable
sin. "Verily Allah will not forgive the joining of partners with Him, but He may forgive (sins) less
than that for whom so ever He wishes" (Qur'an 4:48 & 116)

*The Message of Islam:*

Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the essence of worship, the basic
message of Allah's divine religion, Islam is the worship of Allah alone and the avoidance of worship
directed to any person, place or thing other than Allah.

Since everything other than Allah, the Creator of all things, is Allah's creation; it may be said that
Islam, in essence calls man away from the worship of creation and invites him to worship only its
Creator. He is the only one deserving man's worship as it is only by His will that prayers are

It is worth noting that the basic message of Islam is that Allah and His creation are distinctly
different entities. Neither is Allah His creation or a part of it, nor is His creation Him or a part of

In the Qur'an Allah clearly states: "For We assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet, (with
the command) worship me and avoid false gods" (Qur'an 16:36)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣*
*❓What are the Unique Features of Islam?*
✅During the initial days, most of the religions were based on pure divine revelation and Oneness
of God and taught the people to worship only the Creator. Unfortunately, they all are corrupted
today in this fundamental concept itself; ‘Islam’ is the only exception to it.

*Uniqueness of the Name:*

The word "Islam" means "complete submission to the will of Almighty God". Other religions are
named after their founders, such as Christianity and Buddhism; after a tribe or ethnic group, such
as Judaism; or after a specific geographical region, such as Hinduism. Islam, however, is unique
because its name represents its outlook on life and reflects its universal nature.

*Universality & Continuity of Message:*

The command to worship none other than Almighty God and to submit to His will has been
revealed by God to all of His prophets throughout mankind's long history. And Prophet
Muhammad is the final prophet of Islam; not the first. Submission to the will of God, and
worshipping Him alone without intermediaries, has always been the only religion acceptable to
Almighty God.

*Straightforward Concept of God:*

While other religions have either mixed man-made doctrines with divine revelation, or ignored
the divine revelation almost completely, Islam's concept of God is based totally on what God has
said about Himself. Islam's concept of God can be called pure and straightforward and there is no
ambiguity in divinity - it is made clear that there is nothing divine or worthy of being worshipped
except for Almighty God.

*Direct Relationship with God:*

In other religions, even the ones which claim belief in "One God", people often approach God
through an intermediary, such as a saint, an angel, the Virgin Mary, or Jesus. In Islam, there are no
priests or clergy. Each worshipper, man or woman, has a direct relationship with their Merciful
Creator, Almighty God.

*Unique Concept of Worship:*

According to the teachings of Islam, everything that a human being does with the pure intention
of pleasing God is an act of worship. Even more importantly, all rites of formal worship in Islam
are based on Divine revelation, while the modes of worship in other religions are a mixture of
Divine revelation, man-made traditions, opinions of clergymen and religious councils.
*Authentic Sources:*
The preservation of the scripture of Islam (Holy Qur'an) is unique among world religions. No other
religion has a scripture which is both as old and as well-preserved as the one possessed by
Muslims today.

*Eternal Message:*
The Pure Monotheism of Islam, as well as its universal brotherhood, strong morals, and positive
outlook on life, is still very relevant and meaningful to modern man. Since the teachings of Islam
are both spiritually true and eternally practical, Islam has not had to sacrifice its integrity in order
to be both applicable to "modern life" and to have enough spiritual impact to change people's

*Complete Way of Life:*

Islam not just a "religion" in the traditional sense, because it is not just confined to acts of worship,
morality, and other aspects of personal piety. The Prophet Muhammad's mission encompassed
not only spiritual and religious teachings, but also included guidance for such things as social
reform, economics, politics, warfare, and family life.

*Moderated & Balanced:*

Even though Islam is an all-encompassing way of life, it preaches moderation and rejects
extremism. Islam neither preach complete rejection of all worldly pleasures; nor teach that earthly
life is just for pleasure and enjoyment. By maintaining a unique balance between the physical and
spiritual, and between the individual and society, Islam maintains a balance in all directions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣*
*❓Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as ‘Allah’?*
✅The Arabic word 'Allah' is the shortened form of 'al-ilah', 'The God, the one and only God, the
first, the last, the eternal, the hidden, the manifest, the ultimate reality'. Even non-Muslim Arabs
use the term 'Allah' when they speak of God. The basic creed of Islam is this simple formula: 'There
is no God but Allah' ('La ilaha illallah')

The Arabic term 'Allah' denoting God is unique in many ways. It has no plural like 'gods'; it has no
gender like 'godess'; nor does this word generate a visual image of any kind. "Allah", He is God,
the One true God, He is the one who deserves all worship and there is nothing comparable to
him. Nevertheless, ninety-nine different attributes of Allah are named in the Holy Qur'an.

*Is Allah a Muslim God?*

As many thinks, Allah is not a Muslim God. Allah is the Arabic name for God Almighty who created
everything, including you and me. Even the Arab speaking Jews and Christians use the word
“Allah” to refer to God.

Water (English), Paani (Hindi), Neeru (Kannada) and Moya (Arabic) all denote the same entity. A
glass of water is not going to differ just because of the language that is used to denote it. God
(English), Ishwar (Hindi), Devaru (Kannada) and Allah (Arabic) all denote the same Creator who
created this universe including you and me.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣*
*❓Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?*
✅Water is called by different names in different languages: in English as water, in Hindi as paani,
in Malayalam as vellam. Similarly, if God is called either Allah, Ram, or Jesus, is it not one and the

In Arabic, the word "Allah" is used to refer to the God, the Creator. Islam strictly specifies that only
the Creator must be regarded and called as God and be worshiped.

Rama, Jesus Christ, and Muhammad were the creations of God and human beings on earth. They
all were having many constraints and limitations like the ordinary human beings. It is ridiculous to
compare the Almighty Lord, the Creator with any such people lived on the earth.

So, it is not acceptable to use their names to refer to the God or to be considered them as God.
Thus, the names of Ram, Christ, Muhammed, etc. cannot be considered instead of 'Allah'.

*Some More Points:*

1. The Glorious Qur’an says: “Say: ‘Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call
upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names’” (Qur’an 17:110)

You can call God/Allah by any name, but it should be a beautiful name, should not conjure up a
mental picture, and should have qualities that only Allah possesses.

2. You can call water by various names in different languages, like water in English, paani in Hindi,
tanni in Tamil, mai in Arabic, apah in Sanskrit, pandi in Marathi, neer in Kannad, neeru in Telugu,
vellam in Malayalam, etc.

But can anybody call urine in any language to denote water? No! Thus, you can call water by
different names having the same meaning, but you cannot call other things as water or paani.

People may think that the example is not realistic, and we agree with them because even an
ignorant person knows the difference between water and urine. He will have to be a fool to call
urine ‘water’. Similarly, when any person who knows the correct concept of God, sees people
worshipping false gods, he naturally wonders how a person cannot differentiate between a true
God and false gods.
3. The touchstone of theology in Islam, that is study of God, is Surah Ikhlas Chapter 112 of the
Holy Qur’an which says: “Say, ‘He is Allah, The One and Only; Allah, The Eternal, Absolute; He
begetteth not nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto Him’” (Qur’an 112:1-4)

Any candidate who claims to be God and fits in this four-line definition, can be entitled to be
called God and worshipped as God. But you cannot find anything in this world, living or non-
living, who has these basic attributes of God except our Creator, the Almighty.

Though all the Muslims love and revere the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and are supposed to follow each and
every of his commandments, yet you will not find a single Muslim in the whole world, who in his
senses will ever say that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is God.

The Islamic Creed is, “La illaha illallah Muhammadu Rasoolullah”, which means that there is no
god but Allah, and Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is the messenger of Allah. This is repeated five times a day
during the call for prayer, so that the Muslims are reminded daily that although they respect and
obey him, he is only a Messenger and servant of God, and not God Himself.

By the way, the names like Hiranya Garbha, Paramatma, Prajapati, etc. used in Hindu scriptures
and similarly the names like Yahweh, Elohem used in the Bible can be considered instead of the
name ‘Allah’, since they all refer to the only Almighty God, the Creator & they all indicate the same

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣*
*❓Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?*
✅God Almighty stands in no need of man’s gratitude and prayers as God is free of all wants and
needs. It is we humans who are in need of God and His mercy. It might look like a paradox because
if God does not need people's belief, why does He care if people worship Him or not?

1. God does not approve disbelief not because "disbelief" deprives God of something. As we have
explained earlier, God created us to worship and serve Him alone. Associating partners with God
or to put anyone/anything equal to God or to reject the truth of His existence would make us go
against the very purpose of our existence and it would also be the highest form of disrespect to
our Creator.

2. Disbelief in God jeopardizes the whole life system and causes evil and corruption to manifest
in the world. When a person disbelieves in God or associates partners with God, they choose to
reject God’s sovereign authority and divine guidance. People end up following their desires and
become unaware that they are being watched by God, leading to carelessness about their
accountability to Him. This becomes the root cause for all the evils in the world.

3. Associating partners with God is the highest degree of injustice and ingratitude. If we look
around us and at ourselves we will find the blessings of God bestowed on us - our loving family,
our children, our ability to walk and see and to witness everything that has such great beauty in
His creation.

Would it not be utmost ungrateful for us to ascribe all this to anyone else other than the one who
gave us everything? How then, can we be so ungrateful to Him and associate partners with Him?
Is this not ingratitude and injustice to the Mercy which God has shown upon us? How can we
become pious men and women when we pay no regard to God's laws and Commandments and
when we make images not befitting His Majestic Personality?

*How Does One Make Equals with God in Worship, Obedience, Submission?*
A person makes equals with God by doing the following acts:

1. Praying, adoring, bowing, and worshiping the natural things like air, water, fire and things which
are man-made viz. stone carvings, statues, images, graves of saints or pious men, etc.

2. Ascribing divinity to humans by calling them God's son or wife or His descendants or claiming
that they possess qualities similar to that of God.

3. Worshiping angels (devtas) viz. Agni, Vayu, planets (grahas), who are in fact just God's creations
just like many of His other creations, who sincerely obey Him and have no free-will of their own.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣*
*❓Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?*
✅Single line answer: because Idols do not represent the True Creator of this Universe.

Generally speaking, Idols are treated as something which connects humans to their Creator,
something which itself is not God but acts like an intercessor to God. (At least this is what Idol
worshippers are made to believe).

Problem is that nobody knows exactly which shape and kind of an Idol can really act like one

Those who have seen their parents praying to an Idol of a man keeps on praying in front of that
man figure all their lives. Some pray in front of a woman figure, some in front of animal figure
depending upon their personal liking and their family traditions and beliefs.

This is how humans have lived. There have always been some people who started worshipping
self-made objects as God.

However, Our Creator has never left mankind alone in darkness. Allah says in Holy Quran that He
has sent His Messengers to every nation so that the people can be guided to right path; the path
which leads to Him.

Whenever messengers of God come to this world, they use to face some people praying to
different objects, natural (fire, tree, moon, sun, etc.) as well as handmade (Idols of elders, animals
etc.) And all those Messengers of God used to preach those people about their true Creator who
is shapeless, Omnipresent and All knowing.

Some people obeyed the messengers and left Idol/Object worship. Some were too stubborn to
let go of their traditions. This is how Idol worship is still found in this world.

Even some people in Pre-Islamic Mecca used to do Idol worship. Then came the final Messenger
of Allah to this world and spread his message. Eventually people of Mecca started praying to their
Creator without any Idols or Images.

*Coming back to the question; why Islam prohibits Idol worship?* The answer is- Because it
doesn't make sense. Let us explain the logical fallacy in praying to an Idol:

Let us say I want to worship God via the Idol of a Horse. My brother could argue why cannot he
make an Idol of a Cat as he does not like horses. So why not a Cat? Why not a flower? Or a Bronze
IPhone X shaped Idol?

In this way a person can pray to any Idol of any shape and color of his choice. There will be infinite
number of Idols acting as intercessors to God.

But the question remains! Is the hand forged Idol of animal or human powerful enough to act as
an intercessor to God? Who decides that which shape of Idol can achieve divinity and really
become worthy of connecting us to God?

How can something which a man has forged from his own hands communicate to our Creator on
his behalf? It simply cannot; logic denies that.

A bronze IPhone X shaped Idol cannot even connect a call to my neighbor; then how can it
establish a connection between me and my Creator. Same is the case with other kinds of Idols
and images.

This is the reason why Islam prohibits praying to God via any Idol, image, object etc. as intercessor.

Besides, our Creator does not need intercessors to listen to us. Allah our Creator says in Holy
Quran that He knows what a person's requirements are and that He is closer to a man than the
man's Jugular vein. (Quran 50:16)

Allah also says that He always listens to our request when we pray to Him. So, the Believers must
pray to Him only. Not to any Intercessors, Images, Idols, not to any Prophet of Allah. Not even to
Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.

*No one is worthy of worship except Allah/Ishwar/God, the Sole Creator of this Universe*
So, when the Almighty Himself is ready to answer all our requests directly, then there is no need
left to forge an Idol of our choice and pretend to pray to that object as an immediate intercessor
to God.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣*
*❓Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?*
✅We might personally know people from different faiths who are convinced that they have had
their prayers answered by the god whom they worship. Why are they being delivered from their
difficulties without Allah’s help; if Allah is only the God, the Almighty? Do other "gods" answer
prayers too?

We all have prayers and petitions before the Lord. We are asking Him to move in our life, family,
work, and spiritual situations. We pray for direction and wisdom and then anticipate an answer.

Some atheists use to argue like “all gods are fake since nobody was there to help me when I was
in a critical need”. On the other hand, some misguided believers have testimonies like “I didn’t
leave any God/Goddess unprayed, but my prayers were answered only by this particular God”;
“We were childless for years but blessed with a baby only when we performed some rituals in this
particular Temple/Church/Masjid”.

Dear friends, should we seek God examining whether our prayers are answered? In other way, if
our prayers are answered, does it mean we prayed to the real God?

Only the Almighty God can answer our prayers. But still, if we call upon someone and meet with
what we hope in prayer, we cannot say for sure that we prayed to the true God. Unfortunately,
even though people call upon somebody or something besides true God and if their need is
fulfilled, then they misbelieve that the one whom they asked are also gods.

If man prays to a tree (which can neither help nor harm him) and his prayers are answered, it was
not the tree, which answered his prayers, but Allah who allowed the circumstances prayed for to
take place. One might say, "That is obvious," however, to tree-worshippers it might not be.
Similarly, prayers to Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna, to Saint Christopher, or Saint Jude or even to
Muhammad, are not answered by them but are answered by Allah.

At the same time, though we pray to the true God, all our needs might not be fulfilled right away.
God responds to prayers in various ways. Sometimes, He will directly provide whatever we ask,
but sometimes He will not give it intending our goodness. Sometimes God will meet the needs of
people without asking. And again, sometimes He will test us with more and more difficulties and
challenges in life even though we keep on asking for the solutions.

Whatever happens in this way is part of God's trial! It is not correct to think someone is God if our
needs are fulfilled when we pray to him. It is completely irrational to seek God in this way.
Otherwise, if someone’s prayers are fulfilled by praying to them, why are the prayers of all those
who call upon them unable to succeed?

Moreover, Allah will test people (believers and disbelievers) with or without giving earthly

Allah says in Holy Qur’an: “Do they think that We enlarge them in wealth and children, We hasten
unto them with good things (in this worldly life so that they will have no share of good things in
the Hereafter)? Nay, but they perceive not” (Qur’an 23:55)

So, here God himself acknowledges the fact that God blesses those who worship other gods, by
giving them wealth and other worldly pleasures; but these are nothing, but parts of His tests upon
those disbelievers. So, even if someone’s prayers are answered when he prays to someone other
than God, it can be a test for him from our Creator.

Therefore, we should not discover God by examining whether our prayers are answered or not.
Instead, Islam says, as mentioned in the preceding parts, using our intelligence and reason, we
can realize the God Almighty through His creations & countless signs in and around us.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣*
*❓Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don’t God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?*
✅Islam teaches that the Beneficent Allah is the One who hears the worshipers of His servants
and gives them the ultimate good. Muslims submit their needs before God. They know that God
will give what is good for himself and the community. Even if the prayers were not answered from
here, they will continue to pray because they know that they will be rewarded for their prayers

First and foremost, we know that Allah tells us that He responds to the invocations of the
supplicants who call on Him: “And when My slaves ask you concerning Me, then, I am indeed near.
I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me. So, let them obey Me and
believe in Me, so that they may be led aright” (Qur’an 2:186)

Part of what Allah commands of the believers is patience and understanding that Allah is the best
of planners. Also, before we ask Allah, we must ask ourselves if we are obedient to Allah or if we
are angering Him in some way. If you anger someone and then ask something of them, what are
the chances they will grant us our request? Allah is even more deserving and befitting in this
manner, as He is our Creator and the Creator of all that exists.

While a Muslim opens his heart and submit all his needs to his Lord who loves him greatly, all the
sorrows and the difficulties of that Muslim slips away from his mind and it will strengthen his
relationship with the Lord as well. The prayers are essential in all areas of life for a believer. There
are prayers while he is having food, going to toilet, cleaning, sleeping, awakening and whatever
else in his daily life.

Allah commanded us to submit, pray and ask only to Him. Because everything is in His hands.
Even a single leaf does not fall without His permission and wish. He controls each movement of
every living being in the world at his disposal. Since prayer is a worship, it is not permissible to be
given to anything else except Almighty God. Moreover, a man comes closest to his Creator during
his supplications.

Only Allah, the Creator, has the power and authority to fulfill any need of a man and save him
from adversity and evil. Therefore, we should pray only to Allah to fulfill any of our needs and
even to save us and forbid evil. Allah says in Holy Quran: "Pray to me, "I will answer you" (Quran
One should pray with faith in God and with the hope of getting the prayer answered. Also, those
who pray, should pray with the pure heart abstaining from evil deeds and the unlawful savings.

*The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬Said that the Prayers will be Answered in 3 Different Ways:*
1. Your prayer will be fulfilled, and you will be granted with whatever you ask.

2. Allah will not grant you what you are asking because it is not good for you, and so Allah in fact
may really actually be granting you something better (i.e. preventing some harm or misfortune
that would have resulted from what you were asking) without you realizing.

For example, if you pray for more wealth, but Allah knows that you will become arrogant if you
are provided with that. So, the caring and all-knowing God will not fulfill your prayer, instead will
bless you with something higher and much better.

3. Allah may be holding off on granting you what you desire as perhaps it will be granted to you
in the Hereafter or at a later time, when you may need it much more.

In all three ways, it benefits the believers. Therefore, be patient and continue our prayers. Do not
say Allah is not granting our prayers. And remember, our prayers are also a worship to the Creator.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣*
*❓Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?*
✅There are a number of reasons why God allows hardship and adversity to befall the human.
Even the genuine believers experience hardship and adversity at some stage in their lives in
accordance to God’s wisdom and God’s plan. The reasons can be summarized as below:
*1. Test of Faith*
It is God’s decision to put the human through hardship and adversity so as to test their faith and
their resolve and trust in God.

“Do the people think that they will be left to say, “We believe,” without being put to the test?”
(Quran 29:2)

“We have tested those before them, for God must distinguish those who are truthful, and He must
expose the liars” (Quran 29:3)

“We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good
news to the steadfast” (Quran 2:155)

To pass the test, the believer must maintain his trust that God only can relieve his hardship. The
believer will maintain his prayer and call onto God: “Who is the One who rescues those who
become desperate and call upon Him, relieves adversity, and makes you inheritors of the earth?
Is it another god with God? Rarely do you take heed” (Quran 27:62)

*2. Cleansing our Soul*

Hardship and adversity are decreed by God as a cleansing of our souls from sins we have already
committed. As a result, some of the bad things that happen to us are a direct result of sins we
have committed: “Anything bad that happens to you is a consequence of your own deeds, and
He overlooks many (of your sins)” (Quran 42:30)

The concept of cleansing the human from sins in this life is a Quranic truth. It can be achieved
through the experiencing of hardship and adversity (as 42:30), and it can also be through the
charity. (Quran 9:103)

*3. Gratefulness*
Suffering through hardship and adversity is a reminder for people who tend to take things for
granted and forget all of God’s blessings. Despite all the blessings given to the human by God,
the human being is unappreciative. A little reminder in the shape of hardship or adversity may
hopefully do the job of teaching the human not to take God’s blessings for granted:

“If you count God’s blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is
transgressing, unappreciative” (Quran 14:34)

“When we bless the human being, he turns away, and drifts farther and farther away, and when
he suffers any affliction, he implores loudly” (Quran 41:51)
*4. Remembering God*
Adversity and hardship are also a very effective reminder for those who are too much absorbed
in the worldly life, and thus they may not be as devoted to God as they should be. Due to their
being too preoccupied with this worldly life they do not seek God nor call on God as they should:

“When adversity afflicts the people, they turn to their Lord, totally devoting themselves to Him.
But then, as soon as He showers them with mercy, some of them revert to idol worship” (Quran

*5. God’s Power and Authority*

Many people are either oblivious of or need to be reminded of God’s absolute authority. Hardship
and adversity are one way to remind them that no one can save them but God, and also remind
them of God’s absolute authority. They also need to be reminded that they need God in every
minute of their lives. Sadly, when God relieves the adversity, many of them return to idol worship
once again:

“O people, you are the ones who need God, while God is in no need for anyone, the Most
Praiseworthy” (Quran 35:15)

“If the human is touched by adversity, he implores us, but as soon as we bestow a blessing upon
him, he says, “I attained this because of my cleverness!” Indeed, this is only a test, but most of
them do not know” (Quran 39:49)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣*
*❓Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?*
✅Allah the Exalted states in Holy Quran: “And We will surely test you with something of fear and
hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits but give good tidings to the patient. Who, when
disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. Those
are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the
[rightly] guided” [Qur'an 2:155-157]

“[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best indeed - and He is the
Exalted in Might, the Forgiving” [Qur'an 67:2]

"Or you think that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away
before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty, ailments and were so shaken that even the
Messenger and those who had faith with him said, 'When will the Help of Allah come?' Yes! Indeed,
Allah's help is close!" [Qur'an 2:214]

A moment of hardship is an opportunity for the believers to earn higher ranks, it is an opportunity
to be patient and earn Allah’s mercy and blessing and Allah’s regard for you. The more the
suffering and your patience, the more the blessings will be.

As narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah, The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “The greater reward is with the
greater trial or the greater the trial or difficulty of test or hardship is then the greater the reward.
And when Allah loves a person, He will test them. The people as long as they are in good health,
good shape, good condition they are covered. But if a trial or difficulty or a hardship comes upon
them, then you will see their reality”

Hardship and suffering are blessings in disguise. It is a moment of test, a test that once you pass
with patience, it will grant you rewards more than you can imagine. Once overcome that period
of test will then just remain a memory of the past.

One should be joyous! That Allah is testing you! That Allah has given you an opportunity because
Allah loves you and wants the best for you.

It is your patience that will get you through because you have complete faith in Allah that He will
make it alright. There is nothing worth worrying about when your life is controlled and is in the
Hands of Allah The Almighty, The Compassionate, The Most Loving.

As recorded in Bukhari and Muslim: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: "Whoever Allah wants good for Him, He
puts them to test. He puts them through difficulties. Like a diamond or some metal that has to be
burnt and then that which is bad from it is removed so that you have that which is the pure
diamond or the pure gold or whatever. Put them to tests, trials and difficulties"
One must understand that this world is run by Allah. No one else has any control over anything.
All that happens is by the will of Allah, you have no power to steer it your way. As we are aware,
this world is a place of test. And being so all that is in it is a test. It will last for only so long and
then Allah will make it better. No hardship is without purpose, no suffering is without reward. The
world will run as Allah wills it to, there is no point in worrying about what comes as difficult. We
only need to believe and turn to Him, believe and have faith, believe and earn rewards and the
love of Allah.

So, welcome your hardships for they are blessings. Know that Allah loves you. That is why He
wishes to purify you. Allah loves you and He has given you an opportunity to come close to Him.
Allah loves you and that is why He has allowed you to earn more rewards. He loves you and that
is why He put you through tribulations to test your faith and love for Him. Allah loves you and will
never abandon you, He just wishes for you to keep your faith strong in Him and earn more

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣*
*❓What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?*
✅The Law of God, the Creator, and the Ruler of the worlds, is a powerful, all pervasive law which
governs all that comprises the universe. The Almighty God, Allah is the Creator of all things, and
nothing happens in the universe except by His will. No creation can lodge this Law and man's
position is no different. Even man's environment and physical constitution are regulated on the
basis of this divine law. The good and the bad that befall him happen on the basis of divine
Destiny. How they befall on each one is in accordance with the predetermined decision made by
the Omniscient Creator, who is aware of the ultimate good and evil of mankind. Hence, Islam
directs man to believe in Destiny, whether good or bad, which Allah has measured and ordained
for all creatures according to His previous knowledge and as deemed suitable by His wisdom.
*Fate and Destiny According to the Qur’an and Sunnah:*
It is important to understand that Allah has knowledge over all things. Almighty Allah knows what
will happen to us before we do. Allah knows the outcome of all of our decisions. Allah has stated
in His Book, the Glorious Qur’an, that everything that will happen throughout all creation was
already written.

Almighty Allah says: “No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves, but it is inscribed in the
Book of Decrees (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz) before We bring it into existence. Verily, that is easy for
Allah” (Al-Hadid 57:22)

The Prophet Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬stated: “Allah wrote down the decrees of creation fifty thousand
years before He created the heavens and the earth” (Muslim)

From these statements, we understand that Almighty Allah has written all things in a Book of
Decrees known in Arabic as Al-Lawh Al Mahfuz, and that this was done 50000 years before He
created the heavens and earth.

This does not mean that we are forced to walk upon a certain path, or that we have no freewill.
This only means that Allah is already well aware of all actions that we will take, and the outcome
of these actions.

At the same time, whatever we choose to do is governed by the Will of Allah. If Allah does not will
for something to take place, then it will not happen no matter how hard we try. And if He wills for
something to happen, it will take place no matter what we do to stop it.

Muslims must believe in destiny, or more accurately, Divine Destiny (Qadar). But we should not
believe in Fate, in the meaning that “an event (or a course of events) will inevitably happen in the
future.” Nothing is inevitable as Allah has control over all things. Allah controls the Divine Destiny.
People who accept fate or that certain thing is inevitable, are fatalists, and tend to leave things to

But a Muslim who believes in Qadar (Divine Destiny) will try to live according to the laws of Islam,
pray to Allah for guidance when making decisions, and put their best effort forward in everything
they do. Then, they leave the outcome of these actions to Allah and accept whatever He has

*In Summary, Muslim’s Belief in Qadar (Divine Destiny) is Made up of Four Things:*
1. Understanding that Allah’s Knowledge encompasses all of creation and He knows everything
that His creation will do, even before they do.

2. Believing that Allah has written all that has happened in the Book of Decrees (Al-Lawh Al-
3. Accepting that whatever Allah decrees will take place, and whatever He does not will, does not
take place.

4. Knowing that Allah creates all things, including the actions of His creation. Accepting Allah’s
Qadar (Divine Destiny) will lead us to a more satisfying and productive life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣*
*❓Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?*
✅The Almighty Allah is the Creator of all things, and nothing happens in the universe except by
His will. He knows what is to come and He decreed all of that and wrote it in a Book 50000 years
before He created the heavens and the earth, as is stated in a Sahih report from our Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He is Just and does not wrong anyone in the slightest,
because He is independent of His creation and has no need of them. He is Kind and Gracious to
them constantly, so how could He wrong them?

Man has free will and choice by means of which he does some things and refrains from others,
and he believes or disbelieves, and he obeys or disobeys, for which he will be brought to account
and rewarded or punished, although Allah knows what he will do, what he will choose and what
his ultimate destiny will be. But Allah does not compel him to do evil, or to choose kufr, rather He
clearly shows him the path and He has sent Messengers and revealed Books and shown him the
right way. Whoever goes astray does so to his own loss…
Allah says: “And say: ‘The truth is from your Lord.’ Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and
whosoever wills, let him disbelieve” [Quran 18:29]

“Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful” [Quran 76:3]

Allah tells us that man believes and does righteous deeds by his own choice and free will, then he
enters Paradise, or he disbelieves and does evil deeds by his own choice and free will, then he
enters Hell.

Every person knows in his own heart and by looking at those around him, that our deeds – good
and evil, obedient and sinful – are done by our own choice, and we do not feel that there is any
force compelling us to do them. You can curse, swear, lie, and backbite, just as you can praise
Allah, glorify Him, pray for forgiveness, speak the truth, and give sincere advice.

A man can strike with his hand, steal, speak falsehood and betray, or he can help the needy, do
good and do favors with his hands. Everyone does some of these deeds and he does not feel that
he is compelled or forced, rather he does them by his own free will and then he will be called to
account for them; if they were good, then the consequences will be good, and if they were bad
then the consequences will be bad.

What Allah has decreed is something that man cannot know, and he cannot base his deeds on it
or use it as an excuse. It is also not valid for him to object to his Lord by questioning why He has
caused someone to be among the doomed or the blessed.

Allah has not wronged the one who is doomed, rather He gave him time and ability and freedom
of choice, and He sent to him Messengers and revealed Books to them, and He reminded him and
warned him with all kinds of reminders, such as calamities and tests, so that he would repent to
Him and turn to Him. If he chose the path of misguidance, and followed the way of criminals, he
only harmed himself, and he is the one who has caused his own doom, as Allah says:

“Indeed, he succeeds who purifies his own self. And indeed, he fails who corrupts his own self”
[Quran 91:9-10]

“Allah wronged them not, but they wronged themselves” [Quran 3:117]

To sum up: the belief that Allah is the Creator Who has decreed all things and has distinguished
those who are blessed from those who are doomed, does not mean that Allah forces His slaves
to obey or disobey. Rather He has given them the ability to choose and free will, which is what
they act upon, and for which they will be brought to account. Your Lord does not wrong His slaves.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣*
*❓Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?*
✅No prophet taught that religion is to be confined within the walls of places of worship. On the
contrary, Muslims are expected to follow the instructions of Almighty Allah in the course of all
their activities in life. The word 'Muslim' means 'one who has submitted himself to the will of Allah',
and for the same reason a true Muslim cannot compromise on anything that stands in the way of
guiding his life according to divine strictures.

The view that consciousness of God is to be confined only to the place of worship is alien to Islam.
Muslims always have religion foremost in their minds whereas many others consider religion as
irrelevant in the present age.

The word Freedom is quite a nasty word actually. It is used to incite people and being used to
manipulate people. What is freedom? Different people will have different limits for it. Some may
feel that unless you bother others and does things privately its freedom. But then laws which
prevent you from using drugs etc. maybe against the freedom. For some, speaking anything they
feel like is freedom irrespective of what it means to others.

Now coming to the question why Islam is strict. First of all, Islam covers wide variety of subjects
and there are clear Do's and Don’ts. You will not find many religions in which every aspect of life
is covered with do's and don’ts. From general conduct to very intimate life of humans everything
has clear black and white concept.

Since not many grey areas are there, people find it little difficult to twist them to suit their needs.
And when these things are told, they feel as if it is against their freedom. Most things have some
logical/scientific reasoning, and some are on faith. If you observe very closely, you can easily make
out that there are things prohibited which is for the greater good of human.
Besides to be on right path, you have to do continuous struggle. It is not like you take off for few
days. So yes, practicing Islam in TRUE sense is little demanding. And only those who truly believes
strive for it.

However, in general if you see, Islam forbids extremes. Islam is the only religion which gives equal
importance to both worldly life and afterlife. Nowhere in Islam you would find that a man/woman
should abandon his/her kids/home etc. and just devote him/her to religion.

Islam asks you to make balance. Worldly life should not be ignored and whatever necessities and
basic human life is, it is to be lived in its spirit. Things like avoiding sexual, pleasurable desires
altogether is not prescribed, instead they should be in a controlled way.

So, if studied properly, Islam justifies its rules.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣*
*❓Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?*
✅Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, and He can do all things. The Qur’an has mentioned this hundreds
of times. But then the question is why does Allah allow suffering and evil in this world?

The Qur’an tells us that good, evil and whatever happens in this world happens by Allah’s Will.
Only Allah knows fully His Will. We finite beings cannot grasp fully His infinite Will and Wisdom.
He runs His universe the way He deems fit. The Qur’an tells us that Allah is Wise and everything
that Allah does is right, just, good, and fair. We must submit and surrender to His Will. The Qur’an
has not given us all the details about Allah’s Will, but it has enlightened us with the guidance that
is useful and sufficient for us. There are several points that we should keep in our mind to
understand this issue:
First, Allah did not make this world a permanent world. This is a temporary world, and everything
here has a time limit. When its times comes it will die, come to an end and finish. Neither the good
things of this world are forever, nor the bad things eternal. We are here for a short time and we
are being tested. Those who will pass this test will find an eternal world that is perfect and
permanent. Those who will fail this test shall see the evil consequences of their sins and corruption.

Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur
when one or more of these laws are broken. The physical law is based on cause and effect. For
example, sickness comes if one does not take care of his health or is exposed to infections.

The way we exceed the measures set by Allah and violate His laws of cause and effect is incredible.
It is really the mercy of Allah that we are saved. The Qur’an says:

“If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back
of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term
expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants” (Fatir:45)

But sometimes, Allah punishes people because of their violations of His laws whether they are
physical or moral. The Qur’an tells us that many nations and communities were destroyed because
of their sinful lifestyles. (Al-Hajj: 42-45)

Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Allah allows some people to suffer in order
to test their patience and steadfastness. Even Allah’s Prophets and Messengers were made to
suffer. Prophet Ayyub is mentioned in the Qur’an as a Prophet who was very patient. Good people
sometimes suffer but their sufferings heal others and bring goodness to their communities. People
learn lessons from their good examples. Martyrs die for their faith; soldiers give their lives for their
nations and this brings liberation and freedom for their people.

Allah sometimes allows some people to suffer to test others, how they react to them. When you
see a person who is sick, poor, and needy, then you are tested by Allah. Allah is there with that
suffering person to test your charity and your faith. (Muslim-4661)

In summary, the sufferings occur to teach us that we must adhere to Allah’s natural and moral
laws. It is sometimes to punish those who violate Allah’s natural or moral laws. It is to test our faith
in Allah and to test our commitment to human values and charity. Whenever we encounter
suffering, we should ask ourselves, “Could it be a punishment?”, “Could it be a test and trial for
us?” Let us work hard to pass this test.

Believers face the sufferings with prayers, repentance, and good deeds. The non-believers face
the sufferings with doubts and confusions & blame Allah or make arguments against Him.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣0⃣*
*❓Why Doesn’t God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?*
✅It is natural to feel strongly that people who do evil and injustice should be held accountable
immediately. Every person who has suffered injustice, irrespective of financial or social status,
almost certainly wants the perpetrator of injustice to be punished. Every normal person would like
the robber or the rapist, for example, to be taught a lesson.

Although we see numerous cases where Allah’s justice is served immediately in this life, we also
know that many escape punishments and seem to go on enjoying their lives. In such cases, one
may question why God (Allah) (SWT) allows this to happen. The answer to this question lies in
understanding the purpose and reality of this worldly life.

Per Islamic belief, the final justice will be meted out by Allah (SWT) the Most Wise, on the Day of
Judgment. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: “And be afraid of the Day when you shall be brought
back to Allah. Then every person shall be paid what he earned, and they shall not be dealt with
unjustly” (Quran 2:281)

After a person dies, he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment along with the rest of the
mankind. It is possible that a person receives part of his punishment in this world. However, as
promised by Allah, accounts will be finalized justly only in the Hereafter. So, God the Almighty
(Allah) may not punish a robber or a rapist in this world but He will surely hold him accountable
on the Day of Judgment. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:

“Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in
full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful.
The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)” (Quran 3:185)
Besides, we also know that mankind is sinful by nature. No one is completely clean. If Allah had
to punish everyone in this life, this world would be an empty place. He says in the Quran:

“If Allah were to punish people according to what they deserve, He would not leave on the back
of the (earth) a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: when their Term
expires, verily Allah has in His sight all His servants” (Fatir 35:45)

“And if Allah were to seize mankind for their wrong-doing, He would not leave on it (the earth) a
single moving (living) creature, but He postpones them for an appointed term and when their
term comes, neither can they delay nor can they advance it an hour (or a moment)” (Quran 16:61)

So, Allah out of His Divine wisdom may choose to punish certain evil acts in this world and in
some cases, He may give the perpetrators respite until the Day of Judgement when all accounts
will be fully settled.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣1⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View About Death*
✅What is the end to men's lives? There are two parts to men's lives: the part here on earth, and
the part in the Hereafter. The dividing line between the two is known as death, followed by the
Day of Judgement or Resurrection. As far as death is concerned, everyone must go through it, but
on Judgement Day people will be sorted out from each other into different categories.

“Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in
full. And whoever is removed away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful.
The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)” (Quran 3:185)

According to the Quran 45:26, “It is God who gives you life, then causes you to die, and then He
gathers you all to the Day of Resurrection of which there is no doubt, though most people do not
comprehend”. This passage establishes that, Muslim views of death begin with the premise that
the eternal human soul is God-given and that after physical death there is an eventual resurrection
(qiyamat) and day of judgment (yaum al din).

Death does not terminate man's life. On the other hand, Islam teaches that it is the door that
opens to an eternal life after death. The appropriate reward for one's earthly deeds, good or bad,
is disbursed only in the Hereafter. The Islamic belief is that mankind will be resurrected, on the
Day of Judgment, after every creation is destroyed. After being reborn, man will face a trial which
will be in absolute control of the Almighty.

A person's eternal fate, either paradise or hell, is determined at the final judgment, when humanity
will be sorted, and God will determine their ultimate destiny. At that time, those whose good
deeds are heavy on the scales will have a pleasant life, but the one whose good deeds are light
will have the Bottomless Pit for his home (Quran 101:6-9)

For those who believe and do righteous deeds, death is not something to be feared. Although
death seems to bring decomposition, extinguish life, and destroy pleasure, in fact it represents a
Divine discharge from the heavy duties of worldly life. It is no more than a change of residence, a
transferal of the body, an invitation to and the beginning of everlasting life. As the world is
continually enlivened through acts of creation and predetermination, so is it continually stripped
of life through other cycles of creation, determination, and wisdom.

Death releases us from the hardships of worldly life, which is a turbulent, suffocating, narrow
dungeon of space that gradually becomes harder through old age and affliction, and admits us
to the infinitely wide circle of the Eternal, Beloved One’s mercy. There, we may enjoy the
everlasting company of our beloved ones and the consolation of a happy, eternal life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣2⃣*
*❓What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?*
✅Everyone is scared of dying and rightly so. The uncertainty of what lies beyond is frightening.
It may be that of all religions, Islam, provides the most graphic details of what comes after death
and lies beyond. Islam views death to be a natural threshold to the next stage of existence.

Death does not terminate man's life. On the other hand, Islam teaches that it is the door that
opens to an eternal life after death. Islamic doctrine holds that human existence continues after
the death of the human body in the form of spiritual and physical resurrection. There is a direct
relation between conduct on earth and the life beyond. The afterlife will be one of rewards and
punishments which is commensurate with earthily conduct.

A Day will come when God will resurrect and gather the first and the last of His creation and judge
everyone justly. People will enter their final abode, Hell or Paradise. Faith in life after death urges
us to do right and to stay away from sin. In this life we sometimes see the pious suffer and the
impious enjoy. All shall be judged one day, and justice will be served.

Faith in life after death is one of the six fundamental beliefs in Islam. Rejecting it renders all other
beliefs meaningless. Think of a man who does not believe in the Day of Judgment. Would he
consider belief in God and a life driven by his belief in God to be of any consequence? To him,
neither obedience to God is of use, nor is disobedience of any harm. How, then, can he live a God-
conscious life?

What incentive would he have to suffer the trials of life with patience and avoid overindulgence
in worldly pleasures? And if a man does not follow the way of God, then what use is his belief in
God, if he has any? The acceptance or rejection of life after death is perhaps the greatest factor in
determining the course of an individual’s life.

Resurrection will be preceded by the end of the world. God will command a magnificent angel to
blow the Horn. At its first blowing, all the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth will fall
unconscious, except those spared by God.

The Horn will blow again upon which people will be resurrected into their original physical bodies
from their graves, thereby entering the third and final phase of life.

God will gather all humans, believers and the impious, Jinns, demons, even wild animals. It will be
a universal gathering. The balances will be set, and the deeds of men will be weighed. Disclosure
of the Records of the deeds performed in this life will follow.

Then God will judge His creation. They will be reminded and informed of their good deeds and
sins. The faithful will acknowledge their failings and be forgiven. The disbelievers will have no
good deeds to declare because an unbeliever is rewarded for them in this life. The punishment of
an unbeliever may be reduced in lieu of his good deeds, except the punishment of the great sin
of disbelief.
Paradise and Hell will be the final dwelling places for the faithful and the damned after the Last
Judgment. They are real and eternal. The bliss of the people of Paradise shall never end and the
punishment of unbelievers condemned to Hell shall never cease.

Paradise is the eternal garden of physical pleasures and spiritual delights. Suffering will be absent
and bodily desires will be satisfied. All wishes will be met. Hell is an infernal place of punishment
for unbelievers.

Paradise is for those who worshipped God alone, believed and followed their prophet, and lived
moral lives according to the teachings of scriptures.

Hell will be the final dwelling place of those who denied God, worshipped other beings besides
God, rejected the call of the prophets, and lead sinful, unrepentant lives.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣3️⃣*
*❓What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?*
✅A Muslim believes in the Last Day & the Day of the Judgment. The fifth fundamental of belief
is the belief in the Last Day. The reason it is called the “Last Day” is because there is no night to
come after it, or because it comes after the world. The “Day” mentioned in this hadith is not like
the day or night we know. It denotes some time. It was not made known when Doomsday will
occur. No one could estimate its time. Nevertheless, our master the Prophet pointed out many of
its harbingers and precedents:

Hadrat Mahdi will come; Jesus will descend from the sky; Dajjal will appear; people called Ya’juj
and Ma’juj will put the whole world into turmoil; the sun will rise in the west; violent earthquakes
will occur; religious knowledge will be forgotten; vice and evil will increase; irreligious, immoral,
dishonest people will become leaders; Allah’s orders will be forbidden; haram will be committed
everywhere; seas and mountains will split into pieces; the sun and the moon will darken; seas will
mix with each other, boil, and dry up.
This world, as discussed, will come to an end, and the dead will rise to stand for their final and fair
trial. On that day, all men and women from Adam to the last person will be resurrected from the
state of death for judgment. Everything we do, say, make, intends and thinks are accounted for
and kept in accurate records. They are brought up on the Day of Judgment.

One who believes in life after death is not expected to behave against the Will of Allah. He will
always bear in mind that Allah is watching all his actions and the angels are recording them.

The Quran announces: “The death from which you flee will truly overtake you; then will you be
sent back to the knower of the things secret and open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things
you did” (62:8)

Everybody’s record is being maintained during his life period. It is very accurate record. The day
of judgement is the day of justice. Nobody will be wronged. His limbs will be his witness. He will
see his record and his video film will be shown to him. Everyone will be rewarded or punished
according to his deeds. The Quran says, “On the Day of Judgment we shall bring out for him a
scroll, which he will see spread open. Read thine record sufficient is thy soul this day to make out
an account against thee” (Al-Isra 17:13-14)

Resurrection Day will actually be a huge period of time (not a regular 24-hour day) in which every
single human will be resurrected and judged by God on his or her beliefs and deeds. No human
being - not even any Prophet - knows when this Day will come, for this is knowledge known only
to God. The Final Book does describe it in several passages as a giant disaster on many scales
(physical and ecological among others), and the Last Messenger was told of some of its
foreshadowing signs, which he communicated to us.

On the day of judgement, all the good and bad acts of man during his sojourn on earth will be
unfurled before his eyes in order to be ultimately judged by God. The virtuous will be rewarded
with virtue and the wrong doers punished appropriately. People with good records will be
generously rewarded and warmly welcomed to Allah's Heaven. People with bad records will be
fairly punished and cast into Hell. The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to Allah only, but
they are described by Allah in man's familiar terms in the Quran.

Islam inculcates the concept of accountability both in public and private life of a person by
emphasizing the paramount importance of life Hereafter for mankind.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣4️⃣*
*❓The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?*
✅As justice is the main concern of Islam, it is necessary that people should get justice in this
world and the world hereafter. It sounds natural and logical that everyone should reap what he
has sown. One should receive the fruit of his deeds. If one has sown flowers, he should pluck
flowers. If one has sown thorns, he should pick thorns. Virtues breed virtues and vices breed vices.
The Day of Judgment in the Quran has been also named as the Day of Reckoning, the Day of
Resurrection, the Dooms day, or the Day of Accountability. The account of the deeds of everyone
is being maintained.

Divine wisdom and justice necessitate the resurrection of the dead and judgment in an afterlife:
“We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them save in truth. Surely
the Hour' is coming” (15:85)

The resurrection is thus: …a binding promise from God that shall be fulfilled though most people
may not know it, so that He may resolve their differences for them.

As the literal meaning of Arabic word used for the Day of Judgment “Qayamah” is to raise up,
hence the question arises as to why they should be raised up after demise. The
significance/importance of life after death can be summarized in 3 points:

1. It is the demand of natural and divine justice that everyone should get the result of his life
examination. As in academies one is given result of his tests, similarly everyone must get the result
whether he passes or fails. About the examination of Life the Quran says: “Whoever works
righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily to him we will give a new life, a life that is
good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions”

2. Had there been no concept of the Day of Judgment there would have been no human morality.
Might is right would have become the law of the day. Atheists are of two types. The ideological
atheist and the practical atheist. The practical atheist is the one who claims to have a religious
faith but in practical life he acts otherwise. The man who believes in God and fears God can never
be a sinner or a transgressor. Hence to maintain the supremacy of Right over Might we must
believe in the concept of the Day of Judgment. The concepts of Hell and Heaven are very essential
to keep balance in human conduct.

The tyrants, the oppressors, the murderers, and the aggressors must be punished. If they escape
in this world because of their power, pelf and influence they must be punished on Doomsday.
Abraham must be rewarded, and Nimrod must be chastised. Moses must be rewarded, and
Pharaoh be punished. It is divine justice and God promises that. In the Quran about the virtuous
and righteous people God says, “But those who believe, and work righteousness be admitted to
gardens beneath which rivers flow. To dwell therein for aye with the permission of their lord”

3. All the prophets have promised this day. They were sooth-sayers. They were divinely appointed.
They were not liars. They were the messengers and warners sent from God. We must believe in
their words and vows. We have no reason to reject or refute them. They valiantly, patiently, and
boldly bore the inflictions and excesses. They were tortured. They were persecuted. They were
executed. But they never bowed before tyrants and vicious forces. Their steadfastness and
perseverance testify the truth of their mission. When such truthful people believed in the
Doomsday, we have no reason to disbelieve in which they believed.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣5️⃣*
*❓What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?*
✅In addition to the necessity and desirability of the resurrection and afterlife, the Qur'an turns
repeatedly to its possibility.

The resurrection in particular seems incredible to unbelievers. Indeed, much of what one hears
today is reminiscent of what unbelievers said at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an. They felt
the resurrection to be biologically impossible, asking again and again: “How, after we die and
become dust and bones could we be raised again?” (56:47)

The rational argument the Qur'an uses to convince disbelievers of the truth of the resurrection is
the comparison between the greater act of creation and the lesser act of resurrection: Perhaps
when the unbelievers say it is not possible to turn dust into a new creation, what they really think
is that it is not possible for human power like their own; but, after all, they have not created
themselves or the heavens and the earth (Quran 52:35-36)

A greater power than their own has created them once and can do so again. The power that can
accomplish something once can do it again. From the fact that human beings now exist, it is clear
that divine power was capable of making them: “Why should it be assumed that such power will
be incapable of doing for a second time what it achieved the first?” (50:15). “Indeed, a second
creation is easier than a first one” (30:27).

After death when we will be turned into dust, then how can we resurrect? The Quran says, “Does
not man realize that we created him from a seed of fluid? Yet he does not believe and forgets
even his own creation. He says as to who could revive the decayed bones back to life from
nonentity” (Yaseen 36:77-80)

After giving the argument of first birth, the Quran gives the second argument. It says: “one of the
clear divine signs is that you see the earth dead and motionless, but as soon as Allah pours rain
on it, it comes to life and becomes fertile and green. Allah who revives the dead earth to life will
also revive the dead man to life. Allah is able to do all things” (41:39).

Allah gives third argument on the basis of Justice. Quran says: “We have not created the heavens
and the earth and all that is between them in vain, though this is the belief of the infidels. Woe to
the disbelievers; they will suffer the torment of the Hellfire. Do we consider the righteously striving
believers equal to the evil doers in the earth? Are the pious ones equal to those who openly
commit sins?” (38:27-28).

In discussing the resurrection, moreover, the Qur'an cites phenomena very familiar to human
beings to show the power that takes creation through different stages, particularly in the life of
people and plants.

“People, if you doubt the resurrection, remember that We first created you from dust, then from
a living germ, then from a tiny clinging thing, and then from a half-formed lump of flesh, so that
We might manifest to you Our power…” (Quran 22:5)

“You sometimes see the earth dry and barren: but no sooner do We send down rain upon it than
it begins to stir and swell, -putting forth every kind of radiant bloom. That is because God is Truth:
He resurrects the dead and has power over all things” (22:6)
Not only does the Qur'an present proof of the resurrection, but it turns the argument against
those who deny it, pointing out that they themselves have no proof for their own position: “They
say: 'There is nothing but out present life; we live and die, nothing but time destroys us.' Of this
they have no knowledge; they merely conjecture” (45:24)

“At the resurrection they will know that what they said was wrong and will regret it” (16:39), (6:31)

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣6⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?*
✅Muslims believe in death and eternal life which comes after death. For leading a good life what
actions and qualities are desirable, what impact will be in our hereafter life due to our actions and
deeds in this life, we should know about the concept of heaven and hell. We believe on Judgment
Day after that Allah Almighty will decide on the basis of individual deeds where to send in Heaven
or Hell.

Jannah (paradise) is described in the Quran as an eternal afterlife of peace and bliss, where the
faithful and righteous are rewarded. The Quran says the righteous will be restful in the presence
of God, in "gardens beneath which rivers flow".

That day humans will be either granted admission to enter Paradise, where they will enjoy spiritual
and physical pleasure, or sentenced to suffer spiritual and physical torment in Hell forever.

“[To the righteous it will be said], O soul at peace! Return to your Lord, pleased, pleasing! Then
enter among My servants! And enter My paradise” (89:27-30)
“Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Gardens of Paradise will be
there to welcome them” (Quran 18:107)

Whoever does good deeds in this life will enter in heaven and the wrongdoers will enter in hell.
We should try to do good deeds in this life so we will enter into Heaven in the hereafter.

The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to Allah only, but they are described by Allah in
man's familiar terms in the Quran.

*Heaven in the Holy Quran*

*Allah’s Pleasure:* The greatest reward in heaven is the pleasure and mercy of Allah Almighty. This
great reward is for those who believe in Allah and work hard for His pleasure. Allah says: “Say:
Shall I give you glad tidings of things far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in
nearness to their Lord… and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah’s sight are (all) His servants”
(Quran 3:15)

*Feelings:* In heaven, there is no sense of possible injury; there is no fatigue and the members are
never asked to leave. In Jannah, there is no pain, sorrow, or death -- there is only joy, happiness,
and pleasure. There is no quarreling or evil in Jannah.

*Gardens:* The most important or convincing definition of paradise is a beautiful garden with
greenery and flowing water. Allah says: “But give glad tidings to those who believe and work
righteousness, that their portion is gardens, beneath which rivers flow” (Quran 2:25). The Quran
describes Jannah as "... a beautiful place of final return -- a garden of eternity whose doors will
always be open to them" (Qur'an 38:49-50)

*Food and Drink:* The description of Heaven in Quran includes unlimited food and drink, without
any feelings of intoxication. In Holy Quran Allah Almighty described in these words: “Eat and drink
at ease for that which you have sent forth (good deeds) in days past!” (Quran 69:24)

*Eternal Home:* Heaven is the everlasting place to live life according to Islam where believers will
stay forever in peace and happiness. Holy Quran describes the eternal home in these words: “But
those who have faith and work righteousness, they are companions of the garden. Therein shall
they abide forever” (Quran 2:82)

The nature of Heaven and Hell has been analogously described in the Quran many times. However,
there are verses that say: “No one knows what has been kept hidden for them of comfort as a
reward for what they used to do” (32:17)

Accordingly, What Heaven and Hell are really like is far beyond our comprehension and so cannot
be explained for us unless they are allegorical.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣7⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?*
✅Jahannam (Hell) is described in the Quran as an afterlife of punishment and unhappiness.
Wrongdoers and disbelievers will be punished with eternal fire and pain.

The Quran describes Jahannam using vivid imagery as a warning to those who disbelieve in God.
It is described severely as a blazing fire, fueled by "men and stones," with boiling water to drink,
and poisonous food to eat that settles in the stomach like molten lead. People will beg to have
more time, to return to earth and live again, so that they may correct themselves and believe in
the truth of the afterlife. Allah says in the Quran that it will be too late for such people.

Holy Quran also mentions who will enter hell. “… and whoever disobeys Allah and His apostle,
indeed there will be for him the fire of hell, to remain in it forever” (72:23)

For sure disbelievers in Lord and especially if they die in that state of, hypocrites, idolaters, the
arrogant, those who treat religion as a pastime, have broken the treaty, made fun of Allah’s
Messengers or on the reality of Day of Judgment. Also, murderers, ones misappropriating
inheritance especially of orphans, slandering chaste women or claiming divinity for themselves on
their own will reside in hell.

"For those who reject their Lord is the Penalty of Hell: and evil is (this) destination” (Qur'an 67:6)

The real nature of Heaven and Hell are known to Allah only, but they are described by Allah in
man's familiar terms in the Quran.
*Hell in the Holy Quran*
Almighty God says in Holy Quran about the hell in these words: “God’s kindled fire, which reaches
up to the hearts: it is closed in over them in long columns” (Quran 104:5-9)

*Levels in Hell:* It appears from the Noble Quran that Hell will have 7 levels: “And verily, Hell is
the promised abode for them all. It has seven gates: to each of those gates is a specific class of
sinners assigned” (Quran 15:43-44)

There are certainly levels of punishment in Hell. The hypocrites will be in the most painful one:
“The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them” (Quran

*Food and Drink:* The food of the people of hell is described as only increasing in torment. It does
not provide nourishment, nor does it relieve hunger: “No food will there be for them except from
a bitter, thorny plant which neither nourishes nor avails against hunger” (Quran 88:6-7)

There is a special tree in hell called zaqum that people will it from. This tree is rooted at the bottom
of hell and its branches are described as being similar to the heads of devils (Quran 44:43-46)

*Eternal Nature:* Hell is an eternal abode for most who enter it. Several verses in the Quran
describe hell as eternal: “They will long to leave the Fire, but never will they leave there from; and
theirs will be a lasting torment” (Quran 5:37). “…And they will never leave of the Fire” (Quran 2:167)

“And whosoever disobeys God and His Messenger, then surely, for him is the fire of Hell, he shall
dwell therein forever” (Quran 72:23)

At most of the places where Hell is mentioned, the beauty and peace of Heaven are also
mentioned to show the contrast between them.

The nature of Heaven and Hell has been analogously described in the Quran many times. However,
there are verses that say: “No one knows what has been kept hidden for them of comfort as a
reward for what they used to do” (32:17)

Accordingly, What Heaven and Hell are really like is far beyond our comprehension and so cannot
be explained for us unless they are allegorical.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣8⃣*
*❓Who All Will Enter Paradise?*
✅Jannah (paradise) is described in the Quran as an eternal afterlife of peace and bliss, where the
faithful and righteous are rewarded.

Being Muslim is not a guarantee of heaven, and being non-Muslim is not a guarantee of hell.
Humans are not allowed to judge whether any person is going to heaven or not.

The Qur’an states that people who do good deeds will be rewarded for them: “For those who do
good deeds, there shall be the best reward and yet more blessings” (Quran 10:27). So, it leaves it
open to God as to who will be judged worthy of entering paradise.

Islam also tells us the qualities of the people who will enter paradise. Quran specifies two
conditions to enter the heaven: believe in Almighty God & live according to His guidance: “Indeed,
those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Gardens of Paradise will be there to
welcome them” (Quran 18:107)

Through many of such verses, Allah says the Heaven will be rewarded to the good doers among
Muslims. But who are they?! Islam defines Muslims as anyone who submits to the will of God.

In our belief, there were thousands of prophets sent by God throughout history. At least one was
sent to every single nation, and they all taught the worship of one God who has no partners. The
followers of any of these prophets are counted as Muslims. So, the original followers of Moses
(the Jews), of Jesus (the Christians), of Noah or any other prophet are all counted as Muslim.

The caveat here is that we believe the teachings of other prophets have been corrupted over time.
Sometimes the religions added partners to God, or even added other gods. They all eventually
deviated so far from their original teachings that their current followers are no longer considered

The prophets are men who have taught the right to be an heir of Paradise. The Qur'an teaches
that the families of such prophets had the inhabitants of the hell. The examples are the son of
Noah and his wife. The wife of Lut and the father of Ibrahim are the inhabitants of hell. But the
hard disbeliever Pharaoh's wife is an heir of heaven. Abu-Lahab is an heir of hell even though he
was the paternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad.
Also, the Qur'an says that those in the bottom of the hell are 'munafiqs' (hypocrites). They are
among the Muslims. This means that the Muslim community has the inhabitants of the Fire just
as there are heirs of Paradise in other communities.

In short, the traditional community does not represent the guidance; instead, those who follow
the divine vision are in the straight path. People born in any community have the right for that.
Those who follow the Guidance are those who are the dwellers of Paradise.

Those who lead their life of this world according to the will and favor of Almighty God, for them
is the Paradise, which means heaven is not reserved for any community.

So, what we can say is that Islam is the straightest path to Heaven, and those who try to follow
the true message of God are the most likely to achieve salvation. However, we cannot guarantee
that we or any other living person is going to heaven or hell - all we can do is pray for God to
guide us, then follow that guidance and hope for His mercy.

God is the only Being capable of knowing every thought, feeling and action of any person. Only
God knows our sincerity, our intentions, and every past experience or inner emotion that
influenced our beliefs and decisions. God will judge non-Muslims based on the opportunities and
knowledge they were given. God does not oppress anyone, and He is the most Just.

Anyhow, if somebody know in their heart that Islam is true, but they do not want to submit to
God for any reason, they will be in hell for sure according to Quran.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣9⃣*
*❓Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?*
✅Is it true that all the disbelievers, even if their morals are good and they do not harm anyone,
will enter Hell?
In Islam, the decision of who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is left entirely to God as He
alone knows people’s hearts and is aware of their deeds. What Islam claims is that it is the perfect
religion for mankind and a religion for all time and all people: “This day have I perfected your
religion for you and completed My favor upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion”
(Quran 5:3)

It therefore certainly claims to offer the best guidance – which if followed will lead to paradise –
but simply being a Muslim is not enough to enter paradise. It is the righteous who are rewarded
by God.

The Qur’an states that people who do good deeds will be rewarded for them: “For those who do
good deeds, there shall be the best reward and yet more blessings” (Quran 10:27)

So, it leaves it open to God as to who will be judged worthy of entering paradise. But Islam also
tells us the qualities of the people who will enter Hellfire.

Allah says: “Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet
Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and commit shirk
(associate others with Allah) will abide in the fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures” (al-
Bayyinah 98:6)

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “By the One in Whose hand is my soul, no one of this nation, Jew or Christian,
hears of me then dies without having believed in that with which I was sent, but he will be one of
the people of the Fire” (Muslim 153)

The point is not whether their morals are good, rather the point is whether they submit to Allah
and obey his commands. Do you not see the Magians [Zoroastrians] or the Buddhists, for example,
who worship fire or idols instead of Allah, and they do not worship Allah or submit to Him alone,
and the Christians who say that God has a son, and other polytheists (those who associate others
with Allah). They are being ill-mannered towards Allah and insulting and reviling Him.

So how can their morals be good when they are so ill-mannered towards Allah, even though Allah
has given them hearing and sight, and has made everything easy for them, and has sent His
Messengers to them and revealed His Books to them, and bestowed His blessings upon them, so
it is His right that they should thank Him and not be ungrateful to Him or disbelieve in Him. If
they do not do that then they deserve His punishment and wrath. Allah says: “and your Lord treats
no one with injustice” (al-Kahf 18:49)

In summary, if a person rejects Islam after knowing Islam and fully understanding its truth, he will
be asked about it by God. Otherwise he will be judged according to his own religion or his
understanding of right and wrong.

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣0⃣*
*❓What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?*
✅It is part of the justice of Allah that He does not punish any people until He has first sent a
warning to them and unless there is evidence against them. Allah does not treat anybody unfairly.
Allah says: “And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning)” (Quran 17:15)

This is like the verse: “Every time a group is cast therein [into Hell], its keeper will ask, ‘Did no
warner come to you?’ They will say, ‘Yes indeed; a warner did come to us, but we belied him and
said: Allah never sent down anything (of revelation), you are only in great error’” (Quran 67:8)

One of the famous scholars, Ghazali, said there are various kinds of non-Muslims who are not
doomed to hell for eternity. Those include the non-Muslim who has never heard the true message
of Islam; the non-Muslim who only heard bad things about Islam; the non-Muslim who liked the
message of Islam but was turned away from it by the behavior of Muslims, and others.

Today, there are a lot of opportunities in the world to know and understand about Islam. Everyone
knows that the Qur'an is the one who claims to be divine and tells us that Islam is the means of
salvation for the Hereafter. Still, if someone does not think or learn about this book and this ideal
(Islam), it is their fault; it is because of their arrogance.

It is now possible for people from any corner of the world to understand Islam, the Holy Qur'an
and the Prophet Muhammad without much effort, financial cost, and others’ help.

It is doubtful that there still exists any place in the world where the message of Islam never
reached, since Islam has its believers all over the world. Anyhow, it is not a matter for us to
investigate what will be the fate of those who never heard about Islam. That is a matter of them
with God. And we are not the ones to judge therein.

Instead, each one of us (at least the one who is reading this article) will be prosecuted asking
whether we believed in this divine message that has been revealed to us or we denied it with
ridicule. That is how our judgment will be in the Hereafter and that will be the criteria for our
Heaven and Hell.

Everyone who hears the message of Islam in a sound and correct form (and rejects it), will have
evidence against him. Whoever dies without having heard the message, or having heard it in a
distorted form, then his case is in the hands of Allah. Allah knows best about His creation, and He
will never treat anyone unfairly. And Allah is All-Seer of His slaves.

This is the most correct view among the various opinions concerning the people who lived during
the fatrah (interval between two Prophets) and others whom the call did not reach.

It is also worth mentioning that the previous nations who were honored with Prophets and
Messengers before the advent of the Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬and they believed in those
Messengers and Prophets and followed their teachings and commands are believers and will enter
Paradise by the Grace of Allah, the Almighty.

A person who has never heard of Islam or the Prophet Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬, and who has never heard
the message in its correct and true form, will not be punished by Allah if he dies in a state of kufr
(disbelief). If it were asked what his fate will be, the answer will be that Allah will test him on the
Day of Resurrection; if he obeys, he will enter Paradise and if he disobeys, he will enter Hell. The
evidence for this is the hadeeth of al-Aswad ibn Saree. According to another report, he said:
“Whoever enters it, it will be cool and safe for him, and whoever does not enter it, will be dragged
to it. (The hadeeth was reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan)

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣1⃣*
*❓Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?*
✅Allah communicated His word of guidance in His own way through some human beings known
as Prophets or Messengers, who were continually sent to mankind, until the last Messenger. This
word of Allah is called the Revelation or ‘Wahy’ in Arabic and was conveyed to the fellow human
beings by the Prophets or Messengers who received it. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was the last messenger,
who received the Final Revelation from Allah.

Prophets are men, chosen by God at various stages and under varying circumstances of history,
to lead men from darkness to light. The Qur'an repeatedly states the fact that prophets with the
same message were sent to each and every community.

The process of revelation continued unabated, sometimes in succession, at other times in broken
sequences until the period in history, when the termination of Divine revelation and
messengership, with the Qur'an and Prophet Mohammed (‫ )ﷺ‬became a significant milestone in
the history of mankind.

It is true that the lives and mission of many a prophet has been made obscure and distorted by
legends that grew around them or by people with vested interests, who used the names of these
prophets to exploit men and mislead them from the right faith.

No prophet of God has claimed himself to be divine. They were all mortals who lived and passed
away from this earth after completing their mission of conveying the basic message to mankind,
which was a call for the recognition and affirmation of God's existence, uniqueness and Lordship
over all creation. It is an integral part of Islamic faith to believe in all the prophets of God.

*Why did God Send Prophets?*

Allah - Glory be to Him, who created the universe and everything in it, did not abandon or forget
his creations after the act of creation. Instead He continues to sustain and direct it, in the way that
He has created us and all that is around us.

The animals have instinct, no intellect. The herons learn wading themselves. Who teaches the birds
how to fly? Ducklings swim naturally. The horse grazes grass but does not eat meat. The lion eats
meat but does not graze grass. What is all this? Actually, the instinct itself works as a guide. Man
has also been given instincts. He needs bread. He needs sex. But he is above animals. He has been
endowed with a special boon and that is intellect.

Man is free to exercise his mind. Whether he selects right path or wrong path it is his own choice.
But God sent prophets to all nations to guide them so that they are not strayed from the right

When a man invents a machine, he also issues instructions manual how to operate it. A doctor
gives instructions to his patient how to use the recipe. These are done for the benefit of people.
Without instructions we can be misled. Similarly, God created humankind and issued instructions
in the form of divine scriptures guiding them about vice and virtue.

He has provided many forms of guidance to human beings from the first day of their existence
on earth for the following reasons:
1. Allah promised to Adam and his descendants: “Get down all of you from this place (Paradise)
and whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there
shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve” (Quran 2:38)

2. “For every community or nation, Allah sent a Messenger to convey the revelation in order to
guide them in the right path” (Quran 10:47)

3. “Messengers are sent, …in order that mankind should have no plea against Allah...” (Quran

4. “The Messengers were sent to mankind to convey the revelation of glad tidings to whosoever
believes and does righteous deeds, and the warnings about the torment to those who reject”
(Quran 6:48-49)

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣2⃣*
*❓What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?*
✅Prophets were human, chosen by God at various stages and under varying circumstances of
history, to lead men from darkness to light. The Qur'an repeatedly states the fact that prophets
with the same message were sent to each and every community.

Besides giving moral lessons the prophets present themselves as role models. They are not like
preachers or philosophers who discuss and argue but do not practice. The Prophets first practice
and then preach. They come to establish justice, moderation, and balance. Quran says: “we sent
afore time our messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the Balance
(of right and wrong) that men may stand forth in Justice” (57:25)
Besides the rejection of despots and tyrants the main purpose of the advent of the Prophets was
to renounce and denounce idolatry. Idols represent demigods, the idols of wealth; the idols of
power; the idols of beauty; the idols of arrogance; the idols of dictatorship and the idols of prides
and prejudices. When the prophets gave the message of One God it meant oneness of humankind.
Hence Monotheism is the core and crux of the divine message. Quran says, “And verily we have
raised in every nation a messenger, proclaiming serve God and shun false gods” (16:26)

About the importance of this message one must borne this fact in mind that a true follower of the
prophets is the one who rejects despotism, extremism, terrorism, injustice, and tyranny.

Here it seems imperative to mention that God chose the prophets from different classes and
sections of society. Noah was carpenter and Moses was a shepherd. David and Solomon were the
kings. But they all claimed oneness of God and maintenance of Justice.

When Prophet Muhammad appeared, the Arabian Peninsula was steeped in ignominy and
ignorance. It was an abyss of darkness like Ad and Thamud. But he turned those beasts in to
excellent humans. To date we need good humans who can love humankind without creed, class,
country, and color prejudices. These prophets were the redeemers and saviors of humanity. If we
are their followers, we must follow the charter of humanity and divinity.

No prophet of God has claimed himself to be divine. They were all mortals who lived and passed
away from this earth after completing their mission of conveying the basic message to mankind,
which was a call for the recognition and affirmation of God's existence, uniqueness and Lordship
over all creation. It is an integral part of Islamic faith to believe in all the prophets of God.

*Differences Among Prophets:*

A Muslim believes in all the Messengers and Prophets of God without any discrimination. All
messengers were mortals, human beings, endowed with Divine revelations and appointed by God
to teach mankind. The Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers and prophets and states
that there are others. These include Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.
Their message might look different, but the core message is similar. The miracles of the prophets
are somehow dependent on the era they were chosen.

Moses had miracles to challenge the magicians because magic was very popular in his era. At the
time when Jesus was chosen, medicine and healing was popular, so his miracles was mainly related
to giving life to the dead or making a statue come alive. Corrupt poetry was very popular when
Muhammad was chosen. We believe that Muhammad’s miracle is the holy Quran and is the direct
book of God.

The book itself challenges people in many ways, and tells them they can not bring a verse, or a
chapter like Quran. God tells the humankind that he protects Quran from being corrupted and
has saved it until now without any corruption.

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?*
✅Allah communicated His word of guidance in His own way through some human beings known
as Prophets or Messengers, who were continually sent to mankind, until the last Messenger. This
word of Allah is called the Revelation or ‘Wahy’ in Arabic and was conveyed to the fellow human
beings by the Prophets or Messengers who received it. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was the last messenger,
who received the Final Revelation from Allah.

Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬is the last of the prophets of Islam. It is through him that the religion of absolute
submission to God, was perfected. Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬is not just the successor of Noah, Abraham,
Moses, and Jesus, but of all the prophets who were sent across the world, whose names are either
known or unknown. His mission was not to establish new religion, but on the other hand, to
perfect the Religion taught by the earlier prophets: "We have not sent thee but as a (Messenger)
to all mankind, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men know not"
(Qur'an 37:15)

*Advent of Prophet Muhammad:*

The advent of Prophet Muhammad did not bring a new religion or a new way of life as some
people claim. On the contrary, the prophet Muhammad confirmed the life and message of all the
previous prophets and messengers, both through his personal conducts, and through the divine
revelation that he received from the almighty. The sacred scripture that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬brought
is called Al-Qur’an.

Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬did not author the Qur’an. Nobody came and helped him to write it and
nobody collaborated with him to help. But the Angel Gabriel recited to him and Almighty God
made his heart a receptacle of that. Just like a satellite dish, is a receptive of waves and gives you
the TV image.
The sacred scripture that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬received is called the Qur’an. And each of the prophets
and messengers, they also received a scripture. And in the Qur’an, these prophets, their scripture,
their stories, the principles of their mission, is mentioned with profound details.

Did Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬meet them and eat with them and talk with them and collaborate with them
to write their biographies? No; of course, he did not. In the Qur’an, Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is referred to
as the messenger of Almighty God and the seal of the previous prophets which is the limit of his
role as a human being.

When Islam was completed as a revelation as a book, as an example through the prophet
Muhammad, it then became Islam. It became a complete way of life. So, it is the word that was
new but not the practice, not the prophets, not the order from God.

Another distinction to keep in mind is that, unlike his predecessors, though he was born in Arabia,
Muhammad did not come to the Arab or to this own people exclusively. Therefore, Islam is not a
religion of the Arabs, it is not only for the Arabs.

Consequences of his birth was the choice of the Almighty. Additionally, the Qur’an was revealed
in the Arabic language to protect it, to make it pure and clear and precise. Yet the Qur’an dispelled
any information that the message of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was limited or meant for the Arab exclusively.

Allah says: “you have not been sent O Muhammad, except to the whole of humanity as a warner,
as the one bringing glad tidings. And most of the human beings, they simply don’t know” (Qur’an
34:28). As such, Muhammad is the finality of the great prophets and messengers before him.

It is a common misunderstanding that Muhammad was 'divine', and Muslims worship him, like
Christians worship Jesus. The truth is that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is no more than a messenger of God.
Muslims do not believe that Jesus was divine, either. We regard both as chosen prophets of God.

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣4️⃣*
*❓What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?*
✅A natural question to ask someone who believes in any prophet is: ‘What are the criteria for
your belief in him?’

*Reasonable Criteria would be:*

i. Evidence for his claim.
ii. Consistency in his teachings (about God, afterlife, and similar issues of belief)
iii. Similarity to the teachings of earlier prophets.
iv. Integrity: he must be a man of high morals.

Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬claimed unequivocally, ‘I am God’s Messenger.’ If anybody evaluates his

claim on the above criteria, he will find it meets the criteria completely.

In Islamic doctrine, all prophets constitute a spiritual fraternity of brothers with a single ‘father,’
but different ‘mothers’. The ‘father’ is prophethood and unity of God, the ‘mothers’ are the
different Laws they brought.

Emphasizing the spiritual fraternity of all prophets, Prophet Muhammad said: "I am the closest of
all people to the son of Mary (Jesus). The prophets are paternal brothers, their mothers are
different, but their religion is one" (Bukhari, Muslim)

All prophets are ‘rays’ from the same ‘Lamp’: the central message of all prophets throughout ages
was to dedicate worship to God only. That’s why Islam views denying a single prophet as
equivalent to denying them all. Quran described this in 4:150-152.

Denying the prophethood of Muhammad is tantamount to denying all prophets. The

prophethood of Muhammad is known just like the prophethood of Moses and Jesus is known:
the numerous reports of their miracles that have reached us. The Book brought by Muhammad
(the Quran) is fully preserved, and His Law is complete and applicable to today’s world.

Make a table of all the prophets you believe in. Start from the first one to the last one you believe
in. And answer the following questions:

-What is the evidence I believe he was a true prophet?

-What was the mission of the prophet in his own words?
-Did he bring a Law? Is his Law applicable today?
-What scripture did he bring? How is its content and meaning?
-Is the scripture preserved in the original language it was revealed in? Is it considered a literary
authority, free of internal inconsistencies?
-What do you know of his morals and integrity?
Compare all the prophets you have listed and then answer the same questions about Muhammad.
Then ask yourself, ‘Can I honestly take Muhammad out of my list because he does not meet the
criteria as other prophets?’ It will not take too much effort to discover that the evidence for
Muhammad’s prophethood is stronger and more convincing.

A skeptic need consider what is so unusual about Muhammad’s claim to be a prophet? When did
God declare an end to prophecy before him? Who decided that there would not be any more
divine communication with human beings?

With no evidence to block divine revelation, it is natural to accept a continuity of revelation:

"Indeed, We have sent you with the truth, as a bearer of glad tidings and a warner: for there never
was any community but a warner has [lived and] passed away in its midst" (Quran 35:24)

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣5️⃣*
*❓What are the Evidences for Muhammed’s (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?*
✅1. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was raised illiterate, unable to read or write, and remained like that till his
death. Before receiving revelation, he had no prior knowledge of Religion or any previously sent
Message. He remained like that for his first forty years. Revelation then came to Muhammad with
the Quran.

This Quran mentioned most of the accounts found in the previous scriptures, telling us about
these events in the greatest detail as if he witnessed them. These accounts came precisely as they
were found in the Torah sent down to Moses and in the Gospel sent down to Jesus.

2. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬also foretold of many things that would occur to him and his community after
him, pertaining to victory, the removal of the tyrannical kingdoms of Chosroes [Zoroastrian kings
of Persia] and Caesar, and the establishment of the religion of Islam throughout the earth. These
events occurred exactly as Muhammad foretold, as if he was reading the future from an open

3. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬also brought an Arabic Quran that is the peak of eloquence and clarity. Qur’an
challenged those eloquent and fluent Arabs of his time, who initially belied him, to bring forth a
single chapter like the Qur’an. The eloquent Arabs of his day were unable to contest this Qur’an.

4. The life history of this Noble Prophet was a perfect example of being upright, merciful,
compassionate, truthful, brave, generous, distant from all evil character, and ascetic in all worldly
matters, while striving solely for the reward of the Hereafter. Moreover, in all his actions and
dealings, he was ever mindful and fearful of Allah.

5. All of history has not preserved the biography of any person in the manner it has preserved the
life of Muhammad, who is the most influential human in history.

6. Nor has there any man on earth who is still followed in all his doings by those who believe in
him. Indeed, in all aspects of their lives, the believers in Muhammad adhere to the teachings he
spread among them. All those who believe in Muhammad fully perform - even to the minute
detail - every act of worship like prayer, fasting, charity, and pilgrimage as this Noble Messenger
(‫ )ﷺ‬taught and as he himself performed.

7. Prophet has been followed by individuals from all races, colors and people. Many of those who
followed him were previously Christians, Jews, pagans, idolaters, or without any religion. Among
those who chose to follow him, were those who were known for their sound judgment, wisdom,
reflection, and foresight.

8. Nor is it in the ability of any human being to place a perfect law based upon justice, equality,
mercy and objectivity for all human activity on earth like the laws that Muhammad brought for all
spheres of human activity - like buying and selling, marriage and divorce, renting, testimony,
custody, and all other contracts that are necessary to uphold life and civilization on earth.

For just as humanity cannot create this universe, in the same manner, humanity cannot bring forth
a law like Allah's law that He sent down.

9. It is impossible that any person conceive wisdom, morals, good manners, nobleness of
characters as what this honorable Prophet brought. In a full and complete manner, Muhammad
spread a teaching regarding character and manners toward one' parents, relatives, friends, family,
humanity, animals, plants and inanimate objects.

All of that unequivocally indicates that this Messenger did not bring any of this religion from his
own accord, but that it was rather a teaching and inspiration that he received from the One Who
created the earth and the high heavens above and created this universe in its miraculous
architecture and perfection.
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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣6⃣*
*❓Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest*
✅Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬worked as a shepherd in his early life, and later he worked as a
merchant. Due to his honesty and fair dealings with all people, he became known as ‘Al-Sadiq’
(the truthful) and ‘Al-Ameen’ (the trustworthy). Even the Quraish tribe of Makkah, his worst
enemies, called him by these nicknames, and they used to entrust him with their money and
deposits before and after he declared his prophethood. Even opponents of Islam, Abu Jahl used
to say: “I trust you Muhammad, but I deny the revelation”.

Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬never told a lie in his entire life. Even his enemies testify on his honesty
and integrity. When Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬gathered all the people of Makkah near the Mount
of Safa and asked them, “O Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the
mountains, will you believe me?” All said in one voice, “Yes, because we have never heard you
telling a lie”. (Sahih Bukhari)

Once Makkan faced an issue that which tribe will lay the black stone in the holy Kaaba they had
decided that the one who entered the holy Kaaba first will fulfill the duty. Next morning Prophet
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬entered the holy Kaaba first, everyone was happy to see him. They were happy to
see that truthful and honest person will lay the black stone in the holy Kaaba. (The Sealed Nectar)

When Heraclius, Byzantine emperor, received a letter from the Prophet inviting him and his
followers to Islam, he called the Arab traders who were then in Sham for trade.

He asked Abu Sufyan, their leader: “Did you ever find Muhammad telling a lie before his claim to
Prophethood?” He replied, “No”. The emperor said, I wondered how a person who does not tell a
lie about others could ever tell a lie about God.
The emperor then questioned him about the Prophet’s general behavior and conduct with people.
Abu Sufyan replied “Muhammad is nobly born; is honest and truthful and has never broken a
pledge. He enjoins his followers to worship none but One God and to pray to Him alone. He
preaches kindness, piety and tolerance towards all and his followers are on the increase”. (Bukhari)

These words came from Abu Sufyan who was one of Prophet Muhammad’s(‫ )ﷺ‬fiercest enemies
at the time.

Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬encouraged his followers to be truthful. Not only he never told a single
lie in his entire life, but he also warned humanity against the consequences of lying “A true action
leads to the path of virtue, and virtue paves the way of a person to paradise, and this person
continues to speak the truth until, in the sight of Allah, he is named as-Siddiq (the Truthful). Lying,
on the other hand, leads to vice, and vice leads to indecent acts and a person goes on lying until,
in the sight of Allah, he is called a liar”. (Bukhari)

Such was the Holy Prophet Muhammad. He was a man of extraordinary merits, a paragon of virtue
and goodness, a symbol of truth and veracity, a great apostle of God, His messenger to the entire
world. His life and thoughts, his truth and straight forwardness, his piety and goodness, his
character and morals, his ideology, and achievements – all send as unimpeachable proofs of his
prophethood. He proved by his life example that truthfulness and honesty of Prophet
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is beyond comparison. Any human being who studies his life and teachings
without bias will testify that verily he was the true Prophet of God and that the Qur’an – the Book
he gave to mankind is the true Book of God. No unbiased and serious seeker after truth can escape
this conclusion.

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣7⃣*
*❓What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?*
✅What is it that is meant by the love of power and clout? It is the desire to invest oneself with
the authority and power of a country and to, thereby, lead a life of comfort and luxury. It is true
that the Prophet had attained power after having had borne the trials, tribulations and tortures
for thirteen years before reaching Medina by adopting exile from his own land.

However, his authority was never a path to a life of comfort and luxury. For, who, if any, can ever
call a lover of authority, a man who, even when in the position of a ruler, slept his nights on mat
of palm leaves, washed his own clothes, stitched his footwear and milked the goats?

Those who actually seek after power are those who desire to stand aloof from, and be respected
by, people in the sake of their important office. As for the Prophet, he was one who had served
the people while living as one amongst them. On one occasion, all who were present stood up as
the Prophet entered the place. The Prophet, thereof, ordered against this practice. He said, “Do
not stand up in respect like some amongst the Persians who stand up in respect of others from
amongst them.”

He advised thus, “Do not praise me as the Christians praised Jesus, the son of Maryam.” All this
indicates clearly that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was never one to go after pomp and praise associated with
the power.

Furthermore, he was promised authority and power in the early, difficult days at Mecca itself if,
and only if, he stopped the propagation of his message. The leaders of the society approached
him one day with the intention of enticing him with a proposal. They said, “If it is wealth that thee
covet, we will give thee all the wealth that you desire. If it is authority that ye want, we will make
obeisance to thee as our king. If it is women of beauty that ye desire, we will arrange for your
marriage with the women of your own choosing.”

An offer before which any person would have succumbed! A most tempting offer indeed! Just one
word was all that was required. He would then be the wealthiest man in the region. All people of
the land would then pay their homage to him as their king. Beautiful women would then dance
before him.

But this was what the Prophet said, “I am in need of neither authority nor wealth. The Lord Creator
has appointed me but as a warner to mankind. It is His message which I deliver unto you. Those
who accept it can achieve for themselves peace and contentment in this world and eternal
salvation in the next. As for those who accept not the divine message, it is He Himself Who will
judge their case.”

This incident took place in the early years of the mission at Mecca. If the Prophet’s goal was to
grab authority by writing the Qur’an and thereby making it accepted that he was, indeed, the
messenger of God, why was it that he refrained from the offer of authority that was placed at his
feet without his having to undergo any suffering whatsoever? It is amply evident from this that
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬never hankered after power or authority. Briefly put, it was never the desire for
power which worked behind the composition of the Qur’an.
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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣8⃣*
*❓Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?*
✅The advent of a prophet is not an everyday occurrence. Nor is the presence in person of the
Prophet essential for every land, people, and period. The life and teachings of the Prophet are the
beacon to guide people to the right path.

The real death of a Prophet consists not in his physical demise but in the ending of the influence
of his teachings. None of the earlier books from any other prophet exists today in its original text.
The earlier Prophets have died because their followers have adulterated their teachings, distorted
their instructions, and besmirched their life-examples by attaching fictitious events to them.

The real death of a Prophet consists in the death of his teachings. By this criterion no-one can
deny that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬and his teachings are alive. His teachings stand uncorrupted and are
incorruptible. The Qur’an - the book he gave to mankind - exists in its original text, without a
word, syllable or even letter having been changed.

The entire account of his life - his sayings, instructions and actions are preserved with complete
accuracy. It is as though it all happened yesterday rather than 14 centuries ago. The biography of
no other human being is as detailed as that of Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. In everything affecting
our lives we can seek the guidance of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬and the example of his life. That is why there
is no need of any other Prophet after Muhammad, the last Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬.

*Three Conditions, which Necessitate the Advent of a New Prophet:*

1. The teachings of the earlier Prophets have been distorted or corrupted or they have died, and
their revival is needed.
2. The teachings of the Prophet who has passed away were incomplete and it is necessary to
amend them, improve on them or add something to them.
3. The earlier Prophet was raised for a particular nation or territory and a Prophet for another
nation, people of country are required.

None of these conditions exist today. The teachings of the last Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬are alive,
have been fully preserved and made immortal. The guidance he has shown unto mankind is
complete and flawless and is enshrined in the Glorious Qur’an.

Secondly, God has completed His revealed guidance through the Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬and
Islam is a complete religion for mankind. Allah has said that: “Today I have perfected your religion
for you, and have completed My bounty upon you” (Al-Ma’idah 5:3)

A thorough study of Islam as a complete way of life proves the truth of these Qur’anic words.
Islam gives guidance for life in this world and in the hereafter and nothing essential for human
guidance has been left out. There is no ground for new prophethood on the plea of imperfection.

Lastly, the Message of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was not meant for any particular people, place or period.
He was raised for the whole of mankind. Qur’an has commanded Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬to declare: “O
mankind, I am Allah’s Messenger to all of you”. He has been described as “a blessing for all (the
people of) the world”. And his approach has been universal and human. That is why after him
there remains no need for new prophethood.

We can know Islam through his teachings which are so complete and so comprehensive that they
can guide men through all ages to come. The world does not need a new prophet; it needs only
such people as have full faith in Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, to become the standard-bearers of his message,
propagate it throughout the world, and endeavor to establish the culture which Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬
gave to man. The world needs such men of character as can translate his teachings into practice
and establish a society which is governed by Divine Law, whose supremacy Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬came
to establish.

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*🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣9⃣*
*❓Why Didn’t God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?*
✅Why were all the Prophets of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam men? Why were there no women
Prophets? Why did they have to be male?

Firstly, the Muslim does not hesitate to believe in the great wisdom of Allah, may He be glorified
and exalted, in all that He does. One of His names is al-Hakeem (the Most Wise) and one of his
attributes is Hikmah (Wisdom).

Allah has decreed that one of the attributes of the Messengers is masculinity. Some of the scholars
stated that there was consensus on this point. And there is the greatest wisdom behind that.

The Messengers were men and not women for reasons which were dictated by the nature of their
task. For example:

1. The role of Messenger requires a great many tasks to be performed: addressing men and
women, meeting people in secret and openly, moving throughout the land, confronting liars and
establishing proof against them and debating with them, preparing and leading armies, and going
through the sufferings of war. All of that is suitable for men but not for women.

2. The role of the Messenger demands that the Messenger should be in charge of those who
follow him, so he issues commands and prohibitions to his followers, and he rules and judges
among them. If a woman were entrusted with such tasks, she would not be able to do them
properly, and there would be people who would refuse to follow and obey her.

3. Masculinity is more perfect. Hence Allah has given the role of responsibility to men over women:
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women” [Quran 4:34]

4. Women have to cope with things that prevent them from doing many tasks, such as
menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, etc. which is accompanied by psychological stresses and
pains, in addition to the care that is required by the child. All of that prevents her from being able
to fulfil the role of Messenger and carrying out its duties.

Secondly, with regard to Prophethood, some of the scholars – such as Abu’l-Hasan al-Ashari, al-
Qurtubi and Ibn Hazm – were of the view that there were some female Prophets! including the
mother of Moses & the mother of Jesus (Maryam). But this is refuted by most of other scholars.

Anyhow, even though women are exempted from the burden of prophethood & leading the
community in all its spheres, we can see so many verses in Holy Quran, where Allah sent revelation
& guidance to some women directly.
Holy Qur'an has revealed that Moses’ mother had received the directives for her life directly from
Almighty God. Allah says in Quran: “And We inspired to the mother of Moses, ‘Breastfeed him;
but when you fear for him, cast him into the river and do not fear and do not grieve. Indeed, We
will return him to you and will make him [one] of the messengers’" (Qur'an 28:7)

The Qur'an also states that Jesus' mother, Mary also received the message from the angel similar
to the way the prophets receive: “So Mary conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a remote
place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. She said, ‘Oh, I wish I had
died before this and was in oblivion, forgotten.’ But he (the angel) called her from below, "Do not
grieve; your Lord has provided beneath you a stream. And shake toward you the trunk of the palm
tree; it will drop upon you ripe, fresh dates. So, eat and drink and be contented. And if you see
anyone from among humanity, say, 'Indeed, I have vowed to the Most Merciful abstention, so I
will not speak today to [any] man'" (Quran 19:22-26)

These scriptures make it clear that even though women were not appointed as prophets for some
natural causes, they were divinely inspired as the prophets.

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣0⃣*
*❓Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?*
✅Like other religious texts in the world, Hindu scriptures also contain prophecies concerning the
coming a great Prophet.

*Bhavishya Purana:*
“A malecha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking a foreign language) spiritual teacher
will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad” (Prati Sarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay
3 Shloka 5 to 8)
Further, it’s also mentioned that an Indian king will offer him his sincere devotion and showing
him all reverence will say, "I make obeisance to thee. O ye! The pride of mankind, the dweller in
Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from
the malecha opponents"

The Prophecy clearly states:

i. The name of the Prophet as Mohammad
ii. He will belong to Arabia (Marusthal)
iii. He is referred as the pride of mankind (Parbatis nath). Qur’an confirms this in 68:4 & 33:21
iv. He will kill the devil, i.e. abolish idol worship and all sorts of vices
v. The Prophet will be given protection against his enemy

Pratisarag Parv III Khand 3 Adhay 3 Shloka 10 to 27 also prophesises prophet Muhammed.

The main points mentioned in the Kuntap Suktas (Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 127 verses 1-13)

*Mantra 1:* “He is Narashansah or the praised one (Muhammad). He is Kaurama: the prince of
peace or the emigrant, who is safe, even amongst a host of 60,090 enemies”

The Sanskrit word Narashansah means ‘the praised one’, which is the literal translation of the
Arabic word Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬.

*Mantra 2:* “He is a camel-riding Rishi, whose chariot touches the heaven”

The Prophet would ride a camel. This clearly indicates that it cannot be an Indian Rishi, since it is
forbidden for a Brahman to ride a camel according to the Sacred Books of the East, volume 25,
Laws of Manu pg. 472.

*Mantra 3:* “He is Mamah Rishi who is given a hundred gold coins, ten chaplets (necklaces), three
hundred good steeds and ten thousand cows”

No rishi in India or another Prophet had this name Mamah.

*Mantra 4:* “Vachyesv rebh. ‘Oh! ye who glorifies’”

This mantra calls the Prophet as Rebh which means one who praises, which when translated into
Arabic is Ahmed, which is another name for the Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬

The enemies’ defeat in the conquest of Makkah is mentioned in Atharvaveda book 20 Hymn 21
verse no 9: "You have O Indra, overthrown 20 kings and 60,099 men with an outstripping Chariot
wheel who came to fight the praised one or far famed (Muhammad) orphan"
i. The population of Makkah at the time of Prophet’s advent was nearly 60,000.
ii. There were several clans in Makkah each having its own chief. There were about 20 chiefs to
rule Makkah.
iii. An Abandhu meaning a helpless man who was far-famed and ‘praised one’. Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬
overcame his enemies with the help of God.

"Ahmed acquired from his Lord the knowledge of eternal law. I received light from him just as
from the sun" (Samveda Book II Hymn 6 verse 8)

The Prophecy confirms:

i. The name of the Prophet as Ahmed.
ii. Prophet was given eternal law, i.e. the Shariah (Quran is the law)
iii. The Rishi was enlightened by the law of Prophet Muhammad.

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and
warning them (against sin), but most men understand not" (Quran 34:28)

A similar prophecy is also found in Rigveda Book I, Hymn 53 verse 9: The Sanskrit word used is
Sushrama, which means praiseworthy or well praised which in Arabic means Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬.

The name ‘Ahmed’ was mentioned in many other places of Hindu scriptures as well:
Samveda (2:152)
Yajurveda (31:18)
Rigveda (8:6: 10)
Atharvaveda (8:5: 16)
Atharvaveda (20:126: 14)

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As discussed before, Muslims believe that except Holy Quran, none of the scriptures available
today are fully authentic & divine since they all undergone human interventions. Still quoted many
verses from those scriptures (Hindu scriptures & Bible old/new testaments) in the previous articles
to prove that we can relate many of the prophecies in those scriptures to the Prophet Muhammad
and not anyone else; and therefore, even the followers of those scriptures should follow this

*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣1⃣*
*❓Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?*
✅Islam is the religion that is supported by all types of logical and intuitive proofs. There is no
need of any prophesies of Hindu scriptures. However, we present this research to some fair-
minded Hindu brothers who want to know the truth through their own Holy books.

The book “Kalki Avtar Awr Muhammad Sahab” has been compiled by Prof. Pandit Vaid Parkash, a
Brahman Hindu, well known Sanskrit scholar and research worker. The book had been reviewed
and verified by another eight great and prestigious Hindu Pandits. We regard it as an additional
testimony for the truth of Islam.

In this book, Prof. Pandit Vaid Parkash, proves that the Kalki Avtar (Messenger) that the Veda has
foretold and who is waited on by Hindus is the Prophet Muhammad (‫ & )ﷺ‬therefore all Hindus
should embrace Islam!

As an argument to prove the authenticity of his research, Pandit Vaid Parkash quotes from the
Veda, a sacred book among Hindus:

1. Veda mentions that ‘Kalki Avtar’ will be the Last Messenger and Prophet of Bhagwan (Allah) to
guide the whole world. After quoting this reference, Pandit Parkash says that this comes true only
in the case of the Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬.

2. According to a prophecy of Hinduism, ‘Kalki Avtar’ will be born in an island and that is the Arab
territory which is known as ‘Jazeeratul-Arab’.

3. In the sacred book of Hindus, the father’s name of ‘Kalki Avtar’ is mentioned as ‘Vishnu Bhagat’
and his mother’s name as ‘Somanib’. In sanskrit, ‘Vishnu’ stands for Allah (Glory be to Him) and
the literal meaning of ‘Bhagat’ is slave.

‘Vishnu Bhagat’ therefore, in the Arabic language will mean Allah’s slave (Abdullah). ‘Somanib’ in
Sanskrit means peace and tranquility which in Arabic is denoted by the word ‘Aminah’. Whereas,
the Last Messenger Muhammad‘s (‫ )ﷺ‬father and mother’s names were ‘Abdullah’ and ‘Aminah’

4. In the prestigious books of Hindus, it is mentioned that ‘Kalki Avtar’ will live on olive and dates
and he will be true to his words and honest. In this regard, Pandit Parkash writes, “This is true and
established only in the case of Muhammad(‫”)ﷺ‬

5. Veda mentions that ‘Kalki Avtar’ will be born in a respected and noble dynasty of his land. And
this is also true as Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was born in a respected tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great
respect and high place in Makkah.

6. ‘Kalki Autar’ will be taught in the cave by Bhagwan through His own angel. And it is very true in
this matter. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was the only person in Makkah who has been taught by Allah’s Angel
Gabriel in the cave of Hira.

7. It was mentioned in Hindu scriptures that Bhagwan will provide ‘Kalki Avtar’ with a fastest horse,
with the help of that he will ride around the world and the seven skies/heavens. The riding on
‘Buraq’ in ‘Miaraj’ by Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬coincides with this description very perfectly.

8. It is also mentioned in Hindu scriptures that ‘Kalki Avtar’ will be strengthened and heavily helped
by Bhagwan. And we know this fact that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was supported by Allah (Glory be to him)
through His angels in the battle of Badr.

9. Hindu scriptures also mention that ‘Kalki Avtar’ will be an expert in horse riding, arrow shooting,
and swordsmanship. What Pandit Vaid Parkash comments in this regard is very important and
worth attention. He writes that the age of horses, swords, and spears is long ago has gone and
now is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles, and guns.

Therefore, it will be unwise to wait for ‘Kalki Avtar’ bearing sword and arrows or spears. In reality,
the mention in our books of ‘Kalki Avtar’ is clearly indicative of Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬who was given the
heavenly book known as the Qur’an.

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣2⃣*
*❓Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?*
*✅1. Muhammad: The Prophet Like Moses:*
According to the Bible, God said to Moses: “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among
their brothers; I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him”
(Deuteronomy 18:18)

The prophet described in the above verse must have the following three characteristics:
i. He will be like Moses.
ii. He will come from the brothers of the Israelites, i.e. the Ishmaelites.
iii. God will put His words in the mouth of that prophet, and he will declare what God commanded

Let us see which prophet God was speaking of.

i. The Prophet like Moses

Some people feel that this prophecy refers to the prophet Jesus. But, although Jesus was truly a
prophet of God, he is not the prophet spoken of here. He was born miraculously, and, finally, God
raised him up miraculously. On the other hand, Muhammad is more like Moses; both were born
in a natural way and both died natural deaths.

ii. From Among the Ishmaelites

Abraham had two sons, Ishmael, and Isaac (Genesis, chapter 21). Ishmael became the grandfather
of the Arab nation, and Isaac became the grandfather of the Jewish nation. The prophet spoken
of was to come not from among the Jews themselves, but from among their brothers, the
Ishmaelites. Muhammad, a descendant of Ishmael, is indeed that prophet.

iii. God will Put His Words in His Mouth

“Neither the content of the revelation, nor its form, were of Mohammed’s devising. Both were
given by the angel, and Mohammed’s task was only to repeat what he heard.” (World Religions
from Ancient History to the Present, by Geoffrey Parrinder, p. 472)

God sent the angel Gabriel to teach Muhammad the exact words that he should repeat to the
people. The words are therefore not his own; they did not come from his own thoughts but were
put into his mouth by the angel. These are written down in the Qur’an, word for word exactly as
they came from God.

Now that we know that prophet we must listen to him, for, according to the Bible, God says: “I will
punish anyone who refuses to obey him” (Deut. 18:19)

*2. The Awaited Prophet was to Come from Arabia:*

Deuteronomy 33:1-2 combines references to Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. It speaks of God (i.e.
God's revelation) coming from Sinai, rising from Seir (probably the village of Sa'ir near Jerusalem)
and shining forth from Paran. According to Genesis 21:21, the wilderness of Paran was the place
where Ishmael settled (i.e. Arabia, specifically Mecca).

Indeed, the King James version of the Bible mentions the pilgrims passing through the valley of
Ba'ca (another name of Mecca) in Psalms 84:4-6.

Isaiah 42:1-13 speaks of the beloved of God. His elect and messenger who will bring down a law
to be awaited in the isles and who "shall not fail nor be discouraged till he has set judgement on
earth." Verse 11 connects that awaited one with the descendants of Ke'dar. Who is Ke'dar?
According to Genesis 25:13, Ke'dar was the second son of Ishmael, the ancestor of prophet

*3. Muhammad's Migration from Mecca to Medina:*

Indeed, the incident of the migration of the prophet and his persecuted followers is vividly
described in Isaiah 21:13-17. That section foretold as well about the battle of Badr in which the
few ill-armed faithful miraculously defeated the "mighty" men of Ke'dar, who sought to destroy
Islam and intimidate their own folks who turned to Islam.

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As discussed before, Muslims believe that except Holy Quran, none of the scriptures available
today are fully authentic & divine since they all undergone human interventions. Still quoted many
verses from those scriptures (Hindu scriptures & Bible old/new testaments) in the previous articles
to prove that we can relate many of the prophecies in those scriptures to the Prophet Muhammad
and not anyone else; and therefore, even the followers of those scriptures should follow this

*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?*
*✅1. That Prophet- Paraclete- Muhammad*
Up to the time of Jesus (PBUH), the Israelites were still waiting for that prophet like unto Moses
prophesied in Deuteronomy 18:18. When John the Baptist came, they asked him if he was Christ
and he said "no". They asked him if he was Elias and he said "no". Then, in apparent reference to
Deuteronomy 18:18, they asked him "Art thou that Prophet" and he answered, "no". (John 1:19-

In the Gospel of John (Chapters 14, 15, 16), Jesus spoke of the "Paraclete" or comforter who will
come after him, who will be sent by Father as another Paraclete, who will teach new things which
the contemporaries of Jesus could not bear. While the Paraclete is described as the spirit of truth,
(whose meaning resemble Muhammad's famous title ‘Al-Amin’, the trustworthy), he is identified
in one verse as the Holy Ghost (John 14:26). Such a designation is however inconsistent with the
profile of that Paraclete.

Indeed, history tells us that many early Christians understood the Paraclete to be a man and not
a spirit. This might explain the followings who responded to some who claimed, without meeting
the criteria stipulated by Jesus, to be the awaited "Paraclete".

It was Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬who was the Paraclete, Comforter, helper, admonisher sent by God
after Jesus. He testified of Jesus, taught new things which could not be borne at Jesus' time, he
spoke what he heard (revelation), he dwells with the believers (through his well-preserved
teachings). Such teachings will remain forever because he was the last messenger of God, the only
Universal Messenger to unite the whole of humanity under God and on the path of PRESERVED

He told of many things to come which "came to pass" in the minutest detail meeting, the criterion
given by Moses to distinguish between the true prophet and the false prophets (Deuteronomy
18:22). He did reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:8-11)

*2. The Qur'an Foretold in the Bible?*

For twenty-three years, God's words (the Qur'an) were truly put into Muhammad's mouth. He was
not the "author" of the Qur'an. The Qur'an was dictated to him by Angel Gabriel who asked
Muhammad to simply repeat the words of the Qur'an as he heard them. These words were then
committed to memory and to writing by those who hear them during Muhammad's lifetime and
under his supervision.

*3. Shift of Religious Leadership Prophesied?*

Following the rejection of the last Israelite prophet, Jesus, it was about time that God's promise
to make Ishmael a great nation be fulfilled (Genesis 21:13,18)

In Matthew 21:19-21, Jesus spoke of the fruitless fig tree (A Biblical symbol of prophetic heritage)
to be cleared after being given a last chance of three years (the duration of Jesus' ministry) to give
fruit. In a later verse in the same chapter, Jesus said: "Therefore, say I unto you, The Kingdom of
God shall be taken away from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruit thereof" (Matthew

Was it a coincidence that the prophet "like unto Moses" from the "brethren" of the Israelites (i.e.
from the Ishmaelites) was also described as one in whose mouth God will put his words and that
he will speak in the name of God, (Deuteronomy 18:18-20). Was it also a coincidence the
"Paraclete" that Jesus foretold to come after Him was described as one who "shall not speak of
himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak (John 16:13)

Says God as quoted by Moses: “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto
my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him” (Deuteronomy 18:19)

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣4️⃣*
*❓What are the Scriptures?*
✅The Scriptures are the sacred books containing divine revelations from God which were
conveyed through His messengers for the guidance of man. Prophets were sent to all people of
all ages, to warn them and guide them to righteousness and virtue.

A Muslim believes in all scriptures and revelations of God, as they were complete and in their
original versions. Allah, the Creator, has not left man without guidance for the conduct of his life.
Revelations were given to guide the people to the right path of Allah and sent down to selected
people, the prophets, and messengers, to convey it to their fellow men.

The message of all the prophets and messengers is the same. They all asked the people of their
time to obey and worship Allah and none other. Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad
who were revealed their own book of Allah, were sent at different times to bring back straying
human beings from deviation to the right course.

The names of the four scriptures mentioned in Quran are 'the Torah', 'the Zabur', 'the Injeel' and
'the Qur'an'.

'The Torah' was revealed to Prophet Moses (PBUH) and it is the greatest among the Israelites
books. ‘The Zabur’ was revealed to Prophet David (PBUH). 'The Injeel' which Allah revealed to
Prophet Jesus (PBUH), is a confirmation of 'the Torah' and a complement to it. The Qur'an, which
was revealed to the last of the prophets, is but a restatement of the faith delivered to the prophets
before him.

The more the Qur'an is studied with an unprejudiced mind, the more this truth emerges, that the
Qur'an is a confirmation of all the earlier scriptures and messages sent by God through His
messengers who lived and preached among various sects of humanity.

Moreover, the Qur’anic view contends that one of the purposes of revealed scriptures is to unite
mankind. Look at what the Holy Qur’an says: “Mankind was one single nation. And Allah sent
Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge
between people in matters wherein they differed” (2:213)

Therefore, the first and foremost duty of the Scripture is to lead people unto the truth and to
eliminate, thereby, all dissension and anarchy.

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣5️⃣*
*❓What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?*
✅The sacred fundamental sources of Islamic faith are the Glorious Qur’an, which is the exact
word of God preserved for eternity in the Arabic language and the Sunnah, which refers to the
authentic sayings and actions of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, which were recorded and memorized by his
companions and their followers.

The Islamic way of life is based on the teachings and laws found in the Qur'an and the example
(Sunnah) of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Qur'an is the word of Allah and was revealed in potions to Muhammad, via the Angel Gabriel,
over a 23-year period. Each portion was recorded in writing by his official scribes and memorized
by thousands of his followers. After his death, the written collection was given to Abu Bark, the
first caliph, who oversaw its collection into one volume. The third caliph, Uthman, prepared several
copies and sent them to different Muslim territories. Ever since that time, the same version has
been used by Muslims. The wording, order, and language have never been altered in the slightest
manner. No other book claiming to be a divine revelation can make this claim, and no one has
ever been able to refute the claim of the Qur'an to complete authenticity

The Sunnah consists of the teachings, sayings, and actions of Prophet Muhammad. This
information was meticulously reported and collected by his Companions. It is essentially an
elaboration of the Qur'anic verses that shows how they are to be implemented in one's daily life.

The Sunnah is the practical example of the guidance found in the Glorious Qur’an. Muslims believe
in everything that is found in the Glorious Qur’an without exception. The Sunnah has been subject
to meticulous scrutiny by a thorough science of verification. What has been deemed as authentic
through multiple transmissions is accepted just as the Glorious Qur’an.

It does not take a rocket scientist or someone with a degree in Quantum Physics to understand
the Qur’an, the Sunnah, or the message that God wants us to understand. All the Messengers of
God implored their people to use their brains and open their eyes to ‘see’ God in His Creation.
“Seeing is believing,” or so the saying goes! All humans need to do is to look around them! What
is more beautiful than watching a star shoot across the sky? Is there anything more awe-inspiring
than a spider weaving an intricate web that is 100 times larger than its own body?
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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣6⃣*
*❓What is the Holy Qur'an?*
✅The Quran is the sacred book from the Almighty God. It is the last book of guidance from Allah,
sent down to Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬through the angel Jibraeel (Gabriel). Every word of it is the word of
Allah. It certainly is the divine scripture that is to be accepted by all, up to the very last man.

The term ‘Qur’an’ has the meanings of ‘the recitation’, or ‘that which is to be recited’ and of ‘that
which is recited’. Indeed, the Qur’an itself has employed the connotation ‘the scripture that is
recited’ in connection with this term (13:31).

It was revealed over a period of 23 years in the Arabic language. It contains 114 Surahs (chapters)
and over 6000 verses.

The Quran deals with man and his ultimate goal in life. Its teachings cover all areas of this life and
the life after death. It contains principles, doctrines, and directions for every sphere of human life.
The theme of the Quran broadly consists of three fundamental ideas: Oneness of Allah,
Prophethood and life after death. The success of human beings on this earth and in the life
hereafter depends on obedience to the Quran teaching.

“Indeed, there has come to you light and a clear book from Allah; With it Allah guides him who
follow His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into light by His
will and guides them to the right path” (5:15-16)

Unlike the earlier scriptures, the Qur’an is never a compilation of legal pronouncements or code
of laws (Taurat), or hymns (Zaboor) or a collection of Gospel or good news (Injeel). It is highly
probable that the Qur’an has been named as the last scripture because each one of its words is
to be repeatedly read by thousands upon thousands of its believers and is to be so etched into
their hearts so as to mould their very lives according to its guidelines. As for the actual reason, it
is the Lord Who sent it Who knows the answer thereof.

The Quran is unrivalled in its recording and preservation. The astonishing fact about this book of
Allah is that it has remained unchanged even to a dot over the past fourteen hundred years. No
scholar has questioned the fact that the Quran today is the same as it was revealed. Muslims till
today memorize the Quran word by word as a whole or in part. Today, the Quran is the only
authentic and complete book of Almighty God. Allah is protecting it from being lost, corrupted,
or concealed.

As far as its believers are concerned, the Qur’an is but the benchmart to distinguish truth from
falsehood. They understand that all that has been commanded therein constitute the good and
all that has been prohibited therein constitute evil. In fact, the Qur’an introduces itself as ‘Furqan’
(2:53, 2:185, 3:4, 25:1) which means ‘the criterion to distinguish between truth and falsehood’.

The Qur’an also describes itself as Kitab (book), Dhikr (guidance), Burhaan (evidence), Shifa (cure),
Kayyim (that which is pure), Muhaymin (that which preserves the previous scriptures) and the like.
Through these attributes the reader of the Qur’an is exposed to the clear picture of the morality
enshrined within.

The Qur’anic view is that the religious scripture consists of the revelations made to the messenger
by the Lord Creator Himself. Divine revelations have been referred to as Wahy and as far as a
revealed scripture is concerned, it contains Wahy alone. However, it is not necessary that all Wahy
made to all messengers should find mention in a scripture. In fact, it is only that portion of the
Wahy which has been received with the special command for its inception in the scriptural text,
that ultimately finds expression in it.

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣7⃣*
*❓What is the Theme of Holy Qur’an?*
✅The Qur'an contains the moral instructions, essential for man to succeed during this life on
earth and during the life after death. We may say that the central theme of the Qur'an borders on
the relationship between the Creator and the created. The Qur'an is full of narrations that speak
of beliefs and practices needed to guide one's life through the path of virtue.

The theme of the Qur’an is the salvation of man. As the only terrestrial being capable of
independent action, man is to follow certain laws for his very survival and progress. All things in
the universe follow the divine laws of their own accord. Indeed, they do not possess the option of
straying from this set course. In fact, the systemic functioning of the human body itself
compulsorily follows the divine laws.

However, man has been granted freedom of action in certain limited domains. Even in these
spheres he can attain salvation if, and only if, he obeys the divine commandments. It is to mankind
that the Qur’an speaks. It is to his salvation that the Qur’an beckons. It convinces him of the
existence of the Lord Creator by turning his attention to the varied and incredible phenomena of
nature. It speaks to him of the brevity of life in this world and of the utter meaninglessness of
wasting an entire lifetime in pursuit of the comforts herein.

Qur’an talks about the supreme oneness of almighty God which includes his names, attributes,
the relationships between the almighty and his creatures and how man should maintain that
relationships. It also talks about the continuity of the prophets and their lives, their messages, and
their overall mission. It insists upon following the final and universal example Muhammad, the
seal of the prophets and messengers.

It reminds the human beings of the shortness of this life and calling them towards the eternity of
the life hereafter. After you leave this place, you are going somewhere. After you die, you are also
going somewhere whether you accept it or know about it. You are going there, and you are
responsible because you are told even if you have rejected it.

The purpose of illustrating incidents of the past that have provided lessons for mankind, is to warn
mankind against deviating from the path of God. Along with the precepts that aid to the
refinement of the self, it contains the rules and regulations to be observed in life.

Besides, the Qur'an also explains various universal phenomena, in a manner that convinces anyone
of the existence of God. The Qur'an can also be said to be the crystallisation of one and the same
religious consciousness preached by all prophets, and the collection of the essence and
clarification of all the scriptures of the past.

It makes clear to him the path which must be followed in order to be of that blessed group which
becomes worthy of the entry into Paradise as of the safety from the confines of Hell. It invites his
attention to the history of those who traded the punishment of Hell in exchange for the comforts
of this world. It tells him of those who were granted the entry into Paradise for having led a life of
Briefly put, the Qur’an prepares man for attaining salvation both in this world and the next through
obedience to the divine commandments.

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*100 Advices from Glorious Quran:*

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1. Do not mix the truth with falsehood (2:42)

2. Order righteousness to people only after practicing it yourself (2:44)
3. Do not commit abuse on the earth (2:60)
4. Do not prevent people from mosques (2:114)(2:114)
5. Do not follow anyone blindly (2:170)
6. Do not break the promise (2:177)
7. Do not engage in bribery (2:188)
8. Fight only with those who fight you (2:190)
9. Keep the etiquettes of war (2:191)
10. Protect orphans (2:220)
11. Do not approach your wife during menstrual period (2:222)
12. Breast feed your children for two complete years (2:233)
13. Choose rulers by their merit (2:247)
14. No compulsion in religion (2:256)
15. Do not invalidate charity with reminders (2:264)
16. Help those in need by finding them (2:273)
17. Don’t consume interest (2:275)
18. Grant more time to repay if the debtor is in hard time (2:280)
19. Write down the debt (2:282)
20. Keep the trust (2:283)
21. Do not spy and backbite (2:283)
22. Believe in all prophets (2:285)
23. Do not burden a person beyond his scope (2:286)
24. Do not become divided (3:103)
25. Restrain Anger (3:134)
26. Do not be rude in speech (3:159)
27. Think deeply about the wonders and creation of this universe (3:191)
28. Men and Women have equal rewards for their deeds (3:195)
29. Wealth of the dead should be distributed among his family members (4:7)
30. Women also have the right for inheritance (4:7)
31. Do not devour the property of orphans (4:10)
32. Do not marry those in your blood relation (4:23)
33. Do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly (4:29)
34. Family should be led by men (4:34)
35. Be good to others (4:36)
36. Do not be miserly (4:37)
37. Do not keep envy (4:54)
38. Judge with justice between people (4:58)
39. Do not kill each other (4:92)
40. Do not be an advocate for deceitful (4:105)
41. Standout firmly for justice (4:135)
42. Cooperate in righteousness (5:2)
43. Do not cooperate in sin and aggression (5:2)
44. Dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine are prohibited (5:3)
45. Be just (5:8)
46. Punish for crimes in an exemplary way (5:38)
47. Strive against sinful and unlawful (5:63)
48. Avoid intoxicants and alcohol (5:90)
49. Do not gamble (5:90)
50. Do not insult others’ deities (6:108)
51. ’Having majority’ is not a criterion of truth (6:116)
52. Don’t reduce weight or measure to cheat people (6:152)
53. Do not be arrogant (7:13)
54. Eat and Drink, But Be Not Excessive (7:31)
55. Wear good cloths during prayer times (7:31)
56. Forgive others for their mistakes (7:199)
57. Do not turn back in battle (8:15)
58. Protect and help those who seek protection (9:6)
59. Keep Purity (9:108)
60. Never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy (12:87)
61. Allah will forgive to those who have done wrong out of ignorance (16:119)
62. Invitation to God should be with wisdom and good instruction (16:125)
63. No one will bear others’ sins (17:15)
64. Be dutiful to parents (17:23)
65. Do not say a word of disrespect to parents (17:23)
66. Do not spent money extravagantly (17:29)
67. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty (17:31)
68. Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse (17:32)
69. Do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge (17:36)
70. Speak to people mildly (20:44)
71. Keep aloof from what is vain (23:3)
72. Do not enter others’ house without seeking permission (24:27)
73. Allah will provide security for those who believe only in Allah (24:55)
74. Do not enter parents’ private room without asking permission (24:58)
75. Walk on earth in humility (25:63)
76. Do not neglect your portion of this world (28:77)
77. Invoke not any other god along with Allah (28:88)
78. Do not engage in homosexuality (29:29)
79. Enjoin right, forbid wrong (31:17)
80. Do not walk in insolence through the earth (31:18)
81. Lower your voice (31:19)
82. Women should not display their finery (33:33)
83. Allah forgives all sins (39:53)
84. Do not be despair of the mercy of Allah (39:53)
85. Repel evil by good (41:34)
86. Decide on affairs by consultation (42:38)
87. Try for settlement between people (49:9)
88. Do not ridicule others (49:11)
89. Avoid suspicion (49:12)
90. Do not spy or backbite (49:12)
91. Most noble of you is the most righteous (49:13)
92. Honor guests (51:26)
93. Spent wealth in charity (57:7)
94. No Monasticism in religion (57:27)
95. Those who have knowledge will be given a higher degree by Allah (58:11)
96. Treat non-Muslims in a kind and fair manner (60:8)
97. Save yourself from covetousness (64:16)
98. Seek forgiveness of Allah. He is Forgiving and Merciful (73:20)
99. Do not repel one who asks (93:10)
100. Encourage feeding poor (107:3)
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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣8⃣*
*❓Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur’an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?*
✅Quran, in Arabic, could only have been written by one of 3 possible sources:
1. The Arabs
2. Mohammad (‫)ﷺ‬
3. God (Allah)
Let us examine the three choices one by one.

*1. Arabs Wrote it?*

What Quran teaches goes directly against the pagan Arab culture, religion, and gods, that existed
before the Quran was revealed. Quran condemns idol worshipping, but the Arabs, loved their idol
gods, and worshipped them regularly. Quran raised the status of women; the Arabs treated
women next to animals. The Arabs would never write something that goes against their most
important belief of idol worshipping. Quran goes against most of the social habits (such as
backbiting, slandering, etc) which the Arabs were heavily indulged into.

How can Arabs then write something that would negate their entire society's norms and
ideologies? Quran has no author, and no group or individual in Arabia ever claimed to have written
it, nor any group or an individual recited, taught, and explained Quran except the Prophet
Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬and his followers.

*2. Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Wrote it?*

Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had lived in the light of history. It was through him that the world first
heard of the Qur’an. As such, all that may be asserted by those who do not accept the divine
status of the Qur’an is that it is the composition of Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. There are, however, certain
facts that must be understood as the premises for this discussion.

1. He was illiterate! How can an illiterate person come up with such a rich, poetic, intellectual, and
inspiring text that it rocked the entire Arabia?

2. Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬never went to school! No one taught him. He had no teacher of any kind in any
subjects. How can he have the knowledge of all the science, astronomy, oceanography, etc that is
contained in the Quran? (For example, the mention of ocean currents, stars, earth, moon, sun and
their fixed paths in Surah Rahman; and many other scientific statements that are found in Quran).

3. When Qur'an was revealed, the Arabic language was at its peak in richness, poetic value,
literature, etc. Qur'an came and challenged the best literature in Arabic, the best poetry in Arabic
of the time to produce a single chapter like that of the Qur'an. See Qur'an 2:23. An illiterate man
is simply not capable of writing such a book.

4. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had been, up to the age of forty, the most favored man among the Arabs. He
had no reason to come up with something like Quran and cause the entire society of Arabia to
become his enemy. Why would he do something like that?

5. Even among his bitterest opponents there was unanimity about the truthfulness of
Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. So, it is difficult to believe that he should venture to declare a falsehood in the
name of the Lord Creator.
6. There are references in the Qur’an which have criticized certain of the actions of Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬

It should be in the light of these facts that the pros and cons of the argument that the Qur’an is
the work of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬should be examined.

*3. Allah (God) Wrote it?*

The above case studies prove that Quran is not a book from Prophet Muhammed, neither from
any other Arabs, nor from any other humans in the world. So, it can be concluded that the Qur'an
is God’s word.

Quran itself claim that it’s a book from Allah: “It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered a
messenger from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to
instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom, although they had been, before, in manifest error” (Qur'an

“No falsehood can approach it from before or behind it: It is sent down by One Full of Wisdom,
Worthy of all Praise” (Qur'an 41:42)

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*🌹Understand Islam 5️⃣9⃣*
*❓Why the Qur’an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?*
✅If the Qur’an is a book that has been revealed by God Almighty for the guidance of mankind,
could it not have been revealed in the form of a complete book?

The Holy Qur’an was not revealed completely all at once. Rather, it was revealed bit by bit. The
verses contained in it were revealed against the backdrop of varying circumstances over a long
period stretching between 23 years.
There was no fixed time period during which the Prophet received the divine revelation. There
had been instances when the Prophet had received revelation more than once in a single day.
Sometimes it was only a few words that were revealed, full words that were, in their turn, to be
placed in a particular position within a particular chapter. On some occasions, whole chapters
where revealed to the Prophet at a stretch. Indeed, the Qur’an has been a compilation of verses
that were revealed according to the circumstances and occasions that demanded them.

Even the disbelievers from the time of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬use to ask the above question. Look at what
the Qur’an says: “Those who reject Faith say: ‘Why is not the Qur’an revealed to him all at once?
Thus (is it revealed), that We may strengthen thy heart thereby, and We have rehearsed it to thee
in slow, well-arranged stages, gradually” (25:32)

It becomes clear to us from these verses as to why the Qur’an was not revealed in a completed
book form. The Qur’an remains a religious scripture that is to provide guidance for all mankind
which is to come right up to the Last Day.

It is never a mere collection of legal decrees like the Torah. It is a book that particularly
demonstrated the method by which a society may be cleansed of its decadence solely through
transformation in thought and belief, in morality and values. Indeed, confronting us, today, is the
picture of a society that had transformed itself according to the stages in which the Qur’an came
to be revealed.

*The Benefits that have Accrued from the Qur’an being Revealed in Stages:*
1. For the illiterate Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, the revelation which came in stages afforded a facility for the
study, and memorization, of the Qur’an. It, thus, set the stage for the complete freedom from
forgetfulness and mistakes.

2. Through the process of gradual revelation, it becomes possible for the followers of the Prophet
to memorize and study deeply the issues contained in the Qur’an and to regulate their lives
according to its mandate.

3. It is difficult to eradicate, in one stroke, the vices and immorality which had prevailed in society
since a very long time. It is only in stages that they can be stopped.

4. In the event that the revelation was made all at once, it would have become imperative to
implement all the laws and decrees that were prescribed in it in a single day. Through revelation
in stages, it becomes possible to gradually raise a community that has been cleansed of all

5. The reception of divine commands in a fashion in which the doubts that arose in the minds of
the people as also their immediate problems were addressed and solved, proved a favorable
factor in the effective transformation of those who were addressed.
6. A large portion of the Glorious Qur’an is devoted to answers given to questions posed by the
people, and other portions deal with the details of particular events. Therefore, the revelation of
those verses was appropriate at the time when those questions were asked or when those events
came to pass.

7. The Prophet(‫ )ﷺ‬was subject to torture on a daily basis. That Jibril came, again and again, with
the words of the Qur’an, made his stand against these tortures bearable and gave strength to his

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣0⃣*
*❓Did the Glorious Qur’an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?*
✅The Qur'an is the final sacred scripture presented through the Last Prophet of Islam. It contains
nothing but the words of God. It is the scripture that can guide all mankind to the last day. For
the same reason, the very God who presented it, promised mankind that the Qur'an will be
protected and preserved to the last without any alteration or interpolation. The Qur'an is the only
religious text that is free from any human tampering. It is at the same time a text that can guide
men of all times through the right path and is also an irrefutable evidence for the prophethood
of Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬.

The Holy Qur'an contains God's message to mankind, as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬
through the angel Gabriel (Jibril) more than 1400 years ago. The revelations continued over a
period of about 23 years.

Initially, the revelations were not compiled into a single manuscript. As Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬received
the revelations, the verses were both memorized by early Muslims and recorded by scribes. After
the final revelation, the Angel Gabriel guided Muhammad in ordering the verses and chapters
(Surahs), and the Qur’an was then memorized in that order.
Allah has guaranteed to preserve the Quran, and He says: “Verily, We, it is We Who have sent
down the Quran and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)” (Qur’an 15:9)

Every letter of it was transmitted by thousands from thousands down throughout history, and not
one letter of it was altered. If any person tried to alter anything in it, or add something or take
something away, then he would be exposed straight away, because Allah is the One Who has
guaranteed to preserve the Quran; unlike the case with other divinely-revealed Books which Allah
revealed to the people of a particular Prophet only, and not to all of mankind. So, He did not
guarantee to preserve them, rather He delegated their preservation to the followers of the
Prophets. But they did not preserve them; rather they introduced alterations and changes which
distorted most of the meanings.

The Quran, on the other hand, was revealed by Allah to all of mankind until the end of time,
because the Message of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is the final message, so the Quran is preserved in men’s
hearts and in written form, as is proven by the events of history.

Whenever a verse of the Glorious Qur’an was revealed, the Prophet Muhammad memorized it and
conveyed the message to his companions who would also memorize it by heart and several of
them were entrusted with the job of writing it.

It is the firm and undisputed belief of all Muslims that the Glorious Qur’an we read today is the
Word of Allah, in letter and meaning. Unlike every other religious scripture in the world, the Qur’an
is one which has remained unchanged, in its original language, without the revision of a single
word since the time of the Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. This is the realization of the promise made by
Allah in the Glorious Qur’an in 15:9.

And throughout the centuries, the method of preservation has been twofold: memorization and
writing. A recent estimate of the number of Muslims worldwide who have committed the Glorious
Qur’an to memory is 10 million! (ICNA pamphlet, circa, 2002)

In brief, whenever a verse of the Glorious Qur’an was revealed, the Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬would
be divinely caused to memorize it. He would then convey the message to his companions, many
of whom would also memorize it by heart instantly and several of whom were entrusted with the
job of committing it to writing. Thus, from the earliest time there was a continuous tradition
among the Muslims of committing the Glorious Qur’an to memory and propagating it through
authenticated written manuscripts.

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣1⃣*
*❓When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur’an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?*
✅Was the Qur’an compiled as a complete book during the time of Muhammed (‫?)ﷺ‬

This question may be answered with a ‘yes’ and a ‘no’. For the answer to this question depends
on the meaning that is implied when it is said that a book has been compiled.

If by the compilation of a book one has in mind the idea of his followers being told clearly as to
which the chapters are from the beginning to the end and which the verses in each of them are
and of making a good number of his followers to memorize it, then it may be said that the Qur’an
had been compiled during the time of Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬itself. But if by compilation is meant the
stitching together of all the chapters and binding them between two cover pages and then
publishing it, it may then be said that the Qur’an was not compiled during the time of

The fact is that it was impossible to compile the Qur’an in the lifetime of the Prophet. We know of
the style in which the Qur’an was revealed. Gabriel comes, recites the verses of the Qur’an,
instructs as to which chapter and which position it is to fit. This was the usual procedure. Since the
verses, which were revealed according to various circumstances, were not compiled as chapters
in the chronological order of their revelation, the Qur’an could be said to have been fully compiled
as a book only after the last verse had been revealed.

The last of the verses of the Qur’an was revealed just nine days before death of the Prophet. It
need not be emphasized that the compilation of the Qur’an within these nine days would have
been a very difficult task.

*Compiling as a Complete Book Bound Between Two Cover Pages*

It was during the reign of the first caliph, Abu Bakr, that the Qur’an was first compiled as a
complete book bound between its covers. Although the Qur’an was transcribed on leather sheets
and other such materials during the lifetime of Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬himself, they were never the main
source for the study of the Qur’an on which the society depended. It was, in fact, the services of
those who had learnt the whole Qur’an by heart on which the people counted.
After the death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr (r) became the leader of the Islamic state. When
Musaylama, the false prophet, arraigned his powerful tribe (Banu Haneef) against Abu Bakr (r),
fighting broke out. The Muslims emerged victorious in the war. The greatest loss suffered by the
Muslims, however, was the martyrdom of seventy of those who had memorized the whole of the

It was this incident which led Umar (r) to contemplate over the protection of the Qur’an. He
discussed the measures that were to be taken for the purpose with the Caliph Abu Bakr (r). The
Caliph was, thereby, convinced of the necessity of the compilation of the Qur’an as a complete
book. He, thus, entrusted the task of compiling the Qur’an into a single book to Zaid bin Thabit,
the official scribe of the Prophet and the most important of those who wrote down the Qur’an.

Zaid bin Thabit himself had memorized the whole Qur’an. However, in the compilation of the
Qur’an, he also examined the Qur’anic scrolls which were in the possession of several persons.
Whenever those with the scrolls came to him, he compared their version with his own as also with
his memory - in such strict fashion did he continue with his task.

Thus, Zaid bin Thabit compiled the whole Qur’an into a single book bound together by its covers.
Such a compilation, bound as it was between two covers, is known as ‘Mushaf’. In short, therefore,
it was Zaid bin Thabit, during the reign of Abu Bakr (r), compiled the first Mushaf which included,
between its covers, the entire Qur’an.

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣2⃣*
*❓What are the Evidences for the Qur’an to Be a Divine Scripture?*
✅The Qur’an itself makes a claim that it is a divine revelation - that is, it was sent down from the
Almighty God to Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬through inspiration. And Allah says that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is not
speaking from himself, his own ideas or his own ambitions or his own emotions and feelings.
Instead, this is a revelation (Qur’an) which has been revealed to him.
Therefore, if we need to convince you or anyone else of the authenticity of the Qur’an, we must
prove that:
1. It was impossible for Muhammad to manufacture such a book
2. It was equally impossible for any human agency to have created it

The Qur'an is a unique book, the like of which is no man is capable of composing. Despite being
compiled by an illiterate, who had displayed no literary flair until the age of forty, the unique
literary style of the Qur'an, is one that remains absolutely inimitable. Amongst the existing
scriptures, the Qur'an remains apart, for it can claim to be the only divine text that maintains the
very form in which it was first presented. The moral codes laid down in the Qur'an are applicable
for all times and matchless is the righteousness that they manifest.

It is indeed a wonder, that over a spell of 23 years, under varied circumstances, the Qur'an verses
dealt with subjects that are vast and intense, without any discrepancy whatsoever. Incomparable
and great is the transformation that the Qur'an engendered. In such a short span, the Qur'an
transformed a degraded and depraved society to a point that attained the highest levels of moral
excellence, making them the models for the future generation of men. It has been proved beyond
doubt that, word for word the prophecies in the Qur'an stem from a supreme source.

It is a greater wonder that the Qur'an, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, at a time when
the world was in absolute darkness in the fields of science and technology, does not contain a
single statement that is contradictory to modern scientific knowledge.

For example, the Qur’an makes the statement: And we created the human beings from a hanging
clot that was clinging to the wall of the womb. How did the prophet Muhammad know that the
embryo started out as a clot hanging and clinging to the wall of the uterus of the mother? Did he
have a microscope? Did he have some kind of X-ray vision? How did he receive this knowledge
when this was discovered 50 years ago?

*Evidences for Qur’an to be a Divine Scripture can be Summarized as:*

1. It, itself, declares that it is a divine Scripture.
2. It shall remain unchanged up to the Last Day.
3. The path of right conduct that it prescribes is faultless.
4. It is practicable.
5. The history that it teaches is faultless and honest.
6. Its literature is incomparable.
7. The prophecies made in it can be seen to have come true.
8. The references in it to the varied phenomena of nature, as representing the signs of God, are
free of controversies.
9. There is no reference, whatsoever, of an unscientific nature in it.
10. It is free of all contradictions.
11. None has been able to take up the challenge it poses when it calls forth all, and any, to produce
an equivalent of at least one of its chapters.
12. The person who was appointed with it in the world was himself of a truthful and selfless nature.
Allah Almighty says: "And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to
Our servant, then produce a Chapter like there unto; And call your witness or helpers (if there are
any) besides Allah, if you are truthful. But if you cannot - and of a surety you cannot - then fear
the fire whose fuel is men and stones, which is prepared for those who reject faith” (Qur'an 2:23-

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣3️⃣*
*❓Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?*
✅Let us see a passage from Holy Quran: “Your God is one God. There is no God but He. He is
the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the
alternation of night and day; in the ships that sail the ocean with cargoes beneficial; in the water,
Allah sends down from the clouds and with which He revives the dead earth and with which He
dispersed over it all kinds of animals; in the movement of winds and in the clouds that are driven
between the earth and the sky surely are signs for men of understanding” (Quran 2:163-164)

It is generally believed in our religious circles that the teachings and directives of Islam only appeal
to our emotions and sentiments; they do not address our intellect and as such they have to be
accepted and obeyed without being inquisitive about the logic and philosophy behind them.

This view seems to contradict the Qur’an. The Qur’an explicitly states that the Islamic beliefs and
directives have sound reasons behind their inception and that they conform to the highest
possible standard of rationality. Consequently, whenever the Qur’an urges man to accept certain
dogmas, it cites arguments to substantiate its claims. It warns those who evade and ignore its calls
to use their faculty of reasoning instead of being a slave to emotions like hate and prejudice.

In fact, a little deliberation shows that it wants us to obey certain religious commandments just
because the Almighty has blessed us with the faculty of reasoning. Thus, a perfectly healthy person
who is insane has been relieved from all religious responsibilities by Islam. In spite of being fit and
healthy in all other respects, he has not been asked to say his prayer or fast, nor is he liable for
punishment for any crime which he commits.

An important point which must be understood in this regard is that we are required to accept
certain realities without observing them because their existence can logically be deduced. For
example, we are not able to see God; the Day of Judgement too is yet concealed from our eyes,
nor have we witnessed Gabriel revealing the Divine Message to the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. Yet, we believe
in all these because present in the Qur’an, in our own intuition and in every phenomenon of nature
are signs which testify that these realities are rationally proven facts.

It is highly irrational on the part of man to demand a visual display of realities which though,
unseen can be understood rationally. It is his misfortune that on the one hand when he delves
deep in the domains of science he accepts certain realities which cannot be observed but the
existence of which can be proven by other means, and on the other hand he adopts a completely
different attitude when he comes across certain metaphysical realities of life.

In other words, some realities upon which the Qur’an asks us to believe are certainly beyond the
perception of senses but not beyond the perception of reason. Just as footsteps on sand testify
beyond doubt that someone has gone past, likewise writ large on every created matter of this
universe is that someone else also has just gone past and left an indelible expression of his own

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣4️⃣*
*❓Can it Be Said that the Qur’an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?*
✅Yes. The Qur’an is, indeed, a book that is practicable in all respects. In fact, there is but one,
and only one, book that exists today which fulfills the goal of divine scripture, namely, to unite all
mankind by guiding it along the path of truth and morality. That is the Qur’an.
The moral laws which it propounds are completely practicable. The fact remains, therefore, that it
is the Qur’an alone which provides for the formulation of a social code that is based on ethics and

*What is the Evidence in Favor of the Qur’an being a Practicable Book?*

The greatest proof for the Qur’an being a practicable book is the very revolution that has been
wrought by it. If we examine the condition of Arabia before and after the revelation of the Qur’an,
we will be convinced of the practicable nature of the Qur’an.

It was a society which was steeped in the darkness of blind superstitions; which was enslaved to
the addiction to wine and intoxicants; which showed not the least hesitation in the spilling of
blood over senseless conflicts to assert tribal superiority; which was nowhere in the matter of
knowledge and learning; which lacked cohesiveness as a political and military bloc. This was the
state of Arabia before the revelation of the Qur’an.

When we look upon the Arabia after the revelation of the Qur’an, however, it is the picture of the
standard bearers of a civilization that challenged, in its greatness, all the other civilizations of the
day, which we witness. Indeed, they had attained such prominence as to stand higher that the
Greeks who were the masters of the day in the fields of science and arts. Alexandria was soon
replaced by Baghdad as the greatest center of learning and culture.

Furthermore, they now caused to tremble even the empires of Rome and Persia both of which
had enjoyed the legacy of political leadership that were centuries old. The Arabs, who engaged in
unjustifiable tribal warfare and the wanton spilling of blood, had now emerged as the flag bearers
of unity and cohesiveness.

Not having known what morality and immorality were, they now became the chief propagators of
a moral code. The Holy Qur’an had truly succeeded in remolding Arabian society into one which
would prove to be a model for the whole world; and that too within the span of only 23 years.

In fact, there has not been another book that equals it in so transforming a whole race. In reality,
none of the critics of the Qur’an has been able to prove the non-practicability of any of the laws
enshrined in it, in a truthful manner.

*How can it be Claimed that the Penal Laws of the Qur’an are Practicable?*
Indeed, the ultimate goal of all penal laws is the making of social life as peaceful as possible by a
constant striving, not so much, for merely punishing those guilty of crime as for the elimination
of crime itself. The Quran’s specialty lies in its prescription of exactly such a set of penal laws which
serves to attain this objective.

Any penal law can be said to be practicable if it exhibits the following qualities:
1. It becomes a retribution for the crime committed.
2. It prevents crime.
3. It serves to create a sense of dread in criminals.
4. It serves to assuage the feelings of the victims who have undergone privations.
5. It seeks to refine and transform the criminal.
6. It provides for the compensation of those who suffered losses due to the crime.
7. It seeks to make the criminal repent his deed.
8. It seeks to protect the society from crime and disorder.

All of these qualitative functions may be seen to be fulfilled by any of the penal laws in Islam. It
can thus be said without a shadow of doubt, that they are, indeed, practicable.

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣5️⃣*
*❓Scientific Facts in the Quran?*
✅A mobile phone is clearly something that was put together in an organized way, so it would
be rational to believe that it must have an organizer. In the same way, when we see the order in
the universe around us, isn’t it rational to say that the universe has an organizer?

“We shall show them our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to
them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your lord is the witness of all things?” (Quran

The below are some of the scientific facts found in the Quran. It is important to note that the
Quran is not a book of science, but that it is consistent with science.

“We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement,
firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then
We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)…” (Quran 23:12-14)
One of the world’s most prominent scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology, Professor
Emeritus Keith L. Moore said: “It is clear to me that these statements must have come to
Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many
centuries later”.

*Sky’s Protection:*
The sky protects the earth from the lethal rays of the sun. If the sky did not exist, then the sun’s
radiation would have killed off all life on earth. It also acts like a blanket wrapped around the earth,
to protect it from the freezing cold of space.

“We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet they are turning away from Our signs!” (Quran

*Seas and Oceans:*

Modern Science has discovered that in the places where two different seas meet, there is a barrier
between them. This barrier divides the two seas so that each sea has its own temperature, salinity,
and density [Principles of Oceanography, Davis, pp. 92-93]

“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not
transgress” (Quran 55:19-20)

*Sun’s Orbit:*
The belief that the Sun is stationary was widespread amongst astronomers until the 20th century.
It is now a well-established scientific fact that the Sun is not stationary but is moving in an orbit.

“It is He who created night and day, the sun and the moon, each floating in its orbit” [Quran 21:33]

*Moon is Reflected Light:*

It was believed by earlier civilizations that the moon emanates its own light. Science now tells us
that the light of the moon is reflected light.

“Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon
giving (reflected) light” (Quran 25:61)

A book titled ‘Earth’ by Geophysicist Frank Press explains that mountains are like stakes and are
buried deep under the surface of the earth. Mount Everest, the height of which is 9 km above
ground, has a root deeper than 125 km.

“Did we not make the earth a resting place? and the mountains as stakes?” [Quran 78:6-7]
*Universe Expanding:*
The fact that the universe is expanding was discovered in the last century.

“And it is We who have built the universe with [Our creative] power and keep expanding it” [Quran

*Skin Pain Receptors:*

For a long time, it was thought that the sense of feeling and pain was dependent on the brain.
However, it has been discovered that there are pain receptors present in the skin. Without these
pain receptors, a person would not be able to feel pain.

“We shall send those who reject our revelations to the (hell) fire. When their skins have been
burned away, We shall replace them with new ones so that they may continue to feel the pain:
God is almighty, all-wise” (Quran 4:56)

* Please Watch this Video for More Details ( 14:34mins)*

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣6⃣*
*❓What Does the Qur’an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?*
✅The Qur’an recognizes all the scriptures that had been revealed before its own time. However,
the Qur’an does not, in an explicit fashion, state the total number of all such revealed scriptures.
There is only the mention of the names of four other scriptures in the Qur’an. These include the
Taurat which was revealed to the Prophet Moses (a), the Zaboor which was revealed to the Prophet
Dawood (a) the Injeel which was revealed to the Prophet Jesus (a) and the Qur’an itself which was
revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. The Qur’an further highlights the fact that besides these
four scriptures, other edicts, too, were revealed by the Lord Creator.
“Say: We believe in Allah and what is revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob and the tribes, and what was entrusted to Moses and Jesus and the prophets from
their Lord” (Quran 3:136). “And this is in the Books of the earliest (Revelations), The Books of
Abraham and Moses” (Quran 87:18-19).

All humans are accountable for their chosen faith and actions and will be called to account on the
Day of Judgment accordingly. God’s infinite knowledge and will prevail over everything in this

He is the creator of time and that which exists within it. Thus, He is not part of time or governed
by it. God sent prophets to mankind to guide us to all that is good for us in this life and in the
Hereafter and warn us of a punishment for spreading corruption and injustice.

Muslims believe that God sent Prophets (peace be upon them) to all people, beginning with Adam
and including Prophets like Noah, Salih, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Hud, Moses,
David, Dhul-kifl, Jesus, Muhammad, and thousands of others (peace be upon them).

We say ‘thousands of others’ because God revealed in the Qur’an that He sent a guide to all
peoples and generations throughout history with only 25 being mentioned in the Qur’an.

The Qur’an attests the truth of all the previous scriptures: “It is He Who sent down to thee (step
by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Torah (of Moses)
and the Gospel (of Jesus)” (Quran 3:3)

It is the compulsory duty of the Muslim to believe in all the scriptures that were revealed by Allah.
Indeed, the Qur’an views the disbelief in the divine nature of any of the previous scriptures as a
gross perversion. “O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which
He hath sent to His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who
denied Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far
astray” (Quran 4:136)

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣7⃣*
*❓Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?*
✅Messengers have been sent to all communities among mankind. The Qur’an makes it so
explicitly clear as to leave behind not a shadow of a doubt, that “there has not gone by a single
nation wherein a warner was not sent” (Quran 35:24)

Further, some among those messengers must have been the recipients of scriptures also. It is not
for the Muslim to take any of these messengers or their scriptures lightly or with indifference. For
the Qur’an has sternly warned against showing partiality with respect to the messengers (4:150)

However, Islam does not recognize that the Christian and Hindu scriptures existing today are
completely divine. Even many of the believers of these scriptures do not have such a faith.

*Christian Scriptures:*
Torah is the scripture that was given to Moses (a). Similarly, Zaboor and Injeel are the scriptures
that were given to David (a) and Jesus (a). The Qur'an introduces these as the scriptures that God
has revealed to the prophets.

"Indeed, We sent down the Torah, in which was guidance and light"(Qur'an 5:44). "And, We gave
him the Gospel, in which was guidance and light and confirming that which preceded it of the
Torah" (Qur'an 5:46).

But this is not the case with existing Bible books today. They were written decades after the lifetime
of the prophets. Moreover, even the Jews and Christians agree that those books were written
neither by the prophets nor even under their supervision.

The traditional Jewish faith is that Moses wrote the Torah; not that God revealed it. Since Moses'
death and posthumous events are described in the Torah (Deuteronomy 34:5-10), we can
understand that it is not even written by Moses.

The Gospel in the New Testament was written at least five decades after Jesus. The Gospels give
different and contrary images about the life and message of Jesus. Therefore, it is clear that these
are not the scriptures that were revealed to Jesus.

*Hindu Scriptures:*
As an ancient land in which had thrived a civilization and culture, India, too, must have had been
the destination of the messengers.

But can it be said that any of the existing books on the Shruthi (the Vedic compilations, Brahmanas,
Aaranyas, Upanishads) has been revealed to the messengers by the Lord Creator? It is believed
that these have been referred to as Shruthi because they had been heard of from God Himself.
The concept of Shruthi makes it clear that it was also the belief of the Hindus that mankind does,
indeed, receive messengers from God. Even though all the above-mentioned books are all
Shruthis in themselves, the question as to which amongst them forms the more authoritative text
is one over which there is much difference of opinion.

While Dayanand Saraswathi, the founder of the Aarya Samaaj, accorded the authoritative status
to four Vedas, others like Swami Vivekananda gave prime importance to the Upanishad. There
were also scholars of Hinduism who opined that even the most authentic of the Books of Shruthi
can be prone to error.

The stand of Dr. Radhakrishnan that “the Vedas are neither infallible nor all-encompassing” (Indian
Religions, Page 22) and of Swami Vivekananda that “…all portions of the Vedas are acceptable to
me. However, some portions of the Vedas are, at first sight, self-contradictory” (Vivekananda
Sahitya Sarwaswam vol. 4, Issue 55) proves that the Vedas are not completely divine.

Generally speaking, the Shruthi comprises of books which present the actual and existing beliefs
and practices that once prevailed in India. However, vague signs if messages received by the
Prophets who were sent to India can be seen in them. But the claim that these are completely
divine is, however, without foundation.

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣8⃣*
*❓What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?*
✅In Islam, the term "worship" covers any action that one does in accordance with the will of
Allah. It can be mental, physical, spoken, or otherwise. All such actions will be rewarded. There are
five acts of worship that are so fundamental that the Prophet grouped them together as the five
pillars of Islam. Every Muslim is expected to fulfil these obligations. They are:
*1. The Declaration of Monotheism:*
Recognizing and acknowledging the monotheistic nature of Allah stands at the core of Islam. This
consists of a public affirmation that "there is no god but Allah (God), and Muhammad is His
Messenger." It is after taking this pledge that one becomes a Muslim.

The person who chants this pledge vows that he will offer worship to the One and Only creator
and no one else, and that he will lead his life, following the practice and example of Prophet
Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬.

*2. Daily Prayers (Salat):*

A Muslim must perform the five daily prayers. These must be performed at specific times,
corresponding roughly with dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and nightfall. The Salaat is to be
performed after doing ritual ablutions which symbolizes purification of body and soul. The prayers
can be made in any clean place, but it is preferable to pray them with others in a mosque, for this
communal undertaking acts as a reminder that all Muslims are equal.

When many people are praying together, it becomes clear that color, economic status, social
position, and all other artificial distinctions have no importance to Allah, for all Muslims are
commanded to stand together, shoulder to shoulder, and prostrate themselves before Him.
Prayers also elevated the individual to a higher level of morality, purifies his heart, and helps him
to resist his desire to engage in forbidden activities.

*3. Fasting the Month of Ramadan:*

“Ramadhan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur'an, as a guide to mankind, also clear
(signs) for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong). So, every one of you who is
present during that month should spent it in fasting" (Qur'an 2:185)

Every year during the month of Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, drink, and sexual activity
from dawn to sunset. Ramadhan, the month in which the Qur'an was first revealed, is the stipulated
month for fasting. The believer who observes fasting for a month will be able to elevate his self
above all temptations of a physical nature.

*4. Charity (Zakat):*

"Of their wealth take alms, that so thou mightiest purify and sanctify them; and invoke Allah for
them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-
Knower" (Qur'an 9:103). The literal meaning of Zakat is 'to purify'.

Every Muslim whose net annual savings are above a certain specified minimum, must pay an
annual amount of 2.5% to the poor and needy. This action purifies one's accrued wealth, fosters
the quality of sacrifice, and rids him of selfishness and greed. It also helps to reduce resentment
and envy between a society's poor and rich classes.
*5. Hajj Pilgrimage to Makkah:*
Hajj is an act of worship that is to be performed at least once in a lifetime, provided that one is
physically and financially able to do so. People of different nationalities, languages, and colors
gather in millions at Makkah during the month of Hajj.

The concept of one humanity upheld by Islam is explicit during Hajj pilgrimage when the pilgrims
have the same thought, carry the same prayer on their lips, and are uniformly dressed. A single
humanity, where there is no discrimination between master or laborer, black or white, elite or
lowly, native or foreigner, is symbolized by the multitude of humanity that assemble for this holy

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*🌹Understand Islam 6⃣9⃣*
*❓What Should Be a Muslim’s Attitude Towards Worldly Life?*
✅In this day and age, nearly everyone is in the race to gain maximum and surpass others in
materialistic possessions. The present society has evolved so drastically around money-oriented
expansions that its values and norms of morality have also tarnished. People have almost ceased
to differentiate between the right and wrong and think of living this life to the fullest in every

Allah says about this nature of human in the Holy Quran: “And to whom I granted extensive wealth.
And children present [with him]. And spread [everything] before him, easing [his life]. Then he
desires that I should add more” (Quran 74:12-15)

These verses show that man has always been greedy by nature and has wished for more than it
should own. No wonder why the world is constantly moving in the direction of increased
Holy Quran depicts about the reality of this worldly life: “And this worldly life is not but diversion
and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they
knew” (Quran 29:64)

*Living like a Stranger on Earth:*

A foreign person knows that he does not have to stay permanently in the distant place he is
visiting. He lives like a guest and misses his own country or region. Same way, all humans are sent
by the Creator of the Universe in this world as immigrants who have to travel back to their actual
destination, i.e. hereafter. A true Muslim believes in this fact and knows about the momentary
nature of worldly life.

Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) once narrated: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬took hold of my shoulders and said, “Be
in this life as a stranger or a passerby. When evening comes, do not expect (to live till) morning,
and when morning comes, do not expect (to live till) evening. Take from your health (a
preparation) for your illness and from your life for your death” (Al-Bukhari)

This Hadees gives basic guideline for every Muslim about how he should live on the earth. Once
a Muslim has that mentality, it helps in abstaining from all kinds of possessions and immorality.

*Having a Moderate Life:*

Islam greatly emphasizes on the importance of adopting moderation in every matter of life. The
Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬also indicates that a Muslim should restrain from indulging in
avaricious affairs so that it does not become selfish and forget about its actual purpose of
existence in this world, i.e. to please the Almighty Allah.

But, Islam does not say that one should live simple life to the extent that it goes back to Stone
Age, rather it only stresses on having a modest life so that the greed and lust of getting more and
more may not make one to forget about his real life, i.e. hereafter.

“But seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not
forget your share of the world. And do good as Allah has done good to you. And desire not
corruption in the land. Indeed, Allah does not like corrupters” (Quran 28:77)

It means that a true believer should pray to the Gracious God for giving what is enough in this
world, and not beyond that. Just like a man cannot eat or drink beyond its limit, same applies for
one’s life. A Muslim should be reasonable and just in every matter of life, like in one’s dressing,
behavior, relationships with family members and relatives, and in overall society etc. When one
has understood the basic theme behind adopting self-control in life, it would eventually lead to
the rightful fulfillment of both of its religious and secular duties and responsibilities.

In short, a true Muslim should consider the worldly life as short-term, and act in within the Islamic
philosophy of existence, which will bring about the ultimate success in the hereafter.
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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣0⃣*
*❓Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?*
✅The stand of Islam is, on the one hand, prohibits fornication and adultery, and blocks all ways
leading to them. On the other hand, Islam calls people toward marriage, prohibiting renunciation
and castration. (Renunciation means remaining celibate and renouncing worldly activity for the
sake of devoting oneself to the worship of God. Castration denotes suppressing sexual desire by
removing the testicles)

As long as he possesses the means to marry, the Muslim is not permitted to refrain from marriage
on the grounds that he has dedicated himself to the service or the worship of Allah and to a life
of monasticism and renunciation of the world.

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬noted a tendency toward monasticism among some of his Companions. Declaring
this to be a deviation from the straight path of Islam and a rejection of his sunnah (recommended
practice), he thereby rid Islam’s conceptual framework of such a Christian notion.

Abu Qulabah narrated: “Some of the Companions of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬decided to relinquish the
world, forsake their wives, and become like monks. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬told them with asperity, People
before you perished because of their asceticism; they made excessive demands on themselves
until Allah brought hardships on them: you can still see a few of them remaining in monasteries
and temples. Then worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, perform the Hajj and
the ‘Umrah, be righteous, and all affairs will be set right for you.” (Reported by ‘Abdur Razzaq, Ibn
Jarir, and Ibn al-Mundhir).

Abu Qulabah said the following verse was revealed concerning them: “O you who believe! Do not
make haram the good of things which Allah has made halal for you, and do not transgress; indeed,
Allah does not like transgressors” (Quran 5: 87)
It is reported by Al-Bukhari and others that three people came to the Prophet’s wives and asked
how the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬conducted his worship. When they were told about it, they seemed to
consider it but little, saying, “What a difference there is between us and the Messenger of Allah
(‫)ﷺ‬, whose past and future sins have been forgiven him by Allah!”

One of them said, “As for me, I will always pray during the night.” The other said, “I will have
nothing to do with women and will never marry.”

When the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬heard about this, he explained to them their error and deviation from the
straight path, saying, I am the one who fears Allah the most among you, yet I fast and I break my
fast, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. He who turns away from my sunnah has nothing to
do with me.

Addressing the young men of all times, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “Young men, those of you who can
support a wife should marry, for it keeps you from looking at women and preserves your chastity”

From this statement some scholars have inferred that marriage is obligatory for the Muslim who
is able to support a wife and that the avoidance of it is not permissible, while other scholars add
the further condition for its obligatoriness that he should be afraid of falling into sin.

And the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “There are three who have a right to the help of Allah: the
one who marries out of the desire to live a chaste life, the slave whose master has agreed to his
buying his freedom when he wishes to pay the sum, and the one who fights in the cause of Allah.”
(Reported by Ahmad, al-Nisai, al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and al-Hakim)

And it is for this reason that Islam has vehemently denounced it and the well-known tradition,
which states: “There is no (room for) monasticism in Islam”, is witnessed in numerous Islamic

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣1⃣*
*❓What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?*
✅The animals have instinct, no intellect. The herons learn wading themselves. Who teaches the
birds how to fly? Ducklings swim naturally. The horse grazes grass but does not eat meat. The lion
eats meat but does not graze grass. What is all this? Actually, the instinct itself works as a guide.
Man has also been given instincts. He needs bread. He needs sex. But he is above animals. He has
been endowed with a special boon and that is intellect.

Man is free to exercise his mind. Whether he selects right path or wrong path it is his own choice.
But Man is incapable of accurately distinguishing and understanding virtue and vice (good and
bad). So, God sent prophets to all nations to guide them so that they are not strayed from the
right path.

Prophets were sent by the Almighty to enlighten man on the nature of virtue and vice. Prophet
Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬is the last prophet and therefore for any man after Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬, the yardstick
to measure virtue and vice is simply the life of Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬and the Qur'an, the sacred scripture
presented through him. It is sufficient to look up the Qur'an and the ideal life of Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬
to comprehend the good and bad related to any subject.

The Prophet Muhammad said, "Piety/virtue is good manner, and sin is that which creates doubt
and you do not like people to know it"

Allah Almighty says in Quran: "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female
and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you
in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted” (49:13)

"Those who (in charity) spend their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public have their
reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve" (Quran 2:274)

Prophet Muhammad said: “the best deeds before God are to pardon a person who has wronged
you, to show affection for relatives who have broken ties with you, and to act generously towards
a person who has deprived you”.

So, when Allah (The Most High) revealed the Qur'an and the example of the Prophet (SAW), all
the details about good and bad, or right and wrong, were not left for the limited nature of mankind
to define for themselves. Allah says: “And We have sent down to you the Book (Qur'an) as an
Explanation of Everything and a Guidance, a Mercy and glad tidings for those who have
surrendered (to Allah as Muslims)" (Quran 16:89)

As far as its believers are concerned, the Qur’an is but the benchmark to distinguish truth from
falsehood. They understand that all that has been commanded therein constitute the good and
all that has been prohibited therein constitute evil. In fact, the Qur’an introduces itself as ‘Furqan’
(2:53, 2:185, 3:4, 25:1) which means ‘the criterion to distinguish between truth and falsehood’.

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣2⃣*
*❓What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?*
✅The Qur'an and the Hadees (sayings of Prophet) enjoins each Muslim to have the following
characteristics in each of his actions. They are-honesty, justice, honoring of contracts, patience,
perseverance, tolerance, mercy, humility, affection, decency, love, respect etc.

The Qur'an and the Hadees make it clear that, Muslims ought not to harbor feelings deceit,
jealousy, greed, hatred, treachery, extravagance, miserliness, pride, hypocrisy, vainglory, mockery,
falsehood, gossip, scandal-mongering and short temper.

Below we give, in the words of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the chief
qualities a Muslim should display:

*1. Truthfulness:*
"O you who believe! keep your duty to Allah and speak straight, true words" (Quran 33:70)
"O you who believe, keep your duty to Allah, and be with the truthful people" (9:119)
Also see: 4:135

*2. Sincerity:*
"It is most hateful in the sight of Allah that you say things which you do not do" (61:3)
"Serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience" (39:2)
Also see: 107:4-6
*3. Unselfishness:*
"They (the true believers) give food, out of love for Allah, to the poor, the orphan and the slave,
saying: We feed you only for Allah's pleasure - we desire from you neither reward nor thanks"
Also see: 3:91 & 74:6

*4. Humility:*
"The servants of the Beneficent (Allah) are those who walk on the earth in humility" (25:63)
"Do not turn your face away from people in contempt, nor go about in the land exultingly" (31:18)
Also see: 53:32

*5. Patience:*
"Allah loves those who are patient" (3:145)
"Give good news to the patient, who, when a misfortune befalls them, say: We are Allah's and to
Him do we return" (2:155-156)

*6. Forgiveness:*
"Pardon (people) and overlook (their faults). Don't you love that Allah should forgive you" (24:22)
"(The dutiful are) . . . those who restrain their anger and pardon people. Allah loves those who do
good to others" (3:134)
Also see: 42:37, 12:92 & 42:40,43

*7. Purity and Cleanliness:*

"He indeed is successful who purifies himself (in mind and body), and remembers the name of his
Lord, then prays" (87:14-15)
Also see: 74:4-5

*8. Honesty:*
"Do not swallow up your property among yourselves by false means, nor offer it as a bribe to the
officials so that you may swallow up other people's property unlawfully while you know" (2:188)
Also see: 17:34-35

*9. Goodness and Kindness to Others:*

"Allah commands you to uphold justice and to do good to others and to give to the relatives"
"Do good to others, surely Allah loves those who do good to others" (2:195)

*10. Justice:*
"Be maintainers of justice and bearers of true witness for Allah, even if it (the truth) goes against
your own selves or parents or relatives or someone who is rich or poor" (4:135)
*11. Consideration and Respect for Others:*
"O you who believe! avoid most of suspicion (against others), for surely suspicion in some cases
is sin; and do not spy (into other people's affairs), nor let some of you backbite others" (49:12)
"When you are greeted with a greeting, greet with one better than it, or return it (in the same
terms at least)" (4:86)
Also see: 24:27-28

*12. Moderation:*
"Eat and drink, but do not be immoderate" (7:31)
"Do not chain your hand to your neck (so that you are mean in spending), nor stretch it out to the
utmost limit (so that you waste everything)" (17:29)

*13. Cheerfulness:*
"Be of good cheer" (Holy Prophet in Bukhari)
"It is an act of charity to meet your fellow with a cheerful face" (Holy Prophet in Mishkat)

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣3️⃣*
*❓What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?*
✅Islam is an entire way of life, and Allah's Guidance extends into all areas of our lives. Islam has
given detailed regulations for our economic life, which is balanced and fair. Muslims are to
recognize that wealth, earnings, and material goods are the property of God, and we are merely
His trustees. The principles of Islam aim at establishing a just society wherein everyone will behave
responsibly and honestly.

*The Fundamental Principles of the Islamic Economic System can be Summarized as:*
According to Islam all the resources on earth have been created for mankind. It is the right of
every human being to make use of the natural resources. Everyone has the right to work hard and
earn wealth. However, the earnings should not be the result of the exploitation of others.
Income can be earned through business, cultivation, hard work, trade, and the like. But in every
transaction, clear moral instructions have to be observed. What one earns, while observing these
moral laws, is his own and not of the society or of the nation.

Muslims are not to deal in interest. "Those who devour usury will not stand… Allah has permitted
trade and forbidden usury… Allah will deprive usury of all blessing but will give increase for deeds
of charity…" (Qur'an 2:275-6)

This prohibition is for all interest-based transactions, whether giving or receiving, whether dealing
with Muslims or non-Muslims. It is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬cursed those who
pay interest, those who receive it, those who write a contract based on it, and those who witness
such a contract.

It is forbidden to gain property or wealth by fraud, deceit, theft, or other falsehoods. "…Give just
measure and weight, and do not withhold from people the things that are their due. And do not
do mischief on the earth after it has been set in order. That will be best for you if you have faith"

Forbidden are earnings from gambling, lotteries, and the production, sale, and distribution of
alcohol. "O you who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones, and divination by
arrows are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination, that you may
prosper" (5:90)

It is unlawful to hoard food and other basic necessities. Everyone should take what they need and
no more. "And let those who covetously withhold of the gifts which Allah has given them of His
Grace, think that it is good for them. No, it will be the worse for them. Soon it will be tied to their
necks like a twisted collar, on the Day of Judgment. To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens
and the earth, and Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do" (3:180)

Whatever the individual makes or earns through lawful means is his private possession, which
neither the State nor anybody else can justifiably claim. In return for this right of private
possession, he has only to fulfill certain obligations to the society and pay certain taxes to the
State. When this is done, he has full rights to protection by the State, and his freedom of enterprise
is secure and guaranteed.

The main purpose of the Islamic legislation’s on economics and commerce is to secure the rights
of the individual and maintain the solidarity of society, to introduce high morality to the world of
business and enforce the Law of God in that sphere of enterprise. It is logical and consistent that
Islam should be concerned with such aspects as these because it is not merely a spiritual formula
but a complete system of life in all its walks.

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣4️⃣*
*❓What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?*
✅Proprietors are constantly reminded of the fact that they are in reality mere agents appointed
by God to administer their holdings. There is nothing in Islam to stop the Muslim from attaining
wealth and endeavoring for material improvements through lawful means and decent channels.
Yet the fact remains that man comes to this world empty-handed and departs from it likewise.
The actual and real owner of things is God alone of Whom any proprietor is simply an appointed
agent, a mere trustee.

This is not only a fact of life but also has a significant bearing on human behavior. It makes the
proprietor always ready to spend in the way of God and to contribute to worthy causes. It makes
him responsive to the needs of his society and gives him an important role to play, a sacred
mission to fulfill. It saves him from the pit of selfishness, greed, and injustice.

This is the true conception of property in Islam, and that is the actual status of proprietors. The
Qur’an considers possession of wealth a trying test, and not a token of virtuous excellence or
privileged nobility or a means of exploitation. God says:

It is He Who has made you (His) agents, inheritors of the earth: He has raised you in ranks, some
above others; that He may try you in the gifts He has given you. Verily, your Lord is quick in
punishment, yet He is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (6:165).

A Muslim should be responsible in spending money. Extravagance and waste are strongly
discouraged. "[The Servants of Allah are] Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and
not stingy, but hold a just balance between those extremes" (25:67)

"O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer. Eat and drink,
but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not the wasters" (7:31)
*Spending in the Way of God:*
In the words of the Qur’an, God enjoins upon the proprietor to fulfill his financial obligations
towards his fellow men, and to be moderate in his private spending. He is always reminded of the
fact that God is the Real Provider and Actual Possessor.

Here is the declaration of the Qur’an: “And give the relative his right, and [also] the poor and the
traveler, and do not spend wastefully. Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and ever has
Satan been to his Lord ungrateful” (17:26-27)

“And do not make your hand [as] chained to your neck or extend it completely and [thereby]
become blamed and insolvent. Indeed, your Lord extends provision for whom He wills and restricts
[it]. Indeed, He is ever, concerning His servants, Acquainted and Seeing” (17:29-30)

*Charity & Zakat:*

"And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering Him sincere
devotion, being true in faith. To establish regular prayer, and to give zakat. And that is the religion
right and straight" (98:5)

Every Muslim who owns wealth, more than a certain amount to meet his or her needs, must pay
a fixed rate of Zakat to those in need. Zakat is a means of narrowing the gap between the rich and
the poor, and to make sure that everyone's needs are met.

Muslims are encouraged to give constantly in charity. "Your riches and your children may be but
a trial. Whereas Allah, with Him is the highest reward. So, fear Allah as much as you can, listen and
obey, and spend in charity for the benefit of your own souls. And those saved from the selfishness
of their own souls, they are the ones that achieve prosperity" (64:15-16)

The Prophet Muhammad once said that "nobody's assets are reduced by charity"

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣5️⃣*
*❓What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?*
✅It is only natural that the master and laborer come to picture when production, trade and
cultivation set in. The relationship between the master and laborer does not warrant any
confrontation. On the other hand, it ought, to be of co-operation, as per the teachings of Islam.

The Prophet has said that the income earned through one's own labor is the best income. Prophet
Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬also said that the one who toils for his family is like one whose struggle in the
cause of God. He also encouraged the people who strive saying that “Allah considers the laborer
as His friend”.

The economic system of Islam is not drawn in the light of arithmetical calculations and capacities
of production alone. Rather, it is drawn and conceived in the light of a comprehensive system of
morals and principles. The person who is working for another person or for a firm or an institution
is ordained by God to do his work with efficiency and honesty. The Prophet said that if any of you
undertakes to do any work, God loves to see him do it well and with efficiency. It is the
responsibility of the employee to endeavor sincerely for a satisfactory completion of the work
assigned to him.

Once the work is done, the worker is entitled to a fair wage for his services. Failure by the employer
to pay the just wage or attempts to cut it down and waver on it is a punishable act, according to
the Law of God. The employee should not be exploited, and he should have complete security
while doing the work assigned to him.

The laborer should be given the wages that they deserve. There should be a proper agreement
with regard to the wages, between the employer and the laborer, before the work starts. The
amount thus arrived at should be distributed without making any deduction whatsoever and it
should be paid even before the sweat of the laborer dried up.

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣6⃣*
*❓What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?*
✅Islam does not accept the stand which recommends the absolute abstinence from food and
drink, in order to attain salvation. While permitting the consumption of all good food and drink,
Islam strongly and particularly disapproved excesses in this field. A true Muslim is one, who
completely abstains from the forbidden food and drink such as blood, alcohol, pork, and the meat
that is slaughtered in the name of someone other than Allah.

Islam gives specific advice to Muslims about all aspects of life and this includes food and eating
habits and manners. Food is not required for itself or for the sake of enjoyment but to sustain life
so that one may enjoy health and physical strength required to undertake one’s duties and
responsibilities in this life. In addition to ensuring physical well-being, food is also essential for
the spiritual and moral health of the believers.

To get the right physical and spiritual strength, one should consume only lawful (halal) and healthy
or wholesome (tayyib) food (Qur’an 5:88). Halal means lawfully acquired, as against stolen, food.
In case of meat, it means that it was acquired according to the permissible method of slaughtering
an animal

God says in the Quran, “Eat of the good things which We have provided for you” (Quran 2:172).
“Eat of what is lawful and wholesome on the earth” (Quran 2:168).

Prohibited food is called “Haram,” or unlawful/prohibited, which is the one acquired illegally or is
prohibited like meat from animals not properly slaughtered, or pork or meat of carnivorous, i.e.,
meat-eating animals and birds of prey. Such animals and birds include pigs, dogs, lions, crocodiles,
eagles, worms, flies etc. Consuming blood and carrion are also forbidden. Alcohol is forbidden in
all forms and quantities.

Eating unlawful food like pork, meat of meat-eating animals or stolen food will retard one’s
spiritual and moral health. Meat of a dead or prohibited animal is not allowed unless the faithful
had no other choice to ward off death due to hunger. All seafood is permitted.

*Eating Manners:*
Thanking Allah at the beginning and end of partaking food is an important part of eating manners
in Islam. One should begin in the name of Allah, saying “In the name of Allah”. One should thank
Allah after finishing his food saying, “All thanks to Allah who fed us and quenched our thirst, who
made us Muslims (those who surrender to His will)”.

There should be no over-eating or unseemly hurry in consuming food or drink. When eating in a
group, one should eat the food which is in front of him and his behaviour should not annoy others.
Wastage of food is frowned upon - Allah says, “Waste not by excess, for God loveth not wasters”
- Qur’an 6:141). The Prophet said that a Muslim should not waste water even if he was standing
on the banks of the river Tigris.

Eating should not be hasty and should be measured. One should not fill his belly. The Prophet
enjoined us to fill only one third of our stomachs with food and one third with liquids, leaving the
remaining one third empty.

While offering food as charity, one has to take care that only good food is offered to the poor
(Qur’an 2:267). It is a common tradition among Muslims to willingly offer food or water to any
stranger who knocks the door at any time and says that he is hungry or thirsty. If one’s neighbours
are poor, one should not openly bring home fruits and meat etc which they cannot afford and if
he still prefers to bring in such food openly, he should share it with his neighbours.

In short, the Qur’an repeatedly tells us that food is a gift of God. We should consume it with
humility and moderation and always thank God for His bounties (Qur’an 7:31).

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣7⃣*
*❓What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?*
✅Islam, as a complete way of life, stresses the importance of maintaining good health and offers
the ways and the means to cope with ill health. In Islam, our body and health are considered as
important gifts of Almighty Allah. The comprehensiveness of Islam allows every aspect of life, from
sleeping and washing, to praying and working, to be an act of worship.

Islam teaches us to be concerned, about the whole person. Following the guidance and
commandments of God allows us to face illness and injury with patience. Complaining and
bemoaning our situation will achieve nothing but more pain and suffering. Our bodies and minds
have been given to us as a trust, and we are responsible for them. The guidance of God covers
every aspect of life and there are specific ways of dealing with health issues.
Islam’s holistic approach to health includes treating our bodies with respect and nourishing them
with, not only faith, but also with lawful, nutritious food. God says in the Quran, “Eat of the good
things which We have provided for you” (Quran 2:172). “Eat of what is lawful and wholesome on
the earth” (Quran 2:168).

True believers need healthy bodies and minds in order to worship God in the correct way. To
maintain a sound mind, a pure heart and a healthy body, special attention must be paid to health.
The heart and the mind are nourished by remembrance of God, and worship performed in a lawful
way, and the body is nourished by partaking of the good and lawful food God has provided.

Prophet’s statement that for every illness God gives a cure has inspired Muslims through the
centuries to pursue medical knowledge. Especially, during the Middle Ages, Islamic medicine was
more advanced than in the West.

*Exercise and Being Active:*

Being active and to exercise is not only acceptable in Islam but also recommended. Part of the
instructions given by the Prophet and the Imams about upbringing of children is the issue of
physical exercise. Swimming, for example, has been greatly encouraged in our religious literature.

Prophet Muhammad said: “a strong believer is better than a weak believer” (Saheeh Muslim). He
was talking in terms of faith and character but also indicating that physical strength i.e. optimum
health and fitness were desirable, providing God gave us the ways and means of attaining such
strength. Islam’s holistic approach to life and thus health offers us the ability to remain strong and

*Sleeping, Resting, and Avoiding Stress:*

Almighty Allah has appointed the night as the time for resting and the day as the time for working.
“He is the One who made for you the night so that you may rest in it, and the day with light; most
surely in these are signs for the people who hear” (10:67). So naturally, sleeping is very important.

Avoiding stress: slow down; look at the present and enjoy it before you lose it. Give time for your
family. Having a good family life will help you in dealing with stress. And, finally, be in touch with
Allah, the Prophet, and Imams; read the Qur’an and the Prayers. This will greatly help in dealing
with stress. “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, the hearts are at ease.” (13:28)

*Moderation in Food and Drink:*

The basic Islamic guideline on food and drink is the rule of moderation. It is said that once a doctor
came to Medina, and for a long time, no one was visiting him as a patient. He inquired as to
whether the people of Medina ever become sick or not. He was told that the people of Medina
follow the Qur’anic injunction which says: “Eat and drink, but do not be extravagant.” (7:31)

Prophet of Islam has said: “The belly is the house of diseases, while dieting is the best of all
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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣8⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View on Entertainments?*
✅Allah clearly tells us in the Qur’an: “And I did not create the Jinn and Mankind except to worship
Me” (Qur’an 51:56). Thus, our purpose in life is clear: to worship Allah Almighty.

However, it is important that we understand what is meant here by devotion. In Islam, devotion is
a broad term which is not restricted to rituals. Even entertaining ours within the boundaries of
Islam can be an act of worship.

If there is a religion that addresses every minute need within man, it can be none other than Islam!
One of the most significant yet misunderstood Islamic concepts is the role of entertainment
towards reaching the desired spiritual harmony and perfection.

It is very important that we entertain ourselves by following Islamic guidelines. We should try to
be flexible and innovative in choosing activities. An intelligent person maintains a well-balanced

Islam not only permits entertainment, it in fact recommends it! Ali (r) says: “The believer’s time
has three periods: the period when he is in communion with Allah, the period when he manages
for his livelihood, and the period when he is free to enjoy what is lawful and pleasant. And the last
part is a tonic and refreshing for the other parts.”

True Muslims spent their time wisely, doing only what pleases Allah. However, wise Muslims know
how to maintain balance in life. They know that if they do not take a break to rest and enjoy Allah’s
blessings, this can lead to negative results such as losing their energy, being unable to continue
in their worship or even developing a mental illness.
Wise believers take breaks to enjoy some of the things which Allah has permitted, with the
intention of recharging their energy levels in order to worship Allah even better. Following this
sense, entertainment itself in a permitted manner becomes an act of worship and is rewarded.

*Limits for Entertainment in Islam:*

The Islamic concept of entertainment is that which can be fulfilled the boundaries of Allah; but it
is not the sole goal or purpose of a Muslim. A Muslim’s entertainment has some differences with
others’. Firstly, for Muslims, entertainment is not a goal for itself; it is a blessing from Allah to be
enjoyed. Secondly, entertainment has limits in Islam set by Allah, which must be firmly adhered

These factors distinguish between the practicing Muslims and others. Both entertain themselves,
yet a Muslim earns numerous rewards for obeying Allah, while others incurs the wrath of Allah by
forgetting Him and crossing the limits permissible entertainment.

Islam, while allowing all entertainments that cheer one's mind and body, strictly states that they
should not transgress the limits. In selecting the appropriate source of entertainment, we should
always keep in mind that it is something that will help our mind and body relax, not something
that might be physically, spiritually, or emotionally destructive for us.

Islam detests all those pleasures which keep man away from the consciousness of God and those
that cause moral degeneration. It is well-known that gambling and wine are forbidden in Islam,
but there are many other diversions or alternatives to these.

Musics that will distract us from remembrance of God are forbidden, but who does not love a
sweet melodious voice? So, good songs, Islamic poetry like Nasheeds, etc are allowed. Prophet
Dawood had a melodious voice, and it is said that people in Paradise will hear him.

You can watch movies or read books that do not have indecent words or images and do not have
a misleading message. It should be emphasized here that a drama, movie, or story that is
permissible for one person might be forbidden for the other, depending on the mental maturity
of the person.

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*🌹Understand Islam 7⃣9⃣*
*❓What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?*
✅Islam does not encourage its followers becoming hermits and living a stoic life. Rather, Islam
is a religion of society and encourages the establishment and sustaining of a society in which the
members of the society interact and cooperate with each other. Islam wants its followers to live
within the society and while staying there, make the existence useful for the members of the

The points below discuss the verses of Quran that describe the major attributes of an Islamic

*1. Belief in Almighty God:*

Perhaps the most rudimentary element that can easily be found in an Islamic society is the belief
in Allah. Thus, adopting Islamic structure of society does not mean anything if it is void of belief
in Allah. As Allah says in Quran: “O you who believe! Fear God as He should be feared and die not
except in a state of Islam.” (Quran 3:102)

*2. Justice and Balance:*

The first thing that will be present in an Islamic society is justice and balance. Before the advent
of Islam, the Arab society was living in darkness where there was neither any justice nor any
balance in the society and all that was there for them was the rule of jungle where the fittest
survived. Allah tells Muslims to establish justice and balance in the society. “Thus have we made
of you an Ummah justly balanced, that you might be witnesses over the nations, and the Apostle
a witness over yourselves…” (Quran 2:143)

*3. Brotherhood:*
There are countries and nations in the world, which are created on the bases of the cultural or
racial divide that exists between them. Regardless of whatever cultural or racial background one
has, once one is the member of an Islamic society, all are equal and there is no differentiation
between them. Allah says: “Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am
your lord and cherisher. Therefore, fear me (and no other).” (Quran 23:52)

*4. No Compulsion in Religion:*

Although it is the duty of an Islamic society to create and provide such an environment where
Muslims are able to practice Islam easily and they get to live by Islam in a way they want to,
however, an Islamic society has no right to force other people from other religion to live by Islam
in an Islamic society. There is no compulsion on people of other religion to leave the way they live
and shape their living to Islam. Allah says: “…there is no compulsion in the matter of religion.”
(Quran 2:256)

*5. Commending Good & Forbidding Evil:*

For a Muslim society, the commendation of good & forbidding evil is not an option, rather it is
one of the requisites for an Islamic society. When a society becomes Islamic, it needs to commend
goodness and encourage people to do good. An Islamic society also needs to establish Islamic
law as per which the members of the society are stopped from falling the way of evil. Allah says:
“You are the best Ummah raised up for people: you enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe
in Allah.” (Quran 3:110)

*6. Moderation:*
Islam does not want its followers to be extremists of fanatics in any sense. Rather it preaches them
the message of moderation and wants its followers to conduct their business by being moderate
in their approach. Moreover, Islam detests going beyond the boundaries even in the case of
fighting with those who fight the Islamic society. (Quran 2:190)

In short, an Islamic society is an ideal society human can create in this world. The need of the time
is that the world should understand the true concept of an Islamic society and create a community
where people cooperate with each other and there is justice and peace among its members.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣0⃣*
*❓What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?*
*✅Right to Life:*
The Qur’an upholds the sanctity and absolute value of human life [Quran 6:151] and points out
that, in essence, the life of each individual is comparable to that of an entire community and,
therefore, should be treated with the utmost care [Quran 5:32].
*Right to Respect:*
The Qur’an deems all human beings to be worthy of respect [Quran 17:70] because of all creation
they alone chose to accept the ‘trust’ of freedom of the will [Quran 33:72]. Human beings can
exercise freedom of the will because they possess the rational faculty, which is what distinguishes
them from all other creatures [Quran 2:30-34].

*Right to Justice:*
The Qur’an puts great emphasis on the right to seek justice and the duty to do justice [Quran 5:8,
4:136]. In the context of justice, the Qur’an uses two concepts: ‘adl’ and ‘ihsan’. Both are enjoined
and both are related to the idea of ‘balance’.

*Right to Freedom:*
Qur’an is deeply concerned about liberating human beings from every kind of bondage. A number
of Qur’anic passages state clearly that the responsibility of the Prophet Muhammad is to
communicate the message of God and not to compel anyone to believe [Quran 6:107; 10:99;
16:82; 42:48]. The right to exercise free choice in matters of belief is unambiguously endorsed by
the Qur’an (18:29). In the context of the human right to exercise religious freedom, it is important
to mention that the Qur’anic dictum, “Let there be no compulsion in religion” [Quran 2:256]

*Right to Acquire Knowledge:*

The Qur’an puts the highest emphasis on the importance of acquiring knowledge. Qur’an exhorts
believers to pray for advancement in knowledge [Quran 20:114]. The famous prayer of the Prophet
Muhammad was “Allah grant me Knowledge of the ultimate nature of things” and one of the best
known of all traditions (Hadith) is “Seek knowledge even though it be in China.”

*Right to Sustenance:*
Every living creature depends for its sustenance upon God. A cardinal concept in the Qur’an -
which underlies the socio-economic-political system of Islam - is that the ownership of everything
belongs, not to any person, but to God. Since God is the universal creator, every creature has the
right to partake of what belongs to God [Quran 11:6; 6:165; 67:15].

*Right to Work:*
According to Qur’anic teachings, every man and woman has the right to work, whether the work
consists of gainful employment or voluntary service. The fruits of labour belong to the one who
has worked for them - regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. Quran 4:32 states: “...to men
Is allotted what they earn, And to women what they earn”

*Right to Privacy:*
The Qur’an recognizes the need for privacy as a human right and lays down rules for protecting
an individual’s life in the home from undue intrusion from within or without [Quran 24:27-28,58;
33:53; 49:12].
*Right to ‘The Good Life’:*
The Qur’an uphold the right of the human being to ‘the good life’. The good life, made up of
many elements, becomes possible when a human being is living in a just environment. According
to Qur’anic teaching, justice is a prerequisite for peace, and peace is a prerequisite for human
development. In a just society, all the earlier-mentioned human rights may be exercised without
difficulty. In such a society, other basic rights such as the right to a secure place of residence, the
right to the protection of one’s personal possessions, the right to protection of one’s covenants,
the right to move freely, the right to social and judicial autonomy for minorities, the right to the
protection of one’s holy places and the right to return to one’s spiritual center, also exist [Quran
2:229; 3:17,77; 5:1, 42-48; 9:17; 17:34; 67:15].

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣1⃣*
*❓The Concept of Equality in Islam?*
✅Islam is the complete code of life in which we can learn about all things which we are facing in
our daily lives. Islam is the religion of equality. We can take guidance from Quran in which Allah
Almighty mentioned the solutions of all problems.

Islam recognizes no man-made artificial distinctions based on color, tribe, race, nationality, or
otherwise. As all people come from the original couple-Adam and Eve-they are all one family and
therefore equal before God. What distinguishes people from each other is their commitment to
Islam: "The most honored in the sight of Allah is (he who is) most righteous" (Quran 3:86)

Equality in Islam stems from basic principles such as:

1. All men are created by One and the Same Eternal Creator, the Supreme Lord of all.
2. All mankind belongs to the human race and share equally in the common lineage of Adam and
3. Allah is just and kind to all his creatures. He is not partial to any race, age, or religion.
4. The whole universe is Allah’s supremacy, and all people are His creatures.
5. All people are born equal in the sense that none brings any dominion with him; and they die
equal in the sense that they take back nothing of their worldly belongings.
6. Allah judges every person on the basis of his own merits and according to his own deeds.
7. Allah has debated on man, a title of honor and dignity.

Such are some of the principles behind the value of equality in Islam. When this concept is fully
utilized, it will leave no place for prejudice or persecutions. And when this Divine ordinance is fully
implemented, there will be no room for oppression or suppression. Concepts of chosen and
gentile peoples, words such as ‘privileged’ and ‘condemned’ races, expressions such as “social
castes” and “citizens” will all become meaningless and obsolete.

*All are Not Identical*

In the eyes of Almighty Allah, all people are equal, but they are definitely not identical in sense of
abilities, potentials, ambitions, wealth and so on. The limitations in these examples are natural.

Yet, none of these differences can by themselves, establish the status of superiority of one man
or race over another. The only distinction, which Allah recognizes is the distinction in piety; the
only criterion which Allah applies, is the criterion of goodness and spiritual excellence.

Allah Says: “O mankind, verily We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,
and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most
honored of you in the sight of Almighty Allah is the most righteous” (Quran 49:13).

Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said: "O mankind, your Lord is One and your father is one. You all
descended from Adam, and Adam was created from earth. He is most honored among you in the
sight of God who is most upright. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no colored person to a white
person, or a white person to a colored person except by Taqwa (piety)." [Ahmad, At-Tirmithi]

*Practical Implementation:*
Not only did Islam emphasize the equality principle theoretically but did it practically in all possible
areas. The equality during the daily prayer in the Masjid is a best example for this. Whoever comes
to the Mosque first, takes his place in the front rows despite his financial status or position, and
whoever comes late, his place is late and if you look at any row among the prayer’s rows, you
would find in that row the rich and poor, the knowledgeable and the one with no knowledge, the
Arab and the non Arab, no differences all the same in sight of Allah (SWT), their direction during
prayer, as well as their revealed book, as their Lord is one and also their movements during the
prayer following one Imam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣2⃣*
*❓The Concept of Justice in Islam*
✅Justice in Islam is owed to God by recognizing the duty to worship Him, and to others by
treating them fairly and truthfully. In the end, ultimate justice will be met out on the Judgment
Day, when God exercises his exclusive right to judge humans and to reward and punish them.
Indeed, it is God who commands justice and forbids injustice, delegating to humans, as his
representatives on earth, responsibility for ‘commanding the right and prohibiting the wrong’.

*The Meaning of Justice:*

In the Islamic worldview, justice denotes placing things in their rightful place. It also means giving
others equal treatment. In Islam, justice is also a moral virtue and an attribute of human
personality, as it is in the Western tradition. Justice is close to equality in the sense that it creates
a state of equilibrium in the distribution of rights and duties, but they are not identical. Sometimes,
justice is achieved through inequality, like in unequal distribution of wealth.

God spoke to His Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬in this manner: “O My slaves, I have forbidden injustice for Myself
and forbade it also for you. So, avoid being unjust to one another” (Muslim). Thus, justice
represents moral rectitude and fairness, since it means things should be where they belong.

*The Importance of Justice:*

The Quran, the sacred scripture of Islam, considers justice to be a supreme virtue. God declares in
the Quran: “God commands justice and fair dealing...” (Quran 16:90) And in another passage: “O
you who believe, be upright for God, and (be) bearers of witness with justice!...” (Quran 5:8)

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬declared: “There are seven categories of people whom God will shelter under the
shade of His throne on the Day when there will be no shade except this. [One is] the just leader”
(Sahih Muslim)

*Equality in Justice:*
The Quranic standards of justice transcend considerations of race, religion, color, and creed, as
Muslims are commanded to be just to their friends and foes alike, and to be just at all levels, as
the Quran puts it: “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it
be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the
poor…” (Quran 4:135)
According to another Quranic passage: “Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away from
justice. Be just, for this is closest to righteousness…” (Quran 5:8)

With regards to relations with non-Muslims, the Quran further states: “God does not forbid you
from doing good and being just to those who have neither fought you over your faith nor evicted
you from your homes…” (Quran 60:8)

*Justice and the Self:*

The Quranic concept of justice also extends justice to being a personal virtue, and one of the
standards of moral excellence that a believer is encouraged to attain as part of his God-
consciousness. God says: “…Be just, for it is closest to God-consciousness…” (Quran 5:8)

The Quran tells the believers: “…When you speak, speak with justice, even if it is against someone
close to you…” (Quran 6:152)

*Specific Examples of Justice Encouraged in the Quran:*

The Quran also refers to particular instances and contexts of justice. One such instance is the
requirement of just treatment of orphans. God says: “And approach not the property of the orphan
except in the fairest way, until he [or she] attains the age of full strength, and give measurement
and weight with justice…” (Quran 6:152, also see 89:17, 93:9 & 107:2)

Fair dealings in measurements and weights is also mentioned in other passages where justice in
the buying, selling, and by extension, to business transactions in general, is emphasized. Chapter
83 of Quran threatens fraudulent dealers with divine wrath.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣3️⃣*
*❓What is the Quran’s Approach Towards Slavery?*
✅Slavery is a tradition which is non-existent in our society today. It is necessary to clearly
understand the roots of slavery and the influence that it exerted on the societies in which it was
prevalent when we set about to study this phenomenon in the present context. Indeed, it is not
possible to come to but one conclusion in a current study of past phenomena. It is only when we
realize what slavery actually is, and the influence which it exerted on the past societies, that we
can truly appreciate the greatness of the Quran’s approach towards it.

It has been as an introduction to the study of the Qur’an’s vision on slavery as well as its approach
towards it that the origins and history of the said tradition has been dealt with in detail. Instead
of an impractical and unscientific approach whereby a centuries-old institution was sought to be
abolished by a single declaration, Islam developed and implemented a very practicable system of
eliminating slavery.

In this context, if the sheer practicability of Islam’s line of action is to be fully appreciated, we will
have to understand the very psychology of the slave as well. There exists a vast difference between
the mindset of the slave and that of the free man. In the formation of the mindset of the slave, a
life of continual slavery exerts a very great influence indeed.

He is able only to obey and execute orders. His mind will be incapacitated in taking up
responsibilities. His mind can, in no wise, be so burdened. He is only able to flee from taking up
responsibilities. However, he will always be ready to take upon his head whatever it is that the
master commands.

The psychology of the slave and the master is located at two opposite poles or extremes. If one
is that of arrogance, the other will be that of meekness. The example of America is the best case
in point to show that the emancipation of slaves that is not based on an approach whereby these
mindsets, which are located at opposite poles, are first brought together on to the same plane,
will never be emancipation at all.

It was through the activism of Abraham Lincoln that, through a single proclamation, the slaves in
America achieved freedom one fine morning! But what was it that actually happened there?

The slaves who ultimately received their freedom were, however, unable to bear the ‘burden’ of
this freedom. They looked around, not quite knowing what it was that they were to do. Since there
was none to command them now, they were unable to do anything at all. Indeed, they returned
to their masters and actually asked them to take them back as slaves. Here, it is seen that it is
futile to physically set free those who are psychologically unprepared for that freedom.

The Qur’an, which has been revealed by God who is fully aware of the physical and mental states
of human beings, has provided a completely practical code of action. The system of slavery was
one of the pillars of the economic set-up of Arabia. Its roots had penetrated much deeper than to
enable its eradication by a mere order of prohibition.
Therefore, Allah, who is most aware of the nature of human society, contrary to bringing a law
that would completely abolish slavery, accepted a practical code of action for its eradication.

Islam had, firstly, sought to bring the two groups of people, situated as they were at two extreme
states of the mental condition, on to a common platform. The Qur’an had put forward a program
of civilizing both slave and master. Besides this, it kept open all the ways for achieving freedom
as a gift and as a product of one’s own labor.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣4️⃣*
*❓What Were the Practical Steps Qur’an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?*
✅It may be seen that the Qur’an had adopted five steps for the eradication of slavery.

*1. Created a Sense of Brotherhood*

The Qur’an had, firstly, created a notion that both master and slave were brothers, one to the
other, by inculcating an awareness that all men are the creations of the same God and were the
children of the same parents. “O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a
female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may
despise each other)..” (Qur’an 49:13)

*2. Created an Awareness Concerning the Rights of the Slave*

The slave was a mere marketable commodity in all ancient societies. Islam brought about a
transformation in the situation. It taught that the slave is the brother of the master and that he
has rights as well. The Prophet commanded: “They are your brothers and relatives! Let each one
provides for the brother under him with the food that he himself eats and with the clothes that
he himself wears. Place not upon them any task that is overbearing for them. If you do assign
them a difficult task, you must help them in its execution.” (Bukhari, Muslim)
The Prophet had clearly stated, “If anyone kills a slave, we shall kill him. If anyone castrates his
slave, we shall castrate him” (Muslim, Abu Dawood). Furthermore, the Qur’an prohibited the
system of forcing female slaves into prostitution (Qur’an 24:33). The Prophet had taught against
even uttering anything that might injure the self-respect of the slave.

Islam teaches that the slave has the right to become even a leader and that in the event that he
does get appointed as a leader, it is obligatory to obey him. “Even if it be a negro slave, with hair
like dried grapes, who is appointed as your leader, you must hear and obey him.”

*3. Declared the Emancipation of Slaves to be an Act of Righteousness*

Allay says about believers: “He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that
are upon them…” (Qur’an 7:157)

The Qur’anic verse which makes it clear that the emancipation of slaves is an act of the highest
virtue goes as follows: “And what will explain to thee the path that is steep? (It is) freeing the
bondman; or the giving of food in a day of privation, to the orphan with claims of relationship, or
to the indigent (down) in the dust.” (Qur’an 90:12-16)

*4. Emancipation of Slaves was Made the Act of Expiation for Many Sins*
In addition to encouraging the believers towards its commission by declaring the emancipation
of slaves to be a virtuous deed, Islam recommended it as an act of expiation for many types of
sin. The atonement for sins like unintentional murder and breaking one’s vow of not approaching
his wife was the freeing of one slave.

*5. Facility of Providing the Slave with his Freedom in Exchange of the Ransom Value was Made
Let us suppose that it was still not possible for a slave to become free by any of the means listed
above. Even then freedom is not unattainable for him. Islam has opened a way out for any slave
who desires his freedom. This becomes possible through an emancipation deed known by the
technical name ‘Mukathaba’.

The master and the slave get together to decide upon a ransom value and a timeframe for its
payment on mutually agreeable terms. It is further possible for the slave to go out and work to
earn this ransom value himself. With the completion of this payment he becomes a free man.

As far as the problem of slavery is concerned, there has been no other course of action to which
anyone could point and say that that was a better way than the method adopted by Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣5️⃣*
*❓Why Didn’t Qur’an Completely Prohibit Slavery?*
✅Islam, which had undertaken a practical course of action necessary for the eradication of
slavery, however, never went to the extent of issuing an order of total prohibition against it which
it had done in the cases of intoxicants and adultery. Why was this so?

There is more than one reason for this. The line of action of the Qur’an which refrained from
completely prohibiting slavery has, in fact, made clear its applicability for all time. From the stand
adopted by it in this issue, we have been given to understand the fact that the Qur’an is, indeed,
a revelation from the Lord God Himself who is best aware of the changing trends and evolutionary
processes of human society.

If the Qur’an’s act of not imposing total prohibition on slavery is studied in some depth, it will be
a conclusive testimony to the statement of fact that Islam is, indeed, adaptable to the exigencies
of time and that its recommendations are practical in any age.

The beginnings of the system of slavery traces itself to the prisoners who were captured in war.
Before the proclamation made by modern states which imposed a total prohibition on slavery, it
was the usual and prevalent practice to enslave prisoners captured in war. Prisoners-of-war were
either to be killed or enslaved. This was the practice. Indeed, these were the only practical solutions
available. After all, there was no provision to accommodate them as prisoners in those times.

The Prophet has himself set the precedent in handling prisoners of war in four ways:
1. Set them free without any ransom. Prisoners-of-war may be set at liberty if it is clear that it will
not be harmful for the Muslim society to do so.
2. They may be exchanged for the Muslims captured by the enemies.
3. They may be freed after securing a ransom.
4. They may be divided amongst the Muslims soldiers as slaves.

Those who were engaged in warfare with the Muslim society were people who accepted slavery
as an option and were warring to acquire slaves as well. Furthermore, when warring with them,
they either enslaved or killed the Muslims captured by them. If slavery had been abolished, the
Muslims would never have been able to enslave those captured from their side.
This would then have enabled the enemies to perpetrate even greater cruelty towards the Muslim
prisoners. The Muslims would, moreover, be unable to use the captured prisoners of the enemy
to effectively engage in the negotiation for the release of those who were captured from their
own side.

The enemies were aware that if slavery were abolished in Islam, the Muslims would become
powerless to enslave or kill those captured from their side. Thus, the enemies would never settle
for a mutual understanding that would allow for an exchange of their prisoners in return for the
freedom of those captured from the Muslims.

Therefore, under a context in which slavery was not prohibited worldwide, it would have been
suicidal if Islam had ventured to prohibit slavery. It was then for the same reason that Allah, the
Knower of all Space-Time, refrained from prohibiting slavery.

In reality, because slavery existed in the world as an established institution, there was bound to
be greater harm than good if Islam had abolished it. Islam, while allowing for slavery, did, however,
teach that the slave and the master were brothers one to the other and that the slave had rights
of his own and that he was to be treated humanely, and that he was never to be insulted and
humiliated. Thus, for a slave living under a Muslim, slavery would never be a burden. Furthermore,
it is possible for him to become a free man at any point of time. He can attain his freedom when
he is inclined towards it.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣6⃣*
*❓What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?*
✅Islam provides a perfect harmony between the individual and society. Racism is defined as
'poor treatment of people because of their race’ while casteism is a ‘blind group loyalty towards
one’s own caste or sub-caste, which does not care for the interests of other castes, and seeks to
realize the social, economic, political and other interests of its own group’. Where racism leads to
suppression of people because of their physical characteristics, casteism leads the members of
one caste to exploit the members of another caste for their vested interest in the name of
superiority or inferiority.

Interestingly, modern world has become concerned about such issues in the 20th century, but
Islam has given a sense about it 1400 years ago. Moreover, one of the things that facilitated the
spread of Islam in the world with such startling speed was its focus on equality amongst
humankind in a place where the caste and race system was particularly oppressive.

Islam protects honor. In Islam, insulting others or making fun of them because of caste, creed,
race, etc. is not permitted. Merciful Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “Truly, your blood, your property and your
honor are inviolable” (Al-Bukhari). The life, property and honor in an Islamic state and Islamic
concept are considered sacred irrespective of your race and caste.

In Islam, there is no such merit for a certain race. Allah says: "O mankind! We created you from a
single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each
other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. And Allah
has full knowledge and is well-acquainted” (Quran 49:13)

Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “Your God is one and your ancestor (Adam) is one. An Arab is not
better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab. And a red (white tinged with
red) person is not superior to black and black is not better than red, except in piety” (Bukhari,
Musnad Ahmad). Islam gives a clear message, that God created human beings as equals, who are
to be distinguished from each other only based on faith and piety and this categorical message
eradicates the concept of racism and casteism.

History has witnessed the era when Abubakr (r) and Bilal (r) used to sit side by side in the same
row and same place in Mosque of Medina. History has also been evident, when all people, Arabian
or non-Arabian, rich or poor, Master or Slave, used to assemble at the same place, sit in the same
row and used to perform Salah (Prayer) behind the same leader (imam) and that will continue
until the Day of Judgment.

Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬denounced and opposed the concept of racism and casteism, not only vocally, but
practically too and furnished honor to a number of occupations (upon which castes are based)
that people treat inferior to practice.

When we look at the biography of Holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, we find him repairing his sandal himself
(Adab ul Mufrad). Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬also reared goats and milked his goat (Musnad Ahmad), just to
teach the people, not to consider these jobs inferior or bad.

It has been the job of the sublime person about whom Allah says, “We have sent you not but as
a mercy for the World” (Quran 21:107). In nutshell, Biography of Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬provides
ample evidence that he was first anti-racist & anti-casteist.

You may see that the community gives special position and respect for people with names like
Sayd (Sayyid), Thangal, etc. They are claimed to be the successors of the Prophet. Islam, however,
denies such privileges since Islam does not give any significance for anyone through his birth.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣7⃣*
*❓Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?*
✅We have already seen that Islam does not agree caste system and thus does not give any
superiority or inferiority to anybody by birth. However, it is a fact that Muslims today, are divided
amongst themselves. Even, many people have misunderstood that these groups represent
‘different castes’ in Islam.

*Muslims Should be United*

The tragedy is that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam or Prophet Muhammed (‫)ﷺ‬. Islam
believes in fostering unity amongst its followers.

The Glorious Qur’an says: “And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for
you) and be not divided among yourselves” (Qur’an 3:103). Which is the rope of Allah that is being
referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious Qur’an.

Qur’an further says, “Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger” (Qur’an 4:59). All the Muslim should
follow the Qur’an and authentic Hadith and be not divided among themselves.

*It is Prohibited to Make Sects and Divisions in Islam*

The Glorious Qur’an says: “As for those who divide Their religion and break up into sects, thou
hast no part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of
all that they did” (Qur’an 6:159)
In this verse Allah says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide their religion
and break it up into sects.

*Reason for the Division:*

The main reason for this division is the differences in the views and understandings about the
Holy Qur'an and the teachings of Prophet. However, the Prophet Muhammad did not create any
particular group/sect within Islam. It means, one can live as a perfect Muslim even without
belonging to any such sects/groups.

Now, you may think: “why are all the people from a generation belong to one group? Why are
these sects even act as barriers for marital relations, etc?

The answer is very simple. Why a Congressman’s son is becoming a Congressman; and why is a
BJP’s son is a BJP? It means people usually follow their forefathers and family traditions blindly.

But we see that, after realizing that the political party is our own choice, some Congressman and
BJP children leave their party join the other. Similarly, any Muslim can change the sect/group he
belongs to and can marry people from any sect.

One may ask such Muslims, “Who was our beloved Prophet (‫ ?)ﷺ‬Which sect or organisations he
belongs to?” None! He was a Muslim, like all the other prophets and messengers of Allah before
him. If anyone poses a Muslim the question ‘who are you’, he should say “I am a Muslim” (Quran

Most of the believers do not choose their paths or ideals after learning about it. That is why most
of the blind beliefs and weird concepts of God are continuing even today, and the hatred and
communalism are rising among them.

In reality, there are only minor differences between the different Islamic groups/organizations;
none of which are sustained by birth or unable to change! If all Muslims read the Qur’an with
understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith, most of these differences would be solved and we
could be one united Muslim nation.

Now, by default, the next question will be: ‘which sect is correct’. The Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
of the Prophet are still available to us freely. It is, therefore, possible for anybody to check who is
exactly following the Quran and Sunnah of Prophet and they themselves also can follow that
straight path.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣8⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?*
✅Islam teaches that it is not one's birth, but good deeds and faith that determine one's nobility.
The Islamic slogan "One God for one mankind" aims at eliminating all the narrow views, like
communalism, casteism, racism etc. Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬declared in plain words that “He who
invites to communalism, fights and dies for communalism, not belong to us”. The followers of
Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬therefore can never be communal.

*Islam and Pluralism*

No doubt Islam stands for pluralistic order. Pluralism is the design of Allah. The Quran states: “If
it had been your Lord's will, they would all have believed, all who are on the earth. Will you then
compel mankind against their will to believe?” [10:99]. In another verse, Quran states: “To each
among you, have We prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah had so willed, He would have made
you a single people, but His plan is to test you in what He has given you; so, strive as in a race in
good deeds” [5:48].

An examination of the texts of these two verses makes it clear that diversity is the will of Allah.
These verses also make it clear that compulsion in the matter of faith is forbidden which is also
corroborated by another verse of the Quran which states: “Let there be no compulsion in religion”

A critical look of the text of the verse 5:48 manifests that the purpose of these differences is to
test, what we do with the revelations and how we behave with the precepts and teachings of Islam
and who strive as in a race in good deeds. Diversity of religions, nations and peoples are tests and
the teachings of Islam require that we manage the differences and live a peaceful harmonious life
in this world. This is pluralism.

Islam is basically a tolerant religion. The difference between people, nations, races, and religions
may lead to conflict and therefore our responsibility remains in establishing peace and tranquility
in the society. It is important that a balance is established in the society based on mutual respect,
love and compassion rejecting all types of arrogance, whether it is material or intellectual and
establishing such balance between different nations and communities is possible only by sharing
knowledge about each other.

Establishing harmonious relations between people have been repeatedly emphasized in Islam.
Quran states: “Allah forbids you not with regard to those who fight you not for your faith nor drive
you out of your homes from dealing kindly and justly with them for Allah loves those who are
just” [60:8].

The pluralistic nature of Islam is evident from the fact that the duty of a Muslim is only educating
and passing the knowledge of Islam, near and far. Quran states: “And admonish your nearest
kinsmen” [26: 214]. The responsibility ends with educating, transmitting, and communicating faith.
To pass on the message is to call and invite people to the way of Allah.

If we all really want to serve the objective of Allah Almighty, then we have to change ourselves,
we have to think in terms of brotherhood, mutual co-existence and interdependence of whole
global society which includes all human beings of all nations, all territories, all religions, races and
all languages. We have to accept that we all are equal before Allah Almighty and most revered is
the righteous. We must keep in mind that Allah Almighty has created all of us from one pair Adam
and Eve. We have to purify our conscious and sub conscious thinking to make it in conformity
with the commandments of Allah Almighty so that we are ready to pursue for Divine arrangement
of the whole world. This whole world belongs to Allah Almighty. We all need to bear this in mind.

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*🌹Understand Islam 8⃣9⃣*
*❓What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?*
✅Why the communal tensions? Why racial discrimination? Why are people and nations
confronting? Why the lust for territorial aggrandizement and subjugation of people’s? ..when
mankind is naturally born free from all these devilish acts with Divine obligations and duties.
Actually, the present world is not the one of Allah’s plan and Liking. Allah Almighty the super
natural power and absolute authority of the whole universe planned the habitation of human
beings all over the world with different religions, cultures, lingual, racial, complexional and
territorial labels and identities after creating and crafting them social animals and by virtue of this
natural instinct made them socially interdependent.

Under this natural compulsion, the human beings irrespective of differing labels and identities
constitute the uniqueness in the shape of global society on the values like peace, justice,
compassion, rationalism, humanism, tolerance, pluralism, and brotherhood. This inherently
designed human integration by natural arrangement can neither be disintegrated nor

Actually, man’s immortification in violation of natural arrangement is the result of above referred
anti-human and anti-nature tendencies reflecting satanic mindsets and misdeeds. Instead of
submitting to the commandments of Allah Almighty, mankind generally accepted the servitude
of carnal desires and opted to serve and worship these. This provoked in him the pretext for the
expression of hatred, enmity, confrontation, and divisiveness and helped in disintegrating the
concept of global society and segmented humanity and demarcated territories.

Human being has been sent to this world with a specific objective. Holy Quran states that Almighty
Allah designated the top position to mankind above all creations of the world and bestowed in
him the wisdom and sensitivity and at the same time assigned him the responsibility of managing
world affairs so that he can work for the betterment welfare and reformation of humanity. Promote
good and eradicate evil. This is the message of Islam, and same is taught by other religions about
the human objective.

But unfortunately, we deviated from this right path shown by our respective religions and this
deviation instigated us towards wrong and devilish. The result is we ignored our religious
teachings. The most unfortunate fact is that we are behaving like brutes and shamelessly
committing these devilish deeds without any fear and equally disgusting is our misinterpretation
of religious teachings to justify these evil acts right by one way or the other.

Our conscience has died. We are worse than beasts killing humanity on one or the other pretext.
The humanity of all sorts is paying heavy costs for sustaining immortification in the shape of
satanic acts like killings, massacres, wars, communal riots, racial discriminations, injustices, hate
crimes, socio economic disparities.

If we all really want to serve the objective of Allah Almighty, then we have to change ourselves,
we have to think in terms of brotherhood, mutual co-existence and interdependence of whole
global society which includes all human beings of all nations, all territories, all religions, races and
all languages. We have to accept that we all are equal before Allah Almighty and most revered is
the righteous.
We must keep in mind that Allah Almighty has created all of us from one pair Adam and Eve. We
have to purify our conscious and sub conscious thinking to make it in conformity with the
commandments of Allah Almighty so that we are ready to pursue for Divine arrangement of the
whole world. This whole world belongs to Allah Almighty. We all need to bear this in mind.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣0⃣*
*❓What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?*
✅The teachings of Islam state that the Muslim community should coexist in complete harmony
and tolerance with people of other religious communities. The Qur'an prescribes that as long as
the other communities do not oppress the members of the Muslim community, they ought to
coexist in love and tolerance. This has been demonstrated by Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬through his life.

Even the subjects of a Caliphate have no right to hamper the freedom of faith nor the freedom of
worship of the non-Muslim citizens. The ruler is liable for the complete protection of their lives
and property. The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬has taught that it is an unpardonable sin to be unjust to non-
Muslim citizens.

*Friendship with the Non-Muslims:*

Allah says in Quran: “God forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith
nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loveth those
who are just. God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) faith, and drive
you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for
friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong”
(Quran 60:8-9)

It is evident from these verses that it has, in fact, been commanded not to enter into friendship
only with those who hatch and execute plots for the destruction of Islam and the Muslims. The
Qur’an never refers to any negative result in entering into friendly relations with the other ordinary
non-Muslims which will not, in any way, prove harmful to Islam.
*Relationship with Non-Muslim Neighbours:*
A neighbor’s rights are of prime importance in Islam regardless of which belief he belongs to.
Muslims are encouraged to abide by decent and courteous civic laws and actively participate in
community service. For starters, they can begin with their own neighborhood and ensure their
neighbors are never placed in a hurtful or awkward position.

Abdullah Ibn Amr (r) slaughtered a sheep and he said, “Have you presented a gift from it to my
neighbor, the Jew…” (Abu Dawud)

*Familial Relationship with Non-Muslims:*

Asma Bint Abi Bakr (r) once asked Allah’s Apostle (‫)ﷺ‬, if it was permissible for her polytheist mother
to visit her and enter her house. He said to her, “Yes, be in touch with your mother”

It is also narrated that Umar Ibnul Khattab presented his polytheist brother with a silk dress as a
gift, which the Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, had given to Umar. (Bukhari)

Safiyya, one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, endowed her Jewish brother with part of her
fortune to show him how much she cared and kept good relations with him. (Baihaqi)

Conversely Allah also states, “O you who believe, do not take your fathers and your brothers as
friends if they prefer unbelief over faith…” (Quran 9:23). Any relative who deliberately attempts to
jeopardize a believer’s faith, is not considered to be a friend. A Muslim’s foremost sincerity belongs
to Allah and His Apostle.

*Charity and Aid:*

It is certainly permissible to help poor non-Muslims, unless one knows that they are actively hostile
to Islam. It is reported that Umar Ibnul Khattab (r) saw an elderly Christian man begging. He
inquired about his circumstances and when he was told that the man was a Christian, he ordered
that he should be given help from the treasury of the Muslim state.

His reasons were that the man paid taxes imposed on non-Muslims when he was able to earn.
Therefore, he was entitled to help when he lost that source of his income.

Besides that, voluntary charity in the form of Sadaqa can be given to destitute non-Muslims to
uplift their conditions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣1⃣*
*❓Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?*
✅Non-Muslims have been referred in the Qur’an as Kafir. It is given to Understand that that is
an Uncouth Expression. What does this term actually mean?

‘Kafir’ means one who rejects. ‘Kafir’ is derived from the word ‘kufr’, which means to conceal or to
reject. The cultivator, too, who hides the seeds in the soil is called a Kafir. In Islamic terminology,
‘Kafir’ means one who conceals or rejects the truth of Islam and a person who rejects Islam is in
English called a ‘non-Muslim’.

The Qur’an, however, uses Kafir to refer to a denier of the truth, one who shows ingratitude, a
disbeliever and the like not in any uncouth manner; rather the Qur’an uses this term to explain
the nature of those it intends to expose. The singular form of the term – Kafir – as well as the
forms Kafirun and Kuffar, which are the plural derivatives, have been repeatedly used in the Qur’an.
In all such instances, the Qur’an has sought to explain the character of those it mentions within
the context.

Look at a few of the verses of the Qur’an: “Those who deny God and His apostles, and (those who)
wish to separate God from His apostles, saying, ‘We believe in some but reject others’; and (those
who) wish to take a course midway. They are in truth (equally) the Kafirun; and We have prepared
for the Kafirs a humiliating punishment” (Qur’an 4:150-151)

“They recognize the favors of God; then they deny them; and most of them are Kafirun (i.e. deniers
of the truth /ungrateful ones)” (Qur’an 16:83).

“It was We who revealed the Law (to Moses): therein was guidance and light. By its stand have
been judged the Jews, by the prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to God’s will, by the Rabbis and
doctors of Law: for to them was entrusted the protection of God’s Book, and they were witnesses
thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear Me, and sell not My signs for a miserable price. If any do
fail to judge by (the light of) what God hath revealed, they are (no better than) the Kafirun.” (Qur’an

“Say: O ye Kafirun! I worship not that which ye worship. Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
And I will not worship that which ye have been won’t to worship, nor will ye worship that which I
worship. To you be your way, and to me mine.” (Qur’an 109:1-6)
From these verses, we understand that the Qur’an has used the term Kafir to refer to those who,
in not acknowledging divine guidance, reject truth and show ingratitude to Allah, the Most
Bounteous. Those who enjoy the blessings of the Lord Creator and yet abstain from
acknowledging Allah, the Provider of all bounty are, indeed, Kafir. Those who deviate from the
worship of Allah alone – the one thing that the Lord Creator, who provided for man all the means
of his sustenance on earth, demanded of us – and pray unto the creations that are never to be
worshipped, are Kafir.

Those who do not acknowledge the messengers whom the Lord Creator had sent to illumine the
path of guidance are Kafir. The one who does not regulate his life according to the religious
scripture revealed, by the Lord Creator, as a criterion to judge between truth and falsehood, is a
Kafir. It is the Kafir who have become enemies of the Truth who strive to blow out the divine light
of guidance.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣2⃣*
*❓Does Qur’an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?*
✅There are verses in the Qur’an which makes it clear that the deniers of Truth are not to be made
bosom friends. Observe a few of these verses: “Let not the believers take for friends or helpers
unbelievers rather than believers; if any do that, in nothing will there be help from God; except by
way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them. But God cautions you (to remember)
Himself; for the final goal is to God.” (Quran 3:28)

“Your (real) friends are (no less than) God, his apostle, and the believers – those who establish
regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship). As to those who turn
(for friendship) to God, His apostle, and the (fellowship of) believers – it is the fellowship of God
that must certainly triumph.” (Quran 5:55-56)
“O ye who believe! Take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery
or sport, whether among those who received the scripture before you, or among those who reject
faith; but fear ye God, if ye have faith (indeed). When ye proclaim your call to prayer, they take it
(but) as mockery and sport; that is because they are a people without understanding.” (Quran

The Qur’an has given an account of the type of Non-Muslims with whom the Muslims are not to
enter into friendly relations: “O ye who believe! Take not My enemies and yours as friends (or
protectors) – offering them (your) love, even though they have rejected the Truth that has come
to you, and have (on the contrary) driven out the Prophet and yourselves (from your homes),
(simply) because ye believe in God your Lord!..” (Quran 60:1)

The Qur’an has, therefore, prohibited from entering into an alliance with those of the non-
Muslims, whether of the ‘People of the Book’ or otherwise, who view Islam and the Muslims with
enmity; who hatch conspiracies for their destruction and who had driven out the Muslims from
their homeland for the only reason that they had believed in Allah. It is certain that no Muslim,
who is engaged in a campaign in the path of God against such deniers of the Truth, can ever have
friendly relations with them.

However, there were, among the Muslims, certain hypocrites, who entered into friendly relations
with the enemies of Islam while feigning the posture of ‘We are with you’ when with the Muslims.
It was about them that the Qur’an said, “and he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship)
is of them” (Qur’an 5:51).

*Friendship is Allowed with Good Non-Muslims:*

Allah says in Quran: “God forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith
nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for God loveth those
who are just. God only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) faith, and drive
you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for
friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong”
(Quran 60:8-9)

It is evident from these verses that it has, in fact, been commanded not to enter into friendship
only with those who hatch and execute plots for the destruction of Islam and the Muslims. The
Qur’an never refers to any negative result in entering into friendly relations with the other ordinary
non-Muslims which will not, in any way, prove harmful to Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣3️⃣*
*❓Does Qur’an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?*
✅The Qur’an does prohibit all marital relations with polytheists. “Do not marry unbelieving
women (idolaters), until they believe; a slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving
woman, even though she allures you. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe; a
man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you. Unbelievers do
(but) beckon you to the Fire. But God beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and
forgiveness…” (Qur’an 2:221).

A marriage relationship is never one which is confined to the physical plane alone. Indeed, married
life finds true fulfillment of purpose only in the union of an attitude of innocent love with one of
mutual respect. The Qur’an has compared the purpose of man-woman relationship with that of
the clothing that one wears. “…they are your garments and you are their garments.” (2:187).

This similitude makes clear the degree of affinity and mutuality which must exist between life-
mates. As distinct from the religions that have accepted asceticism as their ground norm, Islam
views marital life as a religious obligation. In fact, Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had himself taught that
“he who gets married has completed one half of his faith”

The Qur’an and the practices of the Prophet have, in themselves, prescribed the exact observances
that are to be maintained in marital life. It is expedient to follow these regulations even in the
sexual life that is based on morality.

A Muslim can, by no means, deviate from this code of conduct. Polytheism has, of itself, no
foundational basis. Therefore, polytheism has taken on different forms and meanings according
to the variations in time and place. Similar has been the case of the rites, customs, and moral
prescriptions of the polytheist.

As far as the Muslim, who is obliged to follow the moral code revealed by God, is concerned he
can never follow laws that have been formulated by man; particularly when such an attitude would
go contrary to the tenets of the faith of his own profession. That his partner should follow a moral
life that is quite contrary to his own creed, will only serve to adversely affect the religious life of
the Muslim.

There are religious communities that view adultery as a religious rite. Indeed, the Hittites of Greece
and the Devadasis in India, were forced into prostitution in the name of religion itself. The decree
of Manu Smrithi is that if neither the virgin nor her father were to give their consent, it is
permissible to carry away, by force, the woman of one’s liking and then marry her. Such marriages
which are permitted to the Kshathriya are referred to as Rakshasam (Manu Smrithi).

It was the custom amongst the polytheists of Mecca to claim paternal rights over children who
most resembled them and which were born out of extra-marital sexual relationships which they
had with many women. Group sex was a way of salvation in many primitive religions like Tantrik

Undoubtedly, therefore, it would be a difficult task, indeed, for the Muslim who chooses a mate
from communities of polytheists who accepted as their own such forms of moral law, to live by
his own religion. If the Qur’an had allowed the marriage with the Polytheists, it would have caused
much hardship for the Muslims.

It would, perhaps, be also for the purpose of removing such difficulties that the Lord Creator
prohibited marriages with the Polytheists.

The Quran permits Muslims to take mates from the ‘People of the Book’ (Jews & Christians) who
are heirs to a moral code that is as clear as it is authentic. Their moral code is a rough
approximation of the Islamic code itself.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣4️⃣*
*❓Does Qur’an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?*
✅Quran strongly prohibits idolatry, but there is not a single verse in the Qur’an which commands
the destruction of the objects of worship of other religions. Furthermore, it is the injunction of the
Qur’an that the objects of worship of the non- Muslims must not even be ridiculed: “Revile not
those whom they call upon besides Allah” (Qur’an 6:108)
It is true that Islam, which is grounded in monotheism, abhors the worshipping of creations. For
the same reason, therefore, there are, in the Qur’an, numerous verses which seek to bring out the
utter meaninglessness of the worshipping of creations. All these verses serve the function of
awakening the intellect of man.

Indeed, the goal of the Qur’an has been the emancipation of human society from the
unpardonable sin of idolatry. In fact, the Qur’an has never entertained the idea that humanity can
be saved from idol worship by destroying the very objects which are deified. The Author of the
Qur’an, Allah, is well aware that the use of force is never to be employed in the eradication of
these ‘idols’; and that it is the activization of the intellect that is to be the prime objective.

Therefore, that which the Qur’an did try to destroy has never been the objects of worship that
were cast out of stone or other such materials. Rather, it has ever been the ‘idols’ that have been
carved out in the very consciousness of man himself.

In the view of the Qur’an, while idolatry must, without doubt, be criticized and opposed in the
strongest terms, those who insist on idol-worship must also be allowed full freedom for their
purpose. It is this attitude of tolerance which is highlighted in the commands of the Qur’an which
asks us not to revile the objects of worship.

Indeed, in allowing the Christians from Najran the complete liberty to use his mosque at Medina
for the purpose of their prayers, the Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬had himself demonstrated to the
world the great tolerance of worship envisaged by Islam.

Furthermore, in the political order of Islam, the state is dutybound to protect and preserve the
places of worship as well as the other symbols of co-religionists.

This fact is abundantly clear from the contract which the Prophet had made with the Christians of
Najran. There we read the following: “To the Christians of Najran and the surrounding territories,
the security of God and the pledge of His Prophet are extended for their lives, their religion and
their property to the present as well as to the absent, and others besides; there shall be no
interference with (the practice of) their faith or their observance, nor any change in their rights or
privileges; no bishop shall be removed from his diocese nor any monk from his monastery, nor
any priest from his priesthood; and they shall continue to enjoy everything great and small…”

It can be easily seen from the historical records of the relevant period that after the Prophet, the
Caliphs as well as the Muslim rulers who succeeded them, all had granted complete freedom of
worship to the people of other religious denominations in their realm.

However, it may be seen that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered the removal of all idols and tombs caused
men to incline towards the heinous practice of Polytheism in situations wherein a nation becomes
Islamic in its totality and there exists no one therein who remains a worshipper of idols.
This is a line of action that is adopted only after the masses have all become worshippers of one
God. By implication, therefore, it is not a course of action to be employed by the Muslims in a
society wherein there exists a plurality of religions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣5️⃣*
*❓What is 'Jihad'?*
✅’Jihad’ is often mistranslated as “holy war”. The word ‘Jihad’ comes from the root word ‘Jahada’,
which means "effort", "strive" or "struggle". At the individual level, Jihad primarily refers to the
inner struggle of being a person of virtue and submission to God in all aspects of life.

All efforts to sacrifice, adopting the divine path and in the pursuit of truth are Jihad. The control
over self and the surrender to the will of God, is the first phase of Jihad. Jihad is the conquest of
one's self in order to ward off all kinds of temptations which might ultimately lead to evil.

At the collective level, Jihad can take various forms, such as:

*1. Non-Physical Jihad:*

Intellectual Jihad comprises of the struggle to convey the message of God to humankind and to
combat social evils through knowledge, wisdom, and dignified discourse. As the Glorious Qur’an
says: “Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and says,
“I am of those who bow in Islam”? [Qur’an 41:33]

Jihad is also the worthy utilization of one's wealth, energy, and time for the divine cause. Just as
it is imperative for a person to worship the One True God for becoming a member of the Islamic
community, after pledging the vow of truth, it is also his responsibility to propagate the message
of the true religion amongst his fellowmen. The efforts of sacrifice which form the path of fulfilling
the aforementioned responsibility, is indeed Jihad.
The message of the true religion should be conveyed to others by making one's own life the
example of the teachings of the religion and also by resorting to the use of logic and good advice.

*2. Physical Jihad:*

Physical Jihad involves collective armed self-defense, as well as retribution against tyranny,
exploitation, and oppression.

Islam is averse to the idea of forced conversion. The Qur'an makes it very clear that in matters
related to religion there ought to be no coercion, and the duty of the followers of the faith is just
to enlighten the people and that if any person accepts the faith should be done it on his own
accord. Islam does not permit attack on innocent people in the name of religion.

Islam permits the use of force if it is indispensable, to ensure freedom of religion in the event of
a situation where the right to live according to the tenets of Islam is denied and the freedom to
propagate religion is hampered.

Islam has sanctioned war only to ensure the end of violence and restoration of peace. It is the
stricture of the Qur'an that even in war one should not shed one's dignity nor should one
transgress the limits. "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you. But do not transgress limits;
For Allah loveth not transgressors." (Qur'an 2:190)

In the event of a Muslim society being forced into war, all those who are able and healthy should
volunteer. All these efforts of sacrifice to protect the true religion constitute Jihad.

The armed war is but the last of them, which would be resorted to, when every other choice fails.
"Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) faith nor drive you out of
your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them; For Allah loveth those who are just." (Qur'an

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣6⃣*
*❓Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur’an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?*
✅In Arabic, Jihad refers to the struggle to attain slated goals by persevering against all difficulties
and obstacles that may come up in the process. Indeed, the term Jihad has been used both in the
Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet to mean the highest exertion in the cause of God. It never
implied the attacks against non-Muslims.

It is the duty of every Muslim to strive in the way of God. Look, for instance, at a verse of the
Qur’an which exhorts to the way of incessant striving: “And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive,
(with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no difficulties on you
in religion; it is the religion of your father Abraham…” (Quran 22:78)

The Muslims are those who have been entrusted with the furtherance of the mission of all the
earlier prophets. Therefore, Jihad is the struggle and sacrifice that becomes necessary in
accomplishing the mission of witnessing to the true religion. A Muslim must firstly prepare himself
for the mission of witnessing to the true religion.

An individual carries out Jihad with his own self by subjecting, and controlling, all his likes and
dislikes to the dictates of the divine commandments. Indeed, in accomplishing his mission, a
Muslim is duty-bound to subject his wealth, family, society, and environment to a proper and apt
preparation. All these preparations come within the meaning of the term Jihad.

A Muslim fulfills his mission of bearing witness to the true religion by living his life according to
the divine religion and also by its propagation. It is also the duty of each Muslim to become part
of the process of working for change in a situation wherein the freedom for carrying out both
these objectives is curtailed.

It is also his obligation to be an active member even of an armed campaign for the restoration of
the freedom of religious practice in the event that such a situation comes up and, wherein, the
Muslim society decides that such a course of action is, indeed, imperative.

Jihad is never the battle waged against non-Muslims in a simplistic and general sense. It is, in fact,
the nature of life that is lived in accordance with Islam and the exertions, sacrifices and struggle
that will be necessary to throw aside the forces that disallow one to live as a Muslim. Only in such
circumstances, therefore, will Jihad be in the form of an armed campaign.

All legal codes in the modern world recognize the right of every single person to live by, and to
propagate, the tenets of the religion that he, or she, believes in. It is the duty of the Muslim
community to make efforts to regain this fundamental right if it is denied to it. It is only when
resort is made to the use of force in such efforts that italicize comes to imply armed opposition.
Even in the instances where armed struggle is waged against those who deny the right to live
one’s life according to Islam and come forth to make war against the Muslim community, it is the
recommendation of the Qur’an that limits be not crossed and that no further action be taken
against them if they refrain from the opposition and antagonism which they had displayed earlier:
“Fight in the cause of God those who fight you but do not transgresslimits; for God loveth not
transgressors.” (Quran 2:190) “But if they cease, God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Quran

Where but in the Qur’an can we ever find such a humane recommendation that full justice must
be met out even in the field of battle!

In all other situations it will remain only as the life that is lived according to Islam and as the
struggle that goes with the propagation thereof.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣7⃣*
*❓Does Qur’an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?*
✅No. There is not a single verse in the Qur’an which recommends the forcible conversion of
non-Muslims. In fact, the Qur’an does not agree with the idea of forcible conversions. Islam means
‘submission’ or ‘peace’. It can be said that Islam signifies the peace attained by the one who
submits the whole of his life to the Almighty.

Indeed, the Muslim is the one who has surrendered his own self to God. To say that one is a
Muslim is to so conform one’s life along the path of divine guidance. This conformance must first
germinate in one’s mind. It is the position of the Qur’an that unless there is a substantial change
in thinking there can be no other change, whatsoever, of a fundamental nature.

Therefore, it does not agree with forcing anyone into the religion. In fact, the Prophet, who had
struggled greatly to convince his own society perchance they came into the fold of the true faith,
was rebuked by the Qur’an for the mental agony that he underwent on realizing that the deniers
of truth were not going to change their stand, in the following words: “If it had been thy Lord’s
will, they would all have believed- all who are on earth! Will thou then compel mankind, against
their will to believe!” (Quran 10:99)

The Qur’an makes it very clear that the duty entrusted to the messengers, who were appointed
for the conveyance of the message of the true religion, was restricted to the propagation of the
religion alone; it never included the coercion of others into the faith: “But what is the mission of
apostles but to preach the clear message?” (Quran 16:35) “If then they turn away, We have not
sent thee as a guard over them. Thy duty is but to convey (the message).” (Quran 42:48)

The Qur’an repeatedly tells the Prophet that he was sent only to invite people to the true religion;
never to compel them to change their faiths. “Say: ‘The truth is from your Lord.’ Let him who will,
believe, and let him who will, reject (it).” (Quran 18:29) “Therefore do thou give admonition, for
thou art one to admonish. Thou art not one to manage (men’s) affairs.” (Quran 88:21-22)

In short, therefore, the messengers had all been only the propagators of the true religion. So was
it the case with the last messenger also? He had the responsibility only of showing the people the
nature of true religion. The obligation of the believers, too, who were conferred the duty of
conveying the message of true religion, which was perfected through the last messenger, was
restricted to this purpose alone; the obligation only of enabling others to distinguish between
truth and falsehood.

Not only has the Qur’an not demanded the forcible conversion of others, it has also declared that
the practice of forcible conversion is, in itself, an abomination. “Let there be no compulsion in
religion; truth stands out clear from error.” (Quran 2:256)

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣8⃣*
*❓Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?*
*✅Definition of Jihad*
While Islam in general is misunderstood in the western world, perhaps no other Islamic term
evokes such strong reactions as the word ‘Jihad’. The word Jihad is mistranslated as ‘Holy War’.
The Arabic equivalent of ‘Holy War’ is ‘harb-u-muqadasah’. This term is not found in any verse of
the Qur’an. There is nothing in the Islamic sources that permit a Muslim to fight against non-
Muslims solely on the basis that they are not Muslim.

The word Jihad comes from the root word Jahada, which means to struggle. At the individual level,
Jihad primarily refers to the inner struggle of being a person of virtue and submission to God in
all aspects of life.

At the collective level, Jihad can take various forms, such as: Intellectual Jihad, Economic Jihad &
Physical Jihad as discussed before. Thus, the concept of Jihad is vast and comprehensive.
Admittedly, it is the last category of Jihad that is a cause for concern to many, and which we shall
explore in detail.

*Physical Jihad*
Jihad on the battlefield, in the Islamic perspective, is the last resort, and is subject to stringent
conditions. It can be waged only to defend freedom, which includes freedom of faith. The Glorious
Qur’an says: “To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are
wronged; and verily, Allah is most powerful for their aid; (They are) those who have been expelled
from their homes in defiance of right, (for no cause) except that they say, “our Lord is Allah”. If
Allah didn’t check one set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled
down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is
commemorated in abundant measure…” [Qur’an 22:39-40]

Moreover, the Qur’an says: “And why should ye not fight in the cause of God and of those who,
being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? – Men, women and children, whose cry is: “Our Lord!
Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will
protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!” [Qur’an 4:75]

Thus, the conditions of physical Jihad are clearly defined in the Qur’an.

*Can Terrorism be Compared to Jihad?*

Terrorism is usually defined as ideologically motivated indiscriminate violence that targets
civilians, with the intention of inspiring terror in order to achieve political ends. Although this
definition ignores the reality of state terrorism, it is clear that terrorism has no place in the noble
concept of Jihad. Even Jihad that involves physical conflict is the very antithesis of terrorism, as is
clear from the following differences:

1. Jihad can be launched only by an established authority as a policy in order to deter aggression.
Terrorism, on the other hand, is committed by individuals or groups that have no legitimacy to
speak for the majority. When terrorism is committed by states, it usually depends on misleading
the masses.
2. Jihad is limited to combatants while terrorism involves indiscriminate killing of civilians.
3. Jihad, when the need arises, is declared openly, while terrorism is committed secretly.
4. Jihad is bound by strict rules of engagement while terrorism is not bound by any rules.

It is clear from the foregoing discussion that Jihad is a vast concept that encompasses various
spheres of activity, all directed towards the betterment of self and society. Regardless of how
legitimate a cause may be, Islam does not condone the killing of innocent people. Terrorizing the
civilian population, whether by individuals or states, can never be termed as Jihad and can never
be reconciled with the teachings of Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 9⃣9⃣*
*❓What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?*
✅Islam, a religion of mercy, does not permit terrorism. In the Quran, God has said: "O you who
believe, do not consume each other’s properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions
are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. God is Merciful towards you." (Quran 4:29)

*Terrorism Has No Place in Islam:*

This is the reminder of the Quran: "We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your
blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You agreed and bore witness." (Quran

*The Traits of the Believers are Reflected in Jihad and Not in Terrorism as Understood from these
"They avoid gross sins and vice, and when angered they forgive… When gross injustice befalls
them, they stand up for their rights. Although the just requital for an injustice is an equivalent
retribution, those who pardon and maintain righteousness are rewarded by God. He does not love
the unjust... Resorting to patience and forgiveness reflects a true strength of character." (Quran

*Killing Innocent People is Prohibited and Condemned:*

Innocent people are victims of terrorism. Killing innocent people is prohibited in Quran: “You shall
not kill any person - for God has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed
unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in
avenging the murder; he will be helped." (Quran 17:33) "You shall not kill - God has made life
sacred - except in the course of justice." (Quran 6:151)

*Grossness of Murder can be Understood from this Verse:*

"Because of this, we decreed for the Children of Israel that anyone who murders any person who
had not committed murder or horrendous crimes, it shall be as if he murdered all the people. And
anyone who spares a life, it shall be as if he spared the lives of all the people…" (Quran 5:32)

*Jihad is Needed Only When Peaceful Solution Fails:*

"If it were not for God's support of some people against others, there would be chaos on earth.
But God showers His grace upon the people." (Quran 2:251)

*Quran Allows to Fight Only if the Terms of the Treaty is Violated:*

"If they violate their oaths after pledging to keep their covenants, and attack your religion, you
may fight the leaders of paganism - you are no longer bound by your covenant with them - that
they may refrain” (Quran 9:12)

*War should be Tolerated Only to Drive Away Aggression and Tyranny:*

"Permission is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and
God is certainly able to support them. They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason
other than saying, "Our Lord is God…" (Quran 22:39-40)

*Quran doesn’t Promote Fighting but Friendship with those Who don’t Fight with Believers:*
"God does not enjoin you from befriending those who do not fight you because of religion, and
do not evict you from your homes. You may befriend them and be equitable towards them. God
loves the equitable." (Quran 60:8)

*Quran Promotes Peace and it Shows the Way to Establish the Same:*
"If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."
(Quran 8:61) Another verse states: "...Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you,
and offer you peace, then God gives you no excuse to fight them" (Quran 4:90)
*Quran Teaches us How to Treat the Non-Fighting Enemies in their Territories:*
"If one of the idol worshipers sought safe passage with you, you shall grant him safe passage, so
that he can hear the word of God, then send him back to his place of security. That is because
they are people who do not know." (Quran 9:6)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣0⃣*
*❓Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?*
✅A few selected verses from the Qur’an are often misquoted to perpetuate the myth that Islam
promotes violence and exhorts its followers to kill those outside the pale of Islam.

*Verse from Chapter Taubah:*

The following verse from Surah Taubah is very often quoted by critics of Islam, to show that Islam
promotes violence, bloodshed and brutality: “Kill the Mushriqs (pagans, polytheists, kuffar)
wherever you find them” (Qur’an 9:5)

*Context of Verse is During Battlefield:*

Critics of Islam actually quote this verse out of context. In order to understand the context, we
need to read from verse 1 of this surah. It says that there was a peace treaty between the Muslims
and the Mushriqs (pagans) of Makkah. This treaty was violated by the Mushriqs of Makkah. A
period of four months was given to the Mushriqs of Makkah to make amends. Otherwise war
would be declared against them. Verse 5 of Surah Taubah says:

“But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them,
and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they
repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them; for
Allah is oft-forgiving, Most merciful” (Qur’an 9:5)
This verse was revealed during a battle.

*Example of War Between India and Pakistan:*

We know that India was once at war with Pakistan. Suppose the President of India or the General
of the Indian Army told the Indian soldiers during the war: “Wherever you find the Pakistanis, kill
them”. Today if I say that the Indian President said, “Wherever you find Pakistanis, kill them”
without giving the context, I will make him sound like a butcher. But if I quote him in context, that
he said it during a war, it will sound very logical, as he was trying to boost the morale of the Indian
soldiers during the war.

Similarly, in Surah Taubah 9:5, the Qur’an says, “Kill the Mushriqs wherever you find them”, during
a battle to boost the morale of the Muslim soldiers. What the Qur’an is telling Muslim soldiers is,
do not be afraid during battle; wherever you find the enemies kill them.

*Arun Shourie Jumps from Verse 5 to Verse 7:*

Arun Shourie is one of the staunchest critics of Islam in India. He quotes the same verse, Surah
Taubah chapter 9 verse 5 in his book ‘The World of Fatwahs’, on page 572. After quoting verse 5
he jumps to verse 7 of Surah Taubah. Any sensible person will realize that he has skipped verse 6.

*Surah Taubah Chapter 9 Verse 6 Gives the Answer:*

Surah Taubah chapter 9 verse 6 gives the answer to the allegation that Islam promotes violence,
brutality, and bloodshed. It says: “If one amongst the pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him,
so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure that is
because they are men without knowledge” (Qur’an 9:6)

The Qur’an not only says that a Mushriq seeking asylum during the battle should be granted
refuge, but also that he should be escorted to a secure place. In the present international scenario,
even a kind, peace-loving army General, during a battle, may let the enemy soldiers go free, if
they want peace. But which army General will ever tell his soldiers, that if the enemy soldiers want
peace during a battle, don’t just let them go free, but also escort them to a place of security?

This is exactly what Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an to promote peace in the world.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣1⃣*
*❓Are All Terrorists Muslims?*
✅First, there is nothing new about terrorism. In 1881, anarchists killed the Russian Tsar Alexander
II and 21 bystanders. In 1901, anarchists killed US President McKinley as well as King Humbert I of
Italy. World War I started in 1914 when anarchists killed Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. These
terrorist attacks were not by Muslims.

Guerrilla fighters from Mao Zedong to Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro killed civilians during their
revolutionary campaigns. They too were called terrorists until they triumphed. Nothing Muslim
about them.

In Palestine, after World War II, Jewish groups (the Haganah, Irgun and Stern Gang) fought for the
creation of a Jewish state, bombing hotels and installations and killing civilians. The British, who
then governed Palestine, rightly called these Jewish groups terrorists. Many of these terrorists
later became leaders of independent Israel - Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Ariel
Sharon. Ironically, these former terrorists then lambasted terrorism, applying this label only to
Arabs fighting for the very same nationhood that the Jews had fought for earlier.

In Germany in 1968-92, the Baader-Meinhoff Gang killed dozens, including the head of Treuhand,
the German privatization agency. In Italy, the Red Brigades kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro,
former prime minister.

The Japanese Red Army was an Asian version of this. Japan was also the home of Aum Shinrikyo,
a Buddhist cult that tried to kill thousands in the Tokyo metro system using nerve gas in 1995.

In Europe, the Irish Republican Army has been a Catholic terrorist organization for almost a
century. Spain and France face a terrorist challenge from ETA, the Basque terrorist organization.

Those who carried out the 2004 Madrid bombing, and the 2005 London bombings were
Europeans, born or raised and educated there. Three of the four British attackers were second-
generation British. The 18 Canadians charged with terrorist-related crimes are graduates of
Canadian public schools and universities.

Africa is ravaged by so much civil war and internal strife that few people even bother to check
which groups can be labelled terrorist. They stretch across the continent. Possibly the most
notorious is the Lord’s Salvation Army in Uganda, a Christian outfit that uses children as warriors.

In Sri Lanka, the Tamil Tigers have long constituted one of the most vicious and formidable
terrorist groups in the world. They were the first to train children as terrorists. They happen to be
Hindus. Tamil Tigers were the first to use ‘Suicide Bombing’ on a large scale. One such suicide
bomber assassinated Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.

In India, the militants in Kashmir are Muslim. But they are only one of several militant groups. The
Punjab militants, led by Bhindranwale, were Sikhs. The United Liberation Front of Assam is a Hindu
terrorist group that targets Muslims rather than the other way round. Tripura has witnessed the
rise and fall of several terrorist groups, and so have Bodo strongholds in Assam. Christian Mizos
mounted an insurrection for decades, and Christian Nagas are still heading militant groups.

But most important of all are the Maoist terrorist groups that now exist in no less than 150 out of
India’s 600 districts. They have attacked police stations and killed & razed entire villages that
oppose them. These are secular terrorists (like the Baader Meinhof Gang or Red Brigades). In terms
of membership and area controlled, secular terrorists are far ahead of Muslim terrorists.

In sum, terrorism is certainly not a Muslim monopoly. There are or have been terrorist groups
among Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and even Buddhists. Secular terrorists (anarchists, Maoists)
have been the biggest killers.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣2⃣*
*❓What Does the Qur’an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?*
✅The issue of peace and justice in society, and in the international community at large is of
fundamental importance and must be thoroughly addressed if the community – national or
international – were to prosper and coexist in peace and harmony. However, this would not be
maintained if the code of conduct between individuals and states were not based on tolerance
and non-violence when addressing matters of disputes and contentions. And there are the
unavoidable circumstances that lead to conflict, but then war should be seen as the last resort in
settling any conflict. This is the approach that is encouraged by Islam.
Islam comes from the root word Salaam, which means ‘peace’. It also means submitting one’s will
to Allah Almighty. Qur’an describes the desirability of peace and the means of attaining it in
various passages, including the verse, “If they incline toward peace, then seek you peace also,”
which clearly demonstrates that peace is a desired state to be striven for.

Even when wronged, the Glorious Qur’an advises Muslims to repel the evil with what is best, so
that even the enemies would become a warm friend [Al-Qur’an 41:34]

Furthermore, one of the various names for heaven is ‘Dar al-Salam’, meaning “Abode of Peace.”
Thus, peace is a goal that Muslims are required to strive for, in their own selves, in their families
and in their communities.

*Sanctity of Treaties:*
The Prophet and his companions did make treaties, such as that of Hudaybiyya in the sixth year
of the hijra and the one made by Umar with the people of Jerusalem. Faithfulness to a treaty is a
most serious obligation which the Qur'an and hadith incessantly emphasize: “Believers, fulfill your
bonds.” (Quran 5:1)

“Keep the agreements of God when you have made them and do not break your oaths after you
have made them with God as your bond…” (Quran 16:91)

“Covenants should not be broken because one community feels stronger than another.” (Quran

Breaking treaties puts the culprit into a state lower than animals (Quran 8:55). As stated above,
even defending a Muslim minority is not allowed when there is a treaty with the camp, they are

*International Co-operation:*
In the sphere of war and peace, there is nothing in the Qur'an or hadith which should cause
Muslims to feel unable to sign and act according to the modern international conventions, and
there is much in the Qur'an and hadith from which modern international law can benefit.

There is nothing in Islam that prevents Muslims from having peaceful, amicable and good relations
with other nations when they read and hear regularly the Qur'anic injunction, referring too
members of other faiths: “God does not forbid you front being kind and equitable to those who
have neither made war on you account of your religion nor driven you from your homes. God
loves those who are equitable.” (Quran 60:8)

This includes participation in international peace-making and peace-keeping efforts. The rule of
arbitration in violent disputes between groups of Muslims is given in the Qur'an: “If two, of the
believers take up arms against one another, make peace between them. If either of them commits
aggression against the other, fight against the aggressors until they submit to God's judgment.
When they submit make peace between them in equity and justice. God loves those who act in
justice.” (Quran 49:9)

This could, in agreement with rules of Islamic jurisprudence, be applied more generally to disputes
within the international community. For this reason, Muslims should, and do, participate in the
arbitration of disputes by international bodies such as the United Nations.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣3️⃣*
*❓What Does the Qur’an Say About War?*
✅Islam has been much maligned today as religion of war, not peace and compassion. The acts
of terrorism on the part of some international terrorist groups who indulge in needless and
wanton killing has further aggravated this image in the contemporary world. During medieval
ages also crusades threw up an image of Islam which pictured Muslims as sword in one hand and
Qur’an in the other.

The Islamic relationship between individuals and nations is one of peace. War is a contingency
that becomes necessary at certain times and under certain conditions. Muslims learn from the
Qur'an that God's objective in creating the human race in different communities was that they
should relate to each other peacefully (Quran 49:13).

War in Islam as regulated by the Qur'an and hadith has been subject to many distortions by
Western scholars and even by some Muslim writers. These are due either to misconceptions about
terminology or - above all - using quotations taken out of context. Nowhere in the Quran is
changing people's religion given as a cause for waging war.

In short, the Quran's attitude toward war and peace may be described as an idealistic realism.
Human existence is characterized neither by incessant warfare nor by real peace, but by a
continuous tension between the two; Societies exist forever in a precarious balance between them.
*Quran Adopted Three Viewpoints Towards War Depending on Situations:*
1. When War is Forbidden
2. When War is Permissible
3. When War Becomes Obligatory on Believers

Patience is projected as great virtue and Qur’an says: “Surely Allah is with those who are patient”.
And also, Qur’an says, “By the time, surely man is in loss, except those who believe and do good
and exhort one another to Truth and exhort one another to patience.” (Chapter 110)

Now coming to the Qur’anic theory of war, it is important to say that war is sanctioned only in
exceptional circumstances and peace is the norm. The permission for war in Qur’an is given
reluctantly and extreme conditions of persecution and oppression. War is not permissible if people
of other persuasions, religious faith and nationality are part of any treaty or causing no kind of
harm to Muslims. Also, to begin with Muslims should only preach their faith peacefully and even
put up with resistance and opposition and bear adverse conditions with patience and endurance
of high degree.

In Mecca, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and his followers bore with great patience utmost humiliation and
persecution without any retaliation. The Prophet himself suffered insults and personal injuries
from the hands of his persecutors. He was prevented from offering his prayers, he allowed himself
to be spat upon, to have dust thrown upon him, and to be dragged out of Ka’ba by his own turban
fastened to his neck.

The Prophet bore all this with utmost patience as he was convinced of truth of his message and
did not retaliate even once. Along with the Prophet his followers also bore even more indignities
and torture but never gave up their faith.

Islam had given them a new spiritual message and it was spiritual and moral teachings of Islam
which had given them inner strength to bear all this. For more than ten years in Mecca, Muslims
were persecuted, but before permission was given to fight they were instructed to restrain
themselves (Quran 4:77) and endure with patience and fortitude: “Pardon and forgive until God
gives his command.” (Quran 2:109). See also 29:59; 16:42

* The situations when the war will be allowed in Islam and when it becomes obligatory on the
believers will be discussed in detail in upcoming parts*

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣4️⃣*
*❓When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?*
✅War may become necessary only to stop evil from triumphing in a way would corrupt the earth
(Quran 2:251). For Muslims to participate in war there must be valid justifications, and strict
conditions must be fulfilled. A thorough survey of the relevant verses of the Qur'an shows that it
is consistent throughout with regard to these rulings on the justification of war, and its conduct,
termination and consequences.

*Justifications and Conditions for War:*

All the battles that took place during the Prophet's lifetime, under the guidance of the Qur'an and
the Prophet, have been surveyed and shown to have been waged only in self-defense or to pre-
empt an imminent attack. For more than ten years in Mecca, Muslims were persecuted, but before
permission was given to fight they were instructed to restrain themselves (Quran 4:77) and endure
with patience and fortitude: “Pardon and forgive until God gives his command.” (Quran 2:109).
See also 29:59; 16:42

After the Muslims were forced out of their homes and their town, and those who remained behind
were subjected to even more abuse, God gave His permission to fight: “Permission is given to
those who fight because they have been wronged, and God is indeed able to give them victory;
those who have been driven from their homes unjustly only because they said, "Our Lord is God”…
those who, if they are given power in the land, establish worship and pay the poor-due and enjoin
what is good and forbid iniquity.” (Quran 22:39-41)

This is the earliest verse in the Quran related to fighting, which is clearly indicating that such
permission is an exceptional allowance responding to a specific situation, and that peaceful
conduct is assumed to be the norm for Muslims.

Here, war is seen as justifiable and necessary to defend people's right to their own beliefs, and
once the believers have been given victory they should not become triumphant or arrogant or
have a sense of being a superpower, because the promise of help given above and the rewards
are for those who do not seek to exalt themselves on earth or spread corruption (Quran 28:83).

The first permission in Qur’an to fight also came under similar circumstances. Thus, Qur’an says:
“And what reason have you not to fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and
the women and the children who say: Our Lord, take us out of this town, whose people are
oppressors, and grant us from Thee a friend, and grant us from Thee a helper” (4:75).
This verse is quite clear as to why Muslims should fight. All conditions have been mentioned. Also,
justice is very central in Islam and is one of the most fundamental values so much so that Allah’s
name is ‘Adil’. And Muslims were subjected to gross injustices; so, permission to fight was given.
Again, the words of the verse clearly show, it had nothing to do with spreading of religion.

As the wealthy and powerful often do, the enemies tried to silence the Muhammad, the Prophet
and his followers by inflicting inhuman torture on them which has been so well documented by
early historians of Islam but when they did not succeed drove them out of their homes and hearth
and most of them migrated to Ethiopia and then to Madina. And they were not left in peace even
there as their moral and spiritual superiority could not be accepted vis-à-vis their material

It is in this background that one has to understand Qur’ans permission to fight. Moreover, there
are strict rules of warfare outlined by the Prophet Muhammad and his successors that prohibit
targeting civilians, specifically women and children, or even harming infrastructure or crops used
by civilians.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣5️⃣*
*❓When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?*
✅What are the circumstances that make Jihad obligatory on a Muslim citizen? What is the
punishment for not taking part in Jihad when it has become obligatory?

When there is a just cause for Jihad, which must have a righteous intention, it then becomes an
obligation. It becomes an obligation for defending religious freedom (Quran 22:39-41), for self-
defense (Quran 2:190) and defending those who are oppressed: men, women and children who
cry for help (Quran 4:75). It is the duty of the Muslims to help the oppressed, except against a
people with whom the Muslims have a treaty (Quran 8:72). These are the only valid justifications
for war we find in the Qur'an.
As far as an individual is concerned, Jihad becomes compulsory upon him if both the following
conditions are fulfilled:
i. The rulers give a call to each and every citizen of their country to participate in Jihad.
ii. The individual himself is convinced that his rulers are waging war on the only legitimate basis
on which war can now be waged: to uproot injustice and oppression perpetrated by a country. If
a person is convinced that his country has some other objective in mind, he can of course refuse
their call.

*Punishment for Not Taking Part in Jihad:*

Even when war becomes necessary, we find that there is no "conscription" in the Qur'an. The
Prophet is instructed only to "urge on the believers" (Quran 4:64). The Qur'an - and the hadith at
greater length - urge on the Muslim fighters (those who are defending themselves or the
oppressed) in the strongest way: by showing the justice of their cause, the bad conduct of the
enemy, and promising great rewards in the afterlife for those who are prepared to sacrifice their
lives and property in such a good cause.

A study of the Qur'an shows that there is no worldly punishment for either a state or an individual
if they do not undertake Jihad when it becomes obligatory upon them. The reason for this is that
the Qur'an does not mention any such punishment. It seems that it is the Almighty Himself Who
directly punishes such negligence in this world or in the Hereafter.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣6⃣*
*❓What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?*
✅Unlike the self-centered rulers and kings all over the world who embark on wars for
expansionist purposes, for the exploitation of human powers, and for the plunder of wealth and
natural resources, Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬refused to resort to the sword and fighting unless it
was necessary and unavoidable. Any wise humanitarian person accepts such combat and admires
it because there is no other way to achieve the sacred ends of the Prophets.
Here we will point out the motives of Prophet Muhammad in the wars he undertook so the truth
may be made clear.

*Battle of Badr*
For 13 years, Prophet and his followers were tormented and tortured by the infidel Quraish in
Makkah. Finally, they left Makkah and migrated to Medina. Yet the infidel Makkans did not stop
tormenting the Muslims who had remained in Makkah and also did not let them leave Makkah
and migrate somewhere else. At the same time, the Makkan enemies of Islam had decided to put
Medina under a severe economic siege. Also, Abu Jahl wrote an extremely harsh and rude letter
to Prophet and warned him to expect the attack of the Quraish in that letter. It was on this occasion
that Allah gave permission for war and the battle of Badr happend.

*Battle of Uhud*
Since a considerable number of the infidel troops had been killed in the battle of Badr, the next
year, the third year after the Hijra, the Quraish prepared for war to take revenge for their defeat
in the Badr war. They proceeded to Medina. They faced the army of Islam in a place called Uhud.

*Battle of Ahzab (Trench)*

In the 5th year of the Hijra, a Jewish tribe called Bani Nazir went to Makkah and incited the Quraish
against Islam and the Muslims. The Quraish took advantage of the opportunity, gathered a huge
army from different anti-Islamic groups, and started towards Medina. So, to guard Medina from
enemy attack, the Muslims dug trench/moats all around the city and lined up in front of the enemy

*Battle of Khaybar*
Large numbers of Jews lived in the Khaybar forts and had military and economic relations with
the infidels. Since the security of the Muslims was constantly threatened by those anti-Islamic
Jews, in 7 AH the Muslims started towards Khaybar, which was the headquarters of the enemy &
surrounded the fort.

*Battle of Mu'tah*
In 8 AH, Prophet sent Harith ibn Umar with a letter to the king of Basra, but his messenger was
killed in a place called Mu'tah. At the command of Prophet, the army of Islam marched towards
the enemy, and in Mu'tah they confronted the army of Marqal, the king of Rome.

*Conquest of Makkah*
In the Hudaybiyah peace agreement, the Quraish had promised Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬not to
transgress against or oppress the Muslims and their confederates, but they violated the
agreement and helped the Bani Bakr tribe to destroy the Khaza'ah tribe, which was one of the
confederates of the Muslims. To hamper their aggression, Prophet approached Makkah in secrecy,
entered it through an elaborate device, and conquered Makkah without battle or bloodshed in
630 CE, in the 8th year of the Hijrah (8 AH).
*Battle of Hunayn and Siege of Taif*
The Havazin tribe had gathered an army against Islam. Prophet was informed of their satanic
intentions and mobilized 12,000 Muslim soldiers to confront them. The two opposing armies
fought each other in the valley of Hunayn.

We can summarize that those of the Islamic wars against the infidels are trivial, and none of the
wars of the Holy Prophet of Islam were launched out of motives of expansion, revenge, or
aggression. Rather, they were aimed at the repulsion of the aggressors, defense of the honour of
the Muslims, and independence and the exaltation and prevalence of right, truth, and justice.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣7⃣*
*❓What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?*
✅Although Islam permits Jihad on the battlefield under the conditions mentioned in previous
posts, the rules of engagement reflect Islam’s inherent inclination towards peace.

*Righteous Intention:*
Righteous intention is an essential condition. When fighting takes place, it should be ‘in the way
of God’ as is often repeated in the Qur'an. His way is prescribed in the Qur'an as the way of truth
and justice, including all the teaching it gives on the justifications and the conditions for the
conduct of war and peace.

The Prophet was asked about those who fight for the booty, and those who fight out of self-
aggrandizement or to be seen as a hero. He said that none of these was in the way of God. The
one who fights in the way of God is he who fights so that the word of God is uppermost (Bukhari).
*No Aggression Towards Civilians:*
Military conflict is to be directed only against fighting troops and not against civilians, as the
Glorious Qur’an says: “Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits;
for Allah loveth not transgressors” [Qur’an 2:190]

As far as the non-combatant population is concerned such as women, children, the old and the
infirm, etc., the instructions of the Prophet are as follows: “Do not kill any old person, any child or
any woman”, “Do not kill the monks in monasteries” or “Do not kill the people who are sitting in
places of worship.” During a war, the Prophet saw the corpse of a woman lying on the ground and
observed: “She was not fighting. How then she came to be killed?” Thus, non-combatants are
guaranteed security of life even if their state is at war with an Islamic state.

*Upholding Justice:*
The ravages of war are not an excuse for Muslims to engage in any form of cruelty or violation of
human rights. As the Qur’an says: “O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to
fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from
justice. Be just; that is next to piety; and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.”
[Qur’an 5:8]

It is forbidden under Islamic law, to ill-treat prisoners of war or to deny them the essentials of life,
including medical treatment.

*Respect for Religious Freedom:*

Physical Jihad cannot be waged with the objective of compelling people to embrace Islam. The
Glorious Qur’an says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion” [Qur’an 2:256]

“If it had been thy Lord’s will, they would all have believed - all who are on earth! wilt thou then
compel mankind, against their will, to believe!” [Qur’an 10:99]

*Accept Peace:*
If the enemy offers peace, it should be accepted even at the risk of possible deception. The
Glorious Qur’an says: “But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace,
and trust in Allah; for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things)” [Qur’an 8:61]

*Cessation of Hostilities:*
Once the hostility of the enemy ceases, the Muslims must stop fighting (Quran 2:193; 8:39): “And
if they incline to peace, do so and put your trust in God. Even if they intend to deceive you,
remember that God is sufficient for you.” (Quran 8:61-2)

When the war is over, the Qur'an and hadith give instructions as to the treatment of prisoners of
war and the new relationship with the non-Muslims.
The Qur'an and hadith talk about the different situations that exist between a Muslim state and a
neighboring warring enemy. They mention a state of defensive war, within the prescriptions
specified above, the state of peace treaty for a limited or unlimited period, the state of truce, and
the state where a member of a hostile camp can come into a Muslim land for special purposes
under safe conduct.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣8⃣*
*❓Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?*
✅The evil of suicide bombings must be defeated by Muslims, as it violates every tenet of Islam.
Suicide bombings violate the prohibition against suicide and terrorism violates the prohibition
against murder, one of the gravest sins prohibited by the Qur’an.

We believe that Islamic teachings clearly prohibit killing innocent civilians. While there are
obviously extremist Muslims who disagree with this stance, the position of the Muslim majority is
clear, as demonstrated by repeated condemnations by Muslim scholars and leaders across the

Suicide bombings, indeed, all forms of terrorism, are rejected by mainstream Islam, and always
have been.

The Holy Qur'an says it in very clear, without any ambiguity: "Do not kill yourselves, for truly God
is merciful. And if any do that in rancor and injustice, soon shall We cast them in the Fire. " (Surah

The Qur'an makes it clear that there are rules to human conflict and limits that must be followed:
"And fight in the way of God against those who fight you. But do not transgress the limits. Truly
God does not love transgressors." (Surah 2:190)
Islamic law established very clear rules of war based on the practice of Prophet Muhammad and
his early followers: Do not kill civilians. Do not kill women and children. Do not harm monks or
priests of other religions. Do not destroy the environment.

Muslims always took great pride in the fact that they acted honorably, even in war. They looked
with contempt upon the warriors of Europe, who slaughtered civilians mercilessly during the
Crusades. When the Muslim leader Saladin defeated the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem and
retook the holy city, he spared its Christian populace and pointedly said: "We will not do to you
what you did to us."

His comment was in reference to the First Crusade, where Christian "holy warriors" massacred tens
of thousands of civilians upon taking Jerusalem in 1099. Muslims were slaughtered en masse, the
Jews of Jerusalem were locked into its main synagogue and set on fire. And Arab Christians were
murdered by their co-religionists for the sin of having dark skin and looking like the enemy.

The Muslims looked at this kind of atrocity committed in the name of God as unworthy of any
great religion and held themselves above such monstrous behavior.

So how is it possible that its modern equivalent, the mass murder of civilians through suicide
bombings, should now be done in the name of Islam?

Islam is a religion that has established rules of war for a reason. Human conflict is perhaps
inevitable, but unless there is a sense of morality among warriors, even among the warriors of the
oppressed, human beings will descend into monstrosity. The nobility of a cause is forever tainted
when dipped in the blood of innocents.

As Saladin pointed out, the Muslims would not inflict on the Christians the atrocities that the
Crusaders had inflicted on their victims, simple because we as Muslims were better than that.

In Dying to Win, Robert Pape, a scholar at the University of Chicago, analyzes the history and
motivation of suicide bombers. Many people who read the book will be surprised to learn that
suicide bombing was a tactic that was first used regularly by Hindu terrorists known as the Tamil
Tigers. One of the most prominent victims of this tactic, Rajiv Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India,
was killed on May 21, 1999 by a female suicide bomber from the Tamil Tigers. According to Pape,
Gandhi's murder marks the first use of the "suicide vest" which has become the tool of suicide
bombers throughout the world today.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣0⃣9⃣*
*❓What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?*
✅As Islam stands against waging war, especially against the innocents, it never overlooks the
possibility that mankind may resort to war against each other. That is why it shows keenness on
regulating warfare, between Muslims and non-Muslims; it enumerates those that should not be
killed or even targeted during the battles. Not only that. Islam also sets rules regarding those
taken as prisoners of war; how they should be treated and dealt with.

This is what is clarified by Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra, in his book Concept of War in Islam; it
reads: “Islam advocates clemency with captives. History has never known warriors so merciful to
their captives as the early Muslims who followed the teachings of their religion. Numerous
religious texts demand clemency with captives.”

Islam never fought nations but fought only despotic authorities. Islamic war was one of liberation
and not of compulsion. Muslims are prohibited from opening hostilities without properly
declaring war against the enemy unless the adversary has already started aggression against them.

The first and the foremost basic right in Islam is the right to live and the respect of human life.
The holy Quran and the traditional sayings and acts of the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬strictly impose
the following injunctions during the time of peace and the time of war:

1. No one should be burned alive or tortured with fire.

2. Wounded soldiers who are neither unfit to fight, nor actually fighting, should not be attacked.
3. Prisoners of war should not be killed.
4. It is prohibited to kill anyone who is tied up or in captivity.
5. Residential areas should not be pillaged, plundered, or destroyed, nor should the Muslims touch
the property of anyone except those who are fighting against them.
6. Muslims must not take anything from the general public of the conquered country without
paying for it.
7. The corpses of the enemy must not be disgraced or mutilated.
8. Corpses of the enemy should be returned.
9. Treaties must not be broken.
10. In Islam, taking one’s life is equal to taking the life of the whole of the mankind. Allah says in
the holy Quran: “If anyone slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the
land - it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he
saved the life of the whole people…” (Quran 5:32)

Prisoners are usually taken when a battle is at its height and there is danger that rage may lead
the victorious warriors to harm those who have been defeated in order to take revenge. The
Prophet, however urged his followers to treat their captives with clemency. He said to them “You
are recommended to treat your captives kindly.”

What are the teachings of Islam as regard the prisoners of war? Does Islam grant them freedom,
ransom or enslave them to the Muslims? Allah says: “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in
fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly
(on them); thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom; until the war lays down its
burdens…” (Quran 47:4)

The Quranic verse thus provides alternatives: either the Muslim commander should free those
captives who cannot offer ransom either in the form of money or an equivalent number of Muslim
captives, or he should ransom his captives for money or for a similar number of Muslim captives
(exchange of prisoners).

The Prophet avoided the enslavement of any free man in his wars; his actions tended towards its
denunciation. He urged the manumission of those who had been enslaved. The Quran refers to
the permissibility of slavery only to urge the emancipation of the enslaved.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣0⃣*
*❓Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?*
✅Islam is a complete way of life, which the Almighty God gifted to the mankind, which any
person can choose. When a society adopts a particular way of life, it will naturally influence the
decision of that community and influence the leadership. This is what we call politics.
The view that ‘Islam has nothing to do with politics’ is completely wrong since it will invalidate the
fundamental concept that Islam is a guidance to all walks of life. ‘Politics’ which means
management of social life affairs by applying the principles of Islam in various aspects (according
to the Qur’an and the Sunnah) is an integral part of religion.

We shall elaborate here on the idea of the concordance of religion and politics and the need for
establishing government:

The most vivid evidence which substantiates this idea is the conduct of the Prophet Muhammed
(‫ )ﷺ‬during the period of his mission. On studying the words and practices of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, we
become fully aware that from the outset of his mission, he was in pursuit of establishing a strong
government founded on faith in God and capable of implementing the agenda and programs of

*The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬is the Founder of Islamic Government:*

1. Before emigration to Medina, Prophet held a meeting with two groups of the people from
Medina at a place called ‘Aqabah’ and they pledged to invite him to their city and give him
support. So, this was the first step towards establishing an Islamic government.

2. After the establishment of the Islamic government in Medina, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬made contacts
with the powerful political and social centers of his time by dispatching ambassadors, sending
historic letters, and forging economic, political and military links with many leaders, and appointed
rulers and chiefs for many tribes and cities.

The practices and decisions of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬confirm that from the beginning of his mission, he
had been in pursuit of setting up a strong government through which to administer the universal
laws of Islam in all facets of life.

Do such actions like forging pacts with active groups and tribes, organizing a strong army,
dispatching ambassadors to different countries, warning kings and rulers and communicating with
them, sending governors and rulers to cities and districts far and near, and the like have any other
name than ‘politics’ in the sense of managing and administering different aspects of society?

In addition to the conduct of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, the manner of the Four Caliphs testimony to the
concordance of religion and politics…

A comprehensive study of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) makes it clear that many religious laws
cannot be implemented without the establishment of a government.

Islam calls on us to take part in Jihad and defense, plead for justice against tyrants, protect the
oppressed, enjoin good and forbid evil in a broad sense, form a codified financial system, and
safeguard the unity of the Muslim society.
In the same vein, implementing Islamic laws with the aim of performing the obligations,
preventing crimes, regaining the rights for the oppressed from the oppressors and the other
aforementioned objectives will not be accessible without a systematized and potent system and
organization. Without such a system or organization, executing them will lead to chaos and

Although according to Islam the proofs of the need of establishing a government are far more
than what we have stated, it is clear from the mentioned proofs that religion and politics are
inseparable and establishing an Islamic government on the basis of the values of the luminous
Islamic law is indispensable and all of the Muslims of the world are responsible for achieving this

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣1⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?*
✅An Islamic state is a type of government primarily based on the application of Islamic laws
(sharia), dispensation of justice, maintenance of law and order. From the early years of Islam,
numerous governments have been founded as "Islamic".

However, the term "Islamic state" has taken on a more specific connotation since the 20th century.
Like the earlier notion of the caliphate, the modern Islamic state is rooted in Islamic law. It is
modeled after the rule of Muhammad.

However, unlike caliph-led governments, a modern Islamic state can incorporate modern political
institutions such as elections, parliamentary rule, judicial review, and popular sovereignty.

Today, many Muslim countries have incorporated Islamic law, wholly or in part, into their legal
systems. Certain Muslim states have declared Islam to be their state religion in their constitutions,
but do not apply Islamic law in their courts.
*The Essence of Islamic Governments:*
The essence or guiding principles of an Islamic government or Islamic state, is the concept of
mutual consultation (Al-Shura) which should consist of:
- Meeting or consultation, that follows the teachings of Islam.
- Consultation following the guidelines of the Quran and Sunnah.
- There is a leader elected among them to lead the meeting.
- All members are given fair opportunity to voice out their opinions.
- The issue should be of public interest.
- The voices of the majority are accepted, provided it does not violate the teachings of the Quran
or Sunnah.

Prophet Muhammad himself respected the decision of the Shura members.

*Early Islamic Governments:*

The first Islamic State was the political entity established by Prophet Muhammad in Medina in 622
CE, under the Constitution of Medina. It represented the political unity of the Muslim Ummah
(nation). It was subsequently transformed into the caliphate by Muhammad's disciples, who were
known as the ‘Rightly Guided’ Caliphs (632–661 CE).

*The Modern Islamic State:*

The Islamic state was perceived as a "third way" between the rival political systems of democracy
and socialism. Islamic leaders envisioned the ideal Islamic state as combining the democratic
principles of electoral politics with the socialist principles of concern for the poor.

Pan-Islamism is a form of religious nationalism within political Islam which advocates the
unification of the Muslim world under a single Islamic state, often described as a caliphate or

*Characteristics of Islamic State:*

The forms and structures of state are bound to vary from place to place and time to time. The
Qur'an greatly emphasizes the nature of society. While the state is contingent the society based
on values like justice, equality, compassion, and human dignity is a necessity in Islam.

An Islamic state should have following characteristics:

1. It should be non-discriminatory on basis of race, color, language, and nationality (30:22)
2. It should guarantee equal status to men and women (33:35; 2:228)
3. It should guarantee equal rights to all religious groups and accept plurality of religion as
legitimate (5:48)
4. It should be democratic in nature whose basic premise will be human dignity (17:70)

Only those states which fulfill these criteria can be construed to be Islamic in nature. Thus, an
Islamic state is the very epitome of modern democratic pluralistic state.
‘Islamic country’ and ‘Muslim country’ are not same. Islamic country is the one which has its rules
and regulations in accordance with the principles of Sharia (Laws according to Qur’an and
Sunnah), whereas a Muslim country could be acknowledged as one in terms of the abundance of
Muslim population. Thus, all Muslim countries need not be Islamic.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣2⃣*
*❓What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?*
*✅1. Security for Life:*
On the occasion of the Farewell Hajj, Prophet said: "Your lives and properties are forbidden to one
another till you meet your Lord on the Day of Resurrection." Islam prohibits homicide but allows
only one exception, that the killing is done in the due process of law which the Quran refers ‘with
the truth’. A man can be killed only when the law demands it, and it is obvious that only a court
of law can decide whether the execution is being carried out with justice or without justification.

*2. Security for Property:*

Along with security of life, Islam has with equal clarity and definiteness conferred the right of
security of ownership of property, as mentioned earlier with reference to the address of the
Farewell Hajj. The Law of God categorically declares: "Do not devour one another's wealth by false
and illegal means" (2:188).

*3. The Protection of Honor:*

On the Farewell Hajj, Prophet also forbidden any encroachment upon their honor, respect, and
chastity to one another. Quran clearly lays down: "You who believe, do not let one (set of) people
make fun of another set… Do not defame one another…" (49:11-12)
*4. Sanctity and Security of Private Life:*
Islam recognizes the right of every citizen of its state that there should be no undue interference
or encroachment on the privacy of his life. Quran has laid down the injunction: "Do not spy on
one another" (49:12). "Do not enter any houses except your own homes unless you are sure of
their occupants' consent" (24:27).

*5. Security of Personal Freedom:*

Islam has also laid down the principle that no citizen can be imprisoned unless his guilt has been
proved in an open court. To arrest a man only on the basis of suspicion and to throw him into a
prison without proper court proceedings and without providing him a reasonable opportunity to
produce his defense is not permissible in Islam. Quran says: "Whenever you judge between
people, you should judge with (a sense of) justice" (4:58).

*6. Right to Protest Against Tyranny:*

Amongst the rights that Islam has conferred on human beings is the right to protest against
government's tyranny. Quran says: "God does not love evil talk in public unless it is by someone
who has been injured thereby" (4:148).

*7. Freedom of Expression:*

Islam gives the right of freedom of thought and expression to all citizens of the Islamic State on
the condition that it should be used for the propagation of virtue and truth and not for spreading
evil and wickedness. (Quran 9:71)

*8. Freedom of Association:*

Islam has also given people the right to freedom of association and formation of parties or
organizations. This right is also subject to certain general rules. It should be exercised for
propagating virtue and righteousness and should never be used for spreading evil and mischief.

*9. Freedom of Conscience and Conviction:*

Islam also gives the right to freedom of conscience and conviction to its citizens in an Islamic
State. The Holy Quran has laid down the injunction: "There should be no coercion in the matter
of faith" (2:256).

*10. Protection of Religious Sentiments:*

Along with the freedom of conviction and freedom of conscience, Islam has given the right to the
individual that his religious sentiments will be given due respect, and nothing will be said or done
which may encroach upon this right. (Quran 6:108)

*11. Equality Before Law:*

Islam gives its citizens the right to absolute and complete equality in the eyes of the law. Islam
clearly insists and demands that even all officials of the Islamic State, whether he be the head or
an ordinary employee, are equal in the eyes of the law. None of them is above the law or can claim

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣3️⃣*
*❓How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?*
✅During the first years of the Prophet’s mission to invite people into Islam, his closest family
members, including an uncle, did not only refuse his invitation, but also persecuted and ill-treated
him. Despite all the persecution, ill-treatment and hardship, the prophet of Islam never used
aggressive or unpeaceful means to promote his religion; even after the victory of his social
movement, and when Islam became the superior power of the Arab Peninsula, history testifies
that he never considered taking revenge.

Friendship and tolerance are affairs of high importance in the social sira [life and manner] of the
holy Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, in domestic as well as international aspects. This led to a reformation of the
society, social relations, and affairs.

God has introduced Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬, His great Messenger, as pervasive and all-encompassing of
mercy, whose kind behavior involved both Muslims and Non-Muslims: “And we have not sent you
except as a mercy to the worlds.” [Quran 21:107]

In fact, Prophet Muhammad’s call to Islam was done in such a way that he would not force anyone
into submission. He did not even subdue his greatest enemies at a time when he had authority
over them and was capable of doing anything; rather, he only sent them out of the Islamic realm
to prevent them from carrying out hostile actions.

After a while, a new religion was spoken of across the Arab world, eventually, reaching out to
other countries. The number of Islam’s followers increased every day, religious discussions and
arguments about the new prophet, Mohammad (‫)ﷺ‬, and his new religion were widespread.
Various individuals and religious bodies, from different places, would come to the Prophet of Islam
to verify his message and challenge his religion.

God had ordered the prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, in the Quran, to allow even polytheists and pagans to come to
him freely and safely, "if he seeks your protection to learn about your religion and research it..”
(Quran 9:6). Prophet Muhammad devoted a house in Medina for hosting these visitors, some
visitors would also be hosted by the prophet’s companions upon his recommendation. When
Christians came to visit, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬would spread about his cloak for them to sit upon.

The Prophet would treat his opponents liberally; for instance, when he accepted the
representatives of Najran Christian community, Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬criticized their belief in divinity of
Jesus (pbuh) and invited them to follow Islam. However, he never forced them into accepting
Islam; on the contrary, he allowed them to use the Mosque of Medina for their worshiping rituals.

Even when Mohammad (‫ )ﷺ‬decided to send out invitations to the emperors of other countries,
including the Byzantine emperor and the Persian emperor, he asked them to either submit to
Islam or to stay out of the way, so that nations could be exposed to the new religion and choose
their religion freely.

The prophet sought to rectify situations wherein nations could make decisions based on their
thoughts and ideology, and in a case where light is shed on truth they can accept the monotheistic
belief, and cease to worship anything expect for God--without submitting to anyone’s orders but
God's. In order for this responsibility to be carried out, it is necessary to fight against the powers
that prevent nations from their freedom to explore, research, and convert to the Divine religion.

Prophet Muhammad’s peaceful manner towards the opponents encouraged many individuals,
groups, and religious bodies to freely immigrate to Medina. History writes that about forty
religious and political bodies visited Medina during Prophet’s time to learn about the religion.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣4️⃣*
*❓Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying ‘Jizya’ a
Discrimination Towards Them?*
✅Some people have erroneously viewed the concept of ‘Jizya’ (Quran 9:29) as a form of injustice,
oppression and humiliation of nations and peoples who came under Islamic rule. Undoubtedly
those to hold to this view have neglected the great privileges attributed to the rights of those who
are imposed the Jizya upon in Islam. Rather, these persons believe that Islam is similar to other
ruling regimes that preceded and succeeded it.

‘Jizya’ is derived from the root ‘Jaza’ or ‘compensate’ meaning ‘a sum of money given in return
for protection’.

*Jizya in Pre-Islamic Times:*

Islam was not the first religion to pre-ordain the Jizya and Muslims were not the first nation to
levy the Jizya unto the peoples subdued by them. Victorious nations throughout history have
persisted in levying the Jizya on their conquered subjects. Examples of such an action are
abundant in human history. This is reflected in the New Testament (Matthew 17:24-25).

Joshua had both enslaved and levied Jizya on the people of Canaan (Joshua 16:10). Christ (PBUH)
even commanded his followers to pay the Jizya to the Romans and he himself had expediently
paid it. (Matthew 17:24-27) The New Testament considers the payment of Jizya to the ruler as a
legislative right. It is clad in holiness and is rendered as a religious matter. Please read Romans

*Jizya in Islam:*
When the Muslim army was victorious over the enemy, any of the defeated people who wished
to remain in the land could do so under a guarantee of protection for their life, religion and
freedom, and if they wished to leave they could do so with safe conduct.

If they chose to stay among the Muslims, they could become members of the Muslim community.
If they wished to continue in their faith, they had the right to do so and were offered security.

The only obligation on them then was to pay ‘Jizya’, a tax exempting the person from military
service and from paying ‘Zakat’, which the Muslims have to pay (Zakat is considerably heavier than
the Jizya). Neither had the option of refusing to pay, but in return the non-Muslims were given
the protection of the state.
Islam elevated the Jizya to become not merely a poll-tax paid by the conquered to the victorious
but as a binding covenant made between the Muslim nation and the people who eventually came
under Islamic rule.

Jizya was not a poll-tax, and it was not charged on the old, poor people, women, or children. The
sum of Jizya was never large to the extent that the men were unable to pay. Rather, it was always
available and reasonable. During the reign of the Prophet, Jizya never exceeded one dinar annually
and it never exceeded four dinars under the Umayyad rule.

*Warning Against Injustice Towards the People of Dhimma:*

Islam gave unique guarantees to the People of Dhimma that were and will never by encountered
by humanity. In return for very few dirhams to be paid by men who are able to go to war and
fight, they enjoy living in security and absolute protection by Muslims in addition to the security
of their churches and faith.

Allah in His Book and the Prophet in his hadith preordain benevolence and good deeds to the
People of Jizya. Shari’a staunchly prohibits injustice and oppression toward them. The Holy Qur’an
urges Muslims to be good and just with peaceful People of the Book who do not aggress Muslims
[Quran 60:8]

The Prophet also gives warning against being unjust to the People of Dhimma or impairing their
rights: "The one who wrongs a covenanter or impairs his right or overworks him or forcibly takes
something from him, I will be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment" [Abu Dawood 3052, Nasa’i

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣5️⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View on Nationalism?*
✅Simple patriotic sentiments, so long as they do not contravene the higher conviction of man is
permissible in Islam, like the affection one feels towards one's father, son, and family. But as
already shown, nationalism does not stop at simple sentiments. It is a socio-political creed and an
actual way of life which aims at a full control of man's individual and social conduct. Islam, too,
being a school having its own independent, spiritual, practical, political, and social system and
comprising a particular set of beliefs, it naturally comes into conflict with the school of nationalism.

Unlike other religions such as Christianity, Buddhism etc, Islam is not confined to religious rites
and metaphysical convictions. Had Islam been only a religion of devotions, it might have agreed
with nationalism. But Islam is a religion with asocial and philosophical worldview and provides for
economic and political principles. Nationalism, too, has its own social and political principles
based however on different beliefs and criteria. Therefore, conflict between Islam and nationalism
is inevitable.

The Islamic ideology is not compatible with any other ideology on the question of sovereignty
over the private and social life of Muslims.

Quran has explicitly rejected the basis of nationalism, and states that language, color and race are
no criteria for unity and privilege. The only criteria are belief and virtue. A common ideology is the
basis of the unity of the Islamic ummah, not race, country, language or even culture. The goal of
nationalism is to create national units, whereas the goal of Islam is universal unity. Nationalism
gives authenticity to geographical boundaries and racial distinctions, whereas Islam negates them.
Nationalism inclines to limitation and race, but Islam assumes a universal outlook.

Nationalism attaches value only to the historical traditions, culture, civilization, ideas, and historical
figures of its own nation, but Islam's vision goes beyond the frontier, race, tribe, and nation. Moses,
Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad are considered as belonging to all mankind. Islam wishes all
nations to regard the Quran as their Book, and the Ka'aba as their Qibla, and true leaders of Islam
as their leaders.

It is very hard for nationalism to accept this view. According to its limited vision, it considers the
entry of Islam as a transgression or as something dangerous. It intends to revive its ancient past
which Islam calls paganism. Islam curses the Pharaoh, but Egyptian nationalism makes him a
national hero to be worshipped.

Islam says that all the Muslims in the world are members of the same body and all Islamic nations,
Arab, non-Arab, Turk, Afghan, Indian, black, white, and yellow must belong to one ummah in their
belief. But nationalism considers the religious solidarity of a country with other nations as a danger
for national and tribal identity.

Thus, nationalism's vision about society and politics is quite opposite to that of Islam, and these
two cannot go together. That is why the nationalists of other Islamic lands regard separation from
Islam a condition for nationalism to succeed, even if they do not utter it. Their acts reveal their
hatred towards those who seek Islam.

At the advent of Islam and the Islamic revolution, the only social and political organizations of the
pre-Islamic Arabs were the tribe, race and language which were used as measures of superiority
or inferiority. The progress of the Islamic revolution did away with this idea and with tribal
organization; with the tempestuous slogan of “There is no god but God", it made conviction and
ideology prevail over all attachments to blood, territory and language.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣6⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View on Democracy?*
✅Democracy is not an Arabic word. Rather it is derived from the Greek, and it is a composite of
two words: demos, meaning the masses or the people, and kratia, meaning rule. So, what is meant
is the rule of the masses or the rule of the people.

Democracy is a system that is contrary to Islam, because it gives the power of legislation to the
people or to those who represent them (such as members of Parliament). Based on that, in
democracy legislative authority is given to someone other than Allah; rather it is given to the
people and their deputies, and what matters is not their consensus but the majority.

Thus, what the majority agree upon becomes laws that are binding on the nation, even if it is
contrary to common sense, religious teaching, or reason. In these systems legislation has been
promulgated allowing abortion, same-sex marriage, and usurious interest (riba); the rulings of
shari’a have been abolished; and fornication/adultery and the drinking of alcohol are permitted.
In fact, this system is at war with Islam and its followers.

Allah has told us in His Book that legislative authority belongs to Him alone, and that He is the
wisest of those who issue rulings and judge. He has forbidden the association of anyone with Him
in His authority, and no one is better than Him in ruling. Allah says: “So the judgement is only with
Allah, the Most-High, the Most-Great!” [Quran 40:12]
“The command (or the judgement) is for none but Allah. He has commanded that you worship
none but Him (i.e. His Monotheism), that is the (true) straight religion, but most men know not”
[Quran 12:40]

“Is not Allah the Best of judges?” [Quran 95:8]

Allah is the Creator of all things and He knows what is good for them and what is in their best
interests of rulings. Human beings vary in intellect, attitude, and customs, and they are unaware
of what is best for them, let alone what is best for others. Hence in societies that are ruled by the
people in terms of legislation and laws, one sees only corruption, immorality, and disintegration
of the social fabric.

It should be noted that in many countries this system has changed into something that has no
reality behind it, and it is mere slogans by which people are deceived. In fact, the real ruler is the
head of state and his helpers, and the people are suppressed and have no say in anything.

*Democracy vs ‘Consultation’:*
Some people think that the word democracy is equivalent to shoora (consultation) in Islam! This
is a mistaken notion for many reasons, including the following:

1. Shoora has to do with new matters that arise or with matters that are not explained in detail in
the texts of the Qur’an or Sunnah. But in democracy, the people may discuss what is well-
established in religion, which may lead to refusing to acknowledge the prohibitions on that which
is forbidden, and to forbidding that which Allah has permitted or made obligatory.

2. The ‘consultative committee’ is to be formed of people who have a deep knowledge of fiqh,
Islam and shari’a and have a high level of piety and good character. So, no one who is of bad
character or foolish, or is a disbeliever or atheist, is to be consulted or involved in the shoora
process. As for the democratic councils of representatives, they pay no attention to any of the
conditions mentioned above.

3. Shoora is not binding upon the ruler; the ruler may give precedence to the view of one member
of the council that is supported by proof, and prefer his view over that of the other council
members, whereas in the case of democracy, the agreement of the majority becomes legally
binding upon the people.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣7⃣*
*❓What is Islamic view on Secularism?*
✅Islam does not put up with secularism for some reasons. First of all, the rights of legislation
and ruling are conferred to human being which means God has no right of determine laws
whereas the owner and ruler over the world is God in Islamic world view. So, if we are not
authorized, it is illegitimate to control their government.

In secular view, religion is something related to individuals and it is for the relations between God
and individuals. On the contrary, Islamic views determine that as a comprehensive plan of living
in which we have a completed plan for the way we need to conduct including our salvation in this
world or the Hereafter. In other words, Islam has plans for all aspects of human beings’ life.

For more explanation, religion is a package of knowledge and legal precepts and the last one
entails the relationships between human being with God, with himself/herself and other people.
Thereupon, it includes ethics, laws, and politics. That is why there are more than 500 verses in Holy
Quran about legal precepts and thousands of traditions concerning living in the society and its

For instance, some verses order people to refer to Quran for solving disputes like “Mankind was
one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He
sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed” (Quran 2:213)

In some verses Quran rebukes those who legislate without referring to God’s orders as states:
“Have ye considered what provision Allah hath sent down for you, how ye have made of it lawful
and unlawful? Hath Allah permitted you, or do ye invent a lie concerning Allah?” (Quran 10:59)

Thus, Islam condemn secularism because it ignores the rules which have made by God and
determine religion as an individual thing.

If someone says that there are some views in Islam which authorize secularism, I would answer
that the real Islam rejects this approach because some Muslims left Ahl Al Bayt behind and divided
Islam into political and non-political Islam. That was the beginning of deviation in Islam. I mean,
Islam as the final religion must entails comprehensive plan which dominated all aspects of life
including politics, otherwise, it cannot be the last one because it is to lead people forever and if it
does not have completed plan, it cannot be forever. Thus, Islam rejects secularism.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣8⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?*
✅Socialism is completely incompatible with Islam or any religion. Marxism, in its philosophical
foundations is based upon materialism whereas religion is based upon philosophical idealism.
This means Marxism naturally tends towards atheism, as its analysis of history sees religion as a
tool for class elites to control and keep the working people subservient and also distract them
from the underlying causes of their subservience.

Socialism sees religion as a product of class society that will be destroyed along with classes that
use religion. Historical practice also shows that for revolutions to occur and get off the ground
religious authority and control over the minds of people has to be subverted and discredited.

Islam is a religion which holds that the highest virtue is total submission to the will of God (Allah)
and this is to be done by living in accordance to the revelation that was delivered to the Prophet
Muhammad and recorded and preserved in the Qur’an. A Marxist, who dreams of revolution and
workers control of society has no time for such abstractions and will see them as obstacles to
international revolution.

*Islamic System of the Distribution of Wealth:*

The Islamic system of the distribution of wealth is different from Socialism and Capitalism both.
The distinction between the Islamic economy and the Socialist economy is quite clear. Since
Socialism does not admit the idea of private property, wealth under the Socialist system is
distributed only in the form of wages.

On the contrary, according to the Islamic principles of the distribution of wealth, all the things that
exist in the universe are in principle the property of Allah Himself. Then, the larger part of these
things is that which He has given equally to all men as a common trust. It includes fire, water,
earth, air, light, wild grass, hunting, fishing, mines, un-owned and uncultivated lands etc., which
are not the property of any individual, but a common trust.
On the other hand, there are certain things where the right to private property must be recognized
if only for the simple reason that without such a recognition it would not be possible to establish
the practicable and natural system of economy to which we have alluded while discussing the first
object of the distribution of wealth. If the Socialist system is adopted and all capital and all land
are totally surrendered to the state, then we would be liquidating a large number of smaller
Capitalists, and putting the huge resources of national wealth at the disposal of a single big
Capitalist - the state.

These being the manifold evils inherent in the unnatural system of the Socialist economy. Islam
has not chosen to put an end to private property altogether, rather recognized the right to private
property in those things of the physical universe which are not held as a common trust. Islam has,
thus, given a separate status to Capital and to Land, and has at the same time made use of the
natural law of "supply and demand" too in a healthy form.

This is the fundamental distinction of the Islamic view of the distribution of wealth, which sets it
apart from Socialism.

Marxism/Socialism conflicts with Islamic teachings, apart from many other areas, in the following
important aspects of its understanding:
1. In its fundamental understanding of the origins of man and the universe.
2. In its refusal to grant the individual the right to own property.
3. In its attitude of creating hatred in some men against some others.
4. In its assumption that man can work effectively even without personal incentives, which is
contradictory to the Islamic view of the distribution of wealth.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣1⃣9⃣*
*❓What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?*
✅Being a Muslim, we believe that all humankind is descended from Adam and Eve, so we all are
brothers and sisters. No one is superior to other except ‘Taqwa’ (piety) or God fearing. We all
depend on each other in this world to make a society.

The Ideal Muslim is a man of the highest moral character. In his relationship with his God, himself,
family, parents, relatives, friends, and the community at large, he has a most excellent example in
the prophet of Islam (PBUH). His idealism is further strengthened by the characters of the first
generations of Muslims who excelled in all the various fields of human endeavor. He is reassured
by the teachings of Islam that he also can reach these noble heights by working to improve his
character daily.

It enjoins that neighbors should establish social relations in which one can depend upon the other
and regarding his life, honor, and property safe among his neighbors. Islam teaches us the correct
way to live our lives as it is a complete code of life. The Divine book Holy Quran has different
chapters each one of them describes different aspects of life.

Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of neighbors. The Holy Prophet said:
“Angel Jibril always used to advise me to be generous with neighbors, till I thought that Allah was
going to include the neighbors among the heirs of a Muslim.”

Just as relationship in a family, Islam views that the relationship between neighbors ought to be
warm and cordial. The Prophet (PBUH) advised decent behavior to the neighbors without causing
any kind of disturbance to them.

Besides many other topics, the subject of rights of neighbors also mentioned in Holy Quran. Allah
Almighty says: “Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good – to parents, kinsfolk,
orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the Companion by
your side, the wayfarer [you meet], and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the
arrogant, the vainglorious” (Quran 4:36)

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) told: “Know that you are good if your neighbors speak well of you.
Know that you are bad if your neighbors speak badly about you”

Muslim must be good to his neighbors, no matter their religion. Holy Prophet (PBUH) taught us
that a “Neighbor” is not just the one next door but includes all those up to forty houses in all
directions is definitely a whole neighborhood.

A Muslim should not eat if his neighbor is going hungry. It means that Muslims should wish for
their neighbors what they wish for themselves. Means share their happiness and sorrow. Further,
not to spy on them and respect their privacy. Do not gossip about them, not harm them in any
Islam desires all neighbors to be loving and cooperative with one another. Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) said: “Whoever believes in Allah and the last day should do well to his neighbor” (Muslim).
Some of the primary rights of neighbors are mentioned below:
- Must help your neighbor if he/she asks for it
- Give him/her relief if ask for your relief
- Share meal with your neighbor
- Being good to them in all respects
- Ensure the safety of your neighbors
- Do not harass your neighbor
- Must attend your neighbor’s funeral when he dies
- Lend your neighbor a loan if he needs it
- Must visit your neighbor if he is ill
- Behave politely in attitude and speech with your neighbors

In short, do your best to your neighbors, help them and be kind to them.

The rights of neighborhood are not meant for Muslim neighbors only. Of course, a Muslim
neighbor has one more claim upon us - that of Islamic brotherhood; but so far as the rights of
neighborship are concerned, all are equal.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣0⃣*
*❓What is the Status of Parents in Islam?*
✅Islam teaches that after the obligation to the Creator, one's great obligation is to one's own
parents. It is a great sin to be impertinent, negligent, and disobedient to them. Only if parents ask
the children to act against God, they shall disobey.

All religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status. From a purely material
viewpoint, we find ourselves indebted to our parents, particularly our mother. She not only
nourished us in her womb but went through pain and suffering. She loved us even before we were
born. She toiled when we were totally helpless infants. She spent sleepless nights caring for us.

Our parents as a team provided for all our needs: physical, educational, psychological, and in many
instances, religious, moral, and spiritual. Our indebtedness to our parents is so immense that it is
not possible to repay it fully. In lieu of this, it becomes obligatory for us to show the utmost
kindness, respect, and obedience to our parents.

The position of parents, and the mutual obligations and responsibilities, have been addressed in
Islam in great detail. The Qur'anic commandments, as well as the sayings of Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) guide us in this matter. The parent-child code of behavior in Islam is unique since rules
were laid down by Divine command.

References to parents have been made at least 15 times in the Holy Qur'an. There are numerous
traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on this subject. "And We have enjoined on man (to
be good) to his parents. In travail upon travail did his mother bear him, and in two years was his
weaning. Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents; to Me is thy final goal." (Quran 31:14)

According to the above verse, gratitude to Allah (God) and to parents go hand in hand. Gratitude
to Allah is incomplete without showing gratitude to one's parents. Since being grateful to Allah is
a form of worship which earns heavenly rewards, it can therefore be said that being grateful to
one's parents also earns heavenly rewards.

"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether
one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel
them but address them, in terms of honor and, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility
through mercy, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them your Mercy as they cherished me in childhood."
(Qur'an 17:23-24)

Thus, Allah has enjoined on us to show kindness, respect, and humility to our parents. We are
commanded to do this, even though they may have injured us. The only exception to the above
command is made in the following verse: "We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; but
if they strive (to force) thee to join with Me anything of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them
not." (29:8)

Some of the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and of the learned members of his family,
about our responsibilities toward our parents are quoted here:
- "Paradise lies under the feet of the mother."
- "Allah's pleasure is in the pleasure of the father"
- "He who wishes to enter Paradise through its best door must please his parents."
- "It is a pity that some people may not attain Paradise, on account of not serving their old
- "A person is bound to be good to his parents, even though they may have injured him."
Parents' duties: Islam has assigned certain duties to parents that they must fulfill. If they fail in
those, they will be questioned about it. Besides providing the basic necessities of life, Islam
requires that the parents teach their children about the real concept of God, Quranic
commandments, values, the teachings of Prophets, and the moral code of Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣1⃣*
*❓How Should Be a Muslim’s Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?*
✅Islam instructs Muslims to be extremely respectful towards their parents, regardless of their
religion. Goodness towards one’s parents is one of the most essential commandments of Islam.
Many verses of the Qur’an stress the importance of being kind towards one’s parents.

The Glorious Qur’an says: “Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him and that you
be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life say not to them a word
of contempt nor repel them but address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness lower to
them the wing of humility and say: “My Lord! Bestow on them your Mercy even as they cherished
me in childhood.” (Qur’an 17:23-24)

A similar message is repeated in the following verse: “And We have enjoined on man (to be good)
to his parents: in travail upon travail did his mother bear him and in years twain was his weaning:
(Hear the command) “Show gratitude to Me and to thy parents: to Me is (thy final) Goal.” (Qur’an

However, Allah continues in the next verse: “But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me
things of which you have no knowledge obey them not; Yet bear them company in this life with
justice (and consideration) and follow the way of those who turn to Me (in love)…” (Qur’an 31:15)

The rights of Allah take precedence over everyone else’s. Therefore, it is prohibited in the Qur’an
for a Muslim to do any kind of polytheistic worship (worship anything/anybody besides Allah) in
order to please one’s parents or out of fear that not doing so would lead to strain in family or
social relationships.

Allah repeats in the Qur’an: “We have enjoined on man kindness to parents: but if they (either of
them) strive (to force) you to join with Me (in worship) anything of which you have no knowledge,
obey them not. You have (all) to return to Me and I will tell you (the truth) of all that you did.”
(Qur’an 29:8)

In the verses quoted above, the Muslims are commanded to show respect and gratitude to their
parents, irrespective of whether their parents are Muslims or non-Muslims. They are also
instructed to obey their parents unless they ask one to violate the commandments of Allah and
His Messenger.

For example, a Muslim should not obey his / her non-Muslim parents when the parents want their
Muslim children to worship anybody or anything besides Allah, the Creator of all. Indeed, what
can be a greater sin than associating partners with Allah? Thus, it is prohibited in Islam to
accompany one’s parents in the matters of Shirk (polytheism).

In order to avoid family problems, the revert (neo-Muslim) should be dutiful and kind towards
them in other aspects of day-to-day life, which may not cause him/her to compromise with his/her
religious beliefs or practices, as the verse of the Qur’an quoted earlier states, “Yet bear them
company in this life with justice (and consideration)”.

One should not be arrogant or insolent but rather be kind, considerate and courteous towards
them. This display of kindness towards one’s parents not only fulfills our obligation towards our
Lord and the Creator but also becomes the means through which the parents may accept Islam
and achieve salvation. Indeed, such beneficent teachings are not to be found in any other religion.

Even if the parents remain non-Muslims, it is the responsibility of the Muslim children to look after
them. It is the unavoidable responsibility of the children to protect their parents who have attained
old age. Islam also teaches that it is sinful to rebuke and abuse one's aged parents. Prophet said:
“One who breaks family ties will never enter Paradise.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣2⃣*
*❓What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?*
✅To be treated equally, or justice, does not always mean that each is the same. Many people
who speak about equality presume that this should be reflected in treating two groups exactly
the same. However, this is manifestly not always the proper thing to do. People’s needs, strengths,
abilities, and disabilities need to be accommodated and considered as opposed to subjecting all
to a single standard that may only be suitable for a few.

Thus, we need to make a distinction between the superficial procedural equality and the
substantive equality, which is justice. Human beings favor substantive equality over procedural
equality because we recognize that the former allows for justice.

*Substantive Equality of Men and Women:*

Islam recognizes that while men and women have some physical differences, spiritually they enjoy
absolute equality before God. The Quran and Sunnah are unequivocal in stating that one’s gender
will have absolutely no bearing on their reward or punishment in the next life.

“If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female – and have faith, they will enter Heaven,
and not the least injustice will be done to them.” (Quran 4:124)

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new
Life, a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best
of their actions.” (Quran 16:97)

Therefore, Islam openly declares that men and women have an equal status and value before God,
and piety alone differentiates one individual from another.

*Equal yet Different:*

In legal and practical aspects, the general rules are the same for men and women. Both have the
same acts of worships, the same Islamic etiquette, and manners, and are subject to the same legal
penalties. But there are also many cases where the rulings are different.

Women are exempted from fasting and prayer during their period. Men are prohibited from
wearing gold and silk while women are allowed. Friday prayers are obligatory for men but optional
for women. Men must spend their money on the family, but a woman’s money is entirely her own
to spend as she chooses. There are differences in clothing requirements as well, since the physical
appearance of men and women is dissimilar.
All of this is reflective of the natural differences between men and women. So, in lesser
jurisprudential matters, Islam treats men and women according to their inherent differences as
per substantive equality and in the interest of justice.

Aside from external and internal anatomical differences, scientists know there are many other
subtle differences in the way the brains of men and women process language, information, and
emotion, just to mention a few.

A socio-biology expert, Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University, said that females tend to be
higher than males in verbal skills, empathy and social skills, among other things, while men tend
to be higher in independence, dominance, spatial and mathematical skills, rank-related
aggression, and other characteristics.

It would be foolish to treat both genders the same and to ignore their differences. Islam teaches
that men and women have complementary, yet different, roles because it is best suited to their
nature. God says: “And the male is not like the female.” (Qur’an 3:36)

“Does not the One who created, know? And He is the Most Kind, the All Aware.” (Qur’an 67:14)

Islam affirms the absolute spiritual equality of men and women and assigns both an equal rank
before God. In jurisprudential matters, Islam promotes the substantive equality of men and
women, recognizes their unique strengths and capabilities, and rules accordingly protecting the
rights of both.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣3️⃣*
*❓Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?*
✅The Qur’an teaches that it is the cooperation and mutuality between man and woman which
works as the foundational basis for the very existence and furtherance of the institution of the
family. Indeed, the Qur’an formulated laws on the ground that to ensure the permanence of any
moral code it is necessary that the institution of the family is itself manifested in good order.

The family is an institution. It is a noble institution that grants peace and tranquility to both halves
of the soul. In fact, it is the family that forms the most important of all social institutions.

It is common knowledge that any firm, no matter howsoever good its credentials, is bound to
wither away in the absence of a controlling head of affairs. Then is there not the necessity of a
head for the family wherein the very foundation of all morality in society is being formulated?

It is indeed, vital that there must be an overseer for properly carrying out all the incumbent
responsibilities that arise while maintaining a family right from bringing up children and giving
them all the guidance required for making them responsible members of the society. Otherwise,
total anarchy and chaos will be the result.

It is his ability to undertake action that is in conformance to thought which makes the man fit to
assume the guardianship of the family. Indeed, that is but the very fulfillment of the role which his
physical endowment has thrust upon him. He must work for a living; must earn money to feed the
family – it is in his hands that all control of the affairs of the family has been placed.

It is for this reason that the Qur’an, while stating that ‘men have control over the affairs of women’,
has also emphasized that the reason for this is that “Allah has granted more strength to one above
the other and because they spend out of their wealth on them.” (Qur’an 4:34). This is the reason
why it is said that the Qur’an, by placing the affairs of the family upon the man, has conferred a
great responsibility upon him.

By granting man the control over the affairs of woman and over family it does not mean that he
may become a virtual dictator over them. Indeed, leadership itself becomes ennobling and
enlivening only in the context of cooperation and mutual consultation. A truly satisfying family
life becomes possible only when the man, who is entrusted with the leadership of the family,
accepts the Qur’anic recommendation of “treating the women with kindness” as well as the advice
of the Prophet to the effect that “he is the best amongst you who treat best the members of his

In short, therefore, the Qur’an, by entrusting the leadership of the family upon the man, has
actually sheltered the woman from the same. No one who is versed in the nature of womanhood
will take a stand against the Qur’an in this issue.

*The Qur’anic Vision with Regard to Man and Woman May be Summarized as:*
1. Both man and woman originated from the same soul. They are like the two sides of a coin.
Although both are independent, it is their mutuality which gives each its fullness.

2. Neither can a woman be like a man nor a man be like a woman. Each has its very own different,
yet, potentially mutual, existence.
3. Both man and woman have then rights. However, those rights are to be attained not through
violence. It must be through mutual cooperation.

4. Both have their respective duties. It is only by virtue of fulfilling these duties that both the
individual and the society can survive.

5. It is against the very law of nature for a man to undertake the responsibilities of a woman and
for a woman to try to fulfill those of a man. Each has to perform its own duty.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣4️⃣*
*❓What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?*
✅Islam has given woman rights and privileges, which she has never enjoyed under other religious
or constitutional systems. This can be understood when the matter is studied as a whole in a
comparative manner, rather than partially.

While men and women have equal rights as a general principle, the specific rights and
responsibilities granted to them are not identical. Men and women have complementary rights
and responsibilities.

*1. Equal Reward & Equal Accountability:*

Men and women worship Allah in the same way, meaning they worship the same God (Allah),
perform the same acts of worship, follow the same scripture, and hold the same beliefs. Almighty
Allah judges all human beings fairly and equitably. Allah emphasizes the just treatment and reward
due to both men and women in many verses of the Qur’an: “Allah has promised to the believers,
men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in
gardens of everlasting bliss” (Quran 9:72). See Quran 3:195 also.
*2. Right to Freedom of Expression:*
She is entitled to freedom of expression as much as man is. Her sound opinions are taken into
consideration and cannot be disregarded just because she belongs to the female sex. It is reported
in the Qur'an and history that woman not only expressed her opinion freely but also argued and
participated in serious discussions with the Prophet himself as well as with other Muslim leaders
(Quran 58:1-4; 60:10-12).

*3. Right in Social Life & Politics:*

Historical records show that women participated in public life with the early Muslims, especially
in times of emergencies. Women used to accompany the Muslim armies engaged in battles to
nurse the wounded, prepare supplies, serve the warriors, and so on. They were not shut behind
iron bars or considered worthless creatures and deprived of souls.

*4. Right to Work & Earn:*

Islam grants woman equal rights to contract, to enterprise, to earn and possess independently.
Her life, her property, her honor are as sacred as those of man. If she commits any offence, her
penalty is no less or more than of man's in a similar case. If she is wronged or harmed, she gets
due compensations equal to what a man in her position would get (2:178; 4:45; 92-93).

*5. Right to Knowledge:*

She is equal to man in the pursuit of education and knowledge. When Islam enjoins the seeking
of knowledge upon Muslims, it makes no distinction between man and woman. Almost fourteen
centuries ago, Muhammad declared that the pursuit of knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim
male and female.

*6. Right to Choose Spouse:*

Islam has honored women by giving them the right to choose a spouse and keep their original
family name once married. Additionally, many have the impression that parents force their
daughters into marriage. This is a cultural practice but has no basis in Islam. In fact, it is prohibited.

*7. Right for Inheritance:*

Apart from recognition of woman as an independent human being acknowledged as equally
essential for the survival of humanity, Islam has given her a share of inheritance. Before Islam, she
was not only deprived of that share but was herself considered as property to be inherited by
man. This share is hers, and no one can take it away or disinherit her.

Before Islam, women were considered shameful, girls were buried alive, prostitution was rampant,
divorce was only in the hands of the husband, inheritance was only for the strong, and oppression
was widespread. Islam came and abolished these practices. Islam, however, regards women as
precious and valuable, not to be disrespected or disgraced. Why would many women around the
world willingly enter Islam if it is an oppressive religion?
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣5️⃣*
*❓What is the Islamic Code of Dress?*
✅Islam gives guidance about all aspects of life, including matters of public decency. Although
Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type of clothing that Muslims must wear,
there are some minimum requirements that must be met.

It should be noted, too, that codes for conduct when it comes to dressing are greatly relaxed
when individuals are home and with their families. The following requirements are followed by
Muslims when they appear in public, not in the privacy of their own homes.

Garments are for beatifying and for covering one's body. The mode of dress should never display
excess show and arrogance. Islam teaches a decent way of dressing to all women and men. The
paramount purpose of clothing is to cover one's nakedness.

Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) have neither specified nor limited the believers to a particular
Islamic dress, but rather gave some conditions which the dress one adorns himself/herself which
must be fulfilled. Allah Says: “O ye children of Adam! We have bestowed clothing upon you to
cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you; but the clothing of 'taqwa' (piety,
righteousness, etc.) is the best. Such are among the Signs of Allah that they may receive
admonition!” (Quran 7:26)

*Five Conditions of Apparel in Islam:*

1. Clothes worn should not announce arrogance.
2. Men must cover from their belly buttons to their knees & women must cover everything except
their hands and faces.
3. The clothes worn must not be tight so as to display one’s figure and curves and should not be
transparent. It means it should not provoke sexual desire in a stranger.
4. The clothes worn must not be an imitation of the pagans or disbelievers.
5. Men should not imitate women in their clothing; nor should women imitate men in their

*Why Should Hijab for Woman?*

The Arabic word ‘hijab’ literally translates into English as "veil". Adherents of Islam believe that it
is a command by God to adult Muslim men and women, carrying the ruling of obligatory, which
is agreed upon by consensus.

No man or a woman should dress in a way which rouses sexual desire in a stranger. Women ought
to fully cover all the parts of their bodies except the face and hands. The aim of prescribing such
a dress code for woman is to protect her honor and to ensure her safety.

*Should Women’s Hijab be Black?*

A woman may wear whatever she wants, so long as she does not wear a garment that is an
adornment in itself, i.e., decorated and adorned in such a way that it attracts the gaze of men,
because of the general meaning of the verse: “…and not to show off their adornment…” [Quran

The dress of the Muslim woman need not only be black. It is permissible for her to wear any color
of clothing so long as it covers her ‘awrah, does not resemble men’s clothing, and is not so tight
as to show the shape of her limbs or so thin as to show what is beneath it, and does not provoke
temptation. (Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah 17/108)

Many women choose to wear black, not because it is obligatory, but because it is farthest removed
from being an adornment. There are reports which indicate that the women of the Sahabah used
to wear black. (Abu Dawood 4101)

Nobel Peace Prize winner ‘Tawakkul Karman’, when asked about her Hijab by journalists and how
it is not proportionate to her level of intellect and education, replied: “Man in early times was
almost naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. What I am today and what
I am wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that man has achieved and
is not regressive. It is the removal of clothes again that is a regression back to the ancient times.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣6⃣*
*❓What is the Islamic View on Marriage?*
✅Allah Almighty created men and women as company for one another, and so that they can
become parents and live in peace and calmness according to the commandments of Allah
Almighty. Allah says in Holy Quran: “And among His signs is this that He created for you mates
from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and
mercy between your hearts. Undoubtedly in these are signs for those who reflect.” (Quran 30:21).

It is the stern command of Islam that the sexual instinct, natural to man should attain
consummation only through wedlock. Matrimony is a holy act. Celibacy has been strongly
prohibited. Marriage is viewed by Islam as a sacred contract. The dos and don'ts that the two
mates ought to adopt in matrimonial life have been prescribed by Islam. Obeying these
stipulations, man and woman can ensure a successful and blissful married life and a peaceful life
after death.

*Importance of Marriage in Islam:*

In Islam marriage being an obligatory act is so important that it is declared to be one half of a
Muslim’s faith. It is narrated by Anas that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “When a man
marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half.”

Our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also married and encouraged others to get married by
saying: “A person who is able to support a wife and children and does not marry then he is not
from us.” Marriage has great importance in Islam, it emphasizes on not to delay in marriage.

*Reasons due to which Islam so Much Emphasized on Marriage:*

- Marriage makes an incomplete human being a complete one
- It is necessary for making family (for children)
- Marriage is one of the most liked Sunnah in Islam as our beloved Prophet (PBUH) married and
also encouraged others
- It provides tranquility, peace, and security
- It is a bond of love not just only between two persons but between two families
- It is a source to experience love and happiness

Besides this, we have so many verses in Quran related to the importance of Marriage in Islam and
in the sight of Almighty Allah. In one place Allah says: “O Humans revere your Guardian-Lord, Who
created you from a single person created of like nature its mate, and from this scattered (like
seeds) countless men and women. Reverence Allah through Whom you claim your mutual rights”
(Quran 4:1)
In this verse by stressing on the equality of all humans men or women and making it the basis of
marriage, Allah in His infinite wisdom has laid the ground rules for establishing peace, as well as
the assigning of different roles to husband and wife as the functional strategy rather than a
question of competence as humans.

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) stated that: “Men and women are twin halves of each other”
(Bukhari). This Hadith also emphasize the fact that men and women are created from single source.

Since the family is the foundation of Islamic society, and marriage is the only way to bring families
into existence in Islam.

Marriage is an act pleasing Allah Almighty because it is in accordance with his commandments
that husband and wife love each other and help each other to make efforts to continue the human
race and raise their children to become true servants of Allah.

*Conditions of Marriage:*
Thoughtful consideration of the Quranic instructions and the traditions of the Prophet (PBUH)
clearly show that marriage is compulsory for a man who has the means to easily pay the Mahr
(dowry) and to support a wife and children. Both sides must be free of obstacles to marry and
have legal capacity. The bride and the groom must have reached the age of maturity both the
bride and the groom must be chaste.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣7⃣*
*❓What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?*
✅Almighty Allah has created humanity, male and female, each in need of another, and has
established the institution of marriage as a means of uniting the souls in a blessed bond of love
leading to their pleasure and happiness in a way advantageous to humankind.
And He reminds us of His great favors: "And among His signs is that He created for you of
yourselves spouses that you may live in joy with them, and He has set between you love and
mercy. Surely in that are signs for those who reflect." (30:22)

When the father or the guardian (wali) of the bride offers to give her in marriage to the
bridegroom and when he accepts the offer in the presence of witnesses, the marriage is
solemnized. The prescription of Islam is that the bridegroom ought to give the bride 'mahr'
(dower) on the occasion of the wedding and that the consent of the bride should be sought

*The Wali:*
A wali (guardian) of the bride is necessary to represent her in concluding the contract. The wali is
a male relative who would be her guardian if she were a minor, for example her father. However,
if he is not available, a brother, uncle, grandfather etc. will suffice. If none of these exist then a
Muslim ruler or judge, and if they do not exist then a prominent leader of the Muslim community
(see Fiqh us sunnah, Syed Sabiq, Sar al-Kitab al Arabi, Beirut, 2nd ed, 1973, vol 2 page 120).

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) told: "No marriage contract is valid without a wali." (Tirmidhi, Abu

*The Offer and Acceptance:*

Both offer, and acceptance must be explicit in mentioning the word marriage (or any other word
in any language implying a similar situation). Both statements should be made at the same sitting,
i.e. one party to the other.

*The Bride's Agreement:*

The bride must be agreeable to concluding the marriage by her wali. This agreement should be
specific to marrying a specific man and all other conditions, if any, must be agreed upon also.

*The Witnesses:*
At least two Muslim male witnesses are required or one male and two females - all of them having
reached the age of puberty and being of good character.

*The Sadaq (Mahr):*

The Sadaq or Mahr (dower) is a required marriage gift given by the groom to the bride. It
represents his commitment to take care of all the family expenses including her personal needs…
"And give women their dower as a free gift" (Quran 4:4). Sadaq may be money or in kind, but it
should be specified in its kind and quantity.

*Treat (Walimah):*
To make the marriage publically it is recommended to have a walimah. The Prophet (PBUH) saw
a trace of yellow coloring on Abd al Rahman and asked, "What is this?" He answered, I got married.
The Prophet (PBUH) said, "May Allah make it a blessing for you. Make a walimah even with only a
sheep." (Bukhari, Muslim)

*Short Speech (Khutbah):*

This is not essential; the marriage will be legal without it; however, it is Prophet’s tradition (Sunnah)
to have a Khutbah/speech.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣8⃣*
*❓Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?*
✅The Qur’an is the only religious book, on the face of this earth, that contains the phrase ‘marry
only one’. There is no other religious book that instructs men to have only one wife. In none of
the other religious scriptures, whether it be the Vedas, the Ramayan, the Mahabharat, the Geeta,
the Talmud or the Bible does one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these
scriptures one can marry as many as one wish. It was only later, that the Hindu priests and the
Christian Church restricted the number of wives to one.

In earlier times, Christian men were permitted as many wives as they wished, since the Bible puts
no restriction on the number of wives. It was only a few centuries ago that the Church restricted
the number of wives to one.

Polygyny is permitted in Judaism. According to Talmudic law, Abraham had three wives, and
Solomon had hundreds of wives.

Many Hindu religious personalities, according to their scriptures, had multiple wives. King Dashrat,
the father of Rama, had more than one wife. Krishna had several wives.

The report of the ‘Committee of The Status of Woman in Islam’, published in 1975 mentions on
page numbers 66 and 67 that the percentage of polygamous marriages between the years 1951
and 1961 was 5.06% among the Hindus and only 4.31% among the Muslims.
Let us now analyze why Islam allows a man to have more than one wife.

*1. Qur’an Permits Limited Polygyny:*

As mentioned earlier, Qur’an is the only religious book on the face of the earth that says, ‘marry
only one’. The context of this phrase is the following verse: “Marry women of your choice, two, or
three, or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one.”
[Qur’an 4:3]

Before the Qur’an was revealed, there was no upper limit for polygyny and many men had scores
of wives, some even hundreds. Islam put an upper limit of four wives. Islam gives a man permission
to marry two, three or four women, only on the condition that he deals justly with them.

In the same chapter, verse 129 says: “Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women...”
[Qur’an 4:129] Therefore, polygyny is not a rule but an exception.

*2. Average Life Span of Females is More than Males:*

By nature, males and females are born in approximately the same ratio. A female child has more
immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than the male
child. For this reason, during the pediatric age itself there are more deaths among males as
compared to the females.

During wars, there are more men killed as compared to women. More men die due to accidents
and diseases than women. The average life span of females is more than that of males, and at any
given time one finds more widows in the world than widowers.

*3. Islam Encourages Women’s Care & Protection:*

Suppose a woman is physically unable to satisfy the sexual needs of her husband, or has some
sexual disabilities, Islam still encourages to continue their marriage bond to keep the woman
under care of that husband, even if he like to have a new marriage. But if polygyny is not allowed,
then they will be forced for the divorce. However, if a woman is not sexually satisfied with her
husband, Islam permits her to get divorced since men can survive in the society without the care
of a woman.

In Western society, it is common for a man to have mistresses and/or multiple extra-marital affairs,
in which case, the woman leads a disgraceful, unprotected life. The same society, however, cannot
accept a man having more than one wife, in which women retain their honorable, dignified
position in society and lead a protected life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣2⃣9⃣*
*❓Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?*
✅A lot of people, including some Muslims, question the logic of allowing Muslim men to have
more than one spouse while denying the same ‘right’ to women.

Let us first state emphatically, that the foundation of an Islamic society is justice and equity. Allah
has created men and women as equal, but with different capabilities and different responsibilities.
Men and women are different, physiologically, and psychologically. Their roles and responsibilities
are different. Men and women are equal in Islam, but not identical.

Quran 4:22-24 gives the list of women with who you cannot marry, and it is further mentions in
4:24 “Also (prohibited are) women already married”

*The Reasons Why Polyandry is Prohibited in Islam:*

1. If a man has more than one wife, the parents of the children born of such marriages can easily
be identified. The father as well as the mother can easily be identified. In case of a woman marrying
more than one husband, only the mother of the children born of such marriages will be identified
and not the father.

Islam gives tremendous importance to the identification of both parents, mother, and father.
Psychologists tell us that children who do not know their parents, especially their father undergo
severe mental trauma and disturbances. Often, they have an unhappy childhood. It is for this
reason that the children of prostitutes do not have a healthy childhood. If a child born of such
wedlock is admitted in school, and when the mother is asked the name of the father, she would
have to give two or more names!

2. Man is more polygamous by nature as compared to a woman.

3. Biologically, it is easier for a man to perform his duties as a husband despite having several
wives. A woman, in a similar position, having several husbands, will not find it possible to perform
her duties as a wife. A woman undergoes several psychological and behavioral changes due to
different phases of the menstrual cycle.
4. A woman who has more than one husband will have several sexual partners at the same time
and has a high chance of acquiring venereal or sexually transmitted diseases which can also be
transmitted back to her husband even if all of them have no extra-marital sex. This is not the case
in a man having more than one wife, and none of them having extra-marital sex.

The above reasons are those that one can easily identify. There are probably many more reasons
why Allah, in His Infinite Wisdom, has prohibited polyandry.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣0⃣*
*❓What Does Islam Say About Divorce?*
✅The three religions have remarkable differences in their attitudes towards divorce. Christianity
abhors divorce altogether. The New Testament unequivocally advocates the indissolubility of
marriage. It is attributed to Jesus to have said, “But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife,
except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become adulteress, and anyone who marries the
divorced woman commits adultery” (Matthew 5:32).

This uncompromising ideal is, without a doubt, unrealistic. It assumes a state of moral perfection
that human societies have never achieved. When a couple realizes that their married life is beyond
repair, a ban on divorce will not do them any good. Forcing ill-mated couples to remain together
against their wills is neither effective nor reasonable. No wonder the whole Christian world has
been obliged to sanction divorce.

Judaism, on the other hand, allows divorce even without any cause. The Old Testament gives the
husband the right to divorce his wife even if he just dislikes her: “If a man marries a woman who
becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a
certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, and if after she leaves his house
she becomes the wife of another man, and her second husband dislikes her and writes her a
certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house, or if he dies, then her first
husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again after she has been defiled” (Deut.

Wives, on the other hand, cannot initiate divorce under Jewish law. A Jewish wife, however, could
claim the right to a divorce before a Jewish court provided that a strong reason exists.

Islam occupies the middle ground between Christianity and Judaism with respect to divorce.

Marriage in Islam is a sanctified bond that should not be broken except for compelling reasons.
Couples are instructed to pursue all possible remedies whenever their marriages are in danger.
Divorce is not to be resorted to except when there is no other way out. In a nutshell, Islam
recognizes divorce, yet it discourages it by all means.

*Islam Discourages Divorce:*

The Prophet of Islam told the believers that: “among all the permitted acts, divorce is the most
hateful to God” (Abu Dawud).

Prophet Muhammad gave a similar instruction: “A believing man must not hate a believing
woman. If he dislikes one of her traits, he will be pleased with another” (Muslim). See Quran 4:19

Islam gives necessary instructions for the preservation of family relationship. Conformation to
these instructions paves the way for a strong family bond and trouble-free matrimonial life.
However, Islam is not blind to the discords that may occur in family life. Islam recommends three
practical and scientific methods to prevent the severing of family relations due to discord caused
by lack of discipline.

The first procedure recommends good advice, failing which one boycotts the bed. If this also fails,
mild physical punishment can be given, without bruising her body or mind. When all the three
methods fail, the relatives of the couple can arbitrate and try for a compromise. If this attempt
also fails to reunite the couple, Islam permits a divorce in a decent manner.

Islam is very stern on the issue of divorce and it is allowed only in absolutely unavoidable
situations. Islam does recognize the right of both partners to end their matrimonial relationship.
Islam gives the husband the right for Talaq (divorce). Moreover, Islam, unlike Judaism, grants the
wife the right to dissolve the marriage through what is known as ‘Khula’.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣1⃣*
*❓What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?*
*✅Four Steps Before the First Talaq:*
As laid down in 4:34-35, when there is a marital discord, as a first step, the Quran advices the
husband to reason out (izu hunna) with his wife through discussions.

If differences persist, then as a next step, the parties are asked to sexually distance themselves
(wahjuru hunna) from each other in the hope that this temporary physical separation may
encourage them to unite.

And if even this fails, the husband is instructed, as a third step, to once again explain (wazribu
hunna) to his wife the seriousness of the situation and try to bring about a reconciliation.

If the dispute still remains unresolved, as a fourth step, the Quran requires the matter to be placed
before two arbiters, one from the family of each spouse, for resolution.

*Three Stages of Talaqs:*

It is only after the failure of the aforementioned four attempts at reconciliation, that the Quran
allows the first talaq to be pronounced followed by a waiting period called the ‘Iddah’. Not more
than two divorces can be pronounced within this period, the duration of which is three monthly
courses (2:228-229). For women who have passed the age of menstruation, the period of iddah is
three months and in the case of pregnant women, it is till the termination of pregnancy (65:4).

And if the parties are unable to unite during the period of iddah as envisaged by verse 2:228, the
final irrevocable talaq can be pronounced, but only after the expiry of the iddah (2:231). Once the
final talaq has been invoked, the marital bond is severed, and the parties cease to be of any
relation to each other.

In other words, after the expiry of second iddah, as per verses 2:231 & 232, the parties are given
the options of remarriage and permanent separation - the separation being the third and the final
irrevocable talaq to be pronounced in the presence of two witnesses (65:2).

Thus, it can be summarized from the above discussion that after four serious attempts at
reconciliation, a Muslim husband is permitted to divorce his wife once or twice within the period
of iddah to resume conjugal relations without having to undergo the procedure of remarriage.
After the expiry of iddah, he can either re-contract the marriage on fresh and mutually agreeable
terms or irrevocably divorce her by pronouncing the third and the final talaq.

However, to emphasize the sanctity of the marriage tie and the enormity of breaking it for
frivolous reasons, the Quran warns that once the parties choose to separate after the expiry of the
iddah, they cannot entertain hopes of marrying again unless the wife takes another husband and
he divorces her (2:230).

*Step by Step Summary of the Qur’anic Procedure of Talaq:*

1. Husband and wife to reason out through dialogue (izu hunna)
2. Temporary physical separation (wahjuru hunna)
3. More convincing to effect reconciliation (wazribu hunna)
4. Arbitration
5. First talaq followed by iddah
6. Options within iddah - 2nd talaq or resumption of conjugal relations without re-marriage
7. Options after iddah - Re-marriage or final separation through third talaq.

In fact, there is no other philosophy or religion which introduces a better psychological approach
to unite the separated couples, except Islam.

Till the final talaq, the wife should stay in the same house where the husband stays. And the
husband is responsible for all her basic needs and protection and is not permitted to harm her
anyway. The concept of instant triple talaq is alien to Islam as it goes against the very spirit of the
procedure of divorce laid down in the Quran. Even the Prophet told that it is not permitted, when
a person gave three talaqs together to his wife. (Mishkat-ul-Masabih).

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣2⃣*
*❓Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?*
✅Sex is a divine gift. Its foremost function amongst living creature is reproduction. It is also true
that in the case of man, besides reproduction, his mental health, happiness of family life, peaceful
social life: all are linked to sexuality. In availing of a sexual behavior that is not in keeping with the
divine guidelines, the mental health of the individual, solidarity of the family and social structure
will be adversely affected.

Moreover, such extra-marital relations will lead to the affliction by sexually transmitted diseases
which will eventually end in the degeneration of society. Indeed, those who have learned of this
through experience have been the very people who claim for themselves the status of being the
spokespersons of modern civilization.

Islam teaches that if two individuals are to have sexual relations with each other they are to do so
only through the contract of marriage. Apart from that all other relations are bound to create
problems and damage. It will also destroy the very fabric of all values in society. It will cast the
seeds of suspicion within one’s marital life. Such suspicion will then create cracks within the
rapport between hearts. It disrupts family relations – it will even gravely affect the mental health
of future generations.

The statistics related to this subject in Kerala, which is currently moving ahead with the acceptance
of western values, will frighten any with a sense of moral consciousness. For instance, at least three
hundred people report at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology in Trivandrum every month
to verify through DNA whether they themselves are indeed the fathers of the infants borne by
their wives. (Mathrubhumi Weekly, 31.01.99)

What does this reveal? The number of spouses who distrust each other is on the increase. What
is the reason for this? The answer is given by Mathrubhumi itself: “3️0 percent of the men and 18
percent of the women who participated in the survey confessed that they indulge in extra-marital
affairs.” This is the state of Keralite society which boasts of great and lasting moral traditions.

As for the state of western societies, it is even worse. The greatest social problem there continues
to be the girls who become pregnant at a very tender age. Another important issue with which
the government continues to grapple is the problem of illegitimate children. However, the
situation there is such that these issues are not considered as problematic at all. Social scientists,
however, warn that such violations of behavioral norms lead to the collapse of the institution of
the family and consequently create social problems of a grave nature which will, in the long run,
end in the total chaos and destruction of the western world.

Islam has never envisioned such a society. Islam has striven for the creation of a society wherein
a peaceful family environment and marital relationship prevails. To that end, Islam considers that
all sexual relations outside of wedlock are to be prohibited. For that reason, the Qur’an
recommends strict penal laws which serve to eliminate such sexual relations. Conceding the fact
that the sexual impulse is, indeed, one of the most powerful of instincts, it is necessary,
nevertheless, to check man, in the exercise of that impulse, with equally compelling measures.
Indeed, herein lies the great relevance of the punishments in the Qur’an.
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣3️⃣*
*❓How Islam Views Homosexuality?*
✅An increasing number of people are becoming homosexuals either gays or lesbians in different
parts of the world. The former refers to the perverted sexual relationship between man and man
while the latter is the title for women practicing sex with women. This is, however, not a new
phenomenon; what is new is the attempt of those people who have been considered all the time
as outcasts and perverts, to assert their identity and force the rest of the people to recognize and
accept them and their relationships as natural ones.

As this is becoming an increasingly dangerous issue, it is indeed important to clarify the attitude
of Islam towards homosexuality.

We must reiterate, as does Isabelle Levy in “Soins et croyances” that all the worlds’ major religions
and spiritual traditions-from the majority view in Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism to Christianity
and Islam-condemn and forbid homosexuality. The great majority of rabbis hold the same
position, as do the Pope and the Dalai Lama, who condemns homosexuality.

For these traditions, as for Freud (who speaks of “perversion”), homosexuality is considered to be
“against nature,” an “expression of disequilibrium” in the growth of a person. The moral
condemnation of homosexuality remains the majority opinion of all religions, and Islam is no

In both the Qur’an and the Bible, we are told that the first people who started this habit on a
national scale were the people of Lot in the old city of Sodom which used to occupy the area
where the Dead Sea now exists. (See Genesis 19). Let us concentrate on what the Glorious Qur’an
says about these people:

In chapter ash-Shu’ara, we read: “The people of Lot rejected the messengers. Their brother Lot
said to them: 'Will you not fear God? I am to you a messenger worthy of all trust. So, fear God and
obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it. My reward is only from the Lord the of worlds. Of all
the creatures of the world will you approach males, and leave those whom God has created for
you as mates? Nay. You are people transgressing all limits'…” (Quran 26:160-173)

The Qur’an also says: “And Lot who said to his people: 'Do you do what is indecent though you
see its iniquity? Would you really approach men in your lusts rather than women? You are a people
grossly ignorant.'…” (An-Naml:54-58)

We are also told in the Qur’an that Lot's people used to practice this same sex relationship in
public. They saw no harm in looking at each other while doing this. They claimed that it is beyond
the capacity or human beings to be pure or clean in this area.

Part of the Qur’anic perspective of the universe is that Allah Almighty controls everything in this
world. Being the Creator of life and death, He is also the Sovereign and the legislator. He sends
messengers to different peoples from among themselves who are role models as well as conveyers
of His message to them. If they listen and obey, this is for their own good in this world and the
next. Whatever Allah permits is everything that is good, pure, and healthy; and whatever He
prohibits us to do, it is also for our own sake.

This is how the Ever-Glorious Qur’an looks at this issue of homosexuality. It is against human
nature; it is harmful to man and it betrays one basic goal of sex, namely: procreation within the
limits of marriage only. That is why it is prohibited to practice homosexuality.

One more point deserve our attention. One is that Islam does not consider sex as a sinful deed. It
does not look down on this human instinct. On the contrary, it considers it to be rewarding by
Allah provided that it is practiced within the limits of marriage.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣4️⃣*
*❓Was Islam Spread by the Sword?*
✅One of the bizarre myths perpetuated about Islam, during the centuries of mistrust during and
after the Crusades, is that Muslim armies forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword.

Many Western scholars have now repudiated this myth. The great historian De Lacy O’Leary wrote
in “Islam At the Cross-roads”: “History makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims
sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is
one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated.”

Indeed, it is a historical fact, that Islam spread much faster during periods of peace than in periods
of war. Islam continued to spread, as it does now, when Muslims were not prevailing economically,
socially, or politically.

*History of Tolerance and Mutual Respect:*

The Glorious Qur’an says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from
error” (2:256). Traditionally Muslims have treated other religions with respect, even when they
were in a position to use force.

Muslims ruled Spain for about 800 years. During these 800 years, until Muslims were finally forced
out by the crusaders, non-Muslims flourished in Spain.

Muslims have ruled Arabia for 1400 years, except for brief periods of British and French rule. Yet
there are today 14 million Arabs who are Coptic Christians whose families have been Christians
going back several generations.

The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. They had the power to forcibly convert each
and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. Today more than 80% of the population of India is non-
Muslim. All these non-Muslim Indians are bearing witness to the fact that Islam was not spread
by the sword.

Thomas Arnold, a former Christian missionary in India, who cannot be accused of being pro-Islam,
in his book ‘The Preaching of Islam’, indicates that there have been certain periods where Muslim
rulers have diverted from this tolerance, but it was due to a deviation from Islamic principles,
rather than conformance to them.

He concludes that the two reasons for the spread of Islam all over the world were merchants and
the Sufis, two groups of people who went out, worked with humanity, and gently invited others
to their faith.
*Legal Safeguards for Non-Muslims Under Islamic Law:*
The Quran and Traditions of the Prophet explicitly dictate regulations and rights for the protection
of non-Muslim minorities living under the rule of Islam. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “if a Muslims
hurts a covenanted non-Muslim living under the rule of Islam, or commits any injustice to him,
then on the Day of Judgment, I would be the advocate on behalf of the non-Muslim against him”

What would be the sense and need for all of these prescriptions and advice, if Islam required that
they be compelled to accept the religion?

*The Rapid Spread of Islam:*

An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, yearbook 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of
percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article
also appeared in ‘The Plain Truth’ magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235%, and
Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, “Which war took place in this century which
converted millions of people to Islam?”

Indonesia is a country that has the maximum number of Muslims in the world. The majority of
people in Malaysia is Muslims. Similarly, Islam has spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. May
one ask, “Which Muslim army went to Indonesia and Malaysia, and to the Africa?”

Today the fastest growing religion in America and in Europe is Islam. Which sword is forcing
people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers?

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣5️⃣*
*❓How Did Islam Spread in the World?*
✅The reason for the rapid spread of Islam was the attraction that the thinking people developed
towards an ideal free from superstition upholding the worship of the 'One and Only God', the
Creator and the pursuit of His messengers. It was only natural for those thinking people to be
drawn to the practice of a faith that sought the path of 'surrender to God', at a time when their
perceptions were fogged by false deities, and their agents who posed as priests.

The ideal of 'One God, one humanity', simultaneously put forth by Islam, uproots the parochial
beliefs put up in the name of one’s birth. The access to the message of 'one humanity' experienced
by those who were being oppressed in the name of religion and caste, further led to the
propagation of Islam.

The selfless and sincere lives led by Muslims who migrated different parts of the world for business
purposes and the like, also drew the people of those countries to Islam. To this day, Islam, which
occupies the mind of man though manifold noble ways, continues to influence the thoughts and
deeds of millions of peoples in all continents around the world, with its sterling ideals.

*Propagation of Islam Through Messengers:*

The propagation of Islam was the mission of all the prophets and messengers of Allah. There was
never a prophet who was not a preacher and teacher. All of them preached the same message:
'Worship Allah, you have no other god but Him.' They all called to their people saying: 'I do not
seek any reward from you for this work.'

Allah Almighty says: 'Call thou [all mankind] unto thy Sustainer's path with wisdom and goodly
exhortation and argue with them in the most kindly manner.' (16:125)

He ordered His Messenger: 'Say [O Prophet]: "This is my way, resting upon conscious insight
accessible to reason, I am calling [you all] unto God - I and they who follow me." And [say]
"Limitless is God in His glory; and I am not one of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him!"

*Propagation of Islam After Prophets:*

Having ordered his servants to employ useful knowledge and good deeds, Allah confirms: 'And
who could be better of speech than he who calls [his fellow-men] unto God, and does what is just
and right, and says, "Verily, I am of those who have surrendered themselves to God?"' (41:33)

The Muslim community continued preaching of Islam and constituted to grow after Prophet
Muhammad's death. Within a few decades, vast numbers of people across three continents -
Africa, Asia, and Europe - had chosen Islam as their way of life.

Thomas Arnold, a former Christian missionary in India, who cannot be accused of being pro-Islam,
in his famous book ‘The Preaching of Islam’, indicates that the two primary reasons for the spread
of Islam all over the world were merchants and the Sufis, two groups of people who went out,
worked with humanity and gently invited others to their faith.

One of the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was the purity of its doctrine - Islam
calls for faith in only one God. This, coupled with the Islamic concepts of equality, justice, and
freedom, resulted in a united and peaceful community. People were free to travel from Spain to
China without fear, and without crossing any borders.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣6⃣*
*❓Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?*
✅In today's turbulent world, Islam is often on the front page - mostly for the wrong reasons.
‘Islam’ means ‘peace’; yet some have taken this peaceful way of life and hijacked it into a violent
way and distorted their ideology for personal and political gains. Seeing a faith through explosive
world events and judging it by the actions of a misguided few, is the primary reasons why Islam
is often misunderstood.

Islam is sometimes, intentionally misrepresented. Some politicians, religious leaders and media
have found an ideal scapegoat in Islam. By associating Islam with the inhumane acts of a handful,
they have been successful in driving larger numbers of people to vote for them; to donate towards
their ministries; and to read their newspapers, watch their television programs and listen to their
radio shows.

The reason they portray Islam as bad is because it serves their interest. No one wants to hear
about good Muslims, they want to see terrorists. It is unfortunate. But the way they portray Islam
is wrong.

However, with an increasing number of Muslims speaking out against this falsehood; the true and
peaceful nature of Islam is becoming more evident. Muslims are standing up against terrorism,
against the persecution and killing of innocent people, and against those who perpetrate such
injustice in the name of any faith.

The very word "Islam" means peace. A fifth of the world's population is reclaiming this peace as
their chosen way of life.
*Negative Media Portrayal of Islam:*
There is a current obsession in mainstream media and academic discourse pertaining to Islam and
the West. This current obsession is tinged with negative signifiers with the global media’s
predominantly negative portrayal of Islam and Muslims, depicting Muslims generally as violent,
fanatical, bigoted, or as extremists and terrorists.

The American-led ‘War on Terrorism’ led to an increase in Islamophobia (fear or hatred of Islam)
across the globe. This increase in Islamophobia was in turn reflected in the way media outlets
addressed and stereotyped Muslim populations. While some deliberately framed Islamic coverage
positively in an attempt to counter Islamophobia, many of the portrayals of Muslims contributed
to the formation of harmful Islamic media stereotypes.

The point is that Islam has been consistently portrayed by global media as a violence-prone
religion that is diametrically opposed to the West. The question of “Islam and the West” has been
the theme of various academic conferences in the USA, Europe, and other countries including
Malaysia; it has also been the theme of analytical writings, discourses, and publications.

It is the nature of media to report on the novel, the sensational, the bizarre, the dramatic, the
extraordinary but not the ordinary occurrences in life. Hence, with regard to Islam, it does not
report about peace-loving Muslims, or Muslims striving for holiness and daily jihad against their
egos and natural temptations, or peaceful coexistence between Muslims and other religions in
different parts of the world.

A final suggestion is that when you hear some individual radical Muslim being quoted, just
remember he is one of a billion people and speaks only for himself and his small following. And
be cautious of the quotations he uses, for they are often deliberately fabricated or distorted.

A Christian surveyor, Professor Edward reported in the Time Magazine of April 16, 1979 that in a
span of 150 years, from 1800 CE to 1950 CE “over 60,000 books have been written against Islam
by the Christian West.” Now, it is questionable, who has initiated, nurtured, and collected the
hatred, the Muslims or the Christian West?

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣7⃣*
*❓Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today’s Times?*
✅It might be true that Muslim birth rate is higher than the non-Muslim (keep in mind that this
is the justification of those who deny the fact that people convert to Islam). But this does not
neglect the fact that Islam is spreading rapidly in the term of converts; and USA and UK are the
best examples.

In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been
built in the past 12 years (As per a report on 1997).

Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans. Former NAACP
President Benjamin Chavis, who joined the Nation of Islam, personifies the trend: "In societies
where you have minorities that are discriminated against, I think they may find an appeal in Islam,"
said Waleed Kazziha of American University in Cairo.

Islam is embraced by so many humans in all centuries because it is the Truth, and it provides
practical and comprehensive solutions to problems of humankind. Islam not only teaches good
things but also shows practical ways of achieving that state of goodness.

Muhammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of God. God revived through him the same genuine faith
which had been conveyed by all His Prophets. This original message was earlier corrupted and
split into various religions by people of different ages, who indulged in interpolations and
admixture. Whoever realizes this fact are accepting Islam without any confusion.

Since there was to be no messenger after Muhammad (PBUH), the Holy Qur’an is preserved word
for word so that it should be a source of guidance for all times. But none of other religious
scripture is preserved in its purest form, and therefore none is free from mistakes and
contradictions except the Glorious Quran. This fact also attracted 1000s towards Islam.

The reason for the rapid spread of Islam was the attraction that the thinking people developed
towards an ideal free from superstition upholding the worship of the 'One and Only God', the
Creator and the pursuit of His messengers. It was only natural for those thinking people to be
drawn to the practice of a faith that sought the path of 'surrender to God', at a time when their
perceptions were fogged by false deities, and their agents who posed as priests.

The ideal of 'One God, one humanity', simultaneously put forth by Islam, uproots the parochial
beliefs put up in the name of one’s birth. The access to the message of 'one humanity' experienced
by those who were being oppressed in the name of religion and caste, further led to the
propagation of Islam.
The selfless and sincere lives led by Muslims who migrated different parts of the world for business
purposes and the like, also drew the people of those countries to Islam. To this day, Islam, which
occupies the mind of man though manifold noble ways, continues to influence the thoughts and
deeds of millions of peoples in all continents around the world, with its sterling ideals.

In summary, the reasons for the rapid and peaceful spread of Islam was the purity of its doctrine
- Islam calls for faith in only one God. This, coupled with the Islamic concepts of equality, justice
and freedom, resulted in a united and peaceful community. People were free to travel from Spain
to China without fear, and without crossing any borders.

Another reason why more and more people are becoming attracted to Islam nowadays is the
media. The media is portraying Islam in a bad way and is printing against it. This has raised
curiosity among people to learn what this religion is about. When they stop believing blindly in
the media and look deep into this religion, they find it a religion that is the most logical,
scientifically perfect, and true…

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣8⃣*
*❓What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?*
✅According to "The Plain Truth", February 1984, in its 50 Year Anniversary Issue, quoting from
the "World Almanac and Book of Facts 1935" and "Reader's Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983",
between 1934 and 1984, the Christianity increased 47%, World Population increased 136%, but
Islam increased 235%. 100,000 people per year in America alone, are converting to Islam. Today
the fastest growing religion in America and in Europe is Islam.

In the United States, women convert outnumber men by four to one, and in Britain make up the
bulk of the estimated 10,000 to 20,000 converts, forming part of a Muslim community of 1.5
For many black Americans, Islam has become the religion of choice and some one million have
converted. “It is an American phenomenon, which started in the ghettoes of the north,” says
Yvonne Haedad, a professor of history of Islam and of Christian-Muslim Relations at Georgetown
University. “It is a response to racism… It is seen as the religion of liberation.”

*Here are Some More Reports and Comments Regarding Conversion to Islam:*
“The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing
religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have
been built in the past 12 years” - Sunday Times London, U.K. Correspondent Gayle Young, April
14, 1997

“…there is much that the world can learn from Islam. It is now practiced by one of every four
people on Earth” - Hillary Rodman Clinton, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3

“Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion” - ABC
News Broadcasted on BIC News 13 December 1997

“Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country” - NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4

“Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States…” NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1

“Moslems are the world’s fastest-growing group…” - USA TODAY, The population reference
bureau, Feb 17, 1989, p.4A

“Muhammed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities” - Encyclopedia

“There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now” - Dan Rathers, CBS NEWS

“Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America” - TIMES MAGAZINE

“Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!” - CNN, December 15, 1995

“The religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world” - MIKE WALLACE, 60

“In fact, religion experts say Islam is the second-largest religion in the United States… Islam has 5
million to 6 million members, followed by Judaism, with approximately 4.5 million… And Islam is
believed to be fastest-growing religion in the country, with half its expansion coming from new
immigrants and the other half from conversions” - ELSA C. ARNETT Knight-Ridder News Service.

It should now be clear as light that Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet. Islam is
growing at an incredible speed because it is the religion of truth which offers you the answers to
the questions of life and gives you a complete code of life. Do not just be amazed at the growth
of Islam; study it, accept it and practice it.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣3️⃣9⃣*
*❓What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?*
✅Almighty God says in Holy Quran: “There was no nation but that there had passed within it a
warner" (Quran 35:24). "We have certainly sent messengers to all nations" (16:36).

This means that there might have been prophets revealed even in India. Naturally, they should
have taught the same message of Islam (the Submission to God). It may be because of that; we
can see some of Islamic teachings even in Hindu scriptures.

*1. Oneness of God:*

Similar to the first fundamental faith in Islam, there are many verses in Hindu scriptures as well
which teaches the Oneness of God.

"What our eyes fails to see, but what gave the sight for our eyes - know that alone is Brahman,
and not this that people worship here" (Kena Upanishad 1:7)

“He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginning-less, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds…”
(Bhagwad Geeta 10:3)

“Ekam Evadvitiyam” = He is one only without a second. (Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1)

“Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires worship demigods” that is “Those
who are materialistic, they worship demigods” i.e. others as deities besides the True God.
(Bhagwad Geeta 7:20)

All these verses exactly teach the real concept of God, which is same as what Islam teaches.
*2. Prophethood:*
There is also verses associated with the Prophethood, the second fundamental faith of Islam:

Prophets are the ones who receive the divine revelations from the God. The Qur'an teaches that
the Scriptures are the compilations of such revelations (from God). Some of Indian Vedas are
called as 'Sruthi' means 'heard from God'. This also underscores the prophethood.

*3. Life After Death:*

Hindu scriptures also describe about the life after death, the third fundamental faith of Islam:

"We praise you for wisdom and for the peace on the earth, and for the peace in the Hereafter"
(Samaveda- Agneya Kanda:93)

Both Hindus and Muslims believe, after death they will either go to Paradise (Svarga/Jannah) or
Hell (Naraka/Jahannam), depending on their deeds. Accordingly, those who do good deeds will
enter Paradise and those who do evil deeds, will enter Hell.

*Besides these, Hindu Scriptures contain many concepts which are similar to Islam, but usually not
seen in Indian culture:*

Idol worship is prohibited in Islam. According to Vedas, idol worship is not allowed for Hindus.
“Na tasya pratima asti” = There is no likeness of Him. (Shwetashvatara Upanishad 4:19)

Yajurveda talks about the Idol worship: "Na Tasya Pratima Asti" (32:3) = There is no statue,
evolution, image, or idol for the Almighty God, who is omnipresent and unseen (Satyartha Prakash,
Swami Dayananda Saraswathi)

Vedas, Epic and Puranas talk about the ‘prayers’ for God at the time when different phases of the
day merges. This was practices by Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, and Shiva (Hindu Encyclopedia, V.
Balakrishnan, Dr. R. Leela Devi). Islam obligates prayers at the morning and the evenings (Qur'an

Like the fasting in Islam, there are commands about fasting on days like Monday, Thursday, etc in
Hindu scriptures.

The Qur'anic verse says alcohol and gambling is forbidden (5:90). Similar commands are found in
Bhagavad Gita (17:22).

The practice of Hijab (veil) is prevalent in Islam. The practice of covering only the face was
prevalent in some Hindu communities in ancient times.
The verse similar to the Quranic verse 2:154 which says the souls of those who died in the Jihad
(struggle on the path of God) will be in Paradise can be seen in Bhagavad Gita 2:37. This advice
by Sri Krishna to Arjuna also demonstrates that the struggle for Dharma is a spiritual activity.

There can be found many such teachings in the Hindu scriptures.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣0⃣*
*❓What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?*
✅Islam is the way of life which introduces the purest concept of God and the concepts about
our life and hereafter, which are also acceptable by the human reasoning and wisdom. It is only
in Islam, that we can see such a clear concept about God, the purpose of our life, and the concept
of life after death without any complications and contradictions.

*1. Concept of God:*

Islam is a system of thought that believes in absolute monotheism, called Tawhid. Hinduism is a
system of thought that believes in varied traditions. Though many verses relating to monotheism
are found in the Vedas, there are a variety of concepts about God in Hinduism. There are people
in Hinduism, who seek God in many forms, other people, idols, avatars, etc. And some of them
even believe they themselves are gods. Moreover, some believe everything in the world are gods.

But the concept of God in Islam is undistorted and straight-forward. Islam teaches without any
complications that there is no power other than the great Almighty God, the One Who created us
all and the worlds.

*2. Form of Worships:*

Instead of praying to the unseen Almighty God, it is common among Hindus to offer prayers and
dedication to many idols and statues. It is very usual among them to imagine stone, trees, and
men as gods, and make temples on the name of dead and pray to such dead people.
Islam strictly teaches that we should worship only the Lord Creator and should seek help from
Him alone.

*3. Prophethood of Muhammed (PBUH):*

It is a practice of God to send prophets again when the followers of previous prophet tamper and
corrupt the teachings after their lifetime.

Hence, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah. So, it is the responsibility
of all men to believe in him since the teachings of none of the previous Prophets available in its
purest form today. However, the Hindus do not believe in him.

*4. Divinity of Holy Quran:*

Even many of the Hindu scholars do not argue that the Hindu scriptures existing today are
completely divine and untampered.

Whenever the divine scriptures get corrupted by human interventions, God sends prophets again,
and through them comes the scriptures. The Qur'an is the very scripture that has been revealed
in this way and will be protected till the end of the world from human interventions/tampering.
However, the Hindus do not believe in it.

*5. Caste System:*

Hindu texts such as the Manusmriti segregate people through social stratification called the caste
system. Caste System is cultural to India and not specific to Hinduism. Islamic texts do not
segregate Muslims/People by caste.

But Islam teaches that the whole human beings are born free and holy. Islam does not accept any
type of superiority or inferiority based on birth. In Islam, all humans are equal like a tooth of the

*6. Faith in the Hereafter:*

Even though we can see some verses about the hereafter in Hindu scriptures, many Hindus do
not believe in the life after death. Even there are several variants of concepts like reincarnation
among the Hindu believers.

Islam does not agree this. Islam teaches that man's life is incomplete in this world and the ultimate
rewards and redemptions will be in the life after death, and that life in heaven/hell will be eternal.

*7. Monasticism:*
In a Hindu vision, some people will deny the material life and imagine themselves as servants of
But Islam, the divine doctrine which balances out the spiritual and worldly life, does not permit
any kind of extremism like the monasticism. Instead, Islam commands to submit us completely to
God through a balanced life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣1⃣*
*❓What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?*
✅In the Holy Qur'an 41:43, God says to Prophet Muhammad: "Nothing is said to you, [O
Muhammad], except what was already said to the messengers before you…"

In the Qur'an 3:50, Jesus Christ confirms the Torah, which was revealed to Moses: "And [I have
come] confirming what was before me of the Torah and to make lawful for you some of what was
forbidden to you"

The Bible describes the same in the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible: “Do not think that I have
come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them"
(Mathew 5:17)

This means that all prophets, including Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH), had preaches the same
doctrine, that’s Islam. The word 'Shalom' used in Hebrew is a synonym of ‘Islam’.

Below are some of the biblical testimony that matches with the fundamental faiths of Islam.

*1. Oneness of God:*

Similar to the first fundamental faith in Islam, there are many verses in Bible as well which teaches
the Oneness of God.

David (Dawood) said: "How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is
no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears" (II Samuel 7:22)
Moses said: "There is no one like the Lord our God" (Exodus 8:10)

Jesus Christ said: "Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God; the Lord is one..." (Mark 12:29)

All these verses exactly teach the real concept of God, which is same as what Islam teaches.

*2. Prophethood:*
Both Islam and Christianity revere Jesus as a prophet and assert Jesus' holiness, in the sense that
he lived in the world while being pure and free of sin.

The Bible is also prophesizing about the coming of Muhammad, the second fundamental faith of

And the Lord said to Moses: “I will give them a prophet like you, from among their brothers, and
put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him" (Deuteronomy 18:18).

*3. Life After Death:*

Regarding the coming world after death, the third fundamental faith of Islam, the Bible says:

"Whosoever speak against the Holy Spirit, not in this world, but in the world that is to come, shall
not be forgiven" (Matthew 12:32)

*Besides these, we can see some of Islamic practices in Bible and in the life of Jesus Christ, which
are similar to Islam, but not seen in Christianity:*

In Matthew 4:10, Jesus says, "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve only Him”. A Muslim
worship only the Almighty God, the Creator.

In Matthew 26:39, Jesus went a little further and prayed to God by bowing his head. Muslims pray
in the same fashion five times a day.

In Bible, Deuteronomy 5:8 says: "Do not make idols; Thou shalt not make thee any graven image,
or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth; Do not worship or serve them". The ones who follow these commands are
the real Muslims.

In the Book of Genesis 17:10, it says: "Let all males bear the circumcision". We can see in Luke 2:21
that Jesus had the circumcision on the eighth day of his birth.

"The pig: If it divides the hoof, yet chews not the cud, It is unclean for you; Do not eat their flesh"
(Deuteronomy 14:8)
Jesus, who said that “I came to fulfill these laws”, was a Muslim, and his disciples too. The so-called
pictures of Jesus also prove the fact that Jesus had grown the beard. That too is an Islamic code.

The Bible prescribes even other things which are matching only to Islam.

The prayer of Matthew 6:10, "Bring Your Kingdom…" became fulfilled by the Islamic State
established through the Prophet Muhammad. There was no such a kingdom of God anywhere in
the history since the time of Jesus Christ.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣2⃣*
*❓What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?*
✅Islam is the way of life which introduces the purest concept of God and the concepts about
our life and hereafter, which are also acceptable by the human reasoning and wisdom. It is only
in Islam, that we can see such a clear concept about God, the purpose of our life, and the concept
of life after death without any complications and contradictions.

*1. Concept of God:*

Islam is a system of thought that believes in absolute monotheism, called Tawhid. Jesus Christ
also taught the same oneness of the creator. He constantly reminded that he is not the God, but
the one who had sent him to the world (Father) is the Almighty God.

But after Jesus, the followers had changed these basic doctrines. And, today, we see the ‘trinity'
as the fundamental faith of Christianity, which is so much complicated that even the preachers do
not understand what it really means!

But the concept of God in Islam is undistorted and straight-forward. Islam teaches without any
complications that there is no power other than the great Almighty God, the One Who created us
all and the worlds.
*2. Form of Worships:*
Instead of praying to the unseen Almighty God, it is common among Christians to offer prayers
and dedication to many idols and statues.

Islam strictly teaches that we should worship only the Lord Creator and should seek help from
Him alone.

*3. Prophethood of Muhammed (PBUH):*

It is a practice of God to send prophets again when the followers of previous prophet tamper and
corrupt the teachings after their lifetime.

Hence, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the last messenger of Allah. So, it is the responsibility
of all men to believe in him since the teachings of none of the previous Prophets available in its
purest form today. However, the Christians do not believe in him.

*4. Divinity of Holy Quran:*

All the Bible verses are not from the Almighty God, not even from Jesus Christ. Bible writers added
many verses and incidents into it, and some of the Bible verses are even changed on a later time.
Hence, we cannot say Bible is perfectly divine.

Whenever the divine scriptures get corrupted by human interventions, God sends prophets again,
and through them comes the scriptures. The Qur'an is the very scripture that has been revealed
in this way and will be protected till the end of the world from human interventions/tampering.
However, the Christians do not believe in it.

*5. Original Sin:*

Christians today believe that all human beings are born as sinners. They even use this argument
as an evidence to prove the divinity of Jesus and the significance of his crucifixion.

However, Islam teaches that the whole human beings are born free and holy. Islam says that
people are becoming sinners just by their own deeds.

*6. Crucifixion of Jesus:*

Majority of today’s Christians believe that Jesus was crucified for the sins of men. However, Islam
teaches that all humans are born in purest form and if anyone commits any sin, then he himself
must taste its punishment unless he repents. And this is the most just and rational approach
towards it.

*7. Monasticism:*
In a Christianity, some people denounce the material life and imagine themselves as servants of
But Islam balances the spiritual and worldly life, and thus does not permit any kind of extremism
like the monasticism. Instead, it commands to submit us completely to God through a balanced

*8. Tradition of Exalting to Saint/Holy:*

There is a tradition among Christians to raise/exalt some as saint/holy after their death.

However, Islam's view is that only Almighty God knows complete in-out of any person and
therefore nobody here has the authority to declare someone as saint/holy or sinner in this world.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?*
✅There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all of which
claim to be the right way or the only true path to God. How can one determine which one is
correct or if, in fact, all are correct?

The method by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the
teachings of the various claimants to the ultimate truth and identify the central object of worship
to which they call, directly or indirectly.

False religions all have in common one basic concept with regards to Allah. They either claim that
all men are gods or that specific men were Allah or that nature is Allah or that Allah is a figment
of man’s imagination.

Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that Allah may be worshipped in
the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of creation by calling the
creation or some aspect of it as God.
For example, prophet Jesus invited his followers to worship Allah but those who claim to be his
followers today call people to worship Jesus, claiming that he was Allah!

Buddha was a reformer who introduced several humanistic principles to the religion of India. He
did not claim to be God, nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object of worship. Yet,
today most Buddhists have taken him to be God and prostrate to idols made in their perception
of his likeness.

By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very obvious
and the contrived nature of their origin clear. As God said in the Quran: “That which you worship
besides Him are only names you and your forefathers have invented for which Allah has sent down
no authority. The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded that you only worship Him;
that is the right religion, but most men do not understand" (12:40)

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow.
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation. Creation-worship
is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man is created to worship Allah alone (Qur’an 51:56)

Consequently, the worship of creation, which is the essence of idolatry, is the only unforgivable
sin. One who dies in this state of idolatry has sealed his fate in the next life. This is not an opinion,
but a revealed fact stated by Allah in his final revelation to man.

*Criteria to Prove Authenticity of Quran as God’s Words:*

1. Rational Teachings: Since our Creator bestowed reason and intellect upon us, it is our duty to
use it to distinguish the Truth from falsehood. True, undistorted revelation from God must be
rational and can be reasoned out by all unbiased minds.
2. Perfection: Since our Creator is all perfect, His revelation must be perfect and accurate, free
from mistakes, omissions, interpolations, and multiplicity of versions. It should be free from
contradictions in its narration.
3. No Myths or Superstitions: True revelation is free from myths or superstitions that degrade the
dignity of our Creator or man himself.
4. Scientific: Since our Creator is the Creator of all knowledge, true revelation is scientific and can
withstand the challenge of science at all times.
5. Factual Prophecy: Our Creator is the Knower of the past, present and future. Thus, His
prophecies in His revelation will be fulfilled as prophesied.
6. Inimitable by Man: True revelation is infallible and cannot be imitated by man. God’s true
revelation is a Living miracle, an open book challenging all mankind to see and prove for
themselves its authenticity or veracity.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣4️⃣*
*❓Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?*
✅The term ‘religion’ (‘Deen’ in Arabic) literally means obedience and following the path and the
commands of God. The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’ and is derived from a word
meaning ‘peace’.

Islam is not a new religion because ‘submission to the will of God’, i.e. Islam, has always been the
only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true ‘natural religion’, and
it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God’s prophets and messengers.
It does not mean that the religion was called on the same name during the time of all Prophets.
Even the Qur'an made it clear that "We raised every prophet in the language of his people" (14:4)

The ideology is more important. The main message of all the prophets has always been that there
is only One True God and He alone is to be worshipped. All the prophets preached the basic
principles of oneness of God, the truthfulness of the prophets, and the afterlife.

These prophets start with Adam and include Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, John the
Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them all. God says in the Holy Quran: “We did not send before
you (O Muhammad) any messenger but We revealed to him: ‘none has the right to be worshipped
except I, therefore worship Me.’” (Quran 21:25)

From the Qur'an, it becomes clear that anyone, at any time, who has believed on their prophets
and has led the best possible life according to it, will be saved and will be rewarded with heaven.

However, Holy Quran also says: “Indeed, the only acceptable religion in the sight of Allah is Islam”
(Qur'an 3:19), “And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from
him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers” (Qur'an 3:85). These verses of Holy Qur'an
make it clear that none of other religions are acceptable completely since the true message of
these prophets was either lost or got corrupted over time.

Even the most recent books, the Torah and the Gospel were adulterated and hence they lost their
credibility to guide the people to the right path. We can see polytheism, divine pronouncements
on the prophets, infallibility of the priests, weird concepts of life after death and heaven/hell,
complete exhaustion of material life, injustice, and many other wrong teachings in the non-Islamic
religions. If they are all correct, then Prophet Muhammad would not have come to us.

Therefore 600 years after Jesus, God revived the lost message of previous prophets by sending
the Prophet Muhammad with His final revelation, the Holy Quran, to all of mankind. Since the
Prophet Muhammad was the final prophet, God Himself has promised to preserve His last
revealed words so that it is a source of guidance for all humanity till the Last Day. It is now
imperative for everyone to believe and follow this final message from God.

The Qur'an gives hope that Allah will forgive our sins by repentance (Quran 39:53). But there are
various kinds of sins. The most serious of these is the ‘Shirk’ or the Polytheism. There is no greater
sin than dedicating our worship to someone other than Allah, the Creator, and the Protector. The
Qur'an teaches that whosoever disobeys God and does ‘shirk’, Paradise will be forbidden to him
(Quran 5:75)

Since the last prophet was appointed confirming all the good in other religions and revised all the
bad, it is only the way of salvation to accept his blissful and flawless message.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣5️⃣*
*❓How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?*
✅Converting to Islam is easy. This article explains how to convert and become a Muslim in a
simple way.

The Arabic word ‘Islam’ means ‘submission’ and is derived from a word meaning ‘peace’. As such,
the religion of Islam teaches that in order to achieve true peace of mind and surety of heart, one
must submit to God and live according to His Divinely revealed Law.
The word “Muslim” means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of his/her race,
nationality, or ethnic background. Hence, any person who is ready to submit to the will of God is
eligible to become a Muslim.

*The Testimony of Faith (Shahada):*

Becoming a Muslim is a simple and easy process. All that a person need do is to say a sentence
called the Testimony of Faith (Shahada), which is pronounced as: I testify “La Ilaha Illallah,
Muhammad Rasoolullah.”

These Arabic words mean, “There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah), and Muhammad is the
Messenger (Prophet) of the God.” Once a person says the Testimony of Faith (Shahada) with
conviction and understanding its meaning and endeavoring to regulate one's life following the
instructions conveyed by Allah through his messengers, then he/she has become a Muslim.

By declaring that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Mohammed is the Prophet
of Allah, the believer announces his or her faith in God's oneness, His sole right to be worshipped
and that Muhammed is the last of the prophets. It also confirms his or her belief in all prophets
and the scriptures they brought.

*To be a Muslim, One Should Also:*

- Believe that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him.
- Believe that the Judgment Day (Resurrection Day) is true and will come.
- Believe in the prophets that God sent and the books He revealed, and in His angels.
- Accept Islam as his/her religion.
- Not worship anything nor anyone except God.

*Embracing Islam and Name Changing:*

The one who embraces Islam, does not have to change his name unless his name indicates any
form of Shirk (Polytheism) or with a bad meaning. Prophet Muhammad did not change his name
from ‘Muhammad’ after his prophethood. The Prophet never ordered to change the names of
Umar, Bilal, Ammar, Salman, Sumayya, etc after their conversion to Islam. But the names like,
‘Yesudas’, ‘Shivadas’, etc should be changed since we are the slaves of Almighty God; not of Shiva,
Yesu (Jesus) or any other creations.

Even, it is not compulsory to have name in the Arabic itself. There are many names even the Quran
quoted like Ibrahim, Ismail, Ishaq, Elias, Idris, Ayyub… none of these are Arabic names. Examples
are there in our country as well.

*Embracing Islam and Family Relationships:*

Islam never teaches that one should get separated from his parents or leave the family after
accepting Islam. Moreover, those who embrace Islam should have more attention and
responsibilities towards their families and parents. Allah has obligated it in the Holy Quran itself.
In short, it is the agenda of anti-Islamic organizations to create a war-like atmosphere in the
society whenever someone accepts Islam. Moreover, the change of religion of a person is purely
a personal matter.

*Dear friend, we heartily welcome you to this beautiful way of life - Islam🌹*

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Dear Friends,
We would like to conclude the first phase of *’Understand Islam'* series in the 145 parts shared

We have included only the most basic and fundamental topics related to Islam in this phase.

Please share your valuable feedbacks, suggestions, queries, and criticisms related to Islam and the
series to the Admin personally.

We will continue the series with the answers for your questions, the refutations for the common
criticisms, and with the topics which were not covered in the first phase.

It would be great if you share your name, place, religion/doctrine you follow, your views about
Islam and your personal interest to know more about Islam, which will be useful for our further

Those who like to receive *Personal Messages* and those who are interested to join
*Discussion/Debate Groups,* please send a personal message to the below number. Also please
let us know if anybody is interested to support sharing the message of peace to the Humanity.
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All the topic names shared in the first phase are listed below. Please let us know if any of you want
us to resend any of the articles. Those who missed the previous parts can even join the *Latest
Group (G32)* to receive them again
We will send the complete parts of the series as a *Word/PDF Document* tomorrow.

*Topics List:*
1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?
4. What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
5. Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?
6. Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?
7. Who Created God?
8. Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?
9. What is the Concept of God in Islam?
10. Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?
11. What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?
12. What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?
13. What is the Significance of Religion?
14. Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?
15. Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?
16. How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?
17. What are the Unique Features of Islam?
18. Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as 'Allah'?
19. Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?
20. Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?
21. Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?
22. Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?
23. Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don't God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?
24. Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?
25. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26. What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?
27. Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?
28. Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?
29. Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?
30. Why Doesn't God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?
31. What is Islamic View About Death
32. What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?
33. What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?
34. The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?
35. What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?
36. What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?
37. What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?
38. Who All Will Enter Paradise?
39. Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?
40. What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?
41. Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?
42. What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?
43. Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?
44. What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?
45. What are the Evidences for Muhammed's (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?
46. Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest
47. What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?
48. Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?
49. Why Didn't God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?
50. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?
51. Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?
52. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?
53. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?
54. What are the Scriptures?
55. What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?
56. What is the Holy Qur'an?
57. What is the Theme of Holy Qur'an?
58. Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur'an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?
59. Why the Qur'an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?
60. Did the Glorious Qur'an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?
61. When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur'an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?
62. What are the Evidences for the Qur'an to Be a Divine Scripture?
63. Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?
64. Can it Be Said that the Qur'an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?
65. Scientific Facts in the Quran?
66. What Does the Qur'an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?
67. Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?
68. What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?
69. What Should Be a Muslim's Attitude Towards Worldly Life?
70. Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?
71. What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?
72. What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?
73. What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?
74. What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?
75. What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?
76. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?
77. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?
78. What is Islamic View on Entertainments?
79. What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?
80. What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?
81. The Concept of Equality in Islam?
82. The Concept of Justice in Islam
83. What is the Quran's Approach Towards Slavery?
84. What Were the Practical Steps Qur'an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?
85. Why Didn't Qur'an Completely Prohibit Slavery?
86. What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?
87. Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?
88. What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?
89. What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?
90. What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?
91. Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?
92. Does Qur'an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?
93. Does Qur'an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?
94. Does Qur'an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?
95. What is 'Jihad'?
96. Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur'an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?
97. Does Qur'an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?
98. Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?
99. What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
100. Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?
101. Are All Terrorists Muslims?
102. What Does the Qur'an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?
103. What Does the Qur'an Say About War?
104. When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?
105. When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?
106. What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?
107. What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?
108. Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?
109. What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?
110. Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?
111. What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?
112. What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?
113. How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?
114. Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying 'Jizya' a
Discrimination Towards Them?
115. What is Islamic View on Nationalism?
116. What is Islamic View on Democracy?
117. What is Islamic view on Secularism?
118. What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?
119. What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?
120. What is the Status of Parents in Islam?
121. How Should Be a Muslim's Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?
122. What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?
123. Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?
124. What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?
125. What is the Islamic Code of Dress?
126. What is the Islamic View on Marriage?
127. What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?
128. Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?
129. Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?
130. What Does Islam Say About Divorce?
131. What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?
132. Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?
133. How Islam Views Homosexuality?
134. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
135. How Did Islam Spread in the World?
136. Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?
137. Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today's Times?
138. What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?
139. What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?
140. What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?
141. What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
142. What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?
143. Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?
144. Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?
145. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?

Dear Friends,
Please find the below documents for the complete parts of *’Understand Islam’* series👇

Please share your feedbacks, suggestions, queries, and criticisms related to Islam and the posts
personally to the Admin.

*We will continue sharing new posts from tomorrow.

It would be great if you share your name, place, religion/doctrine, your views about Islam and
your personal interest to know more about Islam, which will be useful for our further interactions.
✅+919497306836 / +918095927998

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page. Those who are interested can Join/Subscribe using below links
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Those who missed the previous parts can even join the *Latest Group (G32)* to receive them

*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣6⃣*
*❓If Islam is the Best Religion, Why are All Muslims Not Good?*
✅If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and involved
in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc?

*1. Media Maligns Islam:*

Islam is without doubt the best religion, but the media is in the hands of the westerners who are
afraid of Islam. The media is continuously broadcasting and printing information against Islam.
They either provide misinformation about Islam, misquote Islam, or project a point out of
proportion, if any.

When any bomb blasts take place anywhere, the first people to be accused without proof are
invariably the Muslims. This appears as headlines in the news. Later, when they find that non-
Muslims were responsible, it appears as an insignificant news’ item.

If a 50-year-old Muslim marries a 15 year old girl after taking her permission, it appears on the
front page but when a 50 year old non-Muslim rapes a 6 year old girl, it may appear in the news
in the inside pages as ‘News briefs’. Every day in America on an average 2,713 cases of rape take
place but it does not appear in the news, since it has become a way of life for the Americans.

*2. Black Sheep in Every Community:*

We are aware that there are some Muslims who are dishonest, unreliable, who cheat, etc. but the
media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in such activities. There are black sheep
in every community. We know Muslims who are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-
Muslims under the table.

*3. Muslims Best as a Whole:*

In spite of all the black sheep in the Muslim community, Muslims taken on the whole, yet form
the best community in the world. We are the biggest community of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e.
those who don’t imbibe alcohol. Collectively, we are a community which gives the maximum
charity in the world. There is not a single person in the world who can even show a candle to the
Muslims where modesty is concerned; where sobriety is concerned, where human values and
ethics are concerned.

*4. Don’t Judge a Car by its Driver:*

If you want to judge how good is the latest model of the “Mercedes” car and a person who does
not know how to drive sits at the steering wheel and bangs up the car, who will you blame? The
car or the driver? But naturally, the driver. To analyze how good the car is, a person should not
look at the driver but see the ability and features of the car. How fast is it, what is its average fuel
consumption, what are the safety measures, etc. Even if we agree for the sake of argument that
the Muslims are bad, we cannot judge Islam by its followers? If you want to judge how good Islam
is then judge it according to its authentic sources, i.e. the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith.

*5. Judge Islam by its Best Follower i.e. Prophet Mohammed (‫)ﷺ‬:*
If you practically want to check how good a car is put an expert driver behind the steering wheel.
Similarly, the best and the most exemplary follower of Islam by whom you can check how good
Islam is, is the last and final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. Besides Muslims, there
are several honest and unbiased non-Muslim historians who have acclaimed that prophet
Muhammad was the best human being. According to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, ‘The
Hundred Most Influential Men in History’, the topmost position, i.e. the number one position goes
to the beloved Prophet of Islam, Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. There are several such examples of non-Muslims
paying great tributes to the prophet, like Thomas Carlyle, La-Martine, etc.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣7⃣*
*❓If Islam Opposes Idol Worship, Why do Muslims Pray to a Kaaba?*
✅Kaaba is the Qibla i.e. the direction Muslims face during their prayers. It is important to note
that though Muslims face the Kaaba during prayers, they do not worship the Kaaba. Muslims
worship and bow to none but Allah.

It is mentioned in Surah Baqarah: “We see the turning of thy face (for guidance) to the heavens:
now shall We turn thee to a Qibla that shall please thee. Turn then thy face in the direction of the
Sacred Mosque: wherever ye are, turn your faces in that direction.” [Qur’an 2:144]

The Kaaba was built by the prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael in response to God's command
over 4,000 years ago. Abraham consecrated the House for the worship of the one true God and
invited all of humanity to visit it for that purpose. Even today Muslims who are physically and
financially able are required to make a pilgrimage to it once in a lifetime. The Kaaba has remained
at the center of a continuous tradition of worship and devotion up to the present day, symbolic
of permanence, constancy, and renewal.

*Islam Believes in Fostering Unity:*

For instance, if Muslims want to offer Prayer (Salaah), it is possible that some may wish to face
north, while some may wish to face south. In order to unite Muslims in their worship of the One
True God, Muslims, wherever they may be, are asked to face in only one direction i.e. towards the
Kaaba. If some Muslims live towards the west of the Kaaba, they face the east. Similarly, if they
live towards the east of the Kaaba, they face the west.
*Kaaba is at the Centre of the World Map:*
The Muslims were the first people to draw the map of the world. They drew the map with the
south facing upwards and north downwards. The Kaaba was at the center. Later, western
cartographers drew the map upside down with the north facing upwards and south downwards.
Yet, the Kaaba is at the center of the world map.

*Tawaf (Circumambulation) Around Kaaba for Indicating One God:*

When the Muslims go to Makkah, they perform tawaf or circumambulation round the Kaaba. This
act symbolizes the belief and worship of One God, since, just as every circle has one center, so
also there is only one Allah worthy of worship. The Kaaba symbolizes the unity of all true religion,
the brotherhood of all the prophets, and the essential consistency of their message.

*Hadith of Umar:*
Regarding the black stone, hajr-e-aswad, there is a hadith (tradition), attributed to the illustrious
companion of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), Umar. According to Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2,
book of Hajj, chapter 56, H.No. 675. Umar said, “I know that you are a stone and can neither
benefit nor harm. Had I not seen the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬touching (and kissing) you, I would never have
touched (and kissed) you”.

*People Stood on Kaaba and Gave the Adhaan:*

At the time of the Prophet, people even stood on the Kaaba and gave the ‘adhaan’ or the call to
prayer. One may ask those who allege that Muslims worship the Kaaba; which idol worshipper
stands on the idol he worships?

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣8⃣*
*❓Why are All Prayers and Supplications Not Answered or Fulfilled by Allah?*
*✅1. You may Dislike a thing Which is Good for You (2:216)*
The reply to this question is given in the Glorious Qur’an in Surah Baqarah chapter 2 verse 216:
“But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is
bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.”

*2. Businessman Misses Flight Due to Traffic*

Suppose a rich businessman is supposed to catch a flight in order to click a deal which would
fetch him billions of rupees. While going to the airport to catch the flight, there was an unusual
traffic jam on the road, which prevented him from reaching the airport on time. The businessman
misses the very flight and sorrowfully says “This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me
in my life.”

While returning back home he hears on the radio that the very flight that he was supposed to
catch has crashed and all the passengers have died. The businessman happily says this is the best
thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

Allah knew best that the life of the businessman was much more precious than the billions of
rupees that he had lost. You may dislike a thing which is good for you, but Allah knows, and you
know not.

*3. Surah Shura 42:27*

The Qur’an mentions in Surah Shura chapter 42 verse 27: “If Allah were to enlarge the provision
for His Servants, they would indeed transgress beyond all bounds through the earth; but He sends
(it) down in due measure as He pleases. For He is with His servants well-acquainted, watchful.”

*4. Surah Baqarah 2:186*

It is mentioned in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah chapter 2 verse 186: “When My servants ask thee
concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls
on Me:”

*5. Surah Ghaffir 40:60*

It is mentioned in Surah Ghaffir chapter 40 verse 60: “And your Lord says: “Call on Me; I will answer
your (Prayer): but those who are too arrogant to serve Me will surely find themselves in Hell – in

*6. Allah Answers Your Prayer by Not Answering.*

Almighty Allah says in the Qur’an that “you call on Me and I will answer the prayer”. These verses
of the Qur’an are not falsified when your prayers are not answered. In fact, Allah in His Divine
Wisdom answers your prayers by not granting you what you with your limited and finite
knowledge had asked for.
*7. Unbelievers and Impious People have Luxury.*
Some people wonder how is it that several unbelievers and impious people lead a luxurious life.
They worship false gods and pray to them for wealth. Since these people worship false gods yet,
Allah (SWT) answers their prayers and gives them wealth which further leads them away from
Allah (SWT) and thus in the long run it is harmful for them.

*8. Believers Remember Allah Whether Rich or Poor.*

A true believer is a person who, irrespective of whether he is rich or poor, remembers Allah (SWT).
Allah (SWT) has described such people in Surah Al Noor chapter 24 verse 37: “By men whom
neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from the remembrance of Allah nor from regular prayer,
nor from the practice of regular Charity: their (only) fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will
be transformed (in a world wholly new)”

*9. A True Believer Always Says Alhamdullillah.*

A true believer is a person who irrespective of whatever happens says, ‘Alhamdulillah’. Praise be
to Allah. Even when he goes in loss, he says Alhamdullillah, because he has faith in Allah that if
Allah permitted the loss to be incurred it has to be beneficial in the long run. In short, he has faith
in Allah, that whatever happens, happens for the good.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣4️⃣9⃣*
*❓Does God Give Free Will and Freedom to Control Our Destiny?*
✅Man has free will and choice by means of which he does some things and refrains from others,
and he believes or disbelieves, and he obeys or disobeys, for which he will be brought to account
and rewarded or punished, although Allah knows what he will do, what he will choose and what
his ultimate destiny will be.
But Allah does not compel him to do evil, or to choose kufr, rather He clearly shows him the path
and He has sent Messengers and revealed Books and shown him the right way. Whoever goes
astray does so to his own loss...

Allah says: “And say: ‘The truth is from your Lord.’ Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and
whosoever wills, let him disbelieve” [Quran 18:29]

“Verily, We showed him the way, whether he be grateful or ungrateful” [Quran 76:3]

“So, whosoever does good equal to the weight of an atom shall see it. And whosoever does evil
equal to the weight of an atom shall see it” [Quran 99:7-8]

Allah tells us that man believes and does righteous deeds by his own choice and free will, then he
enters Paradise, or he disbelieves and does evil deeds by his own choice and free will, then he
enters Hell.

Every person knows in his own heart and by looking at those around him, that our deeds – good
and evil, obedient and sinful – are done by our own choice, and we do not feel that there is any
force compelling us to do them.

What Allah has decreed is something that man cannot know, and he cannot base his deeds on it
or use it as an excuse. It is also not valid for him to object to his Lord by questioning why He has
caused someone to be among the doomed or the blessed.

Allah says: “Indeed he succeeds who purifies his own self. And indeed, he fails who corrupts his
own self” [Quran 91:9-10]

“Allah wronged them not, but they wronged themselves” [Quran 3:117]

To sum up: the belief that Allah is the Creator Who has decreed all things and has distinguished
those who are blessed from those who are doomed, does not mean that Allah forces His slaves
to obey or disobey. Rather He has given them the ability to choose and free will, which is what
they act upon, and for which they will be brought to account. Your Lord does not wrong His slaves.

*Can We Control Our Destiny? Or are We a Slave to Fate?*

Say for instance you decide to go into business for yourself. You do all the necessary research.
You consult others in the field. You draw up a sound business plan and line up multiple investors.
You do everything possible to ensure that your business is successful.

Does any of this guarantee that your business will be successful? Not, at all. The economy may
falter. You may have miscalculated certain expenses. A natural disaster might wipe out everything
you own. There are innumerable occurrences that could adversely affect your business.
Belief in Qadar, divine destiny, prevents us from becoming too boastful or too despondent. When
tragedy strikes us, we must understand that it is the Will of Allah, for it to happen. That way, we
learn to accept it with patience and humility rather than despair and frustration.

If something good happens to us, belief in Qadar will prevent us from becoming too boastful or
arrogant. Even the successful people have no control over their success. They may have made
certain choices, but it is Allah that made those choices work out well for them. If they had control
over their success, they should be able to control every aspect of their life and never face any sort
of adversity. But the reality is that even the most successful individuals face some hardships at
some point in their life.

Man may choose a certain path. But it is Allah’s Will that controls what destiny that path will lead

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣0⃣*
*❓The Prophet’s Last Sermon*
✅This sermon was delivered on the ninth day of Dhul Hijah, 10 A.H. (632 A.D.) in the valley of
Mount Arafat. The contents of the message were collected from different narrations, and there
are other parts to it that are not mentioned here.

"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst
you again. Therefore, listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to
those who could not be present today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as sacred, so regard the life and property
of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt
no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He
will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take interest, therefore, all interest
obligations shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither
inflict nor suffer inequity. Allah has judged that there shall be no interest and that all interest due
to Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib (the prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived.

Every right arising out of homicide in pre-Islamic days is henceforth waived and the first such right
I waive is that arising from the murder of Rabiyah bin Al-Harith (relative of the prophet).

O Men, the unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calendar in order to make permissible that
which Allah forbade, and to forbid that which Allah had made permissible. With Allah the months
are twelve; four of them are holy; three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the
months of Jumadah and Shaaban.

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to
lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, it is true that you have certain right with regard to your women, but they also have
rights over you. If they abide by your right, then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed
in kindness… Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and
committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you
do not approve, as well as never commit adultery.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers, fast during the month
of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor a non-Arab
has any superiority over an Arab; also, a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any
superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is the brother of
another Muslim, and that Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a
Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore,
do injustice to yourselves.

Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So, beware, do not
stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well,
therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two
things, the Quran and my example, the Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go astray…

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others, and those to others again; and may
the last ones understand my words better that those who listen to me directly. Be my witness O
Allah, that I have conveyed Your message to Your people."

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*🎁'My name is Islam'*: A short video introducing Islam in brief👇

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣2⃣*
*❓If According to Islam, Messengers or Prophets were Sent to Every Nation of the World, then
Which Prophet was Sent to India? Can We Consider Ram and Krishna to be Messengers of God?*
*✅Prophets Sent to Every Nation:*
The Glorious Qur’an mentions in Surah Fatir: “…And there never was a people, without a warner
having lived among them (in the past).” [Qur’an 35:24]

A similar message is repeated in Surah Rad: “…and to every people a guide.” [Qur’an 13:7]

*Stories of Only Some Prophets Narrated in the Qur’an:*

Allah says in Surah Nisa: “Of some messengers, We have already told thee the story; of others we
have not.” [Qur’an 4:164]

A similar message is repeated in Surah Ghafir: “We did aforetime send messengers before thee:
of them there are some whose story We have related to thee, and some whose story We have not
related to thee…” [Qur’an 40:78]
*25 Prophets of God are Mentioned by Name in the Qur’an:*
By name, only 25 Prophets of God are mentioned in the Qur’an e.g. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, Muhammed (PBUH)

*More than 124000 Prophets of God:*

According to Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬, there were more than 1,24,000 prophets sent to this world.

*All Previous Prophets Sent Only for Their People:*

All the prophets that came before Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬were only sent for their own people
and were to be followed only for a particular period of time.

Surah Ali Imran, chapter 3 verse 49: “And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel…”
[Qur’an 3:49]

*Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is the Last Messenger of God:*

Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is the last and final messenger of Almighty God. It is mentioned in Surah
Ahzab: “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and
the seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.” [Qur’an 33:40]

*Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Was Sent for Whole Humankind:*

Since Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬is the last and final messenger, he was not sent only for the Muslims
or the Arabs, but he was sent for the whole of humankind.

It is mentioned in Surah Anbiya: “We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures.” [Qur’an

A similar message is repeated in Surah Saba: “We have not sent thee but as a universal
(Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men
understand not.” [Al Qur’an 34:28]

It is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari, volume 1, Book of Salaah, chapter 56 hadith no. 429: Narrated
Jabir bin Abdullah: Allah’s Messenger said, “Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I
have been sent to all mankind.”

*Which Prophet Was Sent to India?*

Regarding the question of which prophet of God was sent to India, and can we consider Ram or
Krishna to be prophets of God, there is no text in the Qur’an or Sahih Hadith mentioning the name
of the prophet that was sent to India. Since the names of Ram and Krishna are nowhere to be
found in the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, one cannot say for sure whether they were prophets of
God or not. However, a person may say that perhaps they may have been the prophets of God.
*Even if Ram and Krishna were Prophets, Today We Should Follow the Last Prophet of God i.e.
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬:*
Even if Ram and Krishna were prophets of God, they were only meant for people of that time and
were to be followed only for that particular period of time. Today, all the human beings
throughout the world, including India should follow the last and final prophet and Messenger of
God – prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Islam and Ethics*
✅Ethics generally refers to a code of conduct, that an individual, group or society hold as
definitive, in differentiating right from wrong. Islam as a comprehensive way of life encompasses
a complete Ethical system that is an important aspect of its worldview. We live in an age where
good and evil are often looked at as relative concepts. Islam, however, holds that Ethical positions
are not relative, and instead, defines a universal standard by which actions may be deemed Ethical
or unethical.

Islam’s Ethical system is striking in that it not only defines Ethics, but also guides the human race
in how to achieve it, at both an individual as well as a collective level.

According to the Islamic School of thought, Ethical system stems from its primary creed of belief
in One God as the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. Islam considers the human race to be a
part of God’s creation, and as His subjects.

From an Islamic perspective, the purpose of human life is to worship God, by leading this worldly
life in harmony with the Divine Will, and thereby achieve peace in this world, and everlasting
success in the life of the hereafter. Muslims look to the Glorious Qur’an and the Traditions of the
Prophet as their Ethical guides.
The Glorious Qur’an says: “It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces Towards east or West;
but it is righteousness- to believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and
the Messengers; to spend of your substance, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the
needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer,
and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient,
in pain (or suffering) and adversity, and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of
truth, the Allah-fearing.” [Qur’an 2:177]

The love and continuous awareness of God and the Day of Judgment enables man to be Ethical
in conduct and sincere in intentions, with devotion and dedication.

The guiding principle for the behavior of a Muslim is what the Qur’an refers to as ‘virtuous deeds’.
This term covers all deeds, not just the outward acts of worship.

By Reading Islamic literature and through Quran we come to know that some of the most primary
character traits expected of a Muslim are piety, humility, and a profound sense of accountability
to God. A Muslim is expected to be humble before God and with other people. Islam also enjoins
upon every Muslim to exercise control of their passions and desires.

Charity is one of the most commendable acts in Islam. In fact, Zakat, the charity that is obligatory
on every Muslim who has accrued wealth above a certain level, is one of the pillars of Islam.

Gratitude in prosperity, patience in adversity, and the courage to uphold the truth, even when
inconvenient to one, are just some of the qualities that every Muslim is encouraged to cultivate.

For an individual as well as a society, Ethics is one of the fundamental sources of strength, just as
immorality is one of the main causes of decline. While respecting the rights of the individual within
a broad Islamic framework, Islam is also concerned with the Ethical health of the society.

The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) summarized the conduct of a Muslim when he said: “My
Sustainer has given me nine commands: to remain conscious of God, whether in private or in
public; to speak justly, whether angry or pleased; to show moderation both when poor and when
rich, to reunite friendship with those who have broken off with me; to give to him who refuses me;
that my silence should be occupied with thought; that my looking should be an admonition; and
that I should command what is right.”

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣4️⃣*
*❓Prophet Muhammad: The Social Reformer*
✅All great civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans, Persians and today in the form of West, have
arisen mainly by advancing human rights and the rule of law. The rise of the Islamic civilization
between the 7th and 13th centuries also owes itself to this principle. Few individuals in any
civilization have been able to accomplish religious, gender, educational, racial and conflict-
resolution reforms all at once. Prophet Muhammad reformed his society in all five respects which
laid the foundation of the Arab and Muslim civilization.

*1. Religious Freedom*

Some intolerant Muslims today persecute non-Muslims for proselytizing or blasphemy. In
contrast, the Islamic Holy scripture Quran states that “there is no compulsion in religion” (2:256).
Moreover, the Prophet permitted Najrani Christian priests to offer their prayers in his mosque and
to have an open religious dialogue before an audience. Moreover, he later wrote them a decree
that declared “No compulsion is to be on them; No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to
damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ houses; they are my allies and have my
secure charter against all that they hate.”

*2. Racial Equality*

Pre-Islamic Arab society had racial biases against non-Arabs just as American society had up till
the 1960’s. The Prophet managed to purify these primitive sentiments by his personal example.
His closest companions Bilal bin Riba (an Abyssinian) and Salman Farsi (a Persian) were both
former slaves who went on to command enormous respect in the first Muslim society. In his
famous last sermon, the Prophet declared “a white has no superiority over black, nor does a black
over a white, except by piety and good action”.

*3. Education*
The Prophet famously declared that “learning is obligatory upon every Muslim man and woman”
and that “he who gives the best upbringing and education to his daughters shall enter paradise.”
He told once that “one should seek knowledge even if one needs to go to China.” Not surprisingly,
it was this initial encouragement which ultimately led to the Islamic golden age of science which
advanced medicine, astronomy, algebra, and philosophy and also contributed to the Western
*4. Women’s Rights*
In the pre-Islamic society, some proud pagans practiced ‘honor’ killings and female infanticide to
offset their ‘shame.’ The numerous reforms which the Prophet instituted in the 7th century included
the end of ‘honor’ killings, the right of a woman’s approval in her marriage, her right to ownership
of private property, to seek unilateral divorce if the husband was abusive and to re-marry as a
widow or divorcee. Some of these rights did not exist even in the West until the early 20th century.

*5. Islam and War*

Quran permitted war only in the interest of establishing religious freedom or for self-defense
(22:40). The Prophet was himself driven out of his city for preaching his religion, his followers were
persecuted or killed, and their bodies were mutilated. Yet, he himself forbade retaliation in kind
or the holding of slaves except as prisoners captured in such conflicts. It is not surprising that his
humane teachings quickly won the hearts of his former enemies which rapidly led to the
conversion of Arabia to Islam.

Islam’s global spread and appeal owed itself to Prophet Muhammad’s social reforms.
Unfortunately, over the centuries his teachings have been obfuscated and violated much as any
other faith or movement. Thus, the misconduct of some Muslim extremists today often makes it
difficult to put the historic struggle of Prophet Muhammad for humanitarian causes in context.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣5️⃣*
*❓If Allah has Sealed the Hearts of the Disbelievers (Kuffar), then Why are they to be Blamed for
Not Accepting Islam?*
*✅Allah has Sealed the Hearts of Those Who are Continuously Bent on Rejecting the Truth:*
Allah mentions in Quran: “As to those who reject Faith, it is the same to them Whether thou warn
them or do not warn them; they will not believe. Allah hath set a seal on their hearts and on their
hearing, and on their eyes is a veil; great is the penalty they (incur).” [Al-Qur’an 2:6-7]
These verses do not refer to common Kuffar who reject faith. The Arabic words used are ‘alladina
kafaroo’, those who are bent on rejecting the truth. It will not make any difference to such people
whether you warn them or not, they will not believe. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on
their hearing and on their eyes is a veil.

It is not because Allah has set a seal on their hearts that these kuffar do not understand and
believe, but it is the vice-versa. It is because these kuffar are bent on rejecting the truth and
whether you warn them or not they will not believe that Allah has set a seal on their hearts.
Therefore, Allah is not to blame, but these kuffaar who are bent on rejecting the faith are

*Example of Teacher Predicting a Student will Fail:*

Suppose an experienced teacher, before the final examinations, predicts that a particular student
will fail in the exams, since the student is very mischievous, not attentive in class and does not do
his homework. If after the student appears for the examination, he fails, who is to be blamed for
the student failing: the teacher or the student? Just because the teacher predicted, it does not
mean that the teacher is to be blamed but the student himself is responsible for his failure.

Similarly, Almighty Allah knows in advance that there are some people who are bent on rejecting
the faith and Allah has put a seal on their hearts. Thus, these non-Muslims themselves are
responsible for rejecting the faith and not Allah.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣6⃣*
*❓Importance of Knowledge & Education in Islam*
✅The importance of education is a non-disputable matter. Education is the knowledge of putting
one's potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human being is not in the proper
sense till he/she is educated.
This importance of education is basically for two reasons. The first is that the training of a human
mind is not complete without education. Education makes man a right thinker. It tells man how
to think and how to make decision.

The second reason for the importance of education is that only through the attainment of
education, man is enabled to receive information from the external world; to acquaint himself with
history and receive all necessary information regarding the present. Without education, man is as
though in a closed room and with education he finds himself in a room with all its windows open
towards the outside world.

This is why Islam attaches great importance to knowledge and education. When the Quran began
to be revealed, the first word of its first verse was 'Iqra' that is, read. [Quran 96:1-5]

Education is thus the starting point of every human activity. Allah created man and provided him
with the tools for acquiring knowledge, namely hearing, sight and wisdom.

Allah says: "And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know
nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts that you might give thanks (to Allah)" [Quran

A knowledgeable person is accorded great respect in many prophetic narrations.

Because of the importance of knowledge, Allah commanded His Messenger (PBUH) to seek more
of it. Allah says: "and say: ‘My Lord! Increase me in knowledge’" [Quran 20:114]

The Prophet (PBUH) made seeking knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim, and he explained
that the superiority of the one who has knowledge over the one who merely worships is like the
superiority of the moon over every other heavenly body. He said that the scholars are the heirs of
the Prophets.

Furthermore, the Prophet (PBUH) said that seeking knowledge is a way leading to Paradise. (Al-

Islam calls us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Branches of knowledge vary in status, the
highest of which is knowledge of Sharia (Islamic Law), then other fields of knowledge, such as
medicine, natural science, history, etc.

How great importance is attached to learning in Islam, can be understood from an event in the
life of the Prophet (PBUH). At the battle of Badr in which the Prophet gained victory over his
opponents, 70 people of the enemy rank were taken prisoner. These prisoners of war were literate
people. In order to benefit from their education, the Prophet (PBUH) declared that if one prisoner
teaches ten Muslims how to read and write, this will serve as his ransom and he will be set free.
Also, we should know that there is no goodness in knowledge which is not confirmed by actions
or words which are not confirmed by deeds. Allah says: "O you who believe! Why do you say that
which you do not do? Most hateful it is with Allah that you say that which you do not do" [Quran
61: 2-3]

Knowledge brings a great reward. The one who points the way to something good is like the one
who does it. When the knowledgeable person dies, his reward with Allah does not cease when he
dies, rather it continues to increase so long as people benefit from his knowledge. (Muslim)

Knowledge is pursued and practiced with modesty and humility and leads to dignity, freedom,
and justice. The main purpose of acquiring knowledge is to bring us closer to our Creator. It is not
simply for the gratification of the mind or the senses. It is not knowledge for the sake of
knowledge. Knowledge accordingly must be linked with values and goals.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣7⃣*
*❓Is it Not True that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has Copied the Qur’an from the Bible?*
✅Many critics allege that Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬himself was not the author of the Qur’an but
he learnt it and/or plagiarized (copied or adapted) it from other human sources or from previous
scriptures or revelations. Let us analyze some of the allegations:

*1. Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Learnt the Qur’an from a Roman Blacksmith Who was a Christian:*
Some Pagans accused the Prophet of learning the Qur’an from a Roman Blacksmith, who was a
Christian staying at the outskirts of Makkah. The Prophet very often used to go and watch him do
his work. A revelation of the Qur’an was sufficient to dismiss this charge – the Qur’an says: “We
know indeed that they say, ‘It is a man that teaches him,’ The tongue of him they wickedly point
to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear.” [Qur’an 16:103]
How could a person whose mother tongue was foreign and could hardly speak little but of poor
broken Arabic be the source of the Qur’an, which is pure, eloquent, fine Arabic?

*2. Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Learnt from Waraqa – The Relative of Khadijah (RA):*

Muhammad’s (‫ )ﷺ‬contacts with the Jewish and Christian Scholars were very limited. The most
prominent Christian known to him was an old blind man called Waraqa ibn-Naufal who was a
relative of the Prophet’s first wife Khadijah (RA). Although of Arab descent, he was a convert to
Christianity and was very well versed with the New Testament.

The Prophet only met him twice, first when Waraqa was worshipping at the Kaaba (before the
Prophetic Mission) and he kissed the Prophet’s forehead affectionately; the second occasion was
when the Prophet went to meet Waraqa after receiving the first revelation. Waraqa died three
years later and the revelation continued for about 23 years. It is ridiculous to assume that Waraqa
was the source of the contents of the Qur’an.

*3. Prophet’s Religious Discussions with Jews and Christians:*

It is true that the Prophet did have religious discussions with the Jews and Christians, but they
took place in Madinah more than 13 years after the revelation of the Qur’an had started. The
allegation that these Jews and Christians were the source is perverse, since in these discussions
Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was performing the roles of a teacher and of a preacher while inviting
them to embrace Islam and pointing out that they had deviated from their true teachings of
Monotheism. Several of these Jews and Christians later embraced Islam.

*Logical Grounds to Prove that Prophet Didn’t Learn the Qur’an from Jews or Christians:*
The day-to-day life of the Prophet was an open book for all to see. The extremely prominent
Quraish nobles who followed the Prophet and accepted Islam were wise and intelligent men who
would have easily noticed anything suspicious about the way in which the Prophet brought the
revelations to them.

The enemies of the Prophet kept a close watch on him in order to find proof for their claim that
he was a liar – they could not point out even a single instance when the Prophet may have had a
secret rendezvous with Jews and Christians.

It is inconceivable that any human author of the Qur’an would have accepted a situation in which
he received no credit whatsoever for originating the Qur’an.

The theory that Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬authored the Qur’an or copied from other sources can be
disproved by the single historical fact that he was illiterate.

Thus, historically, and logically it cannot be established that there was a human source for the

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣8⃣*
*❓Is Islamic Inheritance Law Unjust? Why Does the Man Inherit More Wealth than His Female
✅Is Islamic Shari’a an outdated Law that does not confirm to the norms of the society we live in
and which tries to treat the male and female members of our society equally?

In the non-cohesive liberal society, we live which seeks to ingrain individualistic values and
worldview on people it would be unjust. But, in the Islamic framework [law], which is a cohesive
and comprehensive value system that consigns every being in its natural place, it is completely
consistent with the reality and its comprehensive message of justice, equity and fairness.

Almighty Allah says: “Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has made the one
to exceed the other, and because of what they spend of their riches for them” [Quran 4:34]

1- It is the sole responsibility [obligation] of the male members of the family to provide for the
female members.

2- The woman is not obligated to expend on anyone, in contrast to the man who is obligated to
spend on his family, relatives and others who are under his care.

3- Man’s expenditure is therefore more than that of a woman and hence requires more in
inheritance than the woman in order for him to fulfil his obligations as a provider and maintainer
of the family structure.

4- The man is obligated to pay the dowry, pay for the living expenses for the wife and the children.

5- All other expenses such as food, clothing, medical care, education costs etc falls on the
shoulders of the man and not the woman.
This should clarify the reasoning and wisdom behind the Islamic injunction on the law of
inheritance and for the men to receive twice as much as the women. As indicated above, women
may spend their wealth as they wish whereas the men are obligated by law to provide for the
women [family] with their wealth. Thus, Shari’a is all about wisdom and achieving people’s welfare
in this life and the hereafter. It is all about justice, mercy, wisdom, and good’.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣5️⃣9⃣*
*❓Why Did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Have Many Wives? What was the Wisdom Behind Prophet’s
Multiple Marriages?*
✅The prophet’s first wife was Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), a wealthy woman in
Mecca. When the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬married her, he was 25 years old and she was about 40 years old.
She had been married three times previously. And it was the first marriage of the Prophet
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬, if he would have married for natural desires or lusts, he would have selected a
beautiful young virgin of Mecca rather than a widow fifteen years his senior.

When she died during the eighth year of his prophethood, he remained single for about five years
and brought up his children by himself. All of his later marriages began when he was 53 years old
when his Dawah activities were at their peak and he was absolutely absorbed in his preaching
tasks. After these clear evidences, how can a fair-minded scholar claim that he was self-indulgent?

In addition, the early biography of the Prophet’s life shows that he was pure in all aspects of life.
It is not possible to imagine that he got married for natural desires. If there was any carnal desire
behind his marriages, it is not logical to prefer widows or divorcees. The only virgin among his
wives was Aishah, the daughter of the first Caliph of Islam. He married more than one for noble
humanistic purposes and sublime goals. Every one of them played an eminent role in the
propagation of his teachings among the Muslim women.
Also, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬intended through these marriages to support them as they have no one to
vouch for them. That is why he selected the widows, the divorced, and the aged.

Furthermore, he was only to obey Allah’s Orders, every moment of his life was practical translation
of Allah’s Commands and Instructions. Allah says about him: Say, “I only follow what is revealed
to me from my Lord.” (Quran 7:203)

In the matter of marriage, he was merely guided by Allah in order to achieve the humanistic and
Dawah goals.

How can we raise such doubts while we are talking about a man who was able to live as the kings
even though he preferred a lifestyle of the poor? Then How you claim that he was governed by
carnal desires?

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was a man who chose the life of subsistence and contentment willingly, although
he was able to provide the demands of his pure wives, and he had the facility to give them a
luxurious life which was easy for him, then how can you claim that he was governed by his carnal

*Prophet and His Opponent’s Testimony:*

Why all these illusions after 1400 years, while he was known before his marriage and after his
marriage with chastity? Why these suspicions now while he was a symbol of purity, honesty,
truthfulness, and all kinds of good qualities?

And when they became his bitter enemy after the declaration of the prophethood, they never
accused him of polygamy, although they were very eager to find any flaw in his character. This
denotes that it never was a point of weakness in his personality, rather they were confident that it
is a sort of perfection and a kind of philanthropy, as he cared for the widows, divorcee, helpless
and needy through these marriages. If it was any sort of flaw, they would have been the first to
raise such questions, but it never happened.

His boyhood, his youthfulness and his middle age were open page in front of the people. He never
surrendered to the pleasures, promiscuity, or inhibitions during the prime of his youth, while his
coevals were indulged in all types of indecencies. During the days of ignorance, all impermissible
acts were permissible, but in spite of that, he was known by his purity, honesty, reverence and

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣0⃣*
*❓Abu Hanifa’s Debate with an Atheist*
✅Abu Hanifa, the founder of the Hanifa madhab (school of jurisprudence), was asked by the
ruler to meet with the Muslims and an atheist so Abu Hanifa could debate with the atheist. They
set a time for them to all gather and meet up.

It was sunset at the time and one hour had passed, but Abu Hanifah still had not arrived. Another
hour had passed, but still there was no sign of him. The Muslims started to become tense and
worried about his late arrival. They did not want the atheist to think that they were too scared to
debate him, yet they did not want to take up the challenge themselves as Abu Hanifa was a better
than debater than themselves. Another hour passed, and suddenly the atheist started laughing
and said, “Your best debater is too scared! He knows he’s wrong, he is too frightened to come
and debate with me. I guarantee he will not turn up today.”

Many hours passed until Abu Hanifa finally came. Everyone questioned him about his being late
and what happened. So, he started explaining that there was a river that he had to cross… and he
was waiting for a boat to come and bring him on the other side of the river. While he was waiting,
the branches and leaves of the tree fell and slowly formed themselves into a boat. And he jumped
in that boat and crossed the river.

The atheist laughed bust out laughing and remarked, “Oh Abu Hanifa, I heard that you were the
best debater from amongst the Muslims, I heard that you were the wisest, the most
knowledgeable from amongst your people. From seeing you today, I can say that you show none
of these qualities. You speak of a boat appearing from nowhere, without someone having built it.
Nails positioning themselves without someone having banged them, sealant being poured
without someone having poured it, and the boat taking you to your destination without a
navigator against the tide. You are taking childish, you are talking ridiculous, I swear I do not
believe a word of it!”

Abu Hanifa turned to the atheist and replied, “You don’t believe a word of it?”. The atheist
remarked defiantly, “Yes, I don’t believe a word of it!”

Abu Hanifa replied, “If you cannot believe that a boat came into being without a boat maker, than
this is only a boat; so how can you believe that the whole world, the universe, the stars, the oceans,
and the planets came into being without a creator?
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣1⃣*
*❓Muslims Believe that Certain Earlier Verses of the Qur’an were Abrogated by Verses Revealed
Later. Does this Imply that God Made a Mistake and Later on Corrected it?*
✅The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse: “We do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be
forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that
Allah is over all things competent?” [Qur’an 2:106]

A reference to this is also made in chapter 16 verse 101 of Surah Nahl. The Arabic word mentioned
is ‘ayath’ which means ‘signs’ or ‘verses’ and which can also mean ‘revelations’. This verse of the
Qur’an can be interpreted in two different ways:

i. The revelations that are abrogated are those revelations that were revealed before the Qur’an,
for example the Torah, the Zaboor and the Injeel.

ii. If we consider that the Arabic word ayath in the above verse refers to the verses of the Qur’an,
and not previous revelations, then it indicates that none of the verses of the Qur’an are abrogated
by Allah but substituted with something better or similar.

Many Muslims and non-Muslims misunderstand the second interpretation to mean that some of
the earlier verses of the Qur’an were abrogated and no longer hold true for us today, as they have
been replaced by the later verses of the Qur’an or the abrogating verses. This group of people
even wrongly believe that these verses contradict each other.

*Let us Analyze an Example - Gradual Prohibition of Intoxicants:*

The first revelation of the Qur’an to deal with intoxicants was the following verse: “They ask thee
concerning wine and gambling. Say: ‘In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is
greater than the profit’” [Qur’an 2:219]
The next verse to be revealed regarding intoxicants is the following verse: “O ye who believe!
approach not prayers with a mind befogged, until ye can understand all that ye say” [Qur’an 4:43]

The last verse to be revealed regarding intoxicants was the following verse: “O ye who believe!
intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination
of Satan’s handiwork; eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.” [Qur’an 5:90]

The Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years. Many reforms that were brought about in the
society were gradual. This was to facilitate the adoption of new laws by the people. An abrupt
change in society always leads to rebellion and anarchy.

The prohibition of intoxicants was revealed in three stages. The first revelation only mentioned
that in the intoxicants there is great sin and some profit, but the sin is greater than the profit. The
next revelation prohibited praying in an intoxicated state, indicating that one should not consume
intoxicants during the day, since a Muslim has to pray five times a day. Finally, the total prohibition
of intoxicants at all times was revealed in Quran 5:90.

This clearly indicates that the three verses do not contradict each other. Had they been
contradicting; it would not have been possible to follow all the three verses simultaneously. Since
a Muslim is expected to follow each and every verse of the Qur’an, only by following the last verse
i.e. of Surah Maidah (5:90), he simultaneously agrees and follows the previous two verses.

*Qur’an Doesn’t Contain any Contradictions:*

The theory of abrogation does not imply that there is a contradiction in the Qur’an since it is
possible to follow all the verses of the Qur’an at the same time.

If there is a contradiction in the Qur’an, then it cannot be the word of Allah. “Do they not consider
the Qur’an (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein
much discrepancy (contradictions).” [Qur’an 4:82]

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣2⃣*
*❓An Invitation to the Truth*
✅Death is considered to be an end and a final destruction by those who do not believe in the
Hereafter. This is a flawed perception however because death is not an end but a beginning. For
believers, it is the beginning of a perfect, eternal paradise that is free from all evil and flaws. For
disbelievers on the other hand, it is a transition to a torment life in Hell, where a great penalty
lasts forever.

Those who comprehend this reality live a pleasant end in the world when death meets them and
a pleasant beginning in the Hereafter. These two occur simultaneously. Disbelievers, on the other
hand, encounter the irrecoverable regret of disregarding this reality, of which that had previously
been informed. They suffer this regret every moment for all eternity and never find respite from

Although death is not a subject of profound thought for most people, it is an unavoidable end.
That is because God creates death as the definite end of this life. So far, not a single person has
avoided death. No one's property, wealth, career, or close friends have provided salvation from

Certainly, everyone will meet death. So, does avoiding contemplation over death and the life after
death save one from facing this reality? Surely the answer to this question is "No". Since man is
desperate against death, the most rational thing to do is to constantly contemplate upon death
and to get prepared for the Hereafter.

Those who neglect thinking about the Hereafter whilst being distracted by this fleeting worldly
life are taken by surprise by death. Those saying "While we are young, we can make the most of
our lives and think about death in the latter years of our lives" definitely do not grasp that they
might never have such an opportunity. That is because death is predestined by God. A person
may well die before he grows old. In this case, solely making future plans and postponing the
fulfilment of God's commands will only lead to dreadful regret.

Those who spend their lives distant from God and who only repent when they realize they are
close to death will experience such regret. Yet repentance which arises from the fear of death and
which does not bear sincere intention to correct and purify one's self is not acceptable by God.
Because He knows what is inside of man, including his most inner thoughts and deepest secrets.
We are informed in the Qur'an that God will not accept repentance based on the fear of death at
the very last moment.

“There is no repentance for people who persist in doing evil until death comes to them and who
then say, 'Now I repent,' nor for people who die as a disbeliever. We have prepared for them a
painful punishment”. (Surat an-Nisa:18)
For this reason, it would be erroneous to have a rationale based on the thought "I will repent
when the appropriate time comes." This kind of thinking will not save one from the torment in
Hell. So, if one does not want to suffer an eternal grievous penalty after death, he should live for
a purpose, knowing that he will absolutely meet God and have to give an account of his actions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣3️⃣*
*❓Significance of the Environment in Islam*
✅Over the years, our environment has been facing a severe threat. The rivers are polluted with
undesirable chemicals and toxicants, underground water is being depleted and getting polluted.
Forests are being lost at an alarming rate resulting in environmental degradation. A balance in
oxygen and water in the environment is being lost, which is so important to sustain and preserve
the human civilization on the planet earth.

For the past century and a half enormous advances have taken place in science and technology
to the benefit of mankind. But these developments have also posed great problems and health
hazards, threatening the existence of human life on earth.

*Purpose of Human Creation:*

The question of the creation of human beings is relevant, to understand the role of religion in the
environment. The Holy Qur’an states: “Blessed be He, in whose hands is all sovereignty. He has
power over all things. He created death and life, that He might put to test and find out, which of
you acquitted himself best. He is Mighty, Forgiving one” (Quran 67:1-2)

Life is thus, a brilliant demonstration of God’s wisdom and knowledge. He has shown the humans
the right path, to sustain the life on this planet. There is a complete stability and unity in the laws
of the universe. The entire cosmos is remarkably homogenous and in balance. Besides, the Creator,
there is no one, who has power to interfere with or change this system and its laws, which are
based on justice. Man being a part of the whole system must also operate justly in the sphere
over which he is given control and power, otherwise, he is working against the natural laws of the
Universe, as well as his own nature. The result of which can be alarming calamities and destruction,
we may face in the environment.

*Emphasis on Plantation and Agriculture:*

Forestry and Agriculture form the backbone of human civilization. However, we find in recent
times, a large-scale deforestation has occurred all round the world. This has resulted in ecological
imbalances in the natural resources of the environment. The Prophet (PBUH) has said: “When a
Muslim, plants a plant or cultivates a crop, no bird or human being eats from it without it being
accounted as charity for him”.

Messenger of God (PBUH), once remarked that even if you knew that the world would end
tomorrow, you should plant a tree.

*Management of Water Resources:*

There are numerous passages in the Qur’an, which mention the effect of rainwater on the growth
of vegetation. In (Quran 16:10-11) we read, “God is one, who sends water down from the sky. For
you there is a drink and out of it (grow) shrubs in which you let cattle graze freely. There with for
you He makes sown fields, olive, palm trees, and all kinds of fruits grow.” Thus, the proper and
judicious use of the water resources is of utmost importance to keep the viable environment for
the benefit of humanity.

*Depletion of Resources:*
Moderation is the most important characteristic of Islam. It is probably how Islam views human
nature and the meaning of life. Man is created by God-Almighty and is commanded to be God’s
viceroy on earth. Islam discourages luxurious and lavish living. It is a general observation that
luxurious lifestyles lead to weakness among nations, and eventually to their downfall. The
existence of luxury is also an expression of social injustice, as few can afford luxurious items at the
expense of the deprived masses of people.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was the perfect example of moderation. He advised his followers to
spend within their means, neither to be too lavish as to make themselves destitute nor to hold
back their wealth from those who had a claim on their resources.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣4️⃣*
*❓Life and Beyond According to the Quran*
✅In the Quran life in this world is an inseparable part of a continuum, a unified whole - life,
death, life - which gives our life a context and relevance. In this context, the life of the individual
is made meaningful and enriched because it is full of 'good works'. Life in this world leads to the
afterlife, a belief which is fundamental in the Quran. The afterlife is not treated in the Quran in a
separate chapter, or as something on its own, for its own sake, but always in relation to life in this

Linguistically it is not possible in the Quran to talk about this life without semantic reference to
the next since every term used for each is comparative with the other. Thus: al'ula and al-akhira
(the First and the Last life), al-dunya and al-akhira (the nearer and the further/latter life). Neither
has a name specific to itself, or independent of the other. Consequently, the frequency of the
terms in the Quran is the same, in the case of dunya and akhira- each appears 115 times.

There is a reference, direct or indirect, to one aspect or another of the afterlife on almost every
single page of the Quran. This follows from the fact that belief in the afterlife is an article of faith
which has a bearing on every aspect of the present life and manifests itself in the discussion of
the creed, the rituals, the ethics and the laws of Islam. In discussing the afterlife, moreover, the
Quran addresses both believers and non-believers. The plan of two worlds and the relationship
between them has been, from the beginning, part of the divine scheme of things:

“It is God who created you, then He provided sustenance for you, then He will cause you to die,
then He will give life back to you.” (Quran 30:40)

“It is We who give life and make to die and to Us is the homecoming.” (Quran 50:43)

“He created death and life that He might try you according to which of you is best in works.”
(Quran 67:2)

According to the Quran, belief in the afterlife, which is an issue fundamental to the mission of
Muhammad, was also central to the mission of all prophets before him.

Belief in the afterlife is often referred to in conjunction with belief in God, as in the expression: 'If
you believe in God and the Last Day'. Believers are frequently reminded in the Quran, 'Be mindful
of God and know that you shall meet Him' (Quran 2:233) (used in this instance to urge fitting
treatment of one's wife in intimate situations). 'To Him is the homecoming/ the return' (Quran
36:83; 40:3 and passim).

As a belief in the afterlife is so fundamental to Islam, it is only right that Muslims should regularly
be reminded of it not only throughout the pages of the Quran but also in their daily life. Practicing
Muslims in their five daily prayers repeat their praise of God at least seventeen times a day, 'The
Master of the Day of Judgment' (Quran 1:4). Being inattentive to the afterlife (Quran 30:7) or to
the prospect of coming to judgment (Quran 32:14) are signs of the unbeliever.

All this heightens the believer's sense of responsibility for actions in this life. In fact, the principles
and details of religion are meant to be seen within the framework of the interdependence of this
life and the afterlife and to color the Muslims' conception of life and the universe and have a
bearing on their actions in this life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣5️⃣*
*❓Why do Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner by Torturing it and Slowly and
Painfully Killing it?*
✅The Islamic method of slaughtering animals, known as ‘Zabiha’ has been the object of much
criticism from a large number of people. One may consider the following points, which prove that
the Zabiha method is not only humane but also scientifically the best:

*1. Islamic Method of Slaughtering Animal:*

The Islamic mode of slaughtering an animal requires the following conditions to be met:

a. Animal should be slaughtered with sharp object (knife):

The animal has to be slaughtered with a sharp object (knife) and in a fast way so that the pain of
slaughter is minimized.
b. Cut windpipe, throat, and vessels of neck:
Zabiha is an Arabic word which means ‘slaughtered’. The ‘slaughtering’ is to be done by cutting
the throat, windpipe and the blood vessels in the neck causing the animal’s death without cutting
the spinal cord.

c. Blood should be drained:

The blood has to be drained completely before the head is removed. The purpose is to drain out
most of the blood which would serve as a good culture medium for microorganisms. The spinal
cord must not be cut because the nerve fibers to the heart could be damaged during the process
causing cardiac arrest, stagnating the blood in the blood vessels.

*2. Blood is a Good Medium for Germs and Bacteria:*

Blood is a good media of germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. Therefore, the Muslim way of slaughtering
is more hygienic as most of the blood containing germs, bacteria, toxins, etc. that are the cause
of several diseases are eliminated.

*3. Meat Remains Fresh for a Longer Time:*

Meat slaughtered by Islamic way remains fresh for a longer time due to deficiency of blood in the
meat as compared to other methods of slaughtering.

*4. Animal Does Not Feel Pain:*

The swift cutting of vessels of the neck disconnects the flow of blood to the nerve of the brain
responsible for pain. Thus, the animal does not feel pain. While dying, the animal struggles,
writhers, shakes and kicks, not due to pain, but due to the contraction and relaxation of the
muscles deficient in blood and due to the flow of blood out of the body.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣6⃣*
*❓Muslim Woman’s Right to Work and Earn*
✅In Islam, a woman has a distinct and separate identity. She is not an accessory of her husband.
Islam has given her the right to be the owner of her earnings. No one (her father, husband, or
brother) has a right over them. She can dispose of her earnings and property as she wishes, within
the framework of Islam.

One of the greatest women in the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), was his first
wife Khadijah. She was the daughter of a very prosperous businessman and inherited the business
set up by her father.

Her astuteness and business ability made hers one of the most widespread businesses among the
Quraish. Her policy was to employ hardworking and honest managers to deal on her behalf. She
exported goods to far away markets like Syria and her managers brought goods from those
markets to be sold back in Makkah. The managers received fifty percent of the profit and so she

Labor forces were employed from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds, both men and
women were involved in diverse occupations and economic activities.

Women were employed in a wide range of commercial activities and diverse occupations in the
primary sector (as farmers for example), secondary sector (as construction workers, dyers,
spinners, etc.) and tertiary sector (as investors, doctors, nurses, presidents of guilds, brokers,
peddlers, lenders, scholars, etc.). Muslim women also held a monopoly over certain branches of
the textile industry, the largest and most specialized and market-oriented industry at the time, in
occupations such as spinning, dying, and embroidery.

In comparison, female property rights and wage labor were relatively uncommon in Europe until
the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries.

A unique feature of medieval Muslim hospitals was the role of female staff, who were rarely
employed in ancient and medieval healing temples elsewhere in the world.

Medieval Muslim hospitals commonly employed female nurses, including nurses from as far as
Sudan, a sign of great breakthrough. Muslim hospitals were also the first to employ female
physicians, the most famous being two female physicians from the Banu Zuhr family who served
the Almohad ruler Abu Yusuf Ya’qub Al Mansur in the 12th century. This was necessary due to the
segregation between male and female patients in Islamic hospitals.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣7⃣*
*❓The Sweetness of Islamic Faith*
✅Anas ibn Malik quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: “Any person who combines
these three qualities will experience the sweetness of faith: 1) that God and His messenger are
dearer to him than anything else; 2) that his love of others is purely for God’s sake; and 3) that he
hates to relapse into disbelief as much as he hates to be thrown in the fire.” (Related by Al-

The first thing to note in this Hadith is that certain qualities are necessary before a person
experiences the sweetness of faith. This suggests that a person may look at the message of Islam
and find it reasonable and logical. He declares himself a believer and expresses his unhesitating
belief in God’s oneness and in Prophet Muhammad’s message. Such a person is a Muslim, no
doubt. He earns the reward of believers. However, he needs to do more in order to experience
what the Prophet describes as “the sweetness of faith.”

Such sweetness is like the fruit of a tree. Thus, when one is convinced of the truth of faith, that
person has planted a shoot, which one needs to nurture and look after so that it grows into a tree
and produces its fruits. Nurturing the tree of faith is by fulfilling God’s orders, doing what He
wants us to do and refraining from what He has forbidden us.

Indeed when a believer begins to do that, committing himself to do what God has bidden, he will
soon find the effects of such commitment within himself and in his life generally because God
only orders us to do what is good for us, and He forbids us only what is evil and harmful to us or
others. Thus, such committed person will realize that his commitment brings him increasing
benefits in this present life, in addition to what he hopes to receive of God’s reward. He would
then love his commitment and do it more than willingly.

The two other qualities develop in consequence of the first. A Muslim’s commitment to obey God
in all that He bids us to do or refrain from will begin to influence his social life. His relations with
other people will put much importance on their attitude to Islam and Islamic life. He will love
those who do what He does of obeying God and following the Prophet’s guidance. His
relationship with them will be based on the fact that they share a commitment and a method of
living that places obedience to God as paramount.
They will all feel a bond uniting them in a cause that brings only goodness in human life. Such
bond generates a sort of happiness that envelops them all, a happiness that can transform every
human society and bring the best out of it.

Experiencing all this, a true believer is always increasingly happy with his faith and way of life. He
will not barter it for anything on earth. He realizes that this happy life will also bring him far
superior happiness in the life to come. He cannot imagine himself going back to disbelief. Indeed,
to him the very thought is so repugnant that he would prefer to be thrown in the fire rather than
be an unbeliever.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣8⃣*
*❓If Allah has Sent His Books and Revelations in Every Period, then which Revelation was Sent to
✅The Glorious Qur’an mentions that Allah has sent His books and revelations in every period:
“For each period is a book (revealed).” [Qur’an 13:38]. If so, which revelation was sent to India?
Can We consider the Vedas and other Hindu scriptures to be the word of God?

*1. Four Revelations of God Mentioned by Name in Quran:*

By name, only four revelations of God are mentioned in the Qur’an i.e. Torah, Zaboor, Injeel and
the Qur’an.

-Torah is the revelation which was given to Moses (PBUH)

-Zaboor is the revelation which was given to David (PBUH)
-Injeel is the revelation which was given to Jesus (PBUH) and
-Qur’an is the last and final revelation which was given to the last and final Messenger Muhammad
*2. All the Previous Revelations Sent Only for Their People:*
All the revelations that came before Qur’an were only sent for their own people and were to be
followed only for a particular time period.

*3. The Qur’an Sent for Whole Humankind:*

Since the Qur’an is the last and final revelation, it was not sent only for the Muslims or the Arabs,
but it was sent for the whole of humankind. It is mentioned in:

a. Surah Ibrahim: “…A book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest lead
mankind out of the depths of darkness into light…” [Qur’an 14:1]

b. A similar message is repeated in Surah Ibrahim chapter 14 verse 52: “Here is a Message for
mankind: let them take warning therefrom, and let them know that He is (no other than) One God:
let men of understanding take heed.” [Qur’an 14:52]

c. Qur’an mentions in Surah Baqarah: “Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur’an,
as a guide to mankind, also clear (Signs) for guidance and judgement (between right and wrong).”
[Qur’an 2:185]

d. A similar message is repeated in Surah Zumur: “Verily We have revealed the Book to thee in
Truth, for (instructing) mankind.” [Qur’an 39:41]

*4. Which Revelation Sent to India?*

The question that arises is “which revelation of God was sent to India and whether we can consider
the Vedas and the other Hindu Scriptures to be the revelations of God?” There is no text in the
Qur’an or Sahih Hadith mentioning the name of the revelation that was sent to India. Since the
names of the Vedas or other Hindu scriptures are nowhere to be found in Qur’an and Sahih Hadith,
one cannot say for sure that they were the revelations of God. They may be the revelation of God
or may not be the revelation of God.

*5. Even if the Veda was the Word of God, today You have to Follow the Qur’an:*
Even if the Vedas and the other scriptures were the revelations from God, they were only meant
for people of that time and were to be followed only for that particular period of time. Today all
human beings throughout the world including India should only follow the last and final
Revelation of God, i.e. the Qur’an. Moreover, since all the previous revelations were not meant to
be followed for eternity, Almighty God did not preserve them in their original form. There is not a
single religious scripture of any of the major religions which claims to be the word of God and has
maintained its pure original text and is free from alteration, adulteration and interpolation. Since
the Glorious Qur’an is to be followed for eternity, Allah has taken upon Himself to maintain its
original purity and guard it from corruption. Allah says in Glorious Qur’an:

“We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from
corruption).” [Qur’an 15:9]
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣6⃣9⃣*
*❓Where Did the Universe Come From?*
✅100 years ago, Albert Einstein published three papers that rocked the world. These papers
proved the existence of the atom, introduced the theory of relativity, and described quantum

His equations for relativity indicated that the universe was expanding. This bothered him, because
if it was expanding, it must have had a beginning and a beginner. Since neither of these appealed
to him, Einstein introduced a ‘fudge factor’ that ensured a ‘steady state’ universe, one that had no
beginning or end.

But in 1929, Edwin Hubble showed that the furthest galaxies were fleeing away from each other,
just as the Big Bang model predicted. So, in 1931, Einstein embraced what would later be known
as the Big Bang theory, saying, “This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation
to which I have ever listened.” He referred to the ‘fudge factor’ to achieve a steady-state universe
as the biggest blunder of his career.

Einstein’s theories have been thoroughly proved and verified by experiments and measurements.
But there is an even more important implication of Einstein’s discovery.

Not only does the universe have a beginning, but time itself, our own dimension of cause and
effect, began with the Big Bang. That is right - time itself does not exist before then. The very line
of time begins with that creation event. Matter, energy, time, and space were created in an instant
by an intelligence outside of space and time.
About this intelligence, Albert Einstein wrote in his book “The World as I See It” that the harmony
of natural law “Reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic
thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.”

He went on to write, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes
convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of
man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.”

*Universe Created from Nothing?*

Nothing is defined as the absence of all things. To illustrate this better, imagine if everything, all
matter, energy, and potential, were to vanish; that state would be described as nothing. Nothing
also refers to the absence of any causal condition. A causal condition is any cause, that produces
an effect. This cause can be material or non-material.

Asserting that things can come from nothing means that things can come into being from no
potential, no matter or nothing at all. To assert such a thing defies our intuitions and stands
against reason.

So, could the universe have come into existence from nothing?

The obvious answer is ‘NO’ because, from nothing, nothing comes. Nothingness cannot produce
anything. Something cannot arise from no causal conditions whatsoever.

For something to arise from nothing, it must have at least some type of potential or causal
conditions. Since nothing is the absence of all things, including any type of causal condition, then
something could not arise from nothing. Maintaining that something can arise from nothing is
logically equivalent to the notion that things can vanish, decay, annihilate or disappear without
any causal conditions whatsoever.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣0⃣*
*❓Meaning of Life According to Islam*
✅Islam is the response to humanity’s search for meaning. The purpose of creation for all men
and women for all times has been one: To know and worship God.

The Qur’an teaches us that every human being is born conscious of God: “(Remember) when your
Lord extracted from the loins of Adam’s children their descendants and made them testify (saying):
‘Am I not your Lord?’ They said: ‘Yes, we testify to it.’…” (Qur’an 7:172-173)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) teaches us that God created this primordial need in human
nature at the time Adam was made. God took a covenant from Adam when He created him.

Every person carries the seed of belief in the Oneness of God that lies deeply buried under layers
of negligence and dampened by social conditioning. If the child were left alone, it would grow up
conscious of God - a single Creator - but all children are affected by their environment.

So, just as the child’s body submits to physical laws, set by God in nature, its soul submits naturally
to the fact that God is its Lord and Creator. However, its parents condition it to follow their own
way, and the child is not mentally capable of resisting it.

The religion which the child follows at this stage is one of custom and upbringing, and God does
not hold it to account for this religion. When a child matures into an adult, he or she must now
follow the religion of knowledge and reason.

As adults, people must now struggle between their natural disposition toward God and their
desires in order to find the correct path. The call of Islam is directed to this primordial nature, the
natural disposition, the imprint of God on the soul, the fitrah, which caused the souls of every
living being to agree that He Who made them was their Lord, even before the heavens and earth
were created, “I did not create the jinn and mankind except for My worship.” (Qur’an 51:56)

According to Islam, there has been a basic message which God has revealed through all prophets,
from the time of Adam to the last prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon them). All the prophets
sent by God came with the same essential message: “Indeed, We have sent a messenger to every
nation (saying), ‘Worship God and avoid false gods...’” (Qur’an 16:36)

The prophets brought the same answer to mankind’s most troubling question, an answer that
addresses the yearning of the soul for God.

*What is Worship?*
Islam means ‘submission’ and worship means ‘obedient submission to the will of God.’ Every
created being ‘submits’ to the Creator by following the physical laws created by God: “To Him
belongs whosoever is in the heavens and the earth; all obey His will.” (Qur’an 30:26)
They, however, are neither rewarded nor punished for their ‘submission’, for it involves no will.
Reward and punishment are for those who worship God, who submit to the moral and religious
Law of God of their own free will. This worship is the essence of the message of all the prophets
sent by God to mankind.

‘Will’ means ‘what God wants human beings to do.’ This ‘Will of God’ is contained in the divinely
revealed laws which the prophets taught their followers. Consequently, obedience to divine law is
the foundation of worship.

Only when human beings worship their God by submitting to His religious laws can they have
peace and harmony in their lives and the hope for heaven, just like the universe runs in harmony
by submitting to the physical laws set by its Lord. When you remove the hope of heaven, you
remove the ultimate value and purpose of life. Otherwise, what difference would it really make
whether we live a life of virtue or vice? Everyone’s fate would be the same anyway.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣1⃣*
*❓Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an*
✅1. Respect and honor all human beings irrespective of their religion, color, race, sex, language,
status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17:70]
2. Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception [33:70]
3. Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17:53, 2:83]
4. Do not shout. Speak politely keeping your voice low. [31:19]
5. Always speak the truth. Avoid words that are deceitful [22:30]
6. Do not confound truth with falsehood [2:42]
7. Say with your mouth what is in your heart [3:167]
8. Speak in a civilized manner in a language that is recognized by the society and is commonly
used [4:5]
9. When you voice an opinion, be just, even if it is against a relative [6:152]
10. Do not be a bragging boaster [31:18]
11. Do not talk, listen, or do anything vain [23:3, 28:55]
12. Do not participate in any paltry [25:72]
13. Do not verge upon any immodesty or lewdness [6:151]
14. Do not be contemptuous or arrogant with people [31:18]
15. Do not walk haughtily or with conceit [17:37, 31:18]
16. Walk with humility and sedateness [25:63]
17. Keep your gazes lowered [24:30-31, 40:19]
18. If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, keep your mouth shut [24:15-16]
19. Ascertain the truth of any news [49:6]
20. Do not follow blindly any information of which you have no direct knowledge.
21. Consider others innocent until they are proven guilty with truthful evidence [24:12-13]
22. The believers are but a single Brotherhood [49:10]
23. Do not make mockery of others or ridicule others [49:11]
24. Do not defame others [49:11]
25. Do not insult others by nicknames [49:11]
26. Avoid suspicion and guesswork [49:12]
27. Spy not upon one another [49:12]
28. Do not backbite one another [49:12]
29. Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought permission [24:27]
30. Treat kindly the parents, relatives, orphans, and those who have been left alone in the society
31. Take care of the needy, the disabled [4:36]
32. Treat kindly related neighbors, and unrelated neighbors [4:36]
33. Be generous to the needy wayfarer, the homeless son of the street [4:36]
34. Be nice to people who work under your care [4:36]
35. Do not follow up what you have given to others to afflict them with reminders of your
generosity [2:262]
36. Do not expect a return for your good behavior, not even thanks [76:9]
37. Cooperate with one another in good deeds and do not cooperate with others in evil [5:2]
38. Do not try to impress people on account of self-proclaimed virtues [53:32]
39. You should enjoin right conduct on others but mend your own ways first. Actions speak louder
than words. You must first practice good deeds yourself, then preach [2:44]
40. Pardon gracefully if anyone among you who commits a bad deed out of ignorance, and then
repents and amends [6:54, 3:134]
41. Do not be jealous of those who are blessed [4:54]
42. In your collective life, make rooms for others [58:11]
43. Eat and drink [what is lawful] in moderation [7:31]
44. Do not squander your wealth senselessly [17:26]
45. Fulfil your promises and commitments [17:34]
46. Keep yourself clean, pure [9:108, 4:43, 5:6]
47. Dress-up in agreeable attire and adorn yourself with exquisite character [7:26]
48. Seek your provision only by fair endeavor [29:17, 2:188]
49. Do not devour the wealth and property of others unjustly, nor bribe the officials or the judges
to deprive others of their possessions [2:188]
50. Call people to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful exhortation. Reason with them
most decently [16:125]

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣2⃣*
*❓Isn’t it an Explicit Discrimination that Islam Gives Men Twice the Portion of Women in their
Share of Inheritance?*
✅In truth, the only religious text that grants the right of inheritance to woman is the Qur’an.
Indeed, many of the nations, termed today as progressive, have conferred upon women the right
to inheritance only in the 20th century. But Islam had declared in the 7th century itself that, “From
what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women,
whether the property be small or large…” (Quran 4:7)

According to the Old Testament of the Bible, only sons have the right to inheritance. Therein can
be seen verses, which suggest that the wealth of the deceased is to be divided amongst the sons
of the deceased (Deuteronomy 21:15-17). There is also the recommendation, which requires that
the daughters be given the right to inheritance if there are no sons (Numbers 27:8).

In the New Testament of the Bible, there is no mention, whatsoever, of any proportioning of the
wealth of inheritance in it. The Christian church had, in all such matters, been following the
commandments of the Old Testament. It was in 1850 that the law, which allowed for women to
have the right to inheritance, came into effect.

The Hindu scriptures, which saw woman as the private property of man, and formulate laws in
accordance thereof, does not even make a mention of making her a beneficiary in the wealth of
inheritance. There is nothing in the Hindu scriptures, which imply that the daughters are entitled
to the wealth of their father. Indeed, the Manusmrithi has laid down the law that it is the sons who
are entitled to the wealth of inheritance (9:104).

The Qur’an recognizes the right of the sons and daughters to the wealth of their parents. Besides
the right of the sons and daughters, the Qur’an clearly recommends the exact share that the
parents, spouses, and siblings of the deceased person have to be apportioned from that person’s
wealth in chapter 4:11-12.

The son of the deceased is to have a share in the inheritance that is twice to that of the daughter.
However, is this meant to be an act of discrimination towards the woman? Is this a law that tends
to highlight partiality towards the man? It will be of benefit if the following facts are understood
before any conclusions are hastily arrived upon:

1. The Qur’an recognizes the right of woman to earn wealth. Indeed, to earn as much as she

2. Under no circumstances will the protection and maintenance of woman; children or the parents
become the duty of the woman.

3. Woman has the right to take, at the time of her marriage, her dower from her husband. This
dower (Mahar) is then effectively treated as her own wealth.

4. The protection of the family is the duty of man. It is man who is duty bound to bear the expenses
of his wife, children, and parents.

5. Irrespective of how wealthy a wife might be, the husband has no right, whatsoever, to take from
any portion of her wealth without her explicit permission.

The question may now be considered as to whether the Qur’an has dealt justly or discriminatingly
with the woman. The wealth of woman is hers and hers alone. In effect, all financial burdens have
to be borne by man. Then is it man or woman who has found favorable treatment in the Qur’an?

All other religious texts, which confer financial responsibilities upon the man, have, in lieu of such
duties, restricted the right to inheritance with the man. As for the Qur’an, while it does stress upon
the fact that all financial burdens will be shouldered by man, it, nevertheless, provides for the
inheritance of woman as well. Indeed, by approportioning half the inheritance of man to woman
it has greatly honored her.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣3️⃣*
*❓Has not the Qur’an Actually Legalized Adultery by Allowing the Master to have Sexual
Relationships with His Female Slaves?*
✅Female slaves are the natural by-product of the system of slavery. The situation that prevailed
in all societies where the institution of slavery existed was such that slave women were used at
will and were employed to gain economic advantage by inciting them towards prostitution. As for
Islam, it provided for a facility which would, in the course of one generation, bring an end to the
system through the slave women themselves.

The slave woman is the property of the master. However, the master has no right, whatsoever, to
incite her towards adultery. Like the male slaves, the female slaves, too, have rights of their own.
It is the duty of the master to provide her with food, shelter, clothes, and other necessities.
Moreover, the Qur’an has asked the owner to make the necessary arrangements for her marriage
as well (Qur’an 24:32).

This, in effect, means that the Qur’an has prompted the owner towards having sexual relations
with an unmarried female slave. This permission is however restricted to the owner alone. No one
else is allowed to use her in this fashion even if it be with the permission of the master! In giving
birth to the child of the master, the slave woman becomes entitled to new rights. Thenceforth, the
master has no right to sell her. She becomes the mother of her master’s children. These children,
too, become entitled to all the rights and privileges enjoyed by the master’s other children.

Islam disagrees with the Jewish stand that the children born through a slave woman have none of
the rights that should naturally be given to them by virtue of paternity. These children are, in all
respects, his own children. There is to be no discrimination of any kind between them and the
other children. With the death of the master, the slave woman, who is the mother of his children,
becomes a free woman. She is then protected by her own children. They, too, like the other
children, will becomes entitled to a share in their father’s inheritance.

The permission to accept slave women as one’s life-partner was, in fact, a provision which would,
in the course of one generation, cut out the very root of slavery. In reality, therefore, the
permission granted for having relations with slave women was one among the many unique steps
taken by Islam in practically eradicating slavery.
It is not possible to equate the permission given for having relations with slave women to adultery.
These acts stand at two extreme poles. One is the case of the woman who lives under her master
enjoying the protection that he confers upon her. It is a relationship in which he fully agrees to
take up the responsibilities that may result as a product of that relationship. It is a relationship in
which her personality, beyond the contours defined by sex, is accorded full recognition. It is a
relationship which opens to her the door to freedom.

As for the second, it is nothing but a carnal relationship with a prostitute without any sort of
commitment. The position of the prostitute is, in fact, much worse than that of the slave woman.
For, she is nothing more than a soul-less animal. Her function is restricted solely to the gratification
of the animal passions of man. It is but a transaction made solely for money. Flesh trade! The man
who comes for the satisfaction of carnal of his desire is never prepared to take up the responsibility
that may accrue from it.

Any comparison, whatsoever, between these two is impossible because they stand at two
opposing and extreme poles. One recognized by benign humanism, the other which leads to
depredation and frustration.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣4️⃣*
*❓Doesn’t Islam Permit Critical Thinking?*
✅Many believe that Islam has banned critical thinking and introduced a kind of stagnation in the
field. People state, "Most Muslim schools focus on rote memorization of religious texts and
discourage independent thinking".

There are two different things: critical thinking and rational or independent thinking. There are
categories where the mind should play its role and where it should not poke its nose. The clear
and apparent meanings of the Glorious Qur'an and the Hadith have no place for criticism. Here,
rational thinking to find out the depth is not only permissible but also encouraged in Islam. The
principle beliefs, obligatory practices are from this category where the human mind is allowed to
explore the reasons and the facts of the matters, but it is not allowed to criticize since the mind
has its own limitation as other human faculties have.

For instance, what the hearing faculty can do the smelling faculty cannot, and what the eyes can
see the others cannot. As we see a plane flying in the sky, looks very little, if we use only our eyes
and not mind, it will be that the plane is small like a bird. But here, we use our mind and say 'no'
since the plane is at a certain height that is why we see it small otherwise it is huge. As in this
example, there comes one point where the boundary of eye's action ends, and the boundary of
mind's action begins. Likewise, there is one point where certainly the human mind fails. This is a
common idea every sane believes in.

But ahead of this, Muslims believe in 'wahy', which can be translated as 'revelation' which is by
Allah almighty to his messengers and prophets through different ways. The action of revelation
begins from where the action of human mind comes to an end. The revelation tells us specially
about the things which generally a mere human mind cannot find out. The existence of Allah, His
attributes, the hell, the paradise, Day of Judgment etc are known only by revelation.

Since, these matters are out of the reach of human mind, so the human beings are asked just to
believe in. The issue of revelation is based on a principle that every action of human being is
poised with error; it is only Allah and His Messengers who are free from human mistakes. The
human body is temporal and mundane, so the parts of the body are also mortal. They cannot have
the feeling of things which belongs to another permanent and eternal world.

Besides, Islam allows critical thinking in other matters. The four major schools of thought in Islam
(Hanafi, Shaf'ee, Maliki, Hanbli) are the clear proof of the claim. The scholars, having deep
knowledge of the Glorious Qur'an, Hadith and Islamic sciences, discussed the matters, which were
not explicitly mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith, and they many times contradicted each other
and had different opinions about same issue.

All these things prove that Islam has never discouraged independent thinking and criticizing, it
has allowed human mind to function in areas where it can work. Not only this that Islam has
allowed independent thinking, but it is the Glorious Qur'an which has set the tradition of thinking
in the creation of Allah and asked its followers to reflect on the natural phenomena. Qur'an also
praises people who think (Quran 3:190-191)

Before Islam, nearly every religion, which existed then, adopted creatures as God. This concept
stopped them to think in the reality of the creatures of the heaven and earth. When Islam came it
concentrated the human belief only in Allah and regarded the entire universe as the servant of
the human beings. Thus, Islam opened the door of independent thinking in Muslims and it led
them to a grand era of science.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣5️⃣*
*❓Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH) and His Second Coming?*
✅Yes, Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus
Christ (PBUH). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ (PBUH). We believe
that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah. We believe that he was the Messiah,
translated ‘Christ’. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which
many modern-day Christians do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s
permission. We believe that he healed those born blind and the lepers with God’s permission.

Allah says in the Qur’an regarding Jesus Christ: ‘And remember Jesus the son of Mary said: “O
Children of Israel! I am the Messenger of Allah (sent) to you…”’ (Quran 61:6)

In fact, Islam makes it an article of faith to believe not only in Jesus Christ (PBUH), but all the
Messengers that preceded and followed him. Allah instructs us in the Qur’an: “O you who believe!
believe in Allah and his Messenger and the scripture which He has sent to His Messenger and the
scripture which He sent to those before (him). And who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His
Messengers and the Day of Judgment have gone far astray.” (Qur’an 4:136) Thus, belief in the
Messengers, including Jesus (PBUH) is an important belief of Islam.

*Second Coming of Jesus (PBUH):*

It is also true that the Muslims, on the authority of the Qur’an and the sayings of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ. He was the only Prophet of
Allah who was raised up alive. (Qur’an 4:157-158)

Allah mentions the second coming of Jesus Christ (PBUH) in the following verse of the Qur’an:
“And indeed, he (i.e. Jesus) will be (a sign for) knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and
follow Me. This is a straight path.” (Qur’an 43:61)

The reason why Jesus (PBUH) is the only Prophet of Allah who was raised up alive by Allah is
because his ‘followers’ mistook him as God. They wrongly say that he claimed divinity. Thus, he
will come back again to this world to clarify all such misconceptions. Says Allah in the Qur’an: “And
behold! Allah will say “O Jesus the son of Mary! did you say unto men worship me and my mother
as gods in derogation of Allah”? He will say: “Glory to You! never could I say what I had no right
(to say). Had I said such a thing you would indeed have known it. You know what is in my heart
though I know not what is in yours. For You know in full all that is hidden” (Qur’an 5:116)

It should also be borne in mind that Jesus Christ (PBUH), in his second coming will not be coming
with any new message or revelation. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said: “How
will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people (by
the Law of the Qur’an and not by the law of the Gospel)”. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4. Hadith No. 658)

Let us now analyze the following words attributed to Jesus Christ (PBUH) in the Bible: “Many will
say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast
out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I
never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” [Mathew 7:22-24]

In the verses quoted above, Jesus (PBUH) said that in his second coming, he would ask the people
to depart from him, to get away from him because he would not know them. Who are these
people? The Muslims or the Hindus? The answer is neither Hindus nor Muslims but the Christians!

Thus, Muslims believe in Jesus Christ (PBUH) to be one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah and
also believe in his second coming.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣6⃣*
*❓Why to Choose Islam?*
✅Usually non-Muslims do not study Islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their
exposure. Only after they have grown dissatisfied with the religions familiar to them, meaning
Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism - do they consider Islam.
Perhaps other religions do not answer the big questions of life, such as "Who made us?" and "Why
are we here?" Perhaps other religions do not reconcile the injustices of life with a fair and just
Creator. Perhaps we find hypocrisy in the clergy, untenable tenets of faith in the canon, or
corruption in the scripture. Whatever the reason, we perceive shortcomings in the religions of our
exposure, and look elsewhere. And the ultimate "elsewhere" is Islam.

Now, Muslims would not like to hear me say that Islam is the "ultimate elsewhere." But it is. Despite
the fact that Muslims comprise one-fourth to one-fifth of the world's population, non-Muslim
media smears Islam with such horrible slanders that few non-Muslims view the religion in a
positive light. Hence, it is normally the last religion seekers investigate.

Another problem is that by the time non-Muslims examine Islam, other religions have typically
heightened their skepticism: If every "God-given" scripture we have ever seen is corrupt, how can
the Islamic scripture be different? If charlatans have manipulated religions to suit their desires,
how can we imagine the same not to have happened with Islam?

The answer can be given in a few lines but takes books to explain. The short answer is this: There
is a God. He is fair and just, and He wants us to achieve the reward of paradise. However, God has
placed us in this worldly life as a test, to weed out the worthy from the unworthy. And we will be
lost if left to our own desires. Why? Because we do not know what He wants from us. We cannot
navigate the twists and turns of this life without His guidance, and hence, He has given us
guidance in the form of revelation.

Sure, previous religions have been corrupted, and that is why we have a chain of revelation. Ask
yourself: why would God send another revelation if the preceding scriptures were still pure? Only
if preceding scriptures were corrupted would God need to send another revelation, to keep
mankind on the straight path of His design.

So, we should expect preceding scriptures to be corrupted, and we should expect the final
revelation to be pure and unadulterated. If impure, it too is due to be replaced, for we cannot
imagine a loving God leaving us astray. What we can imagine is God giving us a scripture, and
men corrupting it; God giving us another scripture, and men corrupting it again … and again, and
again. Until God sends a final revelation which He promises to preserve until the end of time.

Muslims consider this final revelation to be the Holy Quran. You consider it worth looking into.
Islam is the religion of truth, the religion that possesses the pure and final revelation.

You need not trust me - trust our Creator. Read the Quran; read books and learn more. But
whatever you do, get started, take it seriously, and pray for our Creator to guide you. Your life
may not depend on it, but your soul most definitely does!

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣7⃣*
*❓Message of Ramadan - Why Do Muslims Fast?*
✅Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar in which the revelation of the Holy Qur'an
began to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ramadan is observed by fasting from dawn to sunset every
day of the lunar month of Ramadan. Muslims abstain from food, drink, and physical intimacy from
dawn until dusk. Simply put, fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars, meaning it is one
of the five most basic acts a Muslim has to do. It is part of Muslim’s fundamental belief system.

Not everyone fasts during this month, as with anything, there are exceptions. Children, the sick,
travelers, nursing mothers, people who are mentally challenged, the elderly, etc. are all exempt
from fasting. Those who are temporarily unable to fast must make up the missed days after
Ramadan or feed the poor.

Although we cannot eat or drink, fasting is so much more than that. Muslims are called upon to
use this month to check their lives in light of Islamic guidance. We are to make peace with those
who have wronged us, reinforce ties with family and friends, and change our bad practices. We
are to clean up our lives, our thoughts, and our feelings during this month.

This means not only fasting from food and drink, but from evil actions, thoughts, and words.
Smoking, profanity, lying and other vices also invalidate the fast. Therefore, fasting is not merely
physical, but is rather the total commitment of the person's body and soul to the spirit of the fast.
We believe that fasting brings us closer to our spiritual side.

*Why Do Muslims Fast?*

Why fast the month of Ramadan? The simple answer is that God instructed us to fast in the Qur'an:
"Oh you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you that
you may (learn) piety and fear of God" (2:183). The purpose is to worship God by obedience, and
the result, hopefully, is to draw closer to God.
Fasting is meant to bring worshippers closer to God through steady remembrance, reflection, and
sacrifice. Daily fasting, combined with five daily prayers and extended evening prayers, challenges
worshippers to focus on their actions, deeds, and thoughts, rather than on material desires and
instant gratification.

Fasting is a requirement in Islam - a reset for the mind, body and soul. Muslims are expected to
show self-control and deeper spirituality during Ramadan.

It is also a month of gratitude. By abstaining from food and water during the day, the faithful are
reminded of those less fortunate and gain empathy for those. Empathy turns to action as the
Muslim gives to charities throughout the month (and beyond) and culminates in the required act
of giving the ‘purifying charity’ on breaking the fast for Eid celebration.

It was in the month of Ramadan that the Holy Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammad.
This is a big part of why Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims. Ramadan is not about eating and
drinking, it is a spiritual quest. It is a time for us to focus our energy on what is really important. It
is a time to better ourselves through our beliefs.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣8⃣*
*❓Why Do Muslims Perform Hajj?*
✅Hajj is, in fact, one of the five central pillars of Islam. It is an obligation upon every able-bodied
and financially capable Muslim, both male and female, to be completed at least once in a lifetime.

The entire journey takes place over a period of several days in the last month of Islamic lunar
calendar and includes a series of symbolic rites and rituals. Many of which were in fact initiated
by the great Prophet Abraham and then laid out directly by the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬himself.
*Historical Significance of the Hajj:*
Prophet Abraham is perhaps best known for being willing to personally kill his beloved son when
God commanded him to do so. At the last-minute, God stepped in and told Abraham to sacrifice
an animal instead, rewarding Abraham’s unwavering faith.

In the Judeo-Christian narrative, the son Abraham almost sacrifices is Isaac. In Islam, however, it’s
Abraham’s other son, Ismail (Ishmael), who is almost sacrificed. Muslims consider both Abraham
and Ismail to be prophets of God, and Mohammed’s ancestry is said to be traced back to Ismail.

There is another event involving Ismail and his mother, Hagar, that looms large in the hajj: God
commanded Abraham, as a test of faith, to take Hagar and the infant Ismail out to a barren desert
area located between the two hills of Safa and Marwah in Makkah, and leave them there alone
with only basic provisions. Eventually the water ran out, and the increasingly frantic Hagar ran
back and forth from hill to hill seven times searching for water for her parched child. Then a miracle
occurred: A well, later called the Zamzam well, sprang from the ground, saving both of them.

Abraham and Ismail later went on to build the Kaaba, the black cuboid structure in Makkah that
Muslims face when they pray, together, as a place of worship of the one God. Anyhow, Muslims
don’t worship the Kaaba. It is a focusing mechanism, a central point on the globe toward which
all Muslims, in a symbol of unity, direct their thoughts and prayers to God.

Soon after they built the Kaaba, God commanded Abraham to proclaim a pilgrimage to the site -
in other words, the hajj - to all mankind so that they can come together in one place to show their
devotion to God.

*Spiritual Significance of the Hajj:*

The overall journey is said to be a purifying process by which a Muslim becomes closer to God
through patience, perseverance, submission, and servitude.

The pilgrimage at times can also be physically enduring and God specifically urges Muslims in the
Quran to exercise patience during the days of Hajj through avoiding any argumentation and sinful

Nevertheless, it is also an extremely humbling experience for pilgrims and one of the biggest life
lessons on human equality. In its pure form, Hajj makes no distinctions between the rich and the
poor; all people regardless of their social status are required to complete the same rituals under
the same guidelines under the same hot sun. This includes all men being limited to two unstitched
pieces of cloth and all pilgrims being prohibited from perfume, intimacy, and many other luxuries
of life.

Hajj is also a long-awaited opportunity for many Muslims to obtain forgiveness for their lifelong
sins and to return back to their homes with a cleansed heart. On the Day of Arafat, the most
important day of the pilgrimage, pilgrims will, in fact, stand from noon to sunset begging for
God’s mercy, forgiveness, and pleasure.

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, in fact, told: “The one who performs Hajj properly, by abstaining from
sexual intimacy, avoiding sin and leaving off argumentation; then he shall return from Hajj pure
and free from sin, just as the day his mother gave birth to him” (Bukhari)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣7⃣9⃣*
*❓What is Hadith? What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?*
✅The two fundamental sources of Islam are the Qur’an (the word of God) and the Hadith/Sunnah
of the Prophet (PBUH). By Sunnah, we mean the actions, sayings, and silent permissions (or
disapprovals) of the Prophet.

Here, we are concerned with Sunnah in the sense of the recorded sayings (Hadiths) of Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). In this sense, Hadith is considered to be second to the Qur’an. It is impossible
to understand the Qur’an without reference to the Hadith; and it is impossible to explain a hadith
without relating it to the Qur’an.

The Qur’an is the message, while the Hadith is the verbal translation of the message into pragmatic
terms, as exemplified by the Prophet. While the Qur’an is the metaphysical basis of the Sunnah,
the Sunnah is the practical demonstration of the precepts laid down in the Qur’an.

The duty of the Messenger was not just to communicate the message, rather, he was entrusted
with the most important task of explaining and illustrating that message. That is the reason why
Allah Himself has commanded the following: “Say: Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you
turn away, he (the Prophet) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah’s
Message) and you for that placed on you” (Quran 24:54)
This verse clearly tells us the overriding importance of Hadith to Muslims. They should be eager
to learn and follow the teachings of the Prophet as expressed in Hadith. If we are negligent in this
respect, it is we who have to answer before Allah.

Speaking of the importance of Hadith, we need to take into consideration two broad aspects of
the subject. We know that Allah Almighty revealed the Qur’an to His chosen Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). So, it is through the Prophet we come to hear the word of Allah; and it is the Prophet
himself who can properly explain and demonstrate the precepts in the Qur’an.

Without the required explanations and illustrations given by the Prophet, the Qur’an may be
misunderstood and misinterpreted by people. So, the Prophet took care to explain and
demonstrate to his companions how the Qur’anic verses must be read and understood. That is to
say, the importance of Hadith is linked to the importance of the Qur’an.

For example, the details of how to perform salah (ritual prayer), for instance, were given by the
Prophet through his words and action, and not by the Qur’an. This means that we would not know
how to pray, fast, pay zakat, or perform Hajj without the examples given by the Prophet as
recorded in the Hadith. Indeed, all necessary details are given in the Hadith, not in the Qur’an.

The revelation of each of the verses of the Qur’an took place at some critical junctures in the life
of the Prophet. Of course, there are verses of universal application and significance, irrespective
of the context in which those verses were revealed. But there are other verses that can be
understood or interpreted only in the light of the actual context in the life of the Prophet, which
called for that revelation. There are many examples, which also clearly proves us why we need to
refer to the life and example of the Prophet to understand the context, as well as the meaning of

In the Qur’an, Allah Almighty commands us not only to obey the Messenger, but also to abide by
his decisions. (Quran 4:65)

And surely, we find such decisions only in the Hadith. The Qur’an also orders the faithful to
emulate the role model of the Messenger and reckons it to be the only way to gain the pleasure
of Allah.

It is therefore obligatory that we look up to the Prophet’s morals and exemplary character and
carry them out in our lives. We can never do so without studying Hadith.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣0⃣*
*❓Concept, Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam*
✅Zakat, the giving of alms (charity) to the needy and poor, is one of the most important pillars
of Islam. It is obligatory for every financially stable adult Muslim to pay zakat. The importance of
zakat in Islam is huge and signified through various discussion in Quran.

Zakat is an act of worship, as said in the Quran: “And be steadfast in prayer and regular in charity:
And whatever good ye send forth for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah” (Qur’an

*What Does Zakat Mean in Islam?*

According to Islam, Zakat is paid to purify the wealth one holds. The adult Muslims who have a
specific amount of wealth (savings; after certain living costs and expenses) have to give a small
amount i.e. 2.5% of their wealth (percentage can change depends on the wealth category) to the
needy and poor. The wealth owned by an individual is referred to as ‘Nisaab’, a threshold at which
zakat becomes payable.

Zakat, according to Islam, is not a voluntary act but an obligation. It is the duty of every Muslim
to serve the needy and deprived community in any possible way. Muslims pay zakat every year to
purify the wealth and to seek blessing from Allah. And the benefits of zakat given are surely a
reward from Allah.

“(Alms are) for the poor who are confined in the way of Allah– they cannot go about in the land;
the ignorant man thinks them to be rich on account of (their) abstaining (from begging); you can
recognize them by their mark; they do not beg from men importunately; and whatever good thing
you spend, surely Allah knows it.” (Quran 2:273)

*Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam*

Islam believes that being a providing source to the needy and charitable are important features
of a Muslim character. And since zakat is not declared as a voluntary charity, rather an obligation,
therefore by giving zakat a Muslim acknowledges that everything owned by us is Allah’s belonging
and should be used in remembering Allah. It is also an act of providing that free us from greed
and excessive desires.
Besides the fact that zakat is an obligation and an act of worship, the benefits of zakat include an
immense blessing of Allah. Some points are listed below to further highlight the importance of
zakat in Islam:

A Help for the Community at Larger Scale – The most significant benefit of Zakat that signifies its
importance as well is that it helps in creating a society. If the wealth earned and saved by an
individual was kept and spent on their self, then the less privileged would remain poor. Zakat
teaches Muslims to share and support each other.

Circulation of Money – Zakat helps money circulate in the entire economy. With the help of zakat,
money gets out from the affording and wealthy and reaches the underprivileged.

Act of Sacrifice – In the current time, wealth and luxuries have become an important aspect of
everyone’s living. To remove this greed, zakat makes it a compulsion for the wealthy ones to share
and sacrifice his possessions in the path of Allah.

*Who are Eligible for Zakat?*

Zakat is permissible only to specific beneficiaries and projects. Qur’an 9:60 mentions eight groups
of people to whom zakat can be paid:
1. The poor
2. The needy
3. Zakat collector
4. Poor and needy who recently converted to Islam
5. Slaves- Zakat can be used to purchase their freedom
6. A stranded traveler in need of financial assistance
7. Debtors
8. Those who are away from home in the path of Allah

*Zakat vs Sadaqa*
Islam categorizes charity in two major types: Zakat (obligatory charity) and Sadaqa (voluntary
charity). The importance of zakat in Islam is more highlighted as it is a form of worship, while
Sadaqa can be given to anyone and is of various types.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣1⃣*
*❓What Famous People Have Said About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part1*
✅His complete biography has been authenticated and circulated amongst scholars around the
world starting while he was still alive and continuing up until today.

1. One of the first examples we quote from is from the Encyclopedia Britannica, as it confirms:
(regarding Muhammad) ". . . a mass of detail in the early sources shows that he was an honest
and upright man who had gained the respect and loyalty of others who were likewise honest and
upright men." (Vol.12)

2. Another impressive tribute to Muhammad is in the very well written work of Michael H. Hart,
"The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History." He states that the most influential
person in all history was Muhammad, with Jesus second. Examine his actual words: "My choice of
Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and
may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful
on both the religious and secular level." (Michael H. Hart, THE 100: A RANKING OF THE MOST
INFLUENTIAL PERSONS IN HISTORY, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., 1978, p. 33.)

3. While we are reviewing statements from famous non-Muslims about Prophet Muhammad,
consider this: "Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of
rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one
spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be
measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" (Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA
TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277.)

4. George Bernard Shaw, a famous writer and non-Muslim says: "He must be called the Savior of
Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world,
he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much needed peace and
happiness." (The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936)

5. K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, an Indian (Hindu) professor of Philosophy, in his booklet "Muhammad

the Prophet of Islam" calls him the "perfect model for human life." Professor Ramakrishna Rao
explains his point by saying: "The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the
whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque
scenes. There is Muhammad the Prophet. There is Muhammad the Warrior; Muhammad the
Businessman; Muhammad the Statesman; Muhammad the Orator; Muhammad the Reformer;
Muhammad the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad the Protector of Slaves; Muhammad the
Emancipator of Women; Muhammad the Judge; Muhammad the Saint. All in all, these magnificent
roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero."
6. What should we think about our prophet Muhammad, when someone with the worldly status
such as Mahatma Gandhi, speaking on the character of Muhammad, says in 'Young India': "I
wanted to know the best of one who holds today undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of
mankind... I became more than convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in
those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet,
the scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his
intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the
sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the 2nd
volume (of the Prophet's biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of the great

To be continued…
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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣2⃣*
*❓What Famous People Have Said About Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part2*
✅Muhammad was nothing more or less than a human being, but he was a man with a noble
mission, which was to unite humanity on the worship of ONE and ONLY ONE GOD and to teach
them the way to honest and upright living based on the commands of God.

7. Diwan Chand Sharma wrote in ‘The Prophets of the East’: "Muhammad was the soul of kindness,
and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him" (D.C. Sharma, The Prophets
of the East, Calcutta, 1935, pp. 12)

8. English author Thomas Carlyle in his 'Heroes and Hero Worship', was simply amazed: “How one
man single handedly, could weld warring tribes and wandering Bedouins into a most powerful
and civilized nation in less than two decades.”

9. Speaking on the aspect of equality before God in Islam, the famous poetess of India, Sarojini
Naidu says: "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque,
when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of
Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim:
'God Alone is Great'..." (S. Naidu, Ideals of Islam, vide Speeches & Writings, Madras, 1918, p. 169)

10. In the words of Professor Hurgronje: "The league of nations founded by the prophet of Islam
put the principle of international unity and human brotherhood on such universal foundations as
to show candle to other nations." He continues, "the fact is that no nation of the world can show
a parallel to what Islam has done towards the realization of the idea of the League of Nations."

11. Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley, on the profession of ISLAM, writes in ‘History of the Saracen
Empires’: ‘I BELIEVE IN ONE GOD, AND MAHOMET, AN APOSTLE OF GOD’ is the simple and
invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any
visible idol; the honor of the Prophet has never transgressed the measure of human virtues; and
his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and
religion." (History of the Saracen Empires, London, 1870, p. 54)

12. Wolfgang Goethe, perhaps the greatest European poet ever, wrote about Prophet
Muhammad. He said: "He is a prophet and not a poet and therefore his Qur’an is to be seen as
Divine Law and not as a book of a human being, made for education or entertainment." (Noten
und Abhandlungen zum Weststlichen Dvan, WA I, 7, 32)

13. W Montgomery Watt an Emeritus Professor in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of
Edinburgh wrote: "His readiness to undergo persecution for his beliefs, the high moral character
of the men who believed in him and look up to him as a leader, and greatness of his ultimate
achievement all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad was an impostor raises
more problems than it solves" (Mohammad At Mecca, Oxford, 1953, p 52).

14. In his book, Reverend Bosworth Smith stated that; "He was a Caesar and a Pope in one; but he
was a Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without legions of Caesars: without a standing
army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue. If ever any man had the
right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Muhammad, for he had all the power without
its instrument and without its supports" (Mohammad and Mohammadism, London 1874, p 92).

15. Annie Besant, a woman's right activist admires Muhammad as follows; "... And although in
what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever
I re-read them, a new of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher"
('The Life and Teaching of Muhammad', Madras 1932 p 4).

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣3️⃣*
*❓Islam And Darwinism*
✅Islam believes in the theory of creation and Darwinists believe in the Theory of Evolution. In
this article briefly it is discussed that the life on earth is created by God; it is not accidental or by
chance. The atheists and the materialists negate the existence of God and consider human life
and even mind to be a form of matter. Darwin’s theory of Evolution has influenced the minds of
people and their character has been influenced as well. Such people do not believe in divine
morals and values. They do not believe in God, soul and Hereafter. Islam says that God has created
this universe and Humans with a specified goal.

The man comes in to being through a proper natural system. Without sexual intercourse and
conception no life can take shape. But when the Quran refers about the birth of Adam & Jesus
Christ; it is not natural or usual way of birth. It is through special command.

There are many verses in the Quran dealing with the subject of creation. Quran 6:2 says, “He it is
who created you from clay; and then decreed a stated term (for you). And there is in His presence
another determined term; yet you doubt within yourselves”.

Man is the blend of Matter and Soul. When God created Adam out of clay, he infused his spirit in
it. The Quran very explicitly narrates the story of the creation of Adam. The materialists do not
believe in creation and spirit and regard the universe only the product of blind material forces.

Now let us discuss what Darwin propounded. Darwinism bases on materialism. The ancient Greek
materialists like Democritus believed in Evolutionary Naturalism.

Charles Darwin, in his ‘The Origin of Species’ and ‘The Descent of Man’, presented his theory of
evolution. He presented the theory of the Mechanism of Natural Selection or survival of the fittest.
Darwinism maintains that living things were not created but came into being by chance.

Darwinism, materialism, and communism believe in matter not in spirit. Darwin himself regarded
his theory based on assumptions. Darwinism has been scientifically rejected. The defeat of
Darwinism in the faces of science can be reviewed under three basic topics:
1- The Darwinism theory cannot scientifically explain how life originated on Earth.
2- No scientific finding shows that the ‘evolutionary mechanism’ proposed by the theory have any
evolutionary power at all.
3- The fossil record provided proves the exact opposite of what the theory suggests.

The evolutionists claim that the universe started from ‘first atom’ and life started from ‘first cell’.
Who created the atom and cell, the evolutionists cannot answer! Inanimate matter must have
produced a living cell as a result of coincidence in the belief of the evolutionists. Modern biologists
have rejected this claim. Life comes from life has been proved.

Lamarck and Darwin believed in the transferring of traits of one species to the other. They maintain
that living creatures passed on the traits they acquired during lifetime to the next generation.
However, the laws of inheritance discovered by Gregor Mendel and verified by the science of
genetics have nullified the theory of ‘evolutionary mechanism’.

The fossil record theory of Darwin, which was a basic contention, has been rejected on scientific
grounds. According to this theory, every living species has sprung from a predecessor. No
‘Transitional Forms’ have yet been uncovered. On the contrary, the British Paleontologist, Drerk v.
Ager in ‘The Nature of the Fossil Record’ admits that the fossil records show not gradual evolution
but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another. This is just the opposite of
Darwin’s assumptions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣4️⃣*
*❓Qur’an Says that Allah has Made the Earth for You as a Carpet. This Gives an Indication that
the Earth is Flat. Doesn’t this Contradict Established Modern Science?*
*✅1. Earth Made as a Carpet:*
The question refers to a verse from the Qur’an: “And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet
(spread out)” [Qur’an 71:19]
But the sentence in the above verse is not complete. It continues in the next verse, explaining the
previous verse. It says: “That ye may go about therein, in spacious roads.” [Qur’an 71:20]

A similar message is repeated in another chapter: “He Who has made for you the earth like a
carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels) …” [Qur’an 20:53]

The surface of the earth i.e. earth’s crust is less than 30 miles in thickness and is very thin as
compared to the radius of the earth which is about 3750 miles. The deeper layers of the earth are
very hot, fluid and hostile to any form of life. The earth’s crust is a solidified shell on which we can
live. The Qur’an rightly refers to it like a carpet spread out, so that we can travel along its roads
and paths.

*2. Carpet Can also be Spread on Other than an Absolute Flat Surface:*
Not a single verse of the Qur’an says that the earth is flat. The Qur’an only compares the earth’s
crust with a carpet. Some people seem to think that carpet can only be put on an absolute flat
surface. It is possible to spread a carpet on a large sphere such as the earth. It can easily be
demonstrated by taking a huge model of the earth’s globe covering it with a carpet.

Carpet is generally put on a surface, which is not very comfortable to walk on. The Qur’an describes
the earth crust as a carpet, without which human beings would not be able to survive because of
the hot, fluid, and hostile environment beneath it. The Qur’an is thus not only logical, it is
mentioning a scientific fact that was discovered by geologists centuries later.

*3. Earth has been Spread Out:*

Similarly, the Qur’an says in several verses that the earth has been spread out: “And We have
spread out the (spacious) earth: how excellently We do spread out!” [Qur’an 51:48]

Similarly, the Qur’an also mentions in several other verses that the earth is expanding: “Have We
not made the earth as a wide expanse. And the mountains as pegs?” [Qur’an 78:6-7]

None of these verses of the Qur’an contain even the slightest implication that the earth is flat. It
only indicates that the earth is spacious and the reason for this spaciousness of the earth is
mentioned. The Glorious Qur’an says: “O My servants who believe! Truly, spacious is My Earth:
therefore, serve ye Me – (And Me alone)!” [Qur’an 29:56]

Therefore, none can give the excuse, that he could not do good and was forced to do evil because
of the surroundings and circumstances.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣5️⃣*
*❓Hijab - The Islamic Concept of Veil*
✅Two verses of the Holy Quran succinctly and candidly deal with the basic concept of veil in
Islam. First; in Sura An-Nur (The light) the Quran says: “And tell the believing women to lower their
gazes and be modest, and to display of their adornments only that which is apparent, and to draw
their veils over their bosoms.” (24:31)

In this verse it is clearly mentioned that sex parts must not be exposed and must be covered.
“Adornment which is apparent” alludes to the common body parts between male and female
sexes. The face, hands and feet are common parts and are exposed without any indecency or

Second, in Sura Al-Ahzab (The confederates), the Quran says: “O; Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy
daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go
outside). That will be better, that so they may be recognized and not molested” (33:59). The
ancient Arab history reveals the fact that the immodest and immoral ladies used to expose their
bodies and walk in market without veil. They were purchasable commodities. They did not wear
hijab or scarf.

The corrupt people could easily decipher and unravel about their character or profession. They
were prostitutes. Hence the Quran announced that pious ladies must be properly and modestly
dressed so that when they go out of their houses, people should recognize them as domestic
chaste, pure and pious ladies and they should not be teased or chased.

From these two above-mentioned Quranic verses, it is clear that God ordains to cover the bodies
and strictly rejects and condemns nudity and obscenity.

*What the Concept of Veil in Islam?*

Different jurists and interpreters have differently interpreted the above-mentioned Quranic verses
about veil. Here I would like to cite from two illustrious contemporary scholars. Maulana Moududi
of Pakistan in his book entitled “Pardhah” (The veil) considers the covering of face obligatory for
a Muslim woman. On the other hand, Ustad Murtaza Motaheri Shaheed of Iran in his Persian book
entitled “Hijab” (The veil) does not consider the covering of face obligatory.
But both scholars of eminence believe that a Muslim lady must wear “scarf” and cover her head
for identity and sobriety. They also in detail discuss that covering of sexual parts was obligatory
in ancient Greek and Roman culture and was religiously obligatory in the society of the Jews and
the Christians as well.

To date the ladies who expose their bodies in the name of modernity and progressive civilization
represent the ladies of ancient times who were considered the ladies of market having no value
and culture. The history is repeating itself.

It is happy omen that the Muslim society believes in the covering of the womenfolk, but it is
divided in its concept and practice as mentioned earlier. The Muslim world is divided in to three

1. Those who claim to be modern wear European dress like miniskirts, etc. They do not care about
the Quranic injunctions.

2. Those who cover their bodies from top to toe. It is known as ‘Burqa’. It is a kind of veil with
eyeholes to it, covering the whole body from head to foot. You cannot see the face, hands, or feet
of the women.

3. Those who give the moderate interpretation of religion. These ladies neither wear western dress
nor ‘Burqa’. They cover their bodies but do not cover the face, hands, and feet.

Majority of them believe that scarf is the part of Islamic dress while some others do not, as there
are no clear Quranic injunctions about headscarf in the Quran. But the Muslim history testifies the
fact that wives of the holy Prophet (PBUH) used to cover the head with a sheet or scarf. Hence
such ladies consider scarf an Islamic obligation.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣6⃣*
*❓Human Rights in the Qur'an*
✅The Qur'an strongly guarantees all fundamental human rights, without reserving them to men
alone. These rights are so deeply rooted in our humanness that their denial or violation is
tantamount to a negation or degradation of that which makes us human. These rights came into
existence with us, so that we might actualize our human potential. These rights not only provide
us with the opportunity to develop all of our inner resources, but they also hold before us a vision
of what God would like us to be, what God deems to be worth striving for.

The first and most basic right emphasized by the Qur'an is the right to be regarded in a way that
reflects the sanctity and absolute value of each human life. Each person has the right not only to
life but also to respect, not by virtue of being a man or a woman, but by virtue of being a human
being. Allah states: "Verily, we have honored every human being" (Quran 17:70).

Human beings can exercise freedom of the will because they possess the rational faculty, which is
what distinguishes them from all other creatures (Quran 2:30-34). Although human beings can
become ‘the lowest of the low’, the Qur'an declares that they have been made "in the best of
molds" (Quran 95:4-6), having the ability to think, to have knowledge of right and wrong, to do
the good and to avoid the evil.

Flowing from this primary right is the right to be treated with justice and equity. The Qur'an puts
great emphasis on the right to seek justice and the duty to do justice. Justice encompasses both
the concept that all are equal and recognition of the need to help equalize those suffering from
a deficiency or loss.

Yet justice is not absolute equality of treatment, since human beings are not equal as far as their
human potential or their human situation is concerned. While each person's humanness
commands respect, the Qur'an also establishes the right to recognition of individual merit. Merit
depends not on gender or any other characteristic, but only on righteousness.

Of importance to women in the Muslim world today is the Qur'anic idea that justice takes into
account the unequal conditions of different groups of people. This idea stems from the Qur'anic
ideal of community, or ‘ummah’, a word deriving from the root ‘umm’, meaning mother.

Another fundamental right is the right to be free of traditionalism and authoritarianism.

Instrumental here is the right to seek knowledge, which the Qur'an emphasizes perhaps more
than any other right. Acquiring knowledge is a prerequisite for evaluating the conditions of life
and working toward the creation of a just world. Denied knowledge, Muslim women are denied

Additionally, with great implications for the status of women, human beings possess the right to
work, to earn, and to own property. This right is not the monopoly of men. In Islam, everything
belongs to God, not to any person, and so every human being has the right to a means of living.
Given the Quran's recognition of women as persons in their own right, the Qur'an entitles both
women and men to the fruits of their labors.

Human beings also have the right to develop their aesthetic sensibilities and the right not only to
survive but to thrive, to enjoy ‘the good life’. This requires self-actualization or development, which
is not possible without social justice.

It is often said that rights entail responsibility, meaning the responsibility not to use rights to
justify destructive behavior. Rights also entail another kind of responsibility: the duty not to
neglect them. Rights given to us by God ought to be exercised, since everything that God does is
for ‘a just purpose’, as pointed out by a number of Qur'anic verses.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣7⃣*
*❓Isn’t the Social Setup Envisioned by the Qur’an is a Male Dominated One?*
✅This is a baseless allegation. Certainly, it is the Creator of man and woman who is best aware
of their natures. On giving a little thought it will become clear that the moral system
recommended by the Lord God can never be the cause of the overlordship of one group to the
detriment of the other. The problem is then not of the moral system as such. It is more a problem
of the type of criterion that is used to measure it.

The Qur’an teaches that it is the cooperation and mutuality between man and woman which works
as the foundational basis for the very existence and furtherance of the institution of the family.
Indeed, the Qur’an formulated laws on the ground that to ensure the permanence of any moral
code it is necessary that the institution of the family is itself manifested in good order. It is possible,
however, that those who believe in the ideology of the necessity of the collapse of the family, will
find the Qur’anic laws unacceptable. But those who think over the existence of human society
which is grounded in morality can never say that even one among the Qur’anic laws is in favor of
male domination.
The Qur’an teaches that in the preservation of the solid edifice of the family, both the man and
the woman are to play their respective roles. It is from this foundational basis that the Qur’anic
laws concerning their rights, responsibilities and duties emanate. The Qur’anic vision with regard
to man and woman may be summarized as follows:

1. Both man and woman originated from the same soul. They are like the two sides of a coin.
Although both are independent, it is their mutuality which gives each its fullness.

2. Neither can a woman be like a man nor a man be like a woman. Each has its very own different,
yet, potentially mutual, existence.

3. Both man and woman have their rights. However, those rights are to be attained not through
violence. It must be through mutual cooperation.

4. Both have their respective duties. It is only by virtue of fulfilling these duties that both the
individual and the society can survive.

5. It is against the very law of nature for a man to undertake the responsibilities of a woman and
for a woman to try to fulfill those of a man. Each has to perform its own duty.

6. It should not be at the expense of the other’s rights that each seeks to fulfill one’s obligations
and enjoy one’s own rights.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣8⃣*
*❓Signs for Those Who Ponder Over!*
✅How can one observe the inexhaustible creativity of nature, its purposefulness, its preservation
of the morally useful and destruction of the socially injurious, and yet fail to draw the conclusion
that behind nature there is a Creator and Master? A Creator whose ceaseless creative activity, the
processes of nature – is but an outward manifestation!

The stars scattered through infinite space, the vast panorama of nature with its charm and beauty,
the regular waxing and waning of the moon, the astonishing harmony of the seasons and the days
and nights, the incessant supply of water, the delicate flowers and crystals beneath our feet – all
point towards one fact: there is a God, the Creator, the Governor.

We witness a superbly flawless plan in the universe; can it be without one who planned it? We see
overwhelming beauty and harmony in its workings; can they be without a Creator? We observe
beautiful intricate designs in nature; can it be without one who designed it? We feel a lofty
purpose in physical and human existence; can it be without a Will working behind it?

Truly, God said: “O mankind: worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you so that
you may become righteous. Who has made the earth a resting place for you and the sky a canopy
and sent down rain from the heavens, and brought forth therewith fruits for your sustenance?
Then do not set up rivals unto Allah while you know [the truth].” (Quran 2:21-22)

Allah has the total might, the absolute will and complete perfect knowledge. He has provided
human beings with all the necessary proofs in the universe and within themselves so that it
becomes manifest to them that He is the true God, and therefore they should worship Him and
discharge their duty towards Him in the best possible manner.

His signs are scattered everywhere, within ourselves and in the entire universe. He encourages us
in many verses of the Qur’an to utilize our power of reasoning so that we can understand His
Greatness and Wisdom. Sometimes He draws our attention to the Principle of Causality, which He
established in the universe: “Were they created of nothing, or were they themselves the creators?”
(Quran 52:35)

Even people without any formal education at all recognize the principle that anything in the world
has a Maker.

Allah’s signs are everywhere. The Qur’an is replete with beautiful descriptive verses that call us to
reflect on these magnificent, countless signs with the object of reaching the obvious fact of His
existence. The Qur’an says: “Among His signs is this that He created you from dust; and then,
behold, you are men scattered [far and wide]! And among His signs is this that He created for you
mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love
and mercy between your [hearts]. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect…

And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your
languages and your colors. Verily in that are signs for those who know. And among His signs is
the sleep that you take by night and by day. and the quest that you make [for livelihood] out of
His Bounty. Verily in that are signs for those who harken…
And among His signs, He shows you the lightening, by way both of fear and of hope, and He
sends down rain from the sky and with it gives life to the earth after it is dead: Verily in that are
signs for those who are wise, And among His signs is this that heaven and earth stand by His

Then when He calls you by a single call from the earth, behold, you [straightaway] come forth. To
Him belongs every being that is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him.”
(Quran 30:20-26)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣8⃣9⃣*
*❓Why a Non-Muslim Should Know the Qur'an?*
✅The Qur'an is undeniably a book of great importance even to the non-Muslim, perhaps more
today than ever, if that is possible. One aspect of Islam that is unexpected and yet appealing to
the post-Christian secular mind is the harmonious interplay of faith and reason. Islam does not
demand unreasoned belief. Rather, it invites intelligent faith, growing from observation, reflection,
and contemplation, beginning with nature and what is all around us. Accordingly, antagonism
between religion and science such as that familiar to Westerners is foreign to Islam.

This connection between faith and reason enabled Islamic civilization to absorb and vivify useful
knowledge, including that of ancient peoples, whereby it eventually nursed Europe out of the Dark
Ages, laying the foundation for the Renaissance. When Europe got on its cultural feet and expelled
Islam, however, the European mind was rent by the inability of the Christian church to tolerate the
indivisibility of the sacred and the secular that characterized Islam and had enabled Islamic
civilization to develop natural science and abstract art as well as philosophy and social science.
The result was a painful, ill-fated divorce between science and religion in Europe, one whose
consequences have adversely affected the entire world.

In the post-Christian West, where thinking people, including scientists themselves once more, are
seeking solutions to the difficulties created by the Christian divorce between religion and science,
the Qur'an offers a way to explore an attitude that fully embraces the quest for knowledge and
understanding that is the essence of science, while at the same time, and indeed for the same
reasons, fully embraces the awe, humility, reverence, and conscience without which "humankind
does indeed go too far in considering itself to be self-sufficient" (Qur'an 96:6-7).

Even for the secular Westerner, apart from any question of religious belief or faith, there are
immediate benefits to be found in reading the Qur'an. First, in view of the sacredness and vital
importance of the Qur'an to approximately one-fifth of all humanity, a thinking citizen of the world
can hardly develop a rational and mature social consciousness without considering the message
of the Qur'an and its meaning for the community.

With the fall of communism, it has become particularly clear that global peace, order, and self-
determination of people cannot be achieved without intelligent respect for Islam and the
inalienable right of Muslims to live their religion. The second immediate benefit in reading the
Qur'an, therefore, is that it is a necessary step toward the understanding and tolerance without
which world peace is in fact inconceivable.

For non-Muslims, one special advantage in reading the Qur'an is that it provides an authentic
point of reference from which to examine the biased stereotypes of Islam to which Westerners
are habitually exposed. Primary information is essential to distinguish between opinion and fact
in a reasonable manner. This exercise may also enable the thinking individual to understand the
inherently defective nature of prejudice itself, and thus be the more generally receptive to all
information and knowledge of possible use to humankind.

*Excerpted from "The Essential Qur’an" by Thomas Cleary. Thomas Cleary has translated various
religious texts, including The Essential Tao, The Secret of the Golden Flower, and the bestselling
The Art of War.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣0⃣*
*❓Marital Relationship in Islam*
✅The female has the right to accept or reject marriage proposals. Her consent is a prerequisite
to the validity of the marital contract, according to the Prophet’s teaching. It follows that if an
‘arranged marriage’ means the marrying of a female without her consent, then such a marriage
may be annulled if the female so wishes:

Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Messenger of Allah, and she reported that her father
had forced her to marry without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice…
(between accepting the marriage or invalidating it) (Ahmad, Hadith no. 2469). Another version of
the report states that “the girl said: ‘Actually, I accept this marriage, but I wanted to let women
know that parents have no right to force a husband on them.’” (Ibn-Majah).

The husband is responsible for the maintenance, protection, and overall leadership (qiwamah) of
the family, within the framework of consultation and kindness. The mutuality and complementary
of husband and wife do not mean ‘subservience’ by either party to the other. Even Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) helped his family in household chores.

Prophet Muhmmad (PBUH) instructed Muslims regarding women, “I commend you to be kind to
women.” He also said, “the best of you is the best to his family (wife).” The Qur’an urges husbands
to be kind and considerate to their wives, even if a wife falls out of favor with her husband or
disinclination for her arises within him. It also outlawed the pre-Islamic Arabian practice whereby
the stepson of the deceased father was allowed to take possession of his father’s widow(s)
(inherited them) as if they were part of the estate of the deceased:

“O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should you treat
them with harshness, that you may take away part of the martial gift you have given them, except
when they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary, live with them on a footing of
kindness and equity” (Qur’an 4:19)

Should marital disputes arise, the Quran encourages couples to resolve them privately in a spirit
of fairness and probity. Under no circumstances does the Qur’an encourage, allow, or condone
family violence of physical abuse.

Indeed, the Qur’an outlines an enlightened step and a wise approach for the husband and wife to
resolve persistent conflict in their marital life. In the event that dispute cannot be resolved
equitably between husband and wife, the Qur’an prescribes mediation between the parties
through family intervention on behalf of both spouses.

Divorce is a last resort, permissible but not encouraged, for the Qur’an esteems the preservation
of faith and the individual’s right to felicity. Forms of marriage dissolution include an enactment
based upon mutual agreement, the husband’s initiative, the wife’s initiative, the court’s decision
on a wife’s initiative, and the wife’s initiative without a ‘cause’, provided that she returns her marital
gift to her husband (khul’).

The truth of the matter is that Islam has the most humane and most just system of divorce that
exists. Firstly, many options are taken and tried before coming to the decision of the divorce.
Further, they must undergo the waiting period, which lasts for many menstrual cycles to assure
the woman is not pregnant. This period allows the couple to think about what they are doing and
if this is what they really want to do.

It is quite ironic that in such an “advanced society” as America, there are divorce cases in which
women are being forced to pay alimony to their ex-husbands. Can this and many other things we
know about the “modern” system of divorce in various parts of the world compare to the Islamic
system of divorce?

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣1⃣*
*❓By Composing the Qur’an, did Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Intent the Worldly Benefits through Establishing
Himself as the Messenger of God?*
✅It is probable that Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, who had grown up an orphan, was subjected to
considerable hardships in life. However, with his marriage to the businesswoman, Khadeeja (r),
naturally, his standard of living should have been improved. The marriage of Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬to
Khadeeja took place fifteen years before getting his prophethood. This means that it was only
after 15 years of a life of financial security that Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬claimed that he is a messenger of
God and that the Qur’an constituted the word of God. If the attainment of worldly profits was his
motive, his financial position should have become stronger after this claim. But what had actually

Says Aysha (r), the wife of the Prophet, “As there was no food cooked in our house, the cooking
place would go without a fire being lit for one or two months at a stretch. Ours was a diet of dates
and water. Sometimes it would be the milk of goats and the dried shells of dates which those from
Medina would bring us.”

Aysha was once recalling the past days to a person. The subject of narration was the poverty which
the Prophet and his family endured after the migration. She then talked of an occasion in which
they worked in the house in total darkness. “Was not there a lamp?” enquired the person. She
then replied thus: “If the oil to burn the lamp was in our possession, instead of burning it, we
would have drunk it to satisfy our hunger.”

This by no means, was the situation that was prevalent only in the first years of the Prophet’s
mission. Even after Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had assumed the position of the powerful sovereign of a vast
realm his condition was not very much different. Let the inner sanctum of the ruler of the Islamic
empire be described in the words of Umar (r), his own companion:

“I never saw anything save three pieces of leather in a corner and a little barley in the room of the
Prophet. I wept at this. The Prophet asked, ‘Why is it that you cry?’ I said: “O messenger of Allah!
How will I hold back my tears? I see the imprint of the palm leaves on your body. I am also aware
of the contents of this room. Oh, messenger of Allah! ask Allah for the enough means of
sustenance. For, while the rulers of the Persian and Roman people – the Chosroes and the Caesars
- live in the luxury of gardens beneath which rivers flow, the chosen messenger of Allah living in
poverty and hunger!...’

When heard this reply, the Prophet, who had been reclining on a pillow, sat up and then said, ‘Oh
Umar! Are you still in doubt concerning this matter? The comforts and provisions of the Hereafter
are much better than the comforts and pleasures of this worldly life. The unbelievers enjoy their
share of the good things in this life. As for our share, it has been reserved for the life Hereafter.’
Then I told Prophet, ‘O Messenger of God! Pray for my forgiveness. I am wrong!’”

The claim that the Qur’an was the creation of Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬, which he had contrived for his own
worldly gains, is rendered baseless here. For it is, indeed, without foundation to say that the man
who had given away the seven dinars, which were his only worldly possession, in charity on his
death-bed and who died, thereof, after pawning his armor with a Jew, was a man after wealth.
Even the New Catholic Encyclopedia has considered baseless the argument that the creation of
the Qur’an was due to an excessive love for wealth: “A notion has been created that the religious
revolution of Muhammad was driven by a love of wealth. Actual and known facts, however, will
contest this notion.” (The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. IX, Page 1001)

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣2⃣*
*❓How Can Islam be Called the Religion of Peace When it was Spread by the Sword?*
✅It is a common complaint among some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of
adherents all over the world if it had not been spread by the use of force. The following points
will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent force of truth, reason
and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam.

1. Islam means peace:

Islam comes from the root word ‘salaam’, which means peace. It also means submitting one’s will
to Allah. Thus, Islam is a religion of peace, which is acquired by submitting one’s will to the will of
the Supreme Creator, Allah.

2. Sometimes force has to be used to maintain peace:

Islam promotes peace. At the same time, Islam exhorts its followers to fight where there is
oppression. The fight against oppression may, at times, require the use of force. In Islam, force
can only be used to promote peace and justice.

3. Opinion of historian De Lacy O’Leary:

The noted historian De Lacy O’Leary wrote in the book “Islam at the cross road” (Page 8): “History
makes it clear however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and
forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically
absurd myth that historians have ever repeated.”

4. Muslims ruled Spain for 800 years:

Muslims ruled Spain for about 800 years. The Muslims in Spain never used the sword to force the
people to convert. Later the Christian Crusaders came to Spain and wiped out the Muslims.

5. 14 million Arabs are Coptic Christians:

Muslims were the lords of Arabia for 1400 years. Yet today, there are 14 million Arabs who are
Coptic Christians. If the Muslims had used the sword there would not have been a single Arab
who would have remained a Christian.

6. More than 80% non-Muslims in India:

The Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years. If they wanted, they had the power of
converting each and every non-Muslim of India to Islam. Today more than 80% of the population
of India are non-Muslims.
7. Indonesia and Malaysia:
Indonesia is a country that has the maximum number of Muslims in the world. The majority of
people in Malaysia is Muslims. May one ask, “Which Muslim army went to Indonesia and

8. East Coast of Africa:

Similarly, Islam has spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. One may again ask, if Islam was
spread by the sword, “Which Muslim army went to the East Coast of Africa?”

9. No compulsion in religion:
With which sword was Islam spread? Even if Muslims had it, they could not use it to spread Islam
because the Qur’an says in the following verse: “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth
stands out clear from error” [Qur’an 2:256]

10. Sword of the Intellect:

It is the sword of intellect. The sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Qur’an
says: “Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them
in ways that are best and most gracious.” [Qur’an 16:125]

11. Increase in the world religions from 1934 to 1984:

An article in Reader’s Digest ‘Almanac’, yearbook 1986, gave the statistics of the increase of
percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. At the top was
Islam, which increased by 235%, and Christianity had increased only by 47%. May one ask, which
war took place in this century which converted millions of people to Islam?

12. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America and Europe:

Today the fastest growing religion in America is Islam. The fastest growing religion in Europe in
Islam. Which sword is forcing people in the West to accept Islam in such large numbers?

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣3️⃣*
*❓When Was the Quran Written?*
✅The words of the Quran were collected as they were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬,
committed to memory by the early Muslims, and recorded in writing by scribes.

*Under Supervision of the Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬:*

During revelation, the Prophet Muhammad made special arrangements to ensure that it was
written down. Although the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬himself could neither read nor write, he dictated the
verses orally and instructed scribes to mark down the revelation on whatever materials were
available: tree branches, stones, leather, and bones. The scribes would then read their writing back
to the Prophet, who would check it for mistakes.

With each new verse, the Prophet Muhammad dictated its placement within the growing body of
text. When the Prophet Muhammad passed away, the Quran had been fully written down. It was
not in book form, however. It was recorded on different parchments and materials.

*Under Supervision of Caliph Abu Bakr:*

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims continued to memorize the Quran. Hundreds
of the early companions of the Prophet had memorized the entire revelation. And Muslims daily
recited large portions of the text from memory. Many of the early Muslims also had personal
written copies of the Quran.

Ten years after the Hijrah (632 C.E), many of these scribes and early Muslim devotees were killed
in the Battle of Yamama. While the community mourned the loss of their comrades, they also
began to worry about the long-term preservation of the Holy Quran.

To collect and preserve the words of God, the Caliph Abu Bakr ordered all people who had written
pages of the Quran to compile them in one place. The project was organized and supervised by
one of the Prophet Muhammad’s key scribes, Zayd ibn Thabit.

*The Process of Compiling the Quran was in Four Steps:*

1- Zayd ibn Thabit verified each verse with his own memory.
2- Umar ibn Al-Khattab verified each verse. Both men had memorized the entire Quran.
3- Two reliable witnesses had to testify that the verses were written in the presence of the Prophet
4- The verified written verses were collated with those from the collections of other companions.
This method of cross-checking and verifying from more than one source was undertaken with the
utmost care.

This complete text of the Quran was kept in the possession of Abu Bakr and then passed on to
the next Caliph, Umar ibn Al-Khattab. After his death, the Mushaf remained with his daughter
Hafsah (widow of the Prophet Muhammad).
*Under Supervision of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan:*
As Islam began to spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, more and more people entered the
fold of Islam from as far away as Persia and Byzantine. Many of these new Muslims were not native
Arabic speakers, or they spoke a slightly different Arabic pronunciation from the tribes in Makkah
and Madinah.

People began to dispute about which pronunciations were most correct. Caliph Uthman bin Affan
took charge of ensuring that the recitation of the Quran is a standard pronunciation.

The first step was to borrow the original copy of the Quran from Hafsah. A committee of early
Muslim scribes made transcripts of the original copy and ensured the sequence of the chapters.
Then Uthman ordered all remaining transcripts to be destroyed so that all copies of the Quran
were uniform in script.

All Quran copies available in the world today are exactly identical to the Uthmani version. It was
completed less than twenty years after the death of Prophet Muhammad.

Later, some minor improvements were made in the Arabic script. Adding dots and diacritical
marks, to make it easier for non-Arabs to read. However, the text of the Quran has remained the

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣4️⃣*
*❓Human Rights: Role of Islam in Liberating the Slaves*
✅The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) declared his Prophethood in an era when human rights were
extremely breached. All categories of people were suffering from a lot of violations in women’s
rights, children’s rights, the rights of the neighbors, the rights of the slave, the rights of the poor
and the needy and the parental rights. In some societies of the world, these violations were
practiced under the cover of religion and law. The widows were burnt with her dead husband’s
pyre in Indian community.

We present here some examples of Islamic principles and practical instances that show how Islam
liberated the salves and honored them and safeguarded their humanity. There are many principles
in Islamic Shariah that highlight the care of Islam for slaves and how it tried by all ways and means
to liberate the slaves. Islam in its early days laid down a rule that if an educated slave teaches an
uneducated person writing and reading, he will be freed in lieu of his teaching.

Islam allocated a share from Zakat to be spent in freeing the slaves, and made freeing slaves as
expiation for some sins, such as in the case of murdering a person by mistake, etc. Also, many
Muslims were usually interested in freeing slaves seeking the pleasure of Allah.

The slaves and servants in general were treated badly before Islam. They were regarded as trading
goods that were bought and purchased same as animals. When Islam was manifested, it gave
them honor and respect and tried to free them from the slavery by all possible means.

One of the examples is the Abyssinian slave, Bilal, who was honored with the position of
announcing Adhan (call for prayer). He was appointed for this exalted duty by the Prophet
Muhammad himself.

*Prophet Muhammad and the Slaves*

In addition to that, it was narrated by Ibn Abbas that the Prophet (PBUH) once saw a cloth seller
and he bought a shirt from him for four dirhams. Then, he passed by a slave girl who was crying,
he asked: “What made you cry?” She answered: “O prophet of Allah! My owner gave me two
dirhams to purchase some food, but the dirhams were lost by me.” He gave her two dirhams and
took his way, but when he returned, he found her weeping. The Prophet asked her: “What made
you cry again? You have taken two dirhams.” She answered: “It is true! But I am so late, and I fear
of their beating.” So, the Prophet (PBUH) accompanied her and went to her owner. The owner
asked the Prophet: “What has brought you here? O Prophet of Allah! My father and my mother
are sacrificed for your sake!” He answered: “This girl was afraid of your beating”. The owner said:
“She is free for the sake of Allah because you have accompanied her.”

Furthermore, the Prophet (PBUH) was always keen to liberate the slaves, the following narration
confirms this fact.

It was narrated by Muawiyah ibn Suwayd who stated that: “We -the sons of Maqran- did not
possess anything except a slave girl. This happened at the time of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH). One of us slapped her and when the Prophet of Allah was informed about this harsh act,
he instructed us saying: “Let her free.” Then, we apologized and said: “we have none except her.”
Then the Prophet (PBUH) instructed him saying: “Then, keep her, but whenever you would not
need her, free her very soon.” (Reported by Muslim)

The Second Caliph of Islam, Umar ibn Al-Khattab, once asked his people: “Since when did you
enslave the people though they were born from their mothers in freedom?”

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣5️⃣*
*❓If God is Just, Who Created Handicapped and Mentally Retarded? Isn’t it Injustice?*
✅This question is apparently very relevant and fair. But with a little thought, the mistake can be
easily realized. Let us expand this question further. Then a number of questions that seem relevant
will be raised.

A short man can ask why he did not get six-feet height. And the black man’s question as to why
he didn’t get white skin, and the question of deformed (ugly) that why he is not beautiful, and the
normal person’s question of why he didn’t become a genius, and the question of a desert-dweller
that why he was not born in a cozy climate, and the question of the poor that why he didn’t belong
to a wealthy family, and the citizen’s question of why he didn’t become the ruler, and the tenth-
century person’s question of why he is not born in 21st century… all of these are relevant
questions. All of these are gross injustice and unfair from the perspective of each of them.

The question of our wives is more reasonable and relevant: “Why did God create us with some
discomforts on certain days in the month, to conceive, to give birth, to nurse to a child? Our
husbands have no such difficulties.” So, any woman can ask why she was not created as a male.
She can even argue that what God has done to her is unfair.

If justice means the elimination of all these differences between human beings, then all of them
should be born and live in the same land, in the same climate, at the same time, in the same family,
at the same level of intelligence, in the same body, in the same sex. Everyone knows that this is
impossible and impractical. Therefore, diversity in all things is essential for the survival of the
All these questions about justice are of course relevant if human life is going to be ended with
death. Then from birth to death everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the life equally.
But the Almighty God does not end human life with death. The life of this world is an ‘testing
period’. Trial, judgment, and rewards are on the next world of the life after death.

Each one has a duty to perform on the earth, according to what he has been provided. The poor
man doesn’t have the liability of the rich. The illiterate is not having the responsibility of a scholar.
Responsibility of a genius is more than the common person. The disabled have less responsibility
than the full-fledged. The fulfillment of these obligations is the key to the life's success.

It will be evaluated how the skills and opportunities provided to each are utilized. The rewards in
the afterlife are determined based on the fulfillment of the duties assigned to each accordingly.
Therefore, the human condition on the earth is unjust only if there is no other world after death.
Since the immortality of the eternal world is undeniable, the disability, the difference in the state
of health, and the difference in intellectual quality do not contradict God's law of justice.

It is also a test for the healthy people the disabled, the poor for the rich. The rewards of their
afterlife will be based on whether they are compassionate, loving, helpful, and generous toward
the disabled and needy, in remembrance of God's blessings.

But the materialists who deny God and the Hereafter cannot answer such questions of justice.
Why did the 'nature', which gave the universe its proper rhythm, clear order, and a condition, did
not do justice to the man? What is the materialist's solution to this gross injustice by nature? The
disbelievers and the heretics should provide the answer!

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣6⃣*
*❓By Comparing Woman to Cultivating Field, Doesn’t Qur’an See them as Instruments for
✅It is the Qur’anic verse “Your wives are as a tilth unto you, so approach your tilth when or how
you wish, but do some good act for your souls beforehand” (2:223) that has been criticized here.
The allegation here is that the Qur’an, by comparing the wife to the cultivating field, has made her
a mere instrument for the purpose of reproduction.

There are numerous similes used in the Qur’an. Those which compare woman, with tilth and with
attire form but a couple amongst them. Similes tend to have one specialty. It is that each person
may interpret them in a way most suitable to his own mode of thinking. Here, according to the
peculiarities of the mind of the interpreter, a person may claim that since the Qur’an has compared
the wife with the cultivating field, it contends that she may be sold off at any time just as the fields
are sold off and that like the fields are apropportioned off, she, too, may be given away to various

To interpret the ornate smiles enshrined in any book, it is essential to be aware of the basic facts
concerning the contents of the book as well as the ideology that it advocates as also the social
structure that it puts forth. The Qur’anic verse “And women shall have rights similar to the rights
against them, according to what is equitable” (2:228) provides foundational knowledge pertaining
to its views on the relationship between man and woman.

What does the Qur’an mean when it compares the woman to the fields and the man to the
cultivator? To realize the relationship between the field and its cultivator it is necessary to ask the
cultivator himself. Indeed, he is ready to sacrifice even his own life for the sake of his farmland.
Even the very mention of soil would turn him into a wellspring of emotions. He is the one who is
aware of the laws of the farmland. He would never allow another person to sow seeds on terrain.
And he would himself never seek to sow his seeds in the fields of another.

The fields are never to be wasted. They are never to be allowed to lain waste or misused. They are
to be fertilized. The soil is to be enriched. Soil erosion should be prevented. The farmer who hears
the Qur’anic instruction that “your women are your tilths” (2:223) can never consider the woman
to be a mere instrument for reproduction. But for those who are unable to understand the depth
of feeling inherent in the relationship that exists between the farmer and his farmland, they can
never appreciate the comparison that has been made here.

It would be well to ascertain the revelatory context of the Qur’anic verse which compares the
woman to the tilth fields. There was a superstitious belief amongst the Jews of Medina that it was
a sin to have sexual intercourse with one’s wife in a particular way and that the child born in such
a case would have defective eyes. The companions of the Prophet enquired of him concerning
this. It is the opinion of many commentators of this e Qur’an that this was the occasion of
revelation of the said verse.

It would help to avert misunderstandings if this occasion of revelation is kept in mind while
analyzing the above verses. The Qur’an teaches here that like the farmer who cultivates his field
in whichsoever manner that he pleases, it would also be alight, likewise, if in the act of sexual
intercourse any method of approach is employed. The only thing that must be ascertained is that
the seeds are being sown at the right place. Through these verses the Qur’an teaches that sexual
relations do not only serve to provide for emotional gratification alone but that its main objective
lies in the very means of propagation of human race.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣7⃣*
*❓Oneness of God in Hindu Scriptures*
✅Similar to the fundamental faith in Islam, there are many verses in Hindu scriptures as well
which teaches the Oneness of God. In the Vedas, the Upanishads and even in the Bhagavad Gita,
it is prohibited to worship idols and teaches that God is formless and has no picture!

Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to
this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. While some Hindus believe in the existence of three
gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty-three crore. However, learned
Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship
only one God.

The major difference between the Hindu and the Muslim perception of God is the common Hindus
belief in the philosophy of Pantheism. Pantheism considers everything, living and non-living, to
be Divine and Sacred and thus as God. Islam, on the contrary, exhorts man to consider himself
and his surroundings as examples of Divine Creation rather than as divinity itself. Muslims
therefore believe that everything is God’s. In other words, the Muslims believe that everything
belongs to God.

*Concept of God According to Hindu Scriptures:*

We can gain a better understanding of the concept of God in Hinduism by analyzing Hindu
*1. Bhagavad Gita:*
The most popular amongst all the Hindu scriptures is the Bhagavad Gita. Consider the following
verse from the Gita: "Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto
demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own
natures." [Bhagavad Gita 7:20]

The Gita states that people who are materialistic worship demigods i.e. ‘gods’ besides the True

*2. Upanishads:*
The Upanishads are considered sacred scriptures by the Hindus. The following verses from the
Upanishads refer to the Concept of God: "He is One only without a second." [Chandogya
Upanishad 6:2:1]

"Of Him there are neither parents nor lord." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]. "There is no likeness of
Him." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]

The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a form:
"His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye." [Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]

*3. The Vedas:*

Vedas are considered the most sacred of all the Hindu scriptures. There are four principal Vedas:
Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda.

*3.a. Yajurveda:*
The following verses from the Yajurveda echo a similar concept of God: "There is no image of
Him." [Yajurveda 32:3]. "He is bodyless and pure." [Yajurveda 40:8]

"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc). "They sink
deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti." [Yajurveda 40:9] Sambhuti means created
things, for example table, chair, idol, etc.

*3.b. Atharvaveda:*
The Atharvaveda praises God in Book 20, hymn 58 and verse 3: "God is verily great" [Atharvaveda

*3.c. Rigveda:*
The oldest of all the vedas is Rigveda. It is also the one considered most sacred by the Hindus.
The Rigveda states in Book 1, hymn 164 and verse 46: "Sages (learned Priests) call one God by
many names." [Rigveda 1:164:46]
The following verse from the Rigveda Book 8, hymn 1, verse 1 refer to the Unity and Glory of the
Supreme Being: "O friends, do not worship anybody but Him, the Divine One. Praise Him alone."
[Rigveda 8:1:1]

*Brahma Sutra of Hinduism:*

The Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is: "There is only one God, not the second; not at all, not at all, not
in the least bit."

Thus, only a dispassionate study of the Hindu scriptures can help one understand the concept of
God in Hinduism.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣8⃣*
*❓Oneness of God in Bible Old Testaments*
✅Similar to the fundamental faith in Islam, there are many verses in Bible as well which teaches
the Oneness of God. In the old & new testaments, it is prohibited to worship idols and teaches
that God is One who unique!

Below are some of the biblical testimony that matches with the fundamental faiths of Islam.

*1. God is One:*

The following verse from the book of Deuteronomy contains an exhortation from Moses (PBUH):
"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" [The Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4]

David (Dawood) said: "How great you are, Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is
no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears" (II Samuel 7:22)

Moses said: "There is no one like the Lord our God" (Exodus 8:10)
The following verses are from the Book of Isaiah which also teach about the unity of God: "I, even
I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no savior." [The Bible, Isaiah 43:11]. "I am Lord, and there is
none else, there is no God besides me." [The Bible, Isaiah 45:5]. "I am God, and there is none else;
I am God, and there is none like me." [The Bible, Isaiah 46:9]

*2. Old Testament Condemns Idol Worship:*

Old Testament condemns idol worship in the following verses: "Thou shalt have no other gods
before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is
in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt
not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." [The
Bible, Exodus 20:3-5]

A similar message is repeated in the book of Deuteronomy: "Thou shalt have none other gods
before me. Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in
heaven above, or that in the earth beneath, or that is in the water beneath the earth. Thou shalt
not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." [The
Bible, Deuteronomy 5:7-9]

All these verses exactly teach the real concept of God, which is same as what Islam teaches.

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*🌹Understand Islam 1⃣9⃣9⃣*
*❓Oneness of God in Bible New Testaments*
✅Similar to the fundamental faith in Islam, there are many verses in Bible new testaments as well
which teaches the Oneness of God. Below are some of the biblical testimony that matches with
the fundamental faiths of Islam.
*1. Jesus Christ (PBUH) Never Claimed Divinity:*
One may ask, if both Muslims and Christians love and respect Jesus (PBUH), where exactly is the
parting of ways? The major difference between Islam and Christianity is the Christians’ insistence
on the supposed divinity of Christ (PBUH). A study of the Christian scriptures reveals that Jesus
(PBUH) never claimed divinity.

In fact, there is not a single unequivocal statement in the entire Bible where Jesus (PBUH) himself
says, "I am God" or where he says, "worship me". In fact, the Bible contains statements attributed
to Jesus (PBUH) in which he preached quite the contrary. The following statements in the Bible
are attributed to Jesus Christ (PBUH):

"My Father is greater than I." [John 14:28]

"My Father is greater than all." [John 10:29]

"…I cast out devils by the Spirit of God…" [Mathew 12:28]

"…I with the finger of God cast out devils…" [Luke 11:20]

"I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge and my judgement is just; because I seek not
my own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." [John 5:30]

*2. God Sent Jesus (PBUH):*

The Bible mentions the prophetic nature of Jesus (PBUH) mission in the following verses:

"… and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me." [John 14:24]

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou
has sent." [John 17:3]

*3. Jesus Refuted even the Remotest Suggestion of his Divinity:*

Consider the following incident mentioned in the Bible: "And behold, one came and said unto
him, ‘Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?’ And he said unto him,
‘Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into
life, keep the commandments.’" [Mathew 19:16-17]

Jesus (PBUH) did not say that to have the eternal life of paradise, man should believe in him as
Almighty God or worship him as God or believe that Jesus (PBUH) would die for his sins. On the
contrary he said that the path to salvation was through keeping the commandments. It is indeed
striking to note the difference between the words of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the Christian dogma
of salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus (PBUH).
*4. Jesus (PBUH) of Nazareth – a Man Approved of God:*
The following statement from the Bible supports the Islamic belief that Jesus (PBUH) was a prophet
of God.

"Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by
miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also
know." [Acts 2:22]

*5. The First Commandment is that God is One:*

The Bible does not support the Christian belief in trinity at all. One of the scribes once asked Jesus
(PBUH) as to which was the first commandment of all, to which Jesus merely repeated what Moses
(PBUH) had said earlier:

"Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord." [Mark 12:29]

It is striking that the basic teachings of the Church such as Trinity and vicarious atonement find
no mention in the Bible. In fact, various verses of the Bible point to Jesus’ (PBUH) actual mission,
which was to fulfill the law revealed to Prophet Moses (PBUH). Indeed Jesus (PBUH) rejected any
suggestions that attributed divinity to him and explained his miracles as the power of the One
True God.

Jesus (PBUH) thus reiterated the message of monotheism that was given by all earlier prophets of
Almighty God.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣0⃣*
*❓What is the Purpose of Life?*
Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? One of the first questions that comes
to mind when considering our purpose of life is, "Where did we come from?" Are we here based
on random natural coincidences or is there a higher intelligent being, a Creator? Acknowledging
the existence of a creator is the first step in understanding our true purpose in life. There are many
logical and rational reasons for believing in a creator. Three reasons are briefly mentioned below:

*1. Beginning of the Universe*

The first evidence that points to the existence of God relates to understanding the origin of the
universe. Imagine walking in a desert and finding a watch. We know a watch consists of glass,
plastic, and metal. Glass comes from sand, plastic from oil, and metal extracted from the ground
- all these components are found in the desert. Would you believe that the watch formed itself?

God is eternal, has always existed and has no beginning; therefore, the question of ‘who created
God’ is irrational. Human experience and simple logic tell us that something that has a beginning
does not simply come from nothing, nor can something create itself. Therefore, the most rational
explanation is that a higher "being" created the universe. This is in perfect agreement with modern
science which concludes that the universe is finite and has a beginning.

*2. Perfection of the Universe*

The second evidence that points to the existence of an intelligent creator is the order and perfect
balance of our complex universe. Many features in the universe clearly indicate it to be specially
designed to support life, such as the earth's distance from the sun, the thickness of the earth's
crust, the speed at which the earth revolves, the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere, and
even the earth's tilt. If these measurements were slightly different to what they currently are, life
could not exist.

When we see the order, precise laws and systems within ourselves and throughout the universe,
is it not rational they have an organizer? This ‘organizer' is best explained by the existence of God
- the one who brought about this order.

*3. Revelation from God*

The third evidence that points to the existence of God is the actual revelation that God has sent
to humankind as a sign of His existence. There are clear signs that the book of Islam, the Quran,
is the word of God. Below is a brief summary of reasons that support this claim.

The Quran is over 1400 years old and contains many scientific facts that were unknown to people
of that time and which have only been discovered recently by science. It contains many historical
facts that were unknown to the people of that time as well as numerous predictions which have
proven to be correct. The Quran is free from any errors or contradictions despite gradual
revelation over 23 years and covering a wide variety of topics. The Quran has been preserved,
word-for-word, since its revelation in its original Arabic language, unlike other scriptures which
no longer exist in their original form. The most rational explanation for the many unique and
miraculous aspects of the Quran is that it is from God.
*God Sends Guidance*
Upon acknowledging that we have been created by the All-Wise Creator, we would expect to be
informed of our purpose. How can we know what God expects from us? Do we live in trial and
error, or make our own purpose? Do we "go with the flow" by following others? No. God sent
Prophets and revelation to every nation, to inform us of our purpose. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
is the last in the chain of Prophets.

The Quran is a book of guidance and explains many concepts such as the purpose of our existence;
who God is; the actions liked and disliked by God; the stories of the Prophets and their lessons;
accounts of Heaven, Hell, and the Day of Judgement.

*So… Why am I here?*

Everyone would acknowledge that our body parts, such as our eyes, ears, brains, and hearts, have
a purpose. Wouldn't it then make sense that the individual, as a whole, also has a purpose?

God, the All Wise, did not create us to simply wander aimlessly or to only fulfil our basic instincts
and desires. Rather, we have a higher purpose - to acknowledge and worship God alone, so that
we live upon the guidance of our Creator. This guidance enables us to live a successful and blessed
life in all aspects. This includes personal acts of virtue like prayer, as well as beneficial acts to
society, like being good to one's neighbors, supporting one's family, honesty, and caring for

God forbids us from worshiping anything else (e.g. statues, the sun, moon, saints, priests or even
Prophets). He does not need any partners or intermediaries. Everyone can always worship God

God describes this life as a test, and people are tested in different ways. We cannot control what
happens to us, but we can control how we react. Patience during adversities, and gratitude for
blessings, are a means of getting closer to God and attaining eternal Paradise. We are also warned
of a terrible punishment in Hell if we choose to disbelieve and ignore His commands.

*So… What do I do now?*

The test of one's faith is in using one's intellect to contemplate and recognize God's signs and live
according to His guidance. This is done by submitting to God's commands, which in Arabic means
to become a "Muslim".

God, the One and only Creator - 'Allah' in Arabic - has made Islam accessible to everyone,
regardless of their history, background, or present situation. Therefore, anyone can become a
Muslim by simply believing in, and uttering the testimony of faith: "I testify that there is no god
worthy of worship except Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is Allah's Messenger."

Isn't it time for you to fulfil your purpose of life, submit to the truth and acknowledge your Creator?

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We will share the whole 200 parts of the series as a *Word/PDF Document* soon.

*Topics List:*
1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?
4. What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
5. Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?
6. Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?
7. Who Created God?
8. Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?
9. What is the Concept of God in Islam?
10. Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?
11. What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?
12. What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?
13. What is the Significance of Religion?
14. Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?
15. Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?
16. How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?
17. What are the Unique Features of Islam?
18. Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as 'Allah'?
19. Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?
20. Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?
21. Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?
22. Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?
23. Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don't God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?
24. Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?
25. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26. What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?
27. Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?
28. Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?
29. Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?
30. Why Doesn't God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?
31. What is Islamic View About Death
32. What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?
33. What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?
34. The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?
35. What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?
36. What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?
37. What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?
38. Who All Will Enter Paradise?
39. Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?
40. What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?
41. Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?
42. What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?
43. Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?
44. What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?
45. What are the Evidences for Muhammed's (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?
46. Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest
47. What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?
48. Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?
49. Why Didn't God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?
50. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?
51. Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?
52. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?
53. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?
54. What are the Scriptures?
55. What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?
56. What is the Holy Qur'an?
57. What is the Theme of Holy Qur'an?
58. Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur'an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?
59. Why the Qur'an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?
60. Did the Glorious Qur'an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?
61. When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur'an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?
62. What are the Evidences for the Qur'an to Be a Divine Scripture?
63. Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?
64. Can it Be Said that the Qur'an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?
65. Scientific Facts in the Quran?
66. What Does the Qur'an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?
67. Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?
68. What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?
69. What Should Be a Muslim's Attitude Towards Worldly Life?
70. Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?
71. What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?
72. What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?
73. What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?
74. What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?
75. What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?
76. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?
77. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?
78. What is Islamic View on Entertainments?
79. What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?
80. What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?
81. The Concept of Equality in Islam?
82. The Concept of Justice in Islam
83. What is the Quran's Approach Towards Slavery?
84. What Were the Practical Steps Qur'an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?
85. Why Didn't Qur'an Completely Prohibit Slavery?
86. What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?
87. Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?
88. What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?
89. What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?
90. What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?
91. Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?
92. Does Qur'an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?
93. Does Qur'an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?
94. Does Qur'an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?
95. What is 'Jihad'?
96. Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur'an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?
97. Does Qur'an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?
98. Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?
99. What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
100. Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?
101. Are All Terrorists Muslims?
102. What Does the Qur'an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?
103. What Does the Qur'an Say About War?
104. When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?
105. When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?
106. What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?
107. What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?
108. Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?
109. What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?
110. Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?
111. What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?
112. What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?
113. How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?
114. Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying 'Jizya' a
Discrimination Towards Them?
115. What is Islamic View on Nationalism?
116. What is Islamic View on Democracy?
117. What is Islamic view on Secularism?
118. What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?
119. What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?
120. What is the Status of Parents in Islam?
121. How Should Be a Muslim's Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?
122. What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?
123. Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?
124. What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?
125. What is the Islamic Code of Dress?
126. What is the Islamic View on Marriage?
127. What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?
128. Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?
129. Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?
130. What Does Islam Say About Divorce?
131. What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?
132. Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?
133. How Islam Views Homosexuality?
134. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
135. How Did Islam Spread in the World?
136. Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?
137. Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today's Times?
138. What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?
139. What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?
140. What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?
141. What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
142. What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?
143. Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?
144. Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?
145. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?

146. If Islam is the Best Religion, Why are All Muslims Not Good?
147. If Islam Opposes Idol Worship, Why do Muslims Pray to a Kaaba?
148. Why are All Prayers and Supplications Not Answered or Fulfilled by Allah?
149. Does God Give Free Will and Freedom to Control Our Destiny?
150. The Prophet's Last Sermon
151. 'My name is Islam': A short video introducing Islam in brief
152. If According to Islam, Messengers or Prophets were Sent to Every Nation of the World, then
Which Prophet was Sent to India? Can We Consider Ram and Krishna to be Messengers of God?
153. Islam and Ethics
154. Prophet Muhammad: The Social Reformer
155. If Allah has Sealed the Hearts of the Disbelievers (Kuffar), then Why are they to be Blamed
for Not Accepting Islam?
156. Importance of Knowledge & Education in Islam
157. Is it Not True that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has Copied the Qur'an from the Bible?
158. Is Islamic Inheritance Law Unjust? Why Does the Man Inherit More Wealth than His Female
159. Why Did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Have Many Wives? What was the Wisdom Behind Prophet's
Multiple Marriages?
160. Abu Hanifa's Debate with an Atheist
161. Muslims Believe that Certain Earlier Verses of the Qur'an were Abrogated by Verses Revealed
Later. Does this Imply that God Made a Mistake and Later on Corrected it?
162. An Invitation to the Truth
163. Significance of the Environment in Islam
164. Life and Beyond According to the Quran
165. Why do Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner by Torturing it and Slowly and
Painfully Killing it?
166. Muslim Woman's Right to Work and Earn
167. The Sweetness of Islamic Faith
168. If Allah has Sent His Books and Revelations in Every Period, then which Revelation was Sent
to India?
169. Where Did the Universe Come From?
170. Meaning of Life According to Islam
171. Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an
172. Isn't it an Explicit Discrimination that Islam Gives Men Twice the Portion of Women in their
Share of Inheritance?
173. Has not the Qur'an Actually Legalized Adultery by Allowing the Master to have Sexual
Relationships with His Female Slaves?
174. Doesn't Islam Permit Critical Thinking?
175. Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH) and His Second Coming?
176. Why to Choose Islam?
177. Message of Ramadan - Why do Muslims Fast?
178. Why Do Muslims Perform Hajj?
179. What is Hadith? What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?
180. Concept, Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam
181. What Famous People Have Said About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part1
182. What Famous People Have Said About Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part2
183. Islam And Darwinism
184. Qur'an Says that Allah has Made the Earth for You as a Carpet. This Gives an Indication that
the Earth is Flat. Doesn't this Contradict Established Modern Science?
185. Hijab - The Islamic Concept of Veil
186. Human Rights in the Qur'an
187. Isn't the Social Setup Envisioned by the Qur'an is a Male Dominated One?
188. Signs for Those Who Ponder Over!
189. Why a Non-Muslim Should Know the Qur'an?
190. Marital Relationship in Islam
191. By Composing the Qur'an, did Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Intent the Worldly Benefits through
Establishing Himself as the Messenger of God?
192. How Can Islam be Called the Religion of Peace When it was Spread by the Sword?
193. When Was the Quran Written?
194. Human Rights: Role of Islam in Liberating the Slaves
195. If God is Just, Who Created Handicapped and Mentally Retarded? Isn't it Injustice?
196. By Comparing Woman to Cultivating Field, Doesn't Qur'an See them as Instruments for
197. Oneness of God in Hindu Scriptures
198. Oneness of God in Bible Old Testaments
199. Oneness of God in Bible New Testaments
200. What is the Purpose of Life?

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣1⃣*
*❓The Greatness of Islamic Justice*
✅Allah created man to be His servant and to implement His Way on earth. If humans distance
themselves from this message, then they distance themselves from God’s injunctions. That is why
Islam has prepared its followers to follow this righteous instinct; it is a joy to our spirit to stand
and think of the greatness of Islamic justice, how fair Islamic law is to individuals and groups,
rulers and the ruled!

Let us shed light on one of Islam’s greatest and brightest symbols of justice, Shurayh Al-Qaadhi
(the judge), who narrates: The Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattaab (RA) bought a horse from a Bedouin,
paid its price and rode off with it. However, after traveling a little distance, the Caliph noticed
some kind of defect in the horse, so he returned to the seller, requesting him to take it back since
it was defective. The man refused, telling the Caliph that the horse was perfectly healthy when it
was sold to him. Umar told the man to choose a judge and the man suggested Shurayh ibn Al-
Haarith Al-Kindi whom Umar accepted.

After the judge listened to the Bedouin’s testimony, he turned to Umar asking: “Was the horse
normal and healthy when you bought it?” Umar replied: “Yes, it was.” Shurayh then said: “Then
keep what you bought or return it as you took it.” Umar looked at Shurayh in admiration saying:
“Thus justice should be -- statement, distinguishing words and fair justice… I give you the position
of Chief Justice of Koofah in Iraq.”

This is Islamic justice, an ordinary Bedouin taking the Caliph to court, deciding which judge to go
to and the Caliph accepting the judge’s decision voluntarily. However, this leader was not an
ordinary man, but the one about whom the Prophet (PBUH) said: “O Allah! Make Islam victorious
by one of the two Umars.”

Umar did not threaten the Bedouin or misuse his power. Umar accepted the judgment, making
the case an everlasting example of Islamic justice. The judge’s fairness made Umar appoint him
as a judge of Koofah. He rewarded the judge for his justice and fairness and did not jail him for
ruling against him, as some leaders may have done in present so-called ‘democracies’.

*Another Example of Shurayh’s Justice:*

Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) lost a shield that was dear to him and later found it in the hands of a non-
Muslim citizen who was selling it in one of Koofah’s markets. When he saw it, Ali said: “This is my
shield that fell off my camel on so and so night at such and such time.” The man answered: “No,
this is my shield in my hand.” Ali replied: “No, it is mine since I never sold it or gave it to anyone.”

The man agreed to let a judge decide, which Ali accepted. They went to Shurayh who asked Ali
for his side of the story. Ali said that the shield was his and that he had found it with that man; it
had fallen off his camel and he had never sold it or given it to anyone. The judge turned to the
other man asking his story. The man said that he did not accuse Ali of lying, but the shield was
his, as it was in his hands.

Shurayh turned to Ali saying: “I believe you, but we need the testimony of two witnesses to back
your story.” Ali said that there was his aide Qanbar and his son Al-Hassan (RA) to which the man
replied that a son could not testify for the benefit of his father.

Then Ali turned to the man and said: “Take the shield, as I have no other witnesses.” The man, who
was a non-Muslim, then said: “O Ali, the shield is yours. What a great religion! I can sue Ali and
get a judge to pass a decision for my benefit! I declare myself a Muslim.” He told the judge that
he was following the army and had seen the shield fall down and picked it up. Ali then told him
to keep the shield, and on top of that, he also gave him a horse.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣2⃣*
*❓The Prophet and the Garbage Thrower!*
✅There used to be an old lady in the period of Prophet Muhammed (Peace and Blessings be
Upon Him). She would wake early in the morning and sweep her house, collect all the garbage,
and save it in a basket. So that she can throw the garbage on the Prophet, who used pass by her
house for prayer early in the morning. Basically, the old lady was angry on Prophet (as he used to
tell to stop worshiping the idols and believe on the only one God) and his prophecy. As no one
has ever seen the prophet angry, she thought: "No one has ever seen him angry. Everybody will
praise me when they will see him shouting at me and getting mad. They will laugh at him and
make fun of him." She looked at the basket again and grinned.

With the idea in her mind, she was ready to implement this. She heard the footsteps approaching
by the street beside to her house and it was the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). She picked the
basket up in her hands and threw all the garbage on the Prophet. And to the old lady's surprise,
he did not say anything and continued on his way.
She did the same the following day thinking, "Maybe this time I will be able to annoy him." But he
was too gentle to shout at a woman. She misinterpreted his attitude as fear and decided to repeat
the same mischief every day in order to keep him frightened, so that he might stop preaching the
Oneness of God.

This gentleman whom the woman hated so much was Muhammad (PBUH), the last prophet of
Allah Almighty. He did not want to disappoint the woman and so continued to walk down the
street every day, instead of picking an alternate route, and prayed for the woman to recognise the

One day, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not find the woman to be on the roof of her house with
the basket. This worried him, because he thought something must have happened to her for not
being over there. So, he went to her house and knocked at the door. "Who is it?" asked a feeble
voice. "Muhammad bin Abdullah," was the reply, "can I come in?" The woman feared, "I am sick,
and too weak to fight or talk back, therefore Muhammad has come to take revenge for what I
have been doing to him." But the permission to enter her house was in such a gentle voice that
she allowed him in.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) entered the house and told the woman that not finding her on the
roof had worried him and he thus wanted to inquire about her health. On finding out how ill she
was, he gently asked if she needed any help. Hypnotized by the affectionate tone in the Holy
Prophet's (PBUH) blessed voice, she forgot all fear and asked for some water. He kindly gave her
some in a utensil and prayed for her health, while she quenched her thirst.

This made her feel very guilty for being so cruel to him in the past and she apologized for her
mean behavior. He forgave her and came to her house every day to clean it, to feed her and to
pray for her, till she was on her feet again. The kind attitude of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) inspired
her into the recognition of the Truth, and thus the lady accepted Islam as the way for her rest of
the life.

It was the behavior of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) that made people of Arab to accept Islam and
now the people of the world are making fun of such a noble man who showed a right path to the
whole humankind.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣3️⃣*
*❓Isn't the Animal Sacrifice Cruel to Them?*
✅What is cruelty? Is it cruel for a creature to eat another creature? It is universally seen in the
divine system (in the eyes of the unbelievers, in the natural system). Other species are the main
food of thousands of species. But it does not become extinct. This is because they are born here
in huge quantities. There may be those who feel that this phenomenon of the animal world is
atrocious. But they cannot change the nature of the predatory system.

If it is cruel for human beings to eat meat, then we can say that meat is in harmony with animal
nature and sanctioned by the Lord of the world. “And the grazing livestock He has created for
you; in them is warmth and [numerous] benefits, and from them you eat” (Qur'an 16:5). “It is Allah
who made for you the grazing animals upon which you ride, and some of them you eat” (40:79).

If man were to choose not to eat any animal, including fish, the livelihood of billions would be cut
off. Those who raise cattle and fish for carnivores (meat-eaters) will suffer. The slaughter of animals
for food is not a serious matter in comparison to this cruelty towards humans.

If it is not cruel to slaughter sheep, then there is no justification to argue that sacrificing them to
God is cruel. It is not just slaughtering sheep for God's sake; The flesh of the sacrifice is eaten by
themselves and given to the poor to eat. This is what the Qur'an says about it: “So mention the
name of Allah upon them when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides,
then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus, have We subjected them to you
that you may be grateful” (22:36)

Cattle farming was a major source of income in Arabia at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an.
Today, millions of people around the world make livestock a livelihood. This is one of God's
blessings. They should be grateful to Allah for it through charity or sacrifice. It is because people
buy cattle in abundance to sacrifice and eat, they become profitable.

If slaughter of cattle is condemned as cruel and unlawful, or if it is forbidden by law, then nobody
will show interest in raising them. Raising cattle solely for the purpose of producing milk is not
profitable and will eventually lead to extinction, then that would be the biggest cruelty to them
and to human beings.

The Prophet taught that the animal should be slaughtered with a sharp knife in such a way that it
would suffer the least amount of pain. When the artery in the neck is broken, the connection
between the body and the brain is disconnected, and the blood stops flowing, and the flesh
becomes clean. The wriggling of the animal, when the artery in the neck is torn off, is not the
symptom of severe pain. It is just the effect of the bio energy left on the muscles. In a nutshell,
the Lord of the Universe has revealed through the Final Prophet through the final scripture, which
is just and righteous instructions for humans and animals.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣4️⃣*
*❓Are Non-Muslims Allowed Inside Masjids/Mosques?*
✅The Holy Quran does not prohibit anyone from visiting a mosque (provided they are not there
to cause trouble) as it is a House of God that can and should be used for the worship of God by
all. Only idolatry is prohibited in a mosque but even then, all are welcome to visit a mosque. This
declaration against idolatry in a mosque was to protect the Ka’aba (and therefore any mosque)
and to ensure that it would remain a sanctuary for those who believe in the Oneness of God.

The disbelievers are usually not allowed to enter al-Masjid al-Haraam [in Makkah] and the sacred
areas [al-Haram] around it, because Allah says: “O you who believe! Verily, the polytheists are
impure. So, let them not come near Al-Masjid Al-Haram (at Makkah) after this year” [Al-Tawbah
9:28]. And verse 17 of the same chapter says: “It is not for the polytheists to maintain the mosques
of Allah [while] witnessing against themselves with disbelief.” But this verse was revealed on a
particular incident when the Prophet and his followers were driven from there. This means that
the references are only to Masjidul Haram in Makkah and not to other mosques.

With regard to other mosques, some scholars said that it is permissible because there is nothing
to indicate that it is not allowed; others said that it is not permissible, by analogy with al-Masjid

The correct view is that it is permissible if it serves the interests of sharia (Islamic law) or meet a
valid need, such as a person interested to understand about Islam, or someone who need shelter
in mosque, or the like. This is because the Prophet (PBUH) tied up (his prisoner) Thamaamah ibn
Athaal al-Hanafi in the mosque before he became Muslim, and the delegations of Thaqeef and
the Christians of Najraan stayed in the mosque before they became Muslim. There were many
benefits offered by doing this: they could hear the speeches and sermons of the Prophet (PBUH),
see people praying and reciting Qur’an, and other benefits that are gained by those who visit the
mosque. (From Fatawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 6/276).

If some disbelievers ask to enter the mosque so that they can see how Muslims pray, so long as
they have nothing with them that could make the mosque dirty, and there are none among them
who are dressed in a provocative fashion, or any other reason not to let them in, then there is
nothing wrong with allowing them to enter and sit with the Muslims so they can see how they

It is recorded that the Christians of Najran came to see the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He
arranged the meeting in his mosque at Madinah, during the meeting the Christians asked to leave
from the mosque for worship. The Prophet said that the mosque in which they were is the house
of God and they were welcome to offer their prayers there. So, they did offer their prayers in the
mosque of the Holy Prophet. (Ibn Hisham, I, 575-577)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣5️⃣*
*❓Will it Not Affect the Status of the Quran’s Divinity if Some of the Earlier Injunctions Got
Changed Later?*
✅In truth, the fact that some of the rulings in the Qur’an have been abrogated actually represents
one of the evidences to prove its divinity. The Qur’an is a book that puts forward wholly practicable
methods in the molding of an ideal society on the basis of a moral code which it, in itself, dictates.
It is, in addition, a book that seeks to show how, in the process of creating an exemplary and ideal
society out of nothing but the most primitive human conditions, the divine law had influenced the
making of such a society in the various stages of its evolution.

The Qur’an does not contain certain numbered injunctions like the Ten Commandments that were
revealed by God. It is, in fact, the compendium of laws that grew with the beat and rhythm of an
evolving society that would eventually result in the fruitful transformation of an entire people. In
that chain of legislation, it is but natural that the rulings that came at a time of total decadence
will become irrelevant when the society has gone past that stage in its evolution. It is this loss of
relevance that is, in fact, implied in the term ‘abrogation.’

Consider, for instance, the verses related to the consumption of intoxicants. It must be
remembered that the Qur’an was revealed to a society that virtually bathed in wine. The Qur’an
firstly impressed upon their minds the purest conception about God and of the unflinching
awareness of the Hereafter. Indeed, the Qur’an had, as the first step, sought to create a readiness
in submitting one’s entire life before the Creator.

It was after having created a mind-set to which the acceptance of all legislations that were
confirmed to have been issued from God had become easy that the Qur’an declared: “They ask
thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: ‘In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the
sin is greater than the profit.’” (Qur’an 2:219)

This was the first stage. It was then that the second verse was revealed: “O you who believe!
Approach not prayers in a state of intoxication, until you can understand all that say…” (Qur’an

The prayer constitutes a conservation with the Lord Creator. However, many a man approached
prayer in a state of intoxication. Indeed, the degree of their slavery to intoxicants can be seen from
this single fact.

They resolved, thenceforth, that they would, at least, abstain from intoxicants during the times of
the five daily prayers. It was then that the third ruling, which sought to fully abolish all intoxicants,
was finally revealed. “O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, sacrificing to stones, and
(divination by) arrows, are an abomination – of Satan’s handiwork: Avoid such (abomination), that
you may prosper. Satan’s plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants
and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then
abstain?” (Qur’an 5:90-91)

With the revelation of this verse, the other verses that were revealed earlier had now become
irrelevant. It can, therefore, be said that with the coming of this verse, the other two verses had,
for all practical purposes, become abrogated.

It was mentioned earlier that even this abrogation serves only to stress the divine nature of the
Qur’an. It is the Creator who is best aware of the intricacies as well as of the methodology of
variation of the human mind. It is for that same reason that He brought a law into effect stage by
stage. This is why it has been said that the Qur’an makes it clear that these abrogations are, indeed,
from Allah, the Omniscient.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣6⃣*
*❓Islam is the Religion of Tolerance and Ease*
✅Islam is the religion of mercy and kindness, the religion of tolerance and ease. Almighty God
has not burdened the people with more than they can bear. Whatever good they do, they will be
rewarded for it, and whatever evil they do, they will have to bear the burden of that sin, as God
says: “Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward for that (good) which he has
earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned” [Quran 2:286]

Almighty has spared the believers any difficulty or hardship in all that He has enjoined upon them.
God says: “He has chosen you (to convey His Message of Islamic Monotheism to mankind by
inviting them to His religion of Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship” [Quran

Every sin that a person commits because he makes a mistake, or forgets, or is forced to do it, is
forgiven by God: “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error” [Quran 2:286]

The person will be brought to account for what he does deliberately, not for what he does by
mistake, as God says: “And there is no sin on you concerning that in which you made a mistake,
except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend” [Quran 33:5]

God is Kind and Merciful. He sent Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with ease and the tolerant
monotheism: “Allah intends for you ease, and He does not want to make things difficult for you”
[Quran 2:185]

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion
will not be able to continue in that way. So, you should not be extremists, but try to be near to
perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded.” (Bukhari, 39)

The devil (Satan) is man's greatest enemy. He makes him forget the remembrance of his Lord and
makes his sin attractive to him, as God says: “Satan has overpowered them. So, he has made them
forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Satan. Verily, it is the party of Satan that
will be the losers!” [Quran 58:19]
What one’s own self says has been forgiven by God, The Prophet said: “Allah has forgiven my
nation for thoughts that cross their minds, so long as they do not speak of them or act upon
them.” (Muslim, 127)

Whoever commits a sin then Almighty God conceals it, it is not permissible for him to speak of it,
because the Prophet said: “All of my nation will be fine except those who commit sin openly.”
(Muslim, 2990).

If a person commits a sin then repents, God will accept his repentance: “Your Lord has written
(prescribed) Mercy for Himself, so that if any of you does evil in ignorance, and thereafter repents
and does righteous good deeds (by obeying God), then surely, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”
[Quran 6:54]

Allah is Generous and Kind, He multiplies the reward for good deeds and forgives bad deeds, as
the Prophet said, narrating the words of his Lord: “Allah has decreed the good deeds and bad
deeds, then He explained that. Whoever intends to do a good deed then does not do it, Allah will
write it down as one complete good deed; if he intends to do it then he does it, then Allah will
write it down as between ten and seven-hundred good deeds, or more. Whoever intends to do a
bad deed, then he does not do it, Allah will write it down as one complete good deed; if he intends
to do it then he does it, Allah will write it down as only one bad deed.” (Agreed upon; narrated by
al-Bukhaari, Kitaab al-Raqaa’iq, 81)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣7⃣*
*❓No Priesthood in Islam*
✅There is no priesthood in Islam as it results in deviation and exploitation. The Holy Quran is a
Book of Guidance on all matters of life (Quran 3:7, Quran 5:3) and the tragedy is that instead of
reading the translation of Quran in own language, people are misguided by community
leaders/priests and thus what the priests say is more or less accepted as Islam to divide and rule
the people. Islam is actually a universal religion and hence we should give more importance to
understand it in our own language.

*Why Islam Doesn’t Allow the Priesthood?*

1. The Quran does not in any way allow the establishment of priesthood in the lives of human
beings. Relationship between the Creator and human beings is personal and non-delegable. We
have a direct relationship with God without any intercessors. The non-delegable nature of faith in
God is clear from the verse: “And you have certainly come to Us alone as We created you the first
time… And We do not see with you your 'intercessors' which you claimed that they were among
you associates [of God]” (Quran 6:94)

2. Priesthood necessarily implies a group of persons dictating and formulating what the structure
of beliefs should be and how it should be practiced. But there will be no one to defend us before
God for our deeds on earth as our deeds will be self-explanatory. Due to this, there as never been,
probably until recent times, any semblance of priesthood in the “Islamic world”.

3. It is always probable that priests will invent a religion in the name of God. However, the Quran
clearly states that no man can dictate back to God what God’s Way (religion) should be. “Say:
"What! Will you instruct God about your religion? But God knows all that is in the heavens and on
earth: He has full knowledge of all things” (Quran 49:16)

4. The Quran is abundantly clear that God is to be served and He alone is the source of all
knowledge. Hence, any “religious knowledge” about Islam must primarily be obtained directly
from the Quran. If we accept blindly the teaching of an Islamic scholar or anyone as the teaching
of God - we are placing our trust solely in him rather than in God. “And most of them believe not
in God without associating (other as partners) with Him” (Quran 12:106)

5. Priests, by whatever name they may be called, are human beings. As human beings, they are
subjected to the usual human temptations of wealth, glory and power. Allah has warned mankind
that many priests prey on people’s need for faith, ignorance, fear and hope simply to enrich and
glorify themselves (Quran: 9:34)

6. God has stated in the Quran, that you have persons, by whatever name they are called, who will
sound like they are quoting from the book of God but in fact, they distort and corrupt the true
meanings to suit their personal opinions. This can only be done by people with knowledge but
have a desire to manipulate things for their benefit (Quran 3:78)

Even though the institution of priesthood is not allowed in Islam, it is evident that informal
priesthood has evolved in the ‘Islamic world’ where you have sections of so-called people of
knowledge who take upon themselves as the final and sole interpreter of God’s words. One of the
techniques of social and political persuasion used by priests to force their ideas onto the ordinary
believers is by using the logic of majority or consensus. However, the argument of majority does
not guarantee the truth nor is it relevant to the determination of a person’s true faith. “Were you
to follow the majority of those on earth, they will lead you away from the way of God. They follow
nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie” (Quran 6:116)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣8⃣*
*❓What Islam Recommends Dealing with Epidemic Diseases?*
✅In recent years, health professionals around the world have become increasingly concerned
with the spread of infectious diseases. Outbreaks of swine flu, avian (bird) flu, nipah virus, COVID-
19 (corona) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have meant that infectious diseases
have taken on a global context. The scope of infectious diseases is progressively more challenged
by globalization. Easy and frequent air travel allows diseases to spread rapidly between
communities and countries.

Some basic measures are appropriate when trying to control the spread of any or all infectious
diseases. These include meticulous hand washing, covering the mouth when sneezing or
coughing, proper disposal of tissues, staying at home and away from public places, and in extreme
cases such as SARS & COVID-19, quarantine.

Islam is a holistic belief system, and it takes into account the physical, emotional, and spiritual
wellbeing of individuals and societies. Although care of the individual is important, safeguarding
communities, including its weakest members, is of paramount importance. More than 1400 years
ago, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught his followers hygiene practices that are still applicable in
the 21st century.

From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, we find evidence that clearly indicates Islam’s stance
on coughing and sneezing openly. Prophet Muhammad instructed the believers to cover their
faces when sneezing [Mustadrak Haakim].

The viruses that cause SARS & COVID-19 are transmitted most readily by respiratory droplets
produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus also can spread when a person
touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then touches his or her
mouth, nose, or eye.

Islam is referred to as the religion of cleanliness. “Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in
repentance and loves those who purify themselves” (Quran 2:222). In the traditions of Prophet
Muhammad, cleanliness is mentioned as half of faith. Therefore, it is important to keep the body
fresh and clean and Islam insists on several practices to facilitate this.

The private parts are washed after using the toilet and Muslims must pay attention to being clean
before praying. They wash their hands, faces, (including rinsing the mouth and nose) arms and
feet, a minimum of five times per day. Prophet Muhammad insisted that the believers wash their
hands, before praying, before and after eating and upon waking up in the morning [Abu Dawood
& Sahih Al-Bukhari].

Infection control in Islam includes isolation and quarantine. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instituted
strategies that are today implemented by public health authorities. He commanded his followers
not to travel to places known to be afflicted with illness and he advised those in the contaminated
areas or communities not to leave and spread the disease further afield. He said, “If you hear that
there is a plague in a land, do not enter it; and if it (plague) visits a land while you are therein, do
not go out of it” [Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim].

During the worldwide outbreak of SARS & COVID-19, quarantine officials arranged for
appropriate medical assistance, which sometimes included medical isolation and restricted travel

The teaching and principles of Islam are designed to benefit all of humankind. Rules and
recommendations for personal hygiene and cleanliness promote the well-being of individuals and
communities. Infection control is inherent in Islamic hygiene behavior. Measures taken in the 21st
century to prevent the spread of infections and viruses conform almost exactly to the hygiene and
infection control practices taught by Prophet Muhammad.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣0⃣9⃣*
*❓Does Islam Prescribe Death Penalty for Apostates?*
✅The Glorious Qur'an says, "Let there be no compulsion in the religion: Surely the Right Path is
clearly distinct from the crooked path" (Al-Baqarah:256). "Let him who wishes to believe, do so;
and let him who wishes to disbelieve, do so." (Al-Kahf:29)

In another verse, Allah Almighty says: "Yours is only the duty to convey the message; you are not
a guardian over them." (Al-Ghashiyah:21-22)

From the above verses it can be argued that religious freedom and the absence of compulsion in
religion requires that individuals be allowed adopt a religion or to convert to another religion
without legal penalty. Hence the death penalty is not an appropriate response to apostasy.

Muslims who support the death penalty for apostasy use as their foundation the hadith, in which
the Prophet (PBUH) is reported to have said: "Kill whoever changes his religion."

The hadith is so generally worded that it would require the death penalty for a Christian or Jew
who converted to Islam. This is obviously not the prophet's intent. The hadith needs further
specification, which has not been documented. Many scholars interpret this passage as referring
only to instances of high treason. (e.g. declaring war against Islam, Muhammad (PBUH), God, etc.)

There is no historical record, which indicates that Muhammad (PBUH) or any of his companions
ever sentenced anyone to death for apostasy.

*Quranic Views:*
The Qur’an has referred to the issue of apostasy at more than one place (for example see Al-
Baqarah 2: 217, Al-Baqarah 2: 108, Al Imran 3: 90, Al-Nisa 4: 137 and Al-Nahl 16: 106). But at none
of these places does the Qur’an mention the punishment of death for such people who change
their religion. The Qur’an does mention that such people shall face a terrible punishment in the
hereafter, but no worldly punishment is mentioned at any of these instances in the Qur’an.

The issue of killing an apostate (murtad) has been debated among scholars based on their
interpretations of some hadiths since the Qur'an does not specify any worldly punishment for it.
For example, there was a case at the time of the Prophet (PBUH) where a man came to him in
three consecutive days and told him that he wanted to apostate. The Prophet never took any
action against him, and when the man finally left Madinah, the Prophet never sent anyone to
arrest him, let alone kill him.

This is why some scholars distinguished between individual apostasy and apostasy which is
accompanied by high treason. So, it cannot be confused with the freedom of conscience for every
individual, which has been guaranteed in the Qur'an through hundreds of verses.
For example, one version of a hadith narrated by A'isha (RA) concerning apostasy relates to one
who left his religion and fought against Muslims.

Shaykh Subhani (author of the Book ‘Apostasy doesn't carry death penalty in Islam’) writes that
this order was made to counter a scheme prepared by Jews of Madinah. They had planned that
some of them embrace Islam for some time and then return to their old religion. Then some other
people do the same. It was aimed to create restlessness among Muslims against their own
leadership so that the strong Muslim unity should start crumbling. To counter this planning the
Prophet (SAW) ordered his companions to act in such a manner.

He emphasizes that people who were awarded death penalty for reverting to other religions from
Islam during the time of the Prophet (SAW) or during the reign of his caliphs were not given the
punishment for the crime of apostasy but for the fact that they were at war with Muslims and
Islamic government.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣0⃣*
*❓What is Shariah?*
✅Recently the word Shariah has become very familiar. Across the globe people are fond of using
it even when they are not familiar with what it actually means. Sections of the media and hate
groups give the impression that Shariah is a set of draconian laws intent on amputating hands
and lopping off heads. This explanation is far from the truth. ‘Shariah’ is a term that is used to
describe Islam as a complete way of life. Thus, Shariah is a set of laws that provide a clear and
straight path to fulfillment in this life and success in the Hereafter.

The Shariah is made up of commandments, rules and regulations that are designed by God to
protect and benefit all of humankind. It is true that the Shariah does encompass a penal code and
system of law but that is only one aspect of it. It also provides the framework for a functioning
society with specific moral, ethical, social, and political codes of conduct. The Shariah allows each
individual to form an ongoing relationship with God. Its laws provide the guidance humankind
requires so that good will triumph over evil.

The Shariah covers two main areas, worship, and worldly matters. In both, the scholars of Islam
generally agree that mercy is its overriding principle. God says in the Quran that Prophet
Muhammad was not sent except as a mercy to humankind (Quran 21:107). Prophet Muhammad
reiterated this concept when he told his followers that "God shows mercy to those who have
mercy on others. Show mercy to those on earth, and the One above the heaven will show mercy
to you." [At-Tirmidhi]

The Shariah is derived from the primary sources of Islam, the Quran, and the authentic Sunnah
(teachings of Prophet Muhammad). The Quran gives us the main principles while the Sunnah
provides the details of their application. For example, when the Quran tells us to establish the
prayer, we must turn to the Sunnah in order to understand the details of how to pray. The Shariah
also includes scholarly consensus, legal analogy, and interpretive reasoning. This allows the
Shariah to remain relevant in changing social and cultural circumstances.

Family law is one of the worldly matters in the Shariah and it includes marriage, matters pertaining
to children and inheritance. Common law covers buying and selling, contracts and other financial
matters. The penal code or criminal law includes robbery, murder, adultery, rape and slander.

It is almost universally accepted that there are five objectives or goals with which the Shariah
preserves basic human rights. These rights are faith, life, family, intellect, and wealth.

The Shariah is a straight way and a set of God-given guidelines that when followed correctly will
assure that every believer attains the ultimate success, a blissful life in the Hereafter. God said of
the Shariah, "Then We put you, [O Muhammad], on a straight way concerning the matter [of
religion]; so follow it and do not follow the inclinations of those who do not know." (Quran 45:18)

Thus, we find that the Shariah is all about justice, mercy, wisdom, and righteousness. Any opinion
or Islamic ruling that replaces justice with injustice, mercy with its opposite, good with mischief,
or wisdom with nonsense, is an opinion that is not Shariah, even if it is claimed to be so. [Ibn Al-

In the last few years, it seems that anybody who is literate can claim to be qualified to make Islamic
rulings. Because of this, it is important to remember that the Shariah is defined by the moral
purposes and the ethical principles set in the Quran and the authentic Sunnah of Prophet
Muhammad. Any interpretations that defy those doctrines are wrong and not from Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣1⃣*
*❓How Did Prophet Muhammed Treat the Children?*
✅Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was an extraordinary husband, a perfect father, and
a unique grandfather. He was unique in every way. He treated his children and grandchildren with
great compassion and never neglected to direct them to the straight path and to good deeds. He
loved them and treated them tenderly but did not allow them to neglect matters related to the
afterlife. He showed them how to lead a humane life and never allowed them to neglect their
religious duties or to become spoiled.

His ultimate goal was to prepare them for the Hereafter. His perfect balance in such matters is
another dimension of his divinely inspired intellect. Anas Ibn Malik, the Messenger’s helper for 10
years, says: “I have never seen a man who was more compassionate to his family members than
Muhammad.” [Sahih Muslim]

Muhammad was a human like us, but God inspired in him such an intimate affection for every
living thing that he could establish a connection with all of them. As a result, he was full of
extraordinary affection towards his family members and others.

All the Prophet’s sons died. Ibrahim, his last son, died in infancy. The Prophet often visited his son
before the latter’s death, although he was very busy. Ibrahim was looked after by a nurse. The
Prophet would kiss and play with him before returning home. [Sahih Muslim]

The Messenger was completely balanced in the way he brought up his children. He loved his
children and grandchildren very much, and instilled love in them. However, he never let his love
for them be abused. None of them deliberately dared to do anything wrong. If they made an
unintentional mistake, the Messenger’s protection prevented them from going even slightly
astray. He did this by wrapping them in love and an aura of dignity. For example, once Hasan or
Hussain wanted to eat a date meant for distribution among the poor as alms. The Messenger
immediately took it from his hand and said: “Anything given as alms is forbidden to us.” [Sahih

In teaching them while they were young to be sensitive to forbidden acts, the Prophet (PBUH)
established an important principle of education.
Whenever he returned to Medina, he would carry children on his mount. On such occasions, the
Messenger embraced not only his grandchildren but also those in his house and those nearby. He
conquered their hearts through his compassion. He loved all children.

He loved his granddaughter Umamah. He often went out with her on his shoulders, and even
placed her on his shoulders while praying. When he prostrated, he put her down; when he had
finished praying, he placed her on his back again. [Sahih Muslim]

The Prophet showed this degree of love to Umamah to teach his male followers how to treat girls.
This was a vital necessity; only a decade earlier, it had been the social norm to bury infant or young
girls alive. Such public paternal affection for a granddaughter had never been seen before in

The Messenger proclaimed that Islam allows no discrimination between son and daughter. How
could there be? One is Muhammad, the other is Khadijah; one is Adam, the other is Eve; one is Ali,
the other is Fatima. For every great man there is a great woman.

As soon as Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger, entered the room where the Messenger was,
he would stand, take her hands, and make her sit where he was sitting. He would ask about her
health and family, show his paternal love for her, and compliment her. Fatimah, knowing how fond
he was of her, loved him more than her own self.

This is the Prophet and his relation to children, A man respected by leaders, cherished, and loved
by children!

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣2⃣*
*❓The Purpose of Our Creation*
✅The purpose of creation is a topic that puzzles every human being at some point in his or her
lifetime. Everybody at some time or another asks themselves the question “Why do I exist?” or
“For what purpose am I here on earth?”

The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human
beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a Supreme Being who
created them. Design indicates a designer. When human beings come across footprints on a
beach, they immediately conclude that a human being had walked by there some time previously.
No one imagines that the waves from the sea settled in the sand and by chance produced a
depression looking exactly like human footprints.

Nor do humans instinctively conclude that they were brought into existence without a purpose.
Since purposeful action is a natural product of human intelligence, humans conclude that the
Supreme Intelligent Being who created them must have done so for a specific purpose. Therefore,
human beings need to know the purpose for their existence in order to make sense of this life
and to do what is ultimately beneficial for them.

To answer the question “Why did God create man?” it must first be determined from which
perspective the question is being asked. From the point of view of God, it would mean, “What
caused God to create human beings?” while from the human point of view it would mean “For
what purpose did God create humans?” Both points of view represent aspects of the intriguing
question “Why do I exist?” …both aspects of the question will be explored based on the clear
picture painted by divine revelation.

This is not a topic for human speculation, because human guesswork cannot possibly produce the
whole truth in this matter. How can human beings intellectually deduce the reality of their
existence when they can hardly understand how their own brain or its higher entity, the mind,
functions? Consequently, many philosophers who have speculated on this question down through
the ages have come up with innumerable answers, all of which are based on assumptions which
cannot be proven.

Although most people put the question of why we are created aside after occasional brief
reflection, it is extremely critical for human beings to know the answer. Without knowledge of the
correct answer, human beings become indistinguishable from the other animals around them. The
animal necessities and desires of eating, drinking, and procreating become the purpose of human
existence by default, and human effort is then focused on this limited sphere.

When material satisfaction develops into the most important goal in life, human existence
becomes even more degraded than that of the lowest of animals. Human beings will consistently
misuse their God-given intelligence when they lack knowledge of their purpose of existence. The
degraded human mind uses its abilities to create drugs and bombs. Without knowledge of the
purpose of life, human existence loses all meaning and is consequently wasted, and the reward of
an eternal life of happiness in the hereafter is completely destroyed. Therefore, it is of the utmost
importance that human beings correctly answer the question “Why are we here?”

Humans most often turn to other human beings like themselves for the answers. However, the
only place that clear and precise answers to these questions can be found is in the books of divine
revelation. It was necessary that God reveal the purpose to man through His prophets, because
human beings are incapable of arriving at the correct answers by themselves. All of the prophets
of God taught their followers the answers to the question “Why did God create man?”

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣3️⃣*
*❓Teachings of Moderation and Balance in Islam*
✅Islam is a complete lifestyle. The teachings of Islam do not separate the spiritual and worldly
aspects of an individual’s life; it states laws which cover lives from all angles. The beautiful religion
of Islam never stresses on hardships or giving up on social life; rather a balanced life is encouraged
and taught. “…Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship…” [Qur’an 2:185]

Moderation means to adopt a middle path between two extremes in all walks of life. Islam stresses
moderation and balance in all aspects of life; in beliefs, worship, conduct, relationships, ideas,
customs, transactions, daily activities, and human desires. Principled moderation has been
reiterated in the Quran whether explicitly or implicitly as a good character in Islam. Allah said:
“Thus, We have made you a justly balanced community that you will be witnesses over the people
and the Messenger will be a witness over you” (Quran 2:143)

*Spiritual Life:*
We are blessed with a religion which teaches us spirituality in such a beautiful way that helps us
stay close to our Creator. Apart from the five prayers, a month’s fasting, annual obligatory charity
(Zakat), and one Hajj in a lifetime, you may offer voluntary prayers and worships, too. These
voluntary acts are dear to Allah and the rewards are huge.

But balance is more important. One is not supposed to leave his home or ignore his health or
family in order to perform optional worships. It is, in fact, encouraged to have a healthy social and
family life. An example of this can be seen in the following hadith:

Prophet (P.B.U.H) once asked one of His companion Abdullah ibn ‘Amr: “Have I heard right that
you fast every day and stand in prayer all night?”. Abdullah replied: “Yes, O Messenger of God”.
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Do not do that. Fast, as well as eat and drink. Stand in prayer, as well
as sleep. This is because your body has a right upon you, your eyes have a right upon you, your
wife has a right upon you, and your guest has a right upon you.” [Bukhari]

*Social Life:*
It is common that we transgress in our worldly affairs. At times, we get so immersed in our social
lives that we neglect our relationship with Allah. We need to keep a check on this. Islam
encourages us to keep a balance and not lose ourselves in this temporary world.

“But seek, with that (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the hereafter, and
forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world; and do good as Allah has been good to
you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allah likes not the Mufsidun (those who commit
great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants, mischief-makers, corrupters)” [Quran 28:77]

Islam does not forbid us from enjoying our life; it only asks us to remember our ultimate goal,
that is, the success in akhirah. Believers can have wealth and luxuries, but they must not show off.
Also, we should not waste the blessings of Allah or be spendthrifts.

“O children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: Eat and drink
but waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters. Say: ‘who hath forbidden the beautiful
gifts of Allah which He hath produced for His servants and the things clean and pure (which He
hath provided) for sustenance? Say: They are in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and)
purely for them on the Day of Judgment. Thus, do We explain the signs in detail for those who
understand.” [Qur’an 7:31-32]

Moderation is the key to success. A true Muslim lives in this world harmonizing the spiritual and
secular aspects of his life and keeping a balance between them well.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣4️⃣*
*❓Social Service in Islam*
✅What is the concept of social service in Islam? Should Muslims work for the Muslim community
only or for the whole of humankind?

In Islam, social service is of immense significance. Whatever services a person renders for the
welfare of humankind, and through these deeds, hopes for the blessings of Allah will be regarded
as righteous deeds. These deeds if done solely for seeking the pleasure of Allah (and not for
recognition or show) will surely be rewarded by Allah.

Allah says in the Glorious Qur'an: “Whoever comes (at Judgement) with a good deed will have
better than it, and they, from the terror of that day, will be safe." (Quran 27:89) "Then shall anyone
who has done an atom's weight of good see it!" (Quran 99:7)

Allah repeatedly instructs as in the Glorious Qur'an to behave kindly, to give charity, to serve the
poor, the orphans, and the needy. While the Qur’an condemns hoarders and misers, it also
prohibits ill-treating and threatening the poor and the needy.

In all these verses of the Qur'an, Allah has not instructed the Muslims to work only for the welfare
of the Muslims. There are no such restraints. All these instructions are general in their scope and
hence include both, the Muslims as well as the non-Muslims. The Prophet (PBUH) too has made
it clear that striving of a Muslim for the welfare of any of the human beings or living creatures is
an act of charity.
Narrated Anas bin Malik (RA): Allah's Messenger said: "There is none amongst the Muslims who
plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded
as a charitable gift for him." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Hadith No. 513)

In Islam, removing a harmful thing from way is also Sadaqa (charity). (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4, Hadith
No. 232)

Islam ordains us to treat all the living creatures well and with kindness.

Narrated Abu Huraira (RA): Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was walking, he felt thirsty and went
down a well and drank water from it. On coming out of it, he saw a dog panting and eating mud
because of excessive thirst. The man said, 'This (dog) is suffering from the same problem as that
of mine. So, he (went down the well), filled his shoe with water, caught hold of it with his teeth
and climbed up and watered the dog. Allah thanked him for his (good) deed and forgave him."
The people asked, "O Allah's Apostle! Is there a reward for us in serving (the) animals?" He replied,
"Yes, there is a reward for serving any animate." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Hadith No. 551)

Thus, social service in Islam carries great significance and it is to be done to all in general,
regardless of the religion. And Allah knows best.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣5️⃣*
*❓Is Allah Forgiving or Revengeful?*
✅The Qur’an says several times that Allah is most Merciful and Forgiving but also says many
times that He gives severe punishment. Is He Forgiving or Revengeful?
*Allah is Most Merciful & Forgiving:*
The Qur’an says several times that Allah is the most Merciful. In fact, all the chapters of the Glorious
Qur’an except for Surah Taubah (chapter 9) begin with “In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most

The Glorious Qur’an mentions in several verses including Surah Nisa, chapter 4 verse 25 and Surah
Maidah, chapter 5 verse 74: “And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”

*Allah Gives Severe Punishment to the Deserving:*

Allah besides being Merciful and Forgiving is also strict in giving punishment to the deserving.
The Qur’an mentions in several verses that Allah will give severe punishment to the unbelievers
and rejecters of faith. He will give punishment to all those who disobey Him. Several verses of the
Qur’an describe the various types of severe punishment that Allah will give in hell to all those who
disobey. “Those who reject our Signs, we shall soon cast into the Fire; as often as their skins are
roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the Penalty: for Allah
is Exalted in Power, Wise”. [Qur’an 4:56]

*Allah is Just:*
The question is whether Allah is forgiving or revengeful. An important point to be noted is that
Allah besides being Merciful and Forgiving, He also has to give severe punishment to the
deserving wicked or evil people, because He is also Just. The Qur’an mentions in Surah Nisa: “Allah
is never unjust in the least degree”. [Qur’an 4:40]

It is further mentioned in Surah Al-Ambiya: “We shall set up scales of justice for the day of
Judgement, so that not a soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least. And if there be (no more
than) the weight of a mustard seed, we will bring it (to account): and enough are we to take
account”. [Qur’an 21:47]

*This Life is a Test for the Hereafter:*

The life in this world is a test for the Hereafter. The Qur’an says in Surah Al Mulk: “He who created
Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deeds; and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-
Forgiving”. [Qur’an 67:2]

If Allah forgives each and every human being and punishes no one, then why should the human
beings obey the command of Allah? If all human beings are going to go to heaven, then this life
cannot be called a test for the hereafter.

*Example: Teacher Forgives a Student who Copies in the Examination:*

If during an examination, a student copies and the teacher who supervises in the examinations
catches the student red-handed, the teacher says that he is very merciful and kind and forgives
him and allows him to continue copying. Those students who have worked hard for the
examination will not call the teacher merciful and kind but will call him unjust. This merciful act of
the teacher will encourage the other students to also copy. If all the teachers are merciful and kind
and allow the students to copy, then no student will ever study for examinations and all will pass
with flying colors by copying. The theoretical results of the examinations will be excellent in which
all the students will pass with first class and distinction but practically these students will be a
failure in life. The whole purpose of the examination would be defeated.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣6⃣*
*❓If Trinity is Not Biblical Teaching, How Did it Become the Doctrine of Christianity?*
✅The Trinity, which we see today, is not biblical. The word trinity is not even in the Bible, nor the
Bible dictionaries. The trinity was never taught by Jesus and was never specifically mentioned by

*Council of Nicaea:*
Many think that it was formulated at the Council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. That is not totally correct.
However, the Council of Nicaea asserted that Christ was of the same substance as God, which laid
the groundwork for later Trinitarian theology. But it did not establish the Trinity, for at that council
there was no mention of the holy spirit as the third person of a triune Godhead.

For many years, there had been much opposition on Biblical grounds to the developing idea that
Jesus was God. To try to solve the dispute, Roman emperor Constantine summoned all bishops
to Nicaea. About 300, a fraction of the total, actually attended. Constantine was not a Christian.
Supposedly, he converted later in life, but he was not baptized until he lay dying. Now you may
ask ‘what role did this unbaptized emperor play at the Council of Nicaea?’!

Constantine’s role was crucial. After two months of furious religious debate, this pagan politician
intervened and decided in favor of those who said that Jesus was God. But why? Certainly not
because of any Biblical conviction. “Constantine had basically no understanding whatsoever of the
questions that were being asked in Greek theology,” says ‘A Short History of Christian Doctrine’.
What he did understand was that religious division was a threat to his empire, and he wanted to
solidify his domain.
However, none of the bishops at Nicaea promoted Trinity. They decided only the nature of Jesus
but not the role of the holy spirit. If a Trinity had been a clear Bible truth, should they not have
proposed it at that time?

*Council of Constantinople:*
After Nicaea, debates on the subject continued for decades. Those who believed that Jesus was
not equal to God even came back into favor for a time. But later Emperor Theodosius decided
against them. He established the creed of the Council of Nicaea as the standard for his realm and
convened the Council of Constantinople in 381 C.E. to clarify the formula.

That council agreed to place the holy spirit on the same level as God and Christ. For the first time,
Christendom’s Trinity began to come into focus. Yet, even after the Council of Constantinople, the
Trinity did not become a widely accepted creed. Many opposed it and thus brought on themselves
violent persecution. It was only in later centuries that the Trinity was formulated into set creeds.

*The Athanasian Creed:*

The Trinity was defined more fully in the Athanasian Creed. Athanasius was a clergyman who
supported Constantine at Nicaea. The creed that bears his name declares: “We worship one God
in Trinity… The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they are not
three gods, but one God.”

Well-informed scholars agree, however, that Athanasius did not compose this creed. The New
Encyclopedia Britannica comments: “The creed was unknown to the Eastern Church until the 12th
century. Since the 17th century, scholars have generally agreed that the Athanasian Creed was not
written by Athanasius (died 373) but was probably composed in southern France during the 5th

So, it took centuries from the time of Christ for the Trinity to become widely accepted in
Christendom. And in all of this, what guided the decisions? Was it the Word of God, or was it
clerical and political considerations? In Origin and Evolution of Religion, E. W. Hopkins answers:
“The final orthodox definition of the trinity was largely a matter of church politics.”

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣7⃣*
*❓Trust & Reliance in God*
✅‘Reliance on Allah’ is referred to in Arabic as ‘Tawakkul’. The word literally means to place one’s
affairs in the hands of another.

Allah has many Beautiful Names. One of Allah’s personal Names associated with ‘trust’ is Al-
Wakeel - the Disposer of Affairs. The Quran refers to Allah by Al-Wakeel fourteen times. For
instance, “And they said: ‘Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of Affairs’” (Quran
3:173). “Allah is sufficient as Disposer of Affairs” (Quran 4:81). “He is the Disposer of all Affairs”
(Quran 6:102)

Allah commands us to place our trust in Him: “(He is) the Lord of the East and the West. There is
no true deity but He. Take Him, therefore, as Disposer of your Affairs.” (Quran 73:9). Likewise, Allah
forbids us to place our reliance on His creation: “We gave Moses the Book, and made it a guide
to the Children of Israel, (commanding): ‘Take not other than Me as Disposer of (your) Affairs.’”
(Quran 17:2)

Together, these two verses show us that reliance on Allah is an act of worship. Through our
devoted trust and reliance, we express our monotheistic belief, and therefore these are things we
should direct towards Allah alone.

*How to Rely on Allah?*

1. Do not confuse reliance with laziness:
Tawakkul sometimes is mistaken for being laid back and thinking your problems will be solved
without your intervention. Tawakkul should not be mistaken with giving up your efforts thinking
that somehow your challenges will get resolved. Rather striving and working with the attitude that
Allah will take care of your affairs and will help you in getting through your trials is part of you
relying on Allah. Once the Prophet asked a Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” He
replied, “I put my trust in Allah!” The Prophet then said, “Tie your camel first, then put your trust
in Allah” [Tirmidhi]

2. Do not become arrogant:

You should always plan and work based on what Allah has blessed you with. You should fully use
those blessings by thanking Allah for them, without getting puffed up with arrogance about your
personal strengths. All your strength and ability are from Allah and ultimately, it’s the favor of
Allah that will determine your success.

3. Accept Allah’s Decisions:

After your best efforts, accept whatever happens. You should believe that Allah, out of His wisdom,
may decide to supersede all your plans for reasons that only He knows. Remind yourself that
believing in al-Qadr (divine decree) is one of the pillars of your faith. Know that whatever will
happen will happen and all you can do is your best.

4. Take all precautions:

In the Quran Allah tells us the story of two prophets, Yaqub (Jacob) and his son Yusuf (Joseph).
On one occasion, when sending his sons to Egypt, Yaqub instructs them to enter from different
gates of the city to avoid suspicion, but Allah willed otherwise. The point is that Yaqub took all
the measures he could to avoid any possible risk. We must avoid a common pitfall. We tend to
either rely on our efforts and forget trusting Allah or we think we are relying on Allah by not
adopting any practical measures to solve our problems.

*Benefits of Reliance (Tawakkul):*

We need to apply tawakkul in our daily lives. One of the major benefits of tawakkul is that it can
relieve us from unnecessary anxiety, worry, and resulting depression from the daily challenges. By
believing that all our affairs are in Allah’s hands and we can do only what is in our control, we
leave the results to Allah and accept His decree whatever it may be. A sensible Muslim who
understands tawakkul will not give up the effort but will also not become overly elated with
success or depressed by failure.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣8⃣*
*❓Examples of Modesty, Justice and Mercy in the Rule of Caliph Umar*
✅There is a well-known narration in Islamic history regarding the second caliph of Islam Umar
ibn Al-Khattab, who honored his servant in a unique style that would be regarded a distinctive
example of the observance of slave’s right. There is no such example in the history of the kings
and rulers.
It was narrated that the second Caliph of Islam, Umar (May Allah be pleased with him), rode a
camel by turn with his servant while they were traveling to Syria. When they came near to Syria,
the turn was of the servant to ride the camel. Umar ordered him to ride and he himself came down
of the camel. The servant apologized as it was unacceptable to him to ride while the Caliph of
Muslims was walking on his foot in front of people. But Umar remained insistent until the servant
rode. Thus, they entered Syria with the caliph walking and his servant riding the camel. When the
people of Syria saw them, they were extremely surprised. (Akbar Shah Khan Najibabadi, A’inah
Haqiqat Numa, Hamdard Press, India, 1931, p.42.)

It is also interesting that once Umar ibn Al-Khattab came to a fountain of Ibn Harithah where he
met Muhammad ibn Maslamah. Umar asked him: “How do you see me? O Muhammad!”
Muhammad answered saying: “By Allah! I see you as I like to see, and as your well-wisher likes to
see, I see you strong in collecting the due money, uninterested in taking anything from it, just in
its distribution. However, if you deviate, I shall straighten you as an arrow is straightened in the
straightening mold.” Umar said: “Hurrah! If I deviate, you will straighten me as an arrow is
straightened in the straightening mold.” And thanked Allah the Almighty saying: “All praise is to
Allah Who has made me in a nation who dare to set me upright when I deviate.” (Adh-Dhahabi,
Siyar Aalam An-Nubala’, Ar-Risalah, vol.2, p.372.)

Indeed, it is equality, freedom, and freedom of expression. This is a practical example by the
Second Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab.

There is another inspiring narration on the human rights. Once the Muslims gained some booty
(Yemenite cloths) when it was distributed among the people by Umar, Abdullah ibn Umar (his
son) got a piece of that cloth and gifted his share to his father Umar. Umar made a robe with both
pieces of the cloth and put on his dress and stood among people to address them. He said in his
speech: “O my people, listen and obey!” Then a man named Salman stood and said: “No listening
and obedience for you.” Umar asked him: why have you said so? The man answered: “How did
you get this loose robe? You are a tall man, and your share was like others, only one cloth?”

Umar called on his son Abdullah, who was present there and the son responded: “O commander
of Muslims! I am here.” Umar said: “I swear you by Allah! Tell us is not it your cloth that you gifted
me?” Ibn Umar answered: “Of course! It was mine that I have gifted you.” Then, Salman said: “Now
order us, we shall listen and obey your order.” (Ibn Al-Qayyim, I’alam Al-Muwaqqi’in An Rabbil-
Aalamin, Darul-Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah 1991, vol.2, p.124.)

There is no wonder if we imagine the modesty, justice, and mercy of Umar upon his nation, and
followers. In fact, it was the result of the influence of the Prophet’s teachings upon him.

This is what had really inspired even Mahatma Gandhi, our Father of Nation, who wished to have
the rule of Caliph Umar in India and stated: “I cannot give you the example of Ram Chandra or
Krishna, because they were not recognized figures in history. I cannot help it but to present to you
the names of Abu Bakar and Umar Farooq. They were leaders of a vast Empire, yet they lived a life
of austerity.” [Harijan: Dated-27.07.1937]

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣1⃣9⃣*
*❓Terrorism Doesn't Have a Religion*
✅In recent years, the world experienced the growth of terrorism in many cities all over the world.
With an empowered sentiment of hatred spread among the world, media showed that many of
these terrible attacks were organized by ‘jihadists’ groups and that the world was in serious

We realize the role of the media took on more and more importance in the way people reacted
to these events, through the way the news were spread and the resonance given to particular
elements of the attacks, such as the nationality or the religion of the actors. As everyone could
expect, this contributed to the growth of Islamophobia and the generalization that every Muslim
is a terrorist.

What many people still do not realize is that terrorism doesn’t have religion and here it’s explained

*1. Jihadists are Just One of the Groups Committing Attacks*

According to the Europol, there are “four other categories of terrorist acts based on motivation:
right-wing; left-wing and anarchists; ethno-nationalism and separatism; and single issues (for
example animal rights or anti-abortion). In 2017, most terrorist attacks carried out in the EU were
classified as separatist attacks (137 out of 205️).”

In support of this, it would be useful to have a look at the platform Esri mapping terrorist attacks
around the world (a). Here you will remember the anti-Muslim terrorist attacks in Chirstchurch
mosques in New Zealand in March 2019, Baerum mosque shooting in Norway, where a 21-year-
old Norwegian gunman spread panic into an Islamic Center, or the two attacks in Genoa (Italy) by
anarchists in 2019 or the attacks in Germany organized by anarchists and right wing extremists.

*2. Those Responsible of the Attack are Almost Never a Foreign Fighter*
Most of the attacks appeared to be organized by people who were born and grew up in a Western
country and not by a foreigner. The Europol reported that “jihadist attacks in 2018 were carried
out primarily by terrorists who grew up and were radicalized in their home country” and that
“these terrorists may not necessarily be very religious: they may not read the Quran or regularly
attend mosque and they often have a rudimentary and fragmented knowledge of Islam.”

*3. Islam is the Religion of Peace*

The Holy Book “The Quran” contains the revelations that the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) received
from God. It is ‘enough’ to read this book to realize that Muslims are encouraged to peace,
forgiveness, and equality. There are so many verses in the book encouraging the believers to be
respectful towards others, generous with poor people, equal to women and also to people who
have faith in another religion.

In fact, in Chapter 5, it is written that if it were for Allah, he would have made only one nation
united in religion, but he intended to test the believers in what he gave to them. That is why they
should compete with each other by doing good, because it is to Him that everyone will return,
and it will be Him to inform in what they differed from each other.

Muslims are encouraged to always find a peaceful resolution to problems, while what is used to
justify the terrorist attacks-“the jihad” -represents a totally different concept, far from terrorism,
and it has a very long list of specific rules.

As reported by BBC (b), Jihad is not a war to “force people to convert to Islam, to conquer other
nations to colonize them, to take territory for economic gain, to settle disputes or demonstrate a
leader’s power”. This is enough reasons to be able to separate the religion from the aspirations
driving the attacks in the recent years.

When will the world understand this? Terrorism is brutal, senseless and terrorism has no religion!.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣0⃣*
*❓Does God Misguide People? - Part1: Whom Does Allah Guide?*
✅The critics of Islam try their best to make issue of certain Quranic verses and argue that Allah
Himself misguides people. There are three set or types of verses that are used by the critics.
1. Verses that say Allah guides and misguides whom He wills.
2. Verses that say Allah will leave some people to astray.
3. Verses that say Allah will seal the hearts of some people.

Let us consider these types of verses one by one. But before that we need to understand the word
'Hidaya' i.e. guidance as Quran speaks of it.

*Meaning of 'Guidance' (Hidaya):*

The Holy Quran speaks of certain Guidance on certain degrees. The first degree of guidance is
universal and is granted to all beings, living and otherwise: "He said: 'Our Lord is He Who gave to
each (created) thing its form and nature, and further, gave (it) guidance.'" (Quran 20:50)

The second degree is only for men and the jinn i.e. creation that will be held accountable for its
deeds. This guidance is always there, and one is free to work for it or reject it. "By the Soul, and
the proportion and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right; Truly he
succeeds who purifies it; And he fails who corrupts it!" (Quran 91:7-10)

And third degree of guidance is for those who heed to the message of Truth and grants them
more help in their pursuit of righteousness. “But to those who receive Guidance, He increases the
(light of) Guidance, and bestows on them their Piety and Restraint (from evil)." (Quran 47:17)

So, when Allah says that He does not guide people it only refers to the third degree of guidance
and this He does only because they do not show the yearning for what is the prerequisite for it.

*Meaning of 'Allah Guides Whom He Wills…':*

There are some verses in the Holy Quran which say that Allah guides whom He wills and leaves
straying who He wills. “…Now Allah leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He
pleases: and He is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom.” (Quran 14:4)

Critics of Islam argue that Allah Himself misguides people and does not give them free-will and
therefore He would be unjust in punishing them. This is utterly wrong interpretation!
*Man Has the Choice:*
Other passages of the Quran refute such an interpretation. Quran in fact maintains that Allah has
made the Truth and Falsehood clear and now man has the choice to accept either of them. "By
the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it; And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its
right; Truly he succeeds that purifies it, and he fails that corrupts it!" (Quran 91:7-10)

"Say, 'The truth is from your Lord': Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the
wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent,
will hem them in" (Quran 18:29)

*Whom Does Allah Guide?:*

Now let us see about whom Allah guides. Below are some verses, which describe the same.

"…Allah guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him]" (Quran 13:27). "And those who strive in
Our (cause), We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is with those who do right."
(Quran 29:69). "Allah chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those
who turn (to Him)." (Quran 42:13)

To be continued…
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣1⃣*
*❓Does God Misguide People? - Part2: Whom Does Allah Misguide?*
✅Now let us see about whom Allah misguides. Below are some verses, which describe the same.

"…He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path)" (Quran 2:26). “…but Allah will leave,
to stray, those who do wrong: Allah do what He wills." (Quran 14:27)
*How Does Allah Misguide?*
Now is the question as to how Allah misguides? This is plainly told in the Quran: "If anyone
contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows
a path other than that becoming to men of Faith, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen,
and land him in Hell,- what an evil refuge!" (Quran 4:115)

So, Allah misguides the evil doers and those who reject the guidance brought by the Messenger
by letting him follow the path they choose. Through His signs, He makes things clear and those
who will and show passion to follow the Truth, He guides them further and but those who resort
to evil, He lets them follow the path they choose, so He wouldn't be unjust in punishing such.

*Meaning of the verse 'If Allah Leads You Astray…':*

Some quote Quran 11:34 which speaks of Prophet Noah saying to his rebellious people; "Of no
profit will be my counsel to you, much as I desire to give you (good) counsel, if it be that Allah will
to leave you astray: He is your Lord! and to Him will ye return!" (Quran 11:34)

Here Prophet Noah is speaking to the people when they have crossed all limits and even
challenged to bring the torment that he used to warned them of. So here Allah's act of misleading
is just as explained earlier i.e. He will leave them on the path they have chosen by stubbornly
rejecting the Truth. And this may even be about the punishment, the torment that Prophet Noah
knew was due for these people because the same word is used in the meanings of punishment
and destruction as well.

Some use these verses, "[Satan] said, ‘Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for
them on Your straight path’" (7:16). “[Iblees] said, ‘My Lord, because You have put me in error, I
will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all’" (15:39)

But interestingly one can see that these are only the words of Satan who is just seeking excuses
for his transgression by slandering that Almighty Allah misled him. Only the Satanic souls turn to
these verses for proving their point!

*Meaning of the Saying that 'Allah Seals the Hearts…':*

Some people argue that when Allah Himself says that He puts seal on the heart of disbelievers
then why are they to be blamed for their acts. Such arguments come only because of the basic
misunderstanding of the whole issue.

Allah seals the hearts of only those who stubbornly reject the message or simply as explained
above, Allah seals the hearts of those who reject the second degree of guidance which is universal
and only needs one own will to be attained. So, we see that whenever Allah says something on
these lines in the Quran it is always about the stern rejecters of Truth e.g. Quran 2:7, 4:168 &
16:106-109. All such passages talk about those who reject the Truth and do no show the will to
follow the Right Path.
The gist of the matter is that Allah grants guidance to all by making the Truth and Falsehood clear
through His signs within our own selves and the phenomenon around and through the Holy
Prophets and the scriptures and everyone is free to follow it. One who hearkens to the message
and shows yearning, Allah guides him further; but one who rejects the Truth, Allah lets him follow
the way he likes (Quran 4:115) and withholds the further degrees of guidance from him, seals the
hearts of such and lets him astray.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣2⃣*
*❓Is Stoning of the Devil During Hajj a Superstition?*
✅Why do Muslims throw stones during Hajj pilgrimage? Is this stoning a form of idol worship or
idol damnation?

Stoning of the Satan (at Jamra) is a symbolization of the stoning done by Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)
when the devil tried to misguide him. This happened at 3 places, so we do it symbolically at those
3 spots during Hajj. It has nothing to do with idol or idol worship. For anyone with some
understanding, it is easy to realize that Islam totally and completely rejects idol worship.

If someone misunderstands the stoning as idol worship, it is a total misunderstanding without

trying to understand what that ritual actually symbolizes. The Jamra is not being worshipped,
rather stoning is being done there as a symbolic way to stay away from the devil.

This ritual is a symbolic reenactment of the incident between the Prophet Ibrahim and the Satan.
Ibrahim was commanded by Allah Almighty to sacrifice his son Ismail (PBUH). On his way to carry
out this commandment, Satan repeatedly tried to dissuade Ibrahim from following this order of
Allah. Ibrahim was instructed by the Angel Gabriel to throw stones at Satan.
This incident is explained by a very famous Muslim historian Al-Azraqi as: “When he [Ibrahim] left
Mina and was brought down to al-Aqaba, the Devil appeared to him at Stone-Heap of the Defile.
Gabriel (Jibril) said to him: "Pelt him!" so Ibrahim threw seven stones at him so that he disappeared
from him. Then he appeared to him at the Middle Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: "Pelt him!" so
he pelted him with seven stones so that he disappeared from him. Then he appeared to him at
the Little Stone-Heap. Gabriel said to him: "Pelt him!" so he pelted him with seven stones like the
little stones for throwing with a sling. So, the Devil withdrew from him.”

This incident was given permanence in the lives of the Muslims in the shape of a ritual to be
performed during Hajj. And each year during Hajj, Muslims perform this ritual in the remembrance
of this incident.

*Significance and Symbology Behind Stoning*

The stoning of Jamarat denotes complete obedience to the commands of Allah without anything
dissuading a Muslim against it. Ibrahim was commanded to sacrifice his son and Satan tried to
discourage Ibrahim from doing so, but Ibrahim demonstrated complete faith in Allah and followed
His command without any questions or temptation.

Satan tried to instill confusion in Ibrahim’s mind and tried to tempt him away from submitting to
God’s will. Ibrahim’s heroism is to be celebrated because Ibrahim was childless until the age of
seventy, when Allah gave him his first son, Ismail. In these circumstances, this was a very great
sacrifice that was demanded of Ibrahim. Satan tried to discourage Ibrahim by giving the argument
of old age and who is going to look after you in such an age. However, Ibrahim was strong in his
faith and in order to drive Satan away, he threw stones at him. It was an act of casting aside his
desires and wishes, something all Muslims are expected to do during Hajj and otherwise also.

Throwing stones at the Satan is not as if Satan is present at the place, rather it is an exercise of
faith: this act is a testament that the believers are able to resist the thoughts and desires that Satan
puts in the believer’s mind. Even though a pilgrim is throwing a stone at one of the pillars of
Jamarat, but in fact, he or she is throwing them in the face of Satan as nothing annoys Satan more
than a man following the command of Allah. Ibrahim followed the command of Allah and stoned
the Satan, so Muslims all over the world follow the commands of Allah and throw stones at the
Satan in the same way to show disdain towards this devil’s being.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣3️⃣*
*❓What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part1*
*✅Mahatma Gandhi:* (Indian Civil Rights Leader)
"I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those
days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the
scrupulous regard for his pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity,
his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and his own mission. These, and not the sword carried
everything before them and surmounted every obstacle." (‘Young India’, 1924)

*Herbert George Wells (H.G. Wells):*

“The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior
and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order
and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-
heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other
societies preceding it… Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy & fraternity.”

*Karen Armstrong:*
“Islam is a religion of success. Unlike Christianity, which has as its main image, in the west at least,
a man dying in a devastating, disgraceful, helpless death… Mohammed was not an apparent
failure. He was a dazzling success, politically as well as spiritually, and Islam went from strength to
strength to strength.”

*Pope John Paul II:*

“… the religiosity of Muslims deserves respect. It is impossible not to admire, for example, their
fidelity to prayer. The image of believers in Allah who, without caring about time or place, fall to
their knees and immerse themselves in prayer remains a model for all those who invoke the true
God, in particular for those Christians who, having deserted their magnificent cathedrals, pray only
a little or not at all.”

*Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley:*

"The league of nations founded by the prophet of Islam put the principle of international unity
and human brotherhood on such universal foundations as to show candle to other nations...the
fact is that no nation of the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done towards the
realization of the idea of the League of Nations." (History of the Saracen Empires)
*Thomas Carlyle:*
“The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Muhammad) are
disgraceful to ourselves only. A silent great soul, one of that who cannot but be earnest. He was
to kindle the world; the world’s Maker had ordered so.”

*Leo Tolstoy:*
“The legislation of Quran will spread all over the world, because it agrees with the mind, logic and

"Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas,
of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire,
that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we
may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" (HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris)

*George Bernard Shaw:*

"I have studied him (Prophet Mohammed)- the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being
an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to
assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way
that would bring it much needed peace and happiness." (‘The Genuine Islam Vol. No.8’, 1936)

*Reverend R. Bosworth-Smith:*
“If ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by a Right Divine, it was Mohammad, for he
had all the power without instruments and without its support. He cared not for dressing of power.
The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life." (Mohammed &

To be continued…
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣4️⃣*
*❓What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part2*
*✅Edward Gibbon and Simon Ockley:*
“‘I Believe in One God and Mahomet, an Apostle of God' is the simple and invariable profession
of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honor
of the Prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtues; and his living precepts
have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion." (History
of the Saracen Empires)

*Sarojini Naidu:* (Indian Poetess)

“It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for, in the mosque, when the call
for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied
five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: 'God Alone is Great'…
I have been struck over and over again by this indivisible unity of Islam that makes man
instinctively a brother.” (‘Ideals of Islam’, Speeches and Writings, Madras, 1918)

*Edward Montet:*
“Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered
etymologically & historically… the teachings of the Prophet, the Qur’an has invariably kept its
place as the fundamental starting point, & the dogma of unity of God has always been proclaimed
therein with a grandeur a majesty, an invariable purity and with a note of sure conviction, which
it is hard to find surpassed outside the pale of Islam…”

*Napoleon Bonaparte:* (French Military & Political Leader)

“I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all
the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur'an which alone are
true and which alone can lead men to happiness.” (‘Christian Cherfils Bonaparte et Islam’, Paris

*Alphonse de LaMartine:* (French Writer, Poet & Politician)

"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of
human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in history with Muhammad?”
“Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas,
of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire,
that is Muhammad." (‘Histoire de la Turquie’, Paris 1854, Vol II, pp. 276-77)

*Edward Gibbon:* (Historian)

“The good sense of Muhammad despised the pomp of royalty. The Apostle of God submitted to
the menial offices of the family; he kindled the fire; swept the floor; milked the ewes; and mended
with his own hands his shoes and garments. Disdaining the penance and merit of a hermit, he
observed without effort of vanity the abstemious diet of an Arab.” ('The Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire' 1830)

*Michael H. Hart:* (Astrophysicist and Author)

"My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise
some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was
supremely successful on both the religious and secular level." (‘The 100: A Ranking of the Most
Influential Persons in History’, New York 1992)

*Dalai Lama:*
“… since September 11th event, on many occasions I always come forth, with a defense of Islam.
Islam like any other major tradition. I think the very praising Allah means love, infinite love,
compassion, like that. I understand Islam, they usually carry rosary, all 99 beads, different name of
Allah, all refer compassion, or these positive things.”

*Lawrence E Browne:* (Author & Scholar)

“Incidentally, these well-established facts dispose of the idea so widely fostered in Christian
writings that the Muslims, wherever they went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the
sword.” (‘The Prospects of Islam’, 1944)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣5️⃣*
*❓Debate Between Two Babies in a Mother’s Womb*
✅In a mother’s womb were two babies…

One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course.
There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we
will be later.”
“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”

The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with
our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand

The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous!
The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short.
Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”

The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe
we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”

The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one has ever come
back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness
and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of

The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That is laughable. If Mother exists, then
where is She now?”

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that
we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”

To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really
listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣6⃣*
*❓Islamic View on Sexuality*
✅Sex is a normal and essential part of life. For Muslims however, the open discussion of sex is
frowned upon usually for cultural reasons but mostly because Islam considers sexuality to be a
private matter between husband and wife. This does not, however, mean that discussion about
sex should not happen, with plenty of hadith from the Holy Prophet discussing sexual etiquette
between husband and wife. This article explores how sex is perceived in Islam, what its benefits
are and the Islamic guidelines for a healthy sex life for both men and women.

*Sex is a Great Worldly Pleasure:*

Sex between husband and wife is known to be one of the pleasures of this world. It is narrated
that once Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq told his students “Whether in this world or in the hereafter, one
has not, and will not, perceive a pleasure more pleasurable than sexual relations with women, and
certainly, this is the commentary of the words of Allah in the Quran (3:14): “To mankind has been
made to seem decorous the love of (worldly) desires, including women and children.”

It was reported from Abu Dharr that the Prophet said: “In the sexual intercourse of any one of you
there is reward.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, when any one of us fulfils his desire, will he
have a reward for that?” He replied, “Do you not see that if he were to do it in a prohibited manner,
he would be punished for that? So, if he does it in a lawful manner, he will be rewarded.” (Muslim,

Another hadith mentions, the wife of a companion came to the Prophet and said: “Oh messenger
of Allah, every day my husband fasts and, in the evenings, engages in prayer” (i.e. he doesn’t sleep
with her). The Prophet was so angered that he went to the man’s house without wearing his
sandals, and told him: “Allah has not sent me to be a recluse, I swear by Allah that has instigated
me to this pure, orthodox and easy religion, I fast, I pray and I go to my wife, and anyone that
likes my custom, must be bound by my sunnah and custom, and sexual intercourse is from my
Sunnah.” (Hadith)

*Islamic Etiquettes of Sex:*

There are no specific rules for sexual intercourse; whatever is mutually pleasing is right, and
likewise, whatever is mutually displeasing should be avoided; the only exception to this rule is
what the Shariah (Islamic law) clearly forbids; for example, anal sex. However, there are several
recommended acts that, if followed, will inevitably lead to a more pleasurable experience. For
example, cleaning, brushing teeth, using perfumes, etc.

Satisfying one’s wife is extremely important for Muslim men. Lack of satisfaction over a long period
of time can lead to frigidity and dislike towards the husband. A tradition from Ali ibn Abu Talib
states, “When any of you wants to sleep with his wife, he must not rush her for indeed women
have needs too.”
It is important for the husband to be aware that a woman’s sexual desire takes longer to express
itself, but once it is elicited, is very strong, whereas a man is quickly aroused and also can quickly
be satisfied. It is interesting to note that the importance placed by Islam on the satisfaction of
both man and woman, is a clear indicator of the justice and fairness of Allah.

It is also important not to reveal specific details about your intimate relationship to outsiders. A
hadith mentions that the Prophet said, “telling others what someone did with spouse is like a male
devil meeting a female devil in the road and having intercourse with her whilst the people are
watching.” (Abu Dawood, no. 1/339; Albaani in Adaab al-Zafaaf, p. 143)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣7⃣*
*❓What Islam Says About Transgenders?*
✅Transgender people are those who are physically and psychologically abnormal. They are
called ‘Mukhannath’ in Arabic and are looked down upon by the society because of their physical
abnormality and their effeminate manners and speech. They are generally called the third gender
because they look and behave neither like men nor women. These people go through a
psychological and sexual anxiety through their entire life.

When we study the Quran to find the Quran’s approach towards the transgenders, we find no
mention of them. This is somewhat intriguing because the holy Quran does not leave any aspect
or issue which is important for the society. So, let us try to find out the reason why it does not
mention the transgenders.

When we study the Quran, we find that it says that there is no third among human beings or in
any other species on earth. The Quran says that God created every species including human
beings in pairs. This suggests that all the species have only two genders: male and female. There
are many verses dealing with the issue: “Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the
earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no
knowledge.” (Quran 36:36). Does the Quran then ignore the transgender who are neither men nor

The reason for the Quran not mentioning the transgender because there is nothing called the
third gender. The people who are considered the third gender actually suffer from a disease or
syndrome which causes abnormality in physical and mental behavior of a man. The disease is
called Klinefelter Syndrome and the persons suffering from this syndrome are called

Since transgender are human beings with a chromosomal disorder, the Quran does not treat them
like third gender.

The practices of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) show that he did not have any aversion towards
transgender persons. In the prophet’s era transgender were employed as domestic helps and they
were respected in the society. However, the principles of moral and ethical behavior were applied
to them. Belonging to transgender community did not entitle them to speak or behave immorally.
The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) disapproved of immoral behavior of transgenders. There is a
Hadith about an incident in which the Prophet expressed displeasure over the remark of a
transgender about a woman of Taif. (Sahih Muslim; Book No.39, 2180).

Prophet (PBUH) respected them as human beings as their abnormality was a biological disorder.
The modern scholars also approve of sex-reassignment surgery to change the sex of transgenders
to free them of their psychological biological dilemma. This is based on a Hadith on cutting vein.
(Ahmad, Muslim)

However, in most societies, the transgenders are not treated with respect. They have been reduced
to a community of beggars and entertainers. They are also considered a community of Gays and
Lesbians. But this was not their position during the Mughal era in India. In the Mughal palace, they
were called Khwaja Sara and were employed as the supervisors and also held important positions
in the court. But during the British rule, the government passed the Criminal Tribes Act. Under this
law, they could not dress like women or sing or dance in the public. This took away their source
of earning and they had to resort to begging.

In short, though the Prophet (PBUH) did not hate the transgender and even allowed them to work
as a servant to his wives, our society has reduced them to outcastes confining them to an
ostracized life of crime and prostitution. The Islamic society needs to change their outlook towards
the transgender community helping them to lead a dignified life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣8⃣*
*❓The Rights of Children on Parents in Islam*
✅Children are one of the joys of life that we ask Allah to grant us: “Wealth and sons are
allurements of the life of this world.” (Quran 18:46)

Children are the delight of our hearts in their childhood, our companions and comfort in our old
age, and the only source of prayers in our graves; all in all, they are the means by which we earn
the fruits of this life and the reward of the hereafter.

Parents have responsibilities towards their children, and they stand accountable for these
responsibilities so that they can truly enjoy and appreciate the blessings of having children and
get rewarded by the Giver.

Parents should teach their children all about God and show them how to worship, with no
compulsion or force. They should also guide them to the stairways to Paradise and protect them
from falling into Hellfire. It is the responsibility of parents to provide their children with the
environment and tools to learn all about Islam.

*Before the Child’s Birth:*

Islam is the most just way of life, in which the rights of each soul are granted. When a man chooses
his wife, it is top priority for him to choose one bearing the characteristics of a good mother.

The pregnant or nursing mother should take care of her health and her nutrition so that she can
pass good health to her child. She has been given the license to break the obligatory fast of
Ramadan if the fasting may cause her or the baby any harm.

*Showing Love Towards Children:*

Upon their birth, children have all of their rights automatically in effect: feeding, clothing and
health care. Allah says: “Mothers should feed their children for two whole years (that is) for those
who wish to complete the suckling term, the cost of their food and clothing on equitable terms is
upon the father of the child.” (Quran 2:233)

Also, the Prophet advised us to give each child a name with a good meaning.
Motherhood and fatherhood are instincts that Allah has blessed us with, and the love for our
children is built into our hearts even before they are born. Prophet Muhammad instructed us to
show our love to our children: “He is not one of us who does not have mercy for children and
respect for our seniors” (At-Tirmidhi)

It is reported that Al-Aqra ibn Habis saw Allah’s Messenger kissing his grandchild and said to the
Prophet, “I have ten children, but I have never kissed any one of them.” The Prophet said, “He who
does not show mercy (towards his children), no mercy would be shown to him” (Al-Bukhari).

*The Right to a Respectable Life:*

Islamic Law has given children the right to a good life and ordered the father to guarantee them
the resources that can make them live well.

Prophet Muhammad said, “The best penny a man spends is that on his children, on his camel for
the sake of Allah, and on his friends for the sake of Allah.”

Even in cases of divorce, fathers are asked to be fully responsible for their children regarding food,
clothing, schooling, and health expenses according to the father’s standard of life. (Quran 65:7)

The Qur’an also states that children have the right to inherit from the day of their birth.

*Equality and Justice Between Children:*

Justice, in particular social justice, is a major theme in Islam, which was revealed in a time when
justice was lacking. Islam’s teachings and rulings restored social justice in the tribal societies at
the time.

Muslims who fear Allah in their heart and are keen to earn His satisfaction should treat their
children equally, not favoring one over the others, in spending, treatment, and giving gifts to

Children are a blessing from Allah and to thank Allah for such a blessing, parents should fulfill the
duties Allah prescribed on them towards their children.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣2⃣9⃣*
*❓Why Did God Create Angels? Does He Need Help of Angels?*
✅It is definitely true that our Creator Allah Almighty does not need anything or anyone. As a
matter of fact, among His Names is ‘Al-Ghany’: The One who is Self-sufficient, and ‘As-Samad’:
The One who is free of all needs, who is needed by all His creations. He is sought by all, while He
is above all.

Allah does not need the angels, but He has the Power to create incredibly mighty creations; His
creations are a manifestation and reflection of His Power, Brilliance, and incomparable Greatness.
Angels devoutly obey Allah Almighty and never disobey Him, and each angel is assigned a special

*Why are There Angels?*

If we are going to follow the rationale in this question, we might also ask: Why did Allah create
the sun, isn’t He the Source of Light and He can directly give us light? Can’t He do it by Himself?
Or why did Allah create mothers, can’t He directly bring us to life, nurture us and show us love
without the presence of mothers?

In reality, Allah does not need any of His creations; they are only a manifestation of His Brilliant,
Awe-Inspiring ability to plan and create.

If you consider a famous artist and ask why is this artist producing these outstanding paintings,
can’t he express himself or explain what he wants without creating these amazing paintings? The
answer is, he can, but his creations reflect his great and unique abilities.

To Allah belongs the Highest Most Supreme Example, He does not need the angels, but He has
the Power to create incredibly mighty creations; His creations are a manifestation and reflection
of His Power, Brilliance, and incomparable Greatness.

*Divine Wisdom:*
The fact that we do not see the complete wisdom in something doesn’t mean there isn’t one. This
only reflects our limitation, and this is part of knowing our own selves, and knowing our Creator.

We are limited while He is the All-Wise, if we know every single detail of His wisdom, then it does
not make sense because this will make us equal to Him. Allah says: “He knows what is [presently]
before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except
for what He wills.” (Quran 2:255)
Allah teaches us. It is one thing that He tells us He is the Creator, and another to teach us about
His majestic creations. It is one thing to tell us He is The King, and another to show us the might
of His Kingdom and His slaves…

When we learn about/ reflect on the creation of Allah, we get to know Him better. This is part of
our learning journey. When you know about the creation, you admire the Creator.

*Few of the Angels’ Roles:*

The roles of angels include delivering the revelation of Allah, blowing the trumpet for The Day of
Resurrection, taking away the souls of slaves, recording people’s deeds, witnessing the circles of
remembering Allah, protecting slaves when they’re awake and asleep, questioning slaves in the
graves as well as guarding the Hellfire and Paradise.

Angels devoutly obey Allah Almighty and never disobey Him. Almighty said in the Qur’an about
the angels: “Those [angels] who carry the Throne and those around it exalt [Allah] with praise of
their Lord and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who have believed, [saying], “Our Lord,
You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who have repented
and followed Your way and protect them from the punishment of Hellfire.” (Qur’an 40:7)

When we learn about the angels’ sincere, non-stop worship of Allah, it reminds us that Allah also
does not need us or our worship. This helps us reflect on understanding and actualizing our own
purpose of life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣0⃣*
*❓Polytheism and Idol Worship are Prohibited in Vedas*
✅The following are some references from Hindu scriptures which are against the polytheism and
idol worship. The following are only few references, you may find many more once you go through
Most of the Hindus denies some Purana's (myth) and Ithihasa's (like Ramayana, Mahabharata)
which contains more imaginations. Besides Purana and Ithihasa, the main Hindu scriptures are
Bhagwat Gita, Vedas, Upanishads, and Manu Smriti.

Bhagavad Gita: Most popular and the maximum number of translations available amongst all the
religious scriptures of the Hindus.

Vedas: Amongst all the religious scriptures of the Hindus, the most sacred are the Vedas.
Principally there are four Vedas and amongst all the Vedas, the Rigveda is the most sacred and

Manu Smriti: The Holy Book and Hindu Book of Laws.

*1. From Vedas:*

*Prohibition of Idol Worship in Yajurveda:*
"There is no image of him. He is unborn and He should be worshipped" (Yajurveda, Chapter 32,
Verse 3)

"god is bodyless and pure" (Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 8)

"They are entering darkness, those who worship the natural things (like air, water, fire etc.), they
are sinking more in darkness who worship created things." (Yajurveda, Chapter 40, Verse 9)

*Monotheism in Rigveda:*
"Say this, all one God in many names" (Rigveda, Book 1, Hymn 164, Verse 46)

"Do not worship anyone besides him alone, praise him alone" (Rigveda, Book 8, Hymn 1, Verse 1)

"Praise him would matchless and alone" (Rigveda, Book 6, Hymn 45, Verse 16)

*2. From Bhagwat Gita:*

"Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires, they worship demigods" (Bhagavad
Gita, Chapter 7, Verse 20)

*3. From Upanishad:*

*Prohibition of Idol Worship in Upanishad:*
"There is no likeness of him" (Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter 4, Verse 19)

"His form cannot be seen, No one can see him with the eyes" (Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter
4, Verse 20)
*Monotheism in Upanishad:*
"God is one and only, not a second" (Chandogya Upanishad, Chapter 6, Section 2, Verse 1)

"Of him (God), there is no parents, no Lord" (Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chapter 6, Verse 9)

*4. Monotheism in Vedanta:*

"There is only one god, Not a second one, not at all, not at all, not in a least bit" (Brahma Sutra)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣1⃣*
*❓What is it that Makes the Qur’an a Supernatural Sign?*
✅The content, style and language of the Qur’an are all, in themselves, wonderful. It was into the
midst of the greatest exponents of Arabian literature that the Qur’an was revealed. The poetry of
fourteen centuries past are, to this day, hailed as the masterpieces of Arabian literature. It was
through an illiterate person from amongst them that the world first heard of the Qur’an. As for
him, he was one who had shown not the slightest inclination towards literature up to the age of

There were also no questions raised about the undoubtedly, excellent quality of the style of the
Qur’an by the society into which it was revealed. Whether believer or unbeliever, the Arabs were
all unanimous in their recognition of the lofty standard of the style and language of the Qur’an.
The unbelievers, for their part, had only refrained from accepting its divine nature by resorting to
allegations that it was sorcery and the words of the Devil himself.

It is pertinent, here, to note the words of Waleed bin Mughira, a leader of the Quraysh and himself
the greatest authority in Arabian literature, who, on being asked by Abu Jahl to make a public
proclamation against the Qur’an, said: “What can I say? Whether it be in prose or in poetry, the
poems of the Jinns or in any other branch of Arabian literature, I possess greater knowledge than
you. By God! The words brought forth by this man, are such as to be incomparable with any of
the others… Moreover, its branches are laden with fruit while its roots are firmly entrenched in the
soil whence it proceeds… It is certain that it will conquer anything comes under its influence!”

It must be remembered that this has been the comment of a non-Muslim. Indeed, a finer
endorsement of the level of the style and language of the Qur’an need not be called for. The style
of the Qur’an is inimitable. This has been attested by even the most modern of the non-Muslim
Arab scholars. Observe the writing of the orientalist G. Sale. “The style of the Qur’an is beautiful,
it is adorned with bold figures after the eastern taste, enlivened with florid and sententious
expressions and in many places where the majesty and attributes of God are described, sublime
and magnificent” (G. Sale, The Qur’an: Commonly called Al-Qur’an, with a preliminary discourse,
London, 1899, Vol.1, page 47).

A.J. Arberry, another orientalist, writes thus: “The complex prosody, a rich repertory of subtle and
complicated rhymes had been completely perfected. A vocabulary of themes, images, and figures
extensive but nevertheless circumscribed, was firmly established” (A.J. Arberry, The Qur’an
interpreted, London 1955, page 11).

The style, language and content of the Qur’an are all unparalleled; all beyond imitation; are all in
their refined beauty, exquisite. Anyone conversant with Arabic will easily grasp this. Each verse of
the Qur’an possesses an extreme attraction and a potential so great as to cause a transformation
in the mind of its listeners. This has been admitted by several medieval and modern critics with a
reasonable knowledge of Arabic.

A thing becomes a supernatural manifestation when it remains unconquered by man. It is the

contention and claim of the Qur’an itself that it remains unmatched in its style, structure, breadth
of vision and loftiness of content and that it is impossible for any man or groups of men to ever
compose a script that will, in any way, equal it. “And if you are in doubt as to what We have
revealed from time to time to Our servant then produce a chapter like this; and call your witnesses
or helpers (If there are any) besides Allah, If you are truthful…” (2:23-24).

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣2⃣*
*❓Pride and Arrogance are Not the Qualities of Believers*
✅The first entity to show pride and arrogance was devil (Satan) or as he is often called especially
in the story of Adam, Iblees. He was filled with pride and arrogance because he thought that he
was better than Adam. He felt superior. “…then We told the angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam’, and they
prostrated, except Iblees, he refused to be of those who prostrate. (Allah) said: ‘What prevented
you (O Iblees) from prostrating when I commanded you?’ Iblees said: ‘I am better than him (Adam),
You created me from fire, and created him from clay’” (Quran 7:11-12)

That feeling of superiority is the root of all pride and arrogance. I am better than you. I make more
money, my house is bigger, my intellect is greater, I have travelled more, my muscles are larger, I
cook more delicious meals; the list goes on. One thing that all the things that we feel superior
about have in common is that they are almost exclusively related to matters of this world (Dunia).
Love of the world and all its trappings push us further away from Paradise. Being, or appearing
superior by worldly standards might just be more of a hindrance than a help. It is our God
consciousness that makes a difference; being superior in that respect is the only superiority that

You might make more money, but did you spend it to please your Creator? You might make
delicious meals, but did you feed them to the poor? If you answer yes and you are proud of your
accomplishments, then this is not the pride and arrogance that translates to the Arabic word ‘Kibr’
(unhealthy and unnecessary pride and arrogance).

Islam is not against innovation and achievement, it rewards and encourages excellence and
success, and thus motivation, desire for reward and even desire for recognition are not the sins.
The sin is in doing things with an incorrect intention. While achievement for the sake of Allah and
to serve humanity is the correct intention, doing something for self-gain or self-love is an incorrect
intention. Doing something to benefit your sense that the needs and desires of the world
somehow revolve around you is ‘Kibr’.

Pride (kibr) has the unintentional effect of making people dislike you, even fear you; it strips away
respect. In addition, it may deny you a place in Paradise. Prophet Muhammad often counselled
the companions about the importance of humility. He said, “…Anyone who possesses half a
mustard seed of pride in his heart will not be granted admission to Paradise” [Sahih Muslim].

Pride puts our place in Paradise in jeopardy because it prevents us from acquiring the qualities of
a believer. A prideful person is not capable of wanting for others what he wants for himself. Nor
can he be humble or avoid envy. An arrogant person refuses to accept advice and is often unable
to restrain his anger or wrath. A believer, however, strives to remove these traits from his character.

The remedy for keeping someone away from pride and arrogance, is as simple as remembering
who you are: just a human being, with a mother and father like everybody else. We all cry the
same salty tears and bleed the same red blood. And we all have the same purpose in life, to
worship Allah. We must also remind ourselves that all provisions come from Allah.

One person might earn more money, but it is Allah that allowed him to acquire the skills to do so.
Another person might be more handsome or beautiful, but it is Allah that determined the quality
of his or her genes. When we receive something that we perceive as a special blessing from Allah
we should remind ourselves to be thankful and grateful. One step up from that would be to strive
to use that blessing for the sake of Allah and to benefit humankind or this planet in some way.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Why are We Here? - The Purpose of Life*
✅Why am I here is an age-old question that has plagued humankind for millennia. What is the
purpose of my life, what is the purpose of anyone’s life? Those and other similar questions have
been asked by people as long as human life has existed. It is expressed by someone, somewhere
all the time. It is expressed in many different forms, such as "What should I do?", "Why are we
here?", "What is life all about?", and "What is the purpose of existence?" and even "Does life exist
at all?" In the great scheme of things, Muslims are in a very privileged position because they are
able to comprehend the answer.

The reason that we (humankind) are here, on this tiny planet spinning in a seemingly infinite
universe, is to worship our Creator and the Creator Alone. This is the purpose for which we were
created. It is not a secret or a mystery nor is it an enigma or a puzzle. Finding the meaning of life
is possible with only one thing, a desire to fulfil the Creator’s plan. There is no need for hours or
months or years of searching and yearning. “Oh humankind, worship Allah, you have no other
God but Him.” (Quran 7:59)

However, it is important to understand that Allah is not in need of human worship. If not a single
human worshipped Allah, it would not diminish His glory in any way, and if all of humankind
worshipped Him, it would not increase His glory in any way. "O humankind! It is you who stand in
need of Allah, but Allah is Rich (Free of all wants and needs), Worthy of all praise." (Quran 35:15)

Because we are fragile humans, we need the comfort and security of worshipping Allah. In addition
to that we will not find true happiness and contentment until we at the very least attempt to fulfil
our purpose in life. The purpose of our existence is more meaningful than being slaves to the
worldly life. Allah states that the reality of this world is full of deception and warns us not to fall
for its temporary enjoyments. We should focus on our purpose in life in order to secure our place
in the life after death.

Islam explains our purpose plainly, whilst giving us clear guidelines to follow in order to make our
worship easier and more fulfilling. Everything is explained in the Quran and the traditions of
Prophet Muhammad. They are our guidebooks for a life full of purpose and contentment. They
are the only means to true happiness, but this however does not mean that we will not be tried
and tested. Allah states very clearly in Quran that He will test us. (Quran 67:1-2)

Of course, the life of a human being can be filled with play and pleasure, but this is not the purpose
of our lives. Allah says in the Quran that we were indeed created for a purpose beyond that of
mere delight and enjoyment. The reality of life is that we will be resurrected to account for every
detail of our lives. “Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that
you would not be brought back to Us?” (Quran 23:115)

One of the easiest ways to have the best of everything is to worship Allah in everything that we
do. Islam makes this easy. It is as simple as following the guidelines set out for us. To remember
Allah at every opportunity and to conduct our lives knowing that Allah is watching us. By
worshipping Allah, we are doing ourselves a favor. When we are God-conscious, we act in an
upright manner and stay away from being evil and oppressing others.

The purpose of life is to recognize Allah and His signs, and to be grateful to Him. It entails being
thankful, counting our blessings and obeying Allah’s commandments. The meaning of life is
contained within our worship. Every time we live our lives surrendered to the will of our Creator;
we are fulfilling our purpose.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣4️⃣*
*❓Does Only Allah Know the Sex of the Child in the Mother's Womb?*
✅The Qur’an says that only Allah knows the sex of the child in the womb of the mother but now
science has advanced, and we can easily determine the sex of the child in the womb by Ultra
sonography. Isn’t this verse of the Qur’an conflicting with Science?

Allah is Omnipotent and Omniscience. Allah has granted knowledge of certain things to
humankind. But Allah has knowledge of the seen as well as the unseen.

1. Allah has knowledge of all things:

Many people believe that the Qur’an claims that Allah alone knows the sex of the child in the
mother’s womb. The Glorious Qur’an says: “Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone).
It is He who sends down Rain, and He who knows what is in the wombs….” [Al-Qur’an 31:34]

A similar message is given in the following verse: “Allah doth know what every female (womb)
doth bear, by how much the wombs fall short (of their time of number) or do exceed. Every single
thing is before His sight, in (due) proportion.” [Al-Qur’an 13:8]

2. Sex can be determined by Ultra sonography:

Today science is advanced, and we can easily determine the sex of the child in the womb of a
pregnant mother, using ultra sonography.

3. The word ‘sex’ is not mentioned in the verse of Qur’an:

It is true that many translations and commentaries of this verse of the Glorious Qur’an say that
only Allah knows the sex of the child in the mother’s womb. If you read the Arabic text of this
verse, there is no Arabic word corresponding to the English word ‘sex’. In fact, the Qur’an says the
knowledge of what is in the womb is with Allah alone. Many commentators have misunderstood
it to mean only Allah knows the sex of the child in the womb which is a mistake.

4. No one besides Allah can determine the nature:

This verse does not only refer to the sex of the child in the womb, but it refers everything including
how the child in the mother’s womb will be. How will his nature be? Will he be a blessing or a
curse to his parents? Will he be a boon or a bane to the society? Will he be good or evil? Will he
go to heaven or hell? The complete knowledge of all things is with Allah alone. No scientist in the
world, no matter how advanced his equipment, will ever be able to accurately determine the
knowledge of these things about the child in the mother’s womb.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣5️⃣*
*❓Is the Quran a Book of Science?*
✅The Quran is not a book of science; it is a book of guidance. It teaches us how to live like human
beings. It teaches human beings about the purpose of creation. It is not a book that teaches about
science or directly predicts science. At times, it describes the creations of Allah in such a way that
does not contradict science. At times, the description of a certain creation is so vivid that it makes
you think that it is a book of science. But at the end of the day, it is just a book of guidance that
is meant to fascinate you with Allah's creations in order to bring you closer to the truth.

On Nov.9, 1976, Dr. Maurice Bucaille proclaimed, “the presence in the Qur’an of highly accurate
reflections on natural phenomena.” In his lecture “Physiological and Embryological data in the
Qur’an,” Bucaille, a French medical doctor, author and one of the brilliant members of the French
Society of Egyptology, listed different expressions, phrases and basic concepts of a purely
scientific nature contained in the Qur’an. He claimed that “there is no human work in existence
that contains statements as far beyond the level of knowledge of its time as the Qur’an”.

The expansion of the universe, for instance, supported in modern time by both the theory of
relativity and all current calculations of astrophysics, fits perfectly the descriptions given in Qur’an.
What is summed in the verse, “I built the heaven with power and it is I, who am expanding it”
(Quran 51:47) alludes to all discoveries in modern science. Then comes another unique example
in the Quranic affirmation that God “made every living thing out of water” (Quran 21:30), aligning
completely with the modern idea that the origin of life is aquatic.

Of course, the Quran has other echoes of science in it. It contains and references various specific
data relevant to modern science’s conclusions and discoveries. Additionally, the way the Quran
explains natural phenomena represents an absolutely encyclopedic scientific knowledge to the
extent that we can confidently suggest that it establishes its total conformity with modern

Above all, the main idea within the holy Quran is about guidance and exhortation. To say this is
to basically dissociate the Quran from those claims that the book is of science. Should it be
considered extravagant or represent a shameful act of ignorance to dispel the Quran’s talks on
physics, chemistry, geology and more or deprive it of any scientific privilege? Yes. Again,
everything depends on interpretation. If there is a paradigm to hold to, void of confusion or
ideology, it is to say, once and for all, that all these beautiful things living within the warmth of
the holy Quran are there to guide mankind towards the best possibilities of moral life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣6⃣*
*❓Was the Kaaba Forcibly Captured by Muslims? Who Demolished the Idols in the Kaaba?*
✅The Holy Kaaba was built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail. They built it to worship the
Almighty Creator. Moreover, it was the first building built on earth to worship the true God. "Surely
the first mosque built for mankind was in Makkah" (Qur'an 3:96)

No religion in the world teaches the concept of polytheism or practices idolatry. The situation of
Hinduism and Christianity are not different. None of them were idolaters in the early days; we can
see that polytheism and idolatry were evolved on later stages of those religions.

Quran strongly prohibits idolatry, but there is not a single verse in the Qur’an which commands
the destruction of the objects of worship of other religions. Furthermore, it is the injunction of the
Qur’an that the objects of worship of the non- Muslims must not even be ridiculed: “Revile not
those whom they call upon besides Allah” (Qur’an 6:108)

It is true that Islam, which is grounded in monotheism, abhors the worshipping of creations. For
the same reason, therefore, there are, in the Qur’an, numerous verses which seek to bring out the
utter meaninglessness of the worshipping of creations. All these verses serve the function of
awakening the intellect of man.
Indeed, the goal of the Qur’an has been the emancipation of human society from the
unpardonable sin of idolatry. In fact, the Qur’an has never entertained the idea that humanity can
be saved from idol worship by destroying the very objects which are deified. Therefore, that which
the Qur’an did try to destroy has never been the objects of worship that were cast out of stone or
other such materials. Rather, it has ever been the ‘idols’ that have been carved out in the very
consciousness of man himself.

In the view of the Qur’an, while idolatry must, without doubt, be criticized and opposed in the
strongest terms, those who insist on idol-worship must also be allowed full freedom for their
purpose. It is this attitude of tolerance which is highlighted in the commands of the Qur’an which
asks us not to revile the objects of worship.

In the political order of Islam, the state is dutybound to protect and preserve the places of worship
as well as the other symbols of co-religionists. This fact is abundantly clear from the contract which
the Prophet had made with the Christians of Najran.

There we read the following: “To the Christians of Najran and the surrounding territories, the
security of God and the pledge of His Prophet are extended for their lives, their religion and their
property to the present as well as to the absent, and others besides; there shall be no interference
with (the practice of) their faith or their observance, nor any change in their rights or privileges;
no bishop shall be removed from his diocese nor any monk from his monastery, nor any priest
from his priesthood; and they shall continue to enjoy everything great and small...”

It can be easily seen from the historical records of the relevant period that after the Prophet, the
Caliphs as well as the Muslim rulers who succeeded them, all had granted complete freedom of
worship to the people of other religious denominations in their realm.

However, it may be seen that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered the removal of all idols and tombs caused
men to incline towards the heinous practice of Polytheism in situations where in a nation becomes
Islamic in its totality and there exists no one therein who remains a worshipper of idols.

This is a line of action that is adopted only after the masses have all become worshippers of one
God. By implication, therefore, it is not a course of action to be employed by the Muslims in a
society wherein there exists a plurality of religions.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣7⃣*
*❓Rights of Neighbors in Islam?*
✅Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of neighbors. “And be good to the
neighbor who is your relative and to the neighbor who is not a relative…” (Qur'an 4:36)

The rights of neighborhood are not meant for Muslim neighbors only. of course, a Muslim
neighbor has one more claim upon Muslims - that of Islamic brotherhood; but so far as the rights
of neighborship are concerned, all are equal.

The Holy Quran has divided them into three categories: 1. A neighbor who is also a relative. 2. An
alien neighbor and 3. A casual or temporary neighbor with whom one had occasion to live or
travel for some time. All of them are deserving of fellow-feelings, affection, courtesy and fair

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said that the rights of the neighbors were so overwhelmingly
emphasized to him by Angel Jibril that he thought that neighbors might be made partakers of
one’s inheritance. In another Hadith, the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said that a man whose neighbor is not
safe from his misdeeds, is not a believer in Islam.

Again, he says that a person who enjoys a full meal while his neighbor is starving really has no
faith in Islam. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬was once informed of a woman who used to offer prayers
regularly and would often keep fasts and give alms frequently, but her neighbors were sick of her
abusive tongue. The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said that such a woman deserved only the fire of Hell. He
was then told of another woman who did not possess these virtues but did not trouble her
neighbors and the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said that she might be rewarded with a place in Heaven.

The Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬has laid so much emphasis on rights of neighbors that he has advised that
whenever a Muslim brings fruits for his children he should either send some to his neighbors as a
gift or at least not throw the peelings outside his house. This would prevent the neighbor from
feeling deprived. On one occasion, the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said that a man is really good if his
neighbors regard him as such and he is bad if they consider him so.

Al-Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn in his Risalat al-Huquq, said: These are your duties towards your
neighbor: Protect his interests when he is absent; show him respect when he is present; help him
when he is inflicted with any injustice. Do not remain on the look-out to detect his faults; and if,
by any chance, you happen to know any undesirable thing about him, hide it from others; and, at
the same time, try to desist him from improper habits, if there is any chance that he will listen to
you. Never leave him alone at any calamity. Forgive him if he has done any wrong. In short, live
with him a noble life, based on the highest Islamic ethical code.

In brief, Islam requires all neighbors to be loving and cooperative with one another and share
their sorrows and happiness. It enjoins that they should establish social relations in which one can
depend upon the other and regard his life, honor, and property safe among his neighbors. A
society in which two persons, separated only by a wall, remain unacquainted, even though they
have lived there for years or even those who live in the same area of a town, but have no interest
or confidence in one another can never be true Muslims.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣8⃣*
*❓A Christian Lady's House and a Masjid*
✅'There was a Christian lady's house near this Masjid!'

The man from Bethlehem had come to visit his relative in Egypt. The house he saw when he came
few years back is no longer there. He was confused and could not find the house he was looking
for. He, then asked a wayfarer whom he met nearby. ‘Oh they; they have moved there now.'

He walked along the pointed path and came to the front of the old lady's house. He was surprised
of seeing the house because it was bigger than ever before! The young man went inside thinking
how she had got so much money in the last years.

But the sight inside the house was so miserable. A thin, clumsy woman is crying. He asked; ‘What
happened? Why are you so skinny? '

The old woman, who was shedding tears, slowly raised her face and began to say: “You remember
that little house next to the masjid; where I lived with my father, husband and son; where all of
them were buried as well; I was so comfortable on those days and was having a feeling that they
all were with me.
Then one day the city officials came to see me and told that they are expanding the masjid because
of the large number of believers and that they could only do that if they get my land. But I told
them that I will not sell my land.

Then the governor's representative approached me. The representative said that the government
have authority to take the land legally, still they were trying to solve the problem through
reconciliation because I was a different believer. They also told me that the land will be taken for
a good price and that I should buy it and vacate the house. I did not agree with that either.

They continued with more offers. At last, when they offered me double the price of the land and
a mansion in addition, it took my mind for a while. They used that time to acquire the land and
build a masjid there.”

The guest who understood her emotions said: “We have no justice; still shall we meet the Caliph
of the Muslims once? We know that he is very righteous and merciful!”

Hence, they started to Madinah to meet the Caliph of that time, Umar bin Khattab.

The old man and his relative entered the city and enquired about the way to show the caliph their
face. The inhabitants of Madinah said: ‘The leader of the believers will be in the masjid of the
Prophet seeing in front; anyone can see him, and there are no special formalities for that.'

They both entered the masjid and shared their concerns to Caliph. After listening all, Umar called
the Egypt governor and asked for explanations. After hearing the governor's explanation, the
caliph remained silent for a while, then looked at the woman and asked: "You have received twice
as much money as the fair price. The mansion is bigger than the first house to live in. Your old
house is being demolished and the masjid is being built and the believers are worshiping there.
Now what is the reason for you to complain now?"

The woman said with a stuttering voice assuming her hopes were dashed: "My father, husband
and son are resting in that yard. I had a sense of security there, a feeling like they were always
with me. I have not slept since he left that land. I did not consciously give up my house…”

Umar looked at his companions, and that woman. Then he ordered the governor; "demolish the
masjid and rebuild their house as it was before. The Creator does not like to worship Him where
the spotless tears of creation have fallen."

Caliph Omar smiled as he walked slowly to the side of the woman, who could not believe what
she was hearing. “You are not alone without anyone, this government is to serve you, and I as a
servant. You may return now happily; your house will be rebuilt right there.”

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣3️⃣9⃣*
*❓What is the Islamic View on Organ Donation?*
✅Donating organs is not all on one level. There is the donation of organs on which life depends,
and there is the donation of organs on which life does not depend. If the donation is of an organ
on which life depends or harm to the donor, it is not permissible to donate it, according to the
consensus of the scholars, because that is killing a soul.

But if it is an organ on which life does not depend, then there is a difference of opinion among
contemporary scholars, and there are two views on this matter: Some scholars say that it is
permissible to transplant human organs, but some others don’t agree.

Rulings stating that it is permissible have been issued by a number of conferences, seminars and
committees, including: the International Islamic Conference held in Malaysia; the majority of the
Islamic Fiqh Council; the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and the Fatwa
Committees in Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt and Algeria. It is also the view of a number of scholars and
researchers, including Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Sa’di.

So, the (scholarly) view that it is permissible to donate organs is most likely to be the correct view,
so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor. But all scholars agree that selling
organs for money is forbidden in Islam. On other hand, if no one is willing to donate an organ,
some scholars agree to buy an organ from the seller for a price. They also say that the buyer
should make sure that the seller is not harmed by it.

Here we will quote resolutions of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of the Islamic
Conference convened in the fourth conference in Jeddah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in
February 1988. These resolutions were issued after lengthy discussions among a number of
scholars, doctors and specialists after studying Fiqhi (Islamic jurisprudence) and medical research
submitted to the Council concerning the issue of one person benefiting from the body parts of
another, living or dead.
*The Rulings can be Summarized as Below:*
1. It is permissible to transplant an organ from one place in a person’s body to another place in
the same body, but attention must be paid to ensuring that the expected benefits outweigh any
possible harm.
2. It is permissible to transplant an organ from the body of one person to another if it is an organ
that renews itself automatically, such as blood and skin. But attention must be paid to the
condition that the donor be fully qualified and fulfil the shar’i (Islamic law) conditions.
3. It is permissible to make use of organs that have been taken from the body of another person
due to sickness, such as taking the cornea from the eye of a person whose eye has been removed
due to sickness.
4. It is prohibited to transplant an organ on which life depends (which causes death of donor),
such as transplanting the heart from a living person to another person.
5. It is prohibited to transplant an organ from a living person when its removal may cause an
essential function to cease, even though his life does not depend on it, such as taking the corneas
of both eyes.
6. It is permissible to transplant an organ from a dead person to a living person whose life or basic
essential functions depend on that organ, subject to the condition that permission be given by
the deceased before his death, or by his heirs after his death, or by the authorities in charge of
the Muslims if the identity of the deceased is unknown or he has no heirs.
7. The agreement on the permissibility of organ transplants explained above is subject to the
condition that this is not done by selling the organs, because it is not permissible to subject human
organs to sale under any circumstances.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣0⃣*
*❓Islam is the Solution for Racism & Casteism*
✅Racism and Casteism are the evils that repeatedly try to engulf society. These are not newly
coined terms as people have been through these problems from time to time. Racism is defined
as 'poor treatment of people because of their race while casteism is a blind group loyalty towards
one’s own caste or sub-caste, which does not care for the interests of other castes, and seeks to
realize the social, economic, political and other interests of its own group’.

Where racism leads to suppression of people because of their physical characteristics, casteism
leads the members of one caste to exploit the members of another caste for their vested interest
in the name of superiority or inferiority.

With the rapid growth of these problems, some countries and organizations amended their
constitutions and charters to deal with these growing menaces. Many countries have mentioned
their national books to provide equal rights to citizens. It is a secondary question that their
implementation is considered necessary or not? Nevertheless, these attempts deserve applause.

Interestingly, modern world has become concerned about such issues in the 20th century, but
Islam has given a sense about it 1400 years ago. If I would say Islam is first religion that has
uprooted and objected such evils, it would not be a mistake.

Islam protects honor. In Islam, insulting others or making fun of them because of caste, creed,
race, etc. is not permitted. Merciful Holy Prophet (PBUH) says: “Truly, your blood, your property
and your honor are inviolable” (Al-Bukhari). The life, property and honor in an Islamic state and
Islamic concept are considered sacred irrespective of your race and caste.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Your God is one and your ancestor (Adam) is one. An Arab is
not better than a non-Arab and a non-Arab is not better than an Arab. And a red (white tinged
with red) person is not superior to black and black is not better than red, except in piety.” (Musnad
Ahmad). Islam gives a clear message, that God created human beings as equals, who are to be
distinguished from each other only based on faith and piety and this categorical message
eradicates the concept of racism and casteism.

History has witnessed the era when Abubakar (R.A) and Bilal e Habshi (R.A) used to sit side by side
in the same row and same place in Mosque of Medina. History has also been evident, when all
people, Arabian or non-Arabian, rich or poor, Master or Slave, used to assemble at the same place,
sit in the same row and used to perform Salah (prayer) behind the same leader (imam) and that
will continue until the Day of Judgment.

Apart from this, Prophet (PBUH) denounced and opposed the concept of racism and casteism,
not only vocally, but practically too and furnished honor to a number of occupations (upon which
castes are based) that people treat inferior to practice.

When we look at the biography of Prophet (PBUH), we find him repairing his sandal himself (Adab
ul Mufrad) and practicing goat farming (Musnad Ahmad), just to teach the people, not to consider
these jobs inferior. In nutshell, Biography of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) provides ample evidence
that he was first anti-racist & anti-casteist.
To summarize, Islam provides a perfect harmony between the individual and society holding both
in concert with each other, which lays the foundation of a new religious aspect ‘Islamic Sociology’.

The need of the hour is to be obedient to the Creator and follow teachings of beloved Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) that is only the solution to our present-day problems. So, let us propagate
the true message of Islam (based on loyalty, love, peace, compassion and affection), which is being
demonized on every platform.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣1⃣*
*❓Does Quran Envisage Patriarchal System Which Speaks to Woman of Her Obligations and to
Man of His Rights?*
✅No. The Qur’an speaks to both man as well as to woman concerning their duties and rights.

“And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable;
but men have a degree over them, and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise.” (Qur’an 2:28). This is the
clear and unambiguous statement of the Qur’an. How then can it be said that the Qur’an, which
contains this declaration is the creation of a patriarchal system? In reality, there is no other
religious text, like the Qur’an, which deals with the rights of the woman in so clear and exhaustive
a manner.

If the impact of the rights which the Qur’an allowed for the woman is to be fully appreciated, the
position of the woman during the time of its revelation must first be understood. Greek
philosophers considered woman to be the very personification of the devil. The Roman law was
such that it granted complete freedom for the male to even murder his wife. The Indian woman
was given the religious advise to immolate herself at the funeral pyre of her husband.

The attitude of the Jews towards the woman, the cause of sin, was most cruel. Even as late as the
16th century, the subject of discussion amongst the church fathers was the question as to whether
woman did possess a soul or not. The people in Arabia before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was
ever ready to bury alive the infant if it was a female. It was in such a social context that the Qur’an
first began to speak on the rights of woman.

*The Rights of Woman by the Qur’an may be Summarized as Follows:*

The right to live:
The Qur’an criticizes that narrow-mindedness which would not permit the girl child to live. (Qur’an
16:59, 81:9). It declares that like man, she, too, has the right to birth and to life.

The right to own property:

The Qur’an has given the woman, like the man, the right to earn wealth. The view of the Qur’an is
that all her earnings, whether it be through her personal efforts or by way of inheritance, belongs
to her and to her alone. None, not even the husband, has the right to take anything, whatsoever,
of her earnings without her explicit permission.

The right to inheritance:

It is the Qur’anic recommendation that daughters, too, have a share in the wealth of their parents
(Qur’an 4:7). In reality, no other religious scripture has declared the right to inheritance of the

The right to choose spouse:

Islam recommends that while putting forth marriage proposals, the likes and dislikes of the
woman must be seriously considered. None, not even the father, has the right to marry off his
daughter to a person whom she dislikes.

The right to education and free thought:

The Qur’an’s view is that women have the right to education and free thought. This view is,
however, not restricted to mere advice. The Prophet had practically demonstrated this. The great
yearning for knowledge exhibited by the woman who followed the Prophet is universally

The right to take part in social activities:

Although it is only natural that men take part in politics, Islam has granted the freedom to
participate in matters pertaining to the nation to the woman also. Islam, however, does not compel
women to take part directly in the campaigns for freedom of belief. But Muslim women did take
part in helping those who were fighting in the field of battle.

The right to divorce:

The woman has the right to get a divorce under circumstances wherein she becomes unable to
live with her husband. The divorce from the woman’s side is referred to by the two terms Khul’a
and Fasq.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣2⃣*
*❓Is ‘Allah’ the Moon God (Hubal) of Arab Polytheists Before Islam?*
✅The word ‘Allah’ predates Islam and is almost certainly derived from a contraction of the Arabic
“Al Ilah” (lit. “the god”, al- ‘the’ and ilah ‘deity, god’). It has cognates in many other Semitic
languages, such as Aramaic Elah, Syriac Alaha, and Hebrew Eloha.

Misinformed people sometimes refer to Allah as a modern interpretation of an ancient moon god.
This gross misrepresentation of Allah has often combined with strange unsubstantiated claims
that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) resurrected this god and made him the focal point of the religion
of Islam. This is categorically untrue. Allah is God, the One, and Only, the Most Merciful. Allah is
the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, and the God of Jesus (PBUH).

First of all, the claim that Allah is the Moon God can be judged in the light of the Holy Qur'an:
“And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to
the moon, but prostate to Allah, who created them, if it should be Him that you worship.” (Qur'an

It is clear from this that ‘Allah’ is not the alleged moon god.

Now, the Holy Qur'an says who worshiped Baal and denied Allah, the true Creator and God: “And
indeed, Elias was from among the messengers. When he said to his people: “Will you not fear
Allah? Do you call upon Baal and leave the best of creators - Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your
first forefathers?"” (Quran 37:123-126)

It means, the community of Prophet Elijah (PBUH) worshiped the god Baal and forgot Allah, the
true Creator.

There is no doubt that the Arabs wrongly worshipped idols, heavenly bodies, trees, and stones,
and that some of their idols even had animal characteristics. Although a number of minor deities
across the Arabian Peninsula may have been associated with the moon, there is no evidence of
the Arabs ever worshipping a moon god above other gods.
The Arabs worshipped many idols and called on them for intercession. In the midst of
overwhelming paganism and polytheism, the pre-Islamic Arabs never called upon a moon god as
a supreme deity. For generation after generation, they did not lose their belief in One supreme
ruler of the universe (even though most of the time they held the wrong concept of belief in Allah).
They were aware of His blessings and His punishment and believed in a Day of Judgement.

Quran also testifies to the fact that the pre-Islamic Arabs were aware of Allah - God - the One: “If
you were to ask them “Who has created the heavens and the earth and subjected the sun and the
moon?” They will surely reply, “Allah.” How then are they deviating (as polytheists and
disbelievers)?…” (Quran 29: 61-63).

Those who claim that Allah is a pagan deity, most notably the moon god, often base their claims
on the fact that a symbol of the crescent moon adorns the tops of many mosques and is widely
used as a symbol of Islam.

It is true that before the coming of Prophet Muhammed, many "gods" and idols were worshipped
in the Middle East. The most prominent idol in Mecca was a god called Hubal, and there is no
proof that he was a moon god. Moreover, the idol of Hubal was brought from Moab or
Mesopotamia. Baal was the god worshiped by the Moabites. But the Kaaba existed long before
the idol of Hubal was brought from Moab. Everyone knows that ‘Allah’ is the Lord of the Kaaba.

At last, let us view this logically as well. If Muhammad worshiped Hubal, ‘chief god’ of Arabia in
pre-Islamic times and told people to discard all other idols for Hubal, then what exactly was
Mecca’s problem with him? Why would the people of Mecca hate him for telling them to worship
their chief god? Wouldn’t they promote him to a priest status instead?

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣3️⃣*
*❓What is the Difference Between ‘Messenger’ and ‘Prophet’?*
✅Who delivered God’s Message to mankind? God has sent us many ‘reminders’ from Him over
the centuries, culminating in the Final Book almost 14️00 years ago. Every one of those ‘reminders’
was delivered to us via a selected human being, one who was strong enough to deliver God's
message to his people. These human beings are called the Prophets. They were not supernatural
or immortal or different in any way from other human beings except that they were entrusted by
God to speak in His Name:

“For [even] before thy time, [O Prophet], we never sent [as Our messengers] any but [mortal] men,
whom We inspired - hence [tell the deniers of the truth] ‘If you do not know this, ask the followers
of earlier revelation’ - and neither did We endow them with bodies that ate no food, nor were
they immortal” (Qur'an 21:7-8)

Some of the Prophets were allowed to perform supernatural miracles but only with God’s
permission (i.e. if He willed it). However, the Final Book stresses that every Prophet is no more
than a servant of God - they do not have a share in His Divinity.

There is also a small group of Prophets who were also Messengers. Every Prophet has called his
people to the Truth, but Messengers were additionally given a rejuvenated Message from God to
convey. Every Messenger is a Prophet, but not every Prophet is a Messenger.

There have been many Prophets, of which here are the names of a few mentioned in the Book:
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Elijah, Elias, David,
Solomon, Jonah, Job, Zacharias, John, Jesus, and, of course, the Last Messenger, Prophet
Muhammed (peace be upon them all).

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣4️⃣*
*❓Did Prophet Order to Expel Jews and Christians from the Arabia?*
✅In the time of the Prophet (s), there were conflicts between Muslims and non-Muslims who
had violently resisted the spread of the Islam. The conflicts are reflected in some verses and
traditions, but conflict is not the general rule in Islam. These texts need to be interpreted in
historical context and within the wider whole of Islamic teachings.

One such text is the narration that the Prophet (s) intended to expel non-Muslims from the Arabian
Peninsula. Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “I will certainly
expel the Jews and Christians from the peninsula until I leave none but Muslims.” (Sahih Muslim,

This text is but a snapshot within the larger narrative of the Prophet’s (s) biography. Other
narrations demonstrate that this statement was made after the conclusion of a battle that had
been instigated by one of the hostile Jewish tribes.

Ibn Umar reported: When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was victorious at the battle of Khaybar,
he intended to expel the Jews from there, but they asked him if they could remain on condition
that they work the land and they would get half of its fruits. The Prophet said: “We will allow you
to remain upon that as long as we wish.” (Sahih Muslim, 1551)

They stayed in the area thereafter until Umar located them to Tayma’ and Ariha’. This was done
for the protection of the region of Hijaz, which contains the two holiest sites of Islam in the cities
of Makkah and Madinah. Tayma’ and Ariha’ are considered part of the Arabian Peninsula, but still
the Jewish tribes were settled there.

This region is dedicated to the pilgrimage to Makkah and visitation of the mosque of the Prophet
(s), so they are off-limits to non-Muslims who might instigate conflict or disrupt the pilgrimage
by proselytizing and preaching an anti-Islam message. However, most scholars allowed non-
Muslims to visit Makkah and Madinah with permission of the government for legitimate business

Here we should differentiate between relocating the Jews and Christians and killing them. In no
way did the Prophet mean to kill them. Under no context is it allowed for Muslims to kill the Jews
and the Christians as long as they are not invaders and enter the Muslim countries with an official
visa which is considered like a pledge of protection granted to non-Muslims.

Some scholars maintain that what is prohibited is to let the Jews and Christians have an
independent state inside the Arabian Peninsula. They are allowed to stay there as workers and
visitors. This stay is temporary and someday they will go home to their native lands.

The Prophet allowed the Jews to stay in Khaybar and he hired them to work in farming. The
Prophet had good relations with the Jews to the extent that at the time of his death, he had no
money, and his shield was being held in mortgage by a Jewish man.
In sum, the Prophet’s (s) order to expel Jews, Christians, and idolaters from the Arabian Peninsula
was specific to the Hijaz region and for the objective of securing the regional pilgrimage from
hostile forces. Non-Muslims are allowed to visit Makkah and Madinah for legitimate reasons and
with permission from Muslim leaders, but not for proselytizing and preaching against Islam.

The above mentioned explains how the Companions understood the Prophet’s command to
“expel” the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula. As you can see, we must know the
background and context of each narration reported from the Prophet (PBUH). Generalization is
not always recommended. Each case has its own circumstances and what can be applied in a
certain area cannot be applied literally in another.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣5️⃣*
*❓Is it True that the Original Version of Quran was Burnt by Caliph Usman & the Present Quran
was Compiled by Him?*
✅One of the most common myths about the Qur’an, is that Usman, the third Caliph of Islam
authenticated and compiled one Qur’an, from a large set of mutually contradicting copies. The
Qur’an, revered as the Word of Allah by Muslims the world over, is the same Qur’an as the one
revealed to Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. It was authenticated and written under his personal
supervision. We will examine the roots of the myth which says that Usman (RA) had the Qur’an

*1. Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself Supervised and Authenticated the Written Texts of the
Whenever the Prophet received a revelation, he would first memorize it himself and later declare
the revelation and instruct his Companions. The Prophet would immediately ask the scribes to
write down the revelation he had received, and he would reconfirm and recheck it himself. If there
was any mistake, the Prophet would immediately point it out and have it corrected and rechecked.
Similarly, he would even recheck and authenticate the portions of the Qur’an memorized by the
Companions. In this way, the complete Qur’an was written down under the personal supervision
of the prophet (‫)ﷺ‬.

*2. Order and Sequence of Qur’an Divinely Inspired:*

The complete Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years portion by portion. The Qur’an was
not compiled by the Prophet in the chronological order of revelation. The order and sequence of
the Qur’an too was Divinely inspired and was instructed to the Prophet by Allah through archangel
Jibril. Hence, the Qur’an was compiled and authenticated by the Prophet himself during his
lifetime, both in the written form as well as in the memory of several of his Companions.

*3. Qur’an Copied on one Common Material:*

The complete Qur’an, along with the correct sequence of the verses, was present during the time
of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. The verses, however, were written on separate pieces, scrapes of leather, thin
flat stones, leaflets, palm branches, shoulder blades, etc. After the demise of the prophet, Abu
Bakr (RA), the first caliph of Islam ordered that the Qur’an be copied from the various different
materials on to a common material and place, which was in the shape of sheets. These were tied
with strings so that nothing of the compilation was lost.

*4. Usman (RA) Made Copies of the Qur’an from Original Manuscript:*
Many Companions of the Prophet used to write down the revelation of the Qur’an on their own
whenever they heard it from the Prophet. However, what they wrote was not personally verified
by the Prophet and thus could contain mistakes. All the verses revealed to the Prophet may not
have been heard personally by all the Companions. There were high possibilities of different
portions of the Qur’an being missed by different Companions.

Usman (RA) borrowed the original manuscript of the Qur’an, which was authorized by Prophet
(‫)ﷺ‬, from Hafsha, the Prophet’s wife. Usman ordered four Companions who were among the
scribes who wrote the Qur’an when the Prophet dictated it to rewrite the script in several perfect
copies. These were sent by Usman to the main centers of Muslims.

There were other personal collections of the portions of the Qur’an that people had with them.
These might have been incomplete and with mistakes. Usman (RA) only appealed to the people
to destroy all these copies which did not match the original manuscript of the Qur’an in order to
preserve the original text of the Qur’an. Two such copies of the copied text of the original Qur’an
authenticated by the Prophet are present today, one at the museum in Tashkent in erstwhile Soviet
Union and the other at the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, Turkey.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣6⃣*
*❓The Testimony of the Enemies to the Honesty of the Prophet (‫*)ﷺ‬
✅Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬was honest and truthful. He never told a lie in his entire life. Although
the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬had many enemies after he started calling people to Islam, from the
Jews, Christians, disbelievers of Quraish and others, no one ever questioned his truthfulness and
trustworthiness. No doubt, the testimony of an enemy carries weight, as it indicates how honest
the people thought the Messenger of Allah was. Here are some incidents from the history.

*Abu Lahab and Quraish*

When Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬gathered all the people of Makkah near the Mount of Safa and
asked them, “O Quraish! If I say that an army is advancing on you from behind the mountains, will
you believe me?” All said in one voice, “Yes, because we have never heard you telling a lie”. Then
the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬started to proclaim the Message which he had been ordered to tell
the people in public, saying, “I am a warner to you, warning you of a severe torment.” Abu Lahab
replied, “May you be perished! Is this what you gathered us for?!” But he did not accuse the
prophet of lying! Yes, the disbelievers of Quraish acknowledged to themselves that the Messenger
of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬was truthful.

*Abu Sufyan*
The best testimony of this is the discussion of Abu Sufyan with Heraclius, the Roman ruler. He was
one of Prophet’s(‫ )ﷺ‬fiercest enemies at that time. During the discussion, Heraclius asked Abu
Sufyan, “Did you ever find Muhammad telling a lie before his claim to Prophethood?” Abu Sufyan
replied, “No.” At the end of the meeting, the emperor said, I wondered how a person who does
not tell a lie about others could ever tell a lie about God.” [Fath Al-Bari].

The emperor then questioned him about the Prophet’s general behavior and conduct with people.
Abu Sufyan replied “Muhammad is nobly born; is honest and truthful and has never broken a
pledge. He enjoins his followers to worship none but One God and to pray to Him alone. He
preaches kindness, piety and tolerance towards all and his followers are on the increase”. (Bukhari)

*Abu Jahl*
Abu Jahl also was one of the strongest enemies of the Prophet! But he too testified that the
Messenger of Allah was truthful and was truly a Prophet. When Al-Akhnas ibn Shurayq asked him
on the day the believers and disbelievers met in battle at Badr, “Oh Abu Al-Hakim (nickname of
Abu Jahl), tell me about Muhammed; is he truthful or a liar? There is none from Quraish here but
you and I who can hear what we say.”

Abu Jahl said, “Woe to you! By Allah, Muhammed is truthful; he has never lied. But, if the sons of
Qusayy are the keepers of the banner, the distribution of water for pilgrims, the custodianship of
the Kaaba and prophethood, what will be left for the rest of the Quraysh?” [Comparative Religions
by Ibn Al-Qayyim]

*An-Nadir ibn Al-Harith*

An-Nadir ibn Al-Harith, one of the enemies of the Messenger of Allah, was talking to a group of
Quraish. He said: “Oh Quraish, by Allah, words have been revealed to him which will never be
given to anyone after him. As a young boy that lived among you, Muhammed’s manners pleased
you; he was always truthful when he talked to you and very trustworthy. By Allah, he is not a
sorcerer… he is not a fortuneteller… he is not a poet… he is not mad… Oh Quraish, reflect on your
state of affairs, as truly, Allah has revealed to you mighty words” [The Prophet’s Biography by Ibn

This was a testimony of the Arab who was an enemy of the Messenger of Allah (‫)ﷺ‬, so see how
the Prophet’s enemies had no choice but to admit that the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬was truthful.
What do you think of the stance and the testimonies of the leaders of the disbelievers with regards
to the Messenger of Allah (‫?)ﷺ‬

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣7⃣*
*❓A Clearer Understanding of the Realities of Islam*
✅Though Islam has been misunderstood for many years, the dislike toward it has been on the
increase since the Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center.

Perhaps the most amazing aspect of the society is its lack of concern over the ignorance displayed-
television, movies, politicians and even teachers promote racism by condoning and exemplifying
it. Who is to blame? The media, whose flat-out false information drives many people to believe
that Islam is purely evil, seems a likely candidate.

It is common to associate negative qualities with Islam since barbarism and violence are on the
top of the list. Long draping gowns, silken veils, mysterious dark faces, and a language of exotic
sounds are fair observations. What is not fair, though, are the dark associations that have been
attached to them: that their loose, flowing clothing could only mean that they are hiding
something, the veils are for concealment and dark faces suggest dark intentions.

The media is a strong factor in the average people’s misunderstanding of Islam merely due to its
own function, which is to communicate news of importance. It is only natural that the bad news
will be the good news, because tragedy and bloodshed are more stimulating than a quick glimpse
of religious volunteers smiling at work.

Islam is a call for good faith, good works, and love. It may seem like a wild statement to the
common people, but Islam's message focuses on the submission to God through peace. The
contrasting influence is the constant display of terrorists bombing Jews and Christians on the
television screen.

The public takes in the visual depiction of the Muslim and develops a generality about the entire
religion. To get to the source of the issue, we need to ignore the mainstream media. We need to
read the scripture itself and learn what the religion is truly about.

The Qur'an is the Islamic scripture, transcribed word for word from the angel Gabriel to the
prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. In it we find the fundamental essence of Islam, which is followed by the
vast majority-submission and love.

Allah even says of his followers, "Lo! You are they who will love them while they love you not"
(3:118). This is similar to Jesus' Sermon on the Mount: to love even those who hate you. This is
certainly far from the war cry of a fanatical or sadistic Lord.

In speaking of fighting, Allah says, "And spend in the way of Allah and cast not yourselves to
perdition with your own hands and do good to others. Surely Allah loves the doers of good"
(2:195). Clearly, if any Muslim believes he needs to commit mass-murder for Allah, then he is the
wrongdoer - not Allah.

Terrorism is the result of compulsion, a vice that the Qur'an directly opposes. In it, we read: “There
is no compulsion in religion-the right way is clearly distinct from error" (2:256). Could it be any
clearer? If there is any doubt left in the idea that Islam is a violent religion and prejudiced against
Christianity and Judaism, one need only read "And fight in the way of Allah against those who
fight against you but be not aggressive. Surely Allah loves not the aggressors" (2:190).
To comprehend a religion, examination of the scripture is most important. Any summary, analysis,
commentary, book, essay, story, newspaper, article, pamphlet, documentary, song, or Web site
can be false, corrupted, and/or biased. Any person can be a fool, and most are.

Only the scripture, which is the religion, can fully represent its essence. Accordingly, Muslims
follow nothing but the Qur'an. They believe it to be the direct word of God, so they preserve its

With all of this in mind, it is obvious why the text is so important.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣8⃣*
*❓Humanity and the Divine Religion*
✅The Holy Quran expressly declares that the human race is one family. All of us are the children
of Adam and Eve, whether our skin is white or black. At various places it says: “All human beings
are a single nation” (2:213). “All human beings are not but a single nation and yet they disagree”
(10:19). “And verily this your nation (human beings) is a single nation” (21:92, 23:52).

The differences in our physical features, colors, complexions, languages, dresses, customs, and the
ways of living arise due to different climates and geographical territories. Those who settled in
hot tropical zones grew to be black, and those who settled in cold climates remained white in
their complexion. The people living in hot climates are hot-headed and the people living in cold
climate have cold temperament. The diet also affects the color and temperament. The lust for
property, power and pelf made one tribe the enemy of the other tribe and led to bloodshed and

Such savage and illiterate people fashioned idols with their hands and worshiped natural
phenomenon such as the sun, fire, bodies of water and snakes and other elements and creatures
which could harm them. They believed that they could obtain protection from such material
objects, creatures, and elements of nature the river, the snakes and other objects which could
harm them. Hence out of fancy and fear they made their gods. But the prophets always guided
them and instructed them to worship one God.

The prophets, the guides whom God sent to all people, instructed these people to worship the
one God, who is omniscient, omnipotent and all merciful. These individuals, who were ruled by
fear and stuck in their beliefs, frequently tortured, teased and persecuted these divine reformers
known as the prophets. God never left humankind without guidance through prophets.

Adam was the first man as well as the first prophet. He guided his wife and children. The Quran
tells us, “every people had a prophet” (10:47) “And certainly we raised in every people a prophet”
(16:36). And there are not people, but a Warner has gone among them” (35:24). “And we did not
send any apostle but with the language of the people, so that he might explain to them” (14:4).

The advent of the Holy prophet of Islam is described in the Quran: “Those who follow the Apostle,
the unlettered, whom they find written down with them in the Torah and in the Bible” (7:157).

The Bible also mentions about the advent of the prophet. It says: “For Moses truly said unto the
fathers, a prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me, unto
him shall ye hearken in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that
every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people.” (The
New Testament Acts 3:22-24)

Moses is prophesying about a prophet who will give them law as he gave them divine law. Prophet
Mohammad endorsed the Law of Moses and presented to him in the Quran. Hence Prophet
Mohammad is the prophesized one by Moses in the Torah.

The Quran and other divine scriptures testify this verity that humanity is the core message of
prophecy. Some non-believers maintain that religion is the apple of discord. But is it not the mind’s
inability to understand and the selfish and greedy passions that cause the discord, not the Truth
given by God through the prophets? The prophets rendered great sacrifices. John was beheaded
with a saw. Jesus Christ was tortured. Muhammad (PBUH) was teased and attacked. Thy tyrants
and tribal chiefs troubled him, but the prophets tolerated all trials, for God and humanity.
Humanity is the message of all prophets.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣4️⃣9⃣*
*❓Is Not the Concept of the Equality of Sexes in Modern Democracy More Suited than the Quranic
✅Is democracy really able to provide eternal values that will be conducive to human salvation?
In reality, democracy is but the rule of the majority. Can it be really possible for the majority in a
society to develop and formulate the laws that are to be necessarily followed for the conduct of
life of a people?

The majority of the people in Europe and America have accepted the system of dating wherein
young girls and boys come to know each other intimately, to intermingle with each other freely
and even to sleep together as well before marriage. It is, after all, this acceptance that has served
to torment that society with the afflictions of deadly diseases like AIDS and of numerous mental
disorders. Here, the fact becomes clear that it is the Lord God Himself, who created man, who is
to teach how man is to lead his life.

What is modern democracy? It is nothing but a new name that has been conferred upon
capitalism. Are not man and woman equal in the capitalist world? For those looking upon the
participating presence of both the sexes at the offices, it may be possible to give ‘yes’ as an answer.
However, they refuse to accept the fact that capitalism prevents woman from fulfilling the role
which nature has demanded of her.

Modern democracy can very well ask woman to work alongside man, to earn her salary and to go
forth into the market. But who, indeed, can ask man to undertake pregnancy, to give birth and to
breast-feed like the woman? It may, perhaps, be possible for capitalism to ask the nation to
provide for woman who gives birth to a child who knows not its own father. But, which, indeed, is
the ideology that can confer solace upon the woman who yearns to be fondled by the father of
the child within her?

A woman can never become like a man nor can a man ever become like a woman. Western
democracy, which teaches woman to be like man is, in reality, making the life of woman
unbearable. Through this, it wrecks the family and, with it, the very moral fiber of the society as

Capitalism sees everything in the world as a part of consumerism. Man and woman are no
exceptions. For it looks only to the market. It thinks of nothing but the objects that will serve to
accelerate the various processes therein. This is the position of woman in capitalism. After all, her
being a mother would diminish her market value; wouldn’t it?! Then she becomes an old woman;
an inhabitant of old-age homes.
The Qur’an, however, presents a most practical, yet moral, system. A practical system which moves
forward always in harmony with human nature. In its vision, the human being is not only the one
with rosy cheeks and unwrinkled skin, but he is also the child within its mother’s womb as also the
aged one awaiting death. Indeed, its command encompasses even the dead body which is never
to be violated.

The Quran is never in conformity with the utilitarianism of capitalism. This is the main point of
divergence where the Quranic vision differs from the view of modern democracy over the subject
of woman. The Qur’an never sees woman as a source of economic gain. It never agrees to see her
as an instrument of trade either; for she is one half of the human soul; the veritable mother of

It is her motherhood which Islam considers first and foremost. It emphasizes that it is on the lap
of the mother that the very bedrock of the institution of the family, the fundamental unit of
morality that is so vital in society, is nurtured. The Lord Creator, who revealed the Qur’an, is aware
of the difficulties and limitations faced by a woman who becomes a mother. Indeed, these have
been given due consideration by the Qur’an.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣0⃣*
*❓Islam - The Easy and Natural Way*
✅One of the terms used by the Qur'an during the early Makkan period to describe Islam was ‘Al-
Yusraa’ means 'The Easy Way'. This is simply because Islam was, and is the natural way of life.
Indeed, whatever is natural for human beings should be easy for them in every way, hence cause
them to gravitate towards it easily, and consequently bring harmony, peace, and tranquility to
their lives. Since the Quran is the book upon which the Islamic way of life is built, then the Quran
has to be easy to understand and follow.

This view that Islam is easy to understand and practice, is one which is derived from the primary
sources of Islam. In the Quran, Allah comforts us by continuously reassuring us that He desires for
us ease not hardship, despite the seemingly formidable trials and tribulations that we may
sometimes face. He says: “God desires ease for you, and desires not hardship” (2:185) “Truly, with
hardship comes ease” (94:6) “God desires to lighten things for you, for the human being has been
created weak” (94️:28)…

In addition to the Quran, the prophetic traditions also replete with references exhorting us to
adopt a balanced and simple approach to life. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told: “This way of life
is easy but if anyone overdoes it, it gets the better of him. So, keep to the right course,
approximate to perfection, rejoice, and ask for help…” (Bukhari). The Prophet (PBUH) has also
praised those who adopt a moderate approach to worship. Worship, he said, should be done with
freshness of heart, not an exhausting routine carried out in fatigue.

*Islam is Not Complex:*

Islam is not a way of life that is complex or difficult. Rather it is the human being who practices
Islam who often makes it difficult and then, complexity overtakes him so that eventually he is
unable to cope with even the simplest of tasks. That it is possible for every person to understand
and practice Islam is assured by the following three principles:

Firstly, the basic beliefs contain no mystery and are therefore easy to comprehend. Every tenet in
Islam is subject to analysis and inquiry. Moreover, Islam does not present stumbling blocks to the
mind. Islam does not present concepts or ideas which the intellect cannot grasp.

Secondly, the most important and stringent obligations ordained upon Muslims are easy to
undertake. That is, the duties and obligations laid down by Allah have been graded. And it is the
wisdom of Allah that the greater the importance He has attached to any act, the easier it is for
everyone to accomplish it.

Thirdly, there are provisions for derogation when it is genuinely not possible for someone to fulfill
an obligation. For instance, if a person is genuinely unable to stand up and pray, then he is
permitted to sit down or even lie down and pray.

*The Path of Moderation:*

Moderation which leads to balance, is a fundamental and distinguishing feature of Islam. Allah
tells us: “We have made you a nation justly balanced” (2:143). Indeed, the Prophet always resisted
any tendency towards religious excessiveness. He told: “Do not overburden yourselves, lest you
perish. People [before you] overburdened themselves and perished.” (Musnad of Abu Ya'la). In
other words, excesses may eventually develop into large problems and even become a threat to
the wellbeing and security of the Muslim community.

Abiding by the will of Allah requires that we seek and maintain a delicate balance between the
various obligations that demand our attention; between our obligations to Allah, our obligations
towards others and our obligations towards ourselves. Moreover, whenever the Prophet had to
choose between two options, he always chose the easier, unless it was explicitly forbidden

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feedbacks, suggestions, queries, and criticisms related to Islam and the series to the Admin.

We will continue the series with the answers for your questions, the refutations for the common
criticisms, and with the topics which were not covered so far.

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Islam and your personal interest to know more about Islam, which will be useful for our further

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The topic names of the articles shared so far are listed below. Please let us know if any of you
want us to resend any of them. Those who missed the previous parts can also join the *Latest
Group (G32)* to receive them again

We will share the whole 250 parts of the series as a *Word/PDF Document* soon.

*Topics List:*
1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?
4. What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
5. Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?
6. Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?
7. Who Created God?
8. Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?
9. What is the Concept of God in Islam?
10. Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?
11. What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?
12. What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?
13. What is the Significance of Religion?
14. Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?
15. Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?
16. How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?
17. What are the Unique Features of Islam?
18. Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as 'Allah'?
19. Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?
20. Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?
21. Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?
22. Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?
23. Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don't God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?
24. Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?
25. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26. What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?
27. Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?
28. Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?
29. Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?
30. Why Doesn't God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?
31. What is Islamic View About Death
32. What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?
33. What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?
34. The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?
35. What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?
36. What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?
37. What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?
38. Who All Will Enter Paradise?
39. Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?
40. What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?
41. Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?
42. What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?
43. Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?
44. What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?
45. What are the Evidences for Muhammed's (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?
46. Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest
47. What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?
48. Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?
49. Why Didn't God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?
50. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?
51. Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?
52. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?
53. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?
54. What are the Scriptures?
55. What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?
56. What is the Holy Qur'an?
57. What is the Theme of Holy Qur'an?
58. Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur'an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?
59. Why the Qur'an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?
60. Did the Glorious Qur'an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?
61. When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur'an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?
62. What are the Evidences for the Qur'an to Be a Divine Scripture?
63. Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?
64. Can it Be Said that the Qur'an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?
65. Scientific Facts in the Quran?
66. What Does the Qur'an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?
67. Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?
68. What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?
69. What Should Be a Muslim's Attitude Towards Worldly Life?
70. Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?
71. What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?
72. What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?
73. What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?
74. What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?
75. What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?
76. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?
77. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?
78. What is Islamic View on Entertainments?
79. What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?
80. What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?
81. The Concept of Equality in Islam?
82. The Concept of Justice in Islam
83. What is the Quran's Approach Towards Slavery?
84. What Were the Practical Steps Qur'an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?
85. Why Didn't Qur'an Completely Prohibit Slavery?
86. What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?
87. Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?
88. What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?
89. What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?
90. What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?
91. Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?
92. Does Qur'an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?
93. Does Qur'an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?
94. Does Qur'an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?
95. What is 'Jihad'?
96. Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur'an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?
97. Does Qur'an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?
98. Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?
99. What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
100. Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?
101. Are All Terrorists Muslims?
102. What Does the Qur'an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?
103. What Does the Qur'an Say About War?
104. When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?
105. When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?
106. What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?
107. What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?
108. Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?
109. What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?
110. Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?
111. What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?
112. What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?
113. How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?
114. Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying 'Jizya' a
Discrimination Towards Them?
115. What is Islamic View on Nationalism?
116. What is Islamic View on Democracy?
117. What is Islamic view on Secularism?
118. What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?
119. What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?
120. What is the Status of Parents in Islam?
121. How Should Be a Muslim's Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?
122. What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?
123. Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?
124. What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?
125. What is the Islamic Code of Dress?
126. What is the Islamic View on Marriage?
127. What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?
128. Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?
129. Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?
130. What Does Islam Say About Divorce?
131. What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?
132. Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?
133. How Islam Views Homosexuality?
134. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
135. How Did Islam Spread in the World?
136. Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?
137. Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today's Times?
138. What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?
139. What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?
140. What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?
141. What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
142. What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?
143. Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?
144. Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?
145. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?

146. If Islam is the Best Religion, Why are All Muslims Not Good?
147. If Islam Opposes Idol Worship, Why do Muslims Pray to a Kaaba?
148. Why are All Prayers and Supplications Not Answered or Fulfilled by Allah?
149. Does God Give Free Will and Freedom to Control Our Destiny?
150. The Prophet's Last Sermon
151. 'My name is Islam': A short video introducing Islam in brief
152. If According to Islam, Messengers or Prophets were Sent to Every Nation of the World, then
Which Prophet was Sent to India? Can We Consider Ram and Krishna to be Messengers of God?
153. Islam and Ethics
154. Prophet Muhammad: The Social Reformer
155. If Allah has Sealed the Hearts of the Disbelievers (Kuffar), then Why are they to be Blamed
for Not Accepting Islam?
156. Importance of Knowledge & Education in Islam
157. Is it Not True that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has Copied the Qur'an from the Bible?
158. Is Islamic Inheritance Law Unjust? Why Does the Man Inherit More Wealth than His Female
159. Why Did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Have Many Wives? What was the Wisdom Behind Prophet's
Multiple Marriages?
160. Abu Hanifa's Debate with an Atheist
161. Muslims Believe that Certain Earlier Verses of the Qur'an were Abrogated by Verses Revealed
Later. Does this Imply that God Made a Mistake and Later on Corrected it?
162. An Invitation to the Truth
163. Significance of the Environment in Islam
164. Life and Beyond According to the Quran
165. Why do Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner by Torturing it and Slowly and
Painfully Killing it?
166. Muslim Woman's Right to Work and Earn
167. The Sweetness of Islamic Faith
168. If Allah has Sent His Books and Revelations in Every Period, then which Revelation was Sent
to India?
169. Where Did the Universe Come From?
170. Meaning of Life According to Islam
171. Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an
172. Isn't it an Explicit Discrimination that Islam Gives Men Twice the Portion of Women in their
Share of Inheritance?
173. Has not the Qur'an Actually Legalized Adultery by Allowing the Master to have Sexual
Relationships with His Female Slaves?
174. Doesn't Islam Permit Critical Thinking?
175. Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH) and His Second Coming?
176. Why to Choose Islam?
177. Message of Ramadan - Why do Muslims Fast?
178. Why Do Muslims Perform Hajj?
179. What is Hadith? What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?
180. Concept, Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam
181. What Famous People Have Said About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part1
182. What Famous People Have Said About Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part2
183. Islam And Darwinism
184. Qur'an Says that Allah has Made the Earth for You as a Carpet. This Gives an Indication that
the Earth is Flat. Doesn't this Contradict Established Modern Science?
185. Hijab - The Islamic Concept of Veil
186. Human Rights in the Qur'an
187. Isn't the Social Setup Envisioned by the Qur'an is a Male Dominated One?
188. Signs for Those Who Ponder Over!
189. Why a Non-Muslim Should Know the Qur'an?
190. Marital Relationship in Islam
191. By Composing the Qur'an, did Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Intent the Worldly Benefits through
Establishing Himself as the Messenger of God?
192. How Can Islam be Called the Religion of Peace When it was Spread by the Sword?
193. When Was the Quran Written?
194. Human Rights: Role of Islam in Liberating the Slaves
195. If God is Just, Who Created Handicapped and Mentally Retarded? Isn't it Injustice?
196. By Comparing Woman to Cultivating Field, Doesn't Qur'an See them as Instruments for
197. Oneness of God in Hindu Scriptures
198. Oneness of God in Bible Old Testaments
199. Oneness of God in Bible New Testaments
200. What is the Purpose of Life?

201. The Greatness of Islamic Justice

202. The Prophet and the Garbage Thrower!
203. Isn't the Animal Sacrifice Cruel to Them?
204. Are Non-Muslims Allowed Inside Masjids/Mosques?
205. Will It Not Affect the Status of the Quran's Divinity if Some of the Earlier Injunctions Got
Changed Later?
206. Islam is the Religion of Tolerance and Ease
207. No Priesthood in Islam
208. What Islam Recommends Dealing with Epidemic Diseases?
209. Does Islam Prescribe Death Penalty for Apostates?
210. What is Shariah?
211. How Did Prophet Muhammed Treat the Children?
212. The Purpose of Our Creation
213. Teachings of Moderation and Balance in Islam
214. Social Service in Islam
215. Is Allah Forgiving or Revengeful?
216. If Trinity is Not Biblical Teaching, How Did it Become the Doctrine of Christianity?
217. Trust & Reliance in God
218. Examples of Modesty, Justice and Mercy in the Rule of Caliph Umar
219. Terrorism Doesn't Have a Religion
220. Does God Misguide People? - Part1: Whom Does Allah Guide?
221. Does God Misguide People? - Part2: Whom Does Allah Misguide?
222. Is Stoning of the Devil During Hajj a Superstition?
223. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part1
224. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part2
225. Debate Between Two Babies in a Mother's Womb
226. Islamic View on Sexuality
227. What Islam Says About Transgenders?
228. The Rights of Children on Parents in Islam
229. Why Did God Create Angels? Does He Need Help of Angels?
230. Polytheism and Idol Worship are Prohibited in Vedas
231. What is it that Makes the Qur'an a Supernatural Sign?
232. Pride and Arrogance are Not the Qualities of Believers
233. Why are We Here? - The Purpose of Life
234. Does Only Allah Know the Sex of the Child in the Mother's Womb?
235. Is the Quran a Book of Science?
236. Was the Kaaba Forcibly Captured by Muslims? Who Demolished the Idols in the Kaaba?
237. Rights of Neighbors in Islam?
238. A Christian Lady's House and a Masjid
239. What is the Islamic View on Organ Donation?
240. Islam is the Solution for Racism & Casteism
241. Does Quran Envisage Patriarchal System Which Speaks to Woman of Her Obligations and to
Man of His Rights?
242. Is 'Allah' the Moon God (Hubal) of Arab Polytheists Before Islam?
243. What is the Difference Between 'Messenger' and 'Prophet'?
244. Did Prophet Order to Expel Jews and Christians from the Arabia?
245. Is it True that the Original Version of Quran was Burnt by Caliph Usman & the Present Quran
was Compiled by Him?
246. The Testimony of the Enemies to the Honesty of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
247. A Clearer Understanding of the Realities of Islam
248. Humanity and the Divine Religion
249. Is Not the Concept of the Equality of Sexes in Modern Democracy More Suited than the
Quranic Vision?
250. Islam - The Easy and Natural Way

Dear Friends,
Please find the below documents for the 250 parts of *’Understand Islam’* series👇

Please share your feedbacks, suggestions, queries, and criticisms related to Islam and the posts
personally to the Admin. We will continue sharing posts.

It would be great if you share your name, place, religion/doctrine, your views about Islam and
your personal interest to know more about Islam, which will be useful for our further interactions.
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page. Those who are interested can Join/Subscribe using below links
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Those who missed the previous parts can even join the *Latest Group (G32)* to receive them

*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣1⃣*
*❓How Can Life be a Test if Allah is All-Knowing?*
✅This is merely a misunderstanding of the word "test." We perform scientific tests, for example,
in an effort to find out more about them in a logical and systematic way whose point is accuracy.
We test things to determine if they are genuine, for example, as in testing something that looks
like a diamond to see if it is in fact diamond or merely glass or stone. But this testing from a
standpoint of not-knowing in order to find out, is not the sole reason for or type of testing.
*Why Should Omniscient God Test People?*
Almighty God has created human beings with the ability to make decisions and choices. This
implied that people were going to make good and bad choices and decisions.

It would not be fair, if people who made good choices and those who made bad choices ended
up with the same results or same kind of eternal life. Those who make good choices should be
rewarded and those making bad choices should be punished.

Allah’s knowledge being absolute and infinite, He knew which of the people would be making
good choices and which people the bad choices. He could have put them permanently in the
Gardens or imprisoned in Hell on the basis of His knowledge; but that would not look fair to
people, without letting them prove themselves and see that justice has been fully done.

Although God knows what’s in our hearts and what each of us might do, he tests us and wants us
to witness our own test results in order to admit that we have been fairly rewarded according to
our achievements as recorded in the test results.

Before the wealthy father distributes his wealth, he may want to record which son is obedient, the
records are not for the father who knows, but as a testimony for people who might question the
justice of their father.

Although the wise teacher knows the hard-working student and the lazy student, he prepares
regular exams as testimonies so that the students would not say that the teacher had favored
some students over the others. Exams also urge students to get prepared in order to succeed.

Students should not wonder about the intention of the teacher; they are supposed to focus on
what the teacher asked them to do.

If God wants to set up the testing environment to test people, then we are not supposed to advise
God on how to set up the terms and conditions of the testing. The students are not supposed to
advise the teacher on how to prepare the exams. God has created us, and he knows how to test

So, He sent us in this world to prove to ourselves where we belong. From puberty to the last
breath we are in the examination room continuously writing our tests. All decisions and choices
we are making every moment of our lives are what we will be marked upon. Keep in mind that we
are not marked for the given conditions that we find ourselves in, but only on the choices and
decisions that we make in the given circumstances.

In summary, our test is for us to provide our own evidence as to where we belong, not for the All-
knowing Creator, Allah.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣2⃣*
*❓The Universalism of Islam*
✅The cardinal principle of Islam is belief in the absolute oneness of God (Thouhid). In the
opening chapter of the Quran, God is described as ‘the Lord of all worlds’. In the Quran, God is
not related to any particular place or people but to all creation.

Whilst the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament refers to God as the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the Quran does not refer to God as the God of a particular prophet. God is the one and
only creator of everything that exists and from God’s unity comes the unity of creation. The Quran
points out that God not only creates and sustains all creatures but also gives moral guidance to
humanity which has been made “in the best of molds” (Surah 95️:4️).

The Quran affirms that God “cares for all creatures” (2:268), and testifies that the message it
contains is universal as may be seen from the following verses: “Hallowed is He who from on high,
step by step, has bestowed upon His servant the standard by which to discern the true from the
false, so that to all the world it may be a warning” (Quran 25️:1).

“[The Quran] is but a reminder and a divine discourse, clear in itself and clearly showing the truth,
to the end that it may warn everyone who is alive (of heart)” (Quran 3️6:69-70). “This (message) is
no less than a reminder to all humankind - to every one of you who wills to walk a straight way
(Quran 81:27-28).

The Quran also affirms the universal mission of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) as, for instance,
it states: “Now (as for you, Mohammad) We have not sent you otherwise than to mankind at large,
to be a herald of glad tidings and a warner.” (Quran 3️4️:28)

Islam’s non-exclusive spirit is embodied in many Quranic verses, such as the following: “And they
claim, ‘None shall ever enter paradise unless he be a Jew’ - or ‘a Christian’. Such are their wishful
beliefs! Say: ‘Produce an evidence for what you are claiming if what you say is true!’ Yea, indeed:
everyone who surrenders his whole being unto God, and is a doer of good withal, shall have his
reward with his Sustainer; and all such need have no fear, and neither shall they grieve” (Quran
2:111-112). A similar message can be seen in Quran 2:62 & 5:69 as well.

“And be conscious of the Day on which you shall be brought back unto God, whereupon every
human being shall be repaid in full for what he has earned, and none shall be wronged” (Quran

Since God is the universal creator who sends guidance to all humanity, Muslims are commanded
by the Quran to affirm the divine message given to all the previous prophets. It is stated: “And,
indeed, (O Mohammad,) We sent forth apostles before your time; some of them We have
mentioned to you, and some of them We have not mentioned to you.” While only 25️ prophets
are mentioned in the Quran, the above-cited verse indicates the passage of other prophets as
well. Indeed, Surah 16:84️ tells us that God “shall raise up a witness out of every community”.
(Quran 40:78)

The Quran enjoins Muslims to affirm the continuity of Islam with previous revelations and
prophets and not to make a distinction amongst them, as can be seen from verses such as the
following: “Say, We believe in God, and in that which has been bestowed from on high upon us,
and that which has been bestowed upon Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and their
descendants, and that which has been vouchsafed to Moses and Jesus, and that which has been
vouchsafed to all the (other) prophets by their Sustainer: we make no distinction between any of
them. And it is unto Him that we surrender ourselves” (Quran 2:13️6, 3️:84️).

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣3️⃣*
*❓Islam and Honesty*
✅Islam orders the Muslim to be honest to himself and others. This order repeatedly comes in
the Noble Qur'an and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Islam orders the Muslim to tell
the truth even if it is against the teller's interest. Orders him not to cheat or deceive other people.
A Muslim is ordered by Allah to be honest in his words and deeds, privately and publicly alike.
Honesty in words implies telling the truth in all cases and under all conditions. Honesty also
implies fulfilling the promise and carrying out duties as fully as possible whether the person is
supervised or not.

Honesty is a blanket term that covers a wide range of traits. It covers telling the truth, sincerity in
work, carrying out duties, fulfilling one's word, objective judgments, and objective decisions.
Honesty is the opposite of lying, the opposite of bluffing, the opposite of hypocrisy, the opposite
of favoritism, and the opposite of deceit.

*External & Internal Honesty:*

External honesty means which is judged by other people. Internal honesty means honesty which
is judged by the person himself alone.

The reward of external honesty comes from Allah, from people, and from the psychological
satisfaction the honest person feels. When you are honest, you are liked by God and people whom
you deal with. Your honesty gives you the social approval you need and here comes the social
value of honesty.

Further, when everybody is honest, a great deal of human problems disappears including lying,
cheating, bluffing, stealing, forgery, and many other social diseases. In other words, honesty is
something you give and something you take: others enjoy your honesty, and you enjoy their

Thus, honesty is a factor in the psychological health of the honest person himself and the health
of other persons whom he deals with. However, Islam emphasizes internal honesty as well, i.e.,
honesty which is judged by the person himself and cannot be seen by other people.

It often happens that a person acts privately. Sometimes we act with nobody seeing us. A believer
in Allah feels that although no person is watching him, Allah is watching. This continuous watch
of Allah develops the concept of internal honesty or conscience in the believer. This means that
internal honesty becomes an overall strategy of the believer.

The Muslim is to be honest, internally and externally, privately and publicly, whether observed by
other people or not, whether he acts or peaks. This overall honesty makes the Muslim confident
of himself, of his behavior, and of his words and deeds. Honesty makes the person feel that he
trusts others and is trusted by others.

*Building Honesty:*
Islam builds the ethical qualities in general and honesty in particular in the believers through
several ways:
1. Instructions - Allah orders the Muslim to be honest in all cases, in all deeds and words, to himself
and others.
2. Reason - Allah shows the Muslim rationally that honesty is the best policy, even on utilitarian
3. Reward - Allah promises the honest person generous rewards in the first life and in the second
4. Punishment - Allah threatens the dishonest person with severe punishment for his dishonest
5. Practice - Allah develops the habit of honesty in the Muslim through actual practice. For
example, practices self-control against temptations and impulses during the month of Ramadan.

Thus, Islam builds the habit of honesty in the Muslim through direct instructions, through rational
arguments, through the reward and punishment principles, and through practice. The outcome is
a healthy self and a healthy social atmosphere that leads to the happiness of both the individual
and the group.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣4️⃣*
*❓The Black Stone in Makkah and the Idol Worship!*
✅Is ‘Black Stone’ (Hajarul Aswad) an idol? Do Muslims worship Kaaba or the ‘black stone’? If not,
then why do they pray or prostrate in the direction of Ka’aba in Makkah? Why do some Muslims
touch or kiss the black stone in the Kaa’ba when they perform the pilgrimage? These are the
questions raised by some of the non-Muslims.

*Physical Description of the Black Stone (Hajarul Aswad)*

First, we shall describe the physical nature of the Stone itself. The Black Stone is built into the
Kaaba wall, at the eastern corner of the Kaaba, about 5 ft. above the ground level, not very far
from the door of the Kaaba. The Kaaba itself can itself be described as a black box, which Muslims
face in daily prayers.

Muslims believe that the Black Stone was originally given to Abraham, who built the Kaaba used
the Black Stone as a corner stone for the structure. Abraham and Ishmael taught the early Makkan
Arabs monotheism; after the passing of Abraham and Ishmael, the Makkan Arabs with time
regressed into pagan practices including idol worship. They ended up having a pantheon of gods,
despite the original message of Abraham and Ishmael which taught the early Arabs to worship
God alone (monotheism).

Going back to the Black Stone, it was originally a single piece of rock but today consists of three
large pieces and several small fragments stuck together and surrounded by a large ring of stone,
which in turn is held together by a silver band.

*Do Muslims Worship Black Stone?*

In Islam, idol worship is banned because you are substituting God (Allah) for another being or
pairing him with another being, which is a sin known as Shirk. In Islam, the belief is that there is
one God and only one God and that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is his last messenger.
Muslims also believe that Allah has no partners, parents, siblings or children or no symbolic

Muslims do not worship the Ka’aba nor do they worship the black stone set within the walls of
the Kaaba. Muslims worship only God (Allah) alone.

*Why Do Muslims Kiss Hajarul Aswad?*

If someone takes the Qur'an or Bible and kisses it, will anyone say that they worship it? Kissing
mother and wife are never seen as worship; rather, it is a sign of respect and love.

So how can it be the worship only when you kiss Hajarul Aswad? The believers kiss black stone in
Ka’aba while performing pilgrimage just because the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) kissed it as a
sign of respect and love.

Khalif Umar (r) once made this point very clear while kissing the Stone by saying: “By Allah, I know
that you are just a stone and that you can neither do any harm nor give benefit. Had I not seen
the Prophet kissing you, I would not have kissed you either” (Sahih Muslim, 2/925️).

The reason why Umar (r) made this statement was to impress on the minds of onlookers (some of
whom were newly converted Muslims), that Islam is a monotheistic religion. Shirk (idolatry and
polytheism) would result if one believed that the Black Stone can directly harm or benefit mankind.
We do not kiss it while harboring such a belief. Just as a person kissing his wife or/and children
does not mean that one regards them as idols or objects of worship, so too must the kissing of
the Black Stone be understood in the same context. Such acts are merely carried out to display
love and attachment.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣5️⃣*
*❓Are there Different Versions of Holy Quran?*
✅Are there any difference between the Qur'ans recited in different parts of the world? Did this
difference come about because early arabic language which was taught by the Prophet
Muhammad did not have vowels?

The difference between the verses of the Qur'an has not been researched by atheists or anti-
Islamists. There are many books in the Muslim world that describe the different styles and
recitations of Holy Quran. Scholars do not teach it to everyone because the common man does
not need to know the different styles. The enemies of Islam discuss the difference in recitations in
order to cast doubt on the integrity of the Qur'an by taking advantage of the ignorance of the
common people.

*Revelation of the Qur’an in Seven Styles:*

The Qur’an was revealed in one style at the beginning, but the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) kept
asking Jibreel until he taught him seven styles, all of which were complete. The evidence for that
is the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbas who narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Jibreel taught me one
style and I reviewed it until he taught me more, and I kept asking him for more and he gave me
more until finally there were seven styles.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3047; Muslim, 819)

The best of the scholarly opinions concerning what is meant by style (Harf) is that there are seven
ways of reciting the Qur’an, where the wording may differ but the meaning is the same; if there is
a different meaning then it is by way of variations on a theme, not opposing and contradiction.

Some of the scholars said that what was meant by style (Harf) was the dialects of the Arabs, but
this is far-fetched, because of the hadeeth of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab who said: “I heard Hisham ibn
Hakeem reciting Chapter al-Furqaan in a manner different from that in which I used to recite it
and the way in which the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) taught me to recite it. I was about to argue
with him whilst he was praying, but I waited until he finished his prayer, and then I tied his garment
around his neck and seized him by it and brought him to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said,
‘O Messenger of Allah, I heard this man reciting Chapter al-Furqaan in a way different to the way
you taught it to me.’ The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said to him, ‘Recite it,’ and he recited it as I
had heard him recite it. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, ‘It was revealed like this.’ Then he
said to me, ‘Recite it,’ so I recited it and he said, ‘It was revealed like this.’ This Qur'an has been
revealed in seven different ways, so recite it in the way that is easiest for you.’” (Narrated by al-
Bukhaari, 2287; Muslim, 818)

It is known that Hisham was Asadi Qurashi (i.e., from the clan of Bani Asad in Quraysh) and Umar
was Adawi Qurashi (i.e., from the clan of Bani Adiyy in Quraysh). Both of them were from Quraysh
and Quraysh had only one dialect. If the difference in harf (styles) had been a difference in dialects,
why would two men of Quraysh have been different?

The scholars mentioned nearly forty different opinions concerning this matter! Perhaps the most
correct is that which we have mentioned above.

It seems that the seven styles were revealed with different wordings, as indicated by the hadeeth
of Umar, because Umar’s objection was to the style, not the meaning. The differences between
these styles are not the matter of contradiction and opposition, rather they are synonymous.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣6⃣*
*❓Why to Follow Prophet Muhammed in Everything?*
✅The life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a role model for every person of this world. This source
of light and guidance (the Prophet PBUH) can lead us completely. Allah sent His messengers in
every period of history to guide the humanity. The world had been waiting for the last Prophet
for centuries. This long wait was ended with the prophethood of the Muhammed (PBUH). He
was sent as the last Prophet of Allah Almighty. His Shariah (law) was regarded as the last
message of Allah and the previous laws were abolished. His guidance was declared sufficient for
all till the end of this world.

Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was an embodiment of mercy for all mankind. All the prophets
guided the humans. Mohammad (PBUH) brought a revolution in the lives of the people. This
revolution is example-less in the history of mankind. Our love for the Prophet (PBUH) involves
not only the devotion and passion for him but to follow his deeds also. There is no option left
for us but to follow his teachings. The Quran and Sunnah (prophet’s traditions) are the basis of
Islam. The holy lifestyle of the Prophet (PBUH) guides us in our individual and collective life. He
stressed that Muslims should have good behavior with others. They should have good character
also. It shows the importance of behavior and character in his teachings.

Abu Huraira reported that on the occasion of ‘Farewell Hajj’ he said, “I am leaving two things
among you. You will never deviate from the right path. These are the Holy Quran and my
traditions (Sunnah). These two things will not be separated…” If we will follow the Quran and
Sunnah, we cannot be deviated from the right path. These two things will keep on guiding us up
to the last day of this world. We will keep on consulting the Quran for a solution to every

Allah has ordered that we should follow him in everything. And we should take Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) as our role model. We should follow his guidance in all things, large and
small. It is said in the Holy Quran that the people who believe in Allah they should obey the
Prophet (PBUH) as well. It means that the obedience of the Prophet (PBUH) is the obedience of
Allah. It is clear that the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Holy Quran are the basis
of Islam. In other way, the life of the Prophet (PBUH) was the explanation and practical
implementation of what Quran teaches us. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: “Indeed in the
Messenger of Allah, you have a good example to follow.” (Surah Al-Ahzab: 33:21).

Mohammad (PBUH) is the last Prophet of Allah. His prophethood is sufficient for all humanity up
to the end of this world. The prophethood of the Prophet Muhammed has two parts. Firstly, he
is a prophet and secondly, he is the last prophet of Allah Almighty. It shows that his
prophethood is universal. He is not the prophet of his age, but he is the prophet of every age.
He should be obeyed in every age. Truth is forever. Islam guides people in every field of life. It is
a complete code of life. Anyone who wants to please the Creator, he should follow the teachings
of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣7⃣*
*❓Are there Degrees and Levels in Paradise and Hell?*
✅Will all people same at Paradise and Hell? How many heavens and hells are there? How do
these levels differentiate?

With regard to numbers, there is one Hell and one Paradise, but each of them has degrees and
levels. Paradise is sometimes mentioned in the plural in the sayings of Prophet (Hadith), but this
does not mean that there are several types of Paradise; rather this is indicative of its greatness
and the various degrees and levels in it, or it is indicative of the greatness of the reward of the
one who enters it.

It says in the hadeeth of Anas ibn Maalik that Umm al-Rubayyi’ bint al-Bara’, who was the mother
of Harithah ibn Suraqah, came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: “O Prophet of Allah, will you not
tell me about Harithah? (who had been killed at the battle of Badr by a stray arrow).” “If he is in
Paradise, I will bear it with patience but if it is otherwise then I shall weep long and hard for him.”
He said: “O Umm Harithah, there are gardens in Paradise – according to another report: many
gardens – and your son has attained the highest Firdaws.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 2809)

The levels of Hell differ according to the extent of their inhabitants’ kufr (denial of the Truth) and
actions in this world. The hypocrites will be in the lowest (severe) level of Hell, as our Lord has told
us: “Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depth (grade) of the Fire; no helper will you find for
them” (Quran 4:145)

The least severe (in torment) of its levels – from which we seek refuge with Allah – was mentioned
by the Prophet (PBUH) in the hadeeth reported by al-Nu’man ibn Basheer who said: The
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “The least severely punished of the people of Hell will be a man
who has two shoes and shoelaces of Fire – according to another version: two live coals will be
placed on the soles of his feet – because of which his brains will boil as a pot boils. He will not
think that anyone is being punished more severely than him, but he will be the one who is
punished most lightly.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6562; Muslim, 212)

We know of no limit to the number of degrees and levels in Paradise. It was said that their number
is equal to the number of verses in the Qur’an, based on a Hadith of ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Amr. (Narrated
by Abu Dawood, 1646; al-Tirmidhi, 2914)

The highest of the degrees of Paradise is al-Firdaws, as it was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may
Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “… When you ask of Allah,
ask Him for al-Firdaws, for it is in the middle of Paradise and is the highest part of Paradise, and
above it is the Throne of the Most Merciful, and from it spring forth the rivers of Paradise.”
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2637; Muslim, 2831)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣8⃣*
*❓Peace of Mind Only by Remembrance of God*
✅One of the most common diseases of the present century is worries and anxieties, for which
various reasons have been mentioned. The symptoms of this disease include isolation, depression,
inferiority complexes and purposelessness.

How can we get peace of mind? When face some difficulties in life, some people smoke cigarettes
for relief, some people drink alcohol, and some people inject intoxicants. But none of these will
give lasting relief to the mind. Moreover, they will destroy our body and disrupt the rhythm of life
as well.

There may be many different causes for one’s certainty and peace of mind. However, at the top
of all those factors, stands specifically one’s awareness and knowledge. He who is aware that his
slightest piece of work will be accounted for him, will be hopeful on his job properly and has peace
of mind thereby. “So, whoever has done an atom’s weight of good shall behold it.” (Quran 99:7)

He who knows that he is created out of the Divine favor, wisdom, and blessings, will be calm and
hopes for and confident of Allah’s bounteousness. The Qur’an says: “(It will be said) O’ you serene
soul! come back to your Lord well-pleased (with Him) and well-pleasing (Him),” (Quran 89:27-28)

Islam suggests the best thing to do to obtain peace of heart and mind, happiness and tranquility
through the remembrance of God, the Creator. Allah says: "Those who believe (in the Oneness of
Allah), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah, Verily, in the remembrance of
Allah do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)
On the contrary, if one does not remember the God, then there will be no peace, tranquility or
happiness of the heart. Allah says: "But whosoever turns away from My reminders, verily, for him
is a life of hardship" (Quran 20:124)

‘Dhikr’ means the remembrance of God and is an act of worship. We are told to remember Allah
not merely during certain periods of the year (such as Ramadan), nor only at certain times of the
day (i.e. during prayer), but often and at any time. And there are different ways of remembering
God. We can remember Him with the tongue by praising Him and seeking forgiveness; with the
limbs by performing good deeds; and with the heart by confessing and acknowledging the
blessings of God on you and be happy with what Allah predestined for you and ponder about the
Creator of the heavens and the earth.

Can there be anything more valuable in this world than the internal peace? People are constantly
seeking fulfilment through material gain, or through the approval of others. The narcissism and
consumerism of the current age is parasitic, feeding off the soul until it feels empty. The way to
restore tranquility to the soul is to fill the void with remembrance of God.

Islam also advises to keep away from sins and acts of disobedience, as these have a bad effect on
the tranquility and peace of heart and mind.

We should also increase the supplications since the prayers are one of the greatest weapons of
the believers. In order to strengthen one's faith and get peace of heart, one should also seek good
company who will guide him to righteousness and attend circles of knowledge.

A very important characteristic of believers is sensitivity of the heart that enables them to derive
pleasure from the Quran’s morality and to feel a great pleasure and peace in obeying Allah.

Consequently, a sound heart in the Islamic context means a heart that is purified from all forms
of impurity that draws one away from Allah. Such people stay away from worldly greed,
selfishness, fears, and insecurity. As a result, they do not become attached to any person or thing
other than the God or feel a type of love for them that is independent of Allah.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣5️⃣9⃣*
*❓Islam is Not Just Rituals; It is System of Moral Values*
✅Of course, daily prayers and fasting are important institutions in Islam. But should they be
treated as mere rituals? Or is there a wider meaning to them? Unfortunately, most of the believers
around us and even some organizations restrict Islam to a mere belief in “five pillars” namely,
faith in Allah and Prophet Muhammad, the five times prayers, the Ramazan fasting, the Hajj and
the Zakat (compulsory charity).

The question is: could this have been the Islam that was propagated by the beloved Prophet? An
in-depth study of the Quranic thought would reveal that Islam is not the name of a personal god-
based ritualistic religion. It is actually a system of moral and legal codes which proposes to
regulate society on the universal principles of justice, fairness and equity through the institutions
of prayers, fasting, Hajj and Zakat. If understood in their originality, it would be realized that there
is nothing ritualistic about these concepts.

For instance, during daily prayer, the message of the Quran is read out five times a day to people
standing shoulder to shoulder in the masjids irrespective of their social or financial status. This
negates the doctrine of untouchability and inculcates a sense of communal equality. The thirty-
day Ramazan fasting, focuses attention on hunger, and zakat underscores the importance of
equitable distribution of wealth, and through it the eradication of poverty.

Hajj is more of an annual international conference to discuss global issues for the benefit of
mankind as implied by the Quran (22:27-28) than a mere pilgrimage to perform certain rites. It is
also the world’s biggest display of unity in diversity where men and women of different
nationalities congregate for a common cause.

But unfortunately, the Muslims have been wrongly made to believe that these “rituals” are an end
in themselves. This has resulted in their spirit being completely lost. Thus we see today Muslims
mechanically praying five times a day, regularly fasting in Ramazan, frequently visiting Makkah for
Hajj and even paying nominal zakat, all without making any difference to the quality of their lives,
or in any way reducing the poverty and illiteracy around them.

The Quran highlights this malady in a subtle verse saying, “It is not righteousness that you turn
your faces towards East or West,… but to spend from your wealth… for your kin, for orphans, for
the needy, the wayfarer, for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in salaat
and zakat, to fulfill the contracts which you have made, and to be firm and patient in pain and
adversity throughout all periods of panic…” (2:177)

The Prophet further emphasized this saying: “One who strives for the widows and the poor is like
the one who strives in the way of God. I shall regard him as one who stands up for prayer without
rest and as one who fasts without break” (Bukhari)
The emphasis on ritualism among Muslims today is a result of the misinterpretation of the Quranic
term ‘Deen’ which has been wrongly equated with ‘Religion’. The truth is that while religion
exemplifies a set of dogmas revolving around a personal god who needs to be appeased through
superstitious rituals, Deen is about abiding by certain rules and regulations for the common good
of society.

‘Deen’ is analogous with the constitution of a country which once adopted is bound to be
respected by every citizen. A “Muslim” is a peaceful person who submits willingly or unwillingly to
a body of humanitarian precepts promoted by the Quran.

This is the true meaning of Islam which needs to be widely propagated through ‘social reform
committees’ and not resolutions that propose to take the Muslims back to the medieval age.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣0⃣*
*❓Are Muslims Ordered to Fight Jews?*
✅It is narrated in hadith (tradition) that the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said that the last Hour
will not begin until Muslims fight the Jews and kill the last one. At the same time, the Muslims
throughout history have treated the Jews well and coexisted with them. So why does the hadith
tell us here that the Muslims should kill the Jews?

Islam is the religion of mercy and peace. Therefore, Islam allowed the Jews and Christians to
remain in Muslim lands, and did not expel them or kill them, as they did and still do when they
gain control over Muslim lands. That is in accordance with the treaty between them and the Islamic
state, with both parties having rights and duties. So long as they continue to adhere to those
conditions, they have the right to enjoy that right of residence and security.

Hence Islam offers protection to non-believers (ahlu dhimmah) in Muslim lands, and defends their
rights if they adhere to the conditions of residence, to the extent that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said:
“Whoever kills a mu‘ahid (non-Muslim living under Muslim rule) will not smell the fragrance of
Paradise, even though its fragrance may be detected from a distance of forty years.” (Bukhari

But if the non-believers break the conditions – such as if they commit acts of betrayal or treachery,
or they prepare to fight Muslims or help their enemies, and the like – then they have broken the
treaty, and in that case there is no treaty between Muslims and them, and they do not deserve to
reside in security as they did not uphold the treaty.

The Muslims used to coexist with the Jews and treat them well, so long as they adhere to the
conditions of residence. But they may choose to be treacherous. It is sufficient for you to know
that when the Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬migrated to Madinah, there were three Jewish tribes in the city. He
made treaties with all of them and agreed to live in peace with all of them, but they all committed
acts of treachery and betrayal. Therefore, the Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬fought them, killed some of them
and banished some beyond Madinah, and he did not allow them to remain in the city.

It is narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (r) that he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬say: “The Jews will
fight you and you will prevail over them, then a rock will say: ‘O Muslim, here is a Jew behind me;
kill him.’” (Bukhari 3593, Muslim 2921)

It is also narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “The Hour will not begin until the
Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree,
and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill
him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 2922)

In some reports there is an indication that the fighting against the Jews that is mentioned in this
hadith will occur at the end of time, when the Dajjal emerges and the Messiah Eesa ibn Maryam
(‫ )ﷺ‬descends and fights him.

In short, the tradition which is presented to prove that Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered Muslims
to kill Jews concerns a future situation of conflict between Muslims and Jews and has nothing to
do with day-to-day Muslim-to-Jew relations. It does not apply to all Jews at all times. Its contents
reflect a situation of conflict. Prophet’s statement regarding the Jews addresses those Jews
deserving of censure at that certain time. It does not mean that he is censuring Jews simply
because they are Jews.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣1⃣*
*❓What Will Women Get in Paradise, While Men Get Beautiful Maidens (Hoor)?*
✅The Qur'an mentions over and over the blessings of Heaven. It repeatedly mentions beautiful,
pure maidens as a bounty of Heaven. People often say Islam is a male dominance religion. Why
is there not mention of rewards for women?

Almighty Allah says in Holy Quran: “And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice" (18:49). Quran
also says: "Allah is never unjust in the least degree; if there is any good (done), He doubleth it,
and gives from His Own Self a great reward" (4:40)

Allah has meant the Law of Islam (Shari'ah) for both men and women. All address to men in the
Quran is address to women, and all rules affecting men affect women as well unless evidence is
established that one of them is meant and not the other as in the rules relating to Jihad,
menstruation, custodianship, rule etc.

The evidence that women are included in verses of the Quran in the male gender is a Hadith by
Aysha, narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmizi 113. With respect to rewards in the Hereafter and what
women have in heaven, there are many verses and Hadiths as follows:

Um-Salama said: "O Messenger of Allah. I did not hear a verse in the Quran regarding the Hijrah
(migration with the Prophet) of women." Then was revealed the verse: "And their Lord has
accepted of them, and answered them: never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he
male or female: ye are members, one of another; those who have left their homes, and were driven
out therefrom, and suffered harm in My cause, and fought and were slain, verily I will blot out
from them their inequities, and admit them into gardens with rivers flowing beneath…" (Quran
3:195). This Hadith was narrated by Tirmizi (No. 3023)

Let us see one more verse: “If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have
faith, they will enter heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them” (Quran 4️:124️).

Finally, here is a Hadith that will dispel any doubt we may have with respect to the mentioning of
women: Um-Umarah said that she went to the Prophet (PBUH) and said to Him: "I feel that
everything is for men. Women are not mentioned as having anything. Then was revealed the verse:
‘For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women …’” (Quran 3️3️:3️5️). The Hadith is
narrated by Tirmizi (No. 3211) and is in Sahih at-Tirmizi (No. 2565)
*What Will Women Get, While Men Get Hoor?*
Many translators of the Qur’an have translated the word ‘hoor’ as ‘beautiful maidens’. However,
some scholars say that the word ‘hoor’ has no specific gender. Mohammad Asad has translated
the word ‘hoor’ as spouse and Abdullah Yusuf Ali as ‘companion’.

Anyhow, many scholars say that in context, the word ‘Hoor’ used in the Qur’an refers only to ladies
since gents are addressed. Therefore, the more appropriate answer would be the one from
Prophet himself, when the question was posed that if a man gets a Hoor in Paradise what will the
women get? The Prophet Muhammed replied that “the women will get that which the heart has
not desired for, the ear has not heard off and the eye hasn’t seen”, indicating that even the women
will get something exceptional in Paradise.

In summary, a woman will have only one husband in Paradise, and she will be satisfied with him
and will not need any more than that. The believing woman does not object to the rulings of Allah
or feel angry. Rather she accepts what Allah has decreed for her. Her sound nature tells her that
she cannot live with more than one man at a time. So long as she has entered Paradise, she will
have all that she desires, so she should not dispute now about the delights and rewards that her
Lord has chosen for her, for your Lord does not treat anyone unjustly.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣2⃣*
*❓Islam is Spread by its Moral Message and Not by the Sword*
✅It is a common misconception with some non-Muslims that Islam would not have millions of
followers all over the world, if it had not been spread by the use of force.

The following points will make it clear, that far from being spread by the sword, it was the inherent
force of truth, reason and logic that was responsible for the rapid spread of Islam.
Islam has always given respect and freedom of religion to all faiths. Freedom of religion is ordained
in the Qur'an itself: "There shall be no compulsion in (acceptance of) the religion. The right course
has become clear from the wrong." (Qur'an 2:256)

The noted historian De Lacy O'Leary wrote: "History makes it clear however, that the legend of
fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the sword upon
conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated."

If Islam was spread by the sword, it was the sword of intellect and convincing arguments. It is this
sword that conquers the hearts and minds of people. The Qur'an says: "Invite to the way of your
Lord with wisdom and good instruction and argue with them in a way that is best." (Qur'an 16:125)

The facts speak for themselves: Indonesia is the country that has the largest number of Muslims
in the world, and the majority of people in Malaysia are Muslims. But no Muslim army ever went
to Indonesia or Malaysia. It is an established historical fact that Indonesia entered Islam not due
to war, but because of its moral message. Despite the disappearance of Islamic government from
many regions once ruled by it, their original inhabitants have remained Muslims. Moreover, they
carried the message of truth, inviting others to it as well, and in so doing endured harm, affliction
and oppression.

The same can be said for those in the regions of Syria and Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, North Africa, Asia,
the Balkans and in Spain. This shows that the effect of Islam on the population was one of moral
conviction, in contrast to occupation by western colonialists.

Muslims ruled Spain (Andalusia) for about 800 years. During this period, the Christians and Jews
enjoyed freedom to practice their respective religions, and this is a documented historical fact.

Muslims ruled India for about a thousand years, and therefore had the power to force each and
every non-Muslim of India to convert to Islam, but they did not, and thus more than 80 percent
of the Indian population remains non-Muslim.

Similarly, Islam spread rapidly on the East Coast of Africa. And likewise, no Muslim army was ever
dispatched to the East Coast of Africa.

An article in Reader's Digest 'Almanac,' yearbook 1986, gives the statistics of the increase of the
percentage of the major religions of the world in half a century from 1934 to 1984. This article
also appeared in The Plain Truth magazine. At the top was Islam, which increased by 235 percent,
while Christianity had increased by 47 percent. During this fifty-year period, there was no "Islamic
conquest”, yet Islam spread at an extraordinary rate.

Today the fastest growing religion in America and Europe is Islam. The Muslims in these lands are
a minority. The only sword they have in their possession is the sword of truth. It is this sword that
is converting thousands to Islam.
Islamic law protects the privileged status of minorities, and that is why non-Muslim places of
worship have flourished all over the Islamic world. Islamic law also allows non-Muslim minorities
to set up their own courts, which implement family laws drawn up by the minorities themselves.
The life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred whether they are
Muslims or not.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣3️⃣*
*❓The Importance of Good Family Ties in Islam*
✅Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬explains the importance of family ties in Islam: “Whoever believes in
Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the bonds of kinship” (Bukhari). Another hadith explains
the severity of breaking the family ties: “Allah’s mercy will not descend on people among whom
there is one who severs ties of kinship.” (Baihaqi, Shuab Al-Iman)

Maintaining the bonds of kinship indeed enjoys extraordinary importance in Islam. Conversely,
breaking the ties is very high on the list of enormities. At two places in the Qur’an, Allah has cursed
the one severing family ties: “And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and
split that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e, they sever the bond of kinship and are not
good to their relatives) and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse, and for them is the
unhappy home (i.e, Hell)” (Quran 13️:25️. See also Quran 4️7:22-23).

A cursed person is one who is deprived of the mercy of Allah. It is an indication of this deprivation
that this sin is punished in this world as well as in the Hereafter. “There is no sin more deserving
of having punishment meted out by Allah to its perpetrator in advance in this world along with
what He stores up for him in the next world than oppression and severing ties of family.” (Tirmidhi).

Another hadith highlights the high stakes involved here in a compelling way: “’Rahim’ (family ties)
is a word derived from one of the names of Allah ‘Ar-Rahman’ (The Compassionate One) And
Allah says: ‘I shall keep connection with him who maintains you and break connection with him
who severs you.’” (Bukhari)
Maintaining the bonds of kinship has been defined as politeness, kind treatment, and concern for
all one’s relatives even if distantly related, corrupt, non-believer, or unappreciative. While nearly
every religion has emphasized good family relations, Islam has taken it to unprecedented heights.
It is a duty to be discharged without an eye for reciprocity. A Muslim is required to be kind even
to his non-Muslim relatives. Similarly, he is required to be kind to even those relatives who are
harsh to him.

The most telling example in this regard is that of Abu Bakr (r). Among the many people who
benefited from his generosity was a relative Mistah (r). The latter unfortunately became involved
in the scandal about Aisha (r) (wife of Prophet & daughter of Abu Bakr), which was started by the
leader of the hypocrites… Feeling hurt and betrayed, Abu Bakr vowed never to help Mistah again.
Yet the Qur’an asked him to forget and forgive and continue helping his relative, which he did. Is
there another society that can even come close to this standard in maintaining family ties?

Islam came to set all our relationships right. This includes our relations with Almighty Creator Allah
as well as with other human beings. Family ties are very important parts of the latter.

Today, unfortunately, these teachings can mostly be found in Muslim societies in their violation.
The best we do today is reciprocate; more commonly we backbite, cheat, and hurt our relatives
and continue the spiral of hurt and humiliation as they respond. And we just abandon those of
our relatives who are economically unfortunate.

There are three reasons for this sad situation. First is the widespread ignorance about Islamic
teachings in this regard. Second is the rampant materialism. While materialism hurts all aspects of
our life, it is especially damaging to family ties for they require sacrifice of time, money and
personal comfort. The third reason has to do with recent history. It is a “gift” of the transformation
of Muslim societies under colonialism, western culture, television channels, and social media.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣4️⃣*
*❓How Can We Identify the True Religion?*
✅There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all of which
claim to be the right way or the only true path to Allah. How can one determine which one is
correct or if, in fact, all are correct?

The methods by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the
teachings of the various claimants to the ultimate truth, and identify the central object of worship
to which they call, directly or indirectly. False religions all have in common one basic concept with
regards to Allah (Almighty God). They either claim that all men are gods or that specific men were
Allah or that nature is Allah or that Allah is a figment of man's imagination.

Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that Allah may be worshipped in
the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of creation by calling the
creation or some aspect of it God. For example, prophet Jesus invited his followers to worship
Allah but those who claim to be his followers today call people to worship Jesus, claiming that he
was Allah! This is described in Qur'an 5:116.

Nor did he worship himself when he worshipped but rather, he worshipped Allah.

Buddha was a reformer who introduced a number of humanistic principles to the religion of India.
He did not claim to be God nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object of worship.
Yet, today most Buddhists who are to be found outside of India have taken him to be God and
prostrate to idols made in their perception of his likeness.

By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very obvious
and the contrived nature of their origin clear. As God said in the Qur'an:

“That which you worship besides Him are only names you and your forefathers have invented for
which Allah has sent down no authority; The command belongs only to Allah. He has commanded
that you only worship Him; that is the right religion, but most men do not understand" (Quran

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow.
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation. Creation-worship
is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man was created to worship Allah alone as Allah has explicitly stated in the Qur'an: "I have only
created Jinns and Men, that they may worship me" (Qur'an 51:56)

Consequently, the worship of creation, which is the essence of idolatry, is the only unforgivable
sin. "Verily Allah will not forgive the joining of partners with Him, but He may forgive (sins) less
than that for whom so ever He wishes" (Qur'an 4:48 & 116)
*The Message of Islam:*
Since the total submission of one's will to Allah represents the essence of worship, the basic
message of Allah's divine religion, Islam is the worship of Allah alone and the avoidance of worship
directed to any person, place or thing other than Allah.

Since everything other than Allah, the Creator of all things, is Allah's creation; it may be said that
Islam, in essence calls man away from the worship of creation and invites him to worship only its
Creator. He is the only one deserving man's worship as it is only by His will that prayers are

It is worth noting that the basic message of Islam is that Allah and His creation are distinctly
different entities. Neither is Allah His creation or a part of it, nor is His creation Him or a part of

In the Qur'an Allah clearly states: "For We assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet, (with
the command) worship me and avoid false gods" (Qur'an 16:36)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣5️⃣*
*❓Was Not Prophet Muhammad Assured of his Own Salvation?*
✅Many Non-Muslims Claim that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not sure of his own Salvation;
then how can Muslims be sure to have salvation by following him. Let us have a look.

*Misinterpretation of Quran and Hadith by Enemies of Islam:*

Christian missionaries argue that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not certain about his own
salvation according to Islamic sources. They put forth one Qur'anic verse and one hadith as proof
for this. Let us look at the Quran verse:
Say: "I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the messengers, nor do I know what will be
done with me or with you. I follow but that which is revealed to me by inspiration; I am but a
warner open and clear." (Quran 46:9)

The first possible solution is that this Qur'anic verse might have revealed before the Prophet knew
that he was going to paradise.

As for his expression "By Allah, though I am the Apostle of Allah, yet I do not know what Allah will
do to me", the Prophet (PBUH) uttered this in accordance with Allah's statement in Surah Al
Ahqaaf "Say: "I am no bringer of new-fangled doctrine among the messengers, nor do I know
what will be done with me or with you".

The above verse was revealed before the revealing of the verse "That Allah may forgive you your
sins of the past and the future" (Surah Al Fatah 48:2) because Al Ahqaaf was revealed before
Prophet’s migration to Madina, while Surah Al Fatah was revealed after his migration and there is
no contradiction between the two of them.

And it has been established that the Prophet (PBUH) said "I am the first who will enter paradise"
and there are other reports which convey this meaning as well. So, it is possible to sustain this (i.e.
the fact that the Prophet doesn't know) on knowledge in a general sense, but negating the
inclusiveness of the particulars. (Kitab: Al Janaaiz, Bab: Al Dukhool 'Ala Al Mayyit Ba'd Al Mawt
izhaa Adraja fi Akfaanihi, commentary on Hadith no. 1166)

Imam Tabari in his commentary quotes Qatadah saying: "Nor do I know what will be done with
me or with you", then Prophet (PBUH) knew from Allah after that what he would do with him, for
Allah said "Verily, We have given you (O Muhammad) a manifest victory. That Allah may forgive
you your sins of the past and the future" (Surah 48:1-2) (Ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Jami' al-bayan fi ta'wil
al-Qur'an, Commentary on Surah 46:9)

So, we see that the first possible solution is that the Prophet (PBUH) expressed his ignorance of
what will happen to him in the next life before he received revelation from Allah that stated that
he would be going to paradise. The second solution for this is that Muhammad talks about the
worldly life.

*Confirming Prophet Muhammad's Salvation:*

Al-Bukhari narrated that Prophet Muhammad, said: "I and the custodian of an orphan are like this
(together) in Paradise", and he joined his forefinger and middle finger together."

"After the passing of the Prophet from this world, Abu Bakr said to the Companions: "I asked
Allah's Messenger what basic thing was necessary for salvation and he replied that whoever
accepts the Word which I brought and which I offered to my uncle Abu Talib and which he
rejected: this Word constitutes salvation for him." Related by Ahmad (1:6), Tabarani in al-Awsat,
Tayalisi in his Musnad, Ibn Sa`d in his Tabaqat (2/2:84-85), Abu Ya`la, Ibn Abi Shayba, Bayhaqi in
Shu`ab al-iman.
Ibn Kathir quotes several Hadith [an-Nihayah, 2/213] that state this such as the report of Muslim
from Anas (ra) according to which the Prophet said, "I will be the first one to knock at the gates
of Paradise".

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣6⃣*
*❓Finding Wisdom in God’s Creations*
✅In order to know Allah Who created all living creatures and the universe and to comprehend
His power, a person should consider everything our Lord has created and try to appreciate the
manifestations of His boundless knowledge and will. Only in this way can he understand that
everything he sees was created and must definitely be the product of a power and intelligence.
By acknowledging the intelligence and creative power of Allah in this way, he will come closer to
Allah and realize that he needs to have faith in Him.

However, for a person to be able to see and understand all these things, he requires an insight
which sees with wisdom. Seeing everything around him with wisdom is the best means of referring
to Allah and remembering Him at every moment, as Allah tells us in the verse, “an instruction and
a reminder for every penitent human being.” (Surah Qaf: 8)

A person can look at the proofs of the creation on the face of the earth as much as he wants to.
He can investigate these for days, weeks or years and by doing so he can discover that they have
astonishing characteristics but so long as he does not evaluate them with the eye of faith, he will
be unable to understand their true meaning or what it is they are trying to tell him.

One reason for people’s inability to see this meaning is that they cannot properly evaluate all
these things with the eye of the heart, if they do not possess mental and spiritual ease. For a
person to be able to be cautious, notice every detail and evaluate these things correctly, peace of
mind is necessary.
For reasons referred to above, the minds of people living in the community of the ignorant are
perpetually filled with worldly concerns. They believe the way to become happy is to think
continually about their own daily affairs, calculate what profits they can obtain and snatch the
maximum benefits from the life of this world. As a result, they direct all their attention to these
things and are unable to see the proofs of the creation around them.

Even if they see them, they react to them as something ordinary because of their superficial
viewpoint. Even if the miraculous detail of creation is pointed out to them, the explanation will be
meaningless to them because what really interests them is the profits they can obtain.

They are incapable of seeing the divine wisdom in the signs of Allah’s creation because as well as
the imbalance in their mental state they are not at ease and tranquil in spiritual terms. Allah
describes the inability of disbelievers to see the proofs of the creation which are evident even in
a small insect: “Allah is not ashamed to make an example of a fly or of an even smaller thing. As
for those who believe, they know it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve,
they say, ‘What does Allah mean by this example?’ He misguides many by it and guides many by
it. But He only misguides the deviators” (Qur’an 2:26)

Deniers of the faith do not consider the truths of the faith which are before their eyes every day
because their intellects are obscured by depression, anxiety and stress. Allah tells us that even
though He confronts them with proofs which point to Him, these have no effect on them: “How
many Signs there are in the Heavens and earth! Yet they pass them by, turning away from them.”
(Quran 12:105)

For a believer, looking at the boundless Heavens is a way of appreciating the power and artistry
of Allah. Or when he sees a beautiful view, he considers that this beauty has been shown him by
Allah and is grateful to Him for it. For the faithful, regarding everything around them as an
opportunity to praise Allah ensures that they gain His approval and experience happiness more

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣7⃣*
*❓Does the Quran Allow Men to Beat their Wives?*
✅The Quran verse 4️:3️4️, which allows a man to ‘strike’ his wife in case of stubborn disobedience,
has been wildly misrepresented by opponents of Islam and even some Muslim men. It is often
wrongly translated as ‘beating.’ In fact, the ‘striking’ in the verse is a symbolic gesture meant as a
last resort, before divorce, for husbands whose wives refuse to stop violating the terms of their
marriage contract. There are very strict legal restrictions on how a man may discipline his wife.
Interpreted in its complete context, the verse is actually a prohibition on domestic violence.

It is not permissible in Islam for a man to deliberately harm his wife physically or emotionally. Allah
said: “Do not harm them in order to make it difficult for them.” (Quran 65️:6)

All scholars unanimously agree that the striking mentioned in the verse is “without severity” or
“without pain”. It is only in the case when a wife habitually violates her marriage contract and after
other means have been taken but failed to correct her behavior. It is illegal in Islam for a husband
to cause bruises, injuries, or any harm whatsoever to wife.

Amr bin al-Ahwas reported: The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “I enjoin you to treat women well,
for they are like captives to you. Verily, you have no right treat them otherwise, unless they commit
flagrant immorality. If they do so, then you may separate from their beds and strike them without
causing pain, but if they you then you may do nothing against them.” (Tirmidhi 1163️)

To summarize all the restrictions placed on ‘striking’ by the scholars: it is with a light object; it
must not cause pain, injury, harm, or disgrace; it must not leave any bruise or mark; and it must
not be on sensitive areas like the face. A man who violates any of these restrictions is held legally
responsible and his wife may divorce him for it, all of which amounts to a prohibition of domestic

Taken altogether, this ‘striking’ is nothing more than a teaching mechanism intended to convey
to his wife the gravity of her unwarranted behavior, because the final step afterwards is divorce.

In fact, some of the early Muslims understood the ‘striking’ to be metaphorical and not physical
at all. Indeed, Aisha reported that the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬never hit a woman or a servant unless he had
to defend himself or his community in battle. (Sahih Muslim 2328)

In this regard, the best course of action for a Muslim man is to never strike his wife at all. The
action of symbolically striking his wife, within the aforementioned legal limits, is considered by
scholars to be permissible but ‘disapproved’ (makruh), meaning a Muslim man will be divinely
rewarded for not doing so.

The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬rhetorically criticized men who beat their wives while marriage in Islam is
supposed to be based upon love, mercy, and partnership. Abdullah bin Zam’ah reported: The
Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “How does one of you strike his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then
embrace her?” (Sahih Bukhari 5️695️)

Finally, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬strongly encouraged Muslim men to treat women in general, and their
wives in particular, with the utmost respect and chivalry. The measure of a man’s character is
directly related to his treatment of women. (Tirmidhi 1162)

In sum, the Quran does not allow Muslims to harm or ‘beat’ their wives. Rather, the ‘striking’
mentioned in the verse is a symbolic gesture and a last resort to correct a wife’s misbehavior,
before initiating divorce. If a husband harms his wife in any way, she has the right to seek a divorce
from him. Muslim men should follow the example of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, who never hit his wives and
would behave honorably, chivalrously, and compassionately with women.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣8⃣*
*❓Is Hijab (Veil) a Symbol of Oppression or Freedom?*
✅One of the Islamic symbols that has been engaging so much attention of the western world is
the veil - the hijab (a scarf wrapped around a woman's head to conceal every wisp of hair). Veiling
has become, perhaps more than any other single issue, the defining "women's question".

The hijab has now become the most powerful symbol of Muslim women's rejection of western
notions of feminism. These empowered and educated women are using the hijab to articulate a
new response to modernity.

The hijab also expresses a translational form of Islamic feminism that has been marked by the
entry of women into all public spheres of Islamic life including formal religious learning.

The western discourse has consistently argued that the hijab is not a symbol of freedom, but one
of oppression. It believes that the women in Islam are second class citizens and that this status is
encoded in both sacred text and tradition, enforced by culture and law.
If you browse the western media's news stories or polls and studies, they constantly strip the
activity of a Muslim woman down to her hijab or attire. Have we forgotten that less than 100 years
ago American women were denied the freedoms and access that we now take for granted and
promote as universal human rights?

But research suggests that contrary to western notions, Muslim women choose to wear the hijab
as a way of showing self-control, power and agency. Many well-educated women working in
prestigious posts wear it.

In fact, they wear it not as a symbol of control by a man, but rather to promote their own feminist
ideals. For many Muslim women, wearing a hijab offers a way for them to take control of their
bodies and challenge the ways in which women are marginalized by men. They justify wearing the
hijab, as a public statement of their own spiritual quest.

Prophet Muhammad said, "Every religion has a chief characteristic, and the chief characteristic of
Islam is modesty." In Islam, modesty is a virtue for both men and women. When the Quran tells
believers to lower their lustful gazes and guard their chastity, it begins by commanding this to
men before women (Quran 24:30-31).

A woman's attire has never been about perception, it is solely a matter of interpretation. What
gets lost in the midst of such interpretive crossfire is the core message that women should not be

Modesty is not uniquely an Islamic requirement. It is also expressed in other monotheistic

religions. For example, ultra-orthodox Jewish women wear wigs to cover their hair. Nuns wear
apostolniks as a sign of their religious consecration. Episcopalian women are supposed to wear
hats to church.

The Quranic view of the ideal society is that the social and moral values have to be upheld by both
Muslim men and women and there is justice for all. The Quran asks the women that they behave
with dignity and decorum befitting a secure, self-respecting and self-aware human being rather
than an insecure female who feels that her survival depends on her ability to attract or cajole those
men who are interested not in her personality but only in her sexuality.

For women who observe hijab, it is not merely a piece of cloth, nor a symbol of defiance. Rather,
it is a path that aids in self-purification and nearness to their creator. It is a means to inculcate
modesty. A veil is seen as a genuine expression of a woman's religiosity.

We cannot cast the choices of the hundreds of millions of women who have worn the headscarf
as somehow invalid, irrational, wrong, or backwards. Just as women should be free and
empowered to choose not to wear the hijab, they must also be free and empowered to wear it, if
that is what they want.
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣6⃣9⃣*
*❓What is Halal Food? Why is It So Controversial?*
*✅What is Halal?*
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. In reference to food, it is the dietary standard,
as prescribed in the Holy Qur’an. The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or
prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. These terms are
commonly used in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics, personal care products,
pharmaceuticals, food ingredients, and food contact materials.

*What is Halal/Haram Meat?*

In the context of dietary rules, pork and blood, as well as meat from birds of prey and reptiles, are
defined as haram and so forbidden to practicing Muslims. In general, every food is considered
halal in Islam unless it is specially prohibited by the Qur’an or the Hadith. However, in cases of
necessity, prohibited things may become permissible (halal) for the duration of the emergency or
need, as Islam puts a priority on life over death. (Qur’an 2:173️)

*How is Halal Meat Prepared?*

Muslims are only allowed to eat meat that has been prepared according to Islamic law. The
slaughterer must say the name of God before making the cut. The name of God is said in order
to emphasize the sanctity of life and that the animal is being killed for food with God’s consent.

After reciting the blessing, the slaughter man uses a surgically sharp instrument to cut the animal's
throat, windpipe and the blood vessels around its neck. The blood is then allowed to drain from
the body.

Islam says that the animals must be well treated before being killed. And only one animal can be
ritually slaughtered at a time and the other animals must not witness any death. Even the knife
must not be sharpened in the animal’s presence. Also, the knife blade must be free of blemishes
that might tear the wound.

The religious law also says how the animal must be treated during its life, with the animal not
allowed to have been mistreated or caused any pain. It must also be provided with enough space
to roam, clean water, food and fresh air.

*Life of Animals are Sacred*

Islam places great emphasis in the way in which an animal’s life ends, which has to be in
accordance with Islamic regulations. Life is a sacred blessing of God to creation, animals as well
as humans. If the life of an animal has to be ended for human survival, then its life should only be
taken in the name of God. Any animal slaughtered in the name of a person alive or dead, any deity
or idol will be considered as haram and therefore it is not permissible for Muslims to consume
that meat.

*Do the Animals Feel Pain?*

The method of Islamic slaughter is often challenged by animal rights activists as ‘causing
unnecessary suffering to the animal’. Muslims disagree and say that Islamic law on killing animals
is designed to reduce the pain and distress that the animal suffers.

Some experts say that the animal killed in this way does not suffer if the cut is made quickly and
cleanly, because it loses consciousness before the brain can perceive any pain: “the Islamic way of
slaughtering is the most humane method of slaughter and that captive bolt stunning, practiced
in the West, causes 3 severe pain to the animal” Schulze W, Schultze-Petzold H, Hazem AS, Gross

Islam is not only a religion it is a way of life with protocols, rules and manners governing every
facet of life. Since food is an important part of daily life, food laws carry a special significance.
Muslims are expected to eat for survival, to maintain good health and not to live for eating. In
Islam, eating is considered to be a matter of worship of God like prayer, fasting, alms-giving and
other religious activities.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣0⃣*
*❓The Legacy of Islam*
✅At the time of Umar Bin Khattab (RA) there was a boy who killed the father of two brothers. On
being called to the court of Umar for trial, the boy explained how he killed him by accident. So,
Umar asked the two brothers: “Will you forgive him?”

They both said: “No; we want retribution (qisas – meaning this boy should be killed for man-

So, Umar asked the boy: “Do you have any last requests?”

The boy said: “Yes; my father passed away and I have a younger brother and my father left some
money for my brother, I would like three days to retrieve this wealth from a hidden place so that
I could make sure my brother gets it when I die.”

Umar said: “I can only give you permission to leave if you have a guarantor, so we can guarantee
that you will return for judgement”.

The boy shouted out in the court… “Will someone not help me today?”

Everyone puts their head down and there was a hushed silence in the courtroom. Noticing there
was no-one to support the boy, Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari (RA), the noble companion who spread the
message of peace (Islam) to many tribes, raised his hand. He had understood and agreed that the
guarantor takes full responsibility for the one he vouches for and recognized that if the boy did
not come back, he instead will have to face the capital punishment of retribution. Hence, Umar
released the boy in place of Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari.

The first day passed by and the boy was nowhere to be seen. The second day passed by in the
same way. On the third day, as the day passed noon, the two brothers took Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari
to the courtroom and pressed for fulfilment of the judgement. However, they were reminded that
“the day does not end till maghrib (sunset)” and so crowds upon crowds all waited in the
courtroom, shocked and worried that this famous companion of Prophet would be killed for a
young boy who had betrayed him. As they entered late afternoon, there was still no sign of the
boy and everyone was making prayers and pleading for mercy.

As the final minutes before the Adhan of Maghrib approached, the door slammed open and the
boy rushed in.
Umar was astonished and asked the boy: “Oh boy, why did you come back? I did not send anyone
after you to call you and you could have gone renegade to save your own life and look after your
orphan brother. What made you come back?”

He said: “I did not want anyone to say that when a believer gave his word, he did not fulfil it… So,
I came back…”

Umar then turned to Abu Dharr and said: “Oh Abu Dharr, what made you act as the guarantor of
this boy, despite not knowing him or whether he would return?”

Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari replied: “I saw a believer in need, and I did not ever want anyone to say that
a Muslim was need and no one was there to help him, so I raised my hand to be the guarantor of
this boy.”

On hearing this, the brothers shouted out: “and we would like to forgive the boy! When we have
people like this, how can a believer ask for forgiveness and no one be there to forgive him?”

This was the legacy of Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣1⃣*
*❓Did the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬Instruct to Force Non-Muslims to the Side of the Road?*
✅Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Do not initiate greetings with the
Jews and Christians. When you meet any of them in the road, then make him take its narrowest
path.” (Sahih Muslim 2167)

This is a hadith usually quoted by rationalists and some other anti-Islamists to claim that Islam
promotes racism and narrow-mindedness. There is no doubt in the acceptance of this hadith
reported by Imam Muslim; but its meaning is not the one which is misinterpreted by the critics.
This hadith is not a general instruction. It has a particular background and context. Ie, the Prophet
(PBUH) said this to the rebellious and hostile groups of the Jews and Christians.

Whenever we read a narration about the Prophet, we need to understand it within its historical,
theological, and moral context. Al-Qurtubi comments on this tradition, saying: “The meaning is
not that if we meet them on a wide road we should force them to take its narrowest edge, as this
would be harming them and we have been prohibited from harming them without a just cause.”
(Fath al-Bari 11/40)

It is not allowed in Islam to harm anyone or anything without a just cause. Letting them take the
narrow part of the road was simply a means to avoid honoring them, since at the time their tribe
was showing hostility towards the Muslims. Ibn Hajar comments on this tradition, saying: “It means
do not give up your section of the road to them in order to honor and respect them.” (Fath al-
Bari 11/40). If we were to honor such people at the time of their wrongdoing, that would only
embolden them to commit more crimes.

In general, Islam encourages us to be kind and gentle even to those who are very rude to us, as
long as they are not violent against us. Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Verily,
Allah is kind and he loves kindness in all matters.” (Sahih Bukhari 65️28). The Prophet made
this statement about a group of Jews that cursed him inside his own home, telling his wife Aisha
to be kind and not to curse them in retaliation.

On the surface, the hadith seems like the Muslims are being commanded to be rude to others.
However, the Prophet made this statement to his companions when they were departing to
confront a Jewish tribe that had just violated their peace treaty. Ibn Al-Qayyim comments on this
tradition, saying: “It is said that this was in a specific situation, when they were marching to the
tribe of Qurayzah” (Zad al-Ma’ad 2/3️88)

Authentic versions of this tradition as narrated by other companions make this context clear. Abu
Basrah reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Verily, I will depart against the Jews in the
morning, so do not greet them with peace and if they greet you with peace, then say: And upon
you.” (Musnad Ahmad 26695️). This narration is authentic according to Al-Haythami in Majma’ al-
Zawa’id 8/4️4️ and Al-Albani in Irwa’ al-Ghalil 1275.

From these, we can understand that the command to not initiate peaceful greetings and to not
accommodate their path was specific to these hostile tribes. In another context, the companions
would greet non-Muslims with peace. The Muslims in this case were simply told to continue
marching on their way without stopping to accommodate these people. Even so, it was not
permissible for the Muslims to harm these non-Muslims while they walked along the path.

In sum, the tradition about not initiating greetings with non-Muslims and making them use the
narrow path was specific to the context of hostilities. It does not mean non-Muslims should be
harmed or that we should be rude to them as they use the road. Rather, the general rule in Islam
is to be kind and gentle with others.
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣2⃣*
*❓Why Doesn’t Allah Stop Human Suffering?*
✅In the very beginning of the Quran, angels question Allah about the creation of beings capable
of committing evil acts and causing pain to other living beings. Allah’s reply is that Allah has
reasons that are not discernible to creatures with limited knowledge. Indeed, this is one of the
classical answers philosophers and theologians come up with to solve the problem of suffering.
God is perfectly good and omnipotent, yet those attributes need not entail that He stops all
suffering in the world. God might have a plan which would morally justify God allowing suffering.
For instance, suffering may be necessary to produce more human happiness than a world without

There are other verses in the Quran which refer to the limits on human knowledge which prevent
a full and true evaluation of the events we face: “…But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for
you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know
not.” (2:216)

The Quran not only points out limited human knowledge in relation to the problem of suffering,
it relates the suffering in the world to human free-will. Although Allah guides and motivates
human beings to be moral, just, and righteous, He also let them to be free in making their choices,
which includes acting immorally and causing suffering. Part of the suffering in the world, then, is
due to the existence of free will.

This is closely related to another theme in the Quran. The existence of free-will is crucial and
indispensable in Islam because this world is believed to be a test for human beings. Thus, creating
robot-like creatures that have no option other than committing moral acts would not be wise. “He
who created death and life - to test you - as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the
Almighty, the Forgiving.” (67:2)
This verse also note that the reason behind the existence of suffering stem not only from human
evil acts, but also from diseases and natural disasters. Although Allah wants to reward human
beings, He wants them to earn this reward through being moral, righteous, grateful, and patient
in difficult circumstances. In the absence of hardships, staying righteous is not really challenging
and hence it does not act as a key distinguishing factor among human beings.

Pain and suffering are not only tools Allah uses to test human beings. They are also agents that
provide us the opportunity to grow. (2:155–157) Thus, from the Quranic perspective, pain and
suffering restore the relationship between Allah and human beings. The bad experiences we go
through remind us of our imperfect nature and vulnerability.

Pain and suffering not only restore our relationship with God, they are also helpful in restoring
our relations with others who are living in harder conditions. Passing through painful experiences,
we start to empathize with those who suffer and get closer to them even though we were
unconcerned about them before.

The existence of suffering in the world might also give us an idea of the afterlife. If there were no
pain and suffering in the world, we would not be able to grasp what hell would be like. There are
verses in the Quran which seem to support this idea. (2:25)

Finally, a world without pain and suffering would be absurd on many grounds. In such a world
working would be meaningless since no one would experience hunger in a suffering-free world.
And in a world without suffering, natural laws would not work properly. Gravity, for instance, would
stop working when someone decides to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. In such a world
where natural laws keep changing, science would not be possible.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣3️⃣*
*❓How Do We Know God Exists? - Part1*
✅Even on a very fundamental level we find that throughout history there is a very strange
phenomenon that people of different backgrounds, living in different parts of the world at
different points in time, have always had this strong urge within themselves to look and to yearn
for the Creator. They see that there is some power, a magnificent and merciful power that is
sometimes interpreted in a mistaken way by materializing that in some form or other (i.e. idols).
The basic yearning has always been there. Even in places where there is no recorded history of
prophets, people have yearned for a Creator.

*Is the Intellect an Enemy to Faith?*

All human faculties such as the senses including also the intellect are part and parcel of the whole
process of seeking the truth. None of these by themselves will be sufficient, but on a whole they
are not really in contradiction. In fact, one of the main things that make the human being distinct
is intellect. So, the intellect is a God given gift or blessing. How could we interpret that as a
challenge or antithesis of faith? This doesn’t really stand.

On the personal or individual level, one doesn’t have to venture far to realize that God does exist.
Just look into yourself, you don’t have to be a scientist but if you are then you’ll appreciate more
the construction of the body; how it is made up of many cells. One cell becomes a cell for sight
and the other for hearing: it’s amazing. How does the brain operate? The circulatory system? The
digestive system? The nervous system? Such coordination and beauty [are shown through their
functioning]. This shows that these things didn’t come to be in a random way, there must have
been a deliberate designer behind them. So, if you want to find God, then look into yourself. The
Quran says, “By looking into yourselves, you will find evidence to the presence and powers of

In another verse it even says, “Do they not reflect in their own minds?” (30:8) In fact, if one really
divorces himself from any prejudice caused by societal pressures one way or the other, or the
worship of science as the ultimate thing, if one utilizes science in the proper way, you wouldn’t
have to look at the body as a whole, just start analyzing one single organ and see how it works.
Like some scientists would tell you that in order to duplicate the digestive system you’d need a
huge laboratory and still it wouldn’t operate as efficiently as a naturally created organ would such
as the stomach. We have acids in our stomachs that can erode metal but it doesn’t hurt us. How
could that be random? If one aspect of that was developed by chance, would everything else
falling in line and falling together also happen by chance?

*The Environment and Cosmic Order*

Let’s move on to beyond ourselves, to find further evidence, the Quran also implores people to
consider and to think. Take one aspect that many people think about today as very fashionable,
like the ecological balance for example. Many people would take that as very clear evidence again
that there is a design in this universe; vegetation as it relates to animal life and to human life; and
the various atmospheric layers that we have. Everything is put together to sustain human life. If
you look into the Quran, you find this mentioned: “God created everything in exact
proportion.” (16:25)
In another verse, when people look at the whole scheme of creation, it says, “Were they created
from nothing or are they themselves the creators?” No one claims that he’s created from nothing
nor can he claim that he is the creator…” (52:35-36) So the science is there. It’s whether we apply
it in the right place and in the proper way or not that makes the difference.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣4️⃣*
*❓How Do We Know God Exists? - Part2*
✅If you are not just looking into ourselves or the environment around us, but looking into the
whole cosmic order, again there is a design. The planets. The solar system. The way everything is
coordinated. The distance between the sun and the earth, which if decreased may burn everything
and if decreased everything would freeze. This is all deliberate. The succession of day and night,
the circulation or changes of seasons, which has very important relevance to the lives of the
people, to vegetation, and to animal life; all of these beautiful things that we are in awe at in the
universe, we look at them with great admiration, definitely show that there is a design behind
them and as is obvious any design needs a designer or creator it.

One verse in the Quran implores us in particular to this area and says, “Have they not reflected on
the domain of the heavens and earth and what God created therein?”

In another verse it also says: “In the creation of the heavens and earth and in the succession of
day and night there are certainly signs for those who reflect. Those who remember God while
standing, sitting, and laying down and ponder on the creation of the heavens and the earth,
saying: Our Lord you have not created this in vain. Glory be to You. Give us salvation from the
penalty of the Fire.” (3️:190-191)
*Our Own Limitations*
In talking about the senses and the intellect or knowledge, anyone, even a person who does not
believe in God, would admit readily that our senses are limited. Our perceptions are limited. Our
sight, hearing, etc- we know that. Also, we know that our perceptions could also be deceived or
they can deceive us. If you put a spoon in a glass of water, it looks crooked. So, our perception is
very useful, but it still falls short of getting to know everything.

On the other hand, science is fine. Science can resolve many issues and problems that are purely
scientific- that are purely technical. Science can tell you for sure how to use technology for
example to communicate sounds and pictures; this can be determined fully by science. However,
there are many aspects in lives of people that are beyond science also. There is the moral aspect,
there are the ethical standards, and there is the application of the fundamental principal of good
and bad. And we know throughout history that people have always had differences as to what
exactly defines the proper ethical or moral standards. In order to resolve that problem, there must
be a higher authority, God, Himself, telling us and providing us with stable standards of ethics and

Finally, the most important reason, is that we know that knowledge is not only limited to science
or books or perception. We know that there are certain aspects of knowledge, legitimate
knowledge, which does not lend itself to any of those tools. For example, take the knowledge of
the unseen. What happened in the past before history was recorded? If you wanted to get any
information on that there is no recorded history. Or at least there is dispute about the recorded
history. Revelation can tell you what, for example, the stories of previous prophets and what they
said and what their message was.

There are issues that no matter how much you use your mind you will not be able to arrive at a
final conclusion. An example of that would be the knowledge about God. You can’t feel the
presence of God. You can feel the attributes of God, but you can’t have full knowledge without
having a prophet or messenger in receiving that revelation from God and the communication
from Him to us. So, in essence, there is no contradiction. Actually, they all supplement each other.
They have to be simply used in the proper context.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣5️⃣*
*❓Materialism vs Spirituality: Transient Joy vs Eternal Pleasure*
✅What is spirituality? It is the elevation of man to a plane where the mind is focused on the
higher, non-material realities of a godly existence. Its opposite is materialism, a course followed
all too often in this world.

To put it another way, he who focuses on mere appearances, is material-minded and the one who
rises above it is spiritual. He obeys the injunction of the Quran: “Be devoted servants of God.”
(Quran 3:79)

To understand what constitutes materialism, imagine yourself looking at a palatial house or an

attractive car and being overcome by the desire to possess it. A person who is unmoved by these
objects and the notions of luxury they convey, lives in a more rarefied sphere. For him there is
little attraction in the world of superficiality, being engrossed as he is in the higher realities of a
supremely spiritual life. A truly nonmaterial person’s soul exists at a profound level of spirituality.
This is the unadulterated truth.

*Material Pleasures are Transient, Spiritual Pleasures are Eternal:*

Those who live for worldly pleasures believe that gratification cannot be had except through the
enjoyment of material goods. But this kind of thinking is the result of sheer ignorance. Having
only experienced worldly pleasures, these people come to believe that every kind of enjoyment
depends on it alone. If they were to experience spiritual pleasure, they would quickly forget about
material pleasures which are transient, whereas the spiritual kind may be savored eternally.

The taste of good food is enjoyable, but it is only when the experience of eating results in an
outpouring of thanksgiving to God that we attain complete pleasure.

A car ride can be exhilarating, but the pleasure that comes from a deep perception of reality - on
sensing the indescribably unique power of God as manifested in cars, airplanes and all the other
modern amenities created for man’s comfort - is far superior to that which one experiences while
travelling in a luxurious automobile.

A materially minded person finds pleasure only in something which he or she actually experiences.
The spiritual person will thank God even at the sight of another person’s object. Rather, he
transforms his friend’s material pleasure into spiritual pleasure for himself. A materially minded
person only sees the creation while a spiritually inclined person sees the splendor of the Creator
through the creation. It is obvious that the spiritual riches accruing from the discovery of the
Creator cannot be gained through objects he created.
*Non-material Person’s Soul Exists at Profound Level of Spirituality:*
Furthermore, in the spiritual world, there is no great difference between comfort and deprivation.
What one gains from material experiences is of lesser value than what one learns from deprivation.
Tears of pain hold greater lessons than laughter.

The greatest source of pleasure is in the remembrance of God. It is this reality which finds
expression in the following verse of the Quran: “Only in the remembrance of God are hearts
comforted.” (Quran 13️:28)

Comfort here implies peace of mind that stems only from God, and not merely temporary solace.
Man is an idealist by nature. Anything short of ideals only attracts fitful attention.

Existing only at the materialistic level is like descending into animalism. Materialism is, in other
words, a form of shallowness. A real man is one who discovers the secret of spirituality.

If in materialism there is pleasure of laughter, in spirituality, there is greater and lasting pleasure.
If materialism is to live a life of limitations, spirituality is to live in boundless freedom.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣6⃣*
*❓Did Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬Kill 900 Jews of Banu Qurayza?*
✅The Banu Qurayza were a Jewish tribe who lived in Medina and entered into an alliance with
Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. He had the largest following of any leader in the city, hence he was
elected as the city's chief. Each tribe agreed to his nomination and every tribe, including the Banu
Qurayza, was granted the right to practice its own faith in peace. The point to be noted is that
each tribe would be judged according to their own laws - specifically the laws of the faith it
followed. So, Muslims would be judged according to the Quran and the Jews according to the
In 627 AD, the enemies of Islam united and marched onto the city of Medina to wipe away the
Muslims. It is recorded that at first the Jews of the tribe remained loyal. However, after being
informed that the Muslims were heavily outnumbered and due to the persistence of the enemy,
they decided to abandon the Muslims. Not only this, but they agreed to attack the Muslims from
the rear while the Meccans engaged the Muslim army at the ditch. Fortunately, the Muslims
became aware of this secret plot and placed 500 soldiers in their way.

When the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬became aware of their treachery, he did not immediately
accept the rumors. He sent parties forth to their tribe to investigate the claims, who rejected
having any agreement with the Muslims and confirmed their betrayal. Following on from this, the
Muslims laid siege to the Jews’ fortress. When Banu Qurayza could not hold out any longer, they
sent a message to the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬that they would surrender but would like their fate to be
decided by one of their allies. Sa’d bin Muadh, the chief of the tribe of Aws, was appointed the
arbiter. Sa’d passed the judgment on the Banu Qurayza according to the law of the Torah
(Deuteronomy 20:10-14).

According to the Jewish law, the punishment for treason was death. In passing the death sentence
on Banu Qurayza, Sa’d reminded the Jews of the fact that had the Jews succeeded in carrying out
their plan, they would have put all the Muslims to death. As a result of Sa’d bin Muadh’s judgment,
all the male members of the Banu Qurayza tribe who were of fighting age were executed and their
women, children and elders expelled, who went to Syria.

*Number of Executed:*
The number is not important as the point was whether they were criminals or not. If only one
innocent person was killed, this would be unjust and if they all deserved punishment, it would be
just if they received it. The claim that 900 people were killed is wrong. The number according to
researchers fall between 40 and 400.

Bukhari and Muslim say nothing regarding the number, they rather quote the judgement of Sa'd
ibn Mu'adh as in the narration quoted above. Nasa'i, ibn Hiban, Tirmidhi and other narrated they
were 400 warriors. (Tirmidhi 1582). In the book of al-Amwal of Ibn al-Zanjawayh (d. 251 A.H.), he
narrated a sound narration that says they were only forty people (Ibn al-Zanjawayh, Kitab al-
Amwal, Vol. 1, p. 229)

Even to this day many states of the US and other countries uphold the death penalty for the crime
of treason. Wherever the capital punishment has been abolished, such as the UK, life
imprisonment implies. Many historians claim that the Jews made a mistake by asking one of their
allies to decide their fate. Instead, they say that if the tribe had entrusted Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬
to make the decision he would most likely have shown leniency and simply banished them from
Medina. Ibn Hisham reports of two men of the tribe being set free and pardoned by the Prophet
Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. He showed this kindness despite promising not to intervene in Sad’s judgement
on a general level.
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣7⃣*
*❓Islamic View on Revenge & Forgiveness*
✅Islam teaches forgiveness over revenge. According to Quranic teachings, revenge is not an
option. Revenge only increases the problem. The chapter entitled Al-Nahl (Bees) of the Quran
gives practical advice on this point. It says: “If you want to retaliate, retaliate to the same degree
as the injury done to you. But if you are patient, it is better to be so.” (Quran 16:126). In other
words, if one is wronged and responds with patience and forgiveness, this behavior holds more
value in the eyes of God and may even serve as an atonement for one’s own sins.

Revenge is the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at
their hands. According to Quranic teachings, there are two levels of revenge - one may be called
equal revenge and the second may be described as "you forget the bad experience you received
from the other". Although revenge or retaliation is allowed as a concession to the aggrieved but
there is a strict condition with this allowance - be an equal revenge, not exceeding the others' bad
action - but in fact it is not an option. It is so difficult that no sincere person will take this option.

There is no available measurement that may tell you that your retaliation was completely equal to
the action you received from the other. So, this option is only a hypothetical option. Any sincere
person will decide not to take this option, because if during the retaliation you exceed the limit
you will become an offender. The Prophet and his companions never avenged anything. It is
narrated on the authority of Hazrat Ayesha that the Prophet never avenged for his own self. (Sahih
al-Bukhari 6853)

Practically, there is only one option, which is forgiveness. While revenge may open a new chapter
that is ‘revenge after revenge’, but forgiveness ends this chain. Forgiveness means that you have
put a full stop, while revenge in this case means that you have put commas. Forgiveness in such
cases is a reward-able action. Forgiveness is a highly valuable deed.
Quran enjoins a believer to retaliate every bad action with a good one. It says: “Good and evil
deeds are not equal. Repel evil with what is better; then you will see that one who was once your
enemy has become your dearest friend.” (Quran 4️1:3️4)

This is the true spirit of Islam!

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣8⃣*
*❓What Does the Quran Say about Christianity?*
✅Quran is the only non-Christian Scripture that makes Jesus and his mother Mary as an article
of faith. No Muslim is a Muslim until he believes and witnesses that Jesus was one of the great
Prophets of God and was born miraculously without a father from the blessed mother Mary.

Quran asked the followers of Islam to declare that they (Muslims) believe the truth of what was
revealed to Jesus and Moses. Quran further asked the followers of Islam to declare that they do
not discriminate among the messengers of Almighty God (3:84).

Quran is the only non-Christian Scripture that has a chapter itself in the name of mother Mary
(Chapter 19 ‘Maryam’) and declared Mary, a pious woman and a woman who was chosen and
raised above all the women of the world (3:42) and Quran further declared her a truthful woman
who never deviated from the truth (5:75). Quran represents mother Mary as an example who
guarded her chastity, believed in her Lord's Words and His Books, and a devoutly obedient woman
(66:12). According to Quran, God promised mother Mary a son who will be highly distinguished
in the world and near to God (3:45). Quran says God exalted the followers of Jesus over those who
deny Jesus till day of judgement (3:55).

To prove the birth of Jesus without father, Quran present the similitude of the birth of Adam. If
God can create Adam without mother and father, then that God is totally capable of creating Jesus
without a father (3:59).
According to Quran, Jesus Christ (PBUH) was obedient messenger of God and Jesus was given a
book. (19:30) In Quran, God says Jesus, the son of Mary was sent with clear signs and God helped
him with the Angel Gabriel (2:253). Quran says Jesus was righteous like other prophets (6:85); and
was sent with wisdom and clear evidences for the clarification over which the people used to differ

Jesus Christ was blessed by God and was ordered to pray and give charities (19:31). According to
Quran, Jesus Christ was blessed for whole of his life from the day he was born till the day he dies
and Jesus Christ shall be blessed when he will be raised back to life again (19:33). Jesus Christ was
kind to his mother and he was not a rebellious or defiant or domineering or haughty or arrogant
person (19:32).

Quran recognizes the miracles of Jesus like speaking from the cradle, giving life to dead, curing
blindness and leprosy and making a living bird out of clay. According to Quran, all these miracles
were shown through Jesus by permission of God.

Quran declared Jesus as one of the great prophet and God says in Quran, “We took a covenant
from the Prophets (to preach faith) and from you (Mohammad PBUH) and from Noah and from
Abraham and Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary, and We took from them a solemn covenant”

According to Quran, Jesus was not God himself rather he was one of the messengers of God (5:75).
Quran says God will ask Jesus on the day of judgement ‘did you say to people to Worship you
and your mother as gods instead God?’ And Jesus will reply in negative (5️:116). Quran says God
is all powerful has control over the lives of Jesus, Mary and all other human beings on earth and
God has the power to destroy them all (5:17).

According to Quran, Jesus Christ was neither killed nor crucified and those who claim that Jesus
was crucified are making assumptions without any knowledge and evidence (4:157).

According to Quran, Christians started worshipping their monks and even Jesus Christ although
they were commanded to worship only one true God (9:31). Quran says Christians have forgotten
a large portion of their commandments and in punishment of that, God broke them into different
sects who hate each other till the day of Judgement (5:14).

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣7⃣9⃣*
*❓Is it Injustice to Women that Islam Instructs the Widow to Separate Herself from Society and
Maintain a Mourning Period?*
✅The Qur’an does instruct that the woman whose husband has passed away must maintain an
‘idha’ period of four months and ten days. “And make not God’s (name) an excuse in your oaths
against doing good, or acting rightly, or making peace between persons; for God is One Who
heareth and knoweth all things.” (Quran 2:224️). What is the purpose behind this legislation? The
purpose is actually two-fold. One is that she, thereby, mourns her separation from her life partner.
The other is to clear all doubts pertaining to her possible pregnancy through her now deceased

During the period of idha, she should not be married. Marriage proposals are also prohibited
during this period. During this period, she should not attract men by enhancing her beauty or
encourage sexual passions within herself. So, she is prohibited from using ostentations ornaments,
facial coloring or perfumes. However, there is nothing to prevent her from going out for urgent
matters and from using clean and decent clothing. In short, the woman’s duty bound to abstain
from all things that serve to generate sexual passions in her. If, after four months and ten days of
her husband’s demise – or after delivery, if she is found pregnant – she is free to do as she pleases.
She can either re-marry or can decide not to do so. The decision, in any case, must be left to her
choice. During the ‘Age of Ignorance’, the widows of Arabia used to maintain a mourning period
of one year. It was a way of mourning wherein they clothed themselves in the filthiest of clothes
and went out without bathing or cleaning themselves. It was Islam which brought about a sea
change in such a state of affairs.

Let us see what must a Hindu woman, who has lost her husband, do? Observe the ruling of the
Manu Smrithi: “After the death of the husband (she) is to while away time by wasting her body on
a diet of pure tuber, fruits, flowers etc. She is not to utter the name of another man with the
intention of lust. After the death of the husband, the woman is to remain steadfast, patient and
pure; as one ever conscious of the Brahma; as one abstaining from the consumption of wine and
flesh and as one who is ever desirous of the dharma of the righteous woman bereft of her
husband”. (5️:15️7-158)

The situation that prevailed in India was, however, even more appalling. The woman was instructed
to immolate herself at the funeral pyre of her husband. This was the cruel tradition of Sati. Those
women who refused to comply with the demands of this tradition were to shave their heads and
to live in isolation within the society. The law stipulated that even the 6-7 years old were forced
to shave their heads after the death of their husbands imposed upon them through child-
marriage. The only facility that was allowed them was one meal each day!
The Qur’an does not prohibit widows from remarrying. The only condition that it does put forth
is that they are to wait four months and ten days. Indeed, this waiting term is wholly scientific and
beneficial for the woman. For it is possible that the fathership of the child born to the woman who
remarries before the expiration of this waiting period can come into question. Such doubts could
lead to cracks in the solidarity of the family and to the associated mental torture that goes with it.
But for the woman who remarries after completing the waiting term prescribed by the Qur’an,
such problems never arise. The child born can be confirmed to be that of the second husband
himself. Here it is clear that the law of ‘idha’ prescribed by the Qur’an is beneficial to the woman
and is one that seeks not to put her in any difficulty.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣0⃣*
*❓Does Qur’an Allow for the Superiority and Command of Man over Woman? Does this Mean
Qur’an is a Work of Male Chauvinism?*
✅“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more
(strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore, the
righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would
have them guard…” (Quran 4️:3️4️) “…And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them,
according to what is equitable; but men have a degree over them, and Allah is Exalted in Power.”
(Quran 2:228)

These have been the verses quoted by those who accuse the Qur’an of being influenced by male
chauvinism. What is the reality?

The family is an institution. It is a noble institution that grants peace and tranquility to both halves
of the soul. In fact, it is the family that forms the most important of all social institutions. Therefore,
similar to any other institution, it is vital that there must be a leader for properly carrying out all
the incumbent responsibilities that arise while maintaining a family right from bringing up children
and giving them all the guidance required for making them responsible members of the society.
Otherwise, total anarchy and chaos will be the result.

At the same time, it will also be a problem if an institution having two leaders at the same time.
So, if both are made the leaders, there will be a dichotomy of views concerning their approaches
to the resolution of problems. This will result in a jostling for power and leadership, which will
ultimately disturb the family atmosphere.

The physical make-up as well as the mind set of both man and woman are so constituted that
they are enabled in carrying out the function that they have been assigned. In conferring upon
woman a body suited for motherhood and upon man with one suited for labour, they surely must
have been provided with qualities of the mind compatible with their respective functions as well.
Compassion, consideration and a host of emotions form the specialities of the female mind. It is,
indeed, one that is dominated by emotions. But thoughtful response, masculine conduct and
action based on thought constitute the typical male mind. In short, the man’s mind has been so
constituted that it supplements earning and responsible work. This is a general appraisal; but there
are opposite cases also as exceptions.

It is his ability to undertake action that is in conformance to thought which makes the man fit to
assume the guardianship of the family. Indeed, that is but the very fulfillment of the role which his
physical endowment has thrust upon him. He must work for a living; must earn money to feed the
family – it is in his hands that all control of the affairs of the family has been placed. Indeed, this
responsibility makes it an incumbent duty for him to determine and chart out the appropriate
means of living for that institution and of all the members within it and to supervise all financial
matters that relate to the process. This is the reason why it is said that the Qur’an, by placing the
affairs of the family upon the man, has conferred a great responsibility upon him.

By granting man the control over the affairs of woman and over family, it does not mean that he
may become a virtual dictator over them. Indeed, leadership itself becomes ennobling and
enlivening only in the context of cooperation and mutual consultation. A truly satisfying family
life becomes possible only when the man, who is entrusted with the leadership of the family,
accepts the Quranic recommendation “treat the women with kindness” as well as the advice of
the Prophet “the among you is one who is best to his wife.”

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣1⃣*
*❓Why Did Allah Create the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days, When He is Able to Have
Created It in Less Time?*
✅One of the firm beliefs held by people of deep faith and complete Oneness of God (Tawheed)
is that the Lord is able to do all things, and His power is without limits. He has absolute power,
perfect will and ultimate control of all affairs. If He wills a thing, it happens as He wills it at the
time when He wills it, and in the manner that He wills.

There are many definitive texts in the Holy Quran and in the traditions of Prophet (PBUH) which
affirm this and state it clearly, with no ambiguity. It is sufficient here for us to quote some of the
verses that indicate this, such as the verses: “The Originator of the heavens and the earth. When
He decrees a matter, He only says to it : ‘Be!’ - and it is” (Quran 2:117). “Verily, His Command,
when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, “Be!” - and it is!” (Quran 3️6:82). “It is He Who
gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only: ‘Be’ - and it is”
(Quran 4️0:68). “And Our Commandment is but one as the twinkling of an eye” (Quran 5️4️:5️0)

And there are many other verses which speak of this matter and explain it. Once this is established,
then why did Allaah create the heavens and the earth in six days?

Firstly, it is narrated in more than one verse of the Book of our Lord that Allaah created the heavens
and the earth in six days. For example, Allaah says: “Indeed, your Lord is Allaah, Who created the
heavens and the earth in Six Days, and then He rose over the Throne (really in a manner that suits
His Majesty)” (Quran 7:5️4️)

Secondly, there is nothing that Allaah does but there is great wisdom in it. This is one of the
meanings of Allaah’s name al-Hakeem (The Most Wise). Allaah may or may not show this wisdom
to us, and those who have deep knowledge may understand it, to the exclusion of others. But the
fact that we may not know or understand this wisdom should not make us deny it or object to the
rulings of Allaah, or try to ask too much about this wisdom that Allaah has hidden from us. Allaah
says: “He [Allaah] cannot be questioned as to what He does, while they will be questioned” (Quran

Some scholars have attempted to explain the reason why the heavens and the earth were created
in six days (commenting on verse 7:54):
*Imam al-Qurtubi (Al-Jaami’ li Ahkaam al-Qur’an - 4/7/140):*
- Allah wanted to teach His slaves kindness and deliberation in their affairs.
- He wanted to manifest His power to the angels step by step.
- And because Allaah has decreed a course for everything.”
*Ibn al-Jawzi (Zaad al-Maseer -3/162):*
- Allah wanted to create something each day to show His power to the angels and those who
witnessed it. This was suggested by Ibn al-Anbaari.
- Doing things in a short time is more indicative of power, and deliberation is more indicative of
wisdom. Allah wanted to manifest His wisdom in that, just as He manifested His power when He
said, ‘“Be!” And it is.’
- He taught deliberation to His slaves, because if the One Who does not make mistakes created
the universe in a deliberate manner, then it is more appropriate for those who are vulnerable to
making mistakes to do things in a deliberate manner.
- Creation was accomplished step by step, lest anyone think that this happened as the result of
an accident of nature.

*Al-Qaadi Abu’l-Sa’ood (3️/23️2):*

- It indicates the Divine Will and is a sign of His power for those who understand.
- It encourages deliberation in all things.

Based on the above, it is clear that Allaah has absolute power, ultimate will and perfect control,
and He has wise reasons for everything that He creates, which no one knows but He, may He be

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣2⃣*
*❓Does Quran 2:91 Confirm the Bible Since it Uses the Word “Which is with Them”?*
✅The Quran confirms all earlier revelations insofar as they remain true to the divine truth. Let’s
see an example with Bible.

The Quran is very clear that Allah (God) is one and only, without partner, do not beget nor is He
begotten. But the Bible states in one part that Jesus (PBUH) is the Messenger of God, yet in another
part states that Jesus is god himself.
So how can it be that Allah commands us to accept something which clearly contradicts what He
says in the Quran. So whilst He instructs us to except earlier revelations, He expects us to accept
the one or parts of which is in line with the precepts of the Quran.

The Prophet (PBUH) provides a good answer to this. “when face with the Bible/Gospel, do not
reject nor accept it totally”. There are messages within it which are common with the Quran, e.g.
kindliness, neighborliness, charity, justice, etc.

*And Why is this So? Why is There this Commonality?:*

If indeed there is a God, then would it not be logical that the message/guidance to men would be
the same from the beginning of time? Put it in another way, would God sent one message today
and a completely opposite one tomorrow, which only purpose is to confuse mankind?

Hence Jesus (PBUH) said that, “I brought nothing new, but to reaffirm the old”. And did not the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) said the same thing as well?

So why did these two great men say the same thing, i.e. reaffirm the old. Is it because the message
has been forgotten or corrupted, or both? Something must have happened through the passage
of time. But, God in his infinite mercy did not want to leave His creation lost and misguided. So
He sent forth His messengers from time to time to refresh and renew what is the truth.

That is why there are lot of similarity between the Quran and the Bible, except the part about the
essence of God. Some people call it plagiarism, but we call it a renewed message. God has no
need to plagiarize His own work.

That is why Muslims believe and revere all the Prophets of God, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon,
Isaac, Joseph, Jesus and the rest (May peace be upon them all). As said in the Quran; “And they
hold no distinction between them. For they all say, “we hear, and we obey”” (Quran 2:285). For
they are all purveyor of the same creed, “there is no God but the one and only God”.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣3️⃣*
*❓Why are Two Women Witnesses Equivalent to One Man Witness? Is this Injustice to the
✅It is not true that two female witnesses are always considered as equal to only one male witness.
It is true only in certain cases. There are about five verses in the Qur’an that mention witnesses,
without specifying male or female.

Many religious texts have ruled that the woman is wholly uneligible to stand as witness. For
instance, look at the law of Yagnavalkasmrithi: “Woman, child, the aged, the gambler, the
intoxicated, the insane, the one who has sinned by way of Brahmahatya,… all these are not eligible
to stand as witnesses.” (2:70-71)

Why are women deemed non-eligible to bear testimony? The explanation of the Manusmrithi is
as follows: “One single man who is not greedy may be a witness, but not several women, even if
they are unpolluted, because a woman’s understanding is unreliable, nor even other men who are
rife with bad qualities” (8:77)

It was in times wherein such rulings held that women were wholly unfit as witnesses, Islam ordered
that the testimony from the women also would be considered!

There is only one verse in the Qur’an, that says two female witnesses are equal to one male witness.
This is the longest verse in the Qur’an and deals with financial transactions. It says: “Oh! you who
believe! When you deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligation in a fixed
period, then write it down… And get two witnesses out of your own men and if there are not two
men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses so that if one of them errs the
other can remind her…” (Qur’an 2:282)

This verse of the Qur’an deals only with financial transactions. In such cases, it is advised to make
an agreement in writing between the parties and take two witnesses, preferably both of which
should be men only. In case you cannot find two men, then one man and two women would

Islam expects men to be the breadwinners of their families. Since financial responsibility is
shouldered by men, they are expected to be well versed in financial transactions as compared to
women. As a second option, the witness can be one man and two women, so that if one of the
women errs the other can remind her. Thus, financial transactions constitute the only case in which
two female witnesses are equal to one male witness.

However, some scholars are of the opinion that the feminine attitude can also have an effect on
the witness in a murder case. In such circumstances a woman is more terrified as compared to a
man. Due to her emotional condition, she can get confused. Therefore, according to some jurists,
even in cases of murder, two female witnesses are equivalent to one male witness.

In all other cases, one female witness is equivalent to one male witness. There are about five verses
in the Qur’an which speak about witnesses without specifying man or woman. For example, while
making a will of inheritance, two just persons are required as witnesses (Quran 5:106, 65:2). Two
persons endued with justice are enough in case of Divorce. Four witnesses are required in case of
charge against chaste women. (Qur’an 24️:4️).

Moreover, Quran 24:6 clearly equates one female witness and one male witness. And, some
incidents require only female witness and that of a male cannot be accepted. For instance, in
dealing with the problems of women, while giving the burial bath to a woman, the witness has to
be a woman.

In summary, the seeming inequality of male and female witnesses in financial transactions is not
due to any inequality of the sexes in Islam. It is only due to the different natures and roles of men
and women in society as envisaged by Islam.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣4️⃣*
*❓If God is One, Why Does Allah Use the Plural Pronoun "We" to Refer to Himself?*
✅The Qur’an says very clearly that there is only One God, Allah. “There is no god but Allah” is
the basic principle of Islam. There is no ambiguity about this fact in the Qur’an and there are
hundreds of verses of the Qur’an that make this point very clear. Belief in more than one God
(polytheism) is a major sin according to the Qur’an.

Whenever in the Qur’an Allah is mentioned in the third person, there are always singular pronouns
used, such as ‘He’, ‘Him’. Whenever Allah is spoken to in the second person, there are also singular
pronouns, such as ‘You’, ‘Your’. However only in the first person sometimes the pronouns ‘I’, ‘My’
or ‘Mine’ are used and sometimes ‘We’, ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ are used.
This is a style of speech. Sometime the speaker says I and sometime says we. We also use that in
our conversations. In the Qur’an you will see that often the first-person singular such as I or My is
used when Allah speaks about His love, care and closeness and forgiveness for His servants. In a
similar way the first-person plural is often used when Allah speaks about His power, majesty, glory,
great deeds or when He speaks about His anger and wrath for the sinners and criminals. (This is,
of course, the general use. Sometime the reverse is also the case, depending on the context of
the chapter)

See for example the verses where the first person singular is used: “When My servants ask you
concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he
calleth on Me: let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me: that they may walk in
the right way.” (Quran 2:186) “Verily, I am Allah: there is no god but I: so, serve thou Me (only),
and establish regular prayer for celebrating My praise.” (Quran 20:14️)

See also some verses where the first-person plural is used: “We have, without doubt, sent down
the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).” (Quran 15️:9) “We created not the
heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming” (Quran
15️:85️) “And among His Signs is this: you sees the earth barren and desolate; but when We send
down rain to it, it is stirred to life and yields increase. Truly, He Who gives life to the (dead) earth
can surely give life to (men) who are dead. For He has power over all things.” (Quran 4️1:3️9).

See another example where both pronouns are used side by side, “Before them the People of
Noah rejected (their Messenger): they rejected Our servant, and said, “Here is one possessed!”
and he was driven out. Then he called on His Lord: “I am one overcome: do You then help (me)!”
So We opened the gates of heaven, with water pouring forth. And We caused the earth to gush
forth with springs… But how (terrible) was My Penalty and My Warning? (Quran 5️4️:9-16)

Christian writers in their desperate desire to prove their doctrine of Trinity have sometime
interpreted some Biblical passages where first person plural is used to suggest that this means
the “Divine Trinity”. For example, in the Bible it is mentioned, “Then God said, “Let us make man
in our image” (Genesis 1:26). Christian writers contend that this means that there is plurality in
God. But unfortunately, that is just their own misinterpretation!

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣5️⃣*
*❓Who Are the Jews and Christians Who will Enter Paradise?*
✅There are some verses in Holy Quran which say Christians and Jews also will enter Paradise,
whereas another verse says any other religion except Islam will never be accepted by Almighty
Allah. How can we interpret these verses?

There are two verses in Holy Quran which say Christians and Jews also will enter Paradise. The first
of them is the verse: “Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and
Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous good deeds shall have their
reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [Quran 2:62]

The second is here: “Surely, those who believe, those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the
Christians – whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them
shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” [Quran 5:69]

In order to understand these verses correctly, we need to refer to the scholars of Qur’an. The great
leader Ismaa’eel ibn Katheer said in the explanation of Quran 2:62: “Almighty Allah points out that
whoever of the previous nations did well and was obedient, will have a good reward, and this will
be the case for everyone who follows the Final Messenger Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬until the Hour
comes - he will have eternal happiness, and they will not fear what they are going to face, nor will
they grieve for what they have left behind. As Allah says: ‘No doubt! Verily, those who believe in
the Oneness of Allah and fear Allah much, and love Allah much, no fear shall come upon them
nor shall they grieve.’ [Quran 10:62].

As far as the Jews are concerning, their faith meant believing in the original Torah and following
the way of Moses (PBUH) until Jesus came, after which whoever continued to follow the Torah
and the way of Moses, but did not follow Jesus, was doomed. As far as the Christians are
concerned, their faith meant believing in the Injeel (original Gospel) and following the laws of
Jesus; whoever did this was a believer whose faith was acceptable to Allah, until Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬
came, after which whoever did not follow Prophet Muhammad, was doomed.

The verse “And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in
the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” [Quran 3️:85️] is a statement that Allah will not accept
any way or deed from anyone, after sending His Final Messenger, except those that are in
accordance with the laws of Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. Prior to this, however, anyone who followed the
Prophet of his own time was on the Straight Path of salvation. So, the Jews were those who
followed Moses (PBUH) and referred to the Torah for judgement at that time. When God sent
Jesus (PBUH), the Children of Israel were obliged to follow him and obey him, and so they and
others who followed him became Christians…

When God sent Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬as the Final Prophet and a Messenger to all the children of Adam,
all of mankind was obliged to believe in him and obey him, and refrain from what he prohibited.
Those who did so are the true believers. The nation of Prophet Muhammad is called the believers
because of their deep faith and conviction, and because they believe in all the past Prophets and
in the prophesied events that are yet to come.”

Commenting on Quran 2:62, scholar Ibn Katheer said: “What is meant is that every group believed
in Allah and the Last Day, which is the appointed Day of Reckoning, and did righteous deeds. But
after Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬was sent to both mankind and the jinn, true belief can only be in accordance
with the way of Prophet Muhammad. Whoever follows his way will not fear the future or grieve
for what they leave behind.”

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣6⃣*
*❓Can It Not be Claimed That Quran Was the Composition of Muhammad (PBUH) Himself?*
✅Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had lived in the light of history. It was through him that the world first
heard of the Qur’an. As such, all that may be asserted by those who do not accept the divine
status of the Qur’an is that it is the composition of Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. There are, however, certain
facts that must be understood as the premises for this discussion. It can only be on the
foundations of these premises that the question as to whether the authorship of the Qur’an can
be attributed to Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬can be discussed.

1. Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had been, upto the age of forty, the most favoured man among the Arabs. It
was because he had claimed that the Qur’an was divinely inspired and that the commandments
within it are to be adhered to, that he was hated; osctracized; and forced to flee from his
2. Even among his bitterest opponents there was unanimity about the truthfulness of
Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬. It is difficult, therefore, to believe that after living forty years of his life with utmost
truthfulness, he should venture to declare a falsehood in the name of the Lord Creator and that
he should have risked his own life for the sake of its propagation.

3. Men of letters were accorded a high status in Arabia. There was not the slightest dissenting
opinion among any, as regards the lofty position of the Qur’an in its viability as a literary creation.
If Prophet Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬had ventured to claim the Qur’an as his own work, he would have
gained great respectability and status amongst the Arabs.

4️. There are references in the Qur’an which have criticized certain of the actions of Muhammad
(‫ )ﷺ‬himself.

5️. There are also other references in the Qur’an which reproach Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in the strongest
possible terms. It should be in the light of these facts that the pros and cons of the argument that
the Qur’an is the work of Prophet Muhammad should be examined. Indeed, if a work of great
literary merit is composed and is then attributed to the name of God, there must necessarily exist
vested interests that lurk beneath. To expose those vested interests will then be the duty of the
critics. It will be on the basis of such an exposition alone that the truth of the claim can be

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣7⃣*
*❓Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus is Not God the Creator*
*✅Matthew 24️:3️6* “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the Son, but the Father

Here Jesus makes a distinction between what he knows and what the Father knows.
*Matthew 26:3️9* “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but
as Thou will.”

Jesus’ will is likewise autonomous from God’s Will. Jesus is seeking acquiescence to God’s will.

*John 5️:26* “For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.”

Jesus received his life from God. God received his life from no one. He is eternally self-existent.

*John 5️:3️0* “By myself, I can do nothing: I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek
not to please myself but him who has sent me.”

Jesus says, “by myself, I can do nothing.” This indicates that Jesus is relying upon his own
relationship with God.

*John 5️:19* “The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing,
because whatever the Father does, the Son does also.”

Jesus declares that he is following a pattern laid down by God. He is expressing obedience to God.

*Mark 10:18* “Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God alone.”

Here Jesus emphatically makes a distinction between himself and God.

*John 14:28* “The Father is greater than I.”

This is another strong statement that makes a distinction between Jesus and God.

*Matthew 6:9* “Our Father, which art in Heaven.”

He didn’t pray, Our Father, which art standing right here!”

*Matthew 27:4️6* “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

Inconceivable if he is God the Creator.

*John 17:21-23️* “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May
they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me… that they may be one as
we are one: I in them and you in me.”

In this prayer Jesus defines the term “to be one.” It is clearly accomplished through the relationship
of two autonomous beings. Here, “to be one” does not mean to be “one and the same” since even
the believers also “may be one as Father and Jesus”
*1 Corinthians 15:27-28* “For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that
"everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put
everything under Christ. When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him
who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.”

Paul declares that God put everything under Christ, except God himself. Instead God rules all

*Hebrews 1:3️* “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.”

Jesus is only the representation of his being. If I send my representative to Congress, he is not me,
myself. He is my representative.

*Hebrews 4️:15️* “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our
weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet without

Jesus has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet he never sinned.

*James 1:13️:* “When tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be
tempted by evil, nor does he tempt.”

Jesus was tempted in every way, but God cannot be tempted. This is why Jesus said, “don’t call
me good, none are good, only God.”

*Hebrews 5:7-9* “During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with
loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his
reverent submission. Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered…”

Jesus had to walk a course of faith and obedience in order to achieve perfection.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣8⃣*
*❓Mercy of Almighty God*
✅Almighty Allah Himself talks about His boundless mercy through multiple verses in Holy Quran:
"…I will inflict My torment on whoever I will. But My Mercy encompasses all things…" [Quran 7:15️6]
"And your Allah is One Allah: There is no god but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful." [2:163]

Allah's mercy is beyond limits. Allah is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. His mercy is
all-embracing. Whoever is bereft of Allah’s mercy is most truly lost. It is only by Allah’s mercy that
anyone attains Paradise. It is by His mercy alone that sins are pardoned and that anyone is assured
of salvation. Allah is worthy of our fear. Equally, He is worthy to be the One to show us mercy.
"And they will not remember except that Allah wills. He is worthy of fear and adequate for
[granting] forgiveness." [Quran 74:56]

Mercy of Allah can come in different forms; it can be in form of a Guidance, Favor, Love,
Forgiveness, etc. "Indeed, the mercy of Allah is near to the doers of good." [Quran 7:56]

It is right for us to fear Allah. We should shun sinful deeds and show obedience to our Creator.
Likewise, Allah is worthy to show mercy to those who strive to obey Him and who return to Him
whenever they might stray. "And those who, when they commit an immorality or wrong
themselves [by transgression], remember Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins - and who can
forgive sins except Allah? - and [who] do not persist in what they have done while they know."
[Quran 3:135]

To obtain Allah's mercy we should also show mercy to His creations. Narrated Jarir bin 'Abdullah:
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to mankind." [Bukhari
Volume 9, Book 93, Number 473]

*The Mercy of Allah to Sinners:*

The sins of wrong doers and unbelievers also will be all forgiven for them when they repent and
embrace Islam: "Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from unbelief), their past would be
forgiven for them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of
warning for them)." [Quran 8:38] "The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and all between, - Exalted
in Might, able to enforce His Will, forgiving again and again." [Quran 38:66]
If we are sincere, our daily sins are almost always forgiven: "Those who avoid great sins and
shameful deeds, only (falling into) small faults, verily thy Lord is ample in forgiveness. He knows
you well when He brings you out of the earth, and when you are hidden in your mothers' wombs.
Therefore, justify not yourselves: He knows best who it is that guards against evil." [Quran 53:32]

If you ask Allah Almighty for forgiveness, then He'll forgive you: "If anyone does evil or wrongs his
own soul but afterwards seeks God's forgiveness, he will find God Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."
[Quran 4:110]

If you are grateful to Allah Almighty, then He'll give you more: "And remember! your Lord caused
to be declared (publicly): 'If ye are grateful, I will add more (favors) unto you; But if ye show
ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed.'" [Quran 14:7]

Be sure that Allah Almighty is always Willing to forgive all our sins: "Say: 'O my Servants who Have
transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins for
He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Quran 39:53]

Everybody sins but the best is the one who repents and seek Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah: "And
when those come to you who believe in Our verses, say, "Peace be upon you. Your Lord has
decreed upon Himself mercy: that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance and then repents
after that and corrects himself - indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful." [Quran 6:54]

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣8⃣9⃣*
*❓Even the People without Faith Need the People with Faith*
✅Abu Bakr(ra) and his group have decided to leave their homes and lands. What was the crime
they have committed? Harassing someone, stealing someone's money, or raping someone? No;
they have not committed any such heinous acts. Then why were they expelled from their own

The only reason was that they abandoned polytheism and believed in one true God. The enemies
of Islam could not digest it. They unleashed various forms of oppressions. Hence the Prophet
(PBUH) gave them permission to travel when they could not stay in their homeland due to

With a heavy heart, Abu Bakr left Makkah one day with the intention to migrate to Abyssinia. He
took the road to Yemen from where he had to sail to Abyssinia. When he had proceeded some
distance from Makkah, he met Ibn Ad-Dughna who was the chief of the Qarah tribe, a section of
the Quraish.

Ibn Ad-Dughna inquired of Abu Bakr as to where he was going, and Abu Bakr told him: “My people
have forced me from Makkah, and I want to travel freely on earth to worship my Lord.” Ibn-Dughna
said: "O Abu Bakr, someone of your ranking and character should not leave from here and should
not be forced to leave. You are always keen to fulfill the needs of others, you join the ties of
kinship, support the weak, and you honor your guests. I will take you under my protection, and
you should come back with me to Makkah. Rest assured no harm will come to you."

After they arrived in Makkah, Ibn Ad-Dughna spent the entire night visiting the various noblemen
of the Quraish. And to each one of them he said, "Verily, someone of Abu Bakr's ranking and
character should not leave (his homeland) and should not be forced to leave. Will you expel (from
Makkah) a man who provides for the needy, joins ties of family relations, supports the weak,
honors his guests, and helps others?"

The leaders of the Quraish accepted Ibn-Dughna's guarantee of protection, but they said to him,
"Order Abu Bakr to worship his Lord in his home, to pray in his home, and to recite whatever he
wants to recite in his home. He must not harm us with those acts by coming out and performing
them openly, for we fear that our women and children will be put to trial (i.e., that they will become
attracted to his religion)"

Ibn Ad-Dughna conveyed their stipulations to Abu Bakr who then began to worship the Lord in
his home. He abstained from praying in front of others and recited the Qur'an in his home for
some days. But that brave man did not like to be restricted at home with just worships like a
coward. He could not hide himself anymore. Thus, Abu Bakr built a place of worship in the
courtyard, adjacent to his house, and started all his worships from there.

The Quraish felt nervous. They apprehended that if Abu Bakr continued his prayers in the open,
he might attract some persons to him. Some of the leading Quraish went to Ibn-Dughna and said,
"Have you given him this protection so that he may publicly injure our feelings? He recites the
Quran in a sweet voice, and we fear that he may seduce our women and youth to his faith. You
should advise him to pray indoors."

Ibn Ad-Dughna met Abu Bakr and advised him that the most expedient course for him was to
pray indoors and not to annoy the Quraish. To Abu Bakr there could be no expediency in the
matter of faith. He said to Ibn-Dughna "You are advising me as I am under your protection. What
if I renounce your protection?" "In that case I will have nothing to say" Ibn-Dughna replied.
Thereupon Abu Bakr said, "Under these circumstances I renounce your protection. The protection
of Allah is enough for me."

Thus, under the pressure of the enemies of Islam, Ibn Ad-Dughna had to withdraw his protection
for Abu Bakr.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣0⃣*
*❓Were Holy Qur'an Pages Eaten by a Goat? Are Some Verses Missing from the Quran?*

✅The following is a hadith commonly quoted by critics of Islam to argue that some of the verses
have been lost from the Holy Qur'an. They allege that the Qur'an has not been fully preserved.

Reported 'Ayisha(R): “the verse of stoning and of suckling an adult ten times was revealed, and
they were (written) on a paper and kept under my pillow. When the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)
expired and we were occupied by his death, a goat entered and ate the paper.” (Sunan Ibn Majah,
Hadith 1944)

First of all, this is only the case of the loss of a palm-leaf belonging to a person Aisha(ra). But the
Quran was preserved through recitation primarily. So, it can never be erased by flipping through
any of the pages in someone's hands.
Now someone may think that the verses which were present in Quran before as reported by Ayisha
(ra) are not found in the Qur'an today. This doubt stems from ignorance about the Qur'an.

Allah Himself has removed some of the verses from the Qur'an. This is clear in Qur'an itself in
2:106. This is called Naskh (abrogation). There are three types of Naskhs. Sometimes the verse and
the law will be removed from Quran. Sometimes only the verse will be removed, and the law will
remain. The third is that the law will be removed but the verse will remain.

Allah will inform the Prophet to remove some of the verses and thus they will be removed from
the Qur'an. Sometimes Allah cause it to be forgotten completely from the hearts. Anyhow, Naskh
only happens during the lifetime of the Prophet. So, the Prophet taught us exactly which all verses
were abrogated.

There are many examples of all types of abrogation. Some of the early rules of the Qur'an had
been changed later. For example, the Qur'anic verses with a partial prohibition of alcohol were
abrogated when the verse of the complete Prohibition of alcohol was revealed. This is an example
of the existence of the verse and the weakening of the law.

The word to throw a married adulterer to death is an example of Naskh, where the verse is
excluded from the Qur'an and only the law exists. The verse is removed but the law remains the
same. This law will remain in the Shariah until the end of the world. These things can be seen
exactly in the prophetic words.

Caliph Umar (ra) delivered a long speech to the Companions in Bukhari. "…In the Qur'an there was
a verse that a married adulterer and adulteress should be stoned to death… I am afraid that after
a while people will say, 'We do not find in the Qur'an the verses of stoning to death…'"

It is important to understand that the verse is not lost because the goat ate it, as the critics allege.
Umar (ra) was delivering this sermon in front of thousands of followers of the Prophet. He recited
the same verse as well. But the verse is not included in the Qur'an because it was commanded by
Prophet (PBUH) to be omitted from the Qur'an; not because they did not get the verse nor
because they did not know it. Therefore nobody there questioned the speech of Umar.

Similarly, the rule that ten times breastfeeding is mandatory to establish the relationship of
mahram, was abrogated and replaced with the new law of five definite breastfeeding are enough
for the same. This was narrated by Muslim (No.1452) and many others.

Finally, with regards to the Quran being eaten by a sheep, the narration about this is not authentic
and if we analyze the isnaad (chain of narration) we find Muhammad Ibn Ishaaq who is known to
have jumbled reports and made errors when narrating hadith. As such he is regarded as an
unreliable narrator and is rejected. And, even if the goat had actually eaten those pages, there is
no problem with it as explained above.
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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣1⃣*
*❓Who Are the Real Terrorists and the Abolitionists? Are Palestinians also Terrorists?*
✅Are there any Islamic government or military unilaterally interfering in any non-Islamic country
and destabilizing those countries? Are Muslims destroying their peace? If anyone commits
terrorism anywhere, does it have the support of any authoritative Islamic country? Are Islamic
countries or authorized organizations promoting any terrorist activities? Have they ever not
condemned any terror attack?

Has any Hindu organization denied any of the attacks and terrorist activities carried out by the
Indian fascist terrorist movement RSS? If not, why? Have any Christian organizations denied
Christian terrorism in the North-eastern States? If not, why?

Is not Naxalism in India Terrorism? Have any Muslim extremists in India done anything like those
Naxals? Have Muslim extremists carried out a terrorist act in India like the assassinations of
Mahatma Gandhiji, Indira Gandhi or Rajiv Gandhi?

Wasn't LTT terrorism? Weren't Khalistan extremists? Aren't Ulfa and the National Liberation Friend
in all the north-eastern states extremists? Aren't they anti-nationals? Aren’t there areas in India
where even the Indian national flag is not allowed to be flown? Are Muslims conducting or
promoting all these?

Are Irish extremists Muslims? The Mossad has directly carried out several terrorist activities. Isn't
that terrorism? Isn't the genocide of Rohingya Muslims a form of terrorism? Isn't it terrorism to
attack Palestinians from their own country? Isn't the torture of Uyghur Muslims in prisons a state
terrorism? Was it not state terrorism that wiped out millions in Rwanda? Isn't the genocide of
three million Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Sudan forms of terrorism?
If we look at the history of terrorism, we can realize that the most victimized community is
Muslims. Then how can we still say Islam is terrorism, or Muslims are the terrorists?

Isn't the Indian subcontinent a country ruled by Muslims for almost a thousand years? If Islam was
a terrorist movement like the others, would it not have eliminated and transformed the vast
majority of India and made it the largest Muslim nation in the world?

Didn't the British rule for just 180 years killed about ten percent of the Indian population? More
than three crore people… Wasn't that state terrorism? But Muslims have ruled this country for
almost five times than British. Shouldn't they proportionally kill fifteen to twenty crores of people
according to the extent of the annihilation by the British.

Remember also that the population in India was not much when Islam reached here. It was only
ten percent compared to the population during British rule. They themselves were fighting each
other and were trying to eliminate and destroy the unarmed Buddhist and Jain monks. Was it a
mistake of Islam and Muslims to take care of all those victims?

Was it not terrorism that wiped out the Mayan people and culture that existed in America after
the Europeans invaded the Americas? Wasn't terrorism the attacks of the Crusades for centuries?
Was not the genocide perpetrated by Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini state terrorism? Were Muslims
the cause of World War I and II? Did Muslims exterminate many in Australia?

If someone attacks a sect with the aim of genocide, can the victims be blamed if they think that
martyrdom through resistance is better than that kind of death…?

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣2⃣*
*❓Do Muslims Worship God Because of Fear or Because of Love?*
✅The term fear, when used to refer to God-consciousness in the Islamic context, does not mean
being scared of God because being scared excludes any feeling of love or respect. Fear of God
means to fear the disobedience and His punishment on the Day of Judgment, and to fear
forgetting Him and losing His blessings. Another partial meaning of fear, which is nobler, is the
fear of displeasing God, the One Whom you love.

For example, when two people love each other, you find each of them trying their best to please
the other and to avoid even forgetting their special days like anniversaries. If this is the attitude
of humans towards each other, then it is more appropriate that people fear God’s displeasure.
People should love God most because they owe everything to Him: their lives, property, and,
above all, His guidance to know and worship Him.

So, fear of God is not founded on a vengeful concept of hate and fear of God. It is actually based
on love, which leads to a feeling of fear of God’s displeasure.

God-consciousness (taqwa) is the core of Islam because it is acknowledging, feeling, and realizing
God’s presence at all times, and knowing that He is looking after you and knows what you are
doing and even what your soul whispers to you.

This feeling results in trying to go through life according to God’s orders and being ashamed of
doing wrong in His presence, which is at all times. So, a person who has taqwa tries to avoid both
things that displease God and things that may harm himself or others.

*God-Consciousness and Divine Love*

For centuries, philosophers and writers have tried to explore divine love but found that there are
some feelings that just cannot be translated into words, especially when a person moves to higher
degrees of divine love.

The Quran connects divine love to taqwa in a verse that says: “For lo! Allah loves those who ward
off (evil).” (3:76) This shows that divine love is not only manifested in pure acts of worship like
prayers, but it is also reflected in different aspects of life. That is why following the path of God is
the real test for the genuineness of divine love.

*Translating Love into Good Deeds*

This is beautifully expressed in the Quran, while addressing Prophet: “Say, (O Muhammad, to
mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is
Forgiving, Merciful.” (3:31) Following this path that God has established for man results in a sense
of dependence upon God and a sense of gratefulness to God for all His bounties.

Divine love requires commitment and steadfastness so a person can be prepared to face the
different trials and tribulations in life. It also requires responsibility and sacrifice of some of the
person’s time, property, desires, and even a person’s own life if necessary. The Quran indicates
that to have this true love, one must put God’s love above all other types of love. (2:165️)

Various verses in the Quran explain the characteristics that a person should have to receive God’s
love. One of those traits is taqwa or God-consciousness. (Quran 3:76) Also, people who constantly
repent to God deserve His love. (2:222) Another one is constant self-purification. (9:108) People
who do good were also mentioned in several verses. (2:195, 5:42)

*True Believers Need Not Fear*

Ultimate bliss is also reached by God-consciousness, and not only is this bliss in life on earth but
also in the eternal life of the hereafter. The Quran refers to this by saying: “Behold! verily on the
friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (10:62)

Having this quality of taqwa would result in a feeling of inner peace, and eternal tranquility would
spread among people.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣3️⃣*
*❓Does God Need Our Worship? Why did He Create Us to Worship Him?*
✅The best way to answer these questions is to first understand who God is in the context of
worship. God by definition is the One who is entitled to our worship; it is a necessary fact of His
own existence. The Qur’an repeatedly highlights this fact about God, “Indeed, I am God. There is
no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.” (Quran 20:14️)
Since God, by definition, is the only Being that whose right is our worship, then all of our acts of
worship should be directed to Him alone.

In Islam, God is considered a maximally perfect Being. He possesses all the perfect names and
attributes to the highest degree possible. For example, in Islamic theology God is described as
‘Ar-Rahmaan’ (means ‘Most Gracious’), and this means that His kindness is the most perfect one
and His kindness is the greatest compassion possible. It is because of these names and attributes
that God must be worshipped. We always praise people for their kindness, knowledge, and
wisdom. However, God’s kindness, knowledge and wisdom are to the highest degree possible
with no deficiency or flaw. Therefore, He is worthy of the most extensive form of praise and
praising God is a form of worship.

God is also the only One entitled to our supplications and prayers. He knows best what is good
for us, and He also wants what is good for us. Such a Being with these attributes must be prayed
to, and to be asked assistance of. God is worthy of our worship because there is something about
God that makes Him so.

*Does God Need Our Worship?*

This common question arises due to a misunderstanding of God, the Creator. The Qur’an and the
Prophetic traditions clearly explain that God is transcendent and free of any need; in other words,
He is absolutely independent: “Indeed, God is free from need of the worlds.” (Quran 29:6)

Therefore, God does not need us to worship Him at all. He gains nothing from our worship, and
our lack of it takes nothing away from God. We worship God because - through God’s wisdom
and mercy - He created us that way. God made worship good and beneficial for us, from both a
worldly and spiritual perspective.

*Why did He Create Us to Worship Him?*

The best way of answering this question is to understand that our knowledge is fragmentary and
finite, so we will never be able to fathom the totality of God’s wisdom. If we comprehended all of
God’s wisdom, it would mean we would become Gods or that God would be like us. Both are
impossibilities. Hence, the very fact that there may be no answer to this question indicates the
transcendence of God’s knowledge. In summary, He created us to worship Him due to His eternal
wisdom, we just cannot comprehend why.

A practical way of looking at this question is explained in the following illustration. Imagine you
were on the edge of a cliff and someone pushed you into the ocean below. This water is infested
with sharks. However, the one who pushed you gave you a waterproof map and an oxygen tank
to be able to navigate via safe areas in order to reach a beautiful tropical island where you will
stay forever in bliss. If you were intelligent, you would use the map and reach the safety of the
island. However, being stuck on the question ‘Why did you throw me in here’ will probably mean
you are eaten by the sharks. For the believers, the Qur’an and Prophetic traditions are the map
and the oxygen tank. They tell us how to navigate the path of life safely. We have to know, love
and obey God, and dedicate all acts of worship to Him alone. Fundamentally we have the choice
of harming our own self by ignoring this message or embracing the love and mercy of God by
accepting it.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣4️⃣*
*❓Morals and Faith Are Inseparable*
✅Faith is such a power that keeps a person away from low qualities and mean acts and
encourages him to achieve high attributes and lofty morals. That is why whenever God, the
Almighty, urges us towards virtue or warns us against evil, He declares that as an essential
requirement of the faith. For example, Allah commands to adopt righteousness and truth, and
says: “O you who have believed, fear Allah and be with those who are true.” (Quran 9:119)

Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has nicely explained that only when faith is firm and
strong, strong and lasting morals would be developed, but if the moral character is low in faith, it
will be weak accordingly. Who is immodest and ill-mannered or who adopts bad habits, loses his
faith. He also said, “Modesty and faith are twins. One who gives up one has to lose the other too.”

The Prophet(‫ )ﷺ‬linked the good deeds to faith itself, and said: “Anybody who believes in Allah and
the Last Day should not harm his neighbour, and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day
should entertain his guest generously and anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should
talk what is good or keep silent.” (Al-Bukhari)

Through the firm and perfect faith, noble qualities are nurtured, developed and safeguarded until
the good manners bear their fruits. That is why Islam regards good manner as an inseparable part
of faith. Who lags behind in acting according to the moral values of Islamic framework he
undermines his faith. Such people were warned against by the Prophet(‫)ﷺ‬, and the community
has been asked to be careful of them.

Who performs various forms of worship without understanding their significance can only be a
man who had not understood the spirit of the worship or has been unable to rise to the real
standard of faith. The Prophet(‫ )ﷺ‬has explained the relationship between morality and faith, if the
faith is strong it will lead to the good behaviour and good rewards in the world and salvation in
the Hereafter. However, the misbehaviour denotes the weakness and flaw in the faith itself.
*The Poor in the Hereafter?*
The Prophet (PBUH) once said: “In my people, the poor is that who would appear on the Day of
Judgment before Allah; he had offered prayer; paid charity; observed fast; but he abused
somebody, or accused someone falsely; or took someone else’s property without right; or he had
murdered someone; or have hit somebody. All his virtues would be given to his victims. If his
virtues are finished before his evil deeds are finished, then the errors and sins of the victims would
be given to him and he would be thrown into the Hell.” (Muslim)

Such person is really poor. A religious man who offers certain prayers or performs certain forms
of worship, but even after that performs certain evil deeds, behaves rudely with the people or
treats poor and helpless people cruelly, how such person would be called righteous?

*Identification of Hypocrite*
When wickedness is nourished in the nature of a person, and the loss caused by it becomes
manifest and the danger increases, then he comes out of his religion, and his claim of
righteousness becomes false. What is the value of religiousness without good morality? How is it
possible that a man may love Allah and becomes a victim of corruption?

This is relationship between faith and morality. Prophet(‫ )ﷺ‬said: “There are four habits, in
whosoever they are found, he will be a complete hypocrite. If anyone of these habits is found in a
person, he will have an element of hypocrisy till he gives it up; when something is given to him in
trust he commits dishonesty, when he talks he tells lies, when he makes a contract he deceives,
and when be quarrels he starts abusing.” (Al-Bukhari)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣5️⃣*
*❓If Islam is a Religion of Peace, Why is There So much Conflicts in Countries Where Muslims
✅This question makes two assumptions: first, that there is more conflict among Muslims than
among followers of other religions, and, second, that conflicts involving Muslims result primarily
from their religion.

The first assumption is a false perception. Of the fifty Muslim-majority countries, the vast majority
are at peace. Furthermore, many countries with non-Muslim majorities are involved in conflict.
The United States, for instance, a Christian-majority country, is the world’s largest arms exporter
and is involved currently in several armed conflicts and was previously involved in a number of
conflicts, most famous among them the Vietnam War. The two largest world wars in history were
fought mostly between Christian-majority countries (i.e., World Wars I and II).

The second assumption is likewise misleading. While religion is sometimes invoked by parties to
support a war, religion is at most one factor among many in producing conflict, and usually not
the most important one. Economic and political issues are generally the underlying causes behind
most conflicts, including those involving Muslims.

Additionally, in many of these conflicts Muslims are the victims rather than the perpetrators of
violence and conflict. Some current examples include: Myanmar, where close to a million Rohingya
Muslims have been persecuted and driven from their homes by the Burmese army and militants
in what has been called a genocide; in China, where one million Uighur Muslims have been
detained in concentration camps; in Kashmir where a brutal crack-down has resulted in the
oppression of all its Muslim residents following decades of repression; and ongoing conflicts over
land and rights in Palestine. This has also been the case in previous conflicts in Iraq, Chechnya,
Afghanistan, and Bosnia, where others instigated conflict to the great detriment, loss of lives,
destruction, and suffering of the Muslims living in those countries.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣6⃣*
*❓Islam Offers Dignity and Rights to All Humanity*
✅The extraordinarily rapid spread of Islam from its modest beginnings in Arabia has no parallel
in history, even to this day. And while there are a variety of reasons why this phenomenal
movement took hold, none of them include the use of the sword as a means of conversion: no
individual, group, tribe, or nation was forced to convert to Islam under threat of death - absolutely

Instead, Islam brought an unprecedented wealth of human and spiritual values to the people with
which it came into contact. Primary among these values was the knowledge and certainty that
God Almighty bestows the gift of dignity upon every human being. It is an unqualified and
unconditional gift, freely offered to the pious and sinful alike, irrespective of gender, religion, race,
social status, age, power, etc.

Even criminals are entitled to dignified treatment, for punishment is meant both as a deterrent
and a means to reform offenders, not to humiliate them. Similarly, Islam teaches that prisoners of
war are to be treated well and their human dignity is not to be compromised.

This universal assurance of human dignity is affirmed by the Qur'an (17:70) and was practiced by
a vast majority of Muslims during the period following the death of Prophet Muhammad in 632
CE. The Prophet declared in a Hadith, reported in Mishkat al-Masabih, that "people are God's
children and those dearest to God are the ones who treat His children kindly." The Qur'an makes
human dignity so intrinsic to every person that no regime, however powerful, can take it away.

To understand how deeply Islam engaged with the longing of indigenous peoples throughout
Africa and Asia, we must examine the prevailing values of the late Roman Empire.

The Romans built impressive amphitheatres for live shows, which often consisted of prisoners of
war fighting one another to the death. Special gladiatorial games ("gladi" means sword) were also
popular public amusements. Men, women and children alike deserted their homes to enjoy the
sensation of watching skilled fighters being slain by their more skilled opponents. On other
occasions, more blood-sport entertainment was provided by setting lions, tigers, bears and other
beasts loose in the arena to devour hapless slaves.

The Romans perfected their road-building skills over a vast network that allowed for the rapid
deployment of troops to quash any rebellion in the more distant colonies.

When Islam first reached Egypt in 640 CE, it was still a Roman province of the waning empire.
Although a great many of the Roman citizens, as well as the native Egyptian Copts, were Christian,
it was the Copts who were most frequently oppressed and persecuted for their faith. Similarly, in
Jerusalem the Jews were persecuted by their Roman overlords. No wonder the native peoples in
Africa, the near East and Asia regarded the movement of Muslims into their regions as beneficial,
for they lived among those of other faiths as brothers and sisters, treating them humanely,
whether they converted or not.
Islam was accepted and welcomed all around the Mediterranean basin because it countered the
rigid conformity of Roman rule by introducing the value of respecting each person's inherent
human dignity and by implementing concrete precepts to make the achievement of universal
human dignity a reality. Islamic human rights include: the right to live in peace, to have
employment and a decent standard of living, to have a family, to worship, to have access to free
education, to have free access to justice, to live free of oppression and debt, etc.

Islam was so far ahead of its time that the West only codified some of these rights and principles
during the past 50 years.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣7⃣*
*❓Whatever God Does, It is For Our Best*
✅When Almighty Allah in His Infinite Wisdom, tests us with a situation that we think is difficult
or takes away something that in our mind was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it
may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and
whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing. Allah
says: “…and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which
is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.” (Quran 2:216)

Remember that we are dealing with the One who is ‘the Most Merciful’ of all that show mercy. All
the mercy that we have in this world from the first man on earth (Adam) to the Day of Judgment
is only one hundredth of the Mercy of the Most Merciful. And He is Most Wise. He knows and we
don't know.

So have faith in Him and trust in Him and although, sometimes we may not understand the reason
behind certain things, know that as long as you obey Him, whatever He will do for you is, in fact
for your betterment.
So if Allah didn't give you that big house, or that nice car you wanted or that big raise you were
hoping for, know in your mind and believe in your heart that it is actually better for you. Who
knows… maybe that big house, that car or that money would have become a source of test (fitnah)
for you… Perhaps you would have become arrogant and conceited because of it, and Allah saved
you from it. Because, you know that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Any one in whose heart is even a
mustard seed's worth of pride will not enter Paradise.” (Muslim)

And if you have been sick and suffering, sure it is not easy. But again, know in your mind and
believe in your heart that it is indeed better for you. For, if you bear patiently, it will be a means
of expiation for your sins and a source of great reward. The Prophet said: “There is nothing that
befalls a believer, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will record one good deed for him
and will remove one bad deed from him.” (Muslim)

And: “On the Day of Resurrection, when people who had suffered affliction are given their reward,
those who were healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were
in the world (when they see the immense rewards for the afflictions they suffered).” (Tirmidhi)

And if life has been difficult, worries surround you and calamities befall you, hear the good news
from the Prophet: “Trials will continue to befall the believing man and woman, with regard to
themselves, their children and their wealth, until they meet Allah with no sin on them.” (Tirmidhi)

Remember that the One Who is testing you is the Most Wise, the Most Merciful and the Most
Loving… and that He did not send this calamity in order to destroy you… or cause you pain or
finish you off. Rather, He is checking on you, testing your patience, acceptance and faith; it is so
that He may hear your prayers and supplication, so that He may see you standing before Him…
seeking His protection… filled with humility and complaining to Him, alone. The difficulties you
face is a reminder for you to return to God and ask for forgiveness from Him. Who knows… if He
didn't give you the difficulty, maybe you would have strayed from Him far, far away…

Our minds, our logic and our senses cannot even begin to fathom the Wisdom and the Knowledge
behind Allah's decisions and verdicts. It is He who is the Wise… it is He who is the Just and it is He
who is the Knower of the unseen. If we trust in Allaah, He will suffice and it is He who will grant us
goodness in any situation and under any circumstances. “And when someone puts all his trust in
Allah, He will be enough for him.” (Surah at-Talaaq:3)

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣8⃣*
*❓Why Prophet Muhammad Didn’t Die for Our Sins?*
✅Why did not Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) die for the sins of Muslims? Is not he the mercy to

Indeed, Prophet Muhammad is a mercy for all peoples; yet he did not die for anybody’s sin. The
simple reason is that Islam does not recognize the concept of the ‘original sin’. The following
points explains that further:

*No ‘Original Sin’ in Islam*

First, Islam, unlike Christianity, does not teach a concept of ‘original sin’. Adam’s sin was his and
his alone; and, according to the Quran 2:30-39, God forgave both Adam and Eve when they turned
to God in repentance. Accordingly, they were once again restored to divine mercy. Hence there is
no concept of Adam passing on to his progeny an original sin, and therefore no need for
stipulating a redeemer for such sins.

*Natural Innocence*
Second, as there is no original sin, everyone is born into a state of natural innocence (‘fitrah’). We
acquire sin later by our own conscious and willful actions. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Every child
is born into a state of fitrah (or natural state of innocence).”

*God is All-Merciful*
Third, Islam teaches that God is All-Compassionate and All-Merciful; He is not bound by the rule
of a blood sacrifice in order to forgive His servants. To assume that God can forgive only by
accepting a blood sacrifice and therefore to state that Jesus or Muhammad (PBUH) died for our
sins is not acceptable in Islam. Allah says: “O My servants who have wronged against their souls!
Do not despair of Allah’s mercy! For Allah forgives all sins; for He is indeed Forgiving,
Compassionate. Turn to your Lord repentant and submit to Him before the torment overtakes you
when you shall not be helped.” (Az-Zumar:53-54)

*Individual Responsibility*
Fourth, Islam teaches that every individual is responsible for his/her own salvation. Not Abraham,
or Moses, or Jesus, or Muhammad can save us; they are only capable of saving themselves through
God’s grace. In the words of the Quran: “Whoever commits a sin commits it only against himself.
Allah is Knowing, Wise.” (An-Nisa’:111); “Allah does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. It
shall be requited for whatever good and whatever it has done.” (Al-Baqarah:286); “Each soul earns
only on its own account, nor does any laden (soul) bear another’s load.” (Al-An’am:164️) “He who
is rightly guided, it is for himself; and he who goes astray, it is to his own detriment. No soul can
bear another’s burden.” (Al-Isra’:15️)

*No Intermediaries*
Fifth, everyone, male or female, can directly approach God without any intermediary of a prophet,
saint or priest. God is closer to us than our own jugular veins. Almighty Allah says in the Quran:
“We created man, and We know the promptings of his soul, and We are nearer to him than his
own jugular vein.” (Qaf:16) “When My servants ask you about Me, tell them I am near, ready to
answer the prayer of the suppliant when he/she prays to Me; therefore let them respond to Me
and believe in Me, that they may be rightly guided.” (Al-Baqarah:186)

So, the entire concept of someone dying for our sins is inimical to the Islamic worldview or
understanding of the natures of man and God. Islam beckons us all to respond to God’s message
and receive His grace and salvation through faith, good works and leading a responsible moral
and ethical life.

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*🌹Understand Islam 2⃣9⃣9⃣*
*❓The Importance of Divine Message*
✅The divine revelation for the human mind is like the external light to eyes. The eye alone is not
enough in the process of vision unless it is accompanied by an outer light.

Man is always in dire need of the divine guidance or message from Allah Almighty, which reveals
the nature of the relationship between mankind and the Creator of the universe.

In fact, the prophets and messengers are the people who were selected by the Creator who deliver
the message of Allah to His slaves, because every person is not prepared for receiving the direct
message from Allah Almighty. Prophethood from the Islamic perspective is a selection by Allah
Almighty and a special gift from Him to His selected slaves and devotees who are the most perfect
individuals among the people.

Moreover, Allah has granted man the sense and mind to guide him to the right path and help him
to distinguish between the right and wrong. This reality has been elucidated by the Glorious
Qur’an. And modern psychology also confirms that man is equipped with an instinct that helps
him to differentiate between good and evil.

Though, man came to this world with such quality and instinct, but this quality is mostly exposed
to some types of pests that come between human mind and its assigned functions. They disturb
it to carry out its duties properly. Sometimes it is influenced by personal feelings. From time to
time, it is defeated by worldly desires and deviant ideas. At times, it is affected by anger, hostility
and bigotry. Thus, the duties and functions of the human sense are interrupted and become
unable to distinguish between good and evil. That’s why Allah has selected
the prophets and apostles from among His slaves to guide human mind to the right direction.

As the mind guides man, so the mind is guided by the divine revelation. If a person gets deprived
of his mind, he becomes insane and crazy and when the human mind is deprived of the guidance
of divine revelation the mind becomes insane. Both are necessary for each other, each of them
completes the other. Likewise, the human mind alone is not sufficient for the identification of the
truth if it is not accompanied by the divine revelation. The honor of human being lies in the life
and activeness of his mind; otherwise, he loses his dignity and distinction as a human being.

Moreover, Allah Almighty has created this world as a trial and a test for mankind, ordering them
to recognize their Creator and learn about Him, His nature, His will, His orders and commands in
order to adapt their life in the light of His guidance. Allah says: “And I did not create the jinn and
men except to worship Me.” (Quran 5️1:5️6) Furthermore, He says: “Who has created death and life
that He may test you which of you is best in deed. And He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-
Forgiving.” (Quran 67:2)

Allah wanted to help man on this mission and assist him through His revelation to the prophets
and messengers. Allah Almighty has provided him everything that fulfills his worldly needs and
natural requirements.

The noble prophets and messengers delivered the message of Allah Almighty to His slaves and
educated them according to the will of Allah Almighty and taught them the principles of faith and
the values of ethics, and guided them to the right path in every matter of life. If a person does not
know his Lord, he could not be able to conceive the nature of the relationship between him and
his Creator. Without divine message, man could not worship His Lord as He wills and orders,
without their guidance, it is too difficult to lead our life in a balanced way.

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*🌹Understand Islam 3️⃣0⃣0⃣*
*❓Benefits of Becoming a Muslim*
✅Any person who becomes a Muslim should recognize that he will get all these benefits and
much more. However, he should realize that he has to earn them by practicing the teachings of
Islam. Implementing the practice of Islamic teachings is as important as believing in it.

1. As far as the Creator (Allah) is concerned, you will be able to identify Him and get to know Him,
His role and your relationship to Him. You will be able to communicate with Him any time. As a
result, you will be able to know your origin, your roots, and the wisdom as to why you are on this
planet. You will be able to have good answers to the questions why, how, when, where, what, and
other philosophical questions.

2. As a result of above, your loyalty, allegiance, and obedience will be to the Creator Himself You
will transcend yourself from all types of allegiance for this world. This means that you will put your
trust on Allah, and you will follow Him before anyone else.

3. As a result of above, you will be able to acquire peace, harmony, tranquility and happiness
within yourself, with your family; with people of the world, with the environment and with the

4. Through daily prayers, you will get rid of all the unwanted thoughts and tensions.

5. As a result of above, you will acquire a pleasant personality. You will be friendly and amicable.
You would not need to drink alcohol, to use drugs or to get involved in vulgarity or immorality.

6. Through fasting, you will be able to have self-control, self-restraint, self-discipline, self-
education, self-evaluation, and self-obedience to Allah the Creator. You will be able to improve
your health, personal. its, character and behavior.
7. As a result of above, you will be able to control your lusts, selfishness, desires, greed, ego and
conceitedness. Also you will be generous and hospitable; you will try to purify yourself and your
mistakes by sharing your happiness and your wealth with those who are less fortunate than you.

8. By performing pilgrimage to Makkah, you will transcend yourself from being nationalistic,
sectarian, or denominational into being universal. You will be part of the universal brotherhood
with those who already submitted themselves to the Creator. At the same time, you will get rid of
the inferiority or superiority complex.

9. In becoming a Muslim, you will do your best to stop all types of exploitations in all their forms:
economical, biological, mental, spiritual, psychological, political, etc. You will also to liberate
people and give them freedom in worship, speech, and expression. You will be a leader to lead
people to peace, tranquility and happiness.

10. In accepting Islam, you will help to reduce all types of social ills in the society: juvenile
delinquency, child abuse, women's battering, incest, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity,
extramarital relationship, and other vices.

11. Finally, when you die, you will die at peace. You will have a happy life in the grave and later an
eternal happiness. On the Day of Judgment, you will be able to see and meet the Creator Allah,
Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and all your beloved ones. You will live an eternal life of bliss in

The benefits mentioned above and many more cannot be purchased with money anywhere in the
world. No one is to sell them to you or to advertise them on TV. You have to take the initiative
yourself and try to acquire them by accepting Islam, and then by practicing its teachings. Are you
ready to accept the challenge today? Remember, tomorrow may not come, and it will be too late.

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Dear Friends,
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We will continue the series with the answers for your questions, the refutations for the common
criticisms, and with the topics which were not covered so far.

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Islam and your personal interest to know more about Islam, which will be useful for our further

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The topic names of the articles shared so far are listed below. Please let us know if any of you
want us to resend any of them. Those who missed the previous parts can also join the *Latest
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We will share the whole 250 parts of the series as a *Word/PDF Document* soon.

*Topics List:*
1. What is Islam?
2. Who is a Muslim?
3. Is Islam a New Religion? Who is the Founder of Islam?
4. What is the Purpose of Our Existence?
5. Does God Exist? Is There Any Evidence for God's Existence?
6. Who is God? How to Realize the Right God?
7. Who Created God?
8. Does Faith in God Contradict with Science?
9. What is the Concept of God in Islam?
10. Does Islam Give Freedom to Choose Faith/Religion?
11. What is the Concept of Worship in Islam?
12. What are the Principles of Beliefs in Islam?
13. What is the Significance of Religion?
14. Is Religion Really Needed for Humans to Become Moral & Good?
15. Are All Religions True? Does Islam Agree All Religions?
16. How Can We Realize Which Religion is True?
17. What are the Unique Features of Islam?
18. Who is Allah? Why Muslims Prefer to Call God as 'Allah'?
19. Does Allah, Lord Rama, Jesus Christ, etc are Different Names of Same God?
20. Why is Associating Partners with God an Unforgivable Sin in Islam?
21. Why Does Islam Prohibit Idol Worship?
22. Should We Seek God Examining Whether Our Prayers are Answered?
23. Why Should We Pray to the God? Why Don't God Fulfill All the Needs of the Believers?
24. Why Does God Test Us with Hardship?
25. Why Bad Things Happen to Good People?
26. What Does Faith in Destiny Mean in Islam?
27. Does God Give Us Free Will? If Everything is Predestined, then How the Disbelievers are
Responsible for Their Disbelieves and Bad Deeds?
28. Why So Many Laws in Islam? Why Does Islam Seem to be Strict?
29. Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?
30. Why Doesn't God Punish All Evil-Doers & Disbelievers in this World?
31. What is Islamic View About Death
32. What Does Islam Say About Life After Death?
33. What are the Concepts of Last Day & the Day of Judgment?
34. The Necessity of the Resurrection and Judgment in the Afterlife?
35. What is the Possibility of the Resurrection After Death?
36. What is the Concept of Heaven in Islam?
37. What is the Concept of Hell in Islam?
38. Who All Will Enter Paradise?
39. Are All Non-Muslims (Even with Good Morals) Going to Hell?
40. What Will Be the Fate of Disbelievers Who Never Heard the Message of Islam?
41. Who are the Prophets? Why Did God Send Prophets?
42. What Were the Teachings of the Prophets?
43. Who is Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him)?
44. What are the Criteria for a True Prophet?
45. What are the Evidences for Muhammed's (‫ )ﷺ‬Prophethood?
46. Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬: Truthful and Honest
47. What is Wrong in Considering that Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Had Aimed for Worldly Power?
48. Why is Muhammed(‫ )ﷺ‬Called the Last Prophet?
49. Why Didn't God Send Any Female Prophet/Messenger?
50. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Hindu Scriptures?
51. Is Prophet Muhammad the Kalki Avtar Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?
52. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible Old Testaments?
53. Prophecies About Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬in Bible New Testaments?
54. What are the Scriptures?
55. What are the Fundamental Sources of Islamic Faith?
56. What is the Holy Qur'an?
57. What is the Theme of Holy Qur'an?
58. Who Wrote the Holy Qur'an? Can It Not Be Claimed that the Qur'an was the Composition of
Muhammad(‫ )ﷺ‬Himself?
59. Why the Qur'an Was Not Revealed to Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬in a Compiled Form (Altogether)?
60. Did the Glorious Qur'an Preserve as It was Revealed from God?
61. When and Under What Circumstance was the Qur'an Compiled as a Complete Book Bound
Between Two Cover Pages?
62. What are the Evidences for the Qur'an to Be a Divine Scripture?
63. Is Qur'an Scientific & Rational?
64. Can it Be Said that the Qur'an is a Practicable Book in All Respects?
65. Scientific Facts in the Quran?
66. What Does the Qur'an Say About the Scriptures that Preceded It?
67. Does Islam Agree the Hindu & Christian Scriptures Existing Today?
68. What are the Obligatory Acts of Worship in Islam?
69. What Should Be a Muslim's Attitude Towards Worldly Life?
70. Islamic Perspective of Monasticism (Sannyasa)?
71. What is the Islamic View About Virtue and Vice?
72. What Should Be the Characters of a Muslim?
73. What are the Islamic Directions in the Financial Front & Earning Money?
74. What are the Islamic Directions on Spending Money?
75. What Does Qur'an Say About Master-Laborer Relationship?
76. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Food?
77. What are the Islamic Teachings Regarding Health and Wellness?
78. What is Islamic View on Entertainments?
79. What are the Characteristics of Islamic Society?
80. What are the Human Rights in Islam/Quran?
81. The Concept of Equality in Islam?
82. The Concept of Justice in Islam
83. What is the Quran's Approach Towards Slavery?
84. What Were the Practical Steps Qur'an Adopted for the Eradication of Slavery?
85. Why Didn't Qur'an Completely Prohibit Slavery?
86. What is the Islamic View Towards Casteism & Racism?
87. Why are There Many Sects/Groups in Islam?
88. What is Islamic View on Pluralism? Can a Muslim Be Communal?
89. What Does Islam Teach About Humanity?
90. What Should Be the Approach of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims?
91. Who is Kafir? Does this Term Denounce Non-Muslims?
92. Does Qur'an Prohibit Having Intimate Relations with Non-Muslims?
93. Does Qur'an Prohibit Marital Relations with Non-Muslims?
94. Does Qur'an Encourage Muslims to Demolish the Objects of Worship of Other Religionists?
95. What is 'Jihad'?
96. Is Jihad the Battle Against Non-Muslims? Does Qur'an Propagate Animosity Towards Other
Religions by Encouraging Jihad?
97. Does Qur'an Recommend the Forcible Conversion of Non-Muslims?
98. Can Terrorism be Compared to Physical Jihad?
99. What Does Islam Say About Terrorism?
100. Does Quran Promote Violence, Bloodshed and Brutality by Saying Muslims Should Kill the
Kuffar Wherever They Find Them?
101. Are All Terrorists Muslims?
102. What Does the Qur'an Say About Peace & Non-Violence?
103. What Does the Qur'an Say About War?
104. When is it Permissible to Fight in Islam?
105. When Does Jihad Become Obligatory for a Muslim?
106. What Were the Motives of the Wars of the Prophet?
107. What are Islamic Laws and Rules of War?
108. Why Suicide Bombing Violates Islam?
109. What are the Ethics & Humanity Islam Teaches in the War Towards Enemies?
110. Is Religion Separate from Politics According to Islam?
111. What is the Concept of Islamic State/Country?
112. What are the Rights of Citizens in an Islamic State?
113. How Did the Prophet Muhammed Treat Minorities in Islamic Country?
114. Are Non-Muslims Treated as Second Class Citizens in Islamic Country? Is levying 'Jizya' a
Discrimination Towards Them?
115. What is Islamic View on Nationalism?
116. What is Islamic View on Democracy?
117. What is Islamic view on Secularism?
118. What is Islamic View on Marxism & Socialism?
119. What is Islamic View About Neighborhood?
120. What is the Status of Parents in Islam?
121. How Should Be a Muslim's Relationship with Non-Muslim Parents?
122. What is the Concept of Gender Equality in Islam?
123. Does Not Islam Give Freedom to Women? Is Islam a Male Dominated Religion?
124. What are the Rights Islam Gives to Women?
125. What is the Islamic Code of Dress?
126. What is the Islamic View on Marriage?
127. What are the Procedures in Islamic Wedding?
128. Why is Polygamy Allowed (for Men) in Islam?
129. Why Islam Prohibits Woman from Having More than One Husband?
130. What Does Islam Say About Divorce?
131. What is the Quranic Procedure of Talaq?
132. Why is Extra-Marital Sexual Relationship Prohibited in Islam?
133. How Islam Views Homosexuality?
134. Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
135. How Did Islam Spread in the World?
136. Why is Islam Often Misunderstood?
137. Why Do So Many People Embrace Islam in Today's Times?
138. What the Reports Say About the Conversion to Islam?
139. What are the Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam?
140. What are the Differences Between Hinduism and Islam?
141. What are the Similarities Between Christianity and Islam?
142. What are the Differences Between Christianity and Islam?
143. Every Religion Claims That It is the Truth. What are the Criteria of the Truth?
144. Is it Compulsory to Accept Islam for Salvation?
145. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim?

146. If Islam is the Best Religion, Why are All Muslims Not Good?
147. If Islam Opposes Idol Worship, Why do Muslims Pray to a Kaaba?
148. Why are All Prayers and Supplications Not Answered or Fulfilled by Allah?
149. Does God Give Free Will and Freedom to Control Our Destiny?
150. The Prophet's Last Sermon
151. 'My name is Islam': A short video introducing Islam in brief
152. If According to Islam, Messengers or Prophets were Sent to Every Nation of the World, then
Which Prophet was Sent to India? Can We Consider Ram and Krishna to be Messengers of God?
153. Islam and Ethics
154. Prophet Muhammad: The Social Reformer
155. If Allah has Sealed the Hearts of the Disbelievers (Kuffar), then Why are they to be Blamed
for Not Accepting Islam?
156. Importance of Knowledge & Education in Islam
157. Is it Not True that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has Copied the Qur'an from the Bible?
158. Is Islamic Inheritance Law Unjust? Why Does the Man Inherit More Wealth than His Female
159. Why Did Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Have Many Wives? What was the Wisdom Behind Prophet's
Multiple Marriages?
160. Abu Hanifa's Debate with an Atheist
161. Muslims Believe that Certain Earlier Verses of the Qur'an were Abrogated by Verses Revealed
Later. Does this Imply that God Made a Mistake and Later on Corrected it?
162. An Invitation to the Truth
163. Significance of the Environment in Islam
164. Life and Beyond According to the Quran
165. Why do Muslims Slaughter the Animal in a Ruthless Manner by Torturing it and Slowly and
Painfully Killing it?
166. Muslim Woman's Right to Work and Earn
167. The Sweetness of Islamic Faith
168. If Allah has Sent His Books and Revelations in Every Period, then which Revelation was Sent
to India?
169. Where Did the Universe Come From?
170. Meaning of Life According to Islam
171. Words of Wisdom from the Qur'an
172. Isn't it an Explicit Discrimination that Islam Gives Men Twice the Portion of Women in their
Share of Inheritance?
173. Has not the Qur'an Actually Legalized Adultery by Allowing the Master to have Sexual
Relationships with His Female Slaves?
174. Doesn't Islam Permit Critical Thinking?
175. Do the Muslims Believe in Jesus (PBUH) and His Second Coming?
176. Why to Choose Islam?
177. Message of Ramadan - Why do Muslims Fast?
178. Why Do Muslims Perform Hajj?
179. What is Hadith? What is the Importance of Hadith in Islam?
180. Concept, Importance & Benefits of Zakat in Islam
181. What Famous People Have Said About Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part1
182. What Famous People Have Said About Muhammad (PBUH)? - Part2
183. Islam And Darwinism
184. Qur'an Says that Allah has Made the Earth for You as a Carpet. This Gives an Indication that
the Earth is Flat. Doesn't this Contradict Established Modern Science?
185. Hijab - The Islamic Concept of Veil
186. Human Rights in the Qur'an
187. Isn't the Social Setup Envisioned by the Qur'an is a Male Dominated One?
188. Signs for Those Who Ponder Over!
189. Why a Non-Muslim Should Know the Qur'an?
190. Marital Relationship in Islam
191. By Composing the Qur'an, did Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Intent the Worldly Benefits through
Establishing Himself as the Messenger of God?
192. How Can Islam be Called the Religion of Peace When it was Spread by the Sword?
193. When Was the Quran Written?
194. Human Rights: Role of Islam in Liberating the Slaves
195. If God is Just, Who Created Handicapped and Mentally Retarded? Isn't it Injustice?
196. By Comparing Woman to Cultivating Field, Doesn't Qur'an See them as Instruments for
197. Oneness of God in Hindu Scriptures
198. Oneness of God in Bible Old Testaments
199. Oneness of God in Bible New Testaments
200. What is the Purpose of Life?

201. The Greatness of Islamic Justice

202. The Prophet and the Garbage Thrower!
203. Isn't the Animal Sacrifice Cruel to Them?
204. Are Non-Muslims Allowed Inside Masjids/Mosques?
205. Will It Not Affect the Status of the Quran's Divinity if Some of the Earlier Injunctions Got
Changed Later?
206. Islam is the Religion of Tolerance and Ease
207. No Priesthood in Islam
208. What Islam Recommends Dealing with Epidemic Diseases?
209. Does Islam Prescribe Death Penalty for Apostates?
210. What is Shariah?
211. How Did Prophet Muhammed Treat the Children?
212. The Purpose of Our Creation
213. Teachings of Moderation and Balance in Islam
214. Social Service in Islam
215. Is Allah Forgiving or Revengeful?
216. If Trinity is Not Biblical Teaching, How Did it Become the Doctrine of Christianity?
217. Trust & Reliance in God
218. Examples of Modesty, Justice and Mercy in the Rule of Caliph Umar
219. Terrorism Doesn't Have a Religion
220. Does God Misguide People? - Part1: Whom Does Allah Guide?
221. Does God Misguide People? - Part2: Whom Does Allah Misguide?
222. Is Stoning of the Devil During Hajj a Superstition?
223. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part1
224. What Famous People Have Said About Islam - Part2
225. Debate Between Two Babies in a Mother's Womb
226. Islamic View on Sexuality
227. What Islam Says About Transgenders?
228. The Rights of Children on Parents in Islam
229. Why Did God Create Angels? Does He Need Help of Angels?
230. Polytheism and Idol Worship are Prohibited in Vedas
231. What is it that Makes the Qur'an a Supernatural Sign?
232. Pride and Arrogance are Not the Qualities of Believers
233. Why are We Here? - The Purpose of Life
234. Does Only Allah Know the Sex of the Child in the Mother's Womb?
235. Is the Quran a Book of Science?
236. Was the Kaaba Forcibly Captured by Muslims? Who Demolished the Idols in the Kaaba?
237. Rights of Neighbors in Islam?
238. A Christian Lady's House and a Masjid
239. What is the Islamic View on Organ Donation?
240. Islam is the Solution for Racism & Casteism
241. Does Quran Envisage Patriarchal System Which Speaks to Woman of Her Obligations and to
Man of His Rights?
242. Is 'Allah' the Moon God (Hubal) of Arab Polytheists Before Islam?
243. What is the Difference Between 'Messenger' and 'Prophet'?
244. Did Prophet Order to Expel Jews and Christians from the Arabia?
245. Is it True that the Original Version of Quran was Burnt by Caliph Usman & the Present Quran
was Compiled by Him?
246. The Testimony of the Enemies to the Honesty of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
247. A Clearer Understanding of the Realities of Islam
248. Humanity and the Divine Religion
249. Is Not the Concept of the Equality of Sexes in Modern Democracy More Suited than the
Quranic Vision?
250. Islam - The Easy and Natural Way

251. How Can Life be a Test if Allah is All-Knowing?

252. The Universalism of Islam
253. Islam and Honesty
254. The Black Stone in Makkah and the Idol Worship!
255. Are there Different Versions of Holy Quran?
256. Why to Follow Prophet Muhammed in Everything?
257. Are there Degrees and Levels in Paradise and Hell?
258. Peace of Mind Only by Remembrance of God
259. Islam is Not Just Rituals; It is System of Moral Values
260. Are Muslims Ordered to Fight Jews?
261. What Will Women Get in Paradise, While Men Get Beautiful Maidens (Hoor)?
262. Islam is Spread by its Moral Message and Not by the Sword
263. The Importance of Good Family Ties in Islam
264. How Can We Identify the True Religion?
265. Was Not Prophet Muhammad Assured of his Own Salvation?
266. Finding Wisdom in God’s Creations
267. Does the Quran Allow Men to Beat their Wives?
268. Is Hijab (Veil) a Symbol of Oppression or Freedom?
269. What is Halal Food? Why is It So Controversial?
270. The Legacy of Islam
271. Did the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬Instruct to Force Non-Muslims to the Side of the Road?
272. Why Doesn’t Allah Stop Human Suffering?
273. How Do We Know God Exists? - Part1
274. How Do We Know God Exists? - Part2
275. Materialism vs Spirituality: Transient Joy vs Eternal Pleasure
276. Did Prophet Muhammed (‫ )ﷺ‬Kill 900 Jews of Banu Qurayza?
277. Islamic View on Revenge & Forgiveness
278. What Does the Quran Say about Christianity?
279. Is it Injustice to Women that Islam Instructs the Widow to Separate Herself from Society and
Maintain a Mourning Period?
280. Does Qur’an Allow for the Superiority and Command of Man over Woman? Does this Mean
Qur’an is a Work of Male Chauvinism?
281. Why Did Allah Create the Heavens and the Earth in Six Days, When He is Able to Have Created
It in Less Time?
282. Does Quran 2:91 Confirm the Bible Since it Uses the Word “Which is with Them”?
283. Why are Two Women Witnesses Equivalent to One Man Witness? Is this Injustice to the
284. If God is One, Why Does Allah Use the Plural Pronoun "We" to Refer to Himself?
285. Who Are the Jews and Christians Who will Enter Paradise?
286. Can It Not be Claimed That Quran Was the Composition of Muhammad (PBUH) Himself?
287. Bible Verses That Indicate Jesus is Not God the Creator
288. Mercy of Almighty God
289. Even the People without Faith Need the People with Faith
290. Were Holy Qur'an Pages Eaten by a Goat? Are Some Verses Missing from the Quran?
291. Who Are the Real Terrorists and the Abolitionists? Are Palestinians also Terrorists?
292. Do Muslims Worship God Because of Fear or Because of Love?
293. Does God Need Our Worship? Why did He Create Us to Worship Him?
294. Morals and Faith Are Inseparable
295. If Islam is a Religion of Peace, Why is There So much Conflicts in Countries Where Muslims
296. Islam Offers Dignity and Rights to All Humanity
297. Whatever God Does, It is For Our Best
298. Why Prophet Muhammad Didn’t Die for Our Sins?
299. The Importance of Divine Message
300. Benefits of Becoming a Muslim

Dear Friends,
Please find the below documents for the 300 parts of *’Understand Islam’* series👇

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*Extra Articles:*
*🌹Those who Fail after Possessing Everything in Life❗*
Dear Friend,
How much time we spent for our education to make this life better? How much efforts we put to
make our future more comfortable? How much money we spend to make our life secure? How
much safety measures we take just while buying a car? But did you ever spend time to seek the
real meaning of our life? Do you know what’s the real purpose of human life? Are we born just by
a chance, without any purpose? Is our life just a rat racing game? Are we here just to fight with
others, defeat them and celebrate those moments?...

Did you ever think the countless blessings we received in our life? Though millions of starving
people are around us, most of us are in good position today in life. We have better education,
enough wealth, good family, and all the facilities for an enjoyable life. Some people are even
blessed here with extreme richness, beauty, brilliance, power and position in the society.

Do you believe whatever you achieved are the outcomes of your efforts? Do you think others are
backward just because of their laziness? Do you believe God Almighty will simply put some people
in luxury while others in trouble, without a purpose?

Dear friend, do you think all the pleasures you enjoy today are eternal? Did you ever imagine what
will be your state if you meet with an accident tomorrow? It doesn’t matter whatever precautions
we take; once our turn comes, death will surely catch us even if we are at the safest place of the

Just think how trivial the human life is! If whatever we learned and earned for years are going to
be wiped out in a fraction of a second and terminates our life abruptly, don’t you think then our
life is absolutely a meaningless one? Don’t you desire the peace and justice to be implemented in
the world? Don’t you wish the right doers to be rewarded and the evil people to be punished for
their deeds in this life? But we know, it is not always the case, moreover not possible in this life.

We know this world is not just! People are treated differently here. While hundreds of criminals
are sitting in the parliament, thousands of innocent people are getting brutally tortured and
murdered unfairly around us.

Dear friend, God Almighty has created us all. He is All-knowing and Powerful. If He has left this
life unevenly and imperfect, surely there should be a purpose behind it! See what God Himself
says: “And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play.
We created them to examine and test those who are obedient and those who are disobedient and
then reward the obedient ones and punish the disobedient ones, but most of them know not”
(Quran 44:38)

Islam says this life is nothing but a test, and the test is nothing but whether we are willing to live
according to the directions of our Creator or not. So, our only duty in this life is to admit the
Almighty God, our Creator, and follow His instructions in every aspects of our life.
When we work in a company, the first thing we should do is to recognize and admit our manager;
without which we don’t even understand our responsibilities. Similarly, without realizing and
admitting our Creator, how can we follow His directions?

BTW, Islam does not say that one should live simple life to the extent that it goes back to Stone
Age, rather it only stresses on having a modest life so that the greed and lust of getting more and
more may not make one to forget about his real life, i.e. hereafter.

Some may think that if we just do some good deeds, we will be saved in the afterlife. But how we
know what are good and what are bad? Something good in my view may be bad for others! God
Almighty has created us, He Himself described about all the righteousness, evils, and the way we
should live to achieve His pleasure and salvation in the hereafter. So, there is no choice for us to
deny the All-Knowing Creator and define our own way for life.

Dear friend, our life is incomplete without a life after death. Don’t you wish a fair judgement for
our deeds whether good or bad? Moreover, do you think it’s difficult for the One who created us
first time from an ‘invisible drop’ to create us once again!

As mentioned above, we are really blessed enough in this life and are leading a good life
compared to the majority. But after all the blessings and pleasures of this short life of few years,
if we lose the eternal life just because of our ignorance and arrogance, then surely, we will be the
big losers and fools. So dear friend, kindly spend some time to learn about the true path and
understand the real purpose & meaning of our life.

I hope I didn't hurt your feelings nor insulted or provoked any faiths or community. However, I
clearly explained the concept of life in Islam and stressed it just to convince you and make you
understand. I would also like to remind you that all these I just shared with you intending your
benefit and salvation. But the choice is surely yours. You have the right to accept or reject.

I know you might have hundreds of questions, doubts and critiques against Islam and Muslims.
It's my pleasure to address those and clear. You are always welcome. I can surely spend time for
you on my free time if you wish so.

Jaseem Kuttamboor

Those who would like to know more about Islam, kindly Join the group through this link

*🌹Why Don’t Anybody Need this Medicine❓*

The current yearning of entire humanity is to discover a medicine for COVID treatment as soon as
possible. I simply imagine what would be the state of the one who will be developing the vaccine!
The entire people of the world will leave everything and appreciate him. He will become the hero
of the century in just a moment!

What are these scientists, all over the world, trying so hard to achieve? To wipe out a microbe…
and save the world from death! Truly a most substantial and appreciable effort! Let us wish them
to get succeed in their efforts. I would like to share few thoughts on this occasion.

Have you ever thought, who could really save humans from death even if the corona virus vaccine
is developed? No matter how much science grows or whichever medicines we invent; everyone
who is born here will die on a day. Why doesn’t anybody worry about that death?

We may leave this world at any time. No one can think the death is something which will only
happen in the next century. In other words, if there were no lock-down and restrictions because
of COVID, many of us would have already died in some accidents during that period.

We all are so worried about this small virus, but how much are we concerned about the real
purpose of our life? We do researches and pre-plan 'what is there after COVID'; but do we ever
inquire whether there is any possibility for life after death? Even though someone comes to us
and introduces about such an eternal life, we simply reject it saying, ‘this was not the faith of our
forefathers’!... What a stringency, which we do not even show to the medicines which only give us
temporary benefits.

Dear friend, life after death is not a concept which we have researched and developed. And it does
not need any of our efforts to make it happen. The Almighty God, who created us, has assured
that to us. And we understand, this afterlife is essential for completeness of our life, which we
leave half-way; and for making value for the life of those who are truthful, virtuous, and honest in
their worldly life; and for providing the perfect rewards for the deeds of all.

Another paradox is that the people who are doing research on how to extend our life for one
more minute on earth, themselves are researching how to deny the possibility of life after death!

Dear friends, not everything is possible in this world for every human. God created people with
different capabilities. But the afterlife is not like that; everybody can achieve that. Our nation,
language, wealth, beauty, or power are not the criteria for that. The eternal life is easily attainable
for anyone who recognizes the Creator, who gave us life, and thus leading a life according to His
commandments. See how just and merciful our Lord is towards us!...

Many friends say, 'you may talk about anything, but don't talk about faith!'. What else is better to
share with you, friends? This ideology never demands anyone to abandon their place and work;
or to cut off all their ties with siblings and family. All it says is to seek and obey the true Creator
who created and sustained me, you, and this world.

And, if you still believe that those who lost their lives will not get it again, then there are much
more this 'corona virus' has to teach you. This virus, which is inactive (dead) in the outer world get
its life back when entering the human body, which is indeed a sign for all those who really ponder

Jaseem Kuttamboor

* Those who would like to know more about Islam, kindly Join the group through this link *

*🌹Things to Gain and Lose in Just 5 Minutes🌹*

One of my friends, who works in USA, once shared one his travel experiences to me. He works in
my current company's San Diego office in California. Around three years back, I had a chance to
visit there with some of my colleagues. We used to go for trips whenever we were free. During
one of our roaming trips, my friend narrated his travel experience of his initial days in the USA.

The incident had happened a few years ago, few years before the navigation applications like
Google map became popular. He started a trip with his family to Phoenix, a city in Arizona state,
which is around eight hours away from San Diego. He had kept a printed copy of route map with
him as there were no navigation applications available by then.

Whenever they reached junctions on their way, his wife helped him with directions looking at the
map. They felt thrilled realizing that they are approaching their dream destination. Since American
highways don't have shops with street names written on them or pedestrians to consult with while
driving, they couldn't recognize the cities they are passing by.

Anyways, after travelling around five-six hours with the aid of route map, they had decided to
check the place where they are in. To their surprise, instead of Phoenix, they had reached one of
the cities in Navada state, which is farther than the distance they travelled till then. (Pardon me if
I have mistaken the place names).

Now, let's think about our own life. Is it not like the journey of my friend? Do we cross check often
to re-assure we are moving on the right track? Do we ponder much about our life journey? Many,
often realise that they were on the wrong tracks only after spending years of their life for worldly
gains. Furthermore, some will find the time to think on it only when the angel of death reaches
their doorsteps.

Nowadays, we don't miss our routes as we have navigation apps. Even if we miss our way, those
apps will bring us back to the right track. However, those people who ignore with arrogance might
sometimes regret that they could look at the navigation app at least once on their way.

Dear friends, our life is the longest journey. Once we finish this trip, we cannot return or rectify.
So, we need to be really confident about the purpose of our life and its mission.

Sad to say, in this modern time, where the entire world became a small global village and where
all the informations are available on our fingertips, when people are asked about the purpose of
their life, most of them show off their hands!

So, I would like to share my understandings about the purpose and aim of our life with you. I
would request you to go through it and ponder over again. You may take it if you feel it will help
you for a better future; otherwise, you may set it aside if you are sure that you are already on the
right track. Lest you regret, like my friend, when you realize you had missed your way long back!

Dear friend, our life has a great meaning and purpose. Since we didn’t create ourselves, we are
not supposed to decide the purpose of our life. Instead, the creator of the universe who created
and sustains us, Himself described us about the purpose of our life.

He is our creator and we are His creations. He is our master and we, His slaves. No human being
has the right to disobey the Almighty Creator or live a lustful life.

Just like sedition is a great crime in any kingdom; denying God, who created this universe and
sustains us is the greatest sin from the creations. When one denies God, he in fact denies all the
commandments from Him for a virtuous life and thus ultimately falls into a lustful life.

As you are aware, our worldly life finishes with the death. All born on earth return, poor or rich
and king or commoner with an empty hand leaving everything they earned and possessed.

We would say that our life is utterly meaningless if it was limited to this world. Evil has an upper
hand over goodness in this world. Thousands of innocent people are being killed by violent
criminals. The rights of poor are continuously denied, and the undeserving people rule over the
nations. To sum up, truth, justice or virtue are becoming valueless in the present world.

As you know, we are not rewarded here justly for all our deeds. What is the significance of such
an imperfect life? But the Almighty God promises us that the ultimate justice shall be provided to
everybody in the eternal life hereafter. God has taught us that He tests us in this world and will
reward us in the hereafter in accordance with our deeds. Hence the Almighty God will re-create
us again after our death to complete the imperfect life of this world.
Almighty God says that the earthly blessings such as wealth, power, children, etc are just tests
from Him to check who all are doing good and bad. On other hand, some of us will be tested
through hard times and disasters. And, some people’s life will be a combination of both joy and
grief, which are also the part of evaluation from our Creator.

Our approach and responses to these tests are going to be the criteria of our success or failure in
eternal life. Those who are blessed should be grateful for the blessings they received and should
also spend for the cause of God. Similarly, the people who are tested with hard times should be
patient and rely upon God Almighty for solace.

It is taught by God that whatever blessings we have on earth won't last forever, and the real victory
is the success gained in the immortal life by submitting our free will to God. This eternal success
should be the aim of human life on earth. This way of life is called ‘Islam’.

My aforesaid friend lost a day as he didn't confirm his route while heading. But, if we are reluctant
to re-confirm that we are moving on the right track of life, we are likely to lose our eternal life

Jaseem Kuttamboor

Those who would like to know more about Islam, kindly Join the group through this link

*🌹Disturbed Mind Even During the Hajj Pilgrimage🌹*

I am now at Masjid Al-Haram, Makkah, the place on earth which Muslims believe to be the holiest.
At least 100 crore human beings all over the globe perform their daily prayers facing the Ka'aba
at the centre of this Masjid. This is truly an obvious example of unity and equity.

From every part of the world, hundreds of thousands of people visit this place to perform their
Haj pilgrimage. It is said that around 2.2 million believers are performing Haj this year (2019).

It is obligatory upon every able-bodied Muslim to perform Haj pilgrimage at least once in his
lifetime if financially possible. The Prophet stated, "Whoever performs Haj for the sake of Allah
and does not utter any obscene speech or do any evil deed, will go back (free of sin) as his mother
bore him" [Sahih Muslim 1350]
It is because of that Haj is one of the greatest hopes and excitements of every Muslim. Many
perform Haj with great difficulty and suffering. Masjid al-Haram is packed with emotionally
overwhelmed Believers seeking God's forgiveness for every one of their past sins.

Sitting near the Ka'aba recalling the history of prophets and witnessing the pilgrims fulfilling their
spiritual obligation, my mind is however still disturbed. Even while many in front of me are at the
peak of their spirituality, my mind goes to the thousands of my friends who are lost not knowing
the right path (to God).

I am deeply saddened by the fact that many people fail to realise that I am writing all these in the
best interest of all of mankind. However, I continue my works fully aware of what I am doing, with
full positive hopes.

I thought for a minute: like Muslims, adherents of other religions too do perform various
pilgrimages! Isn't their motivation too similar to what Muslims have for Haj... Several hundreds of
thousands undergo various sacrifices and struggles and travel to various places for pilgrimage.
But what is the basis for all those pilgrimages? Everyone definitely has the freedom to choose
whichever faith they want, and to follow it; but how is it that believing in something in any manner
makes it the right thing? Have they all ever thought about their beliefs?

It is surely the faith in God that is the motivation for all pilgrimages. Isn't it to get closer to God,
to please Him, and to get blessed with our desires that every believer (from whichever religion)
takes up this tiresome venture?

But think about the situation if all this struggle becomes useless. And instead of God's pleasure,
if you earn His displeasure alone, is there any venture worse than that?

Who is our God? Whom should we pray to? Are the 'gods' we pray to even capable of fulfilling
what we ask for?

I worship and pray to the God who created you, me and every other creatures. He is over all things
Competent to answer to whoever asks. He is One and Only. Everyone is obligated to follow the
guidance of that Almighty God, and thereby discipline one's life. It is in compliance to the
Almighty's command that all these Muslims including myself are performing the Haj pilgrimage.

Are the other pilgrimages like this? When everyone in Makkah pray to and ask of the Creator,
aren't people in most of other places praying and asking of creations than of the Creator?

It was the One and Only Creator who sent Prophets like Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. If there
ever were Siva, Vishnu and Krishna, they too were all created by the Almighty God. The first lesson
taught by all Prophets was to worship the One and Only God, and to seek only His aid.
But, we humans, the supposed adherents of those believes, pray to some of such Prophets who
passed away centuries ago, or to some idols that can neither help us nor harm us and cannot even
hear our prayers, or to some animals who cannot even recognise our languages?

In short, it is the absolute opposite of what all Prophets taught. Isn't it nothing but serious
blasphemy? Is there a blasphemy more serious? Offering to the creations what is to be offered to
God, and vainly hoping that God will answer our prayers!

My beloved friends, there is no sin greater than blasphemy (or associating partners with God).
There is absolutely no sense in constructing an attractive building but with a weak foundation!

We need to check the scriptural authenticity of these difficult pilgrimages too. Hundreds of
thousands of people conduct several pilgrimages for their spiritual relief without a single backing
from the scriptures which they believe to be from God, or inspired by God.

There is no basis for many such pilgrimages other than that people have been visiting some of
those places for a while. Moreover, many of those pilgrimages are essentially against the teachings
of their own chosen scriptures. Unfortunately, even some "Muslims" visit certain such places
without religious validity, just like many people of other religions do!

Take a moment and ponder, my friend, why we are spending so much of time and money for
these pilgrimages. Whom are we invoking with our desires, full of hope? What's more vain than
praying to someone who is not capable of answering us, much less understanding us? What is the
benefit of asking of those that cannot help or harm us?

There is no need to be a philosopher or a scholar to comprehend any of this. One needs to use
his common sense and reason only. Unfortunately, many fail to use this common sense, despite
having conquered many academic feats in this world.

So, with the truest of intentions at heart, let me humbly remind you all: have an introspection
before it's all over. Ensure that you fully realise the fact that it is unwise and absolutely useless to
worship creations, and that you ask of the Almighty God alone who is competent to answer your
prayers. It is the pure belief in that One and Only Creator too, that makes Islam different from any
other faiths or ideologies.

Jaseem Kuttamboor

Those who would like to know more about Islam, kindly Join the group through this link
*Eid Messages:*
*🌹Eid: The Celebration of Self-Cleansing🌹*
✅Eid-Ul-Fitr is an Arabic term which is commonly known as "festival of breaking of the fast". It
is one of the two religious festivals in Islam and takes place in the 10th month of Islamic Calendar.
After fasting for a whole month known as Ramadan, the day when this stringent fasting ritual is
broken is known as Eid. Believers perceive that it is a gift from the Almighty God for them. Eid
celebrations become meaningful from the joy of this gift.

Ramadan is a turning point in the life of a believer. It is the time when believers draw closer to the
Almighty who has guided them. They have gained satisfaction by cleansing the sins that were
committed before, as well as gaining confidence for the coming year. They praise the lord who
gave them such an opportunity. That is what Eid is. They mark the glory of Allah not just with their
words, but with their deeds too. They offer all praises and glory to their Lord.

A believer is one who abstains himself from what is allowed for him, only because of the obedience
to Almighty Allah. Not only food, they kept aside their thoughts and emotions for Allah's
satisfaction. Ramadan is a month when the mercy of the Muslims showers boundless towards the
world. They are extremely concerned about the piety in their life. At last, they bid farewell to the
holy month.

Eid is a celebration. The thirty days of sacrifice should not be doomed in one day of celebration.
Eid should be viewed as ways to strengthen your ties. It should be considered as means of getting
closer to families and friends. Believers bid farewell to the holy month letting go of hatred, enmity,
and revenge. They should try to make this practical on the day of Eid as well.

Also, we should be aware that there are people who do not know what the joy of Eid is. Just like
our children, their children also have Eid. No one can ever celebrate anything in a situation of
facing death. There are many such lives in this world. Extend our helping hands to those around
us and include others at least in our prayers.

After a month of compassion, fasting and Eid should enable the believers to accept compassion
as a moral conduct. Then we can be sure about ourselves that our fasting and other actions are
on the right track.

*Hearty Eid Wishes to All!*

For those who would like to know more about Islam:
*🌹The Message of Bakrid (Eid al-Adha)🌹*
✅The historical background of Eid al-Adha is that the Prophet Ibrahim /Abraham (may Allah be
pleased with him) had a dream in which he was sacrificing his young son, Ismail/Ishmael (PBUH).
Prophet Ibrahim, a great believer in Allah, took his dream literally and wanted to sacrifice his son.
But, according to the tradition, Allah the Almighty sent his angels and asked him to sacrifice an
animal instead of his son.

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims honor and remember Ibrahim’s trials, by
themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel & goat. The meat from the sacrifice of
Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others.

After the five pillars of Islam, this sacrifice is the most important activity. This sacrifice is the legacy
of Prophet Ibrahim who combines the Prophetic patronage from three religions i.e. Jewish, Islam
and Christianity. The festival also symbolizes the trial of faith and loyalty towards Allah. It
enlightens ours path with true spirit of righteousness and rectitude.

A sacrifice, usually taken to be the slaughtering of animals, is more than that. The physical act of
sacrificing of the animals is just a ritual, is just a tradition and is just a sacred practice whereas the
essence lies far beyond it and the spirit of it goes far beyond common human perception. Allah
says in Quran: "It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your devotion that
reaches Him." (Qur'an 22:37)

The act symbolizes our will to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of
friendship and help those who are in need. It is to train us how to surrender ourselves to the will
of Allah for the sake of serving humanity. We recognize that all blessings come from Allah, and
we should open our heart and share with others.

In fact, sacrifice is an act of submission to Allah. It is to submit to the will of the Almighty.
Sometimes Allah asks us to sacrifice something important to us in order to learn that there is
something greater beyond it. But sadly, we fail to translate the essence of its sacrificial values in
our life!

Eid is also a day on which Muslims remember the deceased, visit the sick, see relatives and friends,
overlook grudges, help the needy and show kindness and generosity to all.

Overcoming the common grievances against each other that prevent our mutual co-existence is
the ultimate spirit of sacrifice. It is also a day for rejoicing by getting involved in a good, clean and
honest enjoyment.
Sacrifices contribute to the success of our struggle. They strengthen our inner spiritual and moral
resources and develop qualities of character which are essential to our struggle at every level of
our existence.

Every act of sacrifice nourishes and increases our Faith, for it transforms a verbal confession and
a mental conviction into a living reality. It confirms, and thus increases, our love for Allah, for every
step we give up something for the sake of his love.

Sacrifices are essential for the development of all moral qualities, but especially for the
development of tolerance, strength, determination, firmness and purpose. These can be summed
up in just one-word ‘patience’.

Every sacrifice reinforces the quality of patience, making it grow in quality and strength.
Forbearance, in turn, sustains and increases the capacity to sacrifice.

All promises of help from Allah, all assurances of success in this world and rewards in the Hereafter,
have been made conditional upon the attainment of sacrifice and patience.

Indeed, sacrifice is the essence of life and we should leave no stone unturned to sacrifice our
money, comfort and time for the sake of Allah. We should make an effort to live truly to the
expectations of the spirit of sacrifice that the festival of Eid al-Adha stands for.

*Sacrifice is the Essence of All Creation. Hearty Eid Wishes to All!*

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