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Week 2 Note

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Ecology- is derived from the two Greek words Oikos – in the house, logos, to

study) So ecology, based on its etymology, simply means to study what is in the
house. And the house pertains to the environment. That essentially defines what it
is - the study of relationships between those who occupy a home.

Click… in other words it is about the relationship between organisms and


This ecological study can include anything from bacterial cells (3), to archaea and
fungi , all the way up to how deserts form and maintain a constant balance, and the
impact of rainforests and ice fields on the Earth's natural processes or are impacted
by planetary fluctuations (2).
Its main areas include:
 The processes that make up biological life including adaptation
 Distribution, abundance and spatial concentration, and biodiversity
 How and why ecosystems begin or are changed when subject to external
 Changes to and movement of, energy and materials through an
ecosystem. Some ecosystems can change quickly while some remain
constant over longer periods

from Modern Latin geologia "the study of the earth," from geo- "earth"

+ logia (see -logy). the sciences (such as geology, geophysics, and geochemistry)
dealing with the earth.
Geoscience (also called Earth Science) is the study of Earth. Geoscience includes
so much more than rocks and volcanoes, it studies the processes that form and
shape Earth's surface, the natural resources we use, and how water and ecosystems
are interconnected. Geoscience uses tools and techniques from other science fields
as well, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and math!

What do Geoscientists Do?

They even study rocks on our moon and other planets in our solar system.
Examples of geoscience jobs include: geologist, paleontologist, seismologist,
meteorologist, volcanologist, hydrologist, oceanographer, and more!
Atmospheric science includes a variety of scientific studies relating to outer space,
astrology, earth’s atmosphere: meteorology (the study of the Earth's atmosphere
and the variations in temperature and moisture patterns that produce different
weather conditions), pollution, gas emission, and suspended particulate matter.

Chemistry deals with chemicals.. so environmental chemistry….

Environmental chemistry is the study of chemical processes that occur in water,
air, terrestrial and living environments, and the effects of human activity on them.
It includes topics such as astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, environmental
modelling, geochemistry, marine chemistry and pollution remediation.

Environmental chemists monitor what is in the air, water, and soil to study how
chemicals enter the environment, what affects they have, and how human activity
affects the environment. They monitor the source and extent of pollution and
contamination, especially compounds that affect human health, and they promote
sustainability, conservation, and protection.

The Seven Environmental Principles*

What is a principle? A rule of action or conduct. Set of values that serve as guide
for behavior evaluation.

Nature knows best. (Ang kalikasan ang mas nakakaalam.)

Ecosystem equilibrium is when populations of organisms in the ecosystem
are in balance
What are these processes? The nutrient cycling of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and
phosphorous in the air, water and land indicates that minerals are utilized within
the confines of the earth. The flow of energy from the sun enables light to be
converted into sugar in plants through photosynthesis, and later for consumer
organisms to obtain energy from plant starch. Food chains and food webs allow
transfer of energy from producers and consumers and provide the means for all
living organisms to acquire nutrition. Population control also occurs naturally
through predator – prey relationships. Bec of these The equilibrium in the
ecosystem is maintained,

thus if humans intervene, unforeseen negative impacts known as ecological
backlash, may arise. Floods are often times backlashes of excessive felling of
trees. The importation of golden kuhol, that became a pest, reminds us that
biological organisms may not acclimatize in a new environment or may cause
harm to indigenous species.

All forms of life are important.(Ang lahat na may buhay ay mahalaga.)

  In ecology, a niche is the role or job of a species in a habitat and this niche
cannot be simultaneously occupied by more than one species, It is, apparently
that All living organisms were created for a purpose in relation to humans, other
species on earth and global ecosystem in general.

Thus, when a species becomes extinct, it is like removing a piece of a jigsaw

puzzle from the web of life. The variety of life forms, manifested by the different
levels of biological diversity – community, species and genes – contributes to the
stability of the environment. Food webs, food chains and ecological relationships
link plants and animals together in the web of life. Even bacteria, insects, snakes
and rats have ecological functions even though humans perceive them as parasites
or pests.

The Philippines ranks high among the biodiversity hotspots – the richest but
the most threatened of terrestrial ecosystems in the world. The Philippines has rich
flora and fauna: an estimated 13,500 plant species, 80 amphibians, 240 reptiles,
556 birds, 174 mammals, 300 corals, 27 mangrove species. Of these,
approximately 75% are endemic. Some of the threatened species are the
Philippine eagle (Pythecophaga jefferyi), Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus
mindorensis), and Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis).

What do you think are these factors?

such as habitat destruction. Deforestation may diminish forest species such
as birds that are vulnerable to modification of their home. Pollution of waters
reduces the quantity of fishes, shells, algae and other aquatic life. Over harvesting
of natural products likewise contributes to the unsustainable use of food and
material resources.
To maintain ecological balance, therefore, the conservation of genes, species
and ecosystems becomes essential to keep life together. Biodiversity conservation
strategies commence with the protection of both terrestrial and aquatic

Everything is connected to everything else. (Ang lahat ng bagay ay


The complex relationships of various elements of the ecosystem bind the

components together into one functional unit.
The trees in the forest are home to ferns, orchids, birds, insects and mammals.
When these plants and animals die, their products of decomposition contribute to
soil fertility.
Plants provide oxygen to animals for aerobic respiration while animals furnish
carbon dioxide to plants for photosynthesis.
The quality of the soil determines the type of vegetation that exists while
vegetation contributes to the minerals of the soil when they die.
The living component of the ecosystem affects and is affected by the abiotic
components, such as air, temperature, land.
Click … All these relationships provide dependencies, check and balances that
compose the details of our life-support systems.

Click ... The waste we improperly dispose of brings about the deterioration of
land and water quality. This may in turn reduce their capacity to provide life for
other organisms. Deforestation causes soil erosion and the earth deposited on the
water bodies covers the coral reefs resulting to fishery loss. Suspended particulates
from vehicular and stationary sources may cause lung problems among city
residents. War causes destruction of wildlife and habitats.
Since everything is connected to everything else, There is always a cause and
effect chain, even when it is neither always visible nor observable.

Everything changes. (Ang lahat ay nagbabago.)

Clicck…. As they say, there is nothing more permanent in this world than
Consider the following examples. Metamorphosis of caterpillars to butterflies
illustrates morphological changes that occur in living forms.
The increase of vegetation on earth augmented the amount of oxygen in the
atmosphere through time.
Seasons are cyclic changes that contribute to the diversity of flowers, fruits,
vegetables and other crops during the year.
Click … such as typhoons destroy forests, coral reefs and mangroves. Volcanic
eruptions annihilate surface flora and submerge rivers.

Click…. Do you agree? Land use change – from forests to agricultural land to
human settlements – change the composition of vegetation and animals. Human-
induced changes can be managed so that the negative impacts are minimized and
positive changes emphasized.

Our environment is constantly changing. Organisms also evolved through time,

New species, new strains,. Unfortunately, our technology has affected these
natural changes often,leading to a problematic extent. development is good, we
need that, our economy needs that, but we must do it Sustainably, meaning,
improvement can be done without compromising the nature, because like what I
have said earlier… Human-induced alteration may cause more massive

Everything must go somewhere. (Ang lahat ng bagay ay may patutunguhan.)

Click … Everything that we throw away – pieces of paper, left-over food,

peelings of fruits, plastic wrappers, used containers – have to go somewhere. They
may be temporarily out of our sights, but they do not stop to exist. It ends up
Even plants and animals have their own wastes – feces, urine, dead leaves and
branches. It is the law of nature that the by-products of metabolism return to the
soil, acted upon first by worms, bacteria and fungi, and then converted into
minerals, to be again absorbed by plants and eaten by animals.
In short, they enter into a material cycle that is an integral part of the

But what happens if what we throw is an artificial product such as plastic?

Then natural bacteria can not recognize them and may not be capable of breaking
them apart. These non-biodegradable products must enter another material cycle –
the one that goes to the factory to be manufactured into a new product. Thus the
retrieval, collection and recycling of these materials become necessary so that they
do not pollute land and water habitats.

In our present consumer-oriented, setting up an ecological solid waste

management system becomes necessary for maximizing the use of resources.
Ecological solid waste management recommends that solid wastes be reduced,
segregated, re-used and recycled. Biodegradable materials are either to be eaten
again or composted. Non-biodegradable materials have to be segregated and
collected for recycling.

Industries have their own responsibility in reducing their wastes. End-of-the-

pipeline technologies are augmented by clean technologies in raw product
extraction and manufacturing. The “polluters pay” principle adopted by
governments intensifies the campaign for clean land, water and air. Waste
exchange programs by industry turn wastes of one industry into raw products of
another. In that way, habitats for organisms are not destroyed or deteriorate.

Ours is a finite earth. (Ang kalikasan ay may hangganan.)

Everything that we need is provided by nature in abundance – food, water,

energy, minerals and air. However, some resources that we depend upon
nowadays are extracted excessively but are slow to replace.
These non-renewable resources experience limits of supply. For instance, fossil
fuels produced over thousands of years may be exhausted in a hundred years.
Some energy sources like water, and wood may be replaced easier (renewable) but
have become inaccessible due to pollution and excessive extraction.
It can be argued that ..click…. Carrying capacity, or the ability of the
ecosystem to support a number of people, may be influenced by limit of resources
due to an increasing population. Competition increases as the carrying capacity is
reached. Carrying capacity may be addressed two ways: increase resources and
reduce population growth.

Several solutions have been suggested to solve this problem: reduction of

consumption, increased use of renewable energy, emissions trading, and pollution
control. Click….The conservation ethic supports the belief that we should tread
lightly on the earth by using only what we need.

Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation. (Ang kalikasan ay

maganda at tayo ang tagapangasiwa ng lahat na nilikha ng Diyos.)

Of all creatures, humans are the only ones made in God’s image and have been
given the right to have dominion over all His creation, being the most rationale,
intelligent, and gifted creations, humans are capable of manipulating creation to
their own advantage. Click…
This principle suggests how a Human-Creator relationship is translated in our
attitude towards creation. This principle engraved in all religious and tribal beliefs.
Teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam, asks everyone to respect
everything that has life and the order of nature.
Creation presumes the existence of a Creator. The beautiful nature around us,
perfect by itself, has deteriorated due to the negative impacts of human use. How
we treat all the Creations reflects our relationship with the Creator.

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