Week 2 Note
Week 2 Note
Week 2 Note
study) So ecology, based on its etymology, simply means to study what is in the
house. And the house pertains to the environment. That essentially defines what it
is - the study of relationships between those who occupy a home.
This ecological study can include anything from bacterial cells (3), to archaea and
fungi , all the way up to how deserts form and maintain a constant balance, and the
impact of rainforests and ice fields on the Earth's natural processes or are impacted
by planetary fluctuations (2).
Its main areas include:
The processes that make up biological life including adaptation
Distribution, abundance and spatial concentration, and biodiversity
How and why ecosystems begin or are changed when subject to external
Changes to and movement of, energy and materials through an
ecosystem. Some ecosystems can change quickly while some remain
constant over longer periods
Environmental chemists monitor what is in the air, water, and soil to study how
chemicals enter the environment, what affects they have, and how human activity
affects the environment. They monitor the source and extent of pollution and
contamination, especially compounds that affect human health, and they promote
sustainability, conservation, and protection.
thus if humans intervene, unforeseen negative impacts known as ecological
backlash, may arise. Floods are often times backlashes of excessive felling of
trees. The importation of golden kuhol, that became a pest, reminds us that
biological organisms may not acclimatize in a new environment or may cause
harm to indigenous species.
The Philippines ranks high among the biodiversity hotspots – the richest but
the most threatened of terrestrial ecosystems in the world. The Philippines has rich
flora and fauna: an estimated 13,500 plant species, 80 amphibians, 240 reptiles,
556 birds, 174 mammals, 300 corals, 27 mangrove species. Of these,
approximately 75% are endemic. Some of the threatened species are the
Philippine eagle (Pythecophaga jefferyi), Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus
mindorensis), and Tamaraw (Bubalus mindorensis).
Click ... The waste we improperly dispose of brings about the deterioration of
land and water quality. This may in turn reduce their capacity to provide life for
other organisms. Deforestation causes soil erosion and the earth deposited on the
water bodies covers the coral reefs resulting to fishery loss. Suspended particulates
from vehicular and stationary sources may cause lung problems among city
residents. War causes destruction of wildlife and habitats.
Since everything is connected to everything else, There is always a cause and
effect chain, even when it is neither always visible nor observable.
Click…. Do you agree? Land use change – from forests to agricultural land to
human settlements – change the composition of vegetation and animals. Human-
induced changes can be managed so that the negative impacts are minimized and
positive changes emphasized.
Of all creatures, humans are the only ones made in God’s image and have been
given the right to have dominion over all His creation, being the most rationale,
intelligent, and gifted creations, humans are capable of manipulating creation to
their own advantage. Click…
This principle suggests how a Human-Creator relationship is translated in our
attitude towards creation. This principle engraved in all religious and tribal beliefs.
Teachings of Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam, asks everyone to respect
everything that has life and the order of nature.
Creation presumes the existence of a Creator. The beautiful nature around us,
perfect by itself, has deteriorated due to the negative impacts of human use. How
we treat all the Creations reflects our relationship with the Creator.