E Statement

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XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7625 5,500.00 5,005.00

FLAT NO 301 PLOT NO 1865
5,500.00 5,005.00

CC Feb 09,2020 0199385223019976 9 FEB 2020 2 MAR 2020

220,500 110,250 212,236 2 MAR 2020 9 FEB 2020 3.10 1

0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,500.00


300120 BPXF FR XXXX-0174 0.00
010220 PAYTM NOIDA IN 75503720033037534986856 500.00
070220 ANNUAL FEE 5,000.00
NEW BALANCE 5,500.00

Reward Plus Programme Points Points Points Available

Opening Balance Earned Redeemed/Reversed for Redemption

0 4,153 0 4,153

------------------------- END OF STATEMENT ------------------------


1. Payment of your Card bills: Payment of your Card bills can be done by the following means:
• Online banking
   Bill Desk: From different bank accounts directly to your Card account. Visit http://www.sc.com/in/documents/billpay/billpay.html
 NEFT / IBFT: From your bank account directly to your Card account by quoting the IFSC code SCBL0036001 and the address as MG Road, Mumbai.
 Visa Money Transfer: In case of Visa franchisee credit cards, pay through your bank account using Visa Money Transfer. Fees for Visa Money Transfer may be levied by the initiating
 Standard Chartered Online Banking: Standard Chartered account holders can pay through an account transfer.
• NACH: NACH (National Automated Clearing House) facilitates standing instructions from your account to the credit card. This can be initiated by submitting an NACH form authorizing
transfer of funds. This form needs to be attested by the bank from where the payment needs to be made. You are responsible for ensuring that the debit instruction is honoured.
• Cheque/Draft Payment: Dropping a cheque or a draft in favour of your Standard Chartered Bank Card no. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx (your 16 digit Card number) into any of our Cheque
Collection Boxes. Visit www.sc.com/in for the complete list of the locations of Cheque Collection Boxes. The cheque or draft needs to be complete in all respects.
 Make your payments at least 3 working days in advance of your Payment Due Date to facilitate the timely credit of the funds into your Card account. Note that your credit limit will only
be increased by the amount you have repaid after our receipt of your funds.
 If you hold multiple Cards or EMI accounts with us, please give us clear instructions on the allocation of payment to these various Card accounts on the reverse of your cheques. If
you are issuing separate cheques for each Card account, then, you should clearly specify “Not to allocate” on the reverse of the cheque. In the absence of any specific information on
this front, we will apply the funds first towards clearance of the Minimum Amount Due in respect of all Card accounts you hold with us. Thereafter, the excess payment will be allocated
sequentially towards payment of the Card account with highest balance. If any of your Card account is overdue, we reserve the right to prioritize payments to overdue accounts first
as per our internal policy. For Cash payments, funds transfer and payment through Online banking, individual payment should be made against each of the accounts.
• Cash: Cash payments can only be deposited at our branches using teller facilities.
2. Levy of Interest: Note: Monthly payments will be applied first towards meeting the previous outstanding amounts.
Option How Interest will be levied Example
1. If FULL payment of Total Outstanding No Interest will be charged#
is made every month before Payment
Due Date.
2. If PARTIAL payment of Total Interest will be charged for all transactions incurred in the current 1st Aug: Statement with previous outstanding of ` 10,000 with payment
Outstanding is made every month statement from the transaction date till the Statement Date. due date of 18th Aug; 15th Aug: Transaction for ` 3,000; 18th Aug: Payment
before Payment Due Date. The closing balance in the previous statement will attract interest, of ` 8,000 received; 1st Sep: Current statement generated with interest
from one day post the Statement Date till one day prior to the date charges for a) ` 10,000 from 2nd Aug to 17th Aug, b) ` 2,000 from 18th Aug
of payment, in the current statement. The balance after payment to 1st Sep, c) ` 3,000 from 15th Aug to 1st Sep.
will attract interest from the date of payment till the Statement Date.
3. If you usually make PARTIAL The closing balance as per your previous statement will accrue Previous Statement Date: 1st Aug: Statement generated with outstanding
payment, but in the CURRENT month interest until the date of payment of ` 10,000 with payment due date as 18th Aug; 15th Aug: Payment
you have made FULL Payment of the received for ` 10,000. ` 10,000 will attract interest from 2nd Aug to 14th Aug
Total Outstanding before the Payment (13 days in August)
Due Date
Does not include Cash transactions ^Interest debited in this case will be = 10,000 x 3.1% x 13/31 = ` 130.00
3. Annualized Percentage Rate: The monthly interest rate is annualized to arrive at the annualized percentage rate (APR). Monthly interest rate of 3.49% pm is annualized to arrive
at an APR of 41.88% for all Standard Chartered Credit Cards. However for all Priority Visa Infinite, Emirates World, and Ultimate credit cards, the monthly interest rate is 3.10%
pm (APR of 37.20%); and for all instant credit card variants, the monthly interest rate is 1.99% pm (APR of 23.88%). Cash transactions will attract an interest rate of 3.49% pm
(APR of 41.88%).
4. Minimum Amount Due (“MAD”): The minimum amount due every month shall be higher of the following (a) 5% of statement outstanding or (b) sum total of all installments billed, interest,
fees, other charges, amount that is over limit and 1% of the principal or (c) ` 250. Incase you have an unpaid minimum amount due from the previous month, the same will be added to the
minimum amount due for the current month (as calculated above).
In case of default or if the statement balance is less than ` 250 the entire outstanding amount may have to be paid. If you spend ` 10,000 and pay back exactly the MAD every
month, it will take approximately 6.5 years to pay back the complete amount. We therefore suggest that whenever your cash flow allows you, do pay back substantially more than
your minimum payment due.
5. Interest-free (Grace) Period: TThe Payment Due Date on your Card can be between 18 and 25 days after the Statement Date (Please check your statement for your exact Payment
Due Date). Therefore, the interest-free credit period can range from 18-48 days to 25-55 days depending on your Payment Due Date. The interest-free period does not apply for cash advances
and revolving balances. For these, interest is charged from the date of the transaction. We reserve the right to change this interest-free period by giving you notice.
Example: Assume that your Statement Date is 2 Nov (covering transactions billed between 3 Oct and 2 Nov) and your Payment Due Date is 24 Nov. You have paid the total amount due by
24 Nov (making you eligible for interest-free period). In this case, the Payment Due Date is 22 days after the Statement Date and the interest-free period will range from 22-52 days. • For a
transaction billed on 3 Oct, the interest-free period is 52 days (from 3 Oct to 24 Nov) • For a transaction billed on 2 Nov, the interest-free period is 22 days (from 2 Nov to 24 Nov)
6. Transaction Disputes Resolution: You have to bring any dispute in billing to our notice within 21 days from the date of the transaction.
7. Supplementary / Add On Cards: If you have supplementary Cards linked to your Card, you and the supplementary Cardholder(s) are jointly and severally liable for all charges, incurred by
the use of the Card(s). You are also responsible for ensuring that the supplementary Cardholder(s) is aware of the obligations in our Customer Terms and Credit Card Terms.
8. Reporting a lost or stolen card immediately: If your Card is lost or stolen within India or while travelling overseas, you should notify our Helpline immediately.
9. Your liability for Lost Card: You will be liable for charges incurred on your Card until our Helpline in India is informed of the loss. If a Card is reported lost, stolen or damaged and is
subsequently found, you shall be responsible for invalidating the Card by destroying it.
10. Statements: Statements will be issued once every month for Card accounts with a balance of more than ` 100. For Card accounts with a balance of less than ` 100 a statement will be issued
when a new transaction reflects in the Card account.
• If you have a credit balance in your Card account, a statement will be issued to you only if the credit balance exceeds ` 250.
• Unless you have opted to receive hard copy statements in your credit card application form, you will receive these statements through E-mail and will not receive the hardcopy statement.
You can check you statements for the previous 12 months on sc.com/in. Physical statements will be provided on request through phone banking.
11. When you are deemed to have received statements we sent: You will be deemed to have received all documents we send to you (including the card statement and any messages printed
on the statement):
a) on the day we hand over any document to a personal courier agency;
b) on the expiration of the fourth day of posting the document by ordinary post and addressed to your mailing address registered with us;
c) on trigger of the E-Statement to your registered E-Mail address with us
12. Termination of Card: You may at any time terminate your Card by informing us, either by calling our Helpline or in writing. Your notice will take effect once you have paid all charges and
outstandings due on your Card and destroyed your Card.
13. Credit Limit : Assignment of credit limit will be at the sole discretion of the bank. We will set a credit limit to your Card and have a right to reduce your total credit limit based on certain consider-
ations (for instance, when you use your Card to withdraw cash on a frequent basis, when you purchase jewellery within 90 days of your Card set-up, if you pay irregularly, and if you frequently
use of all of your available credit limit). We will inform you when we reduce your credit limit. Your available credit limit is calculated by deducting the amount you have used from your total credit
limit. If you have taken a loan on your Card, your outstanding loan amount also be deducted from your total credit limit.
We may, for your convenience authorize transactions in certain circumstances above your total credit limit (as communicated to you from time to time). An Over Limit Charge as enumerated
in the Tariff of Charges section of the Most Important Terms and Conditions shall be levied for such transactions which exceed your credit limit.
14. Cash Advance Limit: Cash advance limit will be a sub-set of credit limit and assignment of cash advance limit will be at the sole discretion of bank. The bank reserves the right to increase,
decrease and/or unconditionally cancel the cash limit assigned to the card. In such an instance the bank will inform immediately by SMS/ e-mail.
15. Information Sharing: We provide details of credit facilities availed from us to Credit Information Companies (CIC) every month and these details are also sought by us from CIC to verify
information viz various credit facilities availed by you from other financial institutions, repayment pattern, total outstanding, etc., which helps us to determine sanctioning of a new credit facility.
The information reported by us includes over due amount irrespective of same being disputed or agreed to be settled at your end. On regularization of your account, the status of the same
will be accordingly updated to CIC in the next monthly report. As per the Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act 2005, we are authorized, without reference to you, to comply with any
request and demand for any information from any authority under the law.
16. Instance when you will be considered to be in default: • If you do not pay us the Minimum Amount Due for 150 days, you will be classified as a defaulter. Note that the payment data is
shared with Credit Information Companies on a monthly basis. This means that if you miss paying us the Minimum Amount Due even for a month, your default will be captured by Credit
Information Companies. This could have adverse impact on your credit worthiness when you are applying for credit from other banks.
• If you pay all your outstanding and ask us, we will remove you from our list of defaulters within one month. However, we cannot withdraw your credit history from Credit Information
Companies database.
• After you are classified as a defaulter, we may send you continuous reminder through letters, tele-calling, SMS, emails and any other communication medium and arrange personal
meetings to collect the monies you owe us.
17. Death and Insolvency of a Cardholder: The entire outstanding dues in the Card account shall become payable in full by your successors or assignees in the event of death, insolvency or
the winding of your business.
18. Cross default: If you: • fail to pay any outstanding amounts when due; or
• commit any other default under any agreement with us under which you are enjoying any financial/credit/or/other facility, we shall without prejudice to any of our specific rights under each
agreement be absolutely entitled to exercise all or any of its right as set out in the Customer Terms and Credit Card Terms including cancelling your Card limit and declaring the amounts
outstanding under your Card as immediately due and payable to us
19. Cash-back / Reversals: The cash back amount and/or merchant credit amount is reflected as a credit in your card statement. Once the credit card statement is generated, cash back amount
and/or the merchant credit amount cannot be adjusted against the card outstanding. The cash back amount and/or the merchant credit amount will reflect in the subsequent credit card
statement. You are expected to make the payment as is mentioned in the card statement. This will be applicable for any interest or fee reversal as well.
20. Grievance Escalation: Please refer to point number 7 of the BCSBI code available on our web site. If you are not satisfied with the response that you have received, you can write to
[email protected] or contact at: 080-42896718 / 080-28089025 from Monday to Friday between 9:30am to 6:30pm (except on national holidays). You may also contact Ms. Priya
Raghunathan, Head Service Quality, India and South Asia at the email address: [email protected] or at the postal address: Standard Chartered Bank, Head Customer Care Unit, 19,
Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001.
If you are still not satisfied with the response or if you have not received a response from the bank within a month, you may approach Chief General Manager, Customer Service Department,
RBI or you may approach Banking Ombudsman or you may file your complaint before the Banking Ombudsman. For more details on Banking Ombudsman Scheme request you to visit:
www.bankingombudsman.rbi.org.in. To get a copy of the BCSBI code, call us at Phone Banking or download it from http://www.sc.com/in
21. We can withdraw your Card at anytime: Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the facility is solely available at our sole discretion and therefore, are subject to cancellation and/or
payable earlier on demand at any time by us, in which case you shall repay the same forthwith to us. In case the credit card has not been used for more than 12 continuous billing cycles, we
may choose to cancel or suspend your right to use the credit card by notifying you. We may at our discretion, and without limitation, also consider various aspects like co-brand partner related
requirements, your cross-products holding etc. before considering your credit card for cancellation or suspension.
22. Where you can find the terms and conditions that apply to your Card: Please visit www.sc.com/in to read the Most Important Terms and Conditions, Credit Card Terms and Client Terms.
Postal Address: Manager, Standard Chartered Credit Cards, Crescenzo, C-38/39, G Block, Behind MCA Club, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400 051.
23. As per extant regulatory guidelines, Resident Indians are not permitted to make remittances in the nature of margins or margin calls to overseas exchanges/overseas counterparty. If any
“Overseas Forex Trading” transaction will be observed on your Card account, we would be constrained to close all your accounts and report the same to the regulator. Hence, you are
requested to refrain from doing such transactions on your Credit/Debit Card/accounts.
Table of Fees:
Fee Details* (`) Gold SuperValue Platinum Platinum **Instant Manhattan Emirates Landmark Bajaj Finserv Bajaj Finserv Yatra Visa Ultimate DigiSmart Bandhan
Rewards Titanium Elite Rewards Platinum Platinum World Rewards Platinum World Platinum Infinite
Rewards Opt 1 Opt 2 Platinum without with Opt 1 Opt 2 Bandhan Bandhan Bandhan
joining joining One Plus Xclusive
fee fee
Annual Fee (Year 1) 250 750 4995 250 Nil 999 13999 3000 250 Nil 999 2999 499 999 Nil 5000 Full Fee 299 699 2999
Annual Fee 250 750 6000 250 Nil 999 13999 3000 250 999 999 2999 499 499 Nil 5000 Monthly Fee 299 699 2999
(Year 2 onwards) INR 49
Supplementary Card Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Monthly Fees
Joining/ Annual Fee INR 49
Annual Fee waiver Nil 90,000 Nil 60,000 Nil 120,000 Nil Nil 60,000 Nil Nil Nil 60,000 Nil Nil Nil 5,000 in the 60,000 90,000 400,000
subject to Annual previous
spends of# month
*Charges may vary as per the prevailing promotional offers. These would be informed to the Cardholder at the time of application for the card and will be directly charged to the account and would appear in the monthly
credit card statement. For information on other cards pleasehttps://www.sc.com/in/credit-cards/tariffs-and-charges/
Annual fee waiver on spends will be given after reviewing annual spends at the end of the year. This is applicable only for the Primary cardholder. Spends based annual fee waiver is applicable for variants of Manhattan,
Platinum Rewards, Super Value Titanium & Landmark Rewards subject to meeting the terms and condition as laid by the bank. Annual Fee will be reversed within 60 days of fee levy.
**For the Instant Platinum Rewards Credit Card, all fees are NIL. Please note SCB does not issue supplementary cards for the Instant Platinum Rewards Credit Card. Please note currently SCB only issues instant cards
for Platinum Rewards credit card
The staff benefits on the credit card will be withdrawn once the employment with the bank ceases to exist.
Tariff of Charges:
Late Payment Charges ` 0 for statement outstanding balance less than or equal to ` 100. ` 100 for statement outstanding balance between ` 101 and ` 500. ` 500 for statement
outstanding balance between ` 501 and ` 5,000. ` 700 for statement outstanding balance between ` 5,001 and ` 15,000. ` 800 for statement outstanding balance
greater than ` 15,000.
Example: In case there is an outstanding of ` 4,000 on your credit card and ` 10,000 in your Balance Transfer account and payment is not made by the Payment
Due Date. There will be a Late Payment Charge of ` 500 in your credit card account and ` 700 on your Balance Transfer account. The example above is for
illustrative purposes only. All cards and all instalment products such as Instabuy, Balance Transfer, Dial-a-Loan etc will each attract Late Payment Charges if
payment is not made by the Payment Due Date.
Late Fee Charges ` 100 will get debited over & above the late charges if the Minimum Amount Due is not received for 2 or more consecutive months
Cheque Bounce Charges Effective 1st July 2019 Rs 500 will get debited towards cheque bounce charges
Over Limit Charges ` 500 per instance or 2.5% of the Overlimit amount. (Minimum ` 500)
Card Replacement Fee NIL
Rewards Handling Charges ` 99 will be charged towards handling and courier charges for redemption of reward points. Emirates World and Landmark Rewards Platinum will not attract these
charges for their exclusive rewards program.
Cash Advance Fee ATM withdrawals: 3% of cash withdrawal amount subject to a minimum of ` 300.
Overseas Transactions All overseas transactions are levied with a 3.5% transaction fee. This includes charges paid out to Visa/ Master for converting overseas transactions into INR.
Please Note: Transactions at merchant establishments that are registered overseas, even if the merchant is located in India attract a charge of 1% from Visa/
MasterCard which is included as a part of the transaction amount in your statement.
Standard Chartered is committed to comply with economic sanctions that are imposed by relevant regulatory authorities. As such, we do not allow our products
and services to be used directly or indirectly in countries that are subject to such sanctions, and will not process transactions which involve these countries. Please
note that you will not be able to contact us via phone banking, facsimile transmission, or emails, or access our website and online banking, and we will not be able
to provide you with financial services if you are in these countries. We will also not process payment or trade transactions that involve these countries. Please refer
to our website at https://www.sc.com for a current list of countries that are subject to economic sanctions.
Surcharges ` 25 or 2.5% of transaction (whichever is higher) on Railway transactions. ` 10 or 1% of transaction (whichever is higher) on Petrol transactions. The rate of
surcharge may vary depending on acquiring bank.
Goods and Services Tax Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be levied at the applicable rates in force on all taxable supplies with effect from 1 July 2017
Cheque/ Cash Pick up Fee For overdue card accounts, charge of ` 100 will be levied for payments collected by authorized representatives. The same will reflect in the next month's statement.
Cash Repayment Fee Effective 1st January 2019 ` 299 /- will be charged for making payment of credit card bills by depositing cash at any Standard Chartered Bank branch. These
charges will be reflected in the next months statement.
Paper Statement Effective 1st January 2019 there will be an applicable fee of INR 99/- per month for paper statement in case the customer opts for both, a paper statement and an
electronic statement.
Applicable Charges - Effective 1st Jan 2019 Charges
Service Requests at the branch INR 199/-**
Self Service IVR calls FREE
Non IVR calls attended by Phone Banking Officers INR 49/-**
** Applicable for all Credit Card variants except Visa Infinite, Emirates World & Ultimate, only for those services that are available through online banking but are requested by a customer through Phone banking (Non IVR) /
Branch banking.
GST will be levied at the applicable rates over and above the mentioned charges.
Charges applicable on Personal Segment clients except Visa Infinite, Emirates World & Ultimate
Please refer to the Schedule of Service Charges (SOSC) for more details.
Services at branch & phone banking (Non IVR) to be charged Services at branch & phone banking (Non IVR) to be charged - Savings Account
Outstanding balance / Transaction details Available balance / Transaction details / Statement details
Product features enquiries Credit Card status enquiry
PIN no enquiry / reset PIN No. enquiry / reset
Statement query / details Request - status (except deliverable status)
Fund transfer / bill payment / Online payment related Online banking registration / re-registration
Request - status (except deliverable status) Branch / ATM address / IFSC code
Reward points enquiries / redemption Reward points enquiries / redemption
Available credit / Cash limit Fund transfer / bill payment / Online payment related
Branch / ATM address / IFSC Cheque clearance related / Fund transfer
Effective 1 April 2019, Phone banking services will be available between 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. Emergency services like report of loss card, unauthorised transaction, charge dispute, stop payment will continue to
be serviced. Login to sc.com for self-help options.
HELPLINE NUMBERS: • Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi &
Pune: 6601 4444 / 3940 4444; • Gurgaon & Noida: 011 - 6601 4444 / 3940 4444; • Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar,
Chandigarh, Coimbatore, Indore, Jaipur, Jalandhar, Kanpur, Kochi, Lucknow, Ludhiana, Surat & Vadodara: 660 1444
/ 394 0444; • Jalgaon, Guwahati, Cuttack, Mysore, Thiruvananthpuram, Vishakhapatnam, Mathura, Proddatur,
Dehradun, Saharanpur: 800 345 1000; • Siliguri: 1800 345 5000

The helpline numbers mentioned above is pre-fixed by the STD code of your city. For eg. If the city is Delhi , and you are Bangalore, you can call any of the helpline numbers from the given list by dialling Delhi STD
code i.e. 011 before the number and the call will get connected to phone backing desk.

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