Pravin Sonagra has a bank account with a balance of Rs. 487.43 as of March 21, 2020. The statement shows transactions between February 1 and March 18 where amounts were debited from the account for phone recharges and an online payment. The largest debit was Rs. 299 for a payment to Hotstar on March 4. Interest of Rs. 7 was credited on February 1 for the period of November 1 to January 31.
Pravin Sonagra has a bank account with a balance of Rs. 487.43 as of March 21, 2020. The statement shows transactions between February 1 and March 18 where amounts were debited from the account for phone recharges and an online payment. The largest debit was Rs. 299 for a payment to Hotstar on March 4. Interest of Rs. 7 was credited on February 1 for the period of November 1 to January 31.
Pravin Sonagra has a bank account with a balance of Rs. 487.43 as of March 21, 2020. The statement shows transactions between February 1 and March 18 where amounts were debited from the account for phone recharges and an online payment. The largest debit was Rs. 299 for a payment to Hotstar on March 4. Interest of Rs. 7 was credited on February 1 for the period of November 1 to January 31.
Pravin Sonagra has a bank account with a balance of Rs. 487.43 as of March 21, 2020. The statement shows transactions between February 1 and March 18 where amounts were debited from the account for phone recharges and an online payment. The largest debit was Rs. 299 for a payment to Hotstar on March 4. Interest of Rs. 7 was credited on February 1 for the period of November 1 to January 31.
Account Statement as of 21-03-2020 11:42:35 GMT +0530
Branch HALVAD Searched by : Current Period Account Number 6761101000087 Customer Id 114616546 Account Currency INR Balance B/F 843.43 Closing Balance 487.43
Txn Date Value Date Cheque Description Branch Debit Credit