Cjcsi 3710.01B
Cjcsi 3710.01B
Cjcsi 3710.01B
Lieutenant General, USA
Director, Joint Staff
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Secretary of Defense........................................................................................ 2
Secretary of State............................................................................................ 2
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff............................................................... 1
Attorney General, Department of Justice......................................................... 2
Secretary of Agriculture (Law Enforcement and Investigations) ........................ 2
Secretary of the Interior (Ranger Activity Division) ........................................... 2
Secretary of Homeland Security ...................................................................... 2
Secretary of the Treasury ................................................................................ 2
Director, Office of National Drug Control and Policy ........................................ 2
Director, Central Intelligence Agency ............................................................... 2
Commander, North American Aerospace Defense Command............................ 2
Commander, United States Northern Command.............................................. 2
Chief, National Guard Bureau ......................................................................... 1
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency .............................................................. 2
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency................................................ 2
Director, Defense Logistics Agency .................................................................. 1
Director, National Geospatial - Intelligence Agency .......................................... 2
Director, National Security Agency .................................................................. 2
Chief, Information Management Division, Joint Secretariat, Joint Staff............ 2
President, National Defense University ............................................................ 1
President, Naval War College ........................................................................... 1
United States Coast Guard.............................................................................. 2
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CJCSI 3710.01B
26 January 2007
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26 January 2007
Human Rights Verification .............................................................. A-14
Required Information for Mission Approvals or Changes.................. A-14
Command and Control Relationships.............................................. A-16
Standing Rules of Engagement/Standing Rules for the Use of Force
(SROE/SRUF) for US Forces....................................................... A-17
Funding and Reimbursement............................................................ A-17
Corrections, Modifications, and Additions ......................................... A-18
Guidance on Conflicting Policy.......................................................... A-18
B − REFERENCES .......................................................................................B-1
GLOSSARY ...............................................................................................GL-1
Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................GL-1
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26 January 2007
1. General
(2) Requests for listening and observation posts and mobile patrols.
2. DOD Support Not Covered By This Instruction. This instruction does not
apply to the following activities:
e. Detect, monitor, and communicate the movement of air and sea traffic
within 25 miles of and outside United States borders (reference b, section
1004(b)(6)(A) (as amended)).
A-2 Enclosure A
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o. Use of military vessels for LEA operating bases by Coast Guard personnel
(10 USC 379).
4. CD Support – General
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(1) GCCs may authorize the use of the following:
f. Transportation Support
(2) GCCs may approve requests for transportation support under the
authority of 10 USC 374, pursuant to the procedures outlined in reference f
and the policy guidance outlined in reference e. Such transportation requests
must be coordinated with the Attorney General and, if the transportation is to
or from foreign locations, the Secretary of State. GCCs approving
transportation requests under this authority will provide notification to the
DOD Office of General Counsel (OGC). This delegation is constrained by
subparagraph (4) below.
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(3) Except for extradition requests, federal LEA requests for
transportation support will be submitted to the supported GCC (or as further
delegated IAW this instruction) in whose area of responsibility the mission is to
originate. The responsible federal LEA, through its parent or national
headquarters, must forward extradition requests to the DOD Executive
Secretary, who will forward approved requests to the Joint Staff for action.
g. Use of Military Vessels for LEA Operating Bases. The use of military
vessels as a base of operations for LEAs, except when approved under reference
b, requires SecDef and Attorney General approval. The Secretary of Defense
has not delegated authority to approve use of military vessels for LEA operating
bases in the territorial waters of a host nation (HN). Such approval
coordination will be pursued as the same manner in for linguist support
described in subparagraph 4.e. above and include prior notification to DOD
5. CD Support − Domestic
A-5 Enclosure A
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(1) CD support involving no more than 400 personnel for any one
(2) CD support not exceeding 179 days for any one mission.
6. CD Support − Foreign
A-6 Enclosure A
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Secretary of Defense has delegated approval authority for CD support outside
the United States; the Secretary of Defense has delegated approval authority
for CD support to GCCs for:
A-7 Enclosure A
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(b) GCCs may approve CD-related technical and administrative
support team deployments requiring no more than 25 personnel for no more
than 179 days with HN and Country Team approval and notification.
8. Coordinating Instructions
(1) Domestic LEA requests for DOD operational and other types of CD
support will be submitted through JTF-N (or IAW CDRUSNORTHCOM policy)
for the continental United States and Alaska; CDRUSSOUTHCOM for Puerto
Rico and the US Virgin Islands (or IAW CDRUSSOUTHCOM policy);
CDRUSPACOM for Hawaii (or IAW CDRUSPACOM policy); or the appropriate
state National Guard (NG) CD coordinator.
(2) Foreign requests for DOD operational and other types of CD support
should be submitted directly to the appropriate joint interagency task force or
supported commander for consideration.
(3) IAW references g and i, the following criteria must be met before
requests for DOD support are approved.
(b) Each request for domestic CD operational support and other types
of CD support must originate with a federal, state, or local government agency
that has responsibility for CD operations. Support to foreign LEAs must
originate with a US federal LEA or federal agency with CD responsibilities per
reference b, section 1004(a) (as amended).
(c) Each request must solicit support that the Department of Defense
is authorized to provide pursuant to law and subject to the provisions of this
A-9 Enclosure A
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(d) Support must clearly assist the requesting agency with the CD
activities of the agency.
(g) Active duty (Title 10) forces will not be used for continuing,
ongoing, long-term operational support commitments at the same domestic
(1) DOD policy is to support Federal, state, and local LEA transportation
requests to the maximum extent possible. State and local LEAs requesting
fixed-wing transportation support must first submit requests to their state NG
CD coordinators. If the NG cannot provide the support, state or local LEAs
should coordinate with a Federal LEA to sponsor and forward their request to
the Department of Defense for consideration. Federal LEA requests and
Federal LEA-sponsored requests for controlled deliveries and other personnel
and equipment movements should be submitted in writing by the
national/Washington, D.C., headquarters of the requesting department or
agency and should be signed by the national-level director of operations or
other equivalent authority.
(2) Requests should include required date, time, and location of pickup
and delivery points; detailed cargo and passenger descriptions; detailed
rationale for DOD support; and a 24-hour point of contact at the on-load and
off-load location.
(a) The first priority will be controlled delivery requests that involve
on-going, real-time, time-sensitive operations, and a significant amount of
drugs, or the disruption of a major organization.
(2) If DOD is collecting and retaining the information IAW ref c, Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) has responsibility for validating, registering,
assigning, recommending priorities for, and monitoring DOD collection
activities by DOD intelligence components conducting intelligence activities for
the Department per reference j. DIA retains responsibility for maintaining and
operating facilities for DOD imagery indexing, processing, duplication,
evaluation, exploitation, and central repository services in support of the
Department of Defense and other authorized recipients. DIA point of contact is
DIA Counter-Narcotics Trafficking Office, 703-602-3212 (STU III).
g. Redelegation of Authority
(1) The supported GCC may approve minor changes in dates for
deployment (up to 30 days after, but not earlier than, the date approved by the
Secretary of Defense) and minor changes in redeployment (plus or minus 30
days from the date previously approved). Dates of deployment (vice execution)
and redeployment are defined as the dates of travel. This subparagraph does
not authorize the supported GCC to extend the duration of the employment or
mission support phase; however, it does authorize the supporting CDR to
deploy an advance party to prepare for mission execution. This subparagraph
authorizes the supported GCC to make only minor changes to the dates of
travel. When dates of deployment or redeployment slip more than 7 days,
supported GCC will provide such information to all concerned via record
message to addressees listed in original request for deployment order (RDO),
A-12 Enclosure A
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with the RDO as reference (a) and the approved deployment order (DEPORD) as
reference (b).
(2) Requests for SecDef approval will be forwarded to the Joint Staff/J-3
at least 45 days prior to execution date with information specified in
subparagraph 8.o. below.2
1 Use J-3/ROD for reconnaissance assets, J-3/SOD for special operation forces, J-3/DDIO for PSYOP
assets, J-3 AT/HD for USNORTHCOM missions, and J-3/JOD for all other missions.
2 Message address should include the following as applicable: Joint
A-13 Enclosure A
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l. Public Affairs. When supported GCCs or their delegates take requests for
action, they will also issue related public affairs guidance. Include this
guidance in the notification process (subparagraph 8.p.(15)).
(1) Origin of the request (include name, title, and requesting LEA point
of contact and mission of the supporting unit detailed and the unit sourced).
clearly marked and contain the required message addresses. Requester must verify receipt with
OSD(DASD-CN/DEP-LPC) when combined with notification in subparagraphs 8.k.(2)&(3).
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explanation of how the requested deployment is related to CD, and information
relating to the benefit to the DOD War on Terrorism; security cooperation
objectives; readiness; or national security.
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(17) For supported CD CDR-approved missions, extensions, or changes
involving non-theater assigned personnel, provide the name, rank (O-6
minimum), office, and telephone number of the person providing the
supporting CD CDR or Military Department concurrence.
(19) All requests for deployment orders in which foreign forces will be
trained will include the following statement: “Embassy verifies that the
Department of State possesses no credible information of gross violations of
human rights by the (name of designated unit), or a member of that unit, as of
this date.” This certification must be made within 270 days of the starting date
of the proposed training.
(23) Status of approval of the deployment by the host country (name and
specific position of the HN official granting approval), US Chief of Mission, and
appropriate commander.
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to CDRUSSOUTHCOM to conduct CD operational support to US LEAs for
missions that have combatant commander approval delegation.
A-18 Enclosure A
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b. Section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002,
Public Law No. 107-107, 115 Stat. 1212, as amended
f. Title 10, United States Code, chapter 18, sections 371-374, 377 and 379
B-1 Enclosure B
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o. Title 18, United States Code, chapter 67, Section 1385 (Posse Comitatus
r. Joint Publication 1-02, 12 April 2001 (as amended through 20 March 2006),
“Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms”
B-2 Enclosure B
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HN host nation
JP Joint Publication
JTF-N Joint Task Force-North
NG National Guard
NSA National Security Agency
GL-2 Glossary
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Part 2 -- Definitions
GL-3 Glossary
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law enforcement investigations with cooperating civilian law enforcement
agencies. (JP 1-02)
host nation (HN) – A nation that receives the forces and/or supplies of allied
nations, coalition partners, and/or NATO organizations to be located on,
or to operate in, or to transit through its territory. (JP 1-02)
Posse Comitatus Act – Prohibits direct participation by the Army and the Air
Force in law enforcement activities such as search, seizure, arrest, or
similar activities except in cases and under circumstances expressly
authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress (Title 18, United States
Code, Section 1385 “Use of Army and Air Force as Posse Comitatus”)
(reference o). Applied to the Navy and Marine Corps as a matter of DOD
policy (see reference m).
rules for use of force (RUF) – Fundamental policies and procedures governing
the use of force by US commanders and their forces during all DOD civil
support, including military assistance to civil authorities
GL-5 Glossary
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GL-6 Glossary