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Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim


Quick-Start Guide
Basics of the LifeWave Business

For New Distributors — Patch Fans

Kim Klaver
LifeWave Business Trainer

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Welcome to the LifeWave community! ............................................ 3

The Money ........................................................................................ 6

Why Customers First ......................................................................... 6
Three Types of Customers ................................................................. 7
Money from Customers .................................................................... 8
Upgrading ......................................................................................... 9
Three ways to fill an order .............................................................. 11

First Goal Posts ................................................................................ 16

Goal Post 1: My patches free .......................................................... 17
Goal Post 2: Mad Money ................................................................ 17
Goal Post 3: Money for Something Specific .................................... 18
Tips ................................................................................................. 19
Ordering Sales Aids ......................................................................... 19

Finding Customers ........................................................................... 21

Which one are you? ........................................................................ 22
Five Warm-Market Methods .......................................................... 23
1. Calling Friends or Family ................................................. 23
2. Dear Friend Email ............................................................ 24
3. Dear Friend Letter ........................................................... 24
4. Patch Party or Seminar ................................................... 24
5. Amping up Your Social Life.............................................. 27
The Cold Market ............................................................................. 28

Introducing the Patches ................................................................... 30

Transparent Opening Line: ............................................................. 31
No-Pressure Closing Question......................................................... 31
Your 45-Second (Long) First Date Script ......................................... 31
Your 7-Second First Date Script ...................................................... 32

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 1

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Situations ........................................................................................ 33
1. Calling friends or family .................................................. 34
2. Answering, “What do you do?” ...................................... 34
3. Dear Friend Email ............................................................ 35
4. Inviting to a Patch Party or Other Patch Demo ............... 36
5. Introducing the patches to your healthcare
practitioner(s) ............................................................................ 39

Answering Questions ....................................................................... 40

1. “What is it?” .................................................................... 40
2. “Will it work for [me/my sister/other person]?” ............ 40
3. “Will it work for [fibromyalgia/tennis elbow/other
condition]?” ............................................................................... 40
4. “How does it work?” ....................................................... 41
5. “How much is it?” ........................................................... 41
6. “Is it a pyramid?” ............................................................ 42
7. “Is it MLM?” .................................................................... 42

Cautions........................................................................................... 43
1. People who don’t buy... .................................................. 43
2. Some don’t buy on the first date. ................................... 43
3. Some would rather pay more... ...................................... 43
4. Little goals and big goals ................................................. 44
5. Dangers of seller talk ...................................................... 44
6. No health claims. ............................................................ 44
7. No income claims. ........................................................... 44
8. Negative professional talk............................................... 45
9. Protect your self-esteem................................................. 45
10. Stay clear of negative people. ......................................... 46

I Did It! Tracker ................................................................................ 47

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 2

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Weellccoom Waavvee® ccoom
mee ttoo tthhee LLiiffeeW mmmuunniittyy!!
In any real community—including LifeWave, which is in 80
countries—something deep and meaningful keeps
everyone together. Here’s what binds our LifeWave

 We all believe in alternative health practices. The

patches we use every day to boost our health and
energy are one way we express that belief. We
know we’re in the minority, but we do it anyway
because it’s fun, it’s different, and they work. And
no scary side effects.

 Many of us have seen the writing on the wall

regarding the economy. So, we boost our income
by selling products we love. Some pursue an
independent career opportunity with LifeWave.
We’ve learned some cool new skill sets that enable
us to earn our own income and go our own way.
We can show you.

Here’s who’s in the LifeWave community:

 Patch Customers. Patch customers use the

patches everyday because they like how they work.
They like being different—doing something
healthful without drugs. These customers are not
sales people. They often buy in bulk just to get
better prices.

 Patch Fans. These folks like talking to their friends

about the patches. Some have even learned to host
patch parties. These folks do not see themselves
as professional sales people. They just like getting
their patches free, or earning a few extra shekels
each month.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 3

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 Health Practitioners. Suddenly, MDs,

acupuncturists, acupressure body workers,
chiropractors, martial arts teachers, and even
equine specialists and veterinarians, are offering
the patches to their clientele—people who have
grown disillusioned with traditional approaches to
health troubles.

 Marketing Pros. These are folks who have

mastered the skill sets to create their own sales
organization—marketing the patches and recruiting
sales reps.

 Suzanne Somers, LifeWave’s Ambassador, is all

of the above. She has used the patches
successfully in her battle against breast cancer and
writes fervently about them in her book Knockout.
Actress, comedienne, best-selling author and
strong health advocate, Suzanne gives conference
calls for LifeWave distributors and is a keynote
speaker and social presence at LifeWave
conferences and cruises.

 Kim Klaver, LifeWave’s business trainer, is a 20-

year veteran of direct sales and marketing. She
rose to top rank in three different network-
marketing companies in record time. Kim has used
the patches to heal a bruised arm and completely
restore its range of motion in a month, after two
years of limited use. She does regular interactive
conference-call trainings, speaks at LifeWave
events, and stays in touch with LifeWave members.

Whether you’re a patch fan, a health practitioner, a

marketing pro, or a celebrity, you are a full-fledged
member of the LifeWave community. We appreciate your
energy and welcome you sincerely.

This Quick Start Guide provides a brief introduction of how

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 4

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

you can earn with LifeWave as well as recommended

methods for introducting LifeWave to new prospects.
Please note that this guide does not deal with the logistics
of setting up your LifeWave business. Please refer to the
LifeWave Welcome Guide: Starting Smart for that

At the end of this guide is the I Did It! Tracker, a step-by-

step to-do list for a new distributor to get a jump-start in the
LifeWave business. Let us know how it works for you.
We’re happy to make improvements.

My sincere wishes for your prosperity and renewed health

with LifeWave!

CEO and Founder

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 5

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

TThhee M

There are two ways to earn money with LifeWave:

1. Getting customers.

2. Building a sales organization.

Both can lead to tremendous success.

Why Customers First

The LifeWave business model encourages a new person

to begin by getting customers. Here’s why:

1. There is a large potential market for LifeWave

patches—people who crave more energy, better
sleep, less pain, less weight, and slower aging—all
without drugs or medication.

2. Cool product. LifeWave patches are easy to use,

people friendly, and drug free.

3. Solid results. There are many distributors whose

lives have been changed by the LifeWave patches.
And now, they enjoy telling others about them.

4. Endorsements from respected people. Celebrity

health advocates like Suzanne Somers, world-class
athletes, and Olympic coaches, rave about the

5. Bulk buyers. Often, people who have experienced

the benefits of the patches buy in bulk for the better
price, and go on Autoship for convenience and
preferred pricing. These are ideal customers.

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6. A customer pool is an excellent source of top

distributors, a solid foundation for a productive
organization. Many of the big income earners in
established network marketing companies started
as customers.

Steve Jobs with his iPhones and iPods, created a multi-

billion dollar company whose success is built on cool,
easy-to-use, people-friendly gadgets that attract
passionate customers—millions of them. Over time and
with a steady customer base, Apple has overtaken
Microsoft in market value.

Three Types of Customers

1. Retail Customer. She buys one month’s supply of

patches at the retail price. She is not on Autoship.

2. Preferred Customer. She commits to a standing

order each month and gets $10 off retail. (To become
a Preferred Customer she must choose Autoship. This
means she commits to a standing monthly order when
she puts in her first order.)

3. Enrolled Customer. If your customer wants to buy in

bulk, it’s best to enroll her. Your bulk customers enroll
like a distributor does, even if they do not intend to
formally sell the product or build a sales organization.
Enrollment entitles a customer to discounts and
bonuses and does not cost extra.

Two Quantity Options

1. By the sleeve. $89.95 per sleeve. Worth the extra

money if your customer is cautious and wants to try
it out first.

2. Bulk packages. All bulk packages include

brochures, the LifeWave Report DVD, and virtual
wallet account.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 7

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 Diamond: $1,499.95. Includes 37 quantities

of one-month supply of product. Good for
status and recognition.
*US version includes 34 one-month supply of product and
includes homeopathic sprays as well.

 Gold: $499.95. Includes13 quantities of one-

month supply of product. This is the most
cost-effective bulk option.
*US version includes 12 one-month supply of product and
includes homeopathic sprays as well

 Silver: $299.95. Includes 3 patch sleeves.

Good if you just don’t have that additional
couple of hundred on your card.

 Bronze: $99.95. Includes 1 patch sleeve.

Money from Customers

The $40

You make $40 retail bonus when you sell one sleeve — a
typical month’s supply — of any of the LifeWave patches,
regardless what the customer pays. The $40 retail bonus is
paid on all retail sales, as long as you have retail sales of
at least three packages within the commission qualifying

One patch, Silent Nights, is $20 less than the others

($29.95) – again, as long as you meet the three package
minimum. You will earn a $20 retail bonus on this patch.

The customer can also opt for Autoship on any of the

patches. This gets them a $10 discount on any patch.
Regardless, you still make the same $40 (or $20 for Silent
The commission qualifying period is five weeks.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 8

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Nights)! 

This is a generous feature of LifeWave’s pay plan for

customer acquisition.

The following table below outlines the LifeWave’s pricing

structure. The more packages your sell, the more you

Category Member Preferred Retail Retail

(Any product, except
Price* Price* Price* Bonus
Silent Nights)
1 Package $69.95 79.95 $89.95 --
2 Packages $59.95 79.95 $89.95 --
3 Packages $49.95 79.95 $89.95 $40.00
*Price per package

Product Introduction Bonus

This bonus is for enrolling a new member in LifeWave,2 or

for an upgrade order from a member of your group.

This bonus was designed to motivate distributors to bring

in other distributors. However, you earn this bonus also
when a new customer wants to buy in bulk. They would
buy an enroller package without having to sell.

Tell your customer that these are packages for the sales
people, but they can get one without being a salesperson.
They can take advantage of the bulk pricing without
having to sell.


Upgrading means getting to a higher level of membership

Refers to a new member who orders product. If you are at the $25 Starter level,
you do not qualify for this bonus. To earn it, upgrade to one of the higher levels
before placing your customer’s order.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 9

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by ordering more product.

Each level of membership entitles you to certain bonuses

or commissions from orders placed by people you have
referred and by people they have referred, several levels

If you anticipate that people you refer will place bulk

orders, consider upgrading so you earn more on their initial

To upgrade:

 Go to your Back Office.

 Click Order Product at the top menu bar.
 Click New Order on the left.
 On the left of the New Order page is a Product
Categories box. Scroll down and click on the last
item ―Upgrade Kits.‖
 Select the upgrade package you want.

Amounts of product introduction bonus—for bulk orders

For New Customer Orders: Product introduction bonuses

range from $200 down to $15 depending on the amount of
your customer’s order.

New Customer Order Your Bonus

$1,500 – Diamond $2003
500 – Gold 100
300 – Silver 50
100 – Bronze 15

Members who have been doing the business a while may achieve higher
managerial ranks that entitle them to a larger product introduction bonus of
$300–500 on a $1,500 Diamond order or an upgrade to Diamond.

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For Upgrade Orders: If the order is from a current

customer who wants to upgrade, you are paid the
difference between the bonuses for the lower rank and the
higher rank. For example, the bonus for a $500 Gold order
minus the bonus for a $100 Bronze order: $100 minus $15
is $85.

Upgrade Order Your Bonus

$1,000 – Gold to Diamond $200
200 – Silver to Gold 50
400 – Bronze to Gold 85
200 – Bronze to Silver 35
500 – Starter to Gold 100
300 – Starter to Silver 50
100 – Starter to Bronze 15

See the Full Pay Plan – ―2. Initial Product Bonuses‖


Other Commissions and Bonuses

There are other commissions and bonuses for members

who want to build a sales organization. These ―binary‖ or
―cycle‖ commissions and ―matching bonuses‖ are
described in the Full Pay Plan. See
http://www.lifewave.com/payplan.asp and videos by
LifeWave President Mike Collins and one of LifeWave’s
top distributors, Chuck Michel, in the LifeWave Training
site. The advanced features of the full pay plan will be
discussed in Guide 2 for Marketing Professionals.

Three ways to fill an order:

1. From your own inventory.

Most appropriate for:

 A health practitioner who sells products in their

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 11

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clinic: an acupuncturist, chiropractor, medical

doctor, naturopath, nutritionist, acupressure or
other body worker, qi gong, tai chi or other
martial arts teacher, or veterinarian.

 A patch party host4

To get your inventory at the best price, sign in as a

distributor at the Gold level.

The Gold enrollment package includes 13 sleeves of any

one patch5 or a sampling of the different patches. Plus
matching homeopathic sprays and a first-rate product

2. Place the order with LifeWave for the customer.

LifeWave takes your customer orders and ships

them. You place the order online from your Back

Before you go online, get the following information

from your customer. The * indicates required

First Name*
Last Name*
Social Security (SSN) or Tax ID number*

Bill Street*
Bill Street 2
Bill Country* (drop down)
Bill Postal Code*
City, state and county are automatically filled

See section below on Introducing the Patches.
US Version includes 12 sleeves, plus homeopathic LifeWave Plus Sprays.

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in after you enter the postal code.

Note: Billing address given above must match

the credit card billing address.

Ship Street*
Ship Street 2
Ship Country* (drop down)
Ship Postal Code*
City, state and county are automatically filled
in after you enter the postal code.

Home Phone*
Work Phone

Credit card:
Credit card number*
Expiration date*
Security Code*

Note: Billing address given above must match

the credit card billing address.

When you have your customer’s information, log in to your

Back Office and place the order from there.

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IMPORTANT: Before you place an enrollment order

(Bronze, Silver, Gold or Diamond), set the LifeWave pay
program to optimize your commissions. Here’s how:

 Go to your Back Office

 Click on Profile — in the top navigation bar, on the
 In left rail, click on Preferred Placement — 6th item
 In the box in the drop-down menu, select Not
 Click Save Changes

3. Show the customer how to place their order.

First, make sure you have set the pay program to

optimize your commissions — see above box.

It’s best is to be online with your customer. You can both

be looking at the order page at the same time, even if
you’re miles apart. Talk her through the process as she
places the order.

Another option is to email her these instructions.

From: Amoeba <[email protected]>

Date: July 23, 2021 6:21:29 PM PDT
To: Kathy C <[email protected]>
Subject: You ready to get your patches?

Hi Kathy,

I can do it with you, but just so you know, here are the

1. Go to http://yourdomain.com.

2. At the top, click on Sign Up.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 14

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3. The Sponsor ID is: 000000

4. Country: scroll down and choose it.

5. The product packages will then appear. Choose the

Gold Y-Age Plus for $499.95. That’s what I got, too.

6. Complete your order form.

7. You'll get an email with your site info and then you'll
have your own site and ID. I can show you how to get a
catchy domain name that customers can remember.

Let me know when you're ready and we can do it

together. Or try it yourself if you like.


PS. If you do it yourself, let me know when it’s done.

The 64-thousand dollar question is:

How many customers do I need to get what I

want from my LifeWave business?

The following chapter shows you how to figure it out.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 15

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FFiirrsstt G
Gooaall P
One can make a decent living or even obscene income
doing LifeWave. The sky is the limit in a marketing

However, a string of regular small successes is often a

greater motivator than rare big successes with nothing in

When they started, some of the highest earners in the

industry could not envision making more than a few
hundred dollars a month. Then, small successes led to
bigger visions until they were looking at a seven-figure
income. Other successful people with giant goals chunk
them into baby steps—first goal posts.

Goal Post 1 – My patches free

Goal Post 2 – Mad money

Goal Post 3 – Something-specific money

It’s fine to stop at the first goal post, or the second or the
third. A distributor once confessed that she was
embarrassed to give her goal in a public conference call
because it was too small. No goal is too small. Whatever it
is, you are a full-fledged member of the LifeWave business

The formulas below are based on the $40 LifeWave pays a

distributor for each single pack of patches a customer
buys. No matter which patch you sell and whether it’s
Autoship or not, you make $40 on single orders of patches.
But remember, to qualify for this retail bonus you have to

Taleb, N.N., 2007. The Black Swan. New York: Random House.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 16

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have a minimum of three package sales within the 5-week

commission qualifying period.

For example, if you sell an IceWave sleeve for $89.95

retail, you make $40. If you sell it for $79.95 on Autoship
you still make $40.

Here’s how to calculate the number of customers for each

goal post.

Goal Post 1: My patches free7

First, fill in the blank:

Every month I spend $_______

on patches for myself and my family.

Here’s the formula:

Amount you and family spend on patches _______

Divided by $40
= ____ single-pack patch orders to get my patches free

Goal Post 2: Mad Money

Mad money is extra spending money.

This formula holds true as long as you meet the three package minimum sales
requirement within the commission qualifying period.

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Tidbit: The term ―Mad Money‖ dates back to the 1920s. It

originally referred to money a woman kept on hand in case
she wanted to return home from a date without her escort.

First, fill in the blank:

Mad money I want per month $_______

LifeWave pays its distributors $40 for each single pack of

patches a customer buys.

Here’s the formula for your mad money:

Mad money I want per month $_______ (above)

Divided by $40
= ____ single-pack patch orders for my mad money

Goal Post 3: Money for Something Specific

For example, a distributor wanted $1,200 to visit her

grandson. Here’s how she could make that money with the

Money I want for ______________________: $_______

(specific reason)

LifeWave pays its distributors $40 for each single pack of

patches a customer buys.

Here’s the formula to get your something-specific money:

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Something-specific money I want $_______ (above)

Divided by $40

= _______ single-pack-patch customers for

something specific.


1. Customers on Autoship are ideal. They pay $10

less than one-time customers, but you still get $40
each time they’re charged for the product. And you
don’t have to look for a new customer every month.

2. Get one or two more customers than you need, in

case someone flakes.

3. If a customer decides to buy a bulk order, you could

earn a product introduction bonus. See the
previous chapter, ―The Money.‖

4. Set aside a little quiet time to think about your new

LifeWave business. Decide what your long-term
goals are…then let them go and set your sites
solidly on a goal post you believe you can do.

Once you decide on your short-term goals, the number of

brochures and other sales aids to order will become clear.

Ordering Sales Aids

How to order:

 Go to your Back Office.

 Click Order Product in the top navigation
 Click New Order in the left rail.
 Click Sales Aids on the left under Product

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 Select the sales aids you want.

You can also download brochures for these patches:

Energy Enhancer, Icewave, Y-Age Glutathione, and Silent
Night; as well as a brochure for the homeopathic sprays.

The ―@home‖ version is easier to read than the ―full print‖

version. You can download the brochure you want and
print it yourself or take it to a print shop.

There are other useful tools available for download. Check

them out.

You’re now ready to start reaching out to

prospective customers.

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FFiinnddiinngg C

How do I find customers?

First make up a contact list. Then, decide which

communication methods you’re most comfortable with:

 Calling friends and family

 Sending a Dear Friend email
 Sending a Dear Friend letter with or without patch
 Putting on a patch party or seminar, or having a
friend host one
 Amping up your social life
 Introducing the patches to the cold market
o Calling on local health practitioners and
o Trade shows
o Gold fish bowls with giveaways
o Health talks at community centers
o Attending support groups or hobby groups
o Business networking groups
o Chamber of commerce mixers
o Social media networking
In this chapter we describe each method briefly. But first...

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Which one are you?

You may be someone who can’t wait to pick up the phone

and tell a friend about a patch that took pain away almost
instantly, or helped you sleep through the night for the first
time in years, or helped someone suddenly look ten years

Or you may be someone who feels scared of that first

phone call. After all, what if they say no??

Well, what if even the no feels ok? What if most of the

time, you and your contact both enjoy the conversation...
and sometimes you get a customer or a referral?

Using ―words that work‖8 are your insurance that you’ll

enjoy the work of finding customers. The way you talk will
tell your contact that you’re not a pushy seller. You’re just
looking for people who might like to know about the
patches—or who know such people.

In that ―first date,‖ you won’t be asking for money and you
won’t be asking them to join your business. Instead, you’ll
be bringing them information about something good they
probably haven’t heard about, yet.

Your Contact List

Imagine people whom you’ll enjoy contacting...

Now take out your address book or mailing list and look for
people who know you. When you look at each name, ask

―Does so-and-so know me?‖

How to use words that work is summarized in the next chapter, ―Introducing the

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If the answer is yes, write the name down.

Then, add the people who were not in your address book,
such as:
 Hairdresser
 Manicurist
 Tennis buddy
 Recent acquaintance
 Business cards not yet in your address book, etc.

This is your patch contact list.

Below are ways you’ll be reaching out to them. Pick the

ones you feel comfortable doing.

NOTE: The scripts you’ll be using to reach out are in the

next chapter. We first give you a rundown on different
methods so that you can select those that appeal to you.
The methods you select will give you a context for the
scripts, enabling you to learn them more easily.

Let’s start with warm-market methods.

Five Warm-Market Methods

1. Calling Friends or Family

Set aside an hour to call a bunch of friends and family

members on your list. Do nothing else until you’ve called
for an hour. Each call will be a little smoother, a little

Before you start calling:

 Have your script ready. (See next chapter.)

 Have your list handy so you can note the status of
the calls, when to follow up, and what you said
you’d do when you follow up.

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2. Dear Friend Email

Send an email introducing the patches to your online

friends and family.

If you care about the privacy of your contacts, best to

address the email to yourself and enter the email
addresses of your contacts in the bcc field.

A script for a Dear Friend Email is included in the next

chapter. It includes your patch story.

Keep an alphabetical list of people to whom you send the

email, so you can easily add to it, avoid duplication and
note the status of the prospect.

3. Dear Friend Letter

A physical letter sent by snail mail is best for people on

your list who are:

 Not online.
 The special few to whom you’d like to send a few
patches to try, as a gift.

Call in a few days just to make sure they received your

letter. If you sent them patches, ask if they’ve used them
and if they need help placing them. No hounding.

4. Patch Party or Seminar

Gather people and demonstrate the patches in a party or

educational setting.

You or a friend can host one. Offer an incentive to motivate

a friend to host, e.g., a sleeve of patches of their choice.

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 Book the date.

 Pick a theme. For example, women over 40 who
are concerned about aging, or eliminating pain
without drugs, or weight loss, etc.
 Send out invitations. Email, snail mail, evite.com or
call people on the phone.
 Order patches to sell at the event. Order them in
plenty of time to have at the event.
 Call each person on your invitation list and let them
know you're sending them an invite. Tell them to
watch the mailbox for it. If you didn't get an RSVP
back, call again a day or two before the party.
(Maybe they forgot.)
The gist of what you’d say on the phone
would be:
―Hi, Betty. I'm having this Acupressure
Rejuvenation Party. And I thought of you,
because you're always talking about xyz."
See the next chapter for a more detailed
 Prepare an order sheet for each person, so people
can choose which and how many patch(es) they
want to buy. Include all the information that is
required to place an order on the website.
 On the day of: Set a relaxed tone with music and
something to munch on. Keep it fun and festive.
 Have a small display: The LifeWave Experience
book, Suzanne Somers’ books, brochures, 1 sleeve
of each patch, appropriate magazine or online
articles, etc., to trigger interest. Not too much stuff.
Just a little allure.

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Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Select from materials in your Back Office:



Select what you feel comfortable doing:

 All or part of the LifeWave Report DVD

 PowerPoint presentation focusing on your theme
 Demo of patching, on volunteers from the audience
volunteers using patches
 Muscle testing to demonstrate effects of the

Taking Orders

Offer three ways to get the patches and maybe an

incentive for purchasing that day.

1. Bulk purchase with appropriate discount

2. Single sleeve at the retail price
3. Preferred Customer Autoship order
(Get $10 off today, and you can cancel any time.)

Asking for the Next Host

At the end of the presentation, while guests are filling out

their order form, ask for the next patch party host:

―By the way, if anyone would like to host one of

these at your house, come see me and I’ll tell you
what’s involved.‖

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Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

New Customer Follow-up

A patch party or other demo typically results in a customer

or two.

Check on your new customer to make sure they are

applying the patches correctly every day.

Check, say, on Day 3 and Day 7. Get specific feedback.

Keep checking as long as it takes them to use their
patch(es) effectively.

5. Amping up Your Social Life

We meet new people at social activities or reconnect with

friends we haven’t seen in a long time. Parties, groups,
clubs, classes, blogs and other online forums create
opportunities to introduce people to the patches.

So, amp up your social life. Rejoin groups. Go to parties

and outings you’d have passed up thinking they were
frivolous. Take a class you’ve always wanted to take. Pick
things you enjoy, like a:

 Gardening club
 Writing club
 Mahjong or bridge group
 Meditation or prayer group
 Spiritual group
 Drumming circle
 Weight loss group
 New mom group
 PTA meeting
 Tai chi or qigong class

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 27

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

 Ballroom dancing
 Hospice volunteer job
 Tennis circuit
 Walking, hiking or biking club
 Investment club
 Real estate club
 Raw milk political interest group
 Health blog
 Website forum on water safety
 And many others.

Do not approach anyone with the intention of selling the

product. When you meet someone, wait for them to ask
―What do you do?‖ Don’t go first. You may have to
encounter them two or three times. Be patient. Let them
get to know you a bit.

Be prepared to introduce the patches effectively when you

meet new people or bump into old friends. Before amping
up your social life, create and master your scripts.

Know your 45-second and 7-second scripts and their

variations. Practice them so that they come out of your
mouth naturally—day or night. For practice tips, see ―Cold
Cadaver Calling‖ in the Orange Book, pages 180–184.

The Cold Market

The cold market is made up of people who don’t know you.

Some of the ways we’ve already described to amp up your
social life, includes the cold market: strangers.

Some distributors like cold marketing because a ―no‖ from

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 28

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

a stranger doesn’t hurt as much as one from a friend. And

there are no friendships to strain.

Most cold market efforts, however, either cost money, take

time, or require skill or nerve.

You don’t have to do cold marketing. If you choose to, pick

a cold market strategy that suits you.

If you have lots of time and no money, don’t pick a strategy

that worked for someone with lots of money, like running
ads. If you don’t like designing and mailing postcards, don’t
do it. If you’d rather not do business when you’re at the
gym, or if you don’t strike up conversations with strangers
easily, don’t do it.

A method may be easy for a friend, but not for you, and
vice versa. Teaming up with a buddy is often fun and
educational. For example, if you have a budget to buy
leads, but have never done cold calls, practice a lot first,
and start cold calling with an experienced buddy. Offer to
give your buddy a few leads in exchange for their

Cold market techniques are listed at the beginning of this

chapter, and described in the Orange Book on pages 254–
283. See also the recruiting materials on

Now, what should I say to all these people?

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 29

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

IInnttrroodduucciinngg tthhee P
Use this section as your script cheat sheet to introduce the

These scripts give you an engaging way to:

 Respond when people ask what you do

 Introduce your product to new people
 Create ads, flyers, and business cards
 Create voice mail messages
 Create email messages, email signatures, and blog
 Put them on Facebook and Twitter

They guarantee that you will:

 Not come across as a pushy seller

 Preserve your friends and family relationships
 Trigger your contact’s brain to either accept your
offer themselves or refer someone

Distributors who had been in LifeWave for several years

without success report a burst of new orders since they
started using these scripts.

The essential scripts are:

 Your 45-second First Date Script

 Your 7-second First Date Script

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 30

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Both scripts begin and end with a crucial line:

Transparent Opening Line:
I market a product for...
No-Pressure Closing Question:
Do you know anyone who might like to know
about a product like that?
Learn these phrases by heart.
The Opening Line tells people up front that you are
marketing something. No uncomfortable surprises at the
end of your conversation. Your friends won’t mind that
you’re marketing something if you tell them up front—
before you talk about how great the product is.
The Closing Question does not pressure the person to buy
or join anything. It asks them only if they know anyone
These lines are the result of experimenting with thousands
of exchanges with prospective customers. Try them exactly
as they are and see if they work for you.

NOTE: The step-by-step procedures to create the

complete scripts are in the Orange Book If My Product’s
So Great, How Come I Can’t Sell It?, available in your
Back Office. The page numbers below refer to this book.

You can also listen to the entire process in the Customer

Enchilada CD series, also in your Back Office.

Your 45-Second (Long) First Date Script

Your First Date Script (FDS) is the first thing your

prospective customer will hear you say about your product.
First dates are just first dates. No telling your entire
personal history on that first date. That comes in the
second and third date.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 31

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This is not about memorizing something that everyone

parrots. It’s about learning to use a formula to create your
own unique script. If you put an authentic part of yourself in
your script, you’ll touch certain people and magically open
their minds to your product.

See pages 64–123 of the Orange Book to create your 45-

second FDS. Write it here.

I market a product for...

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a

product like that?

Your 7-Second First Date Script

Create your 7-second FDS (short FDS) from the 45-

second FDS (long FDS). The short FDS is perfect when
time is short or the person is a stranger. Going up and
down elevators or standing in line at the post office are two
such occasions.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 32

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

See pages 124–127 of the Orange Book.

NOTE: Create your long script first. Then, excerpt your

short script from it. Write your short script here.

I market a product for...

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a

product like that?

Tip: Before introducing the patches to a real customer,

practice your scripts first. Say them out loud until they
sound conversational and natural to your own ear. Find a
friend to role play with. Then do cadaver calling with a
LifeWave buddy as described in the Orange Book, pages


Use your short or long script, as appropriate, in the

following situations. In general, the long script is good for
people who know you well. The short one is best to start a
conversation with a stranger.

 Calling friends or family

 Answering ―What do you do?‖
 Dear Friend email
 Inviting to a patch party or other demo
o Phone invitation
o Email or snail mail invitation
 Introducing the patches to your healthcare specialists

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 33

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1. Calling friends or family

Hi, Aunt Lulu? This is Amoeba.
Listen, I only have a minute and I’m calling
everyone I know to ask them a question. Do you
have a minute?
Yes, honey, what’s up?

Well, I don’t know if you know this, but I market a
product for...

Your long script here

Anyway, if I get [five customers, they give me my

product free.9] So I’m calling to ask, do you know
anyone who might like to know about a product
like that?

2. Answering, “What do you do?”

Any time you meet someone new, this is one of the first
questions they ask—at parties, business meetings, any
social occasion.

Your short script (pages 3–4 above) is probably most

appropriate here. Insert parts of your long script during the
rest of the conversation as the opportunity arises.

Use the number of customers and the reason you have chosen as your initial
goal post; for example, ―...10 customers and I can take that trip I’ve been telling
you about...‖

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 34

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

On the other hand, if you meet an old friend you haven’t

seen for a while, they might like to hear the 45-second
script right away.

See the Orange Book, pages 157–162.

3. Dear Friend Email

For folks who know you, email subject options:

o Quick question
o Do you know anyone?
o Can you help me?
Choose the subject that would make you open the email.

Hey (or Hi), Aunt Lulu,

OPTION A (if she doesn’t know about your


I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve started a little

business of my own. I market a product for...

[Your long script here]

I’m writing to ask if you know anyone who might like

to know about a product like that.

If you do, can you let me know?


Your name
Email signature with your local phone number

OPTION B (if she knows about your business):

Hi (or Hey) Aunt Lulu,

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 35

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

You know I recently started a little business of my

own, right? Well, I’m writing to ask if you can help

I market a product for...

[Your long script here]

I’m writing to ask if you know anyone who might like

to know about a product like that.

If you do, can you let me know?


Your name
Email signature with your local phone number

4. Inviting to a Patch Party or Other Patch


You can send out email invitations, use evite.com, or call

people on the phone.
a. Sample email – informal

Subject: Free eats Wednesday night at my place

Hey (Hi) Lulu,

This coming Wednesday night I’m hosting a little

patch party at my place. I’m showing how I use
these little patches that have finally eliminated my
knee pain. So I’ve decided to market them.

Want to come cheer me on?

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 36

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Do you know anyone who has trouble with pain

and who wants to do something about it without
drugs? Well, they’re invited too.10

Let me know, ok? I’m just getting this off the

ground and would love for you to be there.

Ta ta,

[Your Name]
[Email signature, including phone number and
street address]

b. Sample email – more formal

Subject: Quick Question

Hi John,

My question…

This Wednesday night I'm doing a free

demonstration in [name of your town], on how to
relieve pain without drugs, pills, needles or
surgery, like I’ve done.

I’ll be demonstrating a product that works like

acupuncture, but without needles.

Do you happen to know anyone with aches or

pains who's open to alternative therapies? And
who might like to come to this demo?

If you do, please let me know in the next day or

so. Thanks in advance!

An alternative to this paragraph: ―I thought of you, because you're always
talking about xyz. And if you know anyone who also has aches
and pains and who doesn’t want to use painkillers, they’re invited.‖

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 37

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim


[Your Name]

[Email signature including phone number and


c. Sample Phone Invitation

Hi, Kathleen This is Amoeba. Do you have a
I’m having a get-together at my house on [day] to
do a demo of a new product that I’m marketing.
It’s especially good for people with aches and
pains. Of course we’ll have a few munchies and
I’m hoping you can come. [pause]

What’s the product?

It’s these little patches that have helped me...

[Use an appropriate piece of your 45-second

script here, without the Closing Question.
Note: If your results do not include relieving
aches and pains, add:]

And, the product also reduces aches and pains

without drugs. That’s what we’re gonna demo.

So, would you like to come? [small pause] ...

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 38

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Do you know anybody (else) who might like to


5. Introducing the patches to your healthcare


Next time you’re in for a visit, try this as part of the

conversation you have with your doctor, acupuncturist,
massage therapist, etc.

Dr. Dingaling, I don’t know if you know this, but

I’ve just started a new business. I market a
product for...

[Use either your long or short script here –

except use the following as the Closing

Do you have any patients (clients…) who might

like to know about a product like that?

More situations in the Orange Book, pages 108–194.


Now, what if they’re interested and start asking questions?

What do I say then?

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 39

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

weerriinngg Q

If a person is interested when they hear your long or short

script, they usually ask one or more of these questions.

These are the answers that are most likely to maintain the
customer’s interest. No hype and no seller talk.

1. “What is it?”
―It’s a small patch that looks like a little round

―It’s a patch that you put on your body. It works

like acupuncture, but without the needles.‖

―It’s a patch. It is what I use now instead of

needles to do acupuncture.‖

―It’s like a medical patch. But it’s a non-invasive

approach to health—no drugs or chemicals. We
call it acupuncture without needles.‖

2. “Will it work for [me/my sister/other

―I don’t know if it will work for you [her/him] or not.
But what if it works for you [her/him] the way it did
for me? Would you like to try it then?‖

3. “Will it work for [fibromyalgia/tennis

elbow/other condition]?”

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 40

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

I don’t know if it will work for that or not. But what

if it works for you the way it did for me? Would
you like to try it then?

4. “How does it work?”

If you have not yet told your story, start here:
That’s the best part...
Let me tell you what happened to me. I used to be
someone who...
[Your long script here
without the Closing Question]

[Continue below.]

If you already told them your story in the previous five

minutes, start here:
That’s the best part...
It’s like acupuncture without the needles. It gently
stimulates the body’s acupuncture points. They
have illustrations and videos showing how to do it
on the website. Would you like the link?

5. “How much is it?”

That depends. Let me tell you how it comes. You
can get one month’s supply for $89.95 [$69.95 for
Silent Nights].
If you place a monthly standing order, they give
you a $10 discount.
They also have bulk packages—like going to
Costco or Sam’s Club. Do you want to know what
they are? [Pause…]
If yes:
They have a $1,500 package, a $500 package

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Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

and a $300 package.

Do you want to do one of those? Or do you want
just the one-month supply?
Take the order. See Chapter 4.

6. “Is it a pyramid?”

Oh, goodness, no. Pyramids are illegal. [smile]

What we do is direct sales, kind of like Avon. We

bring the product directly to people who want to
see it or learn more about it; like I’m doing for you
right now. [pause]

The company pays us to do that instead of setting

up retail stores.

See how that works?

7. “Is it MLM?”

There’s that option, yes, if someone wants to do

I’m focusing on doing the direct sales part of it,
like nutraceutical companies do. Anyway, I
wouldn’t hype or hound you, in case you’re
worried about that. I’m just calling all the
[chiropractors, acupuncturists/etc. in the area to
introduce the patches and see if they have any
patients/clients/ customers/members who might
like to know about it. Do you have anybody like

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 42

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

“Forewarned is forearmed.”

I've always liked that expression. I like knowing about

something beforehand because then I can avoid it or be

Here are ten things you may run into.

1. People who don’t buy...

even if they need it or see the benefits.

It's not you or the patches. And it's not because they don't
have aches and pains. Many people are venters who talk
about their ailments, but are not ready to do anything
about them, yet. At least not anything that costs any
money. And some don’t understand alternative treatments.

Go on to the next one.

2. Some don’t buy on the first date.

It takes several dates for some people. When a product is

unique and unusual, some people want to see it, think
about it, and talk about it with their friends or spouse first.

Be patient.

3. Some would rather pay more...

than go on Autoship right away.

While going on Autoship may cost less, some people

hesitate to make a monthly financial commitment until they
have more experience with the product and the company.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 43

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

4. Little goals and big goals

Don’t let someone else’s big goals discourage you from the
goals you’ve set for yourself.

If getting your patches free is what you want, that’s as

good a goal as earning a living with the patches.

Set your own pace, and your own style. Work with people
who respect your goals and make you feel good.

5. Dangers of seller talk

Guard against falling into seller talk—sounding hypey,

using technobabble, or making promises.

We all have to overcome the tendency to talk like a seller

about our thing.

See the Orange Book, pages 32–51.

6. No health claims.

Predicting that a friend will have specific results is

dangerous. Here’s why:

o You don't know for sure what will happen in another

person's body.
o The new regulations of the USA Federal Trade
Commission generally prohibit claims about specific
health results without adequate scientific evidence.
You can describe the clinical research that
LifeWave presents in its website without making
any claims.
o Making promises about results will make you sound
like a pushy seller. Better to come across like an
o advisor or a counselor, don’t you think?

7. No income claims.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 44

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Same cautions as Item 6, above.

8. Negative professional talk.

Don’t be put off if some chiropractors and other health

practitioners speak negatively about MLM. They probably
have experienced the hype and hounding of MLMers who
have not been trained properly.

Learn how to answer the question, ―Is this MLM?‖ in the

previous chapter ―Answering Questions.‖

9. Protect your self-esteem.

Three ways: Say no first. Say goodbye first, and change

the subject first.

o Say no first.

When someone gets gruff during your patch conversation,

say, in a kind tone,

―You know, you’re right. This is probably not for

you. But if you know anyone, let me know, ok?
Gotta run, another call. Have a nice day, ok?

Hang up gently. Take a deep breath before the next call.

o Say goodbye first.

When you’re on the phone, be quick with folks. Always be

the first to say,

―OK, I gotta run, have more calls to make. Catch

you later, ok?‖

o Change the subject first

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 45

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

If you get a blank look or negative signals after asking your

closing question, you can say,

―Well, if you do, let me know, OK?‖

and change the subject immediately. Complimenting the

person works well. For example,

―I’ve been meaning to tell you that your new

hairdo looks great! How’s your mom doing?‖

You want to convey that you’re not upset with her reaction
and that you’re still interested in her. You’re also not

10. Stay clear of negative people.

Well-meaning friends who have heard of bad MLM

experiences may try to talk you out of doing your

Ask them to give you a chance to get it off the ground. If

they continue to be negative, stop associating until you’re
comfortable with your business.

Tom Cruise asked his parents to give him ten years to get
his acting career off the ground. They were horrified, but
they supported him anyway. And now look...

Ready to start tracking your progress?

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 46

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

Diidd IItt!! TTrraacckkeerr

The tracker is a tool to help you organize the many things you need
to do to be successful in your business. The items are keyed to the
chapters in the guide. As you complete each one, check them off
and know that you’re one step closer to making your first sale!
1. The Money
I know the two ways to earn money with LiveWave.
I know the six reasons customers are important to the success of
my business.
I know what I make when a customer orders a month’s supply of
the different patches.
I know what it takes to earn product introduction bonuses.
I know what it takes to earn binary commissions (optional –
I know what it takes to earn matching bonuses (optional –
I know the benefits of upgrading.
I know what the bulk packages are.
I know there are three types of customers and that a customer has
to enroll to buy a bulk order, even though she may not be selling
the product.
I know how to fill a customer’s order.
I know how to help a customer place her order.
2. First Goal Posts
I have decided on my goal posts.
I have ordered brochures and other sales aids.
I know how to refer people to the product page of the LifeWave
website so they can check out the patches.

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 47

Quick-Start Guide – Basics of the LifeWave Business – Kim

3. Finding Customers
I have started my contact list.
I have reviewed all the reaching out methods and selected the
ones I want to use.
4. Introducing the Patches
I have created my 45-second First Date Script.
I have created my 7-second First Date Script.
I know both scripts by heart and they feel comfortable when I say
I have practiced both scripts out loud at least 100 times each.
I have done my cadaver calling with a buddy.
I have reviewed how scripts are customized for different
I have customized my scripts for the reaching out methods I’ll be
5. Answering Questions
I have learned the answers to the seven questions in this chapter.
6. Cautions
I am ready for the ten things I need to look out for.
I feel well prepared to make a success of my LifeWave business.
7. Success
I got my first order!

The End

Copyright © 2010 LifeWave and Kim Klaver 48

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