Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Quick Start Guide
Quick-Start Guide
Basics of the LifeWave Business
Kim Klaver
LifeWave Business Trainer
Welcome to the LifeWave community! ............................................ 3
Situations ........................................................................................ 33
1. Calling friends or family .................................................. 34
2. Answering, “What do you do?” ...................................... 34
3. Dear Friend Email ............................................................ 35
4. Inviting to a Patch Party or Other Patch Demo ............... 36
5. Introducing the patches to your healthcare
practitioner(s) ............................................................................ 39
Cautions........................................................................................... 43
1. People who don’t buy... .................................................. 43
2. Some don’t buy on the first date. ................................... 43
3. Some would rather pay more... ...................................... 43
4. Little goals and big goals ................................................. 44
5. Dangers of seller talk ...................................................... 44
6. No health claims. ............................................................ 44
7. No income claims. ........................................................... 44
8. Negative professional talk............................................... 45
9. Protect your self-esteem................................................. 45
10. Stay clear of negative people. ......................................... 46
Weellccoom Waavvee® ccoom
mee ttoo tthhee LLiiffeeW mmmuunniittyy!!
In any real community—including LifeWave, which is in 80
countries—something deep and meaningful keeps
everyone together. Here’s what binds our LifeWave
TThhee M
1. Getting customers.
The $40
You make $40 retail bonus when you sell one sleeve — a
typical month’s supply — of any of the LifeWave patches,
regardless what the customer pays. The $40 retail bonus is
paid on all retail sales, as long as you have retail sales of
at least three packages within the commission qualifying
Tell your customer that these are packages for the sales
people, but they can get one without being a salesperson.
They can take advantage of the bulk pricing without
having to sell.
To upgrade:
Members who have been doing the business a while may achieve higher
managerial ranks that entitle them to a larger product introduction bonus of
$300–500 on a $1,500 Diamond order or an upgrade to Diamond.
First Name*
Last Name*
Social Security (SSN) or Tax ID number*
Bill Street*
Bill Street 2
Bill Country* (drop down)
Bill Postal Code*
City, state and county are automatically filled
See section below on Introducing the Patches.
US Version includes 12 sleeves, plus homeopathic LifeWave Plus Sprays.
Ship Street*
Ship Street 2
Ship Country* (drop down)
Ship Postal Code*
City, state and county are automatically filled
in after you enter the postal code.
Home Phone*
Work Phone
Credit card:
Credit card number*
Expiration date*
Security Code*
Hi Kathy,
I can do it with you, but just so you know, here are the
1. Go to http://yourdomain.com.
7. You'll get an email with your site info and then you'll
have your own site and ID. I can show you how to get a
catchy domain name that customers can remember.
PS. If you do it yourself, let me know when it’s done.
FFiirrsstt G
Gooaall P
One can make a decent living or even obscene income
doing LifeWave. The sky is the limit in a marketing
It’s fine to stop at the first goal post, or the second or the
third. A distributor once confessed that she was
embarrassed to give her goal in a public conference call
because it was too small. No goal is too small. Whatever it
is, you are a full-fledged member of the LifeWave business
Taleb, N.N., 2007. The Black Swan. New York: Random House.
This formula holds true as long as you meet the three package minimum sales
requirement within the commission qualifying period.
How to order:
Select the sales aids you want.
FFiinnddiinngg C
In that ―first date,‖ you won’t be asking for money and you
won’t be asking them to join your business. Instead, you’ll
be bringing them information about something good they
probably haven’t heard about, yet.
Now take out your address book or mailing list and look for
people who know you. When you look at each name, ask
How to use words that work is summarized in the next chapter, ―Introducing the
Then, add the people who were not in your address book,
such as:
Tennis buddy
Recent acquaintance
Business cards not yet in your address book, etc.
Not online.
The special few to whom you’d like to send a few
patches to try, as a gift.
Taking Orders
Gardening club
Writing club
Mahjong or bridge group
Meditation or prayer group
Spiritual group
Drumming circle
Weight loss group
New mom group
PTA meeting
Tai chi or qigong class
Ballroom dancing
Hospice volunteer job
Tennis circuit
Walking, hiking or biking club
Investment club
Real estate club
Raw milk political interest group
Health blog
Website forum on water safety
And many others.
A method may be easy for a friend, but not for you, and
vice versa. Teaming up with a buddy is often fun and
educational. For example, if you have a budget to buy
leads, but have never done cold calls, practice a lot first,
and start cold calling with an experienced buddy. Offer to
give your buddy a few leads in exchange for their
IInnttrroodduucciinngg tthhee P
Use this section as your script cheat sheet to introduce the
Hi, Aunt Lulu? This is Amoeba.
Listen, I only have a minute and I’m calling
everyone I know to ask them a question. Do you
have a minute?
Yes, honey, what’s up?
Well, I don’t know if you know this, but I market a
product for...
Any time you meet someone new, this is one of the first
questions they ask—at parties, business meetings, any
social occasion.
Use the number of customers and the reason you have chosen as your initial
goal post; for example, ―...10 customers and I can take that trip I’ve been telling
you about...‖
o Quick question
o Do you know anyone?
o Can you help me?
Choose the subject that would make you open the email.
Your name
Email signature with your local phone number
Your name
Email signature with your local phone number
Ta ta,
[Your Name]
[Email signature, including phone number and
street address]
Hi John,
My question…
An alternative to this paragraph: ―I thought of you, because you're always
talking about xyz. And if you know anyone who also has aches
and pains and who doesn’t want to use painkillers, they’re invited.‖
[Your Name]
Hi, Kathleen This is Amoeba. Do you have a
I’m having a get-together at my house on [day] to
do a demo of a new product that I’m marketing.
It’s especially good for people with aches and
pains. Of course we’ll have a few munchies and
I’m hoping you can come. [pause]
What’s the product?
It’s these little patches that have helped me...
weerriinngg Q
These are the answers that are most likely to maintain the
customer’s interest. No hype and no seller talk.
1. “What is it?”
―It’s a small patch that looks like a little round
[Continue below.]
6. “Is it a pyramid?”
7. “Is it MLM?”
“Forewarned is forearmed.”
It's not you or the patches. And it's not because they don't
have aches and pains. Many people are venters who talk
about their ailments, but are not ready to do anything
about them, yet. At least not anything that costs any
money. And some don’t understand alternative treatments.
Be patient.
Don’t let someone else’s big goals discourage you from the
goals you’ve set for yourself.
Set your own pace, and your own style. Work with people
who respect your goals and make you feel good.
6. No health claims.
7. No income claims.
o Say no first.
You want to convey that you’re not upset with her reaction
and that you’re still interested in her. You’re also not
Tom Cruise asked his parents to give him ten years to get
his acting career off the ground. They were horrified, but
they supported him anyway. And now look...
Diidd IItt!! TTrraacckkeerr
The tracker is a tool to help you organize the many things you need
to do to be successful in your business. The items are keyed to the
chapters in the guide. As you complete each one, check them off
and know that you’re one step closer to making your first sale!
1. The Money
I know the two ways to earn money with LiveWave.
I know the six reasons customers are important to the success of
my business.
I know what I make when a customer orders a month’s supply of
the different patches.
I know what it takes to earn product introduction bonuses.
I know what it takes to earn binary commissions (optional –
I know what it takes to earn matching bonuses (optional –
I know the benefits of upgrading.
I know what the bulk packages are.
I know there are three types of customers and that a customer has
to enroll to buy a bulk order, even though she may not be selling
the product.
I know how to fill a customer’s order.
I know how to help a customer place her order.
2. First Goal Posts
I have decided on my goal posts.
I have ordered brochures and other sales aids.
I know how to refer people to the product page of the LifeWave
website so they can check out the patches.
3. Finding Customers
I have started my contact list.
I have reviewed all the reaching out methods and selected the
ones I want to use.
4. Introducing the Patches
I have created my 45-second First Date Script.
I have created my 7-second First Date Script.
I know both scripts by heart and they feel comfortable when I say
I have practiced both scripts out loud at least 100 times each.
I have done my cadaver calling with a buddy.
I have reviewed how scripts are customized for different
I have customized my scripts for the reaching out methods I’ll be
5. Answering Questions
I have learned the answers to the seven questions in this chapter.
6. Cautions
I am ready for the ten things I need to look out for.
I feel well prepared to make a success of my LifeWave business.
7. Success
I got my first order!
The End