The Story of The X39: Authors: David Schmidt & Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
The Story of The X39: Authors: David Schmidt & Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
The Story of The X39: Authors: David Schmidt & Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
David Schmidt & Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN
Introduction 5
Clinical Studies 49
Clinical studies performed by LifeWave show that the X39 patch
improved a person’s energy levels. When compared to the baseline
there is an improvement in overall energy of the body, organ
balance, and L/R symmetry distribution of energy.
Clinical studies performed by LifeWave show that X39 improves
the quality of sleep by altering levels of GABA, an important
neurotransmitter in the brain. The benefit is a natural improvement
in the quality and duration of sleep.
Initial clinical work performed by Dr. Loren Pickart showed that when
GHK-Cu is elevated in the body, cells essentially are restored to a
younger state and begin behaving like younger, healthier cells.
Many users of X39 report that after several weeks of using the
product, they notice a reduction in the appearance of scars. This
is a well-known attribute of elevating copper peptides known as
Most of us would like to have the best anti-aging strategies and products
possible, and now you can with X39. Elevating GHK-Cu is a proven method to
reset thousands of genes back to a younger, healthier state. The result is an
unparalleled level of health and vitality.
Introducing the LifeWave X39 patch: The first product ever that is designed to
activate your body’s own stem cells. How does X39 accomplish this? Using our
proprietary and patented form of phototherapy, X39 elevates the peptide GHK-
Cu. This is a naturally occurring peptide in your body that declines significantly
with age. In fact, after the age of 60 your levels of GHK-Cu have dropped by
more than 60%.
Over the past 10 years, I and the research team at LifeWave in San Diego,
California have been investigating new methods for dramatically accelerating
the way in which the human body heals after injury. The discoveries and
inventions that we have created have led to more than 70 global patents in the
field of regenerative science. Some of these inventions are so groundbreaking
that in initial trials with flat worms (a biological stem cell model) they show a
phenomenal 90% improvement in the speed of wound healing.
Later studies with animals and humans showed that in fact with specific
applications of electromagnetic fields created by some of these devices, the
activity of stem cells could indeed be enhanced, and both animals and humans
could heal much faster as compared to no therapy being applied.
Here is another way to express the problem to be solved. As we age, the stem
cells in our body become less and less effective. By the time we reach age
60, the stem cells in our body show very little activity, becoming slower and
releasing less of the growth factors that are needed to repair our body. By the time
we are in our mid-70s, we are showing almost no stem cell activity at all. This is
why people who are older have such a difficult time healing from injury.
Most companies working in the field of stem cell medicine inject stem cells
from a younger donor person into an older recipient. While this is promising,
the problem is that this is potentially dangerous (uncontrolled cell division),
costly (in excess of $10,000 for a single treatment) and not legal (most
countries have not approved stem cell therapy). But what if there were a way
to “reset” our own stem cells and get them to start acting like younger,
healthier cells. This would be incredibly safe, incredibly effective and extremely
inexpensive. That’s what we have done.
I was born in the early 1960s, and when the 1970s came along, I was a big fan of
the TV show “The Six Million Dollar Man.”
For those of you not familiar with this TV show it was the story of Colonel Steve
Austin – played by Lee Majors – who was involved in an accident while testing
an experimental plane. The plane crashed, and Colonel Austin was left barely
alive, with the loss of both legs, his right arm, and his left eye. Fortunately,
Steve Austin had a friend in the government who was able to offer him a radical
solution: replace those damaged body parts with robotic parts, making him the
world’s first bionic man.
In the introduction to the show, a narrator says “He will be better than he was
before. Better. Stronger. Faster.”
Let’s move forward 40 years from the airing of this TV show, and some
remarkable things have taken place since then. In fact, many of the futuristic
concepts talked about in shows like The Six Million Dollar Man and Star Trek are
realities today!
In the TV show, Steve Austin, with the aid of his bionic limbs, can run at 60
MPH, lift cars and see over great distances. Interestingly enough, there is a new
technology that the US government has been developing that is a new type
of contact lens. It will give the user telescopic vision just like in the TV show!
If there is military technology to allow people to run 60 MPH, then it must
still be classified.
But what about us regular people that want to achieve our fullest potential and
don’t want to have robotic limbs? Is there a way that we too can become better,
stronger and faster?
And if you’re someone that is not interested in sports performance but just
wants to have the best quality of health available, can new technology offer us
something to solve the problem of declining health with age?
And what if you are already suffering in pain from an illness or injury. Is there
something that will give you control over your life and rid you of this pain forever
without having to resort to addictive drugs?
What is it that people love about LifeWave and why have we been so successful?
• Our Energy patches are a new way to get you through the day without
caffeine and give you that extra energy from increasing fat burning.
• Our IceWave patches have been clinically documented to relieve pain in
minutes, all without any drugs or side effects.
• Glutathione is the body’s most important antioxidant, and our light-based
method of elevating glutathione offers unparalleled benefits, including
increased rates of detoxification and immune system support.
• Carnosine is a miracle nutrient for improving strength, stamina, and cognitive
function, and our patch technology has you experiencing the benefits of
carnosine your very first week of use.
• Aeon is our revolutionary anti-aging patch based on how a queen bee can
outlive a worker bee by 50 to 60 times. Using Aeon daily allows you to
manage stress and inflammation and, up until X39, had been our best-selling
product since its release.
With all of these life-changing products, who could want anything more?
Well as it turns out there has been a “new frontier” developing in the
regenerative medicine community over the past several decades, and it is “stem
cell medicine” or “stem cell science.”
Stem Cells are the future of health and medicine, and here is why:
• Stem cells could potentially cure diseases such as Parkinson’s, diabetes and
• Stem cells could rapidly heal burns, relieving pain and saving lives.
• Since stem cells are the precursor to every cell in the body, the potential exists
to regenerate the body from damage, even entire organs or entire limbs.
• Stem cells could help us to stay younger longer, or even reverse the aging
So, if stem cells are so great, then why aren’t they being used today? How come
you cannot just go to your doctor for “a shot of stem cells”? Well as it turns
out, there are MANY good reasons as to why stem cell therapy is generally NOT
available today:
• Most countries around the world have NOT approved stem cell therapy.
• Stem cell therapy is very risky with about a 30% chance that the stem cells
will actually damage the body.
• Stem cell therapy today has a low chance of success (about 30%).
• Stem cell therapy is extremely expensive.
• The therapy is not practical for an individual to use on a regular basis.
This presents an interesting challenge then. How can we get the benefits of stem
cell therapy TODAY without the risk, without having to spend huge amounts of
money, and without having to wait for the therapy to become legal? As it turns
out there is now an answer, and LifeWave has it!
After many years of research, LifeWave has developed a new product called
X39. This LifeWave patch is a method of “activating” the stem cells that already
exist in your body (more on that later). The initial users of X39 called the
benefits “remarkable,” “incredible” and “life-changing” and soon so will you.
What can “activating” stem cells do for you?
After developing products for over 30 years, and holding over 100 patents and
patent applications globally, I can truly say that at this point in my life, X39TM is
my greatest achievement. Having a product that works this quickly and provides
these many benefits seems like a miracle, or too good to be true, but it is simply
applying the magic of stem cells to the human body. Thank you for joining me
on the story you are about to read, and like many others before you, you will feel
that this is the first day of the rest of your new life.
David Schmidt
Founder and CEO, LifeWave
Now when it comes to improving health most people have a variety of different
things that they think about.
Here are some unfortunate facts: Diets do not work for most people, most
people do not stay committed to an exercise program, there is no “magic pill”
for health, and all drugs have side effects. And if you are in the category of just
accepting it as aging, then be thankful you are reading this right now because
there is hope.
What if there was a completely new approach to health? What if there was a
way to improve upon your quality of life that did not involve any type of diet,
exercise program, drug or supplement? And what if this new approach was
patented, backed by science and clinical research, and had a proven track
record? Welcome to the world of LifeWave.
Since then a large array of treatments using controlled light have been
developed. Though the popular consumer understanding of “ light therapy”
is associated with treating seasonal affective disorder, circadian rhythm
disorders and skin conditions like psoriasis, other applications include
the use of low-level laser, red light, near-infrared and ultraviolet lights for
pain management, hair growth, skin treatments, and accelerated wound
healing.” (Wikipedia reference)
The science of LifeWave has been advancing for the last 16 years, starting in
2002 when David Schmidt first discovered he could increase energy production
in human cells using very specific wavelengths of light. He created a patch
technology that people could wear for increasing energy that would reflect
specific wavelengths of light onto the surface of the skin as opposed to
ingesting chemicals such as caffeine.
Over the last 16 years LifeWave patches have been gaining worldwide credence
and use, bolstered by continuous research and documentation of effectiveness.
Acceptance of LifeWave patch technology is occurring because David Schmidt
has invented phototherapy products that anyone can use. His LifeWave
technology has taken phototherapy out of labs and clinics and put it into
people’s homes.
Now LifeWave is introducing the new X39 patch, an advance in promoting stem
cell science that is affordable, effective and now proven by research to have
far-ranging health benefits. The X39 patch is the most technologically advanced
patch ever invented.
How do the patches work? A person who uses LifeWave patches utilizes the
body’s own energy in the form of infrared body heat to power up or activate
the materials in the patch. The patch then reflects light on to the skin which
stimulates the nerves on the skin. The result is a specific change in the bodies
biochemistry, such as “activating stem cells”.
By now, reading this you may be thinking “okay, there is science and science can
be wonderful, but what I want to know is, will it meet my needs?” If your needs
are relief from pain, a desire to feel better and become better, feelings of vitality
and youth, and living healthier by enhancing cellular energy, then you need to try
the X39 patch.
Some individuals who have been using the X39 patch for months have
nicknamed the X39 patch ‘True Beauty’ because of the reduction in the
appearance of lines and wrinkles. Other people have been amazed by the effect
of the X39 in rapidly relieving pain. Still others have been shocked to see that
they are healing the way they did when they were in their twenties.
The results of this study were incredible. Over 90% of participants experienced
pain relief within minutes of use, and remember that this was WITHOUT any type
of drug; only light.
Or let’s say you were suffering from poor sleep. A clinical study conducted by
the prominent neurosurgeon Dr. Norm Shealy concluded that by using Silent
Nights patches, the length of sleep could be improved by a staggering 60%. The
quality of sleep was also improved.
But what if you are already pain-free, you sleep well and are in relatively good
health? First, congratulations! But what about the aging process? We know
that aging is not kind and eventually even the healthiest of us will fall victim to
the aging process. But the good news is that it does not have to be this way.
Now, there is a new product that can offer amazing YOUTH RENEWAL benefits,
and like our other products, it is all based on light.
Read on to learn about how stem cells are the future of health and medicine, and
how LifeWave has the only product available for activating those stem cells and
putting them to work for you, achieving benefits never before possible.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are cells that have the potential to change into other types of cells
in the body during growth and development. In adults, stem cells serve as
the body’s repair system in that stem cells possess the capability of dividing
to replenish themselves. Stem cells also possess the capability of turning
into specialized organ cells in a process called differentiation. It is through
stem cell differentiation that stem cells can replace damaged organ cells. It is
through the replacement of damaged cells by new organ cells, derived from
stem cells, that regeneration occurs. The use of stem cells to treat human
diseases is now termed “regenerative medicine.”
Stem cells are different from other kinds of cells in the body in that they
are unspecialized cells that have the capability of turning into any type of
specialized cell. Stem cells are located throughout the body, and they may
remain dormant (non-dividing) for years until they are activated. Activation
of stem cells to differentiate into specialized cells occurs when a need
arises for new cells to maintain organ and tissue function. Also, injury to
tissues can stimulate the activation of stem cells, when adequate capability
of peptide production and gene expression still exists. All stem cells are
capable of dividing and renewing themselves, but as we age the peptides
that activate stem cells decline and stem cell renewal drastically slows down.
When the process of cell death exceeds renewal and stem cell-initiated
repair, organ degeneration begins, health will deteriorate and eventually, if
organ functions fall too far, death soon follows.
Although doctors have known about stem cells for over 60 years, it was
not until 1968 that doctors used bone marrow stem cells to perform the
first successful bone marrow transplant. Currently, doctors can now harvest
stem cells from blood and fat. These stem cells can then be injected back
into the bloodstream or directly injected into tissues. While many people
can experience a benefit, the process is very expensive and can cost tens
of thousands of dollars for each injection. Costs of stem cell injections vary
widely, and insurance does not cover many of these procedures, which are
still considered experimental by many insurance companies. Clinics that
harvest your own stem cells from blood and fat are now present in many
countries and USA states. Generally, reinjection of harvested stem cells is
well tolerated. Just about any condition you can think of is a candidate for
stem cell injections.
Another possibility is that harvested stem cells from blood and fat can also
be induced to divide to grow larger amounts in labs. Cloning of stem cells
allows doctors to give larger amounts with each injection, but this process
is prohibited in many countries. “The FDA contends that any process that
includes culturing, expansion, and added growth factors or antibiotics
requires regulation because the process constitutes significant manipulation
(Reisman and Adams, 2014).”
Stem cells can actually treat many conditions and diseases that are currently
untreatable by any current therapy. The major issues at this time are safety,
efficacy, legality and cost.
At this time in history, each person is faced with very limited choices
regarding stem cells:
2. Pay for stem cell injections that may not be legal or safe.
(Reisman M, Adams KT. Stem cell therapy: a look at current research, regulations, and remaining
hurdles. P T. 2014;39(12):846-57.)
What is photobiomodulation?
A simple way to understand this is to think about how our bodies respond
to sunlight. When we go in the sun, ultraviolet light will cause our body to
produce Vitamin D, an excellent example of how a specific wavelength of
light will cause a chemical change in our body. By using other wavelengths
of light we can achieve other health benefits.
In the late 1990s until 2002 David Schmidt was an owner in a company
involved in developing survival equipment for the US Navy through
government contractors. As a result of this work he was invited to be part of
a design team for the Navy’s next generation mini-sub. This mini-sub was to
be manned by Navy SEALs, and a need existed to find a way to improve
the energy and survivability of the crew without having to resort to drugs.
Earlier in his career David had conducted energy medicine research at Pace
University while pursuing a degree in biology. This research performed in
the late 1980s involved the use of electromagnetic equipment of his own
design to selectively target and treat neuroblastoma cells. The research was
a success and demonstrated that electromagnetic energy, when applied
properly, could influence the health and well-being of a cell. David decided
that he would continue research along these lines and develop an energy-
based product to solve the needs for this project.
During his investigation of the effects of light on the human body David also
learned that research studies had established that the biological effects of
light on the body were not specific to devices that produce light. Instead, it
is light at specific wavelengths that create the biological effects and not the
device which produced it. At first, he experimented with jade, tourmaline
and ceramic materials that absorb human infrared energy.
In more detail, isomers are two compounds with the same formula but
have a different arrangement of atoms in the molecule and exhibit different
properties. It is the unique properties of the use of different isomers along
with differently sized nano-crystals in the different patch products that
provide LifeWave patches with their different effects.
LifeWave has developed this new technology for energy production, pain
management, sleep improvement, peptide production, stress management
and, with the X39 patch, production of the peptide GHK-Cu that turns on
(activates) stem cells. LifeWave patches can safely be combined with other
therapies. In fourteen years with hundreds of thousands of users, there have
never been any reports of drug interactions or interference with implantable
medical devices such as pacemakers. So by introducing the X39 patch,
LifeWave is harnessing the power of stem cells to promote healing.
“No physician in the history of humanity has ever healed a patient. Only
the cells of the patient can heal the patient. Only cells know how to close
wounds, understand what to do with insulin and how to destroy pathogens.
The best a physician can do, is to move obstacles out of the way of cells
(e.g., by surgery), supply materials and weapons to the cells (e.g., drugs
and building blocks of life) and leave the fight against disease to the cells.
Harnessing the power of the cells is the fundamental basis of Regenerative
Medicine (DR. JOSEPH PURITA -”
1. Hamblin MR. Photobiomodulation and the brain – has the light dawned? Biochemical Society.
5. Schmidt D. Biomolecular Wearable Apparatus. US Patent 8734316 B2. May 27, 2014.
6. Tulip PR, Clark SJ. Lattice dynamical and dielectric properties of L-amino acids. PHYSICAL
7. van Milgen J. Modeling biochemical aspects of energy metabolism in mammals. The Journal of
nutrition. 2002;132(10):3195-202.
8. Vatansever F, Hamblin MR. Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical
9. Whelan HT, Buchmann EV, Whelan NT, et al. NASA light-emitting diode medical applications: From
deep space to deep sea. Space Tech. & App Int’ l Forum. 2001a;552:35-45.
10. Whelan HT, Smits RL Jr., Buchman EV, et al. Effect of NASA light-emitting diode irradiation on
Peptides are chains of two or more amino acids. Peptides are not only the
building blocks of proteins, but they are also bioregulators and hormones
that control genetic expression and the biological activity of all the cells in
the body.
GHK-Cu levels are high in young people, but the concentration of GHK-Cu
drops in humans with increased age. In a study performed at the University
of California at San Francisco, young male medical students (age 20–25),
were found to have about 200 nanograms/mL of GHK-Cu in their blood
plasma, while the healthy, male medical school faculty (average age of 60)
had a decline of 60% with a plasma levels of only 80 nanograms/mL
(Pickart, 2008; Pickart et al., 2017).
Benefits of GHK-Cu (Pickart et al., 2012; 2014; 2015; 2017; 2018, 2018b)
GHK-Cu can:
• The blood protein albumin is the main source of copper transport in the
bloodstream. The peptide GHK has the ability to acquire copper ions
from albumin and move copper into cells of injured tissue (Pickart et al.,
1980; Lau et al., 1981).
• “Due to its small size and unique copper-binding characteristics, GHK
may be able to facilitate rapid exchange of copper in the intracellular
space (Pickart et al., 2018).”
• GHK plays an important role in regulating copper availability at a cellular
level. The key concept is that GHK provides the body with the ability to
correct copper imbalances at a cellular level (Pickart et al., 2012b).
• A deficiency of intracellular copper impairs the activity of the copper-
dependent enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase). When SOD activity is
impaired, cells are subjected to oxidative stress that disrupts many
cellular functions including DNA functions and energy production. When
the energy production of cells is compromised to an extreme degree,
the cells die. Cell death is the opposite of cellular regeneration.
• Copper delivery into cells is also essential for stem cells to start
proliferating and regenerating tissues (Pickart et al., 2015a).
What role does copper have in injuries?
• Clinical studies have shown that GHK-Cu can tighten and firm loose skin,
and improve skin thickness and elasticity. GHK-Cu can also reduce fine
lines and wrinkles, reduce, hyperpigmentation, and reduce sun damage
(Finkley et al., 2005; Pickart et al., 2015a).
• GHK-Cu is proving to be one of the most effective molecules that
promote skin repair and regeneration (Gorouhi et al., 2009). GHK
stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin; both proteins are
necessary components of youthful skin (Pickart et al., 2018b). With age,
the skin loses collagen and elasticity and begins to sag and wrinkle. GHK-
Cu has been found to improve the appearance of skin, sometimes in a
dramatic fashion.
Wound healing
• Pain studies so far have been limited to animal studies since most
humans will not willingly participate in scientific research where they have
pain inflicted upon themselves.
• Both mice and rat studies have shown that GHK improves pain control
and reduces anxiety (Bobyntsev et al., 2015; Sever’yanova et al., 2017).
• Gene studies have also found the seven anti-pain genes increased with
GHK-Cu (Pickard et al., 2018B).
• Stem cells are influenced by the tissue niche they are located in and are
affected by the microenvironment in which they reside. The chemistry of
the extracellular matrix particularly the presence of peptide regulators
affects the mobility, growth, and differentiation of stem cells (Gaur et al.,
2017; Pickart et al., 2018).
• “An examination of the GHK-induced actions on gene expression relevant to
stem cell function finds many genes that control development and
differentiation, cell growth, RNA and DNA synthesis and transcription
(Pickart et al., 2018).”
• The stem cell biotech firm Gamida Cell of Jerusalem, Israel, has a patent
in which they claim that GHK increases proliferation of stem cells, and
when GHK binds to copper in the body the GHK-Cu causes stem cells to
progress into differentiated cells (Peled et al., 2010).
• GHK-Cu activates genes that control stem cell production in nervous
tissue (brain) and other organs, which produces both antioxidant
protective effects as well as regenerative effects (Pickart et al., 2017). GHK
helps increase the number of dendritic connections in the brain; these
connections are an important component of memory function. GHK
enhances the production of Nerve Growth Factor, a critical factor
involved in brain repair. GHK activates genes and causes the body to
release chemicals that are involved in pain control. The analgesic effect of
GHK is well recognized in animal studies.
• The gene activation effects in brain stem cells may potentially prove
to be of great benefit to older people who are having declining mental
• Biologically active GHK-Cu has a multitude of reported antiaging effects
including wound healing, regeneration of aged skin, tissue regeneration
(skin, hair follicles, stomach and intestinal linings, hair growth, brain, and
boney tissue) and activation of stem cells (Pickart et al., 2012: Pickart et
al., 2017).
• In summary, for anti-aging effects to occur resident stem cells in the
tissues have to be activated. Peptides like GHK-Cu can also cause some
differentiated cells to revert to pluripotent stem cells and acquire mobility
where they travel to regenerate other organs (Blanpain et al., 2014; Oritz
et al., 2017).
1. Blanpain C, Fuchs E. Stem Cell Plasticity. Plasticity of epithelial stem cells in tissue regeneration.
2. Bobyntsev II, Chernysheva OI, Dolgintsev ME, Smakhtin MY, Belykh AE. Anxiolytic Effects of Gly-
His-Lys Peptide and Its Analogs. Bull Exp Biol Med. 2015;156:726–728.
3. Campbell JD, McDonough JE, Zeskind JE, Hackett TL, Pechkovsky DV, Brandsma CA, Suzuki M,
Gosselink JV, Liu G, Alekseyev YO, et al. A gene expression signature of emphysema-related lung
destruction and its reversal by the tripeptide GHK. Genome Med. 2012;4:67.
4. Canapp SO, Jr., Farese JP, Schultz GS, et al. The effect of topical tripeptide-copper complex on
5. Finkley MB, Appa Y, Bhandarkar S. Copper Peptide and Skin. Cosmeceuticals and Active
Cosmetic, 2nd Edition, P. Eisner and H.I. Maibach (Eds.) Marcel Dekker, New York. 2005:549-563
6. Gaur M, Dobke M, Lunyak VV. Mesenchymal stem cells from adipose tissue in clinical applications
for dermatological indications and skin aging. Int J Mol Sci. 2017; 18.
7. Gonzales KAU, Fuchs E. Skin and its regenerative powers: an alliance between stem cells and
8. Gorouhi F, Maibach HI. Role of topical peptides in preventing and treating aged skin. Int J Cosm
10. Gul NY, Topal A, Cangul IT, Yanik K. The effects of topical tripeptide-copper complex and helium-
neon laser on wound healing in rabbits. Vet Dermatol. 2008;19 (1): 7–14.
11. Hong Y., Downey T., Eu K.W., Koh P.K., Cheah P.Y. A “metastasis-prone” signature for early-stage
mismatch-repair proficient sporadic colorectal cancer patients and its implications for possible
12. Iorio F, Bosotti R, Scacheri E, Belcastro V, Mithbaokar P, Ferriero R, et al. Discovery of drug mode
of action and drug repositioning from transcriptional responses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
13. Krüger N., et al. Topische Applikation eines Kupfertripeptidkomplexes: Pilot studie bei gealterter
14. Lamb J. The connectivity map: a new tool for biomedical research. Nat Rev Cancer. 2007;7(1):54–
16. Ortiz-Montero P, Londoño-Vallejo A, Vernot JP. Senescence-associated IL-6 and IL-8 cytokines
capabilities in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Cell Commun Signal. 2017; 15: 17.
17. Peled T, Fibach E, Treves A. U.S. Patent No. 7,855,075. Washington: Patent and Trademark Office.
18. Pickart L. Ph.D. Thesis. University of California; San Francisco, CA, USA: 1973. A Tripeptide from
Human Serum Which Enhances the Growth of Neoplastic Hepatocytes and the Survival of
Normal Hepatocytes.
19. Pickart L., Freedman J.H., Loker W. J., Peisach J., Perkins C.M., Stenkamp R.E., Weinstein B.
Growth-modulating plasma tripeptide may function by facilitating copper uptake into cells.
Nature. 1980;288:715–717.
20. Pickart L. The human tri-peptide GHK and tissue remodeling. J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Ed.
21. Pickart L, Margolina A. Anti-aging activity of the GHK peptide—the skin and beyond. J Aging Res
22. Pickart L, Vasquez-Soltero JM, Margolina A. The Human Tripeptide GHK-Cu in Prevention of
Oxidative Stress and Degenerative Conditions of Aging: Implications for Cognitive Health.
23. Pickart L, Vasquez-Soltero JM, Margolina A. GHK and DNA: resetting the human genome to
24. Pickart L, Vasquez-Soltero JM, Margolina A. GHK Peptide as a Natural Modulator of Multiple
Cellular Pathways in Skin Regeneration. BioMed Research International. 2015;2015a:648108.
25. Pickart L, Vasquez-Soltero J, Margolina A. GHK-Cu may Prevent Oxidative Stress in Skin by
Regulating Copper and Modifying Expression of Numerous Antioxidant Genes. Cosmetics 2015;
2(3): 236-47.
26. Pickart L, Vasquez-Soltero JM, Margolina A. The effect of the human peptide GHK on gene
expression relevant to nervous system function and cognitive decline. Brain Sci. 2017; 7.
27. Pickart L, Margolina A. The Effect of the Human Plasma Molecule GHK-Cu on Stem Cell Actions
28. Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light
of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018b Jul 7;19(7).
29. Sever’yanova LА, Dolgintsev ME. Effects of Tripeptide Gly-His-Lys in Pain-Induced Aggressive-
31. Uauy R, Olivares M, Gonzalez M. Essentiality of copper in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998; 67: 952-
32. Yang Z, Balic A, Michon F, Juuri E, Thesleff I. Mesenchymal wnt/β-Catenin signaling controls
epithelial stem cell homeostasis in teeth by inhibiting the antiapoptotic effect of fgf10. Stem
These included:
• Many cases of “instantaneous” pain relief (pain relief within seconds of
• Reduction in inflammation
• Very rapid wound healing
• More energy
• Much deeper sleep
• Enhanced mental clarity
• Faster recovery from exercise
• Better sports performance
• Healing of old injuries
• Tightening of the skin
• Hair growth (reported by some people).
But are all of these things really possible from one product? And if so, then
how would this be possible at all? Let’s dive a bit deeper into why the above
experiences are not only possible but why we would expect these things to
In practice, the X39 patch is simply applied to the back of the neck, and this
will provide pain relief just about everywhere in the body. As an option, you
may also apply the X39 to the site of pain. Here are two different examples:
Joe D. had problems with his knees for years, having been through a knee
replacement surgery, and plagued with chronic inflammation and pain
around his knees which limited his mobility. This knee pain greatly interfered
with Joe’s ability to enjoy a round of golf. When Joe was introduced to
LifeWave, every day he would apply five patches (which included IceWave,
Aeon and Glutathione) to the knees. By using all these patches on his
knees, he was able to manage the pain and inflammation. However when
Joe was introduced to the X39, he was able to remove ALL of these five
patches and simply use just one X39 patch directly on the knee. This
actually gave him better results than using those other five patches. And
now Joe is playing the best golf of his life.
Christine G. has had problems with both knees as well. Some of her
favorite activities have included skiing and dancing, but in recent years
she has tended to avoid these activities because the knee pain and
stiffness was too great. When Christine was introduced to the X39, she
applied one patch to the back of the neck. Within minutes she noticed a
significant reduction in pain and stiffness in her knees. As Christine
continued to use the X39, her results continued to improve to the point
where she went out dancing with her friends to celebrate!
So here we have two cases with very similar problems, and both individuals
achieved the similar results; one with a placement directly on the pain, and
the other just by simply applying to the back of the neck.
It is, of course, normal in research to move from in vitro testing (test tubes)
to animal studies before doing any human testing. A series of animal
experiments at various laboratories established the pronounced wound
healing activity of GHK-Cu. In one study involving rabbits, the dermal
wounds were evaluated. It was found that GHK-Cu facilitated wound
healing, causing better wound contraction, faster development of granular
tissue and improved angiogenesis (development of new blood vessels).
Importantly, antioxidant levels were elevated.
Gul, NY; Topal, A; Cangul, IT; Yanik, K (2008). “The effects of topical tripeptide copper
complex and helium-neon laser on wound healing in rabbits.” Vet Dermatol. 19 (1): 7–14.
Cangul, IT; Gul, NY; Topal, A; Yilmaz, R (2006). “Evaluation of the effects of topical tripeptide-
copper complex and zinc oxide on open-wound healing in rabbits.” Vet Dermatol. 17 (6):
417–23. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3164.2006.00551.x.
The studies above were looking at healing a localized wound. However, what
has also been found in research studies is that GHK-Cu also promotes an
improvement in wound healing throughout the entire body.
GHK-Cu has been found to induce a system-wide enhancement of healing
in rats, mice, and pigs. As an example, when GHK-Cu is injected in one
area of the body (such as the thigh muscles), improved healing is observed
at another part of the body (such as the ears). Injecting GHK-Cu in these
studies strongly increased measures of healing such as collagen production,
angiogenesis, and wound closure. [17]
Pickart L. Compositions for accelerating wound healing in mammals containing cupric salt or
In one study, a wound 6mm in diameter was induced on the back of rats.
For 13 days the wounds were treated daily with topical GHK or given no
treatment. At the end of the study, the wound size had decreased by 64.5%
in the GHK group and by 28.2% in the control group. The difference between
the GHK group’s wounds and those of the control group was statistically
Canapp SO Jr, Farese JP, Schultz GS, Gowda S, Ishak AM, Swaim SF, Vangilder J, Lee-
PMID 14648529.
The fact that GHK-Cu has worked so well in both the laboratory and in
animal studies is fine, but what about clinical studies with human beings?
In 1994 a clinical study was published in the journal Wound Repair and
Regeneration looking at this same question. In this study a 2% GHK gel
showed promising results in the treatment of 120 diabetic patients, increasing
the percentage of ulcer closure from 60.8% to 98.5%, and decreasing the
percentage of infection from 34% to 7%. The rate of healing was three times
greater with GHK.
Mulder DPM1, Gerit D.; Patt PhD2, Leonard M.; Sanders DPM, Lee; et al. (1994). “Enhanced
More energy
A study published in July of 2015 looked at the cosmetic benefits of GHK-Cu.
GHK-Cu may Prevent Oxidative Stress in Skin by Regulating Copper and Modifying
Boulevard SE, Suite No. 200, Bellevue, WA 98006, USA Received: 17 June 2015 / Accepted:
One of the most common experiences people report with the X39 patch
is an improvement in energy levels. When the Energy patches were first
developed in 2002, and then first sold through our network in 2004, it
was established with multiple clinical studies that the Energy patches were
upregulating which is known as beta oxidation (fat burning) by around 23%.
As the body derives more energy from fat than carbohydrates, it was easy to
see why people were reporting the feelings of more energy.
The Aeon patch was released in 2011, and this patch has been designed to
reduce inflammation and increase antioxidant production with the benefit
of providing stress relief. People who use Aeon often report feeling calmer
during the day as well as having more energy from this stress reduction.
It is hypothesized at this point based on the data we have that the X39 is
increasing the feeling of energy that people have through the reduction of
inflammation, oxidative stress, and elevation of antioxidants. Since we
know that GHK-Cu provides these benefits, and that inflammation and
oxidative stress reduce a person’s energy capacity, this is a reasonable
conclusion. In the future, there may be studies that look at this specific
benefit of the X39 patch.
As of December 2018, a clinical study completed by Dr. Thornton Streeter
did in fact demonstrate that continued use of the X39 patch resulted in an
overall improvement of a person’s energy levels.
Clinical studies performed by LifeWave show that the X39 patch
improved a person’s energy levels. When compared to the baseline
there is an improvement in overall energy of the body, organ
balance, and L/R symmetry distribution of energy.
Clinical studies performed by LifeWave show that X39 improves
the quality of sleep by altering levels of GABA, an important
neurotransmitter in the brain. The benefit is a natural improvement
in the quality and duration of sleep.
Initial clinical work performed by Dr. Loren Pickart showed that when
GHK-Cu is elevated in the body, cells essentially are restored to a
younger state and begin behaving like younger, healthier cells.
Many users of X39 report that after several weeks of using the
product, they notice a reduction in the appearance of scars. This
is a well-known attribute of elevating copper peptides known as
As of December 2018, LifeWave has completed more than 80 clinical studies on its
products since 2002. X39 is no exception, with clinical research comprising
traditional blood, urine and saliva analysis along with various bioelectrical data
such as Heart Rate Variability. We have also completed clinical work utilizing self-
assessment to determine how X39 improves such things as pain management and
All study participants had testing done at base line, 24 hours and 7 days. Six
minute recordings of EKG, pulse, respiration, heart rate variability (HRV), temp,
blood volume pulse, galvanic skin response, 2 EMG (muscle) leads.
After only one day of wearing X39, people reported feeling better. After one week
of using X39 there was statistical significance showing clear overall improvement
in the feelings of vitality and wellness.
The data from this study shows improvement in:
• Blood pressure and overall health of the heart
• 17 statistically significant amino acid changes over the 7 days
• Key neurotransmitters involved in overall health
• Improvement in sleep levels
• Improvement in short-term memory
• Improvement in reported feelings of overall health and vitality.
“I received a video testimonial on the X39. Two days ago I encouraged a lady
in Arusha, Tanzania that I have known for some time to try X39. Emiliana has
been in and out of the hospital with lumbar displacement. She can hardly
sit. She can’t turn in bed. They sent me her medical report and X-ray. After
applying X39; Day 1 she felt less pain in her waist. Last night she heard her
back pull and twist. She then felt some calmness. Shortly thereafter she was
able to turn in bed. This morning she bathed herself. By the time they were
doing the video she had sat down for 3hrs. She stood up and walked a bit in
the video. She says she is going to tell her DR and everybody who knows her
condition. It’s amazing.”
- Anthony Massawa
“My wife has had severe hip pain for years. After the 2nd patch these were
her words “It’s a miracle.” She had not been able to move her leg in certain
directions but now she can!!! I also have had right hip pain. It is much easier
to put my sock on now. I am also able to do certain Jiu Jitu’s moves that I
have not been able to do in years. Also, when I squat, I would put my left knee
down and keep my right knee up. I am now able to squat normally with no
- Dr. Michinori Tao