Fault Tracing: FMI 3: Checking The Injector Circuit

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Malfunctions, MID 128 Group 30: Electrical system

Fault tracing FMI 3: Checking the injector circuit

Fault code conditions
NOTE! Identify the cylinder by using the SID number
in the fault code. Injector activated.
Short circuit to battery voltage on the pin on each in-
FMI 2: Checking the injector circuit jector’s low voltage side.*
Fault code conditions * Engine control unit: Pins 16, 24, 32, 48, 56.
Injector activated.
Short circuit to battery voltage on the pin on each in- Symptom
jector’s high voltage side.* The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders.
* Engine control unit: Pin 59 or 60.

Possible reason
● Short circuit between high voltage and low voltage
The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders. sides.
● Short circuit to battery voltage in low voltage, in-
Possible reason jection cable.
● Short circuit to battery voltage in higher voltage,
injection cable. Suitable action
Suitable action Check the cables between the injector and the engine
1 control unit.
Check the cables between the injector and the engine
control unit.

FMI 4: Checking the injector circuit

Fault code conditions
Injector activated.
Short circuit to battery negative on the pin for each in-
jector’s low voltage* or high voltage side.**
* Pins 16, 24, 32, 40, 48 and 56 on the engine control unit.
** Pins 59 and 60 on the engine control unit.

The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders.

Possible reason
● Short circuit to earth (ground) in the cables on
each injector’s low voltage or high voltage side.

Suitable action
Check the cables between the injector and the engine
control unit.


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