Fault Tracing: FMI 3: Checking The Injector Circuit
Fault Tracing: FMI 3: Checking The Injector Circuit
Fault Tracing: FMI 3: Checking The Injector Circuit
Possible reason
● Short circuit between high voltage and low voltage
The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders. sides.
● Short circuit to battery voltage in low voltage, in-
Possible reason jection cable.
● Short circuit to battery voltage in higher voltage,
injection cable. Suitable action
Suitable action Check the cables between the injector and the engine
1 control unit.
Check the cables between the injector and the engine
control unit.
The engine can run on 3 or 5 cylinders.
Possible reason
● Short circuit to earth (ground) in the cables on
each injector’s low voltage or high voltage side.
Suitable action
Check the cables between the injector and the engine
control unit.