(i) ice
Which of the following statements are (ii) wood
true for pure substances? (iii) soil
(i) Pure substances contain only one (iv) air
kind of particles (a) (i) and (iii)
(ii) Pure substances may be compound (b) (ii) and (iv)
or mixtures (c) (i) and (iv)
(iii) Pure substances have the same (d) (iii) and (iv)
composition throughout
(iv) Pure substances can be exemplified Question 6.
by all elements other than nickel Blood and sea water are
(a) (i) and (ii) (a) both mixtures
(b) (i) and (iii) (b) both are compounds
(c) (iii) and (iv) (c) blood is a mixture whereas sea water
(d) (ii) and (iii) is a compound
(d) blood is a compound and sea water
is a mixture
Question 3. Question 7.
A mixture of sulphur and carbon Sol and gel are examples of
disulphide is (a) Solid-solid colloids
(a) heterogeneous and shows Tyndall (b) Sol is a solid-liquid colloid and gel is
effect liquid solid colloid
(b) homogeneous and shows Tyndall (c) Sol is solid-solid colloid and gel is
effect solid-liquid colloid
(c) heterogeneous and does not show (d) Sol is a liquid-solid colloid and gel is
Tyndall effect a solid-liquid colloid
(d) homogeneous and does not show
Tyndall effect Question 8.
In a water-sugar solution
Question 4. (a) water is solute and sugar is solvent
Tincture of iodine has antiseptic (b) water is solvent and sugar is solute
properties. This solution is made by (c) water is solute and water is also
dissolving solvent
(a) iodine in potassium iodide (d) none of these
(b) iodine in vaseline
(c) iodine in water Question 9.
(d) iodine in alcohol Boron and carbon are
(a) metalloids
uestion 5. (b) metalloid and non-metal respectively
Which of the following are (c) metal
homogeneous in nature? (d) non-metal and metalloid respectively
Question 12. (a) Sodium
Two substances, A and B were made to
react to reaction a third substance, A2B (b) Potassium
according to the following
(c) Mercury
2 A + B → A2B
Which of the following statements
(d) Bromine
concerning this reaction are incorrect?
(i) The product A2B shows the properties
of substances A and B
(ii) The product will always have a fixed 1. Which of the following statements is/are
composition correct?
(a) All the constituent particles of a pure
(iii) The product so formed cannot be
classified as a compound are the same in their chemical nature.
(iv) The product so formed is an element (b) A pure substance consists of a single
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) type of
(b) (ii), (iii) and (iv) particles.
(c) (i), (iii) and (iv) (c) Most of the matter around us exist as
(d) (ii), (iii) and (iv) mixtures of
two or more pure components.
Question 13. (d) All of these
Two chemical species X and Y combine Ans : (d) All of these
2. If the components of the substance can be
together to form a product P which
contains both X and Y by a chemical change only then it is a/an
X+Y→P (a) element (b) compound
X and Y cannot be broken down into (c) mixture (d) none of these
simpler substances by simple chemical Ans : (b) compound
reactions. Which of the following A compound can be separated into its
concerning the species X, Y and P are components by
chemical means while an element cannot be
(i) P is a compound separated. A mixture can be separated by
(ii) X and Y are compounds physical
(iii) X and Y are elements means.
(iv) P has a fixed composition 3. Identify the correct statement(s).
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (a) Mixtures which have a uniform
(b) (i), (ii) and (iv) composition
throughout are called homogeneous
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
mixtures or
(d) (i), (iii) and (iv) solutions.
(b) A homogeneous mixture can have a
. What is the name of the metal
which exists in liquid state at room composition.
(c) Heterogeneous mixtures have non- In colloidal solution dispersed phase is
uniform dispersed
compositions. uniformly in dispersion medium.
(d) All of these 17. Which of the following upon shaking
Ans : (d) All of these with water will
not form a true solution?
5. The zigzag movement of dispersed phase (a) Alum (b) Common salt
particle in a (c) Albumin (d) Sucrose
colloidal system is known as Ans : (c) Albumin
(a) Brownian motion Albumin will form a colloidal solution since
(b) translational motion it is not
(c) circular motion soluble in water.
(d) linear motion 18. Which of the following will show
Ans : (a) Brownian motion Tyndall effect?
The zigzag motion of colloidal particles is (a) Starch solution
called (b) Sodium chloride solution
Brownian motion. (c) Copper sulphate solution
(d) Sugar solution
7. The fine particles of an insoluble Ans : (a) Starch solution
substance uniformly
dispersed throughout a gas or liquid is called 12. Which of the following statements are
(a) suspension (b) precipitate correct about
(c) colloidal solution (d) impurity properties of colloids?
Ans : (c) colloidal solution 1. A colloid is a homogeneous mixture.
In colloidal solution, dispersed phase is 2. The size of particles of a colloid is too
dispersed small to be
uniformly in dispersion medium. individually seen by naked eye.
What kind of solution is gel? 3. Colloids are big enough to scatter a beam
(a) Colloid (b) Mixture of light
(c) Emulsion (d) Suspension passing through it and make its path visible.
Ans : (a) Colloid (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
Gel is a colloid in which liquid (c) 1 and 2 (d) 1 and 3
Ans : (b) 2 and 3
11. In ‘tincture of iodine’, a solute is .......... Colloidal solutions are heterogeneous in
and a solvent nature.
is .......... . 13. When a beam of light is passed through a
(a) alcohol, iodine (b) iodine, tin colloidal
(c) iodine, alcohol (d) tin, iodine solution, it gets
Ans : (c) iodine, alcohol (a) reflected (b) absorbed
A solution of iodine in (c) scattered (d) refracted
20. The size of colloidal solution is in the
16. The fine particles of an insoluble range of
substance uniformly (a) 1-100 nm (b) 100-1000 nm
dispersed throughout a gas or liquid is called (c) 10-5 m- 10-7 m (d) 107- 109 m
(a) suspension (b) precipitate Ans : (a) 1-100 nm
(c) colloidal solution (d) impurity
Ans : (c) colloidal solution
The size of colloidal particles is in the range 2. Which of the following is a homogeneous
of 1 to mixture?
100 nm. (a) Solution of sugar in water
21. Brass contains (b) Chalk powder in water
(a) gold and copper (b) copper and zinc (c) Kerosene oil in water
(c) zinc and silver (d) copper and silver (d) None of these
Ans : (b) copper and zinc Ans : (a) Solution of sugar in water
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Sugar solution is a homogeneous mixture.
22. Which of the following is a 23. Solutions with low concentrations of
homogeneous mixture? solutes are
(a) Solution of sugar in water (a) concentrated solutions (b) dilute
(b) Chalk powder in water solutions
(c) Kerosene oil in water (c) solvents (d) (d) none of these
(d) None of these
Ans : (a) Solution of sugar in water 24. Which of the following statement is
Sugar solution is a homogeneous mixture. correct?
23. Solutions with low concentrations of (a) A pure substance must contain only one
solutes are type of
(a) concentrated solutions (b) dilute atom.
solutions (b) A mixture containing two compounds
(c) solvents (d) nAns : (c) scattered must be
The scattering of beam of light on passing heterogeneous.
through (c) A heterogeneous mixture must contain
colloidal solution is known atleast
three elements.
14. Iodized common salt is (d) A homogeneous mixture must be
(a) homogeneous mixture uniform.
(b) heterogeneous mixture Ans : (d) A homogeneous mixture must be
(c) pure substance uniform.
(d) oxidized substance The mixture which
Ans : (a) homogeneous mixture
Iodized common salt is a homogeneous 27. Smoke is an example of
mixture since (a) gas dispersed in liquid
the composition of iodine and salt is fixed (b) gas dispersed in solid
throughout (c) solid dispersed in gas
the iodized salt and (b) solid dispersed in solid
Ans : (c) solid dispersed in gas
19. An emulsion is a colloidal solution In case of smoke solid
formed by mixing
(a) two miscible liquids 29. Which one of the following is correctly
(b) any two liquids matched?
(c) any two gases (a) Emulsion - curd (b) Foam - mist
(d) two immiscible liquids (c) Aerosol - smoke (d) Solid sol - cake
Ans : (d) two immiscible Ans : (c) Aerosol - smoke
Smoke is aerosol, solid dispersed
37. If the component of the substance can be DIRECTION : In the following questions,
separated by a statement of
a chemical change only then it is assertion (A) is followed by a statement of
(a) element (b) compound reason (R). Mark
(c) mixture (d) both (a) and (b) the correct choice as:
Ans : (b) compound (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
A compound can be separated into its true and
components by reason (R) is the correct explanation of
chemical means while an element cannot be assertion
further (A).
separated. A mixture can be separated by (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are
physical true but
means. reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
38. Select the old one out. assertion (A).
(a) Carbon (b) Oxygen (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is
(c) Iodine (d) Mercury false.
Ans : (d) Mercury (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is
Mercury is a metal while carbon, oxygen true.
and iodine 1. Assertion : When a beam of light is
are non-metals. passed through
40. Which of the following is not true for a a colloidal solution placed in a dark place
compound? the path of
(a) A compound is heterogeneous in nature the beam becomes visible.
(b) A compound contains different elements Reason : Light gets scattered by the
in a fixed colloidal particles.
ratio. Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R)
are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of Reason : Electrophoresis is an electrical
assertion (A). property.
Light is scattered by colloidal particles, Ans : (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R)
making the are true
path of the beam visible but reason (R) is not the correct explanation
3. Assertion : A solution of table salt in a assertion (A).
glass of water Scattering of light by colloidal particles is an
is homogeneous. optical
Reason : A solution having different activity. Coagulation of colloidal particles
composition under an
throughout is homogeneous. electrical field is an electrical property.
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason
(R) is false. 1. What is the general name of the
A solution having same composition materials which contain at least two
throughout is pure substances and show the
properties of the constituents? 2.
6. Assertion : True solution exhibits Tyndall Which of the following is a mixture?
effect. Salt, Air, Water, Alum, Sugar 3.
Reason : Particles are very large in size. Classify the following into elements
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason
and compounds: a. H2O b. He c. Cl2
(R) is true.
True solutions do not exhibit Tyndall effect d. CO e. Co 4. Name the property:
since the (a) Which allows metals to be
particle size is very small to scatter light. hammered into thin sheets. (b)
7. Assertion : Colloidal solutions are stable Which enables metals to be drawn
and the
colloidal particles do not settle down. into wires. 5. Which of the following
Reason : Brownian movement counters the are 'pure substances'? Ice, Milk,
force of Iron, Hydrochloric acid, Calcium
gravity acting on colloidal particles. oxide, Mercury, Brick, Wood, Air 6.
Ans : (a) Both assertion
What is the other name for impure
8. Assertion : A solution of table salt in a substances? Give two examples of
glass of water impure substances
is homogeneous. 2. 13. (a) Differentiate between
Reason : A solution having different homogeneous and heterogeneous
throughout is homogeneous. mixtures. (b) Classify the following
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason materials as homogeneous mixtures
(R) is false. and heterogeneous mixtures. Soda-
A solution having same water, Wood, Air, Soil, Vinegar,
Alcohol and water mixture, Petrol
10. Assertion : Tyndall effect is an optical
property. and water mixture, Chalk and water
mixture, Sugar and water mixture, liquid homogeneous mixture.
Copper sulphate solution. 16.Name two elements which are
3. 4. Classify the following into metals, in liquid state at room
non-metals and metalloids: Silicon, temperature?
Mercury, Diamond, Sulphur, Iodine,
Germanium, Sodium, Carbon,
Magnesium, Copper, Boron, Helium
4. 16. Out of a colloid, solution and a
suspension: (a) Which one has the
smallest particles? (b) Which one
has the largest particles? 17.
Calculate the concentration of
solution which contains 2.5 g salt
dissolved in 50 g water. 18. A
solution contains 5.6 mL of alcohol
mixed with 75 mL of water.
Calculate the concentration of this
5. 21. Define (a) solute, and (b) solvent
22. What is the difference between
solutions and colloids? 23. What is
the difference between colloids and
3.Give one example each of
homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixture..
5.How can we check whether the
given soli substance is pure or
6.A hard substance produces a
tinkling sound when beat. Is it
metal or a non- metal?
7.Is brass a mixture or a
8.What type of solution is an
Liquid solution or solid solution
13.Give one example of solid-