Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
Digital Image Processing
S.J.P.N. Trust’s
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Recognized by Govt, of Karnataka & Affiliated to VTU Belagavi.
Accredited at 'A' Grade by NAAC and Programmes accredited by NBA: CSE, ECE, EEE & ME
A Seminar report on
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It is indeed a great privilege for me to present this seminar report. I take this
opportunity to thank all those who made this endeavour successful.
Last but not the least I express my deepest and sincere gratitude to all teaching
and non teaching staff of the Dept. of EEE, HIT Nidasoshi
Praveen Janamatti
Vision is a major source of information for human beings. In olden days it was
chimerical and very surprising thing but over the decade the trend has changed by
technological feasts occurring around the world. Image processing has definitely has
its impact on communication devices such as cell phone, web camera. By using
digital image processing we enhance the digital images and extracting information
and features from the image. Because of the computational load of dealing with
images containing millions of pixels, digital image processing was largely of
academic interest until the 1970s, when dedicated hardware became available that
could process images in real time, for some dedicated problems such as television
standards conversion. With the fast computers and signal processors available in the
2000s, digital image processing has become the most common form of image
processing, and is generally used because it is not only the most versatile method, but
also the cheapest. There are many applications for image processing like surveillance,
navigation, and robotics. This technology is more useful in the investigation in crime
Branch. Digital Image Processing has the advantages as a wider range of algorithm to
be applied to the input data and can avoid the problems such as build-up of noise and
signal distortion during processing. For this the NASA and U.S military have
developed advanced computer software which improves the clarity of and amount of
detail visible in still and video images. Interest in digital image processing methods
stems from two principal application areas: improvement pictorial information for
human interpretation; and processing of image data for storage, transmission, and
representation for autonomous machine perception.
This paper mainly deals with digital image processing, different stages in image
processing and its profound applications in the present era. This also explains its
applications found in medical, military, robotics fields. This paper stresses the
importance and its impact in the future. The main feature digital Image editing used
for altering and improving images in an all most endless number of time. The other
features of this technology are image size alteration, cropping on image, removal of
noise and unwanted elements, image compression, merging of images and finally
colour adjustments and finally advantages and disadvantages of digital image
Image processing pertains to the alteration and analysis of pictorial information.
Common case of image processing is the adjustment of brightness and contrast
controls on a television set by doing this we enhance the image until its subjective
appearing to us is most appealing. The biological system (eye, brain) receives,
enhances, and dissects analyzes and stores images at enormous rates of speed.
Basically there are two-methods for processing pictorial information. They are:
1. Optical processing
2. Electronic processing.
Optical processing uses an arrangement of optics or lenses to carry out the process.
An important form of optical image processing is found in the photographic dark
room. Electronic image processing is further classified as:
1. Analog processing
2. Digital processing.
Anayet U. Patwariet. al. (2012): developed “Digital image processing method which
automated system that was capable of classifying machined plates into one of these
three important categories shaping or planning, horizontal milling, end milling”. The
outputs of the software were tested rigorously, using known calibrated machined
plates of all. There are three methods for that Process flow Sequence, process flow
description, governing equations.
Snehal K. Joshi (2014): mentions that using given “digital image processing
algorithm” the taken image is processed and filtered. The resulting image is compared
with the x-ray ct image and predicted mixture proportions are compared to examine
the absolute errors. The threshold range found for aggregates, cement materials and
air-voids. By comparing range with the predicted measurement, it is found that the
digital image processing algorithm results better accuracy. This proves that threshold
algorithm give major improvement than the manual and subjective techniques used
for the analysis.
A. IMAGE PROCESSING: Image processing is a subclass of signal processing
concerned specifically with pictures. Improve image quality for human
perception and/or computer interpretation. Image enhancement to bring out
detail is obscured, or simply to highlight certain features of interest in an
Digital image processing is the use of computer to perform on. Digital image
processing has the same advantages (over analog image processing) as has (over
analog signal processing) -- it allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied
to the input data, and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal
distortion during processing
Listed below are some of the most used capabilities of the better graphic
manipulation programs. The list is by no means all inclusive. There are a
myriad of choices associated with the application of most of these features.
Image Size Alteration: Image editors can resize an image, making it larger,
or smaller. High image resolution cameras can produce large images which are
often reduced in size for internet use. Image editor programs use a
mathematical process called re-sampling to calculate new pixel values whose
spacing is larger or smaller than the original pixel values.
Noise Removal: Image editors may feature a number of algorithms which can
add or remove noise in an image. JPEG artifacts can be removed; dust &
scratches can be removed. Noise tends to invade images when pictures are
taken in low light settings.
Selective Colour Change: Image editors have the ability to selectively change the
colour of specific items in an image.
Change Colour Depth: It is possible, using software, to change the colour depth of
images. Common colour depths are 2, 16, 256, and 16 million colours. The JPEG and
PNG image formats are capable of storing 16.7 million colours (equal to 256
luminance values per colour channel). In addition, grayscale images of 8 bits or less
can be created, usually via conversion and down sampling from a full colour image.
4. Radiation does reduction is also a benefit derived from the use of digital
systems. Some manufacturers have claimed a 90% decrease in radiation
exposure, but the real savings depend on comparisons.
There are also disadvantages associated with the use of digital systems.
1. The initial cost can be high depending on the system used, the number of
detectors purchased, etc.
2. Competency using the software can take time to master depending on the
level of computer literacy of team members. Finally, since digital imaging
in dentistry is not standardized, professionals are unable to exchange
information without going through an intermediary process.
1 Robotics.
3 Medical field.
4 Satellite imaging.
It’s a critical study, which plays a vital role in modern world as it is involved with
advanced use of science and technology. The advances in technology have created
tremendous opportunities for vision system and image processing. There is no doubt
that the trend will continue into the future Over the next few years, the growth of
digital image processing is going to be enormous with new products and technologies
coming out frequently. In order to get the most out of this period, it is going to be
important that image processing planners and developers have a clear idea of what
they are looking for and then choose strategies and methods that will provide them
with performance today and flexibility for tomorrow. From the above discussion we
can conclude that this field has relatively more advantages than disadvantages and
hence is very useful in varied branches.