Name:John Kevin Ignacio Age: 15 Yrs Old Location: Entablado Cabiao Nueva Ecija Fb:John Kevin Ignacio Internet: Wifi or Data Device: Android
Name:John Kevin Ignacio Age: 15 Yrs Old Location: Entablado Cabiao Nueva Ecija Fb:John Kevin Ignacio Internet: Wifi or Data Device: Android
Name:John Kevin Ignacio Age: 15 Yrs Old Location: Entablado Cabiao Nueva Ecija Fb:John Kevin Ignacio Internet: Wifi or Data Device: Android
How many hours for day can you dedicate playing Axie:
5-8 hours
I want to be a scholar because I don’t want to be a burden to my family and for extra
income for my studies and daily expenses
Objectives: This opportunity will help me accomplish and fulfill my desire to be happy in an environment
where I can offer my experiences. To learn more as I grow in a team whose willing to give me a chance
to improve and use many after skills that I have.
How many hours can you dedicate by playing farm resources. There's a whole economy
Axie Infinity per day? within the game
- I have all the time to play your account so that
we can maximize the full potential of your team Experienced strategic games:
and to earn more profit. - Mobile Legends
- Clash of Clans
Do you have any past experience playing Axie - NBA 2k
Infinity? - Pokemon
- Yes, the first time I experience to play axie is
when I ask my friend to teach how to play axie
and it turns out well. Outside of that I'm also What are some reasons why should we hire
willing to listen and do my own research to you?
improve. - I am a strategic player that analyzes the game
before making any move.
Do you currently own any personal Axies? - I have a strong and stable internet connection.
- No, I don't have. - I can accept whatever your offer is.
- I have all the time to play your account so that
How well do you know the Axie Infinity game we can maximize the full potential of your team
mechanics? and to earn more profit.
- In Axie Infinity, players own cute creatures - I am willing to grind day and night.
called Axies. Each Axie is a non-fungible token
(NFT), which means it is a unique digital I am hoping to become your scholar, I WILL EAT
collectible in its own right. Players can breed ADVENTURE FOR BREAKFAST.
and battle Axies, as well as complete quests and