Answers KET
Answers KET
Answers KET
for Preporotion
1 1B 2A 3A 4C sC 5B
Reading and Writing 2 7B 2C 3C 4A 5B
3 1E 2D 3B 4A 5F 5C
Part 1 p8 4 18 2A 3B
1 1 close
2 quick 5 p23
3 start 1 1C 2A 3B 4A 5B 6C
4 almost 2 1 going
5 let 2 were
5 pleased ! 3is
Tend : 4 have
8 visitor 5 running
9 difficult 5 will
10 right 3 1to 2from 3of 4on 5at 5on 7in
2 1 weekend 8 in 9 of 10 between
2 10 a.m. 4 lAre 2any 3his 4more 5who Sfor
3 children 7 every 8 there
4 two 5 1 hn I've 2 knew know 3 so as 4 at all
5 directions 5 getting get 6 by on
3 A ltrue 2false 3true 4true 6 1to 2this 3anyone 4one/a 5are 6as
B ltrue 2false 3false 4true
4 1C 2B 3C Part6 p26
1 ltrue 2true 3false 4false
Part2 p1.2 2 A3 B6 C4 D2 E1 F5
1 1 new, lucky 3 lbut 2then 3as 4too 5so 6because
2 restaurant, pizza 4 Students'ownanswers.
3 pharmacy, hotel 5 Students'ownanswers.
4 has made,'m bringing 6 1C 2E 3G 4D 5B 5H 7A 8F
5 third. L9th
6 (pale) grey, green
Part7 p29
2 1 Who has the biggest family? 1 N/A, reflective task
2 Whose father: is an engineer? 2 Students'ownanswers.
3 Who is the youngest in their family?
3 A 1 ofall 2 Next 3 Later
4 Whose grandmother was famou5?
B 4first 5After 6Then
5 Whose family likes rq5ki?
4 1B 2A 3B 4both 5both 5B 7B 8A
6 Whose fAmly is moving to lreland?
9B 10B
7 Who will have a new family member soon?
3 1B 2C 3A 4A sB 6C 7B Listening
4 1 I've got a younger brother and three older sisters.
2 ... Dads job; he designs big bridges. Part 1 p32
3 ... I've got two older brothers. L
4* my granny had her own cooking show on TV! She was
Who has... ? Picture A Picture B Picture C
quite well known back then.
fair hair
5 ... luckyfor us becausewe all enjoyskiing.
6 ... ln a few months, we're going to live in lreland. a baseball cap
2 p36
Part Speaking
1 1B 2C 3C 4C 5A 5C 7B part 1 p48
2 1 Whitley
2 0752 693 4418 1 1F 2H 3C 46 5A 6E 7B 8D
3 carrst 2 Students'ownanswers.
4 8.30 3 1 present
5 15 2 future
5 Rabson 3 past
7 museum 4 past
8 5 present
July 23'd
3 1C 2E 3A 4D 5B 6 future
2 7C 2A 3A 4B 5C 5B about pizza.
dont like:;t I don't like pizza. I definitely don't like
3 1 never
pizza.*** I really hate pizza.
2 forget
2 O amazing, beautiful, brave, brilliant, delicious, excellent,
3 safe exciting, fantastic, friendly
4 light @ angry,awful, boring, dangerous, difficult, noisy, terrible,
5 easy unhappy, worried
3 1C 2B 3A 4B 5A
Part6 p42
4 1 preffiprefer
1 1B 2C 3B 4A 5C 2 thatthan
2 1 Mum Harry, are you busy right now? 3 Hes hate
Son No, Mum, I'm just playing a video game.
4 t@tthink
Mum Right. Canyoq hdpjoela Walblhej
5 mgst more
Son Um, yes, in ten minutes when lfinish this game. I'm
5 wsnt dont
2 lwas in the library and I had a terrible headache so I
Part 1 p10
Part 3 p1B
1 B Correct. Sam says: The bond New Doy ore in concert
next week. Shall I get tickets? 14 B Correct. He dreamed of filming when he was young,
but he didn't actually begin to do that until he wos in his
A Sam wants to go to the concertwith his friend/ockie. twenties. A person in his/her twenties is a young adult.
C Sams dad can take therir home after his jazz class,not
to the eoncert.
A He didn t
make films when he was a boy.
C He began to make films when he was in his twenties so it
2 B Correct. The notice says toys are half-price. isn t true lhat he hasn't made a f lm.
A Womenl suits are not party clothes. 15 C Correct.He collects
C The books are for 0 to 1-2-year-olds, not teenagers.
ond flms anythingthat looks
3 C Correct. Helena says to Tina: Let me know. A He says: l...flm onything that looks interesting,buthe
A Helena is inviting Tina to the caf6, but it doesn't mean doesn't say that he watches films.
Tina should go there. B He says: I usuolly work underwoter three or four times o
B Helena invites Tina tojoin her and Jane. She says: Do doy, but we don't know how much time he is underwater.
you wont to come with us, too? 15 A Correct. He says: Afier dinner, l'm usually so tired I
4 A Correct. The notice says: Do not give to children immediately go to bed.
under 36 months. B He is always osleep by the time the fun starts so he
B Children at your school are nol under 36 months. doesnt go to the parties that his friends invite him to.
C The toy is not suitable for teenagers who look aftervery C His friends invite him to parties, he doesn't say that he
young brothers or sisters. invites his friends for dinner.
5 C Correct. No borbecues orf res are allowed in this 17 C Correct. He says I don't need holidays. I have suchfun
place. every day!
A You can bring food to eat in lhe picnic areas. A He works hard, but he says that he doesn't need
B You can leove your rubbrsh in the bins nextto the picnic holidays.
areos. B His friends pay a lot of moneyfor their holidays, but he
6 B Correct. The bike comes with lights and o cycling says he doesn't need holidays.
helrnet so the ad/seller is selling more than one thing. 18 B Correct. He says: I've nevervisited those islonds, but I
A The bike is used and it's nol excellentfor rood racing know a lot aboutthem. lt'll be a very exciting project!
because it's a mountoin bike. A Hes never been to the Queensmen lslands. He says: /'ve
C The seller/ad is selling lhe bike with a cycling helmet. never visited those islonds, but I know a lot about them.
C Ne knows o /ot about the islands.
Part 2 p14
7 B Mika Part4 p22
Who is going to ask a family member for help with their 19 have
job plans? We use the present simple form when stating a fact
I lovesport the most ond wont to teach itwhen l'm older. that is true. The correct form of the verb for plural
My uncle is a teacher so I plan lo ask him if I can qive nouns is hove.
drinks to the players at the Americon footboll club next We can only say dolphins are hoving babiesif thatis
week. happening now i.e. as we speak.
8 C Henri 20 their
Who hopes to work in different countries? We need to say their mothers because we're talking
My dream is to be paid to play in a group and travel about more than one baby.
around the world. We could use ifs if there was only one baby in the text,
9 C Henri e.g. The baby stays with its mother. We could only use our
Who has won a competition in their chosen subject? if we were talking about our own mother, e.g. Ben and I
Last year, I received o prize for the best young musician in stayed with our mother all day.
my town. 21 many
10 B Mika We use mony with countable nouns to mean a large
Who needs to get better at the school subject they like number of something.
best? We usually use any in negative sentences or in questions,
e.g. There aren't ony dolphins in the sea that can learn
I love sport the mosf and want to teach it when l'm older.
I'm good at basketball, butl need to work harder in rugby / /
to do that. Can ony dolphin learn to do that? /of can
mean 'many', but it needs of after it, e.9..4 /ot o/dolphins
lessons so I can teach different sports.
can learn to do that.
11 A Artur 22 follow
Who has had some help from their family with their job
Modal verbs like con or will are always followed by the
infinitive form of a verb.
l've always enjoyed playing computer games and l'd like to
The verb wil/ cannot be followed by an -ing form
moke themwhen I'm older. (following) or an -ed form (followed).
My cousin works in lT and makes cartoons and games so /
23 them
osked him if I could go to work with him.l learned so much
The pronoun them means the dolphins in this sentence.
12 A Artur
We can only use it to talk about one dolphin, e.g. That
Who was ready for a break after their experience of
dolphin is friendly, you can often see if. We can only use
him lo lalk about one male dolphin. The noun dolphin is
Butil was really tiring - all I wonted to do was relax atlhe not masculine or feminine in English.
end of the day, not play computer gomesl
24 but
We use but to join two parts of a sentence that Part 1 p34
contrast in some way.
We cannot say because they don't need to drink - thats
1 B Correct. The man says our larger one [cup of cofree
not the reason why they eat certain kinds of food. We
A The woman says she'll take one of each and the man
cannot say or they don't need to drink because or is used
replies that the lotal is 54.20.
to describe another possibility.
C Theman saysAsmall cupof cofeecosts5L.75.
Part 5 p25 2 B Correct.ThewomanasksSteve: Isthatyourcousin,
the boy in the T-shirt and jeans? Steve replies: Ihat's
25 've / have
We need hove hereto complete the present perfecttense
with just.
A Steve says there's... me in my new hat!
t C Steves cousin isnt wearing a shirt or funny shorts.
26 but 3 B Correct. The woman says her suitcase is much
We use but to introduce contrast.
bigger... and it's squore, not round.
27 the A The woman says her suitcase is much bigger.
We use fhe because we need a definite article before
C The man asks if the small round one is the woman's
website. We talk about a particular website whose name
suitcase, but she says hers is not round.
has already been stated.
28 to
4 A Correct. The woman says Katia isfinishing her
homeworkatthe moment.
We need to because listen is followed by to in the phrase
B The woman says Katia is going to cycle to herfriend's
Iisten to music.
house ofter dinner. She isnt cycling now.
29 about C The woman says Kotia played very well in her tennis
You read or write obouf something. This is the correct motch this afternoon. She isn't playing now.
5 C Correct. The woman says the disco is on Sunday this
30 Do time.
Do completes the question. The present simple is the A The woman says that the disco wos on Friday night lasl
correct form because Jake is asking Carly about something month.
she usually does as a habit in everyday life.
B The man says he has to stay at home nextSaturday.
Part 5 p28 Part 2 p38
Below is a model answer for Question 31 and some
comments on it.
5 July
our new music deportment will open its doors next
Model answer month, that's l!|y... not June ... the 10th.
HiDonna, 7 King
Shall we meet, atlhe bus slop aIhalf pastthree? The judo lf you haven't visited the librory before, you'll fnd us ot the
claeo of,arts alfour o'clock.We needlo lake a towel ahd a end of (ing Street...
waLer boLtle. 8 third
eee you Lhere. The new music deportment will be on the t-hjflfloor ...
Clare 9 10.30
(34 words) ... open every day from 10.00 in the morning to half past
tet at night.
10 three / 3
All three points in the question are answered - Clare tells
Librory members can take up to six CDs home to enjoy, so
Donna where to meet (atthe bus stop), what time the class why not join now? It will only cost you f3!
stafts (otfour otlock) and what they need to take (a towel
ond a water bottle).
The text is coherent and basic linking words and cohesive
Part 3 p41
devices are used. Everyday vocabulary is used appropriately 11 A Correct. Richard says the match is on Friday ofter
and there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes. school because a lot of players are busy (on Soturday),
B Sam says he'll be busy on Saturday.
Part 7 p31 C Richard says it was dfficultto arrange the game on
Below is a sample answer for Question 32 and some Sunday.
comments on it. 12 B Correct. Richard saystheschool is the one down by
the river.
Model answer A Richard says the match will be at a place /t Kings... no,
One morninq Jake was lat.e for schooll at Castle School.
J ake r an 1;o catch lh e b us, b uf, iL w a en' I; Lh e r e. J ake cy cle d C Sam asks if the school is neor the railway station?
quickly lo school and, he arcived afler Lhe bus. He felt tired, Richard replies A/o.
buI he was happy becauee he wasn't late. 13 C Correct. Richard says Some of the teochers are going
(39 words) to drive us there.
Comments A Sam asks if they are going by coach or by train?But
Richard replies: There oren't enough of us for a coach.
All three pictures of the story are described and the reader
B Sam asks if they are going by cooch or by troin? But
can easily understand the story. There is some use of
Richard replies: Some of the teachers are going to drive us
time phrases and linkers (one morning, buf) to show the
connections between the pictures. The vocabulary is varied
and shows the ability to use a range of 42 Key words (wos 14 B Correct. Richard asks Sam if he has any white shorts
lote, ron to cotch the bus, wasn't there, cycled, orrived).The and then says he can give [Som] some.
grammar is accurate and shows the ability to use some past A Richard says they usuolly wear blue ones, but [not this
tenses (past simple) and some irregular forms (ran,felt). time becousel the other team wears that colour.
C Sam says he's got some block ones [shortsl. But Richard
says those shorts are no good.
L5 B Correct. Richard saysthe Polishteam is not as good as C Correct. Swimmers can dive in the deep endwhen
the Spanish team we played lastweek! there arent swimming lessons.
A Richard says they're not as good as the Spanish teom A Lessons are for swimming, not diving.
we played last week! B The notice doesn't say iti dangerous to dive in the pool.
C Richard says they're all students at the American A Correct. Svetlana is inviting Aleesha to a talk and
lnternational School but they don't have a school team. film obout bats and butterflies.
B Thetalk andfilmare atthe library. Svetlana isn'tinviting
Aleesha to join the library.
Part 4 p44 C Someone else will give the talk about bats and
16 B Correct.The boyanswers: Yes, I omwhen the girl butterflies.
asks: Are you goi4g to hrs [Fred's birthdayl party? C Correct. Billy is looking for a tablet which has a /orge
A The girl says: I don't think we'll have fime when the boy memory.
says they could watch a flm before the party. A Billy is looking for a tablet computer which must have a
C The girl wants to go shopping in the ofternoon.She keyboard.
wants !o buy a present for Fred. B Billy is looking for a tobletwith a keyboord.
17 A Coriect. The teacher saysi you con learn by reading B Correct. Kelly mustnt/orgetshehas a dentist's
each other's stories ond asking questions about a ppointment after school.
anything that isn't clear. A Mum will pay Mr Day, not Kelly.
B The teacher says:There's plenty of time, so don't hurry. C Dad says Kellys mum will meet her at the dentist
C The teacher asks the students to answer each other! B Correct. Students who blog abouttheir trip to the
questions, not his questions. museum may win up to 8100.
18 C Correct. George's mum says: Yourcousin can'teot A Students should write about the Storybook Museum,
that, remember. It made herfeel illthe lasttime she ate it. not a story.
A Ceorgei mum says: Fruit and vegetables don't moke her C Students have been to this museum:wtite about
feel sick. yesterdoy's visit.
B Ceorge asks: Shall I moke her a corrot cake instead?
And his mum says: Thot's a good idea. Fart 2 p56
19 C Correct. The teacher says: Afier dinner tonight, we'd 7 B Astrid
Iike you to help moke sandwiches. That's for all of us to
Whose teacher asked the class to make a boat from
take on tomorrow's trip to a forestfor our lunch.
different things?
A The teacher says: Then there's free time while the Astrid s teacher told the class to moke a model of a ship
teachers talk to the farmers about breakfast.
using wood, plastic ond metal.
B The teacher says: Please take turnsto wash the dinner 8 C Kumiko
dishes in the farmhouse.
Whose class was interested when they heard about the
20 B Correct. The girl says:The photography was amazing. boat festival?
A The boy says: It was called Crozy Cookies. The girl says Kumiko s class were really excited and stopped talking
that the name is interesting, but she watched a show when the headteacher told [them] about the school boat
about bears.
C The boy says: My mum and I loughed a lot during the
shor,v, but this isn't the programme the girl watched.
9 A Elena
Whose teacher told the students why they had to make
Part 5 p47 boats?
Elena's teacher explained that [they] hod to make several
21 D different boots to leorn what mokes boots float on woter.
Angela You know Beth,?...
10 C Kumiko
Mum Yes.
Whose class wanted to make a present for their teacher?
Angela Well, she wants to study medicine at university.
Kumikos class decided to make a model of a Viking long
22G boot and give it to [thei] English teacher becouse ... she's
Mum ... What about Kit? He wants to be a builder like his Ieaving.
fother, doesn't he? 11 B Astrid
Angela He did, but he wqryttbe a pjlo,t now. Whose class recorded a video showing what they learned?
23F Astrid s class had to make a shortflm that exploined how
Mum ... ond Laila? ... What does she wont to do?
[they] mode [their] model of a ship.
Angela She wonts to wrljle:fp1 s DCtljpgpq L2 A Elena
24E Whose classmates built a boat that didn't work?
Angela ... And Rplett... Guess what he wants to do - pJgn Elenas group made a sailing boat that sank in the school
how !o,!sjle[brje!94! swimming pool because there were holes in the wood.
Mum Well, that's an interesting job, too. 13 C Kumiko
25H Whose classmates didn t test their boat on the water?
Angela ... Helen's great at drawing and pointing ... Kumiko s classmates didn't want to sail it on the river in
Mum But...7 case it sank!
Angela She wonts to teach young children in school.
Part 3 p58
L4 B Correct. The game will be in the shops on Monday,
which is less than a week and can be described as
Fractiee Test 2 'soon'.
A The game will be in the shops on Mondoy, i.e. it isn t
already in the shops.
Reading and Writing C Peters company achieved success, but the game isn't
Part 1 p54 successful yet because it isn't in the shops.
1 A Correct.The chessclubisfor onybodyasal/are 15 B Correct. Sally believes River Run is even betterthon
his last game, Underground, so Underground isnt as
good as RiverRun.
B Chess club is not onlyforthe peoplewho con play
chesswell, but also tor beginners. A She doesn't mention which game is easier or more
difficult to play.
C The chess club meets twice a week onTuesdoy and
Thursdoy. C She says lhat Underground is greatfun, but it doesn't
mean that il's more fun lhan River Run.
16 C Correct. lt says Peter never dreamed of working with 27 any
computer games when he was younger so he didnt We use ony after negative verbs (hasn't gof) and before
think or imagine he would ever have a job like the one the object (brothers or sisters) of a sentence.
he has today. 28 in
A He never dreamed or imagined he would have this type of We use in to complete the phrase interested in which
job therefore he wasn t hoping for it. means showing curiosity about somethinq.
B He doesn't mention if he liked playing computer games 29 've / have
or not.
The adverb alreody usually means before now and is
17 C Correct. His computer game Underground was very often used with the present perfect tense (to hove + past
popular in lapan last year. participle). lts put between the two parts ofthe verb:
A The text only mentions Peter's games are played all hove already started.
over the world, including Asia, but we don't know where 30 at
Underground was the most popular. i
We use the preposition df to give an exact time or place:
B The game was very popular in Japon,butthe text See you next week ot Doniel's party!
doesn't say that it was the most popular of all games.
X.8 A Correct. The testers are young people in the town Part 6 p62
who are invited to come ond try the games.
Below is a sample answer for Question 31 and some
B The testers help Peter improve the existing games, not comments on it,
make new games.
C The text doesn't mention Peter and his managers Model answer
testing the games. I'i Jack,
I'd like to go Io Ihe new sporLs cenlre on Salurday. Come wiih
Part 4 p60 mel\Ne could play Lennis.fhe number 1 2 bus qoes lhere 5a we
19 the can caf,ch Ihaf,.
We need to use the with superlative adjectives: fhe Mallhew
most important. (32 words)
We cannot use o because this does not make a superlative
form and it could mean ony importantfood, notthe most Comments
important. We cannot use one because this would need All three points in the question are answered - the writer
to be followed by of the and it could mean ony important says when he wants to go to the sports centre (on Soturdoy),
food, nol the most importont. suggests what they can do there @lay tennis) and tells
20 where Jack how to travel there (on the number L2 bus). The text is
We need a word that explains something about a place coherent and basic linking words and cohesive devices are
(Asia), so whereis correct. used (linking word so, demonstrative pronoun thot).Everyday
vocabulary is used appropriately, e.g. catch the bus, and a
We cannot use when because that explains something
good range of grammar structures has been used: would like,
about time. We cannot use how because that explains preposition of time o/r, imperative, could for suggestions.
something about the way someone does something.
There are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.
21 were
The past continuous form (were growing) is correct Part 7 p63
because we are talking about something that
happened over a period oftime in the past. Below is a sample answer for Question 32 and some
comments on it.
We need the plural form (were) not the singular (wos)
because people means more than one person. We need a Model answer
past form (were growing) not a present form (are) as the A Sunday picnic in ihe park
article describes something 5,000 years ogo. Last. Sunday, il wae eunny. Firsl, Gianni ?uL Lennie rackel;e
22 started and a ball in his rucksack while his ?arenle packed bags wilh
We need a verb to indicate that rice was grown for the picnicfood and plales and glasses.
first time so sta rted is correct. Then Ihey wenL Io Lhe parkl,ogelher on fooN and an lheir
We cannot use decided as we need to use to grow, not bikes and ecaoter.
growing after the verb decide. We cannot use wanted as When lhey gof,lo lhe park, Gianni'e family aLe sandwiches,
it does not mean that the action took place, only that they I ook photce and played Lennie.
wanted to do it. lt also needs to be followed by to grow. (64 words)
Americons were storting to grow would be correct, but this
is not the sentence form in the text. Comments
23 There This is a very good attempt at the task. All three pictures
There are is an expression to describe something that of the story are described in a coherent sequence using
exists or is true. simple linkers such as First and lhen, making the story easy
These andThey would refer to something which has to comprehend. The use of tenses is varied and accurate
already been introduced, but in this sentence the and shows mastery of some irregular past simple forms
information about the rice comes after the word these (went, took) and the ability to use conjunctions (when). The
or they. vocabulary is used accurately and shows mastery of some A2
24 But Key words (picnic, rackets, packed, together, sandwiches).
We use buttojoin two parts of a sentence that
contrast in some way, But is used at the start of the
sentence to emphasize the contrast. Listening
And is used to link two similar ideas, but here the
information that follows is different from the previous facts. Part 1 p64
5o is used to introduce a result or consequence ofwhat is tr C Correct. The girl saysher brother's wearingjeans
written before. today ... ond he's carrying a sweater.
A The girl says her brother iswearingjeonstodoy and hes
Part 5 p61 carrying a sweoter but notwearing it.
25 in B The girl says her brother doesn't like weoring trousers.
We use the preposition in with a town, city or part of a And he's carrying a sweoter but not wearing it.
country to describe where a place is.
26 as
We use as when we compare two things that are the
same, i.e. the same as you.
A Correct. The mother says Michael has gone to bed 15 A Correct. Robert says; drums are more exciting so let's
becouse he's notfeeling very well. write about those! And Tessa agrees: OK.
B The boy asks where Michael is and says Michael wos on B Robert says drums are more exciting so let's write obout
the computer earlier, but he isn't there now. those!
C The mother asks the boy to put his [Michael's] bike bock C Robert says they can choose which instrument to write
in the garoge. He's left it in the gorden. So he isn't in the about and says he likes classical piano music, butdrums
garden now. are more exciting.
C Correct. Susanna asksiWhattime doesthefilm
begin? Is it 8.307 and Dan replies: Thatb right. Part 4 p68
A Susanna suggests meeting ot ten post eight outside the 16 C Correct.The girl says she prefersthe songs on their
cinema and the boy says thats fine. This is not the time last album and they agree it was brilliant.
that the film starts. A The boy sats: /f3 0K, but it isn't amazing.
B Dan says that the doors [at the cinema] open dt o BThe guitar player wrote all of them, i.e. the songs on
quarter past eight. t their last album, not their new album.
B Correct. The woman says:The fog's so thick, you can't 17 B Correct. The pilot tells passengers to waitfor a bus
see moie thon about 50 metres. because oll the gotes are full.
A The woman asks: When will the sun come back?, but the A The pilot tells passengers to collect your suitcase or
man doesn't know the answer, so we know there is no sun rucksack after they land.
now C The pilot tells them what to do after they arrive.
C The man says:There isn't even any wind. I wanted to go 18 A Correct.They had a lot offun, but the girlfell over a
windsurf ng this afternoon. /ot The boy says: Getting down the hill was harderthan
A Correct. The woman says her father is 50 on ploying a whole football match!
Thursday. B The boy compares skiing to playing football,i.e. getting
B The man asks:Why don'tyou getone [a birthday down the hill, but he doesn t mention watching a match at
presentl on Friday when you're in town? a stadium.
C The woman's mother wonts to have a party for him [the C The girl says she needs to getft and wants to go to the
womon'sfatherl on June the 4th ... next Soturday. sports centre, but not that she went there at the weekend.
1 9 B Correct. The zookeeper says that you nger visitors
Fant 2 p65 can help him give the penguins some.;fish.
6 History A The zookeeper says that food from the zool
The show will be ot the History Centre. I guess most of you restaurants, e.g. burgers, should not be given to penguins.
know where that is, butfor those of you who don't, it's C The zookeeper mentions a toy penguin from the zoo
behind the town hall. shop bul doesnt say he wants visitors to go there.
7 August 20 B Correct. The girl says her mum wonts a darkone.
The show is in !uly ... sorry, I've got the wrong piece of poper A The girl says her mum's brown (hand)bag is too small
here ... I mean the show will be on the 1.'t of A.U-ga:t--.
for her new tablet.
8 shoes C The man says the perfume is a bitexpensive, not the
... you'll see some casual but smart shirts and blouses ... umbrella.
and then in the second half of the show, shoes that ore
fa sh io nabl e o n d co mfo rta b I e! Fart 5 p69
95 2tF
lf you're studying foshion, tickets are only f6 instead of the Dad Wow! What did DoviQgive you, Eve?
normol price of f9. That's good news for fashion students! Eve These running shoes.
10 catalogue 22C
The clothes in thefashion show won't be on sale that day, Eve ... And Sondra gove me something healthier thon
but you will be able to buy a cotalogue of the show to take chocolotes this time!
home with you!
Dad What? That beoutiful box of oranges?
Fart 3 p67 Eve Yes...
11 A Correct.Tessa 23 B
asks: The one [project] about
Australian music? Mum loves that. She'll help me.fhen Dad ... What about Leo? Did he give you a present, too?
Robert replies: But it's about African music! Eve Yes ... he qot me this game for the_computer. I don't
B Robert says it [the project] is aboutAfrican music and want it reolly.
the n Tessa says her favourite [music] is American rap! 24 E
C Robert asks: Have you started the projectfor Mr Lee yet, Eve ... look whot Anna got me! lt's the boak l_needed for
Iessa? Tessa asks: Ihe one aboutAustralian music?fhen sctence.
Robert says 't's about African music. 25 H
12 C Correct. Robert says:l heard something onthe radio Dad And who gave you this? Was it W_illjpln?
[aboutthe music] and made some notes. Eve Yes! It's lovely, but I don't ever weor a watch now ...
A Robertsuggests: Maybe we should get a CD,too.
B Tessa asks if Robert has got a book about it [the music].
But Robert replies: I haven't reod onything ...
13 A Correct.Tessa asks: When do we haveto givethe
p roj e ct to M r Le e? And Ro bert a nswersi O n th e I a st d ay
Practice Test 3
of the month...
B Tessa says:Thot means we've only got seven days! Reading
C Robert says they must finish the project by the last day Partt p72
of the month whichis justbeforethe holidaysstart.
14 C Correct. When Tessa suggests working on the 1 C Correct. People applying for this job must be
project after lessons this afternoon, Robert says: ovailable (free) ot weekends.
Tomorrow's better and Tessa agrees: OK. A You can apply for thisjob by calling in fo the caf6 Coffee
A Robert says he's got other homework tonight.
B Tessa asks if they can work on the project together B You have to be available not experienced to get this
job. Theres no mention of previous experience.
ofter lessons this afternoon, but Robert says this is not
possible: To morrow's b etter.
A Correct. Jamie wants to know if he should learn C She says they didn't really know each other before
about riyers o r Iokes for tomorrowb geography exam. [they] started playing four months ago ond [they've]
B Jamie knows when the exam is, he says: tomorrow's all been in other bands before,i.e. each of them started
geography exam. playing music more than four months ago.
C Jamie doesnt ask Cristina to help him find his notes. 15 A Correct. Georgia says: On Soturday afternoons, we
B Correct. David! mum asks him to keep the noise usually do difrerent things than our friends from school.
down because his sister hos got a temperature. ... we give o concert in a large music shop in town,
A David s mum asks him to be quiet, but not to go B She says: We reolly enjoy choosing whot we'll wear.
to sleep. Sometimes we go shopping for something special a day
C David s sister isn't feelinq well (shes got a temperoture). or two before we ploy. So they go shopping but not on
t sick.
David isn Saturdays.
C Correct. Dogs are welcome on this campsite. C She says: we usuolly do diferentthingsthon ourfriends
A The notice doesn't say that thil is a new campsite. lt from school.
isn't on a farm as the farm shop is ln the nextvillage. 16 B Correct. She says that their families and classmates
have been to see them and also other people are
B The campsite is only openy'om Morch till October, not beginning to come to the shopjustto listen to [them],
all year round.
i.e. people that they dont know.
B Correct. The mobile phone is broken and doesnt A 0nly their family and friends came earlier. She says:
work. Belinda can't upload (her) musicto it She can? When we started giving concerts, only ourfamilies come to
download anything either.
see us. But soon, our brothers ond sisters started inviting
A Belinda doesntsaythe mobile phone is the wrong theirfriends... some classmates come to see us, she then
colour. lt's silver. says that other people ore beginning to come, i.e. notjust
C Belinda doesnt say that the mobile phone hasn't got family and friends.
enough memory. C She doesn t mention anything about the customers of
A Correct. You can only go on the ride ifyou are at the music shop.
least 1.5 metres tall, so smaller children arent allowed L7 B Correct. Georgia says: Ihis sum mer we're going to
to go on the ride. play ot ourfrst open air rock concert.
B Young children who are not 1".5 metres tall can't go on A She doesn't mention her school holidays.
the ride, even with adults.
C She says: we're going to play ot ourfrst open air rock
C The notice says the ticket is free for families and not concert, i.e.'play at' not'go to'.
that it costs extra to go on the Rainbow Ride.
t8 C Correct. Georgia playsthe guitarand she can also
play the keyboord, but she doesnt like it. Annie p/oys
Part? p74 the guitar ond keyboard.
7 C Romeo A Annie can play two instruments (the guitar and
Who got some help with their hobby from a family keyboard), but she isn t the only one. Georgia can play two
member? instruments, too.
He says: With my aunt's help, lwon a competition to B Annie can play two instruments (the guitar and
help get the clothes ready when a famous American keyboord), but Rachel can only play one instrument (fhe
photographer came to toke photos... drums).
8 A Liu Wei
Who had success with something they did for their Part 4 p78
family? 19 it
He says: Last yeor, I made L00 cupcakesfor my cousin's ln this sentence it means ice creom.
18th birthday party and everyone said they were delicious.
We cannot refer to ice creom as they.Ihey is a plural
9 B Deepak form. We cannot refer to ice cream as she. She refers to a
Who used their own money to get something they needed woman or girl.
to do their hobby? 20 that
He says: I've got my own camera now - I saved my pocket This is a question thatwe cant answer. We use that
money for o yeor to buy it. when we're talking about a thing or, sometimes, a
10 C Romeo Person.
Whose hobby could be what they choose to learn about in We cannot use who to talk about a thing. Who is only used
the future? for a person or people. We use when to talk about the
He says: I love making clothesfor me and my sisters so I time or moment that something happens.
wont to study foshion at college. 21 making
11 C Romeo We use the verb moke when we create or construct
Whose hobby has allowed them to do some paid work? something, e.g. make ice cream, make a cake.
He says: I won a competition to help get the clothes ready We use the verb do when talking about work or general
when a famous Americon photogropher came to take activities, e.g. do homework, do something.The verb /ike is
photos of models weoring winter clothes. lt was a really not an action that we can see people doing.
interesting day ond I could eorn some money. 22 but
12 A Liu Wei We use buftojoin two parts of a sentence that
Whose hobby sometimes costs them a lot of money? contrast in some way.
He says: Cooking is only expensive if you buy unusual We use so to introduce clauses of result or decision, e.g.
food,... I did this and mode a speciol dinner... It was a difficult test, so l'm tired. We use orto join two
13 B Deepak possibilities, e.g. ls ice cream or coffee popular in France?
Whose hobby is sometimes hard to do well? 23 keep
We use the bare infinitive form after fo when we use
He says: I love toking photos of people playing sport - it's
inf nitive of purpose to say why someone did something,
really dfficult to catch them at the right moment.
i.e. People used large pieces of ice from lakes fo keep ice
Part 3 p76 cream cold.
14 B Correct. They are friends now, but Georgia says:We
24 any
didn't reolly know each other before we sto-rted ploying Americans eat more ice cream than any other
four months ago. nationality means that there is no other nationality
A .Ceorgia says she is in a band with two other girlsfrom that eats so much ice cream.
school, but that that they didn't reolly know eaih other ,4// refers to the whole quantity of a particular group, but
befoie [they] started playing four months ogo. isn t suitable in this context. Each refers to every one of
two or more people orthings and can't be used in this
Part 5 p79 Listening
An article completes this phrase: lt was a really long plane Fart I
Journey. 1 C Correct. David says: I preferthis one. I'd liketo learn
25 than to ski nert year. I think I'll buy it.
After a comparative, we need than. More means the same A The woman says: thrs book obout swimming is great,
as longer in this sentence. too. Look at the photos! But David tells her that the sport
27 were doesn't interest him.
We need the verb to be in the past simple tense because B The woman says: Look at this book, David. lt's about
the visit to the Masai village happened in the past. The sailinq ... but David says he prefers another book.
verb must be plural because people is a plural noun. 2 A Correct.The girl says:, I'd likethis sweater...Haveyou
28 and got a size 40?
The word foo at the end of the sentence means that two B ltsthe man thatsays he has thotsweoter in a size 42.
diff-erent things happened. We can use ond to join these C The girl likes the sweater, but says: you've only got o size
two different activities together. 44 here. So we know she doesn't wantsize 44.
29 'll / will/ shall 3 B Correct. Robert says: now l'm reading that story for
Charles is thinking about the future in this sentence. He is my project.
predicting that he will / shall never forget this time. A Emma says: I've got that DVD you wanted to watch.
30 I Robert replies: Greot! I'll come round in about on hour-
Charles is talking about his personal experience, so / C Robert says he wrote lots of emoils earlier.
completes the sentence:... the new friends that I made 4 A Correct. The man says:thatother one's only €2.75,
there. isn't it? I'll take thot one, please.
B The woman says:Thot one's €3.25 .... But the man
Part 5 p80 replies: But that other one's only €2.7 5, isn't it? l'll take that
Below is a model answer for Question 31 and some one, please.
comments on it. C The woman says: our most popular [mineral water] costs
€3.95 .... But the man replies: But that other one's only
Model answer €2.7 5 isn't it? I'll toke that one, please.
I'i ?enny, 5 C Correct.Sophietellsherdadthatshewasreading
-\e beac' party or 7'lver beac, nexlto t.- e car qa.V Llere.
ie the magazine in bed last nighf. Then she says: I'll go and
)l s easy ro Ftnd.lll grooably Lake the o -b I o qet Lhere. S^tnq get it.
some snacks wilh you. 1ee you on F riday! A Sophie tells her dad she'll go and get the travel
David magazine. Then her dad thanks her and sayst I wontto
(37 words) toke it with me to reod on the troin today.
B Sophies dad asks her if shes seen the travel magazine.
lt was next to the TV. Sowe know it isn't there
All three points in the question are answered - David tells ff;:"'
Penny where the beach party is (on Silver Beoch nextto the
cor pork), how he will travel to the party (takethe busto get Part 2 pB4.
there) and what she needs to bring (some snacks). 6 weather
The text is coherent and basic linking words and cohesive ,f you visit us this month, you can see our lotest
devices are used. Everyday vocabulary is used appropriately
exhibition which is all about weather.
(lt's easy to f nd, something to drink) and a good range of
grammar structures has been used (present simple for
7 videos
... interviews with the weather experts and some interesting
scheduled events, prepositions of place, imperative). There are
videos and photos.
no grammatical or spelling mistakes.
I 5'h / fifth
Part 7 p81 ... hove lunch in our new cafe on the fiflh floor.
Below is a model answer for Question 32 and some 9 4/four
comments on it. There should be fgulpeople in each team ...
1"0 August
Model answer
The quiz will be just before the new September term, in the
LaeI week, aarah andlony played football at school. Tony fell afternoon of f,tLglt5! 3)th.
ov er wh en 9 arah qot Ih e b all. Th en, f,h e stu d ents h a d lun ch.
fhey af,e rice and Ihe Ieachers gave Lhem waf,er and some
fruif,for deseerl. Al,the end oflhe day,they said goodbye Part 3 p85
andf,hey wenlhome. 11 A Correct. Anna explains:We're goingto meetsome
(49 words) journalists - the ones that write the sports pages in the
newspaper... in their city ofice!
Connments B Paul says he hasn't been in class because he's been ill.
All three pictures of the story are described and the reader C When Anna says they're going to meet journalists who
can easily understand the story. There is some use of time write the sports pages,Paul asks: Atthe stadiumT Butthe
phrases and linkers (Lostweek,Then andAtthe end ofthe girl replies: /Vo/
day) to show the connections between the pictures. The 12 B Correct. Anna replies: / prefertravelling by bus or
vocabulary is varied and shows some ability to use A2 Key coach because you can look at all the shops on the way.
words (fall over, dessert, go home). The grammar is accurate A Anna says she prefers travelling by bus, but that the
and shows the ability to use some irregular past simple forms underground is quicker and so they'll travel that way.
(fell, got, had, ate, gave, said, went).The answer is a bit
C Anna says she prefers trovelling by bus or coach, but
longer than the required length of at least 35 words (it has
that the underground is quicker and so they'll travel that
49 words).
13 C Correct. Anna says: I'll be atthe school gates at
about 8.20 ... but we don't hove to be there until half
A Anna says she doesn't mind waiting outside [the school
gatesl for ten minutes.
B Anna says she'll be atthe school gates at about 8.20....
14 C Correct. Anna tells Paul: Mr Fox said we should bring
our mobiles. Practice Test 4
A Anna says she might take a roincoat,butthats her
own choice. Reading
B Paul asks if they have to take theirproTect work, but
Anna replies: tVo. Part 1 p90
15 B Correct.Annatells paulthey haveto pay Mr
- Fox 1 C Correct. You can buytea and cold drinks, butthere,s
88.25. Thot includes lunch which is 15.75. no mention of coffee.
A Anna explains the cost ofthe lunch isf5.75. A. Tea and cold drinks are sold on this train. Tea is a hot
C Anna says: we have to pay Mr Fox [8.25 ... I'm going to drink.
take one pound extro. B You can buy something to eat because sandwiches and
other snacks are available.
Part 4 p86 2 C_(orr_ect. Sue suggests:Shall we buy a gififor her
15 C Correct. Andy answers No wtren his mum asks if he's [Tina] first?
eaten anything. He's got a stomach-ache and isnt A Sue wants to buy Tina a birthday present, notJill.
hungry. -
B Sue o.nlyasks ifJill is going to Tinas party,she isnt
A Andy wants to ask Harry what homework he has fo inviting her.
catch up on. He hasn t forgotten to do his homework. 3 A Co.rrect. Groups can get a special group discount at
B Andys mum is going to book a doctor! oppointment the theatre box ofFce.
this morning. He hasnt missed a doctor! apfointment. B You can getdiscounts for groups atthe box office. lt
L7 A Correct.The girl asks herdad:... have you seen my doesn't say you cant buy tickets in other places, too.
English homework? C lt doesn't say that groups should collect their tickets
B The.girls projectfolder is in the dogs bed, but it hasnt from the theatre box office.
eaten it. 4 B Correct. Trains may be late on Saturd ay as delays ore
C The girl.has done her homework for today. She says: My possible while the railway is repaired.
teacher will be ongry if t don't toke it to school- A Trains will still run on Saturday, butthey may be delayed
18 B, Correct. They can seethe latestinformation about by the railway repairs.
th e fli g ht d epo rtu re onthe message boards. C Repairs are being made to the railway line, notto the
A They shouldn't ask staff af fhe check-in desks os stafi tra i ns-
there are very busy. 5 B Correct.Benwantsto gotothe rockconcertwith
_They shouldn't go to
!tntormation the gate before they've seen the
IgT. H" asks:Con l.go to ihe rock concert ot the City
about their flights departure time on the Hall tomorrow with Tom?
message boards. A Toms dad can give Ben and Tom a lift home afterthe
19 C Correct. He wants to check the lamp. He says: Oh, it,s concert.
a lomp. Let's switch it on. C Ben wants to go to the rock concert, not play in it.
A He sounds excited when he thinks its a computer game 6 C Correct. The looking for new or nearly
because he'd /ike the new Race to the Stars gaiei:. new ski boots and a ski suit.
B His mum, not the boy, says its something more useful A The advertiser is looking forski boots and a ski suitfor
than a computer game. a teenager.
20 C He says: lJnfortunately, I wentthe wrong B The advertiser says they will pay cash.
woy down a one-way street so I have to take it agoin.
A He didnt hit a cat but nearly hit it and had to sfop Part 2 p92
B He didn't drive through a red
7 C Jenny
light but almost did this. Whose food was popular with othen students?
Part 5 p87 We also used vegetables from the school qarden to make
steak with vegetable saladfor the closs beiow us and
2tB everyone said it wos fantastic.
Daughter On Monday, you need to go ond get our tickets. 8 BEva
Peter Ticketsfor whot? ... Whose class learned about the cooking competition from
Daughter No! The plone ticketsfor our sumUethpldA a TV programme?
22H Our closs teacher heard obout the cookinq competition on
Peter ... And on Tuesdoy I wont to ge and get a new toble the locol TV news and told us about it.
le! you to studv on. 9 C Jenny
23c Whose class baked cakes and gave them away?
Daughter... we can go to the supermarket, too. We won third prize for our cakes and took them to o home
Peter Wednesday will be better for that ... What do you Jor old people near our school.
want to get? 10 B Eva
Daughter Oh ... just some fruit ond snacks to take to Whose class won a trip in the cooking competition?
Our prize is o visit to the kitchens of a
24C famous restauront in
our city - Gigi's.
Daughter... /n d what about Friday? 11 A Alice
Peter... I want to fix my bike that evening
,_ ... Whose class got some help from someone who works in a
25F restau ra nt?
Peter A,nd.on Sundoy, I've qot to call Bill obout the gome ot 0ur teacher is married to a chef who helped us with our
the end of the month. moin course.
Daughter The hockev gome? 12 C Jenny
Peter Yes, that's right. Whose class used food grown in the school to make lunch
for another class?
We also used vegetablesfrom the school qorden to make
steak with veqetable salad ...
13 A Alice
Whose class plans to use their cakes to make money?
We're planning to bake some cokes tomorrow ond sell
them. We wont to get enough money to pay
for a school
Part 3 p94 24 then
14 B Correct . Buddy and his brother, Rusty, ... were both We use then to show the order of activities: First,
born on 75 June 2013 ... Shammi breaks the plants into small pieces ond then
A We know th at they hove lived ... at London Noture [he] washes them ...
Centre since 2015, but the text doesnt say where they We cannot use ofter because it would have to be followed
lived before that. We know that wild red pandas live in by thotto make sense. We cannot usefrst because its
lndia, Chino and other Asian countries. used to denote the first step in a sequence, e.g. First,
C The text doesn't mention any more pandas. Buddy and Shammi breaks the plants into small pieces.
Rusty live in their own cage at London Nature Centre,
which means there are only two of them in the cage. Pant 5 p97
15 C Correct,There are over 50 bamboo plants growing at 25 at
the Nature Centreforthe pandos. You arrive ot a time. Remember the two a's: orrive at!
A The Nature Centre degsn't have to buy special food 26 was
because there are over 50 bamboo plants growing at the Thejourney has finished now so this verb needs to be in
Natuye Centrefor the pondas [to eat]. the past simple. The following verb (possed) is also the
B The red pandas hove to eot speciol food colled'bamboo', past simple because it describes thejourney that has now
so they don't eat different types of food. finished.
15 A Correct . Buddy got out of the Nature Centre. It took 27 there
four doys for the workers of the Noture Centre to find The correct grammatical term is fhere were a lot of people
him! because this is the past simple of there are. A common
B Buddysfoyed close to home so he wasnt lostfar away mistake is to say they were o lot of people.
from the Nature Centre. 28 When
C We know that Buddy got out of the Nature Centre, Polly says she hopes Beth will come and visit soon. We
was only Buddy, without Rusty. need when to show how soon (next month) Beth will visit.
L7 C Correct. Trudy's father, M r Andrews, told her that 29 your
birds... [will] make a lot of noise to keep the panda Polly is asking Beth about Bethl parents, so the pronoun
away. He told her to lookfor Buddy up in the trees. And your is needed to show whose parents are being
then Trudy found Buddy,jusf like herfather explained. discussed.
A Trudy heord some birds ond looked up and saw Buddy 30 what
there,i.e. Mr Andrews didnt find him. A direct question asks What is your new oddress? But the
B lt was Mr Andrewsi daughter who worked for the email has an indirect question which has a different word
Nature Centre, not Mr Andrews. One of the people who order and is more polite: Con you tell me what your new
worked atthe Noture Centre ond who wentto lookfor oddress is, pleose?
Buddy w as Tru dy An d rew s.
18 C Correct. Rusty happily shared some bamboo with his Part 6 pg8
brother, so they had a meal together.
Below is a model answer for Question 31 and some
A Buddy didnt give anyfood to Rusty. ltwas Rustywho comments on it.
shared some bomboo with his brother.
B Rusty was very happy. Everyone wos very happy when Model answer
Buddy arrived bock sofely, especiolly Rustyl lli)am,
Why don't we OaIo tle parkby I rc river o. Salurday
Part 4 p96 aflernoon? We can play foolball Ihere. Can you brinq a ball
19 from withyou?
The correct expression isto comefrom o country, 3ee you on 1af,urday!
We cannot say someone comes of orlor a country. Jon
20 many (32 words)
Many goes with plural nouns. The expressionfor many Comments
years is another way of sayingfor a long time.
All three points in the question are answered - the writer
4 /of must be followed by of, e.g.for a lot of years. Much is
suggests where to go (to the park by the river), what he wants
used with uncountable nouns, e.g. We haven't had much
to do there (ploy football) and what Sam should bring (a boll).
roln this month.
21 him The text is coherent and basic linking words and cohesive
devices are used. Everyday vocabulary is used appropriately
We know that Shammi is a man because we read earlier
(by the river, play footboll, bring a boll) and a good range of
about hrs family. Therefore him is the correct pronoun.
grammar structures has been used (Why don'f we... for making
We can only use it to talk about objects or animals. We suggestions, prepositions of place and time, con for possibility
can only use them as a plural pronoun and not to describe and requests). There are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.
one person (Shammi).
22 since Pant 7 p99
We use since with the present perfect and a point in
Below is a model answer for Question 32 and some
time (1997).
comments on it.
We use during lo mean from the beginning to the end
of o period of time so during L997 would mean from the Model answer
beqinning to the end of L997. The present perfect cannot Lasf, week, Laura and Jtm were in lhe park when trhey saw a lady's
be used with during. We use in to mean at some point in handbaq onlhe ground. Nexl to iLwas a purse wilh eame money
that period of time so in 1997 would mean ot some point and credif, cards in f,.lhey Iaokfhe baq andf,he purse to Lhe
in 1.997.Ihe present perfect cannot be used with in. police.-ftte police officer Lhanked them and Ihey wenL home.
23 all (51words)
The correct expression is all the colours,
5ome cannot be followed by fhe. We would need to add
o/to make the correct form: some of the .... Every is used All three pictures of the story are described and the reader
with singular nouns and cannot be followed by fhe. can easily understand the story. There is some use of time
phrases and linkers (Last week) to show the connections
between the pictures. The vocabulary is varied and shows the
ability to use a range of A2 Key words (handbag, purse, credit
cords, police, police oficer). The grammar is accurate and
shows the ability to use some past tenses (past simple) and
some irregular forms (were, saw, took, told).
Listening 12 A Correct. Holly says: The shops will have it [the new
bookl onTuesday.
Fart I p100 B Holly says she will buy the book on Friday.
1 B Correct. The woman says: I've just been for a C Holly says she was reading about it in the newspaper on
beautiful walk by the river. Then the man says: I'm going Soturday.
to go there on my bike on Sunday. 13 B Correct. con getthis [book]for only
A The man says:There are always lots of peoplefishing on nine [pounds] at City Books.
Saturday ond Sunday. A Brad says: Books ore so expensive ... the lost one I
C The woman says she like[s] the boats, but the man says bought cost [8!
he prefers to be neor the river, not on it! C Holly says: Most good books cost more than [10, I think...
2 B Correct. The mother says: You did your homeworkin 14 C Correct. Hollytells Brad to turn leftinto GreatStreet.
the dining room. Have you looked in there?lhen the girl It's down there on the right.
sees her bag in the dining room and answers: Oh yeah, A Holly tells Brad: lf you go there by bus, get off ot the
there it is, on the bock of the chair. corner of Hiqh Street ond turn left into Great Street.
A The girl says: I took it [her bog] out of the car ond up to B Holly tells Brad the shop is just behind West Street.
my bedroom' ... then I needed it for my homework. 15 B Correct. Brad says: Whota good ideo!
C The girl took her bag up to [her] bedroom butthen A Brad says: Whot? Like o pen? That's not very usefui. He is
needed itfor [her] homework which she did in the dining talking about the pen, not the CD.
C Holly says: It looks colourful on the poster, but it's just
3 A Correct.Theman asks:Sholl I moke o salod? andthe a silverCD. Brad doesn't mention anything aboutthe CDs
woman answers: Good idea. appearance.
B The man says:Whot aboutthe cakes we bought? and
the woman answers: Let's put them in the fridge. We can Part 4 p104
have those tomorrow. 16 C Correct.The boy says: I can show you my notes.
C The woman says she hasn'l got time to moke soup. A The boy doesn't say he will go to the dentist with
4 C Correct. The man says he's having cofree with Rachel the girl. We only know that the girl went to the dentist
... atthe new caf€ and suggests: Why don'tyou come yesterday.
there? Ihe woman says OK! B The boy doesn't say he will help the girl with her
A The woman suggests meeting at seven outside the chemistry homework.
cinema, but the man is having cofree with Rochel then. 17 B Correct.The teachersaysthe students should
They agree to meet at the caf6 and then go and seethe remember to check [their] spelling and grammar.
f lm ofterwords. AStudents will write a story in tomorrows exam.
B The man says: You're coming by bus so sholl I meet you C The teacher refers to answering the questions but not
at the bus sfop? But the woman says You don't hove to do
as something the students should remember to do.
18 C Correct. The boy says: I wentto the fair in the city.
5 B Correct.The girl says:5o you spentall nightwatching
A The boy says hes playing football in the park tomorrow
TV. Wow, you're lucky! The boy says that o nly one
progro m me was interesti ng. B The girl says she will ask if herfriend Claire can goto
A The girl says: Did you spend all evening doing your the fair after her tennis lesson.
homework? I did. lt was so dificult! But the boy replies: My 19 A Correct. The woman says: Can you help me with my
closs didn't get ony homework Iost night! car? lt\ reolly dirty ond it could do with a wash.
C The boy says there was only one interesting programme B The woman says she needs the car by six otlock as
on TV which was about computer games from f apon, but shes going to the sports centre then.
he didn t play computer games. C The woman agrees to pay the boy some money for
cleaning her car.
Part 2 p102 20 C Correct.Thegirl says:l'll tell Samtomeetmethere,
5 Science meaning at the train station by the shopping centre.
Every yeor, we visit o museum. Last yeor we went to a A The girl originally planned to meet her friend at the
history museum, but this year it's the Science Museum in cinema but changes this when she speaks to her dad.
London. B The girls father has gotto goto the sports centreto
? Thursday pick up the girl s brother.
We're going nextThursdoy, so please ask your porents to
fill in the trovel form ond return it to me on Monday, ot the
Part 5 p105
lotest. 275
8 train Fred ... this isfrom Helen. I love all the chickens.
The school bus isn't big enough, so we're going by Uptn 22F
95 Fred Afriend called Evon. He went on o walking holidoy.
...just have to pay E5 for travel
you ... Look how high it is! You can even see snow on the top!
10 raincoat / raincoats 23H
But we need to walk to the museum from the stotion so Mum ... I'm guessing that lgjmjnesent you this one from
remember to bring your roincoat because it may be o the zoo!
wet day. Fred That's right! I asked her for o postcord of some fish,
but she sent this one of a tiger insteod.
Part 3 p103 24C
1.1 B Correct. Holly says: ...the new one [book],'The Mum And this one'sfrom Billy, is it?
Hungry Hills', sounds really good. Fred Yes, he loves castles. The one on this postcord is on
A Holly says the new one,'The Hungry Hills', sounds really the top of a hill ...
good. I think it's going to be even better than 'Night Fog'! 25G
C Holly says: HT Morgon's new book is in the shops next Fred lt's from Julia, She went flying in this, but it wos reolly
week! Brad replies: Really? I've just read an old book of small. She said there were only 12 other pgjsetLget1!
hers,'Wild Wood'.
Practice Test 5 Part 3 p112
14 B Correct. Rebecca! father was an environmentalist...
and she ond her mother ofien went on trips with him,
Reading travelling to Africo
Part 1 p108 A with her grandparents.
She went fo the local zoo
C She and hermother often went on tnps to Africa with
1 C Correct. The ad is asking for waiters for Joy's her father, so Rebecca went with both her mother and her
Restaurant. father.
A The ad is asking for people who can work as waiters 15 B Correct.While she wos in Asia,filming the
during the evening in the week and atweekends. documentary, she met herfuture husband, Ray. He was
B The ad is asking for woiters, not kitchen staff. one ofthe cameromen on the programme.
2 B Correct. Tim says: Let me know. A Although Rebecca began her career ot a wildlife centre
A The film is on at the cinema on London Road, but Tim in Zambia [in AfricaJ, she didn't meet Ray there.
doesn't ask Jake to go therd C Ray was one of the cameramen on the progromme,i.e.
C Tim has got tickets for the film so Jake doesn't need to not a presenter.
buy any tickets. L6 A Correct. Rebecca has worked in Asia and Africa, and
3 C Correct. Cars can use this road after 6.00 p.m. ond she and Ray are now planning to toke their very first trip
before 7.00 o.m. to South America so they haven't been there yet.
A You can't drive a car on this road during the day. B Rebecca hastrovelled ond worked oll overAfrica and
B Cyclists can use this road during the day. /sla. The text doesn't say that she did it with Ray.
4 A Correct. Students not going on the trip should come C Rebecca began her career ot a wildlife centre in Zombia,
to school as normal. but she didn't meet Ray until later.
B The notice doesn't say that students have to decide 17 C Correct, Rebecca is interested in giving people
today. information aboutthe mountain lions and how to
C The notice doesn't say that students must come to protectthem.
school first if they're going on the trip. A She'd like to show whatthe mountain lions eaf, and not
5 C Correct. Kate wants Linda to helpher studyfor how to feed them.
tomorrow\ bi ology test. B She'd like to show where lhe mountain lions /ive, and
A Kate hasn't forgotten that she has a biology lesson not how to live next to them.
tomorrow. tr8 B Correct. Rebecca would liketo write a book about
B Kate doesnt ask Linda to help her find her notes. her work and her life one doy, which means her aim is to
6 B Correct . Buy tickets on the school website and collect become an author.
them from the ofice. A She wants to make other people think about the
A The notice doesn't say that you should let the offce omozing animols thot are in danger.
know if you are planning to buy tickets. C She wants to show that people can help animals that
C The notice doesn't say that you should check the website are in danger even if they never travel to the places where
for information about when tickets will be available. those onimals live.
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