Coronavirus Disease 2019

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Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): review study

Article  in  Jorjani Biomedicine Journal · December 2020

DOI: 10.29252/jorjanibiomedj.8.1.4


4 6,415

4 authors:

Abolfazl Jafari Sales Homeira Khaneshpour

Islamic Azad University, Kazerun Islamic Azad University of Ahar


Mehrdad Pashazadeh Rozita Nasiri

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(4): P 17-23.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): review study

Abolfazl Jafari Sales1*, Homeira Khaneshpour2, Mehrdad Pashazadeh3, Rozita Nasiri4
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1. PhD, Department of Microbiology School of Basic Sciences, Kazerun Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazerun,
2. MSc, Department of Microbiology, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
3. PhD, Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey
4. PhD, Iran National Elite Foundation, Tehran, Iran

Article Type:
Review Article On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan-China Health Commission reported a case of
pneumonia in the city. The first symptoms began in mid-December 2019. Clinically
isolated specimens identified the coronavirus as the cause of the disease. It was first
*Correspondence: shown as 2019-nCoV, and as the number of victims of the coronavirus crossed the
border of thousands of people, the World Health Organization chose the official name
Abolfazl Jafari-Sales,
COVID-19 for its illness. Although it appears to be of animal origin, it is rapidly
Department of
transmitting from person to person around the world. The World Health Organization
Microbiology, School of
released a statement calling the outbreak of the new Corona virus a Public Health
Basic Sciences, Kazerun
Emergency Situations that poses a threat to the whole world, not just China. In this study
Branch, Islamic Azad
highlights how the virus is transmitted, the clinical signs, the laboratory characteristics,
University, Kazerun, Iran.
the pathogenicity of the virus, Vaccines, and the prevention and control of the spread of
[email protected]
the virus.

Keywords: SOX2OT, lncRNA, Autophagy

1401 were infected and 543 killed (1) and

Introduction now nCoV (Wuhan), on December 31, 2019,
the Wuhan Health Commission reported the
Global health has been experiencing its third
outbreak of a mysterious new pneumonia in
coronavirus crisis in less than twenty years.
Wuhan City, which is progressing at a
SARS-CoV emerged in 2002 as 8422 people
significant rate. As a result of research, it was
were reportedly infected and 916 killed
concluded that Coronavirus is China (2). The
worldwide. Following MERS-CoV in 2012,
Copyright© 2018, Jorjani Biomedicine Journal has published this work as an open access article under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution License ( which permits non-
commercial uses of the work while it is properly cited.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Jafari Sales A . et al.

virus was linked to a wholesale seafood and the numerous studies conducted in this case, it
animal market in Wuhan, China (3). This seems necessary to conduct a study to
prevalence of infections and epidemics over summarize the findings. The study was
the past 20 years indicates that coronaviruses, conducted to help health care workers in the
the situation is a threat to humanity, and it country cope better with COVID 19. Based
also affects the entire world economy (1). on the evidence and information in the
Coronaviruses were first identified in 1960 studies, we can provide scientific and
(4). Therefore, the cooperation of health practical information on structure,
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workers, governments and all people is transmission, clinical symptoms, Laboratory

needed to prevent the spread of new properties, Virus severity, vaccine, treatment,
coronavirus. The first sequence of the 2019- prevention and control.
nCoV genome was published online one day
after approval by Zhang and other scientists at Virology
Fudan Shanghai University. Subsequently,
Coronaviruses are a family of RNA viruses
on January 11, five more genomic sequences
that contain Positive-sense single-stranded
of the virus were placed on the GSAID
RNA (8). The virus belongs to the family
database by various institutes across China,
Coronaviridae and to the subfamily
and allowing researchers around the world to
Orthocoronavirinae. The coronavirus
begin research on the new coronavirus (3).
subfamily is genetically and serologically
Isolation and sequencing of the successful
divided into four genera: Alphacoronavirus,
genomic sequence of Coronavirus 2019-
Betacoronavirus, Deltacoronavirus and
nCoV have been instrumental in
Gammacoronavirus (9). The diameter of this
understanding the origin of the virus and its
spherical virus is 70- 120 nm. RNA lengths
infectious properties. However, there is still a
range from 25.5 to 32 kb (10). Nearly four
lot of ambiguity and scientists are doing
types of coronavirus have been identified in
extensive research on this new virus.
humans, mammals and birds. Human
Following the outbreak of the virus, on
coronaviruses are caused by alpha and beta
January 30, 2020, the World Health
variants. Coronaviruses are one of the most
Organization (WHO) issued a statement
prevalent viruses, with 30% to 60% of the
declaring the outbreak of new coronavirus to
Chinese population having antibodies against
be the sixth leading cause of public health
it (1). Approximately 80% of the 2019-nCoV
emergency worldwide, threatening not only
nucleotides are similar to the SARS-CoV
China but all countries. On February 11,
nucleotides (10). Coronaviruses contain four
2020, the WHO changed the name of the new
types of proteins: 1) Spik Protein (S): are
coronavirus to COVID 19 (5). On the same
proteins that bind the virus to cell receptors
day, the International Committee on
and the virus enters the cell. 2) Membrane
Taxonomy of Viruses (Coronaviridae Study
Protein (M): Causes virus germination. 3)
Group) named it SARS-CoV-2 (6-7). On
Envelope Protein (E) causes the virus to
March 11, the WHO upgraded the status of
germinate. 4) Nucleocapsid Protein (N):
the COVID-19 outbreak from epidemic to
These proteins together with the genomic
pandemic. The clinical features and mortality
RNA form the nucleic capsid (8).
from this virus have always been of interest to
Approximately 80% of the 2019-nCoV
people, and it is also the focus of medical
nucleotides are similar to the SARS-CoV
workers' research at present. However, given

18| Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(3): P 17-23.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Jafari Sales A . et al.

nucleotides (10). Coronaviruses contain four should be hospitalized in isolation units to

types of proteins: 1) Spik Protein (S): are prevent transmission (13). After the first
proteins that bind the virus to cell receptors outbreak, secondary cases were reported after
and the virus enters the cell. 2) Membrane approximately ten days. In addition, new
Protein (M): Causes virus germination. 3) patients had no contact with the seafood
Envelope Protein (E) causes the virus to market and had only a history of contact with
germinate. 4) Nucleocapsid Protein (N): humans (14). Data on people under 18 years
These proteins together with the genomic of age indicate that infection is relatively low
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RNA form the nucleic capsid (8). In general, in these individuals. The prevalence of
the coronavirus family comprises the two infection in this age group is 2.4% (15).
genera Toro virus and Corona virus, which Often, human-to-human transmission occurs
are common in Ungulate and may cause in close proximity to the infected person.
diarrhea. The human coronavirus is antigenic Transmission is primarily that the infected
in two strains of 22qE and DC43. The two person sneezes and that respiratory droplets,
strains, of course, also include animal source like the spread of influenza, can dissolve in
of the coronavirus (animals and rodents). the oral or nasal mucosa and lungs of people
Therefore, there is a cross-reaction between who inhaled the infected air (14). Huijun
some human and animal strains (11). There is Chen and her colleagues found in a study of
very little information on the pathogenicity of pregnant women who were in their last
coronaviruses in humans. Known trimester of pregnancy that the COVID-19
coronaviruses tend to resemble the virus did not transmit from mother to fetus. It
gastrointestinal and gastrointestinal epithelial should be noted, however, that this study was
cells. Coronavirus infections are likely to conducted in a small number of individuals
spread to the host body like a mouse hepatitis (16).
virus. Coronaviruses cause respiratory,
gastrointestinal, and neurological disorders Clinical symptoms
(12). Viral infections usually affect the upper
The duration of incubation and latency of the
respiratory tract and affect only the lower
virus is about 1 to 14 days. This means that
respiratory tract in some people. The first and
the person may be infected with the virus
most common symptoms are fever, cough,
without symptoms, and have no knowledge of
and headache (1).
it (17, 18). Diarrhea is a symptom of with
MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV but it is rarely
How to transfer seen in COVID-19. In a study of symptoms of
The virus was initially transmitted from COVID-19, chest pain, dizziness, and nausea
animals to humans, but is now transmitting were observed (19). Unilateral or bilateral
rapidly from human to human. As the origin involvement consistent with viral pneumonia
of the disease is China, but through this was observed on X-rays or CT imaging of the
human-to-human transmission has now studied patients (14). In a study of 41
reached other countries such as Germany, hospitalized patients, pneumonia, shortness of
Iran, France, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, breath, fever, symptoms of dry cough and
Vietnam, Canada, the United States and other fatigue were reported. Fewer cases of
countries (10). Suspected patients with headache, hemoptysis, nausea and vomiting
coronavirus respiratory syndrome infection and diarrhea were also observed (17). Studies

19| Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(3): P 17-23.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Jafari Sales A . et al.

have found that side effects such as blood Vaccines and treatment
sugar, hypertension and cardiovascular In general, there are few treatment options for
disease were found in half of these patients. In viruses that suddenly cause disease. In
addition, patients with abnormal dyspnea may parallel to this knowledge, there is no
indicate that these complications are likely to effective vaccine or treatment available today
be important contributors to the death of to prevent COVID-19. Laboratories are
COVID-19 patients (20). currently being tested for the treatment of
COVID-19 using human SARS-CoV and
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Laboratory properties human MERS-CoV data (14). Research

In patients with COVID-19, the number of shows that the 2019-nCoV E protein is very
white blood cells can vary. In the early stages similar to the known coronavirus E protein.
of infection, the number of lymphocytes and Thus the coronavirus vaccine affecting
leukocytes appears to decrease, although protein E could be a candidate for 2019-nCoV
lymphopenia is more common. Serum which requires animal models for vaccine
procalcitonin levels are also elevated in development (10). According to recent studies
people with severe disease. With the onset of by chloroquine phosphate researchers, an old
the disease, high D-dimer levels and severe drug used to treat malaria and have a
lymphopenia have been reported to be significant effect on pneumonia has been
equivalent to death (17). suggested in a multi-center clinical trial in
China as an effective drug for the prevention,
Virus severity diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19
pneumonia (23). There are currently no
The total death toll from the virus is less than effective antiviral drugs. Inhalation of aerosol
3%. Hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease IFN-α or oral administration of Lopinavir /
are factors that can impair the immune system Ritonavir may help to improve the patient.
that can make a patient vulnerable to illness, Antibiotics should be avoided because
but 2019-nCoV appears to be less pathogenic antibiotics are used in bacterial infections
than MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV (18). (17). In this regard, a new study conducted in
Coronaviruses are vulnerable to acidic pH and South Korea on a patient with COVID-19 has
heat but appear to be more stable at 4 ° C shown that taking Lopinavir / Ritonavir has
(21). RNA-dependent RNA polymerase significantly reduced the titer of the virus and
(RdRP) (RDR or RNA) is the replication of a improved the patient's condition (24).
protein enzyme present in RNA viruses that Remdesivir is an antiviral agent against Ebola
causes mutations to occur uninterruptedly and SARS viruses that has significant effects
(22). Studies have shown that SARS-CoV on the COVID-19 (25).
caused an increase in virus resistance in the
2002-2004 epidemic with genetic changes,
Prevention and control
reappearance and emergence of antigenic
variants that were adapted to the host. The As the disease has an incubation period, so
emergence of more resistant strains asymptomatic carriers are a problem in
complicates and complicates treatment eradicating the disease. These people can
approaches. So we have to check if 2019- infect healthy people without understanding
nCoV behaves like SARS-CoV (18). them. So, taking into account this issue,
measures should be taken to prevent the

20| Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(3): P 17-23.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Jafari Sales A . et al.

infection of healthy people and the treatment outbreaks as well as appropriate remedies and
of sick people (26). To eliminate the virus, a discovering the vaccine and the effective
number of measures must be taken, such as drug.
timely dissemination of epidemic information
to eliminate the source of infection, rapid
diagnosis of the infected person, reporting,
isolation of infected persons, support and
physical and psychological protection to
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reduce stress and stress. The CDC

recommends basic measures such as hand
washing, use of disinfectants, avoiding
contact with patients to prevent the spread of
the virus. Based on the experience of SARS-
CoV in 2003, the Chinese government has
taken many effective measures, including
closing public transport, reducing migration
and promoting personal protection with
masks, hygiene and so on (14).

The emergence of SARS-CoV in 2002 and its
prevalence in 32 countries and regions, then
the prevalence of MERS-CoV and now 2019-
nCoV, indicate that CoVs are periodically and
unpredictably a clinical threat to the general
population and health care personnel. Is
becoming healthier around the world.
COVID-19 is now rapidly expanding
worldwide, affecting approximately 25
countries from 5 continents. Knowledge about
the disease is currently limited. But what we
can do now is take some basic measures to
prevent it and control and treat the virus. As
the knowledge of the virus grows, it will be
possible to deal with it even better. So we
hope that with the efforts of medical
professionals and researchers, we will take
significant steps to prevent public health from
being compromised. In addition to the
dangers of public health, the economies of
many countries today are directly and
indirectly affected. It is hoped that the virus
can be defeated in the near future by
preventing and cutting off the chain of

21| Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(3): P 17-23.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Jafari Sales A . et al.

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How to cite:
Jafari Sales A, Khaneshpour H, Pashazadeh M, Nasiri R. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): review study. Jorjani

Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(4): 17-23.

23| Jorjani Biomedicine Journal. 2019; 7(3): P 17-23.

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