Business Research Methods: Regards It As An Unnecessary Wasteful Activity". Comment On This Statement Explaining The
Business Research Methods: Regards It As An Unnecessary Wasteful Activity". Comment On This Statement Explaining The
Business Research Methods: Regards It As An Unnecessary Wasteful Activity". Comment On This Statement Explaining The
of Pages : 01
Total No. of Questions : 08
BBA (Sem.–4)
Subject Code : BBA-401 -18
M.Code : 77423
Date of Examination : 16-06-21
Time : 2 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. “In many organisations management is not convinced about the utility of research and
regards it as an unnecessary wasteful activity”. Comment on this statement explaining the
objectives of research and its significance. Also define its process .
2. “Research design is the planned sequence of the entire process involved in conducting a
research study”. Discuss the statement.
3. Explain the situation and the method for drawing a stratified random sample and systematic
sample with an example in detail.
4. Which are the situations in which Observation method of data collection should be used
and in which interview method is preferable? Elaborate with an example.
5. “Measurement of opinions, attitudes, feelings require scales”. Do you agree? Comment,
explaining different types of scales with examples
6. Make a specimen questionnaire with 10-12 questions on “Consumer Attitude towards
Online Shopping” (Including closed ended, open ended and likert scale questions).
7. Which type of report is suitable for research in social sciences? Explain its format in detail.
8. “Data processing and preparation assist in data reduction and increased data accuracy”.
Comment explaining the steps in it and their advantages.
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