27 Preventive Education
27 Preventive Education
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Last Updated: 28 May 2013
The DDB has a significant role in helping attain the Filipinos’ collective societal vision. All
of the agency’s efforts falling under its drug demand reduction and civic awareness and
response pillars accomplish the tasks set to initiate anti-drug abuse advocacies and
information campaigns.
Preventive education programs all seek to discourage users and impending abusers
from experimenting with illicit substances or continuing to abuse them. It is a subset of
drug demand reduction. These strategies complement the approaches employed in
reducing consumer demand for controlled substances. The Board utilizes policies and
programs which seek reduction of desire to obtain and use illegal drugs.
Last Updated: 19 June 2013
It also serves as a channel through which the DDB can follow-through the commitments
of agencies in the implementation of the integrated program of action to prevent and
control drug abuse, and further strengthen interagency relationship.
The IAC-DAPE, collaborates with the DDB’s Preventive Education, Training and
Information Division (PETID) in the:
Advocacy Partners
As of this year, there are 50, 277 BKD members from 251 chapters nationwide. The
DDB has also launched the “Nationwide Search for the Best BKD Program”.
This annual three-day live in Congress is designed to provide an open and comfortable
atmosphere for fun, real work and innovative strategic planning to address the drug
problem in the respective localities of the youth participants. A team of anti-drug
advocates and facilitators provide participants the opportunity for positive
discussions/dialogues, structured learning activities, workshops, and inputs. The team
approach is employed throughout the congress to foster teamwork, learning,
camaraderie and harmonious relationship of youth delegates.
In 2012, 195 participants from different organizations nationwide who attended the 20th
Youth Congress held in Dagupan City, duly hosted by the Local Government Unit of
Dagupan, were added to the 2,735 youth leaders who have participated in the training
since 2002.
To bring the anti-drug advocacy to the children, the DDB participates in the annual
celebration of the Children’s Month every October. The DDB conducts the Kids Against
Drugs program, a primary prevention activity that aims to inculcate the skills of “Saying
‘No’” to children as a firm foundation for preventive education.
922 children have been reached-out to since this program’s implementation in 2006.
This is a primary prevention activity involving the public transport groups designed to
ensure the safety, well-being of the commuters and pedestrians by having drug-free
transport personnel. Cooperating agencies are the DDB, DOLE, DOH, PDEA, LTFRB,
LTO, and the Philippine Global Road Safety. It seeks to reduce the incidence of drug
related vehicular accidents, promote public order and safety on the streets; and
organize anti-drug patrol among drivers and other transport personnel.
Since its implementation in 2011, the DDB has been able to mobilize 288 members of
the transport sector.
This new advocacy program, done in partnership with DDB-member agency National
Youth Commission aims to intensify youth empowerment efforts to zero-in on drug
abuse. Project coverage includes six (6) key cities of the country namely: Metro Manila,
Davao, Cebu, Zamboanga, Naga, Cagayan De Oro, and Baguio City.
The caravan has enjoined at least 1,400 youth from various communities, organizations
and academic institutions into the anti-drug abuse advocacy. It also aims to impart the
ill-effects of substance abuse and dependence and to highlight best practices of youth
groups and networks in the intensified campaigns and initiatives in combating drug
The Board sustains media cooperation by maintaining the DDB Press Corps composed
of media practitioners from print and broadcast. This ensures covering a wider audience
by pursuing press conferences and press releases of events and drug related articles,
radio interviews, and TV appearances.
Two regular special events are also held to mobilize and enlist the participation of the
general public.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking of Drugs (IDADAIT)
Every 26th of June, IDADAIT is being observed simultaneously in all member countries
of the United Nations as per resolution signed during the UN General Assembly on
December 07, 1987 and by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 264 dated June 1,
Preventive Education
The DDB has a significant role in helping attain the Filipinos’ collective societal vision.
All of the agency’s efforts falling under its drug demand reduction and civic awareness
and response pillars accomplish the tasks set to initiate anti-drug abuse advocacies and
information campaigns.
Preventive education programs all seek to discourage users and impending abusers
from experimenting with illicit substances or continuing to abuse them. It is a subset of
drug demand reduction. These strategies complement the approaches employed in
reducing consumer demand for controlled substances. The Board utilizes policies and
programs which seek reduction of desire to obtain and use illegal drugs.
Seminar on Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Scout Masters and Scout
This is a three-day training program for Scoutmasters and Leaders which aims to
integrate drug abuse prevention in the scouting program.
Objectives of this events are to provide the youth with a creative outlet for their
enthusiasm and energy for them to be less prone to experiment with dangerous drugs
and to enhance their talents through performing arts.
Programs for Children
Drug Abuse Prevention Program for the Families of Overseas Filipino Workers
This is a one-day activity for overseas contract workers and their families to be aware of
the hazardous effects of drug abuse and learn some ways of preventing the use of it.
Seminar Workshop on Dangerous Drugs Law for Judges, Prosecutors, and Law
To address the problems on dismissal of drug cases and operations lapses, the DDB
convenes judges, prosecutors and law enforcers in a three-day seminar workshop. This
initiative aims to further coordinate and integrate the over-all efforts of the criminal
justice system especially in the field of prosecution and investigation.
Objectives are to provide opportunity for continuing in service training to teachers on the
effective utilization of support instructional materials and teaching strategies on drug
education to ensure proper delivery of the program; and to encourage deeper
participation among mentors on drug education, prevention and control programs.
Integration of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment in the Primary Health Care
This is a project being implemented by community health centers integrating drug abuse
prevention in the Primary Health Care Program. It complements treatment and
rehabilitation services after the clients release from the rehabilitation centers.
Educational programmes on the
prevention and control of drug abuse in
the Philippines
I. Background information
II. Three-pronged thrust to prevent drug abuse
III. Philosophy and objectives of education towards drug abuse prevention
IV. The Integrated Plan of Action
V. Educational programmes
VI. School-based educational programmes
VII. Community information activities
VIII. Communications support
Author: Mrs. Aurora S. CUDAL
Pages: 1 to 9
Creation Date: 1976/01/01
Educational programmes on the prevention and
control of drug abuse in the Philippines
Mrs. Aurora S. CUDAL *
I. Background information
The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago comprising 7,100 islands and
islets with a total land mass of 115,000 sq. miles. It is situated in the heart of
South-East Asia. There are approximately 42 million Filipinos, 65 per cent of
whom are below 25 years old.
The absence of wide-scale population studies in the area of non-medical use of
drugs is a limiting factor in fully appreciating the nature and extent of the
problem. One has to rely on the records of young boys confined to the various
rehabilitation centres and on the limited studies and surveys that have been
conducted in recent years.
In 1965 when the National Bureau of Investigation established the first treatment
and rehabilitation centre in the Philippines, there were 930 drug dependants, 615
of whom abused heroin, 121 morphine, 80 barbiturates and amphetamines, and
13 marijuana. These numbers grew to alarming proportion in the Greater Manila
area up to 1972. Law enforcement reports then estimated that there were 8,000
to 10,000 narcotic users [ 1] .
There has been a marked decline in illegal drug traffic and use of opiates such as
heroin and morphine, since the declaration of Martial Law on 21 September
1972. In a recent survey on drug use in schools in five cities [ 2] , it was disclosed
that only 37 per cent of the 2,048 respondents admitted having taken only one
drug for non-medical purposes and the daily ingestion of any single drug
amounts to less than 1 per cent. The drug commonly abused is marijuana, and
exempt drug preparations.
The Central Case Registry in the Dangerous Drugs Board shows that there has
been no single recorded case of opiate dependence since March 1974.
Furthermore, police seizures of illicit drugs and substances support the assertion
that the country has controlled domestic illicit trafficking and use of heroin and
other narcotic drugs [ 3] .
However, the Philippine Government is not being lulled into complacency. The
Dangerous Drugs Board, the national policy-making and co-ordinating body in
matters pertaining to the prevention and control of drug abuse has consistently
intensified its efforts to keep drug abuse from making further inroads into the
Filipino way of life.
* Chief, Preventive Education and Community Information Division, Dangerous
Drugs Board, Philippines. The author was a recipient of the first UNFDAC
Fellowship Award on Drug Education, a study programme administered by UNESCO.
II. Three-pronged thrust to prevent drug abuse
The Philippine Government has taken an uncompromising stand against illegal
drug use. For the past three years, the Dangerous Drugs Board has
endeavoured to promote inter-agency co-ordination, multi-disciplinary co-
operation and community participation in its three-pronged thrust to minimize, if
not totally eliminate, drug abuse and drug-related problems. These are [ 1]
prevention of the illegal use of prohibited and regulated drugs and control of
illegal drug traffic [ 2] provision of treatment and rehabilitation services to drug
users by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals and [ 3] integration of
education programmes for youth, parents and community leaders in health and
social development to prevent drug abuse; in the in-service training programmes
for teachers, law enforcement personnel and social workers; and in continuing
education programmes of pharmacists and physicians.
III. Philosophy and objectives of education towards drug abuse
The current educational programmes implemented in the Philippines are based
on the concept that the drug abuse problem is not merely a problem of drugs but
a problem of people. Hence, the traditional practice of giving stereotype lectures
to undefined target audiences has been discouraged. Lectures to young people
on the different kinds of drugs, their history, and their ill-effects have been
abandoned. Among adult audiences however, knowledge about drugs and their
proper medical use and consequences when misused, as well as the provisions
of the law, are discussed so that they will be in a position to answer questions
that may be raised by young people [ 4] .
The Interagency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention Education, a committee
composed of representatives from 15 government and voluntary agencies
concerned with the implementation of educational programmes, defined
education for drug abuse prevention as a process of creating awareness on the
underlying causes of the drug abuse problem in order to generate individual,
group and community involvement in formulating social action programmes to
minimize the perceived causes. This involves planning and working with people
in the study of the nature and extent of the problem, its underlying causes, and
defining their own roles in the resolution of the problem. It utilizes varied
educational methods and approaches which, hopefully, will positively influence
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
IV. The Integrated Plan of Action
The Integrated Plan of Action was the result of a National Workshop on Drug
Abuse Prevention Education held on 20-25 May 1974, under the joint
sponsorship of the Dangerous Drugs Board (Philippines) and the Colombo Plan
Bureau. This educational event attended by 47 representatives from 20 national
agencies, both government and voluntary, served as an opportunity to assess
past education and information efforts and to develop new programme guidelines
and strategies for an integrated plan of action to prevent drug abuse through
positive and productive ways. The over-all programme is directed towards the
development of social consciousness and a sense of responsibility among the
youth; the promotion of parental recognition and acceptance of their role in
maintaining a wholesome family environment; the integration of educational
concepts for drug abuse prevention in curricular and co-curricular activities in
schools; and the development and implementation of social action programmes
in the community.
The approaches we have started to utilize are as follows:
1. Integration of educational concepts for drug abuse prevention on:
1. Developmental programmes for children and youth of government and
voluntary agencies such as skilled training programmes for in-school and out-of-
school youth, sports development and physical fitness programmes; scouting
activities; and youth civic action programmes.
2. Parent education programmes through the parent-teacher association,
parents council, family-oriented organizations such as the Family Life Workshop
and Christian Family Movement, and fundamental adult education programmes.
3. Curricular and co-curricular offerings in schools such as in social science
and health education; guidance and counselling services, in-service training of
school administrators and teachers.
4. Existing community programmes through the barangay * leaders training
programme, urban community development projects, maternal and child health
programmes, mental health programmes, nutrition programmes, social welfare
projects, community relations programmes of local police departments; and
socio-civic and religious organizations.
2. Provision of alternatives and facilities for young people such as:
1. Involvement in religious, socio-civic, cultural and other creative activities;
2. Participation in recreational and sports activities;
3. Skills training programmes;
4. Drop-in centres and community out-reach programmes;
5. Youth leadership training and peer group counselling;
6. Community assemblies and seminars.
The contents of the educational programmes for young people revolves around
understanding the self-values of physical and mental health; building moral and
spiritual values; development of potentials; coping with change; responsibilities of
young people; understanding adults; qualities of leadership; community
involvement; medical use of drugs; and the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972.
For parents, the content of the programme includes discussions on the nature
and extent of the drug abuse problem; underlying causes of drug abuse; medical
and non-medical use of drugs; and dialogues on husband-wife relationship,
childrearing practices, parent-child communication, and growth and personality
On the other hand, community leaders are given orientation on the four areas of
concern in drug abuse prevention and control - law enforcement, treatment and
rehabilitation, preventive education and research and statistics.
Basic socio-political unit in a community composed of 100 families with a
chairman and seven councilmen including the chairman of the youth
V. Educational programmes
The following are some of the on-going community-based educational
(1) San Antonio Pilot Community Education Project
Upon the request of community leaders in San Antonio, Singalong (Zone 81), a
seminar on drug abuse prevention and control was organized in the area.
Representatives of various agencies were invited to talk on the different aspects
of the problem and what these agencies are doing to prevent drug abuse. An off
shoot of this seminar was the realization by the community leaders themselves of
the need for a planned programme to be integrated with existing community
development projects. Thus, the Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc.,
took the initiative of employing a community co-ordinator to assist in the planning
and co-ordination of activities for youth, parents, and community leaders.
The project started with a total community study to determine the socio-cultural
and demographic characteristics of the community, the leadership patterns, the
resources and facilities available and other data which have implications on the
development of a community drug abuse prevention education programme. With
the information obtained from the community study, the leaders became more
aware of the needs and problems of the community as well as the needs and
interests of young people.
Among the activities that have been undertaken are:
1. Organization of a youth co-ordinating council to co-ordinate all youth
programmes and activities with the guidance of adult leaders (there are 10 youth
organizations in the community);
2. Organization of study groups for parents and young people on community
projects (family planning, nutrition, green revolution, mothercraft, etc.);
3. Organization of leadership training programmes (qualities of leadership
and followership, how to conduct meetings, coping with change, human
4. Organization of sports tournaments and cultural presentations to channel
the talents and energies of young people towards meaningful and worthwhile
(2) Youth Civic Action Service
This programme which was initiated by the Drug Abuse Rehabilitation Network
(DARN) and the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) is linked with the
Youth Civic Action Programme (YCAP) of the Department of Education and
Culture which requires every college student to render 120 hours of civic action
work before graduation.
A series of lecture-discussions on the nature and extent of the drug abuse
problem and how it affects young people and other relevant topics are held with
the students. They are then divided into working groups to plan a programme
which they themselves will undertake. Among the signifiant activities they have
pursued are regular visits to Treatment and Rehabilitation Centres to provide
counselling services to drug dependants, and volunteer community service such
as helping in the government's campaign to promote food production, cleanliness
and beautification, and family planning.
(3) Youth Leadership Seminar-Workshop
Several youth leadership seminar-workshops have been organized to equip
young people with knowledge and skills in the planning of recreational
programmes and community service projects and to develop their potentials for
leadership. The activities are geared towards the prevention of drug abuse
among their peers. Among the organizations involved in this programme are: the
Tondo Foreshore Youth Confederation; Youth Council of Zone 81; Junior
Bachelor's Club of Bacolod City; and youth of CAA-Don Carlos Village,
A follow-up of this programme revealed that the participants have initiated in their
respective communities, activities which keep other young people involved in
community improvement projects, sports and recreational activities, and cultural
presentations which serve as positive alternatives to drug abuse.
(4) Parent Education Seminars
Parent education seminars are designed primarily to enable parents to realize
and assume their role and responsibility in the proper upbringing of their children.
Programmes have been undertaken by various agencies to make parents of drug
dependants aware of their role in the rehabilitation process and to change their
negative attitudes towards their children and the problems of living as a whole.
(5) Department of Social Welfare Preventive Education and Community
Information Programme
The Department of Social Welfare has integrated education for drug abuse
prevention and community information activities in the programmes of the Bureau
of Rehabilitation, Bureau of Youth Welfare, the Bureau of Child and Family
Welfare, and the Bureau of Assistance. These are implemented in the eleven
(11) regions through the DSW Regional Offices. In this connexion, a two-week
live-in seminar for 26 social welfare officers to develop strategies for the effective
implementation of the "Integrated Plan of Action" in their respective areas of
assignment was undertaken. The result of this seminar was the development of
work-plans which will be implemented by the DSW units in six pilot areas, namely
Manila, Rizal, Pasay City, Caloocan City, Quezon City and Carmona, from July
1975 to July 1976. The approaches that will be utilized will differ in each area
depending upon the needs and problems of the locality. However, it is envisaged
that through an integrated and co-ordinated approach, education towards drug
abuse prevention will be maximized, to wit: integration of education programmes
for drug abuse prevention in youth development workers' training programmes;
family life education and counselling programmes in the community centres; and
in the training programmes of rehabilitation specialists and social workers.
(6) Integration of Drug Abuse Prevention and Control in Safety Programmes
The Philippine National Red Cross has integrated in its training programme for
professionals as well as volunteer instructors, drug abuse prevention and control.
A close working relationship has been established by the Safety Services
Department with the Dangerous Drugs Board through its representative in the
Interagency Committee on Drug Abuse Prevention Education. Such relationships
resulted in a wider dissemination of information on how to prevent drug abuse
and in gene- rating greater involvement of young people in positive activities
such as water safety (swimming and life-saving), first aid, and accident
(7) Boy Scouts of the Philippines Drug Abuse Prevention Education Programme
The education programme for drug abuse prevention pursued by the Boy Scouts
on the Philippines is based on the philosophy that a busy and active boy properly
motivated and acting within the framework of scouting ideals will not resort to the
use of drugs. The programme is geared towards maximizing opportunities for the
almost two million in-school and out-of-school youth to participate in worthwhile
activities which will develop their potentials and make them aware of their
responsibilities to themselves, to others, and to the community at large.
The planned activities include:
1. Creating awareness regarding the drug abuse problem, its prevention and
control through training seminars for national, regional and local scout leaders.
2. Motivating scout leaders to recognize and accept their role in the
prevention of drug abuse through direct involvement in the planning of social
action programmes.
3. Organizing activities such as "Operation Reach" (on the unit level) to
improve interpersonal relations and communication between young people and
their parents; "Big Brother-Small Brothers" venture to develop positive concern
and responsibility for one another; voluntary participation in community service
programmes with merit badges as incentives.
VI. School-based educational programmes
(1) Curriculum Enrichment Programme
The development of the "curriculum enrichment programme" of the Stella Maris
College, Quezon City, was the result of a seminar on drug abuse prevention and
control for faculty members, organized by the Narcotics Foundation of the
Philippines, Inc.
After an orientation on the nature and extent of the drug abuse problem and its
underlying causes and a discussion on the different aspects of the problem, the
seminars participants were divided into groups to plan an action programme on
how they could prevent drug abuse among their students. Unexpectedly, the
participants came up with the identification of problems affecting the school
administration and the teachers themselves, and their relationship with their
The result of this process of introspection, was a programme designed to
minimize the work load of teachers so that they could spend more time with their
students and a total review of the curricular offerings of the school. Subject areas
found to be inadequate in meeting the emotional, psychological and health needs
of the students were further strengthened and enriched.
(2) Integrated Social Development Programme
This is a pilot project of the Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. and the
Mapa High School, City of Manila. It was the result of a seminar-workshop on
drug abuse prevention and control attended by selected teachers, guidance
counsellors, student leaders and community leaders. The activities that have
been carried out are geared towards:
1. Strengthening parent-child-teacher relationships through the PTA (parent-
teacher association).
2. Maximizing opportunities for students to participate in co-curricular
3. Strengthening guidance and counselling services for students.
4. Increasing school-community dialogues to minimize existing health and
social problems in the community.
(3) Five-Year UP-DEC Drug Education Project
The Department of Education and Culture organized a Drug Education Co-
ordinating Council "to provide direction in the formulation and implementation of
educational measures dealing with the problem of drug abuse and to co-ordinate
the plans, programmes, projects and activities undertaken in connexion
therewith". The core activity of this Council is the Five-Year Drug Education
Programme (which was originally founded by the Dangerous Drugs Board), a
joint project of the Department of Education and the University of the Philippines.
The over-all education plan is to "develop a drug education programme
integrated with health education with the end in view of guiding the individual to
develop the ability to think critically and make wise decisions in relation to life's
problems". The activity undertaken so far by the Implementing Committee on the
Drug Education Co-ordinating Council include:
1. In-service and pre-service education for teachers, school health
administrators, and other trainers who will handle nation-wide programmes on
drug education integrated with health education.
2. Writing of curriculum guides in drug education for elementary and high
schools, and holding a two-week work seminar for selected teachers on the trial
use of the drug education curriculum guides for the school year 1972-1973.
VII. Community information activities
A. Law enforcement agencies such as the Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit
(CANU), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Anti-Smuggling Action Centre
(ASAC), Bureau of Customs (BC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and
trained police officers manning the Anti-Narcotics Section of city police
departments have as one of their activities, dissemination of information
regarding the provisions of the Dangerous Drugs Act, the penalties for the
violations of such provisions and the role of the enforcement agencies in the total
drug control programme. Representatives from the above-mentioned agencies
are often invited as resource speakers during seminars and symposia for
community leaders, teachers, youth leaders, pharmacists, physicians and other
groups to discuss the nature and extent of the drug abuse problem and what is
being done by law enforcement agencies to combat illegal drug traffic and to
minimize the availability of prohibited and regulated drugs. Most of these lectures
are geared towards creating public awareness of law enforcement activities so
that the public will support and co-operate in the implementation of these
B. Celebration of Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week: pursuant to
Proclamation No. 1192 of His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos, the
Dangerous Drugs Board has for the past three years provided leadership in the
nation-wide celebration of a Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Week which
falls on the third week of November. The mass media has been mobilized to
create public awareness regarding the problem of drug abuse and to encourage
community participation in its prevention and control. Varied educational activities
in the form of seminars, symposia, community assemblies and youth rallies have
been organized throughout the country by the staff and personnel of the
Department of Health, Department of Education and Culture, Department of
Social Welfare, Constabulary Anti-Narcotics Unit, police departments, the
Narcotics Foundation of the Philippines, Inc., the Philippine National Red Cross,
the Department of Public Information, the Kiwanis Club, the Lions International,
and many other civic and religious organizations.
VIII. Communications support
The National Media Production Centre has provided information and
communications support to all the educational programmes designed to prevent
drug abuse. As a member of the Interagency Committee on Drug Abuse
Prevention Education, it has placed its facilities - radio, television, print, as well
as its technical staff - at the disposal of the various agencies to supplement and
amplify their educational programmes for youth, parents and community leaders.
The following services have been rendered by the National Media Production
(1) Print media
1. Production of brochures, pamphlets and posters.
2. Press releases on the activities and accomplishments of the Dangerous
Drugs Board and other agencies.
3. Photo coverages of important events such as the Drug Abuse Prevention
and Control Week activities; visit of foreign consultants and travel grantees.
4. Setting up of photo exhibits.
(2) Radio
1. Production of several radio plugs which were distributed and broadcast in
all radio stations in the Greater Manila Area.
2. Television: production of television plugs; television coverages of important
events and board meetings; television features.
Aside from these activities, the staff of the Office of Programme Development
and the Public Relations Office have extended their assistance in the
development of communications strategies in reaching young people, parents
and community leaders to inform and to motivate them in pursuing worthwhile
and productive activities to prevent and control drug abuse.
Each of the aforementioned programmes has a built-in evaluation scheme to
assess the effectiveness of educational efforts in terms of positive changes in
knowledge, attitudes and practices. The target groups for each educational
activity are interviewed to determine their level of knowledge and understanding
about drug abuse and their perception of their own individual roles in its
prevention and control, before and after the implementation of the programme.
Each group also prepares an action programme which will serve as a basis for
determining whether the knowledge gained has been translated into action.
At this stage, one could not actually gauge the effectiveness of these educational
programmes. One has to contend with the favourable moral and social climate
brought about by the imposition of Martial Law and the accelerated pace of
programmes geared towards youth development and the enrichment of human
life. However, the education programme for drug abuse prevention in the
Philippines deserves a second look for creating a keen sense of awareness that
the drug abuse problem is a problem of people and for generating individual and
community involvement in its attempts to solve the problem in human terms.
Gomez, Fausto, O.P. - Facing the Drug Abuse Problem , U.S.T. Publications,
Manila, Philippines, 1972.
Zarco, Ricardo and associates, Two Research Minographs on Drug Abuse in the
Philippines, Manila, 1975.