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Potentiostat: User Manual

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User Manual
Manual version 1.0.A

Product code: T2006A

Product Version 1.0

Software version: 1.0

enabling materials science Ossila.com

Potentiostat User Manual

1. Overview ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. EC Declaration of Conformity ................................................................................................................... 3
3. Safety ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Warning .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Use of Equipment .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Hazard Icons................................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 General Hazards ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.5 Power Cord Safety ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Servicing.......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 Health and Safety – Servicing ....................................................................................................................................... 7

4. Requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Packing List ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Damage Inspection........................................................................................................................................................ 8

6. Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 9
7. System Components ................................................................................................................................ 10
8. Installation ................................................................................................................................................ 11
9. Operation................................................................................................................................................... 11
9.1 Taking a Measurement ............................................................................................................................................... 11
9.2 Software Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 13

9.2.1 Measurement Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 13

9.2.2 Saving and Loading Settings .................................................................................................................................. 14

9.2.3 Graph Controls........................................................................................................................................................ 15

9.2.4 Saving Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 17

9.2.5 Measurement Controls .......................................................................................................................................... 15

9.3 Performing Cyclic Voltammetry of Ferrocene ........................................................................................................... 19

9.3.1 Preparing an Electrochemical Cell ........................................................................................................................ 19

9.3.2 Taking a Measurement .......................................................................................................................................... 20

9.4 Maintenance................................................................................................................................................................. 22

10. Troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................ 23
11. Related Products ...................................................................................................................................... 24
12. Revision History ........................................................................................................................................ 25

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Potentiostat User Manual

1. Overview
Ossila's Potentiostat is low-cost and easy-to-use system for performing cyclic voltammetry
measurements. Cyclic voltammetry is one of the most widely used electrochemical techniques,
providing important information about materials including:

• Reduction and oxidation potentials

• Reversibility of a reaction
• Electron transfer kinetics
• Energy levels of semiconducting polymers

The Potentiostat is capable of outputting potentials up 5 V, and measuring currents as low as 10

nA, allowing for a wide range of material characterisation. The easy-to-use PC software included
with the system allows anyone to perform the measurement.

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Potentiostat User Manual

2. EC Declaration of Conformity

Company Name: Ossila Limited

Postal Address: Solpro Business Park, Windsor street.

Postcode: S4 7WB

City: Sheffield

Telephone number: +44 (0)114 2999 180

Email Address: [email protected]

declare that the DoC is issued under our sole responsibility and
belongs to the following product:

Product: Product Name (Product Code)

Serial number: T2006A-1000-1000-1000-xxxx

Object of declaration:

Potentiostat (T2006A1)

The object of declaration described above is in conformity with

the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:

EMC Directive 2014/30/EU

RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU


Name: Dr James Kingsley

Place: Sheffield
Date: 01/10/2019

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Potentiostat User Manual

[български] Декларация за съответствие на ЕС

Производител: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Великобритания
Декларира с цялата си отговорност, че посоченото оборудване съответства на приложимото законодателство на ЕС за хармонизиране, посочено на предходната(-
ите) страница(-и) на настоящия документ.

[Čeština] Prohlášení o shodě EU

Výrobce: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Spojené Království
Prohlašujeme na vlastní odpovědnost, že uvedené zařízeni je v souladu s příslušnými harmonizačními předpisy EU uvedenými na předchozích stranách tohoto

[Dansk] EU-overensstemme lseserklærin g

Producent: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Erklærer herved, at vi alene er ansvarlige for, at det nævnte udstyr er i overensstemmelse med den relevante EU-harmoniseringslovgivning, der er anført på
den/de foregående side(r) i dette dokument.

[Deutsch] EU-Konformitätserklärung
Hersteller: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Vereinigtes Königreich
Wir erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass das aufgeführte Gerät konform mit der relevanten EU-Harmonisierungsgesetzgebung auf den vorangegangenen Seiten
dieses Dokuments ist.

[Eesti keel] ELi vastavusavaldus

Tootja: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Kinnitame oma ainuvastutusel, et loetletud seadmed on kooskõlas antud dokumendi eelmisel lehelküljel / eelmistel lehekülgedel ära toodud asjaomaste ELi
ühtlustamise õigusaktidega.

[Ελληνικά] Δήλωση πιστότητας ΕΕ

Κατασκευαστής: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο
Δηλώνουμε υπεύθυνα όn ο αναφερόμενος εξοπλισμός συμμορφώνεται με τη σχεnκή νομοθεσία εναρμόνισης της ΕΕ που υπάρχει σnς προηγούμενες σελίδες του
παρόντος εγγράφου.

[Español] Declaración de conformidad UE

Fabricante: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Reino Unido
Declaramos bajo nuestra única responsabilidad que el siguiente producto se ajusta a la pertinente legislación de armoni zación de la UE enumerada en las
páginas anteriores de este documento.

[Français] Déclaration de conformité UE

Fabricant: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Royaume-Uni
Déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le matériel mentionné est conforme à la législation en vigueur de l'UE présentée sur la/les page(s) précédente(s)
de ce document.

[Hrvatski] E.U izjava o sukladnosti

Proizvođač: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Velika Britanija
Izjavljujemo na vlastitu odgovornost da je navedena oprema sukladna s mjerodavnim zakonodavstvom EU-a o usklađivanju koje je navedeno na prethodnoj(nim)
stranici(ama) ovoga dokumenta.

[Italiano] Dichiarazione di conformità UE

Produttore: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Si dichiara sotto la propria personale responsabilità che l'apparecchiatura in elenco è conforme alla normativa di armonizzazione UE rilevante indicata nelle pagine
precedenti del presente documento.

[Latviešu] ES atbils tības deklarācija

Ražotājs: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Ar pilnu atbilclību paziņojam, ka uzskaitītais aprīkojums atbilst attiecīgajiem ES saskaņošanas tiesību aktiem, kas minēti iepriekšējās šī dokumenta lapās.

[Lietuvių k.] ES atitikties deklaracija

Gamintojas: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
atsakingai pareiškia, kad išvardinta įranga atitinka aktualius ES harmonizavimo teisės aktus, nurodytus ankstesniuose šio dokumento

[Magyar] EU-s megfelelőségi nyilatkozat

Gyártó: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Kizárólagos felelösségünk mellett kijelentjük, hogy a felsorolt eszköz megfelel az ezen dokumentum előző oldalán/oldalain található EU-s összehangolt jogszabályok
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[Nederlands] EU-Conformiteitsverklaring
Fabrikant: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Verklaart onder onze uitsluitende verantwoordelijkheid dat de vermelde apparatuur in overeenstemming is met de relevante harmonisatiewetgeving van de EU op
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[Norsk] EU-samsvarserklæ ring

Produsent: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Erklærer under vårt eneansvar at utstyret oppført er i overholdelse med relevant EU-harmoniseringslavverk som står på de(n) forrige siden(e) i dette

[Polski] Deklaracja zgodności Unii Europejskiej

Producent: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Oświadczamy na własną odpowiedzialność, że podane urządzenie jest zgodne ze stosownymi przepisami harmonizacyjnymi Unii Europejskiej, które
przedstawiono na poprzednich stronach niniejszego dokumentu.

[Por tuguês] Declaração de Conformidade UE

Fabricante: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Reino Unido
Declara sob sua exclusiva responsabilidade que o equipamento indicado está em conformidade com a legislação de harmonização relevante da UE mencionada na(s)
página(s) anterior(es) deste documento.

[Română] Declaraţie de conformitate UE

Producător: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Regatul Unit
Declară pe proprie răspundere că echipamentul prezentat este în conformitate cu prevederile legislaţiei UE de armonizare aplicabile prezentate la pagina/paginile
anterioare a/ale acestui document.

[Slovensky] Vyhlásenie o zhode pre EÚ

Výrobca: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Spojené kráľovstvo
Na vlastnú zodpovednosť prehlasuje, že uvedené zariadenie je v súlade s príslušnými právnymi predpismi EÚ o harmonizácii uvedenými na predchádzajúcich stranách
tohto dokumentu.

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[Slovenščina] Izjava EU o skladnosti

Proizvajalec: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
s polno odgovornostjo izjavlja, da je navedena oprema skladna z veljavno uskladitveno zakonodajo EU, navedeno na prejšnji strani/prejšnjih straneh tega

[Suomi] EU-vaatimustenm ukaisuusvakuutus

Valmistaja: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, UK
Vakuutamme täten olevamme yksin vastuussa siitä, että tässä asiakirjassa luetellut laitteet ovat tämän asiakirjan sivuilla edellisillä sivuilla kuvattujen
olennaisten yhdenmukaistamista koskevien EU-säädösten vaatimusten mukaisia.

[Svenska] EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse

Tillverkare: Ossila Ltd., Solpro Business Park, Windsor Street, S4 7WD, Storbritannien
Vi intygar härmed att den utrustning som förtecknas överensstämmer med relevanta förordningar gällande EU-harmonisering som fmns på föregående sidor i detta

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3. Safety

3.1 Warning

• Do NOT connect external voltage sources to the WORKING channel.
• The absolute maximum input voltage for the REFERENCE channel is ±12 V.
• DO NOT apply input while not powered.

3.2 Use of Equipment

The Ossila Potentiostat is designed to be used as instructed. It is intended for use under the
following conditions:

• Indoors in a laboratory environment (Pollution Degree 2)

• Altitudes up to 2000m

• Temperatures of 5°C to 40°C; maximum relative humidity of 80% up to 31°C.

The unit is supplied with a 24 V / 2 A DC power adapter with a power cord for the country of
purchase, in accordance with European Commission regulations and British Standards. Use of any
other electrical power cables, adaptors, or transformers is not recommended.

3.3 Hazard Icons

The following symbols can be found at points throughout the rest of the manual. Note and read
each warning before attempting any associated operations associated with it:

Table 3.1. Hazard warning labels used in this manual.

Symbol Associated Hazard

Electrical shock

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3.4 General Hazards

Before installing or operating the Ossila Potentiostat, there are several health and safety
precautions which must be followed and executed to ensure safe installation and operation.

3.5 Power Cord Safety

Emergency power disconnect options: use the power cord as a disconnecting method
and remove from wall. To facilitate disconnect, make sure the power outlet for this cord
is readily accessible to the operator.

3.6 Servicing
If servicing is required, please return the unit to Ossila Ltd. The warranty will be invalidated if:

• Modification or service has taken place by anyone other than an Ossila engineer.
• The Unit has been subjected to chemical damage through improper use.
• The Unit has been operated outside the usage parameters stated in the user
documentation associated with the Unit.
• The Unit has been rendered inoperable through accident, misuse, contamination,
improper maintenance, modification or other external causes.

3.7 Health and Safety – Servicing

Servicing should only be performed by an Ossila engineer. Any modification or alteration
may damage the equipment, cause injury, or death. It will also void your equipment’s

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4. Requirements
Table 4.1 details the power requirements for the system, and the minimum computer
specifications for the Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software.

Table 4.1. Potentiostat and Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software requirements.

Power 24 V / 2 A DC (supplied with the system)

Operating Systems Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
CPU Dual Core 2.5 GHz
Available Hard Drive Space 110 MB
Monitor Resolution 1280 x 960
Connectivity USB 2.0

5. Unpacking

5.1 Packing List

The standard items included with the Ossila Potentiostat are:

• The Ossila Potentiostat.

• 24 V / 2 A DC power adapter with a cord set specifically for country of operation (UK, USA,
EU, or AU).
• 4mm banana cables and crocodile clips.
• USB-B cable.
• USB memory stick pre-loaded with the user manual, USB drivers, QC data, and Ossila Cyclic
Voltammetry software installer.

5.2 Damage Inspection

Examine the components for evidence of shipping damage. If damage has occurred, please
contact Ossila directly for further action. The shipping packaging will come with a shock indicator
to show if there has been any mishandling of the package during transportation.

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6. Specifications
The Potentiostat specifications are shown in Table 6.1 below.

Table 6.1. Potentiostat specifications.

Potential range ±7.5 V

Potential compliance ±10 V
Applied potential resolution 333 µV
Applied potential accuracy ±10 mV offset
Maximum current ±150 mA
Current ranges ±10 nA to ±150 mA (5 ranges)
Communication USB-B
Width: 125 mm
Overall Dimensions Height: 55 mm
Depth: 175 mm
Weight 600 g

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7. System Components
The Ossila Potentiostat is comprised of 4 items: the Ossila Potentiostat, banana cables, power
adaptor, and Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software.

Figure 7.1. Ossila Potentiostat.

Figure 7.2. Banana cables.

Figure 7.3. 24 V DC power adaptor.

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Figure 7.4. Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry PC software.

8. Installation
1. Install the Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software on your PC.
I. Run the file ‘Ossila-Cyclic-Voltammetry-Installer-vX-X-X-X.exe’ on the USB memory
stick provided.
II. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the software.
2. Install the USB drivers on your PC.
I. On the USB memory stick provided, open the ‘SMU-Driver’ folder and run either
‘Windows 32-bit SMU Driver’ for 32-bit operating systems or ‘Windows 64-bit SMU
Driver’ for 64-bit operating systems.
II. Note, on Windows 10 the drivers will install automatically when the unit is
III. If the drivers fail to install, please refer to the SMU USB Driver Installation Guide
found on the USB memory stick.
3. Connect the 24 V / 2 A DC power adaptor to the power socket on the rear of the unit.
4. Connect the unit to your PC using the provided USB-B cable.
I. If you are using a USB connection and the unit is not detected, please refer to the
SMU USB Driver Installation Guide found on the USB memory stick.

Note: The Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software and SMU USB drivers can also be
downloaded from https://www.ossila.com/pages/software-drivers.

9. Operation

9.1 Taking a Measurement

1. Add your appropriate electrolyte solution into the electrochemical cell.
2. Place the lid on the cell and insert the working, counter, and reference electrodes.

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3. Use the banana cables and crocodile clips to connect the sockets on the front of the
Potentiostat to the appropriate electrodes.
I. The red socket connects to the working electrode.
II. The black socket connects to the counter electrode.
III. The blue socket connects to the reference electrode.
4. Start the Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software. The window shown in Figure 9.2 will open.
5. Enter the appropriate settings for your experiment into the software (explained in more
detail in Section 9.2).
6. Click the ‘Measure’ button.
I. The system will sweep the potential between the working electrode and reference
electrode, whilst measuring the current between the working electrode and
counter electrode, in the follow steps:

Start Potential → Potential Vertex 1 → Potential Vertex 2 → Start Potential

II. This will be repeated for the specified number of cycles.

7. If ‘Save After Measurement’ is turned on, the measurement data and settings will be saved
once the sweep has completed.





Potential (V)







0 5 10 15 20

Time (s)

Figure 9.1. Example of a cyclic voltammetry scan profile for a start potential of 0 V, potential vertex 1 of 0.5
V, potential vertex 2 of -0.5 V, and scan rate of 100 mV/s.

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9.2 Software Settings and Controls

There are several settings in the software which must be entered before taking a measurement.
These are found on the panel to the left of the window as shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software.

9.2.1 Measurement Settings

Figure 9.3. Measurement settings.

(I) Connected Systems

• Select the COM port of the connected unit you intend to use.
I. This box will be populated automatically with the addresses of any units connected
to the computer when the software starts.

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II. To rescan for connected units (in case the connection is changed) click the refresh
icon next to the drop-down box.

(II) Current Range

• Select the range of currents to be used for the measurement or automatic range selection.
I. This defines the upper limit, accuracy, and resolution of the current measurements
that can be performed by the system.
II. Automatic range selection will start on the lowest current range and automatically
switch to higher ranges if the current increases above the maximum for a range.

(III) Start Potential (V)

• The potential in volts at which the measurement starts.

(IV) Potential Vertex 1 (V)

• The first potential in volts at which the scan changes direction.

(V) Potential Vertex 2 (V)

• The second potential in volts at which the scan changes direction.

(VI) Scan Rate (mV/s)

• The rate at which the potential will be changed during the scan, measured in millivolts per

(VII) Cycles
• The number of times the scan will be repeated.

9.2.2 Saving and Loading Settings

Figure 9.4. Controls for saving and loading settings profiles.

(I) Save Settings

• Saves the current settings as a profile that can be loaded quickly for use at another time.
• When clicked, you will be prompted to name the settings profile.

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I. If the name is already in use, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite the previous
II. The name cannot contain the characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |
III. You can change the default settings by choosing the name ‘Default’.
• The settings profile will be added to the drop-down box using the given profile name.

(II) Settings Profiles

• Select a saved settings profile from the drop-down box.
I. The settings fields will be populated with the saved values from the selected
• Settings profiles can be deleted by selecting the profile and then clicking the red ‘delete’
icon next to the drop-down box.

9.2.3 Measurement Controls

Figure 9.5. Controls to start and stop the measurement.

(I) Measure
• Clicking this button will start the measurement using the chosen settings.
• This button cannot be clicked if the software has not detected a unit

(II) Abort
• Stops a measurement that is currently in progress.

9.2.4 Graph Controls

(I) Potential and Current Readout

Whilst the mouse cursor is over the graph, the potential and current of its location are displayed
to the bottom-right of the graph, as shown in Figure 9.6.

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Figure 9.6. Readout of the potential and current at the mouse cursor location.

(II) Graph Display Controls

By default, the graph will automatically scale the axes of the graph to display all the data within it.
The view can be controlled manually using the following mouse controls:

• Left/Middle click and drag – pan the axes.

• Right click and drag – scale the axes.
• Scroll wheel – scale the axes.

A specific axis can be controlled by using these controls on the axis labels. The axes can be reset
by clicking the ‘A’ button in the bottom-left of the graph, as shown in Figure 9.7.

Figure 9.7. Button to reset the graph axes.

(III) Selecting and Removing Curves

When there are multiple curves on the graph, one of them is considered the active curve. This
curve will be displayed in blue, whilst the other curves will be grey. By default, the last curve to be
measured is the active curve. You can change which curve is the active curve by clicking on any
curve using the left mouse button.

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To remove an individual curve from the graph, click on it using the left mouse button to make it
the active curve, then press the Delete key.

Figure 9.8. Controls for the graph.

(IV) Clear Graph

• Removes all data from the graph.

(V) Display Maximum/Display Minimum

• Highlights the maximum or minimum point of the active curve and displays the potential
and current values of the point.

9.2.5 Saving Results

Figure 9.9. Saving results.

(I) Save After Measurement

• The program allows for data to be saved automatically, as well as manually once the
measurement is complete.
I. To enable or disable automatic saving, choose the appropriate option from the
drop-down box.
II. For automatic saving, the ‘Save Directory’ and ‘Sample Name’ fields must be filled
in before the measurement can start, these are detailed below.

(II) Save Directory

• Sets the location in which to save the results.
• This can be set either by:
I. Manually typing the directory into the field.
II. Copying and pasting it from your file explorer.

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III. Clicking the folder icon in the field, which will open a dialog box to allow the
selection of a folder to save to.

(III) Sample Name

• Sets the name of the comma-separated values (.csv) file in which the data will be saved.
I. The name cannot contain the characters: \ / : * ? “ < > |

(IV) Save Selected

• Clicking this button will manually save the measurement results of the active curve.

(V) Save All

• Clicking this button will manually save all the measurement results that are currently
displayed in the graph.

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9.3 Performing Cyclic Voltammetry of Ferrocene

9.3.1 Preparing an Electrochemical Cell

Here we will give an example on how to prepare a simple electrochemical cell to take a
measurement of ferrocene (Fc), which is the standard reference used for cyclic voltammetry.

(I) Before Starting

We recommend switching on the potentiostat 30 minutes prior to use. This allows it to warm up
and reach a stable temperature, ensuring a stable measurement.

Furthermore, ensure that all apparatus, solvents and electrolytes are dry. This is because the
presence of water and its redox by-products may reduce the solvent potential window or react
with the solvent or analyte.

(II) Clean and Dry the Electrochemical Cell and Electrodes

The cell and electrodes should always be thoroughly rinsed immediately after each experiment
with the solvent that was used in your electrolyte. Always set the cell to dry, preferably in an oven,
before you prepare your electrolyte. This helps reduce contamination of your solution from water.

(III) Prepare the Electrolyte Solution

We use a 0.1 M solution of tetraethylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TEAPF 6) in acetonitrile as
our background electrolyte, but other electrolyte salts and solvents can be used. The solvent and
electrolyte choice are determined by the solvent potential window and the solubility of your
analyte. Most electrolytes are hygroscopic, so should be stored in a desiccator or inert

Weigh out into a dry volumetric flask 0.550 g of dry tetraethylammonium hexafluorophosphate
(275.2 g/mol) necessary to make up 20 ml of 0.1 M solution. Add acetonitrile up to mark of the
volumetric flask and stir until the electrolyte has dissolved.

Secure the electrochemical cell with a clamp to ensure it is stable before adding the 20 ml of
electrolyte solution. Once dissolved, add approximately 10 mg of Fc to the solution and stir to
dissolve it.

(IV) Set up the Electrodes

Place the cap on the electrochemical cell, then insert the working and counter electrodes into two
of the holes. We will now prepare the reference solution; a 0.01 M solution of silver nitrite in
acetonitrile. Prepare the solution in a volumetric flask and add it into the reference electrode tube
with the help of a syringe and needle until the tube is approximately 2/3 full. Insert this electrode
into the final hole in the cap.

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(V) Degas the Solution

Gently bubble inert gas through the solution using a thin tube or needle for approximately 10
minutes to remove dissolved oxygen.

(VI) Connect the Potentiostat and Cell

Connect the correct ports on the potentiostat to all three electrodes using the banana cables.

9.3.2 Taking a Measurement

(I) Start-up Procedure

Please allow 30 minutes for the potentiostat to warm up after turning on. Once warmed up, start
the Ossila Cyclic Voltammetry software. Ensure that the potentiostat is detected by the software.
If it is, the “Connected Systems” drop-down box will be populated, and the “Measure” button will
be green. If there is nothing in the “Connected Systems” drop-down box and the “Measure” button
is greyed out, please refer to the troubleshooting guide in Section 10.

(II) Experimental Parameters

Choose the appropriate current range for the material being measured. Fc will give a signal in the
tens to hundreds of microamps, therefore the 200 μA range should be selected from the drop-
down box.

The scan profile needs to be defined. In a cyclic voltammetry measurement Fc undergoes a

reversible single electron transfer between 0 and 0.2 V (versus Ag/AgNO3). We can therefore use
the scan profile shown in Figure 9.10, sweeping the voltage from -0.4 V to 0.4 V and back to -0.4
V. Set the “Start Potential” and “Potential Vertex 2” fields to -0.4 V and the “Potential Vertex 1” field
to 0.5 V.

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Potential (V)





0 5 10 15 20

Time (s)

Figure 9.10. Potential scan profile for the ferrocene measurement.

The scan rate and number of cycles need to be set. The scan rate will affect the magnitude of the
current peaks in the scan, with faster scan rates resulting in greater measured currents. In this
measurement we will use a scan rate of 100 mV/s, so set the “Scan Rate” field to 100 mV/s. The
number of cycles is how many times the measurement will be performed, and typically is set to
“1”. The full settings used are shown in Figure 9.11

Figure 9.11. Measurement settings for ferrocene.

Finally, withdraw the tubing or needle used to degas the cell until it is no longer in the solution, so
that it does not interfere with the measurement

(III) Measure
Now that the settings have been defined, we can start the measurement. Simply click the
“Measure” button and watch the electrochemical reaction in real time. If the cell has been prepared

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correctly and the appropriate settings used, you should see a plot similar to that in Figure 9.12.
Please note, you can stop the measurement at any time by clicking the “Abort” button. However,
if a measurement is aborted part way through, you may need to clean the working electrode to
remove any material which has built-up there.

Figure 9.12. A typical voltammogram for ferrocene.

9.4 Maintenance
The cell and electrodes should always be thoroughly rinsed immediately after each experiment
with the solvent that was used in your electrolyte. Always set the cell to dry, preferably in an oven,
before you prepare your electrolyte. This helps reduce contamination of your solution from water.

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10. Troubleshooting
Most of the issues that may arise will be detailed here, however, if there is any issue that isn’t
detailed that you encounter then please don’t hesitate to contact us by email, [email protected],
and we will respond as soon as possible.

Problem Possible cause Action

No power The power supply may not be Ensure the system is firmly plugged
connected properly. into the power supply and the plug is
connected to both the adaptor and a
working power socket.
The power supply adaptor has a Contact Ossila for a replacement
fault. power supply adaptor.

Cannot connect to The USB cable may not be Ensure the USB cable is firmly
the system via USB connected properly. plugged in at both ends.

The USB cable may not be Try connecting the system to a

connected to a working USB port. different USB port on the computer.
The drivers may not be installed Try installing or reinstalling the
or may not have installed drivers, they can be downloaded
properly. from the address given in the
Software Installation section.
The USB cable is defective. Try using a different USB cable (any
should work) and contact Ossila if

Software does not The wrong version of Windows is Install the software on a computer
start installed on the computer. with Windows Vista (or newer).

The software has not installed Try reinstalling the software.


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11. Related Products

Micropipette - Variable Volume – Pipette Tips – C2002


Glass Vials – C2005 Vial Racks – C2005

Precision Spatulas (Chemical Safe)– Magnetic Stir Bars (Solvent Safe

C161/C162 PTFE coated) – C151/C152/C153

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12. Revision History

Rev Date Description

A Nov 2019 Initial version

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