Questions BF
Questions BF
Questions BF
(2011 Admission Onwards)
IV Semester
Core Course
11. There is deterioration in the management of working capital of XYZ Ltd. What does it
refer to?
(a)That the Capital Employed has reduced,
(b)That the Profitability has gone up,
(c)That debtors collection period has increased,
(d)That Sales has decreased.
15. A firm has Capital of 10,00,000; Sales of 5,00,000; Gross Profit of . 2,00,000 and
Expenses of . 1,00,000. What is the Net Profit Ratio?
(a)20% (b) 50% (c)10% (d)40%
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18. Gross Profit Ratio for a firm remains same but the Net Profit Ratio is decreasing. The
reason for such behavior could be:
(a) Increase in Costs of Goods Sold (b)If Increase in Expense
(c) Increase in Dividend (d)Decrease in Sales.
20. Debt to Total Assets of a firm is .2. The Debt to Equity boo would be:
(a) 0.80 (b)0.25 (c) 1.00 (d)0.75
49. In case of divisible projects, which of the following can be used to attain maximum
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50. In case of the indivisible projects, which of the following may not give the optimum
(a) Internal Rate of Return (b) Profitability Index
(c) Feasibility Set Approach (d) All of the above
51. Profitability Index, when applied to Divisible Projects, impliedly assumes that:
(a) Project cannot be taken in parts
(b) NPV is linearly proportionate to part of the project taken up
(c) NPV is additive in nature
(d) Both (b) and (c)
52. If there is no inflation during a period, then the Money Cashflow would be equal to:
(a) Present Value (b) Real Cash flow
(c) Real Cash flow + Present Value (d) Real Cash flow - Present Value
53. The Real Cashflows must be discounted to get the present value at a rate equal to:
(a) Money Discount Rate (b) Inflation Rate
(c) Real Discount Rate (d) Risk free rate of interest
55. If the Real rate of return is 10% and Inflation s Money Discount Rate is:
(a) 14.4% (b) 2.5% (c) 25% (d) 14%
56. If the Money Discount Rate is 19% and Inflation Rate is 12%, then the Real Discount
Rate is:
(a) 7% (b) 5% (c) 5.70% (d) 6.25%
59. Two mutually exclusive projects with different economic lives can be compared on the
basis of
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60. Risk in Capital budgeting implies that the decision-maker knows___________of the
cash flows.
(a) Variability (b)Probability (c) Certainty (d) None of the above
64. In Risk-Adjusted Discount Rate method, the normal rate of discount is:
(a) Increased (b) Decreased
(c) Unchanged (d) None of the above
68. Which element of the basic NPV equation is adjusted by the RADR?
(a) Denominator (b) Numerator (c) Both (d) None
70. Which of the following sources of funds has an Implicit Cost of Capital?
(a) Equity Share Capital (b) Preference Share Capital
(c) Debentures (d) Retained earnings
80. In order to calculate Weighted Average Cost of weights may be based on:
(a) Market Values (b) Target Values
(c) Book Values (d) All of the above
86. Minimum Rate of Return that a firm must earn in order to satisfy its investors, is also
known as:
(a) Average Return on Investment (b)Weighted Average Cost of Capital
(c) Net Profit Ratio (d) Average Cost of borrowing
87. Cost Capital for Equity Share Capital does not imply that:
(a)Market Price is equal to Book Value of share,
(b)Shareholders are ready to subscribe to right issue,
(c).Market Price is more than Issue Price,
(d) AC of the three above.
88. In order to calculate the proportion of equity financing used by the company, the
following should be used:
(a) Authorised Share Capital,
(b)Equity Share Capital plus Reserves and Surplus,
(c)Equity Share Capital plus Preference Share Capital,
(d) Equity Share Capital plus Long-term Debt.
91. In order to find out cost of equity capital under CAPM, which of the following is not
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92. Tax-rate is relevant and important for calculation of specific cost of capital of:
(a) Equity Share Capital (b) Preference Share Capital
(c) Debentures (d) (a) and (b) above.
95. Cost of Equity Share Capital is more than cost of debt because:
(a) Face value of debentures is more than face value of shares,
(b) Equity shares have higher risk than debt,
(c) Equity shares are easily saleable
(d) All of the three above.
96. Which of the following is not a generally accepted approach for Calculation of Cost of
(a) CAPM (b) Dividend Discount Model
(c) Rate of Pref. Dividend Plus Risk (d) Price-Earnings Ratio
98. Which of the following is studied with the help of financial leverage?
(a) Marketing Risk (b) Interest Rate Risk
(c) Foreign Exchange Risk (d) Financing risk
99. Combined Leverage is obtained from OL and FL by their:
(a) Addition (b) Subtraction (c) Multiplication (d) Any of these
100. High degree of financial leverage means:
(a) High debt proportion (b) Lower debt proportion
(c) Equal debt and equity (d) No debt
114. If the fixed cost of production is zero, which one of the following is correct?
(a) OL is zero (b) FL is zero (c) CL is zero (d) None of the above
120.In order to calculate EPS, Profit after Tax and Preference Dividend is divided by:
(a) MP of Equity Shares (b) Number of Equity Shares
(c) Face Value of Equity Shares (d) None of the above.
121.Trading on Equity is
(a) Always beneficial (b) May be beneficial
(c) Never beneficial (d) None of the above.
125. Relationship between change in Sales and d Operating Profit is known as:
(a) Financial Leverage (b) Operating Leverage
(c) Net Profit Ratio (d) Gross Profit Ratio
126. If a firm has no Preference share capital, Financial Break even level is defined as
equal to -
(a) EBIT (b) Interest liability
(c) Equity Dividend (d) Tax Liability
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128. Which of the following is not a relevant factor m EPS Analysis of capital structure?
(a) Rate of Interest on Debt (b) Tax Rate
(c) Amount of Preference Share Capital (d) Dividend paid last year
129. For a constant EBIT, if the debt level is further increased then
(a) EPS will always increase (b) EPS may increase
(c)EPS will never increase (d) None of the above
130. Between two capital plans, if expected EBIT is more than indifference level of EBIT,
(a) Both plans be rejected (b)Both plans are good
(c) One is better than other (d) None of the above
134. In case of Net Income Approach, when the debt proportion is increased, the cost of debt:
(a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Constant (d) None of the above
136. Net Operating Income Approach, which one of the lowing is constant?
(a) Cost of Equity (b) Cost of Debt (c) WACC & kd (d)Ke and Kd
137. NOI Approach advocates that the degree of debt financing is:
(a) Relevant (b) May be relevant
(c) Irrelevant (d) May be irrelevant
140. In the Traditional Approach, which one of the following remains constant?
(a) Cost of Equity (b) Cost of Debt
(c) WACC (d) None of the above
143. 'That personal leverage can replace corporate leverage' is assumed by:
(a) Traditional Approach (b) MM Model
(c) Net Income Approach (d) Net Operating Income Approach.
144. Which of the following argues that the value of levered firm is higher than that of the
unlevered firm?
(a) Net Income Approach (b) Net Operating Income Approach
(c) MM Model with taxes (d) Both (a) and (c)
149. A firm has EBIT of . 50,000. Market value of debt is . 80,000 and overall
capitalization rate is 20%. Market value of firm under NOI Approach is:
(a) 2,50,000 (b) 1,70,000 (c) 30,000 (d) 1,30,000.
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153. In MM Model with taxes, where 'r' is the interest rate, ‘D’ is the total debt and 't' is tax
rate, then present valued shields would be:
(a) r×D×t (b) r×D (c) D×t (d) (D× r)/(l-t).
(156) Walter’s Model suggests that a firm can always increase i.e. of the share by
(a) Increasing Dividend (b) Decreasing Dividend,
(c) Constant Dividend (d) None of the above
161. Which of the following stresses on investor's preference reorient dividend than higher
future capital gains ?
(a)Walter's Model (b) Residuals Theory
(c) Gordon's Model (d) MM Model
166. In case of Gordon's Model, the MP for zero payout is zero. It means that
(a)Shares are not traded
(b)Shares available free of cost
(c)Investors are not ready to offer any price
(d) None of the above
168.If 'r' = 'ke', than MP by Walter's Model and Gordon's Model for different payout ratios
would be
(a) Unequal (b)Zero (c)Equal (d)Negative
172. Shares of face value of 10 are 80% paid up. The company declares a dividend of
50%. Amount of dividend per share is
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 80 (d) 50
173.Which of the following generally not result in increase in total dividend liability ?
(a)Share-split (b)Right Issue
(c)Bonus Issue (d)All of the above
183. Which of the following is not relevant for dividend payment for a year ?
(a)Cash flow position (b)Profit position,
(c)Paid up capital, (d) Retained Earnings
186. Cheques deposited in bank may not be available for immediate use due to
(a) Payment Float (b)Recceipt Float
(c) Net Float, (d)Playing the Float.
187. Difference between between the bank balance as per Cash Book and Pass Book may
be due to:
(a) Overdraft, (b) Float, (c) Factoring, (d)None of the above.
207. If the closing balance of receivables is less than the opening balance for a month then
which one is true out of
(a)Collections>Current Purchases, (b)Collections>Current Sales,
(c)Collections<Current Purchases, (d) Collections < Current Sales.
208. If the average balance of debtors has increased, which of the following might not
show a change in general?
(a)Total Sales, (b)Average Payables
(c)Current Ratio (d)Bad Debt loss
210. 80% of sales of 10,00,000 of a firm are on credit. It has a Receivable Turnover of 8.
What is the Average collection period (360 days a year) and Average Debtors of the
(a)45 days and 1,00,000 (b)360 days and 1,00,000,
(c)45 days and 8,00,000 (d)360 days and 1,25,000
211. In response to market expectations, the credit pence r j been increased from 45 days to
60 days. This would result in
(a)Decrease in Sales,
(b)Decrease in Debtors,
(c)Increase in Bad Debts,
(d)Increase in Average Collection Period.
212. If a company sells its receivable to another party to raise funds, it is known as
(a)Securitization (b)Factoring,
(c)Pledging (d)None of the above.
214. If the sales of the firm are . 60,00,000 and the average debtors are . 15,00,000 then
the receivables turnover is
(a) 4 times (b) 25% (c)400% (d)0.25 times
215. If cash discount is offered to customers, then which of the following would increase?
(a)Sales (b)Debtors
(c)Debt collection period (d)All of the above
220. If no information is available, the General Rule for valuation of stock for balance
sheet is
(a)Replacement Cost (b)Realizable Value,
(c)Historical Cost (d)Standard Cost
224. Which of the following is true for a company which uses continuous review inventory
(a)Order Interval is fixed (b)Order Interval varies,
(c) Order Quantity is fixed (d) Both (a) and (c)
227. If A = Annual Requirement, O = Order Cost and C = Carrying Cost per unit per
annum, then EOQ
(a) (2AO/C) 2 (b) 2AO/C (c) 2A÷OC (d)2AOC
228. Inventory is generally valued as lower of
(a)Market Price and Replacement Cost (b)Cost and Net Realizable Value
(c)Cost and Sales Value (d)Sales Value and Profit.
234. A firm has inventory turnover of 6 and cost of goods sold is 7,50,000. With better
inventory management, the inventory turnover is increased to 10. This would result in:
(a)Increase in inventory by 50,000,
(b)Decrease in inventory by . 50,000,
(c)Decrease in cost of goods sold,
(d)Increase in cost of goods sold.
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241. In India, Commercial Papers are issued as per the guidelines issued by
(a) Securities and Exchange Board of India,
(b)Reserve Bank of India,
(c)Forward Market Commission,
(d)None of the above.
244. The basic objective of Tandon Committee recommendations is that the dependence of
industry on bank should gradually
(a)Increase, (b)Remain Stable
(c)Decrease (d)None of the above
245. Cash discount terms offered by trade creditors never be accepted because
(a)Benefit in very small (b)Cost is very high
(c)No sense to pay earlier (d)None of the above.
250. Under the provisions of AS-19 'Leases', a leased asset is shown is the balance sheet of
(a)Manufacturer (b)Lessor (c)Lessee (d Financing bank
251. A lease which is generally not cancellable and covers full economic life of the asset is
known as
(a) Sale and leaseback, (b)Operating Lease
(c)Finance Lease, (d)Economic Lease
256. Which of the following is not true for a "Lease decision for the lessee?
(a) Helps in project selection (b)Helps in project financing
(c)Helps in project location (d)All of the above.
260. If the intrinsic value of a share is less than the market price, which of the most
(a) That shares have lesser degree of risk
(b)That market is over valuing the shares
(c)That the company is high dividend paying,
(d) That market is undervaluing the share