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Company Perspectives
Apple Inc. is devoted to creating the finest music and personal computing experience
for every single one of its users, from students to educators, business professionals
to government officials and other consumers by means of ground-breaking
hardware, software, internet offerings, peripherals, and services.
Apple’s business approach powers its distinctive ability, through the design and
progression of its personal operating system, hardware, and countless technologies
and software applications, to provide its customers with the latest creations and
simple solutions through outstanding innovative industrial design.
Company History
Before being able to produce some of the finest computer products we have
nowadays, Apple went through countless processes and hurdles. Apple was
established in 1976 by two college dropouts, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Also
part of the team was Ronald Wayne, who was older and had personal assets of his
own. Wayne’s uncertainty of the company worried him about the risk of investing his
assets, and resulted with him selling his share back to Wozniak and Jobs for $800.
That same share of the company would be worth over 3 billion dollars today
(Linzmayer, 2011).
The main objective of starting the company was to sell their first invention, The Apple
I, which took place on January 3rd, 1977. It was successful for use at the time as it
only included the most important parts: a straightforward motherboard plus CPU,
RAM and very simple textual-video chips. Only a few months later, The Apple II was
released during April, 1977. By the end of 1978, the United States saw Apple to be
one of the fastest-emerging companies having its products available through 100
dealers. Apple’s development continued to grow with more and more developments
and by December 1980, the company went public. Within only minutes, 4.6 million
shares were sold at $22 each (Linzmayer, 2011).
The company was formerly recognized as Apple Computer Inc., for the first 30 years,
but later removed ‘computer’ from its name to reflect its expansion into consumer
electronics and wanted a better portrayal as a lifestyle powerhouse rather than just
personal computers. It continued to produce some of its popular products today
including the Macintosh line of computers, iPod, iPhone and the iPad. Apple’s
attitude towards comprehensive artistic design as well as its unique advertising
operations is just a few of many reasons why the company has created a distinctive
reputation in today’s computer industry (Linzmayer, 2011)
Apple’s super stylish and exclusive product line has allowed it to create a distinct
name for itself. Some of the popular Apple products include:
It is the vibrant and stylish all-in-one Macintosh desktop computer that offers a
variety of features including a very rich desktop experience. The first model of the
iMac that was released was the G3, and the latest iMac released towards the end of
2009. The new iMac comes with a smooth, professional look that redefined Apple’s
known all in one model.
iPod Touch
The main turning point for Apple’s iPod line was the iPod Touch. It has been a
massive success and customers are loyal to this brand as the company continues to
update the device with the latest features. iPod Touch 3G is the latest of the model.
The entire smart phone industry was revolutionized on June 29, 2007 when the
iPhone was released. It was labeled by many to be the year’s best invention. Since the
launch of the iPhone 4, 3 million units have been sold. Within the first weekend, 1.7
million were sold.
The product causing a lot of today’s buzz is the iPad. 300000 units for sold on day
one. It would be classified somewhat between a phone and a laptop. Users no longer
have to choose between toys or tool as the iPad has all the technologies and features
for both work and fun.
Apples ethics:
Controversies exist whenever a firm becomes big. We cannot really judge the actions
of a firm as it’s just not one person who is in control. A firm consists of ethical and
unethical employees. One of the most famous ethical dilemma’s faced by apple was
the Foxconn case. We would be looking at what apple has done to fix it in the next
segment while right now we would be looking at some of the ethical and unethical
practices at apple. Apple has raised its ethical standards due to a lot of pressures by
outside parties. Apple was not considered ethical due to the issues that arose in
china. However there were ethical standards that applied to people working at apple
as it didn’t flourish and become a billion dollar company just like that (Hyatt, 2010)
Ethical codes of conduct are the basis of a company a company cannot exist without
it as there would be no direction, motivation or discipline. Apple has separate ethical
standards for employees at different rankings due to the fact that every position
requires something different and each has specific criteria. Apple targets reasons that
lead to unethical behavior and works on them so that they don’t arise in the
company. The code focuses on: Conflicts of interest, confidentiality, proper use and
protection of the company’s records and assets, insider trading, fair dealing, and
reporting of illegal and unethical behavior .All the points are self explanatory. One of
the main things that are encouraged at apple is feedback. Supervisors are expected
to help workers understand and require them to provide feedback as it not only
helps the supervisor understand the areas at which the workers lacks comprehending
but also encourages and in turn motivates them (ILO, 2008). While the responsibility
of officials like the president, chief executive officer and senior financial officers is to
make sure that the company runs in accordance to the legal requirements and also
to make sure that each violation is dealt with in an appropriate manner so as to make
sure that the mistake is not made again (ILO, 2008).
Apple is constantly changing so its policies get updated. It applied a policy called
ranking and rating in which the sales metrics of the employees were hung up so that
everyone could see. Even though the salary of the employees was not commission
based it helped senior officials, as they could now see which workers weren’t selling
much (Spence, 2010). The officials then tried looking for the root cause of the
problem and provided training to those workers. This was one approach by apple to
motivate but obviously some critics did think that it is not very effective. But the idea
of trying and coming up with ways to make this better should be admirable (Hyatt,
Labor and human rights: Suppliers should make sure that they do not discriminate
labor on the basis of things like sexual orientation or race. They should not hire
underage workers, provide benefits and incentives, protect juvenile workers, be fair in
treatment and do not require them to work for long periods as this is the main cause
of strain and demotivation. Works should also not be required to pay large sums of
money to employment agencies and wages should be sufficient.
Impact on the environment: Suppliers are required to take permits when dealing with
something that requires permission from the government. They should also dispose
of their air, water and solid waste in such a manner that it doesn’t harm the
environment. And make sure that they do not dispose of toxic or hazardous
substances (Hyatt, 2011).
Health and safety: Workers should not be required to do things would be looked at
as a health or safety risk for them. They should be given proper food as well as living
space. There should also be worker health and safety committees on the premises
(ILO, 2011)
The founder of the company is Terry Gou, a billionaire, and has made Foxconn the
world’s largest manufacturer of printed circuit boards spreading all over Asia, Europe
and America. The majority of the company’s sales to Asian customers is attributed to
the People’s Republic of China. The operational activities of the company are
primarily located in China, then the United States, Mexico and other countries
(Buetow, 2010).
Foxconn Controversies
Foxconn in the recent past has been involved in manufacturing in large quantities
products for Apple viz., the iPod, iPad and the iPhone. Being one of the most
renowned companies in the world, Foxconn has been involved in controversies
mainly on how to manage employees (Jones, 2010). These initiated with the set-up of
the Apple factory in Shenzhen, China. Apple was all over the news around the first
week of Feb ’10 not only for its sensational launch of the iPad, but also because of
the high number of worker suicide in its Foxconn factory.
Amidst all this, 12 Foxconn workers have already ended their lives this year, by
jumping of the multi-story dormitories they live in or from the building during the
very short duration of rest which they were given (Eyck, 2010). This crisis has urged
the company to install safety nets in between the buildings as 20 more were stopped
from killing themselves by the company authorities. At Longhua, there was a highly
charged. This is because approximately 350,000 workers eat and otherwise live there,
and during their protests, they had started chanting an insulting chant at Foxconn.
The president of Foxconn, after heavy negotiations, said that the company would
plan to move a significant portion of its workforce to a Western part of China, where
they will be closer to their families. The case had become so out of control that the
people who lived on the company premises had started calling the factory a Death
Express. Management also had taken some steps toward controlling this
phenomenon, such as creating a suicide hotline, and bringing monks to counter
forces of evil.
The Foxconn Empire employs about a million people, in the city of Shenzhen, across
the city of Hong Kong. The premises of the industry contain 15 manufacturing
buildings and they have dedicated one building to each customer. It was in these
buildings where the suicides took place. The company made public a statement
where it said that they have avoided a further 20 suicides. Steve Jobs, the CEO of
Apple upon hearing about the tragedy said that he found this incident very troubling
and also mentioned that Apple always strives to provide the best jobs in a company
with regard to understanding the working condition under the company’s supply
chain. There has been an alarming increase in the number of suicides, whose reasons
are still not apparent. The culture of the workforce at Foxconn has been described as
being run similar to a military. (Moore, 2010).
Furthermore, a Chinese undercover team, filtered through the Longhua plant and
gave the reporters they entire scenario of the industry. They reported by stating that
the facilities were adequate but highly criticized their management. Hundreds of
people work in the workshops and did not have the permission to even talk to their
colleagues.. If so found, they would get a black mark on their record, be shouted at
by their manager or even be fined. The report was followed adding Foxconn’s laying
off of more than ten thousand workers due to the financial downturn and had been
pressured to meet up with the demand for the Apple iPad due to its monumental
success (Moore, 2010). The iPad appears to have placed immense strain on Foxconn
workers which resulted in them in quitting jobs at the rate of 15,000 a month
(Robins, 2010). The workers in the factory need practice to become really efficient
and the new staff has to keep up.
The workers that were asked about the working conditions stated that their hands
would still keep on twitching when they are not working and mimic the motion as
they were not able to relax their minds (Chang, 2010). The workers worked for an
average of 120 hours per month, exceeding the limit set by Apply by 70 hours
(Moore, 2010). Foxconn management style was regarded as severe and obstructed
the code of ethics for managing employees. Apple therefore was urged upon to take
appropriate steps if they were concerned about the health and safety of the workers
(Crothall, 2010).
Nevertheless, Apple has taken this issue into strict consideration and has urged
Foxconn to do the same. These tragedies threw a very undesirable spotlight on the
labor practices of Foxconn. After a few months of this incident, Foxconn has pledged
to enhance work conditions, increase the pay, take into consideration of allowing
workers to live closer to their homes aswell as reduce overtime hours.
Apple Inc. regardless of the recent controversies with Foxconn has reacted well and
taken action in this regard under the guidance of Steve Jobs. After tremendous
pressure from the labor organization in China, Steve Jobs has given this matter of
utmost importance and high priority. Nevertheless, the situation in the province of
Longhua has shown to improve. The Labor Department has agreed upon increasing
the wages and to provide better facilities to the workers all around. Apple has lived
up to its reputation of living up to its strong supplier responsibility program and its
supplier code of conduct.