Duty Requirements: in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Subject NCM 116

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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject NCM 116


Submitted by:
Ingrid Valerie R. Balendez
3 BS Nursing – Block E

Submitted to:
Mrs. Jennifer O. Asio RN MN

March 28, 2021

1. Identify the important data that you want to know during endorsement as an OR nurse as you
receive the patient from the ward. 
The laboratory findings, such as the complete blood count, blood chemistry, and
ultrasound results, are important to know during the endorsement. Preoperative medications, as
well as other preoperative preparations such as NPO status, CP clearance, and consent, should
all be endorsed. It's also a good idea to double-check the doctor's orders.

2. What are the most common causes of ovarian cyst? 

 Hormonal problems. Functional cysts usually go away on their own without treatment.
 Endometriosis. Women with endometriosis can develop a type of ovarian cyst called an
 Pregnancy.
 Severe pelvic infections.

3. What are the reasons why your provider may suggest a hysterectomy and salpingectomy? 
 Heavy periods.
 Endometriosis.
 Uterine fibroids.
 Cancer

4. Enumerate possible risks of this procedure. 

 blood clots
 injury to your urinary tract or surrounding organs
 nerve damage
 hernia
 formation of scar tissue
 bowel obstruction
5. Make a drug study in all medications of the patient.
Cefazolin 1g Antibiotics To reduce the Cefazolin is a Hypersensitivity Monitor signs of
IVTT development of bactericidal reaction pseudomembranous
ANST drug-resistant agent that acts colitis, including diarrhea,
bacteria by inhibition of Clostridium difficile- abdominal pain, fever, pus
bacterial cell associated diarrhea or mucus in stools, and
wall synthesis. other severe or prolonged
GI problems. Notify
physician or nursing staff
immediately of these signs.

Ranitidine 50 Anti-ulcer  Benign gast H2 (histamine-  constipation,  Administer oral

mg/2m drugs ric 2) receptor  diarrhea, drug with meals
L amp ulcer diseas blocker used for  fatigue, and at bedtime.
IVTT e, short- treating and  headache (m  Decrease doses in
term, and preventing ay be severe), renal and liver
maintenanc ulcers in  drowsiness, failure.
e. the duodenum   dizziness,  Provide concurrent
 Duodenal and stomach antacid therapy to
 sleep problem
ulcer diseas s (insomnia), relieve pain.
e, short-  decreased  Administer IM dose
term, and sex drive, undiluted, deep into
maintenanc large muscle group.
 impotence,
e.  Arrange for regular
 difficulty
 Erosive follow-up, including
esophagitis. blood tests, to
an orgasm,
 muscle pain, evaluate effects.
 stomach pain,
 nausea,
 vomiting,
 diarrhea,
 constipation,
 or swollen or
breasts (in

Diphenhydra 25 mg Antihistami antihistamine used acts as an  dry mouth,  Administer with

mine amp ne to relieve inverse agonist nose, and food if GI upset
symptoms at the H1 throat. occurs.
of allergy, hay receptor,  drowsiness.  Administer syrup
fever, and the thereby  dizziness. form if patient is
common cold.  reversing  nausea. unable to take
effects of  vomiting. tablets.
histamine on  loss of  Monitor patient
capillaries, appetite. response, and
reducing arrange for
 constipation.
allergic reaction adjustment of
 increased che
symptoms. dosage to lowest
st congestion.
Lastly, diphenh possible effective
ydramine acts dose.
as an
sodium channel
resulting in
local anesthetic
Jul 2020

Metoclopram 5mg/m GI treat nausea and  Metoclopramid  feeling  Monitor BP

ide L amp stimulants vomiting in patients e is principally a restless; carefully during IV
IVTT with dopamine  feeling administration.
gastroesophageal D2 antagonist drowsy or  Monitor for
reflux disease or but also acts as tired; extrapyramidal
diabetic gastropare an agonist on  lack of reactions, and
sis by increasing serotonin 5- energy; consult physician if
gastric motility. It is HT4 receptors  nausea, vomit they occur.
also used to and causes ing;  Monitor diabetic
control nausea and weak inhibition  headache, co patients, arrange
vomiting in of 5- nfusion; or. for alteration in
chemotherapy HT3 receptors.  sleep insulin dose or
patients.12 Mar problems timing if diabetic
2021 (insomnia). control is
compromised by
alterations in timing
of food absorption.

Dulcolax 2 tabs Laxatives Is a laxative that Bisacodyl is  Nausea, vomi  use caution with
at HS stimulates bowel used to ting, milk.
movements. treat constipatio and diarrhea.  assess for
Dulcolax is used to n. It may also  Stomach abdominal
treat constipation o be used to cramps. distention and
r to empty the clean out the  Burning bowel function.
bowels before intestines feeling in the  instruct patient to
surgery, before a bowel rectal area. drink 1500-2000
colonoscopy, x- examination/sur mL/day during
rays, or other gery. Bisacodyl therapy.
intestinal medical is known as a
procedure.  stimulant
laxative. It
works by
increasing the
movement of
the intestines,
helping the
stool to come

Ciproflxacin 500 mg Antibiotics It is used to Ciprofloxacin is  nausea.  Arrange for culture

vial treat serious a bactericidal  vomiting. and sensitivity tests
IVTT infections, or antibiotic of the  stomach pain. before beginning
infections when fluoroquinolone  heartburn. therapy.
other antibiotics drug class. It  diarrhea.  Continue therapy
have not worked. inhibits DNA  vaginal itching for 2 days after
It's used to replication by and/or signs and
treat bacterial inhibiting discharge. symptoms of
infections, such as: bacterial DNA  pale skin. infection are gone.
chest infections topoisomerase  Be aware that
 unusual
(including and DNA- Proquin XR is not
pneumonia) skin gyrase. interchangeable
and bone with other forms.
infections.  Ensure that the
patient swallows
ER tablets whole;
do not cut, crush,
or chew.

Metronidazol 500 mg Antiprotozo It's used to Metronidazole d Dizziness, headache, Administer oral doses with
e vial als treat skin iffuses into the stomach upset, food. Apply topically
IVTT infections, rosacea organism, nausea, vomiting, (MetroGel) after cleansing
and mouth inhibits protein loss of the area. Advise patient
infections synthesis by appetite, diarrhea, that cosmetics may be
(including infected interacting with constipation, or used over the area after
gums and dental DNA and metallic taste in your application. Reduce
abscesses). causing a loss mouth may occur. If dosage in hepatic disease.
It's used in of helical DNA any of these effects
the treatment of structure and last or get worse, tell
conditions such as strand your doctor or
bacterial vaginosis breakage. pharmacist promptly.
and pelvic Therefore, it This medication may
inflammatory causes cell cause your urine to
disease. death in turn darker in color.
Tramadol 50 Analgesics Tramadol is used It acts on  dizziness. Control environment
g/mL to treat moderate serotonergic  headache. (temperature, lighting) if
to severe pain in and  drowsiness. sweating or CNS effects
adults. The noradrenergic  nausea and v occur.
extended-release nociception, omiting. WARNING: Limit use in
form of tramadol is while its  constipation. patients with past or
for around-the- metabolite O-  lack of present history of addiction
clock treatment of desmethyltrama energy. to or dependence on
pain. The dol acts on the opioids.
 sweating.
extended-release µ-opioid
 dry mouth.
form of tramadol is receptor. Its
not for use on an analgesic
as-needed basis potency is
for pain. claimed to be
about one tenth
that of

Cefaclor 1 gm Cephalosp Treatment of Cefaclor, like  diarrhea.

IVTT orins susceptible the penicillin, is  contraindicated in
 nausea.
bacterial infections  a beta-lactam cephalosporin and
 vomiting.
including otitis antibiotic. By possibly penicillin
 stomach pain. allergies
media, lower binding to  headache.
respiratory specific  genital itching  may need lead to
tract infections, penicillin- . seizures,
acute binding proteins pseudomembranou
exacerbations of (PBPs) located s colitis, diarrhea,
chronic bronchitis, inside the phlebitis at IV site,
pharyngitis and bacterial cell anaphylaxis
tonsillitis, urinary wall, it inhibits
tract infections, the third and  assess infection
skin and skin last stage of and allergies
structure infections bacterial cell
. wall synthesis.  obtain cultures prior
Cell lysis is then to therapy
mediated by
bacterial cell  monitor bowel
wall autolytic function
enzymes such  may lead to super
as autolysins. infection

Tranexamic 500 mg Anti- This medication is Tranexamic  nausea.  Monitor blood

Acid IVTT fibrinolytic used to treat acid is a  diarrhea.
q8H agents heavy bleeding dur synthetic  stomach pressure, pulse,
ing your menstrual derivative of the pain or and respiratory
period. Tranexamic amino acid lysin discomfort.
acid works by e and binds the status as indicated
 vomiting.
slowing the 5 lysine binding  chills. by severity of
breakdown of sites on  fever. bleeding.
blood clots, which plasminogen.
 severe heada
helps to prevent This inhibits  Monitor for overt
che (throbbin
prolonged bleeding plasmin bleeding every 15–
. It belongs to a formation and
 back or joint 30 min.
class of drugs displaces
known as plasminogen  Stabilize IV
antifibrinolytics. from the fibrin
Tranexamic acid is surface. It may catheter to
not a hormone. also directly minimize
inhibit plasmin
and partially
inhibit Monitor site closely
fibrinogenolytic  Instruct patient to
at higher
concentrations. notify the nurse
immediately if
bleeding recurs or if
symptoms develop.
 Caution patient to
make position
changes slowly to
avoid orthostatic

Ketorolac 30 mg NSAIDS Ketorolac is used The  Headache. 1. Don’t forget to

IVTT to relieve primary mecha  Drowsiness. assess first the
q6H moderately nism of  Indigestion. patient before
severe pain, action responsi  Stomach or administering this
usually ble abdominal drug: know the
after surgery. It for ketorolac's a pain. history (e.g.
works by stopping nti-  Nausea. allergies, renal
the body's inflammatory,  Diarrhea. impairment, etc.)
production of a antipyretic, and and physical
 Dizziness.
substance that analgesic condition of the
 Itching.
causes pain, fever, effects is the patient (reflexes,
and inflammation. inhibition of ophthalmologic and
prostaglandin audiometric
synthesis by evaluation,
competitive orientation, clotting
blocking of the times, serum
enzyme electrolytes, etc.)
cyclooxygenase 2. In case of
(COX).  hypersensitivity, be
sure that
equipment is
3. Drug vials should
be protected from
4. To maintain serum
levels and control
pain effectively,
administer it every
six hours.
5. Report any signs of
itching, swelling in
the ankles, sore
throat, easy
bruising, etc.

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