Non-Destructwetestingof Concrete-Methodsoftest: Indian Standard
Non-Destructwetestingof Concrete-Methodsoftest: Indian Standard
Non-Destructwetestingof Concrete-Methodsoftest: Indian Standard
Indian Standard
( First Reprint JUNE 1995)
Q BIS 1992
This Indian Standard was adopted by the Rureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Cement and Coacrete Sectional Committee bad b’een approved bg&+fivil Engineering Division
There are occasions when the various perfortiance characteristics of concrete in a structure are
required to be assessed. In most of the cases, an estimate of strength of concrete in the structure is
needed, although parameters like overall quality, uniformity, etc, also become important in others.
The various methods that can be adopted for in-situ assessnhent of strength properties of concrete
depend upon the particular aspect of strength in question. For example, if the load-carrying capacity
of structural ensemble is to be assessed, carrying out a full-scale load test 8s per IS 456 : 1978 ‘Code of
practice for plain and reinforced concrete ( third revision )’ or IS 1343’: 1980 ‘Code of practice for
prestressed concrete (first revision )’ is the most direct way; on the other hand when the actual com-
pressive strength of a concrete in the structure is to be measured, core testing as per IS 516 : 1959
&Method of test for strength of concrete’ is more reliable. However, both these methods are relatively
cumbersome and the latter method may leave the structure damaged locally in some cases, Use is,
therefore, made of suitable non-destructive tests, which not only provide an estimate of the relative
strength and overall quality of concrete in the structures, but also help in deciding whether more
rigorous tests like load testing or core drilling at selected locations are required.
There a’re various such non-destructive testing methods which can be broadly classified as those which
measure the overall quality of concrete, for example dynamic or vibration methods like resonance
frequency and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests; and those which involve measurement of parameters like
surface hardness, rebound, penetration, pull-out strength, etc, and are believed to be indirectly related
to the compressive strength of concrete. In addition, radiographic, radiometric, nuclear, magnetic
and electrical methods are also available. Since such non-destructive tests are at best indirect methods
of monitoring the particular characteristic of concrete and the measurements are influenced by
materials, mix and environmental factors, proper interpretation of the results calls for ce1 tain degree
of expertise. It is more so, when the data on the materials and mix proportions used in the construc-
tion are not available as is often the case.
In view of the limitations of the method for predicting the strength of concrete in the structure, it is
preferable that both ultrasonic pulse velocity given in Part 1 of the standard and rebound hammer
method are used in combination to alleviate the errors arising out of influence of material, mix and
environmental parameters on the respective measurements. Relationships between pulse velocity,
rebound number and compressive strength of concrete are obtained by multiple regression of the
measured values on laboratory test specimens. However, this approach has the limitation that the
correlations are valid only for the materials and mix proportions used in the trials. The intrinsic
difference between the laboratory test specimens and in-situ concrete, for example surface texture,
moisture condition, presence of reinforcement, etc, also affect the accuracy of results. The correlation
is valid only within the range of values of pulse velocity, rebound number and compressive strength
employed and any extrapolation beyond these is open to question. The rebound hammer test is not
intended as a substitute for standard compression test, but as a method for determining the uniformity
of concrete in the structure and comparing one concrete with another.
Because of the above limitations, the combined use of these two methods is made in another way. In
this, if the quality of concrete is assessed to be ‘excellent or good’ by pulse velocity method, only then
the compressive strength is assessed from the rebound hammer indices, and this is taken as indicative
of strength of concrete in the entire cross-section of the concrete member. When the quality assessed
is ‘medium’, the estimation of compressive strength by rebound indices is extended to the entire mass
only on the basis of other colateral measurements, for example, strength of site concrete cubes, cement
content in the concrete or core testing. When the quality of concrete is doubtful, no assessment of
concrete strength is made from rebound indices.
In most of the situations, the records ?f the original materials or mix proportions used in the strut_ /
ture are not available. Therefore, cqnslderable improvisation has to be done in evolving the testing
scheme and use is made of comparafive measurements made on adjoining portions of the structures
or even other structures in the vicmlty of the one in question. In doing so, an approach is taken t at
the same materials and similar mix proportions and level of workmanship were employed for the thw,
( Contitzued on’\third cover )
Is 13311(Part 2 ) : 1992
Indian Standard
NOTE - In view of the limitations of each method It consists of a spring controlled mass that
of non-destructive testing of concrete, it is essential slides on a plunger within a tubular housing.
that the results of tests obtained by one method The impact energy required for rebound
.should be complimented by other tests and each hammers for different applications is given in
method should be adopted very carefully.
Table 1.
Table 1 Impact Energy for Rebound Hammers
The following Indi‘an standards are necessary for Different Applications
adjuncts to this standard.
( Clause 4.1 )
IS No. Title
516 : 1959 Method of test for strength of Sl No. Application Approximate Impact
Energy Required
concrete for th Reiound
8900 : 1978 Criteria for rejection of outlying Hammers ( Nm 1
observations i) For testing normal weight 2’25
3 OBJECT AND PRINCIPLE OF TAXST ii) For light-weight concrete or 0’75
small and impact sensitive
3.1 Object parts of concrete
The rebound hammer method could be used for: iii) For testing mass concrete, 30’00
for example in roads, air-
fields pavements and hydrau-
i) assessing the likely compressive strength lic structures
of concrete with the help of suitable co-
relations between rebound index and 5 CMJXKING OF APPARATUS
compressive strength,
5.1 It is necessary that the rebound hammer is
ii) assessing the uniformity of concrete, checked against the testing anvil before com-
iii) assessing the quality of the concrete in mencement of a test to ensure reliable results.
relation to standard requirements, and The testing anvil should be of steel having
iv) assessing the quality of one element of Brine11 hardness of about 5 000 N/mms. The
concrete in relation to another. supplier/manufacturer of the rebound hammer
should indicate the range of readings on the
NOTE - The rebound hammer method can be used anvil suitable for diRerent types of rebound
with greater confidence for differentiating between hammers.
the questionable and acceptable parts of a structure
or for relative comparison between two different 5.2 ‘Procedure of Obtaioing Correlation Betaeeu
Compressive Strength of Concrete and Rebound
3.2 Principle of Test Number
When the plunger of rebound hammer is pressed The most satisfactory way of establishing a
against the surface of the concrete, the spring- correlation between compressive strength of
controlled mass rebounds and the extent of concrete and its rebound number is to measure
such rebound depends upon the surface hard- both the properties simultaneously on concrete
ness of concrete. The surface hardness and cubes. The concrete cube specimens are held
therefore the rebound is taken to be related to in a compression testing machine under a fixed
the compressive strength of the concrete. The load, measurements of rebound number taken
IS 13311( Part 2 ) : 1992
and then the compressive strength determined surfaces ‘are thoroughly cleaned before taking
as per IS 516 : 1959. The fixed load required is any measurement. Around each point of observa-
of the order of 7 N/mm8 when the impact tion, six readings of rebound indices are taken
energy of the hammer is about 2.2 Nm. The 2nd average of these readings after de!eting
load should be increased for calibrating rebound outliers as per IS 8900 : 1978 becomes the
hammers of greater impact energy and decreas- rebound index for the point of observation.
ed for calibrating rebound hammers of lesser
impact energy. The test specimens should be as 7 INFLUENCE OF TEST CONDITIONS
large a mass as possible in order to minimise 7.1 The rebound numbers are influenced by a
the size effect on the test result of a full scale number of factors like types of cement and
structure. 150 mm cube specimens are preferred aggregate, surface condition and moisture con-
for calibrating rebound hammers of lower tent, age of concrete and extent of carbonation
impact energy ( 2.2 Nm ), whereas for rebound of concrete.
hammers of higher impact energy, for example
30 Nm, the test cubes should not be smaller 7.1.1 Influence of Type of Cement
than 300 mm. Concretes made with high alumina cement can
If the specimens are wet cured, they should be give strengths 100 percent higher than that with
removed from wet storage and kept in the ordinary Portland cement. Concretes made with
laboratory atmosphere for about 24 hours supersulphated cement can give 50 percent
before testing. To obtain a correlation between lower strength than that with ordinary Portland
rebound numbers and strength of wet cured and cement.
wet tested cubes, it is necessary to establish a
7.1.2 Influence of Type of Aggregate
correlation between the strength of wet tested
cubes and the strength of dry tested cubes on Different types of aggregate used in concrete
which rebound readings are taken. A direct give different correlations between compressive
correlation between rebound numbers on wet strength and rebound numbers. Normal aggre-
cubes’ and the strength of wet cubes is not gates such as gravels and crushed rock aggre-
recommended. Only the vertical faces of the gates give similar correlations, but concrete
cube as cast should be tested. At least nine read- made with lightweight aggregates require
ings should be taken on each of the two vertical special calibration.
faces accessible in the compression testing
machine when using the rebound hammers. The 7.1.3 Influence of Surface Condition and Moisture
points of impact on the specimen must not be Content of Concrete
nearer an edge than 20 mm and should be not The rebound hammer method is suitable only
less than 20 mm from each other. The same for close texture concrete. Open texture con-
points must not be impacted more than once. crete typical of masonry blocks, honeycombed
6 PROCEDURE concrete or no-fines concrete are unsuitable
for this test. All correlaticns assume full com-
6.1 For testing, smooth, clean and dry surface pactjon, as the strength of partially compacted
is to be selected. If loosely adhering scale is concrete bears no unique relationship to the
present, this should be rubbed of with a grind- rebound numbers. Trowelled and floated sur-
ing wheel or stone. Rough surfaces resulting faces are harder than moulded surfaces, and
from incomplete compaction, loss of grout, tend to overestimate the strength of concrete.
spalled or tooled surfaces do not give reliable
results and should be avoided. A wet surface will give rise to underestimation
of the strength of concrete calibrated under
6.2 The point of impact should be at least dry conditions. In structural concrete, this can
20 mm away from any edge or shape disconti- be about 20 percent lower than in an equivalent
nuity. dry concrete.
6.3 For taking a measurement, the rebound 7.1.4 Injuence of Curing and Age of Concrete
hammer should be held at right angles to the
The relationship between hardness and strength
surface of the concrete member. The test can
varies as a function of time. Variations in
-thus be conducted horizontally on vertical
initial rate of hardening, subsequent curing
surfaces or vertically upwards or downwards on
and conditions of exposure also influence the
horizontal surfaces. If the situation demands,
Lelationship. Separate calibration curves are
the rebound hammer can be held at intermediate
required for different curing regimes but the
angles also, but in each case, the rebound
effect of age can generally be ignored for
number will be different for the same concrete.
concrete between 3 days and 3 months old.
6.4 Rebound hammer test is conducted around 7.1.5 Influence of Carbonation of Concrete Surface
all the points of observation on all accessible
faces of the structural element. Concrete The influence of carbonation of concrete
IS 1331.1( Part 2 ) : I992
surface on the rebound number is very It is also pointed out that rebound indices are
significant. Carbonated concrete gives an over- indicative of compressive strength of concrete
estimate of strength which in extreme cases can to a limited depth from the surface. If the con-
be up to 50 percent. It is possible to establish crete in a particular member has internal micro-
correction factors by removing the carbonated cracking, flaws or heterogeneity across the
layer and testing the concrete with the rebound cross-section, rebound hammer indices will not
hammer on the uncarbonated concrete. indicate the same.
As such, the estimation of strength of concrete
8.1 The rebound hammer method provides a by rebound hammer method cannot be held to
convenient and rapid indication of the com- be very accurate and probable accuracy of
pressive strength of concrete by means of prediction of concrete strength in a structure
establishing a suitable correlation between the is & 25 percent. If the relationship between
rebound index and the compressive strength of rebound index and compressive strength can be
concrete. The procedure of obtaining such checked by tests on core samples obtained from
correlation is given in 5.2. In general, the the structure or standard specimens made with
rebound number increases as the strength the same concrete materials and mix proportion,
increases but it is also affected by a number of then the accuracy of results and confidence
parameters as mentioned in 7.1. thereon are greatly increased.
l!s 13311( Part 2 ) : 1992
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, CED 2
ChahRun IPIpIIsrnling
Da H. C. VISVB~VABAYA In personal capacity ( Univardy of Roorkw, Roorkee 247 667 )
SEEI B. R. BHABTIKA~ B. G. Shirke & Co, Pune
SHBI U. N. RATH ( Alternate )
SHEI H. BFIATTACEABYA Orissa Cement Limited, New Delhi
DB A. K. CEATTEXJEE The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
CHIEF EN~INEBX ( DESIGNS ) Central Public Works Departmeot, New Delhi
( S&S ) ( AlturMts )
CEIEB ENGINEER, NAVAC+ABXDAM Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Ltd, Gandhioagar
CHIEF ENQXNEEX( RESEABOH-CUM-DIREOTOI~) Irrigation and Power Research Institute, Amritsar
TECHNOLOQY ) ( Altcrnatc )
DIRECYOR A. P. Engineering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
DIRECTOR ( CMDD ) ( N & W ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
( Alternate )
SHRI K. H. GANQWAL Hyderabad Industries Limited, Hyderabad
SRRI V. PATTABHI ( Altcrnatc )
SHRI V. K. GIIANEKAR Structural Engineering Research Ceotre ( CSIR ), Ghaziabad
SERI S. GOP~NATIX The India Cements Ltd, Madras
SHBI S. Ii. GUEA TEAKUBTA Gannon Dunkerley & Company Limited, Bombay
( Alternate )
DB IBSHAD MASOOD Central Building Research Jostitute ( CSIR ), Roorkee
DIL MD KHALID ( Alternute )
JOINT DIRECTOR, STANDARDS ( B & S) ( CB-I ) Rese;;c,oy;igos & Standards Organization ( Ministry of Railways ).
lS 13311( Part 2 ) : 1992
( Continued from fuags 4 )
Msmbsrs Rcpr6srnfing
SARI T. N. SUBBA RAN Gammon India Limited, Bombay
SHEI S. A. REDDI ( Alfanafr )
SUPT ENQINE~~ ( D~ls~o~s ) Public Works Department, Government of Tamilnadu
( Altarnot6)
SHRI S. B. SURI Central Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi
SHRI N. CHANDEAS~K~AN ( Allrrnotr )
DR H. C. VISVESVAXAYA The Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI D. C. CHATTURVEDI ( Allrrnota )
SHRI G. RAXAN Director General, BIS ( Ex-ojicio Mcmbsr )
Director ( Civil Engg )
Joint Director ( Civil Engg ), BIS
DB A. K. MULLJCK National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi
SHEI C. R. ALIXCHANDANI Stup Consultants Limited, Bombay
DE P. C. CHOWDHUBY Torsteel Research Foundation in India, Calcutta
DR C. S. VISWANATEA (&atnote )
DEPUTY DIRECTOR( EH ) National Building Organization, New Delhi
DIEEOTOR (C & MDD ) Central Water Commission, New Delhi
DIRECYOR A. P. Engiaeering Research Laboratories, Hyderabad
SHR~ V. K. GHANEKAB Structural Engineering Research Centre ( CSIR ), Ghaziabad
SHRI D. S. PRAKASK RAO ( &6fnafs )
SERI B. S. GUPTA u Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR ), Roorkee
SHRI S. K. GUHA THAKIJBTA Ganuon Dunkarley & Company Limited, Bombay
SHRI G. R, HARIDAS Gammon India Limited, Bombay
SHRI N. PRABHAKAR( A~t6riiafs )
SHRI J. S. HINQORANI Associated Consulting Services, Bombay
SHRI A. P. REMEDIOS( Aftsmut )
SHRI LALIT KUUAR JAIN In Personal Capacity ( 36 Sneh Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur-15 )
JOINT DIRECTOR( STANDAEDS) ( B & S )/CB-1 Research Designs and Standards Organization,
JOINT DIRECTOR( STANDARDS) ( B & S )I ( Ministry of Railways ), Lucknow
CB-II ( Aftarnatr )
%RI K. C. KARAMCBANDANI Engineers India Limited, New Delhi
SHRI N. K. GUPTA ( Alf6rnafs )
PROP S. KRISBNAYOORTHY Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
SHXI K: K. NAYAR ( &fcrnntc )
SERI V. M. MAD~E The Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. B. MALEKAIZ ( df6rnak )
DE S. c. MAI’JX National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi
MANAC+IN~DIRECTOU Hindustan Prefab Limited, New Delhi
SHBI M. KUNDD ( &6rnal6 )
SHRI N. V. MERANI Public Works Department, Bombay
SH~I M. K. MVKHERJI~~ Ministry of Transport ( Roads Wing ), New Delhi
SHRI N. K. SINEA I hf6fnUf6 1
SHR~B.V.B.PU ’ The Associated Cement Companies Limited, Bombay
SERI A. D. KETK~B ( AllrrmatcJ
SHSI Y. R. PHIL Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
SHRI S. S. SE~HBA ( &mat6 )
SHEI A. S. PRASADA RAN Structural Engineering tiesearch Centre ( CSIR ), Madras
SEEI K. MINI ( Al&maf#)
SUPEBINTENDINOEN~II~~~B ( D~IPNS ) Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
111 ( Alf6rnofr)
SHBI B. T. UNWALLA ID Personal Capacity ( 15/g, Rustom Baug, Victoria Road, @mby-27 ,
BRIO ( DB ) S. G. VOMBATKABP Enginee&n.Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters, New Delhi
( Continued from second cover )
situations, any significant differencein the ultrasonic pulse velocity or rebound indices between them
must be due to some inherent differences in the overall quality. If the nominal grades of concrete or
mix proportions are known to be different in either case, suitable allowance is made for the same in
interpretation of results.
The test results on ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound indices are analysed statistically and plotted
as histograms and the lower fractiles of results are taken for assessing the quality or ‘characteristic’
strength of concrete, in line with the current limit state concepts of design.
The composition of the technical committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given
at Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the &treau of Indian Stundurds Act, 2986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No CED 2 t 3890 )
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