Multipoint Fuel Injection System IJERTV2IS110123

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013

Multipoint Fuel Injection System

Ishant Gupta, Shweta Kandari, Arvind Rajput, Mohd Asif, Anand Singh

ABSTRACT atomizes the fuel by forcibly pumping it through a small
nozzle under high pressure, while a carburetor relies on
In the Multipoint Injection System, we have suction created by intake air accelerated through a Venturi
one injector per cylinder; the injector injects the fuel into the tube to draw the fuel into the airstream.
admission valve which admits the fuel and air into the
cylinder. This gives an individual control on this cylinder, MPFI system injects fuel into individual cylinders, based
improving the fuel consumption in relation of the Single on commands from the ‘on board engine management
point injection. In The first Multipoint injection system, the system computer’ – popularly known as the Engine Control
injection was done at the same time in all injectors. The Unit/ECU. These techniques result not only in better ‘power
improvement in relation of the single point is the same balance’ amongst the cylinders but also in higher output
amount of Fuel is delivering to all cylinders. This system from each one of them, along with faster throttle response.
only solved one problem, because the problem of lag was Optimized ratio of air-fuel mixture is supplied to the
still existent, like in the single point injection. So if the combustion chamber in varying driving conditions with the
injection occur, the fuel and air are in the admission valve, help of electronic fuel injection system. The Multipoint Fuel
and if driver make a sudden change it only change the fuel Injection System consists of sensors which detect the engine
in the next admission, so it would be a waste of fuel or conditions, the ENGINE- ECU which controls the system
insufficient fuel. To solve this problem it was develop one based on signals from these sensors, and actuators which
new system of Multipoint Injection. This system is operate under the control of the ENGINE-ECU. The
sequential Multipoint injection system; the layout is the ENGINE-ECU carries out activities such as fuel injection
same that the original Multipoint injection system, the control, idle air control, and ignition timing control. In
difference is that the injection is done individually, in each addition, the ENGINE-ECU is equipped with a number of

cylinder. In this system because we have injection diagnostic test modes which simplify troubleshooting when
individually and sequential, we don’t have the lag problem. a problem develops.
Let’s suppose that the injection occurs in cylinder 1, then
cylinder 3, and suddenly the driver makes a change, in the The functional objectives for fuel injection systems can
injection in the cylinder 4 will be done whit the new value. vary. All share the central task of supplying fuel to the
This was the improvement in relation of the first Multipoint combustion process, but it is a design decision how a
injection system. particular system is optimized. There are several competing
objectives such as:

 Power output

1. INTRODUCTION  Fuel efficiency

 Emissions performance
Petrol vehicles uses device called carburetor
for supplying the air fuel mixture in correct ratio to  Ability to accommodate alternative fuels
cylinders in all rpm ranges. However in response to recent
demands for cleaner exhaust emission, more economical  Reliability
fuel consumption, improved drivability, etc., carburettor
should now be equipped with various devices that make it  Drivability and smooth operation
more complex system. Therefore, the MPFI (multi point
fuel injection) system is used, assuring proper air fuel ratio  Initial cost
to the engine by electrically injecting fuel in accordance
with various driving conditions. The primary difference  Maintenance cost
between carburetors and fuel injection is that fuel injection

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013
 Diagnostic capability The throttle body is the part of the air intake
system that controls the amount of air flowing into an
 Range of environmental operation engine's combustion chamber. It consists of a bored housing
that contains a throttle plate that rotates on a shaft. When the
 Engine tuning accelerator is depressed, the throttle plate opens and allows
air into the engine. Throttle plate gets closed when the
accelerator paddle is released and thus effectively chokes-
off air flow in the combustion chamber. This process
effectively controls the rate of combustion and ultimately
the speed of the vehicle.
The system has four major components. These four
2. Fuel delivery system
components are
The fuel in the fuel tank is pumped up by the fuel
1. Air intake system
pump, filtered by fuel filter and fed under pressure to each
injector through the delivery pipe. As the fuel pressure
2. Fuel delivery system applied to the injector is always kept a certain amount
higher than the pressure in the intake manifold by the fuel
3. Electronic control system pressure regulator, the fuel is injected into the intake port of
the cylinder head when the injector opens according to the
4. Emission control system injection signal form ECM. The fuel relieved by the fuel
pressure regulator return through the fuel return to the fuel
1. Air intake system tank.

The function of the air intake system is to allow air a. Fuel pump
to reach your car engine. Oxygen in the air is one of the
necessary ingredients for the engine combustion process. A The electrical fuel pump located on the fuel
good air intake system allows for clean and continuous air tank consists of armature, magnet, impeller, brush, check
into the engine, thereby achieving more power and better valve etc...The ECM controls its operation. When the power
mileage for your car. A modern automobile air intake is supplied to the fuel pump, the motor in the pump runs and
system has three main parts: air filter, mass flow sensor and so does the impeller. This causes a pressure difference to
throttle body. occur between both sides of the impeller, as there are many
grooves around it. Then the fuel is drawn through the inlet

a. Air Filter port, and with its pressure increases, It is discharged through
the outlet port, the fuel pump also has a check valve to keep
An air filter is an important part of a car's some pressure in the fuel feed line even when the fuel pump
intake system, because it is through the air filter that the is stopped.
engine "breathes". It is usually a plastic or metal box in
which the air filter sits. The air filter's job is to filter out dirt b. Pressure regulator system
and other foreign particles in the air, preventing them from
entering the system and possibly damaging the engine. The fuel pressure regulator is a pressure relief
valve that consist of a spring, diaphragm and a valve . It
b. Mass flow sensor keeps the fuel pressure applied to the injector 2.9Kglcm^2
higher than intake manifold at all times, The pressure
A mass air flow sensor is used to find out the applied to the upper chamber of the fuel pressure regulator
mass of air entering a fuel-injected internal combustion intake manifold pressure and that to the lower chamber is
engine. From mass flow sensor, then, does it goes to the fuel pressure. When the fuel pressure rises more than
throttle body. There are two common types of mass airflow 2,9Kg/cm2 higher than the intake manifold pressure, the fuel
sensors in use on automotive engines. They are the vane pushes the valve in the regulator open and excess fuel return
meter and the hot wire. The vane type has a flap that is to the fuel tank through return line.
pushed by the incoming air. The more air coming in, the
more the flap is pushed backed. The hot wire uses a series c. Injector
of wires strung in the air stream. The electrical resistance of
the wire increases as the wire's temperature increases, which Each cylinder has one injector for its work,
limits electrical current flowing through the circuit. which is installed between the intake manifold delivery
pipes. Injector is a electromagnetic type injection nozzle
c. Throttle Body that perform its works according to the signal from ECM

IJERTV2IS110123 643

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013
and injects fuel in the intake port of cylinder. When the conditions. While crankshaft position sensor or camshaft -
solenoid coil of the injector is energized by ECM, it position sensor signal is inputted to ECM.
becomes an Electro magnet and attracts the plunger. At the
same time, the ball valve which is incorporated with the d. Ignition control system
plunger opens and the injector which is under the fuel
pressure injects fuel. As the lift stroke of the ball valve of Ignition control system electrically controls the
the injector is set constant, the amount of fuel injected at time of flow of electric current in primary ignition coil and
one time is determined by the length of the time during ignition timing. ECM judges the engine and vehicle
which the solenoid is being energized. conditions by using signals from various sensors, selects the
most suitable electric current flow time and ignition timing
3. Electronic control system for that engine and vehicle conditions from among those
Restored in its memory and sends an ignition signal to the
The electronic control system consist of various igniter in ignition coil assembly.
sensors which detect the state of engine and driving
conditions, ECM is a device which controls various devices e. Radiator fan control system
according to the signals from the sensors and Various
controlled devices. This system controls operation (ON/OFF) of
The systems are: the radiator fan motor. Radiator fan motor is turned ON and
OFF by its relay when ECM controls. Radiator fan motor
a. Fuel injection control system turned ON at below 98°C and OFF at below 93°C
b. Idle speed control system
c. Fuel pump control system 4. EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM
d. Ignition control system
e. Radiator fan control system The need for controlling the emissions in
automobiles is the root cause for the development of
a. Fuel injection control system: computerization of automobile. Hydrocarbons, carbon
monoxide and oxides of nitrogen are created during the
The work of electronic fuel injection system is to combustion process and are emitted into the atmosphere
supply air-fuel mixture of optimize ratio to the combustion from the tail pipe.
chambers under different driving conditions. It uses the
sequential multi-port fuel injection system, which injects a. Air injection
fuel into each intake port of the cylinder head. In this system
ECM controls the time and timing of the fuel injection from Secondary air injection is the first

the fuel injector into the cylinder head intake port according developed exhaust emission control system. Originally, this
to the signals from the various sensors so that suitable system was used to inject air into the engine's exhaust ports
air/fuel mixture is supplied to the engine in each driving to provide oxygen so unburned and partially burned
condition. hydrocarbons in the exhaust would finish burning.

b. Idle speed control system b. Exhaust gas recirculation

This system controls the bypass airflow by Many engines have a system that
means of ECM & lAC valve for the following purposes. To routes a metered amount of exhaust into the intake tract
keep the engine idle speed as specified at all times. The under particular operating conditions. Exhaust neither burns
engine idle speed can vary due to load applied to engine, to nor supports combustion, so it dilutes the air/fuel charge to
improve starting performance of the engine to compensate reduce peak combustion chamber temperatures. This, in
air fuel mixture ratio when -decelerating, to improve turn, reduces the formation of NOx
drivability while engine is warmed up. lAC valve operates
according to duty signal sent from ECM. ECM detects the c. Catalytic converter
engine condition by using the signals from various signals
and switches and controls the bypass airflow by changing
The catalytic converter is a device
lAC valve opening.
placed in the exhaust pipe, which converts hydrocarbons,
carbon monoxide, and NOx into less harmful gases by using
c. Fuel pump control system
a combination of platinum, palladium and rhodium as
catalysts. There are two types of catalytic converter, a two-
ECM controls ON/OFF operation of the fuel way and a three-way converter.
pump by turning it ON, the fuel pump relay under any of the

IJERTV2IS110123 644

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013
3. Working of mpfi system

The working of MPFI engine is somewhat similar to

the carburetor engine, each cylinder is treated individually.
An input is fed to the computerized system in order to
calculate the amount of air and fuel is to be mixed and send
to the combustion chamber. A several stages of calculations
are to be made in order to judge the right amount of fuel to
be mixed. After this calculation, the proper fuel is delivered
at the proper instance. There are a number of sensors used in
the MPFI engine. At the time when the inputs are given to
the car's computer, it begins to read the given sensors. The
things which can be known from the sensors are listed

 The engine temperature of the vehicle.


 The speed at which the engine is running.

 The engine load. Typical sensors for multi-point FUEL system

 The position of the accelerator. a. An exhaust gas or oxygen sensor (Lambda
 The cylinder's air-fuel pressure.

Oxygen sensor measure the oxygen level in

engine as a means of checking combustion efficiency.
 The rate of exhaust. Oxygen sensor voltage output vary with change in the
content of the exhaust. Increase in oxygen makes the sensor
output voltage to decrease and a decrease oxygen content
The amount of fuel to be injected into the combustion
causes increased sensor output. Sensor then sends data to
chamber is decided by analyzing the inputs given to the the computer. The computer then alters the opening and
closing of injector to maintain a correct air-fuel ratio for
computerized system of the MPFI engine. maximum efficiency.
b. Intake manifold pressure sensor.
This sensor measures the pressure inside the
engine intake manifold. High pressure indicates a high load
that requires a rich mixture and low manifold pressure
indicates small load requiring a leaner mixture. The
manifold pressure sensor changes resistance with change in
engine load and thus computer alter the fuel mixture.
c. A throttle position sensor.
In throttle position sensor a variable resistor is
connected to the throttle plate shaft. When the throttle wings
is opened for more power or closes for less power, the
sensor changes the resistance and sends the signals the

IJERTV2IS110123 645

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013
computer. Computer then makes the mixture richer or leaner
as required.
d. An engine coolant temperature sensor. 5. ADVANTAGES OF MULTIPOINT FUEL
Engine coolant temperature sensor monitors
the operating temperature of the engine. This sensor is kept
so that it is exposed to the engine coolant. When the engine 1. Improved Fuel Consumption
is cold, the sensor might provide a high current flow. The
computer would enrich the air-fuel mixture for cold Vehicles with dual point fuel injection or carburetors
operation. When the engine warms, the sensor would supply do not get nearly the fuel economy of those with multi-point
information so that the computer could make the leaner fuel injection. The underlying reason is that fuel delivery
mixture. systems of these older vehicles are less precise. A multi-
point fuel injection system, which uses one fuel injector for
e. An airflow sensor. each cylinder of the engine, delivers just the right amount of
gas to each cylinder. Thus, gas is not wasted in the process.
Airflow sensor is used to measure the amount
Over time, the gas saved with a multi-point fuel injection
of air entering the engine. This helps the computer to
system saves the vehicle owner loads of money.
determine the amount of fuel required in combustion. Air
flow through the sensor causes an air flap to swing to one
side. The air flap is connected to a variable resistor, the 2. Emissions
amount of air flow into the engine is converted into an
electrical signal for the computer. Computer then make the Emissions test results are an important factor today.
A car from this century emits a small fraction of what a
mixture richer or leaner as required.
vehicle emitted even a few decades ago. Multi-point fuel
f. An inlet air temperature sensor. injection system proves to be better for the environment as
the emission of hazardous chemicals; made when fuel is
Inlet air temperature sensor measure the being burned, are minimized. As mentioned above, the more
temperature of the air that enters the engine. Cold air being precise delivery of fuel to the engine means that fewer
denser than warm air requires a little more fuel as compared noxious byproducts are released when the fuel combusts
to warm air. Air temperature sensor helps the computer within the engine. The implements within the engine meant
compensate for the changes in outside air temperature and to clean the exhaust have been fine-tuned in a multi-point
maintain an almost perfect air-fuel ratio. system to work more efficiently. Therefore, the engine--and
the air--is cleaner as a result of multi-point systems.
g. A crankshaft position sensor and distributor

rpm sensor.
3. Better Performance
Crankshaft position sensor or distribution rpm
sensor is used to detect the engine speed and cylinder The performance of an engine suffers with the use
identification. The sensor consists of magnet and coil. It is of a carburetor, but multi-point fuel injection allows for far
mounted on oil pan with specified air gap between the better engine performance. This is due to a few factors.
sensor core end and crankshaft timing belt pulley tooth. This Multi-point injectors atomize the air taken through a small
sensor allows the computer to change injector opening with tube in place of allowing additional air intake. Multi-point
changes in engine rpm. Higher engine speeds generally injectors are controlled by computers, therefore different
require more fuel. Lower engine speeds require less fuel. system component perform each function of a carburetor.
This data is used by the computer to alter the fuel mixture. These systems provide improved distribution of fuel in
cylinder-to-cylinder of an engine due to which energy is
h. Vehicle speed sensor
The vehicle speed sensor, located on the
transmission gearbox or speedometer, Generates a signal in 6. PROBLEMS IN MULTIPOINT FUEL
proportion to the vehicle speed. Receiving this signal, the
speedometer uses it for operation of its indicator and also
converts it into to the ON/OFF signal by doubling the cycle.
1. The problem with this system is that because the
This signal is sent to ECM where it is used as one of the
injection is done into the admission valve, and
signals to control various devices.
when the admission valve open some fuel will
not enter the combusting chamber, so there will
be some fuel waste, and the timing is still done

IJERTV2IS110123 646

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 11, November - 2013
mechanically by the camshaft. This problem not which became especially important as the government
only exists in this system but also in every single began cracking down.
one system that was analyzed before. This is
because all of them are systems with indirect

2. Indirect injection has also other problems, like 8. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

spontaneous ignition that is a very common
problem in Electronic injection systems with
indirect injection. So to overcame this problems, I express my sincere thanks to prof. D.V Bhise (head of the
it was develop the Multipoint injection system department mechanical engineering) for their kind co-
with direct injection. operation for presenting this paper.
I also extend my sincere thanks to all other members of the
3. Complexity and cost are the main disadvantages faculty of mechanical engineering department and my
of direct injection engine. Direct injection friends for their co-operation and encouragement.
systems are more expensive to build because
their components must be more rugged -- they
handle fuel at significantly higher pressures than
indirect injection systems and the injectors
themselves must be able to withstand the heat 9. REFERENCE
and pressure of combustion inside the cylinder.
1. SR King, MW Walser, CM Cole… - US
Patent 5,713,336, 1998 - Google Patents

7. CONCLUSION 2. G Mesenich, H Bart, DE Alsbrook - US Patent

4,708,117, 1987 - Google Patents
The carburetor and fuel injection performance is
mainly due to the amount of air and gasoline that can enter 3. AR Melotti - US Patent 4,235,375, 1980 -
into the engine cylinders. The cylinders contain the pistons Google Patents
and combustion chambers where energy is released from the
combustion of gasoline. The carburetor and fuel injection 4. T Takayama, T Yamauchi - US Patent
system will both feed fuel and air into the engine. It is fairly 4,716,879, 1988 - Google Patents
obvious that most automobiles will be changing to fuel

injection systems due to the lower emissions. Almost all 5. WM Warner, BJ Vivio, BJ Bachand - US
vehicles in India are changing to the mpfi because of law Patent 6,959,695, 2005 - Google Patents
emissions, improved mileage and drivability since the
engine is controlled by micro computer more accurate 6. C Casacci - US Patent 4,922,862, 1990 -
amount of a/f mixture will be supplied and as a result Google Patents
complete combustion will take place. This leads to effective
utilization of fuel supplied and hence low emission level. It
reduces wastage of fuel by the use of sensors and other
control systems. The fuel injection systems are the best as
they will decrease vibration and help to overcome steep
grades that are traditional terrain for off-roading. One of the
main issues is that these systems are sophisticated and will
cost much more than a carburetor. The use of electrical
component and custom cylinder head configuration makes
the installation of multi-point injection system very
complicated. Modern fuel injectors can instantly detect
things like temperature changes and how the car is traveling
in order to get the correct mixture of oxygen and fuel. These
systems can also deliver the fuel directly to each cylinder,
increasing power and performance. Overall, this system
ensures that fuel is not wasted, which helped automakers
increase the fuel economy of their vehicles. It also cuts
down on the amount of emissions that a car generates,

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